HR-Management is a backend project for Technical Test Back End with Adonisjs.
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Node.js - Download and Install Node and the npm package manager.
- Yarn - Download and Install Yarn
- Make sure you got the Prerequisites Installed on your local computer.
- Download file .zip or clone via github
- Open terminal in your project directory and execute this
command in the current directoryyarn
- Crate file
then copy the value from file.env.example
- After the installation complete, execute this command below to start the project in your local machine
yarn dev
- HR-Management is running on port
value where you set the.env
file. Example:Then the project will running on portPORT=3333
- Done, now you can see view build in Adonis web.
- Make sure you already connect with mysql and have database with name
- Execute this command below to run the migration
yarn run-migration
- If you want to running the seeder to make dummy data, execute this command:
yarn run-seed