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Configuring a Cisco ASA test environment from ground zero


Sometimes, it is good to setup your own Cisco ASA environment so you can test your tools and compare the results with what you have in the wild. We describe here a way to setup it using GNS3 which is the standard way for creating virtual networks with Cisco devices.

We detail the following steps:

  • GNS3 emulator setup
  • New ASA internal configuration using CLI
  • Importing symbols for new target
  • Enabling gdb and debugging

It should work with any asav*.qcow2.

We download asav981-5.qcow2 from the Internet (Cisco official website or Google for it). We check its MD5 against Cisco website (if needed).

We detail below how to configure the environment for:

  • GNS3 on a Windows host and linked to a Linux VM/VMWare
  • GNS3 installed on Linux and linked to the Linux machine (host or VM)

Each time there is something specific to one of the configuration, we detail both so feel free to skip what does not matter for you.

It could be adapted to work using VirtualBox or other Virtual Machine software though you may need to tweak things for having a working network.

GNS3 installation

Installation on Linux

Note: If you run it in VMWare, you need to enable virtualization support so KVM works. You can do it by going to VM > Settings, then in Processors, tick Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI. Your processor needs to support VT-x/AMD-v and it needs to be enabled in your BIOS.

The installation of GNS3 is straightforward. You need to follow [].

We use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and just do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gns3/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gns3-gui

After installation, your should have:

$ gns3 --version

Note: we run gns3 as root as it is required for loading KVM atm.

After executing gns3, you are asked to choose a server type. We choose Run the topologies on my computer.

We leave the default local server configuration:

* Server path: /usr/bin/gns3server
* Host binding:
* Port: 3080 TCP

We also install VNC viewer by downloading VNC-Viewer-6.17.1113-Linux-x64.deb from

Now you should restart your Linux session. This is so uBridge is available. Otherwise, you'll get an error message later when starting the virtualised ASA:

uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist, or you just installed GNS3 and need to restart your user session to refresh user permissions

Installation on Windows

We detail the procedure using a Windows host and a Linux VM/VMWare and ASAv 9.8.1(5).

The installation of GNS3 is straightforward. We used GNS3-2.1.5-all-in-one.exe in this tutorial but you can use any newer version. It can be downloaded from []. You also need to download which is a VM to run the qemu instances. It is free and you only need to register. There is nothing special to do during installation.

After executing GNS3, you are asked to choose a server type. We choose Run the topologies in an isolated and standard VM.

Create an ASA firewall in GNS3

First we exit the wizard: Setup Wizard > exit

Then we create a Qemu VM for our ASA firewall (it is not by default in GNS3):

Edit > Preferences > QEMU > QEMU VMs > New
Name: ASAv9815
Leave unticked: This is a legacy ASA VM

Then you specify the path to QEMU:

Qemu binary: C:\program files\GNS3\qemu-2.4.0\qemu-system-x86_64w.exe (v2.4.0)
(the 64-bit version should already be selected)
RAM: 2048 MB (The ASA may crash at boot if you only assign 1024MB, see section later)

Then you specify the console type:


Then you specify the disk image (equivalent of the CF card with a real hardware). We actually select the asav981-5.qcow2 file here.

Disk image (hda) > New Image > Browse > asav981-5.qcow2 (You get that from the Internet) (Say "yes" to "Would you like to copy asav981-5.qcow2 to the default images directory")

Then click "Finish". The last step is to modify the configuration of the newly created firewall VM:

QEMU > Qemu VMs > ASAv9815 > Edit

In "General Settings":

select "Symbol > Browse" and select "asa" to change the firewall's icon.
Category: Security devices

In "Network":

Adapters: 4

In "Advanced Settings":

go to "Additional Settings > Options", change "-nographic" into "-cpu Haswell -smp 4,sockets=4,cores=1,threads=1"
And untick "Use as a linked base VM"

You should now have your ASA created :)

Note: If you are wondering if we could have used vnc above instead of telnet and then have left -nographic here, the reason we don't do it is that then we would not be able to use the telnet port to connect to gdbserver on the serial.

Create the network and start the firewall

You can now drop as many ASA firewalls as you want in the GNS3 environment. Let's start with one though :) You can click on the "Browse Security Devices" icon on the left bar (circle with triangle and bar inside) and drag and drop the "ASAv9815" device.

