These are my dotfiles, nothing cool really, no I mean it ;)
I have created / collected these over the years from various people who know much more about this stuff then I.
Recently I started to recreate these as my roles change.
- bash_alias This is my Alias file.
- bash_exports These are all the exports I need.
- bash_linux Linux specific tweaks are placed in here.
- bash_mac Mac specific tweaks are placed in here.
- bash_profile This just sources your ~/.bashrc
- bash_prompt Used to configure the look and feel of the bash prompt
- bash_rc Configures bash / based on your OS as setup prompt
- dir_colors Directory and file defines for bash (now that Lion Supports it)
- gitconfig Config for GIT
- gitexcludes excludes
- gitignore git ignore
- install.rb Ruby install script (not mine)
- bash script to install this.
- profile source .bashrc
- screen_ip Grab IP and display for screen sessions
- screenrc screen tweaks
- vimrc another RC file that follows me.
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