diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php index 5e5e9e1a..9c3126e5 100644 --- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php +++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Plugin Name: Advanced Custom Fields PRO * Plugin URI: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com * Description: Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields. - * Version: 6.2.8 + * Version: 6.2.9 * Author: WP Engine * Author URI: https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields * Update URI: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/pro @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class ACF { * * @var string */ - public $version = '6.2.8'; + public $version = '6.2.9'; /** * The plugin settings array. diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js index 949f5631..38e13772 100644 --- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js +++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js @@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = } }, onChangeName: function (e, $el) { - const sanitizedName = acf.strSanitize($el.val()); + const sanitizedName = acf.strSanitize($el.val(), false); $el.val(sanitizedName); this.set('name', sanitizedName); if (sanitizedName.startsWith('field_')) { diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js.map b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js.map index af4e46ba..7cf6b803 100644 --- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js.map +++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js.map @@ -1 +1 @@ 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get default export","webpack://advanced-custom-fields-pro/webpack/runtime/define property getters","webpack://advanced-custom-fields-pro/webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand","webpack://advanced-custom-fields-pro/webpack/runtime/make namespace object","webpack://advanced-custom-fields-pro/./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/acf-field-group.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Extends acf.models.Modal to create the field browser.\n *\n * @package Advanced Custom Fields\n */\n\n( function ( $, undefined, acf ) {\n\tconst browseFieldsModal = {\n\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\topenedBy: null,\n\t\t\tcurrentFieldType: null,\n\t\t\tpopularFieldTypes: [\n\t\t\t\t'text',\n\t\t\t\t'textarea',\n\t\t\t\t'email',\n\t\t\t\t'url',\n\t\t\t\t'file',\n\t\t\t\t'gallery',\n\t\t\t\t'select',\n\t\t\t\t'true_false',\n\t\t\t\t'link',\n\t\t\t\t'post_object',\n\t\t\t\t'relationship',\n\t\t\t\t'repeater',\n\t\t\t\t'flexible_content',\n\t\t\t\t'clone',\n\t\t\t],\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'click .acf-modal-close': 'onClickClose',\n\t\t\t'keydown .acf-browse-fields-modal': 'onPressEscapeClose',\n\t\t\t'click .acf-select-field': 'onClickSelectField',\n\t\t\t'click .acf-field-type': 'onClickFieldType',\n\t\t\t'changed:currentFieldType': 'onChangeFieldType',\n\t\t\t'input .acf-search-field-types': 'onSearchFieldTypes',\n\t\t\t'click .acf-browse-popular-fields': 'onClickBrowsePopular',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsetup: function ( props ) {\n\t\t\t$.extend( this.data, props );\n\t\t\tthis.$el = $( this.tmpl() );\n\t\t\tthis.render();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tinitialize: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.open();\n\t\t\tthis.lockFocusToModal( true );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.acf-modal-title' ).focus();\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'show', this.$el );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\ttmpl: function () {\n\t\t\treturn $( '#tmpl-acf-browse-fields-modal' ).html();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetFieldTypes: function ( category, search ) {\n\t\t\tlet fieldTypes;\n\t\t\tif ( ! acf.get( 'is_pro' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// Add in the pro fields.\n\t\t\t\tfieldTypes = Object.values( {\n\t\t\t\t\t...acf.get( 'fieldTypes' ),\n\t\t\t\t\t...acf.get( 'PROFieldTypes' ),\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfieldTypes = Object.values( acf.get( 'fieldTypes' ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( category ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( 'popular' === category ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn fieldTypes.filter( ( fieldType ) =>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'popularFieldTypes' ).includes(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfieldType.name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif ( 'pro' === category ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn fieldTypes.filter( ( fieldType ) => fieldType.pro );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tfieldTypes = fieldTypes.filter(\n\t\t\t\t\t( fieldType ) => fieldType.category === category\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( search ) {\n\t\t\t\tfieldTypes = fieldTypes.filter( ( fieldType ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\tconst label = fieldType.label.toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t\t\tconst labelParts = label.split( ' ' );\n\t\t\t\t\tlet match = false;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( label.startsWith( search.toLowerCase() ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmatch = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t} else if ( labelParts.length > 1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlabelParts.forEach( ( part ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif ( part.startsWith( search.toLowerCase() ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmatch = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\treturn match;\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn fieldTypes;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trender: function () {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'append', this.$el );\n\n\t\t\tconst $tabs = this.$el.find( '.acf-field-types-tab' );\n\t\t\tconst self = this;\n\n\t\t\t$tabs.each( function () {\n\t\t\t\tconst category = $( this ).data( 'category' );\n\t\t\t\tconst fieldTypes = self.getFieldTypes( category );\n\t\t\t\tfieldTypes.forEach( ( fieldType ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t$( this ).append( self.getFieldTypeHTML( fieldType ) );\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\tthis.initializeFieldLabel();\n\t\t\tthis.initializeFieldType();\n\t\t\tthis.onChangeFieldType();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetFieldTypeHTML: function ( fieldType ) {\n\t\t\tconst iconName = fieldType.name.replaceAll( '_', '-' );\n\n\t\t\treturn `\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t${\n\t\t\t\t\tfieldType.pro && ! acf.get( 'is_pro' )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t? 'PRO'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t: fieldType.pro\n\t\t\t\t\t\t? 'PRO'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t: ''\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t${ fieldType.label }\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t`;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdecodeFieldTypeURL: function ( url ) {\n\t\t\tif ( typeof url != 'string' ) return url;\n\t\t\treturn url.replaceAll( '&', '&' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderFieldTypeDesc: function ( fieldType ) {\n\t\t\tconst fieldTypeInfo =\n\t\t\t\tthis.getFieldTypes().filter(\n\t\t\t\t\t( fieldTypeFilter ) => fieldTypeFilter.name === fieldType\n\t\t\t\t)[ 0 ] || {};\n\n\t\t\tconst args = acf.parseArgs( fieldTypeInfo, {\n\t\t\t\tlabel: '',\n\t\t\t\tdescription: '',\n\t\t\t\tdoc_url: false,\n\t\t\t\ttutorial_url: false,\n\t\t\t\tpreview_image: false,\n\t\t\t\tpro: false,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.field-type-name' ).text( args.label );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.field-type-desc' ).text( args.description );\n\n\t\t\tif ( args.doc_url ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.field-type-doc' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.attr( 'href', this.decodeFieldTypeURL( args.doc_url ) )\n\t\t\t\t\t.show();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.field-type-doc' ).hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( args.tutorial_url ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.field-type-tutorial' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.attr(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'href',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.decodeFieldTypeURL( args.tutorial_url )\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t.parent()\n\t\t\t\t\t.show();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.field-type-tutorial' ).parent().hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( args.preview_image ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.field-type-image' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.attr( 'src', args.preview_image )\n\t\t\t\t\t.show();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.field-type-image' ).hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tconst isPro = acf.get( 'is_pro' );\n\t\t\tconst isActive = acf.get( 'isLicenseActive' );\n\t\t\tconst $upgateToProButton = this.$el.find( '.acf-btn-pro' );\n\t\t\tconst $upgradeToUnlockButton = this.$el.find(\n\t\t\t\t'.field-type-upgrade-to-unlock'\n\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\tif ( args.pro && ( ! isPro || ! isActive ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t$upgateToProButton.show();\n\t\t\t\t$upgateToProButton.attr(\n\t\t\t\t\t'href',\n\t\t\t\t\t$upgateToProButton.data( 'urlBase' ) + fieldType\n\t\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t\t$upgradeToUnlockButton.show();\n\t\t\t\t$upgradeToUnlockButton.attr(\n\t\t\t\t\t'href',\n\t\t\t\t\t$upgradeToUnlockButton.data( 'urlBase' ) + fieldType\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-insert-field-label' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.attr( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.acf-select-field' ).hide();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t$upgateToProButton.hide();\n\t\t\t\t$upgradeToUnlockButton.hide();\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-insert-field-label' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.attr( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.acf-select-field' ).show();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tinitializeFieldType: function () {\n\t\t\tconst fieldObject = this.get( 'openedBy' );\n\t\t\tconst fieldType = fieldObject?.data?.type;\n\n\t\t\t// Select default field type\n\t\t\tif ( fieldType ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'currentFieldType', fieldType );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'currentFieldType', 'text' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Select first tab with selected field type\n\t\t\t// If type selected is wthin Popular, select Popular Tab\n\t\t\t// Else select first tab the type belongs\n\t\t\tconst fieldTypes = this.getFieldTypes();\n\t\t\tconst isFieldTypePopular =\n\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'popularFieldTypes' ).includes( fieldType );\n\n\t\t\tlet category = '';\n\t\t\tif ( isFieldTypePopular ) {\n\t\t\t\tcategory = 'popular';\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tconst selectedFieldType = fieldTypes.find( ( x ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn x.name === fieldType;\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t\tcategory = selectedFieldType.category;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tconst uppercaseCategory =\n\t\t\t\tcategory[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + category.slice( 1 );\n\t\t\tconst searchTabElement = `.acf-modal-content .acf-tab-wrap a:contains('${ uppercaseCategory }')`;\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( () => {\n\t\t\t\t$( searchTabElement ).click();\n\t\t\t}, 0 );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tinitializeFieldLabel: function () {\n\t\t\tconst fieldObject = this.get( 'openedBy' );\n\t\t\tconst labelText = fieldObject.$fieldLabel().val();\n\t\t\tconst $fieldLabel = this.$el.find( '.acf-insert-field-label' );\n\t\t\tif ( labelText ) {\n\t\t\t\t$fieldLabel.val( labelText );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t$fieldLabel.val( '' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tupdateFieldObjectFieldLabel: function () {\n\t\t\tconst label = this.$el.find( '.acf-insert-field-label' ).val();\n\t\t\tconst fieldObject = this.get( 'openedBy' );\n\t\t\tfieldObject.$fieldLabel().val( label );\n\t\t\tfieldObject.$fieldLabel().trigger( 'blur' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeFieldType: function () {\n\t\t\tconst fieldType = this.get( 'currentFieldType' );\n\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );\n\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-field-type[data-field-type=\"' + fieldType + '\"]' )\n\t\t\t\t.addClass( 'selected' );\n\n\t\t\tthis.renderFieldTypeDesc( fieldType );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonSearchFieldTypes: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tconst $modal = this.$el.find( '.acf-browse-fields-modal' );\n\t\t\tconst inputVal = this.$el.find( '.acf-search-field-types' ).val();\n\t\t\tconst self = this;\n\t\t\tlet searchString,\n\t\t\t\tresultsHtml = '';\n\t\t\tlet matches = [];\n\n\t\t\tif ( 'string' === typeof inputVal ) {\n\t\t\t\tsearchString = inputVal.trim();\n\t\t\t\tmatches = this.getFieldTypes( false, searchString );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( searchString.length && matches.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$modal.addClass( 'is-searching' );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t$modal.removeClass( 'is-searching' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( ! matches.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$modal.addClass( 'no-results-found' );\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-invalid-search-term' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.text( searchString );\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t$modal.removeClass( 'no-results-found' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tmatches.forEach( ( fieldType ) => {\n\t\t\t\tresultsHtml = resultsHtml + self.getFieldTypeHTML( fieldType );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t$( '.acf-field-type-search-results' ).html( resultsHtml );\n\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'currentFieldType', matches[ 0 ].name );\n\t\t\tthis.onChangeFieldType();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickBrowsePopular: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-search-field-types' )\n\t\t\t\t.val( '' )\n\t\t\t\t.trigger( 'input' );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.acf-tab-wrap a' ).first().trigger( 'click' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickSelectField: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tconst fieldObject = this.get( 'openedBy' );\n\n\t\t\tfieldObject\n\t\t\t\t.$fieldTypeSelect()\n\t\t\t\t.val( this.get( 'currentFieldType' ) );\n\t\t\tfieldObject.$fieldTypeSelect().trigger( 'change' );\n\n\t\t\tthis.updateFieldObjectFieldLabel();\n\n\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickFieldType: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tconst $fieldType = $( e.currentTarget );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'currentFieldType', $fieldType.data( 'field-type' ) );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickClose: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonPressEscapeClose: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tif ( e.key === 'Escape' ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tclose: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.lockFocusToModal( false );\n\t\t\tthis.returnFocusToOrigin();\n\t\t\tthis.remove();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tfocus: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.$el.find( 'button' ).first().trigger( 'focus' );\n\t\t},\n\t};\n\n\tacf.models.browseFieldsModal = acf.models.Modal.extend( browseFieldsModal );\n\tacf.newBrowseFieldsModal = ( props ) =>\n\t\tnew acf.models.browseFieldsModal( props );\n} )( window.jQuery, undefined, window.acf );\n","( function ( $, undefined ) {\n\tvar _acf = acf.getCompatibility( acf );\n\n\t/**\n\t * fieldGroupCompatibility\n\t *\n\t * Compatibility layer for extinct acf.field_group\n\t *\n\t * @date\t15/12/17\n\t * @since\t5.7.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\t_acf.field_group = {\n\t\tsave_field: function ( $field, type ) {\n\t\t\ttype = type !== undefined ? type : 'settings';\n\t\t\tacf.getFieldObject( $field ).save( type );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdelete_field: function ( $field, animate ) {\n\t\t\tanimate = animate !== undefined ? animate : true;\n\t\t\tacf.getFieldObject( $field ).delete( {\n\t\t\t\tanimate: animate,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tupdate_field_meta: function ( $field, name, value ) {\n\t\t\tacf.getFieldObject( $field ).prop( name, value );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdelete_field_meta: function ( $field, name ) {\n\t\t\tacf.getFieldObject( $field ).prop( name, null );\n\t\t},\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * fieldGroupCompatibility.field_object\n\t *\n\t * Compatibility layer for extinct acf.field_group.field_object\n\t *\n\t * @date\t15/12/17\n\t * @since\t5.7.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\t_acf.field_group.field_object = acf.model.extend( {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\ttype: '',\n\t\to: {},\n\t\t$field: null,\n\t\t$settings: null,\n\n\t\ttag: function ( tag ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar type = this.type;\n\n\t\t\t// explode, add 'field' and implode\n\t\t\t// - open \t\t\t=> open_field\n\t\t\t// - change_type\t=> change_field_type\n\t\t\tvar tags = tag.split( '_' );\n\t\t\ttags.splice( 1, 0, 'field' );\n\t\t\ttag = tags.join( '_' );\n\n\t\t\t// add type\n\t\t\tif ( type ) {\n\t\t\t\ttag += '/type=' + type;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn tag;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tselector: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar selector = '.acf-field-object';\n\t\t\tvar type = this.type;\n\n\t\t\t// add type\n\t\t\tif ( type ) {\n\t\t\t\tselector += '-' + type;\n\t\t\t\tselector = acf.str_replace( '_', '-', selector );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn selector;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t_add_action: function ( name, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar model = this;\n\n\t\t\t// add action\n\t\t\tacf.add_action( this.tag( name ), function ( $field ) {\n\t\t\t\t// focus\n\t\t\t\tmodel.set( '$field', $field );\n\n\t\t\t\t// callback\n\t\t\t\tmodel[ callback ].apply( model, arguments );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t_add_filter: function ( name, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar model = this;\n\n\t\t\t// add action\n\t\t\tacf.add_filter( this.tag( name ), function ( $field ) {\n\t\t\t\t// focus\n\t\t\t\tmodel.set( '$field', $field );\n\n\t\t\t\t// callback\n\t\t\t\tmodel[ callback ].apply( model, arguments );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t_add_event: function ( name, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar model = this;\n\t\t\tvar event = name.substr( 0, name.indexOf( ' ' ) );\n\t\t\tvar selector = name.substr( name.indexOf( ' ' ) + 1 );\n\t\t\tvar context = this.selector();\n\n\t\t\t// add event\n\t\t\t$( document ).on( event, context + ' ' + selector, function ( e ) {\n\t\t\t\t// append $el to event object\n\t\t\t\te.$el = $( this );\n\t\t\t\te.$field = e.$el.closest( '.acf-field-object' );\n\n\t\t\t\t// focus\n\t\t\t\tmodel.set( '$field', e.$field );\n\n\t\t\t\t// callback\n\t\t\t\tmodel[ callback ].apply( model, [ e ] );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t_set_$field: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tthis.o = this.$field.data();\n\n\t\t\t// els\n\t\t\tthis.$settings = this.$field.find( '> .settings > table > tbody' );\n\n\t\t\t// focus\n\t\t\tthis.focus();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tfocus: function () {\n\t\t\t// do nothing\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsetting: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn this.$settings.find( '> .acf-field-setting-' + name );\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n\n\t/*\n\t * field\n\t *\n\t * This model fires actions and filters for registered fields\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t21/02/2014\n\t * @since\t3.5.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tn/a\n\t * @return\tn/a\n\t */\n\n\tvar actionManager = new acf.Model( {\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\topen_field_object: 'onOpenFieldObject',\n\t\t\tclose_field_object: 'onCloseFieldObject',\n\t\t\tadd_field_object: 'onAddFieldObject',\n\t\t\tduplicate_field_object: 'onDuplicateFieldObject',\n\t\t\tdelete_field_object: 'onDeleteFieldObject',\n\t\t\tchange_field_object_type: 'onChangeFieldObjectType',\n\t\t\tchange_field_object_label: 'onChangeFieldObjectLabel',\n\t\t\tchange_field_object_name: 'onChangeFieldObjectName',\n\t\t\tchange_field_object_parent: 'onChangeFieldObjectParent',\n\t\t\tsortstop_field_object: 'onChangeFieldObjectParent',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonOpenFieldObject: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'open_field', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'open_field/type=' + field.get( 'type' ), field.$el );\n\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'render_field_settings', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'render_field_settings/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonCloseFieldObject: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'close_field', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'close_field/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonAddFieldObject: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'add_field', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'add_field/type=' + field.get( 'type' ), field.$el );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonDuplicateFieldObject: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'duplicate_field', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'duplicate_field/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonDeleteFieldObject: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'delete_field', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'delete_field/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeFieldObjectType: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'change_field_type', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'change_field_type/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'render_field_settings', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'render_field_settings/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeFieldObjectLabel: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'change_field_label', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'change_field_label/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeFieldObjectName: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'change_field_name', field.$el );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction(\n\t\t\t\t'change_field_name/type=' + field.get( 'type' ),\n\t\t\t\tfield.$el\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeFieldObjectParent: function ( field ) {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'update_field_parent', field.$el );\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","( function ( $, undefined ) {\n\t/**\n\t * ConditionalLogicFieldSetting\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t3/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar ConditionalLogicFieldSetting = acf.FieldSetting.extend( {\n\t\ttype: '',\n\t\tname: 'conditional_logic',\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'change .conditions-toggle': 'onChangeToggle',\n\t\t\t'click .add-conditional-group': 'onClickAddGroup',\n\t\t\t'focus .condition-rule-field': 'onFocusField',\n\t\t\t'change .condition-rule-field': 'onChangeField',\n\t\t\t'change .condition-rule-operator': 'onChangeOperator',\n\t\t\t'click .add-conditional-rule': 'onClickAdd',\n\t\t\t'click .remove-conditional-rule': 'onClickRemove',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$rule: false,\n\n\t\tscope: function ( $rule ) {\n\t\t\tthis.$rule = $rule;\n\t\t\treturn this;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\truleData: function ( name, value ) {\n\t\t\treturn this.$rule.data.apply( this.$rule, arguments );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$input: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn this.$rule.find( '.condition-rule-' + name );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$td: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn this.$rule.find( 'td.' + name );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$toggle: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.conditions-toggle' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$control: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.rule-groups' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$groups: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.rule-group' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$rules: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.rule' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$tabLabel: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.fieldObject.$el.find('.conditional-logic-badge');\n\t\t},\n\n\t\topen: function () {\n\t\t\tvar $div = this.$control();\n\t\t\t$div.show();\n\t\t\tacf.enable( $div );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tclose: function () {\n\t\t\tvar $div = this.$control();\n\t\t\t$div.hide();\n\t\t\tacf.disable( $div );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trender: function () {\n\t\t\t// show\n\t\t\tif ( this.$toggle().prop( 'checked' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$tabLabel().addClass('is-enabled');\n\t\t\t\tthis.renderRules();\n\t\t\t\tthis.open();\n\n\t\t\t\t// hide\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$tabLabel().removeClass('is-enabled');\n\t\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderRules: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar self = this;\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\tthis.$rules().each( function () {\n\t\t\t\tself.renderRule( $( this ) );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderRule: function ( $rule ) {\n\t\t\tthis.scope( $rule );\n\t\t\tthis.renderField();\n\t\t\tthis.renderOperator();\n\t\t\tthis.renderValue();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderField: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar choices = [];\n\t\t\tvar validFieldTypes = [];\n\t\t\tvar cid = this.fieldObject.cid;\n\t\t\tvar $select = this.$input( 'field' );\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\tacf.getFieldObjects().map( function ( fieldObject ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar choice = {\n\t\t\t\t\tid: fieldObject.getKey(),\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: fieldObject.getLabel(),\n\t\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if is self\n\t\t\t\tif ( fieldObject.cid === cid ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tchoice.text += ' ' + acf.__( '(this field)' );\n\t\t\t\t\tchoice.disabled = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// get selected field conditions\n\t\t\t\tvar conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes( {\n\t\t\t\t\tfieldType: fieldObject.getType(),\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if no types\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! conditionTypes.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tchoice.disabled = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// calulate indents\n\t\t\t\tvar indents = fieldObject.getParents().length;\n\t\t\t\tchoice.text = '- '.repeat( indents ) + choice.text;\n\n\t\t\t\t// append\n\t\t\t\tchoices.push( choice );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// allow for scenario where only one field exists\n\t\t\tif ( ! choices.length ) {\n\t\t\t\tchoices.push( {\n\t\t\t\t\tid: '',\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: acf.__( 'No toggle fields available' ),\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tacf.renderSelect( $select, choices );\n\n\t\t\t// set\n\t\t\tthis.ruleData( 'field', $select.val() );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderOperator: function () {\n\t\t\t// bail early if no field selected\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.ruleData( 'field' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $select = this.$input( 'operator' );\n\t\t\tvar val = $select.val();\n\t\t\tvar choices = [];\n\n\t\t\t// set saved value on first render\n\t\t\t// - this allows the 2nd render to correctly select an option\n\t\t\tif ( $select.val() === null ) {\n\t\t\t\tacf.renderSelect( $select, [\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid: this.ruleData( 'operator' ),\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: '',\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t] );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// get selected field\n\t\t\tvar $field = acf.findFieldObject( this.ruleData( 'field' ) );\n\t\t\tvar field = acf.getFieldObject( $field );\n\n\t\t\t// get selected field conditions\n\t\t\tvar conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes( {\n\t\t\t\tfieldType: field.getType(),\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// html\n\t\t\tconditionTypes.map( function ( model ) {\n\t\t\t\tchoices.push( {\n\t\t\t\t\tid: model.prototype.operator,\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: model.prototype.label,\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tacf.renderSelect( $select, choices );\n\n\t\t\t// set\n\t\t\tthis.ruleData( 'operator', $select.val() );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trenderValue: function () {\n\t\t\t// bail early if no field selected\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.ruleData( 'field' ) || ! this.ruleData( 'operator' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $select = this.$input( 'value' );\n\t\t\tvar $td = this.$td( 'value' );\n\t\t\tvar val = $select.val();\n\n\t\t\t// get selected field\n\t\t\tvar $field = acf.findFieldObject( this.ruleData( 'field' ) );\n\t\t\tvar field = acf.getFieldObject( $field );\n\n\t\t\t// get selected field conditions\n\t\t\tvar conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes( {\n\t\t\t\tfieldType: field.getType(),\n\t\t\t\toperator: this.ruleData( 'operator' ),\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// html\n\t\t\tvar conditionType = conditionTypes[ 0 ].prototype;\n\t\t\tvar choices = conditionType.choices( field );\n\n\t\t\t// create html: array\n\t\t\tif ( choices instanceof Array ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar $newSelect = $( '' );\n\t\t\t\tacf.renderSelect( $newSelect, choices );\n\n\t\t\t\t// create html: string ()\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvar $newSelect = $( choices );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// append\n\t\t\t$select.detach();\n\t\t\t$td.html( $newSelect );\n\n\t\t\t// copy attrs\n\t\t\t// timeout needed to avoid browser bug where \"disabled\" attribute is not applied\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t[ 'class', 'name', 'id' ].map( function ( attr ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$newSelect.attr( attr, $select.attr( attr ) );\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t}, 0 );\n\n\t\t\t// select existing value (if not a disabled input)\n\t\t\tif ( ! $newSelect.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tacf.val( $newSelect, val, true );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// set\n\t\t\tthis.ruleData( 'value', $newSelect.val() );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeToggle: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.render();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickAddGroup: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\tthis.addGroup();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\taddGroup: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $group = this.$( '.rule-group:last' );\n\n\t\t\t// duplicate\n\t\t\tvar $group2 = acf.duplicate( $group );\n\n\t\t\t// update h4\n\t\t\t$group2.find( 'h4' ).text( acf.__( 'or' ) );\n\n\t\t\t// remove all tr's except the first one\n\t\t\t$group2.find( 'tr' ).not( ':first' ).remove();\n\n\t\t\t// save field\n\t\t\tthis.fieldObject.save();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonFocusField: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\tthis.renderField();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeField: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// scope\n\t\t\tthis.scope( $el.closest( '.rule' ) );\n\n\t\t\t// set data\n\t\t\tthis.ruleData( 'field', $el.val() );\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tthis.renderOperator();\n\t\t\tthis.renderValue();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeOperator: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// scope\n\t\t\tthis.scope( $el.closest( '.rule' ) );\n\n\t\t\t// set data\n\t\t\tthis.ruleData( 'operator', $el.val() );\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tthis.renderValue();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickAdd: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// duplciate\n\t\t\tvar $rule = acf.duplicate( $el.closest( '.rule' ) );\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tthis.renderRule( $rule );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickRemove: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $rule = $el.closest( '.rule' );\n\n\t\t\t// save field\n\t\t\tthis.fieldObject.save();\n\n\t\t\t// remove group\n\t\t\tif ( $rule.siblings( '.rule' ).length == 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\t$rule.closest( '.rule-group' ).remove();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// remove\n\t\t\t$rule.remove();\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n\n\tacf.registerFieldSetting( ConditionalLogicFieldSetting );\n\n\t/**\n\t * conditionalLogicHelper\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t20/4/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar conditionalLogicHelper = new acf.Model( {\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tduplicate_field_objects: 'onDuplicateFieldObjects',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonDuplicateFieldObjects: function ( children, newField, prevField ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar data = {};\n\t\t\tvar $selects = $();\n\n\t\t\t// reference change in key\n\t\t\tchildren.map( function ( child ) {\n\t\t\t\t// store reference of changed key\n\t\t\t\tdata[ child.get( 'prevKey' ) ] = child.get( 'key' );\n\n\t\t\t\t// append condition select\n\t\t\t\t$selects = $selects.add( child.$( '.condition-rule-field' ) );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\t$selects.each( function () {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar $select = $( this );\n\t\t\t\tvar val = $select.val();\n\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if val is not a ref key\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! val || ! data[ val ] ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// modify selected option\n\t\t\t\t$select.find( 'option:selected' ).attr( 'value', data[ val ] );\n\n\t\t\t\t// set new val\n\t\t\t\t$select.val( data[ val ] );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","( function ( $, undefined ) {\n\tacf.FieldObject = acf.Model.extend( {\n\t\t// class used to avoid nested event triggers\n\t\teventScope: '.acf-field-object',\n\n\t\t// variable for field type select2\n\t\tfieldTypeSelect2: false,\n\n\t\t// events\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'click .copyable': 'onClickCopy',\n\t\t\t'click .handle': 'onClickEdit',\n\t\t\t'click .close-field': 'onClickEdit',\n\t\t\t'click a[data-key=\"acf_field_settings_tabs\"]':\n\t\t\t\t'onChangeSettingsTab',\n\t\t\t'click .delete-field': 'onClickDelete',\n\t\t\t'click .duplicate-field': 'duplicate',\n\t\t\t'click .move-field': 'move',\n\t\t\t'click .browse-fields': 'browseFields',\n\n\t\t\t'focus .edit-field': 'onFocusEdit',\n\t\t\t'blur .edit-field, .row-options a': 'onBlurEdit',\n\n\t\t\t'change .field-type': 'onChangeType',\n\t\t\t'change .field-required': 'onChangeRequired',\n\t\t\t'blur .field-label': 'onChangeLabel',\n\t\t\t'blur .field-name': 'onChangeName',\n\n\t\t\tchange: 'onChange',\n\t\t\tchanged: 'onChanged',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t// data\n\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t// Similar to ID, but used for HTML puposes.\n\t\t\t// It is possbile for a new field to have an ID of 0, but an id of 'field_123' */\n\t\t\tid: 0,\n\n\t\t\t// The field key ('field_123')\n\t\t\tkey: '',\n\n\t\t\t// The field type (text, image, etc)\n\t\t\ttype: '',\n\n\t\t\t// The $post->ID of this field\n\t\t\t//ID: 0,\n\n\t\t\t// The field's parent\n\t\t\t//parent: 0,\n\n\t\t\t// The menu order\n\t\t\t//menu_order: 0\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsetup: function ( $field ) {\n\t\t\t// set $el\n\t\t\tthis.$el = $field;\n\n\t\t\t// inherit $field data (id, key, type)\n\t\t\tthis.inherit( $field );\n\n\t\t\t// load additional props\n\t\t\t// - this won't trigger 'changed'\n\t\t\tthis.prop( 'ID' );\n\t\t\tthis.prop( 'parent' );\n\t\t\tthis.prop( 'menu_order' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$input: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn $( '#' + this.getInputId() + '-' + name );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$meta: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.meta:first' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$handle: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.handle:first' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$settings: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.settings:first' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$setting: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn this.$(\n\t\t\t\t'.acf-field-settings:first .acf-field-setting-' + name\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$fieldTypeSelect: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.field-type' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t$fieldLabel: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$( '.field-label' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetParent: function () {\n\t\t\treturn acf.getFieldObjects( { child: this.$el, limit: 1 } ).pop();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetParents: function () {\n\t\t\treturn acf.getFieldObjects( { child: this.$el } );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetFields: function () {\n\t\t\treturn acf.getFieldObjects( { parent: this.$el } );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetInputName: function () {\n\t\t\treturn 'acf_fields[' + this.get( 'id' ) + ']';\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetInputId: function () {\n\t\t\treturn 'acf_fields-' + this.get( 'id' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tnewInput: function ( name, value ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar inputId = this.getInputId();\n\t\t\tvar inputName = this.getInputName();\n\n\t\t\t// append name\n\t\t\tif ( name ) {\n\t\t\t\tinputId += '-' + name;\n\t\t\t\tinputName += '[' + name + ']';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// create input (avoid HTML + JSON value issues)\n\t\t\tvar $input = $( '' ).attr( {\n\t\t\t\tid: inputId,\n\t\t\t\tname: inputName,\n\t\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\tthis.$( '> .meta' ).append( $input );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn $input;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetProp: function ( name ) {\n\t\t\t// check data\n\t\t\tif ( this.has( name ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.get( name );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// get input value\n\t\t\tvar $input = this.$input( name );\n\t\t\tvar value = $input.length ? $input.val() : null;\n\n\t\t\t// set data silently (cache)\n\t\t\tthis.set( name, value, true );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn value;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsetProp: function ( name, value ) {\n\t\t\t// get input\n\t\t\tvar $input = this.$input( name );\n\t\t\tvar prevVal = $input.val();\n\n\t\t\t// create if new\n\t\t\tif ( ! $input.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$input = this.newInput( name, value );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// remove\n\t\t\tif ( value === null ) {\n\t\t\t\t$input.remove();\n\n\t\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t$input.val( value );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t//console.log('setProp', name, value, this);\n\n\t\t\t// set data silently (cache)\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.has( name ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log('setting silently');\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( name, value, true );\n\n\t\t\t\t// set data allowing 'change' event to fire\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log('setting loudly!');\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( name, value );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn this;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tprop: function ( name, value ) {\n\t\t\tif ( value !== undefined ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.setProp( name, value );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.getProp( name );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tprops: function ( props ) {\n\t\t\tObject.keys( props ).map( function ( key ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.setProp( key, props[ key ] );\n\t\t\t}, this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetLabel: function () {\n\t\t\t// get label with empty default\n\t\t\tvar label = this.prop( 'label' );\n\t\t\tif ( label === '' ) {\n\t\t\t\tlabel = acf.__( '(no label)' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn label;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetName: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.prop( 'name' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetType: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.prop( 'type' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetTypeLabel: function () {\n\t\t\tvar type = this.prop( 'type' );\n\t\t\tvar types = acf.get( 'fieldTypes' );\n\t\t\treturn types[ type ] ? types[ type ].label : type;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tgetKey: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.prop( 'key' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tinitialize: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.checkCopyable();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tmakeCopyable: function ( text ) {\n\t\t\tif ( ! navigator.clipboard )\n\t\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\ttext +\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\treturn '' + text + '';\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tcheckCopyable: function () {\n\t\t\tif ( ! navigator.clipboard ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$el.find( '.copyable' ).addClass( 'copy-unsupported' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tinitializeFieldTypeSelect2: function () {\n\t\t\tif ( this.fieldTypeSelect2 ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// Support disabling via filter.\n\t\t\tif ( this.$fieldTypeSelect().hasClass( 'disable-select2' ) ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// Check for a full modern version of select2, bail loading if not found with a console warning.\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t$.fn.select2.amd.require( 'select2/compat/dropdownCss' );\n\t\t\t} catch ( err ) {\n\t\t\t\tconsole.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t'ACF was not able to load the full version of select2 due to a conflicting version provided by another plugin or theme taking precedence. Select2 fields may not work as expected.'\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.fieldTypeSelect2 = acf.newSelect2( this.$fieldTypeSelect(), {\n\t\t\t\tfield: false,\n\t\t\t\tajax: false,\n\t\t\t\tmultiple: false,\n\t\t\t\tallowNull: false,\n\t\t\t\tsuppressFilters: true,\n\t\t\t\tdropdownCssClass: 'field-type-select-results',\n\t\t\t\ttemplateResult: function ( selection ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tselection.loading ||\n\t\t\t\t\t\t( selection.element &&\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselection.element.nodeName === 'OPTGROUP' )\n\t\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar $selection = $(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$selection.html( acf.strEscape( selection.text ) );\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar $selection = $(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tacf.strEscape( selection.text ) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t$selection.data( 'element', selection.element );\n\t\t\t\t\treturn $selection;\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\ttemplateSelection: function ( selection ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar $selection = $(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'' +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tacf.strEscape( selection.text ) +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t$selection.data( 'element', selection.element );\n\t\t\t\t\treturn $selection;\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\tthis.fieldTypeSelect2.on( 'select2:open', function () {\n\t\t\t\t$(\n\t\t\t\t\t'.field-type-select-results input.select2-search__field'\n\t\t\t\t).attr( 'placeholder', acf.__( 'Type to search...' ) );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\tthis.fieldTypeSelect2.on( 'change', function ( e ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( e.target )\n\t\t\t\t\t.parents( 'ul:first' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( 'button.browse-fields' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.prop( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// When typing happens on the li element above the select2.\n\t\t\tthis.fieldTypeSelect2.$el\n\t\t\t\t.parent()\n\t\t\t\t.on(\n\t\t\t\t\t'keydown',\n\t\t\t\t\t'.select2-selection.select2-selection--single',\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.onKeyDownSelect\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\taddProFields: function () {\n\t\t\t// Don't run if we have a valid license.\n\t\t\tif ( acf.get( 'is_pro' ) && acf.get( 'isLicenseActive' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Make sure we haven't appended these fields before.\n\t\t\tvar $fieldTypeSelect = this.$fieldTypeSelect();\n\t\t\tif ( $fieldTypeSelect.hasClass( 'acf-free-field-type' ) ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// Loop over each pro field type and append it to the select.\n\t\t\tconst PROFieldTypes = acf.get( 'PROFieldTypes' );\n\t\t\tif ( typeof PROFieldTypes !== 'object' ) return;\n\n\t\t\tconst $layoutGroup = $fieldTypeSelect\n\t\t\t\t.find( 'optgroup option[value=\"group\"]' )\n\t\t\t\t.parent();\n\n\t\t\tconst $contentGroup = $fieldTypeSelect\n\t\t\t\t.find( 'optgroup option[value=\"image\"]' )\n\t\t\t\t.parent();\n\n\t\t\tfor ( const [ name, field ] of Object.entries( PROFieldTypes ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tconst $useGroup =\n\t\t\t\t\tfield.category === 'content' ? $contentGroup : $layoutGroup;\n\t\t\t\tconst $existing = $useGroup.children( '[value=\"' + name + '\"]' );\n\t\t\t\tconst label = `${acf.strEscape( field.label )} (${acf.strEscape( acf.__( 'PRO Only') )})`;\n\n\t\t\t\tif ( $existing.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Already added by pro, update existing option.\n\t\t\t\t\t$existing.text( label );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Don't disable if already selected (prevents re-save from overriding field type).\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( $fieldTypeSelect.val() !== name ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$existing.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Append new disabled option.\n\t\t\t\t\t$useGroup.append( `` );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t$fieldTypeSelect.addClass( 'acf-free-field-type' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trender: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $handle = this.$( '.handle:first' );\n\t\t\tvar menu_order = this.prop( 'menu_order' );\n\t\t\tvar label = this.getLabel();\n\t\t\tvar name = this.prop( 'name' );\n\t\t\tvar type = this.getTypeLabel();\n\t\t\tvar key = this.prop( 'key' );\n\t\t\tvar required = this.$input( 'required' ).prop( 'checked' );\n\n\t\t\t// update menu order\n\t\t\t$handle.find( '.acf-icon' ).html( parseInt( menu_order ) + 1 );\n\n\t\t\t// update required\n\t\t\tif ( required ) {\n\t\t\t\tlabel += ' *';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// update label\n\t\t\t$handle.find( '.li-field-label strong a' ).html( label );\n\n\t\t\t// update name\n\t\t\t$handle.find( '.li-field-name' ).html( this.makeCopyable( acf.strSanitize( name ) ) );\n\n\t\t\t// update type\n\t\t\tconst iconName = acf.strSlugify( this.getType() );\n\t\t\t$handle.find( '.field-type-label' ).text( ' ' + type );\n\t\t\t$handle\n\t\t\t\t.find( '.field-type-icon' )\n\t\t\t\t.removeClass()\n\t\t\t\t.addClass( 'field-type-icon field-type-icon-' + iconName );\n\n\t\t\t// update key\n\t\t\t$handle.find( '.li-field-key' ).html( this.makeCopyable( key ) );\n\n\t\t\t// action for 3rd party customization\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'render_field_object', this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\trefresh: function () {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'refresh_field_object', this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tisOpen: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.$el.hasClass( 'open' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickCopy: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\te.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\tif ( ! navigator.clipboard || $( e.target ).is( 'input' ) ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// Find the value to copy depending on input or text elements.\n\t\t\tlet copyValue;\n\t\t\tif ( $( e.target ).hasClass( 'acf-input-wrap' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tcopyValue = $( e.target ).find( 'input' ).first().val();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcopyValue = $( e.target ).text();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tnavigator.clipboard.writeText( copyValue ).then( () => {\n\t\t\t\t$( e.target ).closest( '.copyable' ).addClass( 'copied' );\n\t\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t$( e.target )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.closest( '.copyable' )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.removeClass( 'copied' );\n\t\t\t\t}, 2000 );\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickEdit: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tconst $target = $( e.target );\n\n\t\t\t// Bail out if a pro field without a license.\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\tacf.get( 'is_pro') &&\n\t\t\t\t! acf.get( 'isLicenseActive' ) &&\n\t\t\t\t! acf.get( 'isLicenseExpired' ) &&\n\t\t\t\tacf.get( 'PROFieldTypes' ).hasOwnProperty( this.getType() )\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t$target.parent().hasClass( 'row-options' ) &&\n\t\t\t\t! $target.hasClass( 'edit-field' )\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tthis.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeSettingsTab: function () {\n\t\t\tconst $settings = this.$el.children( '.settings' );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'show', $settings );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Adds 'active' class to row options nearest to the target.\n\t\t */\n\t\tonFocusEdit: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tvar $rowOptions = $( e.target )\n\t\t\t\t.closest( 'li' )\n\t\t\t\t.find( '.row-options' );\n\t\t\t$rowOptions.addClass( 'active' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Removes 'active' class from row options if links in same row options area are no longer in focus.\n\t\t */\n\t\tonBlurEdit: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\tvar focusDelayMilliseconds = 50;\n\t\t\tvar $rowOptionsBlurElement = $( e.target )\n\t\t\t\t.closest( 'li' )\n\t\t\t\t.find( '.row-options' );\n\n\t\t\t// Timeout so that `activeElement` gives the new element in focus instead of the body.\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tvar $rowOptionsFocusElement = $( document.activeElement )\n\t\t\t\t\t.closest( 'li' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.row-options' );\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! $rowOptionsBlurElement.is( $rowOptionsFocusElement ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$rowOptionsBlurElement.removeClass( 'active' );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}, focusDelayMilliseconds );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\topen: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $settings = this.$el.children( '.settings' );\n\n\t\t\t// initialise field type select\n\t\t\tthis.addProFields();\n\t\t\tthis.initializeFieldTypeSelect2();\n\n\t\t\t// action (open)\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'open_field_object', this );\n\t\t\tthis.trigger( 'openFieldObject' );\n\n\t\t\t// action (show)\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'show', $settings );\n\n\t\t\tthis.hideEmptyTabs();\n\n\t\t\t// open\n\t\t\t$settings.slideDown();\n\t\t\tthis.$el.addClass( 'open' );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonKeyDownSelect: function ( e ) {\n\t\t\t// Omit events from special keys.\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t! (\n\t\t\t\t\t( e.which >= 186 && e.which <= 222 ) || // punctuation and special characters\n\t\t\t\t\t[\n\t\t\t\t\t\t8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 91, 92, 93, 144, 145,\n\t\t\t\t\t].includes( e.which ) || // Special keys\n\t\t\t\t\t( e.which >= 112 && e.which <= 123 )\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t// Function keys\n\t\t\t\t$( this )\n\t\t\t\t\t.closest( '.select2-container' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.siblings( 'select:enabled' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.select2( 'open' );\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tclose: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $settings = this.$el.children( '.settings' );\n\n\t\t\t// close\n\t\t\t$settings.slideUp();\n\t\t\tthis.$el.removeClass( 'open' );\n\n\t\t\t// action (close)\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'close_field_object', this );\n\t\t\tthis.trigger( 'closeFieldObject' );\n\n\t\t\t// action (hide)\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'hide', $settings );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tserialize: function () {\n\t\t\treturn acf.serialize( this.$el, this.getInputName() );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsave: function ( type ) {\n\t\t\t// defaults\n\t\t\ttype = type || 'settings'; // meta, settings\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar save = this.getProp( 'save' );\n\n\t\t\t// bail if already saving settings\n\t\t\tif ( save === 'settings' ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// prop\n\t\t\tthis.setProp( 'save', type );\n\n\t\t\t// debug\n\t\t\tthis.$el.attr( 'data-save', type );\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'save_field_object', this, type );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsubmit: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar inputName = this.getInputName();\n\t\t\tvar save = this.get( 'save' );\n\n\t\t\t// close\n\t\t\tif ( this.isOpen() ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// allow all inputs to save\n\t\t\tif ( save == 'settings' ) {\n\t\t\t\t// do nothing\n\t\t\t\t// allow only meta inputs to save\n\t\t\t} else if ( save == 'meta' ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$( '> .settings [name^=\"' + inputName + '\"]' ).remove();\n\n\t\t\t\t// prevent all inputs from saving\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.$( '[name^=\"' + inputName + '\"]' ).remove();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'submit_field_object', this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChange: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// save settings\n\t\t\tthis.save();\n\n\t\t\t// action for 3rd party customization\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'change_field_object', this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChanged: function ( e, $el, name, value ) {\n\t\t\tif ( this.getType() === $el.attr( 'data-type' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( 'button.acf-btn.browse-fields' ).prop( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// ignore 'save'\n\t\t\tif ( name == 'save' ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// save meta\n\t\t\tif ( [ 'menu_order', 'parent' ].indexOf( name ) > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.save( 'meta' );\n\n\t\t\t\t// save field\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.save();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// render\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t[\n\t\t\t\t\t'menu_order',\n\t\t\t\t\t'label',\n\t\t\t\t\t'required',\n\t\t\t\t\t'name',\n\t\t\t\t\t'type',\n\t\t\t\t\t'key',\n\t\t\t\t].indexOf( name ) > -1\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.render();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// action for 3rd party customization\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'change_field_object_' + name, this, value );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeLabel: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// set\n\t\t\tvar label = $el.val();\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'label', label );\n\n\t\t\t// render name\n\t\t\tif ( this.prop( 'name' ) == '' ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar name = acf.applyFilters(\n\t\t\t\t\t'generate_field_object_name',\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.strSanitize( label ),\n\t\t\t\t\tthis\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tthis.prop( 'name', name );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeName: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\tconst sanitizedName = acf.strSanitize( $el.val() );\n\n\t\t\t$el.val( sanitizedName );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'name', sanitizedName );\n\n\t\t\tif ( sanitizedName.startsWith( 'field_' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\talert(\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.__(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeRequired: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// set\n\t\t\tvar required = $el.prop( 'checked' ) ? 1 : 0;\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'required', required );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdelete: function ( args ) {\n\t\t\t// defaults\n\t\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\t\tanimate: true,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// add to remove list\n\t\t\tvar id = this.prop( 'ID' );\n\n\t\t\tif ( id ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar $input = $( '#_acf_delete_fields' );\n\t\t\t\tvar newVal = $input.val() + '|' + id;\n\t\t\t\t$input.val( newVal );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'delete_field_object', this );\n\n\t\t\t// animate\n\t\t\tif ( args.animate ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.removeAnimate();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.remove();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonClickDelete: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// Bypass confirmation when holding down \"shift\" key.\n\t\t\tif ( e.shiftKey ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.delete();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// add class\n\t\t\tthis.$el.addClass( '-hover' );\n\n\t\t\t// add tooltip\n\t\t\tvar tooltip = acf.newTooltip( {\n\t\t\t\tconfirmRemove: true,\n\t\t\t\ttarget: $el,\n\t\t\t\tcontext: this,\n\t\t\t\tconfirm: function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.delete();\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tcancel: function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.$el.removeClass( '-hover' );\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tremoveAnimate: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar field = this;\n\t\t\tvar $list = this.$el.parent();\n\t\t\tvar $fields = acf.findFieldObjects( {\n\t\t\t\tsibling: this.$el,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// remove\n\t\t\tacf.remove( {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: this.$el,\n\t\t\t\tendHeight: $fields.length ? 0 : 50,\n\t\t\t\tcomplete: function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tfield.remove();\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'removed_field_object', field, $list );\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'remove_field_object', field, $list );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tduplicate: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar newKey = acf.uniqid( 'field_' );\n\n\t\t\t// duplicate\n\t\t\tvar $newField = acf.duplicate( {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: this.$el,\n\t\t\t\tsearch: this.get( 'id' ),\n\t\t\t\treplace: newKey,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// set new key\n\t\t\t$newField.attr( 'data-key', newKey );\n\n\t\t\t// get instance\n\t\t\tvar newField = acf.getFieldObject( $newField );\n\n\t\t\t// update newField label / name\n\t\t\tvar label = newField.prop( 'label' );\n\t\t\tvar name = newField.prop( 'name' );\n\t\t\tvar end = name.split( '_' ).pop();\n\t\t\tvar copy = acf.__( 'copy' );\n\n\t\t\t// increase suffix \"1\"\n\t\t\tif ( acf.isNumeric( end ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar i = end * 1 + 1;\n\t\t\t\tlabel = label.replace( end, i );\n\t\t\t\tname = name.replace( end, i );\n\n\t\t\t\t// increase suffix \"(copy1)\"\n\t\t\t} else if ( end.indexOf( copy ) === 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar i = end.replace( copy, '' ) * 1;\n\t\t\t\ti = i ? i + 1 : 2;\n\n\t\t\t\t// replace\n\t\t\t\tlabel = label.replace( end, copy + i );\n\t\t\t\tname = name.replace( end, copy + i );\n\n\t\t\t\t// add default \"(copy)\"\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tlabel += ' (' + copy + ')';\n\t\t\t\tname += '_' + copy;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tnewField.prop( 'ID', 0 );\n\t\t\tnewField.prop( 'label', label );\n\t\t\tnewField.prop( 'name', name );\n\t\t\tnewField.prop( 'key', newKey );\n\n\t\t\t// close the current field if it's open.\n\t\t\tif ( this.isOpen() ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.close();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// open the new field and initialise correctly.\n\t\t\tnewField.open();\n\n\t\t\t// focus label\n\t\t\tvar $label = newField.$setting( 'label input' );\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t$label.trigger( 'focus' );\n\t\t\t}, 251 );\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'duplicate_field_object', this, newField );\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'append_field_object', newField );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\twipe: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar prevId = this.get( 'id' );\n\t\t\tvar prevKey = this.get( 'key' );\n\t\t\tvar newKey = acf.uniqid( 'field_' );\n\n\t\t\t// rename\n\t\t\tacf.rename( {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: this.$el,\n\t\t\t\tsearch: prevId,\n\t\t\t\treplace: newKey,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// data\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'id', newKey );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'prevId', prevId );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'prevKey', prevKey );\n\n\t\t\t// props\n\t\t\tthis.prop( 'key', newKey );\n\t\t\tthis.prop( 'ID', 0 );\n\n\t\t\t// attr\n\t\t\tthis.$el.attr( 'data-key', newKey );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.attr( 'data-id', newKey );\n\n\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'wipe_field_object', this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tmove: function () {\n\t\t\t// helper\n\t\t\tvar hasChanged = function ( field ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn field.get( 'save' ) == 'settings';\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar changed = hasChanged( this );\n\n\t\t\t// has sub fields changed\n\t\t\tif ( ! changed ) {\n\t\t\t\tacf.getFieldObjects( {\n\t\t\t\t\tparent: this.$el,\n\t\t\t\t} ).map( function ( field ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tchanged = hasChanged( field ) || field.changed;\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// bail early if changed\n\t\t\tif ( changed ) {\n\t\t\t\talert(\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.__(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// step 1.\n\t\t\tvar id = this.prop( 'ID' );\n\t\t\tvar field = this;\n\t\t\tvar popup = false;\n\t\t\tvar step1 = function () {\n\t\t\t\t// popup\n\t\t\t\tpopup = acf.newPopup( {\n\t\t\t\t\ttitle: acf.__( 'Move Custom Field' ),\n\t\t\t\t\tloading: true,\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: '300px',\n\t\t\t\t\topenedBy: field.$el.find( '.move-field' ),\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t\t// ajax\n\t\t\t\tvar ajaxData = {\n\t\t\t\t\taction: 'acf/field_group/move_field',\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_id: id,\n\t\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t\t// get HTML\n\t\t\t\t$.ajax( {\n\t\t\t\t\turl: acf.get( 'ajaxurl' ),\n\t\t\t\t\tdata: acf.prepareForAjax( ajaxData ),\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: 'post',\n\t\t\t\t\tdataType: 'html',\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: step2,\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tvar step2 = function ( html ) {\n\t\t\t\t// update popup\n\t\t\t\tpopup.loading( false );\n\t\t\t\tpopup.content( html );\n\n\t\t\t\t// submit form\n\t\t\t\tpopup.on( 'submit', 'form', step3 );\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tvar step3 = function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t\t// prevent\n\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\n\t\t\t\t// disable\n\t\t\t\tacf.startButtonLoading( popup.$( '.button' ) );\n\n\t\t\t\t// ajax\n\t\t\t\tvar ajaxData = {\n\t\t\t\t\taction: 'acf/field_group/move_field',\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_id: id,\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_group_id: popup.$( 'select' ).val(),\n\t\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t\t// get HTML\n\t\t\t\t$.ajax( {\n\t\t\t\t\turl: acf.get( 'ajaxurl' ),\n\t\t\t\t\tdata: acf.prepareForAjax( ajaxData ),\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: 'post',\n\t\t\t\t\tdataType: 'html',\n\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: step4,\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tvar step4 = function ( html ) {\n\t\t\t\tpopup.content( html );\n\n\t\t\t\tif ( wp.a11y && wp.a11y.speak && acf.__ ) {\n\t\t\t\t\twp.a11y.speak(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tacf.__( 'Field moved to other group' ),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'polite'\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tpopup.$( '.acf-close-popup' ).focus();\n\n\t\t\t\tfield.removeAnimate();\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t// start\n\t\t\tstep1();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tbrowseFields: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\n\t\t\tconst modal = acf.newBrowseFieldsModal( {\n\t\t\t\topenedBy: this,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonChangeType: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// clea previous timout\n\t\t\tif ( this.changeTimeout ) {\n\t\t\t\tclearTimeout( this.changeTimeout );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// set new timeout\n\t\t\t// - prevents changing type multiple times whilst user types in newType\n\t\t\tthis.changeTimeout = this.setTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tthis.changeType( $el.val() );\n\t\t\t}, 300 );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tchangeType: function ( newType ) {\n\t\t\tvar prevType = this.prop( 'type' );\n\t\t\tvar prevClass = acf.strSlugify( 'acf-field-object-' + prevType );\n\t\t\tvar newClass = acf.strSlugify( 'acf-field-object-' + newType );\n\n\t\t\t// Update props.\n\t\t\tthis.$el.removeClass( prevClass ).addClass( newClass );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.attr( 'data-type', newType );\n\t\t\tthis.$el.data( 'type', newType );\n\n\t\t\t// Abort XHR if this field is already loading AJAX data.\n\t\t\tif ( this.has( 'xhr' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'xhr' ).abort();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Store old settings so they can be reused later.\n\t\t\tconst $oldSettings = {};\n\n\t\t\tthis.$el\n\t\t\t\t.find(\n\t\t\t\t\t'.acf-field-settings:first > .acf-field-settings-main > .acf-field-type-settings'\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t.each( function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tlet tab = $( this ).data( 'parent-tab' );\n\t\t\t\t\tlet $tabSettings = $( this ).children().removeData();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t$oldSettings[ tab ] = $tabSettings;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t$tabSettings.detach();\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'settings-' + prevType, $oldSettings );\n\n\t\t\t// Show the settings if we already have them cached.\n\t\t\tif ( this.has( 'settings-' + newType ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tlet $newSettings = this.get( 'settings-' + newType );\n\n\t\t\t\tthis.showFieldTypeSettings( $newSettings );\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'type', newType );\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Add loading spinner.\n\t\t\tconst $loading = $(\n\t\t\t\t'
tags.\n\t\t\t// Only if the \"TinyMCE Advanced\" plugin hasn't already set this functionality.\n\t\t\tif ( ! init.tadv_noautop ) {\n\t\t\t\tinit.wpautop = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// hook for 3rd party customization\n\t\t\tinit = acf.applyFilters(\n\t\t\t\t'wysiwyg_tinymce_settings',\n\t\t\t\tinit,\n\t\t\t\tid,\n\t\t\t\tfield\n\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t// z-index fix (caused too many conflicts)\n\t\t\t//if( acf.isset(tinymce,'ui','FloatPanel') ) {\n\t\t\t//\ttinymce.ui.FloatPanel.zIndex = 900000;\n\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t// store settings\n\t\t\ttinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ id ] = init;\n\n\t\t\t// visual tab is active\n\t\t\tif ( args.mode == 'visual' ) {\n\t\t\t\t// init\n\t\t\t\tvar result = tinymce.init( init );\n\n\t\t\t\t// get editor\n\t\t\t\tvar ed = tinymce.get( id );\n\n\t\t\t\t// validate\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! ed ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// add reference\n\t\t\t\ted.acf = args.field;\n\n\t\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'wysiwyg_tinymce_init', ed, ed.id, init, field );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * initializeQuicktags\n\t\t *\n\t\t * This function will initialize the quicktags instance\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @type\tfunction\n\t\t * @date\t18/8/17\n\t\t * @since\t5.6.0\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\t$post_id (int)\n\t\t * @return\t$post_id (int)\n\t\t */\n\n\t\tinitializeQuicktags: function ( id, args ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar defaults = this.defaults();\n\n\t\t\t// bail early\n\t\t\tif ( typeof quicktags === 'undefined' ) return false;\n\t\t\tif ( ! defaults ) return false;\n\n\t\t\t// settings\n\t\t\tvar init = $.extend( {}, defaults.quicktags, args.quicktags );\n\t\t\tinit.id = id;\n\n\t\t\t// filter\n\t\t\tvar field = args.field || false;\n\t\t\tvar $field = field.$el || false;\n\t\t\tinit = acf.applyFilters(\n\t\t\t\t'wysiwyg_quicktags_settings',\n\t\t\t\tinit,\n\t\t\t\tinit.id,\n\t\t\t\tfield\n\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t// store settings\n\t\t\ttinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ id ] = init;\n\n\t\t\t// init\n\t\t\tvar ed = quicktags( init );\n\n\t\t\t// validate\n\t\t\tif ( ! ed ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// generate HTML\n\t\t\tthis.buildQuicktags( ed );\n\n\t\t\t// action for 3rd party customization\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'wysiwyg_quicktags_init', ed, ed.id, init, field );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * buildQuicktags\n\t\t *\n\t\t * This function will build the quicktags HTML\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @type\tfunction\n\t\t * @date\t18/8/17\n\t\t * @since\t5.6.0\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\t$post_id (int)\n\t\t * @return\t$post_id (int)\n\t\t */\n\n\t\tbuildQuicktags: function ( ed ) {\n\t\t\tvar canvas,\n\t\t\t\tname,\n\t\t\t\tsettings,\n\t\t\t\ttheButtons,\n\t\t\t\thtml,\n\t\t\t\ted,\n\t\t\t\tid,\n\t\t\t\ti,\n\t\t\t\tuse,\n\t\t\t\tinstanceId,\n\t\t\t\tdefaults =\n\t\t\t\t\t',strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close,';\n\n\t\t\tcanvas = ed.canvas;\n\t\t\tname = ed.name;\n\t\t\tsettings = ed.settings;\n\t\t\thtml = '';\n\t\t\ttheButtons = {};\n\t\t\tuse = '';\n\t\t\tinstanceId = ed.id;\n\n\t\t\t// set buttons\n\t\t\tif ( settings.buttons ) {\n\t\t\t\tuse = ',' + settings.buttons + ',';\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfor ( i in edButtons ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! edButtons[ i ] ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tid = edButtons[ i ].id;\n\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\tuse &&\n\t\t\t\t\tdefaults.indexOf( ',' + id + ',' ) !== -1 &&\n\t\t\t\t\tuse.indexOf( ',' + id + ',' ) === -1\n\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t\t! edButtons[ i ].instance ||\n\t\t\t\t\tedButtons[ i ].instance === instanceId\n\t\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttheButtons[ id ] = edButtons[ i ];\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( edButtons[ i ].html ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\thtml += edButtons[ i ].html( name + '_' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( use && use.indexOf( ',dfw,' ) !== -1 ) {\n\t\t\t\ttheButtons.dfw = new QTags.DFWButton();\n\t\t\t\thtml += theButtons.dfw.html( name + '_' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( 'rtl' === document.getElementsByTagName( 'html' )[ 0 ].dir ) {\n\t\t\t\ttheButtons.textdirection = new QTags.TextDirectionButton();\n\t\t\t\thtml += theButtons.textdirection.html( name + '_' );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\ted.toolbar.innerHTML = html;\n\t\t\ted.theButtons = theButtons;\n\n\t\t\tif ( typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ) {\n\t\t\t\tjQuery( document ).triggerHandler( 'quicktags-init', [ ed ] );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdisable: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\tthis.destroyTinymce( id );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tremove: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\tthis.destroyTinymce( id );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdestroy: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\tthis.destroyTinymce( id );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdestroyTinymce: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\t// bail early\n\t\t\tif ( typeof tinymce === 'undefined' ) return false;\n\n\t\t\t// get editor\n\t\t\tvar ed = tinymce.get( id );\n\n\t\t\t// bail early if no editor\n\t\t\tif ( ! ed ) return false;\n\n\t\t\t// save\n\t\t\ted.save();\n\n\t\t\t// destroy editor\n\t\t\ted.destroy();\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tenable: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\tthis.enableTinymce( id );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tenableTinymce: function ( id ) {\n\t\t\t// bail early\n\t\t\tif ( typeof switchEditors === 'undefined' ) return false;\n\n\t\t\t// bail early if not initialized\n\t\t\tif ( typeof tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ id ] === 'undefined' )\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\t// Ensure textarea element is visible\n\t\t\t// - Fixes bug in block editor when switching between \"Block\" and \"Document\" tabs.\n\t\t\t$( '#' + id ).show();\n\n\t\t\t// toggle\n\t\t\tswitchEditors.go( id, 'tmce' );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t},\n\t};\n\n\tvar editorManager = new acf.Model( {\n\t\t// hook in before fieldsEventManager, conditions, etc\n\t\tpriority: 5,\n\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tprepare: 'onPrepare',\n\t\t\tready: 'onReady',\n\t\t},\n\t\tonPrepare: function () {\n\t\t\t// find hidden editor which may exist within a field\n\t\t\tvar $div = $( '#acf-hidden-wp-editor' );\n\n\t\t\t// move to footer\n\t\t\tif ( $div.exists() ) {\n\t\t\t\t$div.appendTo( 'body' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tonReady: function () {\n\t\t\t// Restore wp.editor functions used by tinymce removed in WP5.\n\t\t\tif ( acf.isset( window, 'wp', 'oldEditor' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\twp.editor.autop = wp.oldEditor.autop;\n\t\t\t\twp.editor.removep = wp.oldEditor.removep;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// bail early if no tinymce\n\t\t\tif ( ! acf.isset( window, 'tinymce', 'on' ) ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// restore default activeEditor\n\t\t\ttinymce.on( 'AddEditor', function ( data ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar editor = data.editor;\n\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if not 'acf'\n\t\t\t\tif ( editor.id.substr( 0, 3 ) !== 'acf' ) return;\n\n\t\t\t\t// override if 'content' exists\n\t\t\t\teditor = tinymce.editors.content || editor;\n\n\t\t\t\t// update vars\n\t\t\t\ttinymce.activeEditor = editor;\n\t\t\t\twpActiveEditor = editor.id;\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","( function ( $, undefined ) {\n\tacf.unload = new acf.Model( {\n\t\twait: 'load',\n\t\tactive: true,\n\t\tchanged: false,\n\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tvalidation_failure: 'startListening',\n\t\t\tvalidation_success: 'stopListening',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'change form .acf-field': 'startListening',\n\t\t\t'submit form': 'stopListening',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tenable: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.active = true;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tdisable: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.active = false;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\treset: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.stopListening();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tstartListening: function () {\n\t\t\t// bail early if already changed, not active\n\t\t\tif ( this.changed || ! this.active ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\tthis.changed = true;\n\n\t\t\t// add event\n\t\t\t$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', this.onUnload );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tstopListening: function () {\n\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\tthis.changed = false;\n\n\t\t\t// remove event\n\t\t\t$( window ).off( 'beforeunload', this.onUnload );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tonUnload: function () {\n\t\t\treturn acf.__(\n\t\t\t\t'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","( function ( $, undefined ) {\n\t/**\n\t * Validator\n\t *\n\t * The model for validating forms\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tvar Validator = acf.Model.extend( {\n\t\t/** @var string The model identifier. */\n\t\tid: 'Validator',\n\n\t\t/** @var object The model data. */\n\t\tdata: {\n\t\t\t/** @var array The form errors. */\n\t\t\terrors: [],\n\n\t\t\t/** @var object The form notice. */\n\t\t\tnotice: null,\n\n\t\t\t/** @var string The form status. loading, invalid, valid */\n\t\t\tstatus: '',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/** @var object The model events. */\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'changed:status': 'onChangeStatus',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * addErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Adds errors to the form.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tarray errors An array of errors.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\taddErrors: function ( errors ) {\n\t\t\terrors.map( this.addError, this );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * addError\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Adds and error to the form.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject error An error object containing input and message.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\taddError: function ( error ) {\n\t\t\tthis.data.errors.push( error );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * hasErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Returns true if the form has errors.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tbool\n\t\t */\n\t\thasErrors: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.data.errors.length;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * clearErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Removes any errors.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tclearErrors: function () {\n\t\t\treturn ( this.data.errors = [] );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * getErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Returns the forms errors.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tarray\n\t\t */\n\t\tgetErrors: function () {\n\t\t\treturn this.data.errors;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * getFieldErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Returns the forms field errors.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tarray\n\t\t */\n\t\tgetFieldErrors: function () {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar errors = [];\n\t\t\tvar inputs = [];\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\tthis.getErrors().map( function ( error ) {\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if global\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! error.input ) return;\n\n\t\t\t\t// update if exists\n\t\t\t\tvar i = inputs.indexOf( error.input );\n\t\t\t\tif ( i > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\terrors[ i ] = error;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\terrors.push( error );\n\t\t\t\t\tinputs.push( error.input );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn errors;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * getGlobalErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Returns the forms global errors (errors without a specific input).\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tarray\n\t\t */\n\t\tgetGlobalErrors: function () {\n\t\t\t// return array of errors that contain no input\n\t\t\treturn this.getErrors().filter( function ( error ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn ! error.input;\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * showErrors\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Displays all errors for this form.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tshowErrors: function () {\n\t\t\t// bail early if no errors\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.hasErrors() ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar fieldErrors = this.getFieldErrors();\n\t\t\tvar globalErrors = this.getGlobalErrors();\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar errorCount = 0;\n\t\t\tvar $scrollTo = false;\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\tfieldErrors.map( function ( error ) {\n\t\t\t\t// get input\n\t\t\t\tvar $input = this.$( '[name=\"' + error.input + '\"]' ).first();\n\n\t\t\t\t// if $_POST value was an array, this $input may not exist\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! $input.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$input = this.$( '[name^=\"' + error.input + '\"]' ).first();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// bail early if input doesn't exist\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! $input.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// increase\n\t\t\t\terrorCount++;\n\n\t\t\t\t// get field\n\t\t\t\tvar field = acf.getClosestField( $input );\n\n\t\t\t\t// make sure the postbox containing this field is not hidden by screen options\n\t\t\t\tensureFieldPostBoxIsVisible( field.$el );\n\n\t\t\t\t// show error\n\t\t\t\tfield.showError( error.message );\n\n\t\t\t\t// set $scrollTo\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! $scrollTo ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$scrollTo = field.$el;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}, this );\n\n\t\t\t// errorMessage\n\t\t\tvar errorMessage = acf.__( 'Validation failed' );\n\t\t\tglobalErrors.map( function ( error ) {\n\t\t\t\terrorMessage += '. ' + error.message;\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\tif ( errorCount == 1 ) {\n\t\t\t\terrorMessage += '. ' + acf.__( '1 field requires attention' );\n\t\t\t} else if ( errorCount > 1 ) {\n\t\t\t\terrorMessage +=\n\t\t\t\t\t'. ' +\n\t\t\t\t\tacf\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.__( '%d fields require attention' )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.replace( '%d', errorCount );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// notice\n\t\t\tif ( this.has( 'notice' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'notice' ).update( {\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: 'error',\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: errorMessage,\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvar notice = acf.newNotice( {\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: 'error',\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: errorMessage,\n\t\t\t\t\ttarget: this.$el,\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'notice', notice );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// If in a modal, don't try to scroll.\n\t\t\tif ( this.$el.parents( '.acf-popup-box' ).length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// if no $scrollTo, set to message\n\t\t\tif ( ! $scrollTo ) {\n\t\t\t\t$scrollTo = this.get( 'notice' ).$el;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// timeout\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t$( 'html, body' ).animate(\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tscrollTop:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$scrollTo.offset().top - $( window ).height() / 2,\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t500\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}, 10 );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onChangeStatus\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Update the form class when changing the 'status' data\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The form element.\n\t\t * @param\tstring value The new status.\n\t\t * @param\tstring prevValue The old status.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonChangeStatus: function ( e, $el, value, prevValue ) {\n\t\t\tthis.$el.removeClass( 'is-' + prevValue ).addClass( 'is-' + value );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * validate\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Vaildates the form via AJAX.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject args A list of settings to customize the validation process.\n\t\t * @return\tbool True if the form is valid.\n\t\t */\n\t\tvalidate: function ( args ) {\n\t\t\t// default args\n\t\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\t\t// trigger event\n\t\t\t\tevent: false,\n\n\t\t\t\t// reset the form after submit\n\t\t\t\treset: false,\n\n\t\t\t\t// loading callback\n\t\t\t\tloading: function () {},\n\n\t\t\t\t// complete callback\n\t\t\t\tcomplete: function () {},\n\n\t\t\t\t// failure callback\n\t\t\t\tfailure: function () {},\n\n\t\t\t\t// success callback\n\t\t\t\tsuccess: function ( $form ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$form.submit();\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// return true if is valid - allows form submit\n\t\t\tif ( this.get( 'status' ) == 'valid' ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return false if is currently validating - prevents form submit\n\t\t\tif ( this.get( 'status' ) == 'validating' ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// return true if no ACF fields exist (no need to validate)\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.$( '.acf-field' ).length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// if event is provided, create a new success callback.\n\t\t\tif ( args.event ) {\n\t\t\t\tvar event = $.Event( null, args.event );\n\t\t\t\targs.success = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.enableSubmit( $( event.target ) ).trigger( event );\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// action for 3rd party\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'validation_begin', this.$el );\n\n\t\t\t// lock form\n\t\t\tacf.lockForm( this.$el );\n\n\t\t\t// loading callback\n\t\t\targs.loading( this.$el, this );\n\n\t\t\t// update status\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'status', 'validating' );\n\n\t\t\t// success callback\n\t\t\tvar onSuccess = function ( json ) {\n\t\t\t\t// validate\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! acf.isAjaxSuccess( json ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// filter\n\t\t\t\tvar data = acf.applyFilters(\n\t\t\t\t\t'validation_complete',\n\t\t\t\t\tjson.data,\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.$el,\n\t\t\t\t\tthis\n\t\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t\t// add errors\n\t\t\t\tif ( ! data.valid ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.addErrors( data.errors );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t// complete\n\t\t\tvar onComplete = function () {\n\t\t\t\t// unlock form\n\t\t\t\tacf.unlockForm( this.$el );\n\n\t\t\t\t// failure\n\t\t\t\tif ( this.hasErrors() ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update status\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'status', 'invalid' );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'validation_failure', this.$el, this );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// display errors\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.showErrors();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// failure callback\n\t\t\t\t\targs.failure( this.$el, this );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// success\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update status\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'status', 'valid' );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// remove previous error message\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( this.has( 'notice' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'notice' ).update( {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: 'success',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: acf.__( 'Validation successful' ),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttimeout: 1000,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// action\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'validation_success', this.$el, this );\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'submit', this.$el );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// success callback (submit form)\n\t\t\t\t\targs.success( this.$el, this );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// lock form\n\t\t\t\t\tacf.lockForm( this.$el );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// reset\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( args.reset ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.reset();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// complete callback\n\t\t\t\targs.complete( this.$el, this );\n\n\t\t\t\t// clear errors\n\t\t\t\tthis.clearErrors();\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\t// serialize form data\n\t\t\tvar data = acf.serialize( this.$el );\n\t\t\tdata.action = 'acf/validate_save_post';\n\n\t\t\t// ajax\n\t\t\t$.ajax( {\n\t\t\t\turl: acf.get( 'ajaxurl' ),\n\t\t\t\tdata: acf.prepareForAjax( data ),\n\t\t\t\ttype: 'post',\n\t\t\t\tdataType: 'json',\n\t\t\t\tcontext: this,\n\t\t\t\tsuccess: onSuccess,\n\t\t\t\tcomplete: onComplete,\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// return false to fail validation and allow AJAX\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * setup\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Called during the constructor function to setup this instance\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $form The form element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tsetup: function ( $form ) {\n\t\t\t// set $el\n\t\t\tthis.$el = $form;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * reset\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Rests the validation to be used again.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t6/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\treset: function () {\n\t\t\t// reset data\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'errors', [] );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'notice', null );\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'status', '' );\n\n\t\t\t// unlock form\n\t\t\tacf.unlockForm( this.$el );\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n\n\t/**\n\t * getValidator\n\t *\n\t * Returns the instance for a given form element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The form element.\n\t * @return\tobject\n\t */\n\tvar getValidator = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t// instantiate\n\t\tvar validator = $el.data( 'acf' );\n\t\tif ( ! validator ) {\n\t\t\tvalidator = new Validator( $el );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn validator;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.validateForm\n\t *\n\t * A helper function for the Validator.validate() function.\n\t * Returns true if form is valid, or fetches a validation request and returns false.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/4/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tobject args A list of settings to customize the validation process.\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\n\tacf.validateForm = function ( args ) {\n\t\treturn getValidator( args.form ).validate( args );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.enableSubmit\n\t *\n\t * Enables a submit button and returns the element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t30/8/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.4\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $submit The submit button.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.enableSubmit = function ( $submit ) {\n\t\treturn $submit.removeClass( 'disabled' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.disableSubmit\n\t *\n\t * Disables a submit button and returns the element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t30/8/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.4\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $submit The submit button.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.disableSubmit = function ( $submit ) {\n\t\treturn $submit.addClass( 'disabled' ).attr( 'disabled', true );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.showSpinner\n\t *\n\t * Shows the spinner element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $spinner The spinner element.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.showSpinner = function ( $spinner ) {\n\t\t$spinner.addClass( 'is-active' ); // add class (WP > 4.2)\n\t\t$spinner.css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); // css (WP < 4.2)\n\t\treturn $spinner;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.hideSpinner\n\t *\n\t * Hides the spinner element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $spinner The spinner element.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.hideSpinner = function ( $spinner ) {\n\t\t$spinner.removeClass( 'is-active' ); // add class (WP > 4.2)\n\t\t$spinner.css( 'display', 'none' ); // css (WP < 4.2)\n\t\treturn $spinner;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.lockForm\n\t *\n\t * Locks a form by disabeling its primary inputs and showing a spinner.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $form The form element.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.lockForm = function ( $form ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar $wrap = findSubmitWrap( $form );\n\t\tvar $submit = $wrap\n\t\t\t.find( '.button, [type=\"submit\"]' )\n\t\t\t.not( '.acf-nav, .acf-repeater-add-row' );\n\t\tvar $spinner = $wrap.find( '.spinner, .acf-spinner' );\n\n\t\t// hide all spinners (hides the preview spinner)\n\t\tacf.hideSpinner( $spinner );\n\n\t\t// lock\n\t\tacf.disableSubmit( $submit );\n\t\tacf.showSpinner( $spinner.last() );\n\t\treturn $form;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.unlockForm\n\t *\n\t * Unlocks a form by enabeling its primary inputs and hiding all spinners.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $form The form element.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tacf.unlockForm = function ( $form ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar $wrap = findSubmitWrap( $form );\n\t\tvar $submit = $wrap\n\t\t\t.find( '.button, [type=\"submit\"]' )\n\t\t\t.not( '.acf-nav, .acf-repeater-add-row' );\n\t\tvar $spinner = $wrap.find( '.spinner, .acf-spinner' );\n\n\t\t// unlock\n\t\tacf.enableSubmit( $submit );\n\t\tacf.hideSpinner( $spinner );\n\t\treturn $form;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * findSubmitWrap\n\t *\n\t * An internal function to find the 'primary' form submit wrapping element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $form The form element.\n\t * @return\tjQuery\n\t */\n\tvar findSubmitWrap = function ( $form ) {\n\t\t// default post submit div\n\t\tvar $wrap = $form.find( '#submitdiv' );\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// 3rd party publish box\n\t\tvar $wrap = $form.find( '#submitpost' );\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// term, user\n\t\tvar $wrap = $form.find( 'p.submit' ).last();\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// front end form\n\t\tvar $wrap = $form.find( '.acf-form-submit' );\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// ACF 6.2 options page modal\n\t\tvar $wrap = $( '#acf-create-options-page-form .acf-actions' );\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// ACF 6.0+ headerbar submit\n\t\tvar $wrap = $( '.acf-headerbar-actions' );\n\t\tif ( $wrap.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn $wrap;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// default\n\t\treturn $form;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * A debounced function to trigger a form submission.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t15/07/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype Var Description.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\tvar submitFormDebounced = acf.debounce( function ( $form ) {\n\t\t$form.submit();\n\t} );\n\n\t/**\n\t * Ensure field is visible for validation errors\n\t *\n\t * @date\t20/10/2021\n\t * @since\t5.11.0\n\t */\n\tvar ensureFieldPostBoxIsVisible = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t// Find the postbox element containing this field.\n\t\tvar $postbox = $el.parents( '.acf-postbox' );\n\t\tif ( $postbox.length ) {\n\t\t\tvar acf_postbox = acf.getPostbox( $postbox );\n\t\t\tif ( acf_postbox && acf_postbox.isHiddenByScreenOptions() ) {\n\t\t\t\t// Rather than using .show() here, we don't want the field to appear next reload.\n\t\t\t\t// So just temporarily show the field group so validation can complete.\n\t\t\t\tacf_postbox.$el.removeClass( 'hide-if-js' );\n\t\t\t\tacf_postbox.$el.css( 'display', '' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Ensure metaboxes which contain browser validation failures are visible.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t20/10/2021\n\t * @since\t5.11.0\n\t */\n\tvar ensureInvalidFieldVisibility = function () {\n\t\t// Load each ACF input field and check it's browser validation state.\n\t\tvar $inputs = $( '.acf-field input' );\n\t\t$inputs.each( function () {\n\t\t\tif ( ! this.checkValidity() ) {\n\t\t\t\t// Field is invalid, so we need to make sure it's metabox is visible.\n\t\t\t\tensureFieldPostBoxIsVisible( $( this ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.validation\n\t *\n\t * Global validation logic\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/4/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.validation = new acf.Model( {\n\t\t/** @var string The model identifier. */\n\t\tid: 'validation',\n\n\t\t/** @var bool The active state. Set to false before 'prepare' to prevent validation. */\n\t\tactive: true,\n\n\t\t/** @var string The model initialize time. */\n\t\twait: 'prepare',\n\n\t\t/** @var object The model actions. */\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tready: 'addInputEvents',\n\t\t\tappend: 'addInputEvents',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/** @var object The model events. */\n\t\tevents: {\n\t\t\t'click input[type=\"submit\"]': 'onClickSubmit',\n\t\t\t'click button[type=\"submit\"]': 'onClickSubmit',\n\t\t\t//'click #editor .editor-post-publish-button': 'onClickSubmitGutenberg',\n\t\t\t'click #save-post': 'onClickSave',\n\t\t\t'submit form#post': 'onSubmitPost',\n\t\t\t'submit form': 'onSubmit',\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * initialize\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Called when initializing the model.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tinitialize: function () {\n\t\t\t// check 'validation' setting\n\t\t\tif ( ! acf.get( 'validation' ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.active = false;\n\t\t\t\tthis.actions = {};\n\t\t\t\tthis.events = {};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * enable\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Enables validation.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tenable: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.active = true;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * disable\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Disables validation.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tdisable: function () {\n\t\t\tthis.active = false;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * reset\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Rests the form validation to be used again\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t6/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $form The form element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\treset: function ( $form ) {\n\t\t\tgetValidator( $form ).reset();\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * addInputEvents\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Adds 'invalid' event listeners to HTML inputs.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element being added / readied.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\taddInputEvents: function ( $el ) {\n\t\t\t// Bug exists in Safari where custom \"invalid\" handling prevents draft from saving.\n\t\t\tif ( acf.get( 'browser' ) === 'safari' ) return;\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $inputs = $( '.acf-field [name]', $el );\n\n\t\t\t// check\n\t\t\tif ( $inputs.length ) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.on( $inputs, 'invalid', 'onInvalid' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onInvalid\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Callback for the 'invalid' event.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonInvalid: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// prevent default\n\t\t\t// - prevents browser error message\n\t\t\t// - also fixes chrome bug where 'hidden-by-tab' field throws focus error\n\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar $form = $el.closest( 'form' );\n\n\t\t\t// check form exists\n\t\t\tif ( $form.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t// add error to validator\n\t\t\t\tgetValidator( $form ).addError( {\n\t\t\t\t\tinput: $el.attr( 'name' ),\n\t\t\t\t\tmessage: acf.strEscape( e.target.validationMessage ),\n\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t\t// trigger submit on $form\n\t\t\t\t// - allows for \"save\", \"preview\" and \"publish\" to work\n\t\t\t\tsubmitFormDebounced( $form );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onClickSubmit\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Callback when clicking submit.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonClickSubmit: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// Some browsers (safari) force their browser validation before our AJAX validation,\n\t\t\t// so we need to make sure fields are visible earlier than showErrors()\n\t\t\tensureInvalidFieldVisibility();\n\n\t\t\t// store the \"click event\" for later use in this.onSubmit()\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'originalEvent', e );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onClickSave\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Set ignore to true when saving a draft.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonClickSave: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'ignore', true );\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onClickSubmitGutenberg\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Custom validation event for the gutenberg editor.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t29/10/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.8.0\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonClickSubmitGutenberg: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// validate\n\t\t\tvar valid = acf.validateForm( {\n\t\t\t\tform: $( '#editor' ),\n\t\t\t\tevent: e,\n\t\t\t\treset: true,\n\t\t\t\tfailure: function ( $form, validator ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar $notice = validator.get( 'notice' ).$el;\n\t\t\t\t\t$notice.appendTo( '.components-notice-list' );\n\t\t\t\t\t$notice\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.find( '.acf-notice-dismiss' )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.removeClass( 'small' );\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// if not valid, stop event and allow validation to continue\n\t\t\tif ( ! valid ) {\n\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\te.stopImmediatePropagation();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onSubmitPost\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Callback when the 'post' form is submit.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t5/3/19\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.13\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonSubmitPost: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// Check if is preview.\n\t\t\tif ( $( 'input#wp-preview' ).val() === 'dopreview' ) {\n\t\t\t\t// Ignore validation.\n\t\t\t\tthis.set( 'ignore', true );\n\n\t\t\t\t// Unlock form to fix conflict with core \"submit.edit-post\" event causing all submit buttons to be disabled.\n\t\t\t\tacf.unlockForm( $el );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * onSubmit\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Callback when the form is submit.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t4/9/18\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.5\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tobject e The event object.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The input element.\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tonSubmit: function ( e, $el ) {\n\t\t\t// Allow form to submit if...\n\t\t\tif (\n\t\t\t\t// Validation has been disabled.\n\t\t\t\t! this.active ||\n\t\t\t\t// Or this event is to be ignored.\n\t\t\t\tthis.get( 'ignore' ) ||\n\t\t\t\t// Or this event has already been prevented.\n\t\t\t\te.isDefaultPrevented()\n\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t\t// Return early and call reset function.\n\t\t\t\treturn this.allowSubmit();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Validate form.\n\t\t\tvar valid = acf.validateForm( {\n\t\t\t\tform: $el,\n\t\t\t\tevent: this.get( 'originalEvent' ),\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// If not valid, stop event to prevent form submit.\n\t\t\tif ( ! valid ) {\n\t\t\t\te.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * allowSubmit\n\t\t *\n\t\t * Resets data during onSubmit when the form is allowed to submit.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t5/3/19\n\t\t * @since\t5.7.13\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tvoid\n\t\t * @return\tvoid\n\t\t */\n\t\tallowSubmit: function () {\n\t\t\t// Reset \"ignore\" state.\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'ignore', false );\n\n\t\t\t// Reset \"originalEvent\" object.\n\t\t\tthis.set( 'originalEvent', false );\n\n\t\t\t// Return true\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n\n\tvar gutenbergValidation = new acf.Model( {\n\t\twait: 'prepare',\n\t\tinitialize: function () {\n\t\t\t// Bail early if not Gutenberg.\n\t\t\tif ( ! acf.isGutenberg() ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Custommize the editor.\n\t\t\tthis.customizeEditor();\n\t\t},\n\t\tcustomizeEditor: function () {\n\t\t\t// Extract vars.\n\t\t\tvar editor = wp.data.dispatch( 'core/editor' );\n\t\t\tvar editorSelect = wp.data.select( 'core/editor' );\n\t\t\tvar notices = wp.data.dispatch( 'core/notices' );\n\n\t\t\t// Backup original method.\n\t\t\tvar savePost = editor.savePost;\n\n\t\t\t// Listen for changes to post status and perform actions:\n\t\t\t// a) Enable validation for \"publish\" action.\n\t\t\t// b) Remember last non \"publish\" status used for restoring after validation fail.\n\t\t\tvar useValidation = false;\n\t\t\tvar lastPostStatus = '';\n\t\t\twp.data.subscribe( function () {\n\t\t\t\tvar postStatus =\n\t\t\t\t\teditorSelect.getEditedPostAttribute( 'status' );\n\t\t\t\tuseValidation =\n\t\t\t\t\tpostStatus === 'publish' || postStatus === 'future';\n\t\t\t\tlastPostStatus =\n\t\t\t\t\tpostStatus !== 'publish' ? postStatus : lastPostStatus;\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// Create validation version.\n\t\t\teditor.savePost = function ( options ) {\n\t\t\t\toptions = options || {};\n\n\t\t\t\t// Backup vars.\n\t\t\t\tvar _this = this;\n\t\t\t\tvar _args = arguments;\n\n\t\t\t\t// Perform validation within a Promise.\n\t\t\t\treturn new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Bail early if is autosave or preview.\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( options.isAutosave || options.isPreview ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn resolve( 'Validation ignored (autosave).' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Bail early if validation is not needed.\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( ! useValidation ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn resolve( 'Validation ignored (draft).' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Validate the editor form.\n\t\t\t\t\tvar valid = acf.validateForm( {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform: $( '#editor' ),\n\t\t\t\t\t\treset: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcomplete: function ( $form, validator ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Always unlock the form after AJAX.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\teditor.unlockPostSaving( 'acf' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfailure: function ( $form, validator ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Get validation error and append to Gutenberg notices.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar notice = validator.get( 'notice' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnotices.createErrorNotice( notice.get( 'text' ), {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid: 'acf-validation',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisDismissible: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnotice.remove();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Restore last non \"publish\" status.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif ( lastPostStatus ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\teditor.editPost( {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstatus: lastPostStatus,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Rejext promise and prevent savePost().\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treject( 'Validation failed.' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsuccess: function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnotices.removeNotice( 'acf-validation' );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// Resolve promise and allow savePost().\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresolve( 'Validation success.' );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Resolve promise and allow savePost() if no validation is needed.\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( valid ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresolve( 'Validation bypassed.' );\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Otherwise, lock the form and wait for AJAX response.\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\teditor.lockPostSaving( 'acf' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} )\n\t\t\t\t\t.then( function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn savePost.apply( _this, _args );\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t( err ) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Nothing to do here, user is alerted of validation issues.\n\t\t\t\t\t} );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t},\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && 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\ No newline at end of file
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index f3fd5dd2..deaf7b04 100644
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',\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// fade away tr\n\t\t$tr.addClass( 'acf-remove-element' );\n\n\t\t// update HTML after fade animation\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$tr.html( $td );\n\t\t}, 251 );\n\n\t\t// allow .acf-temp-remove to exist before changing CSS\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t// remove class\n\t\t\t$tr.removeClass( 'acf-remove-element' );\n\n\t\t\t// collapse\n\t\t\t$td.css( {\n\t\t\t\theight: props.endHeight,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t}, 300 );\n\n\t\t// remove\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$tr.remove();\n\t\t\tprops.complete();\n\t\t}, 451 );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * duplicate\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t3/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.duplicate = function ( args ) {\n\t\t// allow jQuery\n\t\tif ( args instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\targs = {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: args,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// defaults\n\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\ttarget: false,\n\t\t\tsearch: '',\n\t\t\treplace: '',\n\t\t\trename: true,\n\t\t\tbefore: function ( $el ) {},\n\t\t\tafter: function ( $el, $el2 ) {},\n\t\t\tappend: function ( $el, $el2 ) {\n\t\t\t\t$el.after( $el2 );\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// compatibility\n\t\targs.target = args.target || args.$el;\n\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar $el = args.target;\n\n\t\t// search\n\t\targs.search = args.search || $el.attr( 'data-id' );\n\t\targs.replace = args.replace || acf.uniqid();\n\n\t\t// before\n\t\t// - allow acf to modify DOM\n\t\t// - fixes bug where select field option is not selected\n\t\targs.before( $el );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'before_duplicate', $el );\n\n\t\t// clone\n\t\tvar $el2 = $el.clone();\n\n\t\t// rename\n\t\tif ( args.rename ) {\n\t\t\tacf.rename( {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: $el2,\n\t\t\t\tsearch: args.search,\n\t\t\t\treplace: args.replace,\n\t\t\t\treplacer:\n\t\t\t\t\ttypeof args.rename === 'function' ? args.rename : null,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// remove classes\n\t\t$el2.removeClass( 'acf-clone' );\n\t\t$el2.find( '.ui-sortable' ).removeClass( 'ui-sortable' );\n\n\t\t// remove any initialised select2s prevent the duplicated object stealing the previous select2.\n\t\t$el2.find( '[data-select2-id]' ).removeAttr( 'data-select2-id' );\n\t\t$el2.find( '.select2' ).remove();\n\n\t\t// subfield select2 renames happen after init and contain a duplicated ID. force change those IDs to prevent this.\n\t\t$el2.find( '.acf-is-subfields select[data-ui=\"1\"]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\t$( this ).prop(\n\t\t\t\t'id',\n\t\t\t\t$( this )\n\t\t\t\t\t.prop( 'id' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.replace(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'acf_fields',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tacf.uniqid( 'duplicated_' ) + '_acf_fields'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// remove tab wrapper to ensure proper init\n\t\t$el2.find( '.acf-field-settings > .acf-tab-wrap' ).remove();\n\n\t\t// after\n\t\t// - allow acf to modify DOM\n\t\targs.after( $el, $el2 );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'after_duplicate', $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t// append\n\t\targs.append( $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Fires after an element has been duplicated and appended to the DOM.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t30/10/19\n\t\t * @since\t5.8.7\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The original element.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el2 The duplicated element.\n\t\t */\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'duplicate', $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t// append\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'append', $el2 );\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn $el2;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * rename\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t7/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.rename = function ( args ) {\n\t\t// Allow jQuery param.\n\t\tif ( args instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\targs = {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: args,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Apply default args.\n\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\ttarget: false,\n\t\t\tdestructive: false,\n\t\t\tsearch: '',\n\t\t\treplace: '',\n\t\t\treplacer: null,\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// Extract args.\n\t\tvar $el = args.target;\n\n\t\t// Provide backup for empty args.\n\t\tif ( ! args.search ) {\n\t\t\targs.search = $el.attr( 'data-id' );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( ! args.replace ) {\n\t\t\targs.replace = acf.uniqid( 'acf' );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( ! args.replacer ) {\n\t\t\targs.replacer = function ( name, value, search, replace ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn value.replace( search, replace );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Callback function for jQuery replacing.\n\t\tvar withReplacer = function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn function ( i, value ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn args.replacer( name, value, args.search, args.replace );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Destructive Replace.\n\t\tif ( args.destructive ) {\n\t\t\tvar html = acf.strReplace(\n\t\t\t\targs.search,\n\t\t\t\targs.replace,\n\t\t\t\t$el.outerHTML()\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.replaceWith( html );\n\n\t\t\t// Standard Replace.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.attr( 'data-id', args.replace );\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[id*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'id',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'id' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[for*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'for',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'for' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[name*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'name',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'name' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn $el;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.prepareForAjax\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.prepareForAjax = function ( data ) {\n\t\t// required\n\t\tdata.nonce = acf.get( 'nonce' );\n\t\tdata.post_id = acf.get( 'post_id' );\n\n\t\t// language\n\t\tif ( acf.has( 'language' ) ) {\n\t\t\tdata.lang = acf.get( 'language' );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// filter for 3rd party customization\n\t\tdata = acf.applyFilters( 'prepare_for_ajax', data );\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn data;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.startButtonLoading\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t5/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.startButtonLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t$el.after( ' ' );\n\t};\n\n\tacf.stopButtonLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t$el.next( '.acf-loading' ).remove();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.showLoading\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.showLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.append(\n\t\t\t' '\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\tacf.hideLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.children( '.acf-loading-overlay' ).remove();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.updateUserSetting\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t5/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.updateUserSetting = function ( name, value ) {\n\t\tvar ajaxData = {\n\t\t\taction: 'acf/ajax/user_setting',\n\t\t\tname: name,\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t$.ajax( {\n\t\t\turl: acf.get( 'ajaxurl' ),\n\t\t\tdata: acf.prepareForAjax( ajaxData ),\n\t\t\ttype: 'post',\n\t\t\tdataType: 'html',\n\t\t} );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.val\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t8/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.val = function ( $input, value, silent ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar prevValue = $input.val();\n\n\t\t// bail if no change\n\t\tif ( value === prevValue ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// update value\n\t\t$input.val( value );\n\n\t\t// prevent select elements displaying blank value if option doesn't exist\n\t\tif ( $input.is( 'select' ) && $input.val() === null ) {\n\t\t\t$input.val( prevValue );\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// update with trigger\n\t\tif ( silent !== true ) {\n\t\t\t$input.trigger( 'change' );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.show\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.show = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// unlock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.unlock( $el, 'hidden', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// bail early if $el is still locked\n\t\tif ( acf.isLocked( $el, 'hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\t//console.log( 'still locked', getLocks( $el, 'hidden' ));\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is hidden, remove class and return true due to change in visibility\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\t$el.removeClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is visible, return false due to no change in visibility\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.hide\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.hide = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// lock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.lock( $el, 'hidden', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is hidden, return false due to no change in visibility\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is visible, add class and return true due to change in visibility\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.addClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isHidden\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isHidden = function ( $el ) {\n\t\treturn $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isVisible\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isVisible = function ( $el ) {\n\t\treturn ! acf.isHidden( $el );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * enable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/3/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar enable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// check class. Allow .acf-disabled to overrule all JS\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// unlock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.unlock( $el, 'disabled', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// bail early if $el is still locked\n\t\tif ( acf.isLocked( $el, 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is disabled, remove prop and return true due to change\n\t\tif ( $el.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is enabled, return false due to no change\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.enable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.enable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// enable single input\n\t\tif ( $el.attr( 'name' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn enable( $el, lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// find and enable child inputs\n\t\t// return true if any inputs have changed\n\t\tvar results = false;\n\t\t$el.find( '[name]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\tvar result = enable( $( this ), lockKey );\n\t\t\tif ( result ) {\n\t\t\t\tresults = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} );\n\t\treturn results;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * disable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/3/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar disable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// lock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.lock( $el, 'disabled', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is disabled, return false due to no change\n\t\tif ( $el.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is enabled, add prop and return true due to change\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.disable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.disable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// disable single input\n\t\tif ( $el.attr( 'name' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn disable( $el, lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// find and enable child inputs\n\t\t// return true if any inputs have changed\n\t\tvar results = false;\n\t\t$el.find( '[name]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\tvar result = disable( $( this ), lockKey );\n\t\t\tif ( result ) {\n\t\t\t\tresults = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} );\n\t\treturn results;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isset\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isset = function ( obj /*, level1, level2, ... */ ) {\n\t\tfor ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( ! obj || ! obj.hasOwnProperty( arguments[ i ] ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tobj = obj[ arguments[ i ] ];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isget\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isget = function ( obj /*, level1, level2, ... */ ) {\n\t\tfor ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( ! obj || ! obj.hasOwnProperty( arguments[ i ] ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tobj = obj[ arguments[ i ] ];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn obj;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getFileInputData\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getFileInputData = function ( $input, callback ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar value = $input.val();\n\n\t\t// bail early if no value\n\t\tif ( ! value ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// data\n\t\tvar data = {\n\t\t\turl: value,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// modern browsers\n\t\tvar file = $input[ 0 ].files.length\n\t\t\t? acf.isget( $input[ 0 ].files, 0 )\n\t\t\t: false;\n\t\tif ( file ) {\n\t\t\t// update data\n\t\t\tdata.size = file.size;\n\t\t\tdata.type = file.type;\n\n\t\t\t// image\n\t\t\tif ( file.type.indexOf( 'image' ) > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar windowURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;\n\t\t\t\tvar img = new Image();\n\n\t\t\t\timg.onload = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\t\t\tdata.width = this.width;\n\t\t\t\t\tdata.height = this.height;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\timg.src = windowURL.createObjectURL( file );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isAjaxSuccess\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isAjaxSuccess = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn json && json.success;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getAjaxMessage\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getAjaxMessage = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn acf.isget( json, 'data', 'message' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getAjaxError\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getAjaxError = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn acf.isget( json, 'data', 'error' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the error message from an XHR object.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t17/3/20\n\t * @since\t5.8.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tobject xhr The XHR object.\n\t * @return\t(string)\n\t */\n\tacf.getXhrError = function ( xhr ) {\n\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON ) {\n\t\t\t// Responses via `return new WP_Error();`\n\t\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON.message ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn xhr.responseJSON.message;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Responses via `wp_send_json_error();`.\n\t\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON.data && xhr.responseJSON.data.error ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn xhr.responseJSON.data.error;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if ( xhr.statusText ) {\n\t\t\treturn xhr.statusText;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.renderSelect\n\t *\n\t * Renders the innter html for a select field.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t19/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $select The select element.\n\t * @param\tarray choices An array of choices.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.renderSelect = function ( $select, choices ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar value = $select.val();\n\t\tvar values = [];\n\n\t\t// callback\n\t\tvar crawl = function ( items ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar itemsHtml = '';\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\titems.map( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar text = item.text || item.label || '';\n\t\t\t\tvar id = item.id || item.value || '';\n\n\t\t\t\t// append\n\t\t\t\tvalues.push( id );\n\n\t\t\t\t// optgroup\n\t\t\t\tif ( item.children ) {\n\t\t\t\t\titemsHtml +=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'';\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// option\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\titemsHtml +=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn itemsHtml;\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// update HTML\n\t\t$select.html( crawl( choices ) );\n\n\t\t// update value\n\t\tif ( values.indexOf( value ) > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t$select.val( value );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return selected value\n\t\treturn $select.val();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.lock\n\t *\n\t * Creates a \"lock\" on an element for a given type and key\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @param\tstring key The key that will be used to unlock.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tvar getLocks = function ( $el, type ) {\n\t\treturn $el.data( 'acf-lock-' + type ) || [];\n\t};\n\n\tvar setLocks = function ( $el, type, locks ) {\n\t\t$el.data( 'acf-lock-' + type, locks );\n\t};\n\n\tacf.lock = function ( $el, type, key ) {\n\t\tvar locks = getLocks( $el, type );\n\t\tvar i = locks.indexOf( key );\n\t\tif ( i < 0 ) {\n\t\t\tlocks.push( key );\n\t\t\tsetLocks( $el, type, locks );\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.unlock\n\t *\n\t * Unlocks a \"lock\" on an element for a given type and key\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @param\tstring key The key that will be used to unlock.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.unlock = function ( $el, type, key ) {\n\t\tvar locks = getLocks( $el, type );\n\t\tvar i = locks.indexOf( key );\n\t\tif ( i > -1 ) {\n\t\t\tlocks.splice( i, 1 );\n\t\t\tsetLocks( $el, type, locks );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return true if is unlocked (no locks)\n\t\treturn locks.length === 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isLocked\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if a lock exists for a given type\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isLocked = function ( $el, type ) {\n\t\treturn getLocks( $el, type ).length > 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isGutenberg\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the Gutenberg editor is being used.\n\t *\n\t * @since\t5.8.0\n\t *\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isGutenberg = function () {\n\t\treturn !! (\n\t\t\twindow.wp &&\n\t\t\twp.data &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select( 'core/editor' )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isGutenbergPostEditor\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the Gutenberg post editor is being used.\n\t *\n\t * @since\t6.2.2\n\t *\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isGutenbergPostEditor = function () {\n\t\treturn !! (\n\t\t\twindow.wp &&\n\t\t\twp.data &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select( 'core/edit-post' )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.objectToArray\n\t *\n\t * Returns an array of items from the given object.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t20/11/18\n\t * @since\t5.8.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tobject obj The object of items.\n\t * @return\tarray\n\t */\n\tacf.objectToArray = function ( obj ) {\n\t\treturn Object.keys( obj ).map( function ( key ) {\n\t\t\treturn obj[ key ];\n\t\t} );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.debounce\n\t *\n\t * Returns a debounced version of the passed function which will postpone its execution until after `wait` milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t * @return\tint wait The number of milliseconds to wait.\n\t */\n\tacf.debounce = function ( callback, wait ) {\n\t\tvar timeout;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tvar context = this;\n\t\t\tvar args = arguments;\n\t\t\tvar later = function () {\n\t\t\t\tcallback.apply( context, args );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tclearTimeout( timeout );\n\t\t\ttimeout = setTimeout( later, wait );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.throttle\n\t *\n\t * Returns a throttled version of the passed function which will allow only one execution per `limit` time period.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t * @return\tint wait The number of milliseconds to wait.\n\t */\n\tacf.throttle = function ( callback, limit ) {\n\t\tvar busy = false;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tif ( busy ) return;\n\t\t\tbusy = true;\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tbusy = false;\n\t\t\t}, limit );\n\t\t\tcallback.apply( this, arguments );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isInView\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the given element is in view.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t29/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\telem el The dom element to inspect.\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isInView = function ( el ) {\n\t\tif ( el instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\tel = el[ 0 ];\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\trect.top !== rect.bottom &&\n\t\t\trect.top >= 0 &&\n\t\t\trect.left >= 0 &&\n\t\t\trect.bottom <=\n\t\t\t\t( window.innerHeight ||\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.documentElement.clientHeight ) &&\n\t\t\trect.right <=\n\t\t\t\t( window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.onceInView\n\t *\n\t * Watches for a dom element to become visible in the browser and then excecutes the passed callback.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tdom el The dom element to inspect.\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t */\n\tacf.onceInView = ( function () {\n\t\t// Define list.\n\t\tvar items = [];\n\t\tvar id = 0;\n\n\t\t// Define check function.\n\t\tvar check = function () {\n\t\t\titems.forEach( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( acf.isInView( item.el ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\titem.callback.apply( this );\n\t\t\t\t\tpop( item.id );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// And create a debounced version.\n\t\tvar debounced = acf.debounce( check, 300 );\n\n\t\t// Define add function.\n\t\tvar push = function ( el, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// Add event listener.\n\t\t\tif ( ! items.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( window )\n\t\t\t\t\t.on( 'scroll resize', debounced )\n\t\t\t\t\t.on( 'acfrefresh orientationchange', check );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Append to list.\n\t\t\titems.push( { id: id++, el: el, callback: callback } );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Define remove function.\n\t\tvar pop = function ( id ) {\n\t\t\t// Remove from list.\n\t\t\titems = items.filter( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn item.id !== id;\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// Clean up listener.\n\t\t\tif ( ! items.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( window )\n\t\t\t\t\t.off( 'scroll resize', debounced )\n\t\t\t\t\t.off( 'acfrefresh orientationchange', check );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Define returned function.\n\t\treturn function ( el, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// Allow jQuery object.\n\t\t\tif ( el instanceof jQuery ) el = el[ 0 ];\n\n\t\t\t// Execute callback if already in view or add to watch list.\n\t\t\tif ( acf.isInView( el ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback.apply( this );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tpush( el, callback );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t} )();\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.once\n\t *\n\t * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t2/9/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction func The function to restrict.\n\t * @return\tfunction\n\t */\n\tacf.once = function ( func ) {\n\t\tvar i = 0;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tif ( i++ > 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn ( func = undefined );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn func.apply( this, arguments );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Focuses attention to a specific element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t05/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The jQuery element to focus.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tacf.focusAttention = function ( $el ) {\n\t\tvar wait = 1000;\n\n\t\t// Apply class to focus attention.\n\t\t$el.addClass( 'acf-attention -focused' );\n\n\t\t// Scroll to element if needed.\n\t\tvar scrollTime = 500;\n\t\tif ( ! acf.isInView( $el ) ) {\n\t\t\t$( 'body, html' ).animate(\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollTop: $el.offset().top - $( window ).height() / 2,\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tscrollTime\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\twait += scrollTime;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Remove class after $wait amount of time.\n\t\tvar fadeTime = 250;\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$el.removeClass( '-focused' );\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t$el.removeClass( 'acf-attention' );\n\t\t\t}, fadeTime );\n\t\t}, wait );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t05/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype Var Description.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\tacf.onFocus = function ( $el, callback ) {\n\t\t// Only run once per element.\n\t\t// if( $el.data('acf.onFocus') ) {\n\t\t// \treturn false;\n\t\t// }\n\n\t\t// Vars.\n\t\tvar ignoreBlur = false;\n\t\tvar focus = false;\n\n\t\t// Functions.\n\t\tvar onFocus = function () {\n\t\t\tignoreBlur = true;\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tignoreBlur = false;\n\t\t\t}, 1 );\n\t\t\tsetFocus( true );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar onBlur = function () {\n\t\t\tif ( ! ignoreBlur ) {\n\t\t\t\tsetFocus( false );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar addEvents = function () {\n\t\t\t$( document ).on( 'click', onBlur );\n\t\t\t//$el.on('acfBlur', onBlur);\n\t\t\t$el.on( 'blur', 'input, select, textarea', onBlur );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar removeEvents = function () {\n\t\t\t$( document ).off( 'click', onBlur );\n\t\t\t//$el.off('acfBlur', onBlur);\n\t\t\t$el.off( 'blur', 'input, select, textarea', onBlur );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar setFocus = function ( value ) {\n\t\t\tif ( focus === value ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( value ) {\n\t\t\t\taddEvents();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tremoveEvents();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tfocus = value;\n\t\t\tcallback( value );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Add events and set data.\n\t\t$el.on( 'click', onFocus );\n\t\t//$el.on('acfFocus', onFocus);\n\t\t$el.on( 'focus', 'input, select, textarea', onFocus );\n\t\t//$el.data('acf.onFocus', true);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Disable form submit buttons\n\t *\n\t * @since 6.2.3\n\t *\n\t * @param event e\n\t * @returns void\n\t */\n\tacf.disableForm = function ( e ) {\n\t\t// Disable submit button.\n\t\tif ( e.submitter ) e.submitter.classList.add( 'disabled' );\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * exists\n\t *\n\t * This function will return true if a jQuery selection exists\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t8/09/2014\n\t * @since\t5.0.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tn/a\n\t * @return\t(boolean)\n\t */\n\n\t$.fn.exists = function () {\n\t\treturn $( this ).length > 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * outerHTML\n\t *\n\t * This function will return a string containing the HTML of the selected element\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t19/11/2013\n\t * @since\t5.0.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\t$.fn\n\t * @return\t(string)\n\t */\n\n\t$.fn.outerHTML = function () {\n\t\treturn $( this ).get( 0 ).outerHTML;\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * indexOf\n\t *\n\t * This function will provide compatibility for ie8\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t5/3/17\n\t * @since\t5.5.10\n\t *\n\t * @param\tn/a\n\t * @return\tn/a\n\t */\n\n\tif ( ! Array.prototype.indexOf ) {\n\t\tArray.prototype.indexOf = function ( val ) {\n\t\t\treturn $.inArray( val, this );\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns true if value is a number or a numeric string.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t30/11/20\n\t * @since\t5.9.4\n\t * @link\thttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/9716468/pure-javascript-a-function-like-jquerys-isnumeric/9716488#9716488\n\t *\n\t * @param\tmixed n The variable being evaluated.\n\t * @return\tbool.\n\t */\n\tacf.isNumeric = function ( n ) {\n\t\treturn ! isNaN( parseFloat( n ) ) && isFinite( n );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Triggers a \"refresh\" action used by various Components to redraw the DOM.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t26/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tacf.refresh = acf.debounce( function () {\n\t\t$( window ).trigger( 'acfrefresh' );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'refresh' );\n\t}, 0 );\n\n\t// Set up actions from events\n\t$( document ).ready( function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'ready' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'load', function () {\n\t\t// Use timeout to ensure action runs after Gutenberg has modified DOM elements during \"DOMContentLoaded\".\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'load' );\n\t\t} );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'unload' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'resize', function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'resize' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( document ).on( 'sortstart', function ( event, ui ) {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'sortstart', ui.item, ui.placeholder );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( document ).on( 'sortstop', function ( event, ui ) {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'sortstop', ui.item, ui.placeholder );\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\t() => (module['default']) :\n\t\t() => (module);\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","import './_acf.js';\nimport './_acf-hooks.js';\nimport './_acf-model.js';\nimport './_acf-popup.js';\nimport './_acf-modal.js';\nimport './_acf-panel.js';\nimport './_acf-notice.js';\nimport './_acf-tooltip.js';\n"],"names":["window","undefined","EventManager","MethodsAvailable","removeFilter","applyFilters","addFilter","removeAction","doAction","addAction","storage","getStorage","STORAGE","actions","filters","action","callback","priority","context","parseInt","_addHook","args","Array","prototype","slice","call","arguments","shift","_runHook","_removeHook","filter","type","hook","handlers","i","length","splice","handler","hookObject","hooks","push","_hookInsertSort","tmpHook","j","prevHook","len","apply","acf","$","models","Modal","Model","extend","data","title","content","toolbar","events","setup","props","$el","render","initialize","open","get","join","replaceWith","update","parseArgs","html","append","close","remove","onClickClose","e","preventDefault","focus","find","first","trigger","lockFocusToModal","locked","inertElement","inert","attr","returnFocusToOrigin","openedBy","closest","newModal","jQuery","delegateEventSplitter","protoProps","Parent","Child","hasOwnProperty","constructor","Object","create","cid","uniqueId","addEvents","addActions","addFilters","wait","didAction","id","busy","changed","eventScope","name","has","set","value","silent","prevValue","inherit","prop","addElements","elements","keys","addElement","selector","key","match","on","removeEvents","off","getEventTarget","event","document","validateEvent","target","is","proxyEvent","proxy","arrayArgs","extraArgs","eventArgs","currentTarget","concat","a1","a2","a3","a4","bubbles","triggerHandler","removeActions","removeFilters","setTimeout","milliseconds","time","console","timeEnd","show","hide","getInstance","getInstances","instances","each","Notice","text","timeout","dismiss","tmpl","addClass","away","$target","prepend","prevType","removeClass","escHtml","newNotice","noticeManager","$notices","dismissed","getPreference","includes","setPreference","panel","onClick","toggle","parent","isOpen","hasClass","Popup","width","height","loading","lockFocusToPopup","__","css","$loading","onPressEscapeClose","newPopup","newTooltip","confirmRemove","textConfirm","textCancel","TooltipConfirm","confirm","Tooltip","position","fade","$tooltip","top","left","tolerance","targetWidth","outerWidth","targetHeight","outerHeight","targetTop","offset","targetLeft","tooltipWidth","tooltipHeight","tooltipTop","scrollTop","targetConfirm","cancel","$document","onCancel","stopImmediatePropagation","onConfirm","tooltipHoverHelper","tooltip","showTitle","hideTitle","onKeyUp","idCounter","prefix","uniqueArray","array","onlyUnique","index","self","indexOf","uniqidSeed","uniqid","moreEntropy","retId","formatSeed","seed","reqWidth","toString","Math","floor","random","Date","getTime","toFixed","strReplace","search","replace","subject","split","strCamelCase","str","matches","map","s","c","charAt","toLowerCase","toUpperCase","strPascalCase","camel","strSlugify","strSanitize","À","Á","Â","Ã","Ä","Å","Æ","Ç","È","É","Ê","Ë","Ì","Í","Î","Ï","Ð","Ñ","Ò","Ó","Ô","Õ","Ö","Ø","Ù","Ú","Û","Ü","Ý","ß","à","á","â","ã","ä","å","æ","ç","è","é","ê","ë","ì","í","î","ï","ñ","ò","ó","ô","õ","ö","ø","ù","ú","û","ü","ý","ÿ","Ā","ā","Ă","ă","Ą","ą","Ć","ć","Ĉ","ĉ","Ċ","ċ","Č","č","Ď","ď","Đ","đ","Ē","ē","Ĕ","ĕ","Ė","ė","Ę","ę","Ě","ě","Ĝ","ĝ","Ğ","ğ","Ġ","ġ","Ģ","ģ","Ĥ","ĥ","Ħ","ħ","Ĩ","ĩ","Ī","ī","Ĭ","ĭ","Į","į","İ","ı","IJ","ij","Ĵ","ĵ","Ķ","ķ","Ĺ","ĺ","Ļ","ļ","Ľ","ľ","Ŀ","ŀ","Ł","ł","Ń","ń","Ņ","ņ","Ň","ň","ʼn","Ō","ō","Ŏ","ŏ","Ő","ő","Œ","œ","Ŕ","ŕ","Ŗ","ŗ","Ř","ř","Ś","ś","Ŝ","ŝ","Ş","ş","Š","š","Ţ","ţ","Ť","ť","Ŧ","ŧ","Ũ","ũ","Ū","ū","Ŭ","ŭ","Ů","ů","Ű","ű","Ų","ų","Ŵ","ŵ","Ŷ","ŷ","Ÿ","Ź","ź","Ż","ż","Ž","ž","ſ","ƒ","Ơ","ơ","Ư","ư","Ǎ","ǎ","Ǐ","ǐ","Ǒ","ǒ","Ǔ","ǔ","Ǖ","ǖ","Ǘ","ǘ","Ǚ","ǚ","Ǜ","ǜ","Ǻ","ǻ","Ǽ","ǽ","Ǿ","ǿ","nonWord","mapping","strMatch","s1","s2","val","min","strEscape","string","htmlEscapes","chr","strUnescape","htmlUnescapes","entity","escAttr","decode","defaults","acfL10n","_x","_n","single","plural","number","isArray","a","isObject","buildObject","obj","ref","String","serialize","inputs","serializeArray","item","serializeForAjax","actionHistory","doingAction","currentAction","k","preferences","JSON","parse","localStorage","getItem","getPreferenceName","substr","setItem","stringify","removePreference","endHeight","complete","removeTr","removeDiv","margin","style","wrap","$wrap","opacity","$tr","children","$td","duplicate","rename","before","after","$el2","clone","replacer","removeAttr","destructive","withReplacer","outerHTML","prepareForAjax","nonce","post_id","lang","startButtonLoading","stopButtonLoading","next","showLoading","hideLoading","updateUserSetting","ajaxData","ajax","url","dataType","$input","lockKey","unlock","isLocked","lock","isHidden","isVisible","enable","results","result","disable","isset","isget","getFileInputData","file","files","size","windowURL","URL","webkitURL","img","Image","onload","src","createObjectURL","isAjaxSuccess","json","success","getAjaxMessage","getAjaxError","getXhrError","xhr","responseJSON","message","error","statusText","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\ No newline at end of file
',\n\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t''\n\t\t);\n\n\t\t// fade away tr\n\t\t$tr.addClass( 'acf-remove-element' );\n\n\t\t// update HTML after fade animation\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$tr.html( $td );\n\t\t}, 251 );\n\n\t\t// allow .acf-temp-remove to exist before changing CSS\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t// remove class\n\t\t\t$tr.removeClass( 'acf-remove-element' );\n\n\t\t\t// collapse\n\t\t\t$td.css( {\n\t\t\t\theight: props.endHeight,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t}, 300 );\n\n\t\t// remove\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$tr.remove();\n\t\t\tprops.complete();\n\t\t}, 451 );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * duplicate\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t3/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.duplicate = function ( args ) {\n\t\t// allow jQuery\n\t\tif ( args instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\targs = {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: args,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// defaults\n\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\ttarget: false,\n\t\t\tsearch: '',\n\t\t\treplace: '',\n\t\t\trename: true,\n\t\t\tbefore: function ( $el ) {},\n\t\t\tafter: function ( $el, $el2 ) {},\n\t\t\tappend: function ( $el, $el2 ) {\n\t\t\t\t$el.after( $el2 );\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// compatibility\n\t\targs.target = args.target || args.$el;\n\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar $el = args.target;\n\n\t\t// search\n\t\targs.search = args.search || $el.attr( 'data-id' );\n\t\targs.replace = args.replace || acf.uniqid();\n\n\t\t// before\n\t\t// - allow acf to modify DOM\n\t\t// - fixes bug where select field option is not selected\n\t\targs.before( $el );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'before_duplicate', $el );\n\n\t\t// clone\n\t\tvar $el2 = $el.clone();\n\n\t\t// rename\n\t\tif ( args.rename ) {\n\t\t\tacf.rename( {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: $el2,\n\t\t\t\tsearch: args.search,\n\t\t\t\treplace: args.replace,\n\t\t\t\treplacer:\n\t\t\t\t\ttypeof args.rename === 'function' ? args.rename : null,\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// remove classes\n\t\t$el2.removeClass( 'acf-clone' );\n\t\t$el2.find( '.ui-sortable' ).removeClass( 'ui-sortable' );\n\n\t\t// remove any initialised select2s prevent the duplicated object stealing the previous select2.\n\t\t$el2.find( '[data-select2-id]' ).removeAttr( 'data-select2-id' );\n\t\t$el2.find( '.select2' ).remove();\n\n\t\t// subfield select2 renames happen after init and contain a duplicated ID. force change those IDs to prevent this.\n\t\t$el2.find( '.acf-is-subfields select[data-ui=\"1\"]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\t$( this ).prop(\n\t\t\t\t'id',\n\t\t\t\t$( this )\n\t\t\t\t\t.prop( 'id' )\n\t\t\t\t\t.replace(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'acf_fields',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tacf.uniqid( 'duplicated_' ) + '_acf_fields'\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// remove tab wrapper to ensure proper init\n\t\t$el2.find( '.acf-field-settings > .acf-tab-wrap' ).remove();\n\n\t\t// after\n\t\t// - allow acf to modify DOM\n\t\targs.after( $el, $el2 );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'after_duplicate', $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t// append\n\t\targs.append( $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Fires after an element has been duplicated and appended to the DOM.\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @date\t30/10/19\n\t\t * @since\t5.8.7\n\t\t *\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el The original element.\n\t\t * @param\tjQuery $el2 The duplicated element.\n\t\t */\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'duplicate', $el, $el2 );\n\n\t\t// append\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'append', $el2 );\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn $el2;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * rename\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t7/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.rename = function ( args ) {\n\t\t// Allow jQuery param.\n\t\tif ( args instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\targs = {\n\t\t\t\ttarget: args,\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Apply default args.\n\t\targs = acf.parseArgs( args, {\n\t\t\ttarget: false,\n\t\t\tdestructive: false,\n\t\t\tsearch: '',\n\t\t\treplace: '',\n\t\t\treplacer: null,\n\t\t} );\n\n\t\t// Extract args.\n\t\tvar $el = args.target;\n\n\t\t// Provide backup for empty args.\n\t\tif ( ! args.search ) {\n\t\t\targs.search = $el.attr( 'data-id' );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( ! args.replace ) {\n\t\t\targs.replace = acf.uniqid( 'acf' );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( ! args.replacer ) {\n\t\t\targs.replacer = function ( name, value, search, replace ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn value.replace( search, replace );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Callback function for jQuery replacing.\n\t\tvar withReplacer = function ( name ) {\n\t\t\treturn function ( i, value ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn args.replacer( name, value, args.search, args.replace );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Destructive Replace.\n\t\tif ( args.destructive ) {\n\t\t\tvar html = acf.strReplace(\n\t\t\t\targs.search,\n\t\t\t\targs.replace,\n\t\t\t\t$el.outerHTML()\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.replaceWith( html );\n\n\t\t\t// Standard Replace.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.attr( 'data-id', args.replace );\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[id*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'id',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'id' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[for*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'for',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'for' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t$el.find( '[name*=\"' + args.search + '\"]' ).attr(\n\t\t\t\t'name',\n\t\t\t\twithReplacer( 'name' )\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn $el;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.prepareForAjax\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t4/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.prepareForAjax = function ( data ) {\n\t\t// required\n\t\tdata.nonce = acf.get( 'nonce' );\n\t\tdata.post_id = acf.get( 'post_id' );\n\n\t\t// language\n\t\tif ( acf.has( 'language' ) ) {\n\t\t\tdata.lang = acf.get( 'language' );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// filter for 3rd party customization\n\t\tdata = acf.applyFilters( 'prepare_for_ajax', data );\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn data;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.startButtonLoading\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t5/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.startButtonLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t$el.after( ' ' );\n\t};\n\n\tacf.stopButtonLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t$el.next( '.acf-loading' ).remove();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.showLoading\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.showLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.append(\n\t\t\t' '\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\tacf.hideLoading = function ( $el ) {\n\t\t$el.children( '.acf-loading-overlay' ).remove();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.updateUserSetting\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t5/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.updateUserSetting = function ( name, value ) {\n\t\tvar ajaxData = {\n\t\t\taction: 'acf/ajax/user_setting',\n\t\t\tname: name,\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t$.ajax( {\n\t\t\turl: acf.get( 'ajaxurl' ),\n\t\t\tdata: acf.prepareForAjax( ajaxData ),\n\t\t\ttype: 'post',\n\t\t\tdataType: 'html',\n\t\t} );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.val\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t8/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.val = function ( $input, value, silent ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar prevValue = $input.val();\n\n\t\t// bail if no change\n\t\tif ( value === prevValue ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// update value\n\t\t$input.val( value );\n\n\t\t// prevent select elements displaying blank value if option doesn't exist\n\t\tif ( $input.is( 'select' ) && $input.val() === null ) {\n\t\t\t$input.val( prevValue );\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// update with trigger\n\t\tif ( silent !== true ) {\n\t\t\t$input.trigger( 'change' );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.show\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.show = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// unlock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.unlock( $el, 'hidden', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// bail early if $el is still locked\n\t\tif ( acf.isLocked( $el, 'hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\t//console.log( 'still locked', getLocks( $el, 'hidden' ));\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is hidden, remove class and return true due to change in visibility\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\t$el.removeClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is visible, return false due to no change in visibility\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.hide\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.hide = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// lock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.lock( $el, 'hidden', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is hidden, return false due to no change in visibility\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is visible, add class and return true due to change in visibility\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.addClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isHidden\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isHidden = function ( $el ) {\n\t\treturn $el.hasClass( 'acf-hidden' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isVisible\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isVisible = function ( $el ) {\n\t\treturn ! acf.isHidden( $el );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * enable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/3/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar enable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// check class. Allow .acf-disabled to overrule all JS\n\t\tif ( $el.hasClass( 'acf-disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// unlock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.unlock( $el, 'disabled', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// bail early if $el is still locked\n\t\tif ( acf.isLocked( $el, 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is disabled, remove prop and return true due to change\n\t\tif ( $el.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', false );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is enabled, return false due to no change\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.enable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.enable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// enable single input\n\t\tif ( $el.attr( 'name' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn enable( $el, lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// find and enable child inputs\n\t\t// return true if any inputs have changed\n\t\tvar results = false;\n\t\t$el.find( '[name]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\tvar result = enable( $( this ), lockKey );\n\t\t\tif ( result ) {\n\t\t\t\tresults = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} );\n\t\treturn results;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * disable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t12/3/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tvar disable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// lock\n\t\tif ( lockKey ) {\n\t\t\tacf.lock( $el, 'disabled', lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// $el is disabled, return false due to no change\n\t\tif ( $el.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\t// $el is enabled, add prop and return true due to change\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$el.prop( 'disabled', true );\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.disable\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t9/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.disable = function ( $el, lockKey ) {\n\t\t// disable single input\n\t\tif ( $el.attr( 'name' ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn disable( $el, lockKey );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// find and enable child inputs\n\t\t// return true if any inputs have changed\n\t\tvar results = false;\n\t\t$el.find( '[name]' ).each( function () {\n\t\t\tvar result = disable( $( this ), lockKey );\n\t\t\tif ( result ) {\n\t\t\t\tresults = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} );\n\t\treturn results;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isset\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isset = function ( obj /*, level1, level2, ... */ ) {\n\t\tfor ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( ! obj || ! obj.hasOwnProperty( arguments[ i ] ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tobj = obj[ arguments[ i ] ];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isget\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isget = function ( obj /*, level1, level2, ... */ ) {\n\t\tfor ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( ! obj || ! obj.hasOwnProperty( arguments[ i ] ) ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tobj = obj[ arguments[ i ] ];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn obj;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getFileInputData\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t10/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getFileInputData = function ( $input, callback ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar value = $input.val();\n\n\t\t// bail early if no value\n\t\tif ( ! value ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// data\n\t\tvar data = {\n\t\t\turl: value,\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// modern browsers\n\t\tvar file = $input[ 0 ].files.length\n\t\t\t? acf.isget( $input[ 0 ].files, 0 )\n\t\t\t: false;\n\t\tif ( file ) {\n\t\t\t// update data\n\t\t\tdata.size = file.size;\n\t\t\tdata.type = file.type;\n\n\t\t\t// image\n\t\t\tif ( file.type.indexOf( 'image' ) > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar windowURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;\n\t\t\t\tvar img = new Image();\n\n\t\t\t\timg.onload = function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t// update\n\t\t\t\t\tdata.width = this.width;\n\t\t\t\t\tdata.height = this.height;\n\n\t\t\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\timg.src = windowURL.createObjectURL( file );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcallback( data );\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isAjaxSuccess\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isAjaxSuccess = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn json && json.success;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getAjaxMessage\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getAjaxMessage = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn acf.isget( json, 'data', 'message' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.getAjaxError\n\t *\n\t * description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t18/1/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.5\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype $var Description. Default.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\n\tacf.getAjaxError = function ( json ) {\n\t\treturn acf.isget( json, 'data', 'error' );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the error message from an XHR object.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t17/3/20\n\t * @since\t5.8.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tobject xhr The XHR object.\n\t * @return\t(string)\n\t */\n\tacf.getXhrError = function ( xhr ) {\n\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON ) {\n\t\t\t// Responses via `return new WP_Error();`\n\t\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON.message ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn xhr.responseJSON.message;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Responses via `wp_send_json_error();`.\n\t\t\tif ( xhr.responseJSON.data && xhr.responseJSON.data.error ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn xhr.responseJSON.data.error;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if ( xhr.statusText ) {\n\t\t\treturn xhr.statusText;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn '';\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.renderSelect\n\t *\n\t * Renders the innter html for a select field.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t19/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $select The select element.\n\t * @param\tarray choices An array of choices.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.renderSelect = function ( $select, choices ) {\n\t\t// vars\n\t\tvar value = $select.val();\n\t\tvar values = [];\n\n\t\t// callback\n\t\tvar crawl = function ( items ) {\n\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\tvar itemsHtml = '';\n\n\t\t\t// loop\n\t\t\titems.map( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\t// vars\n\t\t\t\tvar text = item.text || item.label || '';\n\t\t\t\tvar id = item.id || item.value || '';\n\n\t\t\t\t// append\n\t\t\t\tvalues.push( id );\n\n\t\t\t\t// optgroup\n\t\t\t\tif ( item.children ) {\n\t\t\t\t\titemsHtml +=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'';\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// option\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\titemsHtml +=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// return\n\t\t\treturn itemsHtml;\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// update HTML\n\t\t$select.html( crawl( choices ) );\n\n\t\t// update value\n\t\tif ( values.indexOf( value ) > -1 ) {\n\t\t\t$select.val( value );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return selected value\n\t\treturn $select.val();\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.lock\n\t *\n\t * Creates a \"lock\" on an element for a given type and key\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @param\tstring key The key that will be used to unlock.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tvar getLocks = function ( $el, type ) {\n\t\treturn $el.data( 'acf-lock-' + type ) || [];\n\t};\n\n\tvar setLocks = function ( $el, type, locks ) {\n\t\t$el.data( 'acf-lock-' + type, locks );\n\t};\n\n\tacf.lock = function ( $el, type, key ) {\n\t\tvar locks = getLocks( $el, type );\n\t\tvar i = locks.indexOf( key );\n\t\tif ( i < 0 ) {\n\t\t\tlocks.push( key );\n\t\t\tsetLocks( $el, type, locks );\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.unlock\n\t *\n\t * Unlocks a \"lock\" on an element for a given type and key\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @param\tstring key The key that will be used to unlock.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.unlock = function ( $el, type, key ) {\n\t\tvar locks = getLocks( $el, type );\n\t\tvar i = locks.indexOf( key );\n\t\tif ( i > -1 ) {\n\t\t\tlocks.splice( i, 1 );\n\t\t\tsetLocks( $el, type, locks );\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// return true if is unlocked (no locks)\n\t\treturn locks.length === 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isLocked\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if a lock exists for a given type\n\t *\n\t * @date\t22/2/18\n\t * @since\t5.6.9\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The element to lock.\n\t * @param\tstring type The type of lock such as \"condition\" or \"visibility\".\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\n\tacf.isLocked = function ( $el, type ) {\n\t\treturn getLocks( $el, type ).length > 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isGutenberg\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the Gutenberg editor is being used.\n\t *\n\t * @since\t5.8.0\n\t *\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isGutenberg = function () {\n\t\treturn !! (\n\t\t\twindow.wp &&\n\t\t\twp.data &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select( 'core/editor' )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isGutenbergPostEditor\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the Gutenberg post editor is being used.\n\t *\n\t * @since\t6.2.2\n\t *\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isGutenbergPostEditor = function () {\n\t\treturn !! (\n\t\t\twindow.wp &&\n\t\t\twp.data &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select &&\n\t\t\twp.data.select( 'core/edit-post' )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.objectToArray\n\t *\n\t * Returns an array of items from the given object.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t20/11/18\n\t * @since\t5.8.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tobject obj The object of items.\n\t * @return\tarray\n\t */\n\tacf.objectToArray = function ( obj ) {\n\t\treturn Object.keys( obj ).map( function ( key ) {\n\t\t\treturn obj[ key ];\n\t\t} );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.debounce\n\t *\n\t * Returns a debounced version of the passed function which will postpone its execution until after `wait` milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t * @return\tint wait The number of milliseconds to wait.\n\t */\n\tacf.debounce = function ( callback, wait ) {\n\t\tvar timeout;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tvar context = this;\n\t\t\tvar args = arguments;\n\t\t\tvar later = function () {\n\t\t\t\tcallback.apply( context, args );\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tclearTimeout( timeout );\n\t\t\ttimeout = setTimeout( later, wait );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.throttle\n\t *\n\t * Returns a throttled version of the passed function which will allow only one execution per `limit` time period.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t * @return\tint wait The number of milliseconds to wait.\n\t */\n\tacf.throttle = function ( callback, limit ) {\n\t\tvar busy = false;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tif ( busy ) return;\n\t\t\tbusy = true;\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tbusy = false;\n\t\t\t}, limit );\n\t\t\tcallback.apply( this, arguments );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.isInView\n\t *\n\t * Returns true if the given element is in view.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t29/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\telem el The dom element to inspect.\n\t * @return\tbool\n\t */\n\tacf.isInView = function ( el ) {\n\t\tif ( el instanceof jQuery ) {\n\t\t\tel = el[ 0 ];\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\trect.top !== rect.bottom &&\n\t\t\trect.top >= 0 &&\n\t\t\trect.left >= 0 &&\n\t\t\trect.bottom <=\n\t\t\t\t( window.innerHeight ||\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.documentElement.clientHeight ) &&\n\t\t\trect.right <=\n\t\t\t\t( window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth )\n\t\t);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.onceInView\n\t *\n\t * Watches for a dom element to become visible in the browser and then excecutes the passed callback.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t28/8/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tdom el The dom element to inspect.\n\t * @param\tfunction callback The callback function.\n\t */\n\tacf.onceInView = ( function () {\n\t\t// Define list.\n\t\tvar items = [];\n\t\tvar id = 0;\n\n\t\t// Define check function.\n\t\tvar check = function () {\n\t\t\titems.forEach( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( acf.isInView( item.el ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\titem.callback.apply( this );\n\t\t\t\t\tpop( item.id );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// And create a debounced version.\n\t\tvar debounced = acf.debounce( check, 300 );\n\n\t\t// Define add function.\n\t\tvar push = function ( el, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// Add event listener.\n\t\t\tif ( ! items.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( window )\n\t\t\t\t\t.on( 'scroll resize', debounced )\n\t\t\t\t\t.on( 'acfrefresh orientationchange', check );\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Append to list.\n\t\t\titems.push( { id: id++, el: el, callback: callback } );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Define remove function.\n\t\tvar pop = function ( id ) {\n\t\t\t// Remove from list.\n\t\t\titems = items.filter( function ( item ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn item.id !== id;\n\t\t\t} );\n\n\t\t\t// Clean up listener.\n\t\t\tif ( ! items.length ) {\n\t\t\t\t$( window )\n\t\t\t\t\t.off( 'scroll resize', debounced )\n\t\t\t\t\t.off( 'acfrefresh orientationchange', check );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Define returned function.\n\t\treturn function ( el, callback ) {\n\t\t\t// Allow jQuery object.\n\t\t\tif ( el instanceof jQuery ) el = el[ 0 ];\n\n\t\t\t// Execute callback if already in view or add to watch list.\n\t\t\tif ( acf.isInView( el ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback.apply( this );\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tpush( el, callback );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t} )();\n\n\t/**\n\t * acf.once\n\t *\n\t * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t2/9/19\n\t * @since\t5.8.1\n\t *\n\t * @param\tfunction func The function to restrict.\n\t * @return\tfunction\n\t */\n\tacf.once = function ( func ) {\n\t\tvar i = 0;\n\t\treturn function () {\n\t\t\tif ( i++ > 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn ( func = undefined );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn func.apply( this, arguments );\n\t\t};\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Focuses attention to a specific element.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t05/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tjQuery $el The jQuery element to focus.\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tacf.focusAttention = function ( $el ) {\n\t\tvar wait = 1000;\n\n\t\t// Apply class to focus attention.\n\t\t$el.addClass( 'acf-attention -focused' );\n\n\t\t// Scroll to element if needed.\n\t\tvar scrollTime = 500;\n\t\tif ( ! acf.isInView( $el ) ) {\n\t\t\t$( 'body, html' ).animate(\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollTop: $el.offset().top - $( window ).height() / 2,\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tscrollTime\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\twait += scrollTime;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Remove class after $wait amount of time.\n\t\tvar fadeTime = 250;\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t$el.removeClass( '-focused' );\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\t$el.removeClass( 'acf-attention' );\n\t\t\t}, fadeTime );\n\t\t}, wait );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Description\n\t *\n\t * @date\t05/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\ttype Var Description.\n\t * @return\ttype Description.\n\t */\n\tacf.onFocus = function ( $el, callback ) {\n\t\t// Only run once per element.\n\t\t// if( $el.data('acf.onFocus') ) {\n\t\t// \treturn false;\n\t\t// }\n\n\t\t// Vars.\n\t\tvar ignoreBlur = false;\n\t\tvar focus = false;\n\n\t\t// Functions.\n\t\tvar onFocus = function () {\n\t\t\tignoreBlur = true;\n\t\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\t\tignoreBlur = false;\n\t\t\t}, 1 );\n\t\t\tsetFocus( true );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar onBlur = function () {\n\t\t\tif ( ! ignoreBlur ) {\n\t\t\t\tsetFocus( false );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar addEvents = function () {\n\t\t\t$( document ).on( 'click', onBlur );\n\t\t\t//$el.on('acfBlur', onBlur);\n\t\t\t$el.on( 'blur', 'input, select, textarea', onBlur );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar removeEvents = function () {\n\t\t\t$( document ).off( 'click', onBlur );\n\t\t\t//$el.off('acfBlur', onBlur);\n\t\t\t$el.off( 'blur', 'input, select, textarea', onBlur );\n\t\t};\n\t\tvar setFocus = function ( value ) {\n\t\t\tif ( focus === value ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( value ) {\n\t\t\t\taddEvents();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tremoveEvents();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tfocus = value;\n\t\t\tcallback( value );\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// Add events and set data.\n\t\t$el.on( 'click', onFocus );\n\t\t//$el.on('acfFocus', onFocus);\n\t\t$el.on( 'focus', 'input, select, textarea', onFocus );\n\t\t//$el.data('acf.onFocus', true);\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Disable form submit buttons\n\t *\n\t * @since 6.2.3\n\t *\n\t * @param event e\n\t * @returns void\n\t */\n\tacf.disableForm = function ( e ) {\n\t\t// Disable submit button.\n\t\tif ( e.submitter ) e.submitter.classList.add( 'disabled' );\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * exists\n\t *\n\t * This function will return true if a jQuery selection exists\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t8/09/2014\n\t * @since\t5.0.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tn/a\n\t * @return\t(boolean)\n\t */\n\n\t$.fn.exists = function () {\n\t\treturn $( this ).length > 0;\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * outerHTML\n\t *\n\t * This function will return a string containing the HTML of the selected element\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t19/11/2013\n\t * @since\t5.0.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\t$.fn\n\t * @return\t(string)\n\t */\n\n\t$.fn.outerHTML = function () {\n\t\treturn $( this ).get( 0 ).outerHTML;\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\t * indexOf\n\t *\n\t * This function will provide compatibility for ie8\n\t *\n\t * @type\tfunction\n\t * @date\t5/3/17\n\t * @since\t5.5.10\n\t *\n\t * @param\tn/a\n\t * @return\tn/a\n\t */\n\n\tif ( ! Array.prototype.indexOf ) {\n\t\tArray.prototype.indexOf = function ( val ) {\n\t\t\treturn $.inArray( val, this );\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns true if value is a number or a numeric string.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t30/11/20\n\t * @since\t5.9.4\n\t * @link\thttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/9716468/pure-javascript-a-function-like-jquerys-isnumeric/9716488#9716488\n\t *\n\t * @param\tmixed n The variable being evaluated.\n\t * @return\tbool.\n\t */\n\tacf.isNumeric = function ( n ) {\n\t\treturn ! isNaN( parseFloat( n ) ) && isFinite( n );\n\t};\n\n\t/**\n\t * Triggers a \"refresh\" action used by various Components to redraw the DOM.\n\t *\n\t * @date\t26/05/2020\n\t * @since\t5.9.0\n\t *\n\t * @param\tvoid\n\t * @return\tvoid\n\t */\n\tacf.refresh = acf.debounce( function () {\n\t\t$( window ).trigger( 'acfrefresh' );\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'refresh' );\n\t}, 0 );\n\n\t// Set up actions from events\n\t$( document ).ready( function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'ready' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'load', function () {\n\t\t// Use timeout to ensure action runs after Gutenberg has modified DOM elements during \"DOMContentLoaded\".\n\t\tsetTimeout( function () {\n\t\t\tacf.doAction( 'load' );\n\t\t} );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'unload' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( window ).on( 'resize', function () {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'resize' );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( document ).on( 'sortstart', function ( event, ui ) {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'sortstart', ui.item, ui.placeholder );\n\t} );\n\n\t$( document ).on( 'sortstop', function ( event, ui ) {\n\t\tacf.doAction( 'sortstop', ui.item, ui.placeholder );\n\t} );\n} )( jQuery );\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\t() => (module['default']) :\n\t\t() => (module);\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","import './_acf.js';\nimport './_acf-hooks.js';\nimport './_acf-model.js';\nimport './_acf-popup.js';\nimport './_acf-modal.js';\nimport './_acf-panel.js';\nimport './_acf-notice.js';\nimport 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or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.','Learn more'=>'Learn more','Hide details'=>'Hide details','Show details'=>'Show details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renew ACF PRO Licence','Renew License'=>'Renew Licence','Manage License'=>'Manage Licence','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade to ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.','Add Options Page'=>'Add Options Page','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.','Title Placeholder'=>'Title Placeholder','4 Months Free'=>'4 Months Free',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Duplicated from %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Select Options Pages','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicate taxonomy','Create taxonomy'=>'Create taxonomy','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicate post type','Create post type'=>'Create post type','Link field groups'=>'Link field groups','Add fields'=>'Add fields','This Field'=>'This Field','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'is developed and maintained by','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy','Target Field'=>'Target Field','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectional','%s Field'=>'%s Field','Select Multiple'=>'Select Multiple','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Assign Terms Capability','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Delete Terms Capability','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Edit Terms Capability','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Manage Terms Capability','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'More Tools from WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'View Pricing & Upgrade','Learn More'=>'Learn More','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s fields','No terms'=>'No terms','No post types'=>'No post types','No posts'=>'No posts','No taxonomies'=>'No taxonomies','No field groups'=>'No field groups','No fields'=>'No fields','No description'=>'No description','Any post status'=>'Any post status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No Taxonomies found in the bin','No Taxonomies found'=>'No Taxonomies found','Search Taxonomies'=>'Search Taxonomies','View Taxonomy'=>'View Taxonomy','New Taxonomy'=>'New Taxonomy','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Edit Taxonomy','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Add New Taxonomy','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No Post Types found in the bin','No Post Types found'=>'No Post Types found','Search Post Types'=>'Search Post Types','View Post Type'=>'View Post Type','New Post Type'=>'New Post Type','Edit Post Type'=>'Edit Post Type','Add New Post Type'=>'Add New Post Type','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'The post type key must be under 20 characters.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG Editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylised switch or checkbox.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customised using the field settings.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organised and structured.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'An interactive and customisable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'An input for providing a password using a masked field.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter by Post Status','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'An input limited to numerical values.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organise the data and the edit screen.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customised using the field settings.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customised using the field settings.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'An interactive UI for selecting a colour, or specifying a Hex value.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Allows you to group and organise custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Advanced','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (newer)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'Invalid post ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Invalid post type selected for review.','More'=>'More','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Available with ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Select Field','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Try a different search term or browse %s','Popular fields'=>'Popular fields','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No search results for \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Search fields...','Select Field Type'=>'Select Field Type','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Add Taxonomy','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Add Your First Taxonomy','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Expose this post type in the REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Customise the query variable name','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Customise the slug used in the URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomy Key','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.','Show Admin Column'=>'Show Admin Column','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.','Quick Edit'=>'Quick Edit','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag Cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'A PHP function name to be called for sanitising taxonomy data saved from a meta box.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta Box Sanitisation Callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Register Meta Box Callback','No Meta Box'=>'No Meta Box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Custom Meta Box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Meta Box'=>'Meta Box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categories Meta Box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags Meta Box','A link to a tag'=>'A link to a tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.','A link to a %s'=>'A link to a %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag Link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Go to tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.','Back To Items'=>'Back To Items','← Go to %s'=>'← Go to %s','Tags list'=>'Tags list','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Assigns text to the table hidden heading.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags list navigation','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.','Filter by category'=>'Filter by category','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter By Item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter by %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.','Description Field Description'=>'Description Field Description','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.','Parent Field Description'=>'Parent Field Description','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug Field Description','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'The name is how it appears on your site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.','Name Field Description'=>'Name Field Description','No tags'=>'No tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.','No Terms'=>'No Terms','No %s'=>'No %s','No tags found'=>'No tags found','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.','Not Found'=>'Not Found','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.','Most Used'=>'Most Used','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Choose from the most used tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Choose From Most Used','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Choose from the most used %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Add or remove tags','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Add Or Remove Items','Add or remove %s'=>'Add or remove %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separate tags with commas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separate Items With Commas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separate %s with commas','Popular Tags'=>'Popular Tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Popular Items'=>'Popular Items','Popular %s'=>'Popular %s','Search Tags'=>'Search Tags','Assigns search items text.'=>'Assigns search items text.','Parent Category:'=>'Parent Category:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Parent Item With Colon','Parent Category'=>'Parent Category','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.','Parent Item'=>'Parent Item','Parent %s'=>'Parent %s','New Tag Name'=>'New Tag Name','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Assigns the new item name text.','New Item Name'=>'New Item Name','New %s Name'=>'New %s Name','Add New Tag'=>'Add New Tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Assigns the add new item text.','Update Tag'=>'Update Tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Assigns the update item text.','Update Item'=>'Update Item','Update %s'=>'Update %s','View Tag'=>'View Tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In the admin bar to view term during editing.','Edit Tag'=>'Edit Tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.','All Tags'=>'All Tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Assigns the all items text.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Assigns the menu name text.','Menu Label'=>'Menu Label','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'A descriptive summary of the term.','Term Description'=>'Term Description','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.','Term Slug'=>'Term Slug','The name of the default term.'=>'The name of the default term.','Term Name'=>'Term Name','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.','Default Term'=>'Default Term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Sort Terms','Add Post Type'=>'Add Post Type','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Add Your First Post Type','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Advanced Configuration','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarchical','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.','Public'=>'Public','movie'=>'movie','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.','Movie'=>'Movie','Singular Label'=>'Singular Label','Movies'=>'Movies','Plural Label'=>'Plural Label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller Class','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'The namespace part of the REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace Route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.','Base URL'=>'Base URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.','Show In REST API'=>'Show In REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Customise the query variable name.','Query Variable'=>'Query Variable','No Query Variable Support'=>'No Query Variable Support','Custom Query Variable'=>'Custom Query Variable','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Query Variable Support','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publicly Queryable','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Custom slug for the Archive URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archive Slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Has an item archive that can be customised with an archive template file in your theme.','Archive'=>'Archive','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.','Pagination'=>'Pagination','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL for the post type items.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL Prefix','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Customise the slug used in the URL.','URL Slug'=>'URL Slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks for this post type are disabled.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)','Custom Permalink'=>'Custom Permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Post Type Key','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink Rewrite','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.','Delete With User'=>'Delete With User','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.','Can Export'=>'Can Export','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Plural Capability Name','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Singular Capability Name','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rename Capabilities','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclude From Search','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Appearance Menus Support','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Show In Admin Bar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Custom Meta Box Callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu Icon','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu Position','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Admin Menu Parent','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon class name','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Show In Admin Menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Show In UI','A link to a post.'=>'A link to a post.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Description for a navigation link block variation.','Item Link Description'=>'Item Link Description','A link to a %s.'=>'A link to a %s.','Post Link'=>'Post Link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Title for a navigation link block variation.','Item Link'=>'Item Link','%s Link'=>'%s Link','Post updated.'=>'Post updated.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In the editor notice after an item is updated.','Item Updated'=>'Item Updated','%s updated.'=>'%s updated.','Post scheduled.'=>'Post scheduled.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In the editor notice after scheduling an item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item Scheduled','%s scheduled.'=>'%s scheduled.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Post reverted to draft.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item Reverted To Draft','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s reverted to draft.','Post published privately.'=>'Post published privately.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In the editor notice after publishing a private item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item Published Privately','%s published privately.'=>'%s published privately.','Post published.'=>'Post published.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In the editor notice after publishing an item.','Item Published'=>'Item Published','%s published.'=>'%s published.','Posts list'=>'Posts list','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.','Items List'=>'Items List','%s list'=>'%s list','Posts list navigation'=>'Posts list navigation','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items List Navigation','%s list navigation'=>'%s list navigation','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter posts by date','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter Items By Date','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s by date','Filter posts list'=>'Filter posts list','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter Items List','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s list','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Uploaded To This Item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Uploaded to this %s','Insert into post'=>'Insert into post','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'As the button label when adding media to content.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Insert Into Media Button','Insert into %s'=>'Insert into %s','Use as featured image'=>'Use as featured image','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.','Use Featured Image'=>'Use Featured Image','Remove featured image'=>'Remove featured image','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'As the button label when removing the featured image.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remove Featured Image','Set featured image'=>'Set featured image','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'As the button label when setting the featured image.','Set Featured Image'=>'Set Featured Image','Featured image'=>'Featured image','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Featured Image Meta Box','Post Attributes'=>'Post Attributes','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributes Meta Box','%s Attributes'=>'%s Attributes','Post Archives'=>'Post Archives','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a post type with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archives Nav Menu','%s Archives'=>'%s Archives','No posts found in Trash'=>'No posts found in the bin','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the bin.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'No Items Found in the bin','No %s found in Trash'=>'No %s found in the bin','No posts found'=>'No posts found','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.','No Items Found'=>'No Items Found','No %s found'=>'No %s found','Search Posts'=>'Search Posts','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.','Search Items'=>'Search Items','Search %s'=>'Search %s','Parent Page:'=>'Parent Page:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Parent Item Prefix','Parent %s:'=>'Parent %s:','New Post'=>'New Post','New Item'=>'New Item','New %s'=>'New %s','Add New Post'=>'Add New Post','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.','Add New Item'=>'Add New Item','Add New %s'=>'Add New %s','View Posts'=>'View Posts','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.','View Items'=>'View Items','View Post'=>'View Post','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In the admin bar to view item when editing it.','View Item'=>'View Item','View %s'=>'View %s','Edit Post'=>'Edit Post','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.','Edit Item'=>'Edit Item','Edit %s'=>'Edit %s','All Posts'=>'All Posts','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.','All Items'=>'All Items','All %s'=>'All %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Admin menu name for the post type.','Menu Name'=>'Menu Name','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels','Regenerate'=>'Regenerate','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'A descriptive summary of the post type.','Add Custom'=>'Add Custom','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Enable various features in the content editor.','Post Formats'=>'Post Formats','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.','Browse Fields'=>'Browse Fields','Nothing to import'=>'Nothing to import','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . 'Imported %d items from Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Failed to import taxonomies.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Failed to import post types.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.','Imported 1 item'=>'Imported 1 item' . "\0" . 'Imported %s items','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Import from Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Export - Generate PHP','Export'=>'Export','Select Taxonomies'=>'Select Taxonomies','Select Post Types'=>'Select Post Types','Exported 1 item.'=>'Exported 1 item.' . "\0" . 'Exported %s items.','Category'=>'Category','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomy created','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomy updated','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomy draft updated.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomy scheduled for.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomy submitted.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomy saved.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomy deleted.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomy updated.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomy synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies synchronised.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomy duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies duplicated.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomy deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies deactivated.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomy activated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies activated.','Terms'=>'Terms','Post type synchronized.'=>'Post type synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s post types synchronised.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Post type duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s post types duplicated.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Post type deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s post types deactivated.','Post type activated.'=>'Post type activated.' . "\0" . '%s post types activated.','Post Types'=>'Post Types','Advanced Settings'=>'Advanced Settings','Basic Settings'=>'Basic Settings','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.','Pages'=>'Pages','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link Existing Field Groups','%s post type created'=>'%s post type created','Add fields to %s'=>'Add fields to %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s post type updated','Post type draft updated.'=>'Post type draft updated.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Post type scheduled for.','Post type submitted.'=>'Post type submitted.','Post type saved.'=>'Post type saved.','Post type updated.'=>'Post type updated.','Post type deleted.'=>'Post type deleted.','Type to search...'=>'Type to search...','PRO Only'=>'PRO Only','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Field groups linked successfully.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomy','post type'=>'post type','Done'=>'Done','Field Group(s)'=>'Field Group(s)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Select one or many field groups...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Please select the field groups to link.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Field group linked successfully.' . "\0" . 'Field groups linked successfully.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registration Failed','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permissions','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibility','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Field Settings Tabs','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]','Close Modal'=>'Close Modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Field moved to other group','Close modal'=>'Close modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Start a new group of tabs at this tab.','New Tab Group'=>'New Tab Group','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Use a stylised checkbox using select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Save Other Choice','Allow Other Choice'=>'Allow Other Choice','Add Toggle All'=>'Add Toggle All','Save Custom Values'=>'Save Custom Values','Allow Custom Values'=>'Allow Custom Values','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Save Changes','Field Group Title'=>'Field Group Title','Add title'=>'Add title','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.','Add Field Group'=>'Add Field Group','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Add Your First Field Group','Options Pages'=>'Options Pages','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Gallery Field','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexible Content Field','Repeater Field'=>'Repeater Field','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Delete Field Group','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Created on %1$s at %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Group Settings','Location Rules'=>'Location Rules','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.','Add Your First Field'=>'Add Your First Field','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Add Field','Presentation'=>'Presentation','Validation'=>'Validation','General'=>'General','Import JSON'=>'Import JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Export As JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Field group deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups deactivated.','Field group activated.'=>'Field group activated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups activated.','Deactivate'=>'Deactivate','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactivate this item','Activate'=>'Activate','Activate this item'=>'Activate this item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Move field group to trash?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactive','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialised. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.' . "\0" . '%1$s must have a user with one of the following roles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s must have a valid user ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Invalid request.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is not one of %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s must have term %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s must have one of the following terms: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s must be of post type %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s must be of one of the following post types: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s must have a valid post ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requires a valid attachment ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Show in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Enable Transparency','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA String','Hex String'=>'Hex String','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade to PRO','post statusActive'=>'Active','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is not a valid email address','Color value'=>'Colour value','Select default color'=>'Select default colour','Clear color'=>'Clear colour','Blocks'=>'Blocks','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Users','Menu items'=>'Menu items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Attachments','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Last updated: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Invalid field group parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Awaiting save','Saved'=>'Saved','Import'=>'Import','Review changes'=>'Review changes','Located in: %s'=>'Located in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Located in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Located in theme: %s','Various'=>'Various','Sync changes'=>'Sync changes','Loading diff'=>'Loading diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Review local JSON changes','Visit website'=>'Visit website','View details'=>'View details','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:','Help & Support'=>'Help & Support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarise yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customise WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.','Overview'=>'Overview','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Location type "%s" is already registered.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class "%s" does not exist.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Invalid nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Error loading field.','Location not found: %s'=>'Location not found: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'User Role','Comment'=>'Comment','Post Format'=>'Post Format','Menu Item'=>'Menu Item','Post Status'=>'Post Status','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Menu Locations','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Post Taxonomy','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Child Page (has parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Parent Page (has children)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Top Level Page (no parent)','Posts Page'=>'Posts Page','Front Page'=>'Front Page','Page Type'=>'Page Type','Viewing back end'=>'Viewing back end','Viewing front end'=>'Viewing front end','Logged in'=>'Logged in','Current User'=>'Current User','Page Template'=>'Page Template','Register'=>'Register','Add / Edit'=>'Add / Edit','User Form'=>'User Form','Page Parent'=>'Page Parent','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Current User Role','Default Template'=>'Default Template','Post Template'=>'Post Template','Post Category'=>'Post Category','All %s formats'=>'All %s formats','Attachment'=>'Attachment','%s value is required'=>'%s value is required','Show this field if'=>'Show this field if','Conditional Logic'=>'Conditional Logic','and'=>'and','Local JSON'=>'Local JSON','Clone Field'=>'Clone Field','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database Upgrade Required','Options Page'=>'Options Page','Gallery'=>'Gallery','Flexible Content'=>'Flexible Content','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Back to all tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Select items to hide them from the edit screen.','Hide on screen'=>'Hide on screen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send Trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categories','Page Attributes'=>'Page Attributes','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Author','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisions','Comments'=>'Comments','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Excerpt','Content Editor'=>'Content Editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Shown in field group list','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Field groups with a lower order will appear first','Order No.'=>'Order No.','Below fields'=>'Below fields','Below labels'=>'Below labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instruction Placement','Label Placement'=>'Label Placement','Side'=>'Side','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (after content)','High (after title)'=>'High (after title)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Seamless (no metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Key','Order'=>'Order','Close Field'=>'Close Field','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'width','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper Attributes','Required'=>'Required','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Field Type','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed','Field Name'=>'Field Name','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page','Field Label'=>'Field Label','Delete'=>'Delete','Delete field'=>'Delete field','Move'=>'Move','Move field to another group'=>'Move field to another group','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicate field','Edit field'=>'Edit field','Drag to reorder'=>'Drag to reorder','Show this field group if'=>'Show this field group if','No updates available.'=>'No updates available.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Reading upgrade tasks...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade failed.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade complete.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Upgrading data to version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Please select at least one site to upgrade.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up to date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Upgrade Sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.','Add rule group'=>'Add rule group','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields','Rules'=>'Rules','Copied'=>'Copied','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copy to clipboard','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.','Select Field Groups'=>'Select Field Groups','No field groups selected'=>'No field groups selected','Generate PHP'=>'Generate PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Export Field Groups','Import file empty'=>'Import file empty','Incorrect file type'=>'Incorrect file type','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error uploading file. Please try again','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.','Import Field Groups'=>'Import Field Groups','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Select %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicate','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicate this item','Supports'=>'Supports','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Sync available','Field group synchronized.'=>'Field group synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s field groups synchronised.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Field group duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups duplicated.','Active (%s)'=>'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Review sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Upgrade Database','Custom Fields'=>'Custom Fields','Move Field'=>'Move Field','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Please select the destination for this field','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group','Move Complete.'=>'Move Complete.','Active'=>'Active','Field Keys'=>'Field Keys','Settings'=>'Settings','Location'=>'Location','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copy','(this field)'=>'(this field)','Checked'=>'Checked','Move Custom Field'=>'Move Custom Field','No toggle fields available'=>'No toggle fields available','Field group title is required'=>'Field group title is required','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name','Field group draft updated.'=>'Field group draft updated.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Field group scheduled for.','Field group submitted.'=>'Field group submitted.','Field group saved.'=>'Field group saved.','Field group published.'=>'Field group published.','Field group deleted.'=>'Field group deleted.','Field group updated.'=>'Field group updated.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is not equal to','is equal to'=>'is equal to','Forms'=>'Forms','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relational','Choice'=>'Choice','Basic'=>'Basic','Unknown'=>'Unknown','Field type does not exist'=>'Field type does not exist','Spam Detected'=>'Spam Detected','Post updated'=>'Post updated','Update'=>'Update','Validate Email'=>'Validate Email','Content'=>'Content','Title'=>'Title','Edit field group'=>'Edit field group','Selection is less than'=>'Selection is less than','Selection is greater than'=>'Selection is greater than','Value is less than'=>'Value is less than','Value is greater than'=>'Value is greater than','Value contains'=>'Value contains','Value matches pattern'=>'Value matches pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Value is not equal to','Value is equal to'=>'Value is equal to','Has no value'=>'Has no value','Has any value'=>'Has any value','Cancel'=>'Cancel','Are you sure?'=>'Are you sure?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fields require attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 field requires attention','Validation failed'=>'Validation failed','Validation successful'=>'Validation successful','Restricted'=>'Restricted','Collapse Details'=>'Collapse Details','Expand Details'=>'Expand Details','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uploaded to this post','verbUpdate'=>'Update','verbEdit'=>'Edit','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page','File type must be %s.'=>'File type must be %s.','or'=>'or','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'File size must not exceed %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'File size must be at least %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image height must not exceed %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image height must be at least %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image width must not exceed %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image width must be at least %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(no title)','Full Size'=>'Full Size','Large'=>'Large','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(no label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Sets the textarea height','Rows'=>'Rows','Text Area'=>'Text Area','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Allow \'custom\' values to be added','Add new choice'=>'Add new choice','Toggle All'=>'Toggle All','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Allow Archive URLs','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Page Link','Add'=>'Add','Name'=>'Name','%s added'=>'%s added','%s already exists'=>'%s already exists','User unable to add new %s'=>'User unable to add new %s','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term Object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Load value from posts terms','Load Terms'=>'Load Terms','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Connect selected terms to the post','Save Terms'=>'Save Terms','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Allow new terms to be created whilst editing','Create Terms'=>'Create Terms','Radio Buttons'=>'Radio Buttons','Single Value'=>'Single Value','Multi Select'=>'Multi Select','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Multiple Values','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Select the appearance of this field','Appearance'=>'Appearance','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Select the taxonomy to be displayed','No TermsNo %s'=>'No %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or lower than %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or higher than %d','Value must be a number'=>'Value must be a number','Number'=>'Number','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values','Other'=>'Other','Radio Button'=>'Radio Button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Allow this accordion to open without closing others.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Display this accordion as open on page load.','Open'=>'Open','Accordion'=>'Accordion','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which files can be uploaded','File ID'=>'File ID','File URL'=>'File URL','File Array'=>'File Array','Add File'=>'Add File','No file selected'=>'No file selected','File name'=>'File name','Update File'=>'Update File','Edit File'=>'Edit File','Select File'=>'Select File','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specify the value returned','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Use AJAX to lazy load choices?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Enter each default value on a new line','verbSelect'=>'Select','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Loading failed','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Searching…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Loading more results…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'You can only select %d items','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'You can only select 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Please delete %d characters','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Please delete 1 character','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Please enter %d or more characters','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Please enter 1 or more characters','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No matches found','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'One result is available, press enter to select it.','nounSelect'=>'Select','User ID'=>'User ID','User Object'=>'User Object','User Array'=>'User Array','All user roles'=>'All user roles','Filter by Role'=>'Filter by Role','User'=>'User','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Select Colour','Default'=>'Default','Clear'=>'Clear','Color Picker'=>'Colour Picker','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Select','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Now','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Time Zone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecond','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecond','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Second','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hour','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choose Time','Date Time Picker'=>'Date Time Picker','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Left aligned','Top aligned'=>'Top aligned','Placement'=>'Placement','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Value must be a valid URL','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link Array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opens in a new window/tab','Select Link'=>'Select Link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Step Size','Maximum Value'=>'Maximum Value','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum Value','Range'=>'Range','Both (Array)'=>'Both (Array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Value','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Enter each choice on a new line.','Choices'=>'Choices','Button Group'=>'Button Group','Allow Null'=>'Allow Null','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE will not be initialised until field is clicked','Delay Initialization'=>'Delay Initialisation','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Show Media Upload Buttons','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Text Only','Visual Only'=>'Visual Only','Visual & Text'=>'Visual and Text','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Click to initialise TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Value must not exceed %d characters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Leave blank for no limit','Character Limit'=>'Character Limit','Appears after the input'=>'Appears after the input','Append'=>'Append','Appears before the input'=>'Appears before the input','Prepend'=>'Prepend','Appears within the input'=>'Appears within the input','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder Text','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appears when creating a new post','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requires at least %2$s selection' . "\0" . '%1$s requires at least %2$s selections','Post ID'=>'Post ID','Post Object'=>'Post Object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum Posts','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum Posts','Featured Image'=>'Featured Image','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Selected elements will be displayed in each result','Elements'=>'Elements','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomy','Post Type'=>'Post Type','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'All taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter by Taxonomy','All post types'=>'All post types','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter by Post Type','Search...'=>'Search...','Select taxonomy'=>'Select taxonomy','Select post type'=>'Select post type','No matches found'=>'No matches found','Loading'=>'Loading','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximum values reached ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Relationship','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types','Allowed File Types'=>'Allowed File Types','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'File size','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which images can be uploaded','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uploaded to post','All'=>'All','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limit the media library choice','Library'=>'Library','Preview Size'=>'Preview Size','Image ID'=>'Image ID','Image URL'=>'Image URL','Image Array'=>'Image Array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specify the returned value on front end','Return Value'=>'Return Value','Add Image'=>'Add Image','No image selected'=>'No image selected','Remove'=>'Remove','Edit'=>'Edit','All images'=>'All images','Update Image'=>'Update Image','Edit Image'=>'Edit Image','Select Image'=>'Select Image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'No Formatting','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatically add <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatically add paragraphs','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controls how new lines are rendered','New Lines'=>'New Lines','Week Starts On'=>'Week Starts On','The format used when saving a value'=>'The format used when saving a value','Save Format'=>'Save Format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prev','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Next','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Today','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Picker'=>'Date Picker','Width'=>'Width','Embed Size'=>'Embed Size','Enter URL'=>'Enter URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text shown when inactive','Off Text'=>'Off Text','Text shown when active'=>'Text shown when active','On Text'=>'On Text','Stylized UI'=>'Stylised UI','Default Value'=>'Default Value','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Displays text alongside the checkbox','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Yes','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Row','Table'=>'Table','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specify the style used to render the selected fields','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Fields','Group'=>'Group','Customize the map height'=>'Customise the map height','Height'=>'Height','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Set the initial zoom level','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centre the initial map','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Search for address...','Find current location'=>'Find current location','Clear location'=>'Clear location','Search'=>'Search','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'The format returned via template functions','Return Format'=>'Return Format','Custom:'=>'Custom:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'The format displayed when editing a post','Display Format'=>'Display Format','Time Picker'=>'Time Picker','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No Fields found in bin','No Fields found'=>'No Fields found','Search Fields'=>'Search Fields','View Field'=>'View Field','New Field'=>'New Field','Edit Field'=>'Edit Field','Add New Field'=>'Add New Field','Field'=>'Field','Fields'=>'Fields','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No Field Groups found in bin','No Field Groups found'=>'No Field Groups found','Search Field Groups'=>'Search Field Groups','View Field Group'=>'View Field Group','New Field Group'=>'New Field Group','Edit Field Group'=>'Edit Field Group','Add New Field Group'=>'Add New Field Group','Add New'=>'Add New','Field Group'=>'Field Group','Field Groups'=>'Field Groups','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Your license has expired. Please renew to continue to have access to updates, support & PRO features.'=>'Your licence has expired. Please renew to continue to have access to updates, support & PRO features.','Activate your license to enable access to updates, support & PRO features.'=>'Activate your licence to enable access to updates, support & PRO features.','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a license key, please see details & pricing.'=>'To enable updates, please enter your licence key on the Updates page. If you don’t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page of the main site. If you don\'t have a license key, please see details & pricing.'=>'To enable updates, please enter your licence key on the Updates page of the main site. If you don’t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.','Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old license'=>'Your defined licence key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence','Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Your defined licence key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server','ACF PRO — Your license key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.'=>'ACF PRO — Your licence key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.','There was an issue activating your license key.'=>'There was an issue activating your licence key.','An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'An error occurred when connecting to activation server','An internal error occurred when trying to check your license key. Please try again later.'=>'An internal error occurred when trying to check your licence key. Please try again later.','You have reached the activation limit for the license.'=>'You have reached the activation limit for the licence.','View your licenses'=>'View your licences','Your license key has expired and cannot be activated.'=>'Your licence key has expired and cannot be activated.','License key not found. Make sure you have copied your license key exactly as it appears in your receipt or your account.'=>'Licence key not found. Make sure you have copied your licence key exactly as it appears in your receipt or your account.','Your license key has been deactivated.'=>'Your licence key has been deactivated.','Your license key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.'=>'Your licence key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.','An unknown error occurred while trying to validate your license: %s.'=>'An unknown error occurred while trying to validate your licence: %s.','Your license key is valid but not activated on this site. Please deactivate and then reactivate the license.'=>'Your licence key is valid but not activated on this site. Please deactivate and then reactivate the licence.','Your site URL has changed since last activating your license. We\'ve automatically activated it for this site URL.'=>'Your site URL has changed since last activating your licence. We’ve automatically activated it for this site URL.','Your site URL has changed since last activating your license, but we weren\'t able to automatically reactivate it: %s'=>'Your site URL has changed since last activating your licence, but we weren’t able to automatically reactivate it: %s','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO licence.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Your licence for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO licence.','No Options Pages found in Trash'=>'No Options Pages found in Bin','Deactivate License'=>'Deactivate Licence','Activate License'=>'Activate Licence','License Status'=>'Licence Status','License Type'=>'Licence Type','License Information'=>'Licence Information','License Key'=>'Licence Key','Recheck License'=>'Recheck Licence','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Your licence key is defined in wp-config.php.','Don\'t have an ACF PRO license? %s'=>'Don’t have an ACF PRO licence? %s','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Enter your licence key to unlock updates','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Please reactivate your licence to unlock updates']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'en_GB','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.','Hide details'=>'Hide details','Show details'=>'Show details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renew ACF PRO Licence','Renew License'=>'Renew Licence','Manage License'=>'Manage Licence','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade to ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.','Add Options Page'=>'Add Options Page','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.','Title Placeholder'=>'Title Placeholder','4 Months Free'=>'4 Months Free','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Duplicated from %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Select Options Pages','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicate taxonomy','Create taxonomy'=>'Create taxonomy','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicate post type','Create post type'=>'Create post type','Link field groups'=>'Link field groups','Add fields'=>'Add fields','This Field'=>'This Field','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'is developed and maintained by','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy','Target Field'=>'Target Field','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectional','%s Field'=>'%s Field','Select Multiple'=>'Select Multiple','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Assign Terms Capability','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Delete Terms Capability','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Edit Terms Capability','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Manage Terms Capability','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'More Tools from WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'View Pricing & Upgrade','Learn More'=>'Learn More','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s fields','No terms'=>'No terms','No post types'=>'No post types','No posts'=>'No posts','No taxonomies'=>'No taxonomies','No field groups'=>'No field groups','No fields'=>'No fields','No description'=>'No description','Any post status'=>'Any post status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No Taxonomies found in the bin','No Taxonomies found'=>'No Taxonomies found','Search Taxonomies'=>'Search Taxonomies','View Taxonomy'=>'View Taxonomy','New Taxonomy'=>'New Taxonomy','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Edit Taxonomy','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Add New Taxonomy','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No Post Types found in the bin','No Post Types found'=>'No Post Types found','Search Post Types'=>'Search Post Types','View Post Type'=>'View Post Type','New Post Type'=>'New Post Type','Edit Post Type'=>'Edit Post Type','Add New Post Type'=>'Add New Post Type','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'The post type key must be under 20 characters.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG Editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylised switch or checkbox.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customised using the field settings.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organised and structured.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'An interactive and customisable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'An input for providing a password using a masked field.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter by Post Status','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'An input limited to numerical values.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organise the data and the edit screen.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customised using the field settings.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customised using the field settings.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'An interactive UI for selecting a colour, or specifying a Hex value.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Allows you to group and organise custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Advanced','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (newer)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'Invalid post ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Invalid post type selected for review.','More'=>'More','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Select Field','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Try a different search term or browse %s','Popular fields'=>'Popular fields','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No search results for \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Search fields...','Select Field Type'=>'Select Field Type','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Add Taxonomy','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Add Your First Taxonomy','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Expose this post type in the REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Customise the query variable name','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Customise the slug used in the URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomy Key','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.','Show Admin Column'=>'Show Admin Column','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.','Quick Edit'=>'Quick Edit','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag Cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'A PHP function name to be called for sanitising taxonomy data saved from a meta box.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta Box Sanitisation Callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Register Meta Box Callback','No Meta Box'=>'No Meta Box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Custom Meta Box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Meta Box'=>'Meta Box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categories Meta Box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags Meta Box','A link to a tag'=>'A link to a tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.','A link to a %s'=>'A link to a %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag Link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Go to tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.','Back To Items'=>'Back To Items','← Go to %s'=>'← Go to %s','Tags list'=>'Tags list','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Assigns text to the table hidden heading.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags list navigation','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.','Filter by category'=>'Filter by category','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter By Item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter by %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.','Description Field Description'=>'Description Field Description','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.','Parent Field Description'=>'Parent Field Description','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug Field Description','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'The name is how it appears on your site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.','Name Field Description'=>'Name Field Description','No tags'=>'No tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.','No Terms'=>'No Terms','No %s'=>'No %s','No tags found'=>'No tags found','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.','Not Found'=>'Not Found','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.','Most Used'=>'Most Used','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Choose from the most used tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Choose From Most Used','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Choose from the most used %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Add or remove tags','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Add Or Remove Items','Add or remove %s'=>'Add or remove %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separate tags with commas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separate Items With Commas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separate %s with commas','Popular Tags'=>'Popular Tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.','Popular Items'=>'Popular Items','Popular %s'=>'Popular %s','Search Tags'=>'Search Tags','Assigns search items text.'=>'Assigns search items text.','Parent Category:'=>'Parent Category:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Parent Item With Colon','Parent Category'=>'Parent Category','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.','Parent Item'=>'Parent Item','Parent %s'=>'Parent %s','New Tag Name'=>'New Tag Name','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Assigns the new item name text.','New Item Name'=>'New Item Name','New %s Name'=>'New %s Name','Add New Tag'=>'Add New Tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Assigns the add new item text.','Update Tag'=>'Update Tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Assigns the update item text.','Update Item'=>'Update Item','Update %s'=>'Update %s','View Tag'=>'View Tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In the admin bar to view term during editing.','Edit Tag'=>'Edit Tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.','All Tags'=>'All Tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Assigns the all items text.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Assigns the menu name text.','Menu Label'=>'Menu Label','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'A descriptive summary of the term.','Term Description'=>'Term Description','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.','Term Slug'=>'Term Slug','The name of the default term.'=>'The name of the default term.','Term Name'=>'Term Name','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.','Default Term'=>'Default Term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Sort Terms','Add Post Type'=>'Add Post Type','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Add Your First Post Type','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Advanced Configuration','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarchical','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.','Public'=>'Public','movie'=>'movie','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.','Movie'=>'Movie','Singular Label'=>'Singular Label','Movies'=>'Movies','Plural Label'=>'Plural Label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller Class','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'The namespace part of the REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace Route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.','Base URL'=>'Base URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.','Show In REST API'=>'Show In REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Customise the query variable name.','Query Variable'=>'Query Variable','No Query Variable Support'=>'No Query Variable Support','Custom Query Variable'=>'Custom Query Variable','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Query Variable Support','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publicly Queryable','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Custom slug for the Archive URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archive Slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Has an item archive that can be customised with an archive template file in your theme.','Archive'=>'Archive','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.','Pagination'=>'Pagination','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL for the post type items.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL Prefix','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Customise the slug used in the URL.','URL Slug'=>'URL Slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks for this post type are disabled.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)','Custom Permalink'=>'Custom Permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Post Type Key','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink Rewrite','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.','Delete With User'=>'Delete With User','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.','Can Export'=>'Can Export','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Plural Capability Name','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Singular Capability Name','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rename Capabilities','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclude From Search','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Appearance Menus Support','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Show In Admin Bar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Custom Meta Box Callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu Icon','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu Position','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Admin Menu Parent','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon class name','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Show In Admin Menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Show In UI','A link to a post.'=>'A link to a post.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Description for a navigation link block variation.','Item Link Description'=>'Item Link Description','A link to a %s.'=>'A link to a %s.','Post Link'=>'Post Link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Title for a navigation link block variation.','Item Link'=>'Item Link','%s Link'=>'%s Link','Post updated.'=>'Post updated.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In the editor notice after an item is updated.','Item Updated'=>'Item Updated','%s updated.'=>'%s updated.','Post scheduled.'=>'Post scheduled.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In the editor notice after scheduling an item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item Scheduled','%s scheduled.'=>'%s scheduled.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Post reverted to draft.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item Reverted To Draft','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s reverted to draft.','Post published privately.'=>'Post published privately.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In the editor notice after publishing a private item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item Published Privately','%s published privately.'=>'%s published privately.','Post published.'=>'Post published.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In the editor notice after publishing an item.','Item Published'=>'Item Published','%s published.'=>'%s published.','Posts list'=>'Posts list','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.','Items List'=>'Items List','%s list'=>'%s list','Posts list navigation'=>'Posts list navigation','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items List Navigation','%s list navigation'=>'%s list navigation','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter posts by date','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter Items By Date','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s by date','Filter posts list'=>'Filter posts list','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter Items List','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s list','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Uploaded To This Item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Uploaded to this %s','Insert into post'=>'Insert into post','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'As the button label when adding media to content.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Insert Into Media Button','Insert into %s'=>'Insert into %s','Use as featured image'=>'Use as featured image','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.','Use Featured Image'=>'Use Featured Image','Remove featured image'=>'Remove featured image','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'As the button label when removing the featured image.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remove Featured Image','Set featured image'=>'Set featured image','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'As the button label when setting the featured image.','Set Featured Image'=>'Set Featured Image','Featured image'=>'Featured image','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Featured Image Meta Box','Post Attributes'=>'Post Attributes','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributes Meta Box','%s Attributes'=>'%s Attributes','Post Archives'=>'Post Archives','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a post type with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archives Nav Menu','%s Archives'=>'%s Archives','No posts found in Trash'=>'No posts found in the bin','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the bin.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'No Items Found in the bin','No %s found in Trash'=>'No %s found in the bin','No posts found'=>'No posts found','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.','No Items Found'=>'No Items Found','No %s found'=>'No %s found','Search Posts'=>'Search Posts','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.','Search Items'=>'Search Items','Search %s'=>'Search %s','Parent Page:'=>'Parent Page:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Parent Item Prefix','Parent %s:'=>'Parent %s:','New Post'=>'New Post','New Item'=>'New Item','New %s'=>'New %s','Add New Post'=>'Add New Post','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.','Add New Item'=>'Add New Item','Add New %s'=>'Add New %s','View Posts'=>'View Posts','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.','View Items'=>'View Items','View Post'=>'View Post','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In the admin bar to view item when editing it.','View Item'=>'View Item','View %s'=>'View %s','Edit Post'=>'Edit Post','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.','Edit Item'=>'Edit Item','Edit %s'=>'Edit %s','All Posts'=>'All Posts','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.','All Items'=>'All Items','All %s'=>'All %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Admin menu name for the post type.','Menu Name'=>'Menu Name','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels','Regenerate'=>'Regenerate','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'A descriptive summary of the post type.','Add Custom'=>'Add Custom','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Enable various features in the content editor.','Post Formats'=>'Post Formats','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.','Browse Fields'=>'Browse Fields','Nothing to import'=>'Nothing to import','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . 'Imported %d items from Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Failed to import taxonomies.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Failed to import post types.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.','Imported 1 item'=>'Imported 1 item' . "\0" . 'Imported %s items','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Import from Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Export - Generate PHP','Export'=>'Export','Select Taxonomies'=>'Select Taxonomies','Select Post Types'=>'Select Post Types','Exported 1 item.'=>'Exported 1 item.' . "\0" . 'Exported %s items.','Category'=>'Category','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomy created','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomy updated','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomy draft updated.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomy scheduled for.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomy submitted.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomy saved.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomy deleted.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomy updated.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomy synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies synchronised.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomy duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies duplicated.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomy deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies deactivated.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomy activated.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies activated.','Terms'=>'Terms','Post type synchronized.'=>'Post type synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s post types synchronised.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Post type duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s post types duplicated.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Post type deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s post types deactivated.','Post type activated.'=>'Post type activated.' . "\0" . '%s post types activated.','Post Types'=>'Post Types','Advanced Settings'=>'Advanced Settings','Basic Settings'=>'Basic Settings','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.','Pages'=>'Pages','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link Existing Field Groups','%s post type created'=>'%s post type created','Add fields to %s'=>'Add fields to %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s post type updated','Post type draft updated.'=>'Post type draft updated.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Post type scheduled for.','Post type submitted.'=>'Post type submitted.','Post type saved.'=>'Post type saved.','Post type updated.'=>'Post type updated.','Post type deleted.'=>'Post type deleted.','Type to search...'=>'Type to search...','PRO Only'=>'PRO Only','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Field groups linked successfully.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomy','post type'=>'post type','Done'=>'Done','Field Group(s)'=>'Field Group(s)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Select one or many field groups...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Please select the field groups to link.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Field group linked successfully.' . "\0" . 'Field groups linked successfully.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registration Failed','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permissions','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibility','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Field Settings Tabs','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]','Close Modal'=>'Close Modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Field moved to other group','Close modal'=>'Close modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Start a new group of tabs at this tab.','New Tab Group'=>'New Tab Group','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Use a stylised checkbox using select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Save Other Choice','Allow Other Choice'=>'Allow Other Choice','Add Toggle All'=>'Add Toggle All','Save Custom Values'=>'Save Custom Values','Allow Custom Values'=>'Allow Custom Values','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Save Changes','Field Group Title'=>'Field Group Title','Add title'=>'Add title','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.','Add Field Group'=>'Add Field Group','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Add Your First Field Group','Options Pages'=>'Options Pages','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Gallery Field','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexible Content Field','Repeater Field'=>'Repeater Field','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Delete Field Group','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Created on %1$s at %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Group Settings','Location Rules'=>'Location Rules','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.','Add Your First Field'=>'Add Your First Field','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Add Field','Presentation'=>'Presentation','Validation'=>'Validation','General'=>'General','Import JSON'=>'Import JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Export As JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Field group deactivated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups deactivated.','Field group activated.'=>'Field group activated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups activated.','Deactivate'=>'Deactivate','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactivate this item','Activate'=>'Activate','Activate this item'=>'Activate this item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Move field group to trash?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactive','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialised. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.' . "\0" . '%1$s must have a user with one of the following roles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s must have a valid user ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Invalid request.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is not one of %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s must have term %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s must have one of the following terms: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s must be of post type %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s must be of one of the following post types: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s must have a valid post ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requires a valid attachment ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Show in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Enable Transparency','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA String','Hex String'=>'Hex String','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade to PRO','post statusActive'=>'Active','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is not a valid email address','Color value'=>'Colour value','Select default color'=>'Select default colour','Clear color'=>'Clear colour','Blocks'=>'Blocks','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Users','Menu items'=>'Menu items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Attachments','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Last updated: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Invalid field group parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Awaiting save','Saved'=>'Saved','Import'=>'Import','Review changes'=>'Review changes','Located in: %s'=>'Located in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Located in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Located in theme: %s','Various'=>'Various','Sync changes'=>'Sync changes','Loading diff'=>'Loading diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Review local JSON changes','Visit website'=>'Visit website','View details'=>'View details','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:','Help & Support'=>'Help & Support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarise yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customise WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.','Overview'=>'Overview','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Location type "%s" is already registered.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class "%s" does not exist.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Invalid nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Error loading field.','Location not found: %s'=>'Location not found: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'User Role','Comment'=>'Comment','Post Format'=>'Post Format','Menu Item'=>'Menu Item','Post Status'=>'Post Status','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Menu Locations','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Post Taxonomy','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Child Page (has parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Parent Page (has children)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Top Level Page (no parent)','Posts Page'=>'Posts Page','Front Page'=>'Front Page','Page Type'=>'Page Type','Viewing back end'=>'Viewing back end','Viewing front end'=>'Viewing front end','Logged in'=>'Logged in','Current User'=>'Current User','Page Template'=>'Page Template','Register'=>'Register','Add / Edit'=>'Add / Edit','User Form'=>'User Form','Page Parent'=>'Page Parent','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Current User Role','Default Template'=>'Default Template','Post Template'=>'Post Template','Post Category'=>'Post Category','All %s formats'=>'All %s formats','Attachment'=>'Attachment','%s value is required'=>'%s value is required','Show this field if'=>'Show this field if','Conditional Logic'=>'Conditional Logic','and'=>'and','Local JSON'=>'Local JSON','Clone Field'=>'Clone Field','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database Upgrade Required','Options Page'=>'Options Page','Gallery'=>'Gallery','Flexible Content'=>'Flexible Content','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Back to all tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Select items to hide them from the edit screen.','Hide on screen'=>'Hide on screen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send Trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categories','Page Attributes'=>'Page Attributes','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Author','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisions','Comments'=>'Comments','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Excerpt','Content Editor'=>'Content Editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Shown in field group list','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Field groups with a lower order will appear first','Order No.'=>'Order No.','Below fields'=>'Below fields','Below labels'=>'Below labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instruction Placement','Label Placement'=>'Label Placement','Side'=>'Side','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (after content)','High (after title)'=>'High (after title)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Seamless (no metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Key','Order'=>'Order','Close Field'=>'Close Field','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'width','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper Attributes','Required'=>'Required','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Field Type','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed','Field Name'=>'Field Name','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page','Field Label'=>'Field Label','Delete'=>'Delete','Delete field'=>'Delete field','Move'=>'Move','Move field to another group'=>'Move field to another group','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicate field','Edit field'=>'Edit field','Drag to reorder'=>'Drag to reorder','Show this field group if'=>'Show this field group if','No updates available.'=>'No updates available.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Reading upgrade tasks...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade failed.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade complete.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Upgrading data to version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Please select at least one site to upgrade.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up to date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Upgrade Sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.','Add rule group'=>'Add rule group','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields','Rules'=>'Rules','Copied'=>'Copied','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copy to clipboard','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.','Select Field Groups'=>'Select Field Groups','No field groups selected'=>'No field groups selected','Generate PHP'=>'Generate PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Export Field Groups','Import file empty'=>'Import file empty','Incorrect file type'=>'Incorrect file type','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error uploading file. Please try again','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.','Import Field Groups'=>'Import Field Groups','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Select %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicate','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicate this item','Supports'=>'Supports','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Sync available','Field group synchronized.'=>'Field group synchronised.' . "\0" . '%s field groups synchronised.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Field group duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups duplicated.','Active (%s)'=>'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Review sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Upgrade Database','Custom Fields'=>'Custom Fields','Move Field'=>'Move Field','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Please select the destination for this field','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group','Move Complete.'=>'Move Complete.','Active'=>'Active','Field Keys'=>'Field Keys','Settings'=>'Settings','Location'=>'Location','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copy','(this field)'=>'(this field)','Checked'=>'Checked','Move Custom Field'=>'Move Custom Field','No toggle fields available'=>'No toggle fields available','Field group title is required'=>'Field group title is required','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name','Field group draft updated.'=>'Field group draft updated.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Field group scheduled for.','Field group submitted.'=>'Field group submitted.','Field group saved.'=>'Field group saved.','Field group published.'=>'Field group published.','Field group deleted.'=>'Field group deleted.','Field group updated.'=>'Field group updated.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is not equal to','is equal to'=>'is equal to','Forms'=>'Forms','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relational','Choice'=>'Choice','Basic'=>'Basic','Unknown'=>'Unknown','Field type does not exist'=>'Field type does not exist','Spam Detected'=>'Spam Detected','Post updated'=>'Post updated','Update'=>'Update','Validate Email'=>'Validate Email','Content'=>'Content','Title'=>'Title','Edit field group'=>'Edit field group','Selection is less than'=>'Selection is less than','Selection is greater than'=>'Selection is greater than','Value is less than'=>'Value is less than','Value is greater than'=>'Value is greater than','Value contains'=>'Value contains','Value matches pattern'=>'Value matches pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Value is not equal to','Value is equal to'=>'Value is equal to','Has no value'=>'Has no value','Has any value'=>'Has any value','Cancel'=>'Cancel','Are you sure?'=>'Are you sure?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fields require attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 field requires attention','Validation failed'=>'Validation failed','Validation successful'=>'Validation successful','Restricted'=>'Restricted','Collapse Details'=>'Collapse Details','Expand Details'=>'Expand Details','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uploaded to this post','verbUpdate'=>'Update','verbEdit'=>'Edit','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page','File type must be %s.'=>'File type must be %s.','or'=>'or','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'File size must not exceed %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'File size must be at least %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image height must not exceed %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image height must be at least %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image width must not exceed %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image width must be at least %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(no title)','Full Size'=>'Full Size','Large'=>'Large','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(no label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Sets the textarea height','Rows'=>'Rows','Text Area'=>'Text Area','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Allow \'custom\' values to be added','Add new choice'=>'Add new choice','Toggle All'=>'Toggle All','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Allow Archive URLs','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Page Link','Add'=>'Add','Name'=>'Name','%s added'=>'%s added','%s already exists'=>'%s already exists','User unable to add new %s'=>'User unable to add new %s','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term Object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Load value from posts terms','Load Terms'=>'Load Terms','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Connect selected terms to the post','Save Terms'=>'Save Terms','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Allow new terms to be created whilst editing','Create Terms'=>'Create Terms','Radio Buttons'=>'Radio Buttons','Single Value'=>'Single Value','Multi Select'=>'Multi Select','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Multiple Values','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Select the appearance of this field','Appearance'=>'Appearance','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Select the taxonomy to be displayed','No TermsNo %s'=>'No %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or lower than %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or higher than %d','Value must be a number'=>'Value must be a number','Number'=>'Number','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values','Other'=>'Other','Radio Button'=>'Radio Button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Allow this accordion to open without closing others.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Display this accordion as open on page load.','Open'=>'Open','Accordion'=>'Accordion','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which files can be uploaded','File ID'=>'File ID','File URL'=>'File URL','File Array'=>'File Array','Add File'=>'Add File','No file selected'=>'No file selected','File name'=>'File name','Update File'=>'Update File','Edit File'=>'Edit File','Select File'=>'Select File','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specify the value returned','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Use AJAX to lazy load choices?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Enter each default value on a new line','verbSelect'=>'Select','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Loading failed','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Searching…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Loading more results…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'You can only select %d items','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'You can only select 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Please delete %d characters','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Please delete 1 character','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Please enter %d or more characters','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Please enter 1 or more characters','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No matches found','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'One result is available, press enter to select it.','nounSelect'=>'Select','User ID'=>'User ID','User Object'=>'User Object','User Array'=>'User Array','All user roles'=>'All user roles','Filter by Role'=>'Filter by Role','User'=>'User','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Select Colour','Default'=>'Default','Clear'=>'Clear','Color Picker'=>'Colour Picker','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Select','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Now','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Time Zone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecond','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecond','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Second','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hour','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choose Time','Date Time Picker'=>'Date Time Picker','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Left aligned','Top aligned'=>'Top aligned','Placement'=>'Placement','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Value must be a valid URL','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link Array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opens in a new window/tab','Select Link'=>'Select Link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Step Size','Maximum Value'=>'Maximum Value','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum Value','Range'=>'Range','Both (Array)'=>'Both (Array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Value','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Enter each choice on a new line.','Choices'=>'Choices','Button Group'=>'Button Group','Allow Null'=>'Allow Null','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE will not be initialised until field is clicked','Delay Initialization'=>'Delay Initialisation','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Show Media Upload Buttons','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Text Only','Visual Only'=>'Visual Only','Visual & Text'=>'Visual and Text','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Click to initialise TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Value must not exceed %d characters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Leave blank for no limit','Character Limit'=>'Character Limit','Appears after the input'=>'Appears after the input','Append'=>'Append','Appears before the input'=>'Appears before the input','Prepend'=>'Prepend','Appears within the input'=>'Appears within the input','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder Text','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appears when creating a new post','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requires at least %2$s selection' . "\0" . '%1$s requires at least %2$s selections','Post ID'=>'Post ID','Post Object'=>'Post Object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum Posts','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum Posts','Featured Image'=>'Featured Image','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Selected elements will be displayed in each result','Elements'=>'Elements','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomy','Post Type'=>'Post Type','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'All taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter by Taxonomy','All post types'=>'All post types','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter by Post Type','Search...'=>'Search...','Select taxonomy'=>'Select taxonomy','Select post type'=>'Select post type','No matches found'=>'No matches found','Loading'=>'Loading','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximum values reached ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Relationship','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types','Allowed File Types'=>'Allowed File Types','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'File size','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which images can be uploaded','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uploaded to post','All'=>'All','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limit the media library choice','Library'=>'Library','Preview Size'=>'Preview Size','Image ID'=>'Image ID','Image URL'=>'Image URL','Image Array'=>'Image Array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specify the returned value on front end','Return Value'=>'Return Value','Add Image'=>'Add Image','No image selected'=>'No image selected','Remove'=>'Remove','Edit'=>'Edit','All images'=>'All images','Update Image'=>'Update Image','Edit Image'=>'Edit Image','Select Image'=>'Select Image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'No Formatting','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatically add <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatically add paragraphs','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controls how new lines are rendered','New Lines'=>'New Lines','Week Starts On'=>'Week Starts On','The format used when saving a value'=>'The format used when saving a value','Save Format'=>'Save Format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prev','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Next','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Today','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Picker'=>'Date Picker','Width'=>'Width','Embed Size'=>'Embed Size','Enter URL'=>'Enter URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text shown when inactive','Off Text'=>'Off Text','Text shown when active'=>'Text shown when active','On Text'=>'On Text','Stylized UI'=>'Stylised UI','Default Value'=>'Default Value','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Displays text alongside the checkbox','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Yes','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Row','Table'=>'Table','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specify the style used to render the selected fields','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Fields','Group'=>'Group','Customize the map height'=>'Customise the map height','Height'=>'Height','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Set the initial zoom level','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centre the initial map','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Search for address...','Find current location'=>'Find current location','Clear location'=>'Clear location','Search'=>'Search','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'The format returned via template functions','Return Format'=>'Return Format','Custom:'=>'Custom:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'The format displayed when editing a post','Display Format'=>'Display Format','Time Picker'=>'Time Picker','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No Fields found in bin','No Fields found'=>'No Fields found','Search Fields'=>'Search Fields','View Field'=>'View Field','New Field'=>'New Field','Edit Field'=>'Edit Field','Add New Field'=>'Add New Field','Field'=>'Field','Fields'=>'Fields','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No Field Groups found in bin','No Field Groups found'=>'No Field Groups found','Search Field Groups'=>'Search Field Groups','View Field Group'=>'View Field Group','New Field Group'=>'New Field Group','Edit Field Group'=>'Edit Field Group','Add New Field Group'=>'Add New Field Group','Add New'=>'Add New','Field Group'=>'Field Group','Field Groups'=>'Field Groups','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Your license has expired. Please renew to continue to have access to updates, support & PRO features.'=>'Your licence has expired. Please renew to continue to have access to updates, support & PRO features.','Activate your license to enable access to updates, support & PRO features.'=>'Activate your licence to enable access to updates, support & PRO features.','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a license key, please see details & pricing.'=>'To enable updates, please enter your licence key on the Updates page. If you don’t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page of the main site. If you don\'t have a license key, please see details & pricing.'=>'To enable updates, please enter your licence key on the Updates page of the main site. If you don’t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.','Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old license'=>'Your defined licence key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence','Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Your defined licence key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server','ACF PRO — Your license key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.'=>'ACF PRO — Your licence key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.','There was an issue activating your license key.'=>'There was an issue activating your licence key.','An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'An error occurred when connecting to activation server','An internal error occurred when trying to check your license key. Please try again later.'=>'An internal error occurred when trying to check your licence key. Please try again later.','You have reached the activation limit for the license.'=>'You have reached the activation limit for the licence.','View your licenses'=>'View your licences','Your license key has expired and cannot be activated.'=>'Your licence key has expired and cannot be activated.','License key not found. Make sure you have copied your license key exactly as it appears in your receipt or your account.'=>'Licence key not found. Make sure you have copied your licence key exactly as it appears in your receipt or your account.','Your license key has been deactivated.'=>'Your licence key has been deactivated.','Your license key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.'=>'Your licence key has been activated successfully. Access to updates, support & PRO features is now enabled.','An unknown error occurred while trying to validate your license: %s.'=>'An unknown error occurred while trying to validate your licence: %s.','Your license key is valid but not activated on this site. Please deactivate and then reactivate the license.'=>'Your licence key is valid but not activated on this site. Please deactivate and then reactivate the licence.','Your site URL has changed since last activating your license. We\'ve automatically activated it for this site URL.'=>'Your site URL has changed since last activating your licence. We’ve automatically activated it for this site URL.','Your site URL has changed since last activating your license, but we weren\'t able to automatically reactivate it: %s'=>'Your site URL has changed since last activating your licence, but we weren’t able to automatically reactivate it: %s','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO licence.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Your licence for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO licence.','No Options Pages found in Trash'=>'No Options Pages found in Bin','Deactivate License'=>'Deactivate Licence','Activate License'=>'Activate Licence','License Status'=>'Licence Status','License Type'=>'Licence Type','License Information'=>'Licence Information','License Key'=>'Licence Key','Recheck License'=>'Recheck Licence','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Your licence key is defined in wp-config.php.','Don\'t have an ACF PRO license? %s'=>'Don’t have an ACF PRO licence? %s','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Enter your licence key to unlock updates','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Please reactivate your licence to unlock updates']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.mo
index c7ca244b..5e8b30e7 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.po
index 2db9c588..771e54b7 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_GB.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -56,10 +91,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Learn more"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Hide details"
@@ -123,10 +154,10 @@ msgstr "4 Months Free"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Duplicated from %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Select Options Pages"
@@ -159,8 +190,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Add fields"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "This Field"
@@ -183,7 +214,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "is developed and maintained by"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
@@ -323,34 +354,34 @@ msgstr "Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s fields"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "No terms"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "No post types"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "No posts"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "No taxonomies"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "No field groups"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "No fields"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "No description"
@@ -787,37 +818,33 @@ msgstr "Invalid post type selected for review."