A right click on the newly firewall instance gives us some options:

configure: shows all the options we already defined. For now we keep going
Start: starts the firewall as if we unplug/replug the firewall
Console: open a console as if we use a serial cable with a real firewall. Does not apply to us as we removed `-nographic`. The console will automatically open when we start the firewall and closing the console will switch off the firewall too

Let's start the firewall with "Start". You should get GNU GRUB asking you to boot the firmware (asa*.bin) normally or with no configuration loaded. It does not matter for this time as there is no configuration yet anyway but keep in mind that you can use the second option if you want to boot the ASA without any configuration. Let it boot, it should take a few minutes. It asks to reboot after the first boot. So we let it do its stuff. We finally get the Cisco CLI.

The idea is to quickly setup the IP and SSH so we can connect to it using SSH from our host or VM. Indeed the qemu interface doesn't allow us to copy/paste stuff which is a annoying. We won't have this problem anymore with SSH :)

Note that the config below is not secure but it will work for a testing environment:

config t

hostname ASAv-9815

interface GigabitEthernet 0/2

interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
nameif outside
ip address
no shutdown

interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
nameif inside
ip address
no shutdown

ssh inside
ssh outside
crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048
username user password user privilege 15
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
ssh version 2
ssh scopy enable

write memory

Note that for GNS3, the "GigabitEthernet 0/0" interface is interface 1 and "GigabitEthernet 0/1" interface is interface 2, because there is a "Management interface", see the "show version" command.

Connect the router to your host / VM

Now close the qemu window. It stops the ASA firewall.

Linux network setup

We first close GNS3. We then use the script to setup a network.

# ./
Loading tun module
Loading dummy module
Creating dummy interface
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Creating tap device tap2
Set 'tap2' persistent and owned by uid 0
Creating bridge device br0
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br0		8000.000000000000	no
Assocating eno2 and tap2 to br0
Bringing up bridge
Setting br0 addr to
Setting eno2 addr to
Setting default route
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
All done.
You can tear the network down by calling this script with --kill

br0 is the bridged interface used by the Linux machine.

# ifconfig br0 eno2
br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::2c94:cbff:fe54:ba35  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 2e:94:cb:54:ba:35  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 47  bytes 7149 (7.1 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

eno2: flags=451<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,NOARP,PROMISC>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::2c94:cbff:fe54:ba35  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 2e:94:cb:54:ba:35  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 52  bytes 7499 (7.4 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Now we restart GNS3 and load our project with ASA device. We add a "Cloud".

We right click on the "Cloud" and click "Configure". In "Ethernet interfaces", we select br0 and click "Add". Then we click "OK".

Now we add a link between the ASA and the cloud i.e. from "Ethernet 1" on the ASA to "br0" on the cloud. Indeed "Ethernet 0" is the management interface.

Now we should be able to ping the Linux machine "" from the ASA and ping the ASA "" from the Linux host.

You should also be able to connect using SSH from the Linux host to the GNS3 ASA firewall.

To locate the telnet port (that we will use later to connect asadbg/gdb to), you can't reply on the one specified in the qemu command line (using for instance ps aux | grep qemu | grep serial). Instead you can find it in the GNS3 project.

It is 5003 instead as found in the .gns3 project (usually in /home/<user>/GNS3/projects/<project_name>/<project_name>.gns3):

    "compute_id": "local",
    "console": 5003,
    "console_type": "telnet",
    "name": "ASAv9627-1",

Here it is 5003.

Windows network setup

You can create a network between your Windows host and your Linux VM in GNS3. You can use the virtual network editor in VMWare to create a custom network (such as VMnet2 which is not used by default), setup a static IP for your VM and use this one in GNS3.

You can Right Click on the ASAv9815 dropped icon > Properties and note the console port (e.g. 2004).

So the only thing we need is a way to forward connections from the Linux VM NAT network ( to the host localhost port. We use netsh in an admin prompt on our Windows 8.1 host:

We use the following command to setup the TCP forwarding:

C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=12004 connectport=2004 connectaddress=

Then we allow traffic to go through the external IP/port so it is available from the Linux VM:

C:\Windows\system32>netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=GNS3_12004 protocol=TCP dir=in localip= localport=12004 action=allow

Then you can start both the ASA and the VM from GNS3. You should now be able to connect using SSH from the VM to the GNS3 ASA firewall.

