For this org, we have tried to grant as much freedom as possible, but for security and cost management reasons, we have disabled individuals ability to add outside collaborators to repositories they manage.
If you would like to add an outside collaborator to any repository you manage please open an ask ticket and include the following information:
- Name of the repository
- Name of the individual you are requesting access for
- Username of the individual
- Level of access you would like them to have (Admin, Write, Read)
- Reason for requesting access
- Company affiliation
- If the company/individual has signed a Source Code Access Agreement
- How long does the individual need access for?
For an internal (VMware employee) collaborator without access to Pivotal Okta, please open a HelpNow+ ticket and include the following:
- Name of the repository
- Name of the individual you are requesting access for
- Username of the individual
- Level of access you would like them to have (Admin, Write, Read)
- Reason for requesting access
The Admin team will then follow up with legal to get the okay to give access, then confirm with you if the individual has, or hasn’t, been granted access.
Note: In the later case, we will also give you a reason as to why they are denied access.