msgid "More"
msgstr "More"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Available with ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Select Field"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Try a different search term or browse %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Popular fields"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "No search results for '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Search fields..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Select Field Type"
@@ -2414,7 +2441,7 @@ msgstr "Trackbacks"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Browse Fields"
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2482,15 +2509,15 @@ msgstr ""
"php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete "
"the items from the ACF admin."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Export - Generate PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Export"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Select Taxonomies"
@@ -2498,7 +2525,7 @@ msgstr "Select Taxonomies"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Select Post Types"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Exported 1 item."
@@ -2550,7 +2577,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomy deleted."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomy updated."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2560,67 +2587,67 @@ msgstr ""
"taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomy synchronised."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies synchronised."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies duplicated."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies deactivated."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomy activated."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies activated."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Terms"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Post type synchronised."
msgstr[1] "%s post types synchronised."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Post type duplicated."
msgstr[1] "%s post types duplicated."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Post type deactivated."
msgstr[1] "%s post types deactivated."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Post type activated."
msgstr[1] "%s post types activated."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2638,7 +2665,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Basic Settings"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2652,7 +2679,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Link Existing Field Groups"
@@ -2696,16 +2723,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Post type deleted."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Type to search..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "PRO Only"
@@ -2728,44 +2755,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "post type"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Done"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Field Group(s)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Select one or many field groups..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Please select the field groups to link."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Field group linked successfully."
msgstr[1] "Field groups linked successfully."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Registration Failed"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2773,31 +2800,31 @@ msgstr ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissions"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URLs"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibility"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
@@ -2818,14 +2845,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Close Modal"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Field moved to other group"
@@ -3007,8 +3034,8 @@ msgstr "Presentation"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validation"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
@@ -3016,49 +3043,49 @@ msgstr "General"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Import JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Export As JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Field group deactivated."
msgstr[1] "%s field groups deactivated."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Field group activated."
msgstr[1] "%s field groups activated."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactivate"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Deactivate this item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activate"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activate this item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Move field group to trash?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3071,7 +3098,7 @@ msgstr "Inactive"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3079,7 +3106,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3159,7 +3186,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA String"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex String"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Upgrade to PRO"
@@ -3211,8 +3238,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Attachments"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3222,7 +3249,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomies"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3241,49 +3268,49 @@ msgstr "Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Awaiting save"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Saved"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Review changes"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Located in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Located in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Located in theme: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Various"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sync changes"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Loading diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Review local JSON changes"
@@ -3543,7 +3570,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Show this field if"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Conditional Logic"
@@ -3552,9 +3579,9 @@ msgstr "Conditional Logic"
msgid "and"
msgstr "and"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Local JSON"
@@ -3746,9 +3773,9 @@ msgstr "Style"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Key"
@@ -3759,23 +3786,23 @@ msgstr "Key"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Order"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Close Field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "width"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Wrapper Attributes"
@@ -3783,68 +3810,68 @@ msgstr "Wrapper Attributes"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Required"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructions"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Field Type"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Field Name"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Field Label"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Delete"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Delete field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Move"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Move field to another group"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicate field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Edit field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Drag to reorder"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Show this field group if"
@@ -3945,15 +3972,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Rules"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copied"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copy to clipboard"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3965,22 +3992,22 @@ msgstr ""
"to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you "
"can place in your theme."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Select Field Groups"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "No field groups selected"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generate PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Export Field Groups"
@@ -4008,22 +4035,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Import Field Groups"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Select %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicate"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicate this item"
@@ -4031,13 +4058,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicate this item"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Supports"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4046,26 +4074,26 @@ msgstr "Documentation"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sync available"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Field group synchronised."
msgstr[1] "%s field groups synchronised."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Field group duplicated."
msgstr[1] "%s field groups duplicated."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Active (%s)"
@@ -4106,7 +4134,7 @@ msgstr "The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Move Complete."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4121,7 +4149,7 @@ msgstr "Field Keys"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"
@@ -4133,14 +4161,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(this field)"
@@ -4151,14 +4179,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Checked"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Move Custom Field"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No toggle fields available"
@@ -4167,14 +4195,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Field group title is required"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
@@ -4342,8 +4370,8 @@ msgstr "Has no value"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Has any value"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel"
@@ -4353,24 +4381,24 @@ msgstr "Cancel"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Are you sure?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d fields require attention"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 field requires attention"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validation failed"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validation successful"
@@ -4406,8 +4434,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
@@ -4420,10 +4448,10 @@ msgstr "File type must be %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "or"
@@ -4473,8 +4501,8 @@ msgstr "Thumbnail"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(no label)"
@@ -5438,7 +5466,7 @@ msgstr "No image selected"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remove"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5757,92 +5785,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Time Picker"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactive (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No Fields found in bin"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No Fields found"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Search Fields"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "View Field"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "New Field"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Edit Field"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Add New Field"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Field"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No Field Groups found in bin"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No Field Groups found"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Search Field Groups"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "View Field Group"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "New Field Group"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Edit Field Group"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Add New Field Group"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Add New"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Field Group"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Field Groups"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.l10n.php
index 551e14e8..b4f8a929 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'en_ZA','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Enable Transparency'=>'Enable Transparency','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA String','Hex String'=>'Hex String','post statusActive'=>'Active','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is not a valid email address','Color value'=>'Colour value','Select default color'=>'Select default colour','Clear color'=>'Clear colour','Blocks'=>'Blocks','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Users','Menu items'=>'Menu items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Attachments','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Last Updated: %s ago','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Invalid field group parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Awaiting save','Saved'=>'Saved','Import'=>'Import','Review changes'=>'Review changes','Located in: %s'=>'Located in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Located in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Located in theme: %s','Various'=>'Various','Sync changes'=>'Sync changes','Loading diff'=>'Loading diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Review local JSON changes','Visit website'=>'Visit website','View details'=>'View details','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:','Help & Support'=>'Help & Support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarise yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customise WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.','Overview'=>'Overview','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Location type "%s" is already registered.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class "%s" does not exist.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Invalid nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Error loading field.','Location not found: %s'=>'Location not found: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'User Role','Comment'=>'Comment','Post Format'=>'Post Format','Menu Item'=>'Menu Item','Post Status'=>'Post Status','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Menu Locations','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Post Taxonomy','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Child Page (has parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Parent Page (has children)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Top Level Page (no parent)','Posts Page'=>'Posts Page','Front Page'=>'Front Page Info','Page Type'=>'Page Type','Viewing back end'=>'Viewing back end','Viewing front end'=>'Viewing front end','Logged in'=>'Logged in','Current User'=>'Current User','Page Template'=>'Page Template','Register'=>'Register','Add / Edit'=>'Add / Edit','User Form'=>'User Form','Page Parent'=>'Page Parent','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Current User Role','Default Template'=>'Default Template','Post Template'=>'Post Template','Post Category'=>'Post Category','All %s formats'=>'All %s formats','Attachment'=>'Attachment','%s value is required'=>'%s value is required','Show this field if'=>'Show this field if','Conditional Logic'=>'Conditional Logic','and'=>'and','Local JSON'=>'Local JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database Upgrade Required','Options Page'=>'Options Page','Gallery'=>'Gallery','Flexible Content'=>'Flexible Content','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Back to all tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Select items to hide them from the edit screen.','Hide on screen'=>'Hide on screen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send Trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categories','Page Attributes'=>'Page Attributes','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Author','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisions','Comments'=>'Comments','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Excerpt','Content Editor'=>'Content Editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Shown in field group list','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Field groups with a lower order will appear first','Order No.'=>'Order No.','Below fields'=>'Below fields','Below labels'=>'Below labels','Side'=>'Side','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (after content)','High (after title)'=>'High (after title)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Seamless (no metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Key','Order'=>'Order','Close Field'=>'Close Field','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'width','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper Attributes','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Field Type','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed','Field Name'=>'Field Name','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page','Field Label'=>'Field Label','Delete'=>'Delete','Delete field'=>'Delete field','Move'=>'Move','Move field to another group'=>'Move field to another group','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicate field','Edit field'=>'Edit field','Drag to reorder'=>'Drag to reorder','Show this field group if'=>'Show this field group if','No updates available.'=>'No updates available.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Reading upgrade tasks...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade failed.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade complete.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Upgrading data to version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Please select at least one site to upgrade.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up to date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Upgrade Sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.','Add rule group'=>'Add rule group','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields','Rules'=>'Rules','Copied'=>'Copied','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copy to clipboard','Select Field Groups'=>'Select Field Groups','No field groups selected'=>'No field groups selected','Generate PHP'=>'Generate PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Export Field Groups','Import file empty'=>'Import file empty','Incorrect file type'=>'Incorrect file type','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error uploading file. Please try again','Import Field Groups'=>'Import Field Groups','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Select %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicate','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicate this item','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Sync available','Field group duplicated.'=>'Field group duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups duplicated.','Active (%s)'=>'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Review sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Upgrade Database','Custom Fields'=>'Custom Fields','Move Field'=>'Move Field','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Please select the destination for this field','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group','Move Complete.'=>'Move Complete.','Active'=>'Active','Field Keys'=>'Field Keys','Settings'=>'Settings','Location'=>'Location','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copy','(this field)'=>'(this field)','Checked'=>'Checked','Move Custom Field'=>'Move Custom Field','No toggle fields available'=>'No toggle fields available','Field group title is required'=>'Field group title is required','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name','Field group draft updated.'=>'Field group draft updated.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Field group scheduled for.','Field group submitted.'=>'Field group submitted.','Field group saved.'=>'Field group saved.','Field group published.'=>'Field group published.','Field group deleted.'=>'Field group deleted.','Field group updated.'=>'Field group updated.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is not equal to','is equal to'=>'is equal to','Forms'=>'Forms','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relational','Choice'=>'Choice','Basic'=>'Basic','Unknown'=>'Unknown','Field type does not exist'=>'Field type does not exist','Spam Detected'=>'Spam Detected','Post updated'=>'Post updated','Update'=>'Update','Validate Email'=>'Validate Email','Content'=>'Content','Title'=>'Title','Edit field group'=>'Edit field group','Selection is less than'=>'Selection is less than','Selection is greater than'=>'Selection is greater than','Value is less than'=>'Value is less than','Value is greater than'=>'Value is greater than','Value contains'=>'Value contains','Value matches pattern'=>'Value matches pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Value is not equal to','Value is equal to'=>'Value is equal to','Has no value'=>'Has no value','Has any value'=>'Has any value','Cancel'=>'Cancel','Are you sure?'=>'Are you sure?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fields require attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 field requires attention','Validation failed'=>'Validation failed','Validation successful'=>'Validation successful','Restricted'=>'Restricted','Collapse Details'=>'Collapse Details','Expand Details'=>'Expand Details','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uploaded to this post','verbUpdate'=>'Update','verbEdit'=>'Edit','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page','File type must be %s.'=>'File type must be %s.','or'=>'or','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'File size must not exceed %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'File size must be at least %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image height must not exceed %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image height must be at least %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image width must not exceed %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image width must be at least %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(no title)','Full Size'=>'Full Size','Large'=>'Large','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(no label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Sets the textarea height','Rows'=>'Rows','Text Area'=>'Text Area','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Allow \'custom\' values to be added','Add new choice'=>'Add new choice','Toggle All'=>'Toggle All','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Allow Archives URLs','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Page Link','Add'=>'Add','Name'=>'Name','%s added'=>'%s added','%s already exists'=>'%s already exists','User unable to add new %s'=>'User unable to add new %s','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term Object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Load value from posts terms','Load Terms'=>'Load Terms','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Connect selected terms to the post','Save Terms'=>'Save Terms','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Allow new terms to be created whilst editing','Create Terms'=>'Create Terms','Radio Buttons'=>'Radio Buttons','Single Value'=>'Single Value','Multi Select'=>'Multi Select','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Multiple Values','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Select the appearance of this field','Appearance'=>'Appearance','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Select the taxonomy to be displayed','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or lower than %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or higher than %d','Value must be a number'=>'Value must be a number','Number'=>'Number','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values','Other'=>'Other','Radio Button'=>'Radio Button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Allow this accordion to open without closing others.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Display this accordion as open on page load.','Open'=>'Open','Accordion'=>'Accordion','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which files can be uploaded','File ID'=>'File ID','File URL'=>'File URL','File Array'=>'File Array','Add File'=>'Add File','No file selected'=>'No file selected','File name'=>'File name','Update File'=>'Update File','Edit File'=>'Edit File','Select File'=>'Select File','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specify the value returned','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Use AJAX to lazy load choices?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Enter each default value on a new line','verbSelect'=>'Select','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Loading failed','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Searching…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Loading more results…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'You can only select %d items','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'You can only select 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Please delete %d characters','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Please delete 1 character','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Please enter %d or more characters','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Please enter 1 or more characters','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No matches found','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'One result is available, press enter to select it.','nounSelect'=>'Select','User ID'=>'User ID','User Object'=>'User Object','User Array'=>'User Array','All user roles'=>'All user roles','User'=>'User','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Select Colour','Default'=>'Default','Clear'=>'Clear','Color Picker'=>'Colour Picker','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Select','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Now','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Time Zone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecond','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecond','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Second','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hour','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choose Time','Date Time Picker'=>'Date Time Picker','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Left aligned','Top aligned'=>'Top aligned','Placement'=>'Placement','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Value must be a valid URL','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link Array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opens in a new window/tab','Select Link'=>'Select Link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Step Size','Maximum Value'=>'Maximum Value','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum Value','Range'=>'Range','Both (Array)'=>'Both (Array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Value','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Enter each choice on a new line.','Choices'=>'Choices','Button Group'=>'Button Group','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE will not be initialised until field is clicked','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Text Only','Visual Only'=>'Visual Only','Visual & Text'=>'Visual & Text','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Click to initialise TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Value must not exceed %d characters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Leave blank for no limit','Character Limit'=>'Character Limit','Appears after the input'=>'Appears after the input','Append'=>'Append','Appears before the input'=>'Appears before the input','Prepend'=>'Prepend','Appears within the input'=>'Appears within the input','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder Text','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appears when creating a new post','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requires at least %2$s selection' . "\0" . '%1$s requires at least %2$s selections','Post ID'=>'Post ID','Post Object'=>'Post Object','Featured Image'=>'Featured image','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Selected elements will be displayed in each result','Elements'=>'Elements','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomy','Post Type'=>'Post Type','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'All taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter by Taxonomy','All post types'=>'All post types','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter by Post Type','Search...'=>'Search...','Select taxonomy'=>'Select taxonomy','Select post type'=>'Select post type','No matches found'=>'No matches found','Loading'=>'Loading','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximum values reached ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Relationship','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'File size','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which images can be uploaded','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uploaded to post','All'=>'All','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limit the media library choice','Library'=>'Library','Preview Size'=>'Preview Size','Image ID'=>'Image ID','Image URL'=>'Image URL','Image Array'=>'Image Array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specify the returned value on front end','Return Value'=>'Return Value','Add Image'=>'Add Image','No image selected'=>'No image selected','Remove'=>'Remove','Edit'=>'Edit','All images'=>'All images','Update Image'=>'Update Image','Edit Image'=>'Edit Image','Select Image'=>'Select Image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'No Formatting','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatically add <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatically add paragraphs','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controls how new lines are rendered','New Lines'=>'New Lines','Week Starts On'=>'Week Starts On','The format used when saving a value'=>'The format used when saving a value','Save Format'=>'Save Format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prev','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Next','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Today','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Picker'=>'Date Picker','Width'=>'Width','Embed Size'=>'Embed Size','Enter URL'=>'Enter URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text shown when inactive','Off Text'=>'Off Text','Text shown when active'=>'Text shown when active','On Text'=>'On Text','Default Value'=>'Default Value','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Displays text alongside the checkbox','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Yes','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Row','Table'=>'Table','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specify the style used to render the selected fields','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Fields','Group'=>'Group','Customize the map height'=>'Customise the map height','Height'=>'Height','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Set the initial zoom level','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centre the initial map','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Search for address...','Find current location'=>'Find current location','Clear location'=>'Clear location','Search'=>'Search','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'The format returned via template functions','Return Format'=>'Return Format','Custom:'=>'Custom:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'The format displayed when editing a post','Display Format'=>'Display Format','Time Picker'=>'Time Picker','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No Fields found in Bin','No Fields found'=>'No Fields found','Search Fields'=>'Search Fields','View Field'=>'View Field','New Field'=>'New Field','Edit Field'=>'Edit Field','Add New Field'=>'Add New Field','Field'=>'Field','Fields'=>'Fields','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No Field Groups found in Bin','No Field Groups found'=>'No Field Groups found','Search Field Groups'=>'Search Field Groups','View Field Group'=>'View Field Group','New Field Group'=>'New Field Group','Edit Field Group'=>'Edit Field Group','Add New Field Group'=>'Add New Field Group','Add New'=>'Add New','Field Group'=>'Field Group','Field Groups'=>'Field Groups','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'en_ZA','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Enable Transparency'=>'Enable Transparency','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA String','Hex String'=>'Hex String','post statusActive'=>'Active','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is not a valid email address','Color value'=>'Colour value','Select default color'=>'Select default colour','Clear color'=>'Clear colour','Blocks'=>'Blocks','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Users','Menu items'=>'Menu items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Attachments','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Last Updated: %s ago','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Invalid field group parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Awaiting save','Saved'=>'Saved','Import'=>'Import','Review changes'=>'Review changes','Located in: %s'=>'Located in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Located in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Located in theme: %s','Various'=>'Various','Sync changes'=>'Sync changes','Loading diff'=>'Loading diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Review local JSON changes','Visit website'=>'Visit website','View details'=>'View details','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:','Help & Support'=>'Help & Support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarise yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customise WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.','Overview'=>'Overview','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Location type "%s" is already registered.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class "%s" does not exist.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Invalid nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Error loading field.','Location not found: %s'=>'Location not found: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'User Role','Comment'=>'Comment','Post Format'=>'Post Format','Menu Item'=>'Menu Item','Post Status'=>'Post Status','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Menu Locations','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Post Taxonomy','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Child Page (has parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Parent Page (has children)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Top Level Page (no parent)','Posts Page'=>'Posts Page','Front Page'=>'Front Page Info','Page Type'=>'Page Type','Viewing back end'=>'Viewing back end','Viewing front end'=>'Viewing front end','Logged in'=>'Logged in','Current User'=>'Current User','Page Template'=>'Page Template','Register'=>'Register','Add / Edit'=>'Add / Edit','User Form'=>'User Form','Page Parent'=>'Page Parent','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Current User Role','Default Template'=>'Default Template','Post Template'=>'Post Template','Post Category'=>'Post Category','All %s formats'=>'All %s formats','Attachment'=>'Attachment','%s value is required'=>'%s value is required','Show this field if'=>'Show this field if','Conditional Logic'=>'Conditional Logic','and'=>'and','Local JSON'=>'Local JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database Upgrade Required','Options Page'=>'Options Page','Gallery'=>'Gallery','Flexible Content'=>'Flexible Content','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Back to all tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Select items to hide them from the edit screen.','Hide on screen'=>'Hide on screen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send Trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categories','Page Attributes'=>'Page Attributes','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Author','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisions','Comments'=>'Comments','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Excerpt','Content Editor'=>'Content Editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Shown in field group list','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Field groups with a lower order will appear first','Order No.'=>'Order No.','Below fields'=>'Below fields','Below labels'=>'Below labels','Side'=>'Side','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (after content)','High (after title)'=>'High (after title)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Seamless (no metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Key','Order'=>'Order','Close Field'=>'Close Field','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'width','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper Attributes','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Field Type','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed','Field Name'=>'Field Name','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page','Field Label'=>'Field Label','Delete'=>'Delete','Delete field'=>'Delete field','Move'=>'Move','Move field to another group'=>'Move field to another group','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicate field','Edit field'=>'Edit field','Drag to reorder'=>'Drag to reorder','Show this field group if'=>'Show this field group if','No updates available.'=>'No updates available.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Reading upgrade tasks...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade failed.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade complete.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Upgrading data to version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Please select at least one site to upgrade.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up to date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Upgrade Sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.','Add rule group'=>'Add rule group','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields','Rules'=>'Rules','Copied'=>'Copied','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copy to clipboard','Select Field Groups'=>'Select Field Groups','No field groups selected'=>'No field groups selected','Generate PHP'=>'Generate PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Export Field Groups','Import file empty'=>'Import file empty','Incorrect file type'=>'Incorrect file type','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error uploading file. Please try again','Import Field Groups'=>'Import Field Groups','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Select %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicate','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicate this item','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Sync available','Field group duplicated.'=>'Field group duplicated.' . "\0" . '%s field groups duplicated.','Active (%s)'=>'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Review sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Upgrade Database','Custom Fields'=>'Custom Fields','Move Field'=>'Move Field','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Please select the destination for this field','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group','Move Complete.'=>'Move Complete.','Active'=>'Active','Field Keys'=>'Field Keys','Settings'=>'Settings','Location'=>'Location','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copy','(this field)'=>'(this field)','Checked'=>'Checked','Move Custom Field'=>'Move Custom Field','No toggle fields available'=>'No toggle fields available','Field group title is required'=>'Field group title is required','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name','Field group draft updated.'=>'Field group draft updated.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Field group scheduled for.','Field group submitted.'=>'Field group submitted.','Field group saved.'=>'Field group saved.','Field group published.'=>'Field group published.','Field group deleted.'=>'Field group deleted.','Field group updated.'=>'Field group updated.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is not equal to','is equal to'=>'is equal to','Forms'=>'Forms','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relational','Choice'=>'Choice','Basic'=>'Basic','Unknown'=>'Unknown','Field type does not exist'=>'Field type does not exist','Spam Detected'=>'Spam Detected','Post updated'=>'Post updated','Update'=>'Update','Validate Email'=>'Validate Email','Content'=>'Content','Title'=>'Title','Edit field group'=>'Edit field group','Selection is less than'=>'Selection is less than','Selection is greater than'=>'Selection is greater than','Value is less than'=>'Value is less than','Value is greater than'=>'Value is greater than','Value contains'=>'Value contains','Value matches pattern'=>'Value matches pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Value is not equal to','Value is equal to'=>'Value is equal to','Has no value'=>'Has no value','Has any value'=>'Has any value','Cancel'=>'Cancel','Are you sure?'=>'Are you sure?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fields require attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 field requires attention','Validation failed'=>'Validation failed','Validation successful'=>'Validation successful','Restricted'=>'Restricted','Collapse Details'=>'Collapse Details','Expand Details'=>'Expand Details','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uploaded to this post','verbUpdate'=>'Update','verbEdit'=>'Edit','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page','File type must be %s.'=>'File type must be %s.','or'=>'or','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'File size must not exceed %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'File size must be at least %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image height must not exceed %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image height must be at least %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Image width must not exceed %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Image width must be at least %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(no title)','Full Size'=>'Full Size','Large'=>'Large','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(no label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Sets the textarea height','Rows'=>'Rows','Text Area'=>'Text Area','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Allow \'custom\' values to be added','Add new choice'=>'Add new choice','Toggle All'=>'Toggle All','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Allow Archives URLs','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Page Link','Add'=>'Add','Name'=>'Name','%s added'=>'%s added','%s already exists'=>'%s already exists','User unable to add new %s'=>'User unable to add new %s','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term Object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Load value from posts terms','Load Terms'=>'Load Terms','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Connect selected terms to the post','Save Terms'=>'Save Terms','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Allow new terms to be created whilst editing','Create Terms'=>'Create Terms','Radio Buttons'=>'Radio Buttons','Single Value'=>'Single Value','Multi Select'=>'Multi Select','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Multiple Values','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Select the appearance of this field','Appearance'=>'Appearance','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Select the taxonomy to be displayed','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or lower than %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Value must be equal to or higher than %d','Value must be a number'=>'Value must be a number','Number'=>'Number','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values','Other'=>'Other','Radio Button'=>'Radio Button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Allow this accordion to open without closing others.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Display this accordion as open on page load.','Open'=>'Open','Accordion'=>'Accordion','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which files can be uploaded','File ID'=>'File ID','File URL'=>'File URL','File Array'=>'File Array','Add File'=>'Add File','No file selected'=>'No file selected','File name'=>'File name','Update File'=>'Update File','Edit File'=>'Edit File','Select File'=>'Select File','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specify the value returned','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Use AJAX to lazy load choices?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Enter each default value on a new line','verbSelect'=>'Select','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Loading failed','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Searching…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Loading more results…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'You can only select %d items','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'You can only select 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Please delete %d characters','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Please delete 1 character','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Please enter %d or more characters','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Please enter 1 or more characters','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No matches found','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'One result is available, press enter to select it.','nounSelect'=>'Select','User ID'=>'User ID','User Object'=>'User Object','User Array'=>'User Array','All user roles'=>'All user roles','User'=>'User','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Select Colour','Default'=>'Default','Clear'=>'Clear','Color Picker'=>'Colour Picker','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Select','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Now','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Time Zone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecond','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecond','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Second','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hour','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choose Time','Date Time Picker'=>'Date Time Picker','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Left aligned','Top aligned'=>'Top aligned','Placement'=>'Placement','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Value must be a valid URL','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link Array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opens in a new window/tab','Select Link'=>'Select Link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Step Size','Maximum Value'=>'Maximum Value','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum Value','Range'=>'Range','Both (Array)'=>'Both (Array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Value','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Enter each choice on a new line.','Choices'=>'Choices','Button Group'=>'Button Group','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE will not be initialised until field is clicked','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Text Only','Visual Only'=>'Visual Only','Visual & Text'=>'Visual & Text','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Click to initialise TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Value must not exceed %d characters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Leave blank for no limit','Character Limit'=>'Character Limit','Appears after the input'=>'Appears after the input','Append'=>'Append','Appears before the input'=>'Appears before the input','Prepend'=>'Prepend','Appears within the input'=>'Appears within the input','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder Text','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appears when creating a new post','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requires at least %2$s selection' . "\0" . '%1$s requires at least %2$s selections','Post ID'=>'Post ID','Post Object'=>'Post Object','Featured Image'=>'Featured image','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Selected elements will be displayed in each result','Elements'=>'Elements','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomy','Post Type'=>'Post Type','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'All taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter by Taxonomy','All post types'=>'All post types','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter by Post Type','Search...'=>'Search...','Select taxonomy'=>'Select taxonomy','Select post type'=>'Select post type','No matches found'=>'No matches found','Loading'=>'Loading','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximum values reached ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Relationship','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'File size','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrict which images can be uploaded','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uploaded to post','All'=>'All','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limit the media library choice','Library'=>'Library','Preview Size'=>'Preview Size','Image ID'=>'Image ID','Image URL'=>'Image URL','Image Array'=>'Image Array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specify the returned value on front end','Return Value'=>'Return Value','Add Image'=>'Add Image','No image selected'=>'No image selected','Remove'=>'Remove','Edit'=>'Edit','All images'=>'All images','Update Image'=>'Update Image','Edit Image'=>'Edit Image','Select Image'=>'Select Image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'No Formatting','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatically add <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatically add paragraphs','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controls how new lines are rendered','New Lines'=>'New Lines','Week Starts On'=>'Week Starts On','The format used when saving a value'=>'The format used when saving a value','Save Format'=>'Save Format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prev','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Next','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Today','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Done','Date Picker'=>'Date Picker','Width'=>'Width','Embed Size'=>'Embed Size','Enter URL'=>'Enter URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text shown when inactive','Off Text'=>'Off Text','Text shown when active'=>'Text shown when active','On Text'=>'On Text','Default Value'=>'Default Value','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Displays text alongside the checkbox','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Yes','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Row','Table'=>'Table','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specify the style used to render the selected fields','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Fields','Group'=>'Group','Customize the map height'=>'Customise the map height','Height'=>'Height','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Set the initial zoom level','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centre the initial map','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Search for address...','Find current location'=>'Find current location','Clear location'=>'Clear location','Search'=>'Search','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'The format returned via template functions','Return Format'=>'Return Format','Custom:'=>'Custom:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'The format displayed when editing a post','Display Format'=>'Display Format','Time Picker'=>'Time Picker','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No Fields found in Bin','No Fields found'=>'No Fields found','Search Fields'=>'Search Fields','View Field'=>'View Field','New Field'=>'New Field','Edit Field'=>'Edit Field','Add New Field'=>'Add New Field','Field'=>'Field','Fields'=>'Fields','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No Field Groups found in Bin','No Field Groups found'=>'No Field Groups found','Search Field Groups'=>'Search Field Groups','View Field Group'=>'View Field Group','New Field Group'=>'New Field Group','Edit Field Group'=>'Edit Field Group','Add New Field Group'=>'Add New Field Group','Add New'=>'Add New','Field Group'=>'Field Group','Field Groups'=>'Field Groups','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.mo
index 5b43ef83..15019af2 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.po
index c8909c42..7229f911 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-en_ZA.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: en_ZA\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2951,7 +2978,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA String"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex String"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3003,8 +3030,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Attachments"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3014,7 +3041,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomies"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3033,49 +3060,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Awaiting save"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Saved"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Review changes"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Located in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Located in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Located in theme: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Various"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sync changes"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Loading diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Review local JSON changes"
@@ -3332,7 +3359,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Show this field if"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Conditional Logic"
@@ -3341,9 +3368,9 @@ msgstr "Conditional Logic"
msgid "and"
msgstr "and"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Local JSON"
@@ -3535,9 +3562,9 @@ msgstr "Style"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Key"
@@ -3548,23 +3575,23 @@ msgstr "Key"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Order"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Close Field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "width"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Wrapper Attributes"
@@ -3572,68 +3599,68 @@ msgstr "Wrapper Attributes"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructions"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Field Type"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Field Name"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Field Label"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Delete"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Delete field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Move"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Move field to another group"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicate field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Edit field"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Drag to reorder"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Show this field group if"
@@ -3734,15 +3761,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Rules"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copied"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copy to clipboard"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3750,22 +3777,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Select Field Groups"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "No field groups selected"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generate PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Export Field Groups"
@@ -3791,22 +3818,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Import Field Groups"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Select %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicate"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicate this item"
@@ -3814,13 +3841,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicate this item"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3829,26 +3857,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sync available"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Field group duplicated."
msgstr[1] "%s field groups duplicated."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Active (%s)"
@@ -3889,7 +3917,7 @@ msgstr "The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Move Complete."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3904,7 +3932,7 @@ msgstr "Field Keys"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"
@@ -3916,14 +3944,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(this field)"
@@ -3934,14 +3962,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Checked"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Move Custom Field"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No toggle fields available"
@@ -3950,14 +3978,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Field group title is required"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
@@ -4125,8 +4153,8 @@ msgstr "Has no value"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Has any value"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel"
@@ -4136,24 +4164,24 @@ msgstr "Cancel"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Are you sure?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d fields require attention"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 field requires attention"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validation failed"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validation successful"
@@ -4189,8 +4217,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
@@ -4203,10 +4231,10 @@ msgstr "File type must be %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "or"
@@ -4256,8 +4284,8 @@ msgstr "Thumbnail"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(no label)"
@@ -5221,7 +5249,7 @@ msgstr "No image selected"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remove"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5540,92 +5568,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Time Picker"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No Fields found in Bin"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No Fields found"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Search Fields"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "View Field"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "New Field"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Edit Field"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Add New Field"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Field"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fields"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No Field Groups found in Bin"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No Field Groups found"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Search Field Groups"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "View Field Group"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "New Field Group"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Edit Field Group"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Add New Field Group"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Add New"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Field Group"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Field Groups"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.l10n.php
index 39e557ea..57930b82 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_CO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Regístrate','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'Se requiere el valor %s','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena «field_» no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Colapsar detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta entrada','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_CO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Regístrate','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'Se requiere el valor %s','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena «field_» no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Colapsar detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta entrada','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.mo
index 8a1f16ed..4aa11ff6 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.po
index 3e9b09c9..cd5fdec3 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CO.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: es_CO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2955,7 +2982,7 @@ msgstr "Cadena RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cadena hexadecimal"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3007,8 +3034,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3018,7 +3045,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3037,49 +3064,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Esperando el guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios de JSON local"
@@ -3337,7 +3364,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3346,9 +3373,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3544,9 +3571,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3557,23 +3584,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
@@ -3581,69 +3608,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucciones"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a otro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos si"
@@ -3747,15 +3774,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reglas"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3763,22 +3790,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3804,22 +3831,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -3827,13 +3854,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3842,26 +3870,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3902,7 +3930,7 @@ msgstr "El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimiento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3917,7 +3945,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"
@@ -3929,14 +3957,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3947,14 +3975,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No hay campos de conmutación disponibles"
@@ -3963,14 +3991,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La cadena «field_» no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo"
@@ -4139,8 +4167,8 @@ msgstr "No tiene ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "No tiene algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4150,24 +4178,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requieren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requiere atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4203,8 +4231,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página"
@@ -4217,10 +4245,10 @@ msgstr "El tipo de archivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4270,8 +4298,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sin etiqueta)"
@@ -5239,7 +5267,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5561,92 +5589,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.l10n.php
index 9b7736a6..157adca2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_CR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Actualizado por última vez: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetros del grupo de campos inválido.','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Ubicado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Ubicado en plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Ubicado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión: %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda le ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones a las que puede enfrentarse.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consiga el máximo en su web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, use la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para avisarnos que necesita ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear su primer grupo de campos le recomendamos que primero lea nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarse con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe sobrepasar %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_CR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Actualizado por última vez: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetros del grupo de campos inválido.','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Ubicado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Ubicado en plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Ubicado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión: %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda le ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones a las que puede enfrentarse.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consiga el máximo en su web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, use la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para avisarnos que necesita ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear su primer grupo de campos le recomendamos que primero lea nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarse con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe sobrepasar %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.mo
index 2e7bb4e7..46f351dd 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.po
index 9ffa7a49..8eddbe0c 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_CR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: es_CR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2951,7 +2978,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3003,8 +3030,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3014,7 +3041,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3033,49 +3060,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetros del grupo de campos inválido."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Esperando guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Ubicado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Ubicado en plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Ubicado en el tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios de JSON local"
@@ -3333,7 +3360,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3342,9 +3369,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3540,9 +3567,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3553,23 +3580,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
@@ -3577,69 +3604,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucciones"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a otro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos si"
@@ -3743,15 +3770,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reglas"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3759,22 +3786,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3800,22 +3827,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -3823,13 +3850,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3838,26 +3866,26 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3898,7 +3926,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimiento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3913,7 +3941,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"
@@ -3925,14 +3953,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3943,14 +3971,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No hay campos de conmutación disponibles"
@@ -3959,14 +3987,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La cadena \"field_\" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo"
@@ -4135,8 +4163,8 @@ msgstr "No tiene ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "No tiene algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4146,24 +4174,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requieren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requiere atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4199,8 +4227,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página"
@@ -4213,10 +4241,10 @@ msgstr "El tipo de archivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4266,8 +4294,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sin etiqueta)"
@@ -5235,7 +5263,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5557,92 +5585,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.l10n.php
index 4198fb0d..27961c6e 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_EC','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color predeterminado','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación "%s" ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase "%s" no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'ID','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores "personalizados" a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se iniciará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_EC','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color predeterminado','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación "%s" ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase "%s" no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'ID','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores "personalizados" a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se iniciará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.mo
index 03c568b8..2ce5ecfd 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.po
index 13e5a62d..c8fd504f 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_EC.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: es_EC\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2955,7 +2982,7 @@ msgstr "Cadena RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cadena hexadecimal"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3007,8 +3034,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3018,7 +3045,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3037,49 +3064,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Esperando el guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios de JSON local"
@@ -3337,7 +3364,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3346,9 +3373,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3544,9 +3571,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3557,23 +3584,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
@@ -3581,69 +3608,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucciones"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a otro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos si"
@@ -3747,15 +3774,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reglas"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3763,22 +3790,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3804,22 +3831,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -3827,13 +3854,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3842,26 +3870,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3902,7 +3930,7 @@ msgstr "El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimiento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3917,7 +3945,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"
@@ -3929,14 +3957,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3947,14 +3975,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No hay campos de conmutación disponibles"
@@ -3963,14 +3991,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La cadena \"field_\" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo"
@@ -4139,8 +4167,8 @@ msgstr "No tiene ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "No tiene algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4150,24 +4178,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requieren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requiere atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4203,8 +4231,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página"
@@ -4217,10 +4245,10 @@ msgstr "El tipo de archivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4270,8 +4298,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sin etiqueta)"
@@ -5239,7 +5267,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5561,92 +5589,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.l10n.php
index 86d7e31e..1a515738 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_ES','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Devolver valores HTML escapados sólo es posible cuando format_value también es rue. Los valores de los campos no se devuelven por seguridad.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Devolver un valor HTML escapado sólo es posible cuando format_value también es true. El valor del campo no se devuelve por seguridad.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'ACF %1$s ahora escapa automáticamente el HTML no seguro cuando es mostrado por the_field
o el shortcode de ACF. Hemos detectado que la salida de algunos de tus campos se verá modificada por este cambio. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Para más detalles, ponte en contacto con el administrador o desarrollador de tu web.','Learn more'=>'Más información','Hide details'=>'Ocultar detalles','Show details'=>'Mostrar detalles','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - renderizado mediante %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renovar licencia ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Renovar licencia','Manage License'=>'Gestionar la licencia','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'No se admite la posición "Alta" en el Editor de bloques','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Actualizar a ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'Las páginas de opciones de ACF son páginas de administrador personalizadas para gestionar ajustes globales a través de campos. Puedes crear múltiples páginas y subpáginas.','Add Options Page'=>'Añadir página de opciones','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'En el editor utilizado como marcador de posición del título.','Title Placeholder'=>'Marcador de posición del título','4 Months Free'=>'4 meses gratis',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Duplicado de %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Seleccionar páginas de opciones','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicar texonomía','Create taxonomy'=>'Crear taxonomía','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicar tipo de contenido','Create post type'=>'Crear tipo de contenido','Link field groups'=>'Enlazar grupos de campos','Add fields'=>'Añadir campos','This Field'=>'Este campo','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Comentarios','Support'=>'Soporte','is developed and maintained by'=>'es desarrollado y mantenido por','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Añadir %s actual a las reglas de localización de los grupos de campos seleccionados.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Activar el ajuste bidireccional te permite actualizar un valor en los campos de destino por cada valor seleccionado para este campo, añadiendo o eliminando el ID de entrada, el ID de taxonomía o el ID de usuario del elemento que se está actualizando. Para más información, lee la documentación.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecciona el/los campo/s para almacenar la referencia al artículo que se está actualizando. Puedes seleccionar este campo. Los campos de destino deben ser compatibles con el lugar donde se está mostrando este campo. Por ejemplo, si este campo se muestra en una taxonomía, tu campo de destino debe ser del tipo taxonomía','Target Field'=>'Campo de destino','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Actualiza un campo en los valores seleccionados, haciendo referencia a este ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidireccional','%s Field'=>'Campo %s','Select Multiple'=>'Seleccionar varios','WP Engine logo'=>'Logotipo de WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Solo minúsculas, subrayados y guiones. Máximo 32 caracteres.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para asignar términos de esta taxonomía.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de asignar términos','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para borrar términos de esta taxonomía.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de eliminar términos','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para editar términos de esta taxonomía.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de editar términos','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para gestionar términos de esta taxonomía.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Gestionar las capacidades para términos','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Establece si las entradas deben excluirse de los resultados de búsqueda y de las páginas de archivo de taxonomía.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Más herramientas de WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Construido para los que construyen con WordPress, por el equipo de %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Ver precios y actualizar','Learn More'=>'Aprender más','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y desarrolla mejores sitios web con funciones como Bloques ACF y Páginas de opciones, y sofisticados tipos de campo como Repetidor, Contenido Flexible, Clonar y Galería.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea funciones avanzadas y construye aún más con ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s campos','No terms'=>'Sin términos','No post types'=>'Sin tipos de contenido','No posts'=>'Sin entradas','No taxonomies'=>'Sin taxonomías','No field groups'=>'Sin grupos de campos','No fields'=>'Sin campos','No description'=>'Sin descripción','Any post status'=>'Cualquier estado de entrada','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de taxonomía ya está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía registrada fuera de ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de taxonomía ya está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía en ACF y no puede utilizarse.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave de taxonomía sólo debe contener caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones bajos o guiones.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'La clave taxonómica debe tener menos de 32 caracteres.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías en la papelera','No Taxonomies found'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías','Search Taxonomies'=>'Buscar taxonomías','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomía','New Taxonomy'=>'Nueva taxonomía','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomía','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Añadir nueva taxonomía','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido en la papelera','No Post Types found'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido','Search Post Types'=>'Buscar tipos de contenido','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de contenido','New Post Type'=>'Nuevo tipo de contenido','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de contenido','Add New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de tipo de contenido ya está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido registrado fuera de ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de tipo de contenido ya está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido en ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Este campo no debe ser un término reservado de WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido sólo debe contener caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones bajos o guiones.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe tener menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'No recomendamos utilizar este campo en los ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Muestra el editor WYSIWYG de WordPress tal y como se ve en las Entradas y Páginas, permitiendo una experiencia de edición de texto enriquecida que también permite contenido multimedia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite seleccionar uno o varios usuarios que pueden utilizarse para crear relaciones entre objetos de datos.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Una entrada de texto diseñada específicamente para almacenar direcciones web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Un conmutador que te permite elegir un valor de 1 ó 0 (encendido o apagado, verdadero o falso, etc.). Puede presentarse como un interruptor estilizado o una casilla de verificación.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una hora. El formato de la hora se puede personalizar mediante los ajustes del campo.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Una entrada de área de texto básica para almacenar párrafos de texto.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Una entrada de texto básica, útil para almacenar valores de una sola cadena.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Permite seleccionar uno o varios términos de taxonomía en función de los criterios y opciones especificados en los ajustes de los campos.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Te permite agrupar campos en secciones con pestañas en la pantalla de edición. Útil para mantener los campos organizados y estructurados.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Una lista desplegable con una selección de opciones que tú especifiques.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Una interfaz de doble columna para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas o elementos de tipo contenido personalizado para crear una relación con el elemento que estás editando en ese momento. Incluye opciones para buscar y filtrar.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Un campo para seleccionar un valor numérico dentro de un rango especificado mediante un elemento deslizante de rango.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Un grupo de entradas de botón de opción que permite al usuario hacer una única selección entre los valores que especifiques.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva y personalizable para seleccionar una o varias entradas, páginas o elementos de tipo contenido con la opción de buscar. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Una entrada para proporcionar una contraseña utilizando un campo enmascarado.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de publicación','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Un desplegable interactivo para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas, elementos de tipo contenido personalizad o URL de archivo, con la opción de buscar.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Un componente interactivo para incrustar vídeos, imágenes, tweets, audio y otros contenidos haciendo uso de la funcionalidad oEmbed nativa de WordPress.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Una entrada limitada a valores numéricos.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Se utiliza para mostrar un mensaje a los editores junto a otros campos. Es útil para proporcionar contexto adicional o instrucciones sobre tus campos.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Te permite especificar un enlace y sus propiedades, como el título y el destino, utilizando el selector de enlaces nativo de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Utiliza el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para subir o elegir imágenes.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Proporciona una forma de estructurar los campos en grupos para organizar mejor los datos y la pantalla de edición.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para seleccionar una ubicación utilizando Google Maps. Requiere una clave API de Google Maps y configuración adicional para mostrarse correctamente.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Utiliza el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para subir o elegir archivos.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Un campo de texto diseñado específicamente para almacenar direcciones de correo electrónico.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una fecha y una hora. El formato de devolución de la fecha puede personalizarse mediante los ajustes del campo.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una fecha. El formato de devolución de la fecha se puede personalizar mediante los ajustes del campo.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para seleccionar un color o especificar un valor hexadecimal.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Un grupo de casillas de verificación que permiten al usuario seleccionar uno o varios valores que tú especifiques.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Un grupo de botones con valores que tú especifiques, los usuarios pueden elegir una opción de entre los valores proporcionados.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Te permite agrupar y organizar campos personalizados en paneles plegables que se muestran al editar el contenido. Útil para mantener ordenados grandes conjuntos de datos.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Esto proporciona una solución para repetir contenidos como diapositivas, miembros del equipo y fichas de llamada a la acción, actuando como padre de un conjunto de subcampos que pueden repetirse una y otra vez.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Proporciona una interfaz interactiva para gestionar una colección de archivos adjuntos. La mayoría de los ajustes son similares a los del tipo de campo Imagen. Los ajustes adicionales te permiten especificar dónde se añaden los nuevos adjuntos en la galería y el número mínimo/máximo de adjuntos permitidos.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Esto proporciona un editor sencillo, estructurado y basado en diseños. El campo Contenido flexible te permite definir, crear y gestionar contenidos con un control total, utilizando maquetas y subcampos para diseñar los bloques disponibles.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Te permite seleccionar y mostrar los campos existentes. No duplica ningún campo de la base de datos, sino que carga y muestra los campos seleccionados en tiempo de ejecución. El campo Clonar puede sustituirse a sí mismo por los campos seleccionados o mostrar los campos seleccionados como un grupo de subcampos.','nounClone'=>'Clon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avanzados','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nuevo)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de publicación no válido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de publicación no válido seleccionado para revisión.','More'=>'Más','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Disponible con ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Seleccionar campo','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Prueba con otro término de búsqueda o explora %s','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No hay resultados de búsqueda para «%s»','Search fields...'=>'Buscar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecciona el tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Populares','Add Taxonomy'=>'Añadir taxonomía','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Crear taxonomías personalizadas para clasificar el contenido del tipo de contenido','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Añade tu primera taxonomía','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Las taxonomías jerárquicas pueden tener descendientes (como las categorías).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Hace que una taxonomía sea visible en la parte pública de la web y en el escritorio.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Uno o varios tipos de contenido que pueden clasificarse con esta taxonomía.','genre'=>'género','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para utilizar en lugar de `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exponer este tipo de contenido en la REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personaliza el nombre de la variable de consulta','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Se puede acceder a los términos utilizando el permalink no bonito, por ejemplo, {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Términos padre-hijo en URLs para taxonomías jerárquicas.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalizar el slug utilizado en la URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Los enlaces permanentes de esta taxonomía están desactivados.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando la clave de taxonomía como slug. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','Taxonomy Key'=>'Clave de la taxonomía','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecciona el tipo de enlace permanente a utilizar para esta taxonomía.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Mostrar una columna para la taxonomía en las pantallas de listado de tipos de contenido.','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar columna de administración','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Mostrar la taxonomía en el panel de edición rápida/masiva.','Quick Edit'=>'Edición rápida','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Muestra la taxonomía en los controles del widget nube de etiquetas.','Tag Cloud'=>'Nube de etiquetas','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP al que llamar para sanear los datos de taxonomía guardados desde una meta box.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Llamada a función de saneamiento de la caja meta','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP a llamar para manejar el contenido de una caja meta en tu taxonomía.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Registrar llamada a función de caja meta','No Meta Box'=>'Sin caja meta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Caja meta personalizada','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controla la caja meta en la pantalla del editor de contenidos. Por defecto, la caja meta Categorías se muestra para las taxonomías jerárquicas, y la meta caja Etiquetas se muestra para las taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Meta Box'=>'Caja meta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de categorías','Tags Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de etiquetas','A link to a tag'=>'Un enlace a una etiqueta','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Describe una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación utilizada en el editor de bloques.','A link to a %s'=>'Un enlace a un %s','Tag Link'=>'Enlace a etiqueta','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Asigna un título a la variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación utilizada en el editor de bloques.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir a las etiquetas','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Asigna el texto utilizado para volver al índice principal tras actualizar un término.','Back To Items'=>'Volver a los elementos','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir a %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de etiquetas','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Asigna texto a la cabecera oculta de la tabla.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegación de lista de etiquetas','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Asigna texto al encabezado oculto de la paginación de la tabla.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoría','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Asigna texto al botón de filtro en la tabla de listas de publicaciones.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por elemento','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'La descripción no es prominente de forma predeterminada; Sin embargo, algunos temas pueden mostrarlo.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo Descripción de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Description Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo Descripción','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Asigna un término superior para crear una jerarquía. El término Jazz, por ejemplo, sería el padre de Bebop y Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo superior de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Parent Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo padre','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'El «slug» es la versión apta para URLs del nombre. Normalmente se escribe todo en minúsculas y sólo contiene letras, números y guiones.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo slug de la pantalla editar etiquetas.','Slug Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo slug','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'El nombre es como aparece en tu web','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo Nombre de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Name Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo nombre','No tags'=>'No hay etiquetas','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Asigna el texto que se muestra en las tablas de entradas y lista de medios cuando no hay etiquetas o categorías disponibles.','No Terms'=>'No hay términos','No %s'=>'No hay %s','No tags found'=>'No se han encontrado etiquetas','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Asigna el texto que se muestra al hacer clic en «elegir entre los más utilizados» en el cuadro meta de la taxonomía cuando no hay etiquetas disponibles, y asigna el texto utilizado en la tabla de lista de términos cuando no hay elementos para una taxonomía.','Not Found'=>'No encontrado','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Asigna texto al campo Título de la pestaña Más usados.','Most Used'=>'Más usados','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Elige entre las etiquetas más utilizadas','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna el texto «elige entre los más usados» que se utiliza en la meta caja cuando JavaScript está desactivado. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Elige entre los más usados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Elige entre los %s más usados','Add or remove tags'=>'Añadir o quitar etiquetas','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Asigna el texto de añadir o eliminar elementos utilizado en la meta caja cuando JavaScript está desactivado. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Añadir o quitar elementos','Add or remove %s'=>'Añadir o quitar %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separa las etiquetas con comas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna al elemento separado con comas el texto utilizado en la caja meta de taxonomía. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separa los elementos con comas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separa los %s con comas','Popular Tags'=>'Etiquetas populares','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna texto a los elementos populares. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Popular Items'=>'Elementos populares','Popular %s'=>'%s populares','Search Tags'=>'Buscar etiquetas','Assigns search items text.'=>'Asigna el texto de buscar elementos.','Parent Category:'=>'Categoría superior:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Asigna el texto del elemento superior, pero añadiendo dos puntos (:) al final.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Elemento superior con dos puntos','Parent Category'=>'Categoría superior','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna el texto del elemento superior. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías jerárquicas.','Parent Item'=>'Elemento superior','Parent %s'=>'%s superior','New Tag Name'=>'Nombre de la nueva etiqueta','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Asigna el texto del nombre del nuevo elemento.','New Item Name'=>'Nombre del nuevo elemento','New %s Name'=>'Nombre del nuevo %s','Add New Tag'=>'Añadir nueva etiqueta','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Asigna el texto de añadir nuevo elemento.','Update Tag'=>'Actualizar etiqueta','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Asigna el texto del actualizar elemento.','Update Item'=>'Actualizar elemento','Update %s'=>'Actualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver etiqueta','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'En la barra de administración para ver el término durante la edición.','Edit Tag'=>'Editar etiqueta','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al editar un término.','All Tags'=>'Todas las etiquetas','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Asigna el texto de todos los elementos.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Asigna el texto del nombre del menú.','Menu Label'=>'Etiqueta de menú','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Las taxonomías activas están activadas y registradas en WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo de la taxonomía.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo del término.','Term Description'=>'Descripción del término','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones bajos y guiones.','Term Slug'=>'Slug de término','The name of the default term.'=>'El nombre del término por defecto.','Term Name'=>'Nombre del término','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Crea un término para la taxonomía que no se pueda eliminar. No se seleccionará por defecto para las entradas.','Default Term'=>'Término por defecto','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Si los términos de esta taxonomía deben ordenarse en el orden en que se proporcionan a `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Ordenar términos','Add Post Type'=>'Añadir tipo de contenido','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Amplía la funcionalidad de WordPress más allá de las entradas y páginas estándar con tipos de contenido personalizados.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Añade tu primer tipo de contenido','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Sé lo que hago, muéstrame todas las opciones.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuración avanzada','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Los tipos de entrada jerárquicos pueden tener descendientes (como las páginas).','Hierarchical'=>'Jerárquico','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible en la parte pública de la web y en el escritorio.','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'pelicula','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Sólo letras minúsculas, guiones bajos y guiones, 20 caracteres como máximo.','Movie'=>'Película','Singular Label'=>'Etiqueta singular','Movies'=>'Películas','Plural Label'=>'Etiqueta plural','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para utilizar en lugar de `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Clase de controlador','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'La parte del espacio de nombres de la URL de la API REST.','Namespace Route'=>'Ruta del espacio de nombres','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'La URL base para las URL de la REST API del tipo de contenido.','Base URL'=>'URL base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expone este tipo de contenido en la REST API. Necesario para utilizar el editor de bloques.','Show In REST API'=>'Mostrar en REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personaliza el nombre de la variable de consulta.','Query Variable'=>'Variable de consulta','No Query Variable Support'=>'No admite variables de consulta','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variable de consulta personalizada','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Se puede acceder a los elementos utilizando el enlace permanente no bonito, por ejemplo {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Compatibilidad con variables de consulta','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Se puede acceder a las URL de un elemento y de los elementos mediante una cadena de consulta.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Consultable públicamente','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personalizado para la URL del Archivo.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug del archivo','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Tiene un archivo de elementos que se puede personalizar con un archivo de plantilla de archivo en tu tema.','Archive'=>'Archivo','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Soporte de paginación para las URL de los elementos, como los archivos.','Pagination'=>'Paginación','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL del feed RSS para los elementos del tipo de contenido.','Feed URL'=>'URL del Feed','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Altera la estructura de enlaces permanentes para añadir el prefijo `WP_Rewrite::$front` a las URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefijo de las URLs','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personaliza el slug utilizado en la URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug de la URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Los enlaces permanentes para este tipo de contenido están desactivados.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando un slug personalizado definido en el campo de abajo. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Sin enlace permanente (evita la reescritura de URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente personalizado','Post Type Key'=>'Clave de tipo de contenido','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando la clave del tipo de entrada como slug. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Reescritura de enlace permanente','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Borrar elementos de un usuario cuando ese usuario se borra.','Delete With User'=>'Borrar con usuario','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Permite que el tipo de contenido se pueda exportar desde \'Herramientas\' > \'Exportar\'.','Can Export'=>'Se puede exportar','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcionalmente, proporciona un plural para utilizarlo en las capacidades.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nombre de la capacidad en plural','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Elige otro tipo de contenido para basar las capacidades de este tipo de contenido.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nombre de la capacidad en singular','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Por defecto, las capacidades del tipo de entrada heredarán los nombres de las capacidades de \'Entrada\', p. ej. edit_post, delete_posts. Actívalo para utilizar capacidades específicas del tipo de contenido, por ejemplo, edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renombrar capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir de la búsqueda','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Permite añadir elementos a los menús en la pantalla \'Apariencia\' > \'Menús\'. Debe estar activado en \'Opciones de pantalla\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Compatibilidad con menús de apariencia','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Aparece como un elemento en el menú \'Nuevo\' de la barra de administración.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar en la barra administración','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP que se llamará cuando se configuren las cajas meta de la pantalla de edición.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Llamada a función de caja meta personalizada','Menu Icon'=>'Icono de menú','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'La posición en el menú de la barra lateral en el panel de control del escritorio.','Menu Position'=>'Posición en el menú','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Por defecto, el tipo de contenido obtendrá un nuevo elemento de nivel superior en el menú de administración. Si se proporciona aquí un elemento de nivel superior existente, el tipo de entrada se añadirá como un elemento de submenú debajo de él.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Menú de administración padre','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'El icono utilizado para el elemento de menú del tipo de contenido en el panel de control del administrador. Puede ser una URL o %s a utilizar para el icono.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nombre de la clase Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navegación del editor de administración en el menú de la barra lateral.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Mostrar en el menú de administración','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Los elementos se pueden editar y gestionar en el panel de control del administrador.','Show In UI'=>'Mostrar en IU','A link to a post.'=>'Un enlace a una publicación.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Descripción de una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación.','Item Link Description'=>'Descripción del enlace al elemento','A link to a %s.'=>'Un enlace a un %s.','Post Link'=>'Enlace a publicación','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Título para una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación.','Item Link'=>'Enlace a elemento','%s Link'=>'Enlace a %s','Post updated.'=>'Publicación actualizada.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de actualizar un elemento.','Item Updated'=>'Elemento actualizado','%s updated.'=>'%s actualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Publicación programada.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de programar un elemento.','Item Scheduled'=>'Elemento programado','%s scheduled.'=>'%s programados.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Publicación devuelta a borrador.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de devolver un elemento a borrador.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Elemento devuelto a borrador','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s devuelto a borrador.','Post published privately.'=>'Publicación publicada de forma privada.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de publicar un elemento privado.','Item Published Privately'=>'Elemento publicado de forma privada','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado de forma privada.','Post published.'=>'Entrada publicada.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de publicar un elemento.','Item Published'=>'Elemento publicado','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para la lista de elementos de la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Items List'=>'Lista de elementos','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegación por lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para la paginación de la lista de filtros en la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido.','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegación por la lista de elementos','%s list navigation'=>'Navegación por la lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar publicaciones por fecha','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para el encabezado de filtrar por fecha en la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar elementos por fecha','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por fecha','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar la lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para el encabezado de los enlaces de filtro en la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de elementos','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'En el modal de medios se muestran todos los medios subidos a este elemento.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Subido a este elemento','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Subido a este %s','Insert into post'=>'Insertar en publicación','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al añadir medios al contenido.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Botón Insertar en medios','Insert into %s'=>'Insertar en %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagen destacada','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón para seleccionar el uso de una imagen como imagen destacada.','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagen destacada','Remove featured image'=>'Eliminar la imagen destacada','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al eliminar la imagen destacada.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Eliminar imagen destacada','Set featured image'=>'Establecer imagen destacada','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al establecer la imagen destacada.','Set Featured Image'=>'Establecer imagen destacada','Featured image'=>'Imagen destacada','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'En el editor utilizado para el título de la caja meta de la imagen destacada.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de imagen destacada','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos de publicación','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'En el editor utilizado para el título de la caja meta de atributos de la publicación.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de atributos','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Archivo de publicaciones','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Añade elementos \'Archivo de tipo de contenido\' con esta etiqueta a la lista de publicaciones que se muestra al añadir elementos a un menú existente en un CPT con archivos activados. Sólo aparece cuando se editan menús en modo \'Vista previa en vivo\' y se ha proporcionado un slug de archivo personalizado.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menú de navegación de archivos','%s Archives'=>'Archivo de %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'No hay publicaciones en la papelera','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido cuando no hay publicaciones en la papelera.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'No se hay elementos en la papelera','No %s found in Trash'=>'No hay %s en la papelera','No posts found'=>'No se han encontrado publicaciones','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido cuando no hay publicaciones que mostrar.','No Items Found'=>'No se han encontrado elementos','No %s found'=>'No se han encontrado %s','Search Posts'=>'Buscar publicaciones','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de elementos, al buscar un elemento.','Search Items'=>'Buscar elementos','Search %s'=>'Buscar %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página superior:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Para tipos jerárquicos en la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefijo del artículo superior','Parent %s:'=>'%s superior:','New Post'=>'Nueva publicación','New Item'=>'Nuevo elemento','New %s'=>'Nuevo %s','Add New Post'=>'Añadir nueva publicación','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al añadir un nuevo elemento.','Add New Item'=>'Añadir nuevo elemento','Add New %s'=>'Añadir nuevo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver publicaciones','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Aparece en la barra de administración en la vista «Todas las publicaciones», siempre que el tipo de contenido admita archivos y la página de inicio no sea un archivo de ese tipo de contenido.','View Items'=>'Ver elementos','View Post'=>'Ver publicacion','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'En la barra de administración para ver el elemento al editarlo.','View Item'=>'Ver elemento','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar publicación','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al editar un elemento.','Edit Item'=>'Editar elemento','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todas las entradas','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'En el submenú de tipo de contenido del escritorio.','All Items'=>'Todos los elementos','All %s'=>'Todos %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nombre del menú de administración para el tipo de contenido.','Menu Name'=>'Nombre del menú','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Regenera todas las etiquetas utilizando las etiquetas singular y plural','Regenerate'=>'Regenerar','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Los tipos de entrada activos están activados y registrados en WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo del tipo de contenido.','Add Custom'=>'Añadir personalizado','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Activa varias funciones en el editor de contenido.','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de entrada','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecciona las taxonomías existentes para clasificar los elementos del tipo de contenido.','Browse Fields'=>'Explorar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada que importar','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. El plugin Custom Post Type UI se puede desactivar.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Importado %d elemento de la interfaz de Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . 'Importados %d elementos de la interfaz de Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Error al importar taxonomías.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Error al importar tipos de contenido.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'No se ha seleccionado nada del plugin Custom Post Type UI para importar.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 elementos importado' . "\0" . '%s elementos importados','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Al importar un tipo de contenido o taxonomía con la misma clave que uno ya existente, se sobrescribirán los ajustes del tipo de contenido o taxonomía existentes con los de la importación.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar desde Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'El siguiente código puede utilizarse para registrar una versión local de los elementos seleccionados. Almacenar grupos de campos, tipos de contenido o taxonomías localmente puede proporcionar muchas ventajas, como tiempos de carga más rápidos, control de versiones y campos/ajustes dinámicos. Simplemente copia y pega el siguiente código en el archivo functions.php de tu tema o inclúyelo dentro de un archivo externo, y luego desactiva o elimina los elementos desde la administración de ACF.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Generar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selecciona taxonomías','Select Post Types'=>'Selecciona tipos de contenido','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 elemento exportado.' . "\0" . '%s elementos exportados.','Category'=>'Categoría','Tag'=>'Etiqueta','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomía %s creada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomía %s actualizada','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Borrador de taxonomía actualizado.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomía programada para.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomía enviada.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomía guardada.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomía borrada.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomía actualizada.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Esta taxonomía no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía registrada por otro plugin o tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomía sincronizada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías sincronizadas.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomía duplicada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías duplicadas.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomía desactivada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías desactivadas.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomía activada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías activadas.','Terms'=>'Términos','Post type synchronized.'=>'Tipo de contenido sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido sincronizados.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Tipo de contenido duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido duplicados.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Tipo de contenido desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido desactivados.','Post type activated.'=>'Tipo de contenido activado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido activados.','Post Types'=>'Tipos de contenido','Advanced Settings'=>'Ajustes avanzados','Basic Settings'=>'Ajustes básicos','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Este tipo de contenido no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido registrado por otro plugin o tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Enlazar grupos de campos existentes','%s post type created'=>'%s tipo de contenido creado','Add fields to %s'=>'Añadir campos a %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de contenido %s actualizado','Post type draft updated.'=>'Borrador de tipo de contenido actualizado.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Tipo de contenido programado para.','Post type submitted.'=>'Tipo de contenido enviado.','Post type saved.'=>'Tipo de contenido guardado.','Post type updated.'=>'Tipo de contenido actualizado.','Post type deleted.'=>'Tipo de contenido eliminado.','Type to search...'=>'Escribe para buscar...','PRO Only'=>'Solo en PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos enlazados correctamente.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importa tipos de contenido y taxonomías registrados con Custom Post Type UI y gestiónalos con ACF. Empieza aquí.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomía','post type'=>'tipo de contenido','Done'=>'Hecho','Field Group(s)'=>'Grupo(s) de campo(s)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecciona uno o varios grupos de campos...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecciona los grupos de campos que quieras enlazar.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos enlazado correctamente.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos enlazados correctamente.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Error de registro','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Este elemento no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otro elemento registrado por otro plugin o tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permisos','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidad','Labels'=>'Etiquetas','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Pestañas de ajustes de campos','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[valor del shortcode de ACF desactivado en la vista previa]','Close Modal'=>'Cerrar ventana emergente','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido a otro grupo','Close modal'=>'Cerrar ventana emergente','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Empieza un nuevo grupo de pestañas en esta pestaña','New Tab Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de pestañas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usa una casilla de verificación estilizada utilizando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Guardar la opción «Otro»','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir la opción «Otro»','Add Toggle All'=>'Añade un «Alternar todos»','Save Custom Values'=>'Guardar los valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Los valores personalizados de la casilla de verificación no pueden estar vacíos. Desmarca cualquier valor vacío.','Updates'=>'Actualizaciones','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo de Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Guardar cambios','Field Group Title'=>'Título del grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Añadir título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'¿Nuevo en ACF? Echa un vistazo a nuestra guía para comenzar.','Add Field Group'=>'Añadir grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados juntos, y después añadir esos campos a las pantallas de edición.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Añade tu primer grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opciones','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galería','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de contenido flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea las características extra con ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Borrar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creado el %1$s a las %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Ajustes de grupo','Location Rules'=>'Reglas de ubicación','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Elige de entre más de 30 tipos de campos. Aprende más.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comienza creando nuevos campos personalizados para tus entradas, páginas, tipos de contenido personalizados y otros contenidos de WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Añade tu primer campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Añadir campo','Presentation'=>'Presentación','Validation'=>'Validación','General'=>'General','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactiva este elemento','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activa este elemento','Move field group to trash?'=>'¿Mover este grupo de campos a la papelera?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields y Advanced Custom Fields PRO no deberían estar activos al mismo tiempo. Hemos desactivado automáticamente Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields y Advanced Custom Fields PRO no deberían estar activos al mismo tiempo. Hemos desactivado automáticamente Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar a la versión Pro','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Lo siento, este grupo de campos no está disponible para la comparación diff.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar los cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Debates. Tenemos una comunidad activa y amistosa, en nuestros foros de la comunidad, que pueden ayudarte a descubrir cómo hacer todo en el mundo de ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF. Si te encuentras con alguna dificultad, hay varios lugares donde puedes encontrar ayuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Campo clon','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'N.º de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Instruction Placement'=>'Colocación de la instrucción','Label Placement'=>'Ubicación de la etiqueta','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Required'=>'Obligatorio','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecciona los grupos de campos que te gustaría exportar y luego elige tu método de exportación. Exporta como JSON para exportar un archivo .json que puedes importar en otra instalación de ACF. Genera PHP para exportar a código PHP que puedes incluir en tu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecciona el archivo JSON de Advanced Custom Fields que te gustaría importar. Cuando hagas clic en el botón importar de abajo, ACF importará los grupos de campos.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Supports'=>'Supports','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ningún %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por función','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Inicialización del retardo','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Mostrar botones para subir archivos multimedia','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Maximum Posts'=>'Número máximo de entradas','Minimum Posts'=>'Número mínimo de entradas','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de archivo permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Stylized UI'=>'UI estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'El nombre del tipo de bloque es requerido.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de bloque " %s" ya está registrado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Cambiar a Editar','Switch to Preview'=>'Cambiar a vista previa','Change content alignment'=>'Cambiar la alineación del contenido','%s settings'=>'%s ajustes','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloque no contiene campos editables.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Asigna un grupo de campos para añadir campos a este bloque.','Options Updated'=>'Opciones Actualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para habilitar las actualizaciones, introduzca su clave de licencia en la página Actualizaciones. Si no tiene una clave de licencia, consulte los detalles y los precios..','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Error de activación de ACF. La clave de licencia definida ha cambiado, pero se ha producido un error al desactivar la licencia anterior','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Error de activación de ACF. La clave de licencia definida ha cambiado, pero se ha producido un error al conectarse al servidor de activación','ACF Activation Error'=>'Error de activación de ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Check Again'=>'Comprobar de nuevo','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Publish'=>'Publicar','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'No se encontraron grupos de campos personalizados para esta página de opciones. Crear Grupo de Campos Personalizados','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. No se pudo autenticar el paquete de actualización. Compruebe de nuevo o desactive y reactive su licencia ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Su licencia para este sitio ha caducado o ha sido desactivada. Por favor, reactive su licencia ACF PRO.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Elige uno o más campos que quieras clonar','Display'=>'Mostrar','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique el estilo utilizado para procesar el campo de clonación','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (muestra los campos seleccionados en un grupo dentro de este campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Transparente (reemplaza este campo con los campos seleccionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Las etiquetas se mostrarán como %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Etiquetas del prefijo de campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Los valores se guardarán como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Nombres de prefijos de campos','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconocido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconocido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos los campos del grupo de campo %s','Add Row'=>'Agregar Fila','layout'=>'diseño' . "\0" . 'esquema','layouts'=>'diseños','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requiere al menos {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo tiene un límite de la etiqueta de la etiqueta de la etiqueta de la etiqueta.','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} requerido (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'El Contenido Flexible requiere por lo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Haz click en el botón "%s" debajo para comenzar a crear tu esquema','Add layout'=>'Agregar Esquema','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar Diseño','Remove layout'=>'Remover esquema','Click to toggle'=>'Clic para mostrar','Delete Layout'=>'Eliminar Esquema','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar Esquema','Add New Layout'=>'Agregar Nuevo Esquema','Add Layout'=>'Agregar Esquema','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Esquemas Mínimos','Maximum Layouts'=>'Esquemas Máximos','Button Label'=>'Etiqueta del Botón','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s debe ser de tipo matriz o null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s debe contener al menos %2$s %3$s diseño.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe contener al menos %2$s %3$s diseños.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s debe contener como máximo %2$s %3$s diseño.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe contener como máximo %2$s %3$s diseños.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Agregar Imagen a Galería','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selección máxima alcanzada','Length'=>'Longitud','Caption'=>'Leyenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto Alt','Add to gallery'=>'Agregar a galería','Bulk actions'=>'Acciones en lote','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por fecha de subida','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por fecha de modificación','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Invertir orden actual','Close'=>'Cerrar','Minimum Selection'=>'Selección Mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Selección Máxima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipos de archivos permitidos','Insert'=>'Insertar','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especificar dónde se agregan nuevos adjuntos','Append to the end'=>'Añadir al final','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Adelantar hasta el principio','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de filas alcanzado ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de filas alcanzado ({max} rows)','Error loading page'=>'Error al cargar la página','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos con un gran número de filas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Filas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Establece el número de filas que se mostrarán en una página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de Filas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de Filas','Collapsed'=>'Colapsado','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Elige un subcampo para indicar cuándo se colapsa la fila','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Clave de campo no válida.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ha habido un error al recuperar el campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Add row'=>'Agregar fila','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar fila','Remove row'=>'Remover fila','Current Page'=>'Página actual','First Page'=>'Primera página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Página siguiente','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'No existen tipos de bloques','No options pages exist'=>'No existen páginas de opciones','Deactivate License'=>'Desactivar Licencia','Activate License'=>'Activar Licencia','License Information'=>'Información de la licencia','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear las actualizaciones, por favor a continuación introduce tu clave de licencia. Si no tienes una clave de licencia, consulta detalles y precios.','License Key'=>'Clave de Licencia','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'La clave de licencia se define en wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Reintentar activación','Update Information'=>'Información de Actualización','Current Version'=>'Versión Actual','Latest Version'=>'Última Versión','Update Available'=>'Actualización Disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Notificación de Actualización','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Por favor ingresa tu clave de licencia para habilitar actualizaciones','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizar Plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Reactive su licencia para desbloquear actualizaciones']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_ES','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'Campos de ACF','Learn how to fix this'=>'Aprende a solucionarlo','ACF PRO Feature'=>'Característica de ACF PRO','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'Renueva PRO para desbloquear','Renew PRO License'=>'Renovar licencia PRO','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'Los campos PRO no se pueden editar sin una licencia activa.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'Activa tu licencia de ACF PRO para editar los grupos de campos asignados a un Bloque ACF.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'Activa tu licencia de ACF PRO para editar esta página de opciones.','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Devolver valores HTML escapados sólo es posible cuando format_value también es rue. Los valores de los campos no se devuelven por seguridad.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Devolver un valor HTML escapado sólo es posible cuando format_value también es true. El valor del campo no se devuelve por seguridad.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'ACF %1$s ahora escapa automáticamente el HTML no seguro cuando es mostrado por the_field
o el shortcode de ACF. Hemos detectado que la salida de algunos de tus campos se verá modificada por este cambio. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Para más detalles, ponte en contacto con el administrador o desarrollador de tu web.','Hide details'=>'Ocultar detalles','Show details'=>'Mostrar detalles','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - renderizado mediante %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renovar licencia ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Renovar licencia','Manage License'=>'Gestionar la licencia','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'No se admite la posición "Alta" en el Editor de bloques','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Actualizar a ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'Las páginas de opciones de ACF son páginas de administrador personalizadas para gestionar ajustes globales a través de campos. Puedes crear múltiples páginas y subpáginas.','Add Options Page'=>'Añadir página de opciones','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'En el editor utilizado como marcador de posición del título.','Title Placeholder'=>'Marcador de posición del título','4 Months Free'=>'4 meses gratis','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Duplicado de %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Seleccionar páginas de opciones','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicar texonomía','Create taxonomy'=>'Crear taxonomía','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicar tipo de contenido','Create post type'=>'Crear tipo de contenido','Link field groups'=>'Enlazar grupos de campos','Add fields'=>'Añadir campos','This Field'=>'Este campo','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Comentarios','Support'=>'Soporte','is developed and maintained by'=>'es desarrollado y mantenido por','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Añadir %s actual a las reglas de localización de los grupos de campos seleccionados.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Activar el ajuste bidireccional te permite actualizar un valor en los campos de destino por cada valor seleccionado para este campo, añadiendo o eliminando el ID de entrada, el ID de taxonomía o el ID de usuario del elemento que se está actualizando. Para más información, lee la documentación.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecciona el/los campo/s para almacenar la referencia al artículo que se está actualizando. Puedes seleccionar este campo. Los campos de destino deben ser compatibles con el lugar donde se está mostrando este campo. Por ejemplo, si este campo se muestra en una taxonomía, tu campo de destino debe ser del tipo taxonomía','Target Field'=>'Campo de destino','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Actualiza un campo en los valores seleccionados, haciendo referencia a este ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidireccional','%s Field'=>'Campo %s','Select Multiple'=>'Seleccionar varios','WP Engine logo'=>'Logotipo de WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Solo minúsculas, subrayados y guiones. Máximo 32 caracteres.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para asignar términos de esta taxonomía.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de asignar términos','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para borrar términos de esta taxonomía.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de eliminar términos','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para editar términos de esta taxonomía.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Capacidad de editar términos','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'El nombre de la capacidad para gestionar términos de esta taxonomía.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Gestionar las capacidades para términos','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Establece si las entradas deben excluirse de los resultados de búsqueda y de las páginas de archivo de taxonomía.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Más herramientas de WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Construido para los que construyen con WordPress, por el equipo de %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Ver precios y actualizar','Learn More'=>'Aprender más','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Acelera tu flujo de trabajo y desarrolla mejores sitios web con funciones como Bloques ACF y Páginas de opciones, y sofisticados tipos de campo como Repetidor, Contenido Flexible, Clonar y Galería.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea funciones avanzadas y construye aún más con ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s campos','No terms'=>'Sin términos','No post types'=>'Sin tipos de contenido','No posts'=>'Sin entradas','No taxonomies'=>'Sin taxonomías','No field groups'=>'Sin grupos de campos','No fields'=>'Sin campos','No description'=>'Sin descripción','Any post status'=>'Cualquier estado de entrada','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de taxonomía ya está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía registrada fuera de ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de taxonomía ya está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía en ACF y no puede utilizarse.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave de taxonomía sólo debe contener caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones bajos o guiones.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'La clave taxonómica debe tener menos de 32 caracteres.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías en la papelera','No Taxonomies found'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías','Search Taxonomies'=>'Buscar taxonomías','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomía','New Taxonomy'=>'Nueva taxonomía','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomía','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Añadir nueva taxonomía','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido en la papelera','No Post Types found'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido','Search Post Types'=>'Buscar tipos de contenido','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de contenido','New Post Type'=>'Nuevo tipo de contenido','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de contenido','Add New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de tipo de contenido ya está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido registrado fuera de ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta clave de tipo de contenido ya está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido en ACF y no puede utilizarse.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Este campo no debe ser un término reservado de WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido sólo debe contener caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones bajos o guiones.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe tener menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'No recomendamos utilizar este campo en los ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Muestra el editor WYSIWYG de WordPress tal y como se ve en las Entradas y Páginas, permitiendo una experiencia de edición de texto enriquecida que también permite contenido multimedia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite seleccionar uno o varios usuarios que pueden utilizarse para crear relaciones entre objetos de datos.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Una entrada de texto diseñada específicamente para almacenar direcciones web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Un conmutador que te permite elegir un valor de 1 ó 0 (encendido o apagado, verdadero o falso, etc.). Puede presentarse como un interruptor estilizado o una casilla de verificación.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una hora. El formato de la hora se puede personalizar mediante los ajustes del campo.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Una entrada de área de texto básica para almacenar párrafos de texto.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Una entrada de texto básica, útil para almacenar valores de una sola cadena.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Permite seleccionar uno o varios términos de taxonomía en función de los criterios y opciones especificados en los ajustes de los campos.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Te permite agrupar campos en secciones con pestañas en la pantalla de edición. Útil para mantener los campos organizados y estructurados.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Una lista desplegable con una selección de opciones que tú especifiques.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Una interfaz de doble columna para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas o elementos de tipo contenido personalizado para crear una relación con el elemento que estás editando en ese momento. Incluye opciones para buscar y filtrar.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Un campo para seleccionar un valor numérico dentro de un rango especificado mediante un elemento deslizante de rango.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Un grupo de entradas de botón de opción que permite al usuario hacer una única selección entre los valores que especifiques.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva y personalizable para seleccionar una o varias entradas, páginas o elementos de tipo contenido con la opción de buscar. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Una entrada para proporcionar una contraseña utilizando un campo enmascarado.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de publicación','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Un desplegable interactivo para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas, elementos de tipo contenido personalizad o URL de archivo, con la opción de buscar.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Un componente interactivo para incrustar vídeos, imágenes, tweets, audio y otros contenidos haciendo uso de la funcionalidad oEmbed nativa de WordPress.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Una entrada limitada a valores numéricos.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Se utiliza para mostrar un mensaje a los editores junto a otros campos. Es útil para proporcionar contexto adicional o instrucciones sobre tus campos.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Te permite especificar un enlace y sus propiedades, como el título y el destino, utilizando el selector de enlaces nativo de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Utiliza el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para subir o elegir imágenes.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Proporciona una forma de estructurar los campos en grupos para organizar mejor los datos y la pantalla de edición.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para seleccionar una ubicación utilizando Google Maps. Requiere una clave API de Google Maps y configuración adicional para mostrarse correctamente.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Utiliza el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para subir o elegir archivos.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Un campo de texto diseñado específicamente para almacenar direcciones de correo electrónico.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una fecha y una hora. El formato de devolución de la fecha puede personalizarse mediante los ajustes del campo.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para elegir una fecha. El formato de devolución de la fecha se puede personalizar mediante los ajustes del campo.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Una interfaz de usuario interactiva para seleccionar un color o especificar un valor hexadecimal.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Un grupo de casillas de verificación que permiten al usuario seleccionar uno o varios valores que tú especifiques.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Un grupo de botones con valores que tú especifiques, los usuarios pueden elegir una opción de entre los valores proporcionados.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Te permite agrupar y organizar campos personalizados en paneles plegables que se muestran al editar el contenido. Útil para mantener ordenados grandes conjuntos de datos.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Esto proporciona una solución para repetir contenidos como diapositivas, miembros del equipo y fichas de llamada a la acción, actuando como padre de un conjunto de subcampos que pueden repetirse una y otra vez.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Proporciona una interfaz interactiva para gestionar una colección de archivos adjuntos. La mayoría de los ajustes son similares a los del tipo de campo Imagen. Los ajustes adicionales te permiten especificar dónde se añaden los nuevos adjuntos en la galería y el número mínimo/máximo de adjuntos permitidos.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Esto proporciona un editor sencillo, estructurado y basado en diseños. El campo Contenido flexible te permite definir, crear y gestionar contenidos con un control total, utilizando maquetas y subcampos para diseñar los bloques disponibles.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Te permite seleccionar y mostrar los campos existentes. No duplica ningún campo de la base de datos, sino que carga y muestra los campos seleccionados en tiempo de ejecución. El campo Clonar puede sustituirse a sí mismo por los campos seleccionados o mostrar los campos seleccionados como un grupo de subcampos.','nounClone'=>'Clon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avanzados','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nuevo)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de publicación no válido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de publicación no válido seleccionado para revisión.','More'=>'Más','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Seleccionar campo','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Prueba con otro término de búsqueda o explora %s','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No hay resultados de búsqueda para «%s»','Search fields...'=>'Buscar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecciona el tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Populares','Add Taxonomy'=>'Añadir taxonomía','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Crear taxonomías personalizadas para clasificar el contenido del tipo de contenido','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Añade tu primera taxonomía','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Las taxonomías jerárquicas pueden tener descendientes (como las categorías).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Hace que una taxonomía sea visible en la parte pública de la web y en el escritorio.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Uno o varios tipos de contenido que pueden clasificarse con esta taxonomía.','genre'=>'género','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para utilizar en lugar de `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exponer este tipo de contenido en la REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personaliza el nombre de la variable de consulta','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Se puede acceder a los términos utilizando el permalink no bonito, por ejemplo, {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Términos padre-hijo en URLs para taxonomías jerárquicas.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalizar el slug utilizado en la URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Los enlaces permanentes de esta taxonomía están desactivados.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando la clave de taxonomía como slug. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','Taxonomy Key'=>'Clave de la taxonomía','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecciona el tipo de enlace permanente a utilizar para esta taxonomía.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Mostrar una columna para la taxonomía en las pantallas de listado de tipos de contenido.','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar columna de administración','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Mostrar la taxonomía en el panel de edición rápida/masiva.','Quick Edit'=>'Edición rápida','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Muestra la taxonomía en los controles del widget nube de etiquetas.','Tag Cloud'=>'Nube de etiquetas','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP al que llamar para sanear los datos de taxonomía guardados desde una meta box.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Llamada a función de saneamiento de la caja meta','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP a llamar para manejar el contenido de una caja meta en tu taxonomía.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Registrar llamada a función de caja meta','No Meta Box'=>'Sin caja meta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Caja meta personalizada','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controla la caja meta en la pantalla del editor de contenidos. Por defecto, la caja meta Categorías se muestra para las taxonomías jerárquicas, y la meta caja Etiquetas se muestra para las taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Meta Box'=>'Caja meta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de categorías','Tags Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de etiquetas','A link to a tag'=>'Un enlace a una etiqueta','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Describe una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación utilizada en el editor de bloques.','A link to a %s'=>'Un enlace a un %s','Tag Link'=>'Enlace a etiqueta','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Asigna un título a la variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación utilizada en el editor de bloques.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir a las etiquetas','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Asigna el texto utilizado para volver al índice principal tras actualizar un término.','Back To Items'=>'Volver a los elementos','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir a %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de etiquetas','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Asigna texto a la cabecera oculta de la tabla.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegación de lista de etiquetas','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Asigna texto al encabezado oculto de la paginación de la tabla.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoría','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Asigna texto al botón de filtro en la tabla de listas de publicaciones.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por elemento','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'La descripción no es prominente de forma predeterminada; Sin embargo, algunos temas pueden mostrarlo.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo Descripción de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Description Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo Descripción','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Asigna un término superior para crear una jerarquía. El término Jazz, por ejemplo, sería el padre de Bebop y Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo superior de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Parent Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo padre','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'El «slug» es la versión apta para URLs del nombre. Normalmente se escribe todo en minúsculas y sólo contiene letras, números y guiones.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo slug de la pantalla editar etiquetas.','Slug Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo slug','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'El nombre es como aparece en tu web','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Describe el campo Nombre de la pantalla Editar etiquetas.','Name Field Description'=>'Descripción del campo nombre','No tags'=>'No hay etiquetas','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Asigna el texto que se muestra en las tablas de entradas y lista de medios cuando no hay etiquetas o categorías disponibles.','No Terms'=>'No hay términos','No %s'=>'No hay %s','No tags found'=>'No se han encontrado etiquetas','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Asigna el texto que se muestra al hacer clic en «elegir entre los más utilizados» en el cuadro meta de la taxonomía cuando no hay etiquetas disponibles, y asigna el texto utilizado en la tabla de lista de términos cuando no hay elementos para una taxonomía.','Not Found'=>'No encontrado','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Asigna texto al campo Título de la pestaña Más usados.','Most Used'=>'Más usados','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Elige entre las etiquetas más utilizadas','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna el texto «elige entre los más usados» que se utiliza en la meta caja cuando JavaScript está desactivado. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Elige entre los más usados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Elige entre los %s más usados','Add or remove tags'=>'Añadir o quitar etiquetas','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Asigna el texto de añadir o eliminar elementos utilizado en la meta caja cuando JavaScript está desactivado. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Añadir o quitar elementos','Add or remove %s'=>'Añadir o quitar %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separa las etiquetas con comas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna al elemento separado con comas el texto utilizado en la caja meta de taxonomía. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separa los elementos con comas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separa los %s con comas','Popular Tags'=>'Etiquetas populares','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna texto a los elementos populares. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías no jerárquicas.','Popular Items'=>'Elementos populares','Popular %s'=>'%s populares','Search Tags'=>'Buscar etiquetas','Assigns search items text.'=>'Asigna el texto de buscar elementos.','Parent Category:'=>'Categoría superior:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Asigna el texto del elemento superior, pero añadiendo dos puntos (:) al final.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Elemento superior con dos puntos','Parent Category'=>'Categoría superior','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Asigna el texto del elemento superior. Sólo se utiliza en taxonomías jerárquicas.','Parent Item'=>'Elemento superior','Parent %s'=>'%s superior','New Tag Name'=>'Nombre de la nueva etiqueta','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Asigna el texto del nombre del nuevo elemento.','New Item Name'=>'Nombre del nuevo elemento','New %s Name'=>'Nombre del nuevo %s','Add New Tag'=>'Añadir nueva etiqueta','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Asigna el texto de añadir nuevo elemento.','Update Tag'=>'Actualizar etiqueta','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Asigna el texto del actualizar elemento.','Update Item'=>'Actualizar elemento','Update %s'=>'Actualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver etiqueta','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'En la barra de administración para ver el término durante la edición.','Edit Tag'=>'Editar etiqueta','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al editar un término.','All Tags'=>'Todas las etiquetas','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Asigna el texto de todos los elementos.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Asigna el texto del nombre del menú.','Menu Label'=>'Etiqueta de menú','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Las taxonomías activas están activadas y registradas en WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo de la taxonomía.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo del término.','Term Description'=>'Descripción del término','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones bajos y guiones.','Term Slug'=>'Slug de término','The name of the default term.'=>'El nombre del término por defecto.','Term Name'=>'Nombre del término','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Crea un término para la taxonomía que no se pueda eliminar. No se seleccionará por defecto para las entradas.','Default Term'=>'Término por defecto','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Si los términos de esta taxonomía deben ordenarse en el orden en que se proporcionan a `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Ordenar términos','Add Post Type'=>'Añadir tipo de contenido','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Amplía la funcionalidad de WordPress más allá de las entradas y páginas estándar con tipos de contenido personalizados.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Añade tu primer tipo de contenido','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Sé lo que hago, muéstrame todas las opciones.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuración avanzada','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Los tipos de entrada jerárquicos pueden tener descendientes (como las páginas).','Hierarchical'=>'Jerárquico','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible en la parte pública de la web y en el escritorio.','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'pelicula','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Sólo letras minúsculas, guiones bajos y guiones, 20 caracteres como máximo.','Movie'=>'Película','Singular Label'=>'Etiqueta singular','Movies'=>'Películas','Plural Label'=>'Etiqueta plural','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para utilizar en lugar de `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Clase de controlador','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'La parte del espacio de nombres de la URL de la API REST.','Namespace Route'=>'Ruta del espacio de nombres','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'La URL base para las URL de la REST API del tipo de contenido.','Base URL'=>'URL base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expone este tipo de contenido en la REST API. Necesario para utilizar el editor de bloques.','Show In REST API'=>'Mostrar en REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personaliza el nombre de la variable de consulta.','Query Variable'=>'Variable de consulta','No Query Variable Support'=>'No admite variables de consulta','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variable de consulta personalizada','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Se puede acceder a los elementos utilizando el enlace permanente no bonito, por ejemplo {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Compatibilidad con variables de consulta','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Se puede acceder a las URL de un elemento y de los elementos mediante una cadena de consulta.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Consultable públicamente','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personalizado para la URL del Archivo.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug del archivo','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Tiene un archivo de elementos que se puede personalizar con un archivo de plantilla de archivo en tu tema.','Archive'=>'Archivo','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Soporte de paginación para las URL de los elementos, como los archivos.','Pagination'=>'Paginación','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL del feed RSS para los elementos del tipo de contenido.','Feed URL'=>'URL del Feed','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Altera la estructura de enlaces permanentes para añadir el prefijo `WP_Rewrite::$front` a las URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefijo de las URLs','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personaliza el slug utilizado en la URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug de la URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Los enlaces permanentes para este tipo de contenido están desactivados.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando un slug personalizado definido en el campo de abajo. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Sin enlace permanente (evita la reescritura de URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente personalizado','Post Type Key'=>'Clave de tipo de contenido','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescribe la URL utilizando la clave del tipo de entrada como slug. Tu estructura de enlace permanente será','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Reescritura de enlace permanente','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Borrar elementos de un usuario cuando ese usuario se borra.','Delete With User'=>'Borrar con usuario','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Permite que el tipo de contenido se pueda exportar desde \'Herramientas\' > \'Exportar\'.','Can Export'=>'Se puede exportar','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcionalmente, proporciona un plural para utilizarlo en las capacidades.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nombre de la capacidad en plural','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Elige otro tipo de contenido para basar las capacidades de este tipo de contenido.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nombre de la capacidad en singular','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Por defecto, las capacidades del tipo de entrada heredarán los nombres de las capacidades de \'Entrada\', p. ej. edit_post, delete_posts. Actívalo para utilizar capacidades específicas del tipo de contenido, por ejemplo, edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renombrar capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir de la búsqueda','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Permite añadir elementos a los menús en la pantalla \'Apariencia\' > \'Menús\'. Debe estar activado en \'Opciones de pantalla\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Compatibilidad con menús de apariencia','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Aparece como un elemento en el menú \'Nuevo\' de la barra de administración.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar en la barra administración','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Un nombre de función PHP que se llamará cuando se configuren las cajas meta de la pantalla de edición.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Llamada a función de caja meta personalizada','Menu Icon'=>'Icono de menú','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'La posición en el menú de la barra lateral en el panel de control del escritorio.','Menu Position'=>'Posición en el menú','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Por defecto, el tipo de contenido obtendrá un nuevo elemento de nivel superior en el menú de administración. Si se proporciona aquí un elemento de nivel superior existente, el tipo de entrada se añadirá como un elemento de submenú debajo de él.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Menú de administración padre','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'El icono utilizado para el elemento de menú del tipo de contenido en el panel de control del administrador. Puede ser una URL o %s a utilizar para el icono.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nombre de la clase Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navegación del editor de administración en el menú de la barra lateral.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Mostrar en el menú de administración','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Los elementos se pueden editar y gestionar en el panel de control del administrador.','Show In UI'=>'Mostrar en IU','A link to a post.'=>'Un enlace a una publicación.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Descripción de una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación.','Item Link Description'=>'Descripción del enlace al elemento','A link to a %s.'=>'Un enlace a un %s.','Post Link'=>'Enlace a publicación','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Título para una variación del bloque de enlaces de navegación.','Item Link'=>'Enlace a elemento','%s Link'=>'Enlace a %s','Post updated.'=>'Publicación actualizada.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de actualizar un elemento.','Item Updated'=>'Elemento actualizado','%s updated.'=>'%s actualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Publicación programada.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de programar un elemento.','Item Scheduled'=>'Elemento programado','%s scheduled.'=>'%s programados.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Publicación devuelta a borrador.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de devolver un elemento a borrador.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Elemento devuelto a borrador','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s devuelto a borrador.','Post published privately.'=>'Publicación publicada de forma privada.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de publicar un elemento privado.','Item Published Privately'=>'Elemento publicado de forma privada','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado de forma privada.','Post published.'=>'Entrada publicada.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'En el aviso del editor después de publicar un elemento.','Item Published'=>'Elemento publicado','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para la lista de elementos de la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Items List'=>'Lista de elementos','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegación por lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para la paginación de la lista de filtros en la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido.','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegación por la lista de elementos','%s list navigation'=>'Navegación por la lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar publicaciones por fecha','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para el encabezado de filtrar por fecha en la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar elementos por fecha','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por fecha','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar la lista de publicaciones','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilizado por los lectores de pantalla para el encabezado de los enlaces de filtro en la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de elementos','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'En el modal de medios se muestran todos los medios subidos a este elemento.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Subido a este elemento','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Subido a este %s','Insert into post'=>'Insertar en publicación','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al añadir medios al contenido.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Botón Insertar en medios','Insert into %s'=>'Insertar en %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagen destacada','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón para seleccionar el uso de una imagen como imagen destacada.','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagen destacada','Remove featured image'=>'Eliminar la imagen destacada','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al eliminar la imagen destacada.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Eliminar imagen destacada','Set featured image'=>'Establecer imagen destacada','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Como etiqueta del botón al establecer la imagen destacada.','Set Featured Image'=>'Establecer imagen destacada','Featured image'=>'Imagen destacada','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'En el editor utilizado para el título de la caja meta de la imagen destacada.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de imagen destacada','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos de publicación','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'En el editor utilizado para el título de la caja meta de atributos de la publicación.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Caja meta de atributos','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Archivo de publicaciones','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Añade elementos \'Archivo de tipo de contenido\' con esta etiqueta a la lista de publicaciones que se muestra al añadir elementos a un menú existente en un CPT con archivos activados. Sólo aparece cuando se editan menús en modo \'Vista previa en vivo\' y se ha proporcionado un slug de archivo personalizado.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menú de navegación de archivos','%s Archives'=>'Archivo de %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'No hay publicaciones en la papelera','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido cuando no hay publicaciones en la papelera.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'No se hay elementos en la papelera','No %s found in Trash'=>'No hay %s en la papelera','No posts found'=>'No se han encontrado publicaciones','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de la lista de tipos de contenido cuando no hay publicaciones que mostrar.','No Items Found'=>'No se han encontrado elementos','No %s found'=>'No se han encontrado %s','Search Posts'=>'Buscar publicaciones','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla de elementos, al buscar un elemento.','Search Items'=>'Buscar elementos','Search %s'=>'Buscar %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página superior:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Para tipos jerárquicos en la pantalla de lista de tipos de contenido.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefijo del artículo superior','Parent %s:'=>'%s superior:','New Post'=>'Nueva publicación','New Item'=>'Nuevo elemento','New %s'=>'Nuevo %s','Add New Post'=>'Añadir nueva publicación','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al añadir un nuevo elemento.','Add New Item'=>'Añadir nuevo elemento','Add New %s'=>'Añadir nuevo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver publicaciones','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Aparece en la barra de administración en la vista «Todas las publicaciones», siempre que el tipo de contenido admita archivos y la página de inicio no sea un archivo de ese tipo de contenido.','View Items'=>'Ver elementos','View Post'=>'Ver publicacion','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'En la barra de administración para ver el elemento al editarlo.','View Item'=>'Ver elemento','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar publicación','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'En la parte superior de la pantalla del editor, al editar un elemento.','Edit Item'=>'Editar elemento','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todas las entradas','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'En el submenú de tipo de contenido del escritorio.','All Items'=>'Todos los elementos','All %s'=>'Todos %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nombre del menú de administración para el tipo de contenido.','Menu Name'=>'Nombre del menú','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Regenera todas las etiquetas utilizando las etiquetas singular y plural','Regenerate'=>'Regenerar','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Los tipos de entrada activos están activados y registrados en WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Un resumen descriptivo del tipo de contenido.','Add Custom'=>'Añadir personalizado','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Activa varias funciones en el editor de contenido.','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de entrada','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecciona las taxonomías existentes para clasificar los elementos del tipo de contenido.','Browse Fields'=>'Explorar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada que importar','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. El plugin Custom Post Type UI se puede desactivar.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Importado %d elemento de la interfaz de Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . 'Importados %d elementos de la interfaz de Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Error al importar taxonomías.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Error al importar tipos de contenido.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'No se ha seleccionado nada del plugin Custom Post Type UI para importar.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 elementos importado' . "\0" . '%s elementos importados','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Al importar un tipo de contenido o taxonomía con la misma clave que uno ya existente, se sobrescribirán los ajustes del tipo de contenido o taxonomía existentes con los de la importación.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar desde Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'El siguiente código puede utilizarse para registrar una versión local de los elementos seleccionados. Almacenar grupos de campos, tipos de contenido o taxonomías localmente puede proporcionar muchas ventajas, como tiempos de carga más rápidos, control de versiones y campos/ajustes dinámicos. Simplemente copia y pega el siguiente código en el archivo functions.php de tu tema o inclúyelo dentro de un archivo externo, y luego desactiva o elimina los elementos desde la administración de ACF.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Generar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selecciona taxonomías','Select Post Types'=>'Selecciona tipos de contenido','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 elemento exportado.' . "\0" . '%s elementos exportados.','Category'=>'Categoría','Tag'=>'Etiqueta','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomía %s creada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomía %s actualizada','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Borrador de taxonomía actualizado.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomía programada para.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomía enviada.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomía guardada.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomía borrada.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomía actualizada.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Esta taxonomía no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otra taxonomía registrada por otro plugin o tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomía sincronizada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías sincronizadas.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomía duplicada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías duplicadas.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomía desactivada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías desactivadas.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomía activada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomías activadas.','Terms'=>'Términos','Post type synchronized.'=>'Tipo de contenido sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido sincronizados.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Tipo de contenido duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido duplicados.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Tipo de contenido desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido desactivados.','Post type activated.'=>'Tipo de contenido activado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de contenido activados.','Post Types'=>'Tipos de contenido','Advanced Settings'=>'Ajustes avanzados','Basic Settings'=>'Ajustes básicos','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Este tipo de contenido no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otro tipo de contenido registrado por otro plugin o tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Enlazar grupos de campos existentes','%s post type created'=>'%s tipo de contenido creado','Add fields to %s'=>'Añadir campos a %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de contenido %s actualizado','Post type draft updated.'=>'Borrador de tipo de contenido actualizado.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Tipo de contenido programado para.','Post type submitted.'=>'Tipo de contenido enviado.','Post type saved.'=>'Tipo de contenido guardado.','Post type updated.'=>'Tipo de contenido actualizado.','Post type deleted.'=>'Tipo de contenido eliminado.','Type to search...'=>'Escribe para buscar...','PRO Only'=>'Solo en PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos enlazados correctamente.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importa tipos de contenido y taxonomías registrados con Custom Post Type UI y gestiónalos con ACF. Empieza aquí.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomía','post type'=>'tipo de contenido','Done'=>'Hecho','Field Group(s)'=>'Grupo(s) de campo(s)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecciona uno o varios grupos de campos...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecciona los grupos de campos que quieras enlazar.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos enlazado correctamente.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos enlazados correctamente.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Error de registro','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Este elemento no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo utilizada por otro elemento registrado por otro plugin o tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permisos','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidad','Labels'=>'Etiquetas','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Pestañas de ajustes de campos','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[valor del shortcode de ACF desactivado en la vista previa]','Close Modal'=>'Cerrar ventana emergente','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido a otro grupo','Close modal'=>'Cerrar ventana emergente','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Empieza un nuevo grupo de pestañas en esta pestaña','New Tab Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de pestañas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usa una casilla de verificación estilizada utilizando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Guardar la opción «Otro»','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir la opción «Otro»','Add Toggle All'=>'Añade un «Alternar todos»','Save Custom Values'=>'Guardar los valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Los valores personalizados de la casilla de verificación no pueden estar vacíos. Desmarca cualquier valor vacío.','Updates'=>'Actualizaciones','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo de Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Guardar cambios','Field Group Title'=>'Título del grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Añadir título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'¿Nuevo en ACF? Echa un vistazo a nuestra guía para comenzar.','Add Field Group'=>'Añadir grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados juntos, y después añadir esos campos a las pantallas de edición.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Añade tu primer grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opciones','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galería','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de contenido flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea las características extra con ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Borrar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creado el %1$s a las %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Ajustes de grupo','Location Rules'=>'Reglas de ubicación','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Elige de entre más de 30 tipos de campos. Aprende más.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comienza creando nuevos campos personalizados para tus entradas, páginas, tipos de contenido personalizados y otros contenidos de WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Añade tu primer campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Añadir campo','Presentation'=>'Presentación','Validation'=>'Validación','General'=>'General','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactiva este elemento','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activa este elemento','Move field group to trash?'=>'¿Mover este grupo de campos a la papelera?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields y Advanced Custom Fields PRO no deberían estar activos al mismo tiempo. Hemos desactivado automáticamente Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields y Advanced Custom Fields PRO no deberían estar activos al mismo tiempo. Hemos desactivado automáticamente Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar a la versión Pro','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Lo siento, este grupo de campos no está disponible para la comparación diff.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar los cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Debates. Tenemos una comunidad activa y amistosa, en nuestros foros de la comunidad, que pueden ayudarte a descubrir cómo hacer todo en el mundo de ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF. Si te encuentras con alguna dificultad, hay varios lugares donde puedes encontrar ayuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Campo clon','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'N.º de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Instruction Placement'=>'Colocación de la instrucción','Label Placement'=>'Ubicación de la etiqueta','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Required'=>'Obligatorio','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecciona los grupos de campos que te gustaría exportar y luego elige tu método de exportación. Exporta como JSON para exportar un archivo .json que puedes importar en otra instalación de ACF. Genera PHP para exportar a código PHP que puedes incluir en tu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecciona el archivo JSON de Advanced Custom Fields que te gustaría importar. Cuando hagas clic en el botón importar de abajo, ACF importará los grupos de campos.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Supports'=>'Supports','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ningún %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por función','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Inicialización del retardo','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Mostrar botones para subir archivos multimedia','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Maximum Posts'=>'Número máximo de entradas','Minimum Posts'=>'Número mínimo de entradas','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de archivo permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir qué imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Stylized UI'=>'UI estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'El nombre del tipo de bloque es requerido.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de bloque " %s" ya está registrado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Cambiar a Editar','Switch to Preview'=>'Cambiar a vista previa','Change content alignment'=>'Cambiar la alineación del contenido','%s settings'=>'%s ajustes','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloque no contiene campos editables.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Asigna un grupo de campos para añadir campos a este bloque.','Options Updated'=>'Opciones Actualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para habilitar las actualizaciones, introduzca su clave de licencia en la página Actualizaciones. Si no tiene una clave de licencia, consulte los detalles y los precios..','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Error de activación de ACF. La clave de licencia definida ha cambiado, pero se ha producido un error al desactivar la licencia anterior','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Error de activación de ACF. La clave de licencia definida ha cambiado, pero se ha producido un error al conectarse al servidor de activación','ACF Activation Error'=>'Error de activación de ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Check Again'=>'Comprobar de nuevo','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Publish'=>'Publicar','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'No se encontraron grupos de campos personalizados para esta página de opciones. Crear Grupo de Campos Personalizados','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Error. No se ha podido conectar con el servidor de actualización','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. No se pudo autenticar el paquete de actualización. Compruebe de nuevo o desactive y reactive su licencia ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Su licencia para este sitio ha caducado o ha sido desactivada. Por favor, reactive su licencia ACF PRO.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Elige uno o más campos que quieras clonar','Display'=>'Mostrar','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique el estilo utilizado para procesar el campo de clonación','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (muestra los campos seleccionados en un grupo dentro de este campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Transparente (reemplaza este campo con los campos seleccionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Las etiquetas se mostrarán como %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Etiquetas del prefijo de campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Los valores se guardarán como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Nombres de prefijos de campos','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconocido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconocido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos los campos del grupo de campo %s','Add Row'=>'Agregar Fila','layout'=>'diseño' . "\0" . 'esquema','layouts'=>'diseños','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requiere al menos {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo tiene un límite de la etiqueta de la etiqueta de la etiqueta de la etiqueta.','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} requerido (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'El Contenido Flexible requiere por lo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Haz click en el botón "%s" debajo para comenzar a crear tu esquema','Add layout'=>'Agregar Esquema','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar Diseño','Remove layout'=>'Remover esquema','Click to toggle'=>'Clic para mostrar','Delete Layout'=>'Eliminar Esquema','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar Esquema','Add New Layout'=>'Agregar Nuevo Esquema','Add Layout'=>'Agregar Esquema','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Esquemas Mínimos','Maximum Layouts'=>'Esquemas Máximos','Button Label'=>'Etiqueta del Botón','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s debe ser de tipo matriz o null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s debe contener al menos %2$s %3$s diseño.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe contener al menos %2$s %3$s diseños.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s debe contener como máximo %2$s %3$s diseño.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe contener como máximo %2$s %3$s diseños.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Agregar Imagen a Galería','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selección máxima alcanzada','Length'=>'Longitud','Caption'=>'Leyenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto Alt','Add to gallery'=>'Agregar a galería','Bulk actions'=>'Acciones en lote','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por fecha de subida','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por fecha de modificación','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Invertir orden actual','Close'=>'Cerrar','Minimum Selection'=>'Selección Mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Selección Máxima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipos de archivos permitidos','Insert'=>'Insertar','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especificar dónde se agregan nuevos adjuntos','Append to the end'=>'Añadir al final','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Adelantar hasta el principio','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de filas alcanzado ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de filas alcanzado ({max} rows)','Error loading page'=>'Error al cargar la página','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos con un gran número de filas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Filas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Establece el número de filas que se mostrarán en una página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de Filas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de Filas','Collapsed'=>'Colapsado','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Elige un subcampo para indicar cuándo se colapsa la fila','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Clave de campo no válida.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ha habido un error al recuperar el campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Add row'=>'Agregar fila','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar fila','Remove row'=>'Remover fila','Current Page'=>'Página actual','First Page'=>'Primera página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Página siguiente','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'No existen tipos de bloques','No options pages exist'=>'No existen páginas de opciones','Deactivate License'=>'Desactivar Licencia','Activate License'=>'Activar Licencia','License Information'=>'Información de la licencia','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear las actualizaciones, por favor a continuación introduce tu clave de licencia. Si no tienes una clave de licencia, consulta detalles y precios.','License Key'=>'Clave de Licencia','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'La clave de licencia se define en wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Reintentar activación','Update Information'=>'Información de Actualización','Current Version'=>'Versión Actual','Latest Version'=>'Última Versión','Update Available'=>'Actualización Disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Notificación de Actualización','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Por favor ingresa tu clave de licencia para habilitar actualizaciones','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizar Plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Reactive su licencia para desbloquear actualizaciones']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.mo
index 0b9abcd7..3c306cd7 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.po
index 85572c36..79ad5cf3 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_ES.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: es_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,43 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "Campos de ACF"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "Aprende a solucionarlo"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "Característica de ACF PRO"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "Renueva PRO para desbloquear"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "Renovar licencia PRO"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "Los campos PRO no se pueden editar sin una licencia activa."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+"Activa tu licencia de ACF PRO para editar los grupos de campos asignados a "
+"un Bloque ACF."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "Activa tu licencia de ACF PRO para editar esta página de opciones."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -58,10 +95,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Para más detalles, ponte en contacto con el administrador o desarrollador de "
"tu web."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Más información"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Ocultar detalles"
@@ -125,10 +158,10 @@ msgstr "4 meses gratis"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Duplicado de %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Duplicado de %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Seleccionar páginas de opciones"
@@ -161,8 +194,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Añadir campos"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Este campo"
@@ -185,7 +218,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "es desarrollado y mantenido por"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
"Añadir %s actual a las reglas de localización de los grupos de campos "
@@ -330,34 +363,34 @@ msgstr "Desbloquea funciones avanzadas y construye aún más con ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Sin términos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Sin tipos de contenido"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Sin entradas"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Sin taxonomías"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Sin grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Sin campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Sin descripción"
@@ -817,37 +850,33 @@ msgstr "Tipo de publicación no válido seleccionado para revisión."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Más"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Disponible con ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Seleccionar campo"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Prueba con otro término de búsqueda o explora %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Campos populares"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "No hay resultados de búsqueda para «%s»"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Buscar campos..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selecciona el tipo de campo"
@@ -2507,7 +2536,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Selecciona las taxonomías existentes para clasificar los elementos del tipo "
"de contenido."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Explorar campos"
@@ -2560,7 +2589,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importar desde Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2577,15 +2606,15 @@ msgstr ""
"tu tema o inclúyelo dentro de un archivo externo, y luego desactiva o "
"elimina los elementos desde la administración de ACF."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exportar - Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Selecciona taxonomías"
@@ -2593,7 +2622,7 @@ msgstr "Selecciona taxonomías"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Selecciona tipos de contenido"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "1 elemento exportado."
@@ -2645,7 +2674,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomía borrada."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomía actualizada."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2655,67 +2684,67 @@ msgstr ""
"utilizada por otra taxonomía registrada por otro plugin o tema."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomía sincronizada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomías sincronizadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomía duplicada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomías duplicadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomía desactivada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomías desactivadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomía activada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomías activadas."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Términos"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de contenido sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de contenido sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de contenido duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de contenido duplicados."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de contenido desactivado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de contenido desactivados."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de contenido activado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de contenido activados."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2733,7 +2762,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes básicos"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2747,7 +2776,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Enlazar grupos de campos existentes"
@@ -2791,16 +2820,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Tipo de contenido eliminado."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Escribe para buscar..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Solo en PRO"
@@ -2823,44 +2852,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomía"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "tipo de contenido"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Hecho"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Grupo(s) de campo(s)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Selecciona uno o varios grupos de campos..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Selecciona los grupos de campos que quieras enlazar."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos enlazado correctamente."