Working out a basic ASA config

We provide commands to configure an ASA in asadbg/config/. We use setup_anyconnect_asav.cfg, setup_ikev1_asav.cfg, setup_ikev2_asav.cfg, setup_snmp_asav.cfg to input manually commands using SSH. We end this by writing the following command to save the configuration.

ciscoasa# write memory

Now you can test that everything works correctly using:

To test SNMP, we use:

$ snmpget -v 2c -c public iso.
iso. = STRING: "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 9.8(1)5"

To test IKEv1, we use:

# ike-scan -M
Starting ike-scan 1.9 with 1 hosts (	Main Mode Handshake returned
	SA=(Enc=3DES Hash=SHA1 Group=2:modp1024 Auth=PSK LifeType=Seconds LifeDuration=28800)
	VID=4048b7d56ebce88525e7de7f00d6c2d3c0000000 (IKE Fragmentation)

Ending ike-scan 1.9: 1 hosts scanned in 0.023 seconds (42.68 hosts/sec).  1 returned handshake; 0 returned notify

To test IKEv2, we use:

# ike-scan -M -2
Starting ike-scan 1.9 with 1 hosts (	IKEv2 SA_INIT Handshake returned
	HDR=(CKY-R=0e78fb3f954516bb, IKEv2)
	SA=(Encr=DES Prf=HMAC_SHA1 Integ=HMAC_SHA1_96 DH_Group=2:modp1024)
	KeyExchange(132 bytes)
	Nonce(64 bytes)
	VendorID(19 bytes)
	VendorID(55 bytes)
	CertificateRequest(21 bytes)
	Notification(4 bytes)
	VendorID(16 bytes)

Ending ike-scan 1.9: 1 hosts scanned in 0.021 seconds (47.56 hosts/sec).  1 returned handshake; 0 returned notify

To test WebVPN, we simply access:

Extracting the firmware

We first start by extracting the original firmware:

# cd /home/user/fw/
# -i asav981-5.qcow2 -u
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using input qcow2 file: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using template qcow2 file: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using output qcow2 file: /home/user/fw/asav981-5-repacked.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Command line: -f
[unpack_repack_qcow2] extract_one: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Mounted /dev/nbd01 to /home/user/mnt/qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Copied asa981-5-smp-k8.bin to /home/user/fw/bin/asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Unmounted /home/user/mnt/qcow2
[unpack_repack_bin] Single firmware detected
[unpack_repack_bin] extract_one: asav981-5.qcow2

75264         0x12600         SHA256 hash constants, little endian
133120        0x20800         Microsoft executable, portable (PE)
149183        0x246BF         gzip compressed data, maximum compression, from Unix, last modified: 2017-01-31 13:18:04
3677888       0x381EC0        gzip compressed data, has original file name: "rootfs.img", from Unix, last modified: 2017-06-23 13:26:17
3798108       0x39F45C        MySQL MISAM compressed data file Version 5
21825388      0x14D076C       MPEG transport stream data
23787190      0x16AF6B6       MySQL MISAM compressed data file Version 6
73512497      0x461B631       Cisco IOS experimental microcode, for "%q"
96259759      0x5BCCEAF       Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, name: com/cisco/webvpn/csvrjavaloader64.dll

[unpack_repack_bin] Extracted firmware to /home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted
[unpack_repack_bin] Firmware uses regular rootfs/ dir
[unpack_repack_bin] Extracting /home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/rootfs/rootfs.img into /home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/rootfs
458764 blocks
[unpack_repack_bin] Keeping rootfs
[unpack_repack_bin] Deleting "/home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/rootfs.img"
[unpack_repack_bin] Deleting "/home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/246BF"
[unpack_repack_bin] Deleting "/home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/"

Importing mitigations and symbols

We go into the directory where the firmware was reviously extracted:

$ cd /home/user/fw/

We import the mitigations for this new version

$ --save-result --db-name /home/user/asatools/asadbg/asadb.json
[info] Adding new element:
{'RELRO': False, 'imagebase': 93824992231424, 'fw': 'asav981-5.qcow2', 'PIE': True, 'ASLR': True, 'glibc_version': '2.18', 'arch': 64, 'version': '', 'Canary': False, 'exported_symbols': False, 'NX': True, 'stripped': False, 'heap_alloc': 'ptmalloc 2.x'}

Now we take lina from /home/user/fw/bin/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/asa/bin/lina and analyze it from our Windows machine:

We do the initial analysis:

C:\idahunt> --verbose --inputdir "C:\linabins" --analyse --filter "filters\ -m 9815 -a asav"
[idahunt] IDA32 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq.exe
[idahunt] IDA64 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe
[idahunt] Analysing C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina
[idahunt] C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe -B -LC:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina.log C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina
[idahunt] Waiting on remaining 1 IDA instances

We rename stuff in IDA:

C:\idahunt> --verbose --inputdir "C:\linabins" --scripts C:\asadbg\ --filter "filters\ -m 9815 -a asav"
[idahunt] IDA32 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq.exe
[idahunt] IDA64 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe
[idahunt] Executing script C:\asadbg\ for C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina
[idahunt] C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe -A -SC:\asadbg\ -LC:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina.log C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina.i64
[idahunt] Waiting on remaining 0 IDA instances

We import the symbols in our database:

