$ python -m bot.bot --config config.json
research/endofday.sh: bash script to complete end of day tasks (backup, report, etc)
$ bash research/endofday.sh
research/extract_data.py: extract market data from log file and store it in Feather file
$ grep RAW logs/log.YYYYMMDD.jsonl | python -m research.extract_data
research/report.py: create a report from a set of log
$ python -m research.report --logs log.20180101.jsonl.gz log.20180102.jsonl.gz
research/backtest.py: backtest a single parameter set on history of data
$ python -m research.backtest --bbos logs/bbos.201XXXXX.feather.gz --trds logs/trds.201XXXXX.feather.gz --config config.json
research/gridsearch.py: runs a brute force on parameters space
$ python -m research.gridsearch --data_dir logs/
research/gridsearch_analysis.py: group gridsearch results by parameters set
$ python -m research.gridsearch_analysis
bot/provision.sh: sketch of a bash script to provision a server for bot
$ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/botty_mcbotface/
$ python -m cProfile -s tottime module_to_profile.py | tee profile.txt
$ less profile.txt
setup connection with IB's TWS
handle inbound market data
log if trading signal is triggered
setup configuration of instruments in config file
store market data, to do feature testing, backtesting and/or parameter optimization later
write script to translate the bot's logs into pretty human readable report
develop a mock TWS server to test bot during off hours, backtesting, scenarios, etc
start running live
end-of-day script that produce report and backup data (S3?)
sort out timezones situation
improve daily report
add scaled and lined up graph with stats
host to Amazon AWS
move report hosting from github to S3
refactor and consolidate report scripts (Jinja templating, etc)
add summary stats to aggregated report: biggest winner and loser, PnL ($ & %)
carve out signal module and move to github
build user-friendly backtesting module
optimize backtesting module
add max spread condition
sort out issue with live vs backtest
add minimum price rules to recoil strat
optimize gridsearch (run-time wise)
split bot and research code
ensure report works when no signal
perform grid search on parameters for strategy optimization
carve off and abstract strategies to be plug-and-play
run automatically without intervention (update config + run)
add 'since' (instead of 'as-of') strategy
differentiate long and short signal
handle next valid order ID
Refactor gridsearch
Run another gridsearch
code in exits (create contract objects??)
fix y-axis of volume in reports' graph
develop position management system
one-click provisioning of server
move IB TWS from windows to linux machine (t2.small)
add moving average strategy
develop a market scanner to dynamically scan for instruments to watch