msgstr[1] "Grupos de campos enlazados correctamente."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Error de registro"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2868,31 +2897,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Este elemento no se ha podido registrar porque su clave está siendo "
"utilizada por otro elemento registrado por otro plugin o tema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permisos"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URLs"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilidad"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etiquetas"
@@ -2913,14 +2942,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[valor del shortcode de ACF desactivado en la vista previa]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Cerrar ventana emergente"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Campo movido a otro grupo"
@@ -3105,8 +3134,8 @@ msgstr "Presentación"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validación"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
@@ -3114,49 +3143,49 @@ msgstr "General"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importar JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exportar como JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos desactivado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos desactivados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos activado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos activados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Desactiva este elemento"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activa este elemento"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "¿Mover este grupo de campos a la papelera?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3169,7 +3198,7 @@ msgstr "Inactivo"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3178,7 +3207,7 @@ msgstr ""
"activos al mismo tiempo. Hemos desactivado automáticamente Advanced Custom "
"Fields PRO."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3259,7 +3288,7 @@ msgstr "Cadena RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cadena hexadecimal"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Actualizar a la versión Pro"
@@ -3311,8 +3340,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3322,7 +3351,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3342,49 +3371,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Esperando el guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar los cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios de JSON local"
@@ -3646,7 +3675,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3655,9 +3684,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3853,9 +3882,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3866,23 +3895,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
@@ -3890,69 +3919,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatorio"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucciones"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a otro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos si"
@@ -4056,15 +4085,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reglas"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -4076,22 +4105,22 @@ msgstr ""
"puedes importar en otra instalación de ACF. Genera PHP para exportar a "
"código PHP que puedes incluir en tu tema."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -4120,22 +4149,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -4143,13 +4172,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Supports"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4158,26 +4188,26 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -4218,7 +4248,7 @@ msgstr "El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimiento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4233,7 +4263,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"
@@ -4245,14 +4275,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -4263,14 +4293,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No hay campos de conmutación disponibles"
@@ -4279,14 +4309,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La cadena \"field_\" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo"
@@ -4455,8 +4485,8 @@ msgstr "No tiene ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "No tiene algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4466,24 +4496,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requieren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requiere atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4519,8 +4549,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página"
@@ -4533,10 +4563,10 @@ msgstr "El tipo de archivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4586,8 +4616,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sin etiqueta)"
@@ -5555,7 +5585,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5877,92 +5907,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactivo (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactivos (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_MX.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_MX.l10n.php
index a1a1a46a..2468f685 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_MX.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_MX.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_MX','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'%s campos','No terms'=>'No se encontraron términos','No post types'=>'No se encontraron tipos de contenidos','No posts'=>'No se encontraron entradas','No taxonomies'=>'No se encontraron taxonomías','No field groups'=>'No se encontraron grupos de campos','No fields'=>'No se encontraron campos','No description'=>'Sin descripción','Any post status'=>'Cualquier estado de entrada','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de esta taxonomía ya está en uso por otra taxonomía registrada fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de esta taxonomía ya está en uso por otra taxonomía fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave de la taxonomía debe contener solamente caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones y guiones bajos.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías en la papelera.','No Taxonomies found'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías','Search Taxonomies'=>'Buscar taxonomías','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomía','New Taxonomy'=>'Nueva taxonomía','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomía','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Agregar nueva taxonomía','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido en la papelera','No Post Types found'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido','Search Post Types'=>'Buscar Tipos de Contenido','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipos de contenido','New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de contenido','Add New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de este tipo de contenido ya es usada por otro tipo de contenido registrado fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de este tipo de contenido ya es usada por otro tipo de contenido en ACF y no puede ser usada.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe contener solamente caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones o guiones bajos.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe contener menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'No recomendamos utilizar este campo en ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Despliega el editor WYSIWYG de WordPress tal aparece en entradas y páginas, permitiendo una experiencia de edición de texto enriquecedora que permite el uso de contenido multimedia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite la selección de uno o más usuarios, los cuales pueden ser utilizados para crear relaciones entre objetos de datos.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Una lista despegable con una selección de opciones que tú especificas. ','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de entrada','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Un desplegable interactivo para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas, tipos de contenido, o URLs de archivos, con la opción de buscar.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Un componente interactivo para incrustar videos, imágenes, tweets, audio y otro contenido haciendo uso de la funcionalidad nativa de oEmbed de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Usa el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para cargar o elegir imágenes.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Proporciona una manera de estructurar campos en grupos para una mejor organización de los datos y de la pantalla de edición.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Usa el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para cargar o elegir archivos.','nounClone'=>'Clon','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'El ID de la entrada no es válido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de entrada inválida seleccionada para valoración.','More'=>'Más','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Disponible con ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecciona Campo','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No hay resultados de búsqueda para \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Buscar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecciona tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Agregar taxonomía','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Agrega tu primera taxonomía','genre'=>'género','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personaliza los argumentos de la consulta.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'"%s" no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color predeterminado','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación "%s" ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase "%s" no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'ID','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores "personalizados" a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se iniciará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_MX','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'%s campos','No terms'=>'No se encontraron términos','No post types'=>'No se encontraron tipos de contenidos','No posts'=>'No se encontraron entradas','No taxonomies'=>'No se encontraron taxonomías','No field groups'=>'No se encontraron grupos de campos','No fields'=>'No se encontraron campos','No description'=>'Sin descripción','Any post status'=>'Cualquier estado de entrada','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de esta taxonomía ya está en uso por otra taxonomía registrada fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de esta taxonomía ya está en uso por otra taxonomía fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave de la taxonomía debe contener solamente caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones y guiones bajos.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías en la papelera.','No Taxonomies found'=>'No se han encontrado taxonomías','Search Taxonomies'=>'Buscar taxonomías','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomía','New Taxonomy'=>'Nueva taxonomía','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomía','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Agregar nueva taxonomía','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido en la papelera','No Post Types found'=>'No se han encontrado tipos de contenido','Search Post Types'=>'Buscar Tipos de Contenido','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipos de contenido','New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de contenido','Add New Post Type'=>'Añadir nuevo tipo de contenido','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de este tipo de contenido ya es usada por otro tipo de contenido registrado fuera de ACF y no puede ser usada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'La clave de este tipo de contenido ya es usada por otro tipo de contenido en ACF y no puede ser usada.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe contener solamente caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas, guiones o guiones bajos.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clave del tipo de contenido debe contener menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'No recomendamos utilizar este campo en ACF Blocks.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Despliega el editor WYSIWYG de WordPress tal aparece en entradas y páginas, permitiendo una experiencia de edición de texto enriquecedora que permite el uso de contenido multimedia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite la selección de uno o más usuarios, los cuales pueden ser utilizados para crear relaciones entre objetos de datos.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Una lista despegable con una selección de opciones que tú especificas. ','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de entrada','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Un desplegable interactivo para seleccionar una o más entradas, páginas, tipos de contenido, o URLs de archivos, con la opción de buscar.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Un componente interactivo para incrustar videos, imágenes, tweets, audio y otro contenido haciendo uso de la funcionalidad nativa de oEmbed de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Usa el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para cargar o elegir imágenes.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Proporciona una manera de estructurar campos en grupos para una mejor organización de los datos y de la pantalla de edición.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Usa el selector de medios nativo de WordPress para cargar o elegir archivos.','nounClone'=>'Clon','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'El ID de la entrada no es válido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de entrada inválida seleccionada para valoración.','More'=>'Más','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Disponible con ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecciona Campo','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'No hay resultados de búsqueda para \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Buscar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecciona tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Agregar taxonomía','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Agrega tu primera taxonomía','genre'=>'género','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personaliza los argumentos de la consulta.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'"%s" no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color predeterminado','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s).','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF.','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación "%s" ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase "%s" no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'ID','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores "personalizados" a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se iniciará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.l10n.php
index 6d042b0d..e3b36b2b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_VE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'es_VE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Hemos detectado una o más llamadas para obtener valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se haya iniciado. Esto no es compatible y puede ocasionar datos mal formados o faltantes. Aprende cómo corregirlo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe tener un usuario con el perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener un usuario con uno de los siguientes perfiles: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición no válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s no es ninguna de las siguientes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe tener un término %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe tener uno de los siguientes términos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser del tipo de contenido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser de uno de los siguientes tipos de contenido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe tener un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adjunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar en la API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar la transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadena RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadena hexadecimal','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida','Color value'=>'Valor del color','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar el color por defecto','Clear color'=>'Vaciar el color','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opciones','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos del menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adjuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)','Awaiting save'=>'Esperando el guardado','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado en el plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado en el tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios de JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de ayuda. Los profesionales de soporte de nuestro centro de ayuda te ayudarán más en profundidad con los retos técnicos.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. Nuestra amplia documentación contiene referencias y guías para la mayoría de situaciones en las que puedas encontrarte.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos del soporte, y queremos que consigas el máximo en tu web con ACF:','Help & Support'=>'Ayuda y soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa la pestaña de ayuda y soporte para contactar si descubres que necesitas ayuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear tu primer grupo de campos te recomendamos que primero leas nuestra guía de primeros pasos para familiarizarte con la filosofía y buenas prácticas del plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'El plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un constructor visual con el que personalizar las pantallas de WordPress con campos adicionales, y una API intuitiva parra mostrar valores de campos personalizados en cualquier archivo de plantilla de cualquier tema.','Overview'=>'Resumen','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'El tipo de ubicación «%s» ya está registrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La clase «%s» no existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce no válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Error al cargar el campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación no encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rol de usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento de menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicaciones de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía de entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página hija (tiene superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (con hijos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nivel superior (sin padres)','Posts Page'=>'Página de entradas','Front Page'=>'Página de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Viendo el escritorio','Viewing front end'=>'Viendo la web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Plantilla de página','Register'=>'Registro','Add / Edit'=>'Añadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol del usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Plantilla predeterminada','Post Template'=>'Plantilla de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo los formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adjunto','%s value is required'=>'El valor de %s es obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo si','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'y','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comprueba también que todas las extensiones premium (%s) estén actualizados a la última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contiene mejoras en su base de datos y requiere una actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'¡Gracias por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos','Options Page'=>'Página de opciones','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contenido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas las herramientas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si aparecen múltiples grupos de campos en una pantalla de edición, se utilizarán las opciones del primer grupo (el que tenga el número de orden menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona los elementos que ocultar de la pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos de página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisiones','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contenido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Los grupos de campos con menor orden aparecerán primero','Order No.'=>'Número de orden','Below fields'=>'Debajo de los campos','Below labels'=>'Debajo de las etiquetas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (después del contenido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (después del título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sin caja meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caja meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orden','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos del contenedor','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucciones','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos','Field Name'=>'Nombre del campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta del campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a otro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos si','No updates available.'=>'No hay actualizaciones disponibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización de la base de datos completa. Ver las novedades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leyendo tareas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Fallo al actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos a la versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Es muy recomendable que hagas una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos antes de continuar. ¿Estás seguro que quieres ejecutar ya la actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona al menos un sitio para actualizarlo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización de base de datos completa. Volver al escritorio de red','Site is up to date'=>'El sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'El sitio necesita actualizar la base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar los sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Es necesario actualizar la base de datos de los siguientes sitios. Marca los que quieras actualizar y haz clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Añadir grupo de reglas','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conjunto de reglas para determinar qué pantallas de edición utilizarán estos campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Reglas','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar al portapapeles','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Generar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Archivo de imporación vacío','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descripción','Sync available'=>'Sincronización disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios y actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona el destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimiento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Ajustes','Location'=>'Ubicación','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'No hay campos de conmutación disponibles','Field group title is required'=>'El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La cadena "field_" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador del grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Herramientas','is not equal to'=>'no es igual a','is equal to'=>'es igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relación','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconocido','Field type does not exist'=>'El tipo de campo no existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contenido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'La selección es menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'La selección es mayor que','Value is less than'=>'El valor es menor que','Value is greater than'=>'El valor es mayor que','Value contains'=>'El valor contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'El valor coincide con el patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'El valor no es igual a','Value is equal to'=>'El valor es igual a','Has no value'=>'No tiene ningún valor','Has any value'=>'No tiene algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'¿Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requieren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requiere atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restringido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página','File type must be %s.'=>'El tipo de archivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'o','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'El tamaño del archivo no debe ser mayor de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'El tamaño de archivo debe ser al menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La altura de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen no debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'El ancho de la imagen debe ser al menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sin título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sin etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece la altura del área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponer una casilla de verificación extra para cambiar todas las opciones','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores «personalizados» a las opciones del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite añadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Añadir nueva opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir las URLs de los archivos','Archives'=>'Archivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace a página','Add'=>'Añadir','Name'=>'Nombre','%s added'=>'%s añadido/s','%s already exists'=>'%s ya existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'El usuario no puede añadir nuevos %s','Term ID'=>'ID de término','Term Object'=>'Objeto de término','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar el valor de los términos de la publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar términos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar los términos seleccionados con la publicación','Save Terms'=>'Guardar términos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir la creación de nuevos términos mientras se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear términos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botones de radio','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Casilla de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona la apariencia de este campo','Appearance'=>'Apariencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona la taxonomía a mostrar','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'El valor debe ser menor o igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'El valor debe ser mayor o igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'El valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar los valores de \'otros\' en las opciones del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Añade la opción \'otros\' para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Otros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que el acordeón anterior se detenga. Este acordeón no será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permita que este acordeón se abra sin cerrar otros.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Muestra este acordeón como abierto en la carga de la página.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringen los archivos que se pueden subir','File ID'=>'ID del archivo','File URL'=>'URL del archivo','File Array'=>'Array del archivo','Add File'=>'Añadir archivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún archivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nombre del archivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar archivo','Edit File'=>'Editar archivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar archivo','File'=>'Archivo','Password'=>'Contraseña','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica el valor devuelto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'¿Usar AJAX para hacer cargar las opciones de forma asíncrona?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Añade cada valor en una nueva línea','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Error al cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando más resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Solo puedes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce %d o más caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, introduce 1 o más caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponibles, utiliza las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por los resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hay un resultado disponible, pulsa enter para seleccionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Selección','User ID'=>'ID del usuario','User Object'=>'Grupo de objetos','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos los roles de usuario','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar color','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Vaciar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de color','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Hecho','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ahora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elegir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de fecha y hora','Endpoint'=>'Variable','Left aligned'=>'Alineada a la izquierda','Top aligned'=>'Alineada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestaña','Value must be a valid URL'=>'El valor debe ser una URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL del enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir en una nueva ventana/pestaña','Select Link'=>'Elige el enlace','Link'=>'Enlace','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rojo : Rojo','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para más control, puedes especificar tanto un valor como una etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Añade cada opción en una nueva línea.','Choices'=>'Opciones','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botones','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE no se inicializará hasta que se haga clic en el campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra de herramientas','Text Only'=>'Sólo texto','Visual Only'=>'Sólo visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual y Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestañas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Haz clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'El valor no debe exceder los %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déjalo en blanco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece después del campo','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes del campo','Prepend'=>'Anteponer','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece en el campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cuando se está creando una nueva entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita al menos %2$s selecciones','Post ID'=>'ID de publicación','Post Object'=>'Objeto de publicación','Featured Image'=>'Imagen destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Los elementos seleccionados se mostrarán en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contenido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas las taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos los tipos de contenido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contenido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contenido','No matches found'=>'No se han encontrado coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déjalo en blanco para todos los tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño del archivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que las imágenes se pueden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos al contenido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar las opciones de la biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID de imagen','Image URL'=>'URL de imagen','Image Array'=>'Array de imágenes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar el valor devuelto en la web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Añadir imagen','No image selected'=>'No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas las imágenes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagen','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagen','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagen','Image'=>'Imagen','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que el maquetado HTML se muestre como texto visible en vez de interpretarlo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sin formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Añadir <br> automáticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Añadir párrafos automáticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla cómo se muestran los saltos de línea','New Lines'=>'Nuevas líneas','Week Starts On'=>'La semana comienza el','The format used when saving a value'=>'El formato utilizado cuando se guarda un valor','Save Format'=>'Guardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Siguiente','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoy','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Listo','Date Picker'=>'Selector de fecha','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño de incrustación','Enter URL'=>'Introduce la URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cuando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Muestra el texto junto a la casilla de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaje','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sí','True / False'=>'Verdadero / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Tabla','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica el estilo utilizado para representar los campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estructura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar la altura del mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer el nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente el mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar dirección...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Lo siento, este navegador no es compatible con la geolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'El formato devuelto por de las funciones del tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'El formato mostrado cuando se edita una publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado campos en la papelera','No Fields found'=>'No se han encontrado campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Nuevo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Añadir nuevo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera','No Field Groups found'=>'No se han encontrado grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Nuevo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Añadir nuevo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Añadir nuevo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionales e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.mo
index 6e9d158f..c81b0126 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.po
index eafe3efb..d9da15f2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-es_VE.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: es_VE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2955,7 +2982,7 @@ msgstr "Cadena RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cadena hexadecimal"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3007,8 +3034,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3018,7 +3045,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3037,49 +3064,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetro(s) de grupo de campos no válido(s)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Esperando el guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en el tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios de JSON local"
@@ -3337,7 +3364,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3346,9 +3373,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3544,9 +3571,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3557,23 +3584,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
@@ -3581,69 +3608,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos del contenedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instrucciones para los autores. Se muestra a la hora de enviar los datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucciones"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Una sola palabra, sin espacios. Se permiten guiones y guiones bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este es el nombre que aparecerá en la página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a otro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos si"
@@ -3747,15 +3774,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reglas"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3763,22 +3790,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3804,22 +3831,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -3827,13 +3854,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3842,26 +3870,26 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3902,7 +3930,7 @@ msgstr "El campo %1$s ahora se puede encontrar en el grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimiento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3917,7 +3945,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"
@@ -3929,14 +3957,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3947,14 +3975,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "No hay campos de conmutación disponibles"
@@ -3963,14 +3991,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "El título del grupo de campos es obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo se puede mover hasta que sus cambios se hayan guardado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La cadena \"field_\" no se debe utilizar al comienzo de un nombre de campo"
@@ -4139,8 +4167,8 @@ msgstr "No tiene ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "No tiene algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4150,24 +4178,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requieren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requiere atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4203,8 +4231,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Los cambios que has realizado se perderán si navegas hacia otra página"
@@ -4217,10 +4245,10 @@ msgstr "El tipo de archivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"
@@ -4270,8 +4298,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sin etiqueta)"
@@ -5239,7 +5267,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ninguna imagen seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5561,92 +5589,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos en la papelera"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "No se han encontrado grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.l10n.php
index 83b4913f..0eae4ee2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fa_AF','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و خارج از ACF درحال استفاده است و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'این کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و توسط یکی از طبقه بندی های ACF درحال استفاده می باشد و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی فقط باید شامل حروف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی در زباله دان نیست','No Taxonomies found'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی یافت نشد','Search Taxonomies'=>'جستجوی طبقه بندی ها','View Taxonomy'=>'مشاهده طبقه بندی ها','New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','Edit Taxonomy'=>'ویرایش طبقه بندی ها','Add New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'هیچ نوع نوشتهای در زبالهدان یافت نشد.','No Post Types found'=>'هیچ نوع پستی پیدا نشد','Search Post Types'=>'جستجوی در انواع پست ها','View Post Type'=>'مشاهده نوع پست ها','New Post Type'=>'نوع پست جدید','Edit Post Type'=>'ویرایش نوع پست','Add New Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست جدید','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر خارج از ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر در ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'این زمینه نباید یک مورد رزرو شدهدر وردپرس باشد.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید نوع پست فقط باید شامل حذوف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) و یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'کلید نوع پست حداکثر باید 20 حرفی باشد.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'توصیه نمیکنیم از این زمینه در بلوک های ACF استفاده کنید.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG وردپرس را همانطور که در پستها و صفحات دیده میشود نمایش میدهد و امکان ویرایش متن غنی را فراهم میکند و محتوای چندرسانهای را نیز امکانپذیر میکند.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'اجازه میدهد که یک یا چند کاربر را انتخاب کنید که می تواند برای ایجاد رابطه بین داده های آبجکت ها مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'یک ورودی متنی که به طور خاص برای ذخیره آدرس های وب طراحی شده است.','URL'=>'نشانی وب','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'کلیدی که به شما امکان می دهد مقدار 1 یا 0 را انتخاب کنید (روشن یا خاموش، درست یا نادرست و غیره). میتواند بهعنوان یک سوئیچ یا چک باکس تلطیف شده ارائه شود.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'یک رابط کاربری تعاملی برای انتخاب زمان. قالب زمان را می توان با استفاده از تنظیمات فیلد سفارشی کرد.','Filter by Post Status'=>'فیلتر بر اساس وضعیت پست','nounClone'=>'کپی (هیچ)','Add Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'قابلیتهای وردپرس را فراتر از نوشتهها و برگههای استاندارد با انواع پست سفارشی توسعه دهید.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'اولین نوع پست سفارشی خود را اضافه کنید','Advanced Configuration'=>'پیکربندی پیشرفته','Hierarchical'=>'سلسلهمراتبی','Public'=>'عمومی','movie'=>'movie','Movie'=>'فیلم','Singular Label'=>'برچسب مفرد','Movies'=>'فیلمها','Plural Label'=>'برچسب جمع','Post Type Key'=>'کلید نوع پست','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'تولید دوباره تمامی برچسبهای مفرد و جمعی','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید.','Category'=>'دسته','Tag'=>'برچسب','Terms'=>'شرایط','Post Types'=>'انواع پست','Advanced Settings'=>'تنظیمات پیشرفته','Basic Settings'=>'تنظیمات پایه','Pages'=>'صفحات','Post type submitted.'=>'نوع پست ارسال شد','Post type saved.'=>'نوع پست ذخیره شد','Post type updated.'=>'نوع پست به روز شد','Post type deleted.'=>'نوع پست حذف شد','Type to search...'=>'برای جستجو تایپ کنید....','PRO Only'=>'فقط نسخه حرفه ای','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'طبقهبندی','post type'=>'نوع نوشته','Done'=>'پایان','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'ثبت نام انجام نشد','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'دسترسیها','URLs'=>'پیوندها','Visibility'=>'نمایش','Labels'=>'برچسبها','Field Settings Tabs'=>'زبانه تنظیمات زمینه','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]','Close Modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Field moved to other group'=>'زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد','Close modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'شروع گروه جدید زبانهها در این زبانه','New Tab Group'=>'گروه زبانه جدید','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'بهکارگیری کادر انتخاب سبک وار با select2','Save Other Choice'=>'ذخیره انتخاب دیگر','Allow Other Choice'=>'اجازه دادن انتخاب دیگر','Add Toggle All'=>'افزودن تغییر وضعیت همه','Save Custom Values'=>'ذخیره مقادیر سفارشی','Allow Custom Values'=>'اجازه دادن مقادیر سفارشی','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'مقادیر سفارشی کادر انتخاب نمیتواند خالی باشد. انتخاب مقادیر خالی را بردارید.','Updates'=>'بروزرسانی ها','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'لوگوی زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Save Changes'=>'ذخیره تغییرات','Field Group Title'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه','Add title'=>'افزودن عنوان','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'تازه با ACF آشنا شدهاید؟ به راهنمای شروع ما نگاهی بیندازید.','Add Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه','Add Your First Field Group'=>'اولین گروه فیلد خود را اضافه نمایید','Options Pages'=>'برگههای گزینهها','ACF Blocks'=>'بلوکهای ACF','Gallery Field'=>'زمینه گالری','Flexible Content Field'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater Field'=>'زمینه تکرارشونده','Delete Field Group'=>'حذف گروه زمینه','Group Settings'=>'تنظیمات گروه','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'افزودن زمینه','Presentation'=>'نمایش','Validation'=>'اعتبارسنجی','General'=>'عمومی','Import JSON'=>'درون ریزی JSON','Export As JSON'=>'برون بری با JSON','Deactivate'=>'غیرفعال کردن','Deactivate this item'=>'غیرفعال کردن این مورد','Activate'=>'فعال کردن','Activate this item'=>'فعال کردن این مورد','Move field group to trash?'=>'انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟','post statusInactive'=>'غیرفعال','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار فیلدهای سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کرده ایم.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - قبل از شروع اولیه ACF، یک یا چند تماس را برای بازیابی مقادیر فیلد ACF شناسایی کردهایم. این مورد پشتیبانی نمیشود و میتواند منجر به دادههای ناقص یا از دست رفته شود. با نحوه رفع این مشکل آشنا شوید.','Invalid request.'=>'درخواست نامعتبر.','Show in REST API'=>'نمایش در REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'فعال کردن شفافیت','Upgrade to PRO'=>'ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای','post statusActive'=>'فعال','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'نشانی ایمیل %s معتبر نیست','Color value'=>'مقدار رنگ','Select default color'=>'انتخاب رنگ پیشفرض','Clear color'=>'پاک کردن رنگ','Blocks'=>'بلوکها','Options'=>'تنظیمات','Users'=>'کاربران','Menu items'=>'آیتمهای منو','Widgets'=>'ابزارکها','Attachments'=>'پیوستها','Taxonomies'=>'طبقهبندیها','Posts'=>'نوشته ها','Last updated: %s'=>'آخرین بهروزرسانی: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است','Awaiting save'=>'در انتظار ذخیره','Saved'=>'ذخیره شده','Import'=>'درونریزی','Review changes'=>'تغییرات مرور شد','Located in: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در قالب: %s','Various'=>'مختلف','Sync changes'=>'همگامسازی تغییرات','Loading diff'=>'بارگذاری تفاوت','Review local JSON changes'=>'بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی','Visit website'=>'بازدید وب سایت','View details'=>'نمایش جزییات','Version %s'=>'نگارش %s','Information'=>'اطلاعات','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'کمک ميز. حرفه ای پشتیبانی در میز کمک ما با بیشتر خود را در عمق کمک, چالش های فنی.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'بحث ها. ما یک جامعه فعال و دوستانه در انجمن های جامعه ما که ممکن است قادر به کمک به شما کشف کردن \'چگونه بازی یا بازی\' از جهان ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'مستندات . مستندات گسترده ما شامل مراجع و راهنماهایی برای اکثر موقعیت هایی است که ممکن است با آن مواجه شوند.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'ما در المنتور فارسی در مورد پشتیبانی متعصب هستیم و می خواهیم شما با ACF بهترین بهره را از وب سایت خود ببرید. اگر به مشکلی برخوردید ، چندین مکان وجود دارد که می توانید کمک کنید:','Help & Support'=>'کمک و پشتیبانی','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'لطفا از زبانه پشتیبانی برای تماس استفاده کنید باید خودتان را پیدا کنید که نیاز به کمک دارد.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'قبل از ایجاد اولین گروه زمینه خود را، ما توصیه می کنیم برای اولین بار خواندن راهنمای شروع به کار ما برای آشنایی با فلسفه پلاگین و بهترین تمرین.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'افزونه پیشرفته زمینه های سفارشی فراهم می کند یک سازنده فرم بصری برای سفارشی کردن وردپرس ویرایش صفحه نمایش با زمینه های اضافی، و API بصری برای نمایش ارزش های زمینه سفارشی در هر فایل قالب تم.','Overview'=>'مرور کلی','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'نوع مکان "%s" در حال حاضر ثبت شده است.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'کلاس "%s" وجود ندارد.','Invalid nonce.'=>'کلید نامعتبر است','Error loading field.'=>'خطا در بارگزاری زمینه','Location not found: %s'=>'موقعیتی یافت نشد: %s','Widget'=>'ابزارک','User Role'=>'نقش کاربر','Comment'=>'دیدگاه','Post Format'=>'فرمت نوشته','Menu Item'=>'آیتم منو','Post Status'=>'وضعیت نوشته','Menus'=>'منوها','Menu Locations'=>'محل منو','Menu'=>'منو','Post Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی نوشته','Child Page (has parent)'=>'برگه زیر مجموعه (دارای مادر)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'برگه مادر (دارای زیر مجموعه)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'بالاترین سطح برگه(بدون والد)','Posts Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Front Page'=>'برگه نخست','Page Type'=>'نوع برگه','Viewing back end'=>'درحال نمایش back end','Viewing front end'=>'درحال نمایش سمت کاربر','Logged in'=>'وارده شده','Current User'=>'کاربر فعلی','Page Template'=>'قالب برگه','Register'=>'ثبت نام','Add / Edit'=>'اضافه کردن/ویرایش','User Form'=>'فرم کاربر','Page Parent'=>'برگه مادر','Super Admin'=>'مدیرکل','Current User Role'=>'نقش کاربرفعلی','Default Template'=>'پوسته پیش فرض','Post Template'=>'قالب نوشته','Post Category'=>'دسته بندی نوشته','All %s formats'=>'همهی فرمتهای %s','Attachment'=>'پیوست','%s value is required'=>'مقدار %s لازم است','Show this field if'=>'نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر','Conditional Logic'=>'منطق شرطی','and'=>'و','Local JSON'=>'JSON های لوکال','Clone Field'=>'فیلد کپی','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'همچنین لطفا همه افزونههای پولی (%s) را بررسی کنید که به نسخه آخر بروز شده باشند.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'این نسخه شامل بهبودهایی در پایگاه داده است و نیاز به ارتقا دارد.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس لازم است','Options Page'=>'برگه تنظیمات','Gallery'=>'گالری','Flexible Content'=>'محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater'=>'زمینه تکرار کننده','Back to all tools'=>'بازگشت به همه ابزارها','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'اگر چندین گروه فیلد در یک صفحه ویرایش نمایش داده شود،اولین تنظیمات گروه فیلد استفاده خواهد شد. (یکی با کمترین شماره)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'انتخاب آیتم ها برای پنهان کردن آن ها از صفحه ویرایش.','Hide on screen'=>'مخفی کردن در صفحه','Send Trackbacks'=>'ارسال بازتاب ها','Tags'=>'برچسب ها','Categories'=>'دسته ها','Page Attributes'=>'صفات برگه','Format'=>'فرمت','Author'=>'نویسنده','Slug'=>'نامک','Revisions'=>'بازنگری ها','Comments'=>'دیدگاه ها','Discussion'=>'گفتگو','Excerpt'=>'چکیده','Content Editor'=>'ویرایش گر محتوا(ادیتور اصلی)','Permalink'=>'پیوند یکتا','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'گروه ها با شماره ترتیب کمتر اول دیده می شوند','Order No.'=>'شماره ترتیب.','Below fields'=>'زیر فیلد ها','Below labels'=>'برچسبهای زیر','Side'=>'کنار','Normal (after content)'=>'معمولی (بعد از ادیتور متن)','High (after title)'=>'بالا (بعد از عنوان)','Position'=>'موقعیت','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'بدون متاباکس','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'استاندارد (دارای متاباکس)','Style'=>'شیوه نمایش','Key'=>'کلید','Order'=>'ترتیب','id'=>'شناسه','class'=>'کلاس','width'=>'عرض','Wrapper Attributes'=>'مشخصات پوشش فیلد','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند','Instructions'=>'دستورالعمل ها','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'این نامی است که در صفحه "ویرایش" نمایش داده خواهد شد','Delete'=>'حذف','Delete field'=>'حذف زمینه','Move'=>'انتقال','Move field to another group'=>'انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر','Duplicate field'=>'تکثیر زمینه','Edit field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Drag to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Show this field group if'=>'نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر','No updates available.'=>'بهروزرسانی موجود نیست.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ارتقای پایگاه داده کامل شد. تغییرات جدید را ببینید','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'در حال خواندن مراحل به روزرسانی...','Upgrade failed.'=>'ارتقا با خطا مواجه شد.','Upgrade complete.'=>'ارتقا کامل شد.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'به روز رسانی داده ها به نسحه %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'قویا توصیه می شود از بانک اطلاعاتی خود قبل از هر کاری پشتیبان تهیه کنید. آیا مایلید به روز رسانی انجام شود؟','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'لطفا حداقل یک سایت برای ارتقا انتخاب کنید.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس انجام شد. بازگشت به پیشخوان شبکه','Site is up to date'=>'سایت به روز است','Site'=>'سایت','Upgrade Sites'=>'ارتقاء سایت','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'این سایت ها نیاز به به روز رسانی دارند برای انجام %s کلیک کنید.','Add rule group'=>'افزودن گروه قانون','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'مجموعه ای از قوانین را بسازید تا مشخص کنید در کدام صفحه ویرایش، این زمینههای سفارشی سفارشی نمایش داده شوند','Rules'=>'قوانین','Copied'=>'کپی شد','Copy to clipboard'=>'درج در حافظه موقت','Select Field Groups'=>'انتخاب گروه های زمینه','No field groups selected'=>'گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است','Generate PHP'=>'تولید کد PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'برون بری گروه های زمینه','Import file empty'=>'فایل وارد شده خالی است','Incorrect file type'=>'نوع فایل صحیح نیست','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'خطا در آپلود فایل. لطفا مجدد بررسی کنید','Import Field Groups'=>'وارد کردن گروه های زمینه','Sync'=>'هماهنگ','Select %s'=>'انتخاب %s','Duplicate'=>'تکثیر','Duplicate this item'=>'تکثیر این زمینه','Documentation'=>'مستندات','Description'=>'توضیحات','Sync available'=>'هماهنگ سازی موجود است','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند.','Active (%s)'=>'فعال (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'بازبینی و بهروزرسانی سایتها','Upgrade Database'=>'بهروزرسانی پایگاه داده','Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی','Move Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه','Please select the destination for this field'=>'مقصد انتقال این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Move Complete.'=>'انتقال کامل شد.','Active'=>'فعال','Field Keys'=>'کلیدهای زمینه','Settings'=>'تنظیمات','Location'=>'مکان','Null'=>'خالی (null)','copy'=>'کپی','(this field)'=>'(این گزینه)','Checked'=>'انتخاب شده','Move Custom Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه دلخواه','No toggle fields available'=>'هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست','Field group title is required'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'کلمه متنی "field_" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود','Field group draft updated.'=>'پیش نویش گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'گروه زمینه برنامه ریزی انتشار پیدا کرده برای.','Field group submitted.'=>'گروه زمینه ارسال شد.','Field group saved.'=>'گروه زمینه ذخیره شد.','Field group published.'=>'گروه زمینه انتشار یافت.','Field group deleted.'=>'گروه زمینه حذف شد.','Field group updated.'=>'گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Tools'=>'ابزارها','is not equal to'=>'برابر نشود با','is equal to'=>'برابر شود با','Forms'=>'فرم ها','Page'=>'برگه','Post'=>'نوشته','Relational'=>'رابطه','Choice'=>'انتخاب','Basic'=>'پایه','Unknown'=>'ناشناخته','Field type does not exist'=>'نوع زمینه وجود ندارد','Spam Detected'=>'اسپم تشخیص داده شد','Post updated'=>'نوشته بروز شد','Update'=>'بروزرسانی','Validate Email'=>'اعتبار سنجی ایمیل','Content'=>'محتوا','Title'=>'عنوان','Edit field group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Selection is less than'=>'انتخاب کمتر از','Selection is greater than'=>'انتخاب بیشتر از','Value is less than'=>'مقدار کمتر از','Value is greater than'=>'مقدار بیشتر از','Value contains'=>'شامل می شود','Value matches pattern'=>'مقدار الگوی','Value is not equal to'=>'مقدار برابر نیست با','Value is equal to'=>'مقدار برابر است با','Has no value'=>'بدون مقدار','Has any value'=>'هر نوع مقدار','Cancel'=>'لغو','Are you sure?'=>'اطمینان دارید؟','%d fields require attention'=>'%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد','1 field requires attention'=>'یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد','Validation failed'=>'مشکل در اعتبار سنجی','Validation successful'=>'اعتبار سنجی موفق بود','Restricted'=>'ممنوع','Collapse Details'=>'عدم نمایش جزئیات','Expand Details'=>'نمایش جزئیات','Uploaded to this post'=>'بارگذاری شده در این نوشته','verbUpdate'=>'بروزرسانی','verbEdit'=>'ویرایش','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد','File type must be %s.'=>'نوع فایل باید %s باشد.','or'=>'یا','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'حجم فایل ها نباید از %s بیشتر باشد.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'حجم فایل باید حداقل %s باشد.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع فایل باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','(no title)'=>'(بدون عنوان)','Full Size'=>'اندازه کامل','Large'=>'بزرگ','Medium'=>'متوسط','Thumbnail'=>'تصویر بندانگشتی','(no label)'=>'(بدون برچسب)','Sets the textarea height'=>'تعیین ارتفاع باکس متن','Rows'=>'سطرها','Text Area'=>'جعبه متن (متن چند خطی)','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'اضافه کردن چک باکس اضافی برای انتخاب همه','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دلخواه در انتخاب های زمینه','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'اجازه درج مقادیر دلخواه','Add new choice'=>'درج انتخاب جدید','Toggle All'=>'انتخاب همه','Allow Archives URLs'=>'اجازه آدرس های آرشیو','Archives'=>'بایگانی ها','Page Link'=>'پیوند (لینک) برگه/نوشته','Add'=>'افزودن','Name'=>'نام','%s added'=>'%s اضافه شد','%s already exists'=>'%s هم اکنون موجود است','User unable to add new %s'=>'کاربر قادر به اضافه کردن%s جدید نیست','Term ID'=>'شناسه مورد','Term Object'=>'به صورت آبجکت','Load value from posts terms'=>'خواندن مقادیر از ترم های نوشته','Load Terms'=>'خواندن ترم ها','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'الصاق آیتم های انتخابی به نوشته','Save Terms'=>'ذخیره ترم ها','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'اجازه به ساخت آیتمها(ترمها) جدید در زمان ویرایش','Create Terms'=>'ساخت آیتم (ترم)','Radio Buttons'=>'دکمههای رادیویی','Single Value'=>'تک مقدار','Multi Select'=>'چندین انتخاب','Checkbox'=>'چک باکس','Multiple Values'=>'چندین مقدار','Select the appearance of this field'=>'ظاهر این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Appearance'=>'ظاهر','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'طبقهبندی را برای برون بری انتخاب کنید','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'مقدار باید کوچکتر یا مساوی %d باشد','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'مقدار باید مساوی یا بیشتر از %d باشد','Value must be a number'=>'مقدار باید عددی باشد','Number'=>'عدد','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دیگر در انتخاب های زمینه','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'افزودن گزینه \'دیگر\' برای ثبت مقادیر دلخواه','Other'=>'دیگر','Radio Button'=>'دکمه رادیویی','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'یک نقطه پایانی برای توقف آکاردئون قبلی تعریف کنید. این آکاردئون مخفی خواهد بود.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'اجازه دهید این آکوردئون بدون بستن دیگر آکاردئونها باز شود.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'نمایش آکوردئون این به عنوان باز در بارگذاری صفحات.','Open'=>'باز','Accordion'=>'آکاردئونی','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود فایل ها','File ID'=>'شناسه پرونده','File URL'=>'آدرس پرونده','File Array'=>'آرایه فایل','Add File'=>'افزودن پرونده','No file selected'=>'هیچ پرونده ای انتخاب نشده','File name'=>'نام فایل','Update File'=>'بروزرسانی پرونده','Edit File'=>'ویرایش پرونده','Select File'=>'انتخاب پرونده','File'=>'پرونده','Password'=>'رمزعبور','Specify the value returned'=>'مقدار بازگشتی را انتخاب کنید','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'از ایجکس برای خواندن گزینه های استفاده شود؟','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'هر مقدار پیش فرض را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید','verbSelect'=>'انتخاب','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'خطا در فراخوانی داده ها','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'جستجو …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'بارگذاری نتایج بیشتر…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'شما فقط می توانید %d مورد را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'فقط می توانید یک آیتم را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'لطفا %d کاراکتر را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'یک حرف را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'لطفا %d یا چند کاراکتر دیگر وارد کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'یک یا چند حرف وارد کنید','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'مشابهی یافت نشد','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'نتایج %d در دسترس است با استفاده از کلید بالا و پایین روی آنها حرکت کنید.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'یک نتیجه موجود است برای انتخاب اینتر را فشار دهید.','nounSelect'=>'انتخاب','User ID'=>'شناسه کاربر','User Object'=>'آبجکت کاربر','User Array'=>'آرایه کاربر','All user roles'=>'تمام نقش های کاربر','User'=>'کاربر','Separator'=>'جداکننده','Select Color'=>'رنگ را انتخاب کنید','Default'=>'پیش فرض','Clear'=>'پاکسازی','Color Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده رنگ','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'انتخاب','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'اکنون','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'منطقه زمانی','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'میکرو ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'میلی ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'دقیقه','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'ساعت','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'زمان','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'انتخاب زمان','Date Time Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده زمان و تاریخ','Endpoint'=>'نقطه پایانی','Left aligned'=>'سمت چپ','Top aligned'=>'سمت بالا','Placement'=>'جانمایی','Tab'=>'تب','Value must be a valid URL'=>'مقدار باید یک آدرس صحیح باشد','Link URL'=>'آدرس لینک','Link Array'=>'آرایه لینک','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'در پنجره جدید باز شود','Select Link'=>'انتخاب لینک','Link'=>'لینک','Email'=>'پست الکترونیکی','Step Size'=>'اندازه مرحله','Maximum Value'=>'حداکثر مقدار','Minimum Value'=>'حداقل مقدار','Range'=>'محدوده','Both (Array)'=>'هر دو (آرایه)','Label'=>'برچسب زمینه','Value'=>'مقدار','Vertical'=>'عمودی','Horizontal'=>'افقی','red : Red'=>'red : قرمز','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'برای کنترل بیشتر، ممکن است هر دو مقدار و برچسب را مانند زیر مشخص کنید:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'هر انتخاب را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید.','Choices'=>'انتخاب ها','Button Group'=>'گروه دکمهها','Parent'=>'مادر','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'تا زمانی که روی فیلد کلیک نشود TinyMCE اجرا نخواهد شد','Toolbar'=>'نوار ابزار','Text Only'=>'فقط متن','Visual Only'=>'فقط بصری','Visual & Text'=>'بصری و متنی','Tabs'=>'تب ها','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'برای اجرای TinyMCE کلیک کنید','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'متن','Visual'=>'بصری','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'مقدار نباید از %d کاراکتر بیشتر شود','Leave blank for no limit'=>'برای نامحدود بودن این بخش را خالی بگذارید','Character Limit'=>'محدودیت کاراکتر','Appears after the input'=>'بعد از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Append'=>'پسوند','Appears before the input'=>'قبل از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Prepend'=>'پیشوند','Appears within the input'=>'در داخل ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Placeholder Text'=>'نگهدارنده مکان متن','Appears when creating a new post'=>'هنگام ایجاد یک نوشته جدید نمایش داده می شود','Text'=>'متن','Post ID'=>'شناسه نوشته','Post Object'=>'آبجکت یک نوشته','Featured Image'=>'تصویر شاخص','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'عناصر انتخاب شده در هر نتیجه نمایش داده خواهند شد','Elements'=>'عناصر','Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی','Post Type'=>'نوع نوشته','Filters'=>'فیلترها','All taxonomies'=>'تمام طبقه بندی ها','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'فیلتر با طبقه بندی','All post types'=>'تمام انواع نوشته','Filter by Post Type'=>'فیلتر با نوع نوشته','Search...'=>'جستجو . . .','Select taxonomy'=>'انتخاب طبقه بندی','Select post type'=>'انتحاب نوع نوشته','No matches found'=>'مطابقتی یافت نشد','Loading'=>'درحال خواندن','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} آیتم )','Relationship'=>'ارتباط','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'با کامای انگلیسی جدا کرده یا برای عدم محدودیت خالی بگذارید','Maximum'=>'بیشترین','File size'=>'اندازه فایل','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود تصاویر','Minimum'=>'کمترین','Uploaded to post'=>'بارگذاری شده در نوشته','All'=>'همه','Limit the media library choice'=>'محدود کردن انتخاب کتابخانه چندرسانه ای','Library'=>'کتابخانه','Preview Size'=>'اندازه پیش نمایش','Image ID'=>'شناسه تصویر','Image URL'=>'آدرس تصویر','Image Array'=>'آرایه تصاویر','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'مقدار برگشتی در نمایش نهایی را تعیین کنید','Return Value'=>'مقدار بازگشت','Add Image'=>'افزودن تصویر','No image selected'=>'هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده','Remove'=>'حذف','Edit'=>'ویرایش','All images'=>'تمام تصاویر','Update Image'=>'بروزرسانی تصویر','Edit Image'=>'ویرایش تصویر','Select Image'=>'انتخاب تصویر','Image'=>'تصویر','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'اجازه نمایش کدهای HTML به عنوان متن به جای اعمال آنها','Escape HTML'=>'حذف HTML','No Formatting'=>'بدون قالب بندی','Automatically add <br>'=>'اضافه کردن خودکار <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'پاراگراف ها خودکار اضافه شوند','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'تنظیم کنید که خطوط جدید چگونه نمایش داده شوند','New Lines'=>'خطوط جدید','Week Starts On'=>'اولین روز هفته','The format used when saving a value'=>'قالب استفاده در زمان ذخیره مقدار','Save Format'=>'ذخیره قالب','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'هفته','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'قبلی','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'بعدی','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'امروز','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Picker'=>'تاریخ','Width'=>'عرض','Embed Size'=>'اندازه جانمایی','Enter URL'=>'آدرس را وارد کنید','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'نمایش متن در زمان غیر فعال بودن','Off Text'=>'بدون متن','Text shown when active'=>'نمایش متن در زمان فعال بودن','On Text'=>'با متن','Default Value'=>'مقدار پیش فرض','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'نمایش متن همراه انتخاب','Message'=>'پیام','No'=>'خیر','Yes'=>'بله','True / False'=>'صحیح / غلط','Row'=>'سطر','Table'=>'جدول','Block'=>'بلوک','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'استایل جهت نمایش فیلد انتخابی','Layout'=>'چیدمان','Sub Fields'=>'زمینههای زیرمجموعه','Group'=>'گروه','Customize the map height'=>'سفارشی سازی ارتفاع نقشه','Height'=>'ارتفاع','Set the initial zoom level'=>'تعین مقدار بزرگنمایی اولیه','Zoom'=>'بزرگنمایی','Center the initial map'=>'نقشه اولیه را وسط قرار بده','Center'=>'مرکز','Search for address...'=>'جستجو برای آدرس . . .','Find current location'=>'پیدا کردن مکان فعلی','Clear location'=>'حذف مکان','Search'=>'جستجو','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'با عرض پوزش، این مرورگر از موقعیت یابی جغرافیایی پشتیبانی نمی کند','Google Map'=>'نقشه گوگل','The format returned via template functions'=>'قالب توسط توابع پوسته نمایش داده خواهد شد','Return Format'=>'فرمت بازگشت','Custom:'=>'دلخواه:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'قالب در زمان نمایش نوشته دیده خواهد شد','Display Format'=>'فرمت نمایش','Time Picker'=>'انتخاب زمان','No Fields found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Fields found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Fields'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field'=>'نمایش زمینه','New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Edit Field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Add New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Field'=>'زمینه','Fields'=>'زمینه ها','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Field Groups found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Field Groups'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field Group'=>'مشاهده گروه زمینه','New Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه جدید','Edit Field Group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Add New Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه جدید','Add New'=>'افزودن','Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه','Field Groups'=>'گروههای زمینه','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'وردپرس را با زمینههای حرفهای و قدرتمند سفارشی کنید.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fa_AF','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و خارج از ACF درحال استفاده است و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'این کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و توسط یکی از طبقه بندی های ACF درحال استفاده می باشد و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی فقط باید شامل حروف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی در زباله دان نیست','No Taxonomies found'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی یافت نشد','Search Taxonomies'=>'جستجوی طبقه بندی ها','View Taxonomy'=>'مشاهده طبقه بندی ها','New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','Edit Taxonomy'=>'ویرایش طبقه بندی ها','Add New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'هیچ نوع نوشتهای در زبالهدان یافت نشد.','No Post Types found'=>'هیچ نوع پستی پیدا نشد','Search Post Types'=>'جستجوی در انواع پست ها','View Post Type'=>'مشاهده نوع پست ها','New Post Type'=>'نوع پست جدید','Edit Post Type'=>'ویرایش نوع پست','Add New Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست جدید','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر خارج از ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر در ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'این زمینه نباید یک مورد رزرو شدهدر وردپرس باشد.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید نوع پست فقط باید شامل حذوف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) و یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'کلید نوع پست حداکثر باید 20 حرفی باشد.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'توصیه نمیکنیم از این زمینه در بلوک های ACF استفاده کنید.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG وردپرس را همانطور که در پستها و صفحات دیده میشود نمایش میدهد و امکان ویرایش متن غنی را فراهم میکند و محتوای چندرسانهای را نیز امکانپذیر میکند.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'اجازه میدهد که یک یا چند کاربر را انتخاب کنید که می تواند برای ایجاد رابطه بین داده های آبجکت ها مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'یک ورودی متنی که به طور خاص برای ذخیره آدرس های وب طراحی شده است.','URL'=>'نشانی وب','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'کلیدی که به شما امکان می دهد مقدار 1 یا 0 را انتخاب کنید (روشن یا خاموش، درست یا نادرست و غیره). میتواند بهعنوان یک سوئیچ یا چک باکس تلطیف شده ارائه شود.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'یک رابط کاربری تعاملی برای انتخاب زمان. قالب زمان را می توان با استفاده از تنظیمات فیلد سفارشی کرد.','Filter by Post Status'=>'فیلتر بر اساس وضعیت پست','nounClone'=>'کپی (هیچ)','Add Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'قابلیتهای وردپرس را فراتر از نوشتهها و برگههای استاندارد با انواع پست سفارشی توسعه دهید.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'اولین نوع پست سفارشی خود را اضافه کنید','Advanced Configuration'=>'پیکربندی پیشرفته','Hierarchical'=>'سلسلهمراتبی','Public'=>'عمومی','movie'=>'movie','Movie'=>'فیلم','Singular Label'=>'برچسب مفرد','Movies'=>'فیلمها','Plural Label'=>'برچسب جمع','Post Type Key'=>'کلید نوع پست','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'تولید دوباره تمامی برچسبهای مفرد و جمعی','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید.','Category'=>'دسته','Tag'=>'برچسب','Terms'=>'شرایط','Post Types'=>'انواع پست','Advanced Settings'=>'تنظیمات پیشرفته','Basic Settings'=>'تنظیمات پایه','Pages'=>'صفحات','Post type submitted.'=>'نوع پست ارسال شد','Post type saved.'=>'نوع پست ذخیره شد','Post type updated.'=>'نوع پست به روز شد','Post type deleted.'=>'نوع پست حذف شد','Type to search...'=>'برای جستجو تایپ کنید....','PRO Only'=>'فقط نسخه حرفه ای','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'طبقهبندی','post type'=>'نوع نوشته','Done'=>'پایان','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'ثبت نام انجام نشد','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'دسترسیها','URLs'=>'پیوندها','Visibility'=>'نمایش','Labels'=>'برچسبها','Field Settings Tabs'=>'زبانه تنظیمات زمینه','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]','Close Modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Field moved to other group'=>'زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد','Close modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'شروع گروه جدید زبانهها در این زبانه','New Tab Group'=>'گروه زبانه جدید','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'بهکارگیری کادر انتخاب سبک وار با select2','Save Other Choice'=>'ذخیره انتخاب دیگر','Allow Other Choice'=>'اجازه دادن انتخاب دیگر','Add Toggle All'=>'افزودن تغییر وضعیت همه','Save Custom Values'=>'ذخیره مقادیر سفارشی','Allow Custom Values'=>'اجازه دادن مقادیر سفارشی','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'مقادیر سفارشی کادر انتخاب نمیتواند خالی باشد. انتخاب مقادیر خالی را بردارید.','Updates'=>'بروزرسانی ها','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'لوگوی زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Save Changes'=>'ذخیره تغییرات','Field Group Title'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه','Add title'=>'افزودن عنوان','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'تازه با ACF آشنا شدهاید؟ به راهنمای شروع ما نگاهی بیندازید.','Add Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه','Add Your First Field Group'=>'اولین گروه فیلد خود را اضافه نمایید','Options Pages'=>'برگههای گزینهها','ACF Blocks'=>'بلوکهای ACF','Gallery Field'=>'زمینه گالری','Flexible Content Field'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater Field'=>'زمینه تکرارشونده','Delete Field Group'=>'حذف گروه زمینه','Group Settings'=>'تنظیمات گروه','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'افزودن زمینه','Presentation'=>'نمایش','Validation'=>'اعتبارسنجی','General'=>'عمومی','Import JSON'=>'درون ریزی JSON','Export As JSON'=>'برون بری با JSON','Deactivate'=>'غیرفعال کردن','Deactivate this item'=>'غیرفعال کردن این مورد','Activate'=>'فعال کردن','Activate this item'=>'فعال کردن این مورد','Move field group to trash?'=>'انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟','post statusInactive'=>'غیرفعال','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار فیلدهای سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کرده ایم.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - قبل از شروع اولیه ACF، یک یا چند تماس را برای بازیابی مقادیر فیلد ACF شناسایی کردهایم. این مورد پشتیبانی نمیشود و میتواند منجر به دادههای ناقص یا از دست رفته شود. با نحوه رفع این مشکل آشنا شوید.','Invalid request.'=>'درخواست نامعتبر.','Show in REST API'=>'نمایش در REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'فعال کردن شفافیت','Upgrade to PRO'=>'ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای','post statusActive'=>'فعال','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'نشانی ایمیل %s معتبر نیست','Color value'=>'مقدار رنگ','Select default color'=>'انتخاب رنگ پیشفرض','Clear color'=>'پاک کردن رنگ','Blocks'=>'بلوکها','Options'=>'تنظیمات','Users'=>'کاربران','Menu items'=>'آیتمهای منو','Widgets'=>'ابزارکها','Attachments'=>'پیوستها','Taxonomies'=>'طبقهبندیها','Posts'=>'نوشته ها','Last updated: %s'=>'آخرین بهروزرسانی: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است','Awaiting save'=>'در انتظار ذخیره','Saved'=>'ذخیره شده','Import'=>'درونریزی','Review changes'=>'تغییرات مرور شد','Located in: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در قالب: %s','Various'=>'مختلف','Sync changes'=>'همگامسازی تغییرات','Loading diff'=>'بارگذاری تفاوت','Review local JSON changes'=>'بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی','Visit website'=>'بازدید وب سایت','View details'=>'نمایش جزییات','Version %s'=>'نگارش %s','Information'=>'اطلاعات','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'کمک ميز. حرفه ای پشتیبانی در میز کمک ما با بیشتر خود را در عمق کمک, چالش های فنی.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'بحث ها. ما یک جامعه فعال و دوستانه در انجمن های جامعه ما که ممکن است قادر به کمک به شما کشف کردن \'چگونه بازی یا بازی\' از جهان ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'مستندات . مستندات گسترده ما شامل مراجع و راهنماهایی برای اکثر موقعیت هایی است که ممکن است با آن مواجه شوند.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'ما در المنتور فارسی در مورد پشتیبانی متعصب هستیم و می خواهیم شما با ACF بهترین بهره را از وب سایت خود ببرید. اگر به مشکلی برخوردید ، چندین مکان وجود دارد که می توانید کمک کنید:','Help & Support'=>'کمک و پشتیبانی','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'لطفا از زبانه پشتیبانی برای تماس استفاده کنید باید خودتان را پیدا کنید که نیاز به کمک دارد.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'قبل از ایجاد اولین گروه زمینه خود را، ما توصیه می کنیم برای اولین بار خواندن راهنمای شروع به کار ما برای آشنایی با فلسفه پلاگین و بهترین تمرین.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'افزونه پیشرفته زمینه های سفارشی فراهم می کند یک سازنده فرم بصری برای سفارشی کردن وردپرس ویرایش صفحه نمایش با زمینه های اضافی، و API بصری برای نمایش ارزش های زمینه سفارشی در هر فایل قالب تم.','Overview'=>'مرور کلی','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'نوع مکان "%s" در حال حاضر ثبت شده است.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'کلاس "%s" وجود ندارد.','Invalid nonce.'=>'کلید نامعتبر است','Error loading field.'=>'خطا در بارگزاری زمینه','Location not found: %s'=>'موقعیتی یافت نشد: %s','Widget'=>'ابزارک','User Role'=>'نقش کاربر','Comment'=>'دیدگاه','Post Format'=>'فرمت نوشته','Menu Item'=>'آیتم منو','Post Status'=>'وضعیت نوشته','Menus'=>'منوها','Menu Locations'=>'محل منو','Menu'=>'منو','Post Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی نوشته','Child Page (has parent)'=>'برگه زیر مجموعه (دارای مادر)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'برگه مادر (دارای زیر مجموعه)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'بالاترین سطح برگه(بدون والد)','Posts Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Front Page'=>'برگه نخست','Page Type'=>'نوع برگه','Viewing back end'=>'درحال نمایش back end','Viewing front end'=>'درحال نمایش سمت کاربر','Logged in'=>'وارده شده','Current User'=>'کاربر فعلی','Page Template'=>'قالب برگه','Register'=>'ثبت نام','Add / Edit'=>'اضافه کردن/ویرایش','User Form'=>'فرم کاربر','Page Parent'=>'برگه مادر','Super Admin'=>'مدیرکل','Current User Role'=>'نقش کاربرفعلی','Default Template'=>'پوسته پیش فرض','Post Template'=>'قالب نوشته','Post Category'=>'دسته بندی نوشته','All %s formats'=>'همهی فرمتهای %s','Attachment'=>'پیوست','%s value is required'=>'مقدار %s لازم است','Show this field if'=>'نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر','Conditional Logic'=>'منطق شرطی','and'=>'و','Local JSON'=>'JSON های لوکال','Clone Field'=>'فیلد کپی','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'همچنین لطفا همه افزونههای پولی (%s) را بررسی کنید که به نسخه آخر بروز شده باشند.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'این نسخه شامل بهبودهایی در پایگاه داده است و نیاز به ارتقا دارد.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس لازم است','Options Page'=>'برگه تنظیمات','Gallery'=>'گالری','Flexible Content'=>'محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater'=>'زمینه تکرار کننده','Back to all tools'=>'بازگشت به همه ابزارها','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'اگر چندین گروه فیلد در یک صفحه ویرایش نمایش داده شود،اولین تنظیمات گروه فیلد استفاده خواهد شد. (یکی با کمترین شماره)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'انتخاب آیتم ها برای پنهان کردن آن ها از صفحه ویرایش.','Hide on screen'=>'مخفی کردن در صفحه','Send Trackbacks'=>'ارسال بازتاب ها','Tags'=>'برچسب ها','Categories'=>'دسته ها','Page Attributes'=>'صفات برگه','Format'=>'فرمت','Author'=>'نویسنده','Slug'=>'نامک','Revisions'=>'بازنگری ها','Comments'=>'دیدگاه ها','Discussion'=>'گفتگو','Excerpt'=>'چکیده','Content Editor'=>'ویرایش گر محتوا(ادیتور اصلی)','Permalink'=>'پیوند یکتا','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'گروه ها با شماره ترتیب کمتر اول دیده می شوند','Order No.'=>'شماره ترتیب.','Below fields'=>'زیر فیلد ها','Below labels'=>'برچسبهای زیر','Side'=>'کنار','Normal (after content)'=>'معمولی (بعد از ادیتور متن)','High (after title)'=>'بالا (بعد از عنوان)','Position'=>'موقعیت','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'بدون متاباکس','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'استاندارد (دارای متاباکس)','Style'=>'شیوه نمایش','Key'=>'کلید','Order'=>'ترتیب','id'=>'شناسه','class'=>'کلاس','width'=>'عرض','Wrapper Attributes'=>'مشخصات پوشش فیلد','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند','Instructions'=>'دستورالعمل ها','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'این نامی است که در صفحه "ویرایش" نمایش داده خواهد شد','Delete'=>'حذف','Delete field'=>'حذف زمینه','Move'=>'انتقال','Move field to another group'=>'انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر','Duplicate field'=>'تکثیر زمینه','Edit field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Drag to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Show this field group if'=>'نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر','No updates available.'=>'بهروزرسانی موجود نیست.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ارتقای پایگاه داده کامل شد. تغییرات جدید را ببینید','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'در حال خواندن مراحل به روزرسانی...','Upgrade failed.'=>'ارتقا با خطا مواجه شد.','Upgrade complete.'=>'ارتقا کامل شد.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'به روز رسانی داده ها به نسحه %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'قویا توصیه می شود از بانک اطلاعاتی خود قبل از هر کاری پشتیبان تهیه کنید. آیا مایلید به روز رسانی انجام شود؟','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'لطفا حداقل یک سایت برای ارتقا انتخاب کنید.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس انجام شد. بازگشت به پیشخوان شبکه','Site is up to date'=>'سایت به روز است','Site'=>'سایت','Upgrade Sites'=>'ارتقاء سایت','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'این سایت ها نیاز به به روز رسانی دارند برای انجام %s کلیک کنید.','Add rule group'=>'افزودن گروه قانون','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'مجموعه ای از قوانین را بسازید تا مشخص کنید در کدام صفحه ویرایش، این زمینههای سفارشی سفارشی نمایش داده شوند','Rules'=>'قوانین','Copied'=>'کپی شد','Copy to clipboard'=>'درج در حافظه موقت','Select Field Groups'=>'انتخاب گروه های زمینه','No field groups selected'=>'گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است','Generate PHP'=>'تولید کد PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'برون بری گروه های زمینه','Import file empty'=>'فایل وارد شده خالی است','Incorrect file type'=>'نوع فایل صحیح نیست','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'خطا در آپلود فایل. لطفا مجدد بررسی کنید','Import Field Groups'=>'وارد کردن گروه های زمینه','Sync'=>'هماهنگ','Select %s'=>'انتخاب %s','Duplicate'=>'تکثیر','Duplicate this item'=>'تکثیر این زمینه','Documentation'=>'مستندات','Description'=>'توضیحات','Sync available'=>'هماهنگ سازی موجود است','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند.','Active (%s)'=>'فعال (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'بازبینی و بهروزرسانی سایتها','Upgrade Database'=>'بهروزرسانی پایگاه داده','Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی','Move Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه','Please select the destination for this field'=>'مقصد انتقال این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Move Complete.'=>'انتقال کامل شد.','Active'=>'فعال','Field Keys'=>'کلیدهای زمینه','Settings'=>'تنظیمات','Location'=>'مکان','Null'=>'خالی (null)','copy'=>'کپی','(this field)'=>'(این گزینه)','Checked'=>'انتخاب شده','Move Custom Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه دلخواه','No toggle fields available'=>'هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست','Field group title is required'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'کلمه متنی "field_" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود','Field group draft updated.'=>'پیش نویش گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'گروه زمینه برنامه ریزی انتشار پیدا کرده برای.','Field group submitted.'=>'گروه زمینه ارسال شد.','Field group saved.'=>'گروه زمینه ذخیره شد.','Field group published.'=>'گروه زمینه انتشار یافت.','Field group deleted.'=>'گروه زمینه حذف شد.','Field group updated.'=>'گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Tools'=>'ابزارها','is not equal to'=>'برابر نشود با','is equal to'=>'برابر شود با','Forms'=>'فرم ها','Page'=>'برگه','Post'=>'نوشته','Relational'=>'رابطه','Choice'=>'انتخاب','Basic'=>'پایه','Unknown'=>'ناشناخته','Field type does not exist'=>'نوع زمینه وجود ندارد','Spam Detected'=>'اسپم تشخیص داده شد','Post updated'=>'نوشته بروز شد','Update'=>'بروزرسانی','Validate Email'=>'اعتبار سنجی ایمیل','Content'=>'محتوا','Title'=>'عنوان','Edit field group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Selection is less than'=>'انتخاب کمتر از','Selection is greater than'=>'انتخاب بیشتر از','Value is less than'=>'مقدار کمتر از','Value is greater than'=>'مقدار بیشتر از','Value contains'=>'شامل می شود','Value matches pattern'=>'مقدار الگوی','Value is not equal to'=>'مقدار برابر نیست با','Value is equal to'=>'مقدار برابر است با','Has no value'=>'بدون مقدار','Has any value'=>'هر نوع مقدار','Cancel'=>'لغو','Are you sure?'=>'اطمینان دارید؟','%d fields require attention'=>'%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد','1 field requires attention'=>'یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد','Validation failed'=>'مشکل در اعتبار سنجی','Validation successful'=>'اعتبار سنجی موفق بود','Restricted'=>'ممنوع','Collapse Details'=>'عدم نمایش جزئیات','Expand Details'=>'نمایش جزئیات','Uploaded to this post'=>'بارگذاری شده در این نوشته','verbUpdate'=>'بروزرسانی','verbEdit'=>'ویرایش','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد','File type must be %s.'=>'نوع فایل باید %s باشد.','or'=>'یا','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'حجم فایل ها نباید از %s بیشتر باشد.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'حجم فایل باید حداقل %s باشد.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع فایل باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','(no title)'=>'(بدون عنوان)','Full Size'=>'اندازه کامل','Large'=>'بزرگ','Medium'=>'متوسط','Thumbnail'=>'تصویر بندانگشتی','(no label)'=>'(بدون برچسب)','Sets the textarea height'=>'تعیین ارتفاع باکس متن','Rows'=>'سطرها','Text Area'=>'جعبه متن (متن چند خطی)','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'اضافه کردن چک باکس اضافی برای انتخاب همه','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دلخواه در انتخاب های زمینه','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'اجازه درج مقادیر دلخواه','Add new choice'=>'درج انتخاب جدید','Toggle All'=>'انتخاب همه','Allow Archives URLs'=>'اجازه آدرس های آرشیو','Archives'=>'بایگانی ها','Page Link'=>'پیوند (لینک) برگه/نوشته','Add'=>'افزودن','Name'=>'نام','%s added'=>'%s اضافه شد','%s already exists'=>'%s هم اکنون موجود است','User unable to add new %s'=>'کاربر قادر به اضافه کردن%s جدید نیست','Term ID'=>'شناسه مورد','Term Object'=>'به صورت آبجکت','Load value from posts terms'=>'خواندن مقادیر از ترم های نوشته','Load Terms'=>'خواندن ترم ها','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'الصاق آیتم های انتخابی به نوشته','Save Terms'=>'ذخیره ترم ها','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'اجازه به ساخت آیتمها(ترمها) جدید در زمان ویرایش','Create Terms'=>'ساخت آیتم (ترم)','Radio Buttons'=>'دکمههای رادیویی','Single Value'=>'تک مقدار','Multi Select'=>'چندین انتخاب','Checkbox'=>'چک باکس','Multiple Values'=>'چندین مقدار','Select the appearance of this field'=>'ظاهر این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Appearance'=>'ظاهر','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'طبقهبندی را برای برون بری انتخاب کنید','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'مقدار باید کوچکتر یا مساوی %d باشد','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'مقدار باید مساوی یا بیشتر از %d باشد','Value must be a number'=>'مقدار باید عددی باشد','Number'=>'عدد','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دیگر در انتخاب های زمینه','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'افزودن گزینه \'دیگر\' برای ثبت مقادیر دلخواه','Other'=>'دیگر','Radio Button'=>'دکمه رادیویی','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'یک نقطه پایانی برای توقف آکاردئون قبلی تعریف کنید. این آکاردئون مخفی خواهد بود.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'اجازه دهید این آکوردئون بدون بستن دیگر آکاردئونها باز شود.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'نمایش آکوردئون این به عنوان باز در بارگذاری صفحات.','Open'=>'باز','Accordion'=>'آکاردئونی','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود فایل ها','File ID'=>'شناسه پرونده','File URL'=>'آدرس پرونده','File Array'=>'آرایه فایل','Add File'=>'افزودن پرونده','No file selected'=>'هیچ پرونده ای انتخاب نشده','File name'=>'نام فایل','Update File'=>'بروزرسانی پرونده','Edit File'=>'ویرایش پرونده','Select File'=>'انتخاب پرونده','File'=>'پرونده','Password'=>'رمزعبور','Specify the value returned'=>'مقدار بازگشتی را انتخاب کنید','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'از ایجکس برای خواندن گزینه های استفاده شود؟','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'هر مقدار پیش فرض را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید','verbSelect'=>'انتخاب','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'خطا در فراخوانی داده ها','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'جستجو …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'بارگذاری نتایج بیشتر…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'شما فقط می توانید %d مورد را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'فقط می توانید یک آیتم را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'لطفا %d کاراکتر را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'یک حرف را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'لطفا %d یا چند کاراکتر دیگر وارد کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'یک یا چند حرف وارد کنید','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'مشابهی یافت نشد','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'نتایج %d در دسترس است با استفاده از کلید بالا و پایین روی آنها حرکت کنید.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'یک نتیجه موجود است برای انتخاب اینتر را فشار دهید.','nounSelect'=>'انتخاب','User ID'=>'شناسه کاربر','User Object'=>'آبجکت کاربر','User Array'=>'آرایه کاربر','All user roles'=>'تمام نقش های کاربر','User'=>'کاربر','Separator'=>'جداکننده','Select Color'=>'رنگ را انتخاب کنید','Default'=>'پیش فرض','Clear'=>'پاکسازی','Color Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده رنگ','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'انتخاب','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'اکنون','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'منطقه زمانی','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'میکرو ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'میلی ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'دقیقه','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'ساعت','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'زمان','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'انتخاب زمان','Date Time Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده زمان و تاریخ','Endpoint'=>'نقطه پایانی','Left aligned'=>'سمت چپ','Top aligned'=>'سمت بالا','Placement'=>'جانمایی','Tab'=>'تب','Value must be a valid URL'=>'مقدار باید یک آدرس صحیح باشد','Link URL'=>'آدرس لینک','Link Array'=>'آرایه لینک','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'در پنجره جدید باز شود','Select Link'=>'انتخاب لینک','Link'=>'لینک','Email'=>'پست الکترونیکی','Step Size'=>'اندازه مرحله','Maximum Value'=>'حداکثر مقدار','Minimum Value'=>'حداقل مقدار','Range'=>'محدوده','Both (Array)'=>'هر دو (آرایه)','Label'=>'برچسب زمینه','Value'=>'مقدار','Vertical'=>'عمودی','Horizontal'=>'افقی','red : Red'=>'red : قرمز','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'برای کنترل بیشتر، ممکن است هر دو مقدار و برچسب را مانند زیر مشخص کنید:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'هر انتخاب را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید.','Choices'=>'انتخاب ها','Button Group'=>'گروه دکمهها','Parent'=>'مادر','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'تا زمانی که روی فیلد کلیک نشود TinyMCE اجرا نخواهد شد','Toolbar'=>'نوار ابزار','Text Only'=>'فقط متن','Visual Only'=>'فقط بصری','Visual & Text'=>'بصری و متنی','Tabs'=>'تب ها','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'برای اجرای TinyMCE کلیک کنید','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'متن','Visual'=>'بصری','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'مقدار نباید از %d کاراکتر بیشتر شود','Leave blank for no limit'=>'برای نامحدود بودن این بخش را خالی بگذارید','Character Limit'=>'محدودیت کاراکتر','Appears after the input'=>'بعد از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Append'=>'پسوند','Appears before the input'=>'قبل از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Prepend'=>'پیشوند','Appears within the input'=>'در داخل ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Placeholder Text'=>'نگهدارنده مکان متن','Appears when creating a new post'=>'هنگام ایجاد یک نوشته جدید نمایش داده می شود','Text'=>'متن','Post ID'=>'شناسه نوشته','Post Object'=>'آبجکت یک نوشته','Featured Image'=>'تصویر شاخص','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'عناصر انتخاب شده در هر نتیجه نمایش داده خواهند شد','Elements'=>'عناصر','Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی','Post Type'=>'نوع نوشته','Filters'=>'فیلترها','All taxonomies'=>'تمام طبقه بندی ها','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'فیلتر با طبقه بندی','All post types'=>'تمام انواع نوشته','Filter by Post Type'=>'فیلتر با نوع نوشته','Search...'=>'جستجو . . .','Select taxonomy'=>'انتخاب طبقه بندی','Select post type'=>'انتحاب نوع نوشته','No matches found'=>'مطابقتی یافت نشد','Loading'=>'درحال خواندن','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} آیتم )','Relationship'=>'ارتباط','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'با کامای انگلیسی جدا کرده یا برای عدم محدودیت خالی بگذارید','Maximum'=>'بیشترین','File size'=>'اندازه فایل','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود تصاویر','Minimum'=>'کمترین','Uploaded to post'=>'بارگذاری شده در نوشته','All'=>'همه','Limit the media library choice'=>'محدود کردن انتخاب کتابخانه چندرسانه ای','Library'=>'کتابخانه','Preview Size'=>'اندازه پیش نمایش','Image ID'=>'شناسه تصویر','Image URL'=>'آدرس تصویر','Image Array'=>'آرایه تصاویر','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'مقدار برگشتی در نمایش نهایی را تعیین کنید','Return Value'=>'مقدار بازگشت','Add Image'=>'افزودن تصویر','No image selected'=>'هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده','Remove'=>'حذف','Edit'=>'ویرایش','All images'=>'تمام تصاویر','Update Image'=>'بروزرسانی تصویر','Edit Image'=>'ویرایش تصویر','Select Image'=>'انتخاب تصویر','Image'=>'تصویر','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'اجازه نمایش کدهای HTML به عنوان متن به جای اعمال آنها','Escape HTML'=>'حذف HTML','No Formatting'=>'بدون قالب بندی','Automatically add <br>'=>'اضافه کردن خودکار <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'پاراگراف ها خودکار اضافه شوند','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'تنظیم کنید که خطوط جدید چگونه نمایش داده شوند','New Lines'=>'خطوط جدید','Week Starts On'=>'اولین روز هفته','The format used when saving a value'=>'قالب استفاده در زمان ذخیره مقدار','Save Format'=>'ذخیره قالب','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'هفته','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'قبلی','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'بعدی','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'امروز','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Picker'=>'تاریخ','Width'=>'عرض','Embed Size'=>'اندازه جانمایی','Enter URL'=>'آدرس را وارد کنید','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'نمایش متن در زمان غیر فعال بودن','Off Text'=>'بدون متن','Text shown when active'=>'نمایش متن در زمان فعال بودن','On Text'=>'با متن','Default Value'=>'مقدار پیش فرض','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'نمایش متن همراه انتخاب','Message'=>'پیام','No'=>'خیر','Yes'=>'بله','True / False'=>'صحیح / غلط','Row'=>'سطر','Table'=>'جدول','Block'=>'بلوک','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'استایل جهت نمایش فیلد انتخابی','Layout'=>'چیدمان','Sub Fields'=>'زمینههای زیرمجموعه','Group'=>'گروه','Customize the map height'=>'سفارشی سازی ارتفاع نقشه','Height'=>'ارتفاع','Set the initial zoom level'=>'تعین مقدار بزرگنمایی اولیه','Zoom'=>'بزرگنمایی','Center the initial map'=>'نقشه اولیه را وسط قرار بده','Center'=>'مرکز','Search for address...'=>'جستجو برای آدرس . . .','Find current location'=>'پیدا کردن مکان فعلی','Clear location'=>'حذف مکان','Search'=>'جستجو','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'با عرض پوزش، این مرورگر از موقعیت یابی جغرافیایی پشتیبانی نمی کند','Google Map'=>'نقشه گوگل','The format returned via template functions'=>'قالب توسط توابع پوسته نمایش داده خواهد شد','Return Format'=>'فرمت بازگشت','Custom:'=>'دلخواه:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'قالب در زمان نمایش نوشته دیده خواهد شد','Display Format'=>'فرمت نمایش','Time Picker'=>'انتخاب زمان','No Fields found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Fields found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Fields'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field'=>'نمایش زمینه','New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Edit Field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Add New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Field'=>'زمینه','Fields'=>'زمینه ها','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Field Groups found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Field Groups'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field Group'=>'مشاهده گروه زمینه','New Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه جدید','Edit Field Group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Add New Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه جدید','Add New'=>'افزودن','Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه','Field Groups'=>'گروههای زمینه','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'وردپرس را با زمینههای حرفهای و قدرتمند سفارشی کنید.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.mo
index 271937d0..b41d7bdb 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.po
index 0bec0469..ce0f59db 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_AF.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: fa_AF\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -714,37 +745,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2266,7 +2293,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2313,7 +2340,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2323,15 +2350,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2339,7 +2366,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2390,7 +2417,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2398,59 +2425,59 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "شرایط"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2468,7 +2495,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "تنظیمات پایه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2480,7 +2507,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "صفحات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2524,16 +2551,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "نوع پست حذف شد"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "برای جستجو تایپ کنید...."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "فقط نسخه حرفه ای"
@@ -2554,43 +2581,43 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "طبقهبندی"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "نوع نوشته"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "پایان"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "ثبت نام انجام نشد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2598,31 +2625,31 @@ msgstr ""
"این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه "
"دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "دسترسیها"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "پیوندها"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "نمایش"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "برچسبها"
@@ -2643,14 +2670,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "بستن صفحه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد"
@@ -2827,8 +2854,8 @@ msgstr "نمایش"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "اعتبارسنجی"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "عمومی"
@@ -2836,47 +2863,47 @@ msgstr "عمومی"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "درون ریزی JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "برون بری با JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "غیرفعال کردن"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "غیرفعال کردن این مورد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "فعال کردن"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "فعال کردن این مورد"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2889,7 +2916,7 @@ msgstr "غیرفعال"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2897,7 +2924,7 @@ msgstr ""
"افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال "
"باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2974,7 +3001,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای"
@@ -3026,8 +3053,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "پیوستها"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3037,7 +3064,7 @@ msgstr "طبقهبندیها"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3056,49 +3083,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "در انتظار ذخیره"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "ذخیره شده"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "درونریزی"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "تغییرات مرور شد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در قالب: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "مختلف"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "همگامسازی تغییرات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "بارگذاری تفاوت"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی"
@@ -3357,7 +3384,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "منطق شرطی"
@@ -3366,9 +3393,9 @@ msgstr "منطق شرطی"
msgid "and"
msgstr "و"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON های لوکال"
@@ -3560,9 +3587,9 @@ msgstr "شیوه نمایش"
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "کلید"
@@ -3573,23 +3600,23 @@ msgstr "کلید"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "ترتیب"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "شناسه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "کلاس"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "مشخصات پوشش فیلد"
@@ -3597,68 +3624,68 @@ msgstr "مشخصات پوشش فیلد"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "دستورالعمل ها"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "این نامی است که در صفحه \"ویرایش\" نمایش داده خواهد شد"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "حذف زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "انتقال"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "تکثیر زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "ویرایش زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر"
@@ -3757,15 +3784,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "قوانین"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "کپی شد"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "درج در حافظه موقت"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3773,22 +3800,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "انتخاب گروه های زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "تولید کد PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "برون بری گروه های زمینه"
@@ -3814,22 +3841,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "وارد کردن گروه های زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "هماهنگ"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "انتخاب %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "تکثیر"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "تکثیر این زمینه"
@@ -3837,13 +3864,14 @@ msgstr "تکثیر این زمینه"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "مستندات"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3852,24 +3880,24 @@ msgstr "مستندات"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "توضیحات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "هماهنگ سازی موجود است"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "فعال (%s)"
@@ -3909,7 +3937,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "انتقال کامل شد."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3924,7 +3952,7 @@ msgstr "کلیدهای زمینه"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "تنظیمات"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "مکان"
@@ -3936,14 +3964,14 @@ msgstr "خالی (null)"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "کپی"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(این گزینه)"
@@ -3954,14 +3982,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "انتخاب شده"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "جابجایی زمینه دلخواه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست"
@@ -3970,14 +3998,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "کلمه متنی \"field_\" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود"
@@ -4145,8 +4173,8 @@ msgstr "بدون مقدار"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "هر نوع مقدار"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "لغو"
@@ -4156,24 +4184,24 @@ msgstr "لغو"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "اطمینان دارید؟"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "مشکل در اعتبار سنجی"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "اعتبار سنجی موفق بود"
@@ -4209,8 +4237,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "ویرایش"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد"
@@ -4223,10 +4251,10 @@ msgstr "نوع فایل باید %s باشد."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "یا"
@@ -4276,8 +4304,8 @@ msgstr "تصویر بندانگشتی"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(بدون برچسب)"
@@ -5241,7 +5269,7 @@ msgstr "هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "حذف"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5560,91 +5588,91 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "انتخاب زمان"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "جستجوی گروه های زمینه"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "نمایش زمینه"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "ویرایش زمینه"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "زمینه"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "زمینه ها"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "جستجوی گروه های زمینه"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "مشاهده گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "گروه زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "ویرایش گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "افزودن گروه زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "افزودن"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "گروههای زمینه"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.l10n.php
index f3ed947c..20c6719e 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fa_IR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و خارج از ACF درحال استفاده است و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'این کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و توسط یکی از طبقه بندی های ACF درحال استفاده می باشد و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی فقط باید شامل حروف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی در زباله دان نیست','No Taxonomies found'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی یافت نشد','Search Taxonomies'=>'جستجوی طبقه بندی ها','View Taxonomy'=>'مشاهده طبقه بندی ها','New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','Edit Taxonomy'=>'ویرایش طبقه بندی ها','Add New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'هیچ نوع نوشتهای در زبالهدان یافت نشد.','No Post Types found'=>'هیچ نوع پستی پیدا نشد','Search Post Types'=>'جستجوی در انواع پست ها','View Post Type'=>'مشاهده نوع پست ها','New Post Type'=>'نوع پست جدید','Edit Post Type'=>'ویرایش نوع پست','Add New Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست جدید','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر خارج از ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر در ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'این زمینه نباید یک مورد رزرو شدهدر وردپرس باشد.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید نوع پست فقط باید شامل حذوف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) و یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'کلید نوع پست حداکثر باید 20 حرفی باشد.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'توصیه نمیکنیم از این زمینه در بلوک های ACF استفاده کنید.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG وردپرس را همانطور که در پستها و صفحات دیده میشود نمایش میدهد و امکان ویرایش متن غنی را فراهم میکند و محتوای چندرسانهای را نیز امکانپذیر میکند.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'اجازه میدهد که یک یا چند کاربر را انتخاب کنید که می تواند برای ایجاد رابطه بین داده های آبجکت ها مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'یک ورودی متنی که به طور خاص برای ذخیره آدرس های وب طراحی شده است.','URL'=>'نشانی وب','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'کلیدی که به شما امکان می دهد مقدار 1 یا 0 را انتخاب کنید (روشن یا خاموش، درست یا نادرست و غیره). میتواند بهعنوان یک سوئیچ یا چک باکس تلطیف شده ارائه شود.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'یک رابط کاربری تعاملی برای انتخاب زمان. قالب زمان را می توان با استفاده از تنظیمات فیلد سفارشی کرد.','Filter by Post Status'=>'فیلتر بر اساس وضعیت پست','nounClone'=>'کپی (هیچ)','Add Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'قابلیتهای وردپرس را فراتر از نوشتهها و برگههای استاندارد با انواع پست سفارشی توسعه دهید.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'اولین نوع پست سفارشی خود را اضافه کنید','Advanced Configuration'=>'پیکربندی پیشرفته','Hierarchical'=>'سلسلهمراتبی','Public'=>'عمومی','movie'=>'movie','Movie'=>'فیلم','Singular Label'=>'برچسب مفرد','Movies'=>'فیلمها','Plural Label'=>'برچسب جمع','Post Type Key'=>'کلید نوع پست','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'تولید دوباره تمامی برچسبهای مفرد و جمعی','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید.','Category'=>'دسته','Tag'=>'برچسب','Terms'=>'شرایط','Post Types'=>'انواع پست','Advanced Settings'=>'تنظیمات پیشرفته','Basic Settings'=>'تنظیمات پایه','Pages'=>'صفحات','Post type submitted.'=>'نوع پست ارسال شد','Post type saved.'=>'نوع پست ذخیره شد','Post type updated.'=>'نوع پست به روز شد','Post type deleted.'=>'نوع پست حذف شد','Type to search...'=>'برای جستجو تایپ کنید....','PRO Only'=>'فقط نسخه حرفه ای','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'طبقهبندی','post type'=>'نوع نوشته','Done'=>'پایان','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'ثبت نام انجام نشد','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'دسترسیها','URLs'=>'پیوندها','Visibility'=>'نمایش','Labels'=>'برچسبها','Field Settings Tabs'=>'زبانه تنظیمات زمینه','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]','Close Modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Field moved to other group'=>'زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد','Close modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'شروع گروه جدید زبانهها در این زبانه','New Tab Group'=>'گروه زبانه جدید','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'بهکارگیری کادر انتخاب سبک وار با select2','Save Other Choice'=>'ذخیره انتخاب دیگر','Allow Other Choice'=>'اجازه دادن انتخاب دیگر','Add Toggle All'=>'افزودن تغییر وضعیت همه','Save Custom Values'=>'ذخیره مقادیر سفارشی','Allow Custom Values'=>'اجازه دادن مقادیر سفارشی','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'مقادیر سفارشی کادر انتخاب نمیتواند خالی باشد. انتخاب مقادیر خالی را بردارید.','Updates'=>'بروزرسانی ها','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'لوگوی زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Save Changes'=>'ذخیره تغییرات','Field Group Title'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه','Add title'=>'افزودن عنوان','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'تازه با ACF آشنا شدهاید؟ به راهنمای شروع ما نگاهی بیندازید.','Add Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه','Add Your First Field Group'=>'اولین گروه فیلد خود را اضافه نمایید','Options Pages'=>'برگههای گزینهها','ACF Blocks'=>'بلوکهای ACF','Gallery Field'=>'زمینه گالری','Flexible Content Field'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater Field'=>'زمینه تکرارشونده','Delete Field Group'=>'حذف گروه زمینه','Group Settings'=>'تنظیمات گروه','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'افزودن زمینه','Presentation'=>'نمایش','Validation'=>'اعتبارسنجی','General'=>'عمومی','Import JSON'=>'درون ریزی JSON','Export As JSON'=>'برون بری با JSON','Deactivate'=>'غیرفعال کردن','Deactivate this item'=>'غیرفعال کردن این مورد','Activate'=>'فعال کردن','Activate this item'=>'فعال کردن این مورد','Move field group to trash?'=>'انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟','post statusInactive'=>'غیرفعال','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار فیلدهای سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کرده ایم.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - قبل از شروع اولیه ACF، یک یا چند تماس را برای بازیابی مقادیر فیلد ACF شناسایی کردهایم. این مورد پشتیبانی نمیشود و میتواند منجر به دادههای ناقص یا از دست رفته شود. با نحوه رفع این مشکل آشنا شوید.','Invalid request.'=>'درخواست نامعتبر.','Show in REST API'=>'نمایش در REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'فعال کردن شفافیت','RGBA Array'=>'آرایه RGBA ','RGBA String'=>'رشته RGBA ','Hex String'=>'کد هگز RGBA ','Upgrade to PRO'=>'ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای','post statusActive'=>'فعال','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'نشانی ایمیل %s معتبر نیست','Color value'=>'مقدار رنگ','Select default color'=>'انتخاب رنگ پیشفرض','Clear color'=>'پاک کردن رنگ','Blocks'=>'بلوکها','Options'=>'تنظیمات','Users'=>'کاربران','Menu items'=>'آیتمهای منو','Widgets'=>'ابزارکها','Attachments'=>'پیوستها','Taxonomies'=>'طبقهبندیها','Posts'=>'نوشته ها','Last updated: %s'=>'آخرین بهروزرسانی: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است','Awaiting save'=>'در انتظار ذخیره','Saved'=>'ذخیره شده','Import'=>'درونریزی','Review changes'=>'تغییرات مرور شد','Located in: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در قالب: %s','Various'=>'مختلف','Sync changes'=>'همگامسازی تغییرات','Loading diff'=>'بارگذاری تفاوت','Review local JSON changes'=>'بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی','Visit website'=>'بازدید وب سایت','View details'=>'نمایش جزییات','Version %s'=>'نگارش %s','Information'=>'اطلاعات','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'کمک ميز. حرفه ای پشتیبانی در میز کمک ما با بیشتر خود را در عمق کمک, چالش های فنی.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'بحث ها. ما یک جامعه فعال و دوستانه در انجمن های جامعه ما که ممکن است قادر به کمک به شما کشف کردن \'چگونه بازی یا بازی\' از جهان ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'مستندات . مستندات گسترده ما شامل مراجع و راهنماهایی برای اکثر موقعیت هایی است که ممکن است با آن مواجه شوند.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'ما در المنتور فارسی در مورد پشتیبانی متعصب هستیم و می خواهیم شما با ACF بهترین بهره را از وب سایت خود ببرید. اگر به مشکلی برخوردید ، چندین مکان وجود دارد که می توانید کمک کنید:','Help & Support'=>'کمک و پشتیبانی','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'لطفا از زبانه پشتیبانی برای تماس استفاده کنید باید خودتان را پیدا کنید که نیاز به کمک دارد.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'قبل از ایجاد اولین گروه زمینه خود را، ما توصیه می کنیم برای اولین بار خواندن راهنمای شروع به کار ما برای آشنایی با فلسفه پلاگین و بهترین تمرین.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'افزونه پیشرفته زمینه های سفارشی فراهم می کند یک سازنده فرم بصری برای سفارشی کردن وردپرس ویرایش صفحه نمایش با زمینه های اضافی، و API بصری برای نمایش ارزش های زمینه سفارشی در هر فایل قالب تم.','Overview'=>'مرور کلی','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'نوع مکان "%s" در حال حاضر ثبت شده است.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'کلاس "%s" وجود ندارد.','Invalid nonce.'=>'کلید نامعتبر است','Error loading field.'=>'خطا در بارگزاری زمینه','Location not found: %s'=>'موقعیتی یافت نشد: %s','Widget'=>'ابزارک','User Role'=>'نقش کاربر','Comment'=>'دیدگاه','Post Format'=>'فرمت نوشته','Menu Item'=>'آیتم منو','Post Status'=>'وضعیت نوشته','Menus'=>'منوها','Menu Locations'=>'محل منو','Menu'=>'منو','Post Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی نوشته','Child Page (has parent)'=>'برگه زیر مجموعه (دارای مادر)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'برگه مادر (دارای زیر مجموعه)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'بالاترین سطح برگه(بدون والد)','Posts Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Front Page'=>'برگه نخست','Page Type'=>'نوع برگه','Viewing back end'=>'درحال نمایش back end','Viewing front end'=>'درحال نمایش سمت کاربر','Logged in'=>'وارده شده','Current User'=>'کاربر فعلی','Page Template'=>'قالب برگه','Register'=>'ثبت نام','Add / Edit'=>'اضافه کردن/ویرایش','User Form'=>'فرم کاربر','Page Parent'=>'برگه مادر','Super Admin'=>'مدیرکل','Current User Role'=>'نقش کاربرفعلی','Default Template'=>'پوسته پیش فرض','Post Template'=>'قالب نوشته','Post Category'=>'دسته بندی نوشته','All %s formats'=>'همهی فرمتهای %s','Attachment'=>'پیوست','%s value is required'=>'مقدار %s لازم است','Show this field if'=>'نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر','Conditional Logic'=>'منطق شرطی','and'=>'و','Local JSON'=>'JSON های لوکال','Clone Field'=>'فیلد کپی','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'همچنین لطفا همه افزونههای پولی (%s) را بررسی کنید که به نسخه آخر بروز شده باشند.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'این نسخه شامل بهبودهایی در پایگاه داده است و نیاز به ارتقا دارد.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس لازم است','Options Page'=>'برگه تنظیمات','Gallery'=>'گالری','Flexible Content'=>'محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater'=>'زمینه تکرار کننده','Back to all tools'=>'بازگشت به همه ابزارها','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'اگر چندین گروه فیلد در یک صفحه ویرایش نمایش داده شود،اولین تنظیمات گروه فیلد استفاده خواهد شد. (یکی با کمترین شماره)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'انتخاب آیتم ها برای پنهان کردن آن ها از صفحه ویرایش.','Hide on screen'=>'مخفی کردن در صفحه','Send Trackbacks'=>'ارسال بازتاب ها','Tags'=>'برچسب ها','Categories'=>'دسته ها','Page Attributes'=>'صفات برگه','Format'=>'فرمت','Author'=>'نویسنده','Slug'=>'نامک','Revisions'=>'بازنگری ها','Comments'=>'دیدگاه ها','Discussion'=>'گفتگو','Excerpt'=>'چکیده','Content Editor'=>'ویرایش گر محتوا(ادیتور اصلی)','Permalink'=>'پیوند یکتا','Shown in field group list'=>'نمایش لیست گروه فیلد ','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'گروه ها با شماره ترتیب کمتر اول دیده می شوند','Order No.'=>'شماره ترتیب.','Below fields'=>'زیر فیلد ها','Below labels'=>'برچسبهای زیر','Side'=>'کنار','Normal (after content)'=>'معمولی (بعد از ادیتور متن)','High (after title)'=>'بالا (بعد از عنوان)','Position'=>'موقعیت','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'بدون متاباکس','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'استاندارد (دارای متاباکس)','Style'=>'شیوه نمایش','Type'=>'نوع ','Key'=>'کلید','Order'=>'ترتیب','Close Field'=>'بستن فیلد ','id'=>'شناسه','class'=>'کلاس','width'=>'عرض','Wrapper Attributes'=>'مشخصات پوشش فیلد','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند','Instructions'=>'دستورالعمل ها','Field Type'=>'نوع فیلد ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند','Field Name'=>'نام فیلد ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'این نامی است که در صفحه "ویرایش" نمایش داده خواهد شد','Field Label'=>'برچسب فیلد ','Delete'=>'حذف','Delete field'=>'حذف زمینه','Move'=>'انتقال','Move field to another group'=>'انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر','Duplicate field'=>'تکثیر زمینه','Edit field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Drag to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Show this field group if'=>'نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر','No updates available.'=>'بهروزرسانی موجود نیست.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ارتقای پایگاه داده کامل شد. تغییرات جدید را ببینید','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'در حال خواندن مراحل به روزرسانی...','Upgrade failed.'=>'ارتقا با خطا مواجه شد.','Upgrade complete.'=>'ارتقا کامل شد.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'به روز رسانی داده ها به نسحه %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'قویا توصیه می شود از بانک اطلاعاتی خود قبل از هر کاری پشتیبان تهیه کنید. آیا مایلید به روز رسانی انجام شود؟','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'لطفا حداقل یک سایت برای ارتقا انتخاب کنید.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس انجام شد. بازگشت به پیشخوان شبکه','Site is up to date'=>'سایت به روز است','Site'=>'سایت','Upgrade Sites'=>'ارتقاء سایت','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'این سایت ها نیاز به به روز رسانی دارند برای انجام %s کلیک کنید.','Add rule group'=>'افزودن گروه قانون','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'مجموعه ای از قوانین را بسازید تا مشخص کنید در کدام صفحه ویرایش، این زمینههای سفارشی سفارشی نمایش داده شوند','Rules'=>'قوانین','Copied'=>'کپی شد','Copy to clipboard'=>'درج در حافظه موقت','Select Field Groups'=>'انتخاب گروه های زمینه','No field groups selected'=>'گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است','Generate PHP'=>'تولید کد PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'برون بری گروه های زمینه','Import file empty'=>'فایل وارد شده خالی است','Incorrect file type'=>'نوع فایل صحیح نیست','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'خطا در آپلود فایل. لطفا مجدد بررسی کنید','Import Field Groups'=>'وارد کردن گروه های زمینه','Sync'=>'هماهنگ','Select %s'=>'انتخاب %s','Duplicate'=>'تکثیر','Duplicate this item'=>'تکثیر این زمینه','Documentation'=>'مستندات','Description'=>'توضیحات','Sync available'=>'هماهنگ سازی موجود است','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند.','Active (%s)'=>'فعال (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'بازبینی و بهروزرسانی سایتها','Upgrade Database'=>'بهروزرسانی پایگاه داده','Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی','Move Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه','Please select the destination for this field'=>'مقصد انتقال این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Move Complete.'=>'انتقال کامل شد.','Active'=>'فعال','Field Keys'=>'کلیدهای زمینه','Settings'=>'تنظیمات','Location'=>'مکان','Null'=>'خالی (null)','copy'=>'کپی','(this field)'=>'(این گزینه)','Checked'=>'انتخاب شده','Move Custom Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه دلخواه','No toggle fields available'=>'هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست','Field group title is required'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'کلمه متنی "field_" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود','Field group draft updated.'=>'پیش نویش گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'گروه زمینه برنامه ریزی انتشار پیدا کرده برای.','Field group submitted.'=>'گروه زمینه ارسال شد.','Field group saved.'=>'گروه زمینه ذخیره شد.','Field group published.'=>'گروه زمینه انتشار یافت.','Field group deleted.'=>'گروه زمینه حذف شد.','Field group updated.'=>'گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Tools'=>'ابزارها','is not equal to'=>'برابر نشود با','is equal to'=>'برابر شود با','Forms'=>'فرم ها','Page'=>'برگه','Post'=>'نوشته','Relational'=>'رابطه','Choice'=>'انتخاب','Basic'=>'پایه','Unknown'=>'ناشناخته','Field type does not exist'=>'نوع زمینه وجود ندارد','Spam Detected'=>'اسپم تشخیص داده شد','Post updated'=>'نوشته بروز شد','Update'=>'بروزرسانی','Validate Email'=>'اعتبار سنجی ایمیل','Content'=>'محتوا','Title'=>'عنوان','Edit field group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Selection is less than'=>'انتخاب کمتر از','Selection is greater than'=>'انتخاب بیشتر از','Value is less than'=>'مقدار کمتر از','Value is greater than'=>'مقدار بیشتر از','Value contains'=>'شامل می شود','Value matches pattern'=>'مقدار الگوی','Value is not equal to'=>'مقدار برابر نیست با','Value is equal to'=>'مقدار برابر است با','Has no value'=>'بدون مقدار','Has any value'=>'هر نوع مقدار','Cancel'=>'لغو','Are you sure?'=>'اطمینان دارید؟','%d fields require attention'=>'%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد','1 field requires attention'=>'یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد','Validation failed'=>'مشکل در اعتبار سنجی','Validation successful'=>'اعتبار سنجی موفق بود','Restricted'=>'ممنوع','Collapse Details'=>'عدم نمایش جزئیات','Expand Details'=>'نمایش جزئیات','Uploaded to this post'=>'بارگذاری شده در این نوشته','verbUpdate'=>'بروزرسانی','verbEdit'=>'ویرایش','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد','File type must be %s.'=>'نوع فایل باید %s باشد.','or'=>'یا','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'حجم فایل ها نباید از %s بیشتر باشد.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'حجم فایل باید حداقل %s باشد.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع فایل باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','(no title)'=>'(بدون عنوان)','Full Size'=>'اندازه کامل','Large'=>'بزرگ','Medium'=>'متوسط','Thumbnail'=>'تصویر بندانگشتی','(no label)'=>'(بدون برچسب)','Sets the textarea height'=>'تعیین ارتفاع باکس متن','Rows'=>'سطرها','Text Area'=>'جعبه متن (متن چند خطی)','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'اضافه کردن چک باکس اضافی برای انتخاب همه','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دلخواه در انتخاب های زمینه','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'اجازه درج مقادیر دلخواه','Add new choice'=>'درج انتخاب جدید','Toggle All'=>'انتخاب همه','Allow Archives URLs'=>'اجازه آدرس های آرشیو','Archives'=>'بایگانی ها','Page Link'=>'پیوند (لینک) برگه/نوشته','Add'=>'افزودن','Name'=>'نام','%s added'=>'%s اضافه شد','%s already exists'=>'%s هم اکنون موجود است','User unable to add new %s'=>'کاربر قادر به اضافه کردن%s جدید نیست','Term ID'=>'شناسه مورد','Term Object'=>'به صورت آبجکت','Load value from posts terms'=>'خواندن مقادیر از ترم های نوشته','Load Terms'=>'خواندن ترم ها','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'الصاق آیتم های انتخابی به نوشته','Save Terms'=>'ذخیره ترم ها','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'اجازه به ساخت آیتمها(ترمها) جدید در زمان ویرایش','Create Terms'=>'ساخت آیتم (ترم)','Radio Buttons'=>'دکمههای رادیویی','Single Value'=>'تک مقدار','Multi Select'=>'چندین انتخاب','Checkbox'=>'چک باکس','Multiple Values'=>'چندین مقدار','Select the appearance of this field'=>'ظاهر این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Appearance'=>'ظاهر','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'طبقهبندی را برای برون بری انتخاب کنید','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'مقدار باید کوچکتر یا مساوی %d باشد','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'مقدار باید مساوی یا بیشتر از %d باشد','Value must be a number'=>'مقدار باید عددی باشد','Number'=>'عدد','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دیگر در انتخاب های زمینه','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'افزودن گزینه \'دیگر\' برای ثبت مقادیر دلخواه','Other'=>'دیگر','Radio Button'=>'دکمه رادیویی','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'یک نقطه پایانی برای توقف آکاردئون قبلی تعریف کنید. این آکاردئون مخفی خواهد بود.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'اجازه دهید این آکوردئون بدون بستن دیگر آکاردئونها باز شود.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'نمایش آکوردئون این به عنوان باز در بارگذاری صفحات.','Open'=>'باز','Accordion'=>'آکاردئونی','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود فایل ها','File ID'=>'شناسه پرونده','File URL'=>'آدرس پرونده','File Array'=>'آرایه فایل','Add File'=>'افزودن پرونده','No file selected'=>'هیچ پرونده ای انتخاب نشده','File name'=>'نام فایل','Update File'=>'بروزرسانی پرونده','Edit File'=>'ویرایش پرونده','Select File'=>'انتخاب پرونده','File'=>'پرونده','Password'=>'رمزعبور','Specify the value returned'=>'مقدار بازگشتی را انتخاب کنید','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'از ایجکس برای خواندن گزینه های استفاده شود؟','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'هر مقدار پیش فرض را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید','verbSelect'=>'انتخاب','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'خطا در فراخوانی داده ها','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'جستجو …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'بارگذاری نتایج بیشتر…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'شما فقط می توانید %d مورد را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'فقط می توانید یک آیتم را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'لطفا %d کاراکتر را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'یک حرف را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'لطفا %d یا چند کاراکتر دیگر وارد کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'یک یا چند حرف وارد کنید','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'مشابهی یافت نشد','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'نتایج %d در دسترس است با استفاده از کلید بالا و پایین روی آنها حرکت کنید.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'یک نتیجه موجود است برای انتخاب اینتر را فشار دهید.','nounSelect'=>'انتخاب','User ID'=>'شناسه کاربر','User Object'=>'آبجکت کاربر','User Array'=>'آرایه کاربر','All user roles'=>'تمام نقش های کاربر','User'=>'کاربر','Separator'=>'جداکننده','Select Color'=>'رنگ را انتخاب کنید','Default'=>'پیش فرض','Clear'=>'پاکسازی','Color Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده رنگ','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'انتخاب','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'اکنون','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'منطقه زمانی','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'میکرو ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'میلی ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'دقیقه','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'ساعت','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'زمان','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'انتخاب زمان','Date Time Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده زمان و تاریخ','Endpoint'=>'نقطه پایانی','Left aligned'=>'سمت چپ','Top aligned'=>'سمت بالا','Placement'=>'جانمایی','Tab'=>'تب','Value must be a valid URL'=>'مقدار باید یک آدرس صحیح باشد','Link URL'=>'آدرس لینک','Link Array'=>'آرایه لینک','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'در پنجره جدید باز شود','Select Link'=>'انتخاب لینک','Link'=>'لینک','Email'=>'پست الکترونیکی','Step Size'=>'اندازه مرحله','Maximum Value'=>'حداکثر مقدار','Minimum Value'=>'حداقل مقدار','Range'=>'محدوده','Both (Array)'=>'هر دو (آرایه)','Label'=>'برچسب زمینه','Value'=>'مقدار','Vertical'=>'عمودی','Horizontal'=>'افقی','red : Red'=>'red : قرمز','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'برای کنترل بیشتر، ممکن است هر دو مقدار و برچسب را مانند زیر مشخص کنید:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'هر انتخاب را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید.','Choices'=>'انتخاب ها','Button Group'=>'گروه دکمهها','Parent'=>'مادر','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'تا زمانی که روی فیلد کلیک نشود TinyMCE اجرا نخواهد شد','Toolbar'=>'نوار ابزار','Text Only'=>'فقط متن','Visual Only'=>'فقط بصری','Visual & Text'=>'بصری و متنی','Tabs'=>'تب ها','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'برای اجرای TinyMCE کلیک کنید','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'متن','Visual'=>'بصری','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'مقدار نباید از %d کاراکتر بیشتر شود','Leave blank for no limit'=>'برای نامحدود بودن این بخش را خالی بگذارید','Character Limit'=>'محدودیت کاراکتر','Appears after the input'=>'بعد از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Append'=>'پسوند','Appears before the input'=>'قبل از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Prepend'=>'پیشوند','Appears within the input'=>'در داخل ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Placeholder Text'=>'نگهدارنده مکان متن','Appears when creating a new post'=>'هنگام ایجاد یک نوشته جدید نمایش داده می شود','Text'=>'متن','Post ID'=>'شناسه نوشته','Post Object'=>'آبجکت یک نوشته','Featured Image'=>'تصویر شاخص','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'عناصر انتخاب شده در هر نتیجه نمایش داده خواهند شد','Elements'=>'عناصر','Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی','Post Type'=>'نوع نوشته','Filters'=>'فیلترها','All taxonomies'=>'تمام طبقه بندی ها','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'فیلتر با طبقه بندی','All post types'=>'تمام انواع نوشته','Filter by Post Type'=>'فیلتر با نوع نوشته','Search...'=>'جستجو . . .','Select taxonomy'=>'انتخاب طبقه بندی','Select post type'=>'انتحاب نوع نوشته','No matches found'=>'مطابقتی یافت نشد','Loading'=>'درحال خواندن','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} آیتم )','Relationship'=>'ارتباط','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'با کامای انگلیسی جدا کرده یا برای عدم محدودیت خالی بگذارید','Maximum'=>'بیشترین','File size'=>'اندازه فایل','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود تصاویر','Minimum'=>'کمترین','Uploaded to post'=>'بارگذاری شده در نوشته','All'=>'همه','Limit the media library choice'=>'محدود کردن انتخاب کتابخانه چندرسانه ای','Library'=>'کتابخانه','Preview Size'=>'اندازه پیش نمایش','Image ID'=>'شناسه تصویر','Image URL'=>'آدرس تصویر','Image Array'=>'آرایه تصاویر','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'مقدار برگشتی در نمایش نهایی را تعیین کنید','Return Value'=>'مقدار بازگشت','Add Image'=>'افزودن تصویر','No image selected'=>'هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده','Remove'=>'حذف','Edit'=>'ویرایش','All images'=>'تمام تصاویر','Update Image'=>'بروزرسانی تصویر','Edit Image'=>'ویرایش تصویر','Select Image'=>'انتخاب تصویر','Image'=>'تصویر','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'اجازه نمایش کدهای HTML به عنوان متن به جای اعمال آنها','Escape HTML'=>'حذف HTML','No Formatting'=>'بدون قالب بندی','Automatically add <br>'=>'اضافه کردن خودکار <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'پاراگراف ها خودکار اضافه شوند','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'تنظیم کنید که خطوط جدید چگونه نمایش داده شوند','New Lines'=>'خطوط جدید','Week Starts On'=>'اولین روز هفته','The format used when saving a value'=>'قالب استفاده در زمان ذخیره مقدار','Save Format'=>'ذخیره قالب','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'هفته','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'قبلی','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'بعدی','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'امروز','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Picker'=>'تاریخ','Width'=>'عرض','Embed Size'=>'اندازه جانمایی','Enter URL'=>'آدرس را وارد کنید','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'نمایش متن در زمان غیر فعال بودن','Off Text'=>'بدون متن','Text shown when active'=>'نمایش متن در زمان فعال بودن','On Text'=>'با متن','Default Value'=>'مقدار پیش فرض','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'نمایش متن همراه انتخاب','Message'=>'پیام','No'=>'خیر','Yes'=>'بله','True / False'=>'صحیح / غلط','Row'=>'سطر','Table'=>'جدول','Block'=>'بلوک','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'استایل جهت نمایش فیلد انتخابی','Layout'=>'چیدمان','Sub Fields'=>'زمینههای زیرمجموعه','Group'=>'گروه','Customize the map height'=>'سفارشی سازی ارتفاع نقشه','Height'=>'ارتفاع','Set the initial zoom level'=>'تعین مقدار بزرگنمایی اولیه','Zoom'=>'بزرگنمایی','Center the initial map'=>'نقشه اولیه را وسط قرار بده','Center'=>'مرکز','Search for address...'=>'جستجو برای آدرس . . .','Find current location'=>'پیدا کردن مکان فعلی','Clear location'=>'حذف مکان','Search'=>'جستجو','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'با عرض پوزش، این مرورگر از موقعیت یابی جغرافیایی پشتیبانی نمی کند','Google Map'=>'نقشه گوگل','The format returned via template functions'=>'قالب توسط توابع پوسته نمایش داده خواهد شد','Return Format'=>'فرمت بازگشت','Custom:'=>'دلخواه:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'قالب در زمان نمایش نوشته دیده خواهد شد','Display Format'=>'فرمت نمایش','Time Picker'=>'انتخاب زمان','No Fields found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Fields found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Fields'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field'=>'نمایش زمینه','New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Edit Field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Add New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Field'=>'زمینه','Fields'=>'زمینه ها','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Field Groups found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Field Groups'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field Group'=>'مشاهده گروه زمینه','New Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه جدید','Edit Field Group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Add New Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه جدید','Add New'=>'افزودن','Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه','Field Groups'=>'گروههای زمینه','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'وردپرس را با زمینههای حرفهای و قدرتمند سفارشی کنید.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته نسخه حرفه ای','Switch to Edit'=>'حالت ویرایش','Switch to Preview'=>'حالت پیشنمایش','Options Updated'=>'تنظیمات به روز شدند','Check Again'=>'بررسی دوباره','Publish'=>'انتشار','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'هیچ گروه زمینه دلخواهی برای این صفحه تنظیمات یافت نشد. ساخت گروه زمینه دلخواه','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'خطا. امکان اتصال به سرور به روزرسانی الان ممکن نیست','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'خطا. پکیج بروزرسانی اعتبارسنجی نشد. دوباره بررسی کنید یا لایسنس ACF PRO را غیرفعال و مجددا فعال کنید.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'انتخاب فیلد دیگری برای کپی','Display'=>'نمایش','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'مشخص کردن استایل مورد نظر در نمایش دسته فیلدها','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'گروه ها(نمایش فیلدهای انتخابی در یک گروه با این فیلد)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'بدون مانند (جایگزینی این فیلد با فیلدهای انتخابی)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'برچسب ها نمایش داده شوند به صورت %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'پیشوند پرچسب فیلدها','Values will be saved as %s'=>'مقادیر ذخیره خواهند شد به صورت %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'پیشوند نام فایل ها','Unknown field'=>'فیلد ناشناس','Unknown field group'=>'گروه ناشناس','All fields from %s field group'=>'تمام فیلدها از %s گروه فیلد','Add Row'=>'سطر جدید','layout'=>'طرحها' . "\0" . 'طرح','layouts'=>'طرح ها','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'این زمینه لازم دارد {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'این گزینه محدود است به {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} موجود است (حداکثر {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} لازم دارد (حداقل {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر حداقل به یک طرح نیاز دارد','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'روی دکمه "%s" دز زیر کلیک کنید تا چیدمان خود را بسازید','Add layout'=>'طرح جدید','Remove layout'=>'حذف طرح','Click to toggle'=>'کلیک برای انتخاب','Delete Layout'=>'حذف طرح','Duplicate Layout'=>'تکثیر طرح','Add New Layout'=>'افزودن طرح جدید','Add Layout'=>'طرح جدید','Min'=>'حداقل','Max'=>'حداکثر','Minimum Layouts'=>'حداقل تعداد طرح ها','Maximum Layouts'=>'حداکثر تعداد طرح ها','Button Label'=>'متن دکمه','Add Image to Gallery'=>'افزودن تصویر به گالری','Maximum selection reached'=>'بیشترین حد انتخاب شده است','Length'=>'طول','Caption'=>'متن','Alt Text'=>'متن جایگزین','Add to gallery'=>'اضافه به گالری','Bulk actions'=>'کارهای گروهی','Sort by date uploaded'=>'به ترتیب تاریخ آپلود','Sort by date modified'=>'به ترتیب تاریخ اعمال تغییرات','Sort by title'=>'به ترتیب عنوان','Reverse current order'=>'معکوس سازی ترتیب کنونی','Close'=>'بستن','Minimum Selection'=>'حداقل انتخاب','Maximum Selection'=>'حداکثر انتخاب','Allowed file types'=>'انواع مجاز فایل','Insert'=>'درج','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'مشخص کنید که پیوست ها کجا اضافه شوند','Append to the end'=>'افزودن به انتها','Prepend to the beginning'=>'افزودن قبل از','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {min} سطر )','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} سطر )','Minimum Rows'=>'حداقل تعداد سطرها','Maximum Rows'=>'حداکثر تعداد سطرها','Collapsed'=>'جمع شده','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'یک زمینه زیرمجموعه را انتخاب کنید تا زمان بسته شدن طر نمایش داده شود','Click to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Add row'=>'افزودن سطر','Remove row'=>'حذف سطر','First Page'=>'برگه نخست','Previous Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Next Page'=>'برگه نخست','Last Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','No options pages exist'=>'هیچ صفحه تنظیماتی یافت نشد','Deactivate License'=>'غیرفعال سازی لایسنس','Activate License'=>'فعال سازی لایسنس','License Information'=>'اطلاعات لایسنس','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'برای به روزرسانی لطفا کد لایسنس را وارد کنید. قیمت ها.','License Key'=>'کلید لایسنس','Update Information'=>'اطلاعات به روز رسانی','Current Version'=>'نسخه فعلی','Latest Version'=>'آخرین نسخه','Update Available'=>'بروزرسانی موجود است','Upgrade Notice'=>'نکات به روزرسانی','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'برای فعالسازی به روزرسانی لایسنس خود را بنویسید','Update Plugin'=>'بروزرسانی افزونه']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fa_IR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و خارج از ACF درحال استفاده است و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'این کلید طبقه بندی موجود است و توسط یکی از طبقه بندی های ACF درحال استفاده می باشد و نمیتوان از این کلید استفاده کرد.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید طبقه بندی فقط باید شامل حروف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی در زباله دان نیست','No Taxonomies found'=>'هیچ طبقه بندی یافت نشد','Search Taxonomies'=>'جستجوی طبقه بندی ها','View Taxonomy'=>'مشاهده طبقه بندی ها','New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','Edit Taxonomy'=>'ویرایش طبقه بندی ها','Add New Taxonomy'=>'افزودن طبقه بندی جدید','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'هیچ نوع نوشتهای در زبالهدان یافت نشد.','No Post Types found'=>'هیچ نوع پستی پیدا نشد','Search Post Types'=>'جستجوی در انواع پست ها','View Post Type'=>'مشاهده نوع پست ها','New Post Type'=>'نوع پست جدید','Edit Post Type'=>'ویرایش نوع پست','Add New Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست جدید','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر خارج از ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'کلید نوع پست در حال حاضر در ACF ثبت شده است و نمی توان از آن استفاده کرد.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'این زمینه نباید یک مورد رزرو شدهدر وردپرس باشد.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'کلید نوع پست فقط باید شامل حذوف کوچک انگلیسی و اعداد و زیر خط (_) و یا خط تیره (-) باشد.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'کلید نوع پست حداکثر باید 20 حرفی باشد.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'توصیه نمیکنیم از این زمینه در بلوک های ACF استفاده کنید.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG وردپرس را همانطور که در پستها و صفحات دیده میشود نمایش میدهد و امکان ویرایش متن غنی را فراهم میکند و محتوای چندرسانهای را نیز امکانپذیر میکند.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'ویرایشگر WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'اجازه میدهد که یک یا چند کاربر را انتخاب کنید که می تواند برای ایجاد رابطه بین داده های آبجکت ها مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'یک ورودی متنی که به طور خاص برای ذخیره آدرس های وب طراحی شده است.','URL'=>'نشانی وب','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'کلیدی که به شما امکان می دهد مقدار 1 یا 0 را انتخاب کنید (روشن یا خاموش، درست یا نادرست و غیره). میتواند بهعنوان یک سوئیچ یا چک باکس تلطیف شده ارائه شود.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'یک رابط کاربری تعاملی برای انتخاب زمان. قالب زمان را می توان با استفاده از تنظیمات فیلد سفارشی کرد.','Filter by Post Status'=>'فیلتر بر اساس وضعیت پست','nounClone'=>'کپی (هیچ)','Add Post Type'=>'افزودن نوع پست','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'قابلیتهای وردپرس را فراتر از نوشتهها و برگههای استاندارد با انواع پست سفارشی توسعه دهید.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'اولین نوع پست سفارشی خود را اضافه کنید','Advanced Configuration'=>'پیکربندی پیشرفته','Hierarchical'=>'سلسلهمراتبی','Public'=>'عمومی','movie'=>'movie','Movie'=>'فیلم','Singular Label'=>'برچسب مفرد','Movies'=>'فیلمها','Plural Label'=>'برچسب جمع','Post Type Key'=>'کلید نوع پست','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'تولید دوباره تمامی برچسبهای مفرد و جمعی','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید.','Category'=>'دسته','Tag'=>'برچسب','Terms'=>'شرایط','Post Types'=>'انواع پست','Advanced Settings'=>'تنظیمات پیشرفته','Basic Settings'=>'تنظیمات پایه','Pages'=>'صفحات','Post type submitted.'=>'نوع پست ارسال شد','Post type saved.'=>'نوع پست ذخیره شد','Post type updated.'=>'نوع پست به روز شد','Post type deleted.'=>'نوع پست حذف شد','Type to search...'=>'برای جستجو تایپ کنید....','PRO Only'=>'فقط نسخه حرفه ای','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'طبقهبندی','post type'=>'نوع نوشته','Done'=>'پایان','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'ثبت نام انجام نشد','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'دسترسیها','URLs'=>'پیوندها','Visibility'=>'نمایش','Labels'=>'برچسبها','Field Settings Tabs'=>'زبانه تنظیمات زمینه','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]','Close Modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Field moved to other group'=>'زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد','Close modal'=>'بستن صفحه','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'شروع گروه جدید زبانهها در این زبانه','New Tab Group'=>'گروه زبانه جدید','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'بهکارگیری کادر انتخاب سبک وار با select2','Save Other Choice'=>'ذخیره انتخاب دیگر','Allow Other Choice'=>'اجازه دادن انتخاب دیگر','Add Toggle All'=>'افزودن تغییر وضعیت همه','Save Custom Values'=>'ذخیره مقادیر سفارشی','Allow Custom Values'=>'اجازه دادن مقادیر سفارشی','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'مقادیر سفارشی کادر انتخاب نمیتواند خالی باشد. انتخاب مقادیر خالی را بردارید.','Updates'=>'بروزرسانی ها','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'لوگوی زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Save Changes'=>'ذخیره تغییرات','Field Group Title'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه','Add title'=>'افزودن عنوان','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'تازه با ACF آشنا شدهاید؟ به راهنمای شروع ما نگاهی بیندازید.','Add Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه','Add Your First Field Group'=>'اولین گروه فیلد خود را اضافه نمایید','Options Pages'=>'برگههای گزینهها','ACF Blocks'=>'بلوکهای ACF','Gallery Field'=>'زمینه گالری','Flexible Content Field'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater Field'=>'زمینه تکرارشونده','Delete Field Group'=>'حذف گروه زمینه','Group Settings'=>'تنظیمات گروه','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'افزودن زمینه','Presentation'=>'نمایش','Validation'=>'اعتبارسنجی','General'=>'عمومی','Import JSON'=>'درون ریزی JSON','Export As JSON'=>'برون بری با JSON','Deactivate'=>'غیرفعال کردن','Deactivate this item'=>'غیرفعال کردن این مورد','Activate'=>'فعال کردن','Activate this item'=>'فعال کردن این مورد','Move field group to trash?'=>'انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟','post statusInactive'=>'غیرفعال','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال باشند. ما به طور خودکار فیلدهای سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کرده ایم.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - قبل از شروع اولیه ACF، یک یا چند تماس را برای بازیابی مقادیر فیلد ACF شناسایی کردهایم. این مورد پشتیبانی نمیشود و میتواند منجر به دادههای ناقص یا از دست رفته شود. با نحوه رفع این مشکل آشنا شوید.','Invalid request.'=>'درخواست نامعتبر.','Show in REST API'=>'نمایش در REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'فعال کردن شفافیت','RGBA Array'=>'آرایه RGBA ','RGBA String'=>'رشته RGBA ','Hex String'=>'کد هگز RGBA ','Upgrade to PRO'=>'ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای','post statusActive'=>'فعال','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'نشانی ایمیل %s معتبر نیست','Color value'=>'مقدار رنگ','Select default color'=>'انتخاب رنگ پیشفرض','Clear color'=>'پاک کردن رنگ','Blocks'=>'بلوکها','Options'=>'تنظیمات','Users'=>'کاربران','Menu items'=>'آیتمهای منو','Widgets'=>'ابزارکها','Attachments'=>'پیوستها','Taxonomies'=>'طبقهبندیها','Posts'=>'نوشته ها','Last updated: %s'=>'آخرین بهروزرسانی: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است','Awaiting save'=>'در انتظار ذخیره','Saved'=>'ذخیره شده','Import'=>'درونریزی','Review changes'=>'تغییرات مرور شد','Located in: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'قرار گرفته در قالب: %s','Various'=>'مختلف','Sync changes'=>'همگامسازی تغییرات','Loading diff'=>'بارگذاری تفاوت','Review local JSON changes'=>'بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی','Visit website'=>'بازدید وب سایت','View details'=>'نمایش جزییات','Version %s'=>'نگارش %s','Information'=>'اطلاعات','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'کمک ميز. حرفه ای پشتیبانی در میز کمک ما با بیشتر خود را در عمق کمک, چالش های فنی.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'بحث ها. ما یک جامعه فعال و دوستانه در انجمن های جامعه ما که ممکن است قادر به کمک به شما کشف کردن \'چگونه بازی یا بازی\' از جهان ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'مستندات . مستندات گسترده ما شامل مراجع و راهنماهایی برای اکثر موقعیت هایی است که ممکن است با آن مواجه شوند.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'ما در المنتور فارسی در مورد پشتیبانی متعصب هستیم و می خواهیم شما با ACF بهترین بهره را از وب سایت خود ببرید. اگر به مشکلی برخوردید ، چندین مکان وجود دارد که می توانید کمک کنید:','Help & Support'=>'کمک و پشتیبانی','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'لطفا از زبانه پشتیبانی برای تماس استفاده کنید باید خودتان را پیدا کنید که نیاز به کمک دارد.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'قبل از ایجاد اولین گروه زمینه خود را، ما توصیه می کنیم برای اولین بار خواندن راهنمای شروع به کار ما برای آشنایی با فلسفه پلاگین و بهترین تمرین.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'افزونه پیشرفته زمینه های سفارشی فراهم می کند یک سازنده فرم بصری برای سفارشی کردن وردپرس ویرایش صفحه نمایش با زمینه های اضافی، و API بصری برای نمایش ارزش های زمینه سفارشی در هر فایل قالب تم.','Overview'=>'مرور کلی','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'نوع مکان "%s" در حال حاضر ثبت شده است.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'کلاس "%s" وجود ندارد.','Invalid nonce.'=>'کلید نامعتبر است','Error loading field.'=>'خطا در بارگزاری زمینه','Location not found: %s'=>'موقعیتی یافت نشد: %s','Widget'=>'ابزارک','User Role'=>'نقش کاربر','Comment'=>'دیدگاه','Post Format'=>'فرمت نوشته','Menu Item'=>'آیتم منو','Post Status'=>'وضعیت نوشته','Menus'=>'منوها','Menu Locations'=>'محل منو','Menu'=>'منو','Post Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی نوشته','Child Page (has parent)'=>'برگه زیر مجموعه (دارای مادر)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'برگه مادر (دارای زیر مجموعه)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'بالاترین سطح برگه(بدون والد)','Posts Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Front Page'=>'برگه نخست','Page Type'=>'نوع برگه','Viewing back end'=>'درحال نمایش back end','Viewing front end'=>'درحال نمایش سمت کاربر','Logged in'=>'وارده شده','Current User'=>'کاربر فعلی','Page Template'=>'قالب برگه','Register'=>'ثبت نام','Add / Edit'=>'اضافه کردن/ویرایش','User Form'=>'فرم کاربر','Page Parent'=>'برگه مادر','Super Admin'=>'مدیرکل','Current User Role'=>'نقش کاربرفعلی','Default Template'=>'پوسته پیش فرض','Post Template'=>'قالب نوشته','Post Category'=>'دسته بندی نوشته','All %s formats'=>'همهی فرمتهای %s','Attachment'=>'پیوست','%s value is required'=>'مقدار %s لازم است','Show this field if'=>'نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر','Conditional Logic'=>'منطق شرطی','and'=>'و','Local JSON'=>'JSON های لوکال','Clone Field'=>'فیلد کپی','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'همچنین لطفا همه افزونههای پولی (%s) را بررسی کنید که به نسخه آخر بروز شده باشند.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'این نسخه شامل بهبودهایی در پایگاه داده است و نیاز به ارتقا دارد.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس لازم است','Options Page'=>'برگه تنظیمات','Gallery'=>'گالری','Flexible Content'=>'محتوای انعطاف پذیر','Repeater'=>'زمینه تکرار کننده','Back to all tools'=>'بازگشت به همه ابزارها','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'اگر چندین گروه فیلد در یک صفحه ویرایش نمایش داده شود،اولین تنظیمات گروه فیلد استفاده خواهد شد. (یکی با کمترین شماره)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'انتخاب آیتم ها برای پنهان کردن آن ها از صفحه ویرایش.','Hide on screen'=>'مخفی کردن در صفحه','Send Trackbacks'=>'ارسال بازتاب ها','Tags'=>'برچسب ها','Categories'=>'دسته ها','Page Attributes'=>'صفات برگه','Format'=>'فرمت','Author'=>'نویسنده','Slug'=>'نامک','Revisions'=>'بازنگری ها','Comments'=>'دیدگاه ها','Discussion'=>'گفتگو','Excerpt'=>'چکیده','Content Editor'=>'ویرایش گر محتوا(ادیتور اصلی)','Permalink'=>'پیوند یکتا','Shown in field group list'=>'نمایش لیست گروه فیلد ','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'گروه ها با شماره ترتیب کمتر اول دیده می شوند','Order No.'=>'شماره ترتیب.','Below fields'=>'زیر فیلد ها','Below labels'=>'برچسبهای زیر','Side'=>'کنار','Normal (after content)'=>'معمولی (بعد از ادیتور متن)','High (after title)'=>'بالا (بعد از عنوان)','Position'=>'موقعیت','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'بدون متاباکس','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'استاندارد (دارای متاباکس)','Style'=>'شیوه نمایش','Type'=>'نوع ','Key'=>'کلید','Order'=>'ترتیب','Close Field'=>'بستن فیلد ','id'=>'شناسه','class'=>'کلاس','width'=>'عرض','Wrapper Attributes'=>'مشخصات پوشش فیلد','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند','Instructions'=>'دستورالعمل ها','Field Type'=>'نوع فیلد ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند','Field Name'=>'نام فیلد ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'این نامی است که در صفحه "ویرایش" نمایش داده خواهد شد','Field Label'=>'برچسب فیلد ','Delete'=>'حذف','Delete field'=>'حذف زمینه','Move'=>'انتقال','Move field to another group'=>'انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر','Duplicate field'=>'تکثیر زمینه','Edit field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Drag to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Show this field group if'=>'نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر','No updates available.'=>'بهروزرسانی موجود نیست.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ارتقای پایگاه داده کامل شد. تغییرات جدید را ببینید','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'در حال خواندن مراحل به روزرسانی...','Upgrade failed.'=>'ارتقا با خطا مواجه شد.','Upgrade complete.'=>'ارتقا کامل شد.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'به روز رسانی داده ها به نسحه %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'قویا توصیه می شود از بانک اطلاعاتی خود قبل از هر کاری پشتیبان تهیه کنید. آیا مایلید به روز رسانی انجام شود؟','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'لطفا حداقل یک سایت برای ارتقا انتخاب کنید.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'به روزرسانی دیتابیس انجام شد. بازگشت به پیشخوان شبکه','Site is up to date'=>'سایت به روز است','Site'=>'سایت','Upgrade Sites'=>'ارتقاء سایت','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'این سایت ها نیاز به به روز رسانی دارند برای انجام %s کلیک کنید.','Add rule group'=>'افزودن گروه قانون','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'مجموعه ای از قوانین را بسازید تا مشخص کنید در کدام صفحه ویرایش، این زمینههای سفارشی سفارشی نمایش داده شوند','Rules'=>'قوانین','Copied'=>'کپی شد','Copy to clipboard'=>'درج در حافظه موقت','Select Field Groups'=>'انتخاب گروه های زمینه','No field groups selected'=>'گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است','Generate PHP'=>'تولید کد PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'برون بری گروه های زمینه','Import file empty'=>'فایل وارد شده خالی است','Incorrect file type'=>'نوع فایل صحیح نیست','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'خطا در آپلود فایل. لطفا مجدد بررسی کنید','Import Field Groups'=>'وارد کردن گروه های زمینه','Sync'=>'هماهنگ','Select %s'=>'انتخاب %s','Duplicate'=>'تکثیر','Duplicate this item'=>'تکثیر این زمینه','Documentation'=>'مستندات','Description'=>'توضیحات','Sync available'=>'هماهنگ سازی موجود است','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند.','Active (%s)'=>'فعال (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'بازبینی و بهروزرسانی سایتها','Upgrade Database'=>'بهروزرسانی پایگاه داده','Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی','Move Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه','Please select the destination for this field'=>'مقصد انتقال این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Move Complete.'=>'انتقال کامل شد.','Active'=>'فعال','Field Keys'=>'کلیدهای زمینه','Settings'=>'تنظیمات','Location'=>'مکان','Null'=>'خالی (null)','copy'=>'کپی','(this field)'=>'(این گزینه)','Checked'=>'انتخاب شده','Move Custom Field'=>'جابجایی زمینه دلخواه','No toggle fields available'=>'هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست','Field group title is required'=>'عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'کلمه متنی "field_" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود','Field group draft updated.'=>'پیش نویش گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'گروه زمینه برنامه ریزی انتشار پیدا کرده برای.','Field group submitted.'=>'گروه زمینه ارسال شد.','Field group saved.'=>'گروه زمینه ذخیره شد.','Field group published.'=>'گروه زمینه انتشار یافت.','Field group deleted.'=>'گروه زمینه حذف شد.','Field group updated.'=>'گروه زمینه بروز شد.','Tools'=>'ابزارها','is not equal to'=>'برابر نشود با','is equal to'=>'برابر شود با','Forms'=>'فرم ها','Page'=>'برگه','Post'=>'نوشته','Relational'=>'رابطه','Choice'=>'انتخاب','Basic'=>'پایه','Unknown'=>'ناشناخته','Field type does not exist'=>'نوع زمینه وجود ندارد','Spam Detected'=>'اسپم تشخیص داده شد','Post updated'=>'نوشته بروز شد','Update'=>'بروزرسانی','Validate Email'=>'اعتبار سنجی ایمیل','Content'=>'محتوا','Title'=>'عنوان','Edit field group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Selection is less than'=>'انتخاب کمتر از','Selection is greater than'=>'انتخاب بیشتر از','Value is less than'=>'مقدار کمتر از','Value is greater than'=>'مقدار بیشتر از','Value contains'=>'شامل می شود','Value matches pattern'=>'مقدار الگوی','Value is not equal to'=>'مقدار برابر نیست با','Value is equal to'=>'مقدار برابر است با','Has no value'=>'بدون مقدار','Has any value'=>'هر نوع مقدار','Cancel'=>'لغو','Are you sure?'=>'اطمینان دارید؟','%d fields require attention'=>'%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد','1 field requires attention'=>'یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد','Validation failed'=>'مشکل در اعتبار سنجی','Validation successful'=>'اعتبار سنجی موفق بود','Restricted'=>'ممنوع','Collapse Details'=>'عدم نمایش جزئیات','Expand Details'=>'نمایش جزئیات','Uploaded to this post'=>'بارگذاری شده در این نوشته','verbUpdate'=>'بروزرسانی','verbEdit'=>'ویرایش','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد','File type must be %s.'=>'نوع فایل باید %s باشد.','or'=>'یا','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'حجم فایل ها نباید از %s بیشتر باشد.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'حجم فایل باید حداقل %s باشد.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'ارتفاع فایل باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر نباید از %d پیکسل بیشتر باشد.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'عرض تصویر باید حداقل %d پیکسل باشد.','(no title)'=>'(بدون عنوان)','Full Size'=>'اندازه کامل','Large'=>'بزرگ','Medium'=>'متوسط','Thumbnail'=>'تصویر بندانگشتی','(no label)'=>'(بدون برچسب)','Sets the textarea height'=>'تعیین ارتفاع باکس متن','Rows'=>'سطرها','Text Area'=>'جعبه متن (متن چند خطی)','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'اضافه کردن چک باکس اضافی برای انتخاب همه','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دلخواه در انتخاب های زمینه','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'اجازه درج مقادیر دلخواه','Add new choice'=>'درج انتخاب جدید','Toggle All'=>'انتخاب همه','Allow Archives URLs'=>'اجازه آدرس های آرشیو','Archives'=>'بایگانی ها','Page Link'=>'پیوند (لینک) برگه/نوشته','Add'=>'افزودن','Name'=>'نام','%s added'=>'%s اضافه شد','%s already exists'=>'%s هم اکنون موجود است','User unable to add new %s'=>'کاربر قادر به اضافه کردن%s جدید نیست','Term ID'=>'شناسه مورد','Term Object'=>'به صورت آبجکت','Load value from posts terms'=>'خواندن مقادیر از ترم های نوشته','Load Terms'=>'خواندن ترم ها','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'الصاق آیتم های انتخابی به نوشته','Save Terms'=>'ذخیره ترم ها','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'اجازه به ساخت آیتمها(ترمها) جدید در زمان ویرایش','Create Terms'=>'ساخت آیتم (ترم)','Radio Buttons'=>'دکمههای رادیویی','Single Value'=>'تک مقدار','Multi Select'=>'چندین انتخاب','Checkbox'=>'چک باکس','Multiple Values'=>'چندین مقدار','Select the appearance of this field'=>'ظاهر این زمینه را مشخص کنید','Appearance'=>'ظاهر','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'طبقهبندی را برای برون بری انتخاب کنید','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'مقدار باید کوچکتر یا مساوی %d باشد','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'مقدار باید مساوی یا بیشتر از %d باشد','Value must be a number'=>'مقدار باید عددی باشد','Number'=>'عدد','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ذخیره مقادیر دیگر در انتخاب های زمینه','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'افزودن گزینه \'دیگر\' برای ثبت مقادیر دلخواه','Other'=>'دیگر','Radio Button'=>'دکمه رادیویی','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'یک نقطه پایانی برای توقف آکاردئون قبلی تعریف کنید. این آکاردئون مخفی خواهد بود.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'اجازه دهید این آکوردئون بدون بستن دیگر آکاردئونها باز شود.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'نمایش آکوردئون این به عنوان باز در بارگذاری صفحات.','Open'=>'باز','Accordion'=>'آکاردئونی','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود فایل ها','File ID'=>'شناسه پرونده','File URL'=>'آدرس پرونده','File Array'=>'آرایه فایل','Add File'=>'افزودن پرونده','No file selected'=>'هیچ پرونده ای انتخاب نشده','File name'=>'نام فایل','Update File'=>'بروزرسانی پرونده','Edit File'=>'ویرایش پرونده','Select File'=>'انتخاب پرونده','File'=>'پرونده','Password'=>'رمزعبور','Specify the value returned'=>'مقدار بازگشتی را انتخاب کنید','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'از ایجکس برای خواندن گزینه های استفاده شود؟','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'هر مقدار پیش فرض را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید','verbSelect'=>'انتخاب','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'خطا در فراخوانی داده ها','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'جستجو …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'بارگذاری نتایج بیشتر…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'شما فقط می توانید %d مورد را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'فقط می توانید یک آیتم را انتخاب کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'لطفا %d کاراکتر را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'یک حرف را حذف کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'لطفا %d یا چند کاراکتر دیگر وارد کنید','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'یک یا چند حرف وارد کنید','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'مشابهی یافت نشد','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'نتایج %d در دسترس است با استفاده از کلید بالا و پایین روی آنها حرکت کنید.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'یک نتیجه موجود است برای انتخاب اینتر را فشار دهید.','nounSelect'=>'انتخاب','User ID'=>'شناسه کاربر','User Object'=>'آبجکت کاربر','User Array'=>'آرایه کاربر','All user roles'=>'تمام نقش های کاربر','User'=>'کاربر','Separator'=>'جداکننده','Select Color'=>'رنگ را انتخاب کنید','Default'=>'پیش فرض','Clear'=>'پاکسازی','Color Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده رنگ','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'عصر','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'صبح','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'انتخاب','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'اکنون','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'منطقه زمانی','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'میکرو ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'میلی ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'ثانیه','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'دقیقه','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'ساعت','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'زمان','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'انتخاب زمان','Date Time Picker'=>'انتخاب کننده زمان و تاریخ','Endpoint'=>'نقطه پایانی','Left aligned'=>'سمت چپ','Top aligned'=>'سمت بالا','Placement'=>'جانمایی','Tab'=>'تب','Value must be a valid URL'=>'مقدار باید یک آدرس صحیح باشد','Link URL'=>'آدرس لینک','Link Array'=>'آرایه لینک','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'در پنجره جدید باز شود','Select Link'=>'انتخاب لینک','Link'=>'لینک','Email'=>'پست الکترونیکی','Step Size'=>'اندازه مرحله','Maximum Value'=>'حداکثر مقدار','Minimum Value'=>'حداقل مقدار','Range'=>'محدوده','Both (Array)'=>'هر دو (آرایه)','Label'=>'برچسب زمینه','Value'=>'مقدار','Vertical'=>'عمودی','Horizontal'=>'افقی','red : Red'=>'red : قرمز','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'برای کنترل بیشتر، ممکن است هر دو مقدار و برچسب را مانند زیر مشخص کنید:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'هر انتخاب را در یک خط جدید وارد کنید.','Choices'=>'انتخاب ها','Button Group'=>'گروه دکمهها','Parent'=>'مادر','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'تا زمانی که روی فیلد کلیک نشود TinyMCE اجرا نخواهد شد','Toolbar'=>'نوار ابزار','Text Only'=>'فقط متن','Visual Only'=>'فقط بصری','Visual & Text'=>'بصری و متنی','Tabs'=>'تب ها','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'برای اجرای TinyMCE کلیک کنید','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'متن','Visual'=>'بصری','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'مقدار نباید از %d کاراکتر بیشتر شود','Leave blank for no limit'=>'برای نامحدود بودن این بخش را خالی بگذارید','Character Limit'=>'محدودیت کاراکتر','Appears after the input'=>'بعد از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Append'=>'پسوند','Appears before the input'=>'قبل از ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Prepend'=>'پیشوند','Appears within the input'=>'در داخل ورودی نمایش داده می شود','Placeholder Text'=>'نگهدارنده مکان متن','Appears when creating a new post'=>'هنگام ایجاد یک نوشته جدید نمایش داده می شود','Text'=>'متن','Post ID'=>'شناسه نوشته','Post Object'=>'آبجکت یک نوشته','Featured Image'=>'تصویر شاخص','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'عناصر انتخاب شده در هر نتیجه نمایش داده خواهند شد','Elements'=>'عناصر','Taxonomy'=>'طبقه بندی','Post Type'=>'نوع نوشته','Filters'=>'فیلترها','All taxonomies'=>'تمام طبقه بندی ها','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'فیلتر با طبقه بندی','All post types'=>'تمام انواع نوشته','Filter by Post Type'=>'فیلتر با نوع نوشته','Search...'=>'جستجو . . .','Select taxonomy'=>'انتخاب طبقه بندی','Select post type'=>'انتحاب نوع نوشته','No matches found'=>'مطابقتی یافت نشد','Loading'=>'درحال خواندن','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} آیتم )','Relationship'=>'ارتباط','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'با کامای انگلیسی جدا کرده یا برای عدم محدودیت خالی بگذارید','Maximum'=>'بیشترین','File size'=>'اندازه فایل','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'محدودیت در آپلود تصاویر','Minimum'=>'کمترین','Uploaded to post'=>'بارگذاری شده در نوشته','All'=>'همه','Limit the media library choice'=>'محدود کردن انتخاب کتابخانه چندرسانه ای','Library'=>'کتابخانه','Preview Size'=>'اندازه پیش نمایش','Image ID'=>'شناسه تصویر','Image URL'=>'آدرس تصویر','Image Array'=>'آرایه تصاویر','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'مقدار برگشتی در نمایش نهایی را تعیین کنید','Return Value'=>'مقدار بازگشت','Add Image'=>'افزودن تصویر','No image selected'=>'هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده','Remove'=>'حذف','Edit'=>'ویرایش','All images'=>'تمام تصاویر','Update Image'=>'بروزرسانی تصویر','Edit Image'=>'ویرایش تصویر','Select Image'=>'انتخاب تصویر','Image'=>'تصویر','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'اجازه نمایش کدهای HTML به عنوان متن به جای اعمال آنها','Escape HTML'=>'حذف HTML','No Formatting'=>'بدون قالب بندی','Automatically add <br>'=>'اضافه کردن خودکار <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'پاراگراف ها خودکار اضافه شوند','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'تنظیم کنید که خطوط جدید چگونه نمایش داده شوند','New Lines'=>'خطوط جدید','Week Starts On'=>'اولین روز هفته','The format used when saving a value'=>'قالب استفاده در زمان ذخیره مقدار','Save Format'=>'ذخیره قالب','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'هفته','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'قبلی','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'بعدی','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'امروز','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'انجام شد','Date Picker'=>'تاریخ','Width'=>'عرض','Embed Size'=>'اندازه جانمایی','Enter URL'=>'آدرس را وارد کنید','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'نمایش متن در زمان غیر فعال بودن','Off Text'=>'بدون متن','Text shown when active'=>'نمایش متن در زمان فعال بودن','On Text'=>'با متن','Default Value'=>'مقدار پیش فرض','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'نمایش متن همراه انتخاب','Message'=>'پیام','No'=>'خیر','Yes'=>'بله','True / False'=>'صحیح / غلط','Row'=>'سطر','Table'=>'جدول','Block'=>'بلوک','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'استایل جهت نمایش فیلد انتخابی','Layout'=>'چیدمان','Sub Fields'=>'زمینههای زیرمجموعه','Group'=>'گروه','Customize the map height'=>'سفارشی سازی ارتفاع نقشه','Height'=>'ارتفاع','Set the initial zoom level'=>'تعین مقدار بزرگنمایی اولیه','Zoom'=>'بزرگنمایی','Center the initial map'=>'نقشه اولیه را وسط قرار بده','Center'=>'مرکز','Search for address...'=>'جستجو برای آدرس . . .','Find current location'=>'پیدا کردن مکان فعلی','Clear location'=>'حذف مکان','Search'=>'جستجو','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'با عرض پوزش، این مرورگر از موقعیت یابی جغرافیایی پشتیبانی نمی کند','Google Map'=>'نقشه گوگل','The format returned via template functions'=>'قالب توسط توابع پوسته نمایش داده خواهد شد','Return Format'=>'فرمت بازگشت','Custom:'=>'دلخواه:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'قالب در زمان نمایش نوشته دیده خواهد شد','Display Format'=>'فرمت نمایش','Time Picker'=>'انتخاب زمان','No Fields found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Fields found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Fields'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field'=>'نمایش زمینه','New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Edit Field'=>'ویرایش زمینه','Add New Field'=>'زمینه جدید','Field'=>'زمینه','Fields'=>'زمینه ها','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد','No Field Groups found'=>'گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد','Search Field Groups'=>'جستجوی گروه های زمینه','View Field Group'=>'مشاهده گروه زمینه','New Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه جدید','Edit Field Group'=>'ویرایش گروه زمینه','Add New Field Group'=>'افزودن گروه زمینه جدید','Add New'=>'افزودن','Field Group'=>'گروه زمینه','Field Groups'=>'گروههای زمینه','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'وردپرس را با زمینههای حرفهای و قدرتمند سفارشی کنید.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'زمینههای سفارشی پیشرفته نسخه حرفه ای','Switch to Edit'=>'حالت ویرایش','Switch to Preview'=>'حالت پیشنمایش','Options Updated'=>'تنظیمات به روز شدند','Check Again'=>'بررسی دوباره','Publish'=>'انتشار','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'هیچ گروه زمینه دلخواهی برای این صفحه تنظیمات یافت نشد. ساخت گروه زمینه دلخواه','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'خطا. امکان اتصال به سرور به روزرسانی الان ممکن نیست','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'خطا. پکیج بروزرسانی اعتبارسنجی نشد. دوباره بررسی کنید یا لایسنس ACF PRO را غیرفعال و مجددا فعال کنید.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'انتخاب فیلد دیگری برای کپی','Display'=>'نمایش','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'مشخص کردن استایل مورد نظر در نمایش دسته فیلدها','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'گروه ها(نمایش فیلدهای انتخابی در یک گروه با این فیلد)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'بدون مانند (جایگزینی این فیلد با فیلدهای انتخابی)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'برچسب ها نمایش داده شوند به صورت %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'پیشوند پرچسب فیلدها','Values will be saved as %s'=>'مقادیر ذخیره خواهند شد به صورت %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'پیشوند نام فایل ها','Unknown field'=>'فیلد ناشناس','Unknown field group'=>'گروه ناشناس','All fields from %s field group'=>'تمام فیلدها از %s گروه فیلد','Add Row'=>'سطر جدید','layout'=>'طرحها' . "\0" . 'طرح','layouts'=>'طرح ها','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'این زمینه لازم دارد {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'این گزینه محدود است به {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} موجود است (حداکثر {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} لازم دارد (حداقل {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'زمینه محتوای انعطاف پذیر حداقل به یک طرح نیاز دارد','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'روی دکمه "%s" دز زیر کلیک کنید تا چیدمان خود را بسازید','Add layout'=>'طرح جدید','Remove layout'=>'حذف طرح','Click to toggle'=>'کلیک برای انتخاب','Delete Layout'=>'حذف طرح','Duplicate Layout'=>'تکثیر طرح','Add New Layout'=>'افزودن طرح جدید','Add Layout'=>'طرح جدید','Min'=>'حداقل','Max'=>'حداکثر','Minimum Layouts'=>'حداقل تعداد طرح ها','Maximum Layouts'=>'حداکثر تعداد طرح ها','Button Label'=>'متن دکمه','Add Image to Gallery'=>'افزودن تصویر به گالری','Maximum selection reached'=>'بیشترین حد انتخاب شده است','Length'=>'طول','Caption'=>'متن','Alt Text'=>'متن جایگزین','Add to gallery'=>'اضافه به گالری','Bulk actions'=>'کارهای گروهی','Sort by date uploaded'=>'به ترتیب تاریخ آپلود','Sort by date modified'=>'به ترتیب تاریخ اعمال تغییرات','Sort by title'=>'به ترتیب عنوان','Reverse current order'=>'معکوس سازی ترتیب کنونی','Close'=>'بستن','Minimum Selection'=>'حداقل انتخاب','Maximum Selection'=>'حداکثر انتخاب','Allowed file types'=>'انواع مجاز فایل','Insert'=>'درج','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'مشخص کنید که پیوست ها کجا اضافه شوند','Append to the end'=>'افزودن به انتها','Prepend to the beginning'=>'افزودن قبل از','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {min} سطر )','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'مقادیر به حداکثر رسیده اند ( {max} سطر )','Minimum Rows'=>'حداقل تعداد سطرها','Maximum Rows'=>'حداکثر تعداد سطرها','Collapsed'=>'جمع شده','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'یک زمینه زیرمجموعه را انتخاب کنید تا زمان بسته شدن طر نمایش داده شود','Click to reorder'=>'گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی','Add row'=>'افزودن سطر','Remove row'=>'حذف سطر','First Page'=>'برگه نخست','Previous Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','Next Page'=>'برگه نخست','Last Page'=>'برگه ی نوشته ها','No options pages exist'=>'هیچ صفحه تنظیماتی یافت نشد','Deactivate License'=>'غیرفعال سازی لایسنس','Activate License'=>'فعال سازی لایسنس','License Information'=>'اطلاعات لایسنس','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'برای به روزرسانی لطفا کد لایسنس را وارد کنید. قیمت ها.','License Key'=>'کلید لایسنس','Update Information'=>'اطلاعات به روز رسانی','Current Version'=>'نسخه فعلی','Latest Version'=>'آخرین نسخه','Update Available'=>'بروزرسانی موجود است','Upgrade Notice'=>'نکات به روزرسانی','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'برای فعالسازی به روزرسانی لایسنس خود را بنویسید','Update Plugin'=>'بروزرسانی افزونه']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.mo
index 5614a05a..91618b15 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.po
index c4b29508..1463f53c 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fa_IR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: fa_IR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -714,37 +745,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2266,7 +2293,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "طبقهبندیهای موجود را برای دستهبندی کردن آیتمهای نوع پست انتخاب نمایید."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2313,7 +2340,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2323,15 +2350,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2339,7 +2366,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2390,7 +2417,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2398,59 +2425,59 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "شرایط"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2468,7 +2495,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "تنظیمات پایه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2480,7 +2507,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "صفحات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2524,16 +2551,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "نوع پست حذف شد"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "برای جستجو تایپ کنید...."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "فقط نسخه حرفه ای"
@@ -2554,43 +2581,43 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "طبقهبندی"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "نوع نوشته"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "پایان"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "ثبت نام انجام نشد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2598,31 +2625,31 @@ msgstr ""
"این مورد ثبت نشد زیرا کلید آن توسط مورد دیگری که توسط افزونه یا طرح زمینه "
"دیگری ثبت شده است استفاده می شود."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "دسترسیها"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "پیوندها"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "نمایش"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "برچسبها"
@@ -2643,14 +2670,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[مقدار کد کوتاه ACF برای پیش نمایش غیرفعال است]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "بستن صفحه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "زمینه به یک گروه دیگر منتقل شد"
@@ -2827,8 +2854,8 @@ msgstr "نمایش"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "اعتبارسنجی"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "عمومی"
@@ -2836,47 +2863,47 @@ msgstr "عمومی"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "درون ریزی JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "برون بری با JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "غیرفعال کردن"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "غیرفعال کردن این مورد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "فعال کردن"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "فعال کردن این مورد"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "انتقال گروه زمینه به زبالهدان؟"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2889,7 +2916,7 @@ msgstr "غیرفعال"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2897,7 +2924,7 @@ msgstr ""
"افزونه زمینه های سفارشی و افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته نباید همزمان فعال "
"باشند. ما به طور خودکار افزونه زمینه های سفارشی پیشرفته را غیرفعال کردیم."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2974,7 +3001,7 @@ msgstr "رشته RGBA "
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "کد هگز RGBA "
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "ارتقا به نسخه حرفه ای"
@@ -3026,8 +3053,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "پیوستها"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3037,7 +3064,7 @@ msgstr "طبقهبندیها"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3056,49 +3083,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "پارامتر(ها) گروه فیلد نامعتبر است"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "در انتظار ذخیره"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "ذخیره شده"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "درونریزی"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "تغییرات مرور شد"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در پلاگین: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "قرار گرفته در قالب: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "مختلف"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "همگامسازی تغییرات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "بارگذاری تفاوت"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "بررسی تغییرات JSON محلی"
@@ -3357,7 +3384,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "نمایش این گروه فیلد اگر"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "منطق شرطی"
@@ -3366,9 +3393,9 @@ msgstr "منطق شرطی"
msgid "and"
msgstr "و"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON های لوکال"
@@ -3560,9 +3587,9 @@ msgstr "شیوه نمایش"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "نوع "
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "کلید"
@@ -3573,23 +3600,23 @@ msgstr "کلید"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "ترتیب"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "بستن فیلد "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "شناسه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "کلاس"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "عرض"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "مشخصات پوشش فیلد"
@@ -3597,68 +3624,68 @@ msgstr "مشخصات پوشش فیلد"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "دستورالعمل هایی برای نویسندگان. هنگام ارسال داده ها نمایش داده می شوند"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "دستورالعمل ها"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "نوع فیلد "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "تک کلمه، بدون فاصله. خط زیرین و خط تیره ها مجازاند"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "نام فیلد "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "این نامی است که در صفحه \"ویرایش\" نمایش داده خواهد شد"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "برچسب فیلد "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "حذف زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "انتقال"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "انتقال زمینه ها به گروه دیگر"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "تکثیر زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "ویرایش زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "گرفتن و کشیدن برای مرتب سازی"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "نمایش این گروه زمینه اگر"
@@ -3757,15 +3784,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "قوانین"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "کپی شد"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "درج در حافظه موقت"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3773,22 +3800,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "انتخاب گروه های زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای انتخاب نشده است"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "تولید کد PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "برون بری گروه های زمینه"
@@ -3814,22 +3841,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "وارد کردن گروه های زمینه"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "هماهنگ"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "انتخاب %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "تکثیر"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "تکثیر این زمینه"
@@ -3837,13 +3864,14 @@ msgstr "تکثیر این زمینه"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "مستندات"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3852,24 +3880,24 @@ msgstr "مستندات"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "توضیحات"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "هماهنگ سازی موجود است"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s گروه زمینه تکثیر شدند."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "فعال (%s)"
@@ -3909,7 +3937,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "انتقال کامل شد."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3924,7 +3952,7 @@ msgstr "کلیدهای زمینه"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "تنظیمات"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "مکان"
@@ -3936,14 +3964,14 @@ msgstr "خالی (null)"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "کپی"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(این گزینه)"
@@ -3954,14 +3982,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "انتخاب شده"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "جابجایی زمینه دلخواه"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "هیچ زمینه شرط پذیری موجود نیست"
@@ -3970,14 +3998,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "عنوان گروه زمینه ضروری است"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "این زمینه قبل از اینکه ذخیره شود نمی تواند جابجا شود"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "کلمه متنی \"field_\" نباید در ابتدای نام فیلد استفاده شود"
@@ -4145,8 +4173,8 @@ msgstr "بدون مقدار"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "هر نوع مقدار"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "لغو"
@@ -4156,24 +4184,24 @@ msgstr "لغو"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "اطمینان دارید؟"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d گزینه نیاز به بررسی دارد"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "یکی از گزینه ها نیاز به بررسی دارد"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "مشکل در اعتبار سنجی"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "اعتبار سنجی موفق بود"
@@ -4209,8 +4237,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "ویرایش"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "اگر از صفحه جاری خارج شوید ، تغییرات شما ذخیره نخواهند شد"
@@ -4223,10 +4251,10 @@ msgstr "نوع فایل باید %s باشد."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "یا"
@@ -4276,8 +4304,8 @@ msgstr "تصویر بندانگشتی"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(بدون برچسب)"
@@ -5241,7 +5269,7 @@ msgstr "هیچ تصویری انتخاب نشده"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "حذف"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5560,91 +5588,91 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "انتخاب زمان"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "جستجوی گروه های زمینه"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "نمایش زمینه"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "ویرایش زمینه"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "زمینه"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "زمینه ها"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای در زباله دان یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "گروه زمینه ای یافت نشد"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "جستجوی گروه های زمینه"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "مشاهده گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "گروه زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "ویرایش گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "افزودن گروه زمینه جدید"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "افزودن"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "گروه زمینه"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "گروههای زمینه"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.l10n.php
index d6f2781f..2ba7200e 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fi','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Uusi ACF PRO -lisenssi','Renew License'=>'Uusi lisenssi','Manage License'=>'Hallinnoi lisenssiä','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Korkeaa\' sijoittelua ei tueta lohkoeditorissa.','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Päivitä ACF PRO -versioon','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF asetussivut ovat mukautettuja pääkäyttäjäsivuja yleisten asetusten muuttamiseksi kenttien avulla. Voit luoda useita sivuja ja alisivuja.','Add Options Page'=>'Lisää Asetukset-sivu','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Käytetään editorissa otsikon paikanvaraajana.','Title Placeholder'=>'Otsikon paikanvaraaja','4 Months Free'=>'4 kuukautta maksutta',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Monistettu %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Valitse asetussivut','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Monista taksonomia','Create taxonomy'=>'Luo taksonomia','Duplicate post type'=>'Monista sisältötyyppi','Create post type'=>'Luo sisältötyyppi','Link field groups'=>'Linkitä kenttäryhmä','Add fields'=>'Lisää kenttiä','This Field'=>'Tämä kenttä','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Palaute','Support'=>'Tuki','is developed and maintained by'=>'kehittää ja ylläpitää','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Aseta tämä %s valittujen kenttäryhmien sijaintiasetuksiin.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Kaksisuuntaisen asetuksen kytkeminen sallii sinun päivittää kohdekenttien arvon jokaiselle tässä kentässä valitulle arvolle, lisäten tai poistaen päivitettävän artikkelin, taksonomian tai käyttäjän ID tunnisteen. Tarkemmat tiedot luettavissa dokumentaatiossa.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Valitse kenttä (kentät) johon tallennetaan viite takaisin päivitettävään kohteeseen. Voit valita tämän kentän. Kohdekenttien tulee olla yhteensopivia kentän esityspaikan kanssa. Esimerkiksi jos tämä kenttä esitetään taksonomian yhteydessä, kentän tulee olla taksonomia-tyyppiä','Target Field'=>'Kohdekenttä','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Päivitä valittujen arvojen kenttä viittaamalla takaisin tähän tunnisteeseen','Bidirectional'=>'Kaksisuuntainen','%s Field'=>'%s kenttä','Select Multiple'=>'Valitse useita','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Vain pieniä kirjaimia, alaviivoja sekä väliviivoja. Enimmillään 32 merkkiä.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi termien lisäämiseksi tähän taksonomiaan.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Määritä termien käyttöoikeus','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi termien poistamiseksi tästä taksonomiasta.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Poista termin käyttöoikeus','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi taksonomian termien muokkaamiseksi.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Muokkaa termin käyttöoikeutta','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi taksonomian termien hallinnoimiseksi.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Hallitse termin käyttöoikeutta','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Määrittää piilotetaanko artikkelit hakutuloksista ja taksonomian arkistosivuilta.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Lisää työkaluja WP Engineltä','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Tehty niille jotka tekevät WordPressillä, %s tiimin toimesta','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Näytä hinnoittelu & päivitä','Learn More'=>'Lue lisää','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Nopeuta työnkulkuasi ja kehitä parempia verkkosivustoja ominaisuuksilla kuten ACF lohkot ja asetussivut, sekä kehittyneillä kenttätyypeillä kuten toistin, joustava sisältö, kloonaus sekä galleria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Avaa lisäominaisuudet ja luo vielä enemmän ACF PRO:n avulla','%s fields'=>'%s kentät','No terms'=>'Ei termejä','No post types'=>'Ei sisältötyyppejä','No posts'=>'Ei artikkeleita','No taxonomies'=>'Ei taksonomioita','No field groups'=>'Ei kenttäryhmiä','No fields'=>'Ei kenttiä','No description'=>'Ei kuvausta','Any post status'=>'Mikä tahansa artikkelin tila','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämän taksonomian avain on jo käytössä toisella taksonomialla ACF:n ulkopuolella, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämän taksonomian avain on jo käytössä toisella taksonomialla ACF:ssä, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Taksonomian avaimen tulee sisältää ainoastaan pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, alaviivoja tai väliviivoja.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Taksonomian avaimen tulee olla alle 20 merkkiä pitkä.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Roskakorista ei löytynyt taksonomioita','No Taxonomies found'=>'Taksonomioita ei löytynyt','Search Taxonomies'=>'Hae taksonomioita','View Taxonomy'=>'Näytä taksonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Uusi taksonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Muokkaa taksonomiaa','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Luo uusi taksonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Ei sisältötyyppejä roskakorissa','No Post Types found'=>'Sisältötyyppejä ei löytynyt','Search Post Types'=>'Etsi sisältötyyppejä','View Post Type'=>'Näytä sisältötyyppi','New Post Type'=>'Uusi sisältötyyppi','Edit Post Type'=>'Muokkaa sisältötyyppiä','Add New Post Type'=>'Lisää uusi sisältötyyppi','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämä sisältötyyppi on jo käytössä sisältötyypillä joka on rekisteröity ACF ulkopuolella, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämä sisältötyyppi on jo käytössä sisältötyypillä ACF:ssä, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Tämän kentän ei tule olla WordPressin varattu termi.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Sisältötyypin avaimen tulee sisältää vain pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, alaviivoja ja väliviivoja.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Sisältötyypin avaimen tulee olla alle 20 merkkiä pitkä.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Emme suosittele tämän kentän käyttämistä ACF-lohkoissa.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Näyttää WordPress WYSIWYG -editorin kuten artikkeleissa ja sivuilla, mahdollistaen monipuolisemman tekstin muokkauskokemuksen, joka mahdollistaa myös multimediasisällön.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG-editori','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Sallii yhden tai useamman käyttäjän valitsemisen tieto-objektien välisten suhteiden luomiseksi.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Tekstikenttä erityisesti verkko-osoitteiden tallentamiseksi.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Kytkin joka sallii 1 tai 0 arvon valitsemisen (päälle tai pois, tosi tai epätosi, jne.). Voidaan esittää tyyliteltynä kytkimenä tai valintaruutuna.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttölittymä ajan valitsemiseen. Aikamuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Yksinkertainen tekstialue tekstikappaleiden tallentamiseen.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Yksinkertainen tekstikenttä, hyödyllinen yksittäisten merkkijonojen arvojen tallentamiseen.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Mahdollistaa yhden tai useamman taksonomiatermin valitsemisen kentän asetuksissa asetettujen kriteerien ja asetusten perusteella.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Mahdollistaa kenttien ryhmittelemisen välilehdillä erotettuihin osioihin muokkausnäkymässä. Hyödyllinen kenttien pitämiseen järjestyksessä ja jäsenneltynä.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Pudotusvalikko joka listaa määrittelemäsi vaihtoehdot.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Kenttä numeroarvon valitsemiseksi määritetyllä asteikolla hyödyntäen liukuvalitsinelementtiä.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Ryhmä valintanappisyötteitä, joiden avulla käyttäjä voi tehdä yksittäisen valinnan määrittämistäsi arvoista.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Interaktiivinen ja mukautettava käyttöliittymä yhden tai useamman artikkelin, sivun tai artikkelityyppikohteen valitsemiseksi, hakumahdollisuudella. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Kenttä salasanan antamiseen peitetyn kentän avulla.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Suodata artikkelin tilan mukaan','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Numeroarvoihin rajoitettu kenttä.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Käytetään viestin esittämiseksi muiden kenttien rinnalla. Kätevä lisäkontekstin tai -ohjeiden tarjoamiseen kenttien ympärillä.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Sallii linkin ja sen ominaisuuksien, kuten otsikon ja kohteen, määrittämisen hyödyntäen WordPressin omaa linkinvalitsinta.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Käyttää WordPressin omaa mediavalitsinta kuvien lisäämisen tai valitsemiseen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Antaa tavan jäsentää kenttiä ryhmiin tietojen ja muokkausnäkymän järjestämiseksi paremmin.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä sijainnin lisäämiseksi Google Maps:in avulla. Vaatii Google Maps API -avaimen sekä lisämäärityksiä näkyäkseen oikein.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Käyttää WordPressin omaa mediavalitsinta tiedostojen lisäämiseen ja valitsemiseen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Tekstikenttä erityisesti sähköpostiosoitteiden tallentamiseksi.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä päivämäärän ja kellonajan valitsemiseen. Päivämäärän palautusmuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä päivämäärän valitsemiseen. Päivämäärän palautusmuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä värin valitsemiseksi, tai hex-arvon määrittämiseksi.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Joukko valintaruutuja jotka sallivat käyttäjän valita yhden tai useamman määrittämistäsi arvoista.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Joukko painikkeita joiden arvot määrität. Käyttäjät voivat valita yhden määrittämistäsi arvoista.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Mahdollistaa lisäkenttien järjestelemisen suljettaviin paneeleihin jotka esitetään sisällön muokkaamisen yhteydessä. Kätevä suurten tietojoukkojen siistinä pitämiseen.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Tarjoaa ratkaisun toistuvan sisällön kuten diojen, tiimin jäsenten, tai toimintakehotekorttien toistamiseen. Toimii ylätasona alakentille, jotka voidaan toistaa uudestaan ja uudestaan.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Tarjoaa interaktiivisen käyttöliittymän liitekokoelman hallintaan. Useimmat asetukset ovat samanlaisia kuin kuvakenttätyypillä. Lisäasetukset mahdollistavat uusien liitteiden sijoituspaikan määrittämiseen galleriassa, sekä sallitun minimi- ja maksimiliitemäärien asettamiseksi.','nounClone'=>'Klooni','Updates'=>'Päivitykset','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields PRO -lisäosan automaattisesti.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosan automaattisesti.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Olemme havainneet yhden tai useamman kutsun ACF-kenttäarvojen noutamiseksi ennen ACF:n alustamista. Tätä ei tueta ja se voi johtaa väärin muotoiltuihin tai puuttuviin tietoihin. Lue lisää tämän korjaamisesta.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä roolilla %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä jollakin näistä rooleista: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen käyttäjätunnus.','Invalid request.'=>'Virheellinen pyyntö.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s ei ole yksi näistä: %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s:lla pitää olla termi %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s:lla pitää olla jokin seuraavista termeistä: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s pitää olla artikkelityyppiä %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s pitää olla joku seuraavista artikkelityypeistä: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen artikkelitunnus (post ID).','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s edellyttää kelvollista liitetunnusta (ID).','Show in REST API'=>'Näytä REST API:ssa','Enable Transparency'=>'Ota läpinäkyvyys käyttöön','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA-taulukko','RGBA String'=>'RGBA-merkkijono','Hex String'=>'Heksamerkkijono','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Päivitä Pro-versioon','post statusActive'=>'Käytössä','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' ei ole kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite','Color value'=>'Väriarvo','Select default color'=>'Valitse oletusväri','Clear color'=>'Tyhjennä väri','Blocks'=>'Lohkot','Options'=>'Asetukset','Users'=>'Käyttäjät','Menu items'=>'Valikkokohteet','Widgets'=>'Vimpaimet','Attachments'=>'Liitteet','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomiat','Posts'=>'Artikkelit','Last updated: %s'=>'Päivitetty viimeksi: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Tämä kenttäryhmä ei valitettavasti ole käytettävissä diff-vertailua varten.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Virheelliset kenttäryhmän parametrit.','Awaiting save'=>'Odottaa tallentamista','Saved'=>'Tallennettu','Import'=>'Tuo','Review changes'=>'Tarkista muutokset','Located in: %s'=>'Sijaitsee: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Lisäosalla: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Teemalla: %s','Various'=>'Sekalaisia','Sync changes'=>'Synkronoi muutokset','Loading diff'=>'Ladataan diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Tarkista paikalliset JSON-muutokset','Visit website'=>'Siirry verkkosivuille','View details'=>'Näytä tarkemmat tiedot','Version %s'=>'Versio %s','Information'=>'Tiedot','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Tukipalvelu. Tukipalvelumme ammattilaiset auttavat syvällisemmissä teknisissä haasteissasi.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Keskustelut. Yhteisöfoorumeillamme on aktiivinen ja ystävällinen yhteisö, joka voi ehkä auttaa sinua selvittämään ACF-maailman ihmeellisyyksiä.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentaatio. Laaja dokumentaatiomme sisältää viittauksia ja oppaita useimpiin kohtaamiisi tilanteisiin.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Olemme fanaattisia tuen suhteen ja haluamme, että saat kaiken mahdollisen irti verkkosivustostasi ACF:n avulla. Jos kohtaat ongelmia, apua löytyy useista paikoista:','Help & Support'=>'Ohjeet & tukipalvelut','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Ota yhteyttä Ohjeet & tukipalvelut -välilehdessä, jos huomaat tarvitsevasi apua.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Ennen kuin luot ensimmäisen kenttäryhmäsi, suosittelemme lukemaan aloitusoppaamme, jossa tutustutaan lisäosan filosofiaan ja parhaisiin käytäntöihin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosa tarjoaa visuaalisen lomaketyökalun WordPressin muokkausnäyttöjen mukauttamiseksi ylimääräisillä kentillä ja intuitiivisen API:n mukautettujen kenttäarvojen näyttämiseksi missä tahansa teeman mallitiedostossa.','Overview'=>'Yleiskatsaus','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Sijaintityyppi "%s" on jo rekisteröity.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Luokkaa "%s" ei ole.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Virheellinen nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Virhe ladattaessa kenttää.','Location not found: %s'=>'Sijaintia ei löytynyt: %s','Error: %s'=>'Virhe: %s','Widget'=>'Vimpain','User Role'=>'Käyttäjän rooli','Comment'=>'Kommentti','Post Format'=>'Artikkelin muoto','Menu Item'=>'Valikkokohde','Post Status'=>'Artikkelin tila','Menus'=>'Valikot','Menu Locations'=>'Valikkosijainnit','Menu'=>'Valikko','Post Taxonomy'=>'Artikkelin taksonomia','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Lapsisivu (sivu, jolla on vanhempi)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Vanhempi sivu (sivu, jolla on alasivuja)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Ylätason sivu (sivu, jolla ei ole vanhempia)','Posts Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','Front Page'=>'Etusivu','Page Type'=>'Sivun tyyppi','Viewing back end'=>'Käyttää back endiä','Viewing front end'=>'Käyttää front endiä','Logged in'=>'Kirjautunut sisään','Current User'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjä','Page Template'=>'Sivupohja','Register'=>'Rekisteröi','Add / Edit'=>'Lisää / Muokkaa','User Form'=>'Käyttäjälomake','Page Parent'=>'Sivun vanhempi','Super Admin'=>'Super pääkäyttäjä','Current User Role'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjärooli','Default Template'=>'Oletus sivupohja','Post Template'=>'Sivupohja','Post Category'=>'Artikkelin kategoria','All %s formats'=>'Kaikki %s muodot','Attachment'=>'Liite','%s value is required'=>'%s arvo on pakollinen','Show this field if'=>'Näytä tämä kenttä, jos','Conditional Logic'=>'Ehdollinen logiikka','and'=>'ja','Local JSON'=>'Paikallinen JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Varmista myös, että kaikki premium-lisäosat (%s) on päivitetty uusimpaan versioon.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Tämä versio sisältää parannuksia tietokantaan ja edellyttää päivitystä.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Kiitos päivityksestä: %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Tietokanta on päivitettävä','Options Page'=>'Asetukset-sivu','Gallery'=>'Galleria','Flexible Content'=>'Joustava sisältö','Repeater'=>'Toista rivejä','Back to all tools'=>'Takaisin kaikkiin työkaluihin','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Jos muokkausnäkymässä on useita kenttäryhmiä, käytetään ensimmäisen (pienin järjestysnumero) kenttäryhmän asetuksia','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Valitse kohteita piilottaaksesi ne muokkausnäkymästä.','Hide on screen'=>'Piilota näytöltä','Send Trackbacks'=>'Lähetä paluuviitteet','Tags'=>'Avainsanat','Categories'=>'Kategoriat','Page Attributes'=>'Sivun attribuutit','Format'=>'Muoto','Author'=>'Kirjoittaja','Slug'=>'Polkutunnus (slug)','Revisions'=>'Tarkastettu','Comments'=>'Kommentit','Discussion'=>'Keskustelu','Excerpt'=>'Katkelma','Content Editor'=>'Sisältöeditori','Permalink'=>'Kestolinkki','Shown in field group list'=>'Näytetään kenttäryhmien listauksessa','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Kenttäryhmät, joilla on pienempi järjestysnumero, tulostetaan ensimmäisenä','Order No.'=>'Järjestysnro.','Below fields'=>'Tasaa kentän alapuolelle','Below labels'=>'Tasaa nimiön alapuolelle','Instruction Placement'=>'Ohjeen sijainti','Label Placement'=>'Nimiön sijainti','Side'=>'Reuna','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaali (sisällön jälkeen)','High (after title)'=>'Korkea (otsikon jälkeen)','Position'=>'Sijainti','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Saumaton (ei metalaatikkoa)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standardi (WP-metalaatikko)','Style'=>'Tyyli','Type'=>'Tyyppi','Key'=>'Avain','Order'=>'Järjestys','Close Field'=>'Sulje kenttä','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'leveys','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Kääreen määritteet','Required'=>'Pakollinen?','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Ohjeet kirjoittajille. Näytetään tietojen lähettämisen yhteydessä','Instructions'=>'Ohjeet','Field Type'=>'Kenttätyyppi','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Yksi sana, ei välilyöntejä. Alaviivat ja ajatusviivat sallitaan','Field Name'=>'Kentän nimi','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Tätä nimeä käytetään MUOKKAA-sivulla','Field Label'=>'Kentän nimiö','Delete'=>'Poista','Delete field'=>'Poista kenttä','Move'=>'Siirrä','Move field to another group'=>'Siirrä kenttä toiseen ryhmään','Duplicate field'=>'Monista kenttä','Edit field'=>'Muokkaa kenttää','Drag to reorder'=>'Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla','Show this field group if'=>'Näytä tämä kenttäryhmä, jos','No updates available.'=>'Päivityksiä ei ole saatavilla.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Tietokannan päivitys on valmis. Katso mikä on uutta','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Luetaan päivitystehtäviä...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Päivitys epäonnistui.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Päivitys valmis.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Päivitetään data versioon %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Tietokannan varmuuskopio on erittäin suositeltavaa ennen kuin jatkat. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa päivitystä nyt?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Valitse vähintään yksi päivitettävä sivusto.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Tietokanta on päivitetty. Palaa verkon hallinnan ohjausnäkymään','Site is up to date'=>'Sivusto on ajan tasalla','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Sivusto edellyttää tietokannan päivityksen (%1$s -> %2$s)','Site'=>'Sivusto','Upgrade Sites'=>'Päivitä sivustot','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Seuraavat sivustot vaativat tietokantapäivityksen. Valitse ne, jotka haluat päivittää ja klikkaa %s.','Add rule group'=>'Lisää sääntöryhmä','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Tästä voit määrittää, missä muokkausnäkymässä tämä kenttäryhmä näytetään','Rules'=>'Säännöt','Copied'=>'Kopioitu','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopioi leikepöydälle','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Valitse kenttäryhmät, jotka haluat viedä ja valitse sitten vientimetodisi. Käytä Lataa-painiketta viedäksesi .json-tiedoston, jonka voit sitten tuoda toisessa ACF asennuksessa. Käytä Generoi-painiketta luodaksesi PHP koodia, jonka voit sijoittaa teemaasi.','Select Field Groups'=>'Valitse kenttäryhmät','No field groups selected'=>'Ei kenttäryhmää valittu','Generate PHP'=>'Luo PHP-koodi','Export Field Groups'=>'Vie kenttäryhmiä','Import file empty'=>'Tuotu tiedosto on tyhjä','Incorrect file type'=>'Virheellinen tiedostomuoto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Virhe tiedostoa ladattaessa. Yritä uudelleen','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Valitse JSON-tiedosto, jonka haluat tuoda. Kenttäryhmät tuodaan, kun klikkaat Tuo-painiketta.','Import Field Groups'=>'Tuo kenttäryhmiä','Sync'=>'Synkronointi','Select %s'=>'Valitse %s','Duplicate'=>'Monista','Duplicate this item'=>'Monista tämä kohde','Description'=>'Kuvaus','Sync available'=>'Synkronointi saatavissa','Field group synchronized.'=>'Kenttäryhmä synkronoitu.' . "\0" . '%s kenttäryhmää synkronoitu.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Kenttäryhmä monistettu.' . "\0" . '%s kenttäryhmää monistettu.','Active (%s)'=>'Käytössä (%s)' . "\0" . 'Käytössä (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Tarkastele sivuja & päivitä','Upgrade Database'=>'Päivitä tietokanta','Custom Fields'=>'Lisäkentät','Move Field'=>'Siirrä kenttä','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Valitse kohde kentälle','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Kenttä %1$s löytyy nyt kenttäryhmästä %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Siirto valmis.','Active'=>'Käytössä','Field Keys'=>'Kenttäavaimet','Settings'=>'Asetukset','Location'=>'Sijainti','Null'=>'Tyhjä','copy'=>'kopio','(this field)'=>'(tämä kenttä)','Checked'=>'Valittu','Move Custom Field'=>'Siirrä muokattua kenttää','No toggle fields available'=>'Ei vaihtokenttiä saatavilla','Field group title is required'=>'Kenttäryhmän otsikko on pakollinen','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Tätä kenttää ei voi siirtää ennen kuin muutokset on talletettu','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Merkkijonoa "field_" ei saa käyttää kentän nimen alussa','Field group draft updated.'=>'Luonnos kenttäryhmästä päivitetty.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Kenttäryhmä ajoitettu.','Field group submitted.'=>'Kenttäryhmä lähetetty.','Field group saved.'=>'Kenttäryhmä tallennettu.','Field group published.'=>'Kenttäryhmä julkaistu.','Field group deleted.'=>'Kenttäryhmä poistettu.','Field group updated.'=>'Kenttäryhmä päivitetty.','Tools'=>'Työkalut','is not equal to'=>'ei ole sama kuin','is equal to'=>'on sama kuin','Forms'=>'Lomakkeet','Page'=>'Sivu','Post'=>'Artikkeli','Relational'=>'Relationaalinen','Choice'=>'Valintakentät','Basic'=>'Perus','Unknown'=>'Tuntematon','Field type does not exist'=>'Kenttätyyppi ei ole olemassa','Spam Detected'=>'Roskapostia havaittu','Post updated'=>'Artikkeli päivitetty','Update'=>'Päivitä','Validate Email'=>'Validoi sähköposti','Content'=>'Sisältö','Title'=>'Otsikko','Edit field group'=>'Muokkaa kenttäryhmää','Selection is less than'=>'Valinta on pienempi kuin','Selection is greater than'=>'Valinta on suurempi kuin','Value is less than'=>'Arvo on pienempi kuin','Value is greater than'=>'Arvo on suurempi kuin','Value contains'=>'Arvo sisältää','Value matches pattern'=>'Arvo vastaa kaavaa','Value is not equal to'=>'Arvo ei ole sama kuin','Value is equal to'=>'Arvo on sama kuin','Has no value'=>'Ei ole arvoa','Has any value'=>'On mitään arvoa','Cancel'=>'Peruuta','Are you sure?'=>'Oletko varma?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d kenttää vaativat huomiota','1 field requires attention'=>'Yksi kenttä vaatii huomiota','Validation failed'=>'Lisäkentän validointi epäonnistui','Validation successful'=>'Kenttäryhmän validointi onnistui','Restricted'=>'Rajoitettu','Collapse Details'=>'Vähemmän tietoja','Expand Details'=>'Enemmän tietoja','Uploaded to this post'=>'Tähän kenttäryhmään ladatut kuvat','verbUpdate'=>'Päivitä','verbEdit'=>'Muokkaa','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Tekemäsi muutokset menetetään, jos siirryt pois tältä sivulta','File type must be %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko täytyy olla %s.','or'=>'tai','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko ei saa ylittää %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko täytyy olla vähintään %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Kuvan korkeus ei saa ylittää %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Kuvan korkeus täytyy olla vähintään %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Kuvan leveys ei saa ylittää %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Kuvan leveys täytyy olla vähintään %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(ei otsikkoa)','Full Size'=>'Täysikokoinen','Large'=>'Iso','Medium'=>'Keskikokoinen','Thumbnail'=>'Pienoiskuva','(no label)'=>'(ei nimiötä)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Aseta tekstialueen koko','Rows'=>'Rivit','Text Area'=>'Tekstialue','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Näytetäänkö ”Valitse kaikki” -valintaruutu','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Tallenna \'Muu’-kentän arvo kentän valinta vaihtoehdoksi tulevaisuudessa','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Salli käyttäjän syöttää omia arvojaan','Add new choice'=>'Lisää uusi valinta','Toggle All'=>'Valitse kaikki','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Salli arkistojen URL-osoitteita','Archives'=>'Arkistot','Page Link'=>'Sivun URL','Add'=>'Lisää','Name'=>'Nimi','%s added'=>'%s lisättiin','%s already exists'=>'%s on jo olemassa','User unable to add new %s'=>'Käyttäjä ei voi lisätä uutta %s','Term ID'=>'Ehdon ID','Term Object'=>'Ehto','Load value from posts terms'=>'Lataa arvo artikkelin ehdoista','Load Terms'=>'Lataa ehdot','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Yhdistä valitut ehdot artikkeliin','Save Terms'=>'Tallenna ehdot','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Salli uusien ehtojen luominen samalla kun muokataan','Create Terms'=>'Uusien ehtojen luominen','Radio Buttons'=>'Valintanappi','Single Value'=>'Yksi arvo','Multi Select'=>'Valitse useita','Checkbox'=>'Valintaruutu','Multiple Values'=>'Useita arvoja','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Valitse ulkoasu tälle kenttälle','Appearance'=>'Ulkoasu','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Valitse taksonomia, joka näytetään','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ei %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Arvon täytyy olla sama tai pienempi kuin %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Arvon täytyy olla sama tai suurempi kuin %d','Value must be a number'=>'Arvon täytyy olla numero','Number'=>'Numero','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Tallenna \'muu\'-kentän arvo kentän valinnaksi','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Lisää \'muu\' vaihtoehto salliaksesi mukautettuja arvoja','Other'=>'Muu','Radio Button'=>'Valintanappi','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Määritä päätepiste aiemmalle haitarille. Tämä haitari ei tule näkyviin.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Salli tämän haitarin avautua sulkematta muita.','Multi-Expand'=>'Avaa useita','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Näytä tämä haitari avoimena sivun latautuessa.','Open'=>'Avoinna','Accordion'=>'Haitari (Accordion)','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Määritä tiedoston koko','File ID'=>'Tiedoston ID','File URL'=>'Tiedoston URL','File Array'=>'Tiedosto','Add File'=>'Lisää tiedosto','No file selected'=>'Ei valittua tiedostoa','File name'=>'Tiedoston nimi','Update File'=>'Päivitä tiedosto','Edit File'=>'Muokkaa tiedostoa','Select File'=>'Valitse tiedosto','File'=>'Tiedosto','Password'=>'Salasana','Specify the value returned'=>'Määritä palautetun arvon muoto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Haluatko ladata valinnat laiskasti (käyttää AJAXia)?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Syötä jokainen oletusarvo uudelle riville','verbSelect'=>'Valitse','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Lataus epäonnistui','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Etsii…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Lataa lisää tuloksia …','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Voit valita vain %d kohdetta','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Voit valita vain yhden kohteen','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Poista %d merkkiä','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Poista 1 merkki','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Kirjoita %d tai useampi merkkiä','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Kirjoita yksi tai useampi merkki','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Osumia ei löytynyt','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d tulosta on saatavilla. Voit navigoida tuloksian välillä käyttämällä ”ylös” ja ”alas” -näppäimiä.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Yksi tulos on saatavilla. Valitse se painamalla enter-näppäintä.','nounSelect'=>'Valintalista','User ID'=>'Käyttäjätunnus','User Object'=>'Käyttäjäobjekti','User Array'=>'Käyttäjätaulukko','All user roles'=>'Kaikki käyttäjäroolit','Filter by Role'=>'Suodata roolin mukaan','User'=>'Käyttäjä','Separator'=>'Erotusmerkki','Select Color'=>'Valitse väri','Default'=>'Oletus','Clear'=>'Tyhjennä','Color Picker'=>'Värinvalitsin','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Valitse','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Sulje','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nyt','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Aikavyöhyke','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunti','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekunti','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunti','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuutti','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Tunti','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Aika','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Valitse aika','Date Time Picker'=>'Päivämäärä- ja kellonaikavalitsin','Endpoint'=>'Päätepiste','Left aligned'=>'Tasaa vasemmalle','Top aligned'=>'Tasaa ylös','Placement'=>'Sijainti','Tab'=>'Välilehti','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Arvon täytyy olla validi URL','Link URL'=>'Linkin URL-osoite','Link Array'=>'Linkkitaulukko (array)','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Avaa uuteen ikkunaan/välilehteen','Select Link'=>'Valitse linkki','Link'=>'Linkki','Email'=>'Sähköposti','Step Size'=>'Askelluksen koko','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimiarvo','Minimum Value'=>'Minimiarvo','Range'=>'Liukusäädin','Both (Array)'=>'Molemmat (palautusmuoto on tällöin taulukko)','Label'=>'Nimiö','Value'=>'Arvo','Vertical'=>'Pystysuuntainen','Horizontal'=>'Vaakasuuntainen','red : Red'=>'koira_istuu : Koira istuu','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Halutessasi voit määrittää sekä arvon että nimiön tähän tapaan:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Syötä jokainen valinta uudelle riville.','Choices'=>'Valinnat','Button Group'=>'Painikeryhmä','Allow Null'=>'Salli tyhjä?','Parent'=>'Vanhempi','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE:tä ei alusteta ennen kuin kenttää napsautetaan','Delay Initialization'=>'Viivytä alustusta?','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Näytä Lisää media -painike?','Toolbar'=>'Työkalupalkki','Text Only'=>'Vain teksti','Visual Only'=>'Vain graafinen','Visual & Text'=>'Graafinen ja teksti','Tabs'=>'Välilehdet','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klikkaa ottaaksesi käyttöön graafisen editorin','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Teksti','Visual'=>'Graafinen','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Arvo ei saa olla suurempi kuin %d merkkiä','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Jos et halua rajoittaa, jätä tyhjäksi','Character Limit'=>'Merkkirajoitus','Appears after the input'=>'Näkyy input-kentän jälkeen','Append'=>'Loppuliite','Appears before the input'=>'Näkyy ennen input-kenttää','Prepend'=>'Etuliite','Appears within the input'=>'Näkyy input-kentän sisällä','Placeholder Text'=>'Täyteteksti','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Kentän oletusarvo','Text'=>'Teksti','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valinnan' . "\0" . '%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valintaa','Post ID'=>'Artikkelin ID','Post Object'=>'Artikkeliolio','Maximum Posts'=>'Maksimimäärä artikkeleita','Minimum Posts'=>'Vähimmäismäärä artikkeleita','Featured Image'=>'Artikkelikuva','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valitut elementit näytetään jokaisessa tuloksessa','Elements'=>'Elementit','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia','Post Type'=>'Artikkelityyppi','Filters'=>'Suodattimet','All taxonomies'=>'Kaikki taksonomiat','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Suodata taksonomian mukaan','All post types'=>'Kaikki artikkelityypit','Filter by Post Type'=>'Suodata tyypin mukaan','Search...'=>'Etsi...','Select taxonomy'=>'Valitse taksonomia','Select post type'=>'Valitse artikkelityyppi','No matches found'=>'Ei yhtään osumaa','Loading'=>'Ladataan','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksimiarvo saavutettu ( {max} artikkelia )','Relationship'=>'Suodata artikkeleita','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Erota pilkulla. Jätä tyhjäksi, jos haluat sallia kaikki tiedostyypit','Allowed File Types'=>'Sallitut tiedostotyypit','Maximum'=>'Maksimiarvo(t)','File size'=>'Tiedoston koko','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Määritä millaisia kuvia voidaan ladata','Minimum'=>'Minimiarvo(t)','Uploaded to post'=>'Vain tähän artikkeliin ladatut','All'=>'Kaikki','Limit the media library choice'=>'Rajoita valintaa mediakirjastosta','Library'=>'Kirjasto','Preview Size'=>'Esikatselukuvan koko','Image ID'=>'Kuvan ID','Image URL'=>'Kuvan URL','Image Array'=>'Kuva','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Määritä palautettu arvo front endiin','Return Value'=>'Palauta arvo','Add Image'=>'Lisää kuva','No image selected'=>'Ei kuvia valittu','Remove'=>'Poista','Edit'=>'Muokkaa','All images'=>'Kaikki kuvat','Update Image'=>'Päivitä kuva','Edit Image'=>'Muokkaa kuvaa','Select Image'=>'Valitse kuva','Image'=>'Kuva','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Salli HTML-muotoilun näkyminen tekstinä renderöinnin sijaan','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Ei muotoilua','Automatically add <br>'=>'Lisää automaattisesti <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Lisää automaattisesti kappale','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Määrittää kuinka uudet rivit muotoillaan','New Lines'=>'Uudet rivit','Week Starts On'=>'Viikon ensimmäinen päivä','The format used when saving a value'=>'Arvo tallennetaan tähän muotoon','Save Format'=>'Tallennusmuoto','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Vk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Edellinen','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seuraava','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Tänään','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Sulje','Date Picker'=>'Päivämäärävalitsin','Width'=>'Leveys','Embed Size'=>'Upotuksen koko','Enter URL'=>'Syötä URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta ei ole aktiivinen','Off Text'=>'Pois päältä -teksti','Text shown when active'=>'Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta on aktiivinen','On Text'=>'Päällä -teksti','Stylized UI'=>'Tyylikäs käyttöliittymä','Default Value'=>'Oletusarvo','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Näytä teksti valintaruudun rinnalla','Message'=>'Viesti','No'=>'Ei','Yes'=>'Kyllä','True / False'=>'”Tosi / Epätosi” -valinta','Row'=>'Rivi','Table'=>'Taulukko','Block'=>'Lohko','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään valittujen kenttien luomisessa','Layout'=>'Asettelu','Sub Fields'=>'Alakentät','Group'=>'Ryhmä','Customize the map height'=>'Kartan korkeuden mukauttaminen','Height'=>'Korkeus','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Aseta oletuszoomaus','Zoom'=>'Zoomaus','Center the initial map'=>'Kartan oletussijainti','Center'=>'Sijainti','Search for address...'=>'Etsi osoite...','Find current location'=>'Etsi nykyinen sijainti','Clear location'=>'Tyhjennä paikkatieto','Search'=>'Etsi','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Pahoittelut, tämä selain ei tue paikannusta','Google Map'=>'Google-kartta','The format returned via template functions'=>'Sivupohjan funktioiden palauttama päivämäärän muoto','Return Format'=>'Palautusmuoto','Custom:'=>'Mukautettu:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Päivämäärän muoto muokkausnäkymässä','Display Format'=>'Muokkausnäkymän muoto','Time Picker'=>'Kellonaikavalitsin','Inactive (%s)'=>'Poistettu käytöstä (%s)' . "\0" . 'Poistettu käytöstä (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Kenttiä ei löytynyt roskakorista','No Fields found'=>'Ei löytynyt kenttiä','Search Fields'=>'Etsi kenttiä','View Field'=>'Näytä kenttä','New Field'=>'Uusi kenttä','Edit Field'=>'Muokkaa kenttää','Add New Field'=>'Lisää uusi kenttä','Field'=>'Kenttä','Fields'=>'Kentät','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt roskakorista','No Field Groups found'=>'Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt','Search Field Groups'=>'Etsi kenttäryhmiä','View Field Group'=>'Katso kenttäryhmää','New Field Group'=>'Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä','Edit Field Group'=>'Muokkaa kenttäryhmää','Add New Field Group'=>'Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä','Add New'=>'Lisää uusi','Field Group'=>'Kenttäryhmä','Field Groups'=>'Kenttäryhmät','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Mukauta WordPressiä tehokkailla, ammattimaisilla ja intuitiivisilla kentillä.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'http://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Lohkotyypin nimi on pakollinen.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Lohkotyyppi "%s" on jo rekisteröity.','Switch to Edit'=>'Siirry muokkaamaan','Switch to Preview'=>'Siirry esikatseluun','Change content alignment'=>'Sisällön tasauksen muuttaminen','%s settings'=>'%s asetusta','Options Updated'=>'Asetukset päivitetty','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä lisenssiavaimesi Päivitykset -sivulle. Jos sinulla ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso tiedot ja hinnoittelu.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, mutta vanhan käyttöoikeuden poistamisessa tapahtui virhe','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, mutta aktivointipalvelimeen yhdistämisessä tapahtui virhe','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF käynnistysvirhe. Tapahtui virhe päivityspalvelimeen yhdistettäessä','Check Again'=>'Tarkista uudelleen','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF käynnistysvirhe. Ei voitu yhdistää käynnistyspalvelimeen','Publish'=>'Julkaistu','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Yhtään lisäkenttäryhmää ei löytynyt tälle asetussivulle. Luo lisäkenttäryhmä','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Virhe. Ei voitu yhdistää päivityspalvelimeen','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Virhe. Päivityspakettia ei voitu todentaa. Tarkista uudelleen tai poista käytöstä ACF PRO -lisenssi ja aktivoi se uudelleen.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Virhe. Lisenssisi on umpeutunut tai poistettu käytöstä. Aktivoi ACF PRO -lisenssisi uudelleen.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Valitse kentät, jotka haluat kopioida','Display'=>'Näytä','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään kloonikentän luomisessa','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Ryhmä (valitut kentät näytetään ryhmänä tämän klooni-kentän sisällä)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Saumaton (korvaa tämä klooni-kenttä valituilla kentillä)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Kentän nimiö näytetään seuraavassa muodossa: %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Kentän nimiön etuliite','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Arvot tallennetaan muodossa: %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Kentän nimen etuliite','Unknown field'=>'Tuntematon kenttä','Unknown field group'=>'Tuntematon kenttäryhmä','All fields from %s field group'=>'Kaikki kentät kenttäryhmästä %s','Add Row'=>'Lisää rivi','layout'=>'asettelu' . "\0" . 'asettelut','layouts'=>'asettelua','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Tämä kenttä vaatii vähintään {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Tämän kentän yläraja on {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} saatavilla (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} vaadittu (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Vaaditaan vähintään yksi asettelu','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klikkaa ”%s” -painiketta luodaksesi oman asettelun','Add layout'=>'Lisää asettelu','Duplicate layout'=>'Monista asettelu','Remove layout'=>'Poista asettelu','Click to toggle'=>'Piilota/Näytä','Delete Layout'=>'Poista asettelu','Duplicate Layout'=>'Monista asettelu','Add New Layout'=>'Lisää uusi asettelu','Add Layout'=>'Lisää asettelu','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Asetteluita vähintään','Maximum Layouts'=>'Asetteluita enintään','Button Label'=>'Painikkeen teksti','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s tyypin on oltava matriisi tai tyhjä.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelu.' . "\0" . '%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelua.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelu.' . "\0" . '%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelua.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Lisää kuva galleriaan','Maximum selection reached'=>'Et voi valita enempää kuvia','Length'=>'Pituus','Caption'=>'Kuvateksti','Alt Text'=>'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti','Add to gallery'=>'Lisää galleriaan','Bulk actions'=>'Massatoiminnot','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Lajittele latauksen päivämäärän mukaan','Sort by date modified'=>'Lajittele viimeisimmän muokkauksen päivämäärän mukaan','Sort by title'=>'Lajittele otsikon mukaan','Reverse current order'=>'Käännän nykyinen järjestys','Close'=>'Sulje','Minimum Selection'=>'Pienin määrä kuvia','Maximum Selection'=>'Suurin määrä kuvia','Allowed file types'=>'Sallitut tiedostotyypit','Insert'=>'Lisää','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Määritä mihin uudet liitteet lisätään','Append to the end'=>'Lisää loppuun','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Lisää alkuun','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Pienin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({min} riviä)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Suurin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({max} riviä)','Error loading page'=>'Virhe ladattaessa kenttää.','Rows Per Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Valitse taksonomia, joka näytetään','Minimum Rows'=>'Pienin määrä rivejä','Maximum Rows'=>'Suurin määrä rivejä','Collapsed'=>'Piilotettu','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Valitse alakenttä, joka näytetään, kun rivi on piilotettu','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Virheellinen kenttäryhmän tunnus.','Click to reorder'=>'Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla','Add row'=>'Lisää rivi','Duplicate row'=>'Monista rivi','Remove row'=>'Poista rivi','Current Page'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjä','First Page'=>'Etusivu','Previous Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s ei ole yksi näistä: %2$s','Next Page'=>'Etusivu','Last Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','No block types exist'=>'Lohkotyyppejä ei ole','No options pages exist'=>'Yhtään asetussivua ei ole olemassa','Deactivate License'=>'Poista lisenssi käytöstä','Activate License'=>'Aktivoi lisenssi','License Information'=>'Näytä lisenssitiedot','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä alle lisenssiavaimesi. Jos sinulla ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso tarkemmat tiedot ja hinnoittelu.','License Key'=>'Lisenssiavain','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Käyttöoikeusavain on määritelty wp-config.php:ssa.','Retry Activation'=>'Yritä aktivointia uudelleen','Update Information'=>'Päivitä tiedot','Current Version'=>'Nykyinen versio','Latest Version'=>'Uusin versio','Update Available'=>'Päivitys saatavilla','Upgrade Notice'=>'Päivitys Ilmoitus','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Syötä lisenssiavain saadaksesi päivityksiä','Update Plugin'=>'Päivitä lisäosa','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Aktivoi käyttöoikeus saadaksesi päivityksiä']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fi','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Uusi ACF PRO -lisenssi','Renew License'=>'Uusi lisenssi','Manage License'=>'Hallinnoi lisenssiä','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Korkeaa\' sijoittelua ei tueta lohkoeditorissa.','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Päivitä ACF PRO -versioon','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF asetussivut ovat mukautettuja pääkäyttäjäsivuja yleisten asetusten muuttamiseksi kenttien avulla. Voit luoda useita sivuja ja alisivuja.','Add Options Page'=>'Lisää Asetukset-sivu','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Käytetään editorissa otsikon paikanvaraajana.','Title Placeholder'=>'Otsikon paikanvaraaja','4 Months Free'=>'4 kuukautta maksutta','Select Options Pages'=>'Valitse asetussivut','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Monista taksonomia','Create taxonomy'=>'Luo taksonomia','Duplicate post type'=>'Monista sisältötyyppi','Create post type'=>'Luo sisältötyyppi','Link field groups'=>'Linkitä kenttäryhmä','Add fields'=>'Lisää kenttiä','This Field'=>'Tämä kenttä','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Palaute','Support'=>'Tuki','is developed and maintained by'=>'kehittää ja ylläpitää','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Aseta tämä %s valittujen kenttäryhmien sijaintiasetuksiin.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Kaksisuuntaisen asetuksen kytkeminen sallii sinun päivittää kohdekenttien arvon jokaiselle tässä kentässä valitulle arvolle, lisäten tai poistaen päivitettävän artikkelin, taksonomian tai käyttäjän ID tunnisteen. Tarkemmat tiedot luettavissa dokumentaatiossa.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Valitse kenttä (kentät) johon tallennetaan viite takaisin päivitettävään kohteeseen. Voit valita tämän kentän. Kohdekenttien tulee olla yhteensopivia kentän esityspaikan kanssa. Esimerkiksi jos tämä kenttä esitetään taksonomian yhteydessä, kentän tulee olla taksonomia-tyyppiä','Target Field'=>'Kohdekenttä','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Päivitä valittujen arvojen kenttä viittaamalla takaisin tähän tunnisteeseen','Bidirectional'=>'Kaksisuuntainen','%s Field'=>'%s kenttä','Select Multiple'=>'Valitse useita','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Vain pieniä kirjaimia, alaviivoja sekä väliviivoja. Enimmillään 32 merkkiä.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi termien lisäämiseksi tähän taksonomiaan.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Määritä termien käyttöoikeus','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi termien poistamiseksi tästä taksonomiasta.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Poista termin käyttöoikeus','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi taksonomian termien muokkaamiseksi.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Muokkaa termin käyttöoikeutta','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Käyttöoikeuden nimi taksonomian termien hallinnoimiseksi.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Hallitse termin käyttöoikeutta','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Määrittää piilotetaanko artikkelit hakutuloksista ja taksonomian arkistosivuilta.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Lisää työkaluja WP Engineltä','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Tehty niille jotka tekevät WordPressillä, %s tiimin toimesta','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Näytä hinnoittelu & päivitä','Learn More'=>'Lue lisää','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Nopeuta työnkulkuasi ja kehitä parempia verkkosivustoja ominaisuuksilla kuten ACF lohkot ja asetussivut, sekä kehittyneillä kenttätyypeillä kuten toistin, joustava sisältö, kloonaus sekä galleria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Avaa lisäominaisuudet ja luo vielä enemmän ACF PRO:n avulla','%s fields'=>'%s kentät','No terms'=>'Ei termejä','No post types'=>'Ei sisältötyyppejä','No posts'=>'Ei artikkeleita','No taxonomies'=>'Ei taksonomioita','No field groups'=>'Ei kenttäryhmiä','No fields'=>'Ei kenttiä','No description'=>'Ei kuvausta','Any post status'=>'Mikä tahansa artikkelin tila','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämän taksonomian avain on jo käytössä toisella taksonomialla ACF:n ulkopuolella, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämän taksonomian avain on jo käytössä toisella taksonomialla ACF:ssä, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Taksonomian avaimen tulee sisältää ainoastaan pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, alaviivoja tai väliviivoja.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Taksonomian avaimen tulee olla alle 20 merkkiä pitkä.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Roskakorista ei löytynyt taksonomioita','No Taxonomies found'=>'Taksonomioita ei löytynyt','Search Taxonomies'=>'Hae taksonomioita','View Taxonomy'=>'Näytä taksonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Uusi taksonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Muokkaa taksonomiaa','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Luo uusi taksonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Ei sisältötyyppejä roskakorissa','No Post Types found'=>'Sisältötyyppejä ei löytynyt','Search Post Types'=>'Etsi sisältötyyppejä','View Post Type'=>'Näytä sisältötyyppi','New Post Type'=>'Uusi sisältötyyppi','Edit Post Type'=>'Muokkaa sisältötyyppiä','Add New Post Type'=>'Lisää uusi sisältötyyppi','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämä sisältötyyppi on jo käytössä sisältötyypillä joka on rekisteröity ACF ulkopuolella, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Tämä sisältötyyppi on jo käytössä sisältötyypillä ACF:ssä, eikä sitä voida käyttää.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Tämän kentän ei tule olla WordPressin varattu termi.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Sisältötyypin avaimen tulee sisältää vain pieniä kirjaimia, numeroita, alaviivoja ja väliviivoja.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Sisältötyypin avaimen tulee olla alle 20 merkkiä pitkä.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Emme suosittele tämän kentän käyttämistä ACF-lohkoissa.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Näyttää WordPress WYSIWYG -editorin kuten artikkeleissa ja sivuilla, mahdollistaen monipuolisemman tekstin muokkauskokemuksen, joka mahdollistaa myös multimediasisällön.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG-editori','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Sallii yhden tai useamman käyttäjän valitsemisen tieto-objektien välisten suhteiden luomiseksi.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Tekstikenttä erityisesti verkko-osoitteiden tallentamiseksi.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Kytkin joka sallii 1 tai 0 arvon valitsemisen (päälle tai pois, tosi tai epätosi, jne.). Voidaan esittää tyyliteltynä kytkimenä tai valintaruutuna.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttölittymä ajan valitsemiseen. Aikamuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Yksinkertainen tekstialue tekstikappaleiden tallentamiseen.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Yksinkertainen tekstikenttä, hyödyllinen yksittäisten merkkijonojen arvojen tallentamiseen.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Mahdollistaa yhden tai useamman taksonomiatermin valitsemisen kentän asetuksissa asetettujen kriteerien ja asetusten perusteella.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Mahdollistaa kenttien ryhmittelemisen välilehdillä erotettuihin osioihin muokkausnäkymässä. Hyödyllinen kenttien pitämiseen järjestyksessä ja jäsenneltynä.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Pudotusvalikko joka listaa määrittelemäsi vaihtoehdot.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Kenttä numeroarvon valitsemiseksi määritetyllä asteikolla hyödyntäen liukuvalitsinelementtiä.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Ryhmä valintanappisyötteitä, joiden avulla käyttäjä voi tehdä yksittäisen valinnan määrittämistäsi arvoista.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Interaktiivinen ja mukautettava käyttöliittymä yhden tai useamman artikkelin, sivun tai artikkelityyppikohteen valitsemiseksi, hakumahdollisuudella. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Kenttä salasanan antamiseen peitetyn kentän avulla.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Suodata artikkelin tilan mukaan','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Numeroarvoihin rajoitettu kenttä.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Käytetään viestin esittämiseksi muiden kenttien rinnalla. Kätevä lisäkontekstin tai -ohjeiden tarjoamiseen kenttien ympärillä.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Sallii linkin ja sen ominaisuuksien, kuten otsikon ja kohteen, määrittämisen hyödyntäen WordPressin omaa linkinvalitsinta.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Käyttää WordPressin omaa mediavalitsinta kuvien lisäämisen tai valitsemiseen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Antaa tavan jäsentää kenttiä ryhmiin tietojen ja muokkausnäkymän järjestämiseksi paremmin.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä sijainnin lisäämiseksi Google Maps:in avulla. Vaatii Google Maps API -avaimen sekä lisämäärityksiä näkyäkseen oikein.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Käyttää WordPressin omaa mediavalitsinta tiedostojen lisäämiseen ja valitsemiseen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Tekstikenttä erityisesti sähköpostiosoitteiden tallentamiseksi.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä päivämäärän ja kellonajan valitsemiseen. Päivämäärän palautusmuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä päivämäärän valitsemiseen. Päivämäärän palautusmuotoa voidaan muokata kentän asetuksissa.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Interaktiivinen käyttöliittymä värin valitsemiseksi, tai hex-arvon määrittämiseksi.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Joukko valintaruutuja jotka sallivat käyttäjän valita yhden tai useamman määrittämistäsi arvoista.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Joukko painikkeita joiden arvot määrität. Käyttäjät voivat valita yhden määrittämistäsi arvoista.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Mahdollistaa lisäkenttien järjestelemisen suljettaviin paneeleihin jotka esitetään sisällön muokkaamisen yhteydessä. Kätevä suurten tietojoukkojen siistinä pitämiseen.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Tarjoaa ratkaisun toistuvan sisällön kuten diojen, tiimin jäsenten, tai toimintakehotekorttien toistamiseen. Toimii ylätasona alakentille, jotka voidaan toistaa uudestaan ja uudestaan.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Tarjoaa interaktiivisen käyttöliittymän liitekokoelman hallintaan. Useimmat asetukset ovat samanlaisia kuin kuvakenttätyypillä. Lisäasetukset mahdollistavat uusien liitteiden sijoituspaikan määrittämiseen galleriassa, sekä sallitun minimi- ja maksimiliitemäärien asettamiseksi.','nounClone'=>'Klooni','Updates'=>'Päivitykset','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields PRO -lisäosan automaattisesti.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosan automaattisesti.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Olemme havainneet yhden tai useamman kutsun ACF-kenttäarvojen noutamiseksi ennen ACF:n alustamista. Tätä ei tueta ja se voi johtaa väärin muotoiltuihin tai puuttuviin tietoihin. Lue lisää tämän korjaamisesta.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä roolilla %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä jollakin näistä rooleista: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen käyttäjätunnus.','Invalid request.'=>'Virheellinen pyyntö.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s ei ole yksi näistä: %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s:lla pitää olla termi %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s:lla pitää olla jokin seuraavista termeistä: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s pitää olla artikkelityyppiä %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s pitää olla joku seuraavista artikkelityypeistä: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen artikkelitunnus (post ID).','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s edellyttää kelvollista liitetunnusta (ID).','Show in REST API'=>'Näytä REST API:ssa','Enable Transparency'=>'Ota läpinäkyvyys käyttöön','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA-taulukko','RGBA String'=>'RGBA-merkkijono','Hex String'=>'Heksamerkkijono','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Päivitä Pro-versioon','post statusActive'=>'Käytössä','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' ei ole kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite','Color value'=>'Väriarvo','Select default color'=>'Valitse oletusväri','Clear color'=>'Tyhjennä väri','Blocks'=>'Lohkot','Options'=>'Asetukset','Users'=>'Käyttäjät','Menu items'=>'Valikkokohteet','Widgets'=>'Vimpaimet','Attachments'=>'Liitteet','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomiat','Posts'=>'Artikkelit','Last updated: %s'=>'Päivitetty viimeksi: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Tämä kenttäryhmä ei valitettavasti ole käytettävissä diff-vertailua varten.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Virheelliset kenttäryhmän parametrit.','Awaiting save'=>'Odottaa tallentamista','Saved'=>'Tallennettu','Import'=>'Tuo','Review changes'=>'Tarkista muutokset','Located in: %s'=>'Sijaitsee: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Lisäosalla: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Teemalla: %s','Various'=>'Sekalaisia','Sync changes'=>'Synkronoi muutokset','Loading diff'=>'Ladataan diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Tarkista paikalliset JSON-muutokset','Visit website'=>'Siirry verkkosivuille','View details'=>'Näytä tarkemmat tiedot','Version %s'=>'Versio %s','Information'=>'Tiedot','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Tukipalvelu. Tukipalvelumme ammattilaiset auttavat syvällisemmissä teknisissä haasteissasi.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Keskustelut. Yhteisöfoorumeillamme on aktiivinen ja ystävällinen yhteisö, joka voi ehkä auttaa sinua selvittämään ACF-maailman ihmeellisyyksiä.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentaatio. Laaja dokumentaatiomme sisältää viittauksia ja oppaita useimpiin kohtaamiisi tilanteisiin.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Olemme fanaattisia tuen suhteen ja haluamme, että saat kaiken mahdollisen irti verkkosivustostasi ACF:n avulla. Jos kohtaat ongelmia, apua löytyy useista paikoista:','Help & Support'=>'Ohjeet & tukipalvelut','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Ota yhteyttä Ohjeet & tukipalvelut -välilehdessä, jos huomaat tarvitsevasi apua.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Ennen kuin luot ensimmäisen kenttäryhmäsi, suosittelemme lukemaan aloitusoppaamme, jossa tutustutaan lisäosan filosofiaan ja parhaisiin käytäntöihin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosa tarjoaa visuaalisen lomaketyökalun WordPressin muokkausnäyttöjen mukauttamiseksi ylimääräisillä kentillä ja intuitiivisen API:n mukautettujen kenttäarvojen näyttämiseksi missä tahansa teeman mallitiedostossa.','Overview'=>'Yleiskatsaus','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Sijaintityyppi "%s" on jo rekisteröity.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Luokkaa "%s" ei ole.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Virheellinen nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Virhe ladattaessa kenttää.','Location not found: %s'=>'Sijaintia ei löytynyt: %s','Error: %s'=>'Virhe: %s','Widget'=>'Vimpain','User Role'=>'Käyttäjän rooli','Comment'=>'Kommentti','Post Format'=>'Artikkelin muoto','Menu Item'=>'Valikkokohde','Post Status'=>'Artikkelin tila','Menus'=>'Valikot','Menu Locations'=>'Valikkosijainnit','Menu'=>'Valikko','Post Taxonomy'=>'Artikkelin taksonomia','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Lapsisivu (sivu, jolla on vanhempi)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Vanhempi sivu (sivu, jolla on alasivuja)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Ylätason sivu (sivu, jolla ei ole vanhempia)','Posts Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','Front Page'=>'Etusivu','Page Type'=>'Sivun tyyppi','Viewing back end'=>'Käyttää back endiä','Viewing front end'=>'Käyttää front endiä','Logged in'=>'Kirjautunut sisään','Current User'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjä','Page Template'=>'Sivupohja','Register'=>'Rekisteröi','Add / Edit'=>'Lisää / Muokkaa','User Form'=>'Käyttäjälomake','Page Parent'=>'Sivun vanhempi','Super Admin'=>'Super pääkäyttäjä','Current User Role'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjärooli','Default Template'=>'Oletus sivupohja','Post Template'=>'Sivupohja','Post Category'=>'Artikkelin kategoria','All %s formats'=>'Kaikki %s muodot','Attachment'=>'Liite','%s value is required'=>'%s arvo on pakollinen','Show this field if'=>'Näytä tämä kenttä, jos','Conditional Logic'=>'Ehdollinen logiikka','and'=>'ja','Local JSON'=>'Paikallinen JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Varmista myös, että kaikki premium-lisäosat (%s) on päivitetty uusimpaan versioon.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Tämä versio sisältää parannuksia tietokantaan ja edellyttää päivitystä.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Kiitos päivityksestä: %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Tietokanta on päivitettävä','Options Page'=>'Asetukset-sivu','Gallery'=>'Galleria','Flexible Content'=>'Joustava sisältö','Repeater'=>'Toista rivejä','Back to all tools'=>'Takaisin kaikkiin työkaluihin','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Jos muokkausnäkymässä on useita kenttäryhmiä, käytetään ensimmäisen (pienin järjestysnumero) kenttäryhmän asetuksia','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Valitse kohteita piilottaaksesi ne muokkausnäkymästä.','Hide on screen'=>'Piilota näytöltä','Send Trackbacks'=>'Lähetä paluuviitteet','Tags'=>'Avainsanat','Categories'=>'Kategoriat','Page Attributes'=>'Sivun attribuutit','Format'=>'Muoto','Author'=>'Kirjoittaja','Slug'=>'Polkutunnus (slug)','Revisions'=>'Tarkastettu','Comments'=>'Kommentit','Discussion'=>'Keskustelu','Excerpt'=>'Katkelma','Content Editor'=>'Sisältöeditori','Permalink'=>'Kestolinkki','Shown in field group list'=>'Näytetään kenttäryhmien listauksessa','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Kenttäryhmät, joilla on pienempi järjestysnumero, tulostetaan ensimmäisenä','Order No.'=>'Järjestysnro.','Below fields'=>'Tasaa kentän alapuolelle','Below labels'=>'Tasaa nimiön alapuolelle','Instruction Placement'=>'Ohjeen sijainti','Label Placement'=>'Nimiön sijainti','Side'=>'Reuna','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaali (sisällön jälkeen)','High (after title)'=>'Korkea (otsikon jälkeen)','Position'=>'Sijainti','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Saumaton (ei metalaatikkoa)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standardi (WP-metalaatikko)','Style'=>'Tyyli','Type'=>'Tyyppi','Key'=>'Avain','Order'=>'Järjestys','Close Field'=>'Sulje kenttä','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'leveys','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Kääreen määritteet','Required'=>'Pakollinen?','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Ohjeet kirjoittajille. Näytetään tietojen lähettämisen yhteydessä','Instructions'=>'Ohjeet','Field Type'=>'Kenttätyyppi','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Yksi sana, ei välilyöntejä. Alaviivat ja ajatusviivat sallitaan','Field Name'=>'Kentän nimi','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Tätä nimeä käytetään MUOKKAA-sivulla','Field Label'=>'Kentän nimiö','Delete'=>'Poista','Delete field'=>'Poista kenttä','Move'=>'Siirrä','Move field to another group'=>'Siirrä kenttä toiseen ryhmään','Duplicate field'=>'Monista kenttä','Edit field'=>'Muokkaa kenttää','Drag to reorder'=>'Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla','Show this field group if'=>'Näytä tämä kenttäryhmä, jos','No updates available.'=>'Päivityksiä ei ole saatavilla.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Tietokannan päivitys on valmis. Katso mikä on uutta','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Luetaan päivitystehtäviä...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Päivitys epäonnistui.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Päivitys valmis.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Päivitetään data versioon %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Tietokannan varmuuskopio on erittäin suositeltavaa ennen kuin jatkat. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa päivitystä nyt?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Valitse vähintään yksi päivitettävä sivusto.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Tietokanta on päivitetty. Palaa verkon hallinnan ohjausnäkymään','Site is up to date'=>'Sivusto on ajan tasalla','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Sivusto edellyttää tietokannan päivityksen (%1$s -> %2$s)','Site'=>'Sivusto','Upgrade Sites'=>'Päivitä sivustot','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Seuraavat sivustot vaativat tietokantapäivityksen. Valitse ne, jotka haluat päivittää ja klikkaa %s.','Add rule group'=>'Lisää sääntöryhmä','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Tästä voit määrittää, missä muokkausnäkymässä tämä kenttäryhmä näytetään','Rules'=>'Säännöt','Copied'=>'Kopioitu','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopioi leikepöydälle','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Valitse kenttäryhmät, jotka haluat viedä ja valitse sitten vientimetodisi. Käytä Lataa-painiketta viedäksesi .json-tiedoston, jonka voit sitten tuoda toisessa ACF asennuksessa. Käytä Generoi-painiketta luodaksesi PHP koodia, jonka voit sijoittaa teemaasi.','Select Field Groups'=>'Valitse kenttäryhmät','No field groups selected'=>'Ei kenttäryhmää valittu','Generate PHP'=>'Luo PHP-koodi','Export Field Groups'=>'Vie kenttäryhmiä','Import file empty'=>'Tuotu tiedosto on tyhjä','Incorrect file type'=>'Virheellinen tiedostomuoto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Virhe tiedostoa ladattaessa. Yritä uudelleen','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Valitse JSON-tiedosto, jonka haluat tuoda. Kenttäryhmät tuodaan, kun klikkaat Tuo-painiketta.','Import Field Groups'=>'Tuo kenttäryhmiä','Sync'=>'Synkronointi','Select %s'=>'Valitse %s','Duplicate'=>'Monista','Duplicate this item'=>'Monista tämä kohde','Description'=>'Kuvaus','Sync available'=>'Synkronointi saatavissa','Field group synchronized.'=>'Kenttäryhmä synkronoitu.' . "\0" . '%s kenttäryhmää synkronoitu.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Kenttäryhmä monistettu.' . "\0" . '%s kenttäryhmää monistettu.','Active (%s)'=>'Käytössä (%s)' . "\0" . 'Käytössä (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Tarkastele sivuja & päivitä','Upgrade Database'=>'Päivitä tietokanta','Custom Fields'=>'Lisäkentät','Move Field'=>'Siirrä kenttä','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Valitse kohde kentälle','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Kenttä %1$s löytyy nyt kenttäryhmästä %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Siirto valmis.','Active'=>'Käytössä','Field Keys'=>'Kenttäavaimet','Settings'=>'Asetukset','Location'=>'Sijainti','Null'=>'Tyhjä','copy'=>'kopio','(this field)'=>'(tämä kenttä)','Checked'=>'Valittu','Move Custom Field'=>'Siirrä muokattua kenttää','No toggle fields available'=>'Ei vaihtokenttiä saatavilla','Field group title is required'=>'Kenttäryhmän otsikko on pakollinen','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Tätä kenttää ei voi siirtää ennen kuin muutokset on talletettu','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Merkkijonoa "field_" ei saa käyttää kentän nimen alussa','Field group draft updated.'=>'Luonnos kenttäryhmästä päivitetty.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Kenttäryhmä ajoitettu.','Field group submitted.'=>'Kenttäryhmä lähetetty.','Field group saved.'=>'Kenttäryhmä tallennettu.','Field group published.'=>'Kenttäryhmä julkaistu.','Field group deleted.'=>'Kenttäryhmä poistettu.','Field group updated.'=>'Kenttäryhmä päivitetty.','Tools'=>'Työkalut','is not equal to'=>'ei ole sama kuin','is equal to'=>'on sama kuin','Forms'=>'Lomakkeet','Page'=>'Sivu','Post'=>'Artikkeli','Relational'=>'Relationaalinen','Choice'=>'Valintakentät','Basic'=>'Perus','Unknown'=>'Tuntematon','Field type does not exist'=>'Kenttätyyppi ei ole olemassa','Spam Detected'=>'Roskapostia havaittu','Post updated'=>'Artikkeli päivitetty','Update'=>'Päivitä','Validate Email'=>'Validoi sähköposti','Content'=>'Sisältö','Title'=>'Otsikko','Edit field group'=>'Muokkaa kenttäryhmää','Selection is less than'=>'Valinta on pienempi kuin','Selection is greater than'=>'Valinta on suurempi kuin','Value is less than'=>'Arvo on pienempi kuin','Value is greater than'=>'Arvo on suurempi kuin','Value contains'=>'Arvo sisältää','Value matches pattern'=>'Arvo vastaa kaavaa','Value is not equal to'=>'Arvo ei ole sama kuin','Value is equal to'=>'Arvo on sama kuin','Has no value'=>'Ei ole arvoa','Has any value'=>'On mitään arvoa','Cancel'=>'Peruuta','Are you sure?'=>'Oletko varma?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d kenttää vaativat huomiota','1 field requires attention'=>'Yksi kenttä vaatii huomiota','Validation failed'=>'Lisäkentän validointi epäonnistui','Validation successful'=>'Kenttäryhmän validointi onnistui','Restricted'=>'Rajoitettu','Collapse Details'=>'Vähemmän tietoja','Expand Details'=>'Enemmän tietoja','Uploaded to this post'=>'Tähän kenttäryhmään ladatut kuvat','verbUpdate'=>'Päivitä','verbEdit'=>'Muokkaa','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Tekemäsi muutokset menetetään, jos siirryt pois tältä sivulta','File type must be %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko täytyy olla %s.','or'=>'tai','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko ei saa ylittää %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Tiedoston koko täytyy olla vähintään %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Kuvan korkeus ei saa ylittää %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Kuvan korkeus täytyy olla vähintään %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Kuvan leveys ei saa ylittää %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Kuvan leveys täytyy olla vähintään %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(ei otsikkoa)','Full Size'=>'Täysikokoinen','Large'=>'Iso','Medium'=>'Keskikokoinen','Thumbnail'=>'Pienoiskuva','(no label)'=>'(ei nimiötä)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Aseta tekstialueen koko','Rows'=>'Rivit','Text Area'=>'Tekstialue','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Näytetäänkö ”Valitse kaikki” -valintaruutu','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Tallenna \'Muu’-kentän arvo kentän valinta vaihtoehdoksi tulevaisuudessa','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Salli käyttäjän syöttää omia arvojaan','Add new choice'=>'Lisää uusi valinta','Toggle All'=>'Valitse kaikki','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Salli arkistojen URL-osoitteita','Archives'=>'Arkistot','Page Link'=>'Sivun URL','Add'=>'Lisää','Name'=>'Nimi','%s added'=>'%s lisättiin','%s already exists'=>'%s on jo olemassa','User unable to add new %s'=>'Käyttäjä ei voi lisätä uutta %s','Term ID'=>'Ehdon ID','Term Object'=>'Ehto','Load value from posts terms'=>'Lataa arvo artikkelin ehdoista','Load Terms'=>'Lataa ehdot','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Yhdistä valitut ehdot artikkeliin','Save Terms'=>'Tallenna ehdot','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Salli uusien ehtojen luominen samalla kun muokataan','Create Terms'=>'Uusien ehtojen luominen','Radio Buttons'=>'Valintanappi','Single Value'=>'Yksi arvo','Multi Select'=>'Valitse useita','Checkbox'=>'Valintaruutu','Multiple Values'=>'Useita arvoja','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Valitse ulkoasu tälle kenttälle','Appearance'=>'Ulkoasu','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Valitse taksonomia, joka näytetään','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ei %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Arvon täytyy olla sama tai pienempi kuin %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Arvon täytyy olla sama tai suurempi kuin %d','Value must be a number'=>'Arvon täytyy olla numero','Number'=>'Numero','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Tallenna \'muu\'-kentän arvo kentän valinnaksi','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Lisää \'muu\' vaihtoehto salliaksesi mukautettuja arvoja','Other'=>'Muu','Radio Button'=>'Valintanappi','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Määritä päätepiste aiemmalle haitarille. Tämä haitari ei tule näkyviin.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Salli tämän haitarin avautua sulkematta muita.','Multi-Expand'=>'Avaa useita','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Näytä tämä haitari avoimena sivun latautuessa.','Open'=>'Avoinna','Accordion'=>'Haitari (Accordion)','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Määritä tiedoston koko','File ID'=>'Tiedoston ID','File URL'=>'Tiedoston URL','File Array'=>'Tiedosto','Add File'=>'Lisää tiedosto','No file selected'=>'Ei valittua tiedostoa','File name'=>'Tiedoston nimi','Update File'=>'Päivitä tiedosto','Edit File'=>'Muokkaa tiedostoa','Select File'=>'Valitse tiedosto','File'=>'Tiedosto','Password'=>'Salasana','Specify the value returned'=>'Määritä palautetun arvon muoto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Haluatko ladata valinnat laiskasti (käyttää AJAXia)?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Syötä jokainen oletusarvo uudelle riville','verbSelect'=>'Valitse','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Lataus epäonnistui','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Etsii…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Lataa lisää tuloksia …','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Voit valita vain %d kohdetta','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Voit valita vain yhden kohteen','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Poista %d merkkiä','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Poista 1 merkki','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Kirjoita %d tai useampi merkkiä','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Kirjoita yksi tai useampi merkki','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Osumia ei löytynyt','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d tulosta on saatavilla. Voit navigoida tuloksian välillä käyttämällä ”ylös” ja ”alas” -näppäimiä.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Yksi tulos on saatavilla. Valitse se painamalla enter-näppäintä.','nounSelect'=>'Valintalista','User ID'=>'Käyttäjätunnus','User Object'=>'Käyttäjäobjekti','User Array'=>'Käyttäjätaulukko','All user roles'=>'Kaikki käyttäjäroolit','Filter by Role'=>'Suodata roolin mukaan','User'=>'Käyttäjä','Separator'=>'Erotusmerkki','Select Color'=>'Valitse väri','Default'=>'Oletus','Clear'=>'Tyhjennä','Color Picker'=>'Värinvalitsin','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Valitse','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Sulje','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nyt','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Aikavyöhyke','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunti','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekunti','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunti','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuutti','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Tunti','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Aika','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Valitse aika','Date Time Picker'=>'Päivämäärä- ja kellonaikavalitsin','Endpoint'=>'Päätepiste','Left aligned'=>'Tasaa vasemmalle','Top aligned'=>'Tasaa ylös','Placement'=>'Sijainti','Tab'=>'Välilehti','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Arvon täytyy olla validi URL','Link URL'=>'Linkin URL-osoite','Link Array'=>'Linkkitaulukko (array)','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Avaa uuteen ikkunaan/välilehteen','Select Link'=>'Valitse linkki','Link'=>'Linkki','Email'=>'Sähköposti','Step Size'=>'Askelluksen koko','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimiarvo','Minimum Value'=>'Minimiarvo','Range'=>'Liukusäädin','Both (Array)'=>'Molemmat (palautusmuoto on tällöin taulukko)','Label'=>'Nimiö','Value'=>'Arvo','Vertical'=>'Pystysuuntainen','Horizontal'=>'Vaakasuuntainen','red : Red'=>'koira_istuu : Koira istuu','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Halutessasi voit määrittää sekä arvon että nimiön tähän tapaan:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Syötä jokainen valinta uudelle riville.','Choices'=>'Valinnat','Button Group'=>'Painikeryhmä','Allow Null'=>'Salli tyhjä?','Parent'=>'Vanhempi','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE:tä ei alusteta ennen kuin kenttää napsautetaan','Delay Initialization'=>'Viivytä alustusta?','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Näytä Lisää media -painike?','Toolbar'=>'Työkalupalkki','Text Only'=>'Vain teksti','Visual Only'=>'Vain graafinen','Visual & Text'=>'Graafinen ja teksti','Tabs'=>'Välilehdet','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klikkaa ottaaksesi käyttöön graafisen editorin','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Teksti','Visual'=>'Graafinen','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Arvo ei saa olla suurempi kuin %d merkkiä','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Jos et halua rajoittaa, jätä tyhjäksi','Character Limit'=>'Merkkirajoitus','Appears after the input'=>'Näkyy input-kentän jälkeen','Append'=>'Loppuliite','Appears before the input'=>'Näkyy ennen input-kenttää','Prepend'=>'Etuliite','Appears within the input'=>'Näkyy input-kentän sisällä','Placeholder Text'=>'Täyteteksti','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Kentän oletusarvo','Text'=>'Teksti','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valinnan' . "\0" . '%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valintaa','Post ID'=>'Artikkelin ID','Post Object'=>'Artikkeliolio','Maximum Posts'=>'Maksimimäärä artikkeleita','Minimum Posts'=>'Vähimmäismäärä artikkeleita','Featured Image'=>'Artikkelikuva','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valitut elementit näytetään jokaisessa tuloksessa','Elements'=>'Elementit','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia','Post Type'=>'Artikkelityyppi','Filters'=>'Suodattimet','All taxonomies'=>'Kaikki taksonomiat','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Suodata taksonomian mukaan','All post types'=>'Kaikki artikkelityypit','Filter by Post Type'=>'Suodata tyypin mukaan','Search...'=>'Etsi...','Select taxonomy'=>'Valitse taksonomia','Select post type'=>'Valitse artikkelityyppi','No matches found'=>'Ei yhtään osumaa','Loading'=>'Ladataan','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksimiarvo saavutettu ( {max} artikkelia )','Relationship'=>'Suodata artikkeleita','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Erota pilkulla. Jätä tyhjäksi, jos haluat sallia kaikki tiedostyypit','Allowed File Types'=>'Sallitut tiedostotyypit','Maximum'=>'Maksimiarvo(t)','File size'=>'Tiedoston koko','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Määritä millaisia kuvia voidaan ladata','Minimum'=>'Minimiarvo(t)','Uploaded to post'=>'Vain tähän artikkeliin ladatut','All'=>'Kaikki','Limit the media library choice'=>'Rajoita valintaa mediakirjastosta','Library'=>'Kirjasto','Preview Size'=>'Esikatselukuvan koko','Image ID'=>'Kuvan ID','Image URL'=>'Kuvan URL','Image Array'=>'Kuva','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Määritä palautettu arvo front endiin','Return Value'=>'Palauta arvo','Add Image'=>'Lisää kuva','No image selected'=>'Ei kuvia valittu','Remove'=>'Poista','Edit'=>'Muokkaa','All images'=>'Kaikki kuvat','Update Image'=>'Päivitä kuva','Edit Image'=>'Muokkaa kuvaa','Select Image'=>'Valitse kuva','Image'=>'Kuva','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Salli HTML-muotoilun näkyminen tekstinä renderöinnin sijaan','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Ei muotoilua','Automatically add <br>'=>'Lisää automaattisesti <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Lisää automaattisesti kappale','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Määrittää kuinka uudet rivit muotoillaan','New Lines'=>'Uudet rivit','Week Starts On'=>'Viikon ensimmäinen päivä','The format used when saving a value'=>'Arvo tallennetaan tähän muotoon','Save Format'=>'Tallennusmuoto','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Vk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Edellinen','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seuraava','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Tänään','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Sulje','Date Picker'=>'Päivämäärävalitsin','Width'=>'Leveys','Embed Size'=>'Upotuksen koko','Enter URL'=>'Syötä URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta ei ole aktiivinen','Off Text'=>'Pois päältä -teksti','Text shown when active'=>'Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta on aktiivinen','On Text'=>'Päällä -teksti','Stylized UI'=>'Tyylikäs käyttöliittymä','Default Value'=>'Oletusarvo','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Näytä teksti valintaruudun rinnalla','Message'=>'Viesti','No'=>'Ei','Yes'=>'Kyllä','True / False'=>'”Tosi / Epätosi” -valinta','Row'=>'Rivi','Table'=>'Taulukko','Block'=>'Lohko','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään valittujen kenttien luomisessa','Layout'=>'Asettelu','Sub Fields'=>'Alakentät','Group'=>'Ryhmä','Customize the map height'=>'Kartan korkeuden mukauttaminen','Height'=>'Korkeus','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Aseta oletuszoomaus','Zoom'=>'Zoomaus','Center the initial map'=>'Kartan oletussijainti','Center'=>'Sijainti','Search for address...'=>'Etsi osoite...','Find current location'=>'Etsi nykyinen sijainti','Clear location'=>'Tyhjennä paikkatieto','Search'=>'Etsi','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Pahoittelut, tämä selain ei tue paikannusta','Google Map'=>'Google-kartta','The format returned via template functions'=>'Sivupohjan funktioiden palauttama päivämäärän muoto','Return Format'=>'Palautusmuoto','Custom:'=>'Mukautettu:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Päivämäärän muoto muokkausnäkymässä','Display Format'=>'Muokkausnäkymän muoto','Time Picker'=>'Kellonaikavalitsin','Inactive (%s)'=>'Poistettu käytöstä (%s)' . "\0" . 'Poistettu käytöstä (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Kenttiä ei löytynyt roskakorista','No Fields found'=>'Ei löytynyt kenttiä','Search Fields'=>'Etsi kenttiä','View Field'=>'Näytä kenttä','New Field'=>'Uusi kenttä','Edit Field'=>'Muokkaa kenttää','Add New Field'=>'Lisää uusi kenttä','Field'=>'Kenttä','Fields'=>'Kentät','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt roskakorista','No Field Groups found'=>'Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt','Search Field Groups'=>'Etsi kenttäryhmiä','View Field Group'=>'Katso kenttäryhmää','New Field Group'=>'Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä','Edit Field Group'=>'Muokkaa kenttäryhmää','Add New Field Group'=>'Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä','Add New'=>'Lisää uusi','Field Group'=>'Kenttäryhmä','Field Groups'=>'Kenttäryhmät','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Mukauta WordPressiä tehokkailla, ammattimaisilla ja intuitiivisilla kentillä.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'http://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Lohkotyypin nimi on pakollinen.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Lohkotyyppi "%s" on jo rekisteröity.','Switch to Edit'=>'Siirry muokkaamaan','Switch to Preview'=>'Siirry esikatseluun','Change content alignment'=>'Sisällön tasauksen muuttaminen','%s settings'=>'%s asetusta','Options Updated'=>'Asetukset päivitetty','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä lisenssiavaimesi Päivitykset -sivulle. Jos sinulla ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso tiedot ja hinnoittelu.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, mutta vanhan käyttöoikeuden poistamisessa tapahtui virhe','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, mutta aktivointipalvelimeen yhdistämisessä tapahtui virhe','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF:n aktivointivirhe','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF käynnistysvirhe. Tapahtui virhe päivityspalvelimeen yhdistettäessä','Check Again'=>'Tarkista uudelleen','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF käynnistysvirhe. Ei voitu yhdistää käynnistyspalvelimeen','Publish'=>'Julkaistu','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Yhtään lisäkenttäryhmää ei löytynyt tälle asetussivulle. Luo lisäkenttäryhmä','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Virhe. Ei voitu yhdistää päivityspalvelimeen','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Virhe. Päivityspakettia ei voitu todentaa. Tarkista uudelleen tai poista käytöstä ACF PRO -lisenssi ja aktivoi se uudelleen.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Virhe. Lisenssisi on umpeutunut tai poistettu käytöstä. Aktivoi ACF PRO -lisenssisi uudelleen.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Valitse kentät, jotka haluat kopioida','Display'=>'Näytä','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään kloonikentän luomisessa','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Ryhmä (valitut kentät näytetään ryhmänä tämän klooni-kentän sisällä)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Saumaton (korvaa tämä klooni-kenttä valituilla kentillä)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Kentän nimiö näytetään seuraavassa muodossa: %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Kentän nimiön etuliite','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Arvot tallennetaan muodossa: %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Kentän nimen etuliite','Unknown field'=>'Tuntematon kenttä','Unknown field group'=>'Tuntematon kenttäryhmä','All fields from %s field group'=>'Kaikki kentät kenttäryhmästä %s','Add Row'=>'Lisää rivi','layout'=>'asettelu' . "\0" . 'asettelut','layouts'=>'asettelua','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Tämä kenttä vaatii vähintään {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Tämän kentän yläraja on {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} saatavilla (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} vaadittu (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Vaaditaan vähintään yksi asettelu','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klikkaa ”%s” -painiketta luodaksesi oman asettelun','Add layout'=>'Lisää asettelu','Duplicate layout'=>'Monista asettelu','Remove layout'=>'Poista asettelu','Click to toggle'=>'Piilota/Näytä','Delete Layout'=>'Poista asettelu','Duplicate Layout'=>'Monista asettelu','Add New Layout'=>'Lisää uusi asettelu','Add Layout'=>'Lisää asettelu','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Asetteluita vähintään','Maximum Layouts'=>'Asetteluita enintään','Button Label'=>'Painikkeen teksti','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s tyypin on oltava matriisi tai tyhjä.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelu.' . "\0" . '%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelua.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelu.' . "\0" . '%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelua.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Lisää kuva galleriaan','Maximum selection reached'=>'Et voi valita enempää kuvia','Length'=>'Pituus','Caption'=>'Kuvateksti','Alt Text'=>'Vaihtoehtoinen teksti','Add to gallery'=>'Lisää galleriaan','Bulk actions'=>'Massatoiminnot','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Lajittele latauksen päivämäärän mukaan','Sort by date modified'=>'Lajittele viimeisimmän muokkauksen päivämäärän mukaan','Sort by title'=>'Lajittele otsikon mukaan','Reverse current order'=>'Käännän nykyinen järjestys','Close'=>'Sulje','Minimum Selection'=>'Pienin määrä kuvia','Maximum Selection'=>'Suurin määrä kuvia','Allowed file types'=>'Sallitut tiedostotyypit','Insert'=>'Lisää','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Määritä mihin uudet liitteet lisätään','Append to the end'=>'Lisää loppuun','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Lisää alkuun','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Pienin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({min} riviä)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Suurin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({max} riviä)','Error loading page'=>'Virhe ladattaessa kenttää.','Rows Per Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Valitse taksonomia, joka näytetään','Minimum Rows'=>'Pienin määrä rivejä','Maximum Rows'=>'Suurin määrä rivejä','Collapsed'=>'Piilotettu','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Valitse alakenttä, joka näytetään, kun rivi on piilotettu','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Virheellinen kenttäryhmän tunnus.','Click to reorder'=>'Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla','Add row'=>'Lisää rivi','Duplicate row'=>'Monista rivi','Remove row'=>'Poista rivi','Current Page'=>'Nykyinen käyttäjä','First Page'=>'Etusivu','Previous Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s ei ole yksi näistä: %2$s','Next Page'=>'Etusivu','Last Page'=>'Artikkelit -sivu','No block types exist'=>'Lohkotyyppejä ei ole','No options pages exist'=>'Yhtään asetussivua ei ole olemassa','Deactivate License'=>'Poista lisenssi käytöstä','Activate License'=>'Aktivoi lisenssi','License Information'=>'Näytä lisenssitiedot','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä alle lisenssiavaimesi. Jos sinulla ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso tarkemmat tiedot ja hinnoittelu.','License Key'=>'Lisenssiavain','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Käyttöoikeusavain on määritelty wp-config.php:ssa.','Retry Activation'=>'Yritä aktivointia uudelleen','Update Information'=>'Päivitä tiedot','Current Version'=>'Nykyinen versio','Latest Version'=>'Uusin versio','Update Available'=>'Päivitys saatavilla','Upgrade Notice'=>'Päivitys Ilmoitus','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Syötä lisenssiavain saadaksesi päivityksiä','Update Plugin'=>'Päivitä lisäosa','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Aktivoi käyttöoikeus saadaksesi päivityksiä']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.mo
index 882f1c91..772d6b3b 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.po
index c7b0fb91..c4027849 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fi.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -115,10 +146,10 @@ msgstr "4 kuukautta maksutta"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Monistettu %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Valitse asetussivut"
@@ -151,8 +182,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Lisää kenttiä"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Tämä kenttä"
@@ -175,7 +206,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "kehittää ja ylläpitää"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Aseta tämä %s valittujen kenttäryhmien sijaintiasetuksiin."
@@ -316,34 +347,34 @@ msgstr "Avaa lisäominaisuudet ja luo vielä enemmän ACF PRO:n avulla"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s kentät"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Ei termejä"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Ei sisältötyyppejä"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Ei artikkeleita"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Ei taksonomioita"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Ei kenttäryhmiä"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Ei kenttiä"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Ei kuvausta"
@@ -777,37 +808,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2327,7 +2354,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2376,7 +2403,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2386,15 +2413,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2402,7 +2429,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2462,67 +2489,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2540,7 +2567,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2552,7 +2579,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2596,16 +2623,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,74 +2653,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2712,14 +2739,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2893,8 +2920,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2902,49 +2929,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2957,7 +2984,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2966,7 +2993,7 @@ msgstr ""
"olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields PRO -lisäosan "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3047,7 +3074,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA-merkkijono"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Heksamerkkijono"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Päivitä Pro-versioon"
@@ -3099,8 +3126,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Liitteet"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3110,7 +3137,7 @@ msgstr "Taksonomiat"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3130,49 +3157,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Virheelliset kenttäryhmän parametrit."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Odottaa tallentamista"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Tallennettu"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Tuo"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Tarkista muutokset"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Sijaitsee: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Lisäosalla: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Teemalla: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Sekalaisia"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synkronoi muutokset"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Ladataan diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Tarkista paikalliset JSON-muutokset"
@@ -3432,7 +3459,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Näytä tämä kenttä, jos"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Ehdollinen logiikka"
@@ -3441,9 +3468,9 @@ msgstr "Ehdollinen logiikka"
msgid "and"
msgstr "ja"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Paikallinen JSON"
@@ -3637,9 +3664,9 @@ msgstr "Tyyli"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tyyppi"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Avain"
@@ -3650,23 +3677,23 @@ msgstr "Avain"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Järjestys"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Sulje kenttä"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "leveys"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Kääreen määritteet"
@@ -3674,68 +3701,68 @@ msgstr "Kääreen määritteet"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Pakollinen?"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Ohjeet kirjoittajille. Näytetään tietojen lähettämisen yhteydessä"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Ohjeet"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Kenttätyyppi"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Yksi sana, ei välilyöntejä. Alaviivat ja ajatusviivat sallitaan"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Kentän nimi"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Tätä nimeä käytetään MUOKKAA-sivulla"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Kentän nimiö"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Poista"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Poista kenttä"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Siirrä"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Siirrä kenttä toiseen ryhmään"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Monista kenttä"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Muokkaa kenttää"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Näytä tämä kenttäryhmä, jos"
@@ -3836,15 +3863,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Säännöt"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopioitu"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopioi leikepöydälle"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3856,22 +3883,22 @@ msgstr ""
"toisessa ACF asennuksessa. Käytä Generoi-painiketta luodaksesi PHP koodia, "
"jonka voit sijoittaa teemaasi."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Valitse kenttäryhmät"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ei kenttäryhmää valittu"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Luo PHP-koodi"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Vie kenttäryhmiä"
@@ -3899,22 +3926,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Tuo kenttäryhmiä"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synkronointi"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Valitse %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Monista"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Monista tämä kohde"
@@ -3922,13 +3949,14 @@ msgstr "Monista tämä kohde"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3937,26 +3965,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kuvaus"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synkronointi saatavissa"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Kenttäryhmä synkronoitu."
msgstr[1] "%s kenttäryhmää synkronoitu."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Kenttäryhmä monistettu."
msgstr[1] "%s kenttäryhmää monistettu."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Käytössä (%s)"
@@ -3997,7 +4025,7 @@ msgstr "Kenttä %1$s löytyy nyt kenttäryhmästä %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Siirto valmis."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4012,7 +4040,7 @@ msgstr "Kenttäavaimet"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Asetukset"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Sijainti"
@@ -4024,14 +4052,14 @@ msgstr "Tyhjä"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(tämä kenttä)"
@@ -4042,14 +4070,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Valittu"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Siirrä muokattua kenttää"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Ei vaihtokenttiä saatavilla"
@@ -4058,14 +4086,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmän otsikko on pakollinen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Tätä kenttää ei voi siirtää ennen kuin muutokset on talletettu"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Merkkijonoa \"field_\" ei saa käyttää kentän nimen alussa"
@@ -4233,8 +4261,8 @@ msgstr "Ei ole arvoa"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "On mitään arvoa"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peruuta"
@@ -4244,24 +4272,24 @@ msgstr "Peruuta"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Oletko varma?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d kenttää vaativat huomiota"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "Yksi kenttä vaatii huomiota"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Lisäkentän validointi epäonnistui"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmän validointi onnistui"
@@ -4297,8 +4325,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Muokkaa"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Tekemäsi muutokset menetetään, jos siirryt pois tältä sivulta"
@@ -4311,10 +4339,10 @@ msgstr "Tiedoston koko täytyy olla %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "tai"
@@ -4364,8 +4392,8 @@ msgstr "Pienoiskuva"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(ei nimiötä)"
@@ -5331,7 +5359,7 @@ msgstr "Ei kuvia valittu"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Poista"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5650,92 +5678,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Kellonaikavalitsin"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Poistettu käytöstä (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Poistettu käytöstä (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Kenttiä ei löytynyt roskakorista"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Ei löytynyt kenttiä"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Etsi kenttiä"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Näytä kenttä"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Uusi kenttä"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Muokkaa kenttää"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttä"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Kenttä"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Kentät"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt roskakorista"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Etsi kenttäryhmiä"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Katso kenttäryhmää"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Muokkaa kenttäryhmää"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Lisää uusi"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmä"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Kenttäryhmät"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.l10n.php
index 023e28ea..a7645e80 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fr_CA','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Clone','Updates'=>'Mises à jour','Options'=>'Options','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non valide.','Error loading field.'=>'Erreur au chargement du champ.','Location not found: %s'=>'Emplacement introuvable : %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rôle utilisateur','Comment'=>'Commentaire','Post Format'=>'Format d‘article','Menu Item'=>'Élément de menu','Post Status'=>'État de l’article','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Emplacement de menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Page enfant (avec parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Page parente (avec page(s) enfant)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Page de haut niveau (sans parent)','Posts Page'=>'Page des articles','Front Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Page Type'=>'Type de page','Viewing back end'=>'Est dans l’interface d’administration','Viewing front end'=>'Est dans le site','Logged in'=>'Connecté','Current User'=>'Utilisateur courant','Page Template'=>'Modèle de page','Register'=>'Inscription','Add / Edit'=>'Ajouter / Modifier','User Form'=>'Formulaire utilisateur','Page Parent'=>'Page parente','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrateur','Current User Role'=>'Rôle de l’utilisateur courant','Default Template'=>'Modèle de base','Post Template'=>'Modèle d’article','Post Category'=>'Catégorie','All %s formats'=>'Tous les formats %s','Attachment'=>'Fichier attaché','%s value is required'=>'La valeur %s est requise','Show this field if'=>'Montrer ce champ si','Conditional Logic'=>'Logique conditionnelle','and'=>'et','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Champ Clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Veuillez également vérifier que tous les modules d’extension premium (%s) soient à jour à leur dernière version disponible.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Cette version contient des améliorations de la base de données et nécessite une mise à niveau.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Mise-à-jour de la base de données nécessaire','Options Page'=>'Page d‘options','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Contenu flexible','Repeater'=>'Répéteur','Back to all tools'=>'Retour aux outils','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si plusieurs groupes ACF sont présents sur une page d‘édition, le groupe portant le numéro le plus bas sera affiché en premier','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Sélectionnez les champs que vous souhaitez masquer sur la page d‘édition.','Hide on screen'=>'Masquer','Send Trackbacks'=>'Envoyer des rétroliens','Tags'=>'Mots-clés','Categories'=>'Catégories','Page Attributes'=>'Attributs de page','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Identifiant (slug)','Revisions'=>'Révisions','Comments'=>'Commentaires','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Extrait','Content Editor'=>'Éditeur de contenu','Permalink'=>'Permalien','Shown in field group list'=>'Affiché dans la liste des groupes de champs','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Le groupe de champs qui a l’ordre le plus petit sera affiché en premier','Order No.'=>'Ordre','Below fields'=>'Sous les champs','Below labels'=>'Sous les intitulés','Side'=>'Sur le côté','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (après le contenu)','High (after title)'=>'Haute (après le titre)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sans contour (directement dans la page)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (boîte WP)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Identifiant','Order'=>'Ordre','Close Field'=>'Fermer le champ','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largeur','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributs du conteneur','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions pour les auteurs. Affichées lors de la saisie du contenu','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Type de champ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un seul mot, sans espace. Les « _ » et « - » sont autorisés','Field Name'=>'Nom du champ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ce nom apparaîtra sur la page d‘édition','Field Label'=>'Titre du champ','Delete'=>'Supprimer','Delete field'=>'Supprimer ce champ','Move'=>'Déplacer','Move field to another group'=>'Déplacer le champ dans un autre groupe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliquer ce champ','Edit field'=>'Modifier ce champ','Drag to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Show this field group if'=>'Montrer ce groupe si','No updates available.'=>'Aucune mise-à-jour disponible.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données terminée. Consulter les nouveautés','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lecture des instructions de mise à niveau…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Mise à niveau échouée.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Mise à niveau terminée.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Migration des données vers la version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Il est fortement recommandé de faire une sauvegarde de votre base de données avant de continuer. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir lancer la mise à niveau maintenant?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Merci de sélectionner au moins un site à mettre à niveau.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données effectuée. Retourner au panneau d\'administration du réseau','Site is up to date'=>'Le site est à jour','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Mettre à niveau les sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Les sites suivants nécessites une mise à niveau de la base de données. Sélectionnez ceux que vous voulez mettre à jour et cliquez sur %s.','Add rule group'=>'Ajouter une règle','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Créez une série de règles pour déterminer les écrans sur lesquels ce groupe de champs sera utilisé','Rules'=>'Règles','Copied'=>'Copié','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copier dans le presse-papiers','Select Field Groups'=>'Sélectionnez les groupes de champs','No field groups selected'=>'Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné','Generate PHP'=>'Générer le PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exporter les groupes de champs','Import file empty'=>'Le fichier à importer est vide','Incorrect file type'=>'Type de fichier incorrect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Échec de l\'import du fichier. Merci d’essayer à nouveau','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer les groupes de champs','Sync'=>'Synchroniser','Select %s'=>'Choisir %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliquer','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliquer cet élément','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Synchronisation disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Groupe de champs dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs dupliqués.','Active (%s)'=>'Actif (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actifs (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Examiner les sites et mettre à niveau','Upgrade Database'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données','Custom Fields'=>'ACF','Move Field'=>'Déplacer le champ','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Choisissez la destination de ce champ','Move Complete.'=>'Déplacement effectué.','Active'=>'Activé','Field Keys'=>'Identifiants des champs','Settings'=>'Réglages','Location'=>'Emplacement','Null'=>'Vide','copy'=>'copie','(this field)'=>'(ce champ)','Checked'=>'Coché','Move Custom Field'=>'Déplacer le champ personnalisé','No toggle fields available'=>'Aucun champ de sélection disponible','Field group title is required'=>'Veuillez indiquer un titre pour le groupe de champs','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n\'ont pas été enregistrées','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Le nom d’un champ ne peut pas commencer par « field_ »','Field group draft updated.'=>'Brouillon du groupe de champs mis à jour.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Groupe de champs programmé.','Field group submitted.'=>'Groupe de champs enregistré.','Field group saved.'=>'Groupe de champs enregistré.','Field group published.'=>'Groupe de champs publié.','Field group deleted.'=>'Groupe de champs supprimé.','Field group updated.'=>'Groupe de champs mis à jour.','Tools'=>'Outils','is not equal to'=>'n‘est pas égal à','is equal to'=>'est égal à','Forms'=>'Formulaires','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Article','Relational'=>'Relationnel','Choice'=>'Choix','Basic'=>'Commun','Unknown'=>'Inconnu','Field type does not exist'=>'Ce type de champ n‘existe pas','Spam Detected'=>'Pourriel repéré','Post updated'=>'Article mis à jour','Update'=>'Mise à jour','Validate Email'=>'Valider l’adresse courriel','Content'=>'Contenu','Title'=>'Titre','Edit field group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Selection is less than'=>'La sélection est inférieure à','Selection is greater than'=>'La sélection est supérieure à','Value is less than'=>'La valeur est inférieure à','Value is greater than'=>'La valeur est supérieure à','Value contains'=>'La valeur contient','Value matches pattern'=>'La valeur correspond au modèle','Value is not equal to'=>'La valeur est différente de','Value is equal to'=>'La valeur est égale à','Has no value'=>'N\'a pas de valeur','Has any value'=>'A n\'importe quelle valeur','Cancel'=>'Annuler','Are you sure?'=>'Êtes-vous sûr(e)?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d champs requièrent votre attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 champ requiert votre attention','Validation failed'=>'Échec de la validation','Validation successful'=>'Validé avec succès','Restricted'=>'Limité','Collapse Details'=>'Masquer les détails','Expand Details'=>'Afficher les détails','Uploaded to this post'=>'Lié(s) à cet article','verbUpdate'=>'Mettre à jour','verbEdit'=>'Modifier','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Les modifications seront perdues si vous quittez cette page','File type must be %s.'=>'Le type de fichier doit être %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Le poids de l\'image ne doit pas dépasser %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Le poids de l\'image doit être d\'au moins %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'image ne doit pas dépasser %dpx de hauteur.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'image doit mesurer au moins %dpx de hauteur.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'image ne doit pas dépasser %dpx de largeur.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'image doit mesurer au moins %dpx de largeur.','(no title)'=>'(sans titre)','Full Size'=>'Taille originale','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Moyen','Thumbnail'=>'Miniature','(no label)'=>'(aucun libellé)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Hauteur du champ','Rows'=>'Lignes','Text Area'=>'Zone de texte','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Ajouter une case à cocher au début pour tout sélectionner/désélectionner','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées dans les choix du champs','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permettre l’ajout de valeurs personnalisées','Add new choice'=>'Ajouter un choix','Toggle All'=>'Tout (dé)sélectionner','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Afficher les pages d’archives','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Lien vers page ou article','Add'=>'Ajouter','Name'=>'Nom','%s added'=>'%s ajouté','%s already exists'=>'%s existe déjà','User unable to add new %s'=>'Utilisateur incapable d\'ajouter un nouveau %s','Term ID'=>'ID du terme','Term Object'=>'Objet Terme','Load value from posts terms'=>'Charger une valeur depuis les termes de l’article','Load Terms'=>'Charger les termes','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Lier les termes sélectionnés à l\'article','Save Terms'=>'Enregistrer les termes','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Autoriser la création de nouveaux termes pendant l\'édition','Create Terms'=>'Créer des termes','Radio Buttons'=>'Boutons radio','Single Value'=>'Valeur unique','Multi Select'=>'Sélecteur multiple','Checkbox'=>'Case à cocher','Multiple Values'=>'Valeurs multiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Apparence de ce champ','Appearance'=>'Apparence','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie à afficher','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'La valeur doit être inférieure ou égale à %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'La valeur doit être être supérieure ou égale à %d','Value must be a number'=>'La valeur doit être un nombre','Number'=>'Nombre','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées « autre » en tant que choix','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Ajouter un choix « autre » pour autoriser une valeur personnalisée','Other'=>'Autre','Radio Button'=>'Bouton radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Définir comme extrémité de l’accordéon précédent. Cet accordéon ne sera pas visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permettre à cet accordéon de s\'ouvrir sans refermer les autres.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Ouvrir l\'accordéon au chargement de la page.','Open'=>'Ouvert','Accordion'=>'Accordéon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre l\'import de fichiers','File ID'=>'ID du Fichier','File URL'=>'URL du fichier','File Array'=>'Données du fichier (tableau)','Add File'=>'Ajouter un fichier','No file selected'=>'Aucun fichier sélectionné','File name'=>'Nom du fichier','Update File'=>'Mettre à jour le fichier','Edit File'=>'Modifier le fichier','Select File'=>'Sélectionner un fichier','File'=>'Fichier','Password'=>'Mot de passe','Specify the value returned'=>'Définit la valeur retournée','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utiliser AJAX pour charger les choix dynamiquement?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Entrez chaque valeur par défaut sur une nouvelle ligne','verbSelect'=>'Choisir','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Échec du chargement','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Recherche en cours…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Vous ne pouvez sélectionner que %d éléments','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu’un seul élément','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Veuillez retirer %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Veuillez retirer 1 caractère','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum 1 caractère','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat trouvé','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d résultats sont disponibles, utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour naviguer parmi les résultats.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un résultat est disponible, appuyez sur Entrée pour le sélectionner.','nounSelect'=>'Sélection','User ID'=>'ID de l\'utilisateur','User Object'=>'Objet','User Array'=>'Tableau','All user roles'=>'Tous les rôles utilisateurs','User'=>'Utilisateur','Separator'=>'Séparateur','Select Color'=>'Choisir une couleur','Default'=>'Valeur par défaut','Clear'=>'Effacer','Color Picker'=>'Sélecteur de couleur','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Valider','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Maintenant','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuseau horaire','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choisir l’heure','Date Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date et heure','Endpoint'=>'Extrémité','Left aligned'=>'Aligné à gauche','Top aligned'=>'Aligné en haut','Placement'=>'Emplacement','Tab'=>'Onglet','Value must be a valid URL'=>'La valeur doit être une URL valide','Link URL'=>'URL du Lien','Link Array'=>'Tableau de données','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet/fenêtre','Select Link'=>'Sélectionner un lien','Link'=>'Lien','Email'=>'Adresse courriel','Step Size'=>'Pas','Maximum Value'=>'Valeur maximale','Minimum Value'=>'Valeur minimale','Range'=>'Plage de valeurs','Both (Array)'=>'Les deux (tableau)','Label'=>'Libellé','Value'=>'Valeur','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rouge : Rouge','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pour plus de contrôle, vous pouvez spécifier la valeur et le libellé de cette manière :','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Indiquez une valeur par ligne.','Choices'=>'Choix','Button Group'=>'Groupe de boutons','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE ne sera pas initialisé avant que l’utilisateur clique sur le champ','Toolbar'=>'Barre d‘outils','Text Only'=>'Texte brut seulement','Visual Only'=>'Visuel seulement','Visual & Text'=>'Visuel & Texte brut','Tabs'=>'Onglets','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Cliquez pour initialiser TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texte','Visual'=>'Visuel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'La valeur ne doit pas dépasser %d caractères','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laisser vide ne pas donner de limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caractères','Appears after the input'=>'Apparait après le champ','Append'=>'Suffixe','Appears before the input'=>'Apparait avant le champ','Prepend'=>'Préfixe','Appears within the input'=>'Apparait dans le champ','Placeholder Text'=>'Texte indicatif','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Valeur donnée lors de la création d’un nouvel article','Text'=>'Texte','Post ID'=>'ID de l\'article','Post Object'=>'Objet Article','Featured Image'=>'Image à la Une','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Les éléments sélectionnés seront affichés dans chaque résultat','Elements'=>'Éléments','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Type de publication','Filters'=>'Filtres','All taxonomies'=>'Toutes les taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer par taxonomie','All post types'=>'Tous les types de publication','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer par type de publication','Search...'=>'Rechercher…','Select taxonomy'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie','Select post type'=>'Choisissez le type de publication','No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat','Loading'=>'Chargement en cours','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Nombre maximal de valeurs atteint ({max} valeurs)','Relationship'=>'Relation','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Extensions autorisées séparées par une virgule. Laissez vide pour autoriser toutes les extensions','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Taille du fichier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre les images envoyées','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Liés à cet article','All'=>'Tous','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limiter le choix dans la médiathèque','Library'=>'Médias','Preview Size'=>'Taille de prévisualisation','Image ID'=>'ID de l‘image','Image URL'=>'Adresse web de l\'image','Image Array'=>'Données de l\'image (tableau)','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Spécifier la valeur retournée dans le code','Return Value'=>'Valeur renvoyée','Add Image'=>'Ajouter une image','No image selected'=>'Aucune image sélectionnée','Remove'=>'Enlever','Edit'=>'Modifier','All images'=>'Toutes les images','Update Image'=>'Mettre à jour','Edit Image'=>'Modifier l\'image','Select Image'=>'Sélectionner une image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permettre l\'affichage du code HTML à l\'écran au lieu de l\'interpréter','Escape HTML'=>'Afficher le code HTML','No Formatting'=>'Pas de formatage','Automatically add <br>'=>'Ajouter <br> automatiquement','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Ajouter des paragraphes automatiquement','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Comment sont interprétés les sauts de lignes','New Lines'=>'Nouvelles lignes','Week Starts On'=>'La semaine commencent le','The format used when saving a value'=>'Le format enregistré','Save Format'=>'Enregistrer le format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Préc.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Suiv.','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Aujourd’hui','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Valider','Date Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date','Width'=>'Largeur','Embed Size'=>'Dimensions','Enter URL'=>'Entrez l\'URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texte affiché lorsque le bouton est désactivé','Off Text'=>'Texte côté « Inactif »','Text shown when active'=>'Text affiché lorsque le bouton est actif','On Text'=>'Texte côté « Actif »','Default Value'=>'Valeur par défaut','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Affiche le texte à côté de la case à cocher','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Oui','True / False'=>'Oui / Non','Row'=>'Rangée','Table'=>'Tableau','Block'=>'Bloc','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Style utilisé pour générer les champs sélectionnés','Layout'=>'Mise en page','Sub Fields'=>'Sous-champs','Group'=>'Groupe','Customize the map height'=>'Hauteur de la carte','Height'=>'Hauteur','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Niveau de zoom initial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Position initiale du centre de la carte','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Chercher une adresse…','Find current location'=>'Trouver l\'emplacement actuel','Clear location'=>'Effacer la position','Search'=>'Rechercher','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Désolé, ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge la géolocalisation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Valeur retournée dans le code','Return Format'=>'Format de retour','Custom:'=>'Personnalisé :','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format affiché lors de l’édition d’un article','Display Format'=>'Format d’affichage','Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur d’heure','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille','No Fields found'=>'Aucun champ trouvé','Search Fields'=>'Rechercher des champs','View Field'=>'Voir le champ','New Field'=>'Nouveau champ','Edit Field'=>'Modifier le champ','Add New Field'=>'Ajouter un champ','Field'=>'Champ','Fields'=>'Champs','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille','No Field Groups found'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé','Search Field Groups'=>'Rechercher des groupes de champs','View Field Group'=>'Voir le groupe de champs','New Field Group'=>'Nouveau groupe de champs','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Add New Field Group'=>'Ajouter un nouveau groupe de champs','Add New'=>'Ajouter','Field Group'=>'Groupe de champs','Field Groups'=>'Groupes de champs','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personnalisez WordPress avec des champs intuitifs, puissants et professionnels.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Le nom de type de bloc est requis.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type de bloc "%s" est déjà enregistré.','Switch to Edit'=>'Passer en Édition','Switch to Preview'=>'Passer en Prévisualisation','%s settings'=>'Réglages de %s','Options Updated'=>'Options mises à jours','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour activer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence sur la page Mises à jour. Si vous n’en avez pas, rendez-vous sur nos détails & tarifs.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Check Again'=>'Vérifier à nouveau','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Publish'=>'Publier','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé pour cette page d’options. Créer un groupe de champs','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs champs à cloner','Display'=>'Format d’affichage','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Définit le style utilisé pour générer le champ dupliqué','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groupe (affiche les champs sélectionnés dans un groupe à l’intérieur de ce champ)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Remplace ce champ par les champs sélectionnés','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Les labels seront affichés en tant que %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Préfixer les labels de champs','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Les valeurs seront enregistrées en tant que %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Préfixer les noms de champs','Unknown field'=>'Champ inconnu','Unknown field group'=>'Groupe de champ inconnu','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tous les champs du groupe %s','Add Row'=>'Ajouter un élément','layout'=>'mise-en-forme' . "\0" . 'mises-en-forme','layouts'=>'mises-en-forme','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ requiert au moins {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ a une limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} requis (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Le contenu flexible nécessite au moins une mise-en-forme','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Cliquez sur le bouton « %s » ci-dessous pour créer votre première mise-en-forme','Add layout'=>'Ajouter une mise-en-forme','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliquer la mise-en-forme','Remove layout'=>'Retirer la mise-en-forme','Click to toggle'=>'Cliquer pour intervertir','Delete Layout'=>'Supprimer la mise-en-forme','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliquer la mise-en-forme','Add New Layout'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle mise-en-forme','Add Layout'=>'Ajouter une mise-en-forme','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Nombre minimum de mises-en-forme','Maximum Layouts'=>'Nombre maximum de mises-en-forme','Button Label'=>'Intitulé du bouton','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Ajouter l’image à la galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Nombre de sélections maximales atteint','Length'=>'Longueur','Caption'=>'Légende','Alt Text'=>'Texte alternatif','Add to gallery'=>'Ajouter à la galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Actions de groupe','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordonner par date d’import','Sort by date modified'=>'Ranger par date de modification','Sort by title'=>'Ranger par titre','Reverse current order'=>'Inverser l’ordre actuel','Close'=>'Fermer','Minimum Selection'=>'Nombre minimum','Maximum Selection'=>'Nombre maximum','Allowed file types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Insert'=>'Insérer','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Définir où les nouveaux fichiers attachés sont ajoutés','Append to the end'=>'Ajouter à la fin','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Insérer au début','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments atteint ({min} éléments)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments atteint ({max} éléments)','Error loading page'=>'Échec du chargement du champ.','Rows Per Page'=>'Page des articles','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie à afficher','Minimum Rows'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments','Maximum Rows'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments','Collapsed'=>'Replié','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Choisir un sous champ à afficher lorsque l’élément est replié','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Nonce invalide.','Click to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Add row'=>'Ajouter un élément','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliquer','Remove row'=>'Retirer l’élément','Current Page'=>'Utilisateur courant','First Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Previous Page'=>'Page des articles','Next Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Last Page'=>'Page des articles','No block types exist'=>'Aucune page d’option n’existe','No options pages exist'=>'Aucune page d’option n’existe','Deactivate License'=>'Désactiver la licence','Activate License'=>'Activer votre licence','License Information'=>'Informations sur la licence','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour débloquer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence ci-dessous. Si vous n’en avez pas, rendez-vous sur nos détails & tarifs.','License Key'=>'Code de licence','Retry Activation'=>'Meilleure validation','Update Information'=>'Informations concernant les mises à jour','Current Version'=>'Version installée','Latest Version'=>'Version disponible','Update Available'=>'Mise à jour disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informations de mise à niveau','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Entrez votre clé de licence ci-dessus pour activer les mises à jour','Update Plugin'=>'Mettre à jour l’extension','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Entrez votre clé de licence ci-dessus pour activer les mises à jour']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fr_CA','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Clone','Updates'=>'Mises à jour','Options'=>'Options','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non valide.','Error loading field.'=>'Erreur au chargement du champ.','Location not found: %s'=>'Emplacement introuvable : %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rôle utilisateur','Comment'=>'Commentaire','Post Format'=>'Format d‘article','Menu Item'=>'Élément de menu','Post Status'=>'État de l’article','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Emplacement de menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Page enfant (avec parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Page parente (avec page(s) enfant)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Page de haut niveau (sans parent)','Posts Page'=>'Page des articles','Front Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Page Type'=>'Type de page','Viewing back end'=>'Est dans l’interface d’administration','Viewing front end'=>'Est dans le site','Logged in'=>'Connecté','Current User'=>'Utilisateur courant','Page Template'=>'Modèle de page','Register'=>'Inscription','Add / Edit'=>'Ajouter / Modifier','User Form'=>'Formulaire utilisateur','Page Parent'=>'Page parente','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrateur','Current User Role'=>'Rôle de l’utilisateur courant','Default Template'=>'Modèle de base','Post Template'=>'Modèle d’article','Post Category'=>'Catégorie','All %s formats'=>'Tous les formats %s','Attachment'=>'Fichier attaché','%s value is required'=>'La valeur %s est requise','Show this field if'=>'Montrer ce champ si','Conditional Logic'=>'Logique conditionnelle','and'=>'et','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Champ Clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Veuillez également vérifier que tous les modules d’extension premium (%s) soient à jour à leur dernière version disponible.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Cette version contient des améliorations de la base de données et nécessite une mise à niveau.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Mise-à-jour de la base de données nécessaire','Options Page'=>'Page d‘options','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Contenu flexible','Repeater'=>'Répéteur','Back to all tools'=>'Retour aux outils','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si plusieurs groupes ACF sont présents sur une page d‘édition, le groupe portant le numéro le plus bas sera affiché en premier','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Sélectionnez les champs que vous souhaitez masquer sur la page d‘édition.','Hide on screen'=>'Masquer','Send Trackbacks'=>'Envoyer des rétroliens','Tags'=>'Mots-clés','Categories'=>'Catégories','Page Attributes'=>'Attributs de page','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Identifiant (slug)','Revisions'=>'Révisions','Comments'=>'Commentaires','Discussion'=>'Discussion','Excerpt'=>'Extrait','Content Editor'=>'Éditeur de contenu','Permalink'=>'Permalien','Shown in field group list'=>'Affiché dans la liste des groupes de champs','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Le groupe de champs qui a l’ordre le plus petit sera affiché en premier','Order No.'=>'Ordre','Below fields'=>'Sous les champs','Below labels'=>'Sous les intitulés','Side'=>'Sur le côté','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (après le contenu)','High (after title)'=>'Haute (après le titre)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sans contour (directement dans la page)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (boîte WP)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Identifiant','Order'=>'Ordre','Close Field'=>'Fermer le champ','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largeur','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributs du conteneur','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions pour les auteurs. Affichées lors de la saisie du contenu','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Type de champ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un seul mot, sans espace. Les « _ » et « - » sont autorisés','Field Name'=>'Nom du champ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ce nom apparaîtra sur la page d‘édition','Field Label'=>'Titre du champ','Delete'=>'Supprimer','Delete field'=>'Supprimer ce champ','Move'=>'Déplacer','Move field to another group'=>'Déplacer le champ dans un autre groupe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliquer ce champ','Edit field'=>'Modifier ce champ','Drag to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Show this field group if'=>'Montrer ce groupe si','No updates available.'=>'Aucune mise-à-jour disponible.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données terminée. Consulter les nouveautés','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lecture des instructions de mise à niveau…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Mise à niveau échouée.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Mise à niveau terminée.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Migration des données vers la version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Il est fortement recommandé de faire une sauvegarde de votre base de données avant de continuer. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir lancer la mise à niveau maintenant?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Merci de sélectionner au moins un site à mettre à niveau.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données effectuée. Retourner au panneau d\'administration du réseau','Site is up to date'=>'Le site est à jour','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Mettre à niveau les sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Les sites suivants nécessites une mise à niveau de la base de données. Sélectionnez ceux que vous voulez mettre à jour et cliquez sur %s.','Add rule group'=>'Ajouter une règle','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Créez une série de règles pour déterminer les écrans sur lesquels ce groupe de champs sera utilisé','Rules'=>'Règles','Copied'=>'Copié','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copier dans le presse-papiers','Select Field Groups'=>'Sélectionnez les groupes de champs','No field groups selected'=>'Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné','Generate PHP'=>'Générer le PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exporter les groupes de champs','Import file empty'=>'Le fichier à importer est vide','Incorrect file type'=>'Type de fichier incorrect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Échec de l\'import du fichier. Merci d’essayer à nouveau','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer les groupes de champs','Sync'=>'Synchroniser','Select %s'=>'Choisir %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliquer','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliquer cet élément','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Synchronisation disponible','Field group duplicated.'=>'Groupe de champs dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs dupliqués.','Active (%s)'=>'Actif (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actifs (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Examiner les sites et mettre à niveau','Upgrade Database'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données','Custom Fields'=>'ACF','Move Field'=>'Déplacer le champ','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Choisissez la destination de ce champ','Move Complete.'=>'Déplacement effectué.','Active'=>'Activé','Field Keys'=>'Identifiants des champs','Settings'=>'Réglages','Location'=>'Emplacement','Null'=>'Vide','copy'=>'copie','(this field)'=>'(ce champ)','Checked'=>'Coché','Move Custom Field'=>'Déplacer le champ personnalisé','No toggle fields available'=>'Aucun champ de sélection disponible','Field group title is required'=>'Veuillez indiquer un titre pour le groupe de champs','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n\'ont pas été enregistrées','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Le nom d’un champ ne peut pas commencer par « field_ »','Field group draft updated.'=>'Brouillon du groupe de champs mis à jour.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Groupe de champs programmé.','Field group submitted.'=>'Groupe de champs enregistré.','Field group saved.'=>'Groupe de champs enregistré.','Field group published.'=>'Groupe de champs publié.','Field group deleted.'=>'Groupe de champs supprimé.','Field group updated.'=>'Groupe de champs mis à jour.','Tools'=>'Outils','is not equal to'=>'n‘est pas égal à','is equal to'=>'est égal à','Forms'=>'Formulaires','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Article','Relational'=>'Relationnel','Choice'=>'Choix','Basic'=>'Commun','Unknown'=>'Inconnu','Field type does not exist'=>'Ce type de champ n‘existe pas','Spam Detected'=>'Pourriel repéré','Post updated'=>'Article mis à jour','Update'=>'Mise à jour','Validate Email'=>'Valider l’adresse courriel','Content'=>'Contenu','Title'=>'Titre','Edit field group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Selection is less than'=>'La sélection est inférieure à','Selection is greater than'=>'La sélection est supérieure à','Value is less than'=>'La valeur est inférieure à','Value is greater than'=>'La valeur est supérieure à','Value contains'=>'La valeur contient','Value matches pattern'=>'La valeur correspond au modèle','Value is not equal to'=>'La valeur est différente de','Value is equal to'=>'La valeur est égale à','Has no value'=>'N\'a pas de valeur','Has any value'=>'A n\'importe quelle valeur','Cancel'=>'Annuler','Are you sure?'=>'Êtes-vous sûr(e)?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d champs requièrent votre attention','1 field requires attention'=>'1 champ requiert votre attention','Validation failed'=>'Échec de la validation','Validation successful'=>'Validé avec succès','Restricted'=>'Limité','Collapse Details'=>'Masquer les détails','Expand Details'=>'Afficher les détails','Uploaded to this post'=>'Lié(s) à cet article','verbUpdate'=>'Mettre à jour','verbEdit'=>'Modifier','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Les modifications seront perdues si vous quittez cette page','File type must be %s.'=>'Le type de fichier doit être %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Le poids de l\'image ne doit pas dépasser %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Le poids de l\'image doit être d\'au moins %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'image ne doit pas dépasser %dpx de hauteur.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'image doit mesurer au moins %dpx de hauteur.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'image ne doit pas dépasser %dpx de largeur.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'image doit mesurer au moins %dpx de largeur.','(no title)'=>'(sans titre)','Full Size'=>'Taille originale','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Moyen','Thumbnail'=>'Miniature','(no label)'=>'(aucun libellé)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Hauteur du champ','Rows'=>'Lignes','Text Area'=>'Zone de texte','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Ajouter une case à cocher au début pour tout sélectionner/désélectionner','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées dans les choix du champs','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permettre l’ajout de valeurs personnalisées','Add new choice'=>'Ajouter un choix','Toggle All'=>'Tout (dé)sélectionner','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Afficher les pages d’archives','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Lien vers page ou article','Add'=>'Ajouter','Name'=>'Nom','%s added'=>'%s ajouté','%s already exists'=>'%s existe déjà','User unable to add new %s'=>'Utilisateur incapable d\'ajouter un nouveau %s','Term ID'=>'ID du terme','Term Object'=>'Objet Terme','Load value from posts terms'=>'Charger une valeur depuis les termes de l’article','Load Terms'=>'Charger les termes','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Lier les termes sélectionnés à l\'article','Save Terms'=>'Enregistrer les termes','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Autoriser la création de nouveaux termes pendant l\'édition','Create Terms'=>'Créer des termes','Radio Buttons'=>'Boutons radio','Single Value'=>'Valeur unique','Multi Select'=>'Sélecteur multiple','Checkbox'=>'Case à cocher','Multiple Values'=>'Valeurs multiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Apparence de ce champ','Appearance'=>'Apparence','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie à afficher','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'La valeur doit être inférieure ou égale à %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'La valeur doit être être supérieure ou égale à %d','Value must be a number'=>'La valeur doit être un nombre','Number'=>'Nombre','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées « autre » en tant que choix','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Ajouter un choix « autre » pour autoriser une valeur personnalisée','Other'=>'Autre','Radio Button'=>'Bouton radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Définir comme extrémité de l’accordéon précédent. Cet accordéon ne sera pas visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permettre à cet accordéon de s\'ouvrir sans refermer les autres.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Ouvrir l\'accordéon au chargement de la page.','Open'=>'Ouvert','Accordion'=>'Accordéon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre l\'import de fichiers','File ID'=>'ID du Fichier','File URL'=>'URL du fichier','File Array'=>'Données du fichier (tableau)','Add File'=>'Ajouter un fichier','No file selected'=>'Aucun fichier sélectionné','File name'=>'Nom du fichier','Update File'=>'Mettre à jour le fichier','Edit File'=>'Modifier le fichier','Select File'=>'Sélectionner un fichier','File'=>'Fichier','Password'=>'Mot de passe','Specify the value returned'=>'Définit la valeur retournée','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utiliser AJAX pour charger les choix dynamiquement?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Entrez chaque valeur par défaut sur une nouvelle ligne','verbSelect'=>'Choisir','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Échec du chargement','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Recherche en cours…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Vous ne pouvez sélectionner que %d éléments','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu’un seul élément','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Veuillez retirer %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Veuillez retirer 1 caractère','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum 1 caractère','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat trouvé','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d résultats sont disponibles, utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour naviguer parmi les résultats.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un résultat est disponible, appuyez sur Entrée pour le sélectionner.','nounSelect'=>'Sélection','User ID'=>'ID de l\'utilisateur','User Object'=>'Objet','User Array'=>'Tableau','All user roles'=>'Tous les rôles utilisateurs','User'=>'Utilisateur','Separator'=>'Séparateur','Select Color'=>'Choisir une couleur','Default'=>'Valeur par défaut','Clear'=>'Effacer','Color Picker'=>'Sélecteur de couleur','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Valider','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Maintenant','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuseau horaire','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choisir l’heure','Date Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date et heure','Endpoint'=>'Extrémité','Left aligned'=>'Aligné à gauche','Top aligned'=>'Aligné en haut','Placement'=>'Emplacement','Tab'=>'Onglet','Value must be a valid URL'=>'La valeur doit être une URL valide','Link URL'=>'URL du Lien','Link Array'=>'Tableau de données','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet/fenêtre','Select Link'=>'Sélectionner un lien','Link'=>'Lien','Email'=>'Adresse courriel','Step Size'=>'Pas','Maximum Value'=>'Valeur maximale','Minimum Value'=>'Valeur minimale','Range'=>'Plage de valeurs','Both (Array)'=>'Les deux (tableau)','Label'=>'Libellé','Value'=>'Valeur','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rouge : Rouge','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pour plus de contrôle, vous pouvez spécifier la valeur et le libellé de cette manière :','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Indiquez une valeur par ligne.','Choices'=>'Choix','Button Group'=>'Groupe de boutons','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE ne sera pas initialisé avant que l’utilisateur clique sur le champ','Toolbar'=>'Barre d‘outils','Text Only'=>'Texte brut seulement','Visual Only'=>'Visuel seulement','Visual & Text'=>'Visuel & Texte brut','Tabs'=>'Onglets','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Cliquez pour initialiser TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texte','Visual'=>'Visuel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'La valeur ne doit pas dépasser %d caractères','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laisser vide ne pas donner de limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caractères','Appears after the input'=>'Apparait après le champ','Append'=>'Suffixe','Appears before the input'=>'Apparait avant le champ','Prepend'=>'Préfixe','Appears within the input'=>'Apparait dans le champ','Placeholder Text'=>'Texte indicatif','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Valeur donnée lors de la création d’un nouvel article','Text'=>'Texte','Post ID'=>'ID de l\'article','Post Object'=>'Objet Article','Featured Image'=>'Image à la Une','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Les éléments sélectionnés seront affichés dans chaque résultat','Elements'=>'Éléments','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Type de publication','Filters'=>'Filtres','All taxonomies'=>'Toutes les taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer par taxonomie','All post types'=>'Tous les types de publication','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer par type de publication','Search...'=>'Rechercher…','Select taxonomy'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie','Select post type'=>'Choisissez le type de publication','No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat','Loading'=>'Chargement en cours','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Nombre maximal de valeurs atteint ({max} valeurs)','Relationship'=>'Relation','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Extensions autorisées séparées par une virgule. Laissez vide pour autoriser toutes les extensions','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Taille du fichier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre les images envoyées','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Liés à cet article','All'=>'Tous','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limiter le choix dans la médiathèque','Library'=>'Médias','Preview Size'=>'Taille de prévisualisation','Image ID'=>'ID de l‘image','Image URL'=>'Adresse web de l\'image','Image Array'=>'Données de l\'image (tableau)','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Spécifier la valeur retournée dans le code','Return Value'=>'Valeur renvoyée','Add Image'=>'Ajouter une image','No image selected'=>'Aucune image sélectionnée','Remove'=>'Enlever','Edit'=>'Modifier','All images'=>'Toutes les images','Update Image'=>'Mettre à jour','Edit Image'=>'Modifier l\'image','Select Image'=>'Sélectionner une image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permettre l\'affichage du code HTML à l\'écran au lieu de l\'interpréter','Escape HTML'=>'Afficher le code HTML','No Formatting'=>'Pas de formatage','Automatically add <br>'=>'Ajouter <br> automatiquement','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Ajouter des paragraphes automatiquement','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Comment sont interprétés les sauts de lignes','New Lines'=>'Nouvelles lignes','Week Starts On'=>'La semaine commencent le','The format used when saving a value'=>'Le format enregistré','Save Format'=>'Enregistrer le format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Préc.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Suiv.','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Aujourd’hui','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Valider','Date Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date','Width'=>'Largeur','Embed Size'=>'Dimensions','Enter URL'=>'Entrez l\'URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texte affiché lorsque le bouton est désactivé','Off Text'=>'Texte côté « Inactif »','Text shown when active'=>'Text affiché lorsque le bouton est actif','On Text'=>'Texte côté « Actif »','Default Value'=>'Valeur par défaut','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Affiche le texte à côté de la case à cocher','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Oui','True / False'=>'Oui / Non','Row'=>'Rangée','Table'=>'Tableau','Block'=>'Bloc','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Style utilisé pour générer les champs sélectionnés','Layout'=>'Mise en page','Sub Fields'=>'Sous-champs','Group'=>'Groupe','Customize the map height'=>'Hauteur de la carte','Height'=>'Hauteur','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Niveau de zoom initial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Position initiale du centre de la carte','Center'=>'Centre','Search for address...'=>'Chercher une adresse…','Find current location'=>'Trouver l\'emplacement actuel','Clear location'=>'Effacer la position','Search'=>'Rechercher','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Désolé, ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge la géolocalisation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Valeur retournée dans le code','Return Format'=>'Format de retour','Custom:'=>'Personnalisé :','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format affiché lors de l’édition d’un article','Display Format'=>'Format d’affichage','Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur d’heure','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille','No Fields found'=>'Aucun champ trouvé','Search Fields'=>'Rechercher des champs','View Field'=>'Voir le champ','New Field'=>'Nouveau champ','Edit Field'=>'Modifier le champ','Add New Field'=>'Ajouter un champ','Field'=>'Champ','Fields'=>'Champs','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille','No Field Groups found'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé','Search Field Groups'=>'Rechercher des groupes de champs','View Field Group'=>'Voir le groupe de champs','New Field Group'=>'Nouveau groupe de champs','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Add New Field Group'=>'Ajouter un nouveau groupe de champs','Add New'=>'Ajouter','Field Group'=>'Groupe de champs','Field Groups'=>'Groupes de champs','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personnalisez WordPress avec des champs intuitifs, puissants et professionnels.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Le nom de type de bloc est requis.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type de bloc "%s" est déjà enregistré.','Switch to Edit'=>'Passer en Édition','Switch to Preview'=>'Passer en Prévisualisation','%s settings'=>'Réglages de %s','Options Updated'=>'Options mises à jours','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour activer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence sur la page Mises à jour. Si vous n’en avez pas, rendez-vous sur nos détails & tarifs.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Check Again'=>'Vérifier à nouveau','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Publish'=>'Publier','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé pour cette page d’options. Créer un groupe de champs','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs champs à cloner','Display'=>'Format d’affichage','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Définit le style utilisé pour générer le champ dupliqué','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groupe (affiche les champs sélectionnés dans un groupe à l’intérieur de ce champ)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Remplace ce champ par les champs sélectionnés','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Les labels seront affichés en tant que %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Préfixer les labels de champs','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Les valeurs seront enregistrées en tant que %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Préfixer les noms de champs','Unknown field'=>'Champ inconnu','Unknown field group'=>'Groupe de champ inconnu','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tous les champs du groupe %s','Add Row'=>'Ajouter un élément','layout'=>'mise-en-forme' . "\0" . 'mises-en-forme','layouts'=>'mises-en-forme','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ requiert au moins {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ a une limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} requis (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Le contenu flexible nécessite au moins une mise-en-forme','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Cliquez sur le bouton « %s » ci-dessous pour créer votre première mise-en-forme','Add layout'=>'Ajouter une mise-en-forme','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliquer la mise-en-forme','Remove layout'=>'Retirer la mise-en-forme','Click to toggle'=>'Cliquer pour intervertir','Delete Layout'=>'Supprimer la mise-en-forme','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliquer la mise-en-forme','Add New Layout'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle mise-en-forme','Add Layout'=>'Ajouter une mise-en-forme','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Nombre minimum de mises-en-forme','Maximum Layouts'=>'Nombre maximum de mises-en-forme','Button Label'=>'Intitulé du bouton','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Ajouter l’image à la galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Nombre de sélections maximales atteint','Length'=>'Longueur','Caption'=>'Légende','Alt Text'=>'Texte alternatif','Add to gallery'=>'Ajouter à la galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Actions de groupe','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordonner par date d’import','Sort by date modified'=>'Ranger par date de modification','Sort by title'=>'Ranger par titre','Reverse current order'=>'Inverser l’ordre actuel','Close'=>'Fermer','Minimum Selection'=>'Nombre minimum','Maximum Selection'=>'Nombre maximum','Allowed file types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Insert'=>'Insérer','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Définir où les nouveaux fichiers attachés sont ajoutés','Append to the end'=>'Ajouter à la fin','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Insérer au début','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments atteint ({min} éléments)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments atteint ({max} éléments)','Error loading page'=>'Échec du chargement du champ.','Rows Per Page'=>'Page des articles','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Choisissez la taxonomie à afficher','Minimum Rows'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments','Maximum Rows'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments','Collapsed'=>'Replié','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Choisir un sous champ à afficher lorsque l’élément est replié','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Nonce invalide.','Click to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Add row'=>'Ajouter un élément','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliquer','Remove row'=>'Retirer l’élément','Current Page'=>'Utilisateur courant','First Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Previous Page'=>'Page des articles','Next Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Last Page'=>'Page des articles','No block types exist'=>'Aucune page d’option n’existe','No options pages exist'=>'Aucune page d’option n’existe','Deactivate License'=>'Désactiver la licence','Activate License'=>'Activer votre licence','License Information'=>'Informations sur la licence','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour débloquer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence ci-dessous. Si vous n’en avez pas, rendez-vous sur nos détails & tarifs.','License Key'=>'Code de licence','Retry Activation'=>'Meilleure validation','Update Information'=>'Informations concernant les mises à jour','Current Version'=>'Version installée','Latest Version'=>'Version disponible','Update Available'=>'Mise à jour disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informations de mise à niveau','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Entrez votre clé de licence ci-dessus pour activer les mises à jour','Update Plugin'=>'Mettre à jour l’extension','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Entrez votre clé de licence ci-dessus pour activer les mises à jour']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.mo
index c27b0b7e..604f982e 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.po
index 8dfcae55..8aa944d8 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_CA.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: fr_CA\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2809,8 +2836,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2818,49 +2845,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2873,13 +2900,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2953,7 +2980,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3006,8 +3033,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3017,7 +3044,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3036,49 +3063,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr ""
@@ -3319,7 +3346,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Montrer ce champ si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Logique conditionnelle"
@@ -3328,9 +3355,9 @@ msgstr "Logique conditionnelle"
msgid "and"
msgstr "et"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3527,9 +3554,9 @@ msgstr "Style"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Identifiant"
@@ -3540,23 +3567,23 @@ msgstr "Identifiant"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordre"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Fermer le champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "largeur"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs du conteneur"
@@ -3564,68 +3591,68 @@ msgstr "Attributs du conteneur"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructions pour les auteurs. Affichées lors de la saisie du contenu"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructions"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Type de champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Un seul mot, sans espace. Les « _ » et « - » sont autorisés"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nom du champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Ce nom apparaîtra sur la page d‘édition"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Titre du champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Supprimer ce champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Déplacer"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Déplacer le champ dans un autre groupe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Dupliquer ce champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Modifier ce champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Faites glisser pour réorganiser"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Montrer ce groupe si"
@@ -3730,15 +3757,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Règles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copié"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papiers"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3746,22 +3773,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Sélectionnez les groupes de champs"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Générer le PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exporter les groupes de champs"
@@ -3787,22 +3814,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importer les groupes de champs"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synchroniser"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Choisir %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dupliquer cet élément"
@@ -3810,13 +3837,14 @@ msgstr "Dupliquer cet élément"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3825,26 +3853,26 @@ msgstr "Documentation"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronisation disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Groupe de champs dupliqué."
msgstr[1] "%s groupes de champs dupliqués."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Actif (%s)"
@@ -3885,7 +3913,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Déplacement effectué."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3900,7 +3928,7 @@ msgstr "Identifiants des champs"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Réglages"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Emplacement"
@@ -3912,14 +3940,14 @@ msgstr "Vide"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copie"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(ce champ)"
@@ -3930,14 +3958,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Coché"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Déplacer le champ personnalisé"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Aucun champ de sélection disponible"
@@ -3946,16 +3974,16 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Veuillez indiquer un titre pour le groupe de champs"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n'ont pas été "
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Le nom d’un champ ne peut pas commencer par « field_ »"
@@ -4123,8 +4151,8 @@ msgstr "N'a pas de valeur"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "A n'importe quelle valeur"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
@@ -4134,24 +4162,24 @@ msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr(e)?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d champs requièrent votre attention"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 champ requiert votre attention"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Échec de la validation"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validé avec succès"
@@ -4187,8 +4215,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Les modifications seront perdues si vous quittez cette page"
@@ -4201,10 +4229,10 @@ msgstr "Le type de fichier doit être %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4254,8 +4282,8 @@ msgstr "Miniature"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(aucun libellé)"
@@ -5227,7 +5255,7 @@ msgstr "Aucune image sélectionnée"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Enlever"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5546,92 +5574,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Sélecteur d’heure"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Aucun champ trouvé"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Rechercher des champs"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Voir le champ"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nouveau champ"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Modifier le champ"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Ajouter un champ"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Champs"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs trouvé"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Rechercher des groupes de champs"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Voir le groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nouveau groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Modifier le groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Ajouter"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Groupes de champs"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.l10n.php
index 42d7d8aa..8799fc8c 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fr_FR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renouveler la licence ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Renouveler la licence','Manage License'=>'Gérer la licence','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'La position « Haute » n’est pas prise en charge par l’éditeur de bloc','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Mettre à niveau vers ACF PRO','Add Options Page'=>'Ajouter une page d’options','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Dans l’éditeur, utilisé comme texte indicatif du titre.','Title Placeholder'=>'Texte indicatif du titre','4 Months Free'=>'4 mois gratuits',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Dupliqué depuis %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Sélectionner des pages d’options','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dupliquer une taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Créer une taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Dupliquer un type de publication','Create post type'=>'Créer un type de publication','Link field groups'=>'Lier des groupes de champs','Add fields'=>'Ajouter des champs','This Field'=>'Ce champ','ACF PRO'=>'ACF Pro','Feedback'=>'Retour','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'est développé et maintenu par','Target Field'=>'Champ cible','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectionnel','%s Field'=>'Champ %s','Select Multiple'=>'Sélection multiple','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Lettres minuscules, tirets hauts et tirets bas uniquement. Maximum 32 caractères.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour assigner les termes de cette taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Permission d’assigner les termes','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour supprimer les termes de cette taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Permission de supprimer les termes','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour modifier les termes de cette taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Permission de modifier les termes','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour gérer les termes de cette taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Permission de gérer les termes','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Définit si les publications doivent être exclues des résultats de recherche et des pages d’archive de taxonomie.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Autres outils de WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Conçu pour ceux qui construisent avec WordPress, par l’équipe %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Voir les tarifs & mettre à niveau','Learn More'=>'En Savoir Plus','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Accélérez votre productivité et développez de meilleurs sites avec des fonctionnalités comme les blocs ACF et les pages d’options, ainsi que des champs avancés comme répéteur, contenu flexible, clones et galerie.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Débloquer les fonctionnalités avancées et aller encore plus loin avec ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s champs','No terms'=>'Aucun terme','No post types'=>'Aucun type de publication','No posts'=>'Aucun article','No taxonomies'=>'Aucune taxonomie','No field groups'=>'Aucun groupe de champs','No fields'=>'Aucun champ','No description'=>'Aucune description','Any post status'=>'Tout état de publication','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de taxonomie est déjà utilisée par une autre taxonomie enregistrée en dehors d’ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de taxonomie est déjà utilisée par une autre taxonomie dans ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clé de taxonomie doit uniquement contenir des caractères alphanumériques, des tirets bas ou des tirets.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'La clé de taxonomie doit comporter moins de 32 caractères.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Aucune taxonomie trouvée dans la corbeille','No Taxonomies found'=>'Aucune taxonomie trouvée','Search Taxonomies'=>'Rechercher des taxonomies','View Taxonomy'=>'Afficher la taxonomie','New Taxonomy'=>'Nouvelle taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Modifier la taxonomie','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle taxonomie','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Aucun type de publication trouvé dans la corbeille','No Post Types found'=>'Aucun type de publication trouvé','Search Post Types'=>'Rechercher des types de publication','View Post Type'=>'Voir le type de publication','New Post Type'=>'Nouveau type de publication','Edit Post Type'=>'Modifier le type de publication','Add New Post Type'=>'Ajouter un nouveau type de publication personnalisé','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de type de publication est déjà utilisée par un autre type de publication enregistré en dehors d’ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de type de publication est déjà utilisée par un autre type de publication dans ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Ce champ ne doit pas être un terme réservé WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clé du type de publication doit contenir uniquement des caractères alphanumériques, des tirets bas ou des tirets.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clé du type de publication doit comporter moins de 20 caractères.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Nous vous déconseillons d’utiliser ce champ dans les blocs ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Affiche l’éditeur WordPress WYSIWYG tel qu’il apparaît dans les articles et pages, permettant une expérience d’édition de texte riche qui autorise également du contenu multimédia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Éditeur WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Autorise la sélection d’un ou plusieurs comptes pouvant être utilisés pour créer des relations entre les objets de données.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Une saisie de texte spécialement conçue pour stocker des adresses web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Une permutation qui vous permet de choisir une valeur de 1 ou 0 (actif ou inactif, vrai ou faux, etc.). Peut être présenté sous la forme de commutateur stylisé ou de case à cocher.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une heure. Le format de retour de date peut être personnalisé à l’aide des réglages du champ.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Une entrée de zone de texte de base pour stocker des paragraphes de texte.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Une entrée de texte de base, utile pour stocker des valeurs de chaîne unique.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Une liste déroulante avec une sélection de choix que vous spécifiez.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive et personnalisable pour choisir un ou plusieurs articles, pages ou éléments de type publication avec la possibilité de rechercher. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Une entrée pour fournir un mot de passe à l’aide d’un champ masqué.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrer par état de publication','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Une entrée limitée à des valeurs numériques.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Utilisé pour afficher un message aux éditeurs à côté d’autres champs. Utile pour fournir un contexte ou des instructions supplémentaires concernant vos champs.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Permet de spécifier un lien et ses propriétés, telles que le titre et la cible en utilisant le sélecteur de liens de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Utilise le sélecteur de média natif de WordPress pour téléverser ou choisir des images.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Permet de structurer les champs en groupes afin de mieux organiser les données et l’écran d‘édition.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour sélectionner un emplacement à l’aide de Google Maps. Nécessite une clé de l’API Google Maps et une configuration supplémentaire pour s’afficher correctement.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Utilise le sélecteur de médias WordPress natif pour téléverser ou choisir des fichiers.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Une saisie de texte spécialement conçue pour stocker des adresses e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une date et un horaire. Le format de la date retour peut être personnalisé à l’aide des réglages du champ.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une date. Le format de la date retour peut être personnalisé en utilisant les champs de réglages.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour sélectionner une couleur ou spécifier la valeur hexa.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Un groupe de case à cocher autorisant l’utilisateur/utilisatrice à sélectionner une ou plusieurs valeurs que vous spécifiez.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Un groupe de boutons avec des valeurs que vous spécifiez, les utilisateurs/utilisatrices peuvent choisir une option parmi les valeurs fournies.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Autorise à regrouper et organiser les champs personnalisés dans des volets dépliants qui s’affichent lors de la modification du contenu. Utile pour garder de grands ensembles de données ordonnés.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Cela propose une solution pour dupliquer des contenus tels que des diapositive, des membres de l’équipe et des boutons d’appel à l‘action, en agissant comme un parent pour un ensemble de sous-champs qui peuvent être répétés à l’infini.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Cela propose une interface interactive permettant de gérer une collection de fichiers joints. La plupart des réglages sont similaires à ceux du champ Image. Des réglages supplémentaires vous autorise à spécifier l’endroit où les nouveaux fichiers joints sont ajoutés dans la galerie et le nombre minimum/maximum de fichiers joints autorisées.','nounClone'=>'Cloner','PRO'=>'Pro','Advanced'=>'Avancé','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (plus récent)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de publication invalide.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Type de publication sélectionné pour révision invalide.','More'=>'Plus','Tutorial'=>'Tutoriel','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Disponible avec ACF Pro','Select Field'=>'Sélectionner le champ','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Essayez un autre terme de recherche ou parcourez %s','Popular fields'=>'Champs populaires','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Aucun résultat de recherche pour « %s »','Search fields...'=>'Rechercher des champs…','Select Field Type'=>'Sélectionner le type de champ','Popular'=>'Populaire','Add Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter une taxonomie','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Créer des taxonomies personnalisées pour classer le contenu du type de publication','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter votre première taxonomie','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Les taxonomies hiérarchiques peuvent avoir des enfants (comme les catégories).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Rend une taxonomie visible sur l’interface publique et dans le tableau de bord d’administration.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Un ou plusieurs types de publication peuvant être classés avec cette taxonomie.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Contrôleur personnalisé facultatif à utiliser à la place de « WP_REST_Terms_Controller ».','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exposez ce type de publication dans l’API REST.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personnaliser le nom de la variable de requête','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Termes parent-enfant dans les URL pour les taxonomies hiérarchiques.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personnaliser le slug utilisé dans l’URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Les permaliens sont désactivés pour cette taxonomie.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Réécrire l’URL en utilisant la clé de taxonomie comme slug. Votre structure de permalien sera','Taxonomy Key'=>'Clé de taxonomie','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Sélectionnez le type de permalien à utiliser pour cette taxonomie.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Affichez une colonne pour la taxonomie sur les écrans de liste de type de publication.','Show Admin Column'=>'Afficher la colonne « Admin »','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Afficher la taxonomie dans le panneau de modification rapide/groupée.','Quick Edit'=>'Modification rapide','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Lister la taxonomie dans les contrôles du widget « Nuage d’étiquettes ».','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuage d’étiquettes','No Meta Box'=>'Aucune boîte méta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta personnalisée','Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta des catégories','Tags Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta des étiquettes','A link to a tag'=>'Un lien vers une étiquette','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Décrit une variante de bloc de lien de navigation utilisée dans l’éditeur de blocs.','A link to a %s'=>'Un lien vers un %s','Tag Link'=>'Lien de l’étiquette','← Go to tags'=>'← Aller aux étiquettes','Back To Items'=>'Retour aux éléments','← Go to %s'=>'← Aller à « %s »','Tags list'=>'Liste des étiquettes','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Assigne du texte au titre masqué du tableau.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigation de la liste des étiquettes','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Affecte du texte au titre masqué de pagination de tableau.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrer par catégorie','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrer par élément','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrer par %s','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ « Description » sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Description Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Description »','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ parent sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Parent Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Parent »','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le slug du champ sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Slug Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Slug »','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Le nom est la façon dont il apparaît sur votre site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ « Nom » sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Name Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Nom »','No tags'=>'Aucune étiquette','No Terms'=>'Aucun terme','No %s'=>'Aucun %s','No tags found'=>'Aucune étiquette trouvée','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Assigne le texte affiché lorsque vous cliquez sur le texte « choisir parmi les plus utilisés » dans la boîte de méta de taxonomie lorsqu’aucune étiquette n’est disponible, et affecte le texte utilisé dans le tableau de liste des termes lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’élément pour une taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Non trouvé','Most Used'=>'Les plus utilisés','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Choisir parmi les étiquettes les plus utilisées','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Attribue le texte « choisir parmi les plus utilisés » utilisé dans la méta-zone lorsque JavaScript est désactivé. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies non hiérarchiques.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Choisir parmi les plus utilisés','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Choisir parmi les %s les plus utilisés','Add or remove tags'=>'Ajouter ou retirer des étiquettes','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Assigne le texte d’ajout ou de suppression d’éléments utilisé dans la boîte méta lorsque JavaScript est désactivé. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies non hiérarchiques','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Ajouter ou supprimer des éléments','Add or remove %s'=>'Ajouter ou retirer %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Séparer les étiquettes par des virgules','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Séparer les éléments par des virgules','Separate %s with commas'=>'Séparer les %s avec une virgule','Popular Tags'=>'Étiquettes populaires','Popular Items'=>'Éléments populaires','Popular %s'=>'%s populaire','Search Tags'=>'Rechercher des étiquettes','Assigns search items text.'=>'Assigne le texte des éléments de recherche.','Parent Category:'=>'Catégorie parente :','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément parent, mais avec deux points (:) ajouté à la fin.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Élément parent avec deux-points','Parent Category'=>'Catégorie parente','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément parent. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies hiérarchiques.','Parent Item'=>'Élément parent','Parent %s'=>'%s parent','New Tag Name'=>'Nom de la nouvelle étiquette','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Assigne le texte du nom du nouvel élément.','New Item Name'=>'Nom du nouvel élément','New %s Name'=>'Nom du nouveau %s','Add New Tag'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle étiquette','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Assigne le texte « Ajouter un nouvel élément ».','Update Tag'=>'Mettre à jour l’étiquette','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément « Mettre à jour ».','Update Item'=>'Mettre à jour l’élément','Update %s'=>'Mettre à jour %s','View Tag'=>'Voir l’étiquette','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Dans la barre d’administration pour voir le terme lors de la modification.','Edit Tag'=>'Modifier l’étiquette','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de la modification d’un terme.','All Tags'=>'Toutes les étiquettes','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Assigne le texte « Tous les éléments ».','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Assigne le texte du nom du menu.','Menu Label'=>'Libellé du menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Les taxonomies actives sont activées et enregistrées avec WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un résumé descriptif de la taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un résumé descriptif du terme.','Term Description'=>'Description du terme','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Un seul mot, aucun espace. Tirets bas et tirets autorisés.','Term Slug'=>'Slug du terme','The name of the default term.'=>'Nom du terme par défaut.','Term Name'=>'Nom du terme','Default Term'=>'Terme par défaut','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Si les termes de cette taxonomie doivent être triés dans l’ordre dans lequel ils sont fournis à « wp_set_object_terms() ».','Sort Terms'=>'Trier les termes','Add Post Type'=>'Ajouter un type de publication','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Ajouter votre premier type de publication','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Je sais ce que je fais, affichez-moi toutes les options.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuration avancée','Hierarchical'=>'Hiérachique','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible sur l’interface publique et dans le tableau de bord de l’administration.','Public'=>'Public','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Lettres minuscules, tiret bas et tirets uniquement, maximum 20 caractères.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Libellé au singulier','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Libellé au pluriel','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Contrôleur personnalisé facultatif à utiliser à la place de « WP_REST_Posts_Controller ».','Controller Class'=>'Classe de contrôleur','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'URL de base pour les URL de l’API REST du type de publication.','Base URL'=>'URL de base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expose ce type de publication dans l’API REST. Nécessaire pour utiliser l’éditeur de bloc.','Show In REST API'=>'Afficher dans l’API Rest','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personnaliser le nom de la variable de requête.','Query Variable'=>'Variable de requête','No Query Variable Support'=>'Aucune prise en charge des variables de requête','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variable de requête personnalisée','Query Variable Support'=>'Prise en charge des variables de requête','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publiquement interrogeable','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personnalisé pour l’URL de l’archive.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug de l’archive','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Possède une archive d’élément qui peut être personnalisée avec un fichier de modèle d’archive dans votre thème.','Archive'=>'Archive','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Prise en charge de la pagination pour les URL des éléments tels que les archives.','Pagination'=>'Pagination','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL de flux RSS pour les éléments du type de publication.','Feed URL'=>'URL du flux','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Modifie la structure du permalien pour ajouter le préfixe « WP_Rewrite::$front » aux URL.','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personnalisez le slug utilisé dans l’URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug de l’URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Les permaliens sont désactivés pour ce type de publication.','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Aucun permalien (empêcher la réécriture d’URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Permalien personnalisé','Post Type Key'=>'Clé du type de publication','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Réécrire l’URL en utilisant la clé du type de publication comme slug. Votre structure de permalien sera','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Réécriture du permalien','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Supprimer les éléments d’un compte lorsque ce dernier est supprimé.','Delete With User'=>'Supprimer avec le compte','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Autoriser l’exportation du type de publication depuis « Outils » > « Exporter ».','Can Export'=>'Exportable','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Fournissez éventuellement un pluriel à utiliser dans les fonctionnalités.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nom de la capacité au pluriel','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renommer les permissions','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclure de la recherche','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Autorisez l’ajout d’éléments aux menus dans l’écran « Apparence » > « Menus ». Doit être activé dans « Options de l’écran ».','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Prise en charge des menus d’apparence','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Apparaît en tant qu’élément dans le menu « Nouveau » de la barre d’administration.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Afficher dans la barre d’administration','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Rappel de boîte méta personnalisée','Menu Icon'=>'Icône de menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Position dans le menu de la colonne latérale du tableau de bord d’administration.','Menu Position'=>'Position du menu','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Parent du menu d’administration','Dashicon class name'=>'Nom de la classe du Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navigation de l’éditeur d’administration dans le menu de la colonne latérale.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Afficher dans le menu d’administration','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Les éléments peuvent être modifiés et gérés dans le tableau de bord d’administration.','Show In UI'=>'Afficher dans l’interface utilisateur','A link to a post.'=>'Un lien vers une publication.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Description d’une variation de bloc de lien de navigation.','Item Link Description'=>'Description du lien de l’élément','A link to a %s.'=>'Un lien vers un %s.','Post Link'=>'Lien de publication','Item Link'=>'Lien de l’élément','%s Link'=>'Lien %s','Post updated.'=>'Publication mise à jour.','Item Updated'=>'Élément mis à jour','%s updated.'=>'%s mis à jour.','Post scheduled.'=>'Publication planifiée.','Item Scheduled'=>'Élément planifié','%s scheduled.'=>'%s planifié.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Élément repassé en brouillon','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s repassé en brouillon.','Post published privately.'=>'Publication publiée en privé.','Item Published Privately'=>'Élément publié en privé','%s published privately.'=>'%s publié en privé.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Dans la notification de l’éditeur après la publication d’un élément.','Item Published'=>'Élément publié','%s published.'=>'%s publié.','Posts list'=>'Liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour la liste des éléments sur l’écran de la liste des types de publication.','Items List'=>'Liste des éléments','%s list'=>'Liste %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigation dans la liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour la pagination de la liste de filtres sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Items List Navigation'=>'Liste des éléments de navigation','%s list navigation'=>'Navigation dans la liste %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrer les publications par date','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour l’en-tête de filtre par date sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrer les éléments par date','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrer %s par date','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrer la liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour l’en-tête des liens de filtre sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrer la liste des éléments','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrer la liste %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Téléversé dans l’élément','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Téléversé sur ce %s','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Bouton « Insérer dans le média »','Insert into %s'=>'Insérer dans %s','Use as featured image'=>'Utiliser comme image mise en avant','Remove featured image'=>'Retirer l’image mise en avant','Featured image'=>'Image mise en avant','Post Attributes'=>'Attributs de la publication','%s Attributes'=>'Attributs des %s','Post Archives'=>'Archives de publication','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu de navigation des archives','%s Archives'=>'Archives des %s','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Aucun élément trouvé dans la corbeille','No posts found'=>'Aucune publication trouvée','No Items Found'=>'Aucun élément trouvé','No %s found'=>'Aucun %s trouvé','Search Posts'=>'Rechercher des publications','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'En haut de l’écran des éléments lors de la recherche d’un élément.','Search Items'=>'Rechercher des éléments','Search %s'=>'Rechercher %s','Parent Page:'=>'Page parente :','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Préfixe de l’élément parent','Parent %s:'=>'%s parent :','New Post'=>'Nouvelle publication','New Item'=>'Nouvel élément','New %s'=>'Nouveau %s','Add New Post'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle publication','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de l’ajout d’un nouvel élément.','Add New Item'=>'Ajouter un nouvel élément','Add New %s'=>'Ajouter %s','View Posts'=>'Voir les publications','View Items'=>'Voir les éléments','View Post'=>'Voir la publication','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Dans la barre d’administration pour afficher l’élément lors de sa modification.','View Item'=>'Voir l’élément','View %s'=>'Voir %s','Edit Post'=>'Modifier la publication','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de la modification d’un élément.','Edit Item'=>'Modifier l’élément','Edit %s'=>'Modifier %s','All Posts'=>'Toutes les publications','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Dans le sous-menu de type de publication du tableau de bord d’administration.','All Items'=>'Tous les éléments','All %s'=>'Tout les %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nom du menu d’administration pour le type de publication.','Menu Name'=>'Nom du menu','Regenerate'=>'Régénérer','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Les types de publication actifs sont activés et enregistrés avec WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Un résumé descriptif du type de publication.','Add Custom'=>'Ajouter une personalisation','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Activez diverses fonctionnalités dans l’éditeur de contenu.','Post Formats'=>'Formats des publications','Editor'=>'Éditeur','Trackbacks'=>'Rétroliens','Browse Fields'=>'Parcourir les champs','Nothing to import'=>'Rien à importer','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. L’extension Custom Post Type UI peut être désactivée.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Élément %d importé à partir de l’interface utilisateur de type de publication personnalisée -' . "\0" . 'Éléments %d importés à partir de l’interface utilisateur de type de publication personnalisée -','Imported 1 item'=>'Importé 1 élément' . "\0" . 'Importé %s éléments','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportation - Générer PHP','Export'=>'Exporter','Select Taxonomies'=>'Sélectionner les taxonomies','Select Post Types'=>'Sélectionner les types de publication','Category'=>'Catégorie','Tag'=>'Étiquette','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie créée','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomie %s mise à jour','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Brouillon de taxonomie mis à jour.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie planifiée pour.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie envoyée.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie enregistrée.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie supprimée.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie mise à jour.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie synchronisée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies synchronisées.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie dupliquée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies dupliquées.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie désactivée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies désactivées.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie activée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies activées.','Terms'=>'Termes','Post type synchronized.'=>'Type de publication synchronisé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication synchronisés.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Type de publication dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication dupliqués.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Type de publication désactivé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication désactivés.','Post type activated.'=>'Type de publication activé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication activés.','Post Types'=>'Types de publication','Advanced Settings'=>'Réglages avancés','Basic Settings'=>'Réglages de base','Pages'=>'Pages','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Lier des groupes de champs existants','%s post type created'=>'%s type de publication créé','Add fields to %s'=>'Ajouter des champs à %s','%s post type updated'=>'Type de publication %s mis à jour','Post type draft updated.'=>'Le brouillon du type de publication a été mis à jour.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Type de publication planifié pour.','Post type submitted.'=>'Type de publication envoyé.','Post type saved.'=>'Type de publication enregistré.','Post type updated.'=>'Type de publication mis à jour.','Post type deleted.'=>'Type de publication supprimé.','Type to search...'=>'Type à rechercher…','PRO Only'=>'Uniquement sur PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Les groupes de champs ont bien été liés.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'type de publication','Done'=>'Terminé','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Sélectionner un ou plusieurs groupes de champs…','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Veuillez choisir les groupes de champs à lier.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Echec de l’enregistrement','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Droits','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'Visibilité','Labels'=>'Libellés','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Onglets des réglages du champ','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Valeur du code court ACF désactivée pour l’aperçu]','Close Modal'=>'Fermer la modale','Field moved to other group'=>'Champ déplacé vers un autre groupe','Close modal'=>'Fermer la modale','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Commencez un nouveau groupe d’onglets dans cet onglet.','New Tab Group'=>'Nouveau groupe d’onglets','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Utiliser une case à cocher stylisée avec select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Enregistrer un autre choix','Allow Other Choice'=>'Autoriser un autre choix','Add Toggle All'=>'Ajouter « Tout ouvrir/fermer »','Save Custom Values'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées','Allow Custom Values'=>'Autoriser les valeurs personnalisées','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Les valeurs personnalisées des cases à cocher ne peuvent pas être vides. Décochez toutes les valeurs vides.','Updates'=>'Mises à jour','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Enregistrer les modifications','Field Group Title'=>'Titre du groupe de champs','Add title'=>'Ajouter un titre','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nouveau sur ACF ? Jetez un œil à notre guide des premiers pas.','Add Field Group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de champs','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utilise des groupes de champs pour grouper des champs personnalisés et les associer aux écrans de modification.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Ajouter votre premier groupe de champs','Options Pages'=>'Pages d’options','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocs ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Champ galerie','Flexible Content Field'=>'Champ de contenu flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Champ répéteur','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Débloquer des fonctionnalités supplémentaires avec ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Supprimer le groupe de champ','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Créé le %1$s à %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Réglages du groupe','Location Rules'=>'Règles de localisation','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Choisissez parmi plus de 30 types de champs. En savoir plus.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Commencez à créer de nouveaux champs personnalisés pour vos articles, pages, types de publication personnalisés et autres contenus WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Ajouter votre premier champ','#'=>'N°','Add Field'=>'Ajouter un champ','Presentation'=>'Présentation','Validation'=>'Validation','General'=>'Général','Import JSON'=>'Importer un JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exporter en tant que JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Groupe de champs désactivé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs désactivés.','Field group activated.'=>'Groupe de champs activé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs activés.','Deactivate'=>'Désactiver','Deactivate this item'=>'Désactiver cet élément','Activate'=>'Activer','Activate this item'=>'Activer cet élément','Move field group to trash?'=>'Déplacer le groupe de champs vers la corbeille ?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactif','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields et Advanced Custom Fields Pro ne doivent pas être actives en même temps. Nous avons automatiquement désactivé Advanced Custom Fields Pro.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields et Advanced Custom Fields Pro ne doivent pas être actives en même temps. Nous avons automatiquement désactivé Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Nous avons détecté un ou plusieurs appels pour récupérer les valeurs des champs ACF avant l’initialisation d’ACF. Ceci n’est pas pris en charge et peut entraîner des données incorrectes ou manquantes. Découvrez comment corriger ce problème.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un compte avec le rôle %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit avoir un compte avec l’un des rôles suivants : %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un ID de compte valide.','Invalid request.'=>'Demande invalide.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s n’est pas l’un des %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s doit contenir le terme %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit contenir l’un des termes suivants : %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s doit être une publication de type %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit appartenir à l’un des types de publication suivants : %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un ID de publication valide.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s nécessite un ID de fichier jointe valide.','Show in REST API'=>'Afficher dans l’API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activer la transparence','RGBA Array'=>'Tableau RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Chaine RGBA','Hex String'=>'Chaine hexadécimale','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Mettre à niveau vers PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actif','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'« %s » n’est pas une adresse e-mail valide','Color value'=>'Valeur de la couleur','Select default color'=>'Sélectionner une couleur par défaut','Clear color'=>'Effacer la couleur','Blocks'=>'Blocs','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Comptes','Menu items'=>'Éléments de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Fichiers joints','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Publications','Last updated: %s'=>'Dernière mise à jour : %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Désolé, cette publication n’est pas disponible pour la comparaison de différence.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Paramètres de groupe de champ invalides.','Awaiting save'=>'En attente d’enregistrement','Saved'=>'Enregistré','Import'=>'Importer','Review changes'=>'Évaluer les modifications','Located in: %s'=>'Situés dans : %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Situés dans l’extension : %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Situés dans le thème : %s','Various'=>'Divers','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniser les modifications','Loading diff'=>'Chargement du différentiel','Review local JSON changes'=>'Vérifier les modifications JSON locales','Visit website'=>'Visiter le site','View details'=>'Voir les détails','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Informations','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Service d’assistance. Les professionnels du support de notre service d’assistance vous aideront à résoudre vos problèmes techniques les plus complexes.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussions. Nous avons une communauté active et amicale sur nos forums communautaires qui peut vous aider à comprendre le fonctionnement de l’écosystème ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Notre documentation complète contient des références et des guides pour la plupart des situations que vous pouvez rencontrer.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Nous sommes fanatiques du support et souhaitons que vous tiriez le meilleur parti de votre site avec ACF. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, il existe plusieurs endroits où vous pouvez trouver de l’aide :','Help & Support'=>'Aide & support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Veuillez utiliser l’onglet « Aide & support » pour nous contacter si vous avez besoin d’assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Avant de créer votre premier groupe de champ, nous vous recommandons de lire notre guide Pour commencer afin de vous familiariser avec la philosophie et les meilleures pratiques de l’extension.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'L’extension Advanced Custom Fields fournit un constructeur visuel de formulaires pour modifier les écrans de WordPress avec des champs supplémentaires, ainsi qu’une API intuitive pour afficher les valeurs des champs personnalisés dans n’importe quel fichier de modèle de thème.','Overview'=>'Aperçu','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type d’emplacement « %s » est déjà inscrit.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La classe « %s » n’existe pas.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce invalide.','Error loading field.'=>'Erreur lors du chargement du champ.','Location not found: %s'=>'Emplacement introuvable : %s','Error: %s'=>'Erreur : %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rôle du compte','Comment'=>'Commenter','Post Format'=>'Format de publication','Menu Item'=>'Élément de menu','Post Status'=>'État de la publication','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Emplacements de menus','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie de la publication','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Page enfant (a un parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Page parent (a des enfants)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Page de plus haut niveau (aucun parent)','Posts Page'=>'Page des publications','Front Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Page Type'=>'Type de page','Viewing back end'=>'Affichage de l’interface d’administration','Viewing front end'=>'Vue de l’interface publique','Logged in'=>'Connecté','Current User'=>'Compte actuel','Page Template'=>'Modèle de page','Register'=>'S’inscrire','Add / Edit'=>'Ajouter/Modifier','User Form'=>'Formulaire de profil','Page Parent'=>'Page parente','Super Admin'=>'Super admin','Current User Role'=>'Rôle du compte actuel','Default Template'=>'Modèle par défaut','Post Template'=>'Modèle de publication','Post Category'=>'Catégorie de publication','All %s formats'=>'Tous les formats %s','Attachment'=>'Fichier joint','%s value is required'=>'La valeur %s est obligatoire','Show this field if'=>'Afficher ce champ si','Conditional Logic'=>'Logique conditionnelle','and'=>'et','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Champ clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Veuillez également vérifier que tous les modules premium (%s) soient mis à jour à la dernière version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Cette version contient des améliorations de la base de données et nécessite une mise à niveau.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Merci d‘avoir mis à jour %1$s v%2$s !','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données requise','Options Page'=>'Page d’options','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Contenu flexible','Repeater'=>'Répéteur','Back to all tools'=>'Retour aux outils','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si plusieurs groupes de champs apparaissent sur un écran de modification, les options du premier groupe de champs seront utilisées (celle avec le numéro de commande le plus bas).','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Sélectionner les éléments à masquer sur l’écran de modification.','Hide on screen'=>'Masquer de l’écran','Send Trackbacks'=>'Envoyer des rétroliens','Tags'=>'Étiquettes','Categories'=>'Catégories','Page Attributes'=>'Attributs de page','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur/autrice','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Révisions','Comments'=>'Commentaires','Discussion'=>'Commentaires','Excerpt'=>'Extrait','Content Editor'=>'Éditeur de contenu','Permalink'=>'Permalien','Shown in field group list'=>'Affiché dans la liste des groupes de champs','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Les groupes de champs avec un ordre inférieur apparaitront en premier','Order No.'=>'N° d’ordre.','Below fields'=>'Sous les champs','Below labels'=>'Sous les libellés','Instruction Placement'=>'Emplacement des instructions','Label Placement'=>'Emplacement des libellés','Side'=>'Sur le côté','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (après le contenu)','High (after title)'=>'Haute (après le titre)','Position'=>'Emplacement','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sans contour (pas de boîte meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (boîte méta WP)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Clé','Order'=>'Ordre','Close Field'=>'Fermer le champ','id'=>'ID','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largeur','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributs du conteneur','Required'=>'Obligatoire','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions pour les auteurs et autrices. Affichées lors de l’envoi des données','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Type de champ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un seul mot. Aucun espace. Les tirets bas et les tirets sont autorisés.','Field Name'=>'Nom du champ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ceci est le nom qui apparaîtra sur la page de modification','Field Label'=>'Libellé du champ','Delete'=>'Supprimer','Delete field'=>'Supprimer le champ','Move'=>'Déplacer','Move field to another group'=>'Deplacer le champ vers un autre groupe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliquer le champ','Edit field'=>'Modifier le champ','Drag to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Show this field group if'=>'Afficher ce groupe de champs si','No updates available.'=>'Aucune mise à jour disponible.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Mise à niveau de base de données complète. Voir les nouveautés','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lecture des tâches de mise à niveau…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Mise à niveau échouée.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Mise à niveau terminée.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Mise à niveau des données vers la version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Il est recommandé de sauvegarder votre base de données avant de procéder. Confirmez-vous le lancement de la mise à jour maintenant ?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Veuillez choisir au moins un site à mettre à niveau.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données effectuée. Retourner au tableau de bord du réseau','Site is up to date'=>'Le site est à jour','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Le site nécessite une mise à niveau de la base de données à partir de %1$s vers %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Mettre à niveau les sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Les sites suivants nécessitent une mise à niveau de la base de données. Sélectionner ceux que vous voulez mettre à jour et cliquer sur %s.','Add rule group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de règles','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Créer un ensemble de règles pour déterminer quels écrans de modification utiliseront ces champs personnalisés avancés','Rules'=>'Règles','Copied'=>'Copié','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copier dans le presse-papier','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Sélectionnez les éléments que vous souhaitez exporter, puis choisissez la méthode d’exportation. « Exporter comme JSON » pour exporter vers un fichier .json que vous pouvez ensuite importer dans une autre installation ACF. « Générer le PHP » pour exporter un code PHP que vous pouvez placer dans votre thème.','Select Field Groups'=>'Sélectionner les groupes de champs','No field groups selected'=>'Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné','Generate PHP'=>'Générer le PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exporter les groupes de champs','Import file empty'=>'Fichier d’importation vide','Incorrect file type'=>'Type de fichier incorrect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erreur de téléversement du fichier. Veuillez réessayer.','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Sélectionnez le fichier JSON Advanced Custom Fields que vous souhaitez importer. Quand vous cliquez sur le bouton « Importer » ci-dessous, ACF importera les éléments dans ce fichier.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer les groupes de champs','Sync'=>'Synchroniser','Select %s'=>'Sélectionner %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliquer','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliquer cet élément','Supports'=>'Prend en charge','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Synchronisation disponible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Groupe de champs synchronisé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs synchronisés.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Groupe de champs dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs dupliqués.','Active (%s)'=>'Actif (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actifs (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Examiner les sites et mettre à niveau','Upgrade Database'=>'Mettre à niveau la base de données','Custom Fields'=>'Champs personnalisés','Move Field'=>'Déplacer le champ','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Veuillez sélectionner la destination pour ce champ','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Le champ %1$s peut maintenant être trouvé dans le groupe de champs %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Déplacement effectué.','Active'=>'Actif','Field Keys'=>'Clés des champs','Settings'=>'Réglages','Location'=>'Emplacement','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copier','(this field)'=>'(ce champ)','Checked'=>'Coché','Move Custom Field'=>'Déplacer le champ personnalisé','No toggle fields available'=>'Aucun champ de sélection disponible','Field group title is required'=>'Le titre du groupe de champ est requis','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n’ont pas été enregistrées','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La chaine « field_ » ne peut pas être utilisée au début du nom d’un champ','Field group draft updated.'=>'Brouillon du groupe de champs mis à jour.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Groupe de champs programmé.','Field group submitted.'=>'Groupe de champs envoyé.','Field group saved.'=>'Groupe de champs sauvegardé.','Field group published.'=>'Groupe de champs publié.','Field group deleted.'=>'Groupe de champs supprimé.','Field group updated.'=>'Groupe de champs mis à jour.','Tools'=>'Outils','is not equal to'=>'n’est pas égal à','is equal to'=>'est égal à','Forms'=>'Formulaires','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Publication','Relational'=>'Relationnel','Choice'=>'Choix','Basic'=>'Basique','Unknown'=>'Inconnu','Field type does not exist'=>'Le type de champ n’existe pas','Spam Detected'=>'Indésirable détecté','Post updated'=>'Publication mise à jour','Update'=>'Mise à jour','Validate Email'=>'Valider l’e-mail','Content'=>'Contenu','Title'=>'Titre','Edit field group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Selection is less than'=>'La sélection est inférieure à','Selection is greater than'=>'La sélection est supérieure à','Value is less than'=>'La valeur est plus petite que','Value is greater than'=>'La valeur est plus grande que','Value contains'=>'La valeur contient','Value matches pattern'=>'La valeur correspond au modèle','Value is not equal to'=>'La valeur n’est pas égale à','Value is equal to'=>'La valeur est égale à','Has no value'=>'A aucune valeur','Has any value'=>'A n’importe quelle valeur','Cancel'=>'Annuler','Are you sure?'=>'Confirmez-vous ?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d champs nécessitent votre attention','1 field requires attention'=>'Un champ nécessite votre attention','Validation failed'=>'Échec de la validation','Validation successful'=>'Validation réussie','Restricted'=>'Limité','Collapse Details'=>'Replier les détails','Expand Details'=>'Déplier les détails','Uploaded to this post'=>'Téléversé sur cette publication','verbUpdate'=>'Mettre à jour','verbEdit'=>'Modifier','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Les modifications que vous avez effectuées seront perdues si vous quittez cette page','File type must be %s.'=>'Le type de fichier doit être %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'La taille du fichier ne doit pas excéder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'La taille du fichier doit être d’au moins %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La hauteur de l’image ne doit pas excéder %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La hauteur de l’image doit être au minimum de %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La largeur de l’image ne doit pas excéder %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'La largeur de l’image doit être au minimum de %d px.','(no title)'=>'(aucun titre)','Full Size'=>'Taille originale','Large'=>'Grand','Medium'=>'Moyen','Thumbnail'=>'Miniature','(no label)'=>'(aucun libellé)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Définir la hauteur de la zone de texte','Rows'=>'Lignes','Text Area'=>'Zone de texte','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Ajouter une case à cocher pour basculer tous les choix','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrez les valeurs « personnalisées » dans les choix du champ','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Autoriser l’ajout de valeurs personnalisées','Add new choice'=>'Ajouter un nouveau choix','Toggle All'=>'Tout (dé)sélectionner','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Afficher les URL des archives','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Lien vers la page','Add'=>'Ajouter','Name'=>'Nom','%s added'=>'%s ajouté','%s already exists'=>'%s existe déjà','User unable to add new %s'=>'Compte incapable d’ajouter un nouveau %s','Term ID'=>'ID de terme','Term Object'=>'Objet de terme','Load value from posts terms'=>'Charger une valeur depuis les termes de publications','Load Terms'=>'Charger les termes','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Lier les termes sélectionnés à la publication','Save Terms'=>'Enregistrer les termes','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Autoriser la création de nouveaux termes pendant la modification','Create Terms'=>'Créer des termes','Radio Buttons'=>'Boutons radio','Single Value'=>'Valeur unique','Multi Select'=>'Liste déroulante à multiple choix','Checkbox'=>'Case à cocher','Multiple Values'=>'Valeurs multiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Sélectionner l’apparence de ce champ','Appearance'=>'Apparence','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Sélectionner la taxonomie à afficher','No TermsNo %s'=>'N° %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'La valeur doit être inférieure ou égale à %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'La valeur doit être être supérieure ou égale à %d','Value must be a number'=>'La valeur doit être un nombre','Number'=>'Nombre','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sauvegarder les valeurs « Autres » dans les choix des champs','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Ajouter le choix « Autre » pour autoriser les valeurs personnalisées','Other'=>'Autre','Radio Button'=>'Bouton radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Définir un point de terminaison pour l’accordéon précédent. Cet accordéon ne sera pas visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Autoriser l’ouverture de cet accordéon sans fermer les autres.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Ouvrir l’accordéon au chargement de la page.','Open'=>'Ouvrir','Accordion'=>'Accordéon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre quels fichiers peuvent être téléversés','File ID'=>'ID du fichier','File URL'=>'URL du fichier','File Array'=>'Tableau de fichiers','Add File'=>'Ajouter un fichier','No file selected'=>'Aucun fichier sélectionné','File name'=>'Nom du fichier','Update File'=>'Mettre à jour le fichier','Edit File'=>'Modifier le fichier','Select File'=>'Sélectionner un fichier','File'=>'Fichier','Password'=>'Mot de Passe','Specify the value returned'=>'Spécifier la valeur retournée','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utiliser AJAX pour un chargement différé des choix ?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Saisir chaque valeur par défaut sur une nouvelle ligne','verbSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Le chargement a échoué','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Recherche en cours...','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Vous ne pouvez choisir que %d éléments','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Vous ne pouvez choisir qu’un seul élément','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Veuillez supprimer %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Veuillez supprimer 1 caractère','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir %d caractères ou plus','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum 1 caractère','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d résultats disponibles, utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour naviguer parmi ceux-ci.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un résultat est disponible, appuyez sur « Entrée » pour le sélectionner.','nounSelect'=>'Liste déroulante','User ID'=>'ID du compte','User Object'=>'Objet du compte','User Array'=>'Tableau de comptes','All user roles'=>'Tous les rôles de comptes','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrer par rôle','User'=>'Compte','Separator'=>'Séparateur','Select Color'=>'Sélectionner une couleur','Default'=>'Par défaut','Clear'=>'Effacer','Color Picker'=>'Sélecteur de couleur','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Terminé','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Maintenant','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuseau horaire','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choisir l’heure','Date Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date et heure','Endpoint'=>'Point de terminaison','Left aligned'=>'Aligné à gauche','Top aligned'=>'Aligné en haut','Placement'=>'Positionnement','Tab'=>'Onglet','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Le champ doit contenir une URL valide','Link URL'=>'URL du lien','Link Array'=>'Tableau de liens','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre/onglet','Select Link'=>'Sélectionner un lien','Link'=>'Lien','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Taille de l’incrément','Maximum Value'=>'Valeur maximum','Minimum Value'=>'Valeur minimum','Range'=>'Plage','Both (Array)'=>'Les deux (tableau)','Label'=>'Libellé','Value'=>'Valeur','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rouge : Rouge','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pour plus de contrôle, vous pouvez spécifier une valeur et un libellé de cette manière :','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Saisir chaque choix sur une nouvelle ligne.','Choices'=>'Choix','Button Group'=>'Groupe de boutons','Allow Null'=>'Autoriser une valeur vide','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE ne sera pas initialisé avant un clic dans le champ','Delay Initialization'=>'Retarder l’initialisation','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Afficher les boutons de téléversement de médias ?','Toolbar'=>'Barre d’outils','Text Only'=>'Texte Uniquement','Visual Only'=>'Visuel uniquement','Visual & Text'=>'Visuel & texte','Tabs'=>'Onglets','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Cliquer pour initialiser TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texte','Visual'=>'Visuel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'La valeur ne doit pas excéder %d caractères','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laisser vide pour ne fixer aucune limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caractères','Appears after the input'=>'Apparait après le champ','Append'=>'Ajouter après','Appears before the input'=>'Apparait avant le champ','Prepend'=>'Ajouter avant','Appears within the input'=>'Apparaît dans l’entrée','Placeholder Text'=>'Texte indicatif','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Apparaît à la création d’une nouvelle publication','Text'=>'Texte','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requiert au moins %2$s sélection' . "\0" . '%1$s requiert au moins %2$s sélections','Post ID'=>'ID de la publication','Post Object'=>'Objet de la publication','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum de publications','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum de publications','Featured Image'=>'Image mise en avant','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Les éléments sélectionnés seront affichés dans chaque résultat','Elements'=>'Éléments','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Type de publication','Filters'=>'Filtres','All taxonomies'=>'Toutes les taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer par taxonomie','All post types'=>'Tous les types de publication','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer par type de publication','Search...'=>'Rechercher…','Select taxonomy'=>'Sélectionner la taxonomie','Select post type'=>'Choisissez le type de publication','No matches found'=>'Aucune correspondance trouvée','Loading'=>'Chargement','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valeurs maximum atteintes ({max} valeurs)','Relationship'=>'Relation','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Séparez les valeurs par une virgule. Laissez blanc pour tout autoriser.','Allowed File Types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Taille du fichier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre quelles images peuvent être téléversées','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Téléversé dans la publication','All'=>'Tous','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limiter le choix de la médiathèque','Library'=>'Médiathèque','Preview Size'=>'Taille de prévisualisation','Image ID'=>'ID de l’image','Image URL'=>'URL de l’image','Image Array'=>'Tableau de l’image','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Spécifier la valeur renvoyée publiquement','Return Value'=>'Valeur de retour','Add Image'=>'Ajouter image','No image selected'=>'Aucune image sélectionnée','Remove'=>'Retirer','Edit'=>'Modifier','All images'=>'Toutes les images','Update Image'=>'Mettre à jour l’image','Edit Image'=>'Modifier l’image','Select Image'=>'Sélectionner une image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permet l’affichage du code HTML à l’écran au lieu de l’interpréter','Escape HTML'=>'Autoriser le code HTML','No Formatting'=>'Aucun formatage','Automatically add <br>'=>'Ajouter automatiquement <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Ajouter automatiquement des paragraphes','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Contrôle comment les nouvelles lignes sont rendues','New Lines'=>'Nouvelles lignes','Week Starts On'=>'La semaine débute le','The format used when saving a value'=>'Le format utilisé lors de la sauvegarde d’une valeur','Save Format'=>'Enregistrer le format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Préc.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Suivant','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Aujourd’hui','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Terminé','Date Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date','Width'=>'Largeur','Embed Size'=>'Taille d’intégration','Enter URL'=>'Saisissez l’URL','oEmbed'=>'Contenu oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texte affiché lorsque inactif','Off Text'=>'Texte « Inactif »','Text shown when active'=>'Texte affiché lorsque actif','On Text'=>'Texte « Actif »','Stylized UI'=>'Interface (UI) stylisée','Default Value'=>'Valeur par défaut','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Affiche le texte à côté de la case à cocher','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Oui','True / False'=>'Vrai/Faux','Row'=>'Ligne','Table'=>'Tableau','Block'=>'Bloc','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Spécifier le style utilisé pour afficher les champs sélectionnés','Layout'=>'Mise en page','Sub Fields'=>'Sous-champs','Group'=>'Groupe','Customize the map height'=>'Personnaliser la hauteur de la carte','Height'=>'Hauteur','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Définir le niveau de zoom initial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrer la carte initiale','Center'=>'Centrer','Search for address...'=>'Rechercher une adresse…','Find current location'=>'Obtenir l’emplacement actuel','Clear location'=>'Effacer la position','Search'=>'Rechercher','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Désolé, ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge la géolocalisation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Le format retourné via les fonctions du modèle','Return Format'=>'Format de retour','Custom:'=>'Personnalisé :','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Le format affiché lors de la modification d’une publication','Display Format'=>'Format d’affichage','Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur d’heure','Inactive (%s)'=>'(%s) inactif' . "\0" . '(%s) inactifs','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille','No Fields found'=>'Aucun champ trouvé','Search Fields'=>'Rechercher des champs','View Field'=>'Voir le champ','New Field'=>'Nouveau champ','Edit Field'=>'Modifier le champ','Add New Field'=>'Ajouter un nouveau champ','Field'=>'Champ','Fields'=>'Champs','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille','No Field Groups found'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé','Search Field Groups'=>'Rechercher des groupes de champs','View Field Group'=>'Voir le groupe de champs','New Field Group'=>'Nouveau groupe de champs','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Add New Field Group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de champs','Add New'=>'Ajouter','Field Group'=>'Groupe de champs','Field Groups'=>'Groupes de champs','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personnalisez WordPress avec des champs intuitifs, puissants et professionnels.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Le nom du type de bloc est obligatoire.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type de bloc "%s" est déjà déclaré.','Switch to Edit'=>'Passer en mode Édition','Switch to Preview'=>'Passer en mode Aperçu','Change content alignment'=>'Modifier l’alignement du contenu','%s settings'=>'Réglages de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Ce bloc ne contient aucun champ éditable.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Assignez un groupe de champs pour ajouter des champs à ce bloc.','Options Updated'=>'Options mises à jour','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour activer les mises à jour, veuillez indiquer votre clé de licence sur la page Mises à jour. Si vous n’en possédez pas encore une, jetez un oeil à nos détails & tarifs.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Votre clé de licence a été modifiée, mais une erreur est survenue lors de la désactivation de votre précédente licence','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Votre clé de licence définie a été modifiée, mais une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur d’activation','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur d’activation','Check Again'=>'Vérifier à nouveau','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Impossible de se connecter au serveur d’activation','Publish'=>'Publier','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé pour cette page options. Créer un groupe de champs','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. La licence pour ce site a expiré ou a été désactivée. Veuillez réactiver votre licence ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Vous permet de sélectionner et afficher des champs existants. Le clone ne duplique pas les champs dans la base de données, il récupère leurs valeurs au chargement de la page. Le Clone sera remplacé par les champs qu’il représente et les affiche comme un groupe de sous-champs.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs champs à cloner','Display'=>'Format d’affichage','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Définit le style utilisé pour générer le champ dupliqué','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groupe (affiche les champs sélectionnés dans un groupe à l’intérieur de ce champ)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Remplace ce champ par les champs sélectionnés','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Les libellés seront affichés en tant que %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Préfixer les libellés de champs','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Les valeurs seront enregistrées en tant que %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Préfixer les noms de champs','Unknown field'=>'Champ inconnu','Unknown field group'=>'Groupe de champ inconnu','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tous les champs du groupe %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Vous permet de définir, créer et gérer des contenus avec un contrôle total : les éditeurs peuvent créer des mises en page en sélectionnant des dispositions basées sur des sous-champs.','Add Row'=>'Ajouter un élément','layout'=>'disposition' . "\0" . 'dispositions','layouts'=>'dispositions','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ requiert au moins {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ a une limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Le contenu flexible nécessite au moins une disposition','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Cliquez sur le bouton "%s" ci-dessous pour créer votre première disposition','Add layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliquer la disposition','Remove layout'=>'Retirer la disposition','Click to toggle'=>'Cliquer pour afficher/cacher','Delete Layout'=>'Supprimer la disposition','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliquer la disposition','Add New Layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Add Layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Nombre minimum de dispositions','Maximum Layouts'=>'Nombre maximum de dispositions','Button Label'=>'Intitulé du bouton','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'la valeur de %s doit être un tableau ou null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au moins %2$s %3$s disposition.' . "\0" . 'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au moins %2$s %3$s dispositions.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au maximum %2$s %3$s disposition.' . "\0" . 'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au maximum %2$s %3$s dispositions.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Une interface interactive pour gérer une collection de fichiers joints, telles que des images.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Ajouter l’image à la galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Nombre de sélections maximales atteint','Length'=>'Longueur','Caption'=>'Légende','Alt Text'=>'Texte alternatif','Add to gallery'=>'Ajouter à la galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Actions de groupe','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ranger par date d’import','Sort by date modified'=>'Ranger par date de modification','Sort by title'=>'Ranger par titre','Reverse current order'=>'Inverser l’ordre actuel','Close'=>'Appliquer','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimum d’images','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximum d’images','Allowed file types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Insert'=>'Insérer','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Définir comment les images sont insérées','Append to the end'=>'Insérer à la fin','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Insérer au début','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nombre minimal d’éléments insuffisant ({min} éléments)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Nombre maximal d’éléments atteint ({max} éléments)','Error loading page'=>'Erreur de chargement de la page','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'L’ordre sera assigné après l’enregistrement','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Utile pour les champs avec un grand nombre de lignes.','Rows Per Page'=>'Lignes par Page','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Définir le nombre de lignes à afficher sur une page.','Minimum Rows'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments','Maximum Rows'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments','Collapsed'=>'Replié','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Choisir un sous champ à montrer lorsque la ligne est refermée','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Clé de champ invalide.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Il y a une erreur lors de la récupération du champ.','Click to reorder'=>'Cliquer pour réorganiser','Add row'=>'Ajouter un élément','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliquer la ligne','Remove row'=>'Retirer l’élément','Current Page'=>'Page actuelle','First Page'=>'Première page','Previous Page'=>'Page précédente','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s sur %2$s','Next Page'=>'Page suivante','Last Page'=>'Dernière page','No block types exist'=>'Aucun type de blocs existant','No options pages exist'=>'Aucune page d’option créée','Deactivate License'=>'Désactiver la licence','Activate License'=>'Activer votre licence','License Information'=>'Informations sur la licence','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour débloquer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence ci-dessous. Si vous n’en possédez pas encore une, jetez un oeil à nos détails & tarifs.','License Key'=>'Clé de licence','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Votre clé de licence est définie dans le fichier wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Retenter l’activation','Update Information'=>'Informations de mise à jour','Current Version'=>'Version actuelle','Latest Version'=>'Dernière version','Update Available'=>'Mise à jour disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Améliorations','Check For Updates'=>'Vérifier les mises à jour','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Indiquez votre clé de licence pour activer les mises à jour','Update Plugin'=>'Mettre à jour l’extension','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Veuillez réactiver votre licence afin de débloquer les mises à jour']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'fr_FR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Renouveler la licence ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Renouveler la licence','Manage License'=>'Gérer la licence','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'La position « Haute » n’est pas prise en charge par l’éditeur de bloc','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Mettre à niveau vers ACF PRO','Add Options Page'=>'Ajouter une page d’options','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Dans l’éditeur, utilisé comme texte indicatif du titre.','Title Placeholder'=>'Texte indicatif du titre','4 Months Free'=>'4 mois gratuits','Select Options Pages'=>'Sélectionner des pages d’options','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dupliquer une taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Créer une taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Dupliquer un type de publication','Create post type'=>'Créer un type de publication','Link field groups'=>'Lier des groupes de champs','Add fields'=>'Ajouter des champs','This Field'=>'Ce champ','ACF PRO'=>'ACF Pro','Feedback'=>'Retour','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'est développé et maintenu par','Target Field'=>'Champ cible','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectionnel','%s Field'=>'Champ %s','Select Multiple'=>'Sélection multiple','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Lettres minuscules, tirets hauts et tirets bas uniquement. Maximum 32 caractères.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour assigner les termes de cette taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Permission d’assigner les termes','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour supprimer les termes de cette taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Permission de supprimer les termes','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour modifier les termes de cette taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Permission de modifier les termes','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Le nom de la permission pour gérer les termes de cette taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Permission de gérer les termes','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Définit si les publications doivent être exclues des résultats de recherche et des pages d’archive de taxonomie.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Autres outils de WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Conçu pour ceux qui construisent avec WordPress, par l’équipe %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Voir les tarifs & mettre à niveau','Learn More'=>'En Savoir Plus','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Accélérez votre productivité et développez de meilleurs sites avec des fonctionnalités comme les blocs ACF et les pages d’options, ainsi que des champs avancés comme répéteur, contenu flexible, clones et galerie.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Débloquer les fonctionnalités avancées et aller encore plus loin avec ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s champs','No terms'=>'Aucun terme','No post types'=>'Aucun type de publication','No posts'=>'Aucun article','No taxonomies'=>'Aucune taxonomie','No field groups'=>'Aucun groupe de champs','No fields'=>'Aucun champ','No description'=>'Aucune description','Any post status'=>'Tout état de publication','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de taxonomie est déjà utilisée par une autre taxonomie enregistrée en dehors d’ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de taxonomie est déjà utilisée par une autre taxonomie dans ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clé de taxonomie doit uniquement contenir des caractères alphanumériques, des tirets bas ou des tirets.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'La clé de taxonomie doit comporter moins de 32 caractères.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Aucune taxonomie trouvée dans la corbeille','No Taxonomies found'=>'Aucune taxonomie trouvée','Search Taxonomies'=>'Rechercher des taxonomies','View Taxonomy'=>'Afficher la taxonomie','New Taxonomy'=>'Nouvelle taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Modifier la taxonomie','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle taxonomie','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Aucun type de publication trouvé dans la corbeille','No Post Types found'=>'Aucun type de publication trouvé','Search Post Types'=>'Rechercher des types de publication','View Post Type'=>'Voir le type de publication','New Post Type'=>'Nouveau type de publication','Edit Post Type'=>'Modifier le type de publication','Add New Post Type'=>'Ajouter un nouveau type de publication personnalisé','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de type de publication est déjà utilisée par un autre type de publication enregistré en dehors d’ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Cette clé de type de publication est déjà utilisée par un autre type de publication dans ACF et ne peut pas être utilisée.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Ce champ ne doit pas être un terme réservé WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'La clé du type de publication doit contenir uniquement des caractères alphanumériques, des tirets bas ou des tirets.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'La clé du type de publication doit comporter moins de 20 caractères.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Nous vous déconseillons d’utiliser ce champ dans les blocs ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Affiche l’éditeur WordPress WYSIWYG tel qu’il apparaît dans les articles et pages, permettant une expérience d’édition de texte riche qui autorise également du contenu multimédia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Éditeur WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Autorise la sélection d’un ou plusieurs comptes pouvant être utilisés pour créer des relations entre les objets de données.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Une saisie de texte spécialement conçue pour stocker des adresses web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Une permutation qui vous permet de choisir une valeur de 1 ou 0 (actif ou inactif, vrai ou faux, etc.). Peut être présenté sous la forme de commutateur stylisé ou de case à cocher.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une heure. Le format de retour de date peut être personnalisé à l’aide des réglages du champ.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Une entrée de zone de texte de base pour stocker des paragraphes de texte.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Une entrée de texte de base, utile pour stocker des valeurs de chaîne unique.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Une liste déroulante avec une sélection de choix que vous spécifiez.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive et personnalisable pour choisir un ou plusieurs articles, pages ou éléments de type publication avec la possibilité de rechercher. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Une entrée pour fournir un mot de passe à l’aide d’un champ masqué.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrer par état de publication','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Une entrée limitée à des valeurs numériques.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Utilisé pour afficher un message aux éditeurs à côté d’autres champs. Utile pour fournir un contexte ou des instructions supplémentaires concernant vos champs.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Permet de spécifier un lien et ses propriétés, telles que le titre et la cible en utilisant le sélecteur de liens de WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Utilise le sélecteur de média natif de WordPress pour téléverser ou choisir des images.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Permet de structurer les champs en groupes afin de mieux organiser les données et l’écran d‘édition.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour sélectionner un emplacement à l’aide de Google Maps. Nécessite une clé de l’API Google Maps et une configuration supplémentaire pour s’afficher correctement.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Utilise le sélecteur de médias WordPress natif pour téléverser ou choisir des fichiers.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Une saisie de texte spécialement conçue pour stocker des adresses e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une date et un horaire. Le format de la date retour peut être personnalisé à l’aide des réglages du champ.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour choisir une date. Le format de la date retour peut être personnalisé en utilisant les champs de réglages.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Une interface utilisateur interactive pour sélectionner une couleur ou spécifier la valeur hexa.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Un groupe de case à cocher autorisant l’utilisateur/utilisatrice à sélectionner une ou plusieurs valeurs que vous spécifiez.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Un groupe de boutons avec des valeurs que vous spécifiez, les utilisateurs/utilisatrices peuvent choisir une option parmi les valeurs fournies.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Autorise à regrouper et organiser les champs personnalisés dans des volets dépliants qui s’affichent lors de la modification du contenu. Utile pour garder de grands ensembles de données ordonnés.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Cela propose une solution pour dupliquer des contenus tels que des diapositive, des membres de l’équipe et des boutons d’appel à l‘action, en agissant comme un parent pour un ensemble de sous-champs qui peuvent être répétés à l’infini.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Cela propose une interface interactive permettant de gérer une collection de fichiers joints. La plupart des réglages sont similaires à ceux du champ Image. Des réglages supplémentaires vous autorise à spécifier l’endroit où les nouveaux fichiers joints sont ajoutés dans la galerie et le nombre minimum/maximum de fichiers joints autorisées.','nounClone'=>'Cloner','PRO'=>'Pro','Advanced'=>'Avancé','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (plus récent)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de publication invalide.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Type de publication sélectionné pour révision invalide.','More'=>'Plus','Tutorial'=>'Tutoriel','Select Field'=>'Sélectionner le champ','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Essayez un autre terme de recherche ou parcourez %s','Popular fields'=>'Champs populaires','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Aucun résultat de recherche pour « %s »','Search fields...'=>'Rechercher des champs…','Select Field Type'=>'Sélectionner le type de champ','Popular'=>'Populaire','Add Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter une taxonomie','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Créer des taxonomies personnalisées pour classer le contenu du type de publication','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Ajouter votre première taxonomie','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Les taxonomies hiérarchiques peuvent avoir des enfants (comme les catégories).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Rend une taxonomie visible sur l’interface publique et dans le tableau de bord d’administration.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Un ou plusieurs types de publication peuvant être classés avec cette taxonomie.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Contrôleur personnalisé facultatif à utiliser à la place de « WP_REST_Terms_Controller ».','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exposez ce type de publication dans l’API REST.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personnaliser le nom de la variable de requête','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Termes parent-enfant dans les URL pour les taxonomies hiérarchiques.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personnaliser le slug utilisé dans l’URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Les permaliens sont désactivés pour cette taxonomie.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Réécrire l’URL en utilisant la clé de taxonomie comme slug. Votre structure de permalien sera','Taxonomy Key'=>'Clé de taxonomie','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Sélectionnez le type de permalien à utiliser pour cette taxonomie.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Affichez une colonne pour la taxonomie sur les écrans de liste de type de publication.','Show Admin Column'=>'Afficher la colonne « Admin »','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Afficher la taxonomie dans le panneau de modification rapide/groupée.','Quick Edit'=>'Modification rapide','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Lister la taxonomie dans les contrôles du widget « Nuage d’étiquettes ».','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuage d’étiquettes','No Meta Box'=>'Aucune boîte méta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta personnalisée','Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta des catégories','Tags Meta Box'=>'Boîte méta des étiquettes','A link to a tag'=>'Un lien vers une étiquette','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Décrit une variante de bloc de lien de navigation utilisée dans l’éditeur de blocs.','A link to a %s'=>'Un lien vers un %s','Tag Link'=>'Lien de l’étiquette','← Go to tags'=>'← Aller aux étiquettes','Back To Items'=>'Retour aux éléments','← Go to %s'=>'← Aller à « %s »','Tags list'=>'Liste des étiquettes','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Assigne du texte au titre masqué du tableau.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigation de la liste des étiquettes','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Affecte du texte au titre masqué de pagination de tableau.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrer par catégorie','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrer par élément','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrer par %s','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ « Description » sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Description Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Description »','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ parent sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Parent Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Parent »','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le slug du champ sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Slug Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Slug »','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Le nom est la façon dont il apparaît sur votre site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Décrit le champ « Nom » sur l’écran « Modifier les étiquettes ».','Name Field Description'=>'Description du champ « Nom »','No tags'=>'Aucune étiquette','No Terms'=>'Aucun terme','No %s'=>'Aucun %s','No tags found'=>'Aucune étiquette trouvée','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Assigne le texte affiché lorsque vous cliquez sur le texte « choisir parmi les plus utilisés » dans la boîte de méta de taxonomie lorsqu’aucune étiquette n’est disponible, et affecte le texte utilisé dans le tableau de liste des termes lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’élément pour une taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Non trouvé','Most Used'=>'Les plus utilisés','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Choisir parmi les étiquettes les plus utilisées','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Attribue le texte « choisir parmi les plus utilisés » utilisé dans la méta-zone lorsque JavaScript est désactivé. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies non hiérarchiques.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Choisir parmi les plus utilisés','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Choisir parmi les %s les plus utilisés','Add or remove tags'=>'Ajouter ou retirer des étiquettes','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Assigne le texte d’ajout ou de suppression d’éléments utilisé dans la boîte méta lorsque JavaScript est désactivé. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies non hiérarchiques','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Ajouter ou supprimer des éléments','Add or remove %s'=>'Ajouter ou retirer %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Séparer les étiquettes par des virgules','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Séparer les éléments par des virgules','Separate %s with commas'=>'Séparer les %s avec une virgule','Popular Tags'=>'Étiquettes populaires','Popular Items'=>'Éléments populaires','Popular %s'=>'%s populaire','Search Tags'=>'Rechercher des étiquettes','Assigns search items text.'=>'Assigne le texte des éléments de recherche.','Parent Category:'=>'Catégorie parente :','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément parent, mais avec deux points (:) ajouté à la fin.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Élément parent avec deux-points','Parent Category'=>'Catégorie parente','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément parent. Utilisé uniquement sur les taxonomies hiérarchiques.','Parent Item'=>'Élément parent','Parent %s'=>'%s parent','New Tag Name'=>'Nom de la nouvelle étiquette','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Assigne le texte du nom du nouvel élément.','New Item Name'=>'Nom du nouvel élément','New %s Name'=>'Nom du nouveau %s','Add New Tag'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle étiquette','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Assigne le texte « Ajouter un nouvel élément ».','Update Tag'=>'Mettre à jour l’étiquette','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Assigne le texte de l’élément « Mettre à jour ».','Update Item'=>'Mettre à jour l’élément','Update %s'=>'Mettre à jour %s','View Tag'=>'Voir l’étiquette','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Dans la barre d’administration pour voir le terme lors de la modification.','Edit Tag'=>'Modifier l’étiquette','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de la modification d’un terme.','All Tags'=>'Toutes les étiquettes','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Assigne le texte « Tous les éléments ».','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Assigne le texte du nom du menu.','Menu Label'=>'Libellé du menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Les taxonomies actives sont activées et enregistrées avec WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un résumé descriptif de la taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un résumé descriptif du terme.','Term Description'=>'Description du terme','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Un seul mot, aucun espace. Tirets bas et tirets autorisés.','Term Slug'=>'Slug du terme','The name of the default term.'=>'Nom du terme par défaut.','Term Name'=>'Nom du terme','Default Term'=>'Terme par défaut','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Si les termes de cette taxonomie doivent être triés dans l’ordre dans lequel ils sont fournis à « wp_set_object_terms() ».','Sort Terms'=>'Trier les termes','Add Post Type'=>'Ajouter un type de publication','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Ajouter votre premier type de publication','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Je sais ce que je fais, affichez-moi toutes les options.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuration avancée','Hierarchical'=>'Hiérachique','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visible sur l’interface publique et dans le tableau de bord de l’administration.','Public'=>'Public','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Lettres minuscules, tiret bas et tirets uniquement, maximum 20 caractères.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Libellé au singulier','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Libellé au pluriel','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Contrôleur personnalisé facultatif à utiliser à la place de « WP_REST_Posts_Controller ».','Controller Class'=>'Classe de contrôleur','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'URL de base pour les URL de l’API REST du type de publication.','Base URL'=>'URL de base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expose ce type de publication dans l’API REST. Nécessaire pour utiliser l’éditeur de bloc.','Show In REST API'=>'Afficher dans l’API Rest','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personnaliser le nom de la variable de requête.','Query Variable'=>'Variable de requête','No Query Variable Support'=>'Aucune prise en charge des variables de requête','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variable de requête personnalisée','Query Variable Support'=>'Prise en charge des variables de requête','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publiquement interrogeable','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personnalisé pour l’URL de l’archive.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug de l’archive','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Possède une archive d’élément qui peut être personnalisée avec un fichier de modèle d’archive dans votre thème.','Archive'=>'Archive','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Prise en charge de la pagination pour les URL des éléments tels que les archives.','Pagination'=>'Pagination','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL de flux RSS pour les éléments du type de publication.','Feed URL'=>'URL du flux','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Modifie la structure du permalien pour ajouter le préfixe « WP_Rewrite::$front » aux URL.','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personnalisez le slug utilisé dans l’URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug de l’URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Les permaliens sont désactivés pour ce type de publication.','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Aucun permalien (empêcher la réécriture d’URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Permalien personnalisé','Post Type Key'=>'Clé du type de publication','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Réécrire l’URL en utilisant la clé du type de publication comme slug. Votre structure de permalien sera','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Réécriture du permalien','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Supprimer les éléments d’un compte lorsque ce dernier est supprimé.','Delete With User'=>'Supprimer avec le compte','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Autoriser l’exportation du type de publication depuis « Outils » > « Exporter ».','Can Export'=>'Exportable','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Fournissez éventuellement un pluriel à utiliser dans les fonctionnalités.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nom de la capacité au pluriel','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renommer les permissions','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclure de la recherche','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Autorisez l’ajout d’éléments aux menus dans l’écran « Apparence » > « Menus ». Doit être activé dans « Options de l’écran ».','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Prise en charge des menus d’apparence','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Apparaît en tant qu’élément dans le menu « Nouveau » de la barre d’administration.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Afficher dans la barre d’administration','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Rappel de boîte méta personnalisée','Menu Icon'=>'Icône de menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Position dans le menu de la colonne latérale du tableau de bord d’administration.','Menu Position'=>'Position du menu','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Parent du menu d’administration','Dashicon class name'=>'Nom de la classe du Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navigation de l’éditeur d’administration dans le menu de la colonne latérale.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Afficher dans le menu d’administration','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Les éléments peuvent être modifiés et gérés dans le tableau de bord d’administration.','Show In UI'=>'Afficher dans l’interface utilisateur','A link to a post.'=>'Un lien vers une publication.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Description d’une variation de bloc de lien de navigation.','Item Link Description'=>'Description du lien de l’élément','A link to a %s.'=>'Un lien vers un %s.','Post Link'=>'Lien de publication','Item Link'=>'Lien de l’élément','%s Link'=>'Lien %s','Post updated.'=>'Publication mise à jour.','Item Updated'=>'Élément mis à jour','%s updated.'=>'%s mis à jour.','Post scheduled.'=>'Publication planifiée.','Item Scheduled'=>'Élément planifié','%s scheduled.'=>'%s planifié.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Élément repassé en brouillon','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s repassé en brouillon.','Post published privately.'=>'Publication publiée en privé.','Item Published Privately'=>'Élément publié en privé','%s published privately.'=>'%s publié en privé.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Dans la notification de l’éditeur après la publication d’un élément.','Item Published'=>'Élément publié','%s published.'=>'%s publié.','Posts list'=>'Liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour la liste des éléments sur l’écran de la liste des types de publication.','Items List'=>'Liste des éléments','%s list'=>'Liste %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigation dans la liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour la pagination de la liste de filtres sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Items List Navigation'=>'Liste des éléments de navigation','%s list navigation'=>'Navigation dans la liste %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrer les publications par date','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour l’en-tête de filtre par date sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrer les éléments par date','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrer %s par date','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrer la liste des publications','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Utilisé par les lecteurs d’écran pour l’en-tête des liens de filtre sur l’écran de liste des types de publication.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrer la liste des éléments','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrer la liste %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Téléversé dans l’élément','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Téléversé sur ce %s','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Bouton « Insérer dans le média »','Insert into %s'=>'Insérer dans %s','Use as featured image'=>'Utiliser comme image mise en avant','Remove featured image'=>'Retirer l’image mise en avant','Featured image'=>'Image mise en avant','Post Attributes'=>'Attributs de la publication','%s Attributes'=>'Attributs des %s','Post Archives'=>'Archives de publication','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu de navigation des archives','%s Archives'=>'Archives des %s','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Aucun élément trouvé dans la corbeille','No posts found'=>'Aucune publication trouvée','No Items Found'=>'Aucun élément trouvé','No %s found'=>'Aucun %s trouvé','Search Posts'=>'Rechercher des publications','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'En haut de l’écran des éléments lors de la recherche d’un élément.','Search Items'=>'Rechercher des éléments','Search %s'=>'Rechercher %s','Parent Page:'=>'Page parente :','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Préfixe de l’élément parent','Parent %s:'=>'%s parent :','New Post'=>'Nouvelle publication','New Item'=>'Nouvel élément','New %s'=>'Nouveau %s','Add New Post'=>'Ajouter une nouvelle publication','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de l’ajout d’un nouvel élément.','Add New Item'=>'Ajouter un nouvel élément','Add New %s'=>'Ajouter %s','View Posts'=>'Voir les publications','View Items'=>'Voir les éléments','View Post'=>'Voir la publication','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Dans la barre d’administration pour afficher l’élément lors de sa modification.','View Item'=>'Voir l’élément','View %s'=>'Voir %s','Edit Post'=>'Modifier la publication','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'En haut de l’écran de l’éditeur lors de la modification d’un élément.','Edit Item'=>'Modifier l’élément','Edit %s'=>'Modifier %s','All Posts'=>'Toutes les publications','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Dans le sous-menu de type de publication du tableau de bord d’administration.','All Items'=>'Tous les éléments','All %s'=>'Tout les %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nom du menu d’administration pour le type de publication.','Menu Name'=>'Nom du menu','Regenerate'=>'Régénérer','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Les types de publication actifs sont activés et enregistrés avec WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Un résumé descriptif du type de publication.','Add Custom'=>'Ajouter une personalisation','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Activez diverses fonctionnalités dans l’éditeur de contenu.','Post Formats'=>'Formats des publications','Editor'=>'Éditeur','Trackbacks'=>'Rétroliens','Browse Fields'=>'Parcourir les champs','Nothing to import'=>'Rien à importer','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. L’extension Custom Post Type UI peut être désactivée.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Élément %d importé à partir de l’interface utilisateur de type de publication personnalisée -' . "\0" . 'Éléments %d importés à partir de l’interface utilisateur de type de publication personnalisée -','Imported 1 item'=>'Importé 1 élément' . "\0" . 'Importé %s éléments','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportation - Générer PHP','Export'=>'Exporter','Select Taxonomies'=>'Sélectionner les taxonomies','Select Post Types'=>'Sélectionner les types de publication','Category'=>'Catégorie','Tag'=>'Étiquette','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie créée','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomie %s mise à jour','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Brouillon de taxonomie mis à jour.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie planifiée pour.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie envoyée.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie enregistrée.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie supprimée.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie mise à jour.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie synchronisée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies synchronisées.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie dupliquée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies dupliquées.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie désactivée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies désactivées.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie activée.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomies activées.','Terms'=>'Termes','Post type synchronized.'=>'Type de publication synchronisé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication synchronisés.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Type de publication dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication dupliqués.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Type de publication désactivé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication désactivés.','Post type activated.'=>'Type de publication activé.' . "\0" . '%s types de publication activés.','Post Types'=>'Types de publication','Advanced Settings'=>'Réglages avancés','Basic Settings'=>'Réglages de base','Pages'=>'Pages','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Lier des groupes de champs existants','%s post type created'=>'%s type de publication créé','Add fields to %s'=>'Ajouter des champs à %s','%s post type updated'=>'Type de publication %s mis à jour','Post type draft updated.'=>'Le brouillon du type de publication a été mis à jour.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Type de publication planifié pour.','Post type submitted.'=>'Type de publication envoyé.','Post type saved.'=>'Type de publication enregistré.','Post type updated.'=>'Type de publication mis à jour.','Post type deleted.'=>'Type de publication supprimé.','Type to search...'=>'Type à rechercher…','PRO Only'=>'Uniquement sur PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Les groupes de champs ont bien été liés.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'type de publication','Done'=>'Terminé','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Sélectionner un ou plusieurs groupes de champs…','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Veuillez choisir les groupes de champs à lier.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Echec de l’enregistrement','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Droits','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'Visibilité','Labels'=>'Libellés','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Onglets des réglages du champ','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Valeur du code court ACF désactivée pour l’aperçu]','Close Modal'=>'Fermer la modale','Field moved to other group'=>'Champ déplacé vers un autre groupe','Close modal'=>'Fermer la modale','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Commencez un nouveau groupe d’onglets dans cet onglet.','New Tab Group'=>'Nouveau groupe d’onglets','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Utiliser une case à cocher stylisée avec select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Enregistrer un autre choix','Allow Other Choice'=>'Autoriser un autre choix','Add Toggle All'=>'Ajouter « Tout ouvrir/fermer »','Save Custom Values'=>'Enregistrer les valeurs personnalisées','Allow Custom Values'=>'Autoriser les valeurs personnalisées','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Les valeurs personnalisées des cases à cocher ne peuvent pas être vides. Décochez toutes les valeurs vides.','Updates'=>'Mises à jour','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Enregistrer les modifications','Field Group Title'=>'Titre du groupe de champs','Add title'=>'Ajouter un titre','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nouveau sur ACF ? Jetez un œil à notre guide des premiers pas.','Add Field Group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de champs','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utilise des groupes de champs pour grouper des champs personnalisés et les associer aux écrans de modification.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Ajouter votre premier groupe de champs','Options Pages'=>'Pages d’options','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocs ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Champ galerie','Flexible Content Field'=>'Champ de contenu flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Champ répéteur','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Débloquer des fonctionnalités supplémentaires avec ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Supprimer le groupe de champ','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Créé le %1$s à %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Réglages du groupe','Location Rules'=>'Règles de localisation','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Choisissez parmi plus de 30 types de champs. En savoir plus.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Commencez à créer de nouveaux champs personnalisés pour vos articles, pages, types de publication personnalisés et autres contenus WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Ajouter votre premier champ','#'=>'N°','Add Field'=>'Ajouter un champ','Presentation'=>'Présentation','Validation'=>'Validation','General'=>'Général','Import JSON'=>'Importer un JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exporter en tant que JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Groupe de champs désactivé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs désactivés.','Field group activated.'=>'Groupe de champs activé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs activés.','Deactivate'=>'Désactiver','Deactivate this item'=>'Désactiver cet élément','Activate'=>'Activer','Activate this item'=>'Activer cet élément','Move field group to trash?'=>'Déplacer le groupe de champs vers la corbeille ?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactif','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields et Advanced Custom Fields Pro ne doivent pas être actives en même temps. Nous avons automatiquement désactivé Advanced Custom Fields Pro.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields et Advanced Custom Fields Pro ne doivent pas être actives en même temps. Nous avons automatiquement désactivé Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Nous avons détecté un ou plusieurs appels pour récupérer les valeurs des champs ACF avant l’initialisation d’ACF. Ceci n’est pas pris en charge et peut entraîner des données incorrectes ou manquantes. Découvrez comment corriger ce problème.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un compte avec le rôle %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit avoir un compte avec l’un des rôles suivants : %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un ID de compte valide.','Invalid request.'=>'Demande invalide.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s n’est pas l’un des %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s doit contenir le terme %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit contenir l’un des termes suivants : %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s doit être une publication de type %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s doit appartenir à l’un des types de publication suivants : %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s doit avoir un ID de publication valide.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s nécessite un ID de fichier jointe valide.','Show in REST API'=>'Afficher dans l’API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activer la transparence','RGBA Array'=>'Tableau RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Chaine RGBA','Hex String'=>'Chaine hexadécimale','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Mettre à niveau vers PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actif','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'« %s » n’est pas une adresse e-mail valide','Color value'=>'Valeur de la couleur','Select default color'=>'Sélectionner une couleur par défaut','Clear color'=>'Effacer la couleur','Blocks'=>'Blocs','Options'=>'Options','Users'=>'Comptes','Menu items'=>'Éléments de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Fichiers joints','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomies','Posts'=>'Publications','Last updated: %s'=>'Dernière mise à jour : %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Désolé, cette publication n’est pas disponible pour la comparaison de différence.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Paramètres de groupe de champ invalides.','Awaiting save'=>'En attente d’enregistrement','Saved'=>'Enregistré','Import'=>'Importer','Review changes'=>'Évaluer les modifications','Located in: %s'=>'Situés dans : %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Situés dans l’extension : %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Situés dans le thème : %s','Various'=>'Divers','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniser les modifications','Loading diff'=>'Chargement du différentiel','Review local JSON changes'=>'Vérifier les modifications JSON locales','Visit website'=>'Visiter le site','View details'=>'Voir les détails','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Informations','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Service d’assistance. Les professionnels du support de notre service d’assistance vous aideront à résoudre vos problèmes techniques les plus complexes.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussions. Nous avons une communauté active et amicale sur nos forums communautaires qui peut vous aider à comprendre le fonctionnement de l’écosystème ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentation. Notre documentation complète contient des références et des guides pour la plupart des situations que vous pouvez rencontrer.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Nous sommes fanatiques du support et souhaitons que vous tiriez le meilleur parti de votre site avec ACF. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, il existe plusieurs endroits où vous pouvez trouver de l’aide :','Help & Support'=>'Aide & support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Veuillez utiliser l’onglet « Aide & support » pour nous contacter si vous avez besoin d’assistance.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Avant de créer votre premier groupe de champ, nous vous recommandons de lire notre guide Pour commencer afin de vous familiariser avec la philosophie et les meilleures pratiques de l’extension.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'L’extension Advanced Custom Fields fournit un constructeur visuel de formulaires pour modifier les écrans de WordPress avec des champs supplémentaires, ainsi qu’une API intuitive pour afficher les valeurs des champs personnalisés dans n’importe quel fichier de modèle de thème.','Overview'=>'Aperçu','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type d’emplacement « %s » est déjà inscrit.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La classe « %s » n’existe pas.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce invalide.','Error loading field.'=>'Erreur lors du chargement du champ.','Location not found: %s'=>'Emplacement introuvable : %s','Error: %s'=>'Erreur : %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Rôle du compte','Comment'=>'Commenter','Post Format'=>'Format de publication','Menu Item'=>'Élément de menu','Post Status'=>'État de la publication','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Emplacements de menus','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie de la publication','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Page enfant (a un parent)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Page parent (a des enfants)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Page de plus haut niveau (aucun parent)','Posts Page'=>'Page des publications','Front Page'=>'Page d’accueil','Page Type'=>'Type de page','Viewing back end'=>'Affichage de l’interface d’administration','Viewing front end'=>'Vue de l’interface publique','Logged in'=>'Connecté','Current User'=>'Compte actuel','Page Template'=>'Modèle de page','Register'=>'S’inscrire','Add / Edit'=>'Ajouter/Modifier','User Form'=>'Formulaire de profil','Page Parent'=>'Page parente','Super Admin'=>'Super admin','Current User Role'=>'Rôle du compte actuel','Default Template'=>'Modèle par défaut','Post Template'=>'Modèle de publication','Post Category'=>'Catégorie de publication','All %s formats'=>'Tous les formats %s','Attachment'=>'Fichier joint','%s value is required'=>'La valeur %s est obligatoire','Show this field if'=>'Afficher ce champ si','Conditional Logic'=>'Logique conditionnelle','and'=>'et','Local JSON'=>'JSON Local','Clone Field'=>'Champ clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Veuillez également vérifier que tous les modules premium (%s) soient mis à jour à la dernière version.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Cette version contient des améliorations de la base de données et nécessite une mise à niveau.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Merci d‘avoir mis à jour %1$s v%2$s !','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données requise','Options Page'=>'Page d’options','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Contenu flexible','Repeater'=>'Répéteur','Back to all tools'=>'Retour aux outils','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Si plusieurs groupes de champs apparaissent sur un écran de modification, les options du premier groupe de champs seront utilisées (celle avec le numéro de commande le plus bas).','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Sélectionner les éléments à masquer sur l’écran de modification.','Hide on screen'=>'Masquer de l’écran','Send Trackbacks'=>'Envoyer des rétroliens','Tags'=>'Étiquettes','Categories'=>'Catégories','Page Attributes'=>'Attributs de page','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur/autrice','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Révisions','Comments'=>'Commentaires','Discussion'=>'Commentaires','Excerpt'=>'Extrait','Content Editor'=>'Éditeur de contenu','Permalink'=>'Permalien','Shown in field group list'=>'Affiché dans la liste des groupes de champs','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Les groupes de champs avec un ordre inférieur apparaitront en premier','Order No.'=>'N° d’ordre.','Below fields'=>'Sous les champs','Below labels'=>'Sous les libellés','Instruction Placement'=>'Emplacement des instructions','Label Placement'=>'Emplacement des libellés','Side'=>'Sur le côté','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (après le contenu)','High (after title)'=>'Haute (après le titre)','Position'=>'Emplacement','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sans contour (pas de boîte meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (boîte méta WP)','Style'=>'Style','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Clé','Order'=>'Ordre','Close Field'=>'Fermer le champ','id'=>'ID','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largeur','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributs du conteneur','Required'=>'Obligatoire','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructions pour les auteurs et autrices. Affichées lors de l’envoi des données','Instructions'=>'Instructions','Field Type'=>'Type de champ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un seul mot. Aucun espace. Les tirets bas et les tirets sont autorisés.','Field Name'=>'Nom du champ','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ceci est le nom qui apparaîtra sur la page de modification','Field Label'=>'Libellé du champ','Delete'=>'Supprimer','Delete field'=>'Supprimer le champ','Move'=>'Déplacer','Move field to another group'=>'Deplacer le champ vers un autre groupe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliquer le champ','Edit field'=>'Modifier le champ','Drag to reorder'=>'Faites glisser pour réorganiser','Show this field group if'=>'Afficher ce groupe de champs si','No updates available.'=>'Aucune mise à jour disponible.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Mise à niveau de base de données complète. Voir les nouveautés','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lecture des tâches de mise à niveau…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Mise à niveau échouée.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Mise à niveau terminée.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Mise à niveau des données vers la version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Il est recommandé de sauvegarder votre base de données avant de procéder. Confirmez-vous le lancement de la mise à jour maintenant ?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Veuillez choisir au moins un site à mettre à niveau.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Mise à niveau de la base de données effectuée. Retourner au tableau de bord du réseau','Site is up to date'=>'Le site est à jour','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Le site nécessite une mise à niveau de la base de données à partir de %1$s vers %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Mettre à niveau les sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Les sites suivants nécessitent une mise à niveau de la base de données. Sélectionner ceux que vous voulez mettre à jour et cliquer sur %s.','Add rule group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de règles','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Créer un ensemble de règles pour déterminer quels écrans de modification utiliseront ces champs personnalisés avancés','Rules'=>'Règles','Copied'=>'Copié','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copier dans le presse-papier','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Sélectionnez les éléments que vous souhaitez exporter, puis choisissez la méthode d’exportation. « Exporter comme JSON » pour exporter vers un fichier .json que vous pouvez ensuite importer dans une autre installation ACF. « Générer le PHP » pour exporter un code PHP que vous pouvez placer dans votre thème.','Select Field Groups'=>'Sélectionner les groupes de champs','No field groups selected'=>'Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné','Generate PHP'=>'Générer le PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exporter les groupes de champs','Import file empty'=>'Fichier d’importation vide','Incorrect file type'=>'Type de fichier incorrect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erreur de téléversement du fichier. Veuillez réessayer.','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Sélectionnez le fichier JSON Advanced Custom Fields que vous souhaitez importer. Quand vous cliquez sur le bouton « Importer » ci-dessous, ACF importera les éléments dans ce fichier.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer les groupes de champs','Sync'=>'Synchroniser','Select %s'=>'Sélectionner %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliquer','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliquer cet élément','Supports'=>'Prend en charge','Documentation'=>'Documentation','Description'=>'Description','Sync available'=>'Synchronisation disponible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Groupe de champs synchronisé.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs synchronisés.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Groupe de champs dupliqué.' . "\0" . '%s groupes de champs dupliqués.','Active (%s)'=>'Actif (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actifs (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Examiner les sites et mettre à niveau','Upgrade Database'=>'Mettre à niveau la base de données','Custom Fields'=>'Champs personnalisés','Move Field'=>'Déplacer le champ','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Veuillez sélectionner la destination pour ce champ','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Le champ %1$s peut maintenant être trouvé dans le groupe de champs %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Déplacement effectué.','Active'=>'Actif','Field Keys'=>'Clés des champs','Settings'=>'Réglages','Location'=>'Emplacement','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copier','(this field)'=>'(ce champ)','Checked'=>'Coché','Move Custom Field'=>'Déplacer le champ personnalisé','No toggle fields available'=>'Aucun champ de sélection disponible','Field group title is required'=>'Le titre du groupe de champ est requis','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n’ont pas été enregistrées','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La chaine « field_ » ne peut pas être utilisée au début du nom d’un champ','Field group draft updated.'=>'Brouillon du groupe de champs mis à jour.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Groupe de champs programmé.','Field group submitted.'=>'Groupe de champs envoyé.','Field group saved.'=>'Groupe de champs sauvegardé.','Field group published.'=>'Groupe de champs publié.','Field group deleted.'=>'Groupe de champs supprimé.','Field group updated.'=>'Groupe de champs mis à jour.','Tools'=>'Outils','is not equal to'=>'n’est pas égal à','is equal to'=>'est égal à','Forms'=>'Formulaires','Page'=>'Page','Post'=>'Publication','Relational'=>'Relationnel','Choice'=>'Choix','Basic'=>'Basique','Unknown'=>'Inconnu','Field type does not exist'=>'Le type de champ n’existe pas','Spam Detected'=>'Indésirable détecté','Post updated'=>'Publication mise à jour','Update'=>'Mise à jour','Validate Email'=>'Valider l’e-mail','Content'=>'Contenu','Title'=>'Titre','Edit field group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Selection is less than'=>'La sélection est inférieure à','Selection is greater than'=>'La sélection est supérieure à','Value is less than'=>'La valeur est plus petite que','Value is greater than'=>'La valeur est plus grande que','Value contains'=>'La valeur contient','Value matches pattern'=>'La valeur correspond au modèle','Value is not equal to'=>'La valeur n’est pas égale à','Value is equal to'=>'La valeur est égale à','Has no value'=>'A aucune valeur','Has any value'=>'A n’importe quelle valeur','Cancel'=>'Annuler','Are you sure?'=>'Confirmez-vous ?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d champs nécessitent votre attention','1 field requires attention'=>'Un champ nécessite votre attention','Validation failed'=>'Échec de la validation','Validation successful'=>'Validation réussie','Restricted'=>'Limité','Collapse Details'=>'Replier les détails','Expand Details'=>'Déplier les détails','Uploaded to this post'=>'Téléversé sur cette publication','verbUpdate'=>'Mettre à jour','verbEdit'=>'Modifier','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Les modifications que vous avez effectuées seront perdues si vous quittez cette page','File type must be %s.'=>'Le type de fichier doit être %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'La taille du fichier ne doit pas excéder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'La taille du fichier doit être d’au moins %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La hauteur de l’image ne doit pas excéder %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'La hauteur de l’image doit être au minimum de %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La largeur de l’image ne doit pas excéder %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'La largeur de l’image doit être au minimum de %d px.','(no title)'=>'(aucun titre)','Full Size'=>'Taille originale','Large'=>'Grand','Medium'=>'Moyen','Thumbnail'=>'Miniature','(no label)'=>'(aucun libellé)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Définir la hauteur de la zone de texte','Rows'=>'Lignes','Text Area'=>'Zone de texte','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Ajouter une case à cocher pour basculer tous les choix','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Enregistrez les valeurs « personnalisées » dans les choix du champ','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Autoriser l’ajout de valeurs personnalisées','Add new choice'=>'Ajouter un nouveau choix','Toggle All'=>'Tout (dé)sélectionner','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Afficher les URL des archives','Archives'=>'Archives','Page Link'=>'Lien vers la page','Add'=>'Ajouter','Name'=>'Nom','%s added'=>'%s ajouté','%s already exists'=>'%s existe déjà','User unable to add new %s'=>'Compte incapable d’ajouter un nouveau %s','Term ID'=>'ID de terme','Term Object'=>'Objet de terme','Load value from posts terms'=>'Charger une valeur depuis les termes de publications','Load Terms'=>'Charger les termes','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Lier les termes sélectionnés à la publication','Save Terms'=>'Enregistrer les termes','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Autoriser la création de nouveaux termes pendant la modification','Create Terms'=>'Créer des termes','Radio Buttons'=>'Boutons radio','Single Value'=>'Valeur unique','Multi Select'=>'Liste déroulante à multiple choix','Checkbox'=>'Case à cocher','Multiple Values'=>'Valeurs multiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Sélectionner l’apparence de ce champ','Appearance'=>'Apparence','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Sélectionner la taxonomie à afficher','No TermsNo %s'=>'N° %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'La valeur doit être inférieure ou égale à %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'La valeur doit être être supérieure ou égale à %d','Value must be a number'=>'La valeur doit être un nombre','Number'=>'Nombre','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sauvegarder les valeurs « Autres » dans les choix des champs','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Ajouter le choix « Autre » pour autoriser les valeurs personnalisées','Other'=>'Autre','Radio Button'=>'Bouton radio','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Définir un point de terminaison pour l’accordéon précédent. Cet accordéon ne sera pas visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Autoriser l’ouverture de cet accordéon sans fermer les autres.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Ouvrir l’accordéon au chargement de la page.','Open'=>'Ouvrir','Accordion'=>'Accordéon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre quels fichiers peuvent être téléversés','File ID'=>'ID du fichier','File URL'=>'URL du fichier','File Array'=>'Tableau de fichiers','Add File'=>'Ajouter un fichier','No file selected'=>'Aucun fichier sélectionné','File name'=>'Nom du fichier','Update File'=>'Mettre à jour le fichier','Edit File'=>'Modifier le fichier','Select File'=>'Sélectionner un fichier','File'=>'Fichier','Password'=>'Mot de Passe','Specify the value returned'=>'Spécifier la valeur retournée','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utiliser AJAX pour un chargement différé des choix ?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Saisir chaque valeur par défaut sur une nouvelle ligne','verbSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Le chargement a échoué','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Recherche en cours...','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Chargement de résultats supplémentaires…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Vous ne pouvez choisir que %d éléments','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Vous ne pouvez choisir qu’un seul élément','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Veuillez supprimer %d caractères','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Veuillez supprimer 1 caractère','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir %d caractères ou plus','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Veuillez saisir au minimum 1 caractère','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Aucun résultat','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d résultats disponibles, utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour naviguer parmi ceux-ci.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un résultat est disponible, appuyez sur « Entrée » pour le sélectionner.','nounSelect'=>'Liste déroulante','User ID'=>'ID du compte','User Object'=>'Objet du compte','User Array'=>'Tableau de comptes','All user roles'=>'Tous les rôles de comptes','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrer par rôle','User'=>'Compte','Separator'=>'Séparateur','Select Color'=>'Sélectionner une couleur','Default'=>'Par défaut','Clear'=>'Effacer','Color Picker'=>'Sélecteur de couleur','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Sélectionner','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Terminé','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Maintenant','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuseau horaire','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minute','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Heure','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Choisir l’heure','Date Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date et heure','Endpoint'=>'Point de terminaison','Left aligned'=>'Aligné à gauche','Top aligned'=>'Aligné en haut','Placement'=>'Positionnement','Tab'=>'Onglet','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Le champ doit contenir une URL valide','Link URL'=>'URL du lien','Link Array'=>'Tableau de liens','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre/onglet','Select Link'=>'Sélectionner un lien','Link'=>'Lien','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Taille de l’incrément','Maximum Value'=>'Valeur maximum','Minimum Value'=>'Valeur minimum','Range'=>'Plage','Both (Array)'=>'Les deux (tableau)','Label'=>'Libellé','Value'=>'Valeur','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'rouge : Rouge','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pour plus de contrôle, vous pouvez spécifier une valeur et un libellé de cette manière :','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Saisir chaque choix sur une nouvelle ligne.','Choices'=>'Choix','Button Group'=>'Groupe de boutons','Allow Null'=>'Autoriser une valeur vide','Parent'=>'Parent','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE ne sera pas initialisé avant un clic dans le champ','Delay Initialization'=>'Retarder l’initialisation','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Afficher les boutons de téléversement de médias ?','Toolbar'=>'Barre d’outils','Text Only'=>'Texte Uniquement','Visual Only'=>'Visuel uniquement','Visual & Text'=>'Visuel & texte','Tabs'=>'Onglets','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Cliquer pour initialiser TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texte','Visual'=>'Visuel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'La valeur ne doit pas excéder %d caractères','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laisser vide pour ne fixer aucune limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caractères','Appears after the input'=>'Apparait après le champ','Append'=>'Ajouter après','Appears before the input'=>'Apparait avant le champ','Prepend'=>'Ajouter avant','Appears within the input'=>'Apparaît dans l’entrée','Placeholder Text'=>'Texte indicatif','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Apparaît à la création d’une nouvelle publication','Text'=>'Texte','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requiert au moins %2$s sélection' . "\0" . '%1$s requiert au moins %2$s sélections','Post ID'=>'ID de la publication','Post Object'=>'Objet de la publication','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum de publications','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum de publications','Featured Image'=>'Image mise en avant','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Les éléments sélectionnés seront affichés dans chaque résultat','Elements'=>'Éléments','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Type de publication','Filters'=>'Filtres','All taxonomies'=>'Toutes les taxonomies','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer par taxonomie','All post types'=>'Tous les types de publication','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer par type de publication','Search...'=>'Rechercher…','Select taxonomy'=>'Sélectionner la taxonomie','Select post type'=>'Choisissez le type de publication','No matches found'=>'Aucune correspondance trouvée','Loading'=>'Chargement','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valeurs maximum atteintes ({max} valeurs)','Relationship'=>'Relation','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Séparez les valeurs par une virgule. Laissez blanc pour tout autoriser.','Allowed File Types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Taille du fichier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restreindre quelles images peuvent être téléversées','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Téléversé dans la publication','All'=>'Tous','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limiter le choix de la médiathèque','Library'=>'Médiathèque','Preview Size'=>'Taille de prévisualisation','Image ID'=>'ID de l’image','Image URL'=>'URL de l’image','Image Array'=>'Tableau de l’image','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Spécifier la valeur renvoyée publiquement','Return Value'=>'Valeur de retour','Add Image'=>'Ajouter image','No image selected'=>'Aucune image sélectionnée','Remove'=>'Retirer','Edit'=>'Modifier','All images'=>'Toutes les images','Update Image'=>'Mettre à jour l’image','Edit Image'=>'Modifier l’image','Select Image'=>'Sélectionner une image','Image'=>'Image','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permet l’affichage du code HTML à l’écran au lieu de l’interpréter','Escape HTML'=>'Autoriser le code HTML','No Formatting'=>'Aucun formatage','Automatically add <br>'=>'Ajouter automatiquement <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Ajouter automatiquement des paragraphes','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Contrôle comment les nouvelles lignes sont rendues','New Lines'=>'Nouvelles lignes','Week Starts On'=>'La semaine débute le','The format used when saving a value'=>'Le format utilisé lors de la sauvegarde d’une valeur','Save Format'=>'Enregistrer le format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Préc.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Suivant','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Aujourd’hui','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Terminé','Date Picker'=>'Sélecteur de date','Width'=>'Largeur','Embed Size'=>'Taille d’intégration','Enter URL'=>'Saisissez l’URL','oEmbed'=>'Contenu oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texte affiché lorsque inactif','Off Text'=>'Texte « Inactif »','Text shown when active'=>'Texte affiché lorsque actif','On Text'=>'Texte « Actif »','Stylized UI'=>'Interface (UI) stylisée','Default Value'=>'Valeur par défaut','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Affiche le texte à côté de la case à cocher','Message'=>'Message','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Oui','True / False'=>'Vrai/Faux','Row'=>'Ligne','Table'=>'Tableau','Block'=>'Bloc','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Spécifier le style utilisé pour afficher les champs sélectionnés','Layout'=>'Mise en page','Sub Fields'=>'Sous-champs','Group'=>'Groupe','Customize the map height'=>'Personnaliser la hauteur de la carte','Height'=>'Hauteur','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Définir le niveau de zoom initial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrer la carte initiale','Center'=>'Centrer','Search for address...'=>'Rechercher une adresse…','Find current location'=>'Obtenir l’emplacement actuel','Clear location'=>'Effacer la position','Search'=>'Rechercher','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Désolé, ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge la géolocalisation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Le format retourné via les fonctions du modèle','Return Format'=>'Format de retour','Custom:'=>'Personnalisé :','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Le format affiché lors de la modification d’une publication','Display Format'=>'Format d’affichage','Time Picker'=>'Sélecteur d’heure','Inactive (%s)'=>'(%s) inactif' . "\0" . '(%s) inactifs','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille','No Fields found'=>'Aucun champ trouvé','Search Fields'=>'Rechercher des champs','View Field'=>'Voir le champ','New Field'=>'Nouveau champ','Edit Field'=>'Modifier le champ','Add New Field'=>'Ajouter un nouveau champ','Field'=>'Champ','Fields'=>'Champs','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille','No Field Groups found'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé','Search Field Groups'=>'Rechercher des groupes de champs','View Field Group'=>'Voir le groupe de champs','New Field Group'=>'Nouveau groupe de champs','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifier le groupe de champs','Add New Field Group'=>'Ajouter un groupe de champs','Add New'=>'Ajouter','Field Group'=>'Groupe de champs','Field Groups'=>'Groupes de champs','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personnalisez WordPress avec des champs intuitifs, puissants et professionnels.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Le nom du type de bloc est obligatoire.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Le type de bloc "%s" est déjà déclaré.','Switch to Edit'=>'Passer en mode Édition','Switch to Preview'=>'Passer en mode Aperçu','Change content alignment'=>'Modifier l’alignement du contenu','%s settings'=>'Réglages de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Ce bloc ne contient aucun champ éditable.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Assignez un groupe de champs pour ajouter des champs à ce bloc.','Options Updated'=>'Options mises à jour','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour activer les mises à jour, veuillez indiquer votre clé de licence sur la page Mises à jour. Si vous n’en possédez pas encore une, jetez un oeil à nos détails & tarifs.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Votre clé de licence a été modifiée, mais une erreur est survenue lors de la désactivation de votre précédente licence','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Votre clé de licence définie a été modifiée, mais une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur d’activation','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion au serveur d’activation','Check Again'=>'Vérifier à nouveau','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erreur d’activation d’ACF. Impossible de se connecter au serveur d’activation','Publish'=>'Publier','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Aucun groupe de champs trouvé pour cette page options. Créer un groupe de champs','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erreur. Impossible de joindre le serveur','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. Impossible d’authentifier la mise à jour. Merci d’essayer à nouveau et si le problème persiste, désactivez et réactivez votre licence ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erreur. La licence pour ce site a expiré ou a été désactivée. Veuillez réactiver votre licence ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Vous permet de sélectionner et afficher des champs existants. Le clone ne duplique pas les champs dans la base de données, il récupère leurs valeurs au chargement de la page. Le Clone sera remplacé par les champs qu’il représente et les affiche comme un groupe de sous-champs.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs champs à cloner','Display'=>'Format d’affichage','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Définit le style utilisé pour générer le champ dupliqué','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groupe (affiche les champs sélectionnés dans un groupe à l’intérieur de ce champ)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Remplace ce champ par les champs sélectionnés','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Les libellés seront affichés en tant que %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Préfixer les libellés de champs','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Les valeurs seront enregistrées en tant que %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Préfixer les noms de champs','Unknown field'=>'Champ inconnu','Unknown field group'=>'Groupe de champ inconnu','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tous les champs du groupe %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Vous permet de définir, créer et gérer des contenus avec un contrôle total : les éditeurs peuvent créer des mises en page en sélectionnant des dispositions basées sur des sous-champs.','Add Row'=>'Ajouter un élément','layout'=>'disposition' . "\0" . 'dispositions','layouts'=>'dispositions','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ requiert au moins {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ce champ a une limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponible (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Le contenu flexible nécessite au moins une disposition','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Cliquez sur le bouton "%s" ci-dessous pour créer votre première disposition','Add layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliquer la disposition','Remove layout'=>'Retirer la disposition','Click to toggle'=>'Cliquer pour afficher/cacher','Delete Layout'=>'Supprimer la disposition','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliquer la disposition','Add New Layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Add Layout'=>'Ajouter une disposition','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Nombre minimum de dispositions','Maximum Layouts'=>'Nombre maximum de dispositions','Button Label'=>'Intitulé du bouton','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'la valeur de %s doit être un tableau ou null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au moins %2$s %3$s disposition.' . "\0" . 'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au moins %2$s %3$s dispositions.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au maximum %2$s %3$s disposition.' . "\0" . 'Le champ %1$s doit contenir au maximum %2$s %3$s dispositions.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Une interface interactive pour gérer une collection de fichiers joints, telles que des images.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Ajouter l’image à la galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Nombre de sélections maximales atteint','Length'=>'Longueur','Caption'=>'Légende','Alt Text'=>'Texte alternatif','Add to gallery'=>'Ajouter à la galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Actions de groupe','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ranger par date d’import','Sort by date modified'=>'Ranger par date de modification','Sort by title'=>'Ranger par titre','Reverse current order'=>'Inverser l’ordre actuel','Close'=>'Appliquer','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimum d’images','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximum d’images','Allowed file types'=>'Types de fichiers autorisés','Insert'=>'Insérer','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Définir comment les images sont insérées','Append to the end'=>'Insérer à la fin','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Insérer au début','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nombre minimal d’éléments insuffisant ({min} éléments)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Nombre maximal d’éléments atteint ({max} éléments)','Error loading page'=>'Erreur de chargement de la page','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'L’ordre sera assigné après l’enregistrement','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Utile pour les champs avec un grand nombre de lignes.','Rows Per Page'=>'Lignes par Page','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Définir le nombre de lignes à afficher sur une page.','Minimum Rows'=>'Nombre minimum d’éléments','Maximum Rows'=>'Nombre maximum d’éléments','Collapsed'=>'Replié','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Choisir un sous champ à montrer lorsque la ligne est refermée','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Clé de champ invalide.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Il y a une erreur lors de la récupération du champ.','Click to reorder'=>'Cliquer pour réorganiser','Add row'=>'Ajouter un élément','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliquer la ligne','Remove row'=>'Retirer l’élément','Current Page'=>'Page actuelle','First Page'=>'Première page','Previous Page'=>'Page précédente','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s sur %2$s','Next Page'=>'Page suivante','Last Page'=>'Dernière page','No block types exist'=>'Aucun type de blocs existant','No options pages exist'=>'Aucune page d’option créée','Deactivate License'=>'Désactiver la licence','Activate License'=>'Activer votre licence','License Information'=>'Informations sur la licence','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pour débloquer les mises à jour, veuillez entrer votre clé de licence ci-dessous. Si vous n’en possédez pas encore une, jetez un oeil à nos détails & tarifs.','License Key'=>'Clé de licence','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Votre clé de licence est définie dans le fichier wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Retenter l’activation','Update Information'=>'Informations de mise à jour','Current Version'=>'Version actuelle','Latest Version'=>'Dernière version','Update Available'=>'Mise à jour disponible','Upgrade Notice'=>'Améliorations','Check For Updates'=>'Vérifier les mises à jour','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Indiquez votre clé de licence pour activer les mises à jour','Update Plugin'=>'Mettre à jour l’extension','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Veuillez réactiver votre licence afin de débloquer les mises à jour']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.mo
index b88132ed..92f3cf57 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.po
index 44afd53c..9d2bc4cb 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-fr_FR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: fr_FR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr "4 mois gratuits"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Dupliqué depuis %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Sélectionner des pages d’options"
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Ajouter des champs"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Ce champ"
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "est développé et maintenu par"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -306,34 +337,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s champs"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Aucun terme"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Aucun type de publication"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Aucun article"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Aucune taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Aucun champ"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Aucune description"
@@ -766,37 +797,33 @@ msgstr "Type de publication sélectionné pour révision invalide."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutoriel"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Disponible avec ACF Pro"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Sélectionner le champ"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Essayez un autre terme de recherche ou parcourez %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Champs populaires"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Aucun résultat de recherche pour « %s »"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Rechercher des champs…"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Sélectionner le type de champ"
@@ -2390,7 +2417,7 @@ msgstr "Rétroliens"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Parcourir les champs"
@@ -2443,7 +2470,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2453,15 +2480,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exportation - Générer PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporter"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Sélectionner les taxonomies"
@@ -2469,7 +2496,7 @@ msgstr "Sélectionner les taxonomies"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Sélectionner les types de publication"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2521,7 +2548,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomie supprimée."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomie mise à jour."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2529,67 +2556,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie synchronisée."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies synchronisées."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie dupliquée."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies dupliquées."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie désactivée."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies désactivées."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie activée."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomies activées."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termes"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Type de publication synchronisé."
