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GET - /v1/profiles/edit

Header :
    "ip" string

Collect the data concerning the user in the table Users of the database
If the user doesn't exists
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: User doesn't exists"
Collect the tags (id, name) concerning the user in database
If geolocalisation_allowed is false we need to set or update the location of the user by using the IP in the header
Trim and escape characters of the IP
If the IP is not a valid IP4
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: IP in the header is invalid"
Collect the latitude, longitude, city, zip and country linked to this IP using's API
Update the geoposition of the user using this new data, geolocalisation_allowed still false
city and country are formated as Title and ZIP as upper case
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

JSON Content Response :
    "username":                string,
    "email":                   string,
    "lastname":                string,
    "firstname":               string,
    "picture_url_1":           string,
    "picture_url_2":           string,
    "picture_url_3":           string,
    "picture_url_4":           string,
    "picture_url_5":           string,
    "biography":               string,
    "birthday":                string, /* Format Date DD/MM/YYYY - dd/mm/yyyy if date is null */
    "genre":                   string,
    "interesting_in":          string,
    "latitude":                float64,
    "longitude":               float64,
    "city":                    string,
    "zip":                     string,
    "country":                 string,
    "geolocalisation_allowed": bool,
    "tags":                    [
          "id": string,
          "name": string,

POST - /v1/profiles/edit/data

JSON Body :
    "lastname"       string,
    "firstname"      string,
    "email"          string,
    "biography"      string,
    "birthday"       string,
    "genre"          string,
    "interesting_in" string

Sanitise by removed the space after and before the variables and escaping characters
If any elements in the body is not valid
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Not a valid "
Set firstname and lastname with Title format and biography with all lower case
Convert string format time from body to *time.Time
Check if the new email address (if exists) is not already used by an other user
Update the table Users in the database with the new values
If a new field is empty then this field won't be updated
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

POST - /v1/profiles/edit/location

JSON Body :
    "lat"     float64,
    "lng"     float64,
    "city"    string,
    "zip"     string,
    "country" string

If latitude and longitude are null
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Latitude and longitude cannot be null"
If the latitude or longitude is in overflow
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: value is over the limit"
Trim and escape characters of city, zip and country
If the city, zip or country is invalid (common name)
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: is invalid"
Format as title the city name and country and format as upper case the ZIP and remove accents
Update the table Users in the database with the new values and set geolocalisation_allowed as true
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

POST - /v1/profiles/edit/password

JSON Body :
    "password"         string,
    "new_password"     string,
    "new_rePassword"   string

If any field in the body is empty
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: No field inside the body can be empty"
If the current or new password is invalid
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: password field is not a valid password"
If the new password and re entered new password are not identical
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Both password entered must be identical"
Check if the userId and username match with an row in the table Users of the database
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: User does not exists in the database"
Check if the current password in the body match with the current password of the user
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 403 Forbidden - JSON Content "Error: Current password incorrect"
Encrypt the new password and update the table Users in the database
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

POST - /v1/profiles/picture/{number}

JSON Body :
    "picture_base64" string

If the url parameter number is not a number between 1 and 5
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Url parameter must be a number between 1 and 5, not "
Convert the base64 picture a file picture, support only png, jpg and jpeg files
The file picture is stored in '/storage/pictures/profiles/' on the server (specific directory for tests)
If the file generating failed
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 500 Server Internal Error - JSON Content "Error: Failed to generate "
If the file type is not supported
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Image type not accepted, support only png, jpg and jpeg images"
Update the picture path in the database
Remove the old file on the server by using the old path from the database
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

JSON Content Response :
    "picture_url":                string,

DELETE - /v1/profiles/picture/{number}

If the url parameter number is not a number between 1 and 5
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Url parameter must be a number between 1 and 5, not "
Not possible to only remove the first picture (only update)
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 403 Forbidden - JSON Content "Error: Not possible to delete the 1st picture - Only upload a new one is possible"
Update the picture path in the database with an empty string
Remove the old file on the server by using the old path from the database
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

POST - /v1/profiles/edit/tag

JSON Body :
    "tag_name" string

If in the body tag name is empty
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Tag name in body can't be empty"
Set trim, escape characters and to lower case tag name
If tag name is not valid
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Tag name is not valid"
If the tag name doesn't exists in the table Tags of the database we need to insert it
Collect his tagID
If the user own own already this tag
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Tag name already linked to this user"
Else link the userId with the tagID in the table Users_Tags
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK

JSON Content Response :
    "tag_id":  string

DELETE - /v1/profiles/edit/tag

JSON Body :
    "tag_id" string

If in the body tagID is empty
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Tag ID in body can't be empty"
Set trim, escape characters and to lower case tagID
If tag name is not valid
      -> Return an error - HTTP Code 406 Not Acceptable - JSON Content "Error: Tag ID is not valid"
Delete the link between the tagID and the userID in the database in the table Users_Tags
Return HTTP Code 200 Status OK