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2. Using Blueprints

As already mentioned before, the purpose of blueprints is to safely and reliably parse untrusted input data.

This library already comes with a considerable number of blueprint implementations, which are able to parse both basic data types (such as strings and integers) and non-primitive data types and structures (such as URLs and lists), for example:

See the datalidator/blueprints/impl directory or the class hierarchy document to see all the blueprint implementations that come with this library.

Example 1: Basic use

The following example shows the simplest way of using a blueprint (IntegerBlueprint in this case):

from datalidator.blueprints.impl.IntegerBlueprint import IntegerBlueprint
from datalidator.exc.DatalidatorExc import DatalidatorExc

blueprint = IntegerBlueprint()

print(blueprint.use(-4))  # == -4
print(blueprint.use(5.9))  # == 5
print(blueprint.use(True))  # == 1
print(blueprint.use("789"))  # == 789
print(blueprint.use("   123_000\r\n"))  # == 123000

except DatalidatorExc as e:
    # Although 'InputDataNotConvertibleExc' is raised in this case, 'DatalidatorExc' (= the superclass of all of this 
    # library's exceptions) should be caught in most cases, as the type of the raised exception depends on the 
    # unpredictable reason (as the input data are usually untrusted) why input data could not be converted to output data.
    print("{}: {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))  # == InputDataNotConvertibleExc: The input data (of type 'str') are not convertible to 'int': 'hello'

All blueprints bundled with this library have their allowed inputs and outputs documented in their docstrings!

Example 2: Parsing modes

Blueprints that are subclasses of the DefaultBlueprintWithModeSupportImplBase base class allow their users to change what input data are they able to parse and how they do it using the parsing_mode initializer argument, which takes a value of the ParsingMode enum. There are 3 parsing modes: loose, rational and strict. They behave differently across blueprints, but their general ideas are as follows:

  • Loose mode – In loose mode, there is usually very little to no restriction on input data types by the blueprint and the success of them getting parsed usually depends only on whether the underlying functions can deal with them. Keep in mind that in this mode, resulting output data might seem unrelated or unexpected in relation to input data (for example in StringBlueprint, where the input object is simply passed to the str() function, which might result in unexpected strings being returned). In most cases, this parsing mode is not very useful in practice.

  • Rational mode (default) – In rational mode, blueprints try to provide the most sensible output data in relation to input data. Therefore, they usually restrict the data types accepted on input to a reasonable set. In addition, some blueprints are programmed to handle some input values in a specific way or are programmed to be able to process only a small set of input values (for example BooleanBlueprint accepts only a small set of input strings such as true, yes, false or no in this mode). This behaviour is specific for this parsing mode only and is not present in the other two modes. This is the default parsing mode which is used unless you specify a different one when instantiating a blueprint. In practice, using this mode is usually the most reasonable option, as it can be used to parse structured data in both typed (e.g. JSON) and non-typed (e.g. INI) formats. For example, IntegerBlueprint can parse numeric strings to integers in this mode.

  • Strict mode – In strict mode, the set of accepted input data types is usually very restricted and often contains only the output data type (e.g. StringBlueprint only accepts str objects on input). Blueprints in this mode usually also try to avoid losing any information when parsing the input data (e.g. IntegerBlueprint does not accept float objects on its input as the decimal part of the number would get lost). In practice, this mode may be used to parse structured data in typed formats (e.g. JSON) if the rules of rational mode were too loose for your use case.

Blueprints bundled with this library that have the ability to make use of parsing modes have their behaviour under all the parsing modes properly documented in their docstrings. It is recommended to check the documentation when using such blueprint in order to decide which parsing mode is the best one for your use case.

The following example shows how BooleanBlueprint's behaviour changes when its parsing mode is changed:

from datalidator.blueprints.ParsingMode import ParsingMode
from datalidator.blueprints.impl.BooleanBlueprint import BooleanBlueprint

loose_blueprint = BooleanBlueprint(parsing_mode=ParsingMode.MODE_LOOSE)
loose_blueprint.use(False)  # == False
loose_blueprint.use(0)  # == False
loose_blueprint.use(2)  # == True
loose_blueprint.use("ON")  # == True 
loose_blueprint.use("OFF")  # == True
loose_blueprint.use("")  # == False 
loose_blueprint.use("hello")  # == True

rational_blueprint = BooleanBlueprint(parsing_mode=ParsingMode.MODE_RATIONAL)  # Since rational mode is the default one, the blueprint would behave the same if no parsing mode was specified
rational_blueprint.use(False)  # == False
rational_blueprint.use(0)  # == False
rational_blueprint.use(2)  # raises InputDataValueNotAllowedForDataTypeExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
rational_blueprint.use("ON")  # == True 
rational_blueprint.use("OFF")  # == False
rational_blueprint.use("")  # raises InputDataValueNotAllowedForDataTypeExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
rational_blueprint.use("hello")  # raises InputDataValueNotAllowedForDataTypeExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)

strict_blueprint = BooleanBlueprint(parsing_mode=ParsingMode.MODE_STRICT)
strict_blueprint.use(False)  # == False
strict_blueprint.use(0)  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
strict_blueprint.use(2)  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
strict_blueprint.use("ON")  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
strict_blueprint.use("OFF")  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
strict_blueprint.use("")  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)
strict_blueprint.use("hello")  # raises InputDataTypeNotInAllowlistExc (= a subclass of DatalidatorExc)

Example 3: Additional configuration of blueprints

Some blueprints' __init__() methods accept arguments that are used to customize the blueprint instance's functionality. Such arguments can be either mandatory (e.g. ListBlueprint gets the blueprint for the list's items this way) or optional (e.g. DatetimeBlueprint can be configured to be able to parse specifically formatted datetime strings this way):

import datetime
from datalidator.blueprints.impl.DatetimeBlueprint import DatetimeBlueprint

blueprint = DatetimeBlueprint(additional_datetime_string_formats=["%d.%m.%Y", "%d. %m. %Y"])

blueprint.use(datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 25, 8, 30, 0))  # == datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 25, 8, 30)
blueprint.use("2021-02-25T08:30:05")  # == datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 25, 8, 30, 5) [ISO-8601-like datetime strings are always accepted] 
blueprint.use("25.02.2021")  # == datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 25, 0, 0)
blueprint.use("25. 02. 2021")  # == datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 25, 0, 0)
blueprint.use("25 02 2021")  # raises InputDataNotConvertibleExc
blueprint.use("hello")  # raises InputDataNotConvertibleExc