msgstr[1] "%s types de publication synchronisés."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Type de publication dupliqué."
msgstr[1] "%s types de publication dupliqués."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Type de publication désactivé."
msgstr[1] "%s types de publication désactivés."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Type de publication activé."
msgstr[1] "%s types de publication activés."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2607,7 +2634,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Réglages de base"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2619,7 +2646,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Lier des groupes de champs existants"
@@ -2663,16 +2690,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Type de publication supprimé."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Type à rechercher…"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Uniquement sur PRO"
@@ -2693,74 +2720,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "type de publication"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Terminé"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Sélectionner un ou plusieurs groupes de champs…"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Veuillez choisir les groupes de champs à lier."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Echec de l’enregistrement"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Droits"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilité"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Libellés"
@@ -2781,14 +2808,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[Valeur du code court ACF désactivée pour l’aperçu]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Fermer la modale"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Champ déplacé vers un autre groupe"
@@ -2972,8 +2999,8 @@ msgstr "Présentation"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validation"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
@@ -2981,49 +3008,49 @@ msgstr "Général"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importer un JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exporter en tant que JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Groupe de champs désactivé."
msgstr[1] "%s groupes de champs désactivés."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Groupe de champs activé."
msgstr[1] "%s groupes de champs activés."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Désactiver cet élément"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activer cet élément"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Déplacer le groupe de champs vers la corbeille ?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3036,7 +3063,7 @@ msgstr "Inactif"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3045,7 +3072,7 @@ msgstr ""
"actives en même temps. Nous avons automatiquement désactivé Advanced Custom "
"Fields Pro."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3128,7 +3155,7 @@ msgstr "Chaine RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Chaine hexadécimale"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Mettre à niveau vers PRO"
@@ -3180,8 +3207,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Fichiers joints"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3191,7 +3218,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomies"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3212,49 +3239,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Paramètres de groupe de champ invalides."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "En attente d’enregistrement"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Enregistré"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Évaluer les modifications"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Situés dans : %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Situés dans l’extension : %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Situés dans le thème : %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Divers"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synchroniser les modifications"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Chargement du différentiel"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Vérifier les modifications JSON locales"
@@ -3516,7 +3543,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Afficher ce champ si"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Logique conditionnelle"
@@ -3525,9 +3552,9 @@ msgstr "Logique conditionnelle"
msgid "and"
msgstr "et"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON Local"
@@ -3724,9 +3751,9 @@ msgstr "Style"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clé"
@@ -3737,23 +3764,23 @@ msgstr "Clé"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordre"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Fermer le champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "largeur"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs du conteneur"
@@ -3761,71 +3788,71 @@ msgstr "Attributs du conteneur"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatoire"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instructions pour les auteurs et autrices. Affichées lors de l’envoi des "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructions"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Type de champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr ""
"Un seul mot. Aucun espace. Les tirets bas et les tirets sont autorisés."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nom du champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Ceci est le nom qui apparaîtra sur la page de modification"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Libellé du champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Supprimer le champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Déplacer"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Deplacer le champ vers un autre groupe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Dupliquer le champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Modifier le champ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Faites glisser pour réorganiser"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Afficher ce groupe de champs si"
@@ -3931,15 +3958,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Règles"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copié"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papier"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3952,22 +3979,22 @@ msgstr ""
"ACF. « Générer le PHP » pour exporter un code PHP que vous pouvez placer "
"dans votre thème."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Sélectionner les groupes de champs"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs sélectionné"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Générer le PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exporter les groupes de champs"
@@ -3996,22 +4023,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importer les groupes de champs"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synchroniser"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Sélectionner %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dupliquer cet élément"
@@ -4019,13 +4046,14 @@ msgstr "Dupliquer cet élément"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Prend en charge"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4034,26 +4062,26 @@ msgstr "Documentation"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronisation disponible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Groupe de champs synchronisé."
msgstr[1] "%s groupes de champs synchronisés."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Groupe de champs dupliqué."
msgstr[1] "%s groupes de champs dupliqués."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Actif (%s)"
@@ -4095,7 +4123,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Déplacement effectué."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4110,7 +4138,7 @@ msgstr "Clés des champs"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Réglages"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Emplacement"
@@ -4122,14 +4150,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copier"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(ce champ)"
@@ -4140,14 +4168,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Coché"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Déplacer le champ personnalisé"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Aucun champ de sélection disponible"
@@ -4156,16 +4184,16 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Le titre du groupe de champ est requis"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Ce champ ne peut pas être déplacé tant que ses modifications n’ont pas été "
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La chaine « field_ » ne peut pas être utilisée au début du nom d’un champ"
@@ -4334,8 +4362,8 @@ msgstr "A aucune valeur"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "A n’importe quelle valeur"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
@@ -4345,24 +4373,24 @@ msgstr "Annuler"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Confirmez-vous ?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d champs nécessitent votre attention"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "Un champ nécessite votre attention"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Échec de la validation"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validation réussie"
@@ -4398,8 +4426,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Les modifications que vous avez effectuées seront perdues si vous quittez "
@@ -4414,10 +4442,10 @@ msgstr "Le type de fichier doit être %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4467,8 +4495,8 @@ msgstr "Miniature"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(aucun libellé)"
@@ -5438,7 +5466,7 @@ msgstr "Aucune image sélectionnée"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Retirer"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5757,92 +5785,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Sélecteur d’heure"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "(%s) inactif"
msgstr[1] "(%s) inactifs"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucun champ trouvé dans la corbeille"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Aucun champ trouvé"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Rechercher des champs"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Voir le champ"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nouveau champ"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Modifier le champ"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau champ"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Champs"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs trouvé dans la corbeille"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Aucun groupe de champs trouvé"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Rechercher des groupes de champs"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Voir le groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nouveau groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Modifier le groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Ajouter un groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Ajouter"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Groupe de champs"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Groupes de champs"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.l10n.php
index b712b238..94bea169 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'gl_ES','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Add Options Page'=>'Engadir páxina de opcións','4 Months Free'=>'4 meses de balde','Select Options Pages'=>'Seleccionar páxinas de opcións','Add fields'=>'Engadir campos','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Pestanas de axustes de campos','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[valor do shortcode de ACF desactivado na vista previa]','Close Modal'=>'Cerrar ventá emerxente','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido a outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Cerrar ventá emerxente','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Empeza un novo grupo de pestanas nesta pestana','New Tab Group'=>'Novo grupo de pestanas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usa un recadro de verificación estilizado utilizando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Gardar a opción «Outro»','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir a opción «Outro»','Add Toggle All'=>'Engade un «Alternar todos»','Save Custom Values'=>'Gardar os valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Os valores personalizados do recadro de verificación non poden estar baleiros. Desmarca calquera valor baleiro.','Updates'=>'Actualizacións','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo de Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Gardar cambios','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Engadir título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Novo en ACF? Bota unha ollada á nosa guía para comezar.','Add Field Group'=>'Engadir grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados xuntos, e despois engadir eses campos ás pantallas de edición.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Engade o teu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páxinas de opcións','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galería','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de contido flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea as características extra con ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Borrar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creado o %1$s ás %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Axustes de grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de ubicación','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Elixe de entre máis de 30 tipos de campos. Aprende máis.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comeza creando novos campos personalizados para as túas entradas, páxinas, tipos de contido personalizados e outros contidos de WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Engade o teu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Engadir campo','Presentation'=>'Presentación','Validation'=>'Validación','General'=>'Xeral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactiva este elemento','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activa este elemento','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover este grupo de campos á papeleira?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non deberían estar activos ao mesmo tempo. Desactivamos automaticamente Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non deberían estar activos ao mesmo tempo. Desactivamos automaticamente Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s -Detectamos unha ou máis chamadas para obter valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se iniciara. Isto non é compatible e pode ocasionar datos mal formados ou faltantes. Aprende como corrixilo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe ter un usuario co perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ter un usuario cun dos seguintes perfís: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe ter un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición non válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s non é ningunha das seguintes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ter un termo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ter un dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser do tipo de contido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser dun dos seguintes tipos de contido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe ter un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adxunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Amosar na API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadea RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadea Hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar a PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» non é un enderezo de correo electrónico válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar cor por defecto','Clear color'=>'Baleirar cor','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opcións','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos do menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adxuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Síntoo, esta entrada non está dispoñible para a comparación diff.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro do grupo de campos non válido.','Awaiting save'=>'Pendente de gardar','Saved'=>'Gardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar a web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de axuda. Os profesionais de soporte do noso xentro de xxuda axudaranche cos problemas máis técnicos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Debates. Temos unha comunidade activa e amistosa nos nosos foros da comunidade, que pode axudarche a descubrir como facer todo no mundo de ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. A nosa extensa documentación contén referencias e guías para a maioría das situacións nas que te podes atopar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Nós somos moi fans do soporte, e ti queres tirarlle o máximo partido á túa web con ACF. Se tes algunha dificultade, hai varios sitios onde atopar axuda:','Help & Support'=>'Axuda e Soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa a pestana de Axuda e Soporte para poñerte en contacto se ves que precisas axuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear o teu primeiro Grupo de Campos, recomendámosche que primeiro leas a nosa guía de Primeiros pasos para familiarizarte coa filosofía do plugin e as mellores prácticas.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un maquetador visual co que personalizar as pantallas de edición de WordPress con campos extra, e unha API intuitiva coa que mostrar os valores deses campos en calquera ficheiro modelo do tema. ','Overview'=>'Resumo','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de ubicación "%s" xa está rexistrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A clase «%s» non existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao cargar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación non encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil do usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento do menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicacións de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía da entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Páxina filla (ten pai)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Páxina superior (con fillos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Páxina de nivel superior (sen pais)','Posts Page'=>'Páxina de entradas','Front Page'=>'Páxina de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de páxina','Viewing back end'=>'Vendo a parte traseira','Viewing front end'=>'Vendo a web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de páxina','Register'=>'Rexistro','Add / Edit'=>'Engadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Páxina pai','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol do usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo predeterminado','Post Template'=>'Modelo de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adxunto','%s value is required'=>'O valor de %s é obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Amosar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lóxica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo clonar','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comproba tamén que todas as extensións premium (%s) estean actualizadas á última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contén melloras na súa base de datos e require unha actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Grazas por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'É preciso actualizar a base de datos','Options Page'=>'Páxina de opcións','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se aparecen múltiples grupos de campos nunha pantalla de edición, utilizaranse as opcións do primeiro grupo (o que teña o número de orde menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona os elementos que ocultar da pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da páxina','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisións','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Os grupos de campos con menor orde aparecerán primeiro','Order No.'=>'Número de orde','Below fields'=>'Debaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Debaixo das etiquetas','Instruction Placement'=>'Localización da instrución','Label Placement'=>'Localización da etiqueta','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (despois do contido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (despois do título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sen caixa meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caixa meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orde','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do contedor','Required'=>'Obrigatorio','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucións para os autores. Móstrase á hora de enviar os datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucións','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Unha soa palabra, sen espazos. Permítense guións e guións bajos','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que aparecerá na páxina EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta do campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Amosar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Non hai actualizacións dispoñibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización da base de datos completa. Ver as novidades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lendo tarefas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'A actualización fallou.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos á versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É moi recomendable que fagas unha copia de seguridade da túa base de datos antes de continuar. Estás seguro que queres executar xa a actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona polo menos un sitio para actualizalo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización da base de datos completa. Volver ao escritorio de rede','Site is up to date'=>'O sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O sitio necesita actualizar a base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar os sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'É preciso actualizar a base de datos dos seguintes sitios. Marca os que queiras actualizar e fai clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Engadir grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conxunto de regras para determinar que pantallas de edición utilizarán estes campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar ao portapapeis','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecciona os elementos que che gustaría exportar e logo elixe o teu método de exportación. Exporta como JSON para exportar a un arquivo .json que podes logo importar noutra instalación de ACF. Xera PHP para exportar a código PHP que podes incluír no teu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Xerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Arquivo de imporación baleiro','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao subir o arquivo. Por favor, inténtao de novo','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecciona o arquivo JSON de Advanced Custom Fields que che gustaría importar. Cando fagas clic no botón importar de abaixo, ACF importará os elementos nese arquivo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Supports'=>'Soporta','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descrición','Sync available'=>'Sincronización dispoñible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona o destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s agora pódese atopar no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movemento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Axustes','Location'=>'Localización','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Non hai campos de conmutación dispoñibles','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo pódese mover ata que os seus trocos garden','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'A cadea "field_" non se debe utilizar ao comezo dun nome de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador do grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos gardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'non é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Páxina','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Descoñecido','Field type does not exist'=>'O tipo de campo non existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selección é menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selección é maior que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior que','Value contains'=>'O valor contén','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor coincide co patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor non é igual a','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Nob ten ningún valor','Has any value'=>'Ten algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requiren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo require atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restrinxido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Os trocos que realizaras perderanse se navegas cara á outra páxina','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de arquivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamaño de arquivo non debe ser maior de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamaño do arquivo debe ser polo menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imaxe non debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imaxe debe ser polo menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'O ancho da imaxe non debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'O ancho da imaxe debe ser polo menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sen título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sen etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Antopoñer un recadro de verificación extra para cambiar todas as opcións','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Garda os valores «personalizados» nas opcións do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite engadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Engadir nova opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir as URLs dos arquivos','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace á páxina','Add'=>'Engadir','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s engadido(s)','%s already exists'=>'%s xa existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O usuario non pode engadir novos %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Obxecto de termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar o valor dos termos da publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar os termos seleccionados coa publicación','Save Terms'=>'Gardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir a creación de novos termos mentres se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botóns de opción','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona a aparencia deste campo','Appearance'=>'Aparencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona a taxonomía a amosar','No TermsNo %s'=>'Non %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor debe ser menor ou igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor debe ser maior ou igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Gardar os valores de «outros» nas opcións do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Engade a opción «outros» para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de opción','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que o acordeón anterior se deteña. Este acordeón non será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite que este acordeón se abra sen pechar outros.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expandir','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este acordeón como aberto na carga da páxina.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrinxir que arquivos se poden subir','File ID'=>'ID do arquivo','File URL'=>'URL do arquivo','File Array'=>'Array do arquivo','Add File'=>'Engadir arquivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún arquivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do arquivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar arquivo','Edit File'=>'Editar arquivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar arquivo','File'=>'Arquivo','Password'=>'Contrasinal','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usar AJAX para cargar as opcións de xeito diferido?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Engade cada valor nunha nova liña','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Erro ao cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando máis resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só podes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só podes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, insire %d ou máis caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, insire 1 ou máis caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Non se encontraron coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados dispoñibles, utiliza as frechas arriba e abaixo para navegar polos resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hai un resultado dispoñible, pulsa enter para seleccionalo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecciona','User ID'=>'ID do usuario','User Object'=>'Obxecto de usuario','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos os roles de usuario','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por perfil','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Baleirar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecciona','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Feito','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elixir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Aliñada á esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Aliñada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestana','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor debe ser unha URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL do enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir nunha nova ventá/pestana','Select Link'=>'Elixe o enlace','Link'=>'Ligazón','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermello : Vermello','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para máis control, podes especificar tanto un valor como unha etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Engade cada opción nunha nova liña.','Choices'=>'Opcións','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botóns','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE non se iniciará ata que se faga clic no campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Retrasar o inicio','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Amosar botóns de subida de medios','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Só texto','Visual Only'=>'Só visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestanas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Fai clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor non debe exceder os %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déixao en branco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece despois da entrada','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Antepor','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece no campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cando se está creando unha nova entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita polo menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita polo menos %2$s seleccións','Post ID'=>'ID da publicación','Post Object'=>'Obxecto de publicación','Maximum Posts'=>'Publicacións máximas','Minimum Posts'=>'Publicacións mínimas','Featured Image'=>'Imaxe destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados mostraranse en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de contido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contido','No matches found'=>'Non se encontraron coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déixao en branco para todos os tipos','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de arquivos permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño do arquivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrinxir que imaxes se poden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos ao contido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar as opcións da biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID da imaxe','Image URL'=>'URL de imaxe','Image Array'=>'Array de imaxes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar o valor devolto na web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Engadir imaxe','No image selected'=>'Non hai ningunha imaxe seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imaxes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imaxe','Edit Image'=>'Editar imaxe','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imaxe','Image'=>'Imaxe','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que o maquetado HTML se mostre como texto visible no canto de interpretalo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sen formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Engadir <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Engadir parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como se mostran os saltos de liña','New Lines'=>'Novas liñas','Week Starts On'=>'A semana comeza o','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato utilizado cando se garda un valor','Save Format'=>'Gardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoxe','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Feito','Date Picker'=>'Selector de data','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño da inserción','Enter URL'=>'Introduce a URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Stylized UI'=>'UI estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Mostra o texto xunto ao recadro de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaxe','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Si','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Táboa','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica o estilo utilizado para representar os campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estrutura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer o nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente o mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar enderezo...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Síntoo, este navegador non é compatible coa xeolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolto polas funcións do tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato mostrado cando se edita unha publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Non se encontraron campos na papeleira','No Fields found'=>'Non se encontraron campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Engadir novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Non se atoparon os grupos de campos na papeleira','No Field Groups found'=>'Non se encontraron grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Engadir novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Engadir novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionais e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'gl_ES','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Add Options Page'=>'Engadir páxina de opcións','4 Months Free'=>'4 meses de balde','Select Options Pages'=>'Seleccionar páxinas de opcións','Add fields'=>'Engadir campos','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Pestanas de axustes de campos','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[valor do shortcode de ACF desactivado na vista previa]','Close Modal'=>'Cerrar ventá emerxente','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido a outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Cerrar ventá emerxente','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Empeza un novo grupo de pestanas nesta pestana','New Tab Group'=>'Novo grupo de pestanas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usa un recadro de verificación estilizado utilizando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Gardar a opción «Outro»','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir a opción «Outro»','Add Toggle All'=>'Engade un «Alternar todos»','Save Custom Values'=>'Gardar os valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Os valores personalizados do recadro de verificación non poden estar baleiros. Desmarca calquera valor baleiro.','Updates'=>'Actualizacións','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo de Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Gardar cambios','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Engadir título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Novo en ACF? Bota unha ollada á nosa guía para comezar.','Add Field Group'=>'Engadir grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados xuntos, e despois engadir eses campos ás pantallas de edición.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Engade o teu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páxinas de opcións','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galería','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de contido flexible','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloquea as características extra con ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Borrar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creado o %1$s ás %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Axustes de grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de ubicación','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Elixe de entre máis de 30 tipos de campos. Aprende máis.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comeza creando novos campos personalizados para as túas entradas, páxinas, tipos de contido personalizados e outros contidos de WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Engade o teu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Engadir campo','Presentation'=>'Presentación','Validation'=>'Validación','General'=>'Xeral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactiva este elemento','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activa este elemento','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover este grupo de campos á papeleira?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non deberían estar activos ao mesmo tempo. Desactivamos automaticamente Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non deberían estar activos ao mesmo tempo. Desactivamos automaticamente Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s -Detectamos unha ou máis chamadas para obter valores de campo de ACF antes de que ACF se iniciara. Isto non é compatible e pode ocasionar datos mal formados ou faltantes. Aprende como corrixilo.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s debe ter un usuario co perfil %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ter un usuario cun dos seguintes perfís: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s debe ter un ID de usuario válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Petición non válida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s non é ningunha das seguintes %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ter un termo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ter un dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s debe ser do tipo de contido %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s debe ser dun dos seguintes tipos de contido: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s debe ter un ID de entrada válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s necesita un ID de adxunto válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Amosar na API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar transparencia','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Cadea RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cadea Hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar a PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» non é un enderezo de correo electrónico válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar cor por defecto','Clear color'=>'Baleirar cor','Blocks'=>'Bloques','Options'=>'Opcións','Users'=>'Usuarios','Menu items'=>'Elementos do menú','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Adxuntos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomías','Posts'=>'Entradas','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualización: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Síntoo, esta entrada non está dispoñible para a comparación diff.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parámetro do grupo de campos non válido.','Awaiting save'=>'Pendente de gardar','Saved'=>'Gardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar cambios','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado en: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Varios','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar cambios','Loading diff'=>'Cargando diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisar cambios do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar a web','View details'=>'Ver detalles','Version %s'=>'Versión %s','Information'=>'Información','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Centro de axuda. Os profesionais de soporte do noso xentro de xxuda axudaranche cos problemas máis técnicos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Debates. Temos unha comunidade activa e amistosa nos nosos foros da comunidade, que pode axudarche a descubrir como facer todo no mundo de ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentación. A nosa extensa documentación contén referencias e guías para a maioría das situacións nas que te podes atopar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Nós somos moi fans do soporte, e ti queres tirarlle o máximo partido á túa web con ACF. Se tes algunha dificultade, hai varios sitios onde atopar axuda:','Help & Support'=>'Axuda e Soporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Por favor, usa a pestana de Axuda e Soporte para poñerte en contacto se ves que precisas axuda.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear o teu primeiro Grupo de Campos, recomendámosche que primeiro leas a nosa guía de Primeiros pasos para familiarizarte coa filosofía do plugin e as mellores prácticas.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields ofrece un maquetador visual co que personalizar as pantallas de edición de WordPress con campos extra, e unha API intuitiva coa que mostrar os valores deses campos en calquera ficheiro modelo do tema. ','Overview'=>'Resumo','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de ubicación "%s" xa está rexistrado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A clase «%s» non existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non válido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao cargar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Ubicación non encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Perfil do usuario','Comment'=>'Comentario','Post Format'=>'Formato de entrada','Menu Item'=>'Elemento do menú','Post Status'=>'Estado de entrada','Menus'=>'Menús','Menu Locations'=>'Ubicacións de menú','Menu'=>'Menú','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía da entrada','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Páxina filla (ten pai)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Páxina superior (con fillos)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Páxina de nivel superior (sen pais)','Posts Page'=>'Páxina de entradas','Front Page'=>'Páxina de inicio','Page Type'=>'Tipo de páxina','Viewing back end'=>'Vendo a parte traseira','Viewing front end'=>'Vendo a web','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuario actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de páxina','Register'=>'Rexistro','Add / Edit'=>'Engadir / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulario de usuario','Page Parent'=>'Páxina pai','Super Admin'=>'Super administrador','Current User Role'=>'Rol do usuario actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo predeterminado','Post Template'=>'Modelo de entrada','Post Category'=>'Categoría de entrada','All %s formats'=>'Todo os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Adxunto','%s value is required'=>'O valor de %s é obligatorio','Show this field if'=>'Amosar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lóxica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo clonar','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, comproba tamén que todas as extensións premium (%s) estean actualizadas á última versión.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versión contén melloras na súa base de datos e require unha actualización.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Grazas por actualizar a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'É preciso actualizar a base de datos','Options Page'=>'Páxina de opcións','Gallery'=>'Galería','Flexible Content'=>'Contido flexible','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Volver a todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se aparecen múltiples grupos de campos nunha pantalla de edición, utilizaranse as opcións do primeiro grupo (o que teña o número de orde menor)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecciona os elementos que ocultar da pantalla de edición.','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar en pantalla','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorías','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da páxina','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisións','Comments'=>'Comentarios','Discussion'=>'Discusión','Excerpt'=>'Extracto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de contido','Permalink'=>'Enlace permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado en lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Os grupos de campos con menor orde aparecerán primeiro','Order No.'=>'Número de orde','Below fields'=>'Debaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Debaixo das etiquetas','Instruction Placement'=>'Localización da instrución','Label Placement'=>'Localización da etiqueta','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (despois do contido)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (despois do título)','Position'=>'Posición','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Directo (sen caixa meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Estándar (caixa meta de WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Clave','Order'=>'Orde','Close Field'=>'Cerrar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'ancho','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do contedor','Required'=>'Obrigatorio','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucións para os autores. Móstrase á hora de enviar os datos','Instructions'=>'Instrucións','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Unha soa palabra, sen espazos. Permítense guións e guións bajos','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que aparecerá na páxina EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Etiqueta do campo','Delete'=>'Borrar','Delete field'=>'Borrar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo a outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arrastra para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Amosar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Non hai actualizacións dispoñibles.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualización da base de datos completa. Ver as novidades','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lendo tarefas de actualización...','Upgrade failed.'=>'A actualización fallou.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualización completa','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Actualizando datos á versión %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É moi recomendable que fagas unha copia de seguridade da túa base de datos antes de continuar. Estás seguro que queres executar xa a actualización?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, selecciona polo menos un sitio para actualizalo.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualización da base de datos completa. Volver ao escritorio de rede','Site is up to date'=>'O sitio está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O sitio necesita actualizar a base de datos de %1$s a %2$s','Site'=>'Sitio','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar os sitios','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'É preciso actualizar a base de datos dos seguintes sitios. Marca os que queiras actualizar e fai clic en %s.','Add rule group'=>'Engadir grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un conxunto de regras para determinar que pantallas de edición utilizarán estes campos personalizados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar ao portapapeis','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecciona os elementos que che gustaría exportar e logo elixe o teu método de exportación. Exporta como JSON para exportar a un arquivo .json que podes logo importar noutra instalación de ACF. Xera PHP para exportar a código PHP que podes incluír no teu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecciona grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Xerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Arquivo de imporación baleiro','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de campo incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao subir o arquivo. Por favor, inténtao de novo','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecciona o arquivo JSON de Advanced Custom Fields que che gustaría importar. Cando fagas clic no botón importar de abaixo, ACF importará os elementos nese arquivo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupo de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecciona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este elemento','Supports'=>'Soporta','Documentation'=>'Documentación','Description'=>'Descrición','Sync available'=>'Sincronización dispoñible','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sitios e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de datos','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor, selecciona o destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s agora pódese atopar no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movemento completo.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Claves de campo','Settings'=>'Axustes','Location'=>'Localización','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Non hai campos de conmutación dispoñibles','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obligatorio','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo pódese mover ata que os seus trocos garden','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'A cadea "field_" non se debe utilizar ao comezo dun nome de campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Borrador do grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos programado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos gardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'non é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formularios','Page'=>'Páxina','Post'=>'Entrada','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Elección','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Descoñecido','Field type does not exist'=>'O tipo de campo non existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Publicación actualizada','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar correo electrónico','Content'=>'Contido','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selección é menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selección é maior que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior que','Value contains'=>'O valor contén','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor coincide co patrón','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor non é igual a','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Nob ten ningún valor','Has any value'=>'Ten algún valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Estás seguro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requiren atención','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo require atención','Validation failed'=>'Validación fallida','Validation successful'=>'Validación correcta','Restricted'=>'Restrinxido','Collapse Details'=>'Contraer detalles','Expand Details'=>'Ampliar detalles','Uploaded to this post'=>'Subido a esta publicación','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Os trocos que realizaras perderanse se navegas cara á outra páxina','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de arquivo debe ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamaño de arquivo non debe ser maior de %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamaño do arquivo debe ser polo menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imaxe non debe exceder %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imaxe debe ser polo menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'O ancho da imaxe non debe exceder %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'O ancho da imaxe debe ser polo menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sen título)','Full Size'=>'Tamaño completo','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Mediano','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sen etiqueta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Establece a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Filas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Antopoñer un recadro de verificación extra para cambiar todas as opcións','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Garda os valores «personalizados» nas opcións do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite engadir valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Engadir nova opción','Toggle All'=>'Invertir todos','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir as URLs dos arquivos','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Enlace á páxina','Add'=>'Engadir','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s engadido(s)','%s already exists'=>'%s xa existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O usuario non pode engadir novos %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Obxecto de termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Cargar o valor dos termos da publicación','Load Terms'=>'Cargar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectar os termos seleccionados coa publicación','Save Terms'=>'Gardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir a creación de novos termos mentres se edita','Create Terms'=>'Crear termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botóns de opción','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selección múltiple','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de verificación','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiples','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecciona a aparencia deste campo','Appearance'=>'Aparencia','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecciona a taxonomía a amosar','No TermsNo %s'=>'Non %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor debe ser menor ou igual a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor debe ser maior ou igual a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor debe ser un número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Gardar os valores de «outros» nas opcións do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Engade a opción «outros» para permitir valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outros','Radio Button'=>'Botón de opción','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define un punto final para que o acordeón anterior se deteña. Este acordeón non será visible.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite que este acordeón se abra sen pechar outros.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-Expandir','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este acordeón como aberto na carga da páxina.','Open'=>'Abrir','Accordion'=>'Acordeón','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restrinxir que arquivos se poden subir','File ID'=>'ID do arquivo','File URL'=>'URL do arquivo','File Array'=>'Array do arquivo','Add File'=>'Engadir arquivo','No file selected'=>'Ningún arquivo seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do arquivo','Update File'=>'Actualizar arquivo','Edit File'=>'Editar arquivo','Select File'=>'Seleccionar arquivo','File'=>'Arquivo','Password'=>'Contrasinal','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolto','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usar AJAX para cargar as opcións de xeito diferido?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Engade cada valor nunha nova liña','verbSelect'=>'Selecciona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Erro ao cargar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Buscando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Cargando máis resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só podes seleccionar %d elementos','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só podes seleccionar 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor, borra %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor, borra 1 carácter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor, insire %d ou máis caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor, insire 1 ou máis caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Non se encontraron coincidencias','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados dispoñibles, utiliza as frechas arriba e abaixo para navegar polos resultados.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Hai un resultado dispoñible, pulsa enter para seleccionalo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecciona','User ID'=>'ID do usuario','User Object'=>'Obxecto de usuario','User Array'=>'Grupo de usuarios','All user roles'=>'Todos os roles de usuario','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por perfil','User'=>'Usuario','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por defecto','Clear'=>'Baleirar','Color Picker'=>'Selector de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecciona','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Feito','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zona horaria','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Elixir hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selector de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Aliñada á esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Aliñada arriba','Placement'=>'Ubicación','Tab'=>'Pestana','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor debe ser unha URL válida','Link URL'=>'URL do enlace','Link Array'=>'Array de enlaces','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abrir nunha nova ventá/pestana','Select Link'=>'Elixe o enlace','Link'=>'Ligazón','Email'=>'Correo electrónico','Step Size'=>'Tamaño de paso','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Rango','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Etiqueta','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermello : Vermello','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para máis control, podes especificar tanto un valor como unha etiqueta, así:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Engade cada opción nunha nova liña.','Choices'=>'Opcións','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botóns','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE non se iniciará ata que se faga clic no campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Retrasar o inicio','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Amosar botóns de subida de medios','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Só texto','Visual Only'=>'Só visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e Texto','Tabs'=>'Pestanas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Fai clic para iniciar TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor non debe exceder os %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Déixao en branco para ilimitado','Character Limit'=>'Límite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Aparece despois da entrada','Append'=>'Anexar','Appears before the input'=>'Aparece antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Antepor','Appears within the input'=>'Aparece no campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Marcador de posición','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece cando se está creando unha nova entrada','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s necesita polo menos %2$s selección' . "\0" . '%1$s necesita polo menos %2$s seleccións','Post ID'=>'ID da publicación','Post Object'=>'Obxecto de publicación','Maximum Posts'=>'Publicacións máximas','Minimum Posts'=>'Publicacións mínimas','Featured Image'=>'Imaxe destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados mostraranse en cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomía','Post Type'=>'Tipo de contido','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomías','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomía','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de contido','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de contido','Search...'=>'Buscar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecciona taxonomía','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de contido','No matches found'=>'Non se encontraron coincidencias','Loading'=>'Cargando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valores máximos alcanzados ( {max} valores )','Relationship'=>'Relación','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por comas. Déixao en branco para todos os tipos','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de arquivos permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamaño do arquivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restrinxir que imaxes se poden subir','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Subidos ao contido','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar as opcións da biblioteca de medios','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamaño de vista previa','Image ID'=>'ID da imaxe','Image URL'=>'URL de imaxe','Image Array'=>'Array de imaxes','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especificar o valor devolto na web','Return Value'=>'Valor de retorno','Add Image'=>'Engadir imaxe','No image selected'=>'Non hai ningunha imaxe seleccionada','Remove'=>'Quitar','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imaxes','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imaxe','Edit Image'=>'Editar imaxe','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imaxe','Image'=>'Imaxe','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que o maquetado HTML se mostre como texto visible no canto de interpretalo','Escape HTML'=>'Escapar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sen formato','Automatically add <br>'=>'Engadir <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Engadir parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como se mostran os saltos de liña','New Lines'=>'Novas liñas','Week Starts On'=>'A semana comeza o','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato utilizado cando se garda un valor','Save Format'=>'Gardar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoxe','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Feito','Date Picker'=>'Selector de data','Width'=>'Ancho','Embed Size'=>'Tamaño da inserción','Enter URL'=>'Introduce a URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado cando está inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desactivado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado cando está activo','On Text'=>'Texto activado','Stylized UI'=>'UI estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por defecto','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Mostra o texto xunto ao recadro de verificación','Message'=>'Mensaxe','No'=>'Non','Yes'=>'Si','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Fila','Table'=>'Táboa','Block'=>'Bloque','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica o estilo utilizado para representar os campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Estrutura','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Establecer o nivel inicial de zoom','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar inicialmente o mapa','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Buscar enderezo...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar ubicación actual','Clear location'=>'Borrar ubicación','Search'=>'Buscar','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Síntoo, este navegador non é compatible coa xeolocalización','Google Map'=>'Mapa de Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolto polas funcións do tema','Return Format'=>'Formato de retorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato mostrado cando se edita unha publicación','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualización','Time Picker'=>'Selector de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Non se encontraron campos na papeleira','No Fields found'=>'Non se encontraron campos','Search Fields'=>'Buscar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Engadir novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Non se atoparon os grupos de campos na papeleira','No Field Groups found'=>'Non se encontraron grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Buscar grupo de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Engadir novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Engadir novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personaliza WordPress con campos potentes, profesionais e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.mo
index e008b4b9..6c2791ea 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.po
index 53c6583c..b7e52c49 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gl_ES.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: gl_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr "4 meses de balde"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Seleccionar páxinas de opcións"
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Engadir campos"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2628,14 +2655,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[valor do shortcode de ACF desactivado na vista previa]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Cerrar ventá emerxente"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Campo movido a outro grupo"
@@ -2820,8 +2847,8 @@ msgstr "Presentación"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validación"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Xeral"
@@ -2829,49 +2856,49 @@ msgstr "Xeral"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importar JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exportar como JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos desactivado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos desactivados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos activado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos activados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Desactiva este elemento"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activa este elemento"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Mover este grupo de campos á papeleira?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2884,7 +2911,7 @@ msgstr "Inactivo"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2893,7 +2920,7 @@ msgstr ""
"activos ao mesmo tempo. Desactivamos automaticamente Advanced Custom Fields "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2973,7 +3000,7 @@ msgstr "Cadea RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cadea Hex"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Actualizar a PRO"
@@ -3025,8 +3052,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adxuntos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3036,7 +3063,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomías"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3055,49 +3082,49 @@ msgstr "Síntoo, esta entrada non está dispoñible para a comparación diff."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parámetro do grupo de campos non válido."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Pendente de gardar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Gardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado en: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar cambios"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Cargando diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisar cambios do JSON local"
@@ -3357,7 +3384,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Amosar este campo se"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lóxica condicional"
@@ -3366,9 +3393,9 @@ msgstr "Lóxica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON local"
@@ -3563,9 +3590,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"
@@ -3576,23 +3603,23 @@ msgstr "Clave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orde"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Cerrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ancho"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos do contedor"
@@ -3600,68 +3627,68 @@ msgstr "Atributos do contedor"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obrigatorio"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instrucións para os autores. Móstrase á hora de enviar os datos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucións"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Unha soa palabra, sen espazos. Permítense guións e guións bajos"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este é o nome que aparecerá na páxina EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Borrar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo a outro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arrastra para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Amosar este grupo de campos se"
@@ -3764,15 +3791,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regras"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar ao portapapeis"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3784,22 +3811,22 @@ msgstr ""
"logo importar noutra instalación de ACF. Xera PHP para exportar a código PHP "
"que podes incluír no teu tema."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecciona grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ningún grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Xerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3828,22 +3855,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecciona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
@@ -3851,13 +3878,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Soporta"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3866,26 +3894,26 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrición"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronización dispoñible"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3926,7 +3954,7 @@ msgstr "O campo %1$s agora pódese atopar no grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movemento completo."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3941,7 +3969,7 @@ msgstr "Claves de campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Axustes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localización"
@@ -3953,14 +3981,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3971,14 +3999,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Non hai campos de conmutación dispoñibles"
@@ -3987,14 +4015,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "O título do grupo de campos é obligatorio"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo pódese mover ata que os seus trocos garden"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "A cadea \"field_\" non se debe utilizar ao comezo dun nome de campo"
@@ -4162,8 +4190,8 @@ msgstr "Nob ten ningún valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Ten algún valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4173,24 +4201,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Estás seguro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requiren atención"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo require atención"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validación fallida"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validación correcta"
@@ -4226,8 +4254,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Os trocos que realizaras perderanse se navegas cara á outra páxina"
@@ -4240,10 +4268,10 @@ msgstr "O tipo de arquivo debe ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4293,8 +4321,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sen etiqueta)"
@@ -5262,7 +5290,7 @@ msgstr "Non hai ningunha imaxe seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Quitar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5583,92 +5611,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactivo (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactivos (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Non se encontraron campos na papeleira"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Non se encontraron campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Buscar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Novo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Engadir novo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Non se atoparon os grupos de campos na papeleira"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Non se encontraron grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Buscar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Engadir novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Engadir novo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.l10n.php
index bc997c89..68fae73b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'gu','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'છટકી ગયેલા HTML મૂલ્યો પરત કરવા માત્ર ત્યારે જ શક્ય છે જ્યારે format_value પણ સાચું હોય. સુરક્ષા માટે ફીલ્ડ મૂલ્યો પરત કરવામાં આવ્યા નથી.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'એસ્કેપ કરેલ HTML મૂલ્ય પરત કરવું ત્યારે જ શક્ય છે જ્યારે format_value પણ સાચું હોય. સુરક્ષા માટે ફીલ્ડ મૂલ્ય પરત કરવામાં આવ્યું નથી.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'જ્યારે the_field
અથવા ACF શોર્ટકોડ દ્વારા રેન્ડર કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે %1$s ACF હવે આપમેળે અસુરક્ષિત HTML થી બચી જાય છે. અમે શોધી કાઢ્યું છે કે તમારા કેટલાક ફીલ્ડના આઉટપુટમાં આ ફેરફાર દ્વારા ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવ્યો છે, પરંતુ આ કદાચ બ્રેકિંગ ફેરફાર ન હોઈ શકે. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'વધુ વિગતો માટે કૃપા કરીને તમારા સાઇટ એડમિનિસ્ટ્રેટર અથવા ડેવલપરનો સંપર્ક કરો.','Learn more'=>'વધુ જાણો','Hide details'=>' વિગતો છુપાવો','Show details'=>' વિગતો બતાવો','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - %3$s દ્વારા પ્રસ્તુત','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'ACF PRO લાઇસન્સ રિન્યૂ કરો','Renew License'=>'લાયસન્સ રિન્યૂ કરો','Manage License'=>'લાયસન્સ મેનેજ કરો','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં \'ઉચ્ચ\' સ્થિતિ સમર્થિત નથી','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO પર અપગ્રેડ કરો','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠો એ ક્ષેત્રો દ્વારા વૈશ્વિક સેટિંગ્સનું સંચાલન કરવા માટેના કસ્ટમ એડમિન પૃષ્ઠો છે. તમે બહુવિધ પૃષ્ઠો અને પેટા પૃષ્ઠો બનાવી શકો છો.','Add Options Page'=>'વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠ ઉમેરો','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'શીર્ષકના પ્લેસહોલ્ડર તરીકે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Title Placeholder'=>'શીર્ષક પ્લેસહોલ્ડર','4 Months Free'=>'4 મહિના મફત',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (%s માંથી ડુપ્લિકેટ)','Select Options Pages'=>'વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠો પસંદ કરો','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ વર્ગીકરણ','Create taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ બનાવો','Duplicate post type'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Create post type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર બનાવો','Link field groups'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથોને લિંક કરો','Add fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો ઉમેરો','This Field'=>'આ ક્ષેત્ર','ACF PRO'=>'એસીએફ પ્રો','Feedback'=>'પ્રતિસાદ','Support'=>'સપોર્ટ','is developed and maintained by'=>'દ્વારા વિકસિત અને જાળવણી કરવામાં આવે છે','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'પસંદ કરેલ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથોના સ્થાન નિયમોમાં આ %s ઉમેરો.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'દ્વિપક્ષીય સેટિંગને સક્ષમ કરવાથી તમે આ ફીલ્ડ માટે પસંદ કરેલ દરેક મૂલ્ય માટે લક્ષ્ય ફીલ્ડમાં મૂલ્ય અપડેટ કરી શકો છો, પોસ્ટ ID, વર્ગીકરણ ID અથવા અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી રહેલી આઇટમના વપરાશકર્તા ID ને ઉમેરીને અથવા દૂર કરી શકો છો. વધુ માહિતી માટે, કૃપા કરીને દસ્તાવેજીકરણ વાંચો.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી રહેલી આઇટમનો સંદર્ભ પાછો સંગ્રહિત કરવા માટે ક્ષેત્ર(ઓ) પસંદ કરો. તમે આ ક્ષેત્ર પસંદ કરી શકો છો. જ્યાં આ ક્ષેત્ર પ્રદર્શિત થઈ રહ્યું છે તેની સાથે લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્રો સુસંગત હોવા જોઈએ. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, જો આ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ગીકરણ પર પ્રદર્શિત થાય છે, તો તમારું લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્ર વર્ગીકરણ પ્રકારનું હોવું જોઈએ','Target Field'=>'લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્ર','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'આ ID નો સંદર્ભ આપીને પસંદ કરેલ મૂલ્યો પર ફીલ્ડ અપડેટ કરો','Bidirectional'=>'દ્વિપક્ષીય','%s Field'=>'%s ફીલ્ડ','Select Multiple'=>'બહુવિધ પસંદ કરો','WP Engine logo'=>'WP એન્જિન લોગો','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'લોઅર કેસ અક્ષરો, માત્ર અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડૅશ, મહત્તમ 32 અક્ષરો.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતો સોંપવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'ટર્મ ક્ષમતા સોંપો','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોને કાઢી નાખવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'ટર્મ ક્ષમતા કાઢી નાખો','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોને સંપાદિત કરવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'શરતો ક્ષમતા સંપાદિત કરો','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોનું સંચાલન કરવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'શરતોની ક્ષમતા મેનેજ કરો','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'શોધ પરિણામો અને વર્ગીકરણ આર્કાઇવ પૃષ્ઠોમાંથી પોસ્ટ્સને બાકાત રાખવા જોઈએ કે કેમ તે સેટ કરે છે.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP એન્જિનના વધુ સાધનો','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'%s પરની ટીમ દ્વારા વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે બિલ્ડ કરનારાઓ માટે બનાવેલ છે','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'કિંમત અને અપગ્રેડ જુઓ','Learn More'=>'વધુ શીખો','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'તમારા વર્કફ્લોને ઝડપી બનાવો અને ACF બ્લોક્સ અને ઓપ્શન્સ પેજીસ જેવી સુવિધાઓ અને રિપીટર, ફ્લેક્સિબલ કન્ટેન્ટ, ક્લોન અને ગેલેરી જેવા અત્યાધુનિક ફીલ્ડ પ્રકારો સાથે વધુ સારી વેબસાઇટ્સ વિકસાવો.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO સાથે અદ્યતન સુવિધાઓને અનલૉક કરો અને હજી વધુ બનાવો','%s fields'=>'%s ફીલ્ડ','No terms'=>'કોઈ શરતો નથી','No post types'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નથી','No posts'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ નથી','No taxonomies'=>'કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ નથી','No field groups'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો નથી','No fields'=>'કોઈ ફીલ્ડ નથી','No description'=>'કોઈ વર્ણન નથી','Any post status'=>'કોઈપણ પોસ્ટ સ્થિતિ','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF ની બહાર નોંધાયેલ અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF માં અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી માં માત્ર લોઅર કેસ આલ્ફાન્યૂમેરિક અક્ષરો, અન્ડરસ્કોર અથવા ડેશ હોવા જોઈએ.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી 32 અક્ષરોથી ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ મળ્યું નથી','No Taxonomies found'=>'કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ મળ્યું નથી','Search Taxonomies'=>'વર્ગીકરણ શોધો','View Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ જુઓ','New Taxonomy'=>'નવુ વર્ગીકરણ','Edit Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Taxonomy'=>'નવુ વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો મળ્યા નથી','No Post Types found'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો મળ્યા નથી','Search Post Types'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો શોધો','View Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર જુઓ','New Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Edit Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ઉમેરો','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF ની બહાર નોંધાયેલ અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF માં અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'આ ફીલ્ડ વર્ડપ્રેસનો આરક્ષિત શબ્દ ન હોવો જોઈએ.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઈપ કીમાં માત્ર લોઅર કેસ આલ્ફાન્યૂમેરિક અક્ષરો, અન્ડરસ્કોર અથવા ડેશ હોવા જોઈએ.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર કી 20 અક્ષરોથી ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'અમે ACF બ્લોક્સમાં આ ક્ષેત્રનો ઉપયોગ કરવાની ભલામણ કરતા નથી.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'વર્ડપ્રેસ WYSIWYG એડિટર પ્રદર્શિત કરે છે જે પોસ્ટ્સ અને પૃષ્ઠો જોવા મળે છે જે સમૃદ્ધ ટેક્સ્ટ-એડિટિંગ અનુભવ માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે જે મલ્ટીમીડિયા સામગ્રી માટે પણ પરવાનગી આપે છે.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG સંપાદક','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'એક અથવા વધુ વપરાશકર્તાઓની પસંદગીની મંજૂરી આપે છે જેનો ઉપયોગ ડેટા ઑબ્જેક્ટ્સ વચ્ચે સંબંધ બનાવવા માટે થઈ શકે છે.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'ખાસ કરીને વેબ એડ્રેસ સ્ટોર કરવા માટે રચાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટ ઇનપુટ.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'એક ટૉગલ જે તમને 1 અથવા 0 (ચાલુ અથવા બંધ, સાચું કે ખોટું, વગેરે) નું મૂલ્ય પસંદ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. સ્ટાઇલાઇઝ્ડ સ્વીચ અથવા ચેકબોક્સ તરીકે રજૂ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. ક્ષેત્ર સેટિંગ્સ ઉપયોગ કરીને સમય ફોર્મેટ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'ટેક્સ્ટના ફકરાને સ્ટોર કરવા માટે મૂળભૂત ટેક્સ્ટેરિયા ઇનપુટ.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'મૂળભૂત મૂળ લખાણ ઇનપુટ, એક તાર મૂલ્યો સંગ્રહ કરવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સમાં ઉલ્લેખિત માપદંડ અને વિકલ્પોના આધારે એક અથવા વધુ વર્ગીકરણ શરતોની પસંદગીની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'તમને સંપાદન સ્ક્રીનમાં ટેબ કરેલ વિભાગોમાં ક્ષેત્રોને જૂથબદ્ધ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. ક્ષેત્રોને વ્યવસ્થિત અને સંરચિત રાખવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરો છો તે પસંદગીઓની પસંદગી સાથે ડ્રોપડાઉન સૂચિ.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'તમે હાલમાં સંપાદિત કરી રહ્યાં છો તે આઇટમ સાથે સંબંધ બનાવવા માટે એક અથવા વધુ પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો અથવા કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની આઇટમ્સ પસંદ કરવા માટેનું ડ્યુઅલ-કૉલમ ઇન્ટરફેસ. શોધવા અને ફિલ્ટર કરવાના વિકલ્પોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'શ્રેણી સ્લાઇડર તત્વનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ઉલ્લેખિત શ્રેણીમાં સંખ્યાત્મક મૂલ્ય પસંદ કરવા માટેનું ઇનપુટ.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'રેડિયો બટન ઇનપુટ્સનું એક જૂથ જે વપરાશકર્તાને તમે ઉલ્લેખિત મૂલ્યોમાંથી એક જ પસંદગી કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'શોધવાના વિકલ્પ સાથે એક અથવા ઘણી પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો અથવા પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ અને વૈવિધ્યપૂર્ણ UI. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'માસ્ક્ડ ફીલ્ડનો ઉપયોગ કરીને પાસવર્ડ આપવા માટેનું ઇનપુટ.','Filter by Post Status'=>'પોસ્ટ સ્ટેટસ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'શોધવાના વિકલ્પ સાથે, એક અથવા વધુ પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો, કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની આઇટમ્સ અથવા આર્કાઇવ URL પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ડ્રોપડાઉન.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'મૂળ WordPress oEmbed કાર્યક્ષમતાનો ઉપયોગ કરીને વિડિઓઝ, છબીઓ, ટ્વીટ્સ, ઑડિઓ અને અન્ય સામગ્રીને એમ્બેડ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ઘટક.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'સંખ્યાત્મક મૂલ્યો સુધી મર્યાદિત ઇનપુટ.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'અન્ય ક્ષેત્રોની સાથે સંપાદકોને સંદેશ પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે વપરાય છે. તમારા ક્ષેત્રોની આસપાસ વધારાના સંદર્ભ અથવા સૂચનાઓ પ્રદાન કરવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'તમને વર્ડપ્રેસ મૂળ લિંક પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને લિંક અને તેના ગુણધર્મો જેવા કે શીર્ષક અને લક્ષ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'અપલોડ કરવા અથવા છબીઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે મૂળ વર્ડપ્રેસ મીડિયા પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'ડેટા અને સંપાદન સ્ક્રીનને વધુ સારી રીતે ગોઠવવા માટે જૂથોમાં ક્ષેત્રોને સંરચિત કરવાનો માર્ગ પૂરો પાડે છે.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Google નકશાનો ઉપયોગ કરીને સ્થાન પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. યોગ્ય રીતે પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે Google Maps API કી અને વધારાના ગોઠવણીની જરૂર છે.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'અપલોડ કરવા અથવા છબીઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે મૂળ વર્ડપ્રેસ મીડિયા પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'ખાસ કરીને ઈમેલ એડ્રેસ સ્ટોર કરવા માટે રચાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટ ઇનપુટ.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'તારીખ અને સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. તારીખ રીટર્ન ફોર્મેટ ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરીને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. ક્ષેત્ર સેટિંગ્સ ઉપયોગ કરીને સમય ફોર્મેટ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'રંગ પસંદ કરવા અથવા હેક્સ મૂલ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'ચેકબૉક્સ ઇનપુટ્સનું જૂથ કે જે વપરાશકર્તાને તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરો છો તે એક અથવા બહુવિધ મૂલ્યો પસંદ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરેલ મૂલ્યો સાથેના બટનોનું જૂથ, વપરાશકર્તાઓ પ્રદાન કરેલ મૂલ્યોમાંથી એક વિકલ્પ પસંદ કરી શકે છે.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'તમને કન્ટેન્ટ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે બતાવવામાં આવતી સંકુચિત પેનલ્સમાં કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સને જૂથ અને ગોઠવવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. મોટા ડેટાસેટ્સને વ્યવસ્થિત રાખવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'આ સ્લાઇડ્સ, ટીમના સભ્યો અને કૉલ-ટુ-એક્શન ટાઇલ્સ જેવી સામગ્રીને પુનરાવર્તિત કરવા માટેનો ઉકેલ પૂરો પાડે છે, પેરન્ટ તરીકે કામ કરીને પેટાફિલ્ડના સમૂહ કે જેને વારંવાર પુનરાવર્તિત કરી શકાય છે.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'આ જોડાણોના સંગ્રહનું સંચાલન કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ઇન્ટરફેસ પૂરું પાડે છે. મોટાભાગની સેટિંગ્સ ઇમેજ ફીલ્ડના પ્રકાર જેવી જ હોય છે. વધારાની સેટિંગ્સ તમને ગેલેરીમાં નવા જોડાણો ક્યાં ઉમેરવામાં આવે છે અને જોડાણોની ન્યૂનતમ/મહત્તમ સંખ્યાને મંજૂરી આપે છે તેનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'આ એક સરળ, સંરચિત, લેઆઉટ-આધારિત સંપાદક પ્રદાન કરે છે. લવચીક સામગ્રી ક્ષેત્ર તમને ઉપલબ્ધ બ્લોક્સ ડિઝાઇન કરવા માટે લેઆઉટ અને સબફિલ્ડનો ઉપયોગ કરીને સંપૂર્ણ નિયંત્રણ સાથે સામગ્રીને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરવા, બનાવવા અને સંચાલિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'આ તમને વર્તમાન ક્ષેત્રોને પસંદ કરવા અને પ્રદર્શિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. તે ડેટાબેઝમાં કોઈપણ ફીલ્ડની નકલ કરતું નથી, પરંતુ રન-ટાઇમ પર પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સને લોડ કરે છે અને પ્રદર્શિત કરે છે. ક્લોન ફીલ્ડ કાં તો પોતાને પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સ સાથે બદલી શકે છે અથવા પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સને સબફિલ્ડના જૂથ તરીકે પ્રદર્શિત કરી શકે છે.','nounClone'=>'ક્લોન','PRO'=>'પ્રો','Advanced'=>'અદ્યતન','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (નવું)','Original'=>'અસલ','Invalid post ID.'=>'અમાન્ય પોસ્ટ આઈડી.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'સમીક્ષા માટે અમાન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર પસંદ કર્યો.','More'=>'વધુ','Tutorial'=>'ટ્યુટોરીયલ','Available with ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO સાથે ઉપલબ્ધ છે','Select Field'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પસંદ કરો','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'એક અલગ શોધ શબ્દ અજમાવો અથવા %s બ્રાઉઝ કરો','Popular fields'=>'લોકપ્રિય ક્ષેત્રો','No search results for \'%s\''=>'\'%s\' માટે કોઈ શોધ પરિણામો નથી','Search fields...'=>'ફીલ્ડ્સ શોધો...','Select Field Type'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો','Popular'=>'પ્રખ્યાત','Add Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની સામગ્રીને વર્ગીકૃત કરવા માટે કસ્ટમ વર્ગીકરણ બનાવો','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'તમારી પ્રથમ વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણમાં વંશજો હોઈ શકે છે (જેમ કે શ્રેણીઓ).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર અને એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં વર્ગીકરણ દૃશ્યમાન બનાવે છે.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ સાથે વર્ગીકૃત કરી શકાય તેવા એક અથવા ઘણા પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો.','genre'=>'શૈલી','Genre'=>'શૈલી','Genres'=>'શૈલીઓ','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'`WP_REST_Terms_Controller` ને બદલે વાપરવા માટે વૈકલ્પિક કસ્ટમ નિયંત્રક.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'REST API માં આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનો પર્દાફાશ કરો.','Customize the query variable name'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ નામને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'બિન-સુંદર પરમાલિંકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને શરતોને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે, દા.ત., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે પરમાલિંક્સ અક્ષમ છે.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'સ્લગ તરીકે વર્ગીકરણ કીનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','Taxonomy Key'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે વાપરવા માટે પરમાલિંકનો પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટિંગ સ્ક્રીન પર વર્ગીકરણ માટે કૉલમ પ્રદર્શિત કરો.','Show Admin Column'=>'એડમિન કૉલમ બતાવો','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'ઝડપી/બલ્ક સંપાદન પેનલમાં વર્ગીકરણ બતાવો.','Quick Edit'=>'ઝડપી સંપાદન','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'ટેગ ક્લાઉડ વિજેટ નિયંત્રણોમાં વર્ગીકરણની સૂચિ બનાવો.','Tag Cloud'=>'ટૅગ ક્લાઉડ','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'મેટા બૉક્સમાંથી સાચવેલા વર્ગીકરણ ડેટાને સેનિટાઇઝ કરવા માટે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'મેટા બોક્સ સેનિટાઈઝેશન કોલબેક','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'તમારા વર્ગીકરણ પર મેટા બોક્સની સામગ્રીને હેન્ડલ કરવા માટે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'મેટા બોક્સ કોલબેક રજીસ્ટર કરો','No Meta Box'=>'કોઈ મેટા બોક્સ નથી','Custom Meta Box'=>'કસ્ટમ મેટા બોક્સ','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'સામગ્રી સંપાદક સ્ક્રીન પરના મેટા બોક્સને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે. મૂળભૂત રીતે, શ્રેણીઓ મેટા બોક્સ અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણ માટે બતાવવામાં આવે છે, અને ટૅગ્સ મેટા બૉક્સ બિન-હાયરાર્કિકલ વર્ગીકરણ માટે બતાવવામાં આવે છે.','Meta Box'=>'મેટા બોક્સ','Categories Meta Box'=>'શ્રેણીઓ મેટા બોક્સ','Tags Meta Box'=>'ટૅગ્સ મેટા બોક્સ','A link to a tag'=>'ટેગની લિંક','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં વપરાતી નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક ભિન્નતાનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','A link to a %s'=>'%s ની લિંક','Tag Link'=>'ટૅગ લિંક','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં વપરાતી નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક ભિન્નતાનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','← Go to tags'=>'← ટૅગ્સ પર જાઓ','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'શબ્દને અપડેટ કર્યા પછી મુખ્ય અનુક્રમણિકા સાથે પાછા લિંક કરવા માટે વપરાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટને સોંપે છે.','Back To Items'=>'આઇટમ્સ પર પાછા ફરો','← Go to %s'=>'← %s પર જાઓ','Tags list'=>'ટૅગ્સની સૂચિ','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'કોષ્ટક છુપાયેલા મથાળાને ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Tags list navigation'=>'ટૅગ્સ સૂચિ નેવિગેશન','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'કોષ્ટક પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન છુપાયેલા મથાળાને ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Filter by category'=>'શ્રેણી દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'પોસ્ટ લિસ્ટ ટેબલમાં ફિલ્ટર બટન પર ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Filter By Item'=>'આઇટમ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter by %s'=>'%s દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'આ વર્ણન મૂળભૂત રીતે જાણીતું નથી; તેમ છતાં, કોઈક થિમમા કદાચ દેખાય.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર પેરેન્ટ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Description Field Description'=>'વર્ણન ક્ષેત્રનું વર્ણન','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'અધિક્રમ(hierarchy) બનાવવા માટે એક પેરન્ટ ટર્મ સોંપો. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે જાઝ ટર્મ, બેબોપ અને બિગ બેન્ડની પેરન્ટ હશે.','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર પેરેન્ટ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Parent Field Description'=>'પિતૃ ક્ષેત્રનું વર્ણન','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'"સ્લગ" એ નામનું URL-મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ સંસ્કરણ છે. તે સામાન્ય રીતે બધા લોઅરકેસ હોય છે અને તેમાં માત્ર અક્ષરો, સંખ્યાઓ અને હાઇફન્સ હોય છે.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર નામ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Slug Field Description'=>'નામ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ણન','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'નામ જે તમારી સાઇટ પર દેખાશે.','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર નામ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Name Field Description'=>'નામ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ણન','No tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ નથી','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'જ્યારે કોઈ ટૅગ્સ અથવા કૅટેગરીઝ ઉપલબ્ધ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ્સ અને મીડિયા સૂચિ કોષ્ટકોમાં પ્રદર્શિત ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે.','No Terms'=>'કોઈ શરતો નથી','No %s'=>'ના %s','No tags found'=>'કોઈ ટેગ મળ્યા નથી','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'જ્યારે કોઈ ટૅગ્સ ઉપલબ્ધ ન હોય ત્યારે વર્ગીકરણ મેટા બૉક્સમાં \'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલામાંથી પસંદ કરો\' ટેક્સ્ટને ક્લિક કરતી વખતે પ્રદર્શિત ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે અને જ્યારે વર્ગીકરણ માટે કોઈ આઇટમ ન હોય ત્યારે ટર્મ્સ લિસ્ટ કોષ્ટકમાં વપરાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે.','Not Found'=>'મળ્યું નથી','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી ટેબના શીર્ષક ક્ષેત્રમાં ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Most Used'=>'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલ','Choose from the most used tags'=>'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગ થયેલ ટૅગ્સ માંથી પસંદ કરો','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'જ્યારે JavaScript અક્ષમ હોય ત્યારે મેટા બૉક્સમાં વપરાયેલ \'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાંથી પસંદ કરો\' ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Choose From Most Used'=>'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલમાંથી પસંદ કરો','Choose from the most used %s'=>'%s સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગ થયેલ ટૅગ્સ માંથી પસંદ કરો','Add or remove tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'જ્યારે JavaScript અક્ષમ હોય ત્યારે મેટા બૉક્સમાં ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી આઇટમ્સ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો ટેક્સ્ટને સોંપે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે','Add Or Remove Items'=>'વસ્તુઓ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Add or remove %s'=>'%s ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Separate tags with commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી ટૅગ્સ અલગ કરો','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ મેટા બોક્સમાં વપરાયેલ અલ્પવિરામ ટેક્સ્ટ સાથે અલગ આઇટમ સોંપે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી ટૅગ્સ અલગ કરો','Separate %s with commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી %s ને અલગ કરો','Popular Tags'=>'લોકપ્રિય ટૅગ્સ','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'લોકપ્રિય આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ માટે વપરાય છે.','Popular Items'=>'લોકપ્રિય વસ્તુઓ','Popular %s'=>'લોકપ્રિય %s','Search Tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ શોધો','Assigns search items text.'=>'શોધ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Parent Category:'=>'પિતૃ શ્રેણી:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે, પરંતુ અંતમાં કોલોન (:) સાથે ઉમેરવામાં આવે છે.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'કોલોન સાથે પિતૃ શ્રેણી','Parent Category'=>'પિતૃ શ્રેણી','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Parent Item'=>'પિતૃ વસ્તુ','Parent %s'=>'પેરન્ટ %s','New Tag Name'=>'નવા ટેગ નું નામ','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'નવી આઇટમ નામનો ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','New Item Name'=>'નવી આઇટમનું નામ','New %s Name'=>'નવું %s નામ','Add New Tag'=>'નવું ટેગ ઉમેરો','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'નવી આઇટમ ઉમેરો ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Update Tag'=>'અદ્યતન ટેગ','Assigns the update item text.'=>'અપડેટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Update Item'=>'આઇટમ અપડેટ કરો','Update %s'=>'%s અપડેટ કરો','View Tag'=>'ટેગ જુઓ','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'સંપાદન દરમિયાન શબ્દ જોવા માટે એડમિન બારમાં.','Edit Tag'=>'ટેગ માં ફેરફાર કરો','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','All Tags'=>'બધા ટૅગ્સ','Assigns the all items text.'=>'બધી આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'મેનુ નામ લખાણ સોંપે છે.','Menu Label'=>'મેનુ લેબલ','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'સક્રિય વર્ગીકરણ વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે સક્ષમ અને નોંધાયેલ છે.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'વર્ગીકરણનો વર્ણનાત્મક સારાંશ.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'શબ્દનો વર્ણનાત્મક સારાંશ.','Term Description'=>'ટર્મ વર્ણન','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'એક શબ્દ, કોઈ જગ્યા નથી. અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડેશની મંજૂરી છે.','Term Slug'=>'ટર્મ સ્લગ','The name of the default term.'=>'મૂળભૂત શબ્દનું નામ.','Term Name'=>'ટર્મ નામ','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ માટે એક શબ્દ બનાવો કે જેને કાઢી ન શકાય. તે મૂળભૂત રીતે પોસ્ટ્સ માટે પસંદ કરવામાં આવશે નહીં.','Default Term'=>'ડિફૉલ્ટ ટર્મ','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'શું આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતો `wp_set_object_terms()` ને પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવી છે તે ક્રમમાં સૉર્ટ કરવી જોઈએ.','Sort Terms'=>'સૉર્ટ શરતો','Add Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'વર્ડપ્રેસની કાર્યક્ષમતાને કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સાથે પ્રમાણભૂત પોસ્ટ્સ અને પૃષ્ઠોથી આગળ વિસ્તૃત કરો','Add Your First Post Type'=>'તમારો પ્રથમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ઉમેરો','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'હું જાણું છું કે હું શું કરી રહ્યો છું, મને બધા વિકલ્પો બતાવો.','Advanced Configuration'=>'અદ્યતન રૂપરેખાંકન','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણમાં વંશજો હોઈ શકે છે (જેમ કે શ્રેણીઓ).','Hierarchical'=>'વંશવેલો','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર અને એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં દૃશ્યમાન.','Public'=>'પબ્લિક','movie'=>'ફિલ્મ','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'લોઅર કેસ અક્ષરો, માત્ર અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડૅશ, મહત્તમ ૨૦ અક્ષરો.','Movie'=>'ફિલ્મ','Singular Label'=>'એકવચન નામ','Movies'=>'મૂવીઝ','Plural Label'=>'બહુવચન નામ','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'`WP_REST_Posts_Controller` ને બદલે વાપરવા માટે વૈકલ્પિક કસ્ટમ નિયંત્રક.','Controller Class'=>'નિયંત્રક વર્ગ','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL નો નેમસ્પેસ ભાગ.','Namespace Route'=>'નેમસ્પેસ રૂટ','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર REST API URL માટે આધાર URL.','Base URL'=>'આધાર URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'REST API માં આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનો પર્દાફાશ કરે છે. બ્લોક એડિટરનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે જરૂરી છે.','Show In REST API'=>'REST API માં બતાવો','Customize the query variable name.'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ નામને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો','Query Variable'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ','No Query Variable Support'=>'કોઈ ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ સપોર્ટ નથી','Custom Query Variable'=>'કસ્ટમ ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'બિન-સુંદર પરમાલિંકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને શરતોને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે, દા.ત., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'વેરીએબલ સપોર્ટ ક્વેરી','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'આઇટમ અને આઇટમ્સ માટેના URL ને ક્વેરી સ્ટ્રિંગ વડે એક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે.','Publicly Queryable'=>'સાર્વજનિક રૂપે પૂછવા યોગ્ય','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'તમારી થીમમાં આર્કાઇવ ટેમ્પલેટ ફાઇલ સાથે કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય તેવી આઇટમ આર્કાઇવ ધરાવે છે.','Archive'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ જેવી વસ્તુઓ URL માટે પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન સપોર્ટ.','Pagination'=>'પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓ માટે RSS ફીડ URL.','Feed URL'=>'ફીડ URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'URL માં `WP_Rwrite::$front` ઉપસર્ગ ઉમેરવા માટે પરમાલિંક માળખું બદલે છે.','Front URL Prefix'=>'ફ્રન્ટ URL ઉપસર્ગ','URL Slug'=>'URL સ્લગ','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે પરમાલિંક્સ અક્ષમ છે.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'નીચેના ઇનપુટમાં વ્યાખ્યાયિત કસ્ટમ સ્લગનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'કોઈ પરમાલિંક નથી (URL પુનઃલેખન અટકાવો)','Custom Permalink'=>'કસ્ટમ પરમાલિંક','Post Type Key'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર કી','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'સ્લગ તરીકે વર્ગીકરણ કીનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','Permalink Rewrite'=>'પરમાલિંક ફરીથી લખો','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'જ્યારે તે વપરાશકર્તા કાઢી નાખવામાં આવે ત્યારે વપરાશકર્તા દ્વારા આઇટમ્સ કાઢી નાખો.','Delete With User'=>'વપરાશકર્તા સાથે કાઢી નાખો','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારને \'ટૂલ્સ\' > \'નિકાસ\'માંથી નિકાસ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપો.','Can Export'=>'નિકાસ કરી શકે છે','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'વૈકલ્પિક રીતે ક્ષમતાઓમાં ઉપયોગમાં લેવા માટે બહુવચન પ્રદાન કરો.','Plural Capability Name'=>'બહુવચન ક્ષમતા નામ','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટેની ક્ષમતાઓને આધાર આપવા માટે અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો.','Singular Capability Name'=>'એકવચન ક્ષમતા નામ','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'મૂળભૂત રીતે પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની ક્ષમતાઓ \'પોસ્ટ\' ક્ષમતાના નામોને વારસામાં મેળવશે, દા.ત. એડિટ_પોસ્ટ, ડિલીટ_પોસ્ટ. પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વિશિષ્ટ ક્ષમતાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરવા સક્ષમ કરો, દા.ત. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'ક્ષમતાઓનું નામ બદલો','Exclude From Search'=>'શોધમાંથી બાકાત રાખો','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'આઇટમ્સને \'દેખાવ\' > \'મેનૂઝ\' સ્ક્રીનમાં મેનૂમાં ઉમેરવાની મંજૂરી આપો. \'સ્ક્રીન વિકલ્પો\'માં ચાલુ કરવું આવશ્યક છે.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'દેખાવ મેનુ આધાર','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'એડમિન બારમાં \'નવા\' મેનૂમાં આઇટમ તરીકે દેખાય છે.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'એડમિન બારમાં બતાવો','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'સંપાદન સ્ક્રીન માટે મેટા બોક્સ સેટ કરતી વખતે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'કસ્ટમ મેટા બોક્સ કોલબેક','Menu Icon'=>'મેનુ આયકન','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં સાઇડબાર મેનૂમાં સ્થિતિ.','Menu Position'=>'મેનુ સ્થિતિ','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'ડિફૉલ્ટ રૂપે પોસ્ટના પ્રકારને એડમિન મેનૂમાં નવી ટોચની આઇટમ મળશે. જો હાલની ટોચની આઇટમ અહીં પૂરી પાડવામાં આવે છે, તો પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર તેની હેઠળ સબમેનુ આઇટમ તરીકે ઉમેરવામાં આવશે.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'એડમિન મેનુ પેરન્ટ','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ મેનૂ આઇટમ માટે વપરાયેલ આઇકન. આયકન માટે વાપરવા માટે URL અથવા %s હોઈ શકે છે.','Dashicon class name'=>'ડૅશઆઇકન વર્ગ નામ','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'સાઇડબાર મેનૂમાં એડમિન એડિટર નેવિગેશન.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'એડમિન મેનુમાં બતાવો','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં વસ્તુઓને સંપાદિત અને સંચાલિત કરી શકાય છે.','Show In UI'=>'UI માં બતાવો','A link to a post.'=>'પોસ્ટની લિંક.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક વિવિધતા માટે વર્ણન.','Item Link Description'=>'આઇટમ લિંક વર્ણન','A link to a %s.'=>'%s ની લિંક.','Post Link'=>'પોસ્ટ લિંક','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક વિવિધતા માટે શીર્ષક.','Item Link'=>'આઇટમ લિંક','%s Link'=>'%s લિંક','Post updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ અપડેટ થઇ ગઈ છે.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'આઇટમ અપડેટ થયા પછી એડિટર નોટિસમાં.','Item Updated'=>'આઈટમ અપડેટેડ.','%s updated.'=>'%s અપડેટ થઇ ગયું!','Post scheduled.'=>'સુનિશ્ચિત પોસ્ટ.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Scheduled'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત','%s scheduled.'=>'%s શેડ્યૂલ.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'પોસ્ટ ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછું ફેરવ્યું.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'આઇટમને ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછી ફેરવ્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'આઇટમ ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછી ફેરવાઈ','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછું ફર્યું.','Post published privately.'=>'પોસ્ટ ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Published Privately'=>'આઇટમ ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત','%s published privately.'=>'%s ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત.','Post published.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાશિત થઇ ગઈ છે.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Published'=>'આઇટમ પ્રકાશિત','%s published.'=>'%s પ્રકાશિત.','Posts list'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ યાદી','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Items List'=>'આઇટ્મસ યાદી','%s list'=>'%s યાદી','Posts list navigation'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ સંશોધક માટે ની યાદી','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Items List Navigation'=>'વસ્તુઓની યાદી સંશોધક','%s list navigation'=>'%s ટૅગ્સ યાદી નેવિગેશન','Filter posts by date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા પોસ્ટ્સ ફિલ્ટર કરો','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પર તારીખ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Filter Items By Date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા આઇટમ્સ ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter %s by date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા %s ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter posts list'=>'પોસ્ટની સૂચિ ને ફિલ્ટર કરો','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Filter Items List'=>'વસ્તુઓ ની યાદી ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter %s list'=>'%s સૂચિને ફિલ્ટર કરો','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'મીડિયા મોડલમાં આ આઇટમ પર અપલોડ કરેલ તમામ મીડિયા દર્શાવે છે.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','Uploaded to this %s'=>'%s આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','Insert into post'=>'પોસ્ટ માં સામેલ કરો','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'સામગ્રીમાં મીડિયા ઉમેરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'મીડિયા બટનમાં દાખલ કરો','Insert into %s'=>'%s માં દાખલ કરો','Use as featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી તરીકે ઉપયોગ કરો','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી તરીકે છબીનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે પસંદ કરવા માટેના બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Use Featured Image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબીનો ઉપયોગ કરો','Remove featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી દૂર કરો','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ દૂર કરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Remove Featured Image'=>'વિશેષ ચિત્ર દૂર કરો','Set featured image'=>'ફીચર્ડ ચિત્ર સેટ કરો','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ સેટ કરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Set Featured Image'=>'ફીચર્ડ છબી સેટ કરો','Featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ મેટા બોક્સના શીર્ષક માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઇમેજ મેટા બોક્સ','Post Attributes'=>'પોસ્ટ લક્ષણો','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'પોસ્ટ એટ્રીબ્યુટ્સ મેટા બોક્સના શીર્ષક માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'લક્ષણો મેટા બોક્સ','%s Attributes'=>'%s પોસ્ટ લક્ષણો','Post Archives'=>'કાર્ય આર્કાઇવ્ઝ','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'આ લેબલ સાથે \'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ આર્કાઇવ\' આઇટમ્સને આર્કાઇવ્સ સક્ષમ સાથે CPTમાં અસ્તિત્વમાંના મેનૂમાં આઇટમ ઉમેરતી વખતે બતાવવામાં આવેલી પોસ્ટ્સની સૂચિમાં ઉમેરે છે. જ્યારે \'લાઈવ પ્રીવ્યૂ\' મોડમાં મેનુ સંપાદિત કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે જ દેખાય છે અને કસ્ટમ આર્કાઈવ સ્લગ પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવે છે.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ નેવ મેનુ','%s Archives'=>'%s આર્કાઇવ્સ','No posts found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ્સ મળી નથી','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'જ્યારે ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ આઇટમ્સ મળી નથી','No %s found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ %s મળ્યું નથી','No posts found'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ મળી નથી','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'જ્યારે પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે કોઈ પોસ્ટ્સ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ સૂચિ સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','No Items Found'=>'કોઈ આઇટમ્સ મળી નથી','No %s found'=>'કોઈ %s મળ્યું નથી','Search Posts'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ શોધો','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Search Items'=>'આઇટમ્સ શોધો','Search %s'=>'%s શોધો','Parent Page:'=>'પિતૃ પૃષ્ઠ:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીનમાં અધિક્રમિક પ્રકારો માટે.','Parent %s:'=>'પેરન્ટ %s','New Post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ','New Item'=>'નવી આઇટમ','New %s'=>'નવું %s','Add New Post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ ઉમેરો','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Add New Item'=>'નવી આઇટમ ઉમેરો','Add New %s'=>'નવું %s ઉમેરો','View Posts'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ જુઓ','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ \'બધી પોસ્ટ્સ\' વ્યુમાં એડમિન બારમાં દેખાય છે, જો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર આર્કાઇવ્સને સપોર્ટ કરે છે અને હોમ પેજ તે પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનું આર્કાઇવ નથી.','View Items'=>'આઇટમ જુઓ','View Post'=>'પોસ્ટ જુઓ','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'આઇટમમાં ફેરફાર કરતી વખતે તેને જોવા માટે એડમિન બારમાં.','View Item'=>'આઇટમ જુઓ','View %s'=>'%s જુઓ','Edit Post'=>'પોસ્ટ સુધારો','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'આઇટમ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે એડિટર સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Edit Item'=>'આઇટમ સંપાદિત કરો','Edit %s'=>'%s સંપાદિત કરો','All Posts'=>'બધા પોસ્ટ્સ','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ સબમેનુમાં.','All Items'=>'બધી વસ્તુઓ','All %s'=>'બધા %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટે એડમિન મેનુ નામ.','Menu Name'=>'મેનુ નુ નામ','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'એકવચન અને બહુવચન લેબલ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરીને બધા લેબલ્સ ફરીથી બનાવો','Regenerate'=>'પુનઃસર્જન કરો','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'સક્રિય પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સક્ષમ અને વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે નોંધાયેલ છે.','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'સામગ્રી સંપાદકમાં વિવિધ સુવિધાઓને સક્ષમ કરો.','Post Formats'=>'પોસ્ટ ફોર્મેટ્સ','Editor'=>'સંપાદક','Trackbacks'=>'ટ્રેકબેક્સ','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓનું વર્ગીકરણ કરવા માટે વર્તમાન વર્ગીકરણ પસંદ કરો.','Browse Fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો બ્રાઉઝ કરો','Nothing to import'=>'આયાત કરવા માટે કંઈ નથી','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI પ્લગઇન નિષ્ક્રિય કરી શકાય છે.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી %d આઇટમ આયાત કરી -' . "\0" . 'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી %d આઇટમ આયાત કરી -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ.','Failed to import post types.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો આયાત કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI પ્લગઇનમાંથી કંઈપણ આયાત માટે પસંદ કરેલ નથી.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 આઇટમ આયાત કરી' . "\0" . '%s આઇટમ આયાત કરી','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'પહેલાથી જ અસ્તિત્વમાં છે તે જ કી સાથે પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અથવા વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરવાથી વર્તમાન પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અથવા વર્ગીકરણની સેટિંગ્સ આયાતની સાથે ઓવરરાઈટ થઈ જશે.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી આયાત કરો','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'નીચેના કોડનો ઉપયોગ પસંદ કરેલી વસ્તુઓના સ્થાનિક સંસ્કરણની નોંધણી કરવા માટે થઈ શકે છે. સ્થાનિક રીતે ફીલ્ડ જૂથો, પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો અથવા વર્ગીકરણને સંગ્રહિત કરવાથી ઝડપી લોડ ટાઈમ, વર્ઝન કંટ્રોલ અને ડાયનેમિક ફીલ્ડ્સ/સેટિંગ્સ જેવા ઘણા ફાયદા મળી શકે છે. ફક્ત નીચેના કોડને તમારી થીમની functions.php ફાઇલમાં કોપી અને પેસ્ટ કરો અથવા તેને બાહ્ય ફાઇલમાં સમાવિષ્ટ કરો, પછી ACF એડમિન તરફથી આઇટમ્સને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો અથવા કાઢી નાખો.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'નિકાસ - PHP જનરેટ કરો','Export'=>'નિકાસ કરો','Category'=>'વર્ગ','Tag'=>'ટૅગ','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સબમિટ કર્યું.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સાચવ્યું.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કાઢી નાખ્યું.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ અપડેટ કર્યું.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ રજીસ્ટર થઈ શક્યું નથી કારણ કે તેની કી અન્ય પ્લગઈન અથવા થીમ દ્વારા નોંધાયેલ અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય થયું.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય.','Terms'=>'શરતો','Post type synchronized.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર સમન્વયિત.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સમન્વયિત.','Post type duplicated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ડુપ્લિકેટ.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો ડુપ્લિકેટ.','Post type deactivated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નિષ્ક્રિય.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો નિષ્ક્રિય કર્યા.','Post type activated.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સક્રિય કર્યો.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સક્રિય થયા.','Post Types'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો','Advanced Settings'=>'સંવર્ધિત વિકલ્પો','Basic Settings'=>'મૂળભૂત સેટિંગ્સ','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર રજીસ્ટર થઈ શક્યો નથી કારણ કે તેની કી અન્ય પ્લગઈન અથવા થીમ દ્વારા નોંધાયેલ અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Pages'=>'પૃષ્ઠો','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'હાલના ફીલ્ડ જૂથોને લિંક કરો','%s post type created'=>'%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર બનાવ્યો','Add fields to %s'=>'%s માં ફીલ્ડ્સ ઉમેરો','%s post type updated'=>'%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અપડેટ કર્યો','Post type draft updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ડ્રાફ્ટ અપડેટ કર્યો.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટે સુનિશ્ચિત થયેલ છે.','Post type submitted.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સબમિટ કર્યો.','Post type saved.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સાચવ્યો.','Post type updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અપડેટ કર્યો.','Post type deleted.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર કાઢી નાખ્યો.','Type to search...'=>'શોધવા માટે ટાઇપ કરો...','PRO Only'=>'માત્ર પ્રો','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો સફળતાપૂર્વક લિંક થયા.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI સાથે નોંધાયેલ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો અને વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરો અને ACF સાથે તેનું સંચાલન કરો. પ્રારંભ કરો.','taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','post type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Done'=>'પૂર્ણ','Field Group(s)'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો','Permissions'=>'પરવાનગીઓ','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'દૃશ્યતા','Labels'=>'લેબલ્સ','Field Settings Tabs'=>'ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સ ટૅબ્સ','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[એસીએફ શોર્ટકોડ મૂલ્ય પૂર્વાવલોકન માટે અક્ષમ કર્યું]','Close Modal'=>'મોડલ બંધ કરો','Field moved to other group'=>'ફિલ્ડ અન્ય જૂથમાં ખસેડવામાં આવ્યું','Close modal'=>'મોડલ બંધ કરો','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'આ ટૅબ પર ટૅબનું નવું જૂથ શરૂ કરો.','Updates'=>'સુધારાઓ','Save Changes'=>'ફેરફારો સેવ કરો','Add title'=>'શીર્ષક ઉમેરો','#'=>'#','Presentation'=>'રજૂઆત','General'=>'સામાન્ય','Deactivate'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય','Deactivate this item'=>'આ આઇટમ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો','Activate'=>'સક્રિય કરો','Activate this item'=>'આ આઇટમ સક્રિય કરો','post statusInactive'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ અને એડવાન્સ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ PRO એક જ સમયે સક્રિય ન હોવા જોઈએ. અમે એડવાન્સ્ડ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ પ્રોને આપમેળે નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દીધું છે.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ અને એડવાન્સ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ PRO એક જ સમયે સક્રિય ન હોવા જોઈએ. અમે એડવાન્સ્ડ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સને આપમેળે નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દીધા છે.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF શરૂ થાય તે પહેલાં અમે ACF ફીલ્ડ મૂલ્યો પુનઃપ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે એક અથવા વધુ કૉલ્સ શોધી કાઢ્યા છે. આ સમર્થિત નથી અને તે ખોટા અથવા ખોવાયેલા ડેટામાં પરિણમી શકે છે. આને કેવી રીતે ઠીક કરવું તે જાણો.','Invalid request.'=>'અમાન્ય વિનંતી.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API માં બતાવો','Enable Transparency'=>'પારદર્શિતા સક્ષમ કરો','Upgrade to PRO'=>'પ્રો પર અપગ્રેડ કરો','post statusActive'=>'સક્રિય','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' ઈ - મેઈલ સરનામું માન્ય નથી.','Color value'=>'રંગનું મુલ્ય','Select default color'=>'મુળભૂત રંગ પસંદ કરો','Clear color'=>'રંગ સાફ કરો','Blocks'=>'બ્લોક્સ','Options'=>'વિકલ્પો','Users'=>'વપરાશકર્તાઓ','Menu items'=>'મેનુ વસ્તુઓ','Widgets'=>'વિજેટો','Attachments'=>'જોડાણો','Taxonomies'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','Posts'=>'પોસ્ટો','Last updated: %s'=>'છેલ્લી અપડેટ: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'માફ કરશો, આ પોસ્ટ અલગ સરખામણી માટે અનુપલબ્ધ છે.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'અમાન્ય ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ પરિમાણ(ઓ).','Awaiting save'=>'સેવ પ્રતીક્ષામાં છે','Saved'=>'સેવ થયેલ','Import'=>'આયાત','Review changes'=>'ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો','Located in: %s'=>'સ્થિત થયેલ છે: %s','Various'=>'વિવિધ','Sync changes'=>'સમન્વય ફેરફારો','Loading diff'=>'તફાવત લોડ કરી રહ્યું છે','Review local JSON changes'=>'સ્થાનિક JSON ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો','Visit website'=>'વેબસાઇટની મુલાકાત લો','View details'=>'વિગતો જુઓ','Version %s'=>'આવૃત્તિ %s','Information'=>'માહિતી','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'અમે સમર્થનને લઈને કટ્ટરપંથી છીએ અને ઈચ્છીએ છીએ કે તમે ACF સાથે તમારી વેબસાઇટનો શ્રેષ્ઠ લાભ મેળવો. જો તમને કોઈ મુશ્કેલી આવે, તો ત્યાં ઘણી જગ્યાએ મદદ મળી શકે છે:','Help & Support'=>'મદદ અને આધાર','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'જો તમને તમારી જાતને સહાયની જરૂર જણાય તો સંપર્કમાં રહેવા માટે કૃપા કરીને મદદ અને સમર્થન ટેબનો ઉપયોગ કરો.','Overview'=>'અવલોકન','Invalid nonce.'=>'અમાન્ય નૉન.','Location not found: %s'=>'સ્થાન મળ્યું નથી: %s','Widget'=>'વિજેટ','User Role'=>'વપરાશકર્તાની ભૂમિકા','Comment'=>'ટિપ્પણી','Post Format'=>'પોસ્ટ ફોર્મેટ','Menu Item'=>'મેનુ વસ્તુ','Post Status'=>'પોસ્ટની સ્થિતિ','Menus'=>'મેનુઓ','Menu Locations'=>'મેનુ ની જગ્યાઓ','Menu'=>'મેનુ','Posts Page'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ પેજ','Front Page'=>'પહેલું પાનું','Page Type'=>'પેજ પ્રકાર','Logged in'=>'લૉગ ઇન કર્યું','Current User'=>'વર્તમાન વપરાશકર્તા','Page Template'=>'પેજ ટેમ્પલેટ','Register'=>'રજિસ્ટર','Add / Edit'=>'ઉમેરો / સંપાદિત કરો','User Form'=>'વપરાશકર્તા ફોર્મ','Page Parent'=>'પેજ પેરન્ટ','Super Admin'=>'સુપર સંચાલક','Current User Role'=>'વર્તમાન વપરાશકર્તા ભૂમિકા','Default Template'=>'મૂળભૂત ટેમ્પલેટ','Post Template'=>'પોસ્ટ ટેમ્પલેટ','Post Category'=>'પોસ્ટ કેટેગરી','All %s formats'=>'બધા %s ફોર્મેટ','Attachment'=>'જોડાણ','and'=>'અને','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'કૃપા કરીને તમામ પ્રીમિયમ એડ-ઓન્સ (%s) નવીનતમ સંસ્કરણ પર અપડેટ થયા છે તે પણ તપાસો.','Gallery'=>'ગેલેરી','Hide on screen'=>'સ્ક્રીન પર છુપાવો','Send Trackbacks'=>'ટ્રેકબેકસ મોકલો','Tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ','Categories'=>'કેટેગરીઓ','Page Attributes'=>'પેજ લક્ષણો','Format'=>'ફોર્મેટ','Author'=>'લેખક','Slug'=>'સ્લગ','Revisions'=>'પુનરાવર્તનો','Comments'=>'ટિપ્પણીઓ','Discussion'=>'ચર્ચા','Excerpt'=>'અવતરણ','Permalink'=>'પરમાલિંક','Position'=>'પદ','Style'=>'સ્ટાઇલ','Type'=>'પ્રકાર','Key'=>'ચાવી','Order'=>'ઓર્ડર','width'=>'પહોળાઈ','Required'=>'જરૂરી?','Field Type'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર','Field Name'=>'ક્ષેત્રનું નામ','Field Label'=>'ફીલ્ડ લેબલ','Delete'=>'કાઢી નાખો','Delete field'=>'ફિલ્ડ કાઢી નાખો','Move'=>'ખસેડો','Edit field'=>'ફાઇલ સંપાદિત કરો','No updates available.'=>'કોઈ અપડેટ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ડેટાબેઝ અપગ્રેડ પૂર્ણ. નવું શું છે તે જુઓ','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'કૃપા કરીને અપગ્રેડ કરવા માટે ઓછામાં ઓછી એક સાઇટ પસંદ કરો.','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'વેબસાઈટને %1$s થી %2$s સુધી ડેટાબેઝ સુધારાની જરૂર છે','Site'=>'સાઇટ','Upgrade Sites'=>'અપગ્રેડ સાઇટ્સ','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'નીચેની સાઇટ્સને DB સુધારાની જરૂર છે. તમે અદ્યતન બનાવા માંગો છો તે તપાસો અને પછી %s પર ક્લિક કરો.','Rules'=>'નિયમો','Copied'=>'કૉપિ થઇ ગયું','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'તમે નિકાસ કરવા માંગો છો તે વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરો અને પછી તમારી નિકાસ પદ્ધતિ પસંદ કરો. .json ફાઇલમાં નિકાસ કરવા માટે JSON તરીકે નિકાસ કરો જે પછી તમે અન્ય ACF સ્થાપનમાં આયાત કરી શકો છો. PHP કોડ પર નિકાસ કરવા માટે PHP ઉત્પન્ન કરો જેને તમે તમારી થીમમાં મૂકી શકો છો.','Sync'=>'સમન્વય','Select %s'=>'%s પસંદ કરો','Duplicate'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ','Documentation'=>'માર્ગદર્શિકા','Description'=>'વર્ણન','Active (%s)'=>'સક્રિય (%s)' . "\0" . 'સક્રિય (%s)','Custom Fields'=>'કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s ક્ષેત્ર હવે %2$s ક્ષેત્ર જૂથમાં મળી શકે છે','Active'=>'સક્રિય','Settings'=>'સેટિંગ્સ','Location'=>'સ્થાન','Null'=>'શૂન્ય','copy'=>'નકલ','(this field)'=>'(આ ક્ષેત્ર)','Checked'=>'ચકાસાયેલ','Move Custom Field'=>'કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ ખસેડો','No toggle fields available'=>'કોઈ ટૉગલ ફીલ્ડ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી','Field group title is required'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ શીર્ષક આવશ્યક છે','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'જ્યાં સુધી તેના ફેરફારો સાચવવામાં ન આવે ત્યાં સુધી આ ક્ષેત્ર ખસેડી શકાતું નથી','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'શબ્દમાળા "field_" નો ઉપયોગ ક્ષેત્રના નામની શરૂઆતમાં થઈ શકશે નહીં','Field group draft updated.'=>'ફીલ્ડ ગ્રુપ ડ્રાફ્ટ અપડેટ કર્યો.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ માટે સુનિશ્ચિત થયેલ છે.','Field group submitted.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સબમિટ.','Field group saved.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સાચવ્યું.','Field group published.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ પ્રકાશિત.','Field group deleted.'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથ કાઢી નાખ્યું.','Field group updated.'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથ અપડેટ કર્યું.','Tools'=>'સાધનો','is not equal to'=>'ની સમાન નથી','is equal to'=>'ની બરાબર છે','Forms'=>'સ્વરૂપો','Page'=>'પેજ','Post'=>'પોસ્ટ','Relational'=>'સંબંધી','Choice'=>'પસંદગી','Basic'=>'પાયાની','Unknown'=>'અજ્ઞાત','Field type does not exist'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર અસ્તિત્વમાં નથી','Post updated'=>'પોસ્ટ અપડેટ થઇ ગઈ','Update'=>'સુધારો','Validate Email'=>'ઇમેઇલ માન્ય કરો','Content'=>'લખાણ','Title'=>'શીર્ષક','Selection is greater than'=>'પસંદગી કરતાં વધારે છે','Value is less than'=>'કરતાં ઓછું મૂલ્ય છે','Value is greater than'=>'કરતાં વધુ મૂલ્ય છે','Value contains'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાવે છે','Value matches pattern'=>'મૂલ્ય પેટર્ન સાથે મેળ ખાય છે','Value is not equal to'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાન નથી','Value is equal to'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાન છે','Has no value'=>'કોઈ મૂલ્ય નથી','Has any value'=>'કોઈપણ મૂલ્ય ધરાવે છે','Cancel'=>'રદ','Are you sure?'=>'શું તમને ખાતરી છે?','Restricted'=>'પ્રતિબંધિત','Expand Details'=>'વિગતો વિસ્તૃત કરો','Uploaded to this post'=>'આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','verbUpdate'=>'સુધારો','verbEdit'=>'સંપાદિત કરો','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'જો તમે આ પૃષ્ઠ છોડીને જશો તો તમે કરેલા ફેરફારો ખોવાઈ જશે','File type must be %s.'=>'ફાઇલનો પ્રકાર %s હોવો આવશ્યક છે.','or'=>'અથવા','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'ફાઇલનું કદ %s થી વધુ ન હોવું જોઈએ.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'છબીની ઊંચાઈ %dpx કરતાં વધુ ન હોવી જોઈએ.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'છબીની ઊંચાઈ ઓછામાં ઓછી %dpx હોવી જોઈએ.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'છબીની પહોળાઈ %dpx થી વધુ ન હોવી જોઈએ.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'છબીની પહોળાઈ ઓછામાં ઓછી %dpx હોવી જોઈએ.','(no title)'=>'(કોઈ શીર્ષક નથી)','Full Size'=>'પૂર્ણ કદ','Large'=>'મોટું','Medium'=>'મધ્યમ','Thumbnail'=>'થંબનેલ','(no label)'=>'(લેબલ નથી)','Rows'=>'પંક્તિઓ','Add new choice'=>'નવી પસંદગી ઉમેરો','Archives'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ','Page Link'=>'પૃષ્ઠ લિંક','Add'=>'ઉમેરો','Name'=>'નામ','%s added'=>'%s ઉમેર્યું','User unable to add new %s'=>'વપરાશકર્તા નવા %s ઉમેરવામાં અસમર્થ છે','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'સંપાદન કરતી વખતે નવી શરતો બનાવવાની મંજૂરી આપો','Checkbox'=>'ચેકબોક્સ','Multiple Values'=>'બહુવિધ મૂલ્યો','Appearance'=>'દેખાવ','No TermsNo %s'=>'ના %s','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'મૂલ્ય %d ની બરાબર અથવા વધારે હોવું જોઈએ','Value must be a number'=>'મૂલ્ય સંખ્યા હોવી જોઈએ','Number'=>'સંખ્યા','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ક્ષેત્રની પસંદગીમાં \'અન્ય\' મૂલ્યો સાચવો','Other'=>'અન્ય','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'પાછલા એકોર્ડિયનને રોકવા માટે અંતિમ બિંદુને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરો. આ એકોર્ડિયન દેખાશે નહીં.','Open'=>'ઓપન','Accordion'=>'એકોર્ડિયન','File URL'=>'ફાઈલ યુઆરએલ','Add File'=>'ફાઇલ ઉમેરો','No file selected'=>'કોઈ ફાઇલ પસંદ કરી નથી','File name'=>'ફાઇલનું નામ','Update File'=>'ફાઇલ અપડેટ કરો','Edit File'=>'ફાઇલ સંપાદિત કરો ','Select File'=>'ફાઇલ પસંદ કરો','File'=>'ફાઇલ','Password'=>'પાસવર્ડ','verbSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'વધુ પરિણામો લોડ કરી રહ્યાં છીએ…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'તમે માત્ર %d વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરી શકો છો','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'તમે માત્ર 1 આઇટમ પસંદ કરી શકો છો','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને %d અક્ષરો કાઢી નાખો','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'કૃપા કરીને 1 અક્ષર કાઢી નાખો','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને %d અથવા વધુ અક્ષરો દાખલ કરો','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને 1 અથવા વધુ અક્ષરો દાખલ કરો','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'કોઈ બરાબરી મળી નથી','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d પરિણામો ઉપલબ્ધ છે, શોધખોળ કરવા માટે ઉપર અને નીચે એરો કીનો ઉપયોગ કરો.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'એક પરિણામ ઉપલબ્ધ છે, તેને પસંદ કરવા માટે એન્ટર દબાવો.','nounSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','User ID'=>'વપરાશકર્તા ID','User'=>'વપરાશકર્તા','Separator'=>'વિભાજક','Select Color'=>'રંગ પસંદ કરો','Default'=>'મૂળભૂત','Clear'=>'સાફ કરો','Color Picker'=>'રંગ પીકર','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'પી એમ(PM)','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'પૂર્ણ','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'હવે','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'સમય ઝોન','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'માઇક્રોસેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'મિલીસેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'સેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'મિનિટ','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'કલાક','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'સમય','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'સમય પસંદ કરો','Placement'=>'પ્લેસમેન્ટ','Tab'=>'ટેબ','Value must be a valid URL'=>'મૂલ્ય એક માન્ય URL હોવું આવશ્યક છે','Link URL'=>'લિંક યુઆરએલ','Link'=>'લિંક','Email'=>'ઇમેઇલ','Maximum Value'=>'મહત્તમ મૂલ્ય','Minimum Value'=>'ન્યૂનતમ મૂલ્ય','Range'=>'શ્રેણી','Label'=>'લેબલ','Value'=>'મૂલ્ય','Vertical'=>'ઊભું','Horizontal'=>'આડું','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'વધુ નિયંત્રણ માટે, તમે આના જેવું મૂલ્ય અને નામપટ્ટી બંનેનો ઉલ્લેખ કરી શકો છો:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'દરેક પસંદગીને નવી લાઇન પર દાખલ કરો.','Choices'=>'પસંદગીઓ','Parent'=>'પેરેન્ટ','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'જ્યાં સુધી ફીલ્ડ ક્લિક ન થાય ત્યાં સુધી TinyMCE પ્રારંભ કરવામાં આવશે નહીં','Toolbar'=>'ટૂલબાર','Text Only'=>'ફક્ત ટેક્સ્ટ','Tabs'=>'ટૅબ્સ','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'લખાણ','Visual'=>'દ્રશ્ય','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'મૂલ્ય %d અક્ષરોથી વધુ ન હોવું જોઈએ','Appears when creating a new post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ બનાવતી વખતે દેખાય છે','Text'=>'લખાણ','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s ને ઓછામાં ઓછા %2$s પસંદગીની જરૂર છે' . "\0" . '%1$s ને ઓછામાં ઓછી %2$s પસંદગીની જરૂર છે','Featured Image'=>'ફીચર્ડ છબી','Elements'=>'તત્વો','Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Filters'=>'ફિલ્ટર્સ','All taxonomies'=>'બધા વર્ગીકરણ','Search...'=>'શોધો','No matches found'=>'કોઈ બરાબરી મળી નથી','Loading'=>'લોડ કરી રહ્યું છે','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'મહત્તમ મૂલ્યો પહોંચી ગયા ( {max} મૂલ્યો )','Relationship'=>'સંબંધ','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી વિભાજિત સૂચિ. તમામ પ્રકારના માટે ખાલી છોડો','Maximum'=>'મહત્તમ','File size'=>'ફાઈલ સાઇઝ઼:','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'કઈ છબીઓ અપલોડ કરી શકાય તે પ્રતિબંધિત કરો','Minimum'=>'ન્યૂનતમ','Uploaded to post'=>'પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','All'=>'બધા','Limit the media library choice'=>'મીડિયા લાઇબ્રેરીની પસંદગીને મર્યાદિત કરો','Library'=>'લાઇબ્રેરી','Preview Size'=>'પૂર્વાવલોકન કદ','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર પરત કરેલ મૂલ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરો','Return Value'=>'વળતર મૂલ્ય','Add Image'=>'ચિત્ર ઉમેરો','No image selected'=>'કોઇ ચિત્ર પસંદ નથી કયુઁ','Remove'=>'દૂર કરો','Edit'=>'સંપાદિત કરો','All images'=>'બધી છબીઓ','Update Image'=>'છબી અપડેટ કરો','Edit Image'=>'છબી સંપાદિત કરો','Select Image'=>'છબી પસંદ કરો','Image'=>'છબી','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'HTML માર્કઅપને અનુવાદ બદલે દૃશ્યમાન લખાણ તરીકે પ્રદર્શિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપો','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'નવી રેખાઓ કેવી રીતે રેન્ડર કરવામાં આવે છે તેનું નિયંત્રણ કરે છે','New Lines'=>'નવી રેખાઓ','The format used when saving a value'=>'મૂલ્ય સાચવતી વખતે વપરાતી ગોઠવણ','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'પૂર્વ','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'આગળ','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'આજે','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'પૂર્ણ','Date Picker'=>'તારીખ પીકર','Width'=>'પહોળાઈ','Enter URL'=>'યુઆરએલ દાખલ કરો','Text shown when inactive'=>'જ્યારે નિષ્ક્રિય હોય ત્યારે લખાણ બતાવવામાં આવે છે','Default Value'=>'મૂળભૂત મૂલ્ય','Message'=>'સંદેશ','No'=>'ના','Yes'=>'હા','True / False'=>'સાચું / ખોટું','Row'=>'પંક્તિ','Table'=>'ટેબલ','Block'=>'બ્લોક','Layout'=>'લેઆઉટ','Group'=>'જૂથ','Height'=>'ઊંચાઈ','Zoom'=>'ઝૂમ','Center'=>'મધ્ય','Find current location'=>'વર્તમાન સ્થાન શોધો','Clear location'=>'સ્થાન સાફ કરો','Search'=>'શોધો','Google Map'=>'ગૂગલે નકશો','Custom:'=>'કસ્ટમ:','Time Picker'=>'તારીખ પીકર','Inactive (%s)'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)' . "\0" . 'નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ મળ્યાં નથી','No Fields found'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્રો મળ્યાં નથી','Search Fields'=>'શોધ ક્ષેત્રો','View Field'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જુઓ','New Field'=>'નવી ફીલ્ડ','Edit Field'=>'ફીલ્ડ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Field'=>'નવી ફીલ્ડ ઉમેરો','Field'=>'ફિલ્ડ','Fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી','No Field Groups found'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી','Search Field Groups'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો શોધો','View Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ જુઓ','New Field Group'=>'નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ','Edit Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Field Group'=>'નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ ઉમેરો','Add New'=>'નવું ઉમેરો','Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ','Field Groups'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'શક્તિશાળી, વ્યાવસાયિક અને સાહજિક ક્ષેત્રો સાથે વર્ડપ્રેસ ને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ક્ષેત્રો']];
\ No newline at end of file
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or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'જ્યારે the_field
અથવા ACF શોર્ટકોડ દ્વારા રેન્ડર કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે %1$s ACF હવે આપમેળે અસુરક્ષિત HTML થી બચી જાય છે. અમે શોધી કાઢ્યું છે કે તમારા કેટલાક ફીલ્ડના આઉટપુટમાં આ ફેરફાર દ્વારા ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવ્યો છે, પરંતુ આ કદાચ બ્રેકિંગ ફેરફાર ન હોઈ શકે. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'વધુ વિગતો માટે કૃપા કરીને તમારા સાઇટ એડમિનિસ્ટ્રેટર અથવા ડેવલપરનો સંપર્ક કરો.','Hide details'=>' વિગતો છુપાવો','Show details'=>' વિગતો બતાવો','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - %3$s દ્વારા પ્રસ્તુત','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'ACF PRO લાઇસન્સ રિન્યૂ કરો','Renew License'=>'લાયસન્સ રિન્યૂ કરો','Manage License'=>'લાયસન્સ મેનેજ કરો','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં \'ઉચ્ચ\' સ્થિતિ સમર્થિત નથી','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO પર અપગ્રેડ કરો','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠો એ ક્ષેત્રો દ્વારા વૈશ્વિક સેટિંગ્સનું સંચાલન કરવા માટેના કસ્ટમ એડમિન પૃષ્ઠો છે. તમે બહુવિધ પૃષ્ઠો અને પેટા પૃષ્ઠો બનાવી શકો છો.','Add Options Page'=>'વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠ ઉમેરો','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'શીર્ષકના પ્લેસહોલ્ડર તરીકે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Title Placeholder'=>'શીર્ષક પ્લેસહોલ્ડર','4 Months Free'=>'4 મહિના મફત','Select Options Pages'=>'વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠો પસંદ કરો','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ વર્ગીકરણ','Create taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ બનાવો','Duplicate post type'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Create post type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર બનાવો','Link field groups'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથોને લિંક કરો','Add fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો ઉમેરો','This Field'=>'આ ક્ષેત્ર','ACF PRO'=>'એસીએફ પ્રો','Feedback'=>'પ્રતિસાદ','Support'=>'સપોર્ટ','is developed and maintained by'=>'દ્વારા વિકસિત અને જાળવણી કરવામાં આવે છે','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'પસંદ કરેલ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથોના સ્થાન નિયમોમાં આ %s ઉમેરો.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'દ્વિપક્ષીય સેટિંગને સક્ષમ કરવાથી તમે આ ફીલ્ડ માટે પસંદ કરેલ દરેક મૂલ્ય માટે લક્ષ્ય ફીલ્ડમાં મૂલ્ય અપડેટ કરી શકો છો, પોસ્ટ ID, વર્ગીકરણ ID અથવા અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી રહેલી આઇટમના વપરાશકર્તા ID ને ઉમેરીને અથવા દૂર કરી શકો છો. વધુ માહિતી માટે, કૃપા કરીને દસ્તાવેજીકરણ વાંચો.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી રહેલી આઇટમનો સંદર્ભ પાછો સંગ્રહિત કરવા માટે ક્ષેત્ર(ઓ) પસંદ કરો. તમે આ ક્ષેત્ર પસંદ કરી શકો છો. જ્યાં આ ક્ષેત્ર પ્રદર્શિત થઈ રહ્યું છે તેની સાથે લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્રો સુસંગત હોવા જોઈએ. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, જો આ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ગીકરણ પર પ્રદર્શિત થાય છે, તો તમારું લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્ર વર્ગીકરણ પ્રકારનું હોવું જોઈએ','Target Field'=>'લક્ષ્ય ક્ષેત્ર','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'આ ID નો સંદર્ભ આપીને પસંદ કરેલ મૂલ્યો પર ફીલ્ડ અપડેટ કરો','Bidirectional'=>'દ્વિપક્ષીય','%s Field'=>'%s ફીલ્ડ','Select Multiple'=>'બહુવિધ પસંદ કરો','WP Engine logo'=>'WP એન્જિન લોગો','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'લોઅર કેસ અક્ષરો, માત્ર અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડૅશ, મહત્તમ 32 અક્ષરો.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતો સોંપવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'ટર્મ ક્ષમતા સોંપો','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોને કાઢી નાખવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'ટર્મ ક્ષમતા કાઢી નાખો','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોને સંપાદિત કરવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'શરતો ક્ષમતા સંપાદિત કરો','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતોનું સંચાલન કરવા માટેની ક્ષમતાનું નામ.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'શરતોની ક્ષમતા મેનેજ કરો','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'શોધ પરિણામો અને વર્ગીકરણ આર્કાઇવ પૃષ્ઠોમાંથી પોસ્ટ્સને બાકાત રાખવા જોઈએ કે કેમ તે સેટ કરે છે.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP એન્જિનના વધુ સાધનો','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'%s પરની ટીમ દ્વારા વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે બિલ્ડ કરનારાઓ માટે બનાવેલ છે','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'કિંમત અને અપગ્રેડ જુઓ','Learn More'=>'વધુ શીખો','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'તમારા વર્કફ્લોને ઝડપી બનાવો અને ACF બ્લોક્સ અને ઓપ્શન્સ પેજીસ જેવી સુવિધાઓ અને રિપીટર, ફ્લેક્સિબલ કન્ટેન્ટ, ક્લોન અને ગેલેરી જેવા અત્યાધુનિક ફીલ્ડ પ્રકારો સાથે વધુ સારી વેબસાઇટ્સ વિકસાવો.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO સાથે અદ્યતન સુવિધાઓને અનલૉક કરો અને હજી વધુ બનાવો','%s fields'=>'%s ફીલ્ડ','No terms'=>'કોઈ શરતો નથી','No post types'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નથી','No posts'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ નથી','No taxonomies'=>'કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ નથી','No field groups'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો નથી','No fields'=>'કોઈ ફીલ્ડ નથી','No description'=>'કોઈ વર્ણન નથી','Any post status'=>'કોઈપણ પોસ્ટ સ્થિતિ','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF ની બહાર નોંધાયેલ અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF માં અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી માં માત્ર લોઅર કેસ આલ્ફાન્યૂમેરિક અક્ષરો, અન્ડરસ્કોર અથવા ડેશ હોવા જોઈએ.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી 32 અક્ષરોથી ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ મળ્યું નથી','No Taxonomies found'=>'કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ મળ્યું નથી','Search Taxonomies'=>'વર્ગીકરણ શોધો','View Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ જુઓ','New Taxonomy'=>'નવુ વર્ગીકરણ','Edit Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Taxonomy'=>'નવુ વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો મળ્યા નથી','No Post Types found'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો મળ્યા નથી','Search Post Types'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો શોધો','View Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર જુઓ','New Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Edit Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ઉમેરો','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF ની બહાર નોંધાયેલ અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ કી પહેલેથી જ ACF માં અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'આ ફીલ્ડ વર્ડપ્રેસનો આરક્ષિત શબ્દ ન હોવો જોઈએ.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઈપ કીમાં માત્ર લોઅર કેસ આલ્ફાન્યૂમેરિક અક્ષરો, અન્ડરસ્કોર અથવા ડેશ હોવા જોઈએ.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર કી 20 અક્ષરોથી ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'અમે ACF બ્લોક્સમાં આ ક્ષેત્રનો ઉપયોગ કરવાની ભલામણ કરતા નથી.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'વર્ડપ્રેસ WYSIWYG એડિટર પ્રદર્શિત કરે છે જે પોસ્ટ્સ અને પૃષ્ઠો જોવા મળે છે જે સમૃદ્ધ ટેક્સ્ટ-એડિટિંગ અનુભવ માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે જે મલ્ટીમીડિયા સામગ્રી માટે પણ પરવાનગી આપે છે.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG સંપાદક','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'એક અથવા વધુ વપરાશકર્તાઓની પસંદગીની મંજૂરી આપે છે જેનો ઉપયોગ ડેટા ઑબ્જેક્ટ્સ વચ્ચે સંબંધ બનાવવા માટે થઈ શકે છે.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'ખાસ કરીને વેબ એડ્રેસ સ્ટોર કરવા માટે રચાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટ ઇનપુટ.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'એક ટૉગલ જે તમને 1 અથવા 0 (ચાલુ અથવા બંધ, સાચું કે ખોટું, વગેરે) નું મૂલ્ય પસંદ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. સ્ટાઇલાઇઝ્ડ સ્વીચ અથવા ચેકબોક્સ તરીકે રજૂ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. ક્ષેત્ર સેટિંગ્સ ઉપયોગ કરીને સમય ફોર્મેટ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'ટેક્સ્ટના ફકરાને સ્ટોર કરવા માટે મૂળભૂત ટેક્સ્ટેરિયા ઇનપુટ.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'મૂળભૂત મૂળ લખાણ ઇનપુટ, એક તાર મૂલ્યો સંગ્રહ કરવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સમાં ઉલ્લેખિત માપદંડ અને વિકલ્પોના આધારે એક અથવા વધુ વર્ગીકરણ શરતોની પસંદગીની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'તમને સંપાદન સ્ક્રીનમાં ટેબ કરેલ વિભાગોમાં ક્ષેત્રોને જૂથબદ્ધ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. ક્ષેત્રોને વ્યવસ્થિત અને સંરચિત રાખવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરો છો તે પસંદગીઓની પસંદગી સાથે ડ્રોપડાઉન સૂચિ.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'તમે હાલમાં સંપાદિત કરી રહ્યાં છો તે આઇટમ સાથે સંબંધ બનાવવા માટે એક અથવા વધુ પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો અથવા કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની આઇટમ્સ પસંદ કરવા માટેનું ડ્યુઅલ-કૉલમ ઇન્ટરફેસ. શોધવા અને ફિલ્ટર કરવાના વિકલ્પોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'શ્રેણી સ્લાઇડર તત્વનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ઉલ્લેખિત શ્રેણીમાં સંખ્યાત્મક મૂલ્ય પસંદ કરવા માટેનું ઇનપુટ.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'રેડિયો બટન ઇનપુટ્સનું એક જૂથ જે વપરાશકર્તાને તમે ઉલ્લેખિત મૂલ્યોમાંથી એક જ પસંદગી કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'શોધવાના વિકલ્પ સાથે એક અથવા ઘણી પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો અથવા પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ અને વૈવિધ્યપૂર્ણ UI. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'માસ્ક્ડ ફીલ્ડનો ઉપયોગ કરીને પાસવર્ડ આપવા માટેનું ઇનપુટ.','Filter by Post Status'=>'પોસ્ટ સ્ટેટસ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'શોધવાના વિકલ્પ સાથે, એક અથવા વધુ પોસ્ટ્સ, પૃષ્ઠો, કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની આઇટમ્સ અથવા આર્કાઇવ URL પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ડ્રોપડાઉન.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'મૂળ WordPress oEmbed કાર્યક્ષમતાનો ઉપયોગ કરીને વિડિઓઝ, છબીઓ, ટ્વીટ્સ, ઑડિઓ અને અન્ય સામગ્રીને એમ્બેડ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ઘટક.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'સંખ્યાત્મક મૂલ્યો સુધી મર્યાદિત ઇનપુટ.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'અન્ય ક્ષેત્રોની સાથે સંપાદકોને સંદેશ પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે વપરાય છે. તમારા ક્ષેત્રોની આસપાસ વધારાના સંદર્ભ અથવા સૂચનાઓ પ્રદાન કરવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'તમને વર્ડપ્રેસ મૂળ લિંક પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને લિંક અને તેના ગુણધર્મો જેવા કે શીર્ષક અને લક્ષ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'અપલોડ કરવા અથવા છબીઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે મૂળ વર્ડપ્રેસ મીડિયા પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'ડેટા અને સંપાદન સ્ક્રીનને વધુ સારી રીતે ગોઠવવા માટે જૂથોમાં ક્ષેત્રોને સંરચિત કરવાનો માર્ગ પૂરો પાડે છે.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Google નકશાનો ઉપયોગ કરીને સ્થાન પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. યોગ્ય રીતે પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે Google Maps API કી અને વધારાના ગોઠવણીની જરૂર છે.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'અપલોડ કરવા અથવા છબીઓ પસંદ કરવા માટે મૂળ વર્ડપ્રેસ મીડિયા પીકરનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'ખાસ કરીને ઈમેલ એડ્રેસ સ્ટોર કરવા માટે રચાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટ ઇનપુટ.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'તારીખ અને સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. તારીખ રીટર્ન ફોર્મેટ ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરીને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'સમય પસંદ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI. ક્ષેત્ર સેટિંગ્સ ઉપયોગ કરીને સમય ફોર્મેટ કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'રંગ પસંદ કરવા અથવા હેક્સ મૂલ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ UI.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'ચેકબૉક્સ ઇનપુટ્સનું જૂથ કે જે વપરાશકર્તાને તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરો છો તે એક અથવા બહુવિધ મૂલ્યો પસંદ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરેલ મૂલ્યો સાથેના બટનોનું જૂથ, વપરાશકર્તાઓ પ્રદાન કરેલ મૂલ્યોમાંથી એક વિકલ્પ પસંદ કરી શકે છે.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'તમને કન્ટેન્ટ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે બતાવવામાં આવતી સંકુચિત પેનલ્સમાં કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સને જૂથ અને ગોઠવવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. મોટા ડેટાસેટ્સને વ્યવસ્થિત રાખવા માટે ઉપયોગી.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'આ સ્લાઇડ્સ, ટીમના સભ્યો અને કૉલ-ટુ-એક્શન ટાઇલ્સ જેવી સામગ્રીને પુનરાવર્તિત કરવા માટેનો ઉકેલ પૂરો પાડે છે, પેરન્ટ તરીકે કામ કરીને પેટાફિલ્ડના સમૂહ કે જેને વારંવાર પુનરાવર્તિત કરી શકાય છે.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'આ જોડાણોના સંગ્રહનું સંચાલન કરવા માટે એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ઇન્ટરફેસ પૂરું પાડે છે. મોટાભાગની સેટિંગ્સ ઇમેજ ફીલ્ડના પ્રકાર જેવી જ હોય છે. વધારાની સેટિંગ્સ તમને ગેલેરીમાં નવા જોડાણો ક્યાં ઉમેરવામાં આવે છે અને જોડાણોની ન્યૂનતમ/મહત્તમ સંખ્યાને મંજૂરી આપે છે તેનો ઉલ્લેખ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'આ એક સરળ, સંરચિત, લેઆઉટ-આધારિત સંપાદક પ્રદાન કરે છે. લવચીક સામગ્રી ક્ષેત્ર તમને ઉપલબ્ધ બ્લોક્સ ડિઝાઇન કરવા માટે લેઆઉટ અને સબફિલ્ડનો ઉપયોગ કરીને સંપૂર્ણ નિયંત્રણ સાથે સામગ્રીને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરવા, બનાવવા અને સંચાલિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'આ તમને વર્તમાન ક્ષેત્રોને પસંદ કરવા અને પ્રદર્શિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે. તે ડેટાબેઝમાં કોઈપણ ફીલ્ડની નકલ કરતું નથી, પરંતુ રન-ટાઇમ પર પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સને લોડ કરે છે અને પ્રદર્શિત કરે છે. ક્લોન ફીલ્ડ કાં તો પોતાને પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સ સાથે બદલી શકે છે અથવા પસંદ કરેલ ફીલ્ડ્સને સબફિલ્ડના જૂથ તરીકે પ્રદર્શિત કરી શકે છે.','nounClone'=>'ક્લોન','PRO'=>'પ્રો','Advanced'=>'અદ્યતન','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (નવું)','Original'=>'અસલ','Invalid post ID.'=>'અમાન્ય પોસ્ટ આઈડી.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'સમીક્ષા માટે અમાન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર પસંદ કર્યો.','More'=>'વધુ','Tutorial'=>'ટ્યુટોરીયલ','Select Field'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પસંદ કરો','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'એક અલગ શોધ શબ્દ અજમાવો અથવા %s બ્રાઉઝ કરો','Popular fields'=>'લોકપ્રિય ક્ષેત્રો','No search results for \'%s\''=>'\'%s\' માટે કોઈ શોધ પરિણામો નથી','Search fields...'=>'ફીલ્ડ્સ શોધો...','Select Field Type'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો','Popular'=>'પ્રખ્યાત','Add Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની સામગ્રીને વર્ગીકૃત કરવા માટે કસ્ટમ વર્ગીકરણ બનાવો','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'તમારી પ્રથમ વર્ગીકરણ ઉમેરો','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણમાં વંશજો હોઈ શકે છે (જેમ કે શ્રેણીઓ).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર અને એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં વર્ગીકરણ દૃશ્યમાન બનાવે છે.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ સાથે વર્ગીકૃત કરી શકાય તેવા એક અથવા ઘણા પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો.','genre'=>'શૈલી','Genre'=>'શૈલી','Genres'=>'શૈલીઓ','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'`WP_REST_Terms_Controller` ને બદલે વાપરવા માટે વૈકલ્પિક કસ્ટમ નિયંત્રક.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'REST API માં આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનો પર્દાફાશ કરો.','Customize the query variable name'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ નામને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'બિન-સુંદર પરમાલિંકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને શરતોને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે, દા.ત., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે પરમાલિંક્સ અક્ષમ છે.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'સ્લગ તરીકે વર્ગીકરણ કીનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','Taxonomy Key'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કી','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે વાપરવા માટે પરમાલિંકનો પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટિંગ સ્ક્રીન પર વર્ગીકરણ માટે કૉલમ પ્રદર્શિત કરો.','Show Admin Column'=>'એડમિન કૉલમ બતાવો','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'ઝડપી/બલ્ક સંપાદન પેનલમાં વર્ગીકરણ બતાવો.','Quick Edit'=>'ઝડપી સંપાદન','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'ટેગ ક્લાઉડ વિજેટ નિયંત્રણોમાં વર્ગીકરણની સૂચિ બનાવો.','Tag Cloud'=>'ટૅગ ક્લાઉડ','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'મેટા બૉક્સમાંથી સાચવેલા વર્ગીકરણ ડેટાને સેનિટાઇઝ કરવા માટે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'મેટા બોક્સ સેનિટાઈઝેશન કોલબેક','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'તમારા વર્ગીકરણ પર મેટા બોક્સની સામગ્રીને હેન્ડલ કરવા માટે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'મેટા બોક્સ કોલબેક રજીસ્ટર કરો','No Meta Box'=>'કોઈ મેટા બોક્સ નથી','Custom Meta Box'=>'કસ્ટમ મેટા બોક્સ','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'સામગ્રી સંપાદક સ્ક્રીન પરના મેટા બોક્સને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે. મૂળભૂત રીતે, શ્રેણીઓ મેટા બોક્સ અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણ માટે બતાવવામાં આવે છે, અને ટૅગ્સ મેટા બૉક્સ બિન-હાયરાર્કિકલ વર્ગીકરણ માટે બતાવવામાં આવે છે.','Meta Box'=>'મેટા બોક્સ','Categories Meta Box'=>'શ્રેણીઓ મેટા બોક્સ','Tags Meta Box'=>'ટૅગ્સ મેટા બોક્સ','A link to a tag'=>'ટેગની લિંક','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં વપરાતી નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક ભિન્નતાનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','A link to a %s'=>'%s ની લિંક','Tag Link'=>'ટૅગ લિંક','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'બ્લોક એડિટરમાં વપરાતી નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક ભિન્નતાનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','← Go to tags'=>'← ટૅગ્સ પર જાઓ','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'શબ્દને અપડેટ કર્યા પછી મુખ્ય અનુક્રમણિકા સાથે પાછા લિંક કરવા માટે વપરાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટને સોંપે છે.','Back To Items'=>'આઇટમ્સ પર પાછા ફરો','← Go to %s'=>'← %s પર જાઓ','Tags list'=>'ટૅગ્સની સૂચિ','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'કોષ્ટક છુપાયેલા મથાળાને ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Tags list navigation'=>'ટૅગ્સ સૂચિ નેવિગેશન','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'કોષ્ટક પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન છુપાયેલા મથાળાને ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Filter by category'=>'શ્રેણી દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'પોસ્ટ લિસ્ટ ટેબલમાં ફિલ્ટર બટન પર ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Filter By Item'=>'આઇટમ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter by %s'=>'%s દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર કરો','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'આ વર્ણન મૂળભૂત રીતે જાણીતું નથી; તેમ છતાં, કોઈક થિમમા કદાચ દેખાય.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર પેરેન્ટ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Description Field Description'=>'વર્ણન ક્ષેત્રનું વર્ણન','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'અધિક્રમ(hierarchy) બનાવવા માટે એક પેરન્ટ ટર્મ સોંપો. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે જાઝ ટર્મ, બેબોપ અને બિગ બેન્ડની પેરન્ટ હશે.','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર પેરેન્ટ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Parent Field Description'=>'પિતૃ ક્ષેત્રનું વર્ણન','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'"સ્લગ" એ નામનું URL-મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ સંસ્કરણ છે. તે સામાન્ય રીતે બધા લોઅરકેસ હોય છે અને તેમાં માત્ર અક્ષરો, સંખ્યાઓ અને હાઇફન્સ હોય છે.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર નામ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Slug Field Description'=>'નામ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ણન','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'નામ જે તમારી સાઇટ પર દેખાશે.','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'એડિટ ટૅગ્સ સ્ક્રીન પર નામ ફીલ્ડનું વર્ણન કરે છે.','Name Field Description'=>'નામ ક્ષેત્ર વર્ણન','No tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ નથી','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'જ્યારે કોઈ ટૅગ્સ અથવા કૅટેગરીઝ ઉપલબ્ધ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ્સ અને મીડિયા સૂચિ કોષ્ટકોમાં પ્રદર્શિત ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે.','No Terms'=>'કોઈ શરતો નથી','No %s'=>'ના %s','No tags found'=>'કોઈ ટેગ મળ્યા નથી','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'જ્યારે કોઈ ટૅગ્સ ઉપલબ્ધ ન હોય ત્યારે વર્ગીકરણ મેટા બૉક્સમાં \'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલામાંથી પસંદ કરો\' ટેક્સ્ટને ક્લિક કરતી વખતે પ્રદર્શિત ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે અને જ્યારે વર્ગીકરણ માટે કોઈ આઇટમ ન હોય ત્યારે ટર્મ્સ લિસ્ટ કોષ્ટકમાં વપરાયેલ ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે.','Not Found'=>'મળ્યું નથી','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી ટેબના શીર્ષક ક્ષેત્રમાં ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Most Used'=>'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલ','Choose from the most used tags'=>'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગ થયેલ ટૅગ્સ માંથી પસંદ કરો','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'જ્યારે JavaScript અક્ષમ હોય ત્યારે મેટા બૉક્સમાં વપરાયેલ \'સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાંથી પસંદ કરો\' ટેક્સ્ટને અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Choose From Most Used'=>'સૌથી વધુ વપરાયેલમાંથી પસંદ કરો','Choose from the most used %s'=>'%s સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગ થયેલ ટૅગ્સ માંથી પસંદ કરો','Add or remove tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'જ્યારે JavaScript અક્ષમ હોય ત્યારે મેટા બૉક્સમાં ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી આઇટમ્સ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો ટેક્સ્ટને સોંપે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે','Add Or Remove Items'=>'વસ્તુઓ ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Add or remove %s'=>'%s ઉમેરો અથવા દૂર કરો','Separate tags with commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી ટૅગ્સ અલગ કરો','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ મેટા બોક્સમાં વપરાયેલ અલ્પવિરામ ટેક્સ્ટ સાથે અલગ આઇટમ સોંપે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી ટૅગ્સ અલગ કરો','Separate %s with commas'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી %s ને અલગ કરો','Popular Tags'=>'લોકપ્રિય ટૅગ્સ','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'લોકપ્રિય આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર બિન-હાયરાર્કીકલ વર્ગીકરણ માટે વપરાય છે.','Popular Items'=>'લોકપ્રિય વસ્તુઓ','Popular %s'=>'લોકપ્રિય %s','Search Tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ શોધો','Assigns search items text.'=>'શોધ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Parent Category:'=>'પિતૃ શ્રેણી:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે, પરંતુ અંતમાં કોલોન (:) સાથે ઉમેરવામાં આવે છે.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'કોલોન સાથે પિતૃ શ્રેણી','Parent Category'=>'પિતૃ શ્રેણી','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે. માત્ર અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણ પર વપરાય છે.','Parent Item'=>'પિતૃ વસ્તુ','Parent %s'=>'પેરન્ટ %s','New Tag Name'=>'નવા ટેગ નું નામ','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'નવી આઇટમ નામનો ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','New Item Name'=>'નવી આઇટમનું નામ','New %s Name'=>'નવું %s નામ','Add New Tag'=>'નવું ટેગ ઉમેરો','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'નવી આઇટમ ઉમેરો ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Update Tag'=>'અદ્યતન ટેગ','Assigns the update item text.'=>'અપડેટ આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ સોંપે છે.','Update Item'=>'આઇટમ અપડેટ કરો','Update %s'=>'%s અપડેટ કરો','View Tag'=>'ટેગ જુઓ','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'સંપાદન દરમિયાન શબ્દ જોવા માટે એડમિન બારમાં.','Edit Tag'=>'ટેગ માં ફેરફાર કરો','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','All Tags'=>'બધા ટૅગ્સ','Assigns the all items text.'=>'બધી આઇટમ ટેક્સ્ટ અસાઇન કરે છે.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'મેનુ નામ લખાણ સોંપે છે.','Menu Label'=>'મેનુ લેબલ','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'સક્રિય વર્ગીકરણ વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે સક્ષમ અને નોંધાયેલ છે.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'વર્ગીકરણનો વર્ણનાત્મક સારાંશ.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'શબ્દનો વર્ણનાત્મક સારાંશ.','Term Description'=>'ટર્મ વર્ણન','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'એક શબ્દ, કોઈ જગ્યા નથી. અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડેશની મંજૂરી છે.','Term Slug'=>'ટર્મ સ્લગ','The name of the default term.'=>'મૂળભૂત શબ્દનું નામ.','Term Name'=>'ટર્મ નામ','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ માટે એક શબ્દ બનાવો કે જેને કાઢી ન શકાય. તે મૂળભૂત રીતે પોસ્ટ્સ માટે પસંદ કરવામાં આવશે નહીં.','Default Term'=>'ડિફૉલ્ટ ટર્મ','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'શું આ વર્ગીકરણની શરતો `wp_set_object_terms()` ને પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવી છે તે ક્રમમાં સૉર્ટ કરવી જોઈએ.','Sort Terms'=>'સૉર્ટ શરતો','Add Post Type'=>'નવો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'વર્ડપ્રેસની કાર્યક્ષમતાને કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સાથે પ્રમાણભૂત પોસ્ટ્સ અને પૃષ્ઠોથી આગળ વિસ્તૃત કરો','Add Your First Post Type'=>'તમારો પ્રથમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ઉમેરો','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'હું જાણું છું કે હું શું કરી રહ્યો છું, મને બધા વિકલ્પો બતાવો.','Advanced Configuration'=>'અદ્યતન રૂપરેખાંકન','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'અધિક્રમિક વર્ગીકરણમાં વંશજો હોઈ શકે છે (જેમ કે શ્રેણીઓ).','Hierarchical'=>'વંશવેલો','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર અને એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં દૃશ્યમાન.','Public'=>'પબ્લિક','movie'=>'ફિલ્મ','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'લોઅર કેસ અક્ષરો, માત્ર અન્ડરસ્કોર અને ડૅશ, મહત્તમ ૨૦ અક્ષરો.','Movie'=>'ફિલ્મ','Singular Label'=>'એકવચન નામ','Movies'=>'મૂવીઝ','Plural Label'=>'બહુવચન નામ','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'`WP_REST_Posts_Controller` ને બદલે વાપરવા માટે વૈકલ્પિક કસ્ટમ નિયંત્રક.','Controller Class'=>'નિયંત્રક વર્ગ','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL નો નેમસ્પેસ ભાગ.','Namespace Route'=>'નેમસ્પેસ રૂટ','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર REST API URL માટે આધાર URL.','Base URL'=>'આધાર URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'REST API માં આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનો પર્દાફાશ કરે છે. બ્લોક એડિટરનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે જરૂરી છે.','Show In REST API'=>'REST API માં બતાવો','Customize the query variable name.'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ નામને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો','Query Variable'=>'ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ','No Query Variable Support'=>'કોઈ ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ સપોર્ટ નથી','Custom Query Variable'=>'કસ્ટમ ક્વેરી વેરીએબલ','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'બિન-સુંદર પરમાલિંકનો ઉપયોગ કરીને શરતોને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે, દા.ત., {query_var}={term_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'વેરીએબલ સપોર્ટ ક્વેરી','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'આઇટમ અને આઇટમ્સ માટેના URL ને ક્વેરી સ્ટ્રિંગ વડે એક્સેસ કરી શકાય છે.','Publicly Queryable'=>'સાર્વજનિક રૂપે પૂછવા યોગ્ય','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'તમારી થીમમાં આર્કાઇવ ટેમ્પલેટ ફાઇલ સાથે કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય તેવી આઇટમ આર્કાઇવ ધરાવે છે.','Archive'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ જેવી વસ્તુઓ URL માટે પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન સપોર્ટ.','Pagination'=>'પૃષ્ઠ ક્રમાંકન','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓ માટે RSS ફીડ URL.','Feed URL'=>'ફીડ URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'URL માં `WP_Rwrite::$front` ઉપસર્ગ ઉમેરવા માટે પરમાલિંક માળખું બદલે છે.','Front URL Prefix'=>'ફ્રન્ટ URL ઉપસર્ગ','URL Slug'=>'URL સ્લગ','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ માટે પરમાલિંક્સ અક્ષમ છે.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'નીચેના ઇનપુટમાં વ્યાખ્યાયિત કસ્ટમ સ્લગનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'કોઈ પરમાલિંક નથી (URL પુનઃલેખન અટકાવો)','Custom Permalink'=>'કસ્ટમ પરમાલિંક','Post Type Key'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર કી','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'સ્લગ તરીકે વર્ગીકરણ કીનો ઉપયોગ કરીને URL ને ફરીથી લખો. તમારું પરમાલિંક માળખું હશે','Permalink Rewrite'=>'પરમાલિંક ફરીથી લખો','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'જ્યારે તે વપરાશકર્તા કાઢી નાખવામાં આવે ત્યારે વપરાશકર્તા દ્વારા આઇટમ્સ કાઢી નાખો.','Delete With User'=>'વપરાશકર્તા સાથે કાઢી નાખો','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારને \'ટૂલ્સ\' > \'નિકાસ\'માંથી નિકાસ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપો.','Can Export'=>'નિકાસ કરી શકે છે','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'વૈકલ્પિક રીતે ક્ષમતાઓમાં ઉપયોગમાં લેવા માટે બહુવચન પ્રદાન કરો.','Plural Capability Name'=>'બહુવચન ક્ષમતા નામ','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટેની ક્ષમતાઓને આધાર આપવા માટે અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો.','Singular Capability Name'=>'એકવચન ક્ષમતા નામ','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'મૂળભૂત રીતે પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની ક્ષમતાઓ \'પોસ્ટ\' ક્ષમતાના નામોને વારસામાં મેળવશે, દા.ત. એડિટ_પોસ્ટ, ડિલીટ_પોસ્ટ. પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વિશિષ્ટ ક્ષમતાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરવા સક્ષમ કરો, દા.ત. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'ક્ષમતાઓનું નામ બદલો','Exclude From Search'=>'શોધમાંથી બાકાત રાખો','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'આઇટમ્સને \'દેખાવ\' > \'મેનૂઝ\' સ્ક્રીનમાં મેનૂમાં ઉમેરવાની મંજૂરી આપો. \'સ્ક્રીન વિકલ્પો\'માં ચાલુ કરવું આવશ્યક છે.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'દેખાવ મેનુ આધાર','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'એડમિન બારમાં \'નવા\' મેનૂમાં આઇટમ તરીકે દેખાય છે.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'એડમિન બારમાં બતાવો','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'સંપાદન સ્ક્રીન માટે મેટા બોક્સ સેટ કરતી વખતે કૉલ કરવા માટે PHP ફંક્શન નામ.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'કસ્ટમ મેટા બોક્સ કોલબેક','Menu Icon'=>'મેનુ આયકન','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં સાઇડબાર મેનૂમાં સ્થિતિ.','Menu Position'=>'મેનુ સ્થિતિ','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'ડિફૉલ્ટ રૂપે પોસ્ટના પ્રકારને એડમિન મેનૂમાં નવી ટોચની આઇટમ મળશે. જો હાલની ટોચની આઇટમ અહીં પૂરી પાડવામાં આવે છે, તો પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર તેની હેઠળ સબમેનુ આઇટમ તરીકે ઉમેરવામાં આવશે.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'એડમિન મેનુ પેરન્ટ','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ મેનૂ આઇટમ માટે વપરાયેલ આઇકન. આયકન માટે વાપરવા માટે URL અથવા %s હોઈ શકે છે.','Dashicon class name'=>'ડૅશઆઇકન વર્ગ નામ','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'સાઇડબાર મેનૂમાં એડમિન એડિટર નેવિગેશન.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'એડમિન મેનુમાં બતાવો','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં વસ્તુઓને સંપાદિત અને સંચાલિત કરી શકાય છે.','Show In UI'=>'UI માં બતાવો','A link to a post.'=>'પોસ્ટની લિંક.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક વિવિધતા માટે વર્ણન.','Item Link Description'=>'આઇટમ લિંક વર્ણન','A link to a %s.'=>'%s ની લિંક.','Post Link'=>'પોસ્ટ લિંક','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'નેવિગેશન લિંક બ્લોક વિવિધતા માટે શીર્ષક.','Item Link'=>'આઇટમ લિંક','%s Link'=>'%s લિંક','Post updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ અપડેટ થઇ ગઈ છે.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'આઇટમ અપડેટ થયા પછી એડિટર નોટિસમાં.','Item Updated'=>'આઈટમ અપડેટેડ.','%s updated.'=>'%s અપડેટ થઇ ગયું!','Post scheduled.'=>'સુનિશ્ચિત પોસ્ટ.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Scheduled'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત','%s scheduled.'=>'%s શેડ્યૂલ.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'પોસ્ટ ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછું ફેરવ્યું.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'આઇટમને ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછી ફેરવ્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'આઇટમ ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછી ફેરવાઈ','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s ડ્રાફ્ટમાં પાછું ફર્યું.','Post published privately.'=>'પોસ્ટ ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Published Privately'=>'આઇટમ ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત','%s published privately.'=>'%s ખાનગી રીતે પ્રકાશિત.','Post published.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાશિત થઇ ગઈ છે.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'આઇટમ સુનિશ્ચિત કર્યા પછી સંપાદક સૂચનામાં.','Item Published'=>'આઇટમ પ્રકાશિત','%s published.'=>'%s પ્રકાશિત.','Posts list'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ યાદી','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Items List'=>'આઇટ્મસ યાદી','%s list'=>'%s યાદી','Posts list navigation'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ સંશોધક માટે ની યાદી','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Items List Navigation'=>'વસ્તુઓની યાદી સંશોધક','%s list navigation'=>'%s ટૅગ્સ યાદી નેવિગેશન','Filter posts by date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા પોસ્ટ્સ ફિલ્ટર કરો','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પર તારીખ દ્વારા ફિલ્ટર માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Filter Items By Date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા આઇટમ્સ ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter %s by date'=>'તારીખ દ્વારા %s ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter posts list'=>'પોસ્ટની સૂચિ ને ફિલ્ટર કરો','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીન પરની ફિલ્ટર લિંક્સ માટે સ્ક્રીન રીડર્સ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Filter Items List'=>'વસ્તુઓ ની યાદી ફિલ્ટર કરો','Filter %s list'=>'%s સૂચિને ફિલ્ટર કરો','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'મીડિયા મોડલમાં આ આઇટમ પર અપલોડ કરેલ તમામ મીડિયા દર્શાવે છે.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','Uploaded to this %s'=>'%s આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','Insert into post'=>'પોસ્ટ માં સામેલ કરો','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'સામગ્રીમાં મીડિયા ઉમેરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'મીડિયા બટનમાં દાખલ કરો','Insert into %s'=>'%s માં દાખલ કરો','Use as featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી તરીકે ઉપયોગ કરો','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી તરીકે છબીનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે પસંદ કરવા માટેના બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Use Featured Image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબીનો ઉપયોગ કરો','Remove featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી દૂર કરો','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ દૂર કરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Remove Featured Image'=>'વિશેષ ચિત્ર દૂર કરો','Set featured image'=>'ફીચર્ડ ચિત્ર સેટ કરો','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ સેટ કરતી વખતે બટન લેબલ તરીકે.','Set Featured Image'=>'ફીચર્ડ છબી સેટ કરો','Featured image'=>'વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત છબી','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઈમેજ મેટા બોક્સના શીર્ષક માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'ફીચર્ડ ઇમેજ મેટા બોક્સ','Post Attributes'=>'પોસ્ટ લક્ષણો','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'પોસ્ટ એટ્રીબ્યુટ્સ મેટા બોક્સના શીર્ષક માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા એડિટરમાં.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'લક્ષણો મેટા બોક્સ','%s Attributes'=>'%s પોસ્ટ લક્ષણો','Post Archives'=>'કાર્ય આર્કાઇવ્ઝ','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'આ લેબલ સાથે \'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ આર્કાઇવ\' આઇટમ્સને આર્કાઇવ્સ સક્ષમ સાથે CPTમાં અસ્તિત્વમાંના મેનૂમાં આઇટમ ઉમેરતી વખતે બતાવવામાં આવેલી પોસ્ટ્સની સૂચિમાં ઉમેરે છે. જ્યારે \'લાઈવ પ્રીવ્યૂ\' મોડમાં મેનુ સંપાદિત કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે જ દેખાય છે અને કસ્ટમ આર્કાઈવ સ્લગ પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવે છે.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ નેવ મેનુ','%s Archives'=>'%s આર્કાઇવ્સ','No posts found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ્સ મળી નથી','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'જ્યારે ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ પોસ્ટ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ આઇટમ્સ મળી નથી','No %s found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ %s મળ્યું નથી','No posts found'=>'કોઈ પોસ્ટ મળી નથી','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'જ્યારે પ્રદર્શિત કરવા માટે કોઈ પોસ્ટ્સ ન હોય ત્યારે પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ સૂચિ સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','No Items Found'=>'કોઈ આઇટમ્સ મળી નથી','No %s found'=>'કોઈ %s મળ્યું નથી','Search Posts'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ શોધો','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Search Items'=>'આઇટમ્સ શોધો','Search %s'=>'%s શોધો','Parent Page:'=>'પિતૃ પૃષ્ઠ:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ લિસ્ટ સ્ક્રીનમાં અધિક્રમિક પ્રકારો માટે.','Parent %s:'=>'પેરન્ટ %s','New Post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ','New Item'=>'નવી આઇટમ','New %s'=>'નવું %s','Add New Post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ ઉમેરો','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'શબ્દ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે સંપાદક સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Add New Item'=>'નવી આઇટમ ઉમેરો','Add New %s'=>'નવું %s ઉમેરો','View Posts'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ જુઓ','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'પેરેન્ટ આઇટમ \'બધી પોસ્ટ્સ\' વ્યુમાં એડમિન બારમાં દેખાય છે, જો પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર આર્કાઇવ્સને સપોર્ટ કરે છે અને હોમ પેજ તે પોસ્ટ પ્રકારનું આર્કાઇવ નથી.','View Items'=>'આઇટમ જુઓ','View Post'=>'પોસ્ટ જુઓ','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'આઇટમમાં ફેરફાર કરતી વખતે તેને જોવા માટે એડમિન બારમાં.','View Item'=>'આઇટમ જુઓ','View %s'=>'%s જુઓ','Edit Post'=>'પોસ્ટ સુધારો','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'આઇટમ સંપાદિત કરતી વખતે એડિટર સ્ક્રીનની ટોચ પર.','Edit Item'=>'આઇટમ સંપાદિત કરો','Edit %s'=>'%s સંપાદિત કરો','All Posts'=>'બધા પોસ્ટ્સ','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'એડમિન ડેશબોર્ડમાં પોસ્ટ ટાઇપ સબમેનુમાં.','All Items'=>'બધી વસ્તુઓ','All %s'=>'બધા %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટે એડમિન મેનુ નામ.','Menu Name'=>'મેનુ નુ નામ','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'એકવચન અને બહુવચન લેબલ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરીને બધા લેબલ્સ ફરીથી બનાવો','Regenerate'=>'પુનઃસર્જન કરો','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'સક્રિય પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સક્ષમ અને વર્ડપ્રેસ સાથે નોંધાયેલ છે.','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'સામગ્રી સંપાદકમાં વિવિધ સુવિધાઓને સક્ષમ કરો.','Post Formats'=>'પોસ્ટ ફોર્મેટ્સ','Editor'=>'સંપાદક','Trackbacks'=>'ટ્રેકબેક્સ','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓનું વર્ગીકરણ કરવા માટે વર્તમાન વર્ગીકરણ પસંદ કરો.','Browse Fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો બ્રાઉઝ કરો','Nothing to import'=>'આયાત કરવા માટે કંઈ નથી','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI પ્લગઇન નિષ્ક્રિય કરી શકાય છે.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી %d આઇટમ આયાત કરી -' . "\0" . 'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી %d આઇટમ આયાત કરી -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ.','Failed to import post types.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો આયાત કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI પ્લગઇનમાંથી કંઈપણ આયાત માટે પસંદ કરેલ નથી.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 આઇટમ આયાત કરી' . "\0" . '%s આઇટમ આયાત કરી','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'પહેલાથી જ અસ્તિત્વમાં છે તે જ કી સાથે પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અથવા વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરવાથી વર્તમાન પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અથવા વર્ગીકરણની સેટિંગ્સ આયાતની સાથે ઓવરરાઈટ થઈ જશે.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી આયાત કરો','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'નીચેના કોડનો ઉપયોગ પસંદ કરેલી વસ્તુઓના સ્થાનિક સંસ્કરણની નોંધણી કરવા માટે થઈ શકે છે. સ્થાનિક રીતે ફીલ્ડ જૂથો, પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો અથવા વર્ગીકરણને સંગ્રહિત કરવાથી ઝડપી લોડ ટાઈમ, વર્ઝન કંટ્રોલ અને ડાયનેમિક ફીલ્ડ્સ/સેટિંગ્સ જેવા ઘણા ફાયદા મળી શકે છે. ફક્ત નીચેના કોડને તમારી થીમની functions.php ફાઇલમાં કોપી અને પેસ્ટ કરો અથવા તેને બાહ્ય ફાઇલમાં સમાવિષ્ટ કરો, પછી ACF એડમિન તરફથી આઇટમ્સને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો અથવા કાઢી નાખો.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'નિકાસ - PHP જનરેટ કરો','Export'=>'નિકાસ કરો','Category'=>'વર્ગ','Tag'=>'ટૅગ','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સબમિટ કર્યું.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સાચવ્યું.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ કાઢી નાખ્યું.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ અપડેટ કર્યું.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'આ વર્ગીકરણ રજીસ્ટર થઈ શક્યું નથી કારણ કે તેની કી અન્ય પ્લગઈન અથવા થીમ દ્વારા નોંધાયેલ અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય થયું.' . "\0" . '%s વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય.','Terms'=>'શરતો','Post type synchronized.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર સમન્વયિત.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સમન્વયિત.','Post type duplicated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ડુપ્લિકેટ.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો ડુપ્લિકેટ.','Post type deactivated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નિષ્ક્રિય.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો નિષ્ક્રિય કર્યા.','Post type activated.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સક્રિય કર્યો.' . "\0" . '%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સક્રિય થયા.','Post Types'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો','Advanced Settings'=>'સંવર્ધિત વિકલ્પો','Basic Settings'=>'મૂળભૂત સેટિંગ્સ','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'આ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર રજીસ્ટર થઈ શક્યો નથી કારણ કે તેની કી અન્ય પ્લગઈન અથવા થીમ દ્વારા નોંધાયેલ અન્ય પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.','Pages'=>'પૃષ્ઠો','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'હાલના ફીલ્ડ જૂથોને લિંક કરો','%s post type created'=>'%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર બનાવ્યો','Add fields to %s'=>'%s માં ફીલ્ડ્સ ઉમેરો','%s post type updated'=>'%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અપડેટ કર્યો','Post type draft updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ડ્રાફ્ટ અપડેટ કર્યો.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર માટે સુનિશ્ચિત થયેલ છે.','Post type submitted.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સબમિટ કર્યો.','Post type saved.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સાચવ્યો.','Post type updated.'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર અપડેટ કર્યો.','Post type deleted.'=>'પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર કાઢી નાખ્યો.','Type to search...'=>'શોધવા માટે ટાઇપ કરો...','PRO Only'=>'માત્ર પ્રો','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો સફળતાપૂર્વક લિંક થયા.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI સાથે નોંધાયેલ પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો અને વર્ગીકરણ આયાત કરો અને ACF સાથે તેનું સંચાલન કરો. પ્રારંભ કરો.','taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','post type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Done'=>'પૂર્ણ','Field Group(s)'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો','Permissions'=>'પરવાનગીઓ','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'દૃશ્યતા','Labels'=>'લેબલ્સ','Field Settings Tabs'=>'ફીલ્ડ સેટિંગ્સ ટૅબ્સ','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[એસીએફ શોર્ટકોડ મૂલ્ય પૂર્વાવલોકન માટે અક્ષમ કર્યું]','Close Modal'=>'મોડલ બંધ કરો','Field moved to other group'=>'ફિલ્ડ અન્ય જૂથમાં ખસેડવામાં આવ્યું','Close modal'=>'મોડલ બંધ કરો','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'આ ટૅબ પર ટૅબનું નવું જૂથ શરૂ કરો.','Updates'=>'સુધારાઓ','Save Changes'=>'ફેરફારો સેવ કરો','Add title'=>'શીર્ષક ઉમેરો','#'=>'#','Presentation'=>'રજૂઆત','General'=>'સામાન્ય','Deactivate'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય','Deactivate this item'=>'આ આઇટમ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો','Activate'=>'સક્રિય કરો','Activate this item'=>'આ આઇટમ સક્રિય કરો','post statusInactive'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ અને એડવાન્સ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ PRO એક જ સમયે સક્રિય ન હોવા જોઈએ. અમે એડવાન્સ્ડ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ પ્રોને આપમેળે નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દીધું છે.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ અને એડવાન્સ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ PRO એક જ સમયે સક્રિય ન હોવા જોઈએ. અમે એડવાન્સ્ડ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સને આપમેળે નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દીધા છે.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF શરૂ થાય તે પહેલાં અમે ACF ફીલ્ડ મૂલ્યો પુનઃપ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે એક અથવા વધુ કૉલ્સ શોધી કાઢ્યા છે. આ સમર્થિત નથી અને તે ખોટા અથવા ખોવાયેલા ડેટામાં પરિણમી શકે છે. આને કેવી રીતે ઠીક કરવું તે જાણો.','Invalid request.'=>'અમાન્ય વિનંતી.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API માં બતાવો','Enable Transparency'=>'પારદર્શિતા સક્ષમ કરો','Upgrade to PRO'=>'પ્રો પર અપગ્રેડ કરો','post statusActive'=>'સક્રિય','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' ઈ - મેઈલ સરનામું માન્ય નથી.','Color value'=>'રંગનું મુલ્ય','Select default color'=>'મુળભૂત રંગ પસંદ કરો','Clear color'=>'રંગ સાફ કરો','Blocks'=>'બ્લોક્સ','Options'=>'વિકલ્પો','Users'=>'વપરાશકર્તાઓ','Menu items'=>'મેનુ વસ્તુઓ','Widgets'=>'વિજેટો','Attachments'=>'જોડાણો','Taxonomies'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','Posts'=>'પોસ્ટો','Last updated: %s'=>'છેલ્લી અપડેટ: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'માફ કરશો, આ પોસ્ટ અલગ સરખામણી માટે અનુપલબ્ધ છે.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'અમાન્ય ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ પરિમાણ(ઓ).','Awaiting save'=>'સેવ પ્રતીક્ષામાં છે','Saved'=>'સેવ થયેલ','Import'=>'આયાત','Review changes'=>'ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો','Located in: %s'=>'સ્થિત થયેલ છે: %s','Various'=>'વિવિધ','Sync changes'=>'સમન્વય ફેરફારો','Loading diff'=>'તફાવત લોડ કરી રહ્યું છે','Review local JSON changes'=>'સ્થાનિક JSON ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો','Visit website'=>'વેબસાઇટની મુલાકાત લો','View details'=>'વિગતો જુઓ','Version %s'=>'આવૃત્તિ %s','Information'=>'માહિતી','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'અમે સમર્થનને લઈને કટ્ટરપંથી છીએ અને ઈચ્છીએ છીએ કે તમે ACF સાથે તમારી વેબસાઇટનો શ્રેષ્ઠ લાભ મેળવો. જો તમને કોઈ મુશ્કેલી આવે, તો ત્યાં ઘણી જગ્યાએ મદદ મળી શકે છે:','Help & Support'=>'મદદ અને આધાર','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'જો તમને તમારી જાતને સહાયની જરૂર જણાય તો સંપર્કમાં રહેવા માટે કૃપા કરીને મદદ અને સમર્થન ટેબનો ઉપયોગ કરો.','Overview'=>'અવલોકન','Invalid nonce.'=>'અમાન્ય નૉન.','Location not found: %s'=>'સ્થાન મળ્યું નથી: %s','Widget'=>'વિજેટ','User Role'=>'વપરાશકર્તાની ભૂમિકા','Comment'=>'ટિપ્પણી','Post Format'=>'પોસ્ટ ફોર્મેટ','Menu Item'=>'મેનુ વસ્તુ','Post Status'=>'પોસ્ટની સ્થિતિ','Menus'=>'મેનુઓ','Menu Locations'=>'મેનુ ની જગ્યાઓ','Menu'=>'મેનુ','Posts Page'=>'પોસ્ટ્સ પેજ','Front Page'=>'પહેલું પાનું','Page Type'=>'પેજ પ્રકાર','Logged in'=>'લૉગ ઇન કર્યું','Current User'=>'વર્તમાન વપરાશકર્તા','Page Template'=>'પેજ ટેમ્પલેટ','Register'=>'રજિસ્ટર','Add / Edit'=>'ઉમેરો / સંપાદિત કરો','User Form'=>'વપરાશકર્તા ફોર્મ','Page Parent'=>'પેજ પેરન્ટ','Super Admin'=>'સુપર સંચાલક','Current User Role'=>'વર્તમાન વપરાશકર્તા ભૂમિકા','Default Template'=>'મૂળભૂત ટેમ્પલેટ','Post Template'=>'પોસ્ટ ટેમ્પલેટ','Post Category'=>'પોસ્ટ કેટેગરી','All %s formats'=>'બધા %s ફોર્મેટ','Attachment'=>'જોડાણ','and'=>'અને','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'કૃપા કરીને તમામ પ્રીમિયમ એડ-ઓન્સ (%s) નવીનતમ સંસ્કરણ પર અપડેટ થયા છે તે પણ તપાસો.','Gallery'=>'ગેલેરી','Hide on screen'=>'સ્ક્રીન પર છુપાવો','Send Trackbacks'=>'ટ્રેકબેકસ મોકલો','Tags'=>'ટૅગ્સ','Categories'=>'કેટેગરીઓ','Page Attributes'=>'પેજ લક્ષણો','Format'=>'ફોર્મેટ','Author'=>'લેખક','Slug'=>'સ્લગ','Revisions'=>'પુનરાવર્તનો','Comments'=>'ટિપ્પણીઓ','Discussion'=>'ચર્ચા','Excerpt'=>'અવતરણ','Permalink'=>'પરમાલિંક','Position'=>'પદ','Style'=>'સ્ટાઇલ','Type'=>'પ્રકાર','Key'=>'ચાવી','Order'=>'ઓર્ડર','width'=>'પહોળાઈ','Required'=>'જરૂરી?','Field Type'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર','Field Name'=>'ક્ષેત્રનું નામ','Field Label'=>'ફીલ્ડ લેબલ','Delete'=>'કાઢી નાખો','Delete field'=>'ફિલ્ડ કાઢી નાખો','Move'=>'ખસેડો','Edit field'=>'ફાઇલ સંપાદિત કરો','No updates available.'=>'કોઈ અપડેટ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'ડેટાબેઝ અપગ્રેડ પૂર્ણ. નવું શું છે તે જુઓ','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'કૃપા કરીને અપગ્રેડ કરવા માટે ઓછામાં ઓછી એક સાઇટ પસંદ કરો.','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'વેબસાઈટને %1$s થી %2$s સુધી ડેટાબેઝ સુધારાની જરૂર છે','Site'=>'સાઇટ','Upgrade Sites'=>'અપગ્રેડ સાઇટ્સ','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'નીચેની સાઇટ્સને DB સુધારાની જરૂર છે. તમે અદ્યતન બનાવા માંગો છો તે તપાસો અને પછી %s પર ક્લિક કરો.','Rules'=>'નિયમો','Copied'=>'કૉપિ થઇ ગયું','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'તમે નિકાસ કરવા માંગો છો તે વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરો અને પછી તમારી નિકાસ પદ્ધતિ પસંદ કરો. .json ફાઇલમાં નિકાસ કરવા માટે JSON તરીકે નિકાસ કરો જે પછી તમે અન્ય ACF સ્થાપનમાં આયાત કરી શકો છો. PHP કોડ પર નિકાસ કરવા માટે PHP ઉત્પન્ન કરો જેને તમે તમારી થીમમાં મૂકી શકો છો.','Sync'=>'સમન્વય','Select %s'=>'%s પસંદ કરો','Duplicate'=>'ડુપ્લિકેટ','Documentation'=>'માર્ગદર્શિકા','Description'=>'વર્ણન','Active (%s)'=>'સક્રિય (%s)' . "\0" . 'સક્રિય (%s)','Custom Fields'=>'કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s ક્ષેત્ર હવે %2$s ક્ષેત્ર જૂથમાં મળી શકે છે','Active'=>'સક્રિય','Settings'=>'સેટિંગ્સ','Location'=>'સ્થાન','Null'=>'શૂન્ય','copy'=>'નકલ','(this field)'=>'(આ ક્ષેત્ર)','Checked'=>'ચકાસાયેલ','Move Custom Field'=>'કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ ખસેડો','No toggle fields available'=>'કોઈ ટૉગલ ફીલ્ડ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી','Field group title is required'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ શીર્ષક આવશ્યક છે','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'જ્યાં સુધી તેના ફેરફારો સાચવવામાં ન આવે ત્યાં સુધી આ ક્ષેત્ર ખસેડી શકાતું નથી','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'શબ્દમાળા "field_" નો ઉપયોગ ક્ષેત્રના નામની શરૂઆતમાં થઈ શકશે નહીં','Field group draft updated.'=>'ફીલ્ડ ગ્રુપ ડ્રાફ્ટ અપડેટ કર્યો.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ માટે સુનિશ્ચિત થયેલ છે.','Field group submitted.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સબમિટ.','Field group saved.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સાચવ્યું.','Field group published.'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ પ્રકાશિત.','Field group deleted.'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથ કાઢી નાખ્યું.','Field group updated.'=>'ફીલ્ડ જૂથ અપડેટ કર્યું.','Tools'=>'સાધનો','is not equal to'=>'ની સમાન નથી','is equal to'=>'ની બરાબર છે','Forms'=>'સ્વરૂપો','Page'=>'પેજ','Post'=>'પોસ્ટ','Relational'=>'સંબંધી','Choice'=>'પસંદગી','Basic'=>'પાયાની','Unknown'=>'અજ્ઞાત','Field type does not exist'=>'ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર અસ્તિત્વમાં નથી','Post updated'=>'પોસ્ટ અપડેટ થઇ ગઈ','Update'=>'સુધારો','Validate Email'=>'ઇમેઇલ માન્ય કરો','Content'=>'લખાણ','Title'=>'શીર્ષક','Selection is greater than'=>'પસંદગી કરતાં વધારે છે','Value is less than'=>'કરતાં ઓછું મૂલ્ય છે','Value is greater than'=>'કરતાં વધુ મૂલ્ય છે','Value contains'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાવે છે','Value matches pattern'=>'મૂલ્ય પેટર્ન સાથે મેળ ખાય છે','Value is not equal to'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાન નથી','Value is equal to'=>'મૂલ્ય સમાન છે','Has no value'=>'કોઈ મૂલ્ય નથી','Has any value'=>'કોઈપણ મૂલ્ય ધરાવે છે','Cancel'=>'રદ','Are you sure?'=>'શું તમને ખાતરી છે?','Restricted'=>'પ્રતિબંધિત','Expand Details'=>'વિગતો વિસ્તૃત કરો','Uploaded to this post'=>'આ પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','verbUpdate'=>'સુધારો','verbEdit'=>'સંપાદિત કરો','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'જો તમે આ પૃષ્ઠ છોડીને જશો તો તમે કરેલા ફેરફારો ખોવાઈ જશે','File type must be %s.'=>'ફાઇલનો પ્રકાર %s હોવો આવશ્યક છે.','or'=>'અથવા','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'ફાઇલનું કદ %s થી વધુ ન હોવું જોઈએ.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'છબીની ઊંચાઈ %dpx કરતાં વધુ ન હોવી જોઈએ.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'છબીની ઊંચાઈ ઓછામાં ઓછી %dpx હોવી જોઈએ.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'છબીની પહોળાઈ %dpx થી વધુ ન હોવી જોઈએ.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'છબીની પહોળાઈ ઓછામાં ઓછી %dpx હોવી જોઈએ.','(no title)'=>'(કોઈ શીર્ષક નથી)','Full Size'=>'પૂર્ણ કદ','Large'=>'મોટું','Medium'=>'મધ્યમ','Thumbnail'=>'થંબનેલ','(no label)'=>'(લેબલ નથી)','Rows'=>'પંક્તિઓ','Add new choice'=>'નવી પસંદગી ઉમેરો','Archives'=>'આર્કાઇવ્સ','Page Link'=>'પૃષ્ઠ લિંક','Add'=>'ઉમેરો','Name'=>'નામ','%s added'=>'%s ઉમેર્યું','User unable to add new %s'=>'વપરાશકર્તા નવા %s ઉમેરવામાં અસમર્થ છે','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'સંપાદન કરતી વખતે નવી શરતો બનાવવાની મંજૂરી આપો','Checkbox'=>'ચેકબોક્સ','Multiple Values'=>'બહુવિધ મૂલ્યો','Appearance'=>'દેખાવ','No TermsNo %s'=>'ના %s','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'મૂલ્ય %d ની બરાબર અથવા વધારે હોવું જોઈએ','Value must be a number'=>'મૂલ્ય સંખ્યા હોવી જોઈએ','Number'=>'સંખ્યા','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'ક્ષેત્રની પસંદગીમાં \'અન્ય\' મૂલ્યો સાચવો','Other'=>'અન્ય','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'પાછલા એકોર્ડિયનને રોકવા માટે અંતિમ બિંદુને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરો. આ એકોર્ડિયન દેખાશે નહીં.','Open'=>'ઓપન','Accordion'=>'એકોર્ડિયન','File URL'=>'ફાઈલ યુઆરએલ','Add File'=>'ફાઇલ ઉમેરો','No file selected'=>'કોઈ ફાઇલ પસંદ કરી નથી','File name'=>'ફાઇલનું નામ','Update File'=>'ફાઇલ અપડેટ કરો','Edit File'=>'ફાઇલ સંપાદિત કરો ','Select File'=>'ફાઇલ પસંદ કરો','File'=>'ફાઇલ','Password'=>'પાસવર્ડ','verbSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'વધુ પરિણામો લોડ કરી રહ્યાં છીએ…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'તમે માત્ર %d વસ્તુઓ પસંદ કરી શકો છો','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'તમે માત્ર 1 આઇટમ પસંદ કરી શકો છો','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને %d અક્ષરો કાઢી નાખો','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'કૃપા કરીને 1 અક્ષર કાઢી નાખો','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને %d અથવા વધુ અક્ષરો દાખલ કરો','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'કૃપા કરીને 1 અથવા વધુ અક્ષરો દાખલ કરો','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'કોઈ બરાબરી મળી નથી','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d પરિણામો ઉપલબ્ધ છે, શોધખોળ કરવા માટે ઉપર અને નીચે એરો કીનો ઉપયોગ કરો.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'એક પરિણામ ઉપલબ્ધ છે, તેને પસંદ કરવા માટે એન્ટર દબાવો.','nounSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','User ID'=>'વપરાશકર્તા ID','User'=>'વપરાશકર્તા','Separator'=>'વિભાજક','Select Color'=>'રંગ પસંદ કરો','Default'=>'મૂળભૂત','Clear'=>'સાફ કરો','Color Picker'=>'રંગ પીકર','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'પી એમ(PM)','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'પસંદ કરો','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'પૂર્ણ','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'હવે','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'સમય ઝોન','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'માઇક્રોસેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'મિલીસેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'સેકન્ડ','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'મિનિટ','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'કલાક','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'સમય','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'સમય પસંદ કરો','Placement'=>'પ્લેસમેન્ટ','Tab'=>'ટેબ','Value must be a valid URL'=>'મૂલ્ય એક માન્ય URL હોવું આવશ્યક છે','Link URL'=>'લિંક યુઆરએલ','Link'=>'લિંક','Email'=>'ઇમેઇલ','Maximum Value'=>'મહત્તમ મૂલ્ય','Minimum Value'=>'ન્યૂનતમ મૂલ્ય','Range'=>'શ્રેણી','Label'=>'લેબલ','Value'=>'મૂલ્ય','Vertical'=>'ઊભું','Horizontal'=>'આડું','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'વધુ નિયંત્રણ માટે, તમે આના જેવું મૂલ્ય અને નામપટ્ટી બંનેનો ઉલ્લેખ કરી શકો છો:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'દરેક પસંદગીને નવી લાઇન પર દાખલ કરો.','Choices'=>'પસંદગીઓ','Parent'=>'પેરેન્ટ','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'જ્યાં સુધી ફીલ્ડ ક્લિક ન થાય ત્યાં સુધી TinyMCE પ્રારંભ કરવામાં આવશે નહીં','Toolbar'=>'ટૂલબાર','Text Only'=>'ફક્ત ટેક્સ્ટ','Tabs'=>'ટૅબ્સ','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'લખાણ','Visual'=>'દ્રશ્ય','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'મૂલ્ય %d અક્ષરોથી વધુ ન હોવું જોઈએ','Appears when creating a new post'=>'નવી પોસ્ટ બનાવતી વખતે દેખાય છે','Text'=>'લખાણ','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s ને ઓછામાં ઓછા %2$s પસંદગીની જરૂર છે' . "\0" . '%1$s ને ઓછામાં ઓછી %2$s પસંદગીની જરૂર છે','Featured Image'=>'ફીચર્ડ છબી','Elements'=>'તત્વો','Taxonomy'=>'વર્ગીકરણ','Post Type'=>'પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર','Filters'=>'ફિલ્ટર્સ','All taxonomies'=>'બધા વર્ગીકરણ','Search...'=>'શોધો','No matches found'=>'કોઈ બરાબરી મળી નથી','Loading'=>'લોડ કરી રહ્યું છે','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'મહત્તમ મૂલ્યો પહોંચી ગયા ( {max} મૂલ્યો )','Relationship'=>'સંબંધ','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'અલ્પવિરામથી વિભાજિત સૂચિ. તમામ પ્રકારના માટે ખાલી છોડો','Maximum'=>'મહત્તમ','File size'=>'ફાઈલ સાઇઝ઼:','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'કઈ છબીઓ અપલોડ કરી શકાય તે પ્રતિબંધિત કરો','Minimum'=>'ન્યૂનતમ','Uploaded to post'=>'પોસ્ટમાં અપલોડ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે','All'=>'બધા','Limit the media library choice'=>'મીડિયા લાઇબ્રેરીની પસંદગીને મર્યાદિત કરો','Library'=>'લાઇબ્રેરી','Preview Size'=>'પૂર્વાવલોકન કદ','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'અગ્રભાગ પર પરત કરેલ મૂલ્યનો ઉલ્લેખ કરો','Return Value'=>'વળતર મૂલ્ય','Add Image'=>'ચિત્ર ઉમેરો','No image selected'=>'કોઇ ચિત્ર પસંદ નથી કયુઁ','Remove'=>'દૂર કરો','Edit'=>'સંપાદિત કરો','All images'=>'બધી છબીઓ','Update Image'=>'છબી અપડેટ કરો','Edit Image'=>'છબી સંપાદિત કરો','Select Image'=>'છબી પસંદ કરો','Image'=>'છબી','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'HTML માર્કઅપને અનુવાદ બદલે દૃશ્યમાન લખાણ તરીકે પ્રદર્શિત કરવાની મંજૂરી આપો','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'નવી રેખાઓ કેવી રીતે રેન્ડર કરવામાં આવે છે તેનું નિયંત્રણ કરે છે','New Lines'=>'નવી રેખાઓ','The format used when saving a value'=>'મૂલ્ય સાચવતી વખતે વપરાતી ગોઠવણ','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'પૂર્વ','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'આગળ','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'આજે','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'પૂર્ણ','Date Picker'=>'તારીખ પીકર','Width'=>'પહોળાઈ','Enter URL'=>'યુઆરએલ દાખલ કરો','Text shown when inactive'=>'જ્યારે નિષ્ક્રિય હોય ત્યારે લખાણ બતાવવામાં આવે છે','Default Value'=>'મૂળભૂત મૂલ્ય','Message'=>'સંદેશ','No'=>'ના','Yes'=>'હા','True / False'=>'સાચું / ખોટું','Row'=>'પંક્તિ','Table'=>'ટેબલ','Block'=>'બ્લોક','Layout'=>'લેઆઉટ','Group'=>'જૂથ','Height'=>'ઊંચાઈ','Zoom'=>'ઝૂમ','Center'=>'મધ્ય','Find current location'=>'વર્તમાન સ્થાન શોધો','Clear location'=>'સ્થાન સાફ કરો','Search'=>'શોધો','Google Map'=>'ગૂગલે નકશો','Custom:'=>'કસ્ટમ:','Time Picker'=>'તારીખ પીકર','Inactive (%s)'=>'નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)' . "\0" . 'નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ મળ્યાં નથી','No Fields found'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્રો મળ્યાં નથી','Search Fields'=>'શોધ ક્ષેત્રો','View Field'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જુઓ','New Field'=>'નવી ફીલ્ડ','Edit Field'=>'ફીલ્ડ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Field'=>'નવી ફીલ્ડ ઉમેરો','Field'=>'ફિલ્ડ','Fields'=>'ક્ષેત્રો','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી','No Field Groups found'=>'કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી','Search Field Groups'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો શોધો','View Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ જુઓ','New Field Group'=>'નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ','Edit Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સંપાદિત કરો','Add New Field Group'=>'નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ ઉમેરો','Add New'=>'નવું ઉમેરો','Field Group'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ','Field Groups'=>'ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'શક્તિશાળી, વ્યાવસાયિક અને સાહજિક ક્ષેત્રો સાથે વર્ડપ્રેસ ને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરો.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ક્ષેત્રો']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.mo
index ab09b9c9..27fb9a00 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.po
index a0aef680..c92ccf15 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-gu.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: gu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -56,10 +91,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr "વધુ વિગતો માટે કૃપા કરીને તમારા સાઇટ એડમિનિસ્ટ્રેટર અથવા ડેવલપરનો સંપર્ક કરો."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "વધુ જાણો"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr " વિગતો છુપાવો"
@@ -123,10 +154,10 @@ msgstr "4 મહિના મફત"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (%s માંથી ડુપ્લિકેટ)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "વિકલ્પો પૃષ્ઠો પસંદ કરો"
@@ -159,8 +190,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્રો ઉમેરો"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "આ ક્ષેત્ર"
@@ -183,7 +214,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "દ્વારા વિકસિત અને જાળવણી કરવામાં આવે છે"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "પસંદ કરેલ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથોના સ્થાન નિયમોમાં આ %s ઉમેરો."
@@ -322,34 +353,34 @@ msgstr "ACF PRO સાથે અદ્યતન સુવિધાઓને અ
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s ફીલ્ડ"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "કોઈ શરતો નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "કોઈ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "કોઈ પોસ્ટ નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "કોઈ વર્ગીકરણ નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "કોઈ ફીલ્ડ નથી"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "કોઈ વર્ણન નથી"
@@ -782,37 +813,33 @@ msgstr "સમીક્ષા માટે અમાન્ય પોસ્ટ
msgid "More"
msgstr "વધુ"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "ટ્યુટોરીયલ"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "ACF PRO સાથે ઉપલબ્ધ છે"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર પસંદ કરો"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "એક અલગ શોધ શબ્દ અજમાવો અથવા %s બ્રાઉઝ કરો"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "લોકપ્રિય ક્ષેત્રો"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' માટે કોઈ શોધ પરિણામો નથી"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "ફીલ્ડ્સ શોધો..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર પસંદ કરો"
@@ -2387,7 +2414,7 @@ msgstr "ટ્રેકબેક્સ"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "પોસ્ટ પ્રકારની વસ્તુઓનું વર્ગીકરણ કરવા માટે વર્તમાન વર્ગીકરણ પસંદ કરો."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્રો બ્રાઉઝ કરો"
@@ -2438,7 +2465,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "કસ્ટમ પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર UI માંથી આયાત કરો"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2453,15 +2480,15 @@ msgstr ""
"તમારી થીમની functions.php ફાઇલમાં કોપી અને પેસ્ટ કરો અથવા તેને બાહ્ય ફાઇલમાં સમાવિષ્ટ "
"કરો, પછી ACF એડમિન તરફથી આઇટમ્સને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો અથવા કાઢી નાખો."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "નિકાસ - PHP જનરેટ કરો"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "નિકાસ કરો"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2469,7 +2496,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2521,7 +2548,7 @@ msgstr "વર્ગીકરણ કાઢી નાખ્યું."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "વર્ગીકરણ અપડેટ કર્યું."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2531,67 +2558,67 @@ msgstr ""
"અન્ય વર્ગીકરણ દ્વારા ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત."
msgstr[1] "%s વર્ગીકરણ સમન્વયિત."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ."
msgstr[1] "%s વર્ગીકરણ ડુપ્લિકેટ."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય."
msgstr[1] "%s વર્ગીકરણ નિષ્ક્રિય."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય થયું."
msgstr[1] "%s વર્ગીકરણ સક્રિય."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "શરતો"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર સમન્વયિત."
msgstr[1] "%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સમન્વયિત."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર ડુપ્લિકેટ."
msgstr[1] "%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો ડુપ્લિકેટ."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર નિષ્ક્રિય."
msgstr[1] "%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો નિષ્ક્રિય કર્યા."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર સક્રિય કર્યો."
msgstr[1] "%s પોસ્ટ પ્રકારો સક્રિય થયા."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2609,7 +2636,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "મૂળભૂત સેટિંગ્સ"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2623,7 +2650,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "પૃષ્ઠો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "હાલના ફીલ્ડ જૂથોને લિંક કરો"
@@ -2667,16 +2694,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "પોસ્ટનો પ્રકાર કાઢી નાખ્યો."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "શોધવા માટે ટાઇપ કરો..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "માત્ર પ્રો"
@@ -2699,74 +2726,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "વર્ગીકરણ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "પૂર્ણ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "પરવાનગીઓ"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URLs"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "દૃશ્યતા"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "લેબલ્સ"
@@ -2787,14 +2814,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[એસીએફ શોર્ટકોડ મૂલ્ય પૂર્વાવલોકન માટે અક્ષમ કર્યું]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "મોડલ બંધ કરો"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "ફિલ્ડ અન્ય જૂથમાં ખસેડવામાં આવ્યું"
@@ -2968,8 +2995,8 @@ msgstr "રજૂઆત"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "સામાન્ય"
@@ -2977,49 +3004,49 @@ msgstr "સામાન્ય"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "નિષ્ક્રિય"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "આ આઇટમ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "સક્રિય કરો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "આ આઇટમ સક્રિય કરો"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3032,7 +3059,7 @@ msgstr "નિષ્ક્રિય"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3040,7 +3067,7 @@ msgstr ""
"અદ્યતન કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ અને એડવાન્સ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ PRO એક જ સમયે સક્રિય ન હોવા જોઈએ. અમે "
"એડવાન્સ્ડ કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ્સ પ્રોને આપમેળે નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દીધું છે."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3120,7 +3147,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "પ્રો પર અપગ્રેડ કરો"
@@ -3172,8 +3199,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "જોડાણો"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3183,7 +3210,7 @@ msgstr "વર્ગીકરણ"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3202,49 +3229,49 @@ msgstr "માફ કરશો, આ પોસ્ટ અલગ સરખામણ
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "અમાન્ય ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ પરિમાણ(ઓ)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "સેવ પ્રતીક્ષામાં છે"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "સેવ થયેલ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "આયાત"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "સ્થિત થયેલ છે: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "વિવિધ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "સમન્વય ફેરફારો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "તફાવત લોડ કરી રહ્યું છે"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "સ્થાનિક JSON ફેરફારોની સમીક્ષા કરો"
@@ -3489,7 +3516,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr ""
@@ -3498,9 +3525,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "and"
msgstr "અને"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr ""
@@ -3689,9 +3716,9 @@ msgstr "સ્ટાઇલ"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "પ્રકાર"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "ચાવી"
@@ -3702,23 +3729,23 @@ msgstr "ચાવી"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "ઓર્ડર"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "પહોળાઈ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr ""
@@ -3726,68 +3753,68 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Required"
msgstr "જરૂરી?"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર પ્રકાર"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્રનું નામ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "ફીલ્ડ લેબલ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "કાઢી નાખો"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "ફિલ્ડ કાઢી નાખો"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "ખસેડો"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "ફાઇલ સંપાદિત કરો"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr ""
@@ -3883,15 +3910,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "નિયમો"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "કૉપિ થઇ ગયું"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3902,22 +3929,22 @@ msgstr ""
"ફાઇલમાં નિકાસ કરવા માટે JSON તરીકે નિકાસ કરો જે પછી તમે અન્ય ACF સ્થાપનમાં આયાત કરી "
"શકો છો. PHP કોડ પર નિકાસ કરવા માટે PHP ઉત્પન્ન કરો જેને તમે તમારી થીમમાં મૂકી શકો છો."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -3943,22 +3970,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "સમન્વય"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "%s પસંદ કરો"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "ડુપ્લિકેટ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr ""
@@ -3966,13 +3993,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "માર્ગદર્શિકા"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3981,26 +4009,26 @@ msgstr "માર્ગદર્શિકા"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "વર્ણન"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "સક્રિય (%s)"
@@ -4041,7 +4069,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s ક્ષેત્ર હવે %2$s ક્ષેત્ર જૂ
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4056,7 +4084,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "સેટિંગ્સ"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "સ્થાન"
@@ -4068,14 +4096,14 @@ msgstr "શૂન્ય"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "નકલ"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(આ ક્ષેત્ર)"
@@ -4086,14 +4114,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "ચકાસાયેલ"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "કસ્ટમ ફીલ્ડ ખસેડો"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "કોઈ ટૉગલ ફીલ્ડ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી"
@@ -4102,14 +4130,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ શીર્ષક આવશ્યક છે"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "જ્યાં સુધી તેના ફેરફારો સાચવવામાં ન આવે ત્યાં સુધી આ ક્ષેત્ર ખસેડી શકાતું નથી"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "શબ્દમાળા \"field_\" નો ઉપયોગ ક્ષેત્રના નામની શરૂઆતમાં થઈ શકશે નહીં"
@@ -4277,8 +4305,8 @@ msgstr "કોઈ મૂલ્ય નથી"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "કોઈપણ મૂલ્ય ધરાવે છે"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "રદ"
@@ -4288,24 +4316,24 @@ msgstr "રદ"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "શું તમને ખાતરી છે?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr ""
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr ""
@@ -4341,8 +4369,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "સંપાદિત કરો"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "જો તમે આ પૃષ્ઠ છોડીને જશો તો તમે કરેલા ફેરફારો ખોવાઈ જશે"
@@ -4355,10 +4383,10 @@ msgstr "ફાઇલનો પ્રકાર %s હોવો આવશ્યક
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "અથવા"
@@ -4408,8 +4436,8 @@ msgstr "થંબનેલ"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(લેબલ નથી)"
@@ -5372,7 +5400,7 @@ msgstr "કોઇ ચિત્ર પસંદ નથી કયુઁ"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "દૂર કરો"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5691,92 +5719,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "તારીખ પીકર"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)"
msgstr[1] "નિષ્ક્રિય (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ મળ્યાં નથી"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "કોઈ ક્ષેત્રો મળ્યાં નથી"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "શોધ ક્ષેત્રો"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જુઓ"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "નવી ફીલ્ડ"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "ફીલ્ડ સંપાદિત કરો"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "નવી ફીલ્ડ ઉમેરો"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "ફિલ્ડ"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્રો"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "ટ્રેશમાં કોઈ ફીલ્ડ જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "કોઈ ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો મળ્યાં નથી"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો શોધો"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ જુઓ"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ સંપાદિત કરો"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "નવું ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ ઉમેરો"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "નવું ઉમેરો"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથ"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "ક્ષેત્ર જૂથો"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.l10n.php
index ece58b62..18af6e86 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'he_IL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'שדות מיוחדים מתקדמים פרו','Block type name is required.'=>'ערך %s נדרש','%s settings'=>'הגדרות','Options'=>'אפשרויות','Update'=>'עדכון','Options Updated'=>'האפשרויות עודכנו','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'כדי לאפשר עדכונים, בבקשה הקלד את מפתח הרשיון שלך בדף העדכונים. אם אין לך מפתח רשיון, בבקשה עבור לדף פרטים ומחירים','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Check Again'=>'בדיקה חוזרת','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Publish'=>'פורסם','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'אף קבוצת שדות לא נמצאה בפח. יצירת קבוצת שדות מיוחדים','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Updates'=>'עדכונים','Fields'=>'שדות','Display'=>'תצוגה','Layout'=>'פריסת תוכן','Block'=>'בלוק','Table'=>'טבלה','Row'=>'שורה','(no title)'=>'(אין כותרת)','Flexible Content'=>'תוכן גמיש','Add Row'=>'הוספת שורה חדשה','layout'=>'פריסה' . "\0" . 'פריסה','layouts'=>'פריסות','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'שדה זה דורש לפחות {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'לשדה זה יש מגבלה של {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} זמינים (מקסימום {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} נדרש (מינימום {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'דרושה לפחות פריסה אחת לתוכן הגמיש','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'לחצו על כפתור "%s" שלמטה כדי להתחיל ביצירת הפריסה','Drag to reorder'=>'גרור ושחרר לסידור מחדש','Add layout'=>'הוספת פריסה','Duplicate layout'=>'שכפול פריסת תוכן','Remove layout'=>'הסרת פריסה','Delete Layout'=>'מחיקת פריסת תוכן','Duplicate Layout'=>'שכפול פריסת תוכן','Add New Layout'=>'הוספת פריסת תוכן חדשה','Add Layout'=>'הוספת פריסה','Label'=>'תווית','Name'=>'שם','Min'=>'מינימום','Max'=>'מקסימום','Minimum Layouts'=>'מינימום פריסות','Maximum Layouts'=>'מקסימום פריסות','Button Label'=>'תווית כפתור','Gallery'=>'גלריה','Add Image to Gallery'=>'הוספת תמונה לגלריה','Maximum selection reached'=>'הגעתם למקסימום בחירה','Length'=>'אורך','Edit'=>'עריכה','Remove'=>'הסר','Title'=>'כותרת','Description'=>'תיאור','Add to gallery'=>'הוספה לגלריה','Bulk actions'=>'עריכה קבוצתית','Sort by date uploaded'=>'מיון לפי תאריך העלאה','Sort by date modified'=>'מיון לפי תאריך שינוי','Sort by title'=>'מיון לפי כותרת','Reverse current order'=>'הפוך סדר נוכחי','Close'=>'סגור','Return Format'=>'פורמט חוזר','Image Array'=>'מערך תמונות','Image URL'=>'כתובת אינטרנט של התמונה','Image ID'=>'מזהה ייחודי של תמונה','Library'=>'ספריה','Limit the media library choice'=>'הגבלת אפשרויות ספריית המדיה','All'=>'הכל','Uploaded to post'=>'הועלה לפוסט','Minimum Selection'=>'מינימום בחירה','Maximum Selection'=>'מקסימום בחירה','Height'=>'גובה','Preview Size'=>'גודל תצוגה','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s מחייב לפחות בחירה %s' . "\0" . '%s מחייב לפחות בחירה %s','Repeater'=>'שדה חזרה','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'הגעתם למינימום שורות האפשרי ({min} שורות)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'הגעתם למקסימום שורות האפשרי ({max} שורות)','Error loading page'=>'שגיאה בבקשת האימות','Sub Fields'=>'שדות משנה','Pagination'=>'מיקום','Rows Per Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','Minimum Rows'=>'מינימום שורות','Maximum Rows'=>'מקסימום שורות','Click to reorder'=>'גרור ושחרר לסידור מחדש','Add row'=>'הוספת שורה','Duplicate row'=>'שיכפול','Remove row'=>'הסרת שורה','Current Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','First Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','Previous Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','Next Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','Last Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','No block types exist'=>'לא קיים דף אפשרויות','Options Page'=>'עמוד אפשרויות','No options pages exist'=>'לא קיים דף אפשרויות','Deactivate License'=>'ביטול הפעלת רשיון','Activate License'=>'הפעל את הרשיון','License Key'=>'מפתח רשיון','Retry Activation'=>'אימות נתונים משופר','Update Information'=>'מידע על העדכון','Current Version'=>'גרסה נוכחית','Latest Version'=>'גרסה אחרונה','Update Available'=>'יש עדכון זמין','No'=>'לא','Yes'=>'כן','Upgrade Notice'=>'הודעת שדרוג','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'הקלד בבקשה את מפתח הרשיון שלך לעיל כדי לשחרר את נעילת העדכונים','Update Plugin'=>'עדכון התוסף','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'הקלד בבקשה את מפתח הרשיון שלך לעיל כדי לשחרר את נעילת העדכונים']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'he_IL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'שדות מיוחדים מתקדמים פרו','Block type name is required.'=>'ערך %s נדרש','%s settings'=>'הגדרות','Options'=>'אפשרויות','Update'=>'עדכון','Options Updated'=>'האפשרויות עודכנו','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'כדי לאפשר עדכונים, בבקשה הקלד את מפתח הרשיון שלך בדף העדכונים. אם אין לך מפתח רשיון, בבקשה עבור לדף פרטים ומחירים','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Check Again'=>'בדיקה חוזרת','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Publish'=>'פורסם','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'אף קבוצת שדות לא נמצאה בפח. יצירת קבוצת שדות מיוחדים','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'שגיאה. החיבור לשרת העדכון נכשל','Updates'=>'עדכונים','Fields'=>'שדות','Display'=>'תצוגה','Layout'=>'פריסת תוכן','Block'=>'בלוק','Table'=>'טבלה','Row'=>'שורה','(no title)'=>'(אין כותרת)','Flexible Content'=>'תוכן גמיש','Add Row'=>'הוספת שורה חדשה','layout'=>'פריסה' . "\0" . 'פריסה','layouts'=>'פריסות','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'שדה זה דורש לפחות {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'לשדה זה יש מגבלה של {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} זמינים (מקסימום {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} נדרש (מינימום {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'דרושה לפחות פריסה אחת לתוכן הגמיש','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'לחצו על כפתור "%s" שלמטה כדי להתחיל ביצירת הפריסה','Drag to reorder'=>'גרור ושחרר לסידור מחדש','Add layout'=>'הוספת פריסה','Duplicate layout'=>'שכפול פריסת תוכן','Remove layout'=>'הסרת פריסה','Delete Layout'=>'מחיקת פריסת תוכן','Duplicate Layout'=>'שכפול פריסת תוכן','Add New Layout'=>'הוספת פריסת תוכן חדשה','Add Layout'=>'הוספת פריסה','Label'=>'תווית','Name'=>'שם','Min'=>'מינימום','Max'=>'מקסימום','Minimum Layouts'=>'מינימום פריסות','Maximum Layouts'=>'מקסימום פריסות','Button Label'=>'תווית כפתור','Gallery'=>'גלריה','Add Image to Gallery'=>'הוספת תמונה לגלריה','Maximum selection reached'=>'הגעתם למקסימום בחירה','Length'=>'אורך','Edit'=>'עריכה','Remove'=>'הסר','Title'=>'כותרת','Description'=>'תיאור','Add to gallery'=>'הוספה לגלריה','Bulk actions'=>'עריכה קבוצתית','Sort by date uploaded'=>'מיון לפי תאריך העלאה','Sort by date modified'=>'מיון לפי תאריך שינוי','Sort by title'=>'מיון לפי כותרת','Reverse current order'=>'הפוך סדר נוכחי','Close'=>'סגור','Return Format'=>'פורמט חוזר','Image Array'=>'מערך תמונות','Image URL'=>'כתובת אינטרנט של התמונה','Image ID'=>'מזהה ייחודי של תמונה','Library'=>'ספריה','Limit the media library choice'=>'הגבלת אפשרויות ספריית המדיה','All'=>'הכל','Uploaded to post'=>'הועלה לפוסט','Minimum Selection'=>'מינימום בחירה','Maximum Selection'=>'מקסימום בחירה','Height'=>'גובה','Preview Size'=>'גודל תצוגה','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s מחייב לפחות בחירה %s' . "\0" . '%s מחייב לפחות בחירה %s','Repeater'=>'שדה חזרה','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'הגעתם למינימום שורות האפשרי ({min} שורות)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'הגעתם למקסימום שורות האפשרי ({max} שורות)','Error loading page'=>'שגיאה בבקשת האימות','Sub Fields'=>'שדות משנה','Pagination'=>'מיקום','Rows Per Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','Minimum Rows'=>'מינימום שורות','Maximum Rows'=>'מקסימום שורות','Click to reorder'=>'גרור ושחרר לסידור מחדש','Add row'=>'הוספת שורה','Duplicate row'=>'שיכפול','Remove row'=>'הסרת שורה','Current Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','First Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','Previous Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','Next Page'=>'עמוד ראשי','Last Page'=>'עמוד פוסטים','No block types exist'=>'לא קיים דף אפשרויות','Options Page'=>'עמוד אפשרויות','No options pages exist'=>'לא קיים דף אפשרויות','Deactivate License'=>'ביטול הפעלת רשיון','Activate License'=>'הפעל את הרשיון','License Key'=>'מפתח רשיון','Retry Activation'=>'אימות נתונים משופר','Update Information'=>'מידע על העדכון','Current Version'=>'גרסה נוכחית','Latest Version'=>'גרסה אחרונה','Update Available'=>'יש עדכון זמין','No'=>'לא','Yes'=>'כן','Upgrade Notice'=>'הודעת שדרוג','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'הקלד בבקשה את מפתח הרשיון שלך לעיל כדי לשחרר את נעילת העדכונים','Update Plugin'=>'עדכון התוסף','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'הקלד בבקשה את מפתח הרשיון שלך לעיל כדי לשחרר את נעילת העדכונים']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.mo
index a9c3a936..ba29cc0b 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.po
index d4dea5c2..25461e17 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-he_IL.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: he_IL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.l10n.php
index 323ee71f..a4f27aa4 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'hr','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'%s polja','No terms'=>'Nema uvjeta','No post types'=>'Nema vrste objava','No posts'=>'Nema objava','No taxonomies'=>'Nema taksonomije','No field groups'=>'Nema grupa polja','No fields'=>'Nema polja','No description'=>'Nema opisa','Any post status'=>'Bilo koji status objave','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ taksonomije već koristi druga taksonomija registrirana izvan ACF-a i ne može se koristiti.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ taksonomije već koristi druga taksonomija u ACF-u i ne može se koristiti.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Taksonomski ključ smije sadržavati samo mala slova, alfanumeričke znakove, podvlake ili crtice.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nema taksonomija pronađenih u smeću','No Taxonomies found'=>'Taksonomije nisu pronađene','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pretražite taksonomije','View Taxonomy'=>'Pregledaj taksonomije','New Taxonomy'=>'Nove taksonomije','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Uredi taksonomije','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj nove taksonomije','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nema vrsta objava pronađenih u smeću','No Post Types found'=>'Nema pronađenih vrsta objava','Search Post Types'=>'Pretraži vrste objava','View Post Type'=>'Pregledaj vrste objava','New Post Type'=>'Nove vrste objava','Edit Post Type'=>'Uredi vrste objava','Add New Post Type'=>'Dodaj nove vrste objava','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ vrste objave već koristi druga vrsta objave registrirane izvan ACF-a i ne može se koristiti.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ vrste objave već koristi druga vrsta objave u ACF-u i ne može se koristiti.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Ovo polje ne smije biti WordPress rezervirani pojam.','nounClone'=>'Kloniraj','Updates'=>'Ažuriranja','Options'=>'Postavke','Import'=>'Uvoz','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Tip korisnika','Comment'=>'Komentar','Post Format'=>'Format objave','Menu Item'=>'Stavka izbornika','Post Status'=>'Status objave','Menus'=>'Izbornici','Menu Locations'=>'Lokacije izbornika','Menu'=>'Izbornik','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomija objave','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pod-stranica (Ima matičnu stranicu)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Matičan stranica (Ima podstranice)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Matična stranica (Nije podstranica)','Posts Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Front Page'=>'Početna stranica','Page Type'=>'Tip stranice','Viewing back end'=>'Prikazuje administracijki dio','Viewing front end'=>'Prikazuje web stranicu','Logged in'=>'Prijavljen','Current User'=>'Trenutni korisnik','Page Template'=>'Predložak stranice','Register'=>'Registriraj','Add / Edit'=>'Dodaj / Uredi','User Form'=>'Korisnički obrazac','Page Parent'=>'Matična stranica','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Trenutni tip korisnika','Default Template'=>'Zadani predložak','Post Template'=>'Predložak stranice','Post Category'=>'Kategorija objave','All %s formats'=>'Svi oblici %s','Attachment'=>'Prilog','%s value is required'=>'%s je obavezno','Show this field if'=>'Prikaži polje ako','Conditional Logic'=>'Uvjet za prikaz','and'=>'i','Local JSON'=>'Učitavanje polja iz JSON datoteke','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Potrebno je nadograditi bazu podataka','Options Page'=>'Postavke','Gallery'=>'Galerija','Flexible Content'=>'Fleksibilno polje','Repeater'=>'Ponavljajuće polje','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Ukoliko je više skupova polja prikazano na istom ekranu, postavke prvog skupa polja će biti korištene (postavke polja sa nižim brojem u redosljedu)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Odaberite koje grupe želite sakriti prilikom uređivanja.','Hide on screen'=>'Sakrij','Send Trackbacks'=>'Pošalji povratnu vezu','Tags'=>'Oznake','Categories'=>'Kategorije','Page Attributes'=>'Atributi stranice','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revizija','Comments'=>'Komentari','Discussion'=>'Rasprava','Excerpt'=>'Izvadak','Content Editor'=>'Uređivač sadržaja','Permalink'=>'Stalna veza','Shown in field group list'=>'Vidljivo u popisu','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Skup polja sa nižim brojem će biti više pozicioniran','Order No.'=>'Redni broj.','Below fields'=>'Iznad oznake','Below labels'=>'Ispod oznake','Instruction Placement'=>'Pozicija uputa','Label Placement'=>'Pozicija oznake','Side'=>'Desni stupac','Normal (after content)'=>'Normalno (nakon saržaja)','High (after title)'=>'Visoko (nakon naslova)','Position'=>'Pozicija','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Zadano (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tip','Key'=>'Ključ','Order'=>'Redni broj','Close Field'=>'Zatvori polje','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasa','width'=>'širina','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Značajke prethodnog elementa','Required'=>'Obavezno?','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Upute priliko uređivanja. Vidljivo prilikom spremanja podataka','Instructions'=>'Upute','Field Type'=>'Tip polja','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Jedna riječ, bez razmaka. Povlaka i donja crta su dozvoljeni','Field Name'=>'Naziv polja','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Naziv koji se prikazuje prilikom uređivanja stranice','Field Label'=>'Naziv polja','Delete'=>'Obriši','Delete field'=>'Obriši polje','Move'=>'Premjesti','Move field to another group'=>'Premjeti polje u drugu skupinu','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliciraj polje','Edit field'=>'Uredi polje','Drag to reorder'=>'Presloži polja povlačenjem','Show this field group if'=>'Prikaži ovaj skup polja ako','No updates available.'=>'Nema novih nadogradnji.','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Učitavam podatke za nadogradnju…','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Nadogradnja na verziju %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Prije nego nastavite preporučamo da napravite sigurnosnu kopiju baze podataka. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti ažuriranje?','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Baza podataka je nadograđena. Kliknite ovdje za povratak na administraciju WordPress mreže','Site is up to date'=>'Nema novih ažuriranja za web stranica','Site'=>'Web stranica','Upgrade Sites'=>'Ažuriraj stranice','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Ažuriranje baze podatak dovršeno. Provjerite koje web stranice u svojoj mreži želite nadograditi i zatim kliknite %s.','Add rule group'=>'Dodaj skup pravila','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Odaberite pravila koja određuju koji prikaz će koristiti ACF polja','Rules'=>'Pravila','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopiraj u međuspremnik','Select Field Groups'=>'Odaberite skup polja','No field groups selected'=>'Niste odabrali polje','Generate PHP'=>'Generiraj PHP kod','Export Field Groups'=>'Izvezi skup polja','Import file empty'=>'Odabrana datoteka za uvoz ne sadrži','Incorrect file type'=>'Nedozvoljeni format datoteke','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Greška prilikom prijenosa datoteke, molimo pokušaj ponovno','Import Field Groups'=>'Uvoz skupa polja','Sync'=>'Sinkroniziraj','Select %s'=>'Odaberi %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliciraj','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliciraj','Description'=>'Opis','Sync available'=>'Sinkronizacija dostupna','Active (%s)'=>'Aktivno (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktivno (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktivno (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Pregledaj stranice i nadogradi','Upgrade Database'=>'Nadogradi bazu podataka','Custom Fields'=>'Dodatna polja','Move Field'=>'Premjesti polje','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Odaberite lokaciju za ovo polje','Move Complete.'=>'Premještanje dovršeno.','Active'=>'Aktivan','Field Keys'=>'Oznaka polja','Settings'=>'Postavke','Location'=>'Lokacija','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopiraj','Move Custom Field'=>'Premjesti polje','No toggle fields available'=>'Nema polja koji omoguću korisniku odabir','Field group title is required'=>'Naziv polja je obavezna','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Potrebno je spremiti izmjene prije nego možete premjestiti polje','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Polje ne može započinjati sa “field_”, odabrite drugi naziv','Field group draft updated.'=>'Skica ažurirana.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Skup polja je označen za.','Field group submitted.'=>'Skup polja je spremljen.','Field group saved.'=>'Skup polja spremljen.','Field group published.'=>'Skup polja objavljen.','Field group deleted.'=>'Skup polja izbrisan.','Field group updated.'=>'Skup polja ažuriran.','Tools'=>'Alati','is not equal to'=>'je drukčije','is equal to'=>'je jednako','Forms'=>'Forme','Page'=>'Stranice','Post'=>'Objava','Relational'=>'Relacijski','Choice'=>'Odabir','Basic'=>'Osnovno','Unknown'=>'Nepoznato polje','Field type does not exist'=>'Tip polja ne postoji','Spam Detected'=>'Spam','Post updated'=>'Objava ažurirana','Update'=>'Ažuriraj','Validate Email'=>'Verificiraj email','Content'=>'Sadržaj','Title'=>'Naziv','Edit field group'=>'Uredi skup polja','Cancel'=>'Otkaži','Are you sure?'=>'Jeste li sigurni?','%d fields require attention'=>'Nekoliko polja treba vašu pažnje: %d','1 field requires attention'=>'1 polje treba vašu pažnju','Validation failed'=>'Verifikacija nije uspjela','Validation successful'=>'Uspješna verifikacija','Restricted'=>'Ograničen pristup','Collapse Details'=>'Sakrij detalje','Expand Details'=>'Prošireni prikaz','Uploaded to this post'=>'Postavljeno uz ovu objavu','verbUpdate'=>'Ažuriraj','verbEdit'=>'Uredi','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Izmjene koje ste napravili bit će izgubljene ukoliko napustite ovu stranicu','File type must be %s.'=>'Tip datoteke mora biti %s.','or'=>'ili','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Veličina datoteke mora biti najmanje %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Visina slike ne smije biti veća od %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Visina slike mora biti najmanje %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Širina slike ne smije biti veća od %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Širina slike mora biti najmanje %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(bez naziva)','Full Size'=>'Puna veličina','Large'=>'Velika','Medium'=>'Srednja','Thumbnail'=>'Sličica','Sets the textarea height'=>'Podesi visinu tekstualnog polja','Rows'=>'Broj redova','Text Area'=>'Tekst polje','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Dodaj okvir za izbor koji omogućje odabir svih opcija','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spremi ‘dodatne’ vrijednosti i prikaži ih omogući njihov odabir','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Omogući ‘dodatne’ vrijednosti','Add new choice'=>'Dodaj odabir','Toggle All'=>'Sakrij sve','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Omogući odabir arhive tipova','Archives'=>'Arhiva','Page Link'=>'URL stranice','Add'=>'Dodaj','Name'=>'Naziv','%s added'=>'Dodano: %s','%s already exists'=>'%s već postoji','User unable to add new %s'=>'Korisnik nije u mogućnosti dodati %s','Term ID'=>'Vrijednost kao: ID pojma','Term Object'=>'Vrijednost pojma kao objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Učitaj pojmove iz objave','Load Terms'=>'Učitaj pojmove','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Spoji odabrane pojmove sa objavom','Save Terms'=>'Spremi pojmove','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Omogući kreiranje pojmova prilikom uređivanja','Create Terms'=>'Kreiraj pojmove','Radio Buttons'=>'Radiogumbi','Single Value'=>'Jedan odabir','Multi Select'=>'Više odabira','Checkbox'=>'Skup dugmadi','Multiple Values'=>'Omogući odabir više vrijednosti','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Odaberite izgled polja','Appearance'=>'Prikaz','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Odaberite taksonomiju za prikaz','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nema %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Unešena vrijednost mora biti jednaka ili niža od %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Unešena vrijednost mora biti jednaka ili viša od %d','Value must be a number'=>'Vrijednost mora biti broj','Number'=>'Broj','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spremi ostale vrijednosti i omogući njihov odabir','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Dodaj odabir ’ostalo’ za slobodan unost','Other'=>'Drugo','Radio Button'=>'Radiogumb','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Preciziraj prijelomnu točku za prethoda polja accordion. Ovo će omogućiti novi skup polja nakon prijelomne točke.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Omogući prikaz ovog accordion polja bez zatvaranje ostalih.','Multi-Expand'=>'Mulit-proširenje','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Prikaži accordion polje kao otvoreno prilikom učitavanja.','Open'=>'Otvori','Accordion'=>'Multi prošireno','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Ograniči tip datoteka koji se smije uvesti','File ID'=>'Vrijednost kao ID','File URL'=>'Putanja datoteke','File Array'=>'Vrijednost kao niz','Add File'=>'Dodaj datoteku','No file selected'=>'Niste odabrali datoteku','File name'=>'Naziv datoteke','Update File'=>'Ažuriraj datoteku','Edit File'=>'Uredi datoteku','Select File'=>'Odaberite datoteku','File'=>'Datoteka','Password'=>'Lozinka','Specify the value returned'=>'Preciziraj vrijednost za povrat','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Asinkrono učitaj dostupne odabire?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Unesite svaku novu vrijednost u zasebnu liniju','verbSelect'=>'Odaberi','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Neuspješno učitavanje','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Pretražujem…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Učitavam rezultate…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Odabir opcija je ograničen na najviše %d','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Moguće je odabrati samo jednu opciju','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Molimo obrišite višak znakova - %d znak(ova) je višak','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Molimo obrišite 1 znak','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Molimo unesite najmanje %d ili više znakova','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Molimo unesite 1 ili više znakova','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nema rezultata','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d rezultata dostupno, za pomicanje koristite strelice gore/dole.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Jedan rezultat dostupan, pritisnite enter za odabir.','nounSelect'=>'Odaberi','All user roles'=>'Sve uloge','Filter by Role'=>'Filtar prema ulozi','User'=>'Korisnik','Separator'=>'Razdjelnik','Select Color'=>'Odaberite boju','Default'=>'Zadano','Clear'=>'Ukloni','Color Picker'=>'Odabir boje','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Odaberi','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Završeno','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Vremenska zona','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunda','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisekunda','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunda','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuta','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Sat','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Vrijeme','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Odaberi vrijeme','Date Time Picker'=>'Odabir datuma i sata','Endpoint'=>'Prijelomna točka','Left aligned'=>'Lijevo poravnato','Top aligned'=>'Poravnato sa vrhom','Placement'=>'Pozicija','Tab'=>'Kartica','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Vrijednost molja biti valjana','Link URL'=>'Putanja poveznice','Link Array'=>'Vrijednost kao niz','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Otvori u novom prozoru/kartici','Select Link'=>'Odaberite poveznicu','Link'=>'Poveznica','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Korak','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum','Range'=>'Raspon','Both (Array)'=>'Oboje (podatkovni niz)','Label'=>'Oznaka','Value'=>'Vrijednost','Vertical'=>'Vertikalno','Horizontal'=>'Horizontalno','red : Red'=>'crvena : Crvena','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Za bolju kontrolu unesite oboje, vrijednost i naziv, kao npr:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Svaki odabir je potrebno dodati kao novi red.','Choices'=>'Mogući odabiri','Button Group'=>'Skup dugmadi','Allow Null'=>'Dozvoli null vrijednost?','Parent'=>'Matični','Delay Initialization'=>'Odgodi učitavanje?','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Prikaži gumb za odabir datoteka?','Toolbar'=>'Alatna traka','Text Only'=>'Samo tekstualno','Visual Only'=>'Samo vizualni','Visual & Text'=>'Vizualno i tekstualno','Tabs'=>'Kartice','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Aktiviraj vizualno uređivanje na klik','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst polje','Visual'=>'Vizualno','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Ostavite prazno za neograničeno','Character Limit'=>'Ograniči broj znakova','Appears after the input'=>'Prikazuje se iza polja','Append'=>'Umetni na kraj','Appears before the input'=>'Prijazuje se ispred polja','Prepend'=>'Umetni ispred','Appears within the input'=>'Prikazuje se unutar polja','Placeholder Text'=>'Zadana vrijednost','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Prikazuje se prilikom kreiranje nove objave','Text'=>'Tekst','Post ID'=>'ID objave','Post Object'=>'Objekt','Featured Image'=>'Istaknuta slika','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Odabrani elementi bit će prikazani u svakom rezultatu','Elements'=>'Elementi','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomija','Post Type'=>'Tip objave','Filters'=>'Filteri','All taxonomies'=>'Sve taksonomije','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtriraj prema taksonomiji','All post types'=>'Svi tipovi','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtriraj po tipu objave','Search...'=>'Pretraga…','Select taxonomy'=>'Odebarite taksonomiju','Select post type'=>'Odaberi vrstu objave','No matches found'=>'Nema rezultata','Loading'=>'Učitavanje','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Već ste dodali najviše dozvoljenih vrijednosti (najviše: {max})','Relationship'=>'Veza','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Dodaj kao niz odvojen zarezom, npr: .txt, .jpg, ... Ukoliko je prazno, sve datoteke su dozvoljene','Allowed File Types'=>'Dozvoljeni tipovi datoteka','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Veličina datoteke','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Ograniči koje slike mogu biti dodane','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Dodani uz trenutnu objavu','All'=>'Sve','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ograniči odabir iz zbirke','Library'=>'Zbirka','Preview Size'=>'Veličina prikaza prilikom uređivanja stranice','Image ID'=>'ID slike','Image URL'=>'Putanja slike','Image Array'=>'Podaci kao niz','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Vrijednost koja će biti vraćena na pristupnom dijelu','Return Value'=>'Vrati vrijednost','Add Image'=>'Dodaj sliku','No image selected'=>'Nema odabranih slika','Remove'=>'Ukloni','Edit'=>'Uredi','All images'=>'Sve slike','Update Image'=>'Ažuriraj sliku','Edit Image'=>'Uredi sliku','Select Image'=>'Odaberi sliku','Image'=>'Slika','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Prikažite HTML kodove kao tekst umjesto iscrtavanja','Escape HTML'=>'Onemogući HTML','No Formatting'=>'Bez obrade','Automatically add <br>'=>'Dodaj novi red - <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Dodaj paragraf','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Određuje način prikaza novih linija','New Lines'=>'Broj linija','Week Starts On'=>'Tjedan počinje','The format used when saving a value'=>'Format koji će biti spremljen','Save Format'=>'Spremi format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Tjedan','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prethodni','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Slijedeći','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Danas','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Završeno','Date Picker'=>'Odabir datuma','Width'=>'Širina','Embed Size'=>'Dimenzija umetka','Enter URL'=>'Poveznica','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst prikazan dok je polje neaktivno','Off Text'=>'Tekst za neaktivno stanje','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst prikazan dok je polje aktivno','On Text'=>'Tekst za aktivno stanje','Stylized UI'=>'Stilizirano sučelje','Default Value'=>'Zadana vrijednost','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Prikazuje tekst uz odabirni okvir','Message'=>'Poruka','No'=>'Ne','Yes'=>'Da','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Red','Table'=>'Tablica','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Odaberite način prikaza odabranih polja','Layout'=>'Format','Sub Fields'=>'Pod polja','Group'=>'Skup polja','Height'=>'Visina','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Postavi zadanu vrijednost uvećanja','Zoom'=>'Uvećaj','Center the initial map'=>'Centriraj prilikom učitavanja','Center'=>'Centriraj','Search for address...'=>'Pretraži po adresi...','Find current location'=>'Pronađi trenutnu lokaciju','Clear location'=>'Ukloni lokaciju','Search'=>'Pretraži','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Nažalost, ovaj preglednik ne podržava geo lociranje','Google Map'=>'Google mapa','The format returned via template functions'=>'Format koji vraća funkcija','Return Format'=>'Format za prikaz na web stranici','Custom:'=>'Prilagođeno:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format za prikaz prilikom administracije','Display Format'=>'Format prikaza','Time Picker'=>'Odabri vremena (sat i minute)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nije pronađeno nijedno polje u smeću','No Fields found'=>'Nije pronađeno nijedno polje','Search Fields'=>'Pretraži polja','View Field'=>'Pregledaj polje','New Field'=>'Dodaj polje','Edit Field'=>'Uredi polje','Add New Field'=>'Dodaj polje','Field'=>'Polje','Fields'=>'Polja','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nije pronađena nijedna stranica','No Field Groups found'=>'Niste dodali nijedno polje','Search Field Groups'=>'Pretraži polja','View Field Group'=>'Pregledaj polje','New Field Group'=>'Novo polje','Edit Field Group'=>'Uredi polje','Add New Field Group'=>'Dodaj novo polje','Add New'=>'Dodaj','Field Group'=>'Grupa polja','Field Groups'=>'Grupe polja','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s je obavezno','%s settings'=>'Postavke','Options Updated'=>'Postavke spremljene','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Da bi omogućili automatsko ažuriranje, molimo unesite licencu na stranici ažuriranja. Ukoliko nemate licencu, pogledajte opcije i cijene.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Check Again'=>'Provjeri ponovno','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Publish'=>'Objavi','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Niste dodali nijedan skup polja na ovu stranicu, Dodaj skup polja','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Odaberite jedno ili više polja koja želite klonirati','Display'=>'Prikaz','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Odaberite način prikaza kloniranog polja','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Skupno (Prikazuje odabrana polja kao dodatni skup unutar trenutnog polja)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Zamjena (Prikazuje odabrana polja umjesto trenutnog polja)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Oznake će biti prikazane kao %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Dodaj prefiks ispred oznake','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Vrijednosti će biti spremljene kao %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Dodaj prefiks ispred naziva polja','Unknown field'=>'Nepoznato polje','Unknown field group'=>'Nepoznat skup polja','All fields from %s field group'=>'Sva polje iz %s skupa polja','Add Row'=>'Dodaj red','layout'=>'raspored' . "\0" . 'raspored' . "\0" . 'raspored','layouts'=>'rasporedi','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Polje mora sadržavati najmanje {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Polje je ograničeno na najviše {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} preostalo (najviše {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} obavezno (najmanje {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Potrebno je unijeti najmanje jedno fleksibilni polje','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kliknite “%s” gumb kako bi započeki kreiranje raspored','Add layout'=>'Dodaj razmještaj','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliciraj razmještaj','Remove layout'=>'Ukloni razmještaj','Click to toggle'=>'Klikni za uključivanje/isključivanje','Delete Layout'=>'Obriši','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliciraj razmještaj','Add New Layout'=>'Dodaj novi razmještaj','Add Layout'=>'Dodaj razmještaj','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Najmanje','Maximum Layouts'=>'Najviše','Button Label'=>'Tekst gumba','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Dodaj sliku u galeriju','Maximum selection reached'=>'Već ste dodali najviše dozovoljenih polja','Length'=>'Dužina','Caption'=>'Potpis','Alt Text'=>'Alternativni tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Dodaj u galeriju','Bulk actions'=>'Grupne akcije','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Razvrstaj po datumu dodavanja','Sort by date modified'=>'Razvrstaj po datumu zadnje promjene','Sort by title'=>'Razvrstaj po naslovu','Reverse current order'=>'Obrnuti redosljed','Close'=>'Zatvori','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimalni odabri','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksimalni odabir','Allowed file types'=>'Dozvoljeni tipovi datoteka','Insert'=>'Umetni','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Precizirajte gdje se dodaju novi prilozi','Append to the end'=>'Umetni na kraj','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Umetni na početak','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimalni broj redova je već odabran ({min})','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maksimalni broj redova je već odabran ({max})','Error loading page'=>'Neuspješno učitavanje','Rows Per Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Odaberite taksonomiju za prikaz','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimalno redova','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimalno redova','Collapsed'=>'Sklopljeno','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Odaberite pod polje koje će biti prikazano dok je red sklopljen','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Uredi skup polja','Click to reorder'=>'Presloži polja povlačenjem','Add row'=>'Dodaj red','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliciraj','Remove row'=>'Ukloni red','Current Page'=>'Trenutni korisnik','First Page'=>'Početna stranica','Previous Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Next Page'=>'Početna stranica','Last Page'=>'Stranica za objave','No block types exist'=>'Ne postoji stranica sa postavkama','No options pages exist'=>'Ne postoji stranica sa postavkama','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktiviraj licencu','Activate License'=>'Aktiviraj licencu','License Information'=>'Informacije o licenci','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Da bi omogućili ažuriranje, molimo unesite vašu licencu i polje ispod. Ukoliko ne posjedujete licencu, molimo posjetite detalji i cijene.','License Key'=>'Licenca','Retry Activation'=>'Bolja verifikacija polja','Update Information'=>'Ažuriraj informacije','Current Version'=>'Trenutna vezija','Latest Version'=>'Posljednja dostupna verzija','Update Available'=>'Dostupna nadogradnja','Upgrade Notice'=>'Obavijest od nadogradnjama','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Unesite licencu kako bi mogli izvršiti nadogradnju','Update Plugin'=>'Nadogradi dodatak','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Unesite licencu kako bi mogli izvršiti nadogradnju']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'hr','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'%s polja','No terms'=>'Nema uvjeta','No post types'=>'Nema vrste objava','No posts'=>'Nema objava','No taxonomies'=>'Nema taksonomije','No field groups'=>'Nema grupa polja','No fields'=>'Nema polja','No description'=>'Nema opisa','Any post status'=>'Bilo koji status objave','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ taksonomije već koristi druga taksonomija registrirana izvan ACF-a i ne može se koristiti.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ taksonomije već koristi druga taksonomija u ACF-u i ne može se koristiti.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Taksonomski ključ smije sadržavati samo mala slova, alfanumeričke znakove, podvlake ili crtice.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nema taksonomija pronađenih u smeću','No Taxonomies found'=>'Taksonomije nisu pronađene','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pretražite taksonomije','View Taxonomy'=>'Pregledaj taksonomije','New Taxonomy'=>'Nove taksonomije','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Uredi taksonomije','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj nove taksonomije','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nema vrsta objava pronađenih u smeću','No Post Types found'=>'Nema pronađenih vrsta objava','Search Post Types'=>'Pretraži vrste objava','View Post Type'=>'Pregledaj vrste objava','New Post Type'=>'Nove vrste objava','Edit Post Type'=>'Uredi vrste objava','Add New Post Type'=>'Dodaj nove vrste objava','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ vrste objave već koristi druga vrsta objave registrirane izvan ACF-a i ne može se koristiti.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ovaj ključ vrste objave već koristi druga vrsta objave u ACF-u i ne može se koristiti.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Ovo polje ne smije biti WordPress rezervirani pojam.','nounClone'=>'Kloniraj','Updates'=>'Ažuriranja','Options'=>'Postavke','Import'=>'Uvoz','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Tip korisnika','Comment'=>'Komentar','Post Format'=>'Format objave','Menu Item'=>'Stavka izbornika','Post Status'=>'Status objave','Menus'=>'Izbornici','Menu Locations'=>'Lokacije izbornika','Menu'=>'Izbornik','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomija objave','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pod-stranica (Ima matičnu stranicu)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Matičan stranica (Ima podstranice)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Matična stranica (Nije podstranica)','Posts Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Front Page'=>'Početna stranica','Page Type'=>'Tip stranice','Viewing back end'=>'Prikazuje administracijki dio','Viewing front end'=>'Prikazuje web stranicu','Logged in'=>'Prijavljen','Current User'=>'Trenutni korisnik','Page Template'=>'Predložak stranice','Register'=>'Registriraj','Add / Edit'=>'Dodaj / Uredi','User Form'=>'Korisnički obrazac','Page Parent'=>'Matična stranica','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Trenutni tip korisnika','Default Template'=>'Zadani predložak','Post Template'=>'Predložak stranice','Post Category'=>'Kategorija objave','All %s formats'=>'Svi oblici %s','Attachment'=>'Prilog','%s value is required'=>'%s je obavezno','Show this field if'=>'Prikaži polje ako','Conditional Logic'=>'Uvjet za prikaz','and'=>'i','Local JSON'=>'Učitavanje polja iz JSON datoteke','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Potrebno je nadograditi bazu podataka','Options Page'=>'Postavke','Gallery'=>'Galerija','Flexible Content'=>'Fleksibilno polje','Repeater'=>'Ponavljajuće polje','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Ukoliko je više skupova polja prikazano na istom ekranu, postavke prvog skupa polja će biti korištene (postavke polja sa nižim brojem u redosljedu)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Odaberite koje grupe želite sakriti prilikom uređivanja.','Hide on screen'=>'Sakrij','Send Trackbacks'=>'Pošalji povratnu vezu','Tags'=>'Oznake','Categories'=>'Kategorije','Page Attributes'=>'Atributi stranice','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revizija','Comments'=>'Komentari','Discussion'=>'Rasprava','Excerpt'=>'Izvadak','Content Editor'=>'Uređivač sadržaja','Permalink'=>'Stalna veza','Shown in field group list'=>'Vidljivo u popisu','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Skup polja sa nižim brojem će biti više pozicioniran','Order No.'=>'Redni broj.','Below fields'=>'Iznad oznake','Below labels'=>'Ispod oznake','Instruction Placement'=>'Pozicija uputa','Label Placement'=>'Pozicija oznake','Side'=>'Desni stupac','Normal (after content)'=>'Normalno (nakon saržaja)','High (after title)'=>'Visoko (nakon naslova)','Position'=>'Pozicija','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Zadano (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tip','Key'=>'Ključ','Order'=>'Redni broj','Close Field'=>'Zatvori polje','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasa','width'=>'širina','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Značajke prethodnog elementa','Required'=>'Obavezno?','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Upute priliko uređivanja. Vidljivo prilikom spremanja podataka','Instructions'=>'Upute','Field Type'=>'Tip polja','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Jedna riječ, bez razmaka. Povlaka i donja crta su dozvoljeni','Field Name'=>'Naziv polja','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Naziv koji se prikazuje prilikom uređivanja stranice','Field Label'=>'Naziv polja','Delete'=>'Obriši','Delete field'=>'Obriši polje','Move'=>'Premjesti','Move field to another group'=>'Premjeti polje u drugu skupinu','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliciraj polje','Edit field'=>'Uredi polje','Drag to reorder'=>'Presloži polja povlačenjem','Show this field group if'=>'Prikaži ovaj skup polja ako','No updates available.'=>'Nema novih nadogradnji.','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Učitavam podatke za nadogradnju…','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Nadogradnja na verziju %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Prije nego nastavite preporučamo da napravite sigurnosnu kopiju baze podataka. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti ažuriranje?','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Baza podataka je nadograđena. Kliknite ovdje za povratak na administraciju WordPress mreže','Site is up to date'=>'Nema novih ažuriranja za web stranica','Site'=>'Web stranica','Upgrade Sites'=>'Ažuriraj stranice','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Ažuriranje baze podatak dovršeno. Provjerite koje web stranice u svojoj mreži želite nadograditi i zatim kliknite %s.','Add rule group'=>'Dodaj skup pravila','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Odaberite pravila koja određuju koji prikaz će koristiti ACF polja','Rules'=>'Pravila','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopiraj u međuspremnik','Select Field Groups'=>'Odaberite skup polja','No field groups selected'=>'Niste odabrali polje','Generate PHP'=>'Generiraj PHP kod','Export Field Groups'=>'Izvezi skup polja','Import file empty'=>'Odabrana datoteka za uvoz ne sadrži','Incorrect file type'=>'Nedozvoljeni format datoteke','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Greška prilikom prijenosa datoteke, molimo pokušaj ponovno','Import Field Groups'=>'Uvoz skupa polja','Sync'=>'Sinkroniziraj','Select %s'=>'Odaberi %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliciraj','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliciraj','Description'=>'Opis','Sync available'=>'Sinkronizacija dostupna','Active (%s)'=>'Aktivno (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktivno (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktivno (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Pregledaj stranice i nadogradi','Upgrade Database'=>'Nadogradi bazu podataka','Custom Fields'=>'Dodatna polja','Move Field'=>'Premjesti polje','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Odaberite lokaciju za ovo polje','Move Complete.'=>'Premještanje dovršeno.','Active'=>'Aktivan','Field Keys'=>'Oznaka polja','Settings'=>'Postavke','Location'=>'Lokacija','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopiraj','Move Custom Field'=>'Premjesti polje','No toggle fields available'=>'Nema polja koji omoguću korisniku odabir','Field group title is required'=>'Naziv polja je obavezna','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Potrebno je spremiti izmjene prije nego možete premjestiti polje','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Polje ne može započinjati sa “field_”, odabrite drugi naziv','Field group draft updated.'=>'Skica ažurirana.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Skup polja je označen za.','Field group submitted.'=>'Skup polja je spremljen.','Field group saved.'=>'Skup polja spremljen.','Field group published.'=>'Skup polja objavljen.','Field group deleted.'=>'Skup polja izbrisan.','Field group updated.'=>'Skup polja ažuriran.','Tools'=>'Alati','is not equal to'=>'je drukčije','is equal to'=>'je jednako','Forms'=>'Forme','Page'=>'Stranice','Post'=>'Objava','Relational'=>'Relacijski','Choice'=>'Odabir','Basic'=>'Osnovno','Unknown'=>'Nepoznato polje','Field type does not exist'=>'Tip polja ne postoji','Spam Detected'=>'Spam','Post updated'=>'Objava ažurirana','Update'=>'Ažuriraj','Validate Email'=>'Verificiraj email','Content'=>'Sadržaj','Title'=>'Naziv','Edit field group'=>'Uredi skup polja','Cancel'=>'Otkaži','Are you sure?'=>'Jeste li sigurni?','%d fields require attention'=>'Nekoliko polja treba vašu pažnje: %d','1 field requires attention'=>'1 polje treba vašu pažnju','Validation failed'=>'Verifikacija nije uspjela','Validation successful'=>'Uspješna verifikacija','Restricted'=>'Ograničen pristup','Collapse Details'=>'Sakrij detalje','Expand Details'=>'Prošireni prikaz','Uploaded to this post'=>'Postavljeno uz ovu objavu','verbUpdate'=>'Ažuriraj','verbEdit'=>'Uredi','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Izmjene koje ste napravili bit će izgubljene ukoliko napustite ovu stranicu','File type must be %s.'=>'Tip datoteke mora biti %s.','or'=>'ili','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Veličina datoteke mora biti najmanje %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Visina slike ne smije biti veća od %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Visina slike mora biti najmanje %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Širina slike ne smije biti veća od %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Širina slike mora biti najmanje %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(bez naziva)','Full Size'=>'Puna veličina','Large'=>'Velika','Medium'=>'Srednja','Thumbnail'=>'Sličica','Sets the textarea height'=>'Podesi visinu tekstualnog polja','Rows'=>'Broj redova','Text Area'=>'Tekst polje','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Dodaj okvir za izbor koji omogućje odabir svih opcija','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spremi ‘dodatne’ vrijednosti i prikaži ih omogući njihov odabir','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Omogući ‘dodatne’ vrijednosti','Add new choice'=>'Dodaj odabir','Toggle All'=>'Sakrij sve','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Omogući odabir arhive tipova','Archives'=>'Arhiva','Page Link'=>'URL stranice','Add'=>'Dodaj','Name'=>'Naziv','%s added'=>'Dodano: %s','%s already exists'=>'%s već postoji','User unable to add new %s'=>'Korisnik nije u mogućnosti dodati %s','Term ID'=>'Vrijednost kao: ID pojma','Term Object'=>'Vrijednost pojma kao objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Učitaj pojmove iz objave','Load Terms'=>'Učitaj pojmove','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Spoji odabrane pojmove sa objavom','Save Terms'=>'Spremi pojmove','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Omogući kreiranje pojmova prilikom uređivanja','Create Terms'=>'Kreiraj pojmove','Radio Buttons'=>'Radiogumbi','Single Value'=>'Jedan odabir','Multi Select'=>'Više odabira','Checkbox'=>'Skup dugmadi','Multiple Values'=>'Omogući odabir više vrijednosti','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Odaberite izgled polja','Appearance'=>'Prikaz','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Odaberite taksonomiju za prikaz','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nema %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Unešena vrijednost mora biti jednaka ili niža od %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Unešena vrijednost mora biti jednaka ili viša od %d','Value must be a number'=>'Vrijednost mora biti broj','Number'=>'Broj','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spremi ostale vrijednosti i omogući njihov odabir','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Dodaj odabir ’ostalo’ za slobodan unost','Other'=>'Drugo','Radio Button'=>'Radiogumb','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Preciziraj prijelomnu točku za prethoda polja accordion. Ovo će omogućiti novi skup polja nakon prijelomne točke.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Omogući prikaz ovog accordion polja bez zatvaranje ostalih.','Multi-Expand'=>'Mulit-proširenje','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Prikaži accordion polje kao otvoreno prilikom učitavanja.','Open'=>'Otvori','Accordion'=>'Multi prošireno','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Ograniči tip datoteka koji se smije uvesti','File ID'=>'Vrijednost kao ID','File URL'=>'Putanja datoteke','File Array'=>'Vrijednost kao niz','Add File'=>'Dodaj datoteku','No file selected'=>'Niste odabrali datoteku','File name'=>'Naziv datoteke','Update File'=>'Ažuriraj datoteku','Edit File'=>'Uredi datoteku','Select File'=>'Odaberite datoteku','File'=>'Datoteka','Password'=>'Lozinka','Specify the value returned'=>'Preciziraj vrijednost za povrat','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Asinkrono učitaj dostupne odabire?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Unesite svaku novu vrijednost u zasebnu liniju','verbSelect'=>'Odaberi','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Neuspješno učitavanje','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Pretražujem…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Učitavam rezultate…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Odabir opcija je ograničen na najviše %d','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Moguće je odabrati samo jednu opciju','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Molimo obrišite višak znakova - %d znak(ova) je višak','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Molimo obrišite 1 znak','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Molimo unesite najmanje %d ili više znakova','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Molimo unesite 1 ili više znakova','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nema rezultata','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d rezultata dostupno, za pomicanje koristite strelice gore/dole.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Jedan rezultat dostupan, pritisnite enter za odabir.','nounSelect'=>'Odaberi','All user roles'=>'Sve uloge','Filter by Role'=>'Filtar prema ulozi','User'=>'Korisnik','Separator'=>'Razdjelnik','Select Color'=>'Odaberite boju','Default'=>'Zadano','Clear'=>'Ukloni','Color Picker'=>'Odabir boje','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Odaberi','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Završeno','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Vremenska zona','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunda','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisekunda','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunda','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuta','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Sat','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Vrijeme','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Odaberi vrijeme','Date Time Picker'=>'Odabir datuma i sata','Endpoint'=>'Prijelomna točka','Left aligned'=>'Lijevo poravnato','Top aligned'=>'Poravnato sa vrhom','Placement'=>'Pozicija','Tab'=>'Kartica','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Vrijednost molja biti valjana','Link URL'=>'Putanja poveznice','Link Array'=>'Vrijednost kao niz','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Otvori u novom prozoru/kartici','Select Link'=>'Odaberite poveznicu','Link'=>'Poveznica','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Korak','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum','Range'=>'Raspon','Both (Array)'=>'Oboje (podatkovni niz)','Label'=>'Oznaka','Value'=>'Vrijednost','Vertical'=>'Vertikalno','Horizontal'=>'Horizontalno','red : Red'=>'crvena : Crvena','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Za bolju kontrolu unesite oboje, vrijednost i naziv, kao npr:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Svaki odabir je potrebno dodati kao novi red.','Choices'=>'Mogući odabiri','Button Group'=>'Skup dugmadi','Allow Null'=>'Dozvoli null vrijednost?','Parent'=>'Matični','Delay Initialization'=>'Odgodi učitavanje?','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Prikaži gumb za odabir datoteka?','Toolbar'=>'Alatna traka','Text Only'=>'Samo tekstualno','Visual Only'=>'Samo vizualni','Visual & Text'=>'Vizualno i tekstualno','Tabs'=>'Kartice','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Aktiviraj vizualno uređivanje na klik','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst polje','Visual'=>'Vizualno','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Ostavite prazno za neograničeno','Character Limit'=>'Ograniči broj znakova','Appears after the input'=>'Prikazuje se iza polja','Append'=>'Umetni na kraj','Appears before the input'=>'Prijazuje se ispred polja','Prepend'=>'Umetni ispred','Appears within the input'=>'Prikazuje se unutar polja','Placeholder Text'=>'Zadana vrijednost','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Prikazuje se prilikom kreiranje nove objave','Text'=>'Tekst','Post ID'=>'ID objave','Post Object'=>'Objekt','Featured Image'=>'Istaknuta slika','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Odabrani elementi bit će prikazani u svakom rezultatu','Elements'=>'Elementi','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomija','Post Type'=>'Tip objave','Filters'=>'Filteri','All taxonomies'=>'Sve taksonomije','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtriraj prema taksonomiji','All post types'=>'Svi tipovi','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtriraj po tipu objave','Search...'=>'Pretraga…','Select taxonomy'=>'Odebarite taksonomiju','Select post type'=>'Odaberi vrstu objave','No matches found'=>'Nema rezultata','Loading'=>'Učitavanje','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Već ste dodali najviše dozvoljenih vrijednosti (najviše: {max})','Relationship'=>'Veza','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Dodaj kao niz odvojen zarezom, npr: .txt, .jpg, ... Ukoliko je prazno, sve datoteke su dozvoljene','Allowed File Types'=>'Dozvoljeni tipovi datoteka','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Veličina datoteke','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Ograniči koje slike mogu biti dodane','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Dodani uz trenutnu objavu','All'=>'Sve','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ograniči odabir iz zbirke','Library'=>'Zbirka','Preview Size'=>'Veličina prikaza prilikom uređivanja stranice','Image ID'=>'ID slike','Image URL'=>'Putanja slike','Image Array'=>'Podaci kao niz','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Vrijednost koja će biti vraćena na pristupnom dijelu','Return Value'=>'Vrati vrijednost','Add Image'=>'Dodaj sliku','No image selected'=>'Nema odabranih slika','Remove'=>'Ukloni','Edit'=>'Uredi','All images'=>'Sve slike','Update Image'=>'Ažuriraj sliku','Edit Image'=>'Uredi sliku','Select Image'=>'Odaberi sliku','Image'=>'Slika','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Prikažite HTML kodove kao tekst umjesto iscrtavanja','Escape HTML'=>'Onemogući HTML','No Formatting'=>'Bez obrade','Automatically add <br>'=>'Dodaj novi red - <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Dodaj paragraf','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Određuje način prikaza novih linija','New Lines'=>'Broj linija','Week Starts On'=>'Tjedan počinje','The format used when saving a value'=>'Format koji će biti spremljen','Save Format'=>'Spremi format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Tjedan','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prethodni','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Slijedeći','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Danas','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Završeno','Date Picker'=>'Odabir datuma','Width'=>'Širina','Embed Size'=>'Dimenzija umetka','Enter URL'=>'Poveznica','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst prikazan dok je polje neaktivno','Off Text'=>'Tekst za neaktivno stanje','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst prikazan dok je polje aktivno','On Text'=>'Tekst za aktivno stanje','Stylized UI'=>'Stilizirano sučelje','Default Value'=>'Zadana vrijednost','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Prikazuje tekst uz odabirni okvir','Message'=>'Poruka','No'=>'Ne','Yes'=>'Da','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Red','Table'=>'Tablica','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Odaberite način prikaza odabranih polja','Layout'=>'Format','Sub Fields'=>'Pod polja','Group'=>'Skup polja','Height'=>'Visina','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Postavi zadanu vrijednost uvećanja','Zoom'=>'Uvećaj','Center the initial map'=>'Centriraj prilikom učitavanja','Center'=>'Centriraj','Search for address...'=>'Pretraži po adresi...','Find current location'=>'Pronađi trenutnu lokaciju','Clear location'=>'Ukloni lokaciju','Search'=>'Pretraži','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Nažalost, ovaj preglednik ne podržava geo lociranje','Google Map'=>'Google mapa','The format returned via template functions'=>'Format koji vraća funkcija','Return Format'=>'Format za prikaz na web stranici','Custom:'=>'Prilagođeno:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format za prikaz prilikom administracije','Display Format'=>'Format prikaza','Time Picker'=>'Odabri vremena (sat i minute)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nije pronađeno nijedno polje u smeću','No Fields found'=>'Nije pronađeno nijedno polje','Search Fields'=>'Pretraži polja','View Field'=>'Pregledaj polje','New Field'=>'Dodaj polje','Edit Field'=>'Uredi polje','Add New Field'=>'Dodaj polje','Field'=>'Polje','Fields'=>'Polja','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nije pronađena nijedna stranica','No Field Groups found'=>'Niste dodali nijedno polje','Search Field Groups'=>'Pretraži polja','View Field Group'=>'Pregledaj polje','New Field Group'=>'Novo polje','Edit Field Group'=>'Uredi polje','Add New Field Group'=>'Dodaj novo polje','Add New'=>'Dodaj','Field Group'=>'Grupa polja','Field Groups'=>'Grupe polja','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s je obavezno','%s settings'=>'Postavke','Options Updated'=>'Postavke spremljene','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Da bi omogućili automatsko ažuriranje, molimo unesite licencu na stranici ažuriranja. Ukoliko nemate licencu, pogledajte opcije i cijene.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Check Again'=>'Provjeri ponovno','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Publish'=>'Objavi','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Niste dodali nijedan skup polja na ovu stranicu, Dodaj skup polja','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Greška. Greška prilikom spajanja na server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Odaberite jedno ili više polja koja želite klonirati','Display'=>'Prikaz','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Odaberite način prikaza kloniranog polja','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Skupno (Prikazuje odabrana polja kao dodatni skup unutar trenutnog polja)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Zamjena (Prikazuje odabrana polja umjesto trenutnog polja)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Oznake će biti prikazane kao %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Dodaj prefiks ispred oznake','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Vrijednosti će biti spremljene kao %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Dodaj prefiks ispred naziva polja','Unknown field'=>'Nepoznato polje','Unknown field group'=>'Nepoznat skup polja','All fields from %s field group'=>'Sva polje iz %s skupa polja','Add Row'=>'Dodaj red','layout'=>'raspored' . "\0" . 'raspored' . "\0" . 'raspored','layouts'=>'rasporedi','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Polje mora sadržavati najmanje {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Polje je ograničeno na najviše {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} preostalo (najviše {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} obavezno (najmanje {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Potrebno je unijeti najmanje jedno fleksibilni polje','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kliknite “%s” gumb kako bi započeki kreiranje raspored','Add layout'=>'Dodaj razmještaj','Duplicate layout'=>'Dupliciraj razmještaj','Remove layout'=>'Ukloni razmještaj','Click to toggle'=>'Klikni za uključivanje/isključivanje','Delete Layout'=>'Obriši','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliciraj razmještaj','Add New Layout'=>'Dodaj novi razmještaj','Add Layout'=>'Dodaj razmještaj','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Najmanje','Maximum Layouts'=>'Najviše','Button Label'=>'Tekst gumba','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Dodaj sliku u galeriju','Maximum selection reached'=>'Već ste dodali najviše dozovoljenih polja','Length'=>'Dužina','Caption'=>'Potpis','Alt Text'=>'Alternativni tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Dodaj u galeriju','Bulk actions'=>'Grupne akcije','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Razvrstaj po datumu dodavanja','Sort by date modified'=>'Razvrstaj po datumu zadnje promjene','Sort by title'=>'Razvrstaj po naslovu','Reverse current order'=>'Obrnuti redosljed','Close'=>'Zatvori','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimalni odabri','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksimalni odabir','Allowed file types'=>'Dozvoljeni tipovi datoteka','Insert'=>'Umetni','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Precizirajte gdje se dodaju novi prilozi','Append to the end'=>'Umetni na kraj','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Umetni na početak','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimalni broj redova je već odabran ({min})','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maksimalni broj redova je već odabran ({max})','Error loading page'=>'Neuspješno učitavanje','Rows Per Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Odaberite taksonomiju za prikaz','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimalno redova','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimalno redova','Collapsed'=>'Sklopljeno','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Odaberite pod polje koje će biti prikazano dok je red sklopljen','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Uredi skup polja','Click to reorder'=>'Presloži polja povlačenjem','Add row'=>'Dodaj red','Duplicate row'=>'Dupliciraj','Remove row'=>'Ukloni red','Current Page'=>'Trenutni korisnik','First Page'=>'Početna stranica','Previous Page'=>'Stranica za objave','Next Page'=>'Početna stranica','Last Page'=>'Stranica za objave','No block types exist'=>'Ne postoji stranica sa postavkama','No options pages exist'=>'Ne postoji stranica sa postavkama','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktiviraj licencu','Activate License'=>'Aktiviraj licencu','License Information'=>'Informacije o licenci','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Da bi omogućili ažuriranje, molimo unesite vašu licencu i polje ispod. Ukoliko ne posjedujete licencu, molimo posjetite detalji i cijene.','License Key'=>'Licenca','Retry Activation'=>'Bolja verifikacija polja','Update Information'=>'Ažuriraj informacije','Current Version'=>'Trenutna vezija','Latest Version'=>'Posljednja dostupna verzija','Update Available'=>'Dostupna nadogradnja','Upgrade Notice'=>'Obavijest od nadogradnjama','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Unesite licencu kako bi mogli izvršiti nadogradnju','Update Plugin'=>'Nadogradi dodatak','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Unesite licencu kako bi mogli izvršiti nadogradnju']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.mo
index 23170675..49e6fc2e 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.po
index 16e148b8..1ee7e7ca 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hr.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s polja"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Nema uvjeta"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Nema vrste objava"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Nema objava"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Nema taksonomije"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Nema grupa polja"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Nema polja"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Nema opisa"
@@ -703,37 +734,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2253,7 +2280,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2304,7 +2331,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2314,15 +2341,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2330,7 +2357,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2383,7 +2410,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2391,7 +2418,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2399,7 +2426,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2407,7 +2434,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2415,19 +2442,19 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2435,7 +2462,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2443,7 +2470,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2451,15 +2478,15 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2477,7 +2504,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2489,7 +2516,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2533,16 +2560,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2563,75 +2590,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2650,14 +2677,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2832,8 +2859,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2841,12 +2868,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2854,38 +2881,38 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2898,13 +2925,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2981,7 +3008,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3033,8 +3060,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3044,7 +3071,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3063,49 +3090,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvoz"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr ""
@@ -3346,7 +3373,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Prikaži polje ako"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Uvjet za prikaz"
@@ -3355,9 +3382,9 @@ msgstr "Uvjet za prikaz"
msgid "and"
msgstr "i"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Učitavanje polja iz JSON datoteke"
@@ -3547,9 +3574,9 @@ msgstr "Stil"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tip"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Ključ"
@@ -3560,23 +3587,23 @@ msgstr "Ključ"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Redni broj"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Zatvori polje"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klasa"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "širina"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Značajke prethodnog elementa"
@@ -3584,68 +3611,68 @@ msgstr "Značajke prethodnog elementa"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obavezno?"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Upute priliko uređivanja. Vidljivo prilikom spremanja podataka"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Upute"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tip polja"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Jedna riječ, bez razmaka. Povlaka i donja crta su dozvoljeni"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Naziv polja"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Naziv koji se prikazuje prilikom uređivanja stranice"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Naziv polja"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Obriši"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Obriši polje"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Premjesti"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Premjeti polje u drugu skupinu"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Dupliciraj polje"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Uredi polje"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Presloži polja povlačenjem"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Prikaži ovaj skup polja ako"
@@ -3745,15 +3772,15 @@ msgstr "Odaberite pravila koja određuju koji prikaz će koristiti ACF polja"
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Pravila"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiraj u međuspremnik"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3761,22 +3788,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Odaberite skup polja"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Niste odabrali polje"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generiraj PHP kod"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Izvezi skup polja"
@@ -3802,22 +3829,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Uvoz skupa polja"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sinkroniziraj"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Odaberi %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliciraj"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dupliciraj"
@@ -3825,13 +3852,14 @@ msgstr "Dupliciraj"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3840,13 +3868,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sinkronizacija dostupna"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -3854,14 +3882,14 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Aktivno (%s)"
@@ -3903,7 +3931,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Premještanje dovršeno."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3918,7 +3946,7 @@ msgstr "Oznaka polja"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Postavke"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokacija"
@@ -3930,14 +3958,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopiraj"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr ""
@@ -3948,14 +3976,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Premjesti polje"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Nema polja koji omoguću korisniku odabir"
@@ -3964,14 +3992,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Naziv polja je obavezna"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Potrebno je spremiti izmjene prije nego možete premjestiti polje"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Polje ne može započinjati sa “field_”, odabrite drugi naziv"
@@ -4139,8 +4167,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Otkaži"
@@ -4150,24 +4178,24 @@ msgstr "Otkaži"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jeste li sigurni?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "Nekoliko polja treba vašu pažnje: %d"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 polje treba vašu pažnju"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Verifikacija nije uspjela"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Uspješna verifikacija"
@@ -4203,8 +4231,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Izmjene koje ste napravili bit će izgubljene ukoliko napustite ovu stranicu"
@@ -4218,10 +4246,10 @@ msgstr "Tip datoteke mora biti %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ili"
@@ -4271,8 +4299,8 @@ msgstr "Sličica"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr ""
@@ -5239,7 +5267,7 @@ msgstr "Nema odabranih slika"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Ukloni"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5558,93 +5586,93 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Odabri vremena (sat i minute)"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nije pronađeno nijedno polje u smeću"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nije pronađeno nijedno polje"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Pretraži polja"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Pregledaj polje"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Dodaj polje"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Uredi polje"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Dodaj polje"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Polje"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Polja"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nije pronađena nijedna stranica"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Niste dodali nijedno polje"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Pretraži polja"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Pregledaj polje"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Novo polje"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Uredi polje"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Dodaj novo polje"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Dodaj"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupa polja"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupe polja"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.l10n.php
index b0be3860..c66fb87e 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'hu_HU','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s kitöltése kötelező','%s settings'=>'Új beállítások','Options'=>'Beállítások','Update'=>'Frissítés','Options Updated'=>'Beállítások elmentve','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'A frissítések engedélyezéséhez adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a Frissítések oldalon. Ha még nem rendelkezünk licenckulcsal, tekintsük át a licencek részleteit és árait.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Check Again'=>'Ismételt ellenőrzés','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Publish'=>'Közzététel','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nincsenek mezőcsoportok ehhez a beállítás oldalhoz. Mezőcsoport hozzáadása','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Updates'=>'Frissítések','Fields'=>'Mezők','Display'=>'Megjelenítés','Layout'=>'Tartalom elrendezés','Block'=>'Blokk','Table'=>'Táblázat','Row'=>'Sorok','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'A kiválasztott elemek jelennek meg az eredményekben','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Mezőfelirat','Prefix Field Names'=>'Mezőnév','Unknown field'=>'Mezők alatt','(no title)'=>'Rendezés cím szerint','Unknown field group'=>'Mezőcsoport megjelenítése, ha','Flexible Content'=>'Rugalmas tartalom (flexible content)','Add Row'=>'Sor hozzáadása','layout'=>'elrendezés' . "\0" . 'elrendezés','layouts'=>'elrendezés','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ennél a mezőnél legalább {min} {label} {identifier} hozzáadása szükséges','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ennél a mezőnél legfeljebb {max} {identifier} adható hozzá.','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} adható még hozzá (maximum {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} hozzáadása szükséges (minimum {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Rugalmas tartalomnál legalább egy elrendezést definiálni kell.','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kattintsunk lent a "%s" gombra egyéni tartalom létrehozásához.','Drag to reorder'=>'Átrendezéshez húzzuk a megfelelő helyre','Add layout'=>'Elrendezés hozzáadása','Duplicate layout'=>'Elrendezés duplikálása','Remove layout'=>'Elrendezés eltávolítása','Delete Layout'=>'Elrendezés törlése','Duplicate Layout'=>'Elrendezés duplikálása','Add New Layout'=>'Új elrendezés hozzáadása','Add Layout'=>'Elrendezés hozzáadása','Label'=>'Felirat','Name'=>'Név','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maximum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Tartalmak minimális száma','Maximum Layouts'=>'Tartalmak maximális száma','Button Label'=>'Gomb felirata','Gallery'=>'Galéria','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Kép hozzáadása a galériához','Maximum selection reached'=>'Elértük a kiválasztható elemek maximális számát','Edit'=>'Szerkesztés','Title'=>'Cím','Caption'=>'Beállítások','Alt Text'=>'Szöveg (text)','Add to gallery'=>'Hozzáadás galériához','Bulk actions'=>'Csoportművelet','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Rendezés feltöltési dátum szerint','Sort by date modified'=>'Rendezés módosítási dátum szerint','Sort by title'=>'Rendezés cím szerint','Reverse current order'=>'Fordított sorrend','Close'=>'Bezárás','Return Format'=>'Visszaadott formátum','Image Array'=>'Kép adattömb (array)','Image URL'=>'Kép URL','Image ID'=>'Kép azonosító','Library'=>'Médiatár','Limit the media library choice'=>'Kiválasztható médiatár elemek korlátozása','All'=>'Összes','Uploaded to post'=>'Feltöltve a bejegyzéshez','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimális választás','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximális választás','Height'=>'Magasság','Append to the end'=>'Beviteli mező után jelenik meg','Preview Size'=>'Előnézeti méret','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s mező esetében legalább %s értéket ki kell választani' . "\0" . '%s mező esetében legalább %s értéket ki kell választani','Repeater'=>'Ismétlő csoportmező (repeater)','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nem érjük el a sorok minimális számát (legalább {min} sort hozzá kell adni)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Elértük a sorok maximális számát (legfeljebb {max} sor adható hozzá)','Sub Fields'=>'Almezők','Pagination'=>'Pozíció','Rows Per Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','Minimum Rows'=>'Sorok minimális száma','Maximum Rows'=>'Sorok maximális száma','Collapsed'=>'Részletek bezárása','Click to reorder'=>'Átrendezéshez húzzuk a megfelelő helyre','Add row'=>'Sor hozzáadása','Duplicate row'=>'Duplikálás','Remove row'=>'Sor eltávolítása','Current Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','First Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','Previous Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','Next Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','Last Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','No block types exist'=>'Nincsenek beállítás oldalak','Options Page'=>'Beállítások oldal','No options pages exist'=>'Nincsenek beállítás oldalak','Deactivate License'=>'Licenc deaktiválása','Activate License'=>'Licenc aktiválása','License Information'=>'Frissítési információ','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'A frissítések engedélyezéséhez adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a Frissítések oldalon. Ha még nem rendelkezünk licenckulcsal, tekintsük át a licencek részleteit és árait.','License Key'=>'Licenckulcs','Retry Activation'=>'Jobb ellenőrzés és érvényesítés','Update Information'=>'Frissítési információ','Current Version'=>'Jelenlegi verzió','Latest Version'=>'Legújabb verzió','Update Available'=>'Frissítés elérhető','No'=>'Nem','Yes'=>'Igen','Upgrade Notice'=>'Frissítési figyelmeztetés','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a frissítések engedélyezéséhez','Update Plugin'=>'Bővítmény frissítése','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a frissítések engedélyezéséhez']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'hu_HU','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s kitöltése kötelező','%s settings'=>'Új beállítások','Options'=>'Beállítások','Update'=>'Frissítés','Options Updated'=>'Beállítások elmentve','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'A frissítések engedélyezéséhez adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a Frissítések oldalon. Ha még nem rendelkezünk licenckulcsal, tekintsük át a licencek részleteit és árait.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Check Again'=>'Ismételt ellenőrzés','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Publish'=>'Közzététel','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nincsenek mezőcsoportok ehhez a beállítás oldalhoz. Mezőcsoport hozzáadása','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Hiba. Nem hozható létre kapcsolat a frissítési szerverrel.','Updates'=>'Frissítések','Fields'=>'Mezők','Display'=>'Megjelenítés','Layout'=>'Tartalom elrendezés','Block'=>'Blokk','Table'=>'Táblázat','Row'=>'Sorok','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'A kiválasztott elemek jelennek meg az eredményekben','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Mezőfelirat','Prefix Field Names'=>'Mezőnév','Unknown field'=>'Mezők alatt','(no title)'=>'Rendezés cím szerint','Unknown field group'=>'Mezőcsoport megjelenítése, ha','Flexible Content'=>'Rugalmas tartalom (flexible content)','Add Row'=>'Sor hozzáadása','layout'=>'elrendezés' . "\0" . 'elrendezés','layouts'=>'elrendezés','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ennél a mezőnél legalább {min} {label} {identifier} hozzáadása szükséges','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Ennél a mezőnél legfeljebb {max} {identifier} adható hozzá.','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} adható még hozzá (maximum {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} hozzáadása szükséges (minimum {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Rugalmas tartalomnál legalább egy elrendezést definiálni kell.','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kattintsunk lent a "%s" gombra egyéni tartalom létrehozásához.','Drag to reorder'=>'Átrendezéshez húzzuk a megfelelő helyre','Add layout'=>'Elrendezés hozzáadása','Duplicate layout'=>'Elrendezés duplikálása','Remove layout'=>'Elrendezés eltávolítása','Delete Layout'=>'Elrendezés törlése','Duplicate Layout'=>'Elrendezés duplikálása','Add New Layout'=>'Új elrendezés hozzáadása','Add Layout'=>'Elrendezés hozzáadása','Label'=>'Felirat','Name'=>'Név','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maximum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Tartalmak minimális száma','Maximum Layouts'=>'Tartalmak maximális száma','Button Label'=>'Gomb felirata','Gallery'=>'Galéria','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Kép hozzáadása a galériához','Maximum selection reached'=>'Elértük a kiválasztható elemek maximális számát','Edit'=>'Szerkesztés','Title'=>'Cím','Caption'=>'Beállítások','Alt Text'=>'Szöveg (text)','Add to gallery'=>'Hozzáadás galériához','Bulk actions'=>'Csoportművelet','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Rendezés feltöltési dátum szerint','Sort by date modified'=>'Rendezés módosítási dátum szerint','Sort by title'=>'Rendezés cím szerint','Reverse current order'=>'Fordított sorrend','Close'=>'Bezárás','Return Format'=>'Visszaadott formátum','Image Array'=>'Kép adattömb (array)','Image URL'=>'Kép URL','Image ID'=>'Kép azonosító','Library'=>'Médiatár','Limit the media library choice'=>'Kiválasztható médiatár elemek korlátozása','All'=>'Összes','Uploaded to post'=>'Feltöltve a bejegyzéshez','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimális választás','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximális választás','Height'=>'Magasság','Append to the end'=>'Beviteli mező után jelenik meg','Preview Size'=>'Előnézeti méret','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s mező esetében legalább %s értéket ki kell választani' . "\0" . '%s mező esetében legalább %s értéket ki kell választani','Repeater'=>'Ismétlő csoportmező (repeater)','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nem érjük el a sorok minimális számát (legalább {min} sort hozzá kell adni)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Elértük a sorok maximális számát (legfeljebb {max} sor adható hozzá)','Sub Fields'=>'Almezők','Pagination'=>'Pozíció','Rows Per Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','Minimum Rows'=>'Sorok minimális száma','Maximum Rows'=>'Sorok maximális száma','Collapsed'=>'Részletek bezárása','Click to reorder'=>'Átrendezéshez húzzuk a megfelelő helyre','Add row'=>'Sor hozzáadása','Duplicate row'=>'Duplikálás','Remove row'=>'Sor eltávolítása','Current Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','First Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','Previous Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','Next Page'=>'Kezdőoldal','Last Page'=>'Bejegyzések oldala','No block types exist'=>'Nincsenek beállítás oldalak','Options Page'=>'Beállítások oldal','No options pages exist'=>'Nincsenek beállítás oldalak','Deactivate License'=>'Licenc deaktiválása','Activate License'=>'Licenc aktiválása','License Information'=>'Frissítési információ','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'A frissítések engedélyezéséhez adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a Frissítések oldalon. Ha még nem rendelkezünk licenckulcsal, tekintsük át a licencek részleteit és árait.','License Key'=>'Licenckulcs','Retry Activation'=>'Jobb ellenőrzés és érvényesítés','Update Information'=>'Frissítési információ','Current Version'=>'Jelenlegi verzió','Latest Version'=>'Legújabb verzió','Update Available'=>'Frissítés elérhető','No'=>'Nem','Yes'=>'Igen','Upgrade Notice'=>'Frissítési figyelmeztetés','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a frissítések engedélyezéséhez','Update Plugin'=>'Bővítmény frissítése','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Adjuk meg a licenckulcsot a frissítések engedélyezéséhez']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.mo
index ecc9af52..0bb9f23b 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.po
index ef972ae0..ac18efe0 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-hu_HU.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: hu_HU\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.l10n.php
index 3be3b817..df989ddf 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'id_ID','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blok tipe nama diharuskan.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blok tipe “%s” telah terdaftar.','Switch to Edit'=>'Beralih ke Penyuntingan','Switch to Preview'=>'Beralih ke Pratinjau','Change content alignment'=>'Sunting perataan konten','%s settings'=>'%s pengaturan','Options'=>'Pengaturan','Update'=>'Perbarui','Options Updated'=>'Pilihan Diperbarui','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Untuk mengaktifkan update, masukkan kunci lisensi Anda pada halaman Pembaruan. Jika anda tidak memiliki kunci lisensi, silakan lihat rincian & harga.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Check Again'=>'Periksa lagi','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Publish'=>'Terbitkan','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Tidak ada Grup Bidang Kustom ditemukan untuk halaman pilihan ini. Buat Grup Bidang Kustom','Edit field group'=>'Sunting Grup Bidang','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Updates'=>'Pembaruan','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Terjadi Kesalahan. Tidak dapat mengautentikasi paket pembaruan. Silakan periksa lagi atau nonaktifkan dan aktifkan kembali lisensi ACF PRO Anda.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Terjadi Kesalahan. Tidak dapat mengautentikasi paket pembaruan. Silakan periksa lagi atau nonaktifkan dan aktifkan kembali lisensi ACF PRO Anda.','nounClone'=>'Klon','Fields'=>'Bidang','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Pilih satu atau lebih bidang yang ingin Anda gandakan','Display'=>'Tampilan','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Tentukan gaya yang digunakan untuk merender bidang ganda','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grup (menampilkan bidang yang dipilih dalam grup dalam bidang ini)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Seamless (mengganti bidang ini dengan bidang yang dipilih)','Layout'=>'Layout','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Tentukan gaya yang digunakan untuk merender bidang yang dipilih','Block'=>'Blok','Table'=>'Tabel','Row'=>'Baris','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Label akan ditampilkan sebagai %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Awalan Label Bidang','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Nilai akan disimpan sebagai %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Awalan Nama Bidang','Unknown field'=>'Bidang tidak diketahui','(no title)'=>'(tanpa judul)','Unknown field group'=>'Grup bidang tidak diketahui','All fields from %s field group'=>'Semua bidang dari %s grup bidang','Flexible Content'=>'Konten Fleksibel','Add Row'=>'Tambah Baris','layout'=>'tata letak','layouts'=>'layout','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bidang ini membutuhkan setidaknya {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bidang ini memiliki batas {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tersedia (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} diperlukan (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Konten fleksibel memerlukan setidaknya 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik tombol"%s" dibawah untuk mulai membuat layout Anda','Drag to reorder'=>'Seret untuk menyusun ulang','Add layout'=>'Tambah Layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Gandakan Layout','Remove layout'=>'Hapus layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik untuk toggle','Delete Layout'=>'Hapus Layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikat Layout','Add New Layout'=>'Tambah Layout Baru','Add Layout'=>'Tambah Layout','Label'=>'Label','Name'=>'Nama','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Maks','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimum Layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksimum Layout','Button Label'=>'Label tombol','Gallery'=>'Galeri','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Tambahkan Gambar ke Galeri','Maximum selection reached'=>'Batas pilihan maksimum','Length'=>'Panjang','Edit'=>'Sunting','Remove'=>'Singkirkan','Title'=>'Judul','Caption'=>'Judul','Alt Text'=>'Alt Teks','Description'=>'Deskripsi','Add to gallery'=>'Tambahkan ke galeri','Bulk actions'=>'Aksi besar','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal unggah','Sort by date modified'=>'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal modifikasi','Sort by title'=>'Urutkan menurut judul','Reverse current order'=>'Balik urutan saat ini','Close'=>'Tutup','Return Format'=>'Kembalikan format','Image Array'=>'Gambar Array','Image URL'=>'URL Gambar','Image ID'=>'ID Gambar','Library'=>'Perpustakaan','Limit the media library choice'=>'Batasi pilihan pustaka media','All'=>'Semua','Uploaded to post'=>'Diunggah ke post','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleksi Minimum','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleksi maksimum','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Batasi gambar mana yang dapat diunggah','Width'=>'Lebar','Height'=>'Tinggi','File size'=>'Ukuran Berkas','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','Allowed file types'=>'Jenis berkas yang diperbolehkan','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Daftar dipisahkan koma. Kosongkan untuk semua jenis','Insert'=>'Masukkan','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Tentukan di mana lampiran baru ditambahkan','Append to the end'=>'Tambahkan ke bagian akhir','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Tambahkan ke bagian awal','Preview Size'=>'Ukuran Tinjauan','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s diperlukan setidaknya %s pilihan','Repeater'=>'Pengulang','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Baris minimal mencapai ({min} baris)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Baris maksimum mencapai ({max} baris)','Error loading page'=>'Kesalahan saat memproses bidang.','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Bidang','Pagination'=>'Posisi','Rows Per Page'=>'Laman Post','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Pilih taksonomi yang akan ditampilkan','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum Baris','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimum Baris','Collapsed'=>'Disempitkan','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Pilih sub bidang untuk ditampilkan ketika baris disempitkan','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce tidak valid.','Invalid field key or name.'=>'ID grup bidang tidak valid.','Click to reorder'=>'Seret untuk menyusun ulang','Add row'=>'Tambah Baris','Duplicate row'=>'Gandakan baris','Remove row'=>'Hapus baris','Current Page'=>'Pengguna saat ini','First Page'=>'Laman Depan','Previous Page'=>'Laman Post','Next Page'=>'Laman Depan','Last Page'=>'Laman Post','No block types exist'=>'Tidak ada tipe blok tersedia','Options Page'=>'Opsi Laman','No options pages exist'=>'Tidak ada pilihan halaman yang ada','Deactivate License'=>'Nonaktifkan Lisensi','Activate License'=>'Aktifkan Lisensi','License Information'=>'Informasi Lisensi','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Untuk membuka kunci pembaruan, masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di bawah. Jika Anda tidak memiliki kunci lisensi, silakan lihat rincian & harga.','License Key'=>'Kunci lisensi','Retry Activation'=>'Validasi lebih baik','Update Information'=>'Informasi Pembaruan','Current Version'=>'Versi sekarang','Latest Version'=>'Versi terbaru','Update Available'=>'Pembaruan Tersedia','No'=>'Tidak','Yes'=>'Ya','Upgrade Notice'=>'Pemberitahuan Upgrade','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di atas untuk membuka pembaruan','Update Plugin'=>'Perbarui Plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di atas untuk membuka pembaruan']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'id_ID','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blok tipe nama diharuskan.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blok tipe “%s” telah terdaftar.','Switch to Edit'=>'Beralih ke Penyuntingan','Switch to Preview'=>'Beralih ke Pratinjau','Change content alignment'=>'Sunting perataan konten','%s settings'=>'%s pengaturan','Options'=>'Pengaturan','Update'=>'Perbarui','Options Updated'=>'Pilihan Diperbarui','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Untuk mengaktifkan update, masukkan kunci lisensi Anda pada halaman Pembaruan. Jika anda tidak memiliki kunci lisensi, silakan lihat rincian & harga.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Check Again'=>'Periksa lagi','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Publish'=>'Terbitkan','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Tidak ada Grup Bidang Kustom ditemukan untuk halaman pilihan ini. Buat Grup Bidang Kustom','Edit field group'=>'Sunting Grup Bidang','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Kesalahan. Tidak dapat terhubung ke server yang memperbarui','Updates'=>'Pembaruan','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Terjadi Kesalahan. Tidak dapat mengautentikasi paket pembaruan. Silakan periksa lagi atau nonaktifkan dan aktifkan kembali lisensi ACF PRO Anda.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Terjadi Kesalahan. Tidak dapat mengautentikasi paket pembaruan. Silakan periksa lagi atau nonaktifkan dan aktifkan kembali lisensi ACF PRO Anda.','nounClone'=>'Klon','Fields'=>'Bidang','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Pilih satu atau lebih bidang yang ingin Anda gandakan','Display'=>'Tampilan','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Tentukan gaya yang digunakan untuk merender bidang ganda','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grup (menampilkan bidang yang dipilih dalam grup dalam bidang ini)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Seamless (mengganti bidang ini dengan bidang yang dipilih)','Layout'=>'Layout','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Tentukan gaya yang digunakan untuk merender bidang yang dipilih','Block'=>'Blok','Table'=>'Tabel','Row'=>'Baris','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Label akan ditampilkan sebagai %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Awalan Label Bidang','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Nilai akan disimpan sebagai %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Awalan Nama Bidang','Unknown field'=>'Bidang tidak diketahui','(no title)'=>'(tanpa judul)','Unknown field group'=>'Grup bidang tidak diketahui','All fields from %s field group'=>'Semua bidang dari %s grup bidang','Flexible Content'=>'Konten Fleksibel','Add Row'=>'Tambah Baris','layout'=>'tata letak','layouts'=>'layout','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bidang ini membutuhkan setidaknya {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bidang ini memiliki batas {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tersedia (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} diperlukan (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Konten fleksibel memerlukan setidaknya 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik tombol"%s" dibawah untuk mulai membuat layout Anda','Drag to reorder'=>'Seret untuk menyusun ulang','Add layout'=>'Tambah Layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Gandakan Layout','Remove layout'=>'Hapus layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik untuk toggle','Delete Layout'=>'Hapus Layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikat Layout','Add New Layout'=>'Tambah Layout Baru','Add Layout'=>'Tambah Layout','Label'=>'Label','Name'=>'Nama','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Maks','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimum Layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksimum Layout','Button Label'=>'Label tombol','Gallery'=>'Galeri','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Tambahkan Gambar ke Galeri','Maximum selection reached'=>'Batas pilihan maksimum','Length'=>'Panjang','Edit'=>'Sunting','Remove'=>'Singkirkan','Title'=>'Judul','Caption'=>'Judul','Alt Text'=>'Alt Teks','Description'=>'Deskripsi','Add to gallery'=>'Tambahkan ke galeri','Bulk actions'=>'Aksi besar','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal unggah','Sort by date modified'=>'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal modifikasi','Sort by title'=>'Urutkan menurut judul','Reverse current order'=>'Balik urutan saat ini','Close'=>'Tutup','Return Format'=>'Kembalikan format','Image Array'=>'Gambar Array','Image URL'=>'URL Gambar','Image ID'=>'ID Gambar','Library'=>'Perpustakaan','Limit the media library choice'=>'Batasi pilihan pustaka media','All'=>'Semua','Uploaded to post'=>'Diunggah ke post','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleksi Minimum','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleksi maksimum','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Batasi gambar mana yang dapat diunggah','Width'=>'Lebar','Height'=>'Tinggi','File size'=>'Ukuran Berkas','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','Allowed file types'=>'Jenis berkas yang diperbolehkan','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Daftar dipisahkan koma. Kosongkan untuk semua jenis','Insert'=>'Masukkan','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Tentukan di mana lampiran baru ditambahkan','Append to the end'=>'Tambahkan ke bagian akhir','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Tambahkan ke bagian awal','Preview Size'=>'Ukuran Tinjauan','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s diperlukan setidaknya %s pilihan','Repeater'=>'Pengulang','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Baris minimal mencapai ({min} baris)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Baris maksimum mencapai ({max} baris)','Error loading page'=>'Kesalahan saat memproses bidang.','Sub Fields'=>'Sub Bidang','Pagination'=>'Posisi','Rows Per Page'=>'Laman Post','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Pilih taksonomi yang akan ditampilkan','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum Baris','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimum Baris','Collapsed'=>'Disempitkan','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Pilih sub bidang untuk ditampilkan ketika baris disempitkan','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce tidak valid.','Invalid field key or name.'=>'ID grup bidang tidak valid.','Click to reorder'=>'Seret untuk menyusun ulang','Add row'=>'Tambah Baris','Duplicate row'=>'Gandakan baris','Remove row'=>'Hapus baris','Current Page'=>'Pengguna saat ini','First Page'=>'Laman Depan','Previous Page'=>'Laman Post','Next Page'=>'Laman Depan','Last Page'=>'Laman Post','No block types exist'=>'Tidak ada tipe blok tersedia','Options Page'=>'Opsi Laman','No options pages exist'=>'Tidak ada pilihan halaman yang ada','Deactivate License'=>'Nonaktifkan Lisensi','Activate License'=>'Aktifkan Lisensi','License Information'=>'Informasi Lisensi','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Untuk membuka kunci pembaruan, masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di bawah. Jika Anda tidak memiliki kunci lisensi, silakan lihat rincian & harga.','License Key'=>'Kunci lisensi','Retry Activation'=>'Validasi lebih baik','Update Information'=>'Informasi Pembaruan','Current Version'=>'Versi sekarang','Latest Version'=>'Versi terbaru','Update Available'=>'Pembaruan Tersedia','No'=>'Tidak','Yes'=>'Ya','Upgrade Notice'=>'Pemberitahuan Upgrade','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di atas untuk membuka pembaruan','Update Plugin'=>'Perbarui Plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Masukkan kunci lisensi Anda di atas untuk membuka pembaruan']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.mo
index bd622e3b..dc4e7f3a 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.po
index 91f3d95d..906ee95b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-id_ID.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: id_ID\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.l10n.php
index f0fca858..7eb65c65 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'it_IT','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>[' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Duplicato da %s)','Add fields'=>'Aggiungi campi','This Field'=>'Questo campo','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Altri strumenti da WP Engine','No terms'=>'Nessun termine','No posts'=>'Nessun articolo','No taxonomies'=>'Nessuna tassonomia','No field groups'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi','No fields'=>'Nessun campo','No description'=>'Nessuna descrizione','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Questa chiave di tassonomia è già stata usata da un\'altra tassonomia in ACF e non può essere usata.','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nessuna tassonomia trovata','Search Taxonomies'=>'Cerca tassonomie','View Taxonomy'=>'Visualizza tassonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Nuova tassonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Modifica tassonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Aggiungi nuova tassonomia','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Un input limitato a valori numerici.','nounClone'=>'Clona','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avanzato','Original'=>'Originale','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID articolo non valido.','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Seleziona campo','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Nessun risultato di ricerca per \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Cerca campi...','Select Field Type'=>'Seleziona tipo di campo','Add Taxonomy'=>'Aggiungi tassonomia','genre'=>'genere','Genre'=>'Genere','Genres'=>'Generi','Quick Edit'=>'Modifica rapida','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag Cloud','← Go to tags'=>'← Vai ai tag','Back To Items'=>'Torna agli elementi','Tags list'=>'Elenco dei tag','Filter by category'=>'Filtra per categoria','Filter By Item'=>'Filtra per elemento','Filter by %s'=>'Filtra per %s','No tags'=>'Nessun tag','No %s'=>'Nessun %s','No tags found'=>'Nessun tag trovato','Not Found'=>'Non trovato','Add or remove tags'=>'Aggiungi o rimuovi tag','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Aggiungi o rimuovi elementi','Parent %s'=>'Genitore %s','Add New Tag'=>'Aggiungi nuovo tag','Update Tag'=>'Aggiorna tag','Update Item'=>'Aggiorna elemento','Update %s'=>'Aggiorna %s','View Tag'=>'Visualizza tag','Edit Tag'=>'Modifica tag','All Tags'=>'Tutti i tag','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'So cosa sto facendo, mostrami tutte le opzioni.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configurazione avanazata','Public'=>'Pubblico','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Solo lettere minuscole, trattini bassi e trattini, massimo 20 caratteri.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etichetta singolare','Movies'=>'Film','Plural Label'=>'Etichetta plurale','Pagination'=>'Paginazione','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackback','Imported 1 item'=>'1 elemento importato.' . "\0" . '%s elementi importati.','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 elemento esportato.' . "\0" . '%s elementi esportati.','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Tag','Advanced Settings'=>'Impostazioni avanzate','Basic Settings'=>'Impostazioni di base','Pages'=>'Pagine','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'tassonomia','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Autorizzazioni','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'Visibilità','Labels'=>'Etichette','Save Custom Values'=>'Salva valori personalizzati','Allow Custom Values'=>'Consenti valori personalizzati','Updates'=>'Aggiornamenti','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Salva le modifiche','Field Group Title'=>'Titolo gruppo di campi','Add title'=>'Aggiungi titolo','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nuovo in ACF? Dai un\'occhiata alla nostra guida per iniziare.','Add Field Group'=>'Aggiungi un nuovo gruppo di campi','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Aggiungi il tuo primo gruppo di campi','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocchi ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galleria','Repeater Field'=>'Campo ripetitore','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Sblocca funzionalità aggiuntive con ACF PRO','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creato il %1$s alle %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Impostazioni gruppo','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Scegli tra più di 30 tipologie di campo. Scopri di più.','Add Your First Field'=>'Aggiungi il tuo primo campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Aggiungi campo','Presentation'=>'Presentazione','Validation'=>'Validazione','General'=>'Generale','Import JSON'=>'Importa JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Esporta come JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Gruppo di campi disattivato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi disattivati.','Field group activated.'=>'Gruppo di campi attivato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi attivati.','Deactivate'=>'Disattiva','Deactivate this item'=>'Disattiva questo elemento','Activate'=>'Attiva','Activate this item'=>'Attiva questo elemento','post statusInactive'=>'Inattivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non dovrebbero essere attivi contemporaneamente. Abbiamo automaticamente disattivato Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non dovrebbero essere attivi contemporaneamente. Abbiamo automaticamente disattivato Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Sono state rilevate una o più chiamate per recuperare valori di campi ACF prima che ACF fosse inizializzato. Questo non è supportato e può causare dati non corretti o mancanti. Scopri come correggere questo problema.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s deve aver un utente con il ruolo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve aver un utente con uno dei seguenti ruoli: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s deve avere un ID utente valido.','Invalid request.'=>'Richiesta non valida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s non è uno di %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve avere il termine %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve avere uno dei seguenti termini: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve essere di tipo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve essere di uno dei seguenti tipi: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s deve avere un ID articolo valido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s richiede un ID allegato valido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostra in API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Abilita trasparenza','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Stringa RGBA','Hex String'=>'Stringa esadecimale','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Aggiorna a Pro','post statusActive'=>'Attivo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' non è un indirizzo email valido','Color value'=>'Valore del colore','Select default color'=>'Seleziona il colore predefinito','Clear color'=>'Rimuovi colore','Blocks'=>'Blocchi','Options'=>'Opzioni','Users'=>'Utenti','Menu items'=>'Elementi del menu','Widgets'=>'Widget','Attachments'=>'Allegati','Taxonomies'=>'Tassonomie','Posts'=>'Articoli','Last updated: %s'=>'Ultimo aggiornamento: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parametri del gruppo di campi non validi.','Awaiting save'=>'In attesa del salvataggio','Saved'=>'Salvato','Import'=>'Importa','Review changes'=>'Rivedi le modifiche','Located in: %s'=>'Situato in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Situato in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Situato in tema: %s','Various'=>'Varie','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizza modifiche','Loading diff'=>'Caricamento differenze','Review local JSON changes'=>'Verifica modifiche a JSON locale','Visit website'=>'Visita il sito','View details'=>'Visualizza i dettagli','Version %s'=>'Versione %s','Information'=>'Informazioni','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. I professionisti del nostro Help Desk ti assisteranno per problematiche tecniche.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentazione. La nostra estesa documentazione contiene riferimenti e guide per la maggior parte delle situazioni che potresti incontrare.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Siamo fissati con il supporto, e vogliamo che tu ottenga il meglio dal tuo sito web con ACF. Se incontri difficoltà, ci sono vari posti in cui puoi trovare aiuto:','Help & Support'=>'Aiuto e supporto','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Utilizza la scheda "Aiuto e supporto" per contattarci in caso di necessità di assistenza.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Prima di creare il tuo primo gruppo di campi, ti raccomandiamo di leggere la nostra guida Getting started per familiarizzare con la filosofia del plugin e le buone pratiche da adottare.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Il plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornisce un costruttore visuale di moduli per personalizzare le schermate di modifica di WordPress con campi aggiuntivi, ed un\'intuitiva API per la visualizzazione dei campi personalizzati in qualunque file di template di un tema.','Overview'=>'Panoramica','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Il tipo di posizione "%s" è già registrato.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La classe "%s" non esiste.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non valido.','Error loading field.'=>'Errore nel caricamento del campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Posizione non trovata: %s','Error: %s'=>'Errore: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Ruolo utente','Comment'=>'Commento','Post Format'=>'Formato articolo','Menu Item'=>'Elemento menu','Post Status'=>'Stato articolo','Menus'=>'Menu','Menu Locations'=>'Posizioni menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Tassonomia articolo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pagina figlia (ha un genitore)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Pagina genitore (ha figli)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina di primo livello (senza genitore)','Posts Page'=>'Pagina articoli','Front Page'=>'Home page','Page Type'=>'Tipo di pagina','Viewing back end'=>'Visualizzazione back-end','Viewing front end'=>'Visualizzazione front-end','Logged in'=>'Connesso','Current User'=>'Utente corrente','Page Template'=>'Template pagina','Register'=>'Registrati','Add / Edit'=>'Aggiungi / Modifica','User Form'=>'Modulo utente','Page Parent'=>'Genitore pagina','Super Admin'=>'Super amministratore','Current User Role'=>'Ruolo dell\'utente corrente','Default Template'=>'Template predefinito','Post Template'=>'Template articolo','Post Category'=>'Categoria articolo','All %s formats'=>'Tutti i formati %s','Attachment'=>'Allegato','%s value is required'=>'Il valore %s è richiesto','Show this field if'=>'Mostra questo campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Condizione logica','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON locale','Clone Field'=>'Clona campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controlla anche che tutti gli add-on premium (%s) siano aggiornati all\'ultima versione.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Questa versione contiene miglioramenti al tuo database e richiede un aggiornamento.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Grazie per aver aggiornato a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'È richiesto un aggiornamento del database','Options Page'=>'Pagina opzioni','Gallery'=>'Galleria','Flexible Content'=>'Contenuto flessibile','Repeater'=>'Ripetitore','Back to all tools'=>'Torna a tutti gli strumenti','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se più gruppi di campi appaiono su una schermata di modifica, verranno usate le opzioni del primo gruppo di campi usato (quello con il numero d\'ordine più basso)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleziona gli elementi per nasconderli dalla schermata di modifica.','Hide on screen'=>'Nascondi nella schermata','Send Trackbacks'=>'Invia trackback','Tags'=>'Tag','Categories'=>'Categorie','Page Attributes'=>'Attributi della pagina','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autore','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisioni','Comments'=>'Commenti','Discussion'=>'Discussione','Excerpt'=>'Riassunto','Content Editor'=>'Editor contenuto','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrato nell\'elenco dei gruppi di campi','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'I gruppi di campi con un valore inferiore appariranno per primi','Order No.'=>'N. ordine','Below fields'=>'Sotto ai campi','Below labels'=>'Sotto alle etichette','Label Placement'=>'Posizione etichetta','Side'=>'Laterale','Normal (after content)'=>'Normale (dopo il contenuto)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (dopo il titolo)','Position'=>'Posizione','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Senza soluzione di continuità (senza metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (metabox WP)','Style'=>'Stile','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chiave','Order'=>'Ordine','Close Field'=>'Chiudi campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'larghezza','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributi contenitore','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Istruzioni per gli autori. Mostrato in fase di invio dei dati','Instructions'=>'Istruzioni','Field Type'=>'Tipo di campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Singola parola, nessun spazio. Sottolineatura e trattini consentiti','Field Name'=>'Nome campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Questo è il nome che apparirà sulla pagina di modifica','Field Label'=>'Etichetta campo','Delete'=>'Elimina','Delete field'=>'Elimina campo','Move'=>'Sposta','Move field to another group'=>'Sposta campo in un altro gruppo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplica campo','Edit field'=>'Modifica campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Trascina per riordinare','Show this field group if'=>'Mostra questo gruppo di campo se','No updates available.'=>'Nessun aggiornamento disponibile.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Aggiornamento del database completato. Leggi le novità','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lettura attività di aggiornamento...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Aggiornamento fallito.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Aggiornamento completato.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Aggiornamento dati alla versione %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'È caldamente raccomandato eseguire il backup del tuo database prima di procedere. Desideri davvero eseguire il programma di aggiornamento ora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Seleziona almeno un sito da aggiornare.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'L\'aggiornamento del database è stato completato. Ritorna alla bacheca del network','Site is up to date'=>'Il sito è aggiornato','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Il sito necessita di un aggiornamento del database dalla versione %1$s alla %2$s','Site'=>'Sito','Upgrade Sites'=>'Aggiorna siti','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'I seguenti siti hanno necessità di un aggiornamento del DB. Controlla quelli che vuoi aggiornare e fai clic su %s.','Add rule group'=>'Aggiungi gruppo di regole','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un insieme di regole per determinare in quali schermate di modifica saranno usati i campi personalizzati avanzati','Rules'=>'Regole','Copied'=>'Copiato','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copia negli appunti','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleziona gruppi di campi','No field groups selected'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi selezionato','Generate PHP'=>'Genera PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Esporta gruppi di campi','Import file empty'=>'File da importare vuoto','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo file non corretto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Errore durante il caricamento del file. Prova di nuovo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importa gruppi di campi','Sync'=>'Sincronizza','Select %s'=>'Seleziona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplica','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplica questo elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentazione','Description'=>'Descrizione','Sync available'=>'Sincronizzazione disponibile','Field group synchronized.'=>'Gruppo di campi sincronizzato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi sincronizzati.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Gruppo di campi duplicato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi duplicati.','Active (%s)'=>'Attivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Attivi (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Verifica i siti ed effettua l\'aggiornamento','Upgrade Database'=>'Aggiorna database','Custom Fields'=>'Campi personalizzati','Move Field'=>'Sposta campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Seleziona la destinazione per questo campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Il campo %1$s può essere trovato nel gruppo di campi %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Spostamento completato.','Active'=>'Attivo','Field Keys'=>'Chiavi campo','Settings'=>'Impostazioni','Location'=>'Posizione','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copia','(this field)'=>'(questo campo)','Checked'=>'Selezionato','Move Custom Field'=>'Sposta campo personalizzato','No toggle fields available'=>'Nessun campo attiva/disattiva disponibile','Field group title is required'=>'Il titolo del gruppo di campi è necessario','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Questo campo non può essere spostato fino a quando non saranno state salvate le modifiche','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La stringa "field_" non può essere usata come inizio nel nome di un campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Bozza del gruppo di campi aggiornata.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Gruppo di campi programmato.','Field group submitted.'=>'Gruppo di campi inviato.','Field group saved.'=>'Gruppo di campi salvato.','Field group published.'=>'Gruppo di campi pubblicato.','Field group deleted.'=>'Gruppo di campi eliminato.','Field group updated.'=>'Gruppo di campi aggiornato.','Tools'=>'Strumenti','is not equal to'=>'non è uguale a','is equal to'=>'è uguale a','Forms'=>'Moduli','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Articolo','Relational'=>'Relazionale','Choice'=>'Scelta','Basic'=>'Base','Unknown'=>'Sconosciuto','Field type does not exist'=>'Il tipo di campo non esiste','Spam Detected'=>'Spam rilevato','Post updated'=>'Articolo aggiornato','Update'=>'Aggiorna','Validate Email'=>'Valida email','Content'=>'Contenuto','Title'=>'Titolo','Edit field group'=>'Modifica gruppo di campi','Selection is less than'=>'La selezione è minore di','Selection is greater than'=>'La selezione è maggiore di','Value is less than'=>'Il valore è minore di','Value is greater than'=>'Il valore è maggiore di','Value contains'=>'Il valore contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'Il valore ha corrispondenza con il pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Il valore non è uguale a','Value is equal to'=>'Il valore è uguale a','Has no value'=>'Non ha un valore','Has any value'=>'Ha qualunque valore','Cancel'=>'Annulla','Are you sure?'=>'Sei sicuro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campi necessitano attenzione','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo richiede attenzione','Validation failed'=>'Validazione fallita','Validation successful'=>'Validazione avvenuta con successo','Restricted'=>'Limitato','Collapse Details'=>'Comprimi dettagli','Expand Details'=>'Espandi dettagli','Uploaded to this post'=>'Caricato in questo articolo','verbUpdate'=>'Aggiorna','verbEdit'=>'Modifica','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Le modifiche effettuate verranno cancellate se esci da questa pagina','File type must be %s.'=>'La tipologia del file deve essere %s.','or'=>'oppure','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'La dimensione del file non deve superare %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'La dimensione del file deve essere di almeno %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'altezza dell\'immagine non deve superare i %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'altezza dell\'immagine deve essere di almeno %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La larghezza dell\'immagine non deve superare i %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'La larghezza dell\'immagine deve essere di almeno %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(nessun titolo)','Full Size'=>'Dimensione originale','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Media','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(nessuna etichetta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Imposta l\'altezza dell\'area di testo','Rows'=>'Righe','Text Area'=>'Area di testo','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponi un checkbox aggiuntivo per poter selezionare/deselzionare tutte le opzioni','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salva i valori \'personalizzati\' per le scelte del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Consenti l\'aggiunta di valori \'personalizzati\'','Add new choice'=>'Aggiungi nuova scelta','Toggle All'=>'Commuta tutti','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Consenti URL degli archivi','Archives'=>'Archivi','Page Link'=>'Link pagina','Add'=>'Aggiungi','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s aggiunto','%s already exists'=>'%s esiste già','User unable to add new %s'=>'Utente non abilitato ad aggiungere %s','Term ID'=>'ID termine','Term Object'=>'Oggetto termine','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carica valori dai termini dell\'articolo','Load Terms'=>'Carica termini','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Collega i termini selezionati all\'articolo','Save Terms'=>'Salva termini','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Abilita la creazione di nuovi termini in fase di modifica','Create Terms'=>'Crea termini','Radio Buttons'=>'Pulsanti radio','Single Value'=>'Valore singolo','Multi Select'=>'Selezione multipla','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Valori multipli','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleziona l\'aspetto di questo campo','Appearance'=>'Aspetto','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleziona la tassonomia da mostrare','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nessun %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Il valore deve essere uguale o inferiore a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Il valore deve essere uguale o superiore a %d','Value must be a number'=>'Il valore deve essere un numero','Number'=>'Numero','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvare gli \'altri\' valori nelle scelte del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Aggiungi scelta \'altro\' per consentire valori personalizzati','Other'=>'Altro','Radio Button'=>'Radio button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definisce il punto di chiusura del precedente accordion. Questo accordion non sarà visibile.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Consenti a questo accordion di essere aperto senza chiudere gli altri.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostra questo accordion aperto l caricamento della pagina.','Open'=>'Aperto','Accordion'=>'Fisarmonica','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Limita i tipi di file che possono essere caricati','File ID'=>'ID file','File URL'=>'URL file','File Array'=>'Array di file','Add File'=>'Aggiungi file','No file selected'=>'Nessun file selezionato','File name'=>'Nome file','Update File'=>'Aggiorna file','Edit File'=>'Modifica file','Select File'=>'Seleziona file','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specifica il valore restituito','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usa AJAX per il caricamento differito delle opzioni?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Inserire ogni valore predefinito su una nuova linea','verbSelect'=>'Seleziona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Caricamento fallito','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Ricerca …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Caricamento di altri risultati…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Puoi selezionare solo %d elementi','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Puoi selezionare solo 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Elimina %d caratteri','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Elimina 1 carattere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Inserisci %d o più caratteri','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Inserisci 1 o più caratteri','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nessun riscontro trovato','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d risultati disponibili, usa i tasti freccia su e giù per scorrere.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un risultato disponibile, premi invio per selezionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Seleziona','User ID'=>'ID utente','User Object'=>'Oggetto utente','User Array'=>'Array di utenti','All user roles'=>'Tutti i ruoli utente','Filter by Role'=>'Filtra per ruolo','User'=>'Utente','Separator'=>'Separatore','Select Color'=>'Seleziona colore','Default'=>'Predefinito','Clear'=>'Rimuovi','Color Picker'=>'Selettore colore','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleziona','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Fatto','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso orario','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecondo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecondo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Secondo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Ora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Orario','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Scegli orario','Date Time Picker'=>'Selettore data/ora','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Allineamento a sinistra','Top aligned'=>'Allineamento in alto','Placement'=>'Posizione','Tab'=>'Scheda','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Il valore deve essere un URL valido','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Array di link','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Apri in una nuova scheda/finestra','Select Link'=>'Seleziona link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Dimensione step','Maximum Value'=>'Valore massimo','Minimum Value'=>'Valore minimo','Range'=>'Intervallo','Both (Array)'=>'Entrambi (Array)','Label'=>'Etichetta','Value'=>'Valore','Vertical'=>'Verticale','Horizontal'=>'Orizzontale','red : Red'=>'rosso : Rosso','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Per un maggiore controllo, puoi specificare sia un valore che un\'etichetta in questo modo:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Inserisci ogni scelta su una nuova linea.','Choices'=>'Scelte','Button Group'=>'Gruppo di pulsanti','Parent'=>'Genitore','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE non sarà inizializzato fino a quando non verrà fatto clic sul campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra degli strumenti','Text Only'=>'Solo testo','Visual Only'=>'Solo visuale','Visual & Text'=>'Visuale e testo','Tabs'=>'Schede','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Fare clic per inizializzare TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Testo','Visual'=>'Visuale','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Il valore non può superare %d caratteri','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lasciare vuoto per nessun limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite caratteri','Appears after the input'=>'Appare dopo il campo di input','Append'=>'Postponi','Appears before the input'=>'Appare prima del campo di input','Prepend'=>'Anteponi','Appears within the input'=>'Appare all\'interno del campo di input','Placeholder Text'=>'Testo segnaposto','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appare quando si crea un nuovo articolo','Text'=>'Testo','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s richiede la selezione di almeno %2$s elemento' . "\0" . '%1$s richiede la selezione di almeno %2$s elementi','Post ID'=>'ID articolo','Post Object'=>'Oggetto articolo','Featured Image'=>'Immagine in evidenza','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Gli elementi selezionati verranno visualizzati in ogni risultato','Elements'=>'Elementi','Taxonomy'=>'Tassonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo di contenuto','Filters'=>'Filtri','All taxonomies'=>'Tutte le tassonomie','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtra per tassonomia','All post types'=>'Tutti i tipi di articolo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtra per tipo di articolo','Search...'=>'Cerca...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleziona tassonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleziona tipo di articolo','No matches found'=>'Nessuna corrispondenza trovata','Loading'=>'Caricamento in corso','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Numero massimo di valori raggiunto ( {max} valori )','Relationship'=>'Relazione','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista con valori separati da virgole. Lascia vuoto per tutti i tipi','Maximum'=>'Massimo','File size'=>'Dimensione file','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Limita i tipi di immagine che possono essere caricati','Minimum'=>'Minimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Caricato nell\'articolo','All'=>'Tutti','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitare la scelta dalla libreria media','Library'=>'Libreria','Preview Size'=>'Dimensione anteprima','Image ID'=>'ID immagine','Image URL'=>'URL Immagine','Image Array'=>'Array di immagini','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specificare il valore restituito sul front-end','Return Value'=>'Valore di ritorno','Add Image'=>'Aggiungi immagine','No image selected'=>'Nessuna immagine selezionata','Remove'=>'Rimuovi','Edit'=>'Modifica','All images'=>'Tutte le immagini','Update Image'=>'Aggiorna immagine','Edit Image'=>'Modifica immagine','Select Image'=>'Selezionare immagine','Image'=>'Immagine','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Consenti al markup HTML di essere visualizzato come testo visibile anziché essere processato','Escape HTML'=>'Effettua escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Nessuna formattazione','Automatically add <br>'=>'Aggiungi automaticamente <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Aggiungi automaticamente paragrafi','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controlla come le nuove linee sono renderizzate','New Lines'=>'Nuove linee','Week Starts On'=>'La settimana inizia','The format used when saving a value'=>'Il formato utilizzato durante il salvataggio di un valore','Save Format'=>'Salva formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sett','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prec','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Succ','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Oggi','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Fatto','Date Picker'=>'Selettore data','Width'=>'Larghezza','Embed Size'=>'Dimensione oggetto incorporato','Enter URL'=>'Inserisci URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Testo mostrato quando inattivo','Off Text'=>'Testo Off','Text shown when active'=>'Testo visualizzato quando è attivo','On Text'=>'Testo On','Default Value'=>'Valore predefinito','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Visualizza il testo a fianco alla casella di controllo','Message'=>'Messaggio','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sì','True / False'=>'Vero / Falso','Row'=>'Riga','Table'=>'Tabella','Block'=>'Blocco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specifica lo stile utilizzato per la visualizzazione dei campi selezionati','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sottocampi','Group'=>'Gruppo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizza l\'altezza della mappa','Height'=>'Altezza','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Imposta il livello di zoom iniziale','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centra la mappa iniziale','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Cerca per indirizzo...','Find current location'=>'Trova posizione corrente','Clear location'=>'Rimuovi posizione','Search'=>'Cerca','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Questo browser non supporta la geolocalizzazione','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Il formato restituito tramite funzioni template','Return Format'=>'Formato di ritorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizzato:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Il formato visualizzato durante la modifica di un articolo','Display Format'=>'Formato di visualizzazione','Time Picker'=>'Selettore orario','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nessun campo trovato nel cestino','No Fields found'=>'Nessun campo trovato','Search Fields'=>'Cerca campi','View Field'=>'Visualizza campo','New Field'=>'Nuovo campo','Edit Field'=>'Modifica campo','Add New Field'=>'Aggiungi nuovo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campi','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi trovato nel cestino','No Field Groups found'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi trovato','Search Field Groups'=>'Cerca gruppi di campi','View Field Group'=>'Visualizza gruppo di campi','New Field Group'=>'Nuovo gruppo di campi','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifica gruppo di campi','Add New Field Group'=>'Aggiungi nuovo gruppo di campi','Add New'=>'Aggiungi nuovo','Field Group'=>'Gruppo di campi','Field Groups'=>'Gruppi di campi','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalizza WordPress con campi potenti, professionali e intuitivi.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opzioni Aggiornate','Check Again'=>'Ricontrollare','Publish'=>'Pubblica','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nessun Field Group personalizzato trovato in questa Pagina Opzioni. Crea un Field Group personalizzato','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Errore.Impossibile connettersi al server di aggiornamento','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selezionare uno o più campi che si desidera clonare','Display'=>'Visualizza','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Specificare lo stile utilizzato per il rendering del campo clona','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Gruppo (Visualizza campi selezionati in un gruppo all\'interno di questo campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Senza interruzione (sostituisce questo campo con i campi selezionati)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etichette verranno visualizzate come %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefisso Etichetta Campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'I valori verranno salvati come %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefisso Nomi Campo','Unknown field'=>'Campo sconosciuto','Unknown field group'=>'Field Group sconosciuto','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tutti i campi dal %s field group','Add Row'=>'Aggiungi Riga','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layout','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Questo campo richiede almeno {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponibile (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} richiesto (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexible Content richiede almeno 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clicca il bottone "%s" qui sotto per iniziare a creare il layout','Add layout'=>'Aggiungi Layout','Remove layout'=>'Rimuovi Layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clicca per alternare','Delete Layout'=>'Cancella Layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplica Layout','Add New Layout'=>'Aggiungi Nuovo Layout','Add Layout'=>'Aggiungi Layout','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Layout Minimi','Maximum Layouts'=>'Layout Massimi','Button Label'=>'Etichetta Bottone','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Aggiungi Immagine alla Galleria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selezione massima raggiunta','Length'=>'Lunghezza','Caption'=>'Didascalia','Alt Text'=>'Testo Alt','Add to gallery'=>'Aggiungi a Galleria','Bulk actions'=>'Azioni in blocco','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordina per aggiornamento data','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordina per data modifica','Sort by title'=>'Ordina per titolo','Reverse current order'=>'Ordine corrente inversa','Close'=>'Chiudi','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleziona Minima','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleziona Massima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipologie File permesse','Insert'=>'Inserisci','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Specificare dove vengono aggiunti nuovi allegati','Append to the end'=>'Aggiungere alla fine','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Anteporre all\'inizio','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Righe minime raggiunte ({min} righe)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Righe massime raggiunte ({max} righe)','Minimum Rows'=>'Righe Minime','Maximum Rows'=>'Righe Massime','Collapsed'=>'Collassata','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selezionare un campo secondario da visualizzare quando la riga è collassata','Click to reorder'=>'Trascinare per riordinare','Add row'=>'Aggiungi riga','Remove row'=>'Rimuovi riga','First Page'=>'Pagina Principale','Previous Page'=>'Pagina Post','Next Page'=>'Pagina Principale','Last Page'=>'Pagina Post','No options pages exist'=>'Nessuna Pagina Opzioni esistente','Deactivate License'=>'Disattivare Licenza','Activate License'=>'Attiva Licenza','License Information'=>'Informazioni Licenza','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Per sbloccare gli aggiornamenti, si prega di inserire la chiave di licenza qui sotto. Se non hai una chiave di licenza, si prega di vedere Dettagli e prezzi.','License Key'=>'Chiave di licenza','Update Information'=>'Informazioni di aggiornamento','Current Version'=>'Versione corrente','Latest Version'=>'Ultima versione','Update Available'=>'Aggiornamento Disponibile','Upgrade Notice'=>'Avviso di Aggiornamento','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Inserisci il tuo codice di licenza per sbloccare gli aggiornamenti','Update Plugin'=>'Aggiorna Plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'it_IT','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Add fields'=>'Aggiungi campi','This Field'=>'Questo campo','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Altri strumenti da WP Engine','No terms'=>'Nessun termine','No posts'=>'Nessun articolo','No taxonomies'=>'Nessuna tassonomia','No field groups'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi','No fields'=>'Nessun campo','No description'=>'Nessuna descrizione','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Questa chiave di tassonomia è già stata usata da un\'altra tassonomia in ACF e non può essere usata.','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nessuna tassonomia trovata','Search Taxonomies'=>'Cerca tassonomie','View Taxonomy'=>'Visualizza tassonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Nuova tassonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Modifica tassonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Aggiungi nuova tassonomia','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Un input limitato a valori numerici.','nounClone'=>'Clona','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avanzato','Original'=>'Originale','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID articolo non valido.','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Seleziona campo','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Nessun risultato di ricerca per \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Cerca campi...','Select Field Type'=>'Seleziona tipo di campo','Add Taxonomy'=>'Aggiungi tassonomia','genre'=>'genere','Genre'=>'Genere','Genres'=>'Generi','Quick Edit'=>'Modifica rapida','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag Cloud','← Go to tags'=>'← Vai ai tag','Back To Items'=>'Torna agli elementi','Tags list'=>'Elenco dei tag','Filter by category'=>'Filtra per categoria','Filter By Item'=>'Filtra per elemento','Filter by %s'=>'Filtra per %s','No tags'=>'Nessun tag','No %s'=>'Nessun %s','No tags found'=>'Nessun tag trovato','Not Found'=>'Non trovato','Add or remove tags'=>'Aggiungi o rimuovi tag','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Aggiungi o rimuovi elementi','Parent %s'=>'Genitore %s','Add New Tag'=>'Aggiungi nuovo tag','Update Tag'=>'Aggiorna tag','Update Item'=>'Aggiorna elemento','Update %s'=>'Aggiorna %s','View Tag'=>'Visualizza tag','Edit Tag'=>'Modifica tag','All Tags'=>'Tutti i tag','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'So cosa sto facendo, mostrami tutte le opzioni.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configurazione avanazata','Public'=>'Pubblico','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Solo lettere minuscole, trattini bassi e trattini, massimo 20 caratteri.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etichetta singolare','Movies'=>'Film','Plural Label'=>'Etichetta plurale','Pagination'=>'Paginazione','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackback','Imported 1 item'=>'1 elemento importato.' . "\0" . '%s elementi importati.','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 elemento esportato.' . "\0" . '%s elementi esportati.','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Tag','Advanced Settings'=>'Impostazioni avanzate','Basic Settings'=>'Impostazioni di base','Pages'=>'Pagine','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'tassonomia','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Autorizzazioni','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'Visibilità','Labels'=>'Etichette','Save Custom Values'=>'Salva valori personalizzati','Allow Custom Values'=>'Consenti valori personalizzati','Updates'=>'Aggiornamenti','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Salva le modifiche','Field Group Title'=>'Titolo gruppo di campi','Add title'=>'Aggiungi titolo','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nuovo in ACF? Dai un\'occhiata alla nostra guida per iniziare.','Add Field Group'=>'Aggiungi un nuovo gruppo di campi','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Aggiungi il tuo primo gruppo di campi','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocchi ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo galleria','Repeater Field'=>'Campo ripetitore','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Sblocca funzionalità aggiuntive con ACF PRO','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creato il %1$s alle %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Impostazioni gruppo','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Scegli tra più di 30 tipologie di campo. Scopri di più.','Add Your First Field'=>'Aggiungi il tuo primo campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Aggiungi campo','Presentation'=>'Presentazione','Validation'=>'Validazione','General'=>'Generale','Import JSON'=>'Importa JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Esporta come JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Gruppo di campi disattivato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi disattivati.','Field group activated.'=>'Gruppo di campi attivato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi attivati.','Deactivate'=>'Disattiva','Deactivate this item'=>'Disattiva questo elemento','Activate'=>'Attiva','Activate this item'=>'Attiva questo elemento','post statusInactive'=>'Inattivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non dovrebbero essere attivi contemporaneamente. Abbiamo automaticamente disattivato Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields e Advanced Custom Fields PRO non dovrebbero essere attivi contemporaneamente. Abbiamo automaticamente disattivato Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Sono state rilevate una o più chiamate per recuperare valori di campi ACF prima che ACF fosse inizializzato. Questo non è supportato e può causare dati non corretti o mancanti. Scopri come correggere questo problema.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s deve aver un utente con il ruolo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve aver un utente con uno dei seguenti ruoli: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s deve avere un ID utente valido.','Invalid request.'=>'Richiesta non valida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s non è uno di %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve avere il termine %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve avere uno dei seguenti termini: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve essere di tipo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve essere di uno dei seguenti tipi: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s deve avere un ID articolo valido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s richiede un ID allegato valido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostra in API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Abilita trasparenza','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Stringa RGBA','Hex String'=>'Stringa esadecimale','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Aggiorna a Pro','post statusActive'=>'Attivo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' non è un indirizzo email valido','Color value'=>'Valore del colore','Select default color'=>'Seleziona il colore predefinito','Clear color'=>'Rimuovi colore','Blocks'=>'Blocchi','Options'=>'Opzioni','Users'=>'Utenti','Menu items'=>'Elementi del menu','Widgets'=>'Widget','Attachments'=>'Allegati','Taxonomies'=>'Tassonomie','Posts'=>'Articoli','Last updated: %s'=>'Ultimo aggiornamento: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parametri del gruppo di campi non validi.','Awaiting save'=>'In attesa del salvataggio','Saved'=>'Salvato','Import'=>'Importa','Review changes'=>'Rivedi le modifiche','Located in: %s'=>'Situato in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Situato in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Situato in tema: %s','Various'=>'Varie','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizza modifiche','Loading diff'=>'Caricamento differenze','Review local JSON changes'=>'Verifica modifiche a JSON locale','Visit website'=>'Visita il sito','View details'=>'Visualizza i dettagli','Version %s'=>'Versione %s','Information'=>'Informazioni','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Help Desk. I professionisti del nostro Help Desk ti assisteranno per problematiche tecniche.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentazione. La nostra estesa documentazione contiene riferimenti e guide per la maggior parte delle situazioni che potresti incontrare.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Siamo fissati con il supporto, e vogliamo che tu ottenga il meglio dal tuo sito web con ACF. Se incontri difficoltà, ci sono vari posti in cui puoi trovare aiuto:','Help & Support'=>'Aiuto e supporto','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Utilizza la scheda "Aiuto e supporto" per contattarci in caso di necessità di assistenza.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Prima di creare il tuo primo gruppo di campi, ti raccomandiamo di leggere la nostra guida Getting started per familiarizzare con la filosofia del plugin e le buone pratiche da adottare.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Il plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornisce un costruttore visuale di moduli per personalizzare le schermate di modifica di WordPress con campi aggiuntivi, ed un\'intuitiva API per la visualizzazione dei campi personalizzati in qualunque file di template di un tema.','Overview'=>'Panoramica','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Il tipo di posizione "%s" è già registrato.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'La classe "%s" non esiste.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce non valido.','Error loading field.'=>'Errore nel caricamento del campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Posizione non trovata: %s','Error: %s'=>'Errore: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Ruolo utente','Comment'=>'Commento','Post Format'=>'Formato articolo','Menu Item'=>'Elemento menu','Post Status'=>'Stato articolo','Menus'=>'Menu','Menu Locations'=>'Posizioni menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Tassonomia articolo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pagina figlia (ha un genitore)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Pagina genitore (ha figli)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina di primo livello (senza genitore)','Posts Page'=>'Pagina articoli','Front Page'=>'Home page','Page Type'=>'Tipo di pagina','Viewing back end'=>'Visualizzazione back-end','Viewing front end'=>'Visualizzazione front-end','Logged in'=>'Connesso','Current User'=>'Utente corrente','Page Template'=>'Template pagina','Register'=>'Registrati','Add / Edit'=>'Aggiungi / Modifica','User Form'=>'Modulo utente','Page Parent'=>'Genitore pagina','Super Admin'=>'Super amministratore','Current User Role'=>'Ruolo dell\'utente corrente','Default Template'=>'Template predefinito','Post Template'=>'Template articolo','Post Category'=>'Categoria articolo','All %s formats'=>'Tutti i formati %s','Attachment'=>'Allegato','%s value is required'=>'Il valore %s è richiesto','Show this field if'=>'Mostra questo campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Condizione logica','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON locale','Clone Field'=>'Clona campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controlla anche che tutti gli add-on premium (%s) siano aggiornati all\'ultima versione.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Questa versione contiene miglioramenti al tuo database e richiede un aggiornamento.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Grazie per aver aggiornato a %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'È richiesto un aggiornamento del database','Options Page'=>'Pagina opzioni','Gallery'=>'Galleria','Flexible Content'=>'Contenuto flessibile','Repeater'=>'Ripetitore','Back to all tools'=>'Torna a tutti gli strumenti','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se più gruppi di campi appaiono su una schermata di modifica, verranno usate le opzioni del primo gruppo di campi usato (quello con il numero d\'ordine più basso)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleziona gli elementi per nasconderli dalla schermata di modifica.','Hide on screen'=>'Nascondi nella schermata','Send Trackbacks'=>'Invia trackback','Tags'=>'Tag','Categories'=>'Categorie','Page Attributes'=>'Attributi della pagina','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autore','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisioni','Comments'=>'Commenti','Discussion'=>'Discussione','Excerpt'=>'Riassunto','Content Editor'=>'Editor contenuto','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrato nell\'elenco dei gruppi di campi','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'I gruppi di campi con un valore inferiore appariranno per primi','Order No.'=>'N. ordine','Below fields'=>'Sotto ai campi','Below labels'=>'Sotto alle etichette','Label Placement'=>'Posizione etichetta','Side'=>'Laterale','Normal (after content)'=>'Normale (dopo il contenuto)','High (after title)'=>'Alta (dopo il titolo)','Position'=>'Posizione','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Senza soluzione di continuità (senza metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (metabox WP)','Style'=>'Stile','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chiave','Order'=>'Ordine','Close Field'=>'Chiudi campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'larghezza','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributi contenitore','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Istruzioni per gli autori. Mostrato in fase di invio dei dati','Instructions'=>'Istruzioni','Field Type'=>'Tipo di campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Singola parola, nessun spazio. Sottolineatura e trattini consentiti','Field Name'=>'Nome campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Questo è il nome che apparirà sulla pagina di modifica','Field Label'=>'Etichetta campo','Delete'=>'Elimina','Delete field'=>'Elimina campo','Move'=>'Sposta','Move field to another group'=>'Sposta campo in un altro gruppo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplica campo','Edit field'=>'Modifica campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Trascina per riordinare','Show this field group if'=>'Mostra questo gruppo di campo se','No updates available.'=>'Nessun aggiornamento disponibile.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Aggiornamento del database completato. Leggi le novità','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lettura attività di aggiornamento...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Aggiornamento fallito.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Aggiornamento completato.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Aggiornamento dati alla versione %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'È caldamente raccomandato eseguire il backup del tuo database prima di procedere. Desideri davvero eseguire il programma di aggiornamento ora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Seleziona almeno un sito da aggiornare.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'L\'aggiornamento del database è stato completato. Ritorna alla bacheca del network','Site is up to date'=>'Il sito è aggiornato','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Il sito necessita di un aggiornamento del database dalla versione %1$s alla %2$s','Site'=>'Sito','Upgrade Sites'=>'Aggiorna siti','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'I seguenti siti hanno necessità di un aggiornamento del DB. Controlla quelli che vuoi aggiornare e fai clic su %s.','Add rule group'=>'Aggiungi gruppo di regole','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crea un insieme di regole per determinare in quali schermate di modifica saranno usati i campi personalizzati avanzati','Rules'=>'Regole','Copied'=>'Copiato','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copia negli appunti','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleziona gruppi di campi','No field groups selected'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi selezionato','Generate PHP'=>'Genera PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Esporta gruppi di campi','Import file empty'=>'File da importare vuoto','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo file non corretto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Errore durante il caricamento del file. Prova di nuovo','Import Field Groups'=>'Importa gruppi di campi','Sync'=>'Sincronizza','Select %s'=>'Seleziona %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplica','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplica questo elemento','Documentation'=>'Documentazione','Description'=>'Descrizione','Sync available'=>'Sincronizzazione disponibile','Field group synchronized.'=>'Gruppo di campi sincronizzato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi sincronizzati.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Gruppo di campi duplicato.' . "\0" . '%s gruppi di campi duplicati.','Active (%s)'=>'Attivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Attivi (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Verifica i siti ed effettua l\'aggiornamento','Upgrade Database'=>'Aggiorna database','Custom Fields'=>'Campi personalizzati','Move Field'=>'Sposta campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Seleziona la destinazione per questo campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Il campo %1$s può essere trovato nel gruppo di campi %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Spostamento completato.','Active'=>'Attivo','Field Keys'=>'Chiavi campo','Settings'=>'Impostazioni','Location'=>'Posizione','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'copia','(this field)'=>'(questo campo)','Checked'=>'Selezionato','Move Custom Field'=>'Sposta campo personalizzato','No toggle fields available'=>'Nessun campo attiva/disattiva disponibile','Field group title is required'=>'Il titolo del gruppo di campi è necessario','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Questo campo non può essere spostato fino a quando non saranno state salvate le modifiche','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'La stringa "field_" non può essere usata come inizio nel nome di un campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Bozza del gruppo di campi aggiornata.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Gruppo di campi programmato.','Field group submitted.'=>'Gruppo di campi inviato.','Field group saved.'=>'Gruppo di campi salvato.','Field group published.'=>'Gruppo di campi pubblicato.','Field group deleted.'=>'Gruppo di campi eliminato.','Field group updated.'=>'Gruppo di campi aggiornato.','Tools'=>'Strumenti','is not equal to'=>'non è uguale a','is equal to'=>'è uguale a','Forms'=>'Moduli','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Articolo','Relational'=>'Relazionale','Choice'=>'Scelta','Basic'=>'Base','Unknown'=>'Sconosciuto','Field type does not exist'=>'Il tipo di campo non esiste','Spam Detected'=>'Spam rilevato','Post updated'=>'Articolo aggiornato','Update'=>'Aggiorna','Validate Email'=>'Valida email','Content'=>'Contenuto','Title'=>'Titolo','Edit field group'=>'Modifica gruppo di campi','Selection is less than'=>'La selezione è minore di','Selection is greater than'=>'La selezione è maggiore di','Value is less than'=>'Il valore è minore di','Value is greater than'=>'Il valore è maggiore di','Value contains'=>'Il valore contiene','Value matches pattern'=>'Il valore ha corrispondenza con il pattern','Value is not equal to'=>'Il valore non è uguale a','Value is equal to'=>'Il valore è uguale a','Has no value'=>'Non ha un valore','Has any value'=>'Ha qualunque valore','Cancel'=>'Annulla','Are you sure?'=>'Sei sicuro?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campi necessitano attenzione','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo richiede attenzione','Validation failed'=>'Validazione fallita','Validation successful'=>'Validazione avvenuta con successo','Restricted'=>'Limitato','Collapse Details'=>'Comprimi dettagli','Expand Details'=>'Espandi dettagli','Uploaded to this post'=>'Caricato in questo articolo','verbUpdate'=>'Aggiorna','verbEdit'=>'Modifica','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Le modifiche effettuate verranno cancellate se esci da questa pagina','File type must be %s.'=>'La tipologia del file deve essere %s.','or'=>'oppure','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'La dimensione del file non deve superare %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'La dimensione del file deve essere di almeno %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'L\'altezza dell\'immagine non deve superare i %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'L\'altezza dell\'immagine deve essere di almeno %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'La larghezza dell\'immagine non deve superare i %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'La larghezza dell\'immagine deve essere di almeno %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(nessun titolo)','Full Size'=>'Dimensione originale','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Media','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(nessuna etichetta)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Imposta l\'altezza dell\'area di testo','Rows'=>'Righe','Text Area'=>'Area di testo','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anteponi un checkbox aggiuntivo per poter selezionare/deselzionare tutte le opzioni','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salva i valori \'personalizzati\' per le scelte del campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Consenti l\'aggiunta di valori \'personalizzati\'','Add new choice'=>'Aggiungi nuova scelta','Toggle All'=>'Commuta tutti','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Consenti URL degli archivi','Archives'=>'Archivi','Page Link'=>'Link pagina','Add'=>'Aggiungi','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s aggiunto','%s already exists'=>'%s esiste già','User unable to add new %s'=>'Utente non abilitato ad aggiungere %s','Term ID'=>'ID termine','Term Object'=>'Oggetto termine','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carica valori dai termini dell\'articolo','Load Terms'=>'Carica termini','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Collega i termini selezionati all\'articolo','Save Terms'=>'Salva termini','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Abilita la creazione di nuovi termini in fase di modifica','Create Terms'=>'Crea termini','Radio Buttons'=>'Pulsanti radio','Single Value'=>'Valore singolo','Multi Select'=>'Selezione multipla','Checkbox'=>'Checkbox','Multiple Values'=>'Valori multipli','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleziona l\'aspetto di questo campo','Appearance'=>'Aspetto','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleziona la tassonomia da mostrare','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nessun %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Il valore deve essere uguale o inferiore a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Il valore deve essere uguale o superiore a %d','Value must be a number'=>'Il valore deve essere un numero','Number'=>'Numero','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvare gli \'altri\' valori nelle scelte del campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Aggiungi scelta \'altro\' per consentire valori personalizzati','Other'=>'Altro','Radio Button'=>'Radio button','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definisce il punto di chiusura del precedente accordion. Questo accordion non sarà visibile.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Consenti a questo accordion di essere aperto senza chiudere gli altri.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostra questo accordion aperto l caricamento della pagina.','Open'=>'Aperto','Accordion'=>'Fisarmonica','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Limita i tipi di file che possono essere caricati','File ID'=>'ID file','File URL'=>'URL file','File Array'=>'Array di file','Add File'=>'Aggiungi file','No file selected'=>'Nessun file selezionato','File name'=>'Nome file','Update File'=>'Aggiorna file','Edit File'=>'Modifica file','Select File'=>'Seleziona file','File'=>'File','Password'=>'Password','Specify the value returned'=>'Specifica il valore restituito','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usa AJAX per il caricamento differito delle opzioni?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Inserire ogni valore predefinito su una nuova linea','verbSelect'=>'Seleziona','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Caricamento fallito','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Ricerca …','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Caricamento di altri risultati…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Puoi selezionare solo %d elementi','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Puoi selezionare solo 1 elemento','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Elimina %d caratteri','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Elimina 1 carattere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Inserisci %d o più caratteri','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Inserisci 1 o più caratteri','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nessun riscontro trovato','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d risultati disponibili, usa i tasti freccia su e giù per scorrere.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Un risultato disponibile, premi invio per selezionarlo.','nounSelect'=>'Seleziona','User ID'=>'ID utente','User Object'=>'Oggetto utente','User Array'=>'Array di utenti','All user roles'=>'Tutti i ruoli utente','Filter by Role'=>'Filtra per ruolo','User'=>'Utente','Separator'=>'Separatore','Select Color'=>'Seleziona colore','Default'=>'Predefinito','Clear'=>'Rimuovi','Color Picker'=>'Selettore colore','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleziona','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Fatto','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Ora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso orario','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsecondo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisecondo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Secondo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Ora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Orario','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Scegli orario','Date Time Picker'=>'Selettore data/ora','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Allineamento a sinistra','Top aligned'=>'Allineamento in alto','Placement'=>'Posizione','Tab'=>'Scheda','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Il valore deve essere un URL valido','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Array di link','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Apri in una nuova scheda/finestra','Select Link'=>'Seleziona link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Dimensione step','Maximum Value'=>'Valore massimo','Minimum Value'=>'Valore minimo','Range'=>'Intervallo','Both (Array)'=>'Entrambi (Array)','Label'=>'Etichetta','Value'=>'Valore','Vertical'=>'Verticale','Horizontal'=>'Orizzontale','red : Red'=>'rosso : Rosso','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Per un maggiore controllo, puoi specificare sia un valore che un\'etichetta in questo modo:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Inserisci ogni scelta su una nuova linea.','Choices'=>'Scelte','Button Group'=>'Gruppo di pulsanti','Parent'=>'Genitore','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE non sarà inizializzato fino a quando non verrà fatto clic sul campo','Toolbar'=>'Barra degli strumenti','Text Only'=>'Solo testo','Visual Only'=>'Solo visuale','Visual & Text'=>'Visuale e testo','Tabs'=>'Schede','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Fare clic per inizializzare TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Testo','Visual'=>'Visuale','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Il valore non può superare %d caratteri','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lasciare vuoto per nessun limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite caratteri','Appears after the input'=>'Appare dopo il campo di input','Append'=>'Postponi','Appears before the input'=>'Appare prima del campo di input','Prepend'=>'Anteponi','Appears within the input'=>'Appare all\'interno del campo di input','Placeholder Text'=>'Testo segnaposto','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Appare quando si crea un nuovo articolo','Text'=>'Testo','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s richiede la selezione di almeno %2$s elemento' . "\0" . '%1$s richiede la selezione di almeno %2$s elementi','Post ID'=>'ID articolo','Post Object'=>'Oggetto articolo','Featured Image'=>'Immagine in evidenza','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Gli elementi selezionati verranno visualizzati in ogni risultato','Elements'=>'Elementi','Taxonomy'=>'Tassonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo di contenuto','Filters'=>'Filtri','All taxonomies'=>'Tutte le tassonomie','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtra per tassonomia','All post types'=>'Tutti i tipi di articolo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtra per tipo di articolo','Search...'=>'Cerca...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleziona tassonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleziona tipo di articolo','No matches found'=>'Nessuna corrispondenza trovata','Loading'=>'Caricamento in corso','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Numero massimo di valori raggiunto ( {max} valori )','Relationship'=>'Relazione','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista con valori separati da virgole. Lascia vuoto per tutti i tipi','Maximum'=>'Massimo','File size'=>'Dimensione file','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Limita i tipi di immagine che possono essere caricati','Minimum'=>'Minimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Caricato nell\'articolo','All'=>'Tutti','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitare la scelta dalla libreria media','Library'=>'Libreria','Preview Size'=>'Dimensione anteprima','Image ID'=>'ID immagine','Image URL'=>'URL Immagine','Image Array'=>'Array di immagini','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specificare il valore restituito sul front-end','Return Value'=>'Valore di ritorno','Add Image'=>'Aggiungi immagine','No image selected'=>'Nessuna immagine selezionata','Remove'=>'Rimuovi','Edit'=>'Modifica','All images'=>'Tutte le immagini','Update Image'=>'Aggiorna immagine','Edit Image'=>'Modifica immagine','Select Image'=>'Selezionare immagine','Image'=>'Immagine','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Consenti al markup HTML di essere visualizzato come testo visibile anziché essere processato','Escape HTML'=>'Effettua escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Nessuna formattazione','Automatically add <br>'=>'Aggiungi automaticamente <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Aggiungi automaticamente paragrafi','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controlla come le nuove linee sono renderizzate','New Lines'=>'Nuove linee','Week Starts On'=>'La settimana inizia','The format used when saving a value'=>'Il formato utilizzato durante il salvataggio di un valore','Save Format'=>'Salva formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sett','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Prec','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Succ','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Oggi','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Fatto','Date Picker'=>'Selettore data','Width'=>'Larghezza','Embed Size'=>'Dimensione oggetto incorporato','Enter URL'=>'Inserisci URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Testo mostrato quando inattivo','Off Text'=>'Testo Off','Text shown when active'=>'Testo visualizzato quando è attivo','On Text'=>'Testo On','Default Value'=>'Valore predefinito','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Visualizza il testo a fianco alla casella di controllo','Message'=>'Messaggio','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Sì','True / False'=>'Vero / Falso','Row'=>'Riga','Table'=>'Tabella','Block'=>'Blocco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specifica lo stile utilizzato per la visualizzazione dei campi selezionati','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Sottocampi','Group'=>'Gruppo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizza l\'altezza della mappa','Height'=>'Altezza','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Imposta il livello di zoom iniziale','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centra la mappa iniziale','Center'=>'Centro','Search for address...'=>'Cerca per indirizzo...','Find current location'=>'Trova posizione corrente','Clear location'=>'Rimuovi posizione','Search'=>'Cerca','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Questo browser non supporta la geolocalizzazione','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Il formato restituito tramite funzioni template','Return Format'=>'Formato di ritorno','Custom:'=>'Personalizzato:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Il formato visualizzato durante la modifica di un articolo','Display Format'=>'Formato di visualizzazione','Time Picker'=>'Selettore orario','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nessun campo trovato nel cestino','No Fields found'=>'Nessun campo trovato','Search Fields'=>'Cerca campi','View Field'=>'Visualizza campo','New Field'=>'Nuovo campo','Edit Field'=>'Modifica campo','Add New Field'=>'Aggiungi nuovo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campi','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi trovato nel cestino','No Field Groups found'=>'Nessun gruppo di campi trovato','Search Field Groups'=>'Cerca gruppi di campi','View Field Group'=>'Visualizza gruppo di campi','New Field Group'=>'Nuovo gruppo di campi','Edit Field Group'=>'Modifica gruppo di campi','Add New Field Group'=>'Aggiungi nuovo gruppo di campi','Add New'=>'Aggiungi nuovo','Field Group'=>'Gruppo di campi','Field Groups'=>'Gruppi di campi','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalizza WordPress con campi potenti, professionali e intuitivi.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opzioni Aggiornate','Check Again'=>'Ricontrollare','Publish'=>'Pubblica','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nessun Field Group personalizzato trovato in questa Pagina Opzioni. Crea un Field Group personalizzato','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Errore.Impossibile connettersi al server di aggiornamento','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selezionare uno o più campi che si desidera clonare','Display'=>'Visualizza','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Specificare lo stile utilizzato per il rendering del campo clona','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Gruppo (Visualizza campi selezionati in un gruppo all\'interno di questo campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Senza interruzione (sostituisce questo campo con i campi selezionati)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etichette verranno visualizzate come %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefisso Etichetta Campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'I valori verranno salvati come %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefisso Nomi Campo','Unknown field'=>'Campo sconosciuto','Unknown field group'=>'Field Group sconosciuto','All fields from %s field group'=>'Tutti i campi dal %s field group','Add Row'=>'Aggiungi Riga','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layout','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Questo campo richiede almeno {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponibile (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} richiesto (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexible Content richiede almeno 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clicca il bottone "%s" qui sotto per iniziare a creare il layout','Add layout'=>'Aggiungi Layout','Remove layout'=>'Rimuovi Layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clicca per alternare','Delete Layout'=>'Cancella Layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplica Layout','Add New Layout'=>'Aggiungi Nuovo Layout','Add Layout'=>'Aggiungi Layout','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Layout Minimi','Maximum Layouts'=>'Layout Massimi','Button Label'=>'Etichetta Bottone','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Aggiungi Immagine alla Galleria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selezione massima raggiunta','Length'=>'Lunghezza','Caption'=>'Didascalia','Alt Text'=>'Testo Alt','Add to gallery'=>'Aggiungi a Galleria','Bulk actions'=>'Azioni in blocco','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordina per aggiornamento data','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordina per data modifica','Sort by title'=>'Ordina per titolo','Reverse current order'=>'Ordine corrente inversa','Close'=>'Chiudi','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleziona Minima','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleziona Massima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipologie File permesse','Insert'=>'Inserisci','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Specificare dove vengono aggiunti nuovi allegati','Append to the end'=>'Aggiungere alla fine','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Anteporre all\'inizio','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Righe minime raggiunte ({min} righe)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Righe massime raggiunte ({max} righe)','Minimum Rows'=>'Righe Minime','Maximum Rows'=>'Righe Massime','Collapsed'=>'Collassata','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selezionare un campo secondario da visualizzare quando la riga è collassata','Click to reorder'=>'Trascinare per riordinare','Add row'=>'Aggiungi riga','Remove row'=>'Rimuovi riga','First Page'=>'Pagina Principale','Previous Page'=>'Pagina Post','Next Page'=>'Pagina Principale','Last Page'=>'Pagina Post','No options pages exist'=>'Nessuna Pagina Opzioni esistente','Deactivate License'=>'Disattivare Licenza','Activate License'=>'Attiva Licenza','License Information'=>'Informazioni Licenza','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Per sbloccare gli aggiornamenti, si prega di inserire la chiave di licenza qui sotto. Se non hai una chiave di licenza, si prega di vedere Dettagli e prezzi.','License Key'=>'Chiave di licenza','Update Information'=>'Informazioni di aggiornamento','Current Version'=>'Versione corrente','Latest Version'=>'Ultima versione','Update Available'=>'Aggiornamento Disponibile','Upgrade Notice'=>'Avviso di Aggiornamento','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Inserisci il tuo codice di licenza per sbloccare gli aggiornamenti','Update Plugin'=>'Aggiorna Plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.mo
index a070c1ae..239cdc68 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.po
index 4a1fbee5..0969843d 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-it_IT.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: it_IT\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Duplicato da %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Aggiungi campi"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Questo campo"
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Nessun termine"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Nessun articolo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Nessuna tassonomia"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Nessun gruppo di campi"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Nessun campo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Nessuna descrizione"
@@ -693,37 +724,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Seleziona campo"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Nessun risultato di ricerca per '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Cerca campi..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Seleziona tipo di campo"
@@ -2244,7 +2271,7 @@ msgstr "Trackback"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2293,7 +2320,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2303,15 +2330,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2319,7 +2346,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "1 elemento esportato."
@@ -2371,7 +2398,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2379,67 +2406,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2457,7 +2484,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni di base"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2469,7 +2496,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagine"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2513,16 +2540,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2543,74 +2570,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "tassonomia"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Autorizzazioni"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilità"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etichette"
@@ -2629,14 +2656,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2814,8 +2841,8 @@ msgstr "Presentazione"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validazione"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
@@ -2823,49 +2850,49 @@ msgstr "Generale"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importa JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Esporta come JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Gruppo di campi disattivato."
msgstr[1] "%s gruppi di campi disattivati."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Gruppo di campi attivato."
msgstr[1] "%s gruppi di campi attivati."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Disattiva"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Disattiva questo elemento"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Attiva"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Attiva questo elemento"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2878,7 +2905,7 @@ msgstr "Inattivo"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2887,7 +2914,7 @@ msgstr ""
"attivi contemporaneamente. Abbiamo automaticamente disattivato Advanced "
"Custom Fields PRO."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2968,7 +2995,7 @@ msgstr "Stringa RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Stringa esadecimale"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Aggiorna a Pro"
@@ -3020,8 +3047,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Allegati"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3031,7 +3058,7 @@ msgstr "Tassonomie"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3050,49 +3077,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parametri del gruppo di campi non validi."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "In attesa del salvataggio"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Salvato"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importa"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Rivedi le modifiche"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Situato in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Situato in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Situato in tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Varie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizza modifiche"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Caricamento differenze"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Verifica modifiche a JSON locale"
@@ -3350,7 +3377,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostra questo campo se"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Condizione logica"
@@ -3359,9 +3386,9 @@ msgstr "Condizione logica"
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON locale"
@@ -3558,9 +3585,9 @@ msgstr "Stile"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Chiave"
@@ -3571,23 +3598,23 @@ msgstr "Chiave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordine"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Chiudi campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "larghezza"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Attributi contenitore"
@@ -3595,68 +3622,68 @@ msgstr "Attributi contenitore"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Istruzioni per gli autori. Mostrato in fase di invio dei dati"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Istruzioni"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo di campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Singola parola, nessun spazio. Sottolineatura e trattini consentiti"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nome campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Questo è il nome che apparirà sulla pagina di modifica"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etichetta campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Elimina"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Elimina campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Sposta"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Sposta campo in un altro gruppo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplica campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Modifica campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Trascina per riordinare"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostra questo gruppo di campo se"
@@ -3761,15 +3788,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regole"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiato"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia negli appunti"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3777,22 +3804,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Seleziona gruppi di campi"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nessun gruppo di campi selezionato"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Genera PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Esporta gruppi di campi"
@@ -3818,22 +3845,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importa gruppi di campi"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizza"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Seleziona %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplica"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplica questo elemento"
@@ -3841,13 +3868,14 @@ msgstr "Duplica questo elemento"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentazione"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3856,26 +3884,26 @@ msgstr "Documentazione"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronizzazione disponibile"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Gruppo di campi sincronizzato."
msgstr[1] "%s gruppi di campi sincronizzati."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Gruppo di campi duplicato."
msgstr[1] "%s gruppi di campi duplicati."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Attivo (%s)"
@@ -3916,7 +3944,7 @@ msgstr "Il campo %1$s può essere trovato nel gruppo di campi %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Spostamento completato."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3931,7 +3959,7 @@ msgstr "Chiavi campo"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Posizione"
@@ -3943,14 +3971,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copia"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(questo campo)"
@@ -3961,14 +3989,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Selezionato"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Sposta campo personalizzato"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Nessun campo attiva/disattiva disponibile"
@@ -3977,16 +4005,16 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Il titolo del gruppo di campi è necessario"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Questo campo non può essere spostato fino a quando non saranno state salvate "
"le modifiche"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"La stringa \"field_\" non può essere usata come inizio nel nome di un campo"
@@ -4155,8 +4183,8 @@ msgstr "Non ha un valore"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Ha qualunque valore"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
@@ -4166,24 +4194,24 @@ msgstr "Annulla"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campi necessitano attenzione"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo richiede attenzione"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validazione fallita"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validazione avvenuta con successo"
@@ -4219,8 +4247,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Le modifiche effettuate verranno cancellate se esci da questa pagina"
@@ -4233,10 +4261,10 @@ msgstr "La tipologia del file deve essere %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "oppure"
@@ -4286,8 +4314,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(nessuna etichetta)"
@@ -5256,7 +5284,7 @@ msgstr "Nessuna immagine selezionata"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Rimuovi"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5578,92 +5606,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selettore orario"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nessun campo trovato nel cestino"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nessun campo trovato"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Cerca campi"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Visualizza campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nuovo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Modifica campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campi"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nessun gruppo di campi trovato nel cestino"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Nessun gruppo di campi trovato"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Cerca gruppi di campi"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Visualizza gruppo di campi"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nuovo gruppo di campi"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Modifica gruppo di campi"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo gruppo di campi"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Gruppo di campi"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Gruppi di campi"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.l10n.php
index 261a19c6..f9f0cc4b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.l10n.php
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ja','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Hide details'=>'詳細を隠す','Show details'=>'詳細を表示','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'ACF プロ版を更新する','Renew License'=>'ライセンスを更新','Manage License'=>'ライセンスの管理','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'ACF プロ版へアップグレード','Add Options Page'=>'オプションページを追加','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'タイトルのプレースホルダーとして使用されます。','Title Placeholder'=>'タイトルプレースホルダー','4 Months Free'=>'4ヶ月無料',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (からの複製 %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'オプションページを選択','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを複製','Create taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを作成','Duplicate post type'=>'投稿タイプを複製','Create post type'=>'投稿タイプを作成','Link field groups'=>'フィールドグループ','Add fields'=>'フィールドを追加','This Field'=>'このフィールド','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'フィードバック','Support'=>'サポート','is developed and maintained by'=>'によって開発され、維持されている','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'%s を選択したフィールドグループのロケーションルールに追加します。','Target Field'=>'ターゲットフィールド','Bidirectional'=>'双方向','%s Field'=>'%s フィールド','Select Multiple'=>'複数選択','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine ロゴ','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'小文字、アンダースコア、ダッシュのみ、最大32文字','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'投稿などでこのタクソノミーのタームを設定するための権限','Assign Terms Capability'=>'ターム割り当て','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーのタームを削除するための権限','Delete Terms Capability'=>'ターム削除機能','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーのタームを編集するための権限','Edit Terms Capability'=>'ターム編集機能','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーの管理画面へのアクセスを許可する権限','Manage Terms Capability'=>'ターム管理機能','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'サイト内検索やタクソノミーアーカイブから投稿を除外するかどうかを設定。','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP Engine 他のツール','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'%s のチームによって、WordPressで構築する人々のために構築された','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'価格とアップグレードを見る','Learn More'=>'さらに詳しく','%s fields'=>'%s フィールド','No terms'=>'タームはありません','No post types'=>'投稿タイプはありません','No posts'=>'投稿はありません','No taxonomies'=>'タクソノミーはありません','No field groups'=>'フィールドグループはありません','No fields'=>'フィールドはありません','No description'=>'説明はありません','Any post status'=>'すべての投稿ステータス','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'このタクソノミーのキーはすでに ACF の他のタクソノミーで使用されているので使用できません。','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'タクソノミーのキーは小文字の英数字、アンダースコア、またはダッシュのみが含まれます。','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'タクソノミーのキーは32字以内にする必要があります。','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱内にタクソノミーが見つかりませんでした。','No Taxonomies found'=>'タクソノミーが見つかりません','Search Taxonomies'=>'タクソノミーを検索','View Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを表示','New Taxonomy'=>'新規タクソノミー','Edit Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを編集','Add New Taxonomy'=>'新規タクソノミーを追加','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱内に投稿タイプが見つかりませんでした。','No Post Types found'=>'投稿タイプが見つかりません。','Search Post Types'=>'投稿タイプを検索','View Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを表示','New Post Type'=>'新規投稿タイプ','Edit Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを編集','Add New Post Type'=>'新規投稿タイプを追加','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'この投稿タイプキーは、ACF の外側で登録された別の投稿タイプによってすでに使用されているため、使用できません。','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'この投稿タイプキーは、ACF の別の投稿タイプによってすでに使用されているため、使用できません。','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'投稿タイプのキーは20字以内にする必要があります。','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'このフィールドの ACF ブロックでの使用は推奨されません。','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'リッチ エディター (WYSIWYG)','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'データオブジェクト間のリレーションシップを作成するために使用できる、1人または複数のユーザーを選択できます。','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'ウェブアドレスを保存するために特別に設計されたテキスト入力。','URL'=>'URL','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'テキストの段落を保存するための標準的な入力テキストエリア。','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'基本的なテキスト入力で、単一の文字列値を格納するのに便利です。','Filter by Post Status'=>'投稿ステータスで絞り込む','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'数値のみの入力','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'データと編集画面をよりよく整理するために、フィールドをグループに構造化する方法を提供します。','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'メールアドレスを保存するために特別に設計されたテキスト入力。','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'ユーザーが1つ、または指定した複数の値を選択できるチェックボックス入力のグループ。','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'あなたが指定した値を持つボタンのグループ、ユーザーは提供された値から1つのオプションを選択することができます。','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'コンテンツの編集中に表示される折りたたみ可能なパネルに、カスタムフィールドをグループ化して整理することができます。大規模なデータセットを整理整頓するのに便利です。','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'これは、スライド、チームメンバー、行動喚起表示などのコンテンツを繰り返し表示するためのソリューションで、繰り返し表示できる一連のサブフィールドの親として機能します。','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'これは、添付ファイルのコレクションを管理するためのインタラクティブなインターフェイスを提供します。ほとんどの設定は画像フィールドタイプと似ています。追加設定では、ギャラリーで新しい添付ファイルを追加する場所と、許可される添付ファイルの最小/最大数を指定できます。','nounClone'=>'複製','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'高度','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (新しい)','Original'=>'オリジナル','Invalid post ID.'=>'無効な投稿 ID です。','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'レビューには無効な投稿タイプが選択されています。','More'=>'詳細','Tutorial'=>'チュートリアル','Available with ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO版で利用可能','Select Field'=>'フィールド選択','Popular fields'=>'よく使うフィールド','No search results for \'%s\''=>'「%s」に合う検索結果はありません','Search fields...'=>'フィールドを検索...','Select Field Type'=>'フィールドタイプを選択する','Popular'=>'人気','Add Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを追加','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'最初のタクソノミーを追加','genre'=>'ジャンル','Genre'=>'ジャンル','Genres'=>'ジャンル','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'この投稿タイプをREST APIで公開する。','Customize the query variable name'=>'クエリ変数名をカスタマイズ','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'このタクソノミーが親子関係を持つかどうか。','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'URLに使用されるスラッグをカスタマイズする','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'このタクソノミーのパーマリンクは無効です。','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'タクソノミーのキーをスラッグとして使用してURLを書き換えます。パーマリンク構造は次のようになります','Taxonomy Key'=>'タクソノミーキー','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーに使用するパーマリンクのタイプを選択します。','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'投稿タイプの一覧画面にタクソノミーの項目を表示します。','Show Admin Column'=>'管理画面でカラムを表示','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'タクソノミーをクイック/一括編集パネルで表示','Quick Edit'=>'クイック編集','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'タグクラウドウィジェットにタクソノミーを表示','Tag Cloud'=>'タグクラウド','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'メタボックスから保存されたタクソノミーデータをサニタイズするために呼び出されるPHP関数名。','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'メタボックスのサニタイズコールバック','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'メタボックスの内容を処理するために呼び出されるPHPのコールバック関数名','No Meta Box'=>'メタボックスなし','Custom Meta Box'=>'カスタムメタボックス','Meta Box'=>'メタボックス','Tags Meta Box'=>'タグメタボックス','A link to a tag'=>'タグへのリンク','A link to a %s'=>'%s へのリンク','Tag Link'=>'タグリンク','← Go to tags'=>'← タグへ戻る','Back To Items'=>'項目に戻る','← Go to %s'=>'← %s へ戻る','Tags list'=>'タグ一覧','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'テーブルの非表示見出しにテキストを割り当てます。','Tags list navigation'=>'タグリストナビゲーション','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'テーブルのページ送りの非表示見出しにテキストを割り当てます。','Filter by category'=>'カテゴリーで絞り込む','Filter By Item'=>'アイテムをフィルタリング','Filter by %s'=>'%s で絞り込む','Description Field Description'=>'フィールドディスクリプションの説明','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'階層化するには親のタームを指定します。たとえば「ジャズ」というタームを「ビバップ」や「ビッグバンド」の親として指定します。','Parent Field Description'=>'親フィールドの説明','No tags'=>'タグなし','No Terms'=>'項目はありません','No %s'=>'No %s','No tags found'=>'タグが見つかりませんでした','Not Found'=>'見つかりません','Most Used'=>'最も使われている','Choose From Most Used'=>'よく使うものから選択','Choose from the most used %s'=>'最もよく使われている%sから選択','Add or remove tags'=>'タグの追加もしくは削除','Add Or Remove Items'=>'項目の追加または削除','Add or remove %s'=>'%s を追加または削除する','Separate tags with commas'=>'タグはコンマで区切ってください','Separate Items With Commas'=>'項目が複数ある場合はコンマで区切ってください','Separate %s with commas'=>'%s が複数ある場合はコンマで区切る','Popular Tags'=>'人気のタグ','Popular Items'=>'よく使う項目','Popular %s'=>'人気の %s','Search Tags'=>'タグを検索','Parent Category:'=>'親カテゴリー:','Parent Category'=>'親カテゴリー','Parent Item'=>'親項目','Parent %s'=>'親 %s','New Tag Name'=>'新規タグ名','New Item Name'=>'新規項目名','New %s Name'=>'新規 %s 名','Add New Tag'=>'新規タグを追加','Update Tag'=>'タグを更新','Update Item'=>'アイテムを更新','Update %s'=>'%s を更新','View Tag'=>'タグを表示','Edit Tag'=>'タグを編集','All Tags'=>'すべての タグ','Assigns the all items text.'=>'すべての項目のテキストを割り当てます。','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'メニュー名のテキストを割り当てます。','Menu Label'=>'メニューラベル','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'タクソノミーの説明的要約。','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'タームの説明的要約。','Term Description'=>'タームの説明','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'単語。スペースは不可、アンダースコアとダッシュは使用可能。','Term Slug'=>'タームスラッグ','Term Name'=>'項目名','Default Term'=>'デフォルト項目','Sort Terms'=>'キーワード並び替え','Add Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを追加する','Add Your First Post Type'=>'最初の投稿タイプを追加','Advanced Configuration'=>'高度な設定','Hierarchical'=>'階層的','Public'=>'一般公開','movie'=>'動画','Movie'=>'映画','Singular Label'=>'単数ラベル','Movies'=>'映画','Plural Label'=>'複数ラベル','Controller Class'=>'コントローラークラス','Base URL'=>'ベース URL','Show In REST API'=>'REST API で表示','Customize the query variable name.'=>'クエリ変数名をカスタマイズ。','Query Variable'=>'クエリー可変','Custom Query Variable'=>'カスタムクエリー変数','Query Variable Support'=>'クエリ変数のサポート','Publicly Queryable'=>'公開クエリ可','Archive Slug'=>'アーカイブスラッグ','Archive'=>'アーカイブ','Pagination'=>'ページ送り','Feed URL'=>'フィード URL','Front URL Prefix'=>'フロント URL プレフィックス','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'URL に使用されるスラッグをカスタマイズする。','URL Slug'=>'URL スラッグ','Custom Permalink'=>'カスタムパーマリンク','Post Type Key'=>'投稿タイプキー','Permalink Rewrite'=>'パーマリンクのリライト','Delete With User'=>'ユーザーと一緒に削除','Can Export'=>'エクスポート可能','Rename Capabilities'=>'リネーム機能','Exclude From Search'=>'検索から除外する','Show In Admin Bar'=>'管理バーの表示','Menu Icon'=>'メニュー アイコン','Menu Position'=>'メニューの位置','Show In UI'=>'UI に表示','A link to a post.'=>'投稿へのリンク。','A link to a %s.'=>'%s へのリンク。','Post Link'=>'投稿リンク','Item Link'=>'項目のリンク','%s Link'=>'%s リンク','Post updated.'=>'投稿を更新しました。','Item Updated'=>'項目を更新しました','%s updated.'=>'%s を更新しました。','Post scheduled.'=>'投稿を予約しました.','Item Scheduled'=>'公開予約済み項目','%s scheduled.'=>'%s を予約しました。','Post published.'=>'投稿を公開しました.','Item Published'=>'公開済み項目','%s published.'=>'%s を公開しました。','Posts list'=>'投稿リスト','Items List'=>'項目リスト','%s list'=>'%s リスト','Filter %s by date'=>'%s 日時で絞り込み','Filter posts list'=>'投稿リストの絞り込み','Filter Items List'=>'項目一覧の絞り込み','Filter %s list'=>'%s リストを絞り込み','Uploaded To This Item'=>'この項目にアップロード','Insert into post'=>'投稿に挿入','Insert into %s'=>'%s に挿入','Use Featured Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を使用','Remove featured image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を削除','Remove Featured Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を削除','Set featured image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定する際のボタンラベルとして','Set Featured Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定','Featured image'=>'アイキャッチ画像','Post Attributes'=>'投稿の属性','%s Attributes'=>'%s の属性','Post Archives'=>'投稿アーカイブ','Archives Nav Menu'=>'ナビメニューをアーカイブする','%s Archives'=>'%s アーカイブ','No %s found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱に%sはありません','No posts found'=>'投稿が見つかりません','No Items Found'=>'項目が見つかりませんでした','No %s found'=>'%s が見つかりませんでした。','Search Posts'=>'投稿を検索','Search Items'=>'項目を検索','Search %s'=>'%s を検索','Parent Page:'=>'親ページ:','Parent %s:'=>'親の%s:','New Post'=>'新規投稿','New Item'=>'新規項目','New %s'=>'新規 %s','Add New Post'=>'新規投稿を追加','Add New Item'=>'新規項目を追加','Add New %s'=>'新規%sを追加','View Posts'=>'投稿一覧を表示','View Items'=>'アイテムを表示','View Post'=>'投稿を表示','View Item'=>'項目を表示','View %s'=>'%s を表示','Edit Post'=>'投稿の編集','Edit Item'=>'項目を編集','Edit %s'=>'%s を編集','All Posts'=>'投稿一覧','All Items'=>'すべての項目','All %s'=>'%s 一覧','Menu Name'=>'メニュー名','Regenerate'=>'再生成','Add Custom'=>'カスタムの追加','Post Formats'=>'投稿フォーマット','Editor'=>'エディター','Trackbacks'=>'トラックバック','Browse Fields'=>'フィールドを見る','Nothing to import'=>'インポート対象がありません','Imported 1 item'=>'インポートした %s 項目','Export'=>'エクスポート','Select Taxonomies'=>'タクソノミーを選択','Select Post Types'=>'投稿タイプを選択','Category'=>'カテゴリー','Tag'=>'タグ','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s タクソノミーが作成されました','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s タクソノミーの更新','Taxonomy saved.'=>'タクソノミーを保存する。','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'タクソノミーを削除しました。','Taxonomy updated.'=>'タクソノミーを更新しました。','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'%s タクソノミーを複製しました。','Taxonomy activated.'=>'%s タクソノミーを有効化しました。','Terms'=>'規約','Post type synchronized.'=>'投稿タイプ %s が同期されました。','Post type duplicated.'=>'投稿タイプ %s が複製されました。','Post type deactivated.'=>'投稿タイプ %s が無効化されました。','Post type activated.'=>'投稿タイプ %s が有効化されました。','Post Types'=>'投稿タイプ','Advanced Settings'=>'高度な設定','Basic Settings'=>'基本設定','Pages'=>'固定ページ','%s post type created'=>'%s 投稿タイプを作成しました','Add fields to %s'=>'フィールドの追加 %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s 投稿タイプを更新しました','Post type submitted.'=>'投稿タイプを送信しました。','Post type saved.'=>'投稿タイプを保存しました。','Type to search...'=>'入力して検索…','PRO Only'=>'PRO 限定','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'タクソノミー','post type'=>'投稿タイプ','Done'=>'完了','Field Group(s)'=>'フィールドグループ','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'登録に失敗しました','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'パーミッション','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'可視性','Labels'=>'ラベル','Field Settings Tabs'=>'フィールド設定タブ','Close Modal'=>'モーダルを閉じる','Close modal'=>'モーダルを閉じる','New Tab Group'=>'新規タブグループ','Save Other Choice'=>'他の選択肢を保存','Add Toggle All'=>'すべてのトグルを追加','Allow Custom Values'=>'カスタム値の許可','Updates'=>'更新','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields ロゴ','Save Changes'=>'変更内容を保存','Field Group Title'=>'フィールドグループタイトル','Add title'=>'タイトルを追加','Add Field Group'=>'フィールドグループを追加する','Options Pages'=>'設定ページ','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'ギャラリーフィールド','Repeater Field'=>'リピーターフィールド','Group Settings'=>'グループ設定','Location Rules'=>'ロケーションルール','Add Your 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We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields と Advanced Custom Fields PRO を同時に有効化しないでください。
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ja','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Hide details'=>'詳細を隠す','Show details'=>'詳細を表示','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'ACF プロ版を更新する','Renew License'=>'ライセンスを更新','Manage License'=>'ライセンスの管理','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'ACF プロ版へアップグレード','Add Options Page'=>'オプションページを追加','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'タイトルのプレースホルダーとして使用されます。','Title Placeholder'=>'タイトルプレースホルダー','4 Months Free'=>'4ヶ月無料','Select Options Pages'=>'オプションページを選択','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを複製','Create taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを作成','Duplicate post type'=>'投稿タイプを複製','Create post type'=>'投稿タイプを作成','Link field groups'=>'フィールドグループ','Add fields'=>'フィールドを追加','This Field'=>'このフィールド','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'フィードバック','Support'=>'サポート','is developed and maintained by'=>'によって開発され、維持されている','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'%s を選択したフィールドグループのロケーションルールに追加します。','Target Field'=>'ターゲットフィールド','Bidirectional'=>'双方向','%s Field'=>'%s フィールド','Select Multiple'=>'複数選択','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine ロゴ','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'小文字、アンダースコア、ダッシュのみ、最大32文字','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'投稿などでこのタクソノミーのタームを設定するための権限','Assign Terms Capability'=>'ターム割り当て','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーのタームを削除するための権限','Delete Terms Capability'=>'ターム削除機能','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーのタームを編集するための権限','Edit Terms Capability'=>'ターム編集機能','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーの管理画面へのアクセスを許可する権限','Manage Terms Capability'=>'ターム管理機能','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'サイト内検索やタクソノミーアーカイブから投稿を除外するかどうかを設定。','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP Engine 他のツール','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'%s のチームによって、WordPressで構築する人々のために構築された','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'価格とアップグレードを見る','Learn More'=>'さらに詳しく','%s fields'=>'%s フィールド','No terms'=>'タームはありません','No post types'=>'投稿タイプはありません','No posts'=>'投稿はありません','No taxonomies'=>'タクソノミーはありません','No field groups'=>'フィールドグループはありません','No fields'=>'フィールドはありません','No description'=>'説明はありません','Any post status'=>'すべての投稿ステータス','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'このタクソノミーのキーはすでに ACF の他のタクソノミーで使用されているので使用できません。','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'タクソノミーのキーは小文字の英数字、アンダースコア、またはダッシュのみが含まれます。','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'タクソノミーのキーは32字以内にする必要があります。','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱内にタクソノミーが見つかりませんでした。','No Taxonomies found'=>'タクソノミーが見つかりません','Search Taxonomies'=>'タクソノミーを検索','View Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを表示','New Taxonomy'=>'新規タクソノミー','Edit Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを編集','Add New Taxonomy'=>'新規タクソノミーを追加','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱内に投稿タイプが見つかりませんでした。','No Post Types found'=>'投稿タイプが見つかりません。','Search Post Types'=>'投稿タイプを検索','View Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを表示','New Post Type'=>'新規投稿タイプ','Edit Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを編集','Add New Post Type'=>'新規投稿タイプを追加','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'この投稿タイプキーは、ACF の外側で登録された別の投稿タイプによってすでに使用されているため、使用できません。','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'この投稿タイプキーは、ACF の別の投稿タイプによってすでに使用されているため、使用できません。','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'投稿タイプのキーは20字以内にする必要があります。','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'このフィールドの ACF ブロックでの使用は推奨されません。','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'リッチ エディター (WYSIWYG)','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'データオブジェクト間のリレーションシップを作成するために使用できる、1人または複数のユーザーを選択できます。','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'ウェブアドレスを保存するために特別に設計されたテキスト入力。','URL'=>'URL','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'テキストの段落を保存するための標準的な入力テキストエリア。','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'基本的なテキスト入力で、単一の文字列値を格納するのに便利です。','Filter by Post Status'=>'投稿ステータスで絞り込む','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'数値のみの入力','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'データと編集画面をよりよく整理するために、フィールドをグループに構造化する方法を提供します。','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'メールアドレスを保存するために特別に設計されたテキスト入力。','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'ユーザーが1つ、または指定した複数の値を選択できるチェックボックス入力のグループ。','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'あなたが指定した値を持つボタンのグループ、ユーザーは提供された値から1つのオプションを選択することができます。','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'コンテンツの編集中に表示される折りたたみ可能なパネルに、カスタムフィールドをグループ化して整理することができます。大規模なデータセットを整理整頓するのに便利です。','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'これは、スライド、チームメンバー、行動喚起表示などのコンテンツを繰り返し表示するためのソリューションで、繰り返し表示できる一連のサブフィールドの親として機能します。','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'これは、添付ファイルのコレクションを管理するためのインタラクティブなインターフェイスを提供します。ほとんどの設定は画像フィールドタイプと似ています。追加設定では、ギャラリーで新しい添付ファイルを追加する場所と、許可される添付ファイルの最小/最大数を指定できます。','nounClone'=>'複製','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'高度','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (新しい)','Original'=>'オリジナル','Invalid post ID.'=>'無効な投稿 ID です。','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'レビューには無効な投稿タイプが選択されています。','More'=>'詳細','Tutorial'=>'チュートリアル','Select Field'=>'フィールド選択','Popular fields'=>'よく使うフィールド','No search results for \'%s\''=>'「%s」に合う検索結果はありません','Search fields...'=>'フィールドを検索...','Select Field Type'=>'フィールドタイプを選択する','Popular'=>'人気','Add Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを追加','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'最初のタクソノミーを追加','genre'=>'ジャンル','Genre'=>'ジャンル','Genres'=>'ジャンル','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'この投稿タイプをREST APIで公開する。','Customize the query variable name'=>'クエリ変数名をカスタマイズ','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'このタクソノミーが親子関係を持つかどうか。','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'URLに使用されるスラッグをカスタマイズする','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'このタクソノミーのパーマリンクは無効です。','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'タクソノミーのキーをスラッグとして使用してURLを書き換えます。パーマリンク構造は次のようになります','Taxonomy Key'=>'タクソノミーキー','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'このタクソノミーに使用するパーマリンクのタイプを選択します。','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'投稿タイプの一覧画面にタクソノミーの項目を表示します。','Show Admin Column'=>'管理画面でカラムを表示','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'タクソノミーをクイック/一括編集パネルで表示','Quick Edit'=>'クイック編集','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'タグクラウドウィジェットにタクソノミーを表示','Tag Cloud'=>'タグクラウド','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'メタボックスから保存されたタクソノミーデータをサニタイズするために呼び出されるPHP関数名。','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'メタボックスのサニタイズコールバック','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'メタボックスの内容を処理するために呼び出されるPHPのコールバック関数名','No Meta Box'=>'メタボックスなし','Custom Meta Box'=>'カスタムメタボックス','Meta Box'=>'メタボックス','Tags Meta Box'=>'タグメタボックス','A link to a tag'=>'タグへのリンク','A link to a %s'=>'%s へのリンク','Tag Link'=>'タグリンク','← Go to tags'=>'← タグへ戻る','Back To Items'=>'項目に戻る','← Go to %s'=>'← %s へ戻る','Tags list'=>'タグ一覧','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'テーブルの非表示見出しにテキストを割り当てます。','Tags list navigation'=>'タグリストナビゲーション','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'テーブルのページ送りの非表示見出しにテキストを割り当てます。','Filter by category'=>'カテゴリーで絞り込む','Filter By Item'=>'アイテムをフィルタリング','Filter by %s'=>'%s で絞り込む','Description Field Description'=>'フィールドディスクリプションの説明','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'階層化するには親のタームを指定します。たとえば「ジャズ」というタームを「ビバップ」や「ビッグバンド」の親として指定します。','Parent Field Description'=>'親フィールドの説明','No tags'=>'タグなし','No Terms'=>'項目はありません','No %s'=>'No %s','No tags found'=>'タグが見つかりませんでした','Not Found'=>'見つかりません','Most Used'=>'最も使われている','Choose From Most Used'=>'よく使うものから選択','Choose from the most used %s'=>'最もよく使われている%sから選択','Add or remove tags'=>'タグの追加もしくは削除','Add Or Remove Items'=>'項目の追加または削除','Add or remove %s'=>'%s を追加または削除する','Separate tags with commas'=>'タグはコンマで区切ってください','Separate Items With Commas'=>'項目が複数ある場合はコンマで区切ってください','Separate %s with commas'=>'%s が複数ある場合はコンマで区切る','Popular Tags'=>'人気のタグ','Popular Items'=>'よく使う項目','Popular %s'=>'人気の %s','Search Tags'=>'タグを検索','Parent Category:'=>'親カテゴリー:','Parent Category'=>'親カテゴリー','Parent Item'=>'親項目','Parent %s'=>'親 %s','New Tag Name'=>'新規タグ名','New Item Name'=>'新規項目名','New %s Name'=>'新規 %s 名','Add New Tag'=>'新規タグを追加','Update Tag'=>'タグを更新','Update Item'=>'アイテムを更新','Update %s'=>'%s を更新','View Tag'=>'タグを表示','Edit Tag'=>'タグを編集','All Tags'=>'すべての タグ','Assigns the all items text.'=>'すべての項目のテキストを割り当てます。','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'メニュー名のテキストを割り当てます。','Menu Label'=>'メニューラベル','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'タクソノミーの説明的要約。','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'タームの説明的要約。','Term Description'=>'タームの説明','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'単語。スペースは不可、アンダースコアとダッシュは使用可能。','Term Slug'=>'タームスラッグ','Term Name'=>'項目名','Default Term'=>'デフォルト項目','Sort Terms'=>'キーワード並び替え','Add Post Type'=>'投稿タイプを追加する','Add Your First Post Type'=>'最初の投稿タイプを追加','Advanced Configuration'=>'高度な設定','Hierarchical'=>'階層的','Public'=>'一般公開','movie'=>'動画','Movie'=>'映画','Singular Label'=>'単数ラベル','Movies'=>'映画','Plural Label'=>'複数ラベル','Controller Class'=>'コントローラークラス','Base URL'=>'ベース URL','Show In REST API'=>'REST API で表示','Customize the query variable name.'=>'クエリ変数名をカスタマイズ。','Query Variable'=>'クエリー可変','Custom Query Variable'=>'カスタムクエリー変数','Query Variable Support'=>'クエリ変数のサポート','Publicly Queryable'=>'公開クエリ可','Archive Slug'=>'アーカイブスラッグ','Archive'=>'アーカイブ','Pagination'=>'ページ送り','Feed URL'=>'フィード URL','Front URL Prefix'=>'フロント URL プレフィックス','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'URL に使用されるスラッグをカスタマイズする。','URL Slug'=>'URL スラッグ','Custom Permalink'=>'カスタムパーマリンク','Post Type Key'=>'投稿タイプキー','Permalink Rewrite'=>'パーマリンクのリライト','Delete 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Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を削除','Set featured image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定する際のボタンラベルとして','Set Featured Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像を設定','Featured image'=>'アイキャッチ画像','Post Attributes'=>'投稿の属性','%s Attributes'=>'%s の属性','Post Archives'=>'投稿アーカイブ','Archives Nav Menu'=>'ナビメニューをアーカイブする','%s Archives'=>'%s アーカイブ','No %s found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱に%sはありません','No posts found'=>'投稿が見つかりません','No Items Found'=>'項目が見つかりませんでした','No %s found'=>'%s が見つかりませんでした。','Search Posts'=>'投稿を検索','Search Items'=>'項目を検索','Search %s'=>'%s を検索','Parent Page:'=>'親ページ:','Parent %s:'=>'親の%s:','New Post'=>'新規投稿','New Item'=>'新規項目','New %s'=>'新規 %s','Add New Post'=>'新規投稿を追加','Add New Item'=>'新規項目を追加','Add New %s'=>'新規%sを追加','View Posts'=>'投稿一覧を表示','View Items'=>'アイテムを表示','View Post'=>'投稿を表示','View Item'=>'項目を表示','View %s'=>'%s を表示','Edit Post'=>'投稿の編集','Edit Item'=>'項目を編集','Edit %s'=>'%s を編集','All Posts'=>'投稿一覧','All Items'=>'すべての項目','All %s'=>'%s 一覧','Menu 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post type updated'=>'%s 投稿タイプを更新しました','Post type submitted.'=>'投稿タイプを送信しました。','Post type saved.'=>'投稿タイプを保存しました。','Type to search...'=>'入力して検索…','PRO Only'=>'PRO 限定','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'タクソノミー','post type'=>'投稿タイプ','Done'=>'完了','Field Group(s)'=>'フィールドグループ','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'登録に失敗しました','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'パーミッション','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'可視性','Labels'=>'ラベル','Field Settings Tabs'=>'フィールド設定タブ','Close Modal'=>'モーダルを閉じる','Close modal'=>'モーダルを閉じる','New Tab Group'=>'新規タブグループ','Save Other Choice'=>'他の選択肢を保存','Add Toggle All'=>'すべてのトグルを追加','Allow Custom Values'=>'カスタム値の許可','Updates'=>'更新','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields ロゴ','Save Changes'=>'変更内容を保存','Field Group Title'=>'フィールドグループタイトル','Add title'=>'タイトルを追加','Add Field Group'=>'フィールドグループを追加する','Options Pages'=>'設定ページ','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF Blocks','Gallery Field'=>'ギャラリーフィールド','Repeater Field'=>'リピーターフィールド','Group Settings'=>'グループ設定','Location Rules'=>'ロケーションルール','Add Your First Field'=>'最初のフィールドを追加','#'=>'No.','Add Field'=>'フィールドを追加','Presentation'=>'プレゼンテーション','Validation'=>'検証','General'=>'全般','Import JSON'=>'JSON をインポート','Export As JSON'=>'JSON をエクスポート','Deactivate'=>'無効化','Deactivate this item'=>'この項目を無効化する','Activate'=>'有効化','Activate this item'=>'この項目を有効化する','post statusInactive'=>'無効','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields と Advanced Custom Fields PRO を同時に有効化しないでください。
Advanced Custom Fields PROを自動的に無効化しました。','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields と Advanced Custom Fields PRO を同時に有効化しないでください。
Advanced Custom Fields を自動的に無効化しました。','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s は有効なユーザー ID である必要があります。','Invalid request.'=>'無効なリクエストです。','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s は %2$s に当てはまりません','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s はターム %2$s である必要があります。','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s は投稿タイプ %2$s である必要があります。','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s は有効な投稿 ID である必要があります。','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s には有効な添付ファイル ID が必要です。','Show in REST API'=>'REST API で表示','Enable Transparency'=>'透明度の有効化','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA 配列','RGBA String'=>'RGBA 文字列','Hex String'=>'16進値文字列','Upgrade to PRO'=>'プロ版にアップグレード','post statusActive'=>'有効','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' は有効なメールアドレスではありません','Color value'=>'明度','Select default color'=>'デフォルトの色を選択','Clear color'=>'色をクリア','Blocks'=>'ブロック','Options'=>'オプション','Users'=>'ユーザー','Menu items'=>'メニュー項目','Widgets'=>'ウィジェット','Attachments'=>'添付ファイル','Taxonomies'=>'タクソノミー','Posts'=>'投稿','Last updated: %s'=>'最終更新日: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'このフィールドグループは diff 比較に使用できません。','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'無効なフィールドグループパラメータ。','Awaiting save'=>'保存待ち','Saved'=>'保存しました','Import'=>'インポート','Review changes'=>'変更をレビュー','Located in: %s'=>'位置: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'プラグイン中の位置: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'テーマ内の位置: %s','Various'=>'各種','Sync changes'=>'変更を同期','Loading diff'=>'差分を読み込み中','Review local JSON changes'=>'ローカルの JSON 変更をレビュー','Visit website'=>'サイトへ移動','View details'=>'詳細を表示','Version %s'=>'バージョン %s','Information'=>'情報','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'ヘルプデスク。サポートの専門家がお客様のより詳細な技術的課題をサポートします。','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'ディスカッション。コミュニティフォーラムには、活発でフレンドリーなコミュニティがあり、ACFの世界の「ハウツー」を理解する手助けをしてくれるかもしれません。','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'ドキュメンテーション。私たちの豊富なドキュメントには、お客様が遭遇する可能性のあるほとんどの状況に対するリファレンスやガイドが含まれています。','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'私たちはサポートを非常に重要視しており、ACF を使ったサイトを最大限に活用していただきたいと考えています。何か問題が発生した場合には、複数の場所でサポートを受けることができます:','Help & Support'=>'ヘルプとサポート','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'お困りの際は「ヘルプとサポート」タブからお問い合わせください。','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'初めてフィールドグループを作成する前にまずスタートガイドに目を通して、プラグインの理念やベストプラクティスを理解することをおすすめします。','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields プラグインは、WordPress の編集画面を追加フィールドでカスタマイズするためのビジュアルフォームビルダーと、カスタムフィールドの値を任意のテーマテンプレートファイルに表示するための直感的な API を提供します。','Overview'=>'概要','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'位置タイプ「%s」はすでに登録されています。','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'クラス "%s" は存在しません。','Invalid nonce.'=>'無効な nonce。','Error loading field.'=>'フィールドの読み込みエラー。','Location not found: %s'=>'位置情報が見つかりません: %s','Error: %s'=>'エラー: %s','Widget'=>'ウィジェット','User Role'=>'ユーザー権限グループ','Comment'=>'コメント','Post Format'=>'投稿フォーマット','Menu Item'=>'メニュー項目','Post Status'=>'投稿ステータス','Menus'=>'メニュー','Menu Locations'=>'メニューの位置','Menu'=>'メニュー','Post Taxonomy'=>'投稿タクソノミー','Child Page (has parent)'=>'子ページ (親ページあり)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'親ページ (子ページあり)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'最上位レベルのページ (親ページなし)','Posts Page'=>'投稿ページ','Front Page'=>'フロントページ','Page Type'=>'ページタイプ','Viewing back end'=>'バックエンドで表示','Viewing front end'=>'フロントエンドで表示','Logged in'=>'ログイン済み','Current User'=>'現在のユーザー','Page Template'=>'固定ページテンプレート','Register'=>'登録','Add / Edit'=>'追加 / 編集','User Form'=>'ユーザーフォーム','Page Parent'=>'親ページ','Super Admin'=>'特権管理者','Current User Role'=>'現在のユーザー権限グループ','Default Template'=>'デフォルトテンプレート','Post Template'=>'投稿テンプレート','Post Category'=>'投稿カテゴリー','All %s formats'=>'すべての%sフォーマット','Attachment'=>'添付ファイル','%s value is required'=>'%s の値は必須です','Show this field if'=>'このフィールドグループの表示条件','Conditional Logic'=>'条件判定','and'=>'と','Local JSON'=>'ローカル JSON','Clone Field'=>'フィールドを複製','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'また、すべてのプレミアムアドオン ( %s) が最新版に更新されていることを確認してください。','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'このバージョンにはデータベースの改善が含まれており、アップグレードが必要です。','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'%1$s v%2$sへの更新をありがとうございます。','Database Upgrade Required'=>'データベースのアップグレードが必要','Options Page'=>'オプションページ','Gallery'=>'ギャラリー','Flexible Content'=>'柔軟なコンテンツ','Repeater'=>'繰り返し','Back to all tools'=>'すべてのツールに戻る','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'複数のフィールドグループが編集画面に表示される場合、最初のフィールドグループ (最小の番号を持つもの) のオプションが使用されます','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'編集画面で非表示にする項目を選択してください。','Hide on screen'=>'画面上で非表示','Send Trackbacks'=>'トラックバック送信','Tags'=>'タグ','Categories'=>'カテゴリー','Page Attributes'=>'ページ属性','Format'=>'フォーマット','Author'=>'投稿者','Slug'=>'スラッグ','Revisions'=>'リビジョン','Comments'=>'コメント','Discussion'=>'ディスカッション','Excerpt'=>'抜粋','Content Editor'=>'コンテンツエディター','Permalink'=>'パーマリンク','Shown in field group list'=>'フィールドグループリストに表示','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'下位のフィールドグループを最初に表示','Order No.'=>'注文番号','Below fields'=>'フィールドの下','Below labels'=>'ラベルの下','Instruction Placement'=>'手順の配置','Label Placement'=>'ラベルの配置','Side'=>'サイド','Normal (after content)'=>'通常 (コンテンツの後)','High (after title)'=>'高 (タイトルの後)','Position'=>'位置','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'シームレス (メタボックスなし)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'標準 (WP メタボックス)','Style'=>'スタイル','Type'=>'タイプ','Key'=>'キー','Order'=>'順序','Close Field'=>'フィールドを閉じる','id'=>'ID','class'=>'クラス','width'=>'横幅','Wrapper Attributes'=>'ラッパー属性','Required'=>'必須項目','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'投稿者向けの手順。データ送信時に表示されます','Instructions'=>'手順','Field Type'=>'フィールドタイプ','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'スペースは不可、アンダースコアとダッシュは使用可能','Field Name'=>'フィールド名','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'これは、編集ページに表示される名前です','Field Label'=>'フィールドラベル','Delete'=>'削除','Delete field'=>'フィールドを削除','Move'=>'移動','Move field to another group'=>'フィールドを別のグループへ移動','Duplicate field'=>'フィールドを複製','Edit field'=>'フィールドを編集','Drag to reorder'=>'ドラッグして順序を変更','Show this field group if'=>'このフィールドグループを表示する条件','No updates available.'=>'利用可能な更新はありません。','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'データベースのアップグレードが完了しました。変更点を表示','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'アップグレードタスクを読み込んでいます...','Upgrade failed.'=>'アップグレードに失敗しました。','Upgrade complete.'=>'アップグレードが完了しました。','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'データをバージョン%sへアップグレード中','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'続行する前にデータベースをバックアップすることを強くおすすめします。本当に更新ツールを今すぐ実行してもよいですか ?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'アップグレードするサイトを1つ以上選択してください。','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'データベースのアップグレードが完了しました。ネットワークダッシュボードに戻る','Site is up to date'=>'サイトは最新状態です','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'%1$s から %2$s へのデータベースのアップグレードが必要です','Site'=>'サイト','Upgrade Sites'=>'サイトをアップグレード','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'以下のサイトはデータベースのアップグレードが必要です。更新したいものにチェックを入れて、%s をクリックしてください。','Add rule group'=>'ルールグループを追加','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'どの編集画面でカスタムフィールドを表示するかを決定するルールを作成します','Rules'=>'ルール','Copied'=>'コピーしました','Copy to clipboard'=>'クリップボードにコピー','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'エクスポートしたい項目とエクスポート方法を選んでください。「JSON としてエクスポート」では別の ACF をインストールした環境でインポートできる JSON ファイルがエクスポートされます。「PHP の生成」ではテーマ内で利用できる PHP コードが生成されます。','Select Field Groups'=>'フィールドグループを選択','No field groups selected'=>'フィールド未選択','Generate PHP'=>'PHP を生成','Export Field Groups'=>'フィールドグループをエクスポート','Import file empty'=>'空ファイルのインポート','Incorrect file type'=>'不正なファイルの種類','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'ファイルアップロードエラー。もう一度お試しください','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'インポートしたい ACF の JSON ファイルを選択してください。下のインポートボタンをクリックすると、ACF はファイルに項目をインポートします。','Import Field Groups'=>'フィールドグループをインポート','Sync'=>'同期','Select %s'=>'%sを選択','Duplicate'=>'複製','Duplicate this item'=>'この項目を複製','Supports'=>'サポート','Documentation'=>'ドキュメンテーション','Description'=>'説明','Sync available'=>'同期が利用できます','Field group synchronized.'=>'%s件のフィールドグループを同期しました。','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s件のフィールドグループを複製しました。','Active (%s)'=>'使用中 (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'サイトをレビューしてアップグレード','Upgrade Database'=>'データベースをアップグレード','Custom Fields'=>'カスタムフィールド','Move Field'=>'フィールドを移動','Please select the destination for this field'=>'このフィールドの移動先を選択してください','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s フィールドは現在 %2$s フィールドグループにあります','Move Complete.'=>'移動が完了しました。','Active'=>'有効','Field Keys'=>'フィールドキー','Settings'=>'設定','Location'=>'所在地','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'コピー','(this field)'=>'(このフィールド)','Checked'=>'チェック済み','Move Custom Field'=>'カスタムフィールドを移動','No toggle fields available'=>'利用可能な切り替えフィールドがありません','Field group title is required'=>'フィールドグループのタイトルは必須です','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'変更を保存するまでこのフィールドは移動できません','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'"field_" という文字列はフィールド名の先頭に使うことはできません','Field group draft updated.'=>'フィールドグループ下書きを更新しました。','Field group scheduled for.'=>'フィールドグループを公開予約しました。','Field group submitted.'=>'フィールドグループを送信しました。','Field group saved.'=>'フィールドグループを保存しました。','Field group published.'=>'フィールドグループを公開しました。','Field group deleted.'=>'フィールドグループを削除しました。','Field group updated.'=>'フィールドグループを更新しました。','Tools'=>'ツール','is not equal to'=>'等しくない','is equal to'=>'等しい','Forms'=>'フォーム','Page'=>'固定ページ','Post'=>'投稿','Relational'=>'関連','Choice'=>'選択','Basic'=>'基本','Unknown'=>'不明','Field type does not exist'=>'フィールドタイプが存在しません','Spam Detected'=>'スパムを検出しました','Post updated'=>'投稿を更新しました','Update'=>'更新','Validate Email'=>'メールを確認','Content'=>'コンテンツ','Title'=>'タイトル','Edit field group'=>'フィールドグループを編集','Selection is less than'=>'選択範囲が以下より小さい場合','Selection is greater than'=>'選択範囲が以下より大きい場合','Value is less than'=>'値が以下より小さい場合','Value is greater than'=>'値が以下より大きい場合','Value contains'=>'以下の値が含まれる場合','Value matches pattern'=>'値が以下のパターンに一致する場合','Value is not equal to'=>'値が以下に等しくない場合','Value is equal to'=>'値が以下に等しい場合','Has no value'=>'値がない場合','Has any value'=>'任意の値あり','Cancel'=>'キャンセル','Are you sure?'=>'本当に実行しますか ?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d個のフィールドで確認が必要です','1 field requires attention'=>'1つのフィールドで確認が必要です','Validation failed'=>'検証失敗','Validation successful'=>'検証成功','Restricted'=>'制限','Collapse Details'=>'詳細を折りたたむ','Expand Details'=>'詳細を展開','Uploaded to this post'=>'この投稿へのアップロード','verbUpdate'=>'更新','verbEdit'=>'編集','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'このページから移動した場合、変更は失われます','File type must be %s.'=>'ファイル形式は %s である必要があります。','or'=>'または','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'ファイルサイズは %s 以下である必要があります。','File size must be at least %s.'=>'ファイルサイズは %s 以上である必要があります。','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'画像の高さは %dpx 以下である必要があります。','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'画像の高さは %dpx 以上である必要があります。','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'画像の幅は %dpx 以下である必要があります。','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'画像の幅は %dpx 以上である必要があります。','(no title)'=>'(タイトルなし)','Full Size'=>'フルサイズ','Large'=>'大','Medium'=>'中','Thumbnail'=>'サムネイル','(no label)'=>'(ラベルなし)','Sets the textarea height'=>'テキストエリアの高さを設定','Rows'=>'行','Text Area'=>'テキストエリア','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'追加のチェックボックスを先頭に追加して、すべての選択肢を切り替えます','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'フィールドの選択肢として「カスタム」を保存する','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'「カスタム」値の追加を許可する','Add new choice'=>'新規選択肢を追加','Toggle All'=>'すべて切り替え','Allow Archives URLs'=>'アーカイブ URL を許可','Archives'=>'アーカイブ','Page Link'=>'ページリンク','Add'=>'追加','Name'=>'名前','%s added'=>'%s を追加しました','%s already exists'=>'%s はすでに存在しています','User unable to add new %s'=>'ユーザーが新規 %s を追加できません','Term ID'=>'ターム ID','Term Object'=>'タームオブジェクト','Load value from posts terms'=>'投稿タームから値を読み込む','Load Terms'=>'タームを読み込む','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'選択したタームを投稿に関連付ける','Save Terms'=>'タームを保存','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'編集中に新しいタームを作成できるようにする','Create Terms'=>'タームを追加','Radio Buttons'=>'ラジオボタン','Single Value'=>'単一値','Multi Select'=>'複数選択','Checkbox'=>'チェックボックス','Multiple Values'=>'複数値','Select the appearance of this field'=>'このフィールドの外観を選択','Appearance'=>'外観','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'表示するタクソノミーを選択','No TermsNo %s'=>'%s なし','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'値は%d文字以下である必要があります','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'値は%d文字以上である必要があります','Value must be a number'=>'値は数字である必要があります','Number'=>'番号','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'フィールドの選択肢として「その他」を保存する','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'「その他」の選択肢を追加してカスタム値を許可','Other'=>'その他','Radio Button'=>'ラジオボタン','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'前のアコーディオンを停止するエンドポイントを定義します。このアコーディオンは表示されません。','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'他のアコーディオンを閉じずにこのアコーディオンを開くことができるようにする。','Multi-Expand'=>'マルチ展開','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'このアコーディオンをページの読み込み時に開いた状態で表示します。','Open'=>'受付中','Accordion'=>'アコーディオン','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'アップロード可能なファイルを制限','File ID'=>'ファイル ID','File URL'=>'ファイルの URL','File Array'=>'ファイル配列','Add File'=>'ファイルを追加','No file selected'=>'ファイルが選択されていません','File name'=>'ファイル名','Update File'=>'ファイルを更新','Edit File'=>'ファイルを編集','Select File'=>'ファイルを選択','File'=>'ファイル','Password'=>'パスワード','Specify the value returned'=>'戻り値を指定します','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'AJAX を使用して選択肢を遅延読み込みしますか ?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'新しい行に各デフォルト値を入力してください','verbSelect'=>'選択','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'読み込み失敗','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'検索中…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'結果をさらに読み込み中…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'%d項目のみ選択可能です','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'1項目のみ選択可能です','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'%d文字を削除してください','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'1文字削除してください','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'%d文字以上を入力してください','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'1つ以上の文字を入力してください','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'一致する項目がありません','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d件の結果が見つかりました。上下矢印キーを使って移動してください。','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'1件の結果が利用可能です。Enter を押して選択してください。','nounSelect'=>'選択','User ID'=>'ユーザー ID','User Object'=>'ユーザーオブジェクト','User Array'=>'ユーザー配列','All user roles'=>'すべてのユーザー権限グループ','Filter by Role'=>'権限グループで絞り込む','User'=>'ユーザー','Separator'=>'区切り','Select Color'=>'色を選択','Default'=>'デフォルト','Clear'=>'クリア','Color Picker'=>'カラーピッカー','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'選択','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'完了','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'現在','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'タイムゾーン','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'マイクロ秒','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'ミリ秒','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'秒','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'分','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'時','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'時間','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'時間を選択','Date Time Picker'=>'日時選択ツール','Endpoint'=>'エンドポイント','Left aligned'=>'左揃え','Top aligned'=>'上揃え','Placement'=>'配置','Tab'=>'タブ','Value must be a valid URL'=>'値は有効な URL である必要があります','Link URL'=>'リンク URL','Link Array'=>'リンク配列','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'新しいウィンドウまたはタブで開く','Select Link'=>'リンクを選択','Link'=>'リンク','Email'=>'メール','Step Size'=>'ステップサイズ','Maximum Value'=>'最大値','Minimum Value'=>'最小値','Range'=>'範囲','Both (Array)'=>'両方 (配列)','Label'=>'ラベル','Value'=>'値','Vertical'=>'垂直','Horizontal'=>'水平','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'下記のように記述すると、値とラベルの両方を制御することができます:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'選択肢を改行で区切って入力してください。','Choices'=>'選択肢','Button Group'=>'ボタングループ','Allow Null'=>'空の値を許可','Parent'=>'親','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'フィールドがクリックされるまで TinyMCE は初期化されません','Delay Initialization'=>'初期化を遅延させる','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'メディアアップロードボタンを表示','Toolbar'=>'ツールバー','Text Only'=>'テキストのみ','Visual Only'=>'ビジュアルのみ','Visual & Text'=>'ビジュアルとテキスト','Tabs'=>'タブ','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'クリックして TinyMCE を初期化','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'テキスト','Visual'=>'ビジュアル','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'値は%d文字以内である必要があります','Leave blank for no limit'=>'制限しない場合は空白にする','Character Limit'=>'文字数制限','Appears after the input'=>'入力内容の後に表示','Append'=>'追加','Appears before the input'=>'入力内容の前に表示','Prepend'=>'先頭に追加','Appears within the input'=>'入力内容の中に表示','Placeholder Text'=>'プレースホルダーテキスト','Appears when creating a new post'=>'新規投稿作成時に表示','Text'=>'テキスト','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$sは%2$s個以上選択する必要があります','Post ID'=>'投稿 ID','Post Object'=>'投稿オブジェクト','Maximum Posts'=>'最大投稿数','Minimum Posts'=>'最小投稿数','Featured Image'=>'アイキャッチ画像','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'選択した要素がそれぞれの結果に表示されます','Elements'=>'要素','Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミー','Post Type'=>'投稿タイプ','Filters'=>'フィルター','All taxonomies'=>'すべてのタクソノミー','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーで絞り込み','All post types'=>'すべての投稿タイプ','Filter by Post Type'=>'投稿タイプでフィルター','Search...'=>'検索…','Select taxonomy'=>'タクソノミーを選択','Select post type'=>'投稿タイプを選択','No matches found'=>'一致する項目がありません','Loading'=>'読み込み中','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'最大値 ({max}) に達しました','Relationship'=>'関係','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'カンマ区切りのリスト。すべてのタイプを許可する場合は空白のままにします','Allowed File Types'=>'許可されるファイルの種類','Maximum'=>'最大','File size'=>'ファイルサイズ','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'アップロード可能な画像を制限','Minimum'=>'最小','Uploaded to post'=>'投稿にアップロード','All'=>'すべて','Limit the media library choice'=>'メディアライブラリの選択肢を制限','Library'=>'ライブラリ','Preview Size'=>'プレビューサイズ','Image ID'=>'画像 ID','Image URL'=>'画像 URL','Image Array'=>'画像配列','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'フロントエンドへの返り値を指定してください','Return Value'=>'返り値','Add Image'=>'画像を追加','No image selected'=>'画像が選択されていません','Remove'=>'削除','Edit'=>'編集','All images'=>'すべての画像','Update Image'=>'画像を更新','Edit Image'=>'画像を編集','Select Image'=>'画像を選択','Image'=>'画像','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'HTML マークアップのコードとして表示を許可','Escape HTML'=>'HTML をエスケープ','No Formatting'=>'書式設定なし','Automatically add <br>'=>'自動的に <br> を追加','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'自動的に段落追加する','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'改行をどのように表示するか制御','New Lines'=>'改行','Week Starts On'=>'週の始まり','The format used when saving a value'=>'値を保存するときに使用される形式','Save Format'=>'書式を保存','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'前へ','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'次へ','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'今日','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'完了','Date Picker'=>'日付選択ツール','Width'=>'幅','Embed Size'=>'埋め込みサイズ','Enter URL'=>'URL を入力','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'無効化時に表示されるテキスト','Off Text'=>'無効化時のテキスト','Text shown when active'=>'有効時に表示するテキスト','On Text'=>'アクティブ時のテキスト','Stylized UI'=>'スタイリッシュな UI','Default Value'=>'初期値','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'チェックボックスの横にテキストを表示','Message'=>'メッセージ','No'=>'いいえ','Yes'=>'はい','True / False'=>'真/偽','Row'=>'行','Table'=>'テーブル','Block'=>'ブロック','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'選択したフィールドのレンダリングに使用されるスタイルを指定します','Layout'=>'レイアウト','Sub Fields'=>'サブフィールド','Group'=>'グループ','Customize the map height'=>'地図の高さをカスタマイズ','Height'=>'高さ','Set the initial zoom level'=>'地図のデフォルトズームレベルを設定','Zoom'=>'ズーム','Center the initial map'=>'地図のデフォルト中心位置を設定','Center'=>'中央','Search for address...'=>'住所を検索…','Find current location'=>'現在の場所を検索','Clear location'=>'位置情報をクリア','Search'=>'検索','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'お使いのブラウザーは位置情報機能に対応していません','Google Map'=>'Google マップ','The format returned via template functions'=>'テンプレート関数で返されるフォーマット','Return Format'=>'戻り値の形式','Custom:'=>'カスタム:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'投稿編集時に表示される書式','Display Format'=>'表示形式','Time Picker'=>'時間選択ツール','Inactive (%s)'=>'停止中 (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱にフィールドが見つかりません','No Fields found'=>'フィールドが見つかりません','Search Fields'=>'フィールドを検索','View Field'=>'フィールドを表示','New Field'=>'新規フィールド','Edit Field'=>'フィールドを編集','Add New Field'=>'新規フィールドを追加','Field'=>'フィールド','Fields'=>'フィールド','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'ゴミ箱にフィールドグループが見つかりません','No Field Groups found'=>'フィールドグループが見つかりません','Search Field Groups'=>'フィールドグループを検索','View Field Group'=>'フィールドグループを表示','New Field Group'=>'新規フィールドグループ','Edit Field Group'=>'フィールドグループを編集','Add New Field Group'=>'新規フィールドグループを追加','Add New'=>'新規追加','Field Group'=>'フィールドグループ','Field Groups'=>'フィールドグループ','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'パワフル、プロフェッショナル、直感的なフィールドで WordPress をカスタマイズ。','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'オプションを更新しました','Check Again'=>'再確認','Publish'=>'公開','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'このオプションページにカスタムフィールドグループがありません. カスタムフィールドグループを作成','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'エラー 更新サーバーに接続できません','Display'=>'表示','Add Row'=>'行を追加','layout'=>'レイアウト','layouts'=>'レイアウト','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'{identifier}に{label}は最低{min}個必要です','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'あと{available}個 {identifier}には {label} を利用できます(最大 {max}個)','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'あと{required}個 {identifier}には {label} を利用する必要があります(最小 {max}個)','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'柔軟コンテンツは少なくとも1個のレイアウトが必要です','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'下の "%s" ボタンをクリックしてレイアウトの作成を始めてください','Add layout'=>'レイアウトを追加','Remove layout'=>'レイアウトを削除','Delete Layout'=>'レイアウトを削除','Duplicate Layout'=>'レイアウトを複製','Add New Layout'=>'新しいレイアウトを追加','Add Layout'=>'レイアウトを追加','Min'=>'最小数','Max'=>'最大数','Minimum Layouts'=>'レイアウトの最小数','Maximum Layouts'=>'レイアウトの最大数','Button Label'=>'ボタンのラベル','Add Image to Gallery'=>'ギャラリーに画像を追加','Maximum selection reached'=>'選択の最大数に到達しました','Length'=>'長さ','Add to gallery'=>'ギャラリーを追加','Bulk actions'=>'一括操作','Sort by date uploaded'=>'アップロード日で並べ替え','Sort by date modified'=>'変更日で並び替え','Sort by title'=>'タイトルで並び替え','Reverse current order'=>'並び順を逆にする','Close'=>'閉じる','Minimum Selection'=>'最小選択数','Maximum Selection'=>'最大選択数','Allowed file types'=>'許可するファイルタイプ','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'最小行数に達しました({min} 行)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'最大行数に達しました({max} 行)','Minimum Rows'=>'最小行数','Maximum Rows'=>'最大行数','Click to reorder'=>'ドラッグして並び替え','Add row'=>'行を追加','Remove row'=>'行を削除','First Page'=>'フロントページ','Previous Page'=>'投稿ページ','Next Page'=>'フロントページ','Last Page'=>'投稿ページ','No options pages exist'=>'オプションページはありません','Deactivate License'=>'ライセンスのアクティベートを解除','Activate License'=>'ライセンスをアクティベート','License Key'=>'ライセンスキー','Update Information'=>'アップデート情報','Current Version'=>'現在のバージョン','Latest Version'=>'最新のバージョン','Update Available'=>'利用可能なアップデート','Upgrade Notice'=>'アップグレード通知','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'アップデートのロックを解除するためにライセンスキーを入力してください','Update Plugin'=>'プラグインをアップデート']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.mo
index 040cdfd2..77bb4fef 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.po
index f5c06ca3..bb604708 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ja.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "詳細を隠す"
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr "4ヶ月無料"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (からの複製 %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "オプションページを選択"
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "フィールドを追加"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "このフィールド"
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "によって開発され、維持されている"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "%s を選択したフィールドグループのロケーションルールに追加します。"
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s フィールド"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "タームはありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "投稿タイプはありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "投稿はありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "タクソノミーはありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループはありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "フィールドはありません"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "説明はありません"
@@ -717,37 +748,33 @@ msgstr "レビューには無効な投稿タイプが選択されています。
msgid "More"
msgstr "詳細"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "チュートリアル"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "ACF PRO版で利用可能"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "フィールド選択"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "よく使うフィールド"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "「%s」に合う検索結果はありません"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "フィールドを検索..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "フィールドタイプを選択する"
@@ -2273,7 +2300,7 @@ msgstr "トラックバック"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "フィールドを見る"
@@ -2320,7 +2347,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2330,15 +2357,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "エクスポート"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "タクソノミーを選択"
@@ -2346,7 +2373,7 @@ msgstr "タクソノミーを選択"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "投稿タイプを選択"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2397,7 +2424,7 @@ msgstr "タクソノミーを削除しました。"
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "タクソノミーを更新しました。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2405,59 +2432,59 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s タクソノミーを複製しました。"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "%s タクソノミーを有効化しました。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "規約"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "投稿タイプ %s が同期されました。"
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "投稿タイプ %s が複製されました。"
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "投稿タイプ %s が無効化されました。"
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "投稿タイプ %s が有効化されました。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2475,7 +2502,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "基本設定"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2487,7 +2514,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "固定ページ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2531,16 +2558,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "入力して検索…"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "PRO 限定"
@@ -2561,73 +2588,73 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "タクソノミー"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "投稿タイプ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "完了"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "フィールドグループ"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "登録に失敗しました"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "パーミッション"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "可視性"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "ラベル"
@@ -2646,14 +2673,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "モーダルを閉じる"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2827,8 +2854,8 @@ msgstr "プレゼンテーション"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "検証"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "全般"
@@ -2836,47 +2863,47 @@ msgstr "全般"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "JSON をインポート"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "JSON をエクスポート"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "無効化"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "この項目を無効化する"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "有効化"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "この項目を有効化する"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2889,7 +2916,7 @@ msgstr "無効"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2898,7 +2925,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Advanced Custom Fields PROを自動的に無効化しました。"
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2972,7 +2999,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA 文字列"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "16進値文字列"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "プロ版にアップグレード"
@@ -3024,8 +3051,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "添付ファイル"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3035,7 +3062,7 @@ msgstr "タクソノミー"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3054,49 +3081,49 @@ msgstr "このフィールドグループは diff 比較に使用できません
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "無効なフィールドグループパラメータ。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "保存待ち"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "保存しました"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "インポート"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "変更をレビュー"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "位置: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "プラグイン中の位置: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "テーマ内の位置: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "各種"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "変更を同期"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "差分を読み込み中"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "ローカルの JSON 変更をレビュー"
@@ -3354,7 +3381,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "このフィールドグループの表示条件"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "条件判定"
@@ -3363,9 +3390,9 @@ msgstr "条件判定"
msgid "and"
msgstr "と"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "ローカル JSON"
@@ -3559,9 +3586,9 @@ msgstr "スタイル"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "タイプ"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "キー"
@@ -3572,23 +3599,23 @@ msgstr "キー"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "順序"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "フィールドを閉じる"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "クラス"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "横幅"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "ラッパー属性"
@@ -3596,68 +3623,68 @@ msgstr "ラッパー属性"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "必須項目"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "投稿者向けの手順。データ送信時に表示されます"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "手順"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "フィールドタイプ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "スペースは不可、アンダースコアとダッシュは使用可能"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "フィールド名"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "これは、編集ページに表示される名前です"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "フィールドラベル"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "削除"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "フィールドを削除"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "移動"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "フィールドを別のグループへ移動"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "フィールドを複製"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "フィールドを編集"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "ドラッグして順序を変更"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "このフィールドグループを表示する条件"
@@ -3759,15 +3786,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "ルール"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "コピーしました"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "クリップボードにコピー"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3779,22 +3806,22 @@ msgstr ""
"エクスポートされます。「PHP の生成」ではテーマ内で利用できる PHP コードが生成"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループを選択"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "フィールド未選択"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP を生成"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループをエクスポート"
@@ -3822,22 +3849,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループをインポート"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "同期"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "%sを選択"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "複製"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "この項目を複製"
@@ -3845,13 +3872,14 @@ msgstr "この項目を複製"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "サポート"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "ドキュメンテーション"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3860,24 +3888,24 @@ msgstr "ドキュメンテーション"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "説明"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "同期が利用できます"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s件のフィールドグループを同期しました。"
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s件のフィールドグループを複製しました。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "使用中 (%s)"
@@ -3917,7 +3945,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s フィールドは現在 %2$s フィールドグループにあり
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "移動が完了しました。"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3932,7 +3960,7 @@ msgstr "フィールドキー"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "所在地"
@@ -3944,14 +3972,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "コピー"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(このフィールド)"
@@ -3962,14 +3990,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "チェック済み"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "カスタムフィールドを移動"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "利用可能な切り替えフィールドがありません"
@@ -3978,14 +4006,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "フィールドグループのタイトルは必須です"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "変更を保存するまでこのフィールドは移動できません"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "\"field_\" という文字列はフィールド名の先頭に使うことはできません"
@@ -4153,8 +4181,8 @@ msgstr "値がない場合"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "任意の値あり"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
@@ -4164,24 +4192,24 @@ msgstr "キャンセル"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "本当に実行しますか ?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d個のフィールドで確認が必要です"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1つのフィールドで確認が必要です"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "検証失敗"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "検証成功"
@@ -4217,8 +4245,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "このページから移動した場合、変更は失われます"
@@ -4231,10 +4259,10 @@ msgstr "ファイル形式は %s である必要があります。"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "または"
@@ -4284,8 +4312,8 @@ msgstr "サムネイル"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(ラベルなし)"
@@ -5249,7 +5277,7 @@ msgstr "画像が選択されていません"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "削除"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5568,91 +5596,91 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "時間選択ツール"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "停止中 (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "ゴミ箱にフィールドが見つかりません"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "フィールドが見つかりません"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "フィールドを検索"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "フィールドを表示"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "新規フィールド"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "フィールドを編集"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "新規フィールドを追加"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "フィールド"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "フィールド"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "ゴミ箱にフィールドグループが見つかりません"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "フィールドグループが見つかりません"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループを検索"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "フィールドグループを表示"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "新規フィールドグループ"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "フィールドグループを編集"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "新規フィールドグループを追加"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "新規追加"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "フィールドグループ"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "フィールドグループ"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.l10n.php
index 371b31a3..53ab8ed8 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ko_KR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'제목의 자리 표시자로 사용되는 편집기에서.','Title Placeholder'=>'제목 자리 표시자','4 Months Free'=>'4개월 무료',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (%s에서 복제됨)','Select Options Pages'=>'옵션 페이지 선택','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'중복 분류','Create taxonomy'=>'분류 체계 만들기','Duplicate post type'=>'중복 글 유형','Create post type'=>'글 유형 만들기','Link field groups'=>'필드 그룹 연결','Add fields'=>'필드 추가','This Field'=>'이 필드','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'피드백','Support'=>'지원','is developed and maintained by'=>'에 의해 개발 및 유지 관리됩니다.','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'선택한 필드 그룹의 위치 규칙에 이 %s를 추가합니다.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'양방향 설정을 활성화하면 이 필드에 대해 선택한 각 값에 대해 대상 필드에서 값을 업데이트하고 업데이트할 항목의 글 ID, 분류 ID 또는 사용자 ID를 추가하거나 제거할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 문서를 참조하세요.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'업데이트 중인 항목에 대한 참조를 다시 저장할 필드를 선택합니다. 이 필드를 선택할 수 있습니다. 대상 필드는 이 필드가 표시되는 위치와 호환되어야 합니다. 예를 들어 이 필드가 분류에 표시되는 경우 대상 필드는 분류 유형이어야 합니다.','Target Field'=>'대상 필드','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'이 ID를 다시 참조하여 선택한 값의 필드를 업데이트합니다.','Bidirectional'=>'양방향','%s Field'=>'%s 필드','Select Multiple'=>'여러 개 선택','WP Engine logo'=>'WP 엔진 로고','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'소문자, 밑줄 및 대시만 입력할 수 있으며 최대 32자까지 입력할 수 있습니다.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 할당하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'용어 할당 가능','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 삭제하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'약관 삭제 가능','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 편집하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'약관 편집 가능','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 관리하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'약관 관리 가능','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'검색 결과 및 택소노미 아카이브 페이지에서 글을 제외할지 여부를 설정합니다.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP 엔진의 더 많은 도구','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'워드프레스로 제작하는 사용자를 위해 %s 팀에서 제작했습니다.','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'가격 및 업그레이드 보기','Learn More'=>'더 알아보기','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'ACF 블록 및 옵션 페이지와 같은 기능과 리피터, 유연한 콘텐츠, 복제 및 갤러리와 같은 정교한 필드 유형을 사용하여 워크플로우를 가속화하고 더 나은 웹사이트를 개발할 수 있습니다.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'ACF 프로로 고급 기능을 잠금 해제하고 더 많은 것을 구축하세요.','%s fields'=>'%s 필드','No terms'=>'용어 없음','No post types'=>'게시물 유형 없음','No posts'=>'게시물 없음','No taxonomies'=>'택소노미 없음','No field groups'=>'필드 그룹 없음','No fields'=>'필드 없음','No description'=>'설명 없음','Any post status'=>'모든 게시물 상태','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 택소노미 키는 ACF 외부에 등록된 다른 택소노미에서 이미 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 택소노미 키는 이미 ACF의 다른 택소노미에서 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'택소노미 키에는 소문자 영숫자 문자, 밑줄 또는 대시만 포함되어야 합니다.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'택소노미 키는 32자 미만이어야 합니다.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 택소노미가 없습니다.','No Taxonomies found'=>'택소노미가 없습니다.','Search Taxonomies'=>'택소노미 검색','View Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 보기','New Taxonomy'=>'새로운 택소노미','Edit Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 편집','Add New Taxonomy'=>'새 택소노미 추가','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 게시물 유형을 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Post Types found'=>'게시물 유형을 찾을 수 없습니다.','Search Post Types'=>'게시물 유형 검색','View Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 보기','New Post Type'=>'새 게시물 유형','Edit Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 편집','Add New Post Type'=>'새 게시물 유형 추가','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 게시물 유형 키는 ACF 외부에 등록된 다른 게시물 유형에서 이미 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 게시물 유형 키는 이미 ACF의 다른 게시물 유형에서 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'이 필드는 워드프레스 예약어가 아니어야 합니다.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'게시물 유형 키에는 소문자 영숫자 문자, 밑줄 또는 대시만 포함해야 합니다.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'게시물 유형 키는 20자 미만이어야 합니다.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'ACF 블록에서는 이 필드를 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'게시물 및 페이지에 표시되는 워드프레스 WYSIWYG 편집기를 표시하여 멀티미디어 콘텐츠도 허용하는 풍부한 텍스트 편집 환경을 허용합니다.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG 편집기','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'데이터 개체 간의 관계를 만드는 데 사용할 수 있는 하나 이상의 사용자를 선택할 수 있습니다.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'웹 주소를 저장하기 위해 특별히 설계된 텍스트 입력입니다.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'1 또는 0 값(켜기 또는 끄기, 참 또는 거짓 등)을 선택할 수 있는 토글입니다. 양식화된 스위치 또는 확인란으로 표시할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'시간을 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 시간 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'텍스트 단락을 저장하기 위한 기본 텍스트 영역 입력.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'단일 문자열 값을 저장하는 데 유용한 기본 텍스트 입력입니다.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'필드 설정에 지정된 기준 및 옵션에 따라 하나 이상의 택소노미 용어를 선택할 수 있습니다.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'편집 화면에서 필드를 탭 섹션으로 그룹화할 수 있습니다. 필드를 정리하고 체계적으로 유지하는 데 유용합니다.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'지정한 선택 항목이 있는 드롭다운 목록입니다.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지 또는 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 항목을 선택하여 현재 편집 중인 항목과의 관계를 만드는 이중 열 인터페이스입니다. 검색 및 필터링 옵션이 포함되어 있습니다.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'범위 슬라이더 요소를 사용하여 지정된 범위 내에서 숫자 값을 선택하기 위한 입력입니다.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'사용자가 지정한 값에서 단일 선택을 할 수 있도록 하는 라디오 버튼 입력 그룹입니다.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'검색 옵션이 있는 하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지 또는 게시물 유형 항목을 선택할 수 있는 대화형 및 사용자 정의 가능한 UI입니다. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'마스킹된 필드를 사용하여 암호를 제공하기 위한 입력입니다.','Filter by Post Status'=>'게시물 상태로 필터링','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'검색 옵션과 함께 하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지, 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 항목 또는 아카이브 URL을 선택하는 대화형 드롭다운.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'기본 워드프레스 oEmbed 기능을 사용하여 비디오, 이미지, 트윗, 오디오 및 기타 콘텐츠를 삽입하기 위한 대화형 구성 요소입니다.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'숫자 값으로 제한된 입력입니다.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'다른 필드와 함께 편집자에게 메시지를 표시하는 데 사용됩니다. 필드에 대한 추가 컨텍스트 또는 지침을 제공하는 데 유용합니다.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'워드프레스 기본 링크 선택기를 사용하여 제목 및 대상과 같은 링크 및 해당 속성을 지정할 수 있습니다.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'기본 워드프레스 미디어 선택기를 사용하여 이미지를 업로드하거나 선택합니다.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'필드를 그룹으로 구성하여 데이터와 편집 화면을 더 잘 구성하는 방법을 제공합니다.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Google 지도를 사용하여 위치를 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 올바르게 표시하려면 Google Maps API 키와 추가 구성이 필요합니다.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'기본 워드프레스 미디어 선택기를 사용하여 파일을 업로드하거나 선택합니다.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'이메일 주소를 저장하기 위해 특별히 설계된 텍스트 입력입니다.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'날짜와 시간을 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 날짜 반환 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'날짜 선택을 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 날짜 반환 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'색상을 선택하거나 16진수 값을 지정하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'사용자가 지정한 하나 이상의 값을 선택할 수 있도록 하는 확인란 입력 그룹입니다.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'지정한 값이 있는 버튼 그룹으로, 사용자는 제공된 값에서 하나의 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'콘텐츠를 편집하는 동안 표시되는 접을 수 있는 패널로 사용자 정의 필드를 그룹화하고 구성할 수 있습니다. 큰 데이터 세트를 깔끔하게 유지하는 데 유용합니다.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'반복해서 반복할 수 있는 하위 필드 세트의 상위 역할을 하여 슬라이드, 팀 구성원 및 클릭 유도 문안 타일과 같은 반복 콘텐츠에 대한 솔루션을 제공합니다.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'이는 첨부 파일 모음을 관리하기 위한 대화형 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 대부분의 설정은 이미지 필드 유형과 유사합니다. 추가 설정을 통해 갤러리에서 새 첨부 파일이 추가되는 위치와 허용되는 첨부 파일의 최소/최대 수를 지정할 수 있습니다.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'간단하고 구조화된 레이아웃 기반 편집기를 제공합니다. 유연한 콘텐츠 필드를 사용하면 레이아웃과 하위 필드를 사용하여 사용 가능한 블록을 디자인함으로써 전체 제어로 콘텐츠를 정의, 생성 및 관리할 수 있습니다.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'이를 통해 기존 필드를 선택하고 표시할 수 있습니다. 데이터베이스의 어떤 필드도 복제하지 않지만 런타임에 선택한 필드를 로드하고 표시합니다. 복제 필드는 선택한 필드로 자신을 교체하거나 선택한 필드를 하위 필드 그룹으로 표시할 수 있습니다.','nounClone'=>'복제','PRO'=>'프로','Advanced'=>'고급의','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON(최신)','Original'=>'원본','Invalid post ID.'=>'게시물 ID가 잘못되었습니다.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'검토를 위해 잘못된 게시물 유형을 선택했습니다.','More'=>'더 보기','Tutorial'=>'튜토리얼','Available with ACF PRO'=>'ACF 프로와 함께 사용 가능','Select Field'=>'필드 선택','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'다른 검색어를 입력하거나 %s 찾아보기','Popular fields'=>'인기 분야','No search results for \'%s\''=>'\'%s\'에 대한 검색 결과가 없습니다.','Search fields...'=>'검색 필드...','Select Field Type'=>'필드 유형 선택','Popular'=>'인기 있는','Add Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 추가','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'게시물 유형 콘텐츠를 택소노미하기 위한 사용자 정의 택소노미 생성','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'첫 번째 택소노미 추가','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'계층적 택소노미는 범주와 같은 하위 항목을 가질 수 있습니다.','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'프런트엔드와 관리자 알림판에서 택소노미를 볼 수 있습니다.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미로 택소노미할 수 있는 하나 이상의 게시물 유형입니다.','genre'=>'장르','Genre'=>'장르','Genres'=>'장르','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'`WP_REST_Terms_Controller` 대신 사용할 선택적 사용자 정의 컨트롤러.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'REST API에서 이 게시물 유형을 노출합니다.','Customize the query variable name'=>'쿼리 변수 이름 사용자 지정','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'{query_var}={term_slug}와 같이 예쁘지 않은 퍼머링크를 사용하여 용어에 액세스할 수 있습니다.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'계층적 택소노미에 대한 URL의 상위-하위 용어.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'URL에 사용된 슬러그 사용자 정의','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'이 택소노미에 대한 퍼머링크가 비활성화되었습니다.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'택소노미 키를 슬러그로 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성합니다. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','Taxonomy Key'=>'택소노미 키','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미에 사용할 퍼머링크 유형을 선택하십시오.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에 택소노미에 대한 열을 표시합니다.','Show Admin Column'=>'관리 열 표시','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'빠른/일괄 편집 패널에 택소노미를 표시합니다.','Quick Edit'=>'빠른 편집','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Tag Cloud Widget 컨트롤에 택소노미를 나열합니다.','Tag Cloud'=>'태그 클라우드','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'메타박스에서 저장된 택소노미 데이터를 정리하기 위해 호출할 PHP 함수 이름입니다.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'메타 박스 정리 콜백','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'택소노미에서 메타 상자의 내용을 처리하기 위해 호출할 PHP 함수 이름입니다.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'메타박스 콜백 등록','No Meta Box'=>'메타박스 없음','Custom Meta Box'=>'커스텀 메타 박스','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'콘텐츠 에디터 화면의 메타박스를 제어합니다. 기본적으로 계층적 택소노미에는 범주 메타 상자가 표시되고 비계층적 택소노미에는 태그 메타 상자가 표시됩니다.','Meta Box'=>'메타박스','Categories Meta Box'=>'카테고리 메타박스','Tags Meta Box'=>'태그 메타박스','A link to a tag'=>'태그에 대한 링크','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'블록 편집기에서 사용되는 탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대해 설명합니다.','A link to a %s'=>'%s에 대한 링크','Tag Link'=>'태그 링크','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'블록 편집기에서 사용되는 탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대한 제목을 지정합니다.','← Go to tags'=>'← 태그로 이동','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'용어를 업데이트한 후 기본 인덱스로 다시 연결하는 데 사용되는 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Back To Items'=>'항목으로 돌아가기','← Go to %s'=>'← %s로 이동','Tags list'=>'태그 목록','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'테이블의 숨겨진 제목에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Tags list navigation'=>'태그 목록 탐색','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'테이블 페이지 매김 숨겨진 제목에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Filter by category'=>'카테고리별로 필터링','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'게시물 목록 테이블의 필터 버튼에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Filter By Item'=>'항목별로 필터링','Filter by %s'=>'%s로 필터링','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'설명은 기본적으로 눈에 띄지 않습니다. 그러나 일부 테마에서는 이를 표시할 수 있습니다.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 설명 필드에 대해 설명합니다.','Description Field Description'=>'설명 필드 설명','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'계층 구조를 만들 상위 용어를 할당합니다. 예를 들어 재즈라는 용어는 Bebop과 Big Band의 부모입니다.','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 상위 필드를 설명합니다.','Parent Field Description'=>'상위 필드 설명','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'"slug"는 이름의 URL 친화적 버전입니다. 일반적으로 모두 소문자이며 문자, 숫자 및 하이픈만 포함합니다.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 Slug 필드에 대해 설명합니다.','Slug Field Description'=>'슬러그 필드 설명','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'이름은 사이트에 표시되는 방식입니다.','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 이름 필드를 설명합니다.','Name Field Description'=>'이름 필드 설명','No tags'=>'태그 없음','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'태그 또는 카테고리를 사용할 수 없을 때 게시물 및 미디어 목록 테이블에 표시되는 텍스트를 할당합니다.','No Terms'=>'용어 없음','No %s'=>'%s 없음','No tags found'=>'태그를 찾을 수 없습니다.','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'사용 가능한 태그가 없는 경우 택소노미 메타 상자에서 \'가장 많이 사용하는 항목에서 선택\' 텍스트를 클릭할 때 표시되는 텍스트를 지정하고, 택소노미 항목이 없는 경우 용어 목록 테이블에 사용되는 텍스트를 지정합니다.','Not Found'=>'찾을 수 없음','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'자주 사용됨 탭의 제목 필드에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Most Used'=>'가장 많이 사용','Choose from the most used tags'=>'가장 많이 사용되는 태그 중에서 선택','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'JavaScript가 비활성화된 경우 메타 상자에 사용되는 \'가장 많이 사용되는 항목에서 선택\' 텍스트를 지정합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Choose From Most Used'=>'가장 많이 사용하는 것 중에서 선택','Choose from the most used %s'=>'가장 많이 사용된 %s에서 선택','Add or remove tags'=>'태그 추가 또는 제거','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'JavaScript가 비활성화된 경우 메타 상자에 사용되는 항목 추가 또는 제거 텍스트를 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됨','Add Or Remove Items'=>'항목 추가 또는 제거','Add or remove %s'=>'%s 추가 또는 제거','Separate tags with commas'=>'쉼표로 태그 구분','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'택소노미 메타 상자에 사용되는 쉼표 텍스트로 별도의 항목을 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'쉼표로 항목 구분','Separate %s with commas'=>'%s를 쉼표로 구분','Popular Tags'=>'인기 태그','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'인기 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Popular Items'=>'인기 상품','Popular %s'=>'인기 있는 %s','Search Tags'=>'검색 태그','Assigns search items text.'=>'검색 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Parent Category:'=>'상위 카테고리:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'부모 항목 텍스트를 할당하지만 끝에 콜론(:)이 추가됩니다.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'콜론이 있는 상위 항목','Parent Category'=>'상위 카테고리','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'상위 항목 텍스트를 지정합니다. 계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Parent Item'=>'상위 항목','Parent %s'=>'부모 %s','New Tag Name'=>'새 태그 이름','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'새 항목 이름 텍스트를 할당합니다.','New Item Name'=>'새 항목 이름','New %s Name'=>'새 %s 이름','Add New Tag'=>'새 태그 추가','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'새 항목 추가 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Update Tag'=>'태그 업데이트','Assigns the update item text.'=>'업데이트 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Update Item'=>'항목 업데이트','Update %s'=>'업데이트 %s','View Tag'=>'태그 보기','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'편집하는 동안 용어를 보려면 관리 표시줄에서.','Edit Tag'=>'태그 편집','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'용어를 편집할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','All Tags'=>'모든 태그','Assigns the all items text.'=>'모든 항목 텍스트를 지정합니다.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'메뉴 이름 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Menu Label'=>'메뉴 레이블','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'활성 택소노미가 활성화되고 워드프레스에 등록됩니다.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'택소노미에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'용어에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','Term Description'=>'용어 설명','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'한 단어, 공백 없음. 밑줄과 대시가 허용됩니다.','Term Slug'=>'용어 슬러그','The name of the default term.'=>'기본 용어의 이름입니다.','Term Name'=>'용어 이름','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'삭제할 수 없는 택소노미에 대한 용어를 만듭니다. 기본적으로 게시물에 대해 선택되지 않습니다.','Default Term'=>'기본 용어','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 `wp_set_object_terms()`에 제공된 순서대로 정렬해야 하는지 여부입니다.','Sort Terms'=>'용어 정렬','Add Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 추가','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형을 사용하여 표준 게시물 및 페이지 이상으로 워드프레스의 기능을 확장합니다.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'첫 게시물 유형 추가','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'내가 무엇을 하는지 알고 모든 옵션을 보여주세요.','Advanced Configuration'=>'고급 구성','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'계층적 게시물 유형은 페이지와 같은 하위 항목을 가질 수 있습니다.','Hierarchical'=>'계층적','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'프런트엔드와 관리 알림판에서 볼 수 있습니다.','Public'=>'공공의','movie'=>'동영상','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'소문자, 밑줄 및 대시만 가능하며 최대 20자입니다.','Movie'=>'동영상','Singular Label'=>'단일 레이블','Movies'=>'동영상','Plural Label'=>'복수 라벨','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'`WP_REST_Posts_Controller` 대신 사용할 선택적 사용자 정의 컨트롤러.','Controller Class'=>'컨트롤러 클래스','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL의 네임스페이스 부분입니다.','Namespace Route'=>'네임스페이스 경로','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'게시물 유형 REST API URL의 기본 URL입니다.','Base URL'=>'기본 URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'REST API에서 이 게시물 유형을 노출합니다. 블록 편집기를 사용하는 데 필요합니다.','Show In REST API'=>'REST API에 표시','Customize the query variable name.'=>'쿼리 변수 이름을 사용자 지정합니다.','Query Variable'=>'쿼리 변수','No Query Variable Support'=>'쿼리 변수 지원 없음','Custom Query Variable'=>'맞춤 쿼리 변수','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'항목은 예를 들어 non-pretty permalink를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있습니다. {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'쿼리 변수 지원','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'항목 및 항목에 대한 URL은 쿼리 문자열을 사용하여 액세스할 수 있습니다.','Publicly Queryable'=>'공개적으로 쿼리 가능','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'아카이브 URL에 대한 사용자 지정 슬러그입니다.','Archive Slug'=>'아카이브 슬러그','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'테마의 아카이브 템플릿 파일로 사용자 정의할 수 있는 항목 아카이브가 있습니다.','Archive'=>'아카이브','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'아카이브와 같은 항목 URL에 대한 페이지 매김 지원.','Pagination'=>'쪽수 매기기','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'게시물 유형 항목에 대한 RSS 피드 URL입니다.','Feed URL'=>'피드 URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'URL에 `WP_Rewrite::$front` 접두사를 추가하도록 퍼머링크 구조를 변경합니다.','Front URL Prefix'=>'프런트 URL 프리픽스','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'URL에 사용된 슬러그를 사용자 지정합니다.','URL Slug'=>'URL 슬러그','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'이 게시물 유형에 대한 퍼머링크가 비활성화되었습니다.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'아래 입력에 정의된 사용자 지정 슬러그를 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성합니다. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'퍼머링크 없음(URL 재작성 방지)','Custom Permalink'=>'맞춤 퍼머링크','Post Type Key'=>'게시물 유형 키','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'게시물 유형 키를 슬러그로 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성하십시오. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','Permalink Rewrite'=>'퍼머링크 재작성','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'해당 사용자가 삭제되면 해당 사용자가 항목을 삭제합니다.','Delete With User'=>'사용자와 함께 삭제','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'게시물 유형을 \'도구\' > \'내보내기\'에서 내보낼 수 있도록 허용합니다.','Can Export'=>'내보내기 가능','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'기능에 사용할 복수형을 선택적으로 제공합니다.','Plural Capability Name'=>'복수 기능 이름','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'이 게시물 유형의 기능을 기반으로 하려면 다른 게시물 유형을 선택하십시오.','Singular Capability Name'=>'단일 기능 이름','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'기본적으로 게시 유형의 기능은 \'게시\' 기능 이름을 상속합니다. edit_post, delete_posts. 예를 들어 게시물 유형별 기능을 사용하도록 설정합니다. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'기능 이름 바꾸기','Exclude From Search'=>'검색에서 제외','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'\'모양\' > \'메뉴\' 화면에서 항목을 메뉴에 추가할 수 있도록 허용합니다. \'화면 옵션\'에서 켜야 합니다.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'모양 메뉴 지원','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'관리 표시줄의 \'새로 만들기\' 메뉴에 항목으로 나타납니다.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'관리 표시줄에 표시','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'편집 화면의 메타박스 설정 시 호출할 PHP 함수명.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'커스텀 메타 박스 콜백','Menu Icon'=>'메뉴 아이콘','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'관리 알림판의 사이드바 메뉴에 있는 위치입니다.','Menu Position'=>'메뉴 위치','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'기본적으로 게시물 유형은 관리자 메뉴에서 새로운 최상위 항목을 가져옵니다. 여기에 기존 최상위 항목이 제공되면 게시물 유형이 그 아래 하위 메뉴 항목으로 추가됩니다.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'관리자 메뉴 부모','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'관리자 알림판의 게시물 유형 메뉴 항목에 사용되는 아이콘입니다. 아이콘에 사용할 URL 또는 %s일 수 있습니다.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon 클래스 이름','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'사이드바 메뉴의 관리 편집기 탐색.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'관리자 메뉴에 표시','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'어드민 알림판에서 항목을 수정하고 관리할 수 있습니다.','Show In UI'=>'UI에 표시','A link to a post.'=>'게시물에 대한 링크입니다.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대한 설명입니다.','Item Link Description'=>'항목 링크 설명','A link to a %s.'=>'%s에 대한 링크입니다.','Post Link'=>'링크 게시','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'탐색 링크 블록 변형의 제목입니다.','Item Link'=>'항목 링크','%s Link'=>'%s 링크','Post updated.'=>'게시물이 업데이트되었습니다.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'항목이 업데이트된 후 편집기 알림에서.','Item Updated'=>'항목 업데이트됨','%s updated.'=>'%s 업데이트되었습니다.','Post scheduled.'=>'게시물 예정.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'항목 예약 후 편집자 공지에서.','Item Scheduled'=>'예약된 항목','%s scheduled.'=>'%s 예약됨.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'게시물이 초안으로 돌아갔습니다.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'항목을 초안으로 되돌린 후 편집자 알림에서.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'초안으로 되돌린 항목','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s이(가) 초안으로 되돌아갔습니다.','Post published privately.'=>'게시물이 비공개로 게시되었습니다.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'비공개 항목 게시 후 편집자 공지에서.','Item Published Privately'=>'비공개로 게시된 항목','%s published privately.'=>'%s은(는) 비공개로 게시되었습니다.','Post published.'=>'게시물이 게시되었습니다.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'항목을 게시한 후 편집자 알림에서.','Item Published'=>'게시된 항목','%s published.'=>'%s이(가) 게시되었습니다.','Posts list'=>'게시물 목록','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 항목 목록에 대한 화면 판독기에서 사용됩니다.','Items List'=>'항목 목록','%s list'=>'%s 목록','Posts list navigation'=>'게시물 목록 탐색','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에서 필터 목록 페이지 매김을 위해 스크린 리더에서 사용됩니다.','Items List Navigation'=>'항목 목록 탐색','%s list navigation'=>'%s 목록 탐색','Filter posts by date'=>'날짜별로 게시물 필터링','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에서 날짜 제목으로 필터링하기 위해 화면 판독기에서 사용됩니다.','Filter Items By Date'=>'날짜별로 항목 필터링','Filter %s by date'=>'날짜별로 %s 필터링','Filter posts list'=>'게시물 목록 필터링','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 필터 링크 제목에 대해 스크린 리더에서 사용됩니다.','Filter Items List'=>'항목 목록 필터링','Filter %s list'=>'%s 목록 필터링','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'이 항목에 업로드된 모든 미디어를 표시하는 미디어 모달에서.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'이 항목에 업로드됨','Uploaded to this %s'=>'이 %s에 업로드됨','Insert into post'=>'게시물에 삽입','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'콘텐츠에 미디어를 추가할 때 버튼 레이블로 사용합니다.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'미디어에 삽입 버튼','Insert into %s'=>'%s에 삽입','Use as featured image'=>'추천 이미지로 사용','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'이미지를 추천 이미지로 사용하도록 선택하기 위한 버튼 레이블로.','Use Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 사용','Remove featured image'=>'추천 이미지 삭제','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'추천 이미지를 제거할 때 버튼 레이블로.','Remove Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 제거','Set featured image'=>'추천 이미지 설정','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'추천 이미지를 설정할 때 버튼 레이블로.','Set Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 설정','Featured image'=>'나타난 그림','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'추천 이미지 메타 상자의 제목에 사용되는 편집기에서.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'추천 이미지 메타 상자','Post Attributes'=>'게시물 속성','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'게시물 속성 메타 상자의 제목에 사용되는 편집기에서.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'속성 메타박스','%s Attributes'=>'%s 속성','Post Archives'=>'게시물 아카이브','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'아카이브가 활성화된 CPT의 기존 메뉴에 항목을 추가할 때 표시되는 게시물 목록에 이 레이블이 있는 \'게시물 유형 아카이브\' 항목을 추가합니다. \'실시간 미리보기\' 모드에서 메뉴를 편집하고 사용자 정의 아카이브 슬러그가 제공되었을 때만 나타납니다.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'아카이브 탐색 메뉴','%s Archives'=>'%s 아카이브','No posts found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 게시물이 없습니다.','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'휴지통에 게시물이 없을 때 게시물 유형 목록 화면 상단에 표시됩니다.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 항목이 없습니다.','No %s found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.','No posts found'=>'게시물이 없습니다.','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'표시할 게시물이 없을 때 게시물 유형 목록 화면 상단에 표시됩니다.','No Items Found'=>'제품을 찾지 못했습니다','No %s found'=>'%s 없음','Search Posts'=>'게시물 검색','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'항목 검색 시 항목 화면 상단','Search Items'=>'항목 검색','Search %s'=>'%s 검색','Parent Page:'=>'상위 페이지:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 계층적 유형의 경우.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'상위 품목 접두어','Parent %s:'=>'부모 %s:','New Post'=>'새로운 게시물','New Item'=>'새로운 물품','New %s'=>'신규 %s','Add New Post'=>'새 게시물 추가','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'새 항목을 추가할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','Add New Item'=>'새 항목 추가','Add New %s'=>'새 %s 추가','View Posts'=>'게시물 보기','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'게시물 유형이 아카이브를 지원하고 홈 페이지가 해당 게시물 유형의 아카이브가 아닌 경우 \'모든 게시물\' 보기의 관리 표시줄에 나타납니다.','View Items'=>'항목 보기','View Post'=>'게시물 보기','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'항목을 편집할 때 관리 표시줄에서 항목을 봅니다.','View Item'=>'항목 보기','View %s'=>'%s 보기','Edit Post'=>'게시물 수정','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'항목을 편집할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','Edit Item'=>'항목 편집','Edit %s'=>'%s 편집','All Posts'=>'모든 게시물','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'관리 알림판의 게시물 유형 하위 메뉴에서.','All Items'=>'모든 항목','All %s'=>'모든 %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'게시물 유형의 관리자 메뉴 이름입니다.','Menu Name'=>'메뉴명','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'단일 및 복수 레이블을 사용하여 모든 레이블 재생성','Regenerate'=>'재생하다','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'활성 게시물 유형이 활성화되고 워드프레스에 등록됩니다.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'게시물 유형에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','Add Custom'=>'맞춤 추가','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'콘텐츠 편집기에서 다양한 기능을 활성화합니다.','Post Formats'=>'게시물 형식','Editor'=>'편집자','Trackbacks'=>'트랙백','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'게시물 유형의 항목을 택소노미하려면 기존 택소노미를 선택하십시오.','Browse Fields'=>'필드 찾아보기','Nothing to import'=>'가져올 항목 없음','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Custom Post Type UI 플러그인을 비활성화할 수 있습니다.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형 UI에서 %d개의 항목을 가져왔습니다. -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'택소노미를 가져오지 못했습니다.','Failed to import post types.'=>'게시물 유형을 가져오지 못했습니다.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'가져오기 위해 선택된 사용자 지정 게시물 유형 UI 플러그인이 없습니다.','Imported 1 item'=>'가져온 %s개 항목','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'이미 존재하는 키와 동일한 키를 사용하여 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미를 가져오면 기존 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미에 대한 설정을 가져오기의 설정으로 덮어씁니다.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형 UI에서 가져오기','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'다음 코드는 선택한 항목의 로컬 버전을 등록하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 필드 그룹, 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미를 로컬에 저장하면 더 빠른 로드 시간, 버전 제어 및 동적 필드/설정과 같은 많은 이점을 제공할 수 있습니다. 다음 코드를 복사하여 테마의 functions.php 파일에 붙여넣거나 외부 파일에 포함시킨 다음 ACF 관리자에서 항목을 비활성화하거나 삭제하십시오.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'내보내기 - PHP 생성','Export'=>'내보내다','Select Taxonomies'=>'택소노미 선택','Select Post Types'=>'게시물 유형 선택','Exported 1 item.'=>'내보낸 %s개 항목','Category'=>'범주','Tag'=>'꼬리표','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s 택소노미 생성됨','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s 택소노미 업데이트됨','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'택소노미 초안이 업데이트되었습니다.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'예정된 택소노미.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'택소노미가 제출되었습니다.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'택소노미가 저장되었습니다.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'택소노미가 삭제되었습니다.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'택소노미가 업데이트되었습니다.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 택소노미에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 이 택소노미를 등록할 수 없습니다.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 동기화되었습니다.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 중복되었습니다.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 비활성화되었습니다.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 활성화되었습니다.','Terms'=>'용어','Post type synchronized.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 동기화되었습니다.','Post type duplicated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 중복되었습니다.','Post type deactivated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 비활성화되었습니다.','Post type activated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 활성화되었습니다.','Post Types'=>'게시물 유형','Advanced Settings'=>'고급 설정','Basic Settings'=>'기본 설정','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'이 게시물 유형은 다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 게시물 유형에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 등록할 수 없습니다.','Pages'=>'페이지','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'기존 필드 그룹 연결','%s post type created'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 생성됨','Add fields to %s'=>'%s에 필드 추가','%s post type updated'=>'%s 게시물 유형 업데이트됨','Post type draft updated.'=>'게시물 유형 초안이 업데이트되었습니다.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'예정된 게시물 유형입니다.','Post type submitted.'=>'게시물 유형이 제출되었습니다.','Post type saved.'=>'게시물 유형이 저장되었습니다.','Post type updated.'=>'게시물 유형이 업데이트되었습니다.','Post type deleted.'=>'게시물 유형이 삭제되었습니다.','Type to search...'=>'검색하려면 입력하세요...','PRO Only'=>'프로 전용','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'필드 그룹이 성공적으로 연결되었습니다.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Custom Post Type UI에 등록된 Post Type과 Taxonomies를 가져와서 ACF로 관리합니다. 시작하기.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'택소노미','post type'=>'게시물 유형','Done'=>'완료','Field Group(s)'=>'필드 그룹','Select one or many field groups...'=>'하나 이상의 필드 그룹 선택...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'연결할 필드 그룹을 선택하십시오.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'필드 그룹이 성공적으로 연결되었습니다.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'등록 실패','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'이 항목은 다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 항목에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 등록할 수 없습니다.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'권한','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'가시성','Labels'=>'레이블','Field Settings Tabs'=>'필드 설정 탭','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[미리보기에 사용할 수 없는 ACF 쇼트코드 값]','Close Modal'=>'모달 닫기','Field moved to other group'=>'필드가 다른 그룹으로 이동됨','Close modal'=>'모달 닫기','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'이 탭에서 새 탭 그룹을 시작합니다.','New Tab Group'=>'새 탭 그룹','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Select2를 사용하여 양식화된 체크박스 사용','Save Other Choice'=>'다른 선택 저장','Allow Other Choice'=>'다른 선택 허용','Add Toggle All'=>'모두 전환 추가','Save Custom Values'=>'사용자 지정 값 저장','Allow Custom Values'=>'사용자 지정 값 허용','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'체크박스 맞춤 값은 비워둘 수 없습니다. 비어 있는 값을 모두 선택 취소합니다.','Updates'=>'업데이트','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드 로고','Save Changes'=>'변경 사항을 저장하다','Field Group Title'=>'필드 그룹 제목','Add title'=>'제목 추가','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'ACF가 처음이신가요? 시작 가이드를 살펴보세요.','Add Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 추가','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF는 필드 그룹을 사용하여 사용자 정의 필드를 함께 그룹화한 다음 해당 필드를 편집 화면에 첨부합니다.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'첫 번째 필드 그룹 추가','Options Pages'=>'옵션 페이지','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF 블록','Gallery Field'=>'갤러리 필드','Flexible Content Field'=>'유연한 콘텐츠 필드','Repeater Field'=>'리피터 필드','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'ACF 프로로 추가 기능 잠금 해제','Delete Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 삭제','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'%1$s에서 %2$s에 생성됨','Group Settings'=>'그룹 설정','Location Rules'=>'위치 규칙','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'30개 이상의 필드 유형 중에서 선택하십시오. 자세히 알아보세요.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'게시물, 페이지, 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 및 기타 워드프레스 콘텐츠에 대한 새로운 사용자 정의 필드 생성을 시작하십시오.','Add Your First Field'=>'첫 번째 필드 추가','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'필드 추가','Presentation'=>'프레젠테이션','Validation'=>'확인','General'=>'일반적인','Import JSON'=>'JSON 가져오기','Export As JSON'=>'JSON으로 내보내기','Field group deactivated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 비활성화되었습니다.','Field group activated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 활성화되었습니다.','Deactivate'=>'비활성화','Deactivate this item'=>'이 항목 비활성화','Activate'=>'활성화','Activate this item'=>'이 항목 활성화','Move field group to trash?'=>'필드 그룹을 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까?','post statusInactive'=>'비활성','WP Engine'=>'WP 엔진','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드와 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로는 동시에 활성화되어서는 안 됩니다. 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로를 자동으로 비활성화했습니다.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드와 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로는 동시에 활성화되어서는 안 됩니다. 고급 사용자 정의 필드를 자동으로 비활성화했습니다.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF가 초기화되기 전에 ACF 필드 값을 검색하는 호출이 하나 이상 감지되었습니다. 이는 지원되지 않으며 잘못된 형식의 데이터 또는 누락된 데이터가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아보세요.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s에는 다음 역할 중 하나를 가진 사용자가 있어야 합니다. %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s에는 유효한 사용자 ID가 있어야 합니다.','Invalid request.'=>'잘못된 요청.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s은(는) %2$s 중 하나가 아닙니다.','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s에는 다음 용어 중 하나가 있어야 합니다. %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s은(는) 다음 게시물 유형 중 하나여야 합니다: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s에는 유효한 게시물 ID가 있어야 합니다.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s에는 유효한 첨부 파일 ID가 필요합니다.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API에 표시','Enable Transparency'=>'투명성 활성화','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA 배열','RGBA String'=>'RGBA 문자열','Hex String'=>'16진수 문자열','Upgrade to PRO'=>'프로로 업그레이드','post statusActive'=>'활성','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'‘%s’은(는) 유효한 이매일 주소가 아닙니다','Color value'=>'색상 값','Select default color'=>'기본 색상 선택하기','Clear color'=>'선명한 색상','Blocks'=>'블록','Options'=>'옵션','Users'=>'사용자','Menu items'=>'메뉴 항목','Widgets'=>'위젯','Attachments'=>'첨부파일','Taxonomies'=>'택소노미','Posts'=>'게시물','Last updated: %s'=>'최근 업대이트: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'죄송합니다. 이 게시물은 diff 비교에 사용할 수 없습니다.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'잘못된 필드 그룹 매개변수입니다.','Awaiting save'=>'저장 대기 중','Saved'=>'저장했어요','Import'=>'가져오기','Review changes'=>'변경사항 검토하기','Located in: %s'=>'위치: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'플러그인에 있음: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'테마에 있음: %s','Various'=>'다양한','Sync changes'=>'변경사항 동기화하기','Loading diff'=>'로딩 차이','Review local JSON changes'=>'지역 JSON 변경 검토하기','Visit website'=>'웹 사이트 방문하기','View details'=>'세부 정보 보기','Version %s'=>'버전 %s','Information'=>'정보','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'헬프 데스크. 당사 헬프데스크의 지원 전문가가 보다 심도 있는 기술 문제를 지원할 것입니다.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'토론. ACF 세계의 \'방법\'을 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 커뮤니티 포럼에 활발하고 친근한 커뮤니티가 있습니다.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'문서. 광범위한 문서에는 발생할 수 있는 대부분의 상황에 대한 참조 및 가이드가 포함되어 있습니다.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'우리는 지원에 열광하며 ACF를 통해 웹 사이트를 최대한 활용하기를 바랍니다. 어려움에 처한 경우 도움을 받을 수 있는 여러 곳이 있습니다.','Help & Support'=>'도움말 및 지원','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'도움이 필요한 경우 도움말 및 지원 탭을 사용하여 연락하십시오.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'첫 번째 필드 그룹을 만들기 전에 먼저 시작하기 가이드를 읽고 플러그인의 철학과 모범 사례를 숙지하는 것이 좋습니다.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드 플러그인은 추가 필드로 워드프레스 편집 화면을 사용자 정의할 수 있는 시각적 양식 빌더와 모든 테마 템플릿 파일에 사용자 정의 필드 값을 표시하는 직관적인 API를 제공합니다.','Overview'=>'개요','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'위치 유형 "%s"이(가) 이미 등록되어 있습니다.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'"%s" 클래스가 존재하지 않습니다.','Invalid nonce.'=>'논스가 잘못되었습니다.','Error loading field.'=>'필드를 로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.','Location not found: %s'=>'찾을 수 없는 위치: %s','Error: %s'=>'오류: %s','Widget'=>'위젯','User Role'=>'사용자 역할','Comment'=>'코멘트','Post Format'=>'게시물 형식','Menu Item'=>'메뉴 아이템','Post Status'=>'게시물 상태','Menus'=>'메뉴','Menu Locations'=>'메뉴 위치','Menu'=>'메뉴','Post Taxonomy'=>'게시물 택소노미','Child Page (has parent)'=>'자식 페이지 (부모가 있습니다)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'부모 페이지 (자식이 있습니다)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'최상위 페이지 (부모가 없습니다)','Posts Page'=>'글 페이지','Front Page'=>'프론트 페이지','Page Type'=>'페이지 유형','Viewing back end'=>'백엔드 보기','Viewing front end'=>'프런트 엔드 보기','Logged in'=>'로그인','Current User'=>'현재 사용자','Page Template'=>'페이지 템플릿','Register'=>'등록하기','Add / Edit'=>'추가하기 / 편집하기','User Form'=>'사용자 양식','Page Parent'=>'페이지 부모','Super Admin'=>'최고 관리자','Current User Role'=>'현재 사용자 역할','Default Template'=>'기본 템플릿','Post Template'=>'게시물 템플릿','Post Category'=>'게시물 카테고리','All %s formats'=>'모든 %s 형식','Attachment'=>'첨부','%s value is required'=>'%s 값이 필요합니다.','Show this field if'=>'다음과 같은 경우 이 필드를 표시합니다.','Conditional Logic'=>'조건부 논리','and'=>'그리고','Local JSON'=>'로컬 JSON','Clone Field'=>'클론 필드','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'최신 버전 프리미엄 애드온 (%s)의 업대이트를 확인하기 바랍니다.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'이 버전은 데이터베이스 개선을 포함하고 있어 업그래이드가 필요합니다.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'%1$s v%2$s로 업데이트해주셔서 감사합니다!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드가 필요합니다','Options Page'=>'옵션 페이지','Gallery'=>'갤러리','Flexible Content'=>'유연한 콘텐츠','Repeater'=>'리피터','Back to all tools'=>'모든 도구로 돌아가기','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'편집 화면에 여러 개의 필드 그룹이 나타나는 경우 첫 번째 필드 그룹의 옵션(순서 번호가 가장 낮은 옵션)이 사용됩니다.','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'항목을 선택하여 편집 화면에서 숨깁니다.','Hide on screen'=>'화면에 숨기기','Send Trackbacks'=>'트랙백 보내기','Tags'=>'태그','Categories'=>'카테고리','Page Attributes'=>'페이지 속성','Format'=>'형식','Author'=>'작성자','Slug'=>'슬러그','Revisions'=>'개정','Comments'=>'코멘트','Discussion'=>'논의','Excerpt'=>'요약문','Content Editor'=>'콘텐츠 편집기','Permalink'=>'퍼머링크','Shown in field group list'=>'필드 그룹 목록에 표시됨','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'순서가 낮은 필드 그룹이 먼저 나타납니다.','Order No.'=>'주문번호','Below fields'=>'필드 아래','Below labels'=>'레이블 아래','Instruction Placement'=>'지침 배치','Label Placement'=>'라벨 배치','Side'=>'측면','Normal (after content)'=>'일반(내용 후)','High (after title)'=>'높음(제목 뒤)','Position'=>'위치','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'원활한(메타박스 없음)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'표준(WP 메타박스)','Style'=>'스타일','Type'=>'유형','Key'=>'키','Order'=>'정렬하기','Close Field'=>'필드 닫기','id'=>'id','class'=>'클래스','width'=>'너비','Wrapper Attributes'=>'래퍼 속성','Required'=>'필수','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'작성자를 위한 지침. 데이터 제출 시 표시','Instructions'=>'지침','Field Type'=>'필드 유형','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'한 단어, 공백 없음. 밑줄 및 대시 허용','Field Name'=>'필드 명','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'이것은 편집하기 페이지에 보일 이름입니다.','Field Label'=>'필드 레이블','Delete'=>'지우기','Delete field'=>'필드 삭제','Move'=>'이동하기','Move field to another group'=>'다름 그룹으로 필드 이동하기','Duplicate field'=>'필드 복제하기','Edit field'=>'필드 편집하기','Drag to reorder'=>'드래그하여 재정렬','Show this field group if'=>'다음과 같은 경우 이 필드 그룹 표시','No updates available.'=>'사용 가능한 업대이트가 없습니다.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드를 완료했습니다. 새로운 기능 보기 ','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'업그래이드 작업을 읽기 ...','Upgrade failed.'=>'업그래이드에 실패했습니다.','Upgrade complete.'=>'업그래이드를 완료했습니다.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'버전 %s(으)로 자료를 업그래이드하기','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'계속하기 전에 데이터베이스를 백업하는 것이 좋습니다. 지금 업데이트 도구를 실행하기 원하는게 확실한가요?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'업그래이드 할 사이트를 하나 이상 선택하기 바랍니다.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드를 완료했습니다. 네트워크 알림판으로 돌아 가기 ','Site is up to date'=>'사이트가 최신 상태입니다.','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'사이트는 %1$s에서 %2$s(으)로 데이터베이스 업그레이드가 필요합니다.','Site'=>'사이트','Upgrade Sites'=>'사이트 업그래이드하기','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'다음 사이트는 대배 업그래이드가 필요합니다. 업대이트하려는 항목을 확인한 다음 %s을(를) 누르세요.','Add rule group'=>'그룹 규칙 추가하기','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'이러한 고급 사용자 정의 필드를 사용할 편집 화면을 결정하는 일련의 규칙을 만듭니다.','Rules'=>'규칙','Copied'=>'복사했습니다','Copy to clipboard'=>'클립보드에 복사하기','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'내보낼 항목을 선택한 다음 내보내기 방법을 선택합니다. JSON으로 내보내기 - .json 파일로 내보낸 다음 다른 ACF 설치로 가져올 수 있습니다. PHP를 생성하여 테마에 배치할 수 있는 PHP 코드로 내보냅니다.','Select Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 선택하기','No field groups selected'=>'선택한 필드 그룹 없음','Generate PHP'=>'PHP 생성','Export Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 내보내기','Import file empty'=>'가져오기 파일이 비어 있음','Incorrect file type'=>'잘못된 파일 형식','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'파일을 업로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'가져오려는 고급 사용자 정의 필드 JSON 파일을 선택합니다. 아래 가져오기 버튼을 클릭하면 ACF가 해당 파일의 항목을 가져옵니다.','Import Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 가져오기','Sync'=>'동기화하기','Select %s'=>'%s 선택하기','Duplicate'=>'복제하기','Duplicate this item'=>'이 항목 복제하기','Supports'=>'지원','Documentation'=>'문서화','Description'=>'설명','Sync available'=>'동기화 가능','Field group synchronized.'=>'%s개의 필드 그룹을 동기화했습니다.','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 복사되었습니다.','Active (%s)'=>'활성 (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'사이트 검토하기 & 업그래이드하기','Upgrade Database'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드하기','Custom Fields'=>'사용자 정의 필드','Move Field'=>'필드 이동하기','Please select the destination for this field'=>'이 필드의 대상을 선택하십시오','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s 필드는 이제 %2$s 필드 그룹에서 찾을 수 있습니다.','Move Complete.'=>'이동완료.','Active'=>'활동적인','Field Keys'=>'필드 키','Settings'=>'설정','Location'=>'위치','Null'=>'빈값','copy'=>'복사하기','(this field)'=>'(이 필드)','Checked'=>'체크','Move Custom Field'=>'사용자 필드 이동하기','No toggle fields available'=>'사용 가능한 토글 필드 없음','Field group title is required'=>'필드 그룹 제목이 필요합니다.','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'변경 사항이 저장될 때까지 이 필드를 이동할 수 없습니다.','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'문자열 "field_"는 필드 이름의 시작 부분에 사용할 수 없습니다.','Field group draft updated.'=>'필드 그룹 초안을 업대이트했습니다.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'필드 그룹이 예정되어 있습니다.','Field group submitted.'=>'필드 그룹이 제출되었습니다.','Field group saved.'=>'필드 그룹이 저장되었습니다.','Field group published.'=>'필드 그룹이 게시되었습니다.','Field group deleted.'=>'필드 그룹이 삭제되었습니다.','Field group updated.'=>'필드 그룹을 업대이트했습니다.','Tools'=>'도구','is not equal to'=>'같지 않다','is equal to'=>'동일하다','Forms'=>'양식','Page'=>'페이지','Post'=>'게시물','Relational'=>'관계형','Choice'=>'선택하기','Basic'=>'기초','Unknown'=>'알려지지 않은','Field type does not exist'=>'필드 유형이 존재하지 않습니다','Spam Detected'=>'스팸 감지됨','Post updated'=>'글 업대이트','Update'=>'업대이트하기','Validate Email'=>'이매일 확인하기','Content'=>'콘텐츠','Title'=>'제목','Edit field group'=>'필드 그룹 편집하기','Selection is less than'=>'선택이 미만','Selection is greater than'=>'선택이 다음보다 큼','Value is less than'=>'값이 다음보다 작음','Value is greater than'=>'값이 다음보다 큼','Value contains'=>'값은 다음을 포함합니다.','Value matches pattern'=>'값이 패턴과 일치','Value is not equal to'=>'값이 같지 않음','Value is equal to'=>'값은 다음과 같습니다.','Has no value'=>'값이 없음','Has any value'=>'값이 있음','Cancel'=>'취소하기','Are you sure?'=>'확실합니까?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d개의 필드에 주의가 필요합니다.','1 field requires attention'=>'주의가 필요한 필드 1개','Validation failed'=>'검증에 실패했습니다','Validation successful'=>'유효성 검사 성공','Restricted'=>'제한했습니다','Collapse Details'=>'세부 정보 접기','Expand Details'=>'세부정보 확장하기','Uploaded to this post'=>'이 게시물에 업로드됨','verbUpdate'=>'업대이트하기','verbEdit'=>'편집하기','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'페이지를 벗어나면 변경 한 내용이 손실 됩니다','File type must be %s.'=>'파일 유형은 %s여야 합니다.','or'=>'또는','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'파일 크기는 %s를 초과할 수 없습니다.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'파일 크기는 %s 이상이어야 합니다.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'이미지 높이는 %dpx를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'이미지 높이는 %dpx 이상이어야 합니다.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'이미지 너비는 %dpx를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'이미지 너비는 %dpx 이상이어야 합니다.','(no title)'=>'(제목 없음)','Full Size'=>'전체 크기','Large'=>'크기가 큰','Medium'=>'중간','Thumbnail'=>'썸네일','(no label)'=>'(라벨 없음)','Sets the textarea height'=>'문자 영역의 높이를 설정하기','Rows'=>'행','Text Area'=>'텍스트 영역','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'모든 선택 항목을 토글하려면 추가 확인란을 앞에 추가하십시오.','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'선택한 필드에 ‘사용자 정의’값 저장하기','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'추가한 ‘사용자 정의’ 값 허용하기','Add new choice'=>'새로운 선택 추가하기','Toggle All'=>'모두 토글하기','Allow Archives URLs'=>'보관소 URLs 허용하기','Archives'=>'아카이브','Page Link'=>'페이지 링크','Add'=>'추가하기','Name'=>'이름','%s added'=>'%s 추가됨','%s already exists'=>'%s이(가) 이미 존재합니다.','User unable to add new %s'=>'사용자가 새 %s을(를) 추가할 수 없습니다.','Term ID'=>'용어 ID','Term Object'=>'용어 객체','Load value from posts terms'=>'글 용어에서 값 로드하기','Load Terms'=>'용어 로드하기','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'글에 선택한 조건을 연결하기','Save Terms'=>'조건 저장하기','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'편집하는 동안 생성할 새로운 조건을 허용하기','Create Terms'=>'용어 만들기','Radio Buttons'=>'라디오 버튼','Single Value'=>'단일 값','Multi Select'=>'다중 선택','Checkbox'=>'체크박스','Multiple Values'=>'여러 값','Select the appearance of this field'=>'이 필드의 외관 선택하기','Appearance'=>'외관','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'보일 할 분류를 선택하기','No TermsNo %s'=>'%s 없음','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'값은 %d보다 작거나 같아야 합니다.','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'값은 %d 이상이어야 합니다.','Value must be a number'=>'값은 숫자여야 합니다.','Number'=>'숫자','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'선택한 필드에 ‘다른’ 값 저장하기','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'사용자 정의 값을 허용하는 ‘기타’ 선택 사항 추가하기','Other'=>'기타','Radio Button'=>'라디오 버튼','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'중지할 이전 아코디언의 끝점을 정의합니다. 이 아코디언은 보이지 않습니다.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'다른 아코디언을 닫지 않고 이 아코디언이 열리도록 허용합니다.','Multi-Expand'=>'다중 확장','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'이 아코디언은 페이지 로드시 열린 것으로 보입니다.','Open'=>'열기','Accordion'=>'아코디언','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'업로드 할 수 있는 파일 제한하기','File ID'=>'파일 ID','File URL'=>'파일 URL','File Array'=>'파일 어레이','Add File'=>'파일 추가하기','No file selected'=>'파일이 선택되지 않았습니다','File name'=>'파일 이름','Update File'=>'파일 업대이트하기','Edit File'=>'파일 편집하기','Select File'=>'파일 선택하기','File'=>'파일','Password'=>'비밀번호','Specify the value returned'=>'반환할 값 지정하기','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'지연 로드 선택에 AJAX를 사용하시겠습니까?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'새로운 줄에 기본 값 입력하기','verbSelect'=>'선택하기','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'로딩 실패','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'검색하기…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'더 많은 결과 로드 중…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'%d 항목만 선택할 수 있어요','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'항목은 1개만 선택할 수 있습니다','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'%d글자를 지우기 바래요','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'글자 1개를 지워주세요','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'%d 또는 이상의 글자를 입력하시기 바래요','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'글자를 1개 이상 입력하세요','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'일치하는 항목이 없습니다','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d개의 결과가 사용가능하니, 위와 아래 방향키를 이용해 탐색하세요.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'1개 결과를 사용할 수 있습니다. 선택하려면 Enter 키를 누르세요.','nounSelect'=>'선택하기','User ID'=>'사용자 아이디','User Object'=>'사용자 객체','User Array'=>'사용자 배열','All user roles'=>'모든 사용자 역할','Filter by Role'=>'역할로 필터하기','User'=>'사용자','Separator'=>'분리 기호','Select Color'=>'색상 선택하기','Default'=>'기본','Clear'=>'정리','Color Picker'=>'색상 선택기','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'오후','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'오전','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'선택하기','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'완료','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'현재','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'시간대','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'마이크로초','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'밀리초','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'초','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'분','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'시간','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'시간','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'시간 선택하기','Date Time Picker'=>'날짜 시간 선택기','Endpoint'=>'끝점','Left aligned'=>'왼쪽 정렬','Top aligned'=>'상단 정렬','Placement'=>'놓기','Tab'=>'탭','Value must be a valid URL'=>'값은 유효한 URL이어야 합니다.','Link URL'=>'링크 URL','Link Array'=>'링크 어레이','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'새 창/탭에서 열기','Select Link'=>'링크 선택하기','Link'=>'링크','Email'=>'이매일','Step Size'=>'단계 크기','Maximum Value'=>'최대값','Minimum Value'=>'최소값','Range'=>'범위','Both (Array)'=>'모두(배열)','Label'=>'레이블','Value'=>'값','Vertical'=>'수직','Horizontal'=>'수평','red : Red'=>'빨강 : 빨강','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'더 많은 제어를 위해 다음과 같이 값과 레이블을 모두 지정할 수 있습니다.','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'새 줄에 각 선택 항목을 입력합니다.','Choices'=>'선택하기','Button Group'=>'버튼 그룹','Allow Null'=>'Null 값 허용','Parent'=>'부모','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE는 필드를 클릭할 때까지 초기화되지 않습니다.','Delay Initialization'=>'초기화 지연','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'미디어 업로드 버튼 표시','Toolbar'=>'툴바','Text Only'=>'텍스트만','Visual Only'=>'비주얼 전용','Visual & Text'=>'비주얼 및 텍스트','Tabs'=>'탭','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'TinyMCE를 초기화하려면 클릭하십시오.','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'텍스트','Visual'=>'비주얼','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'값은 %d자를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Leave blank for no limit'=>'제한 없이 비워두세요','Character Limit'=>'글자 수 제한','Appears after the input'=>'입력란 후 나타납니다.','Append'=>'추가하기','Appears before the input'=>'입력란 전에 나타납니다.','Prepend'=>'앞에 추가','Appears within the input'=>'입력란 내에 나타납니다.','Placeholder Text'=>'자리표시자 텍스트','Appears when creating a new post'=>'새 게시물을 작성할 때 나타납니다.','Text'=>'텍스트','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s에는 %2$s개 이상의 선택 항목이 필요합니다.','Post ID'=>'게시물 ID','Post Object'=>'개체 게시','Maximum Posts'=>'최대 게시물','Minimum Posts'=>'최소 게시물','Featured Image'=>'특성 이미지','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'선택한 요소가 각 결과에 표시됩니다.','Elements'=>'엘리먼트','Taxonomy'=>'택소노미','Post Type'=>'게시물 유형','Filters'=>'필터','All taxonomies'=>'모든 분류','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'분류로 필터하기','All post types'=>'모든 게시물 유형','Filter by Post Type'=>'글 유형으로 필터하기','Search...'=>'검색하기...','Select taxonomy'=>'분류 선택하기','Select post type'=>'글 유형 선택하기','No matches found'=>'검색 결과가 없습니다','Loading'=>'로딩중','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'최대 값에 도달함( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'관계','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다. 모든 유형에 대해 비워 두십시오.','Allowed File Types'=>'허용된 파일 형식','Maximum'=>'최고','File size'=>'파일 크기','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'업로드 할 수 있는 이미지 제한하기','Minimum'=>'최저','Uploaded to post'=>'게시물에 업로드됨','All'=>'모두','Limit the media library choice'=>'미디어 라이브러리 선택 제한하기','Library'=>'라이브러리','Preview Size'=>'미리보기 크기','Image ID'=>'이미지 ID','Image URL'=>'이미지 URL','Image Array'=>'이미지 배열','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'프론트 엔드에 반환 값 지정하기','Return Value'=>'값 반환하기','Add Image'=>'이미지 추가하기','No image selected'=>'선택한 이미지 없음','Remove'=>'제거하기','Edit'=>'편집하기','All images'=>'모든 이미지','Update Image'=>'이미지 업대이트하기','Edit Image'=>'이미지 편집하기','Select Image'=>'이미지 선택하기','Image'=>'이미지','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'렌더링 대신 보이는 텍스트로 HTML 마크 업을 허용하기','Escape HTML'=>'HTML 이탈하기','No Formatting'=>'서식 없음','Automatically add <br>'=>'<br> 자동 추가하기','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'단락 자동 추가하기','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'새 줄이 렌더링되는 방식을 제어합니다.','New Lines'=>'새로운 라인','Week Starts On'=>'주간 시작 날짜','The format used when saving a value'=>'값을 저장할 때 사용되는 형식','Save Format'=>'형식 저장하기','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'주','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'이전','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'다음','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'오늘','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'완료','Date Picker'=>'날짜 선택기','Width'=>'너비','Embed Size'=>'임베드 크기','Enter URL'=>'URL 입력','oEmbed'=>'포함','Text shown when inactive'=>'비활성 상태일 때 표시되는 텍스트','Off Text'=>'오프 텍스트','Text shown when active'=>'활성 상태일 때 표시되는 텍스트','On Text'=>'텍스트에','Stylized UI'=>'양식에 일치하는 UI','Default Value'=>'기본값','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'확인란 옆에 텍스트를 표시합니다.','Message'=>'메시지','No'=>'아니요','Yes'=>'예','True / False'=>'허위 사실','Row'=>'열','Table'=>'태이블','Block'=>'블록','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'선택한 필드를 렌더링하는 데 사용하는 스타일 지정하기','Layout'=>'레이아웃','Sub Fields'=>'하위 필드','Group'=>'그룹','Customize the map height'=>'지도 높이 맞춤설정','Height'=>'키','Set the initial zoom level'=>'초기화 줌 레벨 설정하기','Zoom'=>'줌','Center the initial map'=>'초기 맵 중앙에 배치','Center'=>'중앙','Search for address...'=>'주소를 검색하기...','Find current location'=>'현재 위치 찾기','Clear location'=>'위치 지우기','Search'=>'검색하기','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'죄송합니다. 이 브라우저는 지리적 위치를 지원하지 않습니다.','Google Map'=>'구글지도','The format returned via template functions'=>'템플릿 함수를 통해 반환되는 형식','Return Format'=>'반환 형식','Custom:'=>'사용자화:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'게시물을 편집할 때 표시되는 형식','Display Format'=>'표시 형식','Time Picker'=>'시간 선택기','Inactive (%s)'=>'비활성 (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Fields found'=>'필드를 찾을 수 없음','Search Fields'=>'필드 검색하기','View Field'=>'필드보기','New Field'=>'새 필드','Edit Field'=>'필드 편집하기','Add New Field'=>'새로운 필드 추가하기','Field'=>'필드','Fields'=>'필드','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Field Groups found'=>'필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없음','Search Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 검색하기','View Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 보기','New Field Group'=>'새 필드 그룹','Edit Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 편집하기','Add New Field Group'=>'새 필드 그룹 추가하기','Add New'=>'새로 추가하기','Field Group'=>'필드 그룹','Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'강력하고 전문적이며 직관적인 필드로 워드프레스를 사용자 정의하십시오.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ko_KR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF 필드','Learn how to fix this'=>'이 문제를 해결하는 방법 알아보기','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO 기능','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'PRO 라이선스 갱신하여 잠금 해제','Renew PRO License'=>'PRO 라이선스 갱신','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'PRO 라이선스가 활성화되어 있지 않으면 PRO 필드를 편집할 수 없습니다.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'ACF 블록에 할당된 필드 그룹을 편집하려면 ACF PRO 라이선스를 활성화하세요.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'이 옵션 페이지를 편집하려면 ACF PRO 라이선스를 활성화하세요.','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'이스케이프 처리된 HTML 값을 반환하는 것은 format_value도 참인 경우에만 가능합니다. 보안을 위해 필드 값이 반환되지 않았습니다.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'이스케이프된 HTML 값을 반환하는 것은 형식_값도 참인 경우에만 가능합니다. 보안을 위해 필드 값은 반환되지 않습니다.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'이제 %1$s ACF가 the_field
또는 ACF 단축코드로 렌더링될 때 안전하지 않은 HTML을 자동으로 이스케이프 처리합니다. 이 변경으로 인해 일부 필드의 출력이 수정된 것을 감지했지만 이는 중요한 변경 사항은 아닐 수 있습니다. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'자세한 내용은 사이트 관리자 또는 개발자에게 문의하세요.','Hide details'=>'세부 정보 숨기기','Show details'=>'세부 정보 표시','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - %3$s를 통해 렌더링되었습니다.','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'ACF PRO 라이선스 갱신','Renew License'=>'라이선스 갱신','Manage License'=>'라이선스 관리','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'블록 에디터에서 \'높음\' 위치가 지원되지 않음','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO로 업그레이드','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF 옵션 페이지는 필드를 통해 전역 설정을 관리하기 위한 사용자 지정 관리자 페이지입니다. 여러 페이지와 하위 페이지를 만들 수 있습니다.','Add Options Page'=>'옵션 추가 페이지','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'제목의 자리 표시자로 사용되는 편집기에서.','Title Placeholder'=>'제목 자리 표시자','4 Months Free'=>'4개월 무료','(Duplicated from %s)'=>' (%s에서 복제됨)','Select Options Pages'=>'옵션 페이지 선택','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'중복 분류','Create taxonomy'=>'분류 체계 만들기','Duplicate post type'=>'중복 글 유형','Create post type'=>'글 유형 만들기','Link field groups'=>'필드 그룹 연결','Add fields'=>'필드 추가','This Field'=>'이 필드','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'피드백','Support'=>'지원','is developed and maintained by'=>'에 의해 개발 및 유지 관리됩니다.','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'선택한 필드 그룹의 위치 규칙에 이 %s를 추가합니다.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'양방향 설정을 활성화하면 이 필드에 대해 선택한 각 값에 대해 대상 필드에서 값을 업데이트하고 업데이트할 항목의 글 ID, 분류 ID 또는 사용자 ID를 추가하거나 제거할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 문서를 참조하세요.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'업데이트 중인 항목에 대한 참조를 다시 저장할 필드를 선택합니다. 이 필드를 선택할 수 있습니다. 대상 필드는 이 필드가 표시되는 위치와 호환되어야 합니다. 예를 들어 이 필드가 분류에 표시되는 경우 대상 필드는 분류 유형이어야 합니다.','Target Field'=>'대상 필드','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'이 ID를 다시 참조하여 선택한 값의 필드를 업데이트합니다.','Bidirectional'=>'양방향','%s Field'=>'%s 필드','Select Multiple'=>'여러 개 선택','WP Engine logo'=>'WP 엔진 로고','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'소문자, 밑줄 및 대시만 입력할 수 있으며 최대 32자까지 입력할 수 있습니다.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 할당하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'용어 할당 가능','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 삭제하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'약관 삭제 가능','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 편집하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'약관 편집 가능','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 관리하기 위한 기능 이름입니다.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'약관 관리 가능','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'검색 결과 및 택소노미 아카이브 페이지에서 글을 제외할지 여부를 설정합니다.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP 엔진의 더 많은 도구','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'워드프레스로 제작하는 사용자를 위해 %s 팀에서 제작했습니다.','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'가격 및 업그레이드 보기','Learn More'=>'더 알아보기','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'ACF 블록 및 옵션 페이지와 같은 기능과 리피터, 유연한 콘텐츠, 복제 및 갤러리와 같은 정교한 필드 유형을 사용하여 워크플로우를 가속화하고 더 나은 웹사이트를 개발할 수 있습니다.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'ACF 프로로 고급 기능을 잠금 해제하고 더 많은 것을 구축하세요.','%s fields'=>'%s 필드','No terms'=>'용어 없음','No post types'=>'게시물 유형 없음','No posts'=>'게시물 없음','No taxonomies'=>'택소노미 없음','No field groups'=>'필드 그룹 없음','No fields'=>'필드 없음','No description'=>'설명 없음','Any post status'=>'모든 게시물 상태','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 택소노미 키는 ACF 외부에 등록된 다른 택소노미에서 이미 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 택소노미 키는 이미 ACF의 다른 택소노미에서 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'택소노미 키에는 소문자 영숫자 문자, 밑줄 또는 대시만 포함되어야 합니다.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'택소노미 키는 32자 미만이어야 합니다.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 택소노미가 없습니다.','No Taxonomies found'=>'택소노미가 없습니다.','Search Taxonomies'=>'택소노미 검색','View Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 보기','New Taxonomy'=>'새로운 택소노미','Edit Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 편집','Add New Taxonomy'=>'새 택소노미 추가','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 게시물 유형을 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Post Types found'=>'게시물 유형을 찾을 수 없습니다.','Search Post Types'=>'게시물 유형 검색','View Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 보기','New Post Type'=>'새 게시물 유형','Edit Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 편집','Add New Post Type'=>'새 게시물 유형 추가','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 게시물 유형 키는 ACF 외부에 등록된 다른 게시물 유형에서 이미 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'이 게시물 유형 키는 이미 ACF의 다른 게시물 유형에서 사용 중이므로 사용할 수 없습니다.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'이 필드는 워드프레스 예약어가 아니어야 합니다.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'게시물 유형 키에는 소문자 영숫자 문자, 밑줄 또는 대시만 포함해야 합니다.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'게시물 유형 키는 20자 미만이어야 합니다.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'ACF 블록에서는 이 필드를 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'게시물 및 페이지에 표시되는 워드프레스 WYSIWYG 편집기를 표시하여 멀티미디어 콘텐츠도 허용하는 풍부한 텍스트 편집 환경을 허용합니다.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG 편집기','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'데이터 개체 간의 관계를 만드는 데 사용할 수 있는 하나 이상의 사용자를 선택할 수 있습니다.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'웹 주소를 저장하기 위해 특별히 설계된 텍스트 입력입니다.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'1 또는 0 값(켜기 또는 끄기, 참 또는 거짓 등)을 선택할 수 있는 토글입니다. 양식화된 스위치 또는 확인란으로 표시할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'시간을 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 시간 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'텍스트 단락을 저장하기 위한 기본 텍스트 영역 입력.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'단일 문자열 값을 저장하는 데 유용한 기본 텍스트 입력입니다.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'필드 설정에 지정된 기준 및 옵션에 따라 하나 이상의 택소노미 용어를 선택할 수 있습니다.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'편집 화면에서 필드를 탭 섹션으로 그룹화할 수 있습니다. 필드를 정리하고 체계적으로 유지하는 데 유용합니다.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'지정한 선택 항목이 있는 드롭다운 목록입니다.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지 또는 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 항목을 선택하여 현재 편집 중인 항목과의 관계를 만드는 이중 열 인터페이스입니다. 검색 및 필터링 옵션이 포함되어 있습니다.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'범위 슬라이더 요소를 사용하여 지정된 범위 내에서 숫자 값을 선택하기 위한 입력입니다.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'사용자가 지정한 값에서 단일 선택을 할 수 있도록 하는 라디오 버튼 입력 그룹입니다.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'검색 옵션이 있는 하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지 또는 게시물 유형 항목을 선택할 수 있는 대화형 및 사용자 정의 가능한 UI입니다. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'마스킹된 필드를 사용하여 암호를 제공하기 위한 입력입니다.','Filter by Post Status'=>'게시물 상태로 필터링','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'검색 옵션과 함께 하나 이상의 게시물, 페이지, 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 항목 또는 아카이브 URL을 선택하는 대화형 드롭다운.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'기본 워드프레스 oEmbed 기능을 사용하여 비디오, 이미지, 트윗, 오디오 및 기타 콘텐츠를 삽입하기 위한 대화형 구성 요소입니다.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'숫자 값으로 제한된 입력입니다.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'다른 필드와 함께 편집자에게 메시지를 표시하는 데 사용됩니다. 필드에 대한 추가 컨텍스트 또는 지침을 제공하는 데 유용합니다.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'워드프레스 기본 링크 선택기를 사용하여 제목 및 대상과 같은 링크 및 해당 속성을 지정할 수 있습니다.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'기본 워드프레스 미디어 선택기를 사용하여 이미지를 업로드하거나 선택합니다.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'필드를 그룹으로 구성하여 데이터와 편집 화면을 더 잘 구성하는 방법을 제공합니다.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Google 지도를 사용하여 위치를 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 올바르게 표시하려면 Google Maps API 키와 추가 구성이 필요합니다.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'기본 워드프레스 미디어 선택기를 사용하여 파일을 업로드하거나 선택합니다.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'이메일 주소를 저장하기 위해 특별히 설계된 텍스트 입력입니다.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'날짜와 시간을 선택하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 날짜 반환 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'날짜 선택을 위한 대화형 UI입니다. 날짜 반환 형식은 필드 설정을 사용하여 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'색상을 선택하거나 16진수 값을 지정하기 위한 대화형 UI입니다.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'사용자가 지정한 하나 이상의 값을 선택할 수 있도록 하는 확인란 입력 그룹입니다.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'지정한 값이 있는 버튼 그룹으로, 사용자는 제공된 값에서 하나의 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'콘텐츠를 편집하는 동안 표시되는 접을 수 있는 패널로 사용자 정의 필드를 그룹화하고 구성할 수 있습니다. 큰 데이터 세트를 깔끔하게 유지하는 데 유용합니다.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'반복해서 반복할 수 있는 하위 필드 세트의 상위 역할을 하여 슬라이드, 팀 구성원 및 클릭 유도 문안 타일과 같은 반복 콘텐츠에 대한 솔루션을 제공합니다.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'이는 첨부 파일 모음을 관리하기 위한 대화형 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 대부분의 설정은 이미지 필드 유형과 유사합니다. 추가 설정을 통해 갤러리에서 새 첨부 파일이 추가되는 위치와 허용되는 첨부 파일의 최소/최대 수를 지정할 수 있습니다.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'간단하고 구조화된 레이아웃 기반 편집기를 제공합니다. 유연한 콘텐츠 필드를 사용하면 레이아웃과 하위 필드를 사용하여 사용 가능한 블록을 디자인함으로써 전체 제어로 콘텐츠를 정의, 생성 및 관리할 수 있습니다.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'이를 통해 기존 필드를 선택하고 표시할 수 있습니다. 데이터베이스의 어떤 필드도 복제하지 않지만 런타임에 선택한 필드를 로드하고 표시합니다. 복제 필드는 선택한 필드로 자신을 교체하거나 선택한 필드를 하위 필드 그룹으로 표시할 수 있습니다.','nounClone'=>'복제','PRO'=>'프로','Advanced'=>'고급의','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON(최신)','Original'=>'원본','Invalid post ID.'=>'게시물 ID가 잘못되었습니다.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'검토를 위해 잘못된 게시물 유형을 선택했습니다.','More'=>'더 보기','Tutorial'=>'튜토리얼','Select Field'=>'필드 선택','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'다른 검색어를 입력하거나 %s 찾아보기','Popular fields'=>'인기 분야','No search results for \'%s\''=>'\'%s\'에 대한 검색 결과가 없습니다.','Search fields...'=>'검색 필드...','Select Field Type'=>'필드 유형 선택','Popular'=>'인기 있는','Add Taxonomy'=>'택소노미 추가','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'게시물 유형 콘텐츠를 택소노미하기 위한 사용자 정의 택소노미 생성','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'첫 번째 택소노미 추가','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'계층적 택소노미는 범주와 같은 하위 항목을 가질 수 있습니다.','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'프런트엔드와 관리자 알림판에서 택소노미를 볼 수 있습니다.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미로 택소노미할 수 있는 하나 이상의 게시물 유형입니다.','genre'=>'장르','Genre'=>'장르','Genres'=>'장르','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'`WP_REST_Terms_Controller` 대신 사용할 선택적 사용자 정의 컨트롤러.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'REST API에서 이 게시물 유형을 노출합니다.','Customize the query variable name'=>'쿼리 변수 이름 사용자 지정','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'{query_var}={term_slug}와 같이 예쁘지 않은 퍼머링크를 사용하여 용어에 액세스할 수 있습니다.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'계층적 택소노미에 대한 URL의 상위-하위 용어.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'URL에 사용된 슬러그 사용자 정의','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'이 택소노미에 대한 퍼머링크가 비활성화되었습니다.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'택소노미 키를 슬러그로 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성합니다. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','Taxonomy Key'=>'택소노미 키','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'이 택소노미에 사용할 퍼머링크 유형을 선택하십시오.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에 택소노미에 대한 열을 표시합니다.','Show Admin Column'=>'관리 열 표시','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'빠른/일괄 편집 패널에 택소노미를 표시합니다.','Quick Edit'=>'빠른 편집','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Tag Cloud Widget 컨트롤에 택소노미를 나열합니다.','Tag Cloud'=>'태그 클라우드','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'메타박스에서 저장된 택소노미 데이터를 정리하기 위해 호출할 PHP 함수 이름입니다.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'메타 박스 정리 콜백','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'택소노미에서 메타 상자의 내용을 처리하기 위해 호출할 PHP 함수 이름입니다.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'메타박스 콜백 등록','No Meta Box'=>'메타박스 없음','Custom Meta Box'=>'커스텀 메타 박스','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'콘텐츠 에디터 화면의 메타박스를 제어합니다. 기본적으로 계층적 택소노미에는 범주 메타 상자가 표시되고 비계층적 택소노미에는 태그 메타 상자가 표시됩니다.','Meta Box'=>'메타박스','Categories Meta Box'=>'카테고리 메타박스','Tags Meta Box'=>'태그 메타박스','A link to a tag'=>'태그에 대한 링크','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'블록 편집기에서 사용되는 탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대해 설명합니다.','A link to a %s'=>'%s에 대한 링크','Tag Link'=>'태그 링크','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'블록 편집기에서 사용되는 탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대한 제목을 지정합니다.','← Go to tags'=>'← 태그로 이동','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'용어를 업데이트한 후 기본 인덱스로 다시 연결하는 데 사용되는 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Back To Items'=>'항목으로 돌아가기','← Go to %s'=>'← %s로 이동','Tags list'=>'태그 목록','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'테이블의 숨겨진 제목에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Tags list navigation'=>'태그 목록 탐색','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'테이블 페이지 매김 숨겨진 제목에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Filter by category'=>'카테고리별로 필터링','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'게시물 목록 테이블의 필터 버튼에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Filter By Item'=>'항목별로 필터링','Filter by %s'=>'%s로 필터링','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'설명은 기본적으로 눈에 띄지 않습니다. 그러나 일부 테마에서는 이를 표시할 수 있습니다.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 설명 필드에 대해 설명합니다.','Description Field Description'=>'설명 필드 설명','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'계층 구조를 만들 상위 용어를 할당합니다. 예를 들어 재즈라는 용어는 Bebop과 Big Band의 부모입니다.','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 상위 필드를 설명합니다.','Parent Field Description'=>'상위 필드 설명','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'"slug"는 이름의 URL 친화적 버전입니다. 일반적으로 모두 소문자이며 문자, 숫자 및 하이픈만 포함합니다.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 Slug 필드에 대해 설명합니다.','Slug Field Description'=>'슬러그 필드 설명','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'이름은 사이트에 표시되는 방식입니다.','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'태그 편집 화면의 이름 필드를 설명합니다.','Name Field Description'=>'이름 필드 설명','No tags'=>'태그 없음','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'태그 또는 카테고리를 사용할 수 없을 때 게시물 및 미디어 목록 테이블에 표시되는 텍스트를 할당합니다.','No Terms'=>'용어 없음','No %s'=>'%s 없음','No tags found'=>'태그를 찾을 수 없습니다.','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'사용 가능한 태그가 없는 경우 택소노미 메타 상자에서 \'가장 많이 사용하는 항목에서 선택\' 텍스트를 클릭할 때 표시되는 텍스트를 지정하고, 택소노미 항목이 없는 경우 용어 목록 테이블에 사용되는 텍스트를 지정합니다.','Not Found'=>'찾을 수 없음','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'자주 사용됨 탭의 제목 필드에 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Most Used'=>'가장 많이 사용','Choose from the most used tags'=>'가장 많이 사용되는 태그 중에서 선택','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'JavaScript가 비활성화된 경우 메타 상자에 사용되는 \'가장 많이 사용되는 항목에서 선택\' 텍스트를 지정합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Choose From Most Used'=>'가장 많이 사용하는 것 중에서 선택','Choose from the most used %s'=>'가장 많이 사용된 %s에서 선택','Add or remove tags'=>'태그 추가 또는 제거','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'JavaScript가 비활성화된 경우 메타 상자에 사용되는 항목 추가 또는 제거 텍스트를 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됨','Add Or Remove Items'=>'항목 추가 또는 제거','Add or remove %s'=>'%s 추가 또는 제거','Separate tags with commas'=>'쉼표로 태그 구분','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'택소노미 메타 상자에 사용되는 쉼표 텍스트로 별도의 항목을 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'쉼표로 항목 구분','Separate %s with commas'=>'%s를 쉼표로 구분','Popular Tags'=>'인기 태그','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'인기 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다. 비계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Popular Items'=>'인기 상품','Popular %s'=>'인기 있는 %s','Search Tags'=>'검색 태그','Assigns search items text.'=>'검색 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Parent Category:'=>'상위 카테고리:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'부모 항목 텍스트를 할당하지만 끝에 콜론(:)이 추가됩니다.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'콜론이 있는 상위 항목','Parent Category'=>'상위 카테고리','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'상위 항목 텍스트를 지정합니다. 계층적 택소노미에만 사용됩니다.','Parent Item'=>'상위 항목','Parent %s'=>'부모 %s','New Tag Name'=>'새 태그 이름','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'새 항목 이름 텍스트를 할당합니다.','New Item Name'=>'새 항목 이름','New %s Name'=>'새 %s 이름','Add New Tag'=>'새 태그 추가','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'새 항목 추가 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Update Tag'=>'태그 업데이트','Assigns the update item text.'=>'업데이트 항목 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Update Item'=>'항목 업데이트','Update %s'=>'업데이트 %s','View Tag'=>'태그 보기','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'편집하는 동안 용어를 보려면 관리 표시줄에서.','Edit Tag'=>'태그 편집','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'용어를 편집할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','All Tags'=>'모든 태그','Assigns the all items text.'=>'모든 항목 텍스트를 지정합니다.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'메뉴 이름 텍스트를 할당합니다.','Menu Label'=>'메뉴 레이블','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'활성 택소노미가 활성화되고 워드프레스에 등록됩니다.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'택소노미에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'용어에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','Term Description'=>'용어 설명','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'한 단어, 공백 없음. 밑줄과 대시가 허용됩니다.','Term Slug'=>'용어 슬러그','The name of the default term.'=>'기본 용어의 이름입니다.','Term Name'=>'용어 이름','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'삭제할 수 없는 택소노미에 대한 용어를 만듭니다. 기본적으로 게시물에 대해 선택되지 않습니다.','Default Term'=>'기본 용어','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'이 택소노미의 용어를 `wp_set_object_terms()`에 제공된 순서대로 정렬해야 하는지 여부입니다.','Sort Terms'=>'용어 정렬','Add Post Type'=>'게시물 유형 추가','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형을 사용하여 표준 게시물 및 페이지 이상으로 워드프레스의 기능을 확장합니다.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'첫 게시물 유형 추가','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'내가 무엇을 하는지 알고 모든 옵션을 보여주세요.','Advanced Configuration'=>'고급 구성','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'계층적 게시물 유형은 페이지와 같은 하위 항목을 가질 수 있습니다.','Hierarchical'=>'계층적','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'프런트엔드와 관리 알림판에서 볼 수 있습니다.','Public'=>'공공의','movie'=>'동영상','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'소문자, 밑줄 및 대시만 가능하며 최대 20자입니다.','Movie'=>'동영상','Singular Label'=>'단일 레이블','Movies'=>'동영상','Plural Label'=>'복수 라벨','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'`WP_REST_Posts_Controller` 대신 사용할 선택적 사용자 정의 컨트롤러.','Controller Class'=>'컨트롤러 클래스','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL의 네임스페이스 부분입니다.','Namespace Route'=>'네임스페이스 경로','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'게시물 유형 REST API URL의 기본 URL입니다.','Base URL'=>'기본 URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'REST API에서 이 게시물 유형을 노출합니다. 블록 편집기를 사용하는 데 필요합니다.','Show In REST API'=>'REST API에 표시','Customize the query variable name.'=>'쿼리 변수 이름을 사용자 지정합니다.','Query Variable'=>'쿼리 변수','No Query Variable Support'=>'쿼리 변수 지원 없음','Custom Query Variable'=>'맞춤 쿼리 변수','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'항목은 예를 들어 non-pretty permalink를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있습니다. {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'쿼리 변수 지원','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'항목 및 항목에 대한 URL은 쿼리 문자열을 사용하여 액세스할 수 있습니다.','Publicly Queryable'=>'공개적으로 쿼리 가능','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'아카이브 URL에 대한 사용자 지정 슬러그입니다.','Archive Slug'=>'아카이브 슬러그','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'테마의 아카이브 템플릿 파일로 사용자 정의할 수 있는 항목 아카이브가 있습니다.','Archive'=>'아카이브','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'아카이브와 같은 항목 URL에 대한 페이지 매김 지원.','Pagination'=>'쪽수 매기기','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'게시물 유형 항목에 대한 RSS 피드 URL입니다.','Feed URL'=>'피드 URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'URL에 `WP_Rewrite::$front` 접두사를 추가하도록 퍼머링크 구조를 변경합니다.','Front URL Prefix'=>'프런트 URL 프리픽스','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'URL에 사용된 슬러그를 사용자 지정합니다.','URL Slug'=>'URL 슬러그','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'이 게시물 유형에 대한 퍼머링크가 비활성화되었습니다.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'아래 입력에 정의된 사용자 지정 슬러그를 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성합니다. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'퍼머링크 없음(URL 재작성 방지)','Custom Permalink'=>'맞춤 퍼머링크','Post Type Key'=>'게시물 유형 키','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'게시물 유형 키를 슬러그로 사용하여 URL을 다시 작성하십시오. 귀하의 퍼머링크 구조는','Permalink Rewrite'=>'퍼머링크 재작성','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'해당 사용자가 삭제되면 해당 사용자가 항목을 삭제합니다.','Delete With User'=>'사용자와 함께 삭제','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'게시물 유형을 \'도구\' > \'내보내기\'에서 내보낼 수 있도록 허용합니다.','Can Export'=>'내보내기 가능','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'기능에 사용할 복수형을 선택적으로 제공합니다.','Plural Capability Name'=>'복수 기능 이름','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'이 게시물 유형의 기능을 기반으로 하려면 다른 게시물 유형을 선택하십시오.','Singular Capability Name'=>'단일 기능 이름','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'기본적으로 게시 유형의 기능은 \'게시\' 기능 이름을 상속합니다. edit_post, delete_posts. 예를 들어 게시물 유형별 기능을 사용하도록 설정합니다. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'기능 이름 바꾸기','Exclude From Search'=>'검색에서 제외','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'\'모양\' > \'메뉴\' 화면에서 항목을 메뉴에 추가할 수 있도록 허용합니다. \'화면 옵션\'에서 켜야 합니다.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'모양 메뉴 지원','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'관리 표시줄의 \'새로 만들기\' 메뉴에 항목으로 나타납니다.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'관리 표시줄에 표시','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'편집 화면의 메타박스 설정 시 호출할 PHP 함수명.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'커스텀 메타 박스 콜백','Menu Icon'=>'메뉴 아이콘','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'관리 알림판의 사이드바 메뉴에 있는 위치입니다.','Menu Position'=>'메뉴 위치','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'기본적으로 게시물 유형은 관리자 메뉴에서 새로운 최상위 항목을 가져옵니다. 여기에 기존 최상위 항목이 제공되면 게시물 유형이 그 아래 하위 메뉴 항목으로 추가됩니다.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'관리자 메뉴 부모','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'관리자 알림판의 게시물 유형 메뉴 항목에 사용되는 아이콘입니다. 아이콘에 사용할 URL 또는 %s일 수 있습니다.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon 클래스 이름','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'사이드바 메뉴의 관리 편집기 탐색.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'관리자 메뉴에 표시','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'어드민 알림판에서 항목을 수정하고 관리할 수 있습니다.','Show In UI'=>'UI에 표시','A link to a post.'=>'게시물에 대한 링크입니다.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'탐색 링크 블록 변형에 대한 설명입니다.','Item Link Description'=>'항목 링크 설명','A link to a %s.'=>'%s에 대한 링크입니다.','Post Link'=>'링크 게시','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'탐색 링크 블록 변형의 제목입니다.','Item Link'=>'항목 링크','%s Link'=>'%s 링크','Post updated.'=>'게시물이 업데이트되었습니다.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'항목이 업데이트된 후 편집기 알림에서.','Item Updated'=>'항목 업데이트됨','%s updated.'=>'%s 업데이트되었습니다.','Post scheduled.'=>'게시물 예정.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'항목 예약 후 편집자 공지에서.','Item Scheduled'=>'예약된 항목','%s scheduled.'=>'%s 예약됨.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'게시물이 초안으로 돌아갔습니다.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'항목을 초안으로 되돌린 후 편집자 알림에서.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'초안으로 되돌린 항목','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s이(가) 초안으로 되돌아갔습니다.','Post published privately.'=>'게시물이 비공개로 게시되었습니다.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'비공개 항목 게시 후 편집자 공지에서.','Item Published Privately'=>'비공개로 게시된 항목','%s published privately.'=>'%s은(는) 비공개로 게시되었습니다.','Post published.'=>'게시물이 게시되었습니다.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'항목을 게시한 후 편집자 알림에서.','Item Published'=>'게시된 항목','%s published.'=>'%s이(가) 게시되었습니다.','Posts list'=>'게시물 목록','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 항목 목록에 대한 화면 판독기에서 사용됩니다.','Items List'=>'항목 목록','%s list'=>'%s 목록','Posts list navigation'=>'게시물 목록 탐색','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에서 필터 목록 페이지 매김을 위해 스크린 리더에서 사용됩니다.','Items List Navigation'=>'항목 목록 탐색','%s list navigation'=>'%s 목록 탐색','Filter posts by date'=>'날짜별로 게시물 필터링','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면에서 날짜 제목으로 필터링하기 위해 화면 판독기에서 사용됩니다.','Filter Items By Date'=>'날짜별로 항목 필터링','Filter %s by date'=>'날짜별로 %s 필터링','Filter posts list'=>'게시물 목록 필터링','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 필터 링크 제목에 대해 스크린 리더에서 사용됩니다.','Filter Items List'=>'항목 목록 필터링','Filter %s list'=>'%s 목록 필터링','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'이 항목에 업로드된 모든 미디어를 표시하는 미디어 모달에서.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'이 항목에 업로드됨','Uploaded to this %s'=>'이 %s에 업로드됨','Insert into post'=>'게시물에 삽입','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'콘텐츠에 미디어를 추가할 때 버튼 레이블로 사용합니다.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'미디어에 삽입 버튼','Insert into %s'=>'%s에 삽입','Use as featured image'=>'추천 이미지로 사용','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'이미지를 추천 이미지로 사용하도록 선택하기 위한 버튼 레이블로.','Use Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 사용','Remove featured image'=>'추천 이미지 삭제','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'추천 이미지를 제거할 때 버튼 레이블로.','Remove Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 제거','Set featured image'=>'추천 이미지 설정','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'추천 이미지를 설정할 때 버튼 레이블로.','Set Featured Image'=>'추천 이미지 설정','Featured image'=>'나타난 그림','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'추천 이미지 메타 상자의 제목에 사용되는 편집기에서.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'추천 이미지 메타 상자','Post Attributes'=>'게시물 속성','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'게시물 속성 메타 상자의 제목에 사용되는 편집기에서.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'속성 메타박스','%s Attributes'=>'%s 속성','Post Archives'=>'게시물 아카이브','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'아카이브가 활성화된 CPT의 기존 메뉴에 항목을 추가할 때 표시되는 게시물 목록에 이 레이블이 있는 \'게시물 유형 아카이브\' 항목을 추가합니다. \'실시간 미리보기\' 모드에서 메뉴를 편집하고 사용자 정의 아카이브 슬러그가 제공되었을 때만 나타납니다.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'아카이브 탐색 메뉴','%s Archives'=>'%s 아카이브','No posts found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 게시물이 없습니다.','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'휴지통에 게시물이 없을 때 게시물 유형 목록 화면 상단에 표시됩니다.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'휴지통에 항목이 없습니다.','No %s found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.','No posts found'=>'게시물이 없습니다.','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'표시할 게시물이 없을 때 게시물 유형 목록 화면 상단에 표시됩니다.','No Items Found'=>'제품을 찾지 못했습니다','No %s found'=>'%s 없음','Search Posts'=>'게시물 검색','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'항목 검색 시 항목 화면 상단','Search Items'=>'항목 검색','Search %s'=>'%s 검색','Parent Page:'=>'상위 페이지:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'게시물 유형 목록 화면의 계층적 유형의 경우.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'상위 품목 접두어','Parent %s:'=>'부모 %s:','New Post'=>'새로운 게시물','New Item'=>'새로운 물품','New %s'=>'신규 %s','Add New Post'=>'새 게시물 추가','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'새 항목을 추가할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','Add New Item'=>'새 항목 추가','Add New %s'=>'새 %s 추가','View Posts'=>'게시물 보기','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'게시물 유형이 아카이브를 지원하고 홈 페이지가 해당 게시물 유형의 아카이브가 아닌 경우 \'모든 게시물\' 보기의 관리 표시줄에 나타납니다.','View Items'=>'항목 보기','View Post'=>'게시물 보기','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'항목을 편집할 때 관리 표시줄에서 항목을 봅니다.','View Item'=>'항목 보기','View %s'=>'%s 보기','Edit Post'=>'게시물 수정','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'항목을 편집할 때 편집기 화면 상단에 있습니다.','Edit Item'=>'항목 편집','Edit %s'=>'%s 편집','All Posts'=>'모든 게시물','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'관리 알림판의 게시물 유형 하위 메뉴에서.','All Items'=>'모든 항목','All %s'=>'모든 %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'게시물 유형의 관리자 메뉴 이름입니다.','Menu Name'=>'메뉴명','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'단일 및 복수 레이블을 사용하여 모든 레이블 재생성','Regenerate'=>'재생하다','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'활성 게시물 유형이 활성화되고 워드프레스에 등록됩니다.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'게시물 유형에 대한 설명 요약입니다.','Add Custom'=>'맞춤 추가','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'콘텐츠 편집기에서 다양한 기능을 활성화합니다.','Post Formats'=>'게시물 형식','Editor'=>'편집자','Trackbacks'=>'트랙백','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'게시물 유형의 항목을 택소노미하려면 기존 택소노미를 선택하십시오.','Browse Fields'=>'필드 찾아보기','Nothing to import'=>'가져올 항목 없음','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Custom Post Type UI 플러그인을 비활성화할 수 있습니다.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형 UI에서 %d개의 항목을 가져왔습니다. -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'택소노미를 가져오지 못했습니다.','Failed to import post types.'=>'게시물 유형을 가져오지 못했습니다.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'가져오기 위해 선택된 사용자 지정 게시물 유형 UI 플러그인이 없습니다.','Imported 1 item'=>'가져온 %s개 항목','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'이미 존재하는 키와 동일한 키를 사용하여 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미를 가져오면 기존 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미에 대한 설정을 가져오기의 설정으로 덮어씁니다.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'사용자 정의 게시물 유형 UI에서 가져오기','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'다음 코드는 선택한 항목의 로컬 버전을 등록하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 필드 그룹, 게시물 유형 또는 택소노미를 로컬에 저장하면 더 빠른 로드 시간, 버전 제어 및 동적 필드/설정과 같은 많은 이점을 제공할 수 있습니다. 다음 코드를 복사하여 테마의 functions.php 파일에 붙여넣거나 외부 파일에 포함시킨 다음 ACF 관리자에서 항목을 비활성화하거나 삭제하십시오.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'내보내기 - PHP 생성','Export'=>'내보내다','Select Taxonomies'=>'택소노미 선택','Select Post Types'=>'게시물 유형 선택','Exported 1 item.'=>'내보낸 %s개 항목','Category'=>'범주','Tag'=>'꼬리표','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s 택소노미 생성됨','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s 택소노미 업데이트됨','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'택소노미 초안이 업데이트되었습니다.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'예정된 택소노미.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'택소노미가 제출되었습니다.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'택소노미가 저장되었습니다.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'택소노미가 삭제되었습니다.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'택소노미가 업데이트되었습니다.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 택소노미에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 이 택소노미를 등록할 수 없습니다.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 동기화되었습니다.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 중복되었습니다.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 비활성화되었습니다.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'%s개의 택소노미가 활성화되었습니다.','Terms'=>'용어','Post type synchronized.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 동기화되었습니다.','Post type duplicated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 중복되었습니다.','Post type deactivated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 비활성화되었습니다.','Post type activated.'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 활성화되었습니다.','Post Types'=>'게시물 유형','Advanced Settings'=>'고급 설정','Basic Settings'=>'기본 설정','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'이 게시물 유형은 다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 게시물 유형에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 등록할 수 없습니다.','Pages'=>'페이지','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'기존 필드 그룹 연결','%s post type created'=>'%s 게시물 유형이 생성됨','Add fields to %s'=>'%s에 필드 추가','%s post type updated'=>'%s 게시물 유형 업데이트됨','Post type draft updated.'=>'게시물 유형 초안이 업데이트되었습니다.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'예정된 게시물 유형입니다.','Post type submitted.'=>'게시물 유형이 제출되었습니다.','Post type saved.'=>'게시물 유형이 저장되었습니다.','Post type updated.'=>'게시물 유형이 업데이트되었습니다.','Post type deleted.'=>'게시물 유형이 삭제되었습니다.','Type to search...'=>'검색하려면 입력하세요...','PRO Only'=>'프로 전용','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'필드 그룹이 성공적으로 연결되었습니다.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Custom Post Type UI에 등록된 Post Type과 Taxonomies를 가져와서 ACF로 관리합니다. 시작하기.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'택소노미','post type'=>'게시물 유형','Done'=>'완료','Field Group(s)'=>'필드 그룹','Select one or many field groups...'=>'하나 이상의 필드 그룹 선택...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'연결할 필드 그룹을 선택하십시오.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'필드 그룹이 성공적으로 연결되었습니다.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'등록 실패','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'이 항목은 다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 항목에서 해당 키를 사용 중이므로 등록할 수 없습니다.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'권한','URLs'=>'URL','Visibility'=>'가시성','Labels'=>'레이블','Field Settings Tabs'=>'필드 설정 탭','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[미리보기에 사용할 수 없는 ACF 쇼트코드 값]','Close Modal'=>'모달 닫기','Field moved to other group'=>'필드가 다른 그룹으로 이동됨','Close modal'=>'모달 닫기','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'이 탭에서 새 탭 그룹을 시작합니다.','New Tab Group'=>'새 탭 그룹','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Select2를 사용하여 양식화된 체크박스 사용','Save Other Choice'=>'다른 선택 저장','Allow Other Choice'=>'다른 선택 허용','Add Toggle All'=>'모두 전환 추가','Save Custom Values'=>'사용자 지정 값 저장','Allow Custom Values'=>'사용자 지정 값 허용','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'체크박스 맞춤 값은 비워둘 수 없습니다. 비어 있는 값을 모두 선택 취소합니다.','Updates'=>'업데이트','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드 로고','Save Changes'=>'변경 사항을 저장하다','Field Group Title'=>'필드 그룹 제목','Add title'=>'제목 추가','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'ACF가 처음이신가요? 시작 가이드를 살펴보세요.','Add Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 추가','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF는 필드 그룹을 사용하여 사용자 정의 필드를 함께 그룹화한 다음 해당 필드를 편집 화면에 첨부합니다.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'첫 번째 필드 그룹 추가','Options Pages'=>'옵션 페이지','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF 블록','Gallery Field'=>'갤러리 필드','Flexible Content Field'=>'유연한 콘텐츠 필드','Repeater Field'=>'리피터 필드','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'ACF 프로로 추가 기능 잠금 해제','Delete Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 삭제','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'%1$s에서 %2$s에 생성됨','Group Settings'=>'그룹 설정','Location Rules'=>'위치 규칙','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'30개 이상의 필드 유형 중에서 선택하십시오. 자세히 알아보세요.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'게시물, 페이지, 사용자 정의 게시물 유형 및 기타 워드프레스 콘텐츠에 대한 새로운 사용자 정의 필드 생성을 시작하십시오.','Add Your First Field'=>'첫 번째 필드 추가','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'필드 추가','Presentation'=>'프레젠테이션','Validation'=>'확인','General'=>'일반적인','Import JSON'=>'JSON 가져오기','Export As JSON'=>'JSON으로 내보내기','Field group deactivated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 비활성화되었습니다.','Field group activated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 활성화되었습니다.','Deactivate'=>'비활성화','Deactivate this item'=>'이 항목 비활성화','Activate'=>'활성화','Activate this item'=>'이 항목 활성화','Move field group to trash?'=>'필드 그룹을 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까?','post statusInactive'=>'비활성','WP Engine'=>'WP 엔진','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드와 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로는 동시에 활성화되어서는 안 됩니다. 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로를 자동으로 비활성화했습니다.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드와 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로는 동시에 활성화되어서는 안 됩니다. 고급 사용자 정의 필드를 자동으로 비활성화했습니다.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF가 초기화되기 전에 ACF 필드 값을 검색하는 호출이 하나 이상 감지되었습니다. 이는 지원되지 않으며 잘못된 형식의 데이터 또는 누락된 데이터가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아보세요.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s에는 다음 역할 중 하나를 가진 사용자가 있어야 합니다. %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s에는 유효한 사용자 ID가 있어야 합니다.','Invalid request.'=>'잘못된 요청.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s은(는) %2$s 중 하나가 아닙니다.','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s에는 다음 용어 중 하나가 있어야 합니다. %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s은(는) 다음 게시물 유형 중 하나여야 합니다: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s에는 유효한 게시물 ID가 있어야 합니다.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s에는 유효한 첨부 파일 ID가 필요합니다.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API에 표시','Enable Transparency'=>'투명성 활성화','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA 배열','RGBA String'=>'RGBA 문자열','Hex String'=>'16진수 문자열','Upgrade to PRO'=>'프로로 업그레이드','post statusActive'=>'활성','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'‘%s’은(는) 유효한 이매일 주소가 아닙니다','Color value'=>'색상 값','Select default color'=>'기본 색상 선택하기','Clear color'=>'선명한 색상','Blocks'=>'블록','Options'=>'옵션','Users'=>'사용자','Menu items'=>'메뉴 항목','Widgets'=>'위젯','Attachments'=>'첨부파일','Taxonomies'=>'택소노미','Posts'=>'게시물','Last updated: %s'=>'최근 업대이트: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'죄송합니다. 이 게시물은 diff 비교에 사용할 수 없습니다.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'잘못된 필드 그룹 매개변수입니다.','Awaiting save'=>'저장 대기 중','Saved'=>'저장했어요','Import'=>'가져오기','Review changes'=>'변경사항 검토하기','Located in: %s'=>'위치: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'플러그인에 있음: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'테마에 있음: %s','Various'=>'다양한','Sync changes'=>'변경사항 동기화하기','Loading diff'=>'로딩 차이','Review local JSON changes'=>'지역 JSON 변경 검토하기','Visit website'=>'웹 사이트 방문하기','View details'=>'세부 정보 보기','Version %s'=>'버전 %s','Information'=>'정보','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'헬프 데스크. 당사 헬프데스크의 지원 전문가가 보다 심도 있는 기술 문제를 지원할 것입니다.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'토론. ACF 세계의 \'방법\'을 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 커뮤니티 포럼에 활발하고 친근한 커뮤니티가 있습니다.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'문서. 광범위한 문서에는 발생할 수 있는 대부분의 상황에 대한 참조 및 가이드가 포함되어 있습니다.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'우리는 지원에 열광하며 ACF를 통해 웹 사이트를 최대한 활용하기를 바랍니다. 어려움에 처한 경우 도움을 받을 수 있는 여러 곳이 있습니다.','Help & Support'=>'도움말 및 지원','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'도움이 필요한 경우 도움말 및 지원 탭을 사용하여 연락하십시오.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'첫 번째 필드 그룹을 만들기 전에 먼저 시작하기 가이드를 읽고 플러그인의 철학과 모범 사례를 숙지하는 것이 좋습니다.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드 플러그인은 추가 필드로 워드프레스 편집 화면을 사용자 정의할 수 있는 시각적 양식 빌더와 모든 테마 템플릿 파일에 사용자 정의 필드 값을 표시하는 직관적인 API를 제공합니다.','Overview'=>'개요','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'위치 유형 "%s"이(가) 이미 등록되어 있습니다.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'"%s" 클래스가 존재하지 않습니다.','Invalid nonce.'=>'논스가 잘못되었습니다.','Error loading field.'=>'필드를 로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.','Location not found: %s'=>'찾을 수 없는 위치: %s','Error: %s'=>'오류: %s','Widget'=>'위젯','User Role'=>'사용자 역할','Comment'=>'코멘트','Post Format'=>'게시물 형식','Menu Item'=>'메뉴 아이템','Post Status'=>'게시물 상태','Menus'=>'메뉴','Menu Locations'=>'메뉴 위치','Menu'=>'메뉴','Post Taxonomy'=>'게시물 택소노미','Child Page (has parent)'=>'자식 페이지 (부모가 있습니다)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'부모 페이지 (자식이 있습니다)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'최상위 페이지 (부모가 없습니다)','Posts Page'=>'글 페이지','Front Page'=>'프론트 페이지','Page Type'=>'페이지 유형','Viewing back end'=>'백엔드 보기','Viewing front end'=>'프런트 엔드 보기','Logged in'=>'로그인','Current User'=>'현재 사용자','Page Template'=>'페이지 템플릿','Register'=>'등록하기','Add / Edit'=>'추가하기 / 편집하기','User Form'=>'사용자 양식','Page Parent'=>'페이지 부모','Super Admin'=>'최고 관리자','Current User Role'=>'현재 사용자 역할','Default Template'=>'기본 템플릿','Post Template'=>'게시물 템플릿','Post Category'=>'게시물 카테고리','All %s formats'=>'모든 %s 형식','Attachment'=>'첨부','%s value is required'=>'%s 값이 필요합니다.','Show this field if'=>'다음과 같은 경우 이 필드를 표시합니다.','Conditional Logic'=>'조건부 논리','and'=>'그리고','Local JSON'=>'로컬 JSON','Clone Field'=>'클론 필드','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'최신 버전 프리미엄 애드온 (%s)의 업대이트를 확인하기 바랍니다.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'이 버전은 데이터베이스 개선을 포함하고 있어 업그래이드가 필요합니다.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'%1$s v%2$s로 업데이트해주셔서 감사합니다!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드가 필요합니다','Options Page'=>'옵션 페이지','Gallery'=>'갤러리','Flexible Content'=>'유연한 콘텐츠','Repeater'=>'리피터','Back to all tools'=>'모든 도구로 돌아가기','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'편집 화면에 여러 개의 필드 그룹이 나타나는 경우 첫 번째 필드 그룹의 옵션(순서 번호가 가장 낮은 옵션)이 사용됩니다.','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'항목을 선택하여 편집 화면에서 숨깁니다.','Hide on screen'=>'화면에 숨기기','Send Trackbacks'=>'트랙백 보내기','Tags'=>'태그','Categories'=>'카테고리','Page Attributes'=>'페이지 속성','Format'=>'형식','Author'=>'작성자','Slug'=>'슬러그','Revisions'=>'개정','Comments'=>'코멘트','Discussion'=>'논의','Excerpt'=>'요약문','Content Editor'=>'콘텐츠 편집기','Permalink'=>'퍼머링크','Shown in field group list'=>'필드 그룹 목록에 표시됨','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'순서가 낮은 필드 그룹이 먼저 나타납니다.','Order No.'=>'주문번호','Below fields'=>'필드 아래','Below labels'=>'레이블 아래','Instruction Placement'=>'지침 배치','Label Placement'=>'라벨 배치','Side'=>'측면','Normal (after content)'=>'일반(내용 후)','High (after title)'=>'높음(제목 뒤)','Position'=>'위치','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'원활한(메타박스 없음)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'표준(WP 메타박스)','Style'=>'스타일','Type'=>'유형','Key'=>'키','Order'=>'정렬하기','Close Field'=>'필드 닫기','id'=>'id','class'=>'클래스','width'=>'너비','Wrapper Attributes'=>'래퍼 속성','Required'=>'필수','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'작성자를 위한 지침. 데이터 제출 시 표시','Instructions'=>'지침','Field Type'=>'필드 유형','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'한 단어, 공백 없음. 밑줄 및 대시 허용','Field Name'=>'필드 명','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'이것은 편집하기 페이지에 보일 이름입니다.','Field Label'=>'필드 레이블','Delete'=>'지우기','Delete field'=>'필드 삭제','Move'=>'이동하기','Move field to another group'=>'다름 그룹으로 필드 이동하기','Duplicate field'=>'필드 복제하기','Edit field'=>'필드 편집하기','Drag to reorder'=>'드래그하여 재정렬','Show this field group if'=>'다음과 같은 경우 이 필드 그룹 표시','No updates available.'=>'사용 가능한 업대이트가 없습니다.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드를 완료했습니다. 새로운 기능 보기 ','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'업그래이드 작업을 읽기 ...','Upgrade failed.'=>'업그래이드에 실패했습니다.','Upgrade complete.'=>'업그래이드를 완료했습니다.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'버전 %s(으)로 자료를 업그래이드하기','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'계속하기 전에 데이터베이스를 백업하는 것이 좋습니다. 지금 업데이트 도구를 실행하기 원하는게 확실한가요?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'업그래이드 할 사이트를 하나 이상 선택하기 바랍니다.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드를 완료했습니다. 네트워크 알림판으로 돌아 가기 ','Site is up to date'=>'사이트가 최신 상태입니다.','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'사이트는 %1$s에서 %2$s(으)로 데이터베이스 업그레이드가 필요합니다.','Site'=>'사이트','Upgrade Sites'=>'사이트 업그래이드하기','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'다음 사이트는 대배 업그래이드가 필요합니다. 업대이트하려는 항목을 확인한 다음 %s을(를) 누르세요.','Add rule group'=>'그룹 규칙 추가하기','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'이러한 고급 사용자 정의 필드를 사용할 편집 화면을 결정하는 일련의 규칙을 만듭니다.','Rules'=>'규칙','Copied'=>'복사했습니다','Copy to clipboard'=>'클립보드에 복사하기','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'내보낼 항목을 선택한 다음 내보내기 방법을 선택합니다. JSON으로 내보내기 - .json 파일로 내보낸 다음 다른 ACF 설치로 가져올 수 있습니다. PHP를 생성하여 테마에 배치할 수 있는 PHP 코드로 내보냅니다.','Select Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 선택하기','No field groups selected'=>'선택한 필드 그룹 없음','Generate PHP'=>'PHP 생성','Export Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 내보내기','Import file empty'=>'가져오기 파일이 비어 있음','Incorrect file type'=>'잘못된 파일 형식','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'파일을 업로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'가져오려는 고급 사용자 정의 필드 JSON 파일을 선택합니다. 아래 가져오기 버튼을 클릭하면 ACF가 해당 파일의 항목을 가져옵니다.','Import Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 가져오기','Sync'=>'동기화하기','Select %s'=>'%s 선택하기','Duplicate'=>'복제하기','Duplicate this item'=>'이 항목 복제하기','Supports'=>'지원','Documentation'=>'문서화','Description'=>'설명','Sync available'=>'동기화 가능','Field group synchronized.'=>'%s개의 필드 그룹을 동기화했습니다.','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s 필드 그룹이 복사되었습니다.','Active (%s)'=>'활성 (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'사이트 검토하기 & 업그래이드하기','Upgrade Database'=>'데이터베이스 업그래이드하기','Custom Fields'=>'사용자 정의 필드','Move Field'=>'필드 이동하기','Please select the destination for this field'=>'이 필드의 대상을 선택하십시오','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s 필드는 이제 %2$s 필드 그룹에서 찾을 수 있습니다.','Move Complete.'=>'이동완료.','Active'=>'활동적인','Field Keys'=>'필드 키','Settings'=>'설정','Location'=>'위치','Null'=>'빈값','copy'=>'복사하기','(this field)'=>'(이 필드)','Checked'=>'체크','Move Custom Field'=>'사용자 필드 이동하기','No toggle fields available'=>'사용 가능한 토글 필드 없음','Field group title is required'=>'필드 그룹 제목이 필요합니다.','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'변경 사항이 저장될 때까지 이 필드를 이동할 수 없습니다.','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'문자열 "field_"는 필드 이름의 시작 부분에 사용할 수 없습니다.','Field group draft updated.'=>'필드 그룹 초안을 업대이트했습니다.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'필드 그룹이 예정되어 있습니다.','Field group submitted.'=>'필드 그룹이 제출되었습니다.','Field group saved.'=>'필드 그룹이 저장되었습니다.','Field group published.'=>'필드 그룹이 게시되었습니다.','Field group deleted.'=>'필드 그룹이 삭제되었습니다.','Field group updated.'=>'필드 그룹을 업대이트했습니다.','Tools'=>'도구','is not equal to'=>'같지 않다','is equal to'=>'동일하다','Forms'=>'양식','Page'=>'페이지','Post'=>'게시물','Relational'=>'관계형','Choice'=>'선택하기','Basic'=>'기초','Unknown'=>'알려지지 않은','Field type does not exist'=>'필드 유형이 존재하지 않습니다','Spam Detected'=>'스팸 감지됨','Post updated'=>'글 업대이트','Update'=>'업대이트하기','Validate Email'=>'이매일 확인하기','Content'=>'콘텐츠','Title'=>'제목','Edit field group'=>'필드 그룹 편집하기','Selection is less than'=>'선택이 미만','Selection is greater than'=>'선택이 다음보다 큼','Value is less than'=>'값이 다음보다 작음','Value is greater than'=>'값이 다음보다 큼','Value contains'=>'값은 다음을 포함합니다.','Value matches pattern'=>'값이 패턴과 일치','Value is not equal to'=>'값이 같지 않음','Value is equal to'=>'값은 다음과 같습니다.','Has no value'=>'값이 없음','Has any value'=>'값이 있음','Cancel'=>'취소하기','Are you sure?'=>'확실합니까?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d개의 필드에 주의가 필요합니다.','1 field requires attention'=>'주의가 필요한 필드 1개','Validation failed'=>'검증에 실패했습니다','Validation successful'=>'유효성 검사 성공','Restricted'=>'제한했습니다','Collapse Details'=>'세부 정보 접기','Expand Details'=>'세부정보 확장하기','Uploaded to this post'=>'이 게시물에 업로드됨','verbUpdate'=>'업대이트하기','verbEdit'=>'편집하기','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'페이지를 벗어나면 변경 한 내용이 손실 됩니다','File type must be %s.'=>'파일 유형은 %s여야 합니다.','or'=>'또는','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'파일 크기는 %s를 초과할 수 없습니다.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'파일 크기는 %s 이상이어야 합니다.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'이미지 높이는 %dpx를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'이미지 높이는 %dpx 이상이어야 합니다.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'이미지 너비는 %dpx를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'이미지 너비는 %dpx 이상이어야 합니다.','(no title)'=>'(제목 없음)','Full Size'=>'전체 크기','Large'=>'크기가 큰','Medium'=>'중간','Thumbnail'=>'썸네일','(no label)'=>'(라벨 없음)','Sets the textarea height'=>'문자 영역의 높이를 설정하기','Rows'=>'행','Text Area'=>'텍스트 영역','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'모든 선택 항목을 토글하려면 추가 확인란을 앞에 추가하십시오.','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'선택한 필드에 ‘사용자 정의’값 저장하기','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'추가한 ‘사용자 정의’ 값 허용하기','Add new choice'=>'새로운 선택 추가하기','Toggle All'=>'모두 토글하기','Allow Archives URLs'=>'보관소 URLs 허용하기','Archives'=>'아카이브','Page Link'=>'페이지 링크','Add'=>'추가하기','Name'=>'이름','%s added'=>'%s 추가됨','%s already exists'=>'%s이(가) 이미 존재합니다.','User unable to add new %s'=>'사용자가 새 %s을(를) 추가할 수 없습니다.','Term ID'=>'용어 ID','Term Object'=>'용어 객체','Load value from posts terms'=>'글 용어에서 값 로드하기','Load Terms'=>'용어 로드하기','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'글에 선택한 조건을 연결하기','Save Terms'=>'조건 저장하기','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'편집하는 동안 생성할 새로운 조건을 허용하기','Create Terms'=>'용어 만들기','Radio Buttons'=>'라디오 버튼','Single Value'=>'단일 값','Multi Select'=>'다중 선택','Checkbox'=>'체크박스','Multiple Values'=>'여러 값','Select the appearance of this field'=>'이 필드의 외관 선택하기','Appearance'=>'외관','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'보일 할 분류를 선택하기','No TermsNo %s'=>'%s 없음','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'값은 %d보다 작거나 같아야 합니다.','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'값은 %d 이상이어야 합니다.','Value must be a number'=>'값은 숫자여야 합니다.','Number'=>'숫자','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'선택한 필드에 ‘다른’ 값 저장하기','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'사용자 정의 값을 허용하는 ‘기타’ 선택 사항 추가하기','Other'=>'기타','Radio Button'=>'라디오 버튼','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'중지할 이전 아코디언의 끝점을 정의합니다. 이 아코디언은 보이지 않습니다.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'다른 아코디언을 닫지 않고 이 아코디언이 열리도록 허용합니다.','Multi-Expand'=>'다중 확장','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'이 아코디언은 페이지 로드시 열린 것으로 보입니다.','Open'=>'열기','Accordion'=>'아코디언','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'업로드 할 수 있는 파일 제한하기','File ID'=>'파일 ID','File URL'=>'파일 URL','File Array'=>'파일 어레이','Add File'=>'파일 추가하기','No file selected'=>'파일이 선택되지 않았습니다','File name'=>'파일 이름','Update File'=>'파일 업대이트하기','Edit File'=>'파일 편집하기','Select File'=>'파일 선택하기','File'=>'파일','Password'=>'비밀번호','Specify the value returned'=>'반환할 값 지정하기','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'지연 로드 선택에 AJAX를 사용하시겠습니까?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'새로운 줄에 기본 값 입력하기','verbSelect'=>'선택하기','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'로딩 실패','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'검색하기…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'더 많은 결과 로드 중…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'%d 항목만 선택할 수 있어요','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'항목은 1개만 선택할 수 있습니다','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'%d글자를 지우기 바래요','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'글자 1개를 지워주세요','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'%d 또는 이상의 글자를 입력하시기 바래요','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'글자를 1개 이상 입력하세요','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'일치하는 항목이 없습니다','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d개의 결과가 사용가능하니, 위와 아래 방향키를 이용해 탐색하세요.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'1개 결과를 사용할 수 있습니다. 선택하려면 Enter 키를 누르세요.','nounSelect'=>'선택하기','User ID'=>'사용자 아이디','User Object'=>'사용자 객체','User Array'=>'사용자 배열','All user roles'=>'모든 사용자 역할','Filter by Role'=>'역할로 필터하기','User'=>'사용자','Separator'=>'분리 기호','Select Color'=>'색상 선택하기','Default'=>'기본','Clear'=>'정리','Color Picker'=>'색상 선택기','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'오후','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'오전','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'선택하기','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'완료','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'현재','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'시간대','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'마이크로초','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'밀리초','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'초','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'분','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'시간','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'시간','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'시간 선택하기','Date Time Picker'=>'날짜 시간 선택기','Endpoint'=>'끝점','Left aligned'=>'왼쪽 정렬','Top aligned'=>'상단 정렬','Placement'=>'놓기','Tab'=>'탭','Value must be a valid URL'=>'값은 유효한 URL이어야 합니다.','Link URL'=>'링크 URL','Link Array'=>'링크 어레이','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'새 창/탭에서 열기','Select Link'=>'링크 선택하기','Link'=>'링크','Email'=>'이매일','Step Size'=>'단계 크기','Maximum Value'=>'최대값','Minimum Value'=>'최소값','Range'=>'범위','Both (Array)'=>'모두(배열)','Label'=>'레이블','Value'=>'값','Vertical'=>'수직','Horizontal'=>'수평','red : Red'=>'빨강 : 빨강','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'더 많은 제어를 위해 다음과 같이 값과 레이블을 모두 지정할 수 있습니다.','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'새 줄에 각 선택 항목을 입력합니다.','Choices'=>'선택하기','Button Group'=>'버튼 그룹','Allow Null'=>'Null 값 허용','Parent'=>'부모','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE는 필드를 클릭할 때까지 초기화되지 않습니다.','Delay Initialization'=>'초기화 지연','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'미디어 업로드 버튼 표시','Toolbar'=>'툴바','Text Only'=>'텍스트만','Visual Only'=>'비주얼 전용','Visual & Text'=>'비주얼 및 텍스트','Tabs'=>'탭','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'TinyMCE를 초기화하려면 클릭하십시오.','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'텍스트','Visual'=>'비주얼','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'값은 %d자를 초과할 수 없습니다.','Leave blank for no limit'=>'제한 없이 비워두세요','Character Limit'=>'글자 수 제한','Appears after the input'=>'입력란 후 나타납니다.','Append'=>'추가하기','Appears before the input'=>'입력란 전에 나타납니다.','Prepend'=>'앞에 추가','Appears within the input'=>'입력란 내에 나타납니다.','Placeholder Text'=>'자리표시자 텍스트','Appears when creating a new post'=>'새 게시물을 작성할 때 나타납니다.','Text'=>'텍스트','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s에는 %2$s개 이상의 선택 항목이 필요합니다.','Post ID'=>'게시물 ID','Post Object'=>'개체 게시','Maximum Posts'=>'최대 게시물','Minimum Posts'=>'최소 게시물','Featured Image'=>'특성 이미지','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'선택한 요소가 각 결과에 표시됩니다.','Elements'=>'엘리먼트','Taxonomy'=>'택소노미','Post Type'=>'게시물 유형','Filters'=>'필터','All taxonomies'=>'모든 분류','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'분류로 필터하기','All post types'=>'모든 게시물 유형','Filter by Post Type'=>'글 유형으로 필터하기','Search...'=>'검색하기...','Select taxonomy'=>'분류 선택하기','Select post type'=>'글 유형 선택하기','No matches found'=>'검색 결과가 없습니다','Loading'=>'로딩중','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'최대 값에 도달함( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'관계','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다. 모든 유형에 대해 비워 두십시오.','Allowed File Types'=>'허용된 파일 형식','Maximum'=>'최고','File size'=>'파일 크기','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'업로드 할 수 있는 이미지 제한하기','Minimum'=>'최저','Uploaded to post'=>'게시물에 업로드됨','All'=>'모두','Limit the media library choice'=>'미디어 라이브러리 선택 제한하기','Library'=>'라이브러리','Preview Size'=>'미리보기 크기','Image ID'=>'이미지 ID','Image URL'=>'이미지 URL','Image Array'=>'이미지 배열','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'프론트 엔드에 반환 값 지정하기','Return Value'=>'값 반환하기','Add Image'=>'이미지 추가하기','No image selected'=>'선택한 이미지 없음','Remove'=>'제거하기','Edit'=>'편집하기','All images'=>'모든 이미지','Update Image'=>'이미지 업대이트하기','Edit Image'=>'이미지 편집하기','Select Image'=>'이미지 선택하기','Image'=>'이미지','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'렌더링 대신 보이는 텍스트로 HTML 마크 업을 허용하기','Escape HTML'=>'HTML 이탈하기','No Formatting'=>'서식 없음','Automatically add <br>'=>'<br> 자동 추가하기','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'단락 자동 추가하기','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'새 줄이 렌더링되는 방식을 제어합니다.','New Lines'=>'새로운 라인','Week Starts On'=>'주간 시작 날짜','The format used when saving a value'=>'값을 저장할 때 사용되는 형식','Save Format'=>'형식 저장하기','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'주','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'이전','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'다음','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'오늘','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'완료','Date Picker'=>'날짜 선택기','Width'=>'너비','Embed Size'=>'임베드 크기','Enter URL'=>'URL 입력','oEmbed'=>'포함','Text shown when inactive'=>'비활성 상태일 때 표시되는 텍스트','Off Text'=>'오프 텍스트','Text shown when active'=>'활성 상태일 때 표시되는 텍스트','On Text'=>'텍스트에','Stylized UI'=>'양식에 일치하는 UI','Default Value'=>'기본값','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'확인란 옆에 텍스트를 표시합니다.','Message'=>'메시지','No'=>'아니요','Yes'=>'예','True / False'=>'허위 사실','Row'=>'열','Table'=>'태이블','Block'=>'블록','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'선택한 필드를 렌더링하는 데 사용하는 스타일 지정하기','Layout'=>'레이아웃','Sub Fields'=>'하위 필드','Group'=>'그룹','Customize the map height'=>'지도 높이 맞춤설정','Height'=>'키','Set the initial zoom level'=>'초기화 줌 레벨 설정하기','Zoom'=>'줌','Center the initial map'=>'초기 맵 중앙에 배치','Center'=>'중앙','Search for address...'=>'주소를 검색하기...','Find current location'=>'현재 위치 찾기','Clear location'=>'위치 지우기','Search'=>'검색하기','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'죄송합니다. 이 브라우저는 지리적 위치를 지원하지 않습니다.','Google Map'=>'구글지도','The format returned via template functions'=>'템플릿 함수를 통해 반환되는 형식','Return Format'=>'반환 형식','Custom:'=>'사용자화:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'게시물을 편집할 때 표시되는 형식','Display Format'=>'표시 형식','Time Picker'=>'시간 선택기','Inactive (%s)'=>'비활성 (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Fields found'=>'필드를 찾을 수 없음','Search Fields'=>'필드 검색하기','View Field'=>'필드보기','New Field'=>'새 필드','Edit Field'=>'필드 편집하기','Add New Field'=>'새로운 필드 추가하기','Field'=>'필드','Fields'=>'필드','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'휴지통에서 필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없습니다.','No Field Groups found'=>'필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없음','Search Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹 검색하기','View Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 보기','New Field Group'=>'새 필드 그룹','Edit Field Group'=>'필드 그룹 편집하기','Add New Field Group'=>'새 필드 그룹 추가하기','Add New'=>'새로 추가하기','Field Group'=>'필드 그룹','Field Groups'=>'필드 그룹','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'강력하고 전문적이며 직관적인 필드로 워드프레스를 사용자 정의하십시오.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'고급 사용자 정의 필드']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.mo
index ed3624fa..886f2ad4 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.po
index f0737d97..122c4a6a 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ko_KR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: ko_KR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,11 +21,49 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF 필드"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "이 문제를 해결하는 방법 알아보기"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO 기능"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "PRO 라이선스 갱신하여 잠금 해제"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "PRO 라이선스 갱신"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "PRO 라이선스가 활성화되어 있지 않으면 PRO 필드를 편집할 수 없습니다."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+"ACF 블록에 할당된 필드 그룹을 편집하려면 ACF PRO 라이선스를 활성화하세요."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "이 옵션 페이지를 편집하려면 ACF PRO 라이선스를 활성화하세요."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
"true. The field values have not been returned for security."
msgstr ""
+"이스케이프 처리된 HTML 값을 반환하는 것은 format_value도 참인 경우에만 가능합"
+"니다. 보안을 위해 필드 값이 반환되지 않았습니다."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:46 includes/api/api-template.php:242
#: includes/api/api-template.php:934
@@ -33,6 +71,8 @@ msgid ""
"Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also "
"true. The field value has not been returned for security."
msgstr ""
+"이스케이프된 HTML 값을 반환하는 것은 형식_값도 참인 경우에만 가능합니다. 보안"
+"을 위해 필드 값은 반환되지 않습니다."
#. translators: %1$s - name of the ACF plugin. %2$s - Link to documentation.
#. %3$s - Link to show more details about the error
@@ -43,48 +83,48 @@ msgid ""
"some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a "
"breaking change. %2$s. %3$s."
msgstr ""
+"이제 %1$s ACF가 the_field
또는 ACF 단축코드로 렌더링될 때 안전하"
+"지 않은 HTML을 자동으로 이스케이프 처리합니다. 이 변경으로 인해 일부 필드의 "
+"출력이 수정된 것을 감지했지만 이는 중요한 변경 사항은 아닐 수 있습니다. "
+"%2$s. %3$s."
#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:14
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "자세한 내용은 사이트 관리자 또는 개발자에게 문의하세요."
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "세부 정보 숨기기"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:62 includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:11
msgid "Show details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "세부 정보 표시"
#. translators: %1$s - The selector used %2$s The field name 3%$s The parent
#. function name
#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:34
msgid "%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%1$s (%2$s) - %3$s를 통해 렌더링되었습니다."
#: includes/admin/views/global/navigation.php:223
msgid "Renew ACF PRO License"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ACF PRO 라이선스 갱신"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/pro-features.php:17
msgid "Renew License"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "라이선스 갱신"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/pro-features.php:14
msgid "Manage License"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "라이선스 관리"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:102
msgid "'High' position not supported in the Block Editor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "블록 에디터에서 '높음' 위치가 지원되지 않음"
#: includes/admin/views/options-page-preview.php:30
msgid "Upgrade to ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ACF PRO로 업그레이드"
#. translators: %s URL to ACF options pages documentation
#: includes/admin/views/options-page-preview.php:7
@@ -93,10 +133,13 @@ msgid ""
"pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages "
"and sub-pages."
msgstr ""
+"ACF 옵션 페이지는 필드를 통해 전역 설정"
+"을 관리하기 위한 사용자 지정 관리자 페이지입니다. 여러 페이지와 하위 페이지"
+"를 만들 수 있습니다."
#: includes/admin/views/global/header.php:35
msgid "Add Options Page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "옵션 추가 페이지"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:708
msgid "In the editor used as the placeholder of the title."
@@ -112,10 +155,10 @@ msgstr "4개월 무료"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr " (%s에서 복제됨)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "옵션 페이지 선택"
@@ -148,8 +191,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "필드 추가"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "이 필드"
@@ -172,7 +215,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "에 의해 개발 및 유지 관리됩니다."
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "선택한 필드 그룹의 위치 규칙에 이 %s를 추가합니다."
@@ -310,34 +353,34 @@ msgstr "ACF 프로로 고급 기능을 잠금 해제하고 더 많은 것을 구
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s 필드"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "용어 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "게시물 유형 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "게시물 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "택소노미 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "필드 없음"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "설명 없음"
@@ -772,37 +815,33 @@ msgstr "검토를 위해 잘못된 게시물 유형을 선택했습니다."
msgid "More"
msgstr "더 보기"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "튜토리얼"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "ACF 프로와 함께 사용 가능"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "필드 선택"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "다른 검색어를 입력하거나 %s 찾아보기"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "인기 분야"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s'에 대한 검색 결과가 없습니다."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "검색 필드..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "필드 유형 선택"
@@ -2387,7 +2426,7 @@ msgstr "트랙백"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "게시물 유형의 항목을 택소노미하려면 기존 택소노미를 선택하십시오."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "필드 찾아보기"
@@ -2436,7 +2475,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "사용자 정의 게시물 유형 UI에서 가져오기"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2451,15 +2490,15 @@ msgstr ""
"여 테마의 functions.php 파일에 붙여넣거나 외부 파일에 포함시킨 다음 ACF 관리"
"자에서 항목을 비활성화하거나 삭제하십시오."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "내보내기 - PHP 생성"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "내보내다"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "택소노미 선택"
@@ -2467,7 +2506,7 @@ msgstr "택소노미 선택"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "게시물 유형 선택"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "내보낸 %s개 항목"
@@ -2518,7 +2557,7 @@ msgstr "택소노미가 삭제되었습니다."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "택소노미가 업데이트되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2528,59 +2567,59 @@ msgstr ""
"이 택소노미를 등록할 수 없습니다."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s개의 택소노미가 동기화되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s개의 택소노미가 중복되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s개의 택소노미가 비활성화되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "%s개의 택소노미가 활성화되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "용어"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s 게시물 유형이 동기화되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s 게시물 유형이 중복되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s 게시물 유형이 비활성화되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "%s 게시물 유형이 활성화되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2598,7 +2637,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "기본 설정"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2612,7 +2651,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "페이지"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "기존 필드 그룹 연결"
@@ -2656,16 +2695,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "게시물 유형이 삭제되었습니다."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "검색하려면 입력하세요..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "프로 전용"
@@ -2688,43 +2727,43 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "택소노미"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "게시물 유형"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "완료"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "필드 그룹"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "하나 이상의 필드 그룹 선택..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "연결할 필드 그룹을 선택하십시오."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "필드 그룹이 성공적으로 연결되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "등록 실패"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2732,31 +2771,31 @@ msgstr ""
"이 항목은 다른 플러그인 또는 테마에서 등록한 다른 항목에서 해당 키를 사용 중"
"이므로 등록할 수 없습니다."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "권한"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "가시성"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "레이블"
@@ -2777,14 +2816,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[미리보기에 사용할 수 없는 ACF 쇼트코드 값]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "모달 닫기"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "필드가 다른 그룹으로 이동됨"
@@ -2967,8 +3006,8 @@ msgstr "프레젠테이션"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "확인"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "일반적인"
@@ -2976,47 +3015,47 @@ msgstr "일반적인"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "JSON 가져오기"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "JSON으로 내보내기"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s 필드 그룹이 비활성화되었습니다."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "%s 필드 그룹이 활성화되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "비활성화"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "이 항목 비활성화"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "활성화"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "이 항목 활성화"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "필드 그룹을 휴지통으로 이동하시겠습니까?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3029,7 +3068,7 @@ msgstr "비활성"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP 엔진"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3037,7 +3076,7 @@ msgstr ""
"고급 사용자 정의 필드와 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로는 동시에 활성화되어서는 "
"안 됩니다. 고급 사용자 정의 필드 프로를 자동으로 비활성화했습니다."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3114,7 +3153,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA 문자열"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "16진수 문자열"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "프로로 업그레이드"
@@ -3166,8 +3205,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "첨부파일"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3177,7 +3216,7 @@ msgstr "택소노미"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3196,49 +3235,49 @@ msgstr "죄송합니다. 이 게시물은 diff 비교에 사용할 수 없습니
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "잘못된 필드 그룹 매개변수입니다."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "저장 대기 중"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "저장했어요"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "가져오기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "변경사항 검토하기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "위치: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "플러그인에 있음: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "테마에 있음: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "다양한"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "변경사항 동기화하기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "로딩 차이"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "지역 JSON 변경 검토하기"
@@ -3492,7 +3531,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "다음과 같은 경우 이 필드를 표시합니다."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "조건부 논리"
@@ -3501,9 +3540,9 @@ msgstr "조건부 논리"
msgid "and"
msgstr "그리고"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "로컬 JSON"
@@ -3693,9 +3732,9 @@ msgstr "스타일"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "유형"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "키"
@@ -3706,23 +3745,23 @@ msgstr "키"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "정렬하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "필드 닫기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "클래스"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "너비"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "래퍼 속성"
@@ -3730,68 +3769,68 @@ msgstr "래퍼 속성"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "필수"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "작성자를 위한 지침. 데이터 제출 시 표시"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "지침"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "필드 유형"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "한 단어, 공백 없음. 밑줄 및 대시 허용"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "필드 명"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "이것은 편집하기 페이지에 보일 이름입니다."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "필드 레이블"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "지우기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "필드 삭제"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "이동하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "다름 그룹으로 필드 이동하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "필드 복제하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "필드 편집하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "드래그하여 재정렬"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "다음과 같은 경우 이 필드 그룹 표시"
@@ -3894,15 +3933,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "규칙"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "복사했습니다"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "클립보드에 복사하기"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3913,22 +3952,22 @@ msgstr ""
"json 파일로 내보낸 다음 다른 ACF 설치로 가져올 수 있습니다. PHP를 생성하여 테"
"마에 배치할 수 있는 PHP 코드로 내보냅니다."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹 선택하기"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "선택한 필드 그룹 없음"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP 생성"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹 내보내기"
@@ -3956,22 +3995,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹 가져오기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "동기화하기"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "%s 선택하기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "복제하기"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "이 항목 복제하기"
@@ -3979,13 +4018,14 @@ msgstr "이 항목 복제하기"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "지원"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "문서화"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3994,24 +4034,24 @@ msgstr "문서화"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "설명"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "동기화 가능"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s개의 필드 그룹을 동기화했습니다."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s 필드 그룹이 복사되었습니다."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "활성 (%s)"
@@ -4051,7 +4091,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s 필드는 이제 %2$s 필드 그룹에서 찾을 수 있습니다."
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "이동완료."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4066,7 +4106,7 @@ msgstr "필드 키"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "설정"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "위치"
@@ -4078,14 +4118,14 @@ msgstr "빈값"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "복사하기"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(이 필드)"
@@ -4096,14 +4136,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "체크"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "사용자 필드 이동하기"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "사용 가능한 토글 필드 없음"
@@ -4112,14 +4152,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "필드 그룹 제목이 필요합니다."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "변경 사항이 저장될 때까지 이 필드를 이동할 수 없습니다."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "문자열 \"field_\"는 필드 이름의 시작 부분에 사용할 수 없습니다."
@@ -4287,8 +4327,8 @@ msgstr "값이 없음"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "값이 있음"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "취소하기"
@@ -4298,24 +4338,24 @@ msgstr "취소하기"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "확실합니까?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d개의 필드에 주의가 필요합니다."
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "주의가 필요한 필드 1개"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "검증에 실패했습니다"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "유효성 검사 성공"
@@ -4351,8 +4391,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "편집하기"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "페이지를 벗어나면 변경 한 내용이 손실 됩니다"
@@ -4365,10 +4405,10 @@ msgstr "파일 유형은 %s여야 합니다."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "또는"
@@ -4418,8 +4458,8 @@ msgstr "썸네일"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(라벨 없음)"
@@ -5381,7 +5421,7 @@ msgstr "선택한 이미지 없음"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "제거하기"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5700,91 +5740,91 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "시간 선택기"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "비활성 (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "휴지통에서 필드를 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "필드를 찾을 수 없음"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "필드 검색하기"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "필드보기"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "새 필드"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "필드 편집하기"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "새로운 필드 추가하기"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "필드"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "필드"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "휴지통에서 필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "필드 그룹을 찾을 수 없음"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹 검색하기"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "필드 그룹 보기"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "새 필드 그룹"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "필드 그룹 편집하기"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "새 필드 그룹 추가하기"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "새로 추가하기"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "필드 그룹"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "필드 그룹"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.l10n.php
index 427e7f3d..083cf663 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nb_NO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Klone','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begynn en ny grupe faner ved denne fanen.','New Tab Group'=>'Ny fanegruppe','Save Other Choice'=>'Lagre annet valg','Allow Other Choice'=>'Tillat andre valg','Add Toggle All'=>'Legg til veksle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Lagee tilpassede verdier','Allow Custom Values'=>'Tilllat tilpassede verdier','Updates'=>'Oppdateringer','Save Changes'=>'Lagre endringer','Field Group Title'=>'Tittel for feltgruppe','Add title'=>'Legg til tittel','Add Field Group'=>'Legg til feltgruppe','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Legg til din første feltgruppe','Options Pages'=>'Sider for innstillinger','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF-blokker','Gallery Field'=>'Gallerifelt','Flexible Content Field'=>'Felksibelt innholdsfelt','Repeater Field'=>'Gjentakende felt','Delete Field Group'=>'Slett feltgruppe','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Opprettet %1$s kl %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Gruppeinnstillinger','Add Your First Field'=>'Legg til ditt første felt','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Legg til felt','Presentation'=>'Presentasjon','Validation'=>'Validering','General'=>'Generelt','Import JSON'=>'Importer JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Eksporter som JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Feltgruppe deaktivert.' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper deaktivert.','Field group activated.'=>'Feltgruppe aktivert' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper aktivert.','Deactivate'=>'Deaktiver','Deactivate this item'=>'Deaktiver dette elementet','Activate'=>'Aktiver','Activate this item'=>'Aktiver dette elementet','Move field group to trash?'=>'Flytte feltgruppe til papirkurven?','post statusInactive'=>'Inaktiv','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s må ha en bruker med rollen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s må ha en bruker med en av følgende roller: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s må ha en gyldig bruker-ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Ugyldig forespørsel.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s er ikke en av %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s må ha termen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s må ha én av følgende termer: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s må ha en gyldig innlegg-ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s må ha en gyldig vedlegg-ID.','Enable Transparency'=>'Aktiver gjennomsiktighet','post statusActive'=>'Aktiv','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' er ikke en gyldig e-postadresse.','Color value'=>'Fargeverdi','Select default color'=>'Velg standardfarge','Clear color'=>'Fjern farge','Blocks'=>'Blokker','Options'=>'Alternativer','Users'=>'Brukere','Menu items'=>'Menyelementer','Widgets'=>'Widgeter','Attachments'=>'Vedlegg','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomier','Posts'=>'Innlegg','Last updated: %s'=>'Sist oppdatert: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ugyldige parametere for feltgruppe.','Awaiting save'=>'Venter på lagring','Saved'=>'Lagret','Import'=>'Importer','Review changes'=>'Gjennomgå endringer','Located in: %s'=>'Plassert i: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Plassert i utvidelse: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Plassert i tema: %s','Various'=>'Forskjellig','Sync changes'=>'Synkroniseringsendringer','Loading diff'=>'Laster diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Se over lokale endinger for JSON','Visit website'=>'Besøk nettsted','View details'=>'Vis detaljer','Version %s'=>'Versjon %s','Information'=>'Informasjon','Help & Support'=>'Hjelp og brukerstøtte','Overview'=>'Oversikt','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Lokasjonstypen "%s" er allerede registrert.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klassen "%s" finnes ikke.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ugyldig engangskode.','Error loading field.'=>'Feil ved lasting av felt.','Location not found: %s'=>'Posisjon ikke funnet: %s','Error: %s'=>'Feil: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Brukerrolle','Comment'=>'Kommentar','Post Format'=>'Innleggsformat','Menu Item'=>'Menypunkt','Post Status'=>'Innleggsstatus','Menus'=>'Menyer','Menu Locations'=>'Menylokasjoner','Menu'=>'Meny','Post Taxonomy'=>'Innleggs Taksanomi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Underside (har forelder)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Forelderside (har undersider)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Toppnivåside (ingen forelder)','Posts Page'=>'Innleggsside','Front Page'=>'Forside','Page Type'=>'Sidetype','Viewing back end'=>'Viser baksiden','Viewing front end'=>'Viser fremsiden','Logged in'=>'Innlogget','Current User'=>'Nåværende Bruker','Page Template'=>'Sidemal','Register'=>'Registrer','Add / Edit'=>'Legg til / Endre','User Form'=>'Brukerskjema','Page Parent'=>'Sideforelder','Super Admin'=>'Superadmin','Current User Role'=>'Nåværende Brukerrolle','Default Template'=>'Standardmal','Post Template'=>'Innleggsmal','Post Category'=>'Innleggskategori','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s-formater','Attachment'=>'Vedlegg','%s value is required'=>'%s verdi er påkrevd','Show this field if'=>'Vis dette feltet hvis','Conditional Logic'=>'Betinget logikk','and'=>'og','Local JSON'=>'Lokal JSON','Clone Field'=>'Klonefelt','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Vennligst sjekk at alle premium-tillegg (%s) er oppdatert til siste versjon.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Denne versjonen inneholder forbedringer til din database, og krever en oppgradering.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Takk for at du oppgraderer til %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Oppdatering av database er påkrevd','Options Page'=>'Side for alternativer','Gallery'=>'Galleri','Flexible Content'=>'Fleksibelt Innhold','Repeater'=>'Gjentaker','Back to all tools'=>'Tilbake til alle verktøy','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Om flere feltgrupper kommer på samme redigeringsskjerm, vil den første gruppens innstillinger bli brukt (den med laveste rekkefølgenummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Velg elementer for å skjule dem på redigeringsskjermen.','Hide on screen'=>'Skjul på skjerm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send tilbakesporinger','Tags'=>'Stikkord','Categories'=>'Kategorier','Page Attributes'=>'Sideattributter','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Forfatter','Slug'=>'Identifikator','Revisions'=>'Revisjoner','Comments'=>'Kommentarer','Discussion'=>'Diskusjon','Excerpt'=>'Utdrag','Content Editor'=>'Redigeringverktøy for innhold','Permalink'=>'Permalenke','Shown in field group list'=>'Vist i feltgruppeliste','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Feltgrupper med en lavere rekkefølge vil vises først','Order No.'=>'Ordre Nr.','Below fields'=>'Under felter','Below labels'=>'Under etiketter','Side'=>'Sideordnet','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (etter innhold)','High (after title)'=>'Høy (etter tittel)','Position'=>'Posisjon','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sømløs (ingen metaboks)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metaboks)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Nøkkel','Order'=>'Rekkefølge','Close Field'=>'Stengt felt','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'bredde','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributter for innpakning','Required'=>'Obligatorisk','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruksjoner for forfattere. Vist ved innsending av data','Instructions'=>'Instruksjoner','Field Type'=>'Felttype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Enkelt ord, ingen mellomrom. Understrekning og bindestreker tillatt','Field Name'=>'Feltnavn','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dette er navnet som vil vises på redigeringssiden','Field Label'=>'Feltetikett','Delete'=>'Slett','Delete field'=>'Slett felt','Move'=>'Flytt','Move field to another group'=>'Flytt felt til annen gruppe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliser felt','Edit field'=>'Rediger felt','Drag to reorder'=>'Dra for å endre rekkefølge','Show this field group if'=>'Vis denne feltgruppen hvis','No updates available.'=>'Ingen oppdateringer tilgjengelig.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Oppgradering av database fullført. Se hva som er nytt','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leser oppgraderingsoppgaver...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Oppgradering milsyktes.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Oppgradering fullført.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Oppgraderer data til versjon %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Det er sterkt anbefalt at du sikkerhetskopierer databasen før du fortsetter. Er du sikker på at du vil kjøre oppdateringen nå?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Vennligst velg minst ett nettsted å oppgradere.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Databaseoppgradering fullført. Tilbake til kontrollpanelet for nettverket','Site is up to date'=>'Nettstedet er oppdatert','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Nettstedet krever databaseoppgradering fra %1$s til %2$s','Site'=>'Nettsted','Upgrade Sites'=>'Oppgrader nettsteder','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Følgende nettsteder krever en DB-oppgradering. Kryss av for de du ønsker å oppgradere og klikk så %s.','Add rule group'=>'Legg til regelgruppe','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Lag et sett regler for å bestemme hvilke skjermer som skal bruke disse avanserte egendefinerte feltene','Rules'=>'Regler','Copied'=>'Kopiert','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopier til utklippstavle','Select Field Groups'=>'Velg feltgrupper','No field groups selected'=>'Ingen feltgrupper valgt','Generate PHP'=>'Generer PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Eksporter feltgrupper','Import file empty'=>'Importfil tom','Incorrect file type'=>'Feil filtype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Filopplastingsfeil. Vennligst forsøk på nytt','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer feltgrupper','Sync'=>'Synk','Select %s'=>'Velg %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliser','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliser dette elementet','Documentation'=>'Dokumentasjon','Description'=>'Beskrivelse','Sync available'=>'Synk tilgjengelig','Field group duplicated.'=>'Feltgruppe duplisert' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper duplisert.','Active (%s)'=>'Aktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktive(%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Gjennomgå nettsteder og oppgrader','Upgrade Database'=>'Oppgrader database','Custom Fields'=>'Egendefinerte felt','Move Field'=>'Flytt felt','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Vennligst velg destinasjon for dette feltet','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s feltet kan nå bli funnet i feltgruppen %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Flytting fullført.','Active'=>'Aktiv','Field Keys'=>'Feltnøkler','Settings'=>'Innstillinger','Location'=>'Plassering','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopi','(this field)'=>'(dette feltet)','Checked'=>'Avkrysset','Move Custom Field'=>'Flytt egendefinert felt','No toggle fields available'=>'Ingen vekslefelt er tilgjengelige','Field group title is required'=>'Feltgruppetittel er obligatorisk','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dette feltet kan ikke flyttes før endringene har blitt lagret','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Strengen "field_" kan ikke brukes i starten på et feltnavn','Field group draft updated.'=>'Kladd for feltgruppe oppdatert.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Feltgruppe planlagt til.','Field group submitted.'=>'Feltgruppe innsendt.','Field group saved.'=>'Feltgruppe lagret','Field group published.'=>'Feltgruppe publisert.','Field group deleted.'=>'Feltgruppe slettet.','Field group updated.'=>'Feltgruppe oppdatert.','Tools'=>'Verktøy','is not equal to'=>'er ikke lik til','is equal to'=>'er lik','Forms'=>'Skjema','Page'=>'Side','Post'=>'Innlegg','Relational'=>'Relasjonell','Choice'=>'Valg','Basic'=>'Grunnleggende','Unknown'=>'Ukjent','Field type does not exist'=>'Felttype eksisterer ikke','Spam Detected'=>'Spam oppdaget','Post updated'=>'Innlegg oppdatert','Update'=>'Oppdater','Validate Email'=>'Valider e-post','Content'=>'Innhold','Title'=>'Tittel','Edit field group'=>'Rediger feltgruppe','Selection is less than'=>'Valget er mindre enn','Selection is greater than'=>'Valget er større enn','Value is less than'=>'Verdi er mindre enn','Value is greater than'=>'Verdi er større enn','Value contains'=>'Verdi inneholder','Value matches pattern'=>'Verdi passer til mønster','Value is not equal to'=>'Verdi er ikke lik ','Value is equal to'=>'Verdi er lik','Has no value'=>'Har ingen verdi','Has any value'=>'Har en verdi','Cancel'=>'Avbryt','Are you sure?'=>'Er du sikker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d felt krever oppmerksomhet','1 field requires attention'=>'1 felt krever oppmerksomhet','Validation failed'=>'Validering feilet','Validation successful'=>'Validering vellykket','Restricted'=>'Begrenset','Collapse Details'=>'Trekk sammen detaljer','Expand Details'=>'Utvid detaljer','Uploaded to this post'=>'Lastet opp til dette innlegget','verbUpdate'=>'Oppdater','verbEdit'=>'Rediger','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Endringene du har gjort vil gå tapt om du navigerer bort fra denne siden.','File type must be %s.'=>'Filtype må være %s.','or'=>'eller','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Filstørrelsen må ikke overstige %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Filstørrelse må minst være %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildehøyde må ikke overstige %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildehøyde må være minst %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildebredde må ikke overstige %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildebredde må være minst %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(ingen tittel)','Full Size'=>'Full størrelse','Large'=>'Stor','Medium'=>'Middels','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatyrbilde','(no label)'=>'(ingen etikett)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Setter høyde på tekstområde','Rows'=>'Rader','Text Area'=>'Tekstområde','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Legg en ekstra avkryssningsboks foran for å veksle alle valg ','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Lagre "egendefinerte" verdier til feltvalg','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Tillat \'egendefinerte\' verdier til å bli lagt til','Add new choice'=>'Legg til nytt valg','Toggle All'=>'Veksle alle','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Tillat arkiv-URLer','Archives'=>'Arkiv','Page Link'=>'Sidelenke','Add'=>'Legg til ','Name'=>'Navn','%s added'=>'%s lagt til','%s already exists'=>'%s finnes allerede','User unable to add new %s'=>'Bruker kan ikke legge til ny %s','Term ID'=>'Term-ID','Term Object'=>'Term-objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Last verdi fra innleggstermer','Load Terms'=>'Last termer','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Koble valgte termer til innlegget','Save Terms'=>'Lagre termer','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Tillat at nye termer legges til ved redigering','Create Terms'=>'Lag termer','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknapper','Single Value'=>'Enkeltverdi','Multi Select'=>'Flervalg','Checkbox'=>'Avkrysningsboks','Multiple Values'=>'Flere verdier','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Velg visning av dette feltet','Appearance'=>'Utseende','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Velg taksonomi som skal vises','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ingen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Verdi må være lik eller lavere enn %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Verdi må være lik eller høyere enn %d','Value must be a number'=>'Verdi må være et tall','Number'=>'Tall','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Lagre "andre" verdier til feltets valg','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Legg "andre"-valget for å tillate egendefinerte verdier','Other'=>'Andre','Radio Button'=>'Radioknapp','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definer et endepunkt å stanse for det forrige trekkspillet. Dette trekkspillet vil ikke være synlig.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Tillat dette trekkspillet å åpne uten å lukke andre.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Vis dette trekkspillet som åpent ved sidelastingen.','Open'=>'Åpne','Accordion'=>'Trekkspill','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Begrens hvilke filer som kan lastes opp','File ID'=>'Fil-ID','File URL'=>'URL til fil','File Array'=>'Filrekke','Add File'=>'Legg til fil','No file selected'=>'Ingen fil valgt','File name'=>'Filnavn','Update File'=>'Oppdater fil','Edit File'=>'Rediger fil','Select File'=>'Velg fil','File'=>'Fil','Password'=>'Passord','Specify the value returned'=>'Angi returnert verdi','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Bruk ajax for lat lastingsvalg?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Angi hver standardverdi på en ny linje','verbSelect'=>'Velg','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Innlasting feilet','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Søker…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Laster flere resultat…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Du kan kun velge %d elementer','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Du kan kun velge 1 element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Vennligst slett %d tegn','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Vennligst slett 1 tegn','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Vennligst angi %d eller flere tegn','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Vennligst angi 1 eller flere tegn','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Ingen treff funnet','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultater er tilgjengelige, bruk opp- og nedpiltaster for å navigere.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Ett resultat er tilgjengelig, trykk enter for å velge det.','nounSelect'=>'Velg','User ID'=>'Bruker-ID','User Object'=>'Bruker-objekt','User Array'=>'Bruker-rekke','All user roles'=>'Alle brukerroller','User'=>'Bruker','Separator'=>'Skille','Select Color'=>'Velg farge','Default'=>'Standard','Clear'=>'Fjern','Color Picker'=>'Fargevelger','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Velg','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Utført','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nå','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tidssone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekund','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekund','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekund','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minutt','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tid','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Velg tid','Date Time Picker'=>'Datovelger','Endpoint'=>'Endepunkt','Left aligned'=>'Venstrejustert','Top aligned'=>'Toppjustert','Placement'=>'Plassering','Tab'=>'Fane','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Verdien må være en gyldig URL','Link URL'=>'Lenke-URL','Link Array'=>'Lenkerekke','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Åpnes i en ny fane','Select Link'=>'Velg lenke','Link'=>'Lenke','Email'=>'E-post','Step Size'=>'Trinnstørrelse','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimumsverdi','Minimum Value'=>'Minimumsverdi','Range'=>'Område','Both (Array)'=>'Begge (rekke)','Label'=>'Etikett','Value'=>'Verdi','Vertical'=>'Vertikal','Horizontal'=>'Horisontal','red : Red'=>'rød : Rød','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For mer kontroll, kan du spesifisere både en verdi og en etikett som dette:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Tast inn hvert valg på en ny linje.','Choices'=>'Valg','Button Group'=>'Knappegruppe','Parent'=>'Forelder','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE vil ikke bli initialisert før dette feltet er klikket','Toolbar'=>'Verktøylinje','Text Only'=>'Kun tekst','Visual Only'=>'Kun visuell','Visual & Text'=>'Visuell og tekst','Tabs'=>'Faner','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klikk for å initialisere TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visuell','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Verdi må ikke overstige %d tegn','Leave blank for no limit'=>'La være tom for ingen begrensning','Character Limit'=>'Tegnbegrensing','Appears after the input'=>'Vises etter input','Append'=>'Tilføy','Appears before the input'=>'Vises før input','Prepend'=>'Legg til foran','Appears within the input'=>'Vises innenfor input','Placeholder Text'=>'Plassholder-tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Vises når nytt innlegg lages','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s krever minst %2$s valgt' . "\0" . '%1$s krever minst %2$s valgte','Post ID'=>'Innleggs-ID','Post Object'=>'Innleggsobjekt','Featured Image'=>'Fremhevet bilde','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valgte elementer vil bli vist for hvert resultat','Elements'=>'Elementer','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomi','Post Type'=>'Innholdstype','Filters'=>'Filtre','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taksonomier','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer etter taksonomi','All post types'=>'Alle innholdstyper','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer etter innholdstype','Search...'=>'Søk...','Select taxonomy'=>'Velg taksonomi','Select post type'=>'Velg innholdstype','No matches found'=>'Ingen treff funnet','Loading'=>'Laster','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksimal verdi nådd ( {max} verdier )','Relationship'=>'Forhold','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Kommaseparert liste. La være tom for alle typer','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Filstørrelse','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Begrens hvilke bilder som kan lastes opp','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Lastet opp til innlegget','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Begrens mediabibilotekutvalget','Library'=>'Bibliotek','Preview Size'=>'Forhåndsvis størrelse','Image ID'=>'Bilde-ID','Image URL'=>'Bilde-URL','Image Array'=>'Bilderekke','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Angi den returnerte verdien på fremsiden','Return Value'=>'Returverdi','Add Image'=>'Legg til bilde','No image selected'=>'Intet bilde valgt','Remove'=>'Fjern','Edit'=>'Rediger','All images'=>'Alle bilder','Update Image'=>'Oppdater bilde','Edit Image'=>'Rediger bilde','Select Image'=>'Velg bilde','Image'=>'Bilde','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Tillat HTML-markering vises som synlig tekst i stedet for gjengivelse','Escape HTML'=>'Unnslipp HTML','No Formatting'=>'Ingen formatering','Automatically add <br>'=>'Legg automatisk til <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Legg til avsnitt automatisk','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Kontrollerer hvordan nye linjer er gjengitt','New Lines'=>'Nye linjer','Week Starts On'=>'Uken starter på','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatet som er brukt ved lagring av verdi','Save Format'=>'Lagringsformat','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Uke','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Forrige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Neste','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'I dag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Ferdig','Date Picker'=>'Datovelger','Width'=>'Bredde','Embed Size'=>'Innbyggingsstørrelse','Enter URL'=>'Angi URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst vist når inaktiv','Off Text'=>'Tekst for av','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst vist når aktiv','On Text'=>'Tekst for på','Stylized UI'=>'Stilisert UI','Default Value'=>'Standardverdi','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Viser tekst ved siden av avkrysingsboksen','Message'=>'Melding','No'=>'Nei','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Sann / usann','Row'=>'Rad','Table'=>'Tabell','Block'=>'Blokk','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Spesifiser stil brukt til å gjengi valgte felt','Layout'=>'Oppsett','Sub Fields'=>'Underfelt','Group'=>'Gruppe','Customize the map height'=>'Egendefinerte karthøyde','Height'=>'Høyde','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Velg første zoomnivå','Zoom'=>'Forstørr','Center the initial map'=>'Sentrer det opprinnelige kartet','Center'=>'Midtstill','Search for address...'=>'Søk etter adresse...','Find current location'=>'Finn gjeldende plassering','Clear location'=>'Fjern plassering','Search'=>'Søk','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Beklager, denne nettleseren støtter ikke geolokalisering','Google Map'=>'Google Maps','The format returned via template functions'=>'Formatet returnert via malfunksjoner','Return Format'=>'Returformat','Custom:'=>'Egendefinert:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format som vises når innlegg redigeres','Display Format'=>'Vist format','Time Picker'=>'Tidsvelger','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inaktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inaktive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Ingen felt funnet i papirkurven','No Fields found'=>'Ingen felter funnet','Search Fields'=>'Søk felt','View Field'=>'Vis felt','New Field'=>'Nytt felt','Edit Field'=>'Rediger felt','Add New Field'=>'Legg til nytt felt','Field'=>'Felt','Fields'=>'Felter','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Ingen feltgrupper funnet i papirkurven','No Field Groups found'=>'Ingen feltgrupper funnet','Search Field Groups'=>'Søk feltgrupper','View Field Group'=>'Vis feltgruppe','New Field Group'=>'Ny feltgruppe','Edit Field Group'=>'Rediger feltgruppe','Add New Field Group'=>'Legg til ny feltgruppe','Add New'=>'Legg til ny','Field Group'=>'Feltgruppe','Field Groups'=>'Feltgrupper','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Tilpass WordPress med kraftfulle, profesjonelle og intuitive felt','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Avanserte egendefinerte felt','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Alternativer er oppdatert','Check Again'=>'Sjekk igjen','Publish'=>'Publiser','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Ingen egendefinerte feltgrupper funnet for denne valg-siden. Opprette en egendefinert feltgruppe','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Feil. Kan ikke koble til oppdateringsserveren','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Velg ett eller flere felt du ønsker å klone','Display'=>'Vis','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Angi stil som brukes til å gjengi klone-feltet','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Gruppe (viser valgt felt i en gruppe innenfor dette feltet)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Sømløs (erstatter dette feltet med utvalgte felter)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketter vises som %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefiks feltetiketter','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Verdier vil bli lagret som %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefiks feltnavn','Unknown field'=>'Ukjent felt','Unknown field group'=>'Ukjent feltgruppe','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle felt fra %s feltgruppe','Add Row'=>'Legg til rad','layout'=>'oppsett' . "\0" . 'oppsett','layouts'=>'oppsett','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dette feltet krever minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tilgjengelig (maks {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} kreves (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Fleksibelt innholdsfelt krever minst en layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klikk "%s"-knappen nedenfor for å begynne å lage oppsettet','Add layout'=>'Legg til oppsett','Remove layout'=>'Fjern oppsett','Click to toggle'=>'Klikk for å veksle','Delete Layout'=>'Slett oppsett','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliser oppsett','Add New Layout'=>'Legg til nytt oppsett','Add Layout'=>'Legg til oppsett','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimum oppsett','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksimum oppsett','Button Label'=>'Knappetikett','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Legg bildet til galleri','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maksimalt utvalg nådd','Length'=>'Lengde','Caption'=>'Bildetekst','Alt Text'=>'Alternativ tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Legg til galleri','Bulk actions'=>'Massehandlinger','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorter etter dato lastet opp','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorter etter dato endret','Sort by title'=>'Sorter etter tittel','Reverse current order'=>'Snu gjeldende rekkefølge','Close'=>'Lukk','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimum antall valg','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksimum antall valg','Allowed file types'=>'Tillatte filtyper','Insert'=>'Sett inn','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Angi hvor nye vedlegg er lagt','Append to the end'=>'Tilføy til slutten','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Sett inn foran','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum antall rader nådd ({min} rader)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maksimum antall rader nådd ({max} rader)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum antall rader','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimum antall rader','Collapsed'=>'Sammenfoldet','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Velg et underfelt å vise når raden er skjult','Click to reorder'=>'Dra for å endre rekkefølge','Add row'=>'Legg til rad','Remove row'=>'Fjern rad','First Page'=>'Forside','Previous Page'=>'Innleggsside','Next Page'=>'Forside','Last Page'=>'Innleggsside','No options pages exist'=>'Ingen side for alternativer eksisterer','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktiver lisens','Activate License'=>'Aktiver lisens','License Information'=>'Lisensinformasjon','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'For å låse opp oppdateringer må lisensnøkkelen skrives inn under. Se detaljer og priser dersom du ikke har lisensnøkkel.','License Key'=>'Lisensnøkkel','Update Information'=>'Oppdateringsinformasjon','Current Version'=>'Gjeldende versjon','Latest Version'=>'Siste versjon','Update Available'=>'Oppdatering tilgjengelig','Upgrade Notice'=>'Oppgraderingsvarsel','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Oppgi lisensnøkkelen ovenfor for låse opp oppdateringer','Update Plugin'=>'Oppdater plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nb_NO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Klone','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begynn en ny grupe faner ved denne fanen.','New Tab Group'=>'Ny fanegruppe','Save Other Choice'=>'Lagre annet valg','Allow Other Choice'=>'Tillat andre valg','Add Toggle All'=>'Legg til veksle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Lagee tilpassede verdier','Allow Custom Values'=>'Tilllat tilpassede verdier','Updates'=>'Oppdateringer','Save Changes'=>'Lagre endringer','Field Group Title'=>'Tittel for feltgruppe','Add title'=>'Legg til tittel','Add Field Group'=>'Legg til feltgruppe','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Legg til din første feltgruppe','Options Pages'=>'Sider for innstillinger','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF-blokker','Gallery Field'=>'Gallerifelt','Flexible Content Field'=>'Felksibelt innholdsfelt','Repeater Field'=>'Gjentakende felt','Delete Field Group'=>'Slett feltgruppe','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Opprettet %1$s kl %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Gruppeinnstillinger','Add Your First Field'=>'Legg til ditt første felt','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Legg til felt','Presentation'=>'Presentasjon','Validation'=>'Validering','General'=>'Generelt','Import JSON'=>'Importer JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Eksporter som JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Feltgruppe deaktivert.' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper deaktivert.','Field group activated.'=>'Feltgruppe aktivert' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper aktivert.','Deactivate'=>'Deaktiver','Deactivate this item'=>'Deaktiver dette elementet','Activate'=>'Aktiver','Activate this item'=>'Aktiver dette elementet','Move field group to trash?'=>'Flytte feltgruppe til papirkurven?','post statusInactive'=>'Inaktiv','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s må ha en bruker med rollen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s må ha en bruker med en av følgende roller: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s må ha en gyldig bruker-ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Ugyldig forespørsel.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s er ikke en av %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s må ha termen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s må ha én av følgende termer: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s må ha en gyldig innlegg-ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s må ha en gyldig vedlegg-ID.','Enable Transparency'=>'Aktiver gjennomsiktighet','post statusActive'=>'Aktiv','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' er ikke en gyldig e-postadresse.','Color value'=>'Fargeverdi','Select default color'=>'Velg standardfarge','Clear color'=>'Fjern farge','Blocks'=>'Blokker','Options'=>'Alternativer','Users'=>'Brukere','Menu items'=>'Menyelementer','Widgets'=>'Widgeter','Attachments'=>'Vedlegg','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomier','Posts'=>'Innlegg','Last updated: %s'=>'Sist oppdatert: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ugyldige parametere for feltgruppe.','Awaiting save'=>'Venter på lagring','Saved'=>'Lagret','Import'=>'Importer','Review changes'=>'Gjennomgå endringer','Located in: %s'=>'Plassert i: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Plassert i utvidelse: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Plassert i tema: %s','Various'=>'Forskjellig','Sync changes'=>'Synkroniseringsendringer','Loading diff'=>'Laster diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Se over lokale endinger for JSON','Visit website'=>'Besøk nettsted','View details'=>'Vis detaljer','Version %s'=>'Versjon %s','Information'=>'Informasjon','Help & Support'=>'Hjelp og brukerstøtte','Overview'=>'Oversikt','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Lokasjonstypen "%s" er allerede registrert.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klassen "%s" finnes ikke.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ugyldig engangskode.','Error loading field.'=>'Feil ved lasting av felt.','Location not found: %s'=>'Posisjon ikke funnet: %s','Error: %s'=>'Feil: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Brukerrolle','Comment'=>'Kommentar','Post Format'=>'Innleggsformat','Menu Item'=>'Menypunkt','Post Status'=>'Innleggsstatus','Menus'=>'Menyer','Menu Locations'=>'Menylokasjoner','Menu'=>'Meny','Post Taxonomy'=>'Innleggs Taksanomi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Underside (har forelder)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Forelderside (har undersider)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Toppnivåside (ingen forelder)','Posts Page'=>'Innleggsside','Front Page'=>'Forside','Page Type'=>'Sidetype','Viewing back end'=>'Viser baksiden','Viewing front end'=>'Viser fremsiden','Logged in'=>'Innlogget','Current User'=>'Nåværende Bruker','Page Template'=>'Sidemal','Register'=>'Registrer','Add / Edit'=>'Legg til / Endre','User Form'=>'Brukerskjema','Page Parent'=>'Sideforelder','Super Admin'=>'Superadmin','Current User Role'=>'Nåværende Brukerrolle','Default Template'=>'Standardmal','Post Template'=>'Innleggsmal','Post Category'=>'Innleggskategori','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s-formater','Attachment'=>'Vedlegg','%s value is required'=>'%s verdi er påkrevd','Show this field if'=>'Vis dette feltet hvis','Conditional Logic'=>'Betinget logikk','and'=>'og','Local JSON'=>'Lokal JSON','Clone Field'=>'Klonefelt','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Vennligst sjekk at alle premium-tillegg (%s) er oppdatert til siste versjon.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Denne versjonen inneholder forbedringer til din database, og krever en oppgradering.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Takk for at du oppgraderer til %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Oppdatering av database er påkrevd','Options Page'=>'Side for alternativer','Gallery'=>'Galleri','Flexible Content'=>'Fleksibelt Innhold','Repeater'=>'Gjentaker','Back to all tools'=>'Tilbake til alle verktøy','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Om flere feltgrupper kommer på samme redigeringsskjerm, vil den første gruppens innstillinger bli brukt (den med laveste rekkefølgenummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Velg elementer for å skjule dem på redigeringsskjermen.','Hide on screen'=>'Skjul på skjerm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Send tilbakesporinger','Tags'=>'Stikkord','Categories'=>'Kategorier','Page Attributes'=>'Sideattributter','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Forfatter','Slug'=>'Identifikator','Revisions'=>'Revisjoner','Comments'=>'Kommentarer','Discussion'=>'Diskusjon','Excerpt'=>'Utdrag','Content Editor'=>'Redigeringverktøy for innhold','Permalink'=>'Permalenke','Shown in field group list'=>'Vist i feltgruppeliste','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Feltgrupper med en lavere rekkefølge vil vises først','Order No.'=>'Ordre Nr.','Below fields'=>'Under felter','Below labels'=>'Under etiketter','Side'=>'Sideordnet','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (etter innhold)','High (after title)'=>'Høy (etter tittel)','Position'=>'Posisjon','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sømløs (ingen metaboks)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP metaboks)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Nøkkel','Order'=>'Rekkefølge','Close Field'=>'Stengt felt','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'bredde','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Attributter for innpakning','Required'=>'Obligatorisk','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruksjoner for forfattere. Vist ved innsending av data','Instructions'=>'Instruksjoner','Field Type'=>'Felttype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Enkelt ord, ingen mellomrom. Understrekning og bindestreker tillatt','Field Name'=>'Feltnavn','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dette er navnet som vil vises på redigeringssiden','Field Label'=>'Feltetikett','Delete'=>'Slett','Delete field'=>'Slett felt','Move'=>'Flytt','Move field to another group'=>'Flytt felt til annen gruppe','Duplicate field'=>'Dupliser felt','Edit field'=>'Rediger felt','Drag to reorder'=>'Dra for å endre rekkefølge','Show this field group if'=>'Vis denne feltgruppen hvis','No updates available.'=>'Ingen oppdateringer tilgjengelig.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Oppgradering av database fullført. Se hva som er nytt','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Leser oppgraderingsoppgaver...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Oppgradering milsyktes.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Oppgradering fullført.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Oppgraderer data til versjon %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Det er sterkt anbefalt at du sikkerhetskopierer databasen før du fortsetter. Er du sikker på at du vil kjøre oppdateringen nå?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Vennligst velg minst ett nettsted å oppgradere.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Databaseoppgradering fullført. Tilbake til kontrollpanelet for nettverket','Site is up to date'=>'Nettstedet er oppdatert','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Nettstedet krever databaseoppgradering fra %1$s til %2$s','Site'=>'Nettsted','Upgrade Sites'=>'Oppgrader nettsteder','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Følgende nettsteder krever en DB-oppgradering. Kryss av for de du ønsker å oppgradere og klikk så %s.','Add rule group'=>'Legg til regelgruppe','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Lag et sett regler for å bestemme hvilke skjermer som skal bruke disse avanserte egendefinerte feltene','Rules'=>'Regler','Copied'=>'Kopiert','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopier til utklippstavle','Select Field Groups'=>'Velg feltgrupper','No field groups selected'=>'Ingen feltgrupper valgt','Generate PHP'=>'Generer PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Eksporter feltgrupper','Import file empty'=>'Importfil tom','Incorrect file type'=>'Feil filtype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Filopplastingsfeil. Vennligst forsøk på nytt','Import Field Groups'=>'Importer feltgrupper','Sync'=>'Synk','Select %s'=>'Velg %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliser','Duplicate this item'=>'Dupliser dette elementet','Documentation'=>'Dokumentasjon','Description'=>'Beskrivelse','Sync available'=>'Synk tilgjengelig','Field group duplicated.'=>'Feltgruppe duplisert' . "\0" . '%s feltgrupper duplisert.','Active (%s)'=>'Aktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktive(%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Gjennomgå nettsteder og oppgrader','Upgrade Database'=>'Oppgrader database','Custom Fields'=>'Egendefinerte felt','Move Field'=>'Flytt felt','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Vennligst velg destinasjon for dette feltet','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s feltet kan nå bli funnet i feltgruppen %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Flytting fullført.','Active'=>'Aktiv','Field Keys'=>'Feltnøkler','Settings'=>'Innstillinger','Location'=>'Plassering','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopi','(this field)'=>'(dette feltet)','Checked'=>'Avkrysset','Move Custom Field'=>'Flytt egendefinert felt','No toggle fields available'=>'Ingen vekslefelt er tilgjengelige','Field group title is required'=>'Feltgruppetittel er obligatorisk','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dette feltet kan ikke flyttes før endringene har blitt lagret','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Strengen "field_" kan ikke brukes i starten på et feltnavn','Field group draft updated.'=>'Kladd for feltgruppe oppdatert.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Feltgruppe planlagt til.','Field group submitted.'=>'Feltgruppe innsendt.','Field group saved.'=>'Feltgruppe lagret','Field group published.'=>'Feltgruppe publisert.','Field group deleted.'=>'Feltgruppe slettet.','Field group updated.'=>'Feltgruppe oppdatert.','Tools'=>'Verktøy','is not equal to'=>'er ikke lik til','is equal to'=>'er lik','Forms'=>'Skjema','Page'=>'Side','Post'=>'Innlegg','Relational'=>'Relasjonell','Choice'=>'Valg','Basic'=>'Grunnleggende','Unknown'=>'Ukjent','Field type does not exist'=>'Felttype eksisterer ikke','Spam Detected'=>'Spam oppdaget','Post updated'=>'Innlegg oppdatert','Update'=>'Oppdater','Validate Email'=>'Valider e-post','Content'=>'Innhold','Title'=>'Tittel','Edit field group'=>'Rediger feltgruppe','Selection is less than'=>'Valget er mindre enn','Selection is greater than'=>'Valget er større enn','Value is less than'=>'Verdi er mindre enn','Value is greater than'=>'Verdi er større enn','Value contains'=>'Verdi inneholder','Value matches pattern'=>'Verdi passer til mønster','Value is not equal to'=>'Verdi er ikke lik ','Value is equal to'=>'Verdi er lik','Has no value'=>'Har ingen verdi','Has any value'=>'Har en verdi','Cancel'=>'Avbryt','Are you sure?'=>'Er du sikker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d felt krever oppmerksomhet','1 field requires attention'=>'1 felt krever oppmerksomhet','Validation failed'=>'Validering feilet','Validation successful'=>'Validering vellykket','Restricted'=>'Begrenset','Collapse Details'=>'Trekk sammen detaljer','Expand Details'=>'Utvid detaljer','Uploaded to this post'=>'Lastet opp til dette innlegget','verbUpdate'=>'Oppdater','verbEdit'=>'Rediger','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Endringene du har gjort vil gå tapt om du navigerer bort fra denne siden.','File type must be %s.'=>'Filtype må være %s.','or'=>'eller','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Filstørrelsen må ikke overstige %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Filstørrelse må minst være %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildehøyde må ikke overstige %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildehøyde må være minst %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildebredde må ikke overstige %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildebredde må være minst %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(ingen tittel)','Full Size'=>'Full størrelse','Large'=>'Stor','Medium'=>'Middels','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatyrbilde','(no label)'=>'(ingen etikett)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Setter høyde på tekstområde','Rows'=>'Rader','Text Area'=>'Tekstområde','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Legg en ekstra avkryssningsboks foran for å veksle alle valg ','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Lagre "egendefinerte" verdier til feltvalg','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Tillat \'egendefinerte\' verdier til å bli lagt til','Add new choice'=>'Legg til nytt valg','Toggle All'=>'Veksle alle','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Tillat arkiv-URLer','Archives'=>'Arkiv','Page Link'=>'Sidelenke','Add'=>'Legg til ','Name'=>'Navn','%s added'=>'%s lagt til','%s already exists'=>'%s finnes allerede','User unable to add new %s'=>'Bruker kan ikke legge til ny %s','Term ID'=>'Term-ID','Term Object'=>'Term-objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Last verdi fra innleggstermer','Load Terms'=>'Last termer','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Koble valgte termer til innlegget','Save Terms'=>'Lagre termer','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Tillat at nye termer legges til ved redigering','Create Terms'=>'Lag termer','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknapper','Single Value'=>'Enkeltverdi','Multi Select'=>'Flervalg','Checkbox'=>'Avkrysningsboks','Multiple Values'=>'Flere verdier','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Velg visning av dette feltet','Appearance'=>'Utseende','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Velg taksonomi som skal vises','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ingen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Verdi må være lik eller lavere enn %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Verdi må være lik eller høyere enn %d','Value must be a number'=>'Verdi må være et tall','Number'=>'Tall','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Lagre "andre" verdier til feltets valg','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Legg "andre"-valget for å tillate egendefinerte verdier','Other'=>'Andre','Radio Button'=>'Radioknapp','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definer et endepunkt å stanse for det forrige trekkspillet. Dette trekkspillet vil ikke være synlig.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Tillat dette trekkspillet å åpne uten å lukke andre.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Vis dette trekkspillet som åpent ved sidelastingen.','Open'=>'Åpne','Accordion'=>'Trekkspill','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Begrens hvilke filer som kan lastes opp','File ID'=>'Fil-ID','File URL'=>'URL til fil','File Array'=>'Filrekke','Add File'=>'Legg til fil','No file selected'=>'Ingen fil valgt','File name'=>'Filnavn','Update File'=>'Oppdater fil','Edit File'=>'Rediger fil','Select File'=>'Velg fil','File'=>'Fil','Password'=>'Passord','Specify the value returned'=>'Angi returnert verdi','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Bruk ajax for lat lastingsvalg?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Angi hver standardverdi på en ny linje','verbSelect'=>'Velg','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Innlasting feilet','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Søker…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Laster flere resultat…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Du kan kun velge %d elementer','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Du kan kun velge 1 element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Vennligst slett %d tegn','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Vennligst slett 1 tegn','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Vennligst angi %d eller flere tegn','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Vennligst angi 1 eller flere tegn','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Ingen treff funnet','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultater er tilgjengelige, bruk opp- og nedpiltaster for å navigere.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Ett resultat er tilgjengelig, trykk enter for å velge det.','nounSelect'=>'Velg','User ID'=>'Bruker-ID','User Object'=>'Bruker-objekt','User Array'=>'Bruker-rekke','All user roles'=>'Alle brukerroller','User'=>'Bruker','Separator'=>'Skille','Select Color'=>'Velg farge','Default'=>'Standard','Clear'=>'Fjern','Color Picker'=>'Fargevelger','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Velg','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Utført','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nå','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tidssone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekund','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekund','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekund','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minutt','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Time','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tid','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Velg tid','Date Time Picker'=>'Datovelger','Endpoint'=>'Endepunkt','Left aligned'=>'Venstrejustert','Top aligned'=>'Toppjustert','Placement'=>'Plassering','Tab'=>'Fane','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Verdien må være en gyldig URL','Link URL'=>'Lenke-URL','Link Array'=>'Lenkerekke','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Åpnes i en ny fane','Select Link'=>'Velg lenke','Link'=>'Lenke','Email'=>'E-post','Step Size'=>'Trinnstørrelse','Maximum Value'=>'Maksimumsverdi','Minimum Value'=>'Minimumsverdi','Range'=>'Område','Both (Array)'=>'Begge (rekke)','Label'=>'Etikett','Value'=>'Verdi','Vertical'=>'Vertikal','Horizontal'=>'Horisontal','red : Red'=>'rød : Rød','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'For mer kontroll, kan du spesifisere både en verdi og en etikett som dette:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Tast inn hvert valg på en ny linje.','Choices'=>'Valg','Button Group'=>'Knappegruppe','Parent'=>'Forelder','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE vil ikke bli initialisert før dette feltet er klikket','Toolbar'=>'Verktøylinje','Text Only'=>'Kun tekst','Visual Only'=>'Kun visuell','Visual & Text'=>'Visuell og tekst','Tabs'=>'Faner','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klikk for å initialisere TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visuell','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Verdi må ikke overstige %d tegn','Leave blank for no limit'=>'La være tom for ingen begrensning','Character Limit'=>'Tegnbegrensing','Appears after the input'=>'Vises etter input','Append'=>'Tilføy','Appears before the input'=>'Vises før input','Prepend'=>'Legg til foran','Appears within the input'=>'Vises innenfor input','Placeholder Text'=>'Plassholder-tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Vises når nytt innlegg lages','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s krever minst %2$s valgt' . "\0" . '%1$s krever minst %2$s valgte','Post ID'=>'Innleggs-ID','Post Object'=>'Innleggsobjekt','Featured Image'=>'Fremhevet bilde','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valgte elementer vil bli vist for hvert resultat','Elements'=>'Elementer','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomi','Post Type'=>'Innholdstype','Filters'=>'Filtre','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taksonomier','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrer etter taksonomi','All post types'=>'Alle innholdstyper','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrer etter innholdstype','Search...'=>'Søk...','Select taxonomy'=>'Velg taksonomi','Select post type'=>'Velg innholdstype','No matches found'=>'Ingen treff funnet','Loading'=>'Laster','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksimal verdi nådd ( {max} verdier )','Relationship'=>'Forhold','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Kommaseparert liste. La være tom for alle typer','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Filstørrelse','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Begrens hvilke bilder som kan lastes opp','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Lastet opp til innlegget','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Begrens mediabibilotekutvalget','Library'=>'Bibliotek','Preview Size'=>'Forhåndsvis størrelse','Image ID'=>'Bilde-ID','Image URL'=>'Bilde-URL','Image Array'=>'Bilderekke','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Angi den returnerte verdien på fremsiden','Return Value'=>'Returverdi','Add Image'=>'Legg til bilde','No image selected'=>'Intet bilde valgt','Remove'=>'Fjern','Edit'=>'Rediger','All images'=>'Alle bilder','Update Image'=>'Oppdater bilde','Edit Image'=>'Rediger bilde','Select Image'=>'Velg bilde','Image'=>'Bilde','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Tillat HTML-markering vises som synlig tekst i stedet for gjengivelse','Escape HTML'=>'Unnslipp HTML','No Formatting'=>'Ingen formatering','Automatically add <br>'=>'Legg automatisk til <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Legg til avsnitt automatisk','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Kontrollerer hvordan nye linjer er gjengitt','New Lines'=>'Nye linjer','Week Starts On'=>'Uken starter på','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatet som er brukt ved lagring av verdi','Save Format'=>'Lagringsformat','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Uke','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Forrige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Neste','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'I dag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Ferdig','Date Picker'=>'Datovelger','Width'=>'Bredde','Embed Size'=>'Innbyggingsstørrelse','Enter URL'=>'Angi URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst vist når inaktiv','Off Text'=>'Tekst for av','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst vist når aktiv','On Text'=>'Tekst for på','Stylized UI'=>'Stilisert UI','Default Value'=>'Standardverdi','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Viser tekst ved siden av avkrysingsboksen','Message'=>'Melding','No'=>'Nei','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Sann / usann','Row'=>'Rad','Table'=>'Tabell','Block'=>'Blokk','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Spesifiser stil brukt til å gjengi valgte felt','Layout'=>'Oppsett','Sub Fields'=>'Underfelt','Group'=>'Gruppe','Customize the map height'=>'Egendefinerte karthøyde','Height'=>'Høyde','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Velg første zoomnivå','Zoom'=>'Forstørr','Center the initial map'=>'Sentrer det opprinnelige kartet','Center'=>'Midtstill','Search for address...'=>'Søk etter adresse...','Find current location'=>'Finn gjeldende plassering','Clear location'=>'Fjern plassering','Search'=>'Søk','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Beklager, denne nettleseren støtter ikke geolokalisering','Google Map'=>'Google Maps','The format returned via template functions'=>'Formatet returnert via malfunksjoner','Return Format'=>'Returformat','Custom:'=>'Egendefinert:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format som vises når innlegg redigeres','Display Format'=>'Vist format','Time Picker'=>'Tidsvelger','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inaktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inaktive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Ingen felt funnet i papirkurven','No Fields found'=>'Ingen felter funnet','Search Fields'=>'Søk felt','View Field'=>'Vis felt','New Field'=>'Nytt felt','Edit Field'=>'Rediger felt','Add New Field'=>'Legg til nytt felt','Field'=>'Felt','Fields'=>'Felter','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Ingen feltgrupper funnet i papirkurven','No Field Groups found'=>'Ingen feltgrupper funnet','Search Field Groups'=>'Søk feltgrupper','View Field Group'=>'Vis feltgruppe','New Field Group'=>'Ny feltgruppe','Edit Field Group'=>'Rediger feltgruppe','Add New Field Group'=>'Legg til ny feltgruppe','Add New'=>'Legg til ny','Field Group'=>'Feltgruppe','Field Groups'=>'Feltgrupper','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Tilpass WordPress med kraftfulle, profesjonelle og intuitive felt','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Avanserte egendefinerte felt','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Alternativer er oppdatert','Check Again'=>'Sjekk igjen','Publish'=>'Publiser','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Ingen egendefinerte feltgrupper funnet for denne valg-siden. Opprette en egendefinert feltgruppe','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Feil. Kan ikke koble til oppdateringsserveren','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Velg ett eller flere felt du ønsker å klone','Display'=>'Vis','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Angi stil som brukes til å gjengi klone-feltet','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Gruppe (viser valgt felt i en gruppe innenfor dette feltet)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Sømløs (erstatter dette feltet med utvalgte felter)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketter vises som %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefiks feltetiketter','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Verdier vil bli lagret som %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefiks feltnavn','Unknown field'=>'Ukjent felt','Unknown field group'=>'Ukjent feltgruppe','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle felt fra %s feltgruppe','Add Row'=>'Legg til rad','layout'=>'oppsett' . "\0" . 'oppsett','layouts'=>'oppsett','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dette feltet krever minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tilgjengelig (maks {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} kreves (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Fleksibelt innholdsfelt krever minst en layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klikk "%s"-knappen nedenfor for å begynne å lage oppsettet','Add layout'=>'Legg til oppsett','Remove layout'=>'Fjern oppsett','Click to toggle'=>'Klikk for å veksle','Delete Layout'=>'Slett oppsett','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliser oppsett','Add New Layout'=>'Legg til nytt oppsett','Add Layout'=>'Legg til oppsett','Min'=>'Minimum','Max'=>'Maksimum','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimum oppsett','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksimum oppsett','Button Label'=>'Knappetikett','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Legg bildet til galleri','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maksimalt utvalg nådd','Length'=>'Lengde','Caption'=>'Bildetekst','Alt Text'=>'Alternativ tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Legg til galleri','Bulk actions'=>'Massehandlinger','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorter etter dato lastet opp','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorter etter dato endret','Sort by title'=>'Sorter etter tittel','Reverse current order'=>'Snu gjeldende rekkefølge','Close'=>'Lukk','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimum antall valg','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksimum antall valg','Allowed file types'=>'Tillatte filtyper','Insert'=>'Sett inn','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Angi hvor nye vedlegg er lagt','Append to the end'=>'Tilføy til slutten','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Sett inn foran','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum antall rader nådd ({min} rader)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maksimum antall rader nådd ({max} rader)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum antall rader','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksimum antall rader','Collapsed'=>'Sammenfoldet','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Velg et underfelt å vise når raden er skjult','Click to reorder'=>'Dra for å endre rekkefølge','Add row'=>'Legg til rad','Remove row'=>'Fjern rad','First Page'=>'Forside','Previous Page'=>'Innleggsside','Next Page'=>'Forside','Last Page'=>'Innleggsside','No options pages exist'=>'Ingen side for alternativer eksisterer','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktiver lisens','Activate License'=>'Aktiver lisens','License Information'=>'Lisensinformasjon','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'For å låse opp oppdateringer må lisensnøkkelen skrives inn under. Se detaljer og priser dersom du ikke har lisensnøkkel.','License Key'=>'Lisensnøkkel','Update Information'=>'Oppdateringsinformasjon','Current Version'=>'Gjeldende versjon','Latest Version'=>'Siste versjon','Update Available'=>'Oppdatering tilgjengelig','Upgrade Notice'=>'Oppgraderingsvarsel','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Oppgi lisensnøkkelen ovenfor for låse opp oppdateringer','Update Plugin'=>'Oppdater plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.mo
index 62f44948..b3b20c7a 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.po
index 1fafca6d..a77ce11a 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nb_NO.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: nb_NO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr "Presentasjon"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validering"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generelt"
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr "Generelt"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importer JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Eksporter som JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Feltgruppe deaktivert."
msgstr[1] "%s feltgrupper deaktivert."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Feltgruppe aktivert"
msgstr[1] "%s feltgrupper aktivert."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktiver"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Deaktiver dette elementet"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Aktiver"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Aktiver dette elementet"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Flytte feltgruppe til papirkurven?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr "Inaktiv"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2951,7 +2978,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3003,8 +3030,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Vedlegg"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3014,7 +3041,7 @@ msgstr "Taksonomier"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3033,49 +3060,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Ugyldige parametere for feltgruppe."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Venter på lagring"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Lagret"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Gjennomgå endringer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Plassert i: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Plassert i utvidelse: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Plassert i tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Forskjellig"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synkroniseringsendringer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Laster diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Se over lokale endinger for JSON"
@@ -3316,7 +3343,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Vis dette feltet hvis"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Betinget logikk"
@@ -3325,9 +3352,9 @@ msgstr "Betinget logikk"
msgid "and"
msgstr "og"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokal JSON"
@@ -3520,9 +3547,9 @@ msgstr "Stil"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Nøkkel"
@@ -3533,23 +3560,23 @@ msgstr "Nøkkel"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Rekkefølge"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Stengt felt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klasse"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "bredde"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Attributter for innpakning"
@@ -3557,68 +3584,68 @@ msgstr "Attributter for innpakning"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatorisk"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instruksjoner for forfattere. Vist ved innsending av data"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instruksjoner"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Felttype"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Enkelt ord, ingen mellomrom. Understrekning og bindestreker tillatt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Feltnavn"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Dette er navnet som vil vises på redigeringssiden"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Feltetikett"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slett"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Slett felt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Flytt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Flytt felt til annen gruppe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Dupliser felt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Rediger felt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Dra for å endre rekkefølge"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Vis denne feltgruppen hvis"
@@ -3721,15 +3748,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regler"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopiert"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopier til utklippstavle"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3737,22 +3764,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Velg feltgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Ingen feltgrupper valgt"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generer PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Eksporter feltgrupper"
@@ -3778,22 +3805,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importer feltgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synk"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Velg %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliser"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dupliser dette elementet"
@@ -3801,13 +3828,14 @@ msgstr "Dupliser dette elementet"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasjon"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3816,26 +3844,26 @@ msgstr "Dokumentasjon"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synk tilgjengelig"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Feltgruppe duplisert"
msgstr[1] "%s feltgrupper duplisert."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Aktiv (%s)"
@@ -3876,7 +3904,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s feltet kan nå bli funnet i feltgruppen %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Flytting fullført."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3891,7 +3919,7 @@ msgstr "Feltnøkler"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Plassering"
@@ -3903,14 +3931,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopi"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(dette feltet)"
@@ -3921,14 +3949,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Avkrysset"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Flytt egendefinert felt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Ingen vekslefelt er tilgjengelige"
@@ -3937,14 +3965,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Feltgruppetittel er obligatorisk"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Dette feltet kan ikke flyttes før endringene har blitt lagret"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Strengen \"field_\" kan ikke brukes i starten på et feltnavn"
@@ -4112,8 +4140,8 @@ msgstr "Har ingen verdi"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Har en verdi"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
@@ -4123,24 +4151,24 @@ msgstr "Avbryt"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Er du sikker?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d felt krever oppmerksomhet"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 felt krever oppmerksomhet"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validering feilet"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validering vellykket"
@@ -4176,8 +4204,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Rediger"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Endringene du har gjort vil gå tapt om du navigerer bort fra denne siden."
@@ -4191,10 +4219,10 @@ msgstr "Filtype må være %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "eller"
@@ -4244,8 +4272,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatyrbilde"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(ingen etikett)"
@@ -5211,7 +5239,7 @@ msgstr "Intet bilde valgt"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Fjern"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5530,92 +5558,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Tidsvelger"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inaktiv (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inaktive (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Ingen felt funnet i papirkurven"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Ingen felter funnet"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Søk felt"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Vis felt"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nytt felt"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Rediger felt"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Legg til nytt felt"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Felt"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Felter"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Ingen feltgrupper funnet i papirkurven"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Ingen feltgrupper funnet"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Søk feltgrupper"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Vis feltgruppe"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Ny feltgruppe"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Rediger feltgruppe"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Legg til ny feltgruppe"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Legg til ny"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Feltgruppe"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Feltgrupper"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.l10n.php
index e9f4e62f..dbab835c 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.l10n.php
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_BE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je websitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Learn more'=>'Leer meer','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - getoond via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kan meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Overgenomen van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dupliceer taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kan je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt bijgewerkt toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt bijgewerkt op te slaan. Je kan dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt getoond. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt getoond in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Een veld bijwerken met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer tools van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere websites met functies als ACF blokken en optie pagina\'s, en geavanceerde veldtypes als herhaler, flexibele inhoud, klonen en galerij.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypes','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypes gevonden in prullenmand','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypes gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypes
- zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijdnotatie kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van paragrafen tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kan je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepast berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden getoond.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. Het datum retour formaat en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het formaat van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kan je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call to Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kan je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kan je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kan je bestaande velden selecteren en tonen. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden tonen als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Beschikbaar in ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om de berichttype inhoud te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST-API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een metabox te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Metabox sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een metabox op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Metabox callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen metabox','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste metabox','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het metabox op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie metabox getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags metabox voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën metabox','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags metabox','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het bijwerken van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de tabel verborgen koptekst.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de tabel paginering verborgen koptekst.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de berichten lijsten tabel.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Beschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je website staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het tags bewerken scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in de taxonomie metabox wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de metabox wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in de metabox wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'Toevoegen of verwijderen %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Tags scheiden door komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie metabox. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag bijwerken','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item bijwerken','Update %s'=>'Bijwerken %s','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de administratorbalk om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische berichttypes kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de front-end en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST-API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST-API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Toont dit berichttype in de REST-API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'In REST-API tonen','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Query variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Tools\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. edit_post, delete_posts. Inschakelen om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Weergave menu\'s ondersteuning','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de administratorbalk.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'In administratorbalk tonen','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste metabox callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu icoon','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het icoon dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het icoon.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'In UI tonen','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht bijgewerkt.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In de editor melding nadat een item is bijgewerkt.','Item Updated'=>'Item bijgewerkt','%s updated.'=>'%s bijgewerkt.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In de editor melding na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In de editor melding na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In de editor melding na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In de editor melding na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de berichttypes lijst.','Filter Items List'=>'Itemslijst filteren','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding verwijderen','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding verwijderen','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding metabox.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding metabox','Post Attributes'=>'Berichtattributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de bericht attributen metabox.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen metabox','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenmand','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de berichttype lijst wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenmand zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenmand','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenmand','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de berichttypes lijst wanneer er geen berichten zijn om te tonen.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het items scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'Zoek %s','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het berichttype lijst scherm.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de administratorbalk in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de homepage geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de administratorbalk om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'Bekijk %s','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'Bewerk %s','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypes niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypes selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie bijgewerkt','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept bijgewerkt.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie bijgewerkt.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypes','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype bijgewerkt','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept bijgewerkt.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype bijgewerkt.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypes en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met een aangepast berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST-API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Veld instellingen tabs','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerd selectievakje gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Je eerste veldgroep toevoegen','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, aangepaste berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenmand verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kan oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'In REST-API tonen','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Standaardkleur selecteren','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst bijgewerkt: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Wijzigingen beoordelen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Website bezoeken','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kan tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je website haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformaat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Bovenste level pagina (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Startpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formaten','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het bijwerken naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgnummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Formaat','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoud editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Getoond in de veldgroep lijst','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep tonen als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgrade taken aan het lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade voltooid.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer minstens één website om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade voltooid. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Website is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Website vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Website','Upgrade Sites'=>'Websites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de websites die je wilt bijwerken en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopieer naar klembord','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kan plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel websites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen voltooid.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veld naam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Concept veldgroep bijgewerkt.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep bijgewerkt.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht bijgewerkt','Update'=>'Bijwerken','Validate Email'=>'E-mail valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitvouwen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Bijwerken','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Bestandsgrootte mag %s niet overschrijden.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minstens %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes aan/uit te zetten','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Aangepaste\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Alles aan-/uitzetten','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archieven URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laadwaarde van berichttermen','Load Terms'=>'Termen laden','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknoppen','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievak','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden getoond','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'De keuze \'overig\' toevoegen om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Radio knop','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Toestaan dat deze accordeon geopend wordt zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestand ID','File URL'=>'Bestand URL','File Array'=>'Bestand array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand bijwerken','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'AJAX gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaard waarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kan slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruiker ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Leegmaken','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gedaan','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knop groep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media uploadknoppen tonen','Toolbar'=>'Werkbalk','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Verschijnt in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt getoond bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Aan het laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ({max} waarden)','Relationship'=>'Relatie','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lijst met door komma\'s gescheiden. Leeg laten voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding bijwerken','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Afbeelding selecteren','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Toestaan dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch paragrafen toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe lijnen','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het formaat dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Formaat opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Aan tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Waar / Niet waar','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het formaat dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour formaat','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het formaat dat wordt getoond bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergaveformaat','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenmand','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in prullenmand','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opties bijgewerkt','Check Again'=>'Controleer op updates','Publish'=>'Publiceer','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Er zijn geen groepen gevonden voor deze optie pagina. Maak een extra velden groep','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fout. Kan niet verbinden met de update server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecteer een of meer velden om te klonen','Display'=>'Toon','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Kies de gebruikte stijl bij het renderen van het gekloonde veld','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groep (toont geselecteerde velden in een groep binnen dit veld)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Naadloos (vervangt dit veld met de geselecteerde velden)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Labels worden getoond als %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix veld labels','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Waarden worden opgeslagen als %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix veld namen','Unknown field'=>'Onbekend veld','Unknown field group'=>'Onbekend groep','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle velden van %s veld groep','Add Row'=>'Nieuwe regel','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dit veld vereist op zijn minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} beschikbaar (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} verplicht (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibele content vereist minimaal 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik op de "%s" button om een nieuwe lay-out te maken','Add layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Remove layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik om in/uit te klappen','Delete Layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliceer layout','Add New Layout'=>'Nieuwe layout','Add Layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimale layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximale layouts','Button Label'=>'Button label','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Voeg afbeelding toe aan galerij','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximale selectie bereikt','Length'=>'Lengte','Caption'=>'Onderschrift','Alt Text'=>'Alt tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Afbeelding(en) toevoegen','Bulk actions'=>'Acties','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorteer op datum geüpload','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorteer op datum aangepast','Sort by title'=>'Sorteer op titel','Reverse current order'=>'Keer volgorde om','Close'=>'Sluiten','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimale selectie','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximale selectie','Allowed file types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Insert'=>'Invoegen','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Geef aan waar nieuwe bijlagen worden toegevoegd','Append to the end'=>'Toevoegen aan het einde','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Toevoegen aan het begin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum aantal rijen','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximum aantal rijen','Collapsed'=>'Ingeklapt','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecteer een sub-veld om te tonen wanneer rij dichtgeklapt is','Click to reorder'=>'Sleep om te sorteren','Add row'=>'Nieuwe regel','Remove row'=>'Verwijder regel','First Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Previous Page'=>'Berichten pagina','Next Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Last Page'=>'Berichten pagina','No options pages exist'=>'Er zijn nog geen optie pagina\'s','Deactivate License'=>'Licentiecode deactiveren','Activate License'=>'Activeer licentiecode','License Information'=>'Licentie informatie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om updates te ontvangen vul je hieronder je licentiecode in. Nog geen licentiecode? Bekijk details & prijzen.','License Key'=>'Licentiecode','Update Information'=>'Update informatie','Current Version'=>'Huidige versie','Latest Version'=>'Nieuwste versie','Update Available'=>'Update beschikbaar','Upgrade Notice'=>'Upgrade opmerking','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Vul uw licentiecode hierboven in om updates te ontvangen','Update Plugin'=>'Update plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_BE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF velden','Learn how to fix this'=>'Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO functie','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen','Renew PRO License'=>'Vernieuw PRO licentie','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te bewerken.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken.','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je websitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - getoond via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kan meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Overgenomen van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dupliceer taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kan je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt bijgewerkt toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt bijgewerkt op te slaan. Je kan dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt getoond. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt getoond in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Een veld bijwerken met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer tools van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere websites met functies als ACF blokken en optie pagina\'s, en geavanceerde veldtypes als herhaler, flexibele inhoud, klonen en galerij.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypes','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypes gevonden in prullenmand','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypes gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypes
+ zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijdnotatie kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van paragrafen tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kan je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepast berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden getoond.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. Het datum retour formaat en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het formaat van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kan je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call to Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kan je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kan je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kan je bestaande velden selecteren en tonen. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden tonen als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om de berichttype inhoud te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST-API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een metabox te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Metabox sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een metabox op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Metabox callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen metabox','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste metabox','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het metabox op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie metabox getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags metabox voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën metabox','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags metabox','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het bijwerken van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de tabel verborgen koptekst.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de tabel paginering verborgen koptekst.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de berichten lijsten tabel.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Beschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je website staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het tags bewerken scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in de taxonomie metabox wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de metabox wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in de metabox wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'Toevoegen of verwijderen %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Tags scheiden door komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie metabox. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag bijwerken','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item bijwerken','Update %s'=>'Bijwerken %s','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de administratorbalk om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische berichttypes kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de front-end en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST-API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST-API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Toont dit berichttype in de REST-API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'In REST-API tonen','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Query variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Tools\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. edit_post, delete_posts. Inschakelen om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Weergave menu\'s ondersteuning','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de administratorbalk.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'In administratorbalk tonen','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste metabox callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu icoon','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het icoon dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het icoon.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'In UI tonen','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht bijgewerkt.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In de editor melding nadat een item is bijgewerkt.','Item Updated'=>'Item bijgewerkt','%s updated.'=>'%s bijgewerkt.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In de editor melding na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In de editor melding na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In de editor melding na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In de editor melding na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst op het berichttype lijst scherm.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de berichttypes lijst.','Filter Items List'=>'Itemslijst filteren','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding verwijderen','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding verwijderen','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding metabox.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding metabox','Post Attributes'=>'Berichtattributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de bericht attributen metabox.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen metabox','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenmand','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de berichttype lijst wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenmand zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenmand','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenmand','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de berichttypes lijst wanneer er geen berichten zijn om te tonen.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het items scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'Zoek %s','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het berichttype lijst scherm.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de administratorbalk in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de homepage geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de administratorbalk om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'Bekijk %s','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'Bewerk %s','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypes niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypes selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie bijgewerkt','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept bijgewerkt.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie bijgewerkt.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypes geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypes','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype bijgewerkt','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept bijgewerkt.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype bijgewerkt.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypes en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met een aangepast berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST-API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Veld instellingen tabs','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerd selectievakje gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Je eerste veldgroep toevoegen','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, aangepaste berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenmand verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kan oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'In REST-API tonen','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Standaardkleur selecteren','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst bijgewerkt: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Wijzigingen beoordelen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Website bezoeken','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kan tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je website haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformaat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Bovenste level pagina (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Startpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formaten','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het bijwerken naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle tools','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgnummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Formaat','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoud editor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Getoond in de veldgroep lijst','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'id','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep tonen als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgrade taken aan het lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade voltooid.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer minstens één website om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade voltooid. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Website is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Website vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Website','Upgrade Sites'=>'Websites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de websites die je wilt bijwerken en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopieer naar klembord','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kan plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel websites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen voltooid.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veld naam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Concept veldgroep bijgewerkt.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep bijgewerkt.','Tools'=>'Tools','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht bijgewerkt','Update'=>'Bijwerken','Validate Email'=>'E-mail valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitvouwen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Bijwerken','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Bestandsgrootte mag %s niet overschrijden.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minstens %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes aan/uit te zetten','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Aangepaste\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Alles aan-/uitzetten','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archieven URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laadwaarde van berichttermen','Load Terms'=>'Termen laden','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknoppen','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievak','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden getoond','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'De keuze \'overig\' toevoegen om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Radio knop','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Toestaan dat deze accordeon geopend wordt zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestand ID','File URL'=>'Bestand URL','File Array'=>'Bestand array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand bijwerken','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'AJAX gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaard waarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kan slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruiker ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Leegmaken','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gedaan','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knop groep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media uploadknoppen tonen','Toolbar'=>'Werkbalk','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Verschijnt in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt getoond bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Aan het laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ({max} waarden)','Relationship'=>'Relatie','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lijst met door komma\'s gescheiden. Leeg laten voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding bijwerken','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Afbeelding selecteren','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Toestaan dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch paragrafen toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe lijnen','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het formaat dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Formaat opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Aan tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Waar / Niet waar','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het formaat dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour formaat','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het formaat dat wordt getoond bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergaveformaat','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenmand','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in prullenmand','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opties bijgewerkt','Check Again'=>'Controleer op updates','Publish'=>'Publiceer','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Er zijn geen groepen gevonden voor deze optie pagina. Maak een extra velden groep','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fout. Kan niet verbinden met de update server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecteer een of meer velden om te klonen','Display'=>'Toon','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Kies de gebruikte stijl bij het renderen van het gekloonde veld','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groep (toont geselecteerde velden in een groep binnen dit veld)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Naadloos (vervangt dit veld met de geselecteerde velden)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Labels worden getoond als %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix veld labels','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Waarden worden opgeslagen als %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix veld namen','Unknown field'=>'Onbekend veld','Unknown field group'=>'Onbekend groep','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle velden van %s veld groep','Add Row'=>'Nieuwe regel','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dit veld vereist op zijn minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} beschikbaar (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} verplicht (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibele content vereist minimaal 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik op de "%s" button om een nieuwe lay-out te maken','Add layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Remove layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik om in/uit te klappen','Delete Layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliceer layout','Add New Layout'=>'Nieuwe layout','Add Layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimale layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximale layouts','Button Label'=>'Button label','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Voeg afbeelding toe aan galerij','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximale selectie bereikt','Length'=>'Lengte','Caption'=>'Onderschrift','Alt Text'=>'Alt tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Afbeelding(en) toevoegen','Bulk actions'=>'Acties','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorteer op datum geüpload','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorteer op datum aangepast','Sort by title'=>'Sorteer op titel','Reverse current order'=>'Keer volgorde om','Close'=>'Sluiten','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimale selectie','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximale selectie','Allowed file types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Insert'=>'Invoegen','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Geef aan waar nieuwe bijlagen worden toegevoegd','Append to the end'=>'Toevoegen aan het einde','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Toevoegen aan het begin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum aantal rijen','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximum aantal rijen','Collapsed'=>'Ingeklapt','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecteer een sub-veld om te tonen wanneer rij dichtgeklapt is','Click to reorder'=>'Sleep om te sorteren','Add row'=>'Nieuwe regel','Remove row'=>'Verwijder regel','First Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Previous Page'=>'Berichten pagina','Next Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Last Page'=>'Berichten pagina','No options pages exist'=>'Er zijn nog geen optie pagina\'s','Deactivate License'=>'Licentiecode deactiveren','Activate License'=>'Activeer licentiecode','License Information'=>'Licentie informatie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om updates te ontvangen vul je hieronder je licentiecode in. Nog geen licentiecode? Bekijk details & prijzen.','License Key'=>'Licentiecode','Update Information'=>'Update informatie','Current Version'=>'Huidige versie','Latest Version'=>'Nieuwste versie','Update Available'=>'Update beschikbaar','Upgrade Notice'=>'Upgrade opmerking','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Vul uw licentiecode hierboven in om updates te ontvangen','Update Plugin'=>'Update plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.mo
index 5e731031..e00cf7dc 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.po
index 4c199b61..aa538a87 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_BE.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: nl_BE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,43 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF velden"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO functie"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO licentie"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+"Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te "
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -59,10 +96,6 @@ msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
"Neem contact op met je websitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Leer meer"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Verberg details"
@@ -126,10 +159,10 @@ msgstr "4 maanden gratis"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Overgenomen van %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Overgenomen van %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Opties pagina's selecteren"
@@ -162,8 +195,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Velden toevoegen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Dit veld"
@@ -186,7 +219,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
"Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen."
@@ -329,34 +362,34 @@ msgstr "Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Geen termen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Geen berichttypes"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Geen berichten"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Geen taxonomieën"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Geen veld groepen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Geen velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Geen beschrijving"
@@ -811,37 +844,33 @@ msgstr "Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Meer"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Beschikbaar in ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selecteer veld"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Populaire velden"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Geen zoekresultaten voor '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Velden zoeken..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selecteer veldtype"
@@ -2477,7 +2506,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Bladeren door velden"
@@ -2530,7 +2559,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2547,15 +2576,15 @@ msgstr ""
"een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de "
"ACF beheer."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exporteren - PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
@@ -2563,7 +2592,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Berichttypes selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "1 item geëxporteerd."
@@ -2615,7 +2644,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomie verwijderd."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomie bijgewerkt."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2626,67 +2655,67 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termen"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypes gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypes gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypes gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypes geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2704,7 +2733,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Basisinstellingen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2719,7 +2748,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagina's"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Link bestaande veld groepen"
@@ -2763,16 +2792,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Berichttype verwijderd."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Typ om te zoeken..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Alleen in PRO"
@@ -2796,44 +2825,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "berichttype"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klaar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Veld groep(en)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt."
msgstr[1] "Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Registratie mislukt"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2841,31 +2870,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door "
"een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST-API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Rechten"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL's"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Zichtbaarheid"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
@@ -2886,14 +2915,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Modal sluiten"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Veld verplaatst naar andere groep"
@@ -3078,8 +3107,8 @@ msgstr "Presentatie"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validatie"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"
@@ -3087,49 +3116,49 @@ msgstr "Algemeen"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "JSON importeren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Als JSON exporteren"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Deactiveer dit item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activeer dit item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Veldgroep naar prullenmand verplaatsen?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3142,7 +3171,7 @@ msgstr "Inactief"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3151,7 +3180,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3233,7 +3262,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA string"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex string"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Upgrade naar PRO"
@@ -3285,8 +3314,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bijlagen"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3296,7 +3325,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3315,49 +3344,49 @@ msgstr "Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "In afwachting van opslaan"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Opgeslagen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen beoordelen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in thema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Diverse"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synchroniseer wijzigingen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Diff laden"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen"
@@ -3619,7 +3648,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Toon dit veld als"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
@@ -3628,9 +3657,9 @@ msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
msgid "and"
msgstr "en"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokale JSON"
@@ -3824,9 +3853,9 @@ msgstr "Stijl"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Sleutel"
@@ -3837,23 +3866,23 @@ msgstr "Sleutel"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Volgorde"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Veld sluiten"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klasse"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "breedte"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
@@ -3861,68 +3890,68 @@ msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Vereist"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructies"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Veldtype"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Veldlabel"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Veld verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Veld dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Sleep om te herschikken"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Deze veldgroep tonen als"
@@ -4024,15 +4053,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regels"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Gekopieerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopieer naar klembord"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -4044,22 +4073,22 @@ msgstr ""
"vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te "
"exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kan plaatsen."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen exporteren"
@@ -4088,22 +4117,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecteer %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
@@ -4111,13 +4140,14 @@ msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Ondersteunt"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentatie"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4126,26 +4156,26 @@ msgstr "Documentatie"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronisatie beschikbaar"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Actief (%s)"
@@ -4186,7 +4216,7 @@ msgstr "Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Verplaatsen voltooid."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4201,7 +4231,7 @@ msgstr "Veldsleutels"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locatie"
@@ -4213,14 +4243,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopie"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(dit veld)"
@@ -4231,14 +4261,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Aangevinkt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Aangepast veld verplaatsen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Geen toggle velden beschikbaar"
@@ -4247,15 +4277,15 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Veldgroep titel is vereist"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "De string \"field_\" mag niet voor de veld naam staan"
@@ -4423,8 +4453,8 @@ msgstr "Heeft geen waarde"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Heeft een waarde"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
@@ -4434,24 +4464,24 @@ msgstr "Annuleren"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d velden vereisen aandacht"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 veld vereist aandacht"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validatie mislukt"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validatie geslaagd"
@@ -4487,8 +4517,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerken"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat"
@@ -4501,10 +4531,10 @@ msgstr "Het bestandstype moet %s zijn."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "of"
@@ -4554,8 +4584,8 @@ msgstr "Thumbnail"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(geen label)"
@@ -5524,7 +5554,7 @@ msgstr "Geen afbeelding geselecteerd"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5846,92 +5876,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Tijdkiezer"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactief (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactief (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden in de prullenmand"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Velden zoeken"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Veld bekijken"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Veld"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden in prullenmand"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen zoeken"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bekijken"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bewerken"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Nieuwe toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.l10n.php
index 60828a2d..5157dcdc 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_NL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook waar is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Learn more'=>'Leer meer','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - weergegeven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kunt meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Overgenomen van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dubbele taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kun je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt geüpdatet toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt geüpdatet op te slaan. Je kunt dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt weergegeven. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt weergegeven in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update een veld met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer gereedschappen van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere sites met functies als ACF Blocks en Options Pages, en geavanceerde veldtypen als Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone en Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypen','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden in prullenbak','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypen zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijd format kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van alinea\'s tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kun je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepaste extra berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype-items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden weergegeven.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. De datum retour format en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het format van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kun je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call To Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kun je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kun je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kun je bestaande velden selecteren en weergeven. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden weergeven als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Beschikbaar in ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om inhoud van berichttypen te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een meta box te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta box sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een meta box op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Meta box callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen meta box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste meta box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het meta box op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie meta box getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags meta box voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Meta box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën meta box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags meta box','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het updaten van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de tabel.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de paginering van de tabel.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de lijst met berichten.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Omschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je site staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in het taxonomie meta box wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'%s toevoegen of verwijderen','Separate tags with commas'=>'Scheid tags met komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie meta box. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag updaten','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item updaten','Update %s'=>'%s updaten','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de toolbar om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische bericht types kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de voorkant en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Geeft dit berichttype weer in de REST API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'Weergeven in REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Vraag variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Gereedschap\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. Edit_bericht, delete_berichten. Activeer om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor weergave menu\'s','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de toolbar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Toon in toolbar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste meta box callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu pictogram','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het pictogram dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het pictogram.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Weergeven in UI','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht geüpdatet.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In het editor bericht nadat een item is geüpdatet.','Item Updated'=>'Item geüpdatet','%s updated.'=>'%s geüpdatet.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In het editor bericht na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst in de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter itemlijst','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding meta box','Post Attributes'=>'Bericht attributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van het bericht attributen meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen meta box','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenbak','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenbak zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenbak','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenbak','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten zijn om weer te geven.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het item scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'%s zoeken','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de toolbar in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de voorpagina geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de toolbar om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'%s bekijken','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'%s bewerken','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypen niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypen selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie geüpdatet','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept geüpdatet.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie geüpdatet.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypen','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype geüpdatet','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept geüpdatet.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype geüpdatet.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypen en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met extra berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Tabs voor veldinstellingen','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerde checkbox gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Voeg je eerste veldgroep toe','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kunt oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Toon in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Selecteer standaardkleur','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst geüpdatet: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Beoordeel wijzigingen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Bezoek site','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kunt tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je site haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab Hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina op hoogste niveau (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Voorpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formats','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld klonen','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn geüpdatet naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het updaten naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database-upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle gereedschappen','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, dan worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgorde nummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoudseditor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Weergegeven in lijst met veldgroepen','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen meta box)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'ID','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep weergeven als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgradetaken lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade afgerond.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer ten minste één site om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Sites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de sites die je wilt updaten en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Naar klembord kopiëren','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen afgerond.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Veldgroep concept geüpdatet.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep geüpdatet.','Tools'=>'Gereedschap','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht geüpdatet','Update'=>'Updaten','Validate Email'=>'E-mailadres valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitklappen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Updaten','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte mag niet groter zijn dan %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minimaal %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes te togglen','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sla \'aangepaste\' waarden op in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Toggle alles','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archief URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laad waarde van bericht termen','Load Terms'=>'Laad termen','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Keuzerondjes','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievakje','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden weergegeven','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Voeg de keuze \'overig\' toe om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Keuzerondje','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Deze accordeon openen zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestands ID','File URL'=>'Bestands URL','File Array'=>'Bestands array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand updaten','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Ajax gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaardwaarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kunt slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruikers-ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Wissen','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mailadres','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knopgroep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media upload knoppen weergeven','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Wordt weergegeven in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt weergegeven bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ( {max} waarden )','Relationship'=>'Verwantschap','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Komma gescheiden lijst. Laat leeg voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding updaten','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Selecteer afbeelding','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Sta toe dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen;','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch alinea\'s toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe regels','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het format dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Format opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Op tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het format dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour format','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het format dat wordt weergegeven bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergave format','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opties bijgewerkt','Check Again'=>'Controleer op updates','Publish'=>'Publiceer','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Er zijn geen groepen gevonden voor deze optie pagina. Maak een extra velden groep','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fout. Kan niet verbinden met de update server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecteer een of meer velden om te klonen','Display'=>'Toon','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Kies de gebruikte stijl bij het renderen van het gekloonde veld','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groep (toont geselecteerde velden in een groep binnen dit veld)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Naadloos (vervangt dit veld met de geselecteerde velden)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Labels worden getoond als %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix veld labels','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Waarden worden opgeslagen als %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix veld namen','Unknown field'=>'Onbekend veld','Unknown field group'=>'Onbekend groep','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle velden van %s veld groep','Add Row'=>'Nieuwe regel','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dit veld vereist op zijn minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} beschikbaar (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} verplicht (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibele content vereist minimaal 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik op de "%s" button om een nieuwe lay-out te maken','Add layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Remove layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik om in/uit te klappen','Delete Layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliceer layout','Add New Layout'=>'Nieuwe layout','Add Layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimale layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximale layouts','Button Label'=>'Button label','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Voeg afbeelding toe aan galerij','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximale selectie bereikt','Length'=>'Lengte','Caption'=>'Onderschrift','Alt Text'=>'Alt tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Afbeelding(en) toevoegen','Bulk actions'=>'Acties','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorteer op datum geüpload','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorteer op datum aangepast','Sort by title'=>'Sorteer op titel','Reverse current order'=>'Keer volgorde om','Close'=>'Sluiten','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimale selectie','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximale selectie','Allowed file types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Insert'=>'Invoegen','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Geef aan waar nieuwe bijlagen worden toegevoegd','Append to the end'=>'Toevoegen aan het einde','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Toevoegen aan het begin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum aantal rijen bereikt ({min} rijen)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum aantal rijen','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximum aantal rijen','Collapsed'=>'Ingeklapt','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecteer een sub-veld om te tonen wanneer rij dichtgeklapt is','Click to reorder'=>'Sleep om te sorteren','Add row'=>'Nieuwe regel','Remove row'=>'Verwijder regel','First Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Previous Page'=>'Berichten pagina','Next Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Last Page'=>'Berichten pagina','No options pages exist'=>'Er zijn nog geen optie pagina\'s','Deactivate License'=>'Licentiecode deactiveren','Activate License'=>'Activeer licentiecode','License Information'=>'Licentie informatie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om updates te ontvangen vul je hieronder je licentiecode in. Nog geen licentiecode? Bekijk details & prijzen.','License Key'=>'Licentiecode','Update Information'=>'Update informatie','Current Version'=>'Huidige versie','Latest Version'=>'Nieuwste versie','Update Available'=>'Update beschikbaar','Upgrade Notice'=>'Upgrade opmerking','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Vul uw licentiecode hierboven in om updates te ontvangen','Update Plugin'=>'Update plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_NL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF velden','Learn how to fix this'=>'Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO functie','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen','Renew PRO License'=>'Vernieuw PRO licentie','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te bewerken.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken.','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook waar is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - weergegeven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kunt meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Gekopieerd van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dubbele taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kun je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt geüpdatet toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt geüpdatet op te slaan. Je kunt dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt weergegeven. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt weergegeven in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update een veld met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer gereedschappen van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere sites met functies als ACF Blocks en Options Pages, en geavanceerde veldtypen als Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone en Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypen','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden in prullenbak','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypen zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijd format kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van alinea\'s tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kun je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepaste extra berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype-items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden weergegeven.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. De datum retour format en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het format van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kun je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call To Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kun je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kun je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kun je bestaande velden selecteren en weergeven. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden weergeven als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om inhoud van berichttypen te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een meta box te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta box sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een meta box op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Meta box callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen meta box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste meta box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het meta box op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie meta box getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags meta box voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Meta box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën meta box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags meta box','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het updaten van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de tabel.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de paginering van de tabel.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de lijst met berichten.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Omschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je site staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in het taxonomie meta box wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'%s toevoegen of verwijderen','Separate tags with commas'=>'Scheid tags met komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie meta box. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag updaten','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item updaten','Update %s'=>'%s updaten','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de toolbar om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische bericht types kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de voorkant en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Geeft dit berichttype weer in de REST API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'Weergeven in REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Vraag variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Gereedschap\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. Edit_bericht, delete_berichten. Activeer om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor weergave menu\'s','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de toolbar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Toon in toolbar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste meta box callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu pictogram','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het pictogram dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het pictogram.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Weergeven in UI','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht geüpdatet.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In het editor bericht nadat een item is geüpdatet.','Item Updated'=>'Item geüpdatet','%s updated.'=>'%s geüpdatet.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In het editor bericht na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst in de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter itemlijst','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding meta box','Post Attributes'=>'Bericht attributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van het bericht attributen meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen meta box','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenbak','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenbak zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenbak','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenbak','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten zijn om weer te geven.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het item scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'%s zoeken','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de toolbar in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de voorpagina geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de toolbar om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'%s bekijken','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'%s bewerken','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypen niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypen selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie geüpdatet','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept geüpdatet.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie geüpdatet.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypen','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype geüpdatet','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept geüpdatet.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype geüpdatet.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypen en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met extra berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Tabs voor veldinstellingen','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerde checkbox gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Voeg je eerste veldgroep toe','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kunt oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Toon in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Selecteer standaardkleur','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst geüpdatet: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Beoordeel wijzigingen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Bezoek site','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kunt tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je site haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab Hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina op hoogste niveau (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Voorpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formats','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld klonen','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn geüpdatet naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het updaten naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database-upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle gereedschappen','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, dan worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgorde nummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoudseditor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Weergegeven in lijst met veldgroepen','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen meta box)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'ID','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep weergeven als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgradetaken lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade afgerond.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer ten minste één site om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Sites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de sites die je wilt updaten en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Naar klembord kopiëren','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen afgerond.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Veldgroep concept geüpdatet.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep geüpdatet.','Tools'=>'Gereedschap','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht geüpdatet','Update'=>'Updaten','Validate Email'=>'E-mailadres valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitklappen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Updaten','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte mag niet groter zijn dan %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minimaal %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes te togglen','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sla \'aangepaste\' waarden op in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Toggle alles','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archief URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laad waarde van bericht termen','Load Terms'=>'Laad termen','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Keuzerondjes','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievakje','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden weergegeven','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Voeg de keuze \'overig\' toe om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Keuzerondje','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Deze accordeon openen zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestands ID','File URL'=>'Bestands URL','File Array'=>'Bestands array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand updaten','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Ajax gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaardwaarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kunt slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruikers-ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Wissen','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mailadres','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knopgroep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media upload knoppen weergeven','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Wordt weergegeven in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt weergegeven bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ( {max} waarden )','Relationship'=>'Verwantschap','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Komma gescheiden lijst. Laat leeg voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding updaten','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Selecteer afbeelding','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Sta toe dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen;','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch alinea\'s toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe regels','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het format dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Format opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Op tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het format dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour format','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het format dat wordt weergegeven bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergave format','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Options Updated'=>'Opties bijgewerkt','Check Again'=>'Controleer op updates','Publish'=>'Publiceer','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Er zijn geen groepen gevonden voor deze optie pagina. Maak een extra velden groep','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fout. Kan niet verbinden met de update server','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecteer een of meer velden om te klonen','Display'=>'Toon','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Kies de gebruikte stijl bij het renderen van het gekloonde veld','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Groep (toont geselecteerde velden in een groep binnen dit veld)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Naadloos (vervangt dit veld met de geselecteerde velden)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Labels worden getoond als %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix veld labels','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Waarden worden opgeslagen als %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix veld namen','Unknown field'=>'Onbekend veld','Unknown field group'=>'Onbekend groep','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alle velden van %s veld groep','Add Row'=>'Nieuwe regel','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layout','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Dit veld vereist op zijn minst {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} beschikbaar (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} verplicht (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibele content vereist minimaal 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klik op de "%s" button om een nieuwe lay-out te maken','Add layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Remove layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klik om in/uit te klappen','Delete Layout'=>'Verwijder layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Dupliceer layout','Add New Layout'=>'Nieuwe layout','Add Layout'=>'Layout toevoegen','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimale layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximale layouts','Button Label'=>'Button label','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Voeg afbeelding toe aan galerij','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximale selectie bereikt','Length'=>'Lengte','Caption'=>'Onderschrift','Alt Text'=>'Alt tekst','Add to gallery'=>'Afbeelding(en) toevoegen','Bulk actions'=>'Acties','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sorteer op datum geüpload','Sort by date modified'=>'Sorteer op datum aangepast','Sort by title'=>'Sorteer op titel','Reverse current order'=>'Keer volgorde om','Close'=>'Sluiten','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimale selectie','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximale selectie','Allowed file types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Insert'=>'Invoegen','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Geef aan waar nieuwe bijlagen worden toegevoegd','Append to the end'=>'Toevoegen aan het einde','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Toevoegen aan het begin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minimum aantal rijen bereikt ({min} rijen)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximum aantal rijen bereikt ({max} rijen)','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimum aantal rijen','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximum aantal rijen','Collapsed'=>'Ingeklapt','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecteer een sub-veld om te tonen wanneer rij dichtgeklapt is','Click to reorder'=>'Sleep om te sorteren','Add row'=>'Nieuwe regel','Remove row'=>'Verwijder regel','First Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Previous Page'=>'Berichten pagina','Next Page'=>'Hoofdpagina','Last Page'=>'Berichten pagina','No options pages exist'=>'Er zijn nog geen optie pagina\'s','Deactivate License'=>'Licentiecode deactiveren','Activate License'=>'Activeer licentiecode','License Information'=>'Licentie informatie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om updates te ontvangen vul je hieronder je licentiecode in. Nog geen licentiecode? Bekijk details & prijzen.','License Key'=>'Licentiecode','Update Information'=>'Update informatie','Current Version'=>'Huidige versie','Latest Version'=>'Nieuwste versie','Update Available'=>'Update beschikbaar','Upgrade Notice'=>'Upgrade opmerking','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Vul uw licentiecode hierboven in om updates te ontvangen','Update Plugin'=>'Update plugin']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.mo
index 3284def1..3b5181a0 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.po
index b1dfe20d..220be1f6 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: nl_NL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,43 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF velden"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO functie"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO licentie"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+"Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te "
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -59,10 +96,6 @@ msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
"Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Leer meer"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Verberg details"
@@ -126,10 +159,10 @@ msgstr "4 maanden gratis"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Overgenomen van %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Gekopieerd van %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Opties pagina's selecteren"
@@ -162,8 +195,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Velden toevoegen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Dit veld"
@@ -186,7 +219,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
"Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen."
@@ -330,34 +363,34 @@ msgstr "Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Geen termen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Geen berichttypen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Geen berichten"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Geen taxonomieën"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Geen veld groepen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Geen velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Geen beschrijving"
@@ -810,37 +843,33 @@ msgstr "Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Meer"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Beschikbaar in ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selecteer veld"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Populaire velden"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Geen zoekresultaten voor '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Velden zoeken..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selecteer veldtype"
@@ -2479,7 +2508,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Bladeren door velden"
@@ -2532,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2549,15 +2578,15 @@ msgstr ""
"een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de "
"ACF beheer."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exporteren - PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
@@ -2565,7 +2594,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Berichttypen selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "1 item geëxporteerd."