C:\idahunt> --verbose --inputdir "C:\linabins" --scripts C:\asadbg\ --filter "filters\ -m 9815 -a asav"
[idahunt] IDA32 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq.exe
[idahunt] IDA64 = C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe
[idahunt] Executing script C:\asadbg\ for C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina
[idahunt] C:\Program Files (x86)\IDA 6.95\idaq64.exe -A -SC:\asadbg\ -LC:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina.log C:\linabins\asav981-5.qcow2\lina.i64

Enabling gdb in firmware

Here we need to copy our image from GNS3 (e.g. C:\Users\<user>\GNS3\images\QEMU\asav981-5.qcow2) as we want to keep the internal ASA configuration that we previously made.

We enable gdb, disable ASLR and inject a gdbserver as this firmware does not have it:

# -i asav981-5.qcow2 -g -A --inject-gdb
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using input qcow2 file: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using template qcow2 file: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Using output qcow2 file: /home/user/cisco/firmware/asav981-5-repacked.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Command line: -f  -g -A -m
[unpack_repack_qcow2] extract_repack_one: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Mounted /dev/nbd01 to /home/user/mnt/qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Copied asa981-5-smp-k8.bin to /home/user/cisco/firmware/bin/asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Unmounted /home/user/mnt/qcow2
[unpack_repack_bin] Single firmware detected
[unpack_repack_bin] unpack_one: asav981-5.qcow2
[bin] Unpacking...
[bin] Writing /home/user/cisco/firmware/bin/asav981-5-initrd-original.gz (100977114 bytes)...
[bin] Could not find Direct booting from string
[bin] Probably handling a 64-bit firmware...
[bin] unpack: Writing /home/user/cisco/firmware/bin/asav981-5-vmlinuz (3544768 bytes)...
458764 blocks
[unpack_repack_bin] modify_one: asav981-5.qcow2
[unpack_repack_bin] DISABLE ASLR
[unpack_repack_bin] ENABLE GDB
[unpack_repack_bin] FREE SPACE IN .BIN
[unpack_repack_bin] INJECT OTHER GDB
[unpack_repack_bin] repack_one: asav981-5.qcow2
446277 blocks
[bin] Repacking...
[bin] repack: Writing /home/user/cisco/firmware/bin/asav981-5-repacked-gdbserver.qcow2 (104749056 bytes)...
[unpack_repack_bin] MD5: c31158f529339f7d454ec2e8e16ec751  /home/user/cisco/firmware/bin/asav981-5-repacked-gdbserver.qcow2
[unpack_repack_bin] CLEANUP
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Mounted /dev/nbd01 to /home/user/mnt/qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Moved modified .bin inside of /home/user/cisco/firmware/asav981-5-repacked.qcow2
[unpack_repack_qcow2] Unmounted /home/user/mnt/qcow2
# mv asav981-5-repacked.qcow2 asav981-5-gdb-noaslr.qcow2

Now we can copy back this file into GNS3 and modify the link to the asav*.qcow2 from our ASAv9815 instance using:

Right click > Configure then HDD > Disk image > Browse > Select asav981-5-gdb-noaslr.qcow2

After booting the emulator, we get the following:

ASAv9815 waiting for gdb client


To debug, we add this to asadbg.cfg:


Note: for working with the Linux environment, we would need to use gns3_host= and gns3_port=5003 to match the configuration done above.

Now we can debug it:

asadbg$ ./ --name asav9815
[asadbg] Using config file: /home/user/asatools/asadbg/asadbg.cfg
[asadbg] Found section: 'asav9815' in config
[asadbg] Using gdb: '/usr/bin/gdb'
[asadbg] Using db file: '/home/user/asatools/asadbg/asadb.json'
[asadbg] Using architecture: gns3
[asadbg] Trying lina: /home/user/fw/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/rootfs/asa/bin/lina
[asadbg] Going to debug...
[asadbg] Using GNS3 emulator
[asadbg] Starting gdb now...
[gdbinit_9815] Configuring paths...
[gdbinit_9815] Disabling pagination...
[gdbinit_9815] Connecting over TCP/IP...
0x00007ffff7ddd190 in ?? () from /home/user/fw/_asav981-5.qcow2.extracted/rootfs/lib64/
[gdbinit_9815] Connected.
[gdbinit_9815] Watchdog disabled
[helper] loaded
[libptmalloc] mpcallback registered as callback
[libdlmalloc] mpcallback registered as callback
[gdbinit_9815] heap debugging plugins loaded
[ikev2] loaded
[ikev1] loaded
[gdbinit_9815] Additional gdb scripts loaded
[gdbinit_9815] Done.
(gdb) c
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?