Version 1.3.2
Date: 2022-02-18
Minor enhancements and bugfixes
- GUI: Binning options in event generator
- GUI: Ability to add resonances and other particles to online analysis
- GUI: Export Monte Carlo momentum distributions to file
- Event generator: Monte Carlo sampler of ideal HRG from an arbitrary (numerical) hypersurface
- Event generator: Event generator output through a new event writer class
- Event generator: Experimental support for HepMC format
- Lists: Checks the list for particles with non-zero strangeness/charm but zero strangeness/charm quark content and outputs warnings
- Fix the ordering of p0 and px,py,pz output in ascii event generator output. Was px,py,pz,p0, now it is p0,px,py,pz which is consistent with the header line
- Strangeness/charm neutrality equations will now be solved properly for lists with incorrect zero |s| and |c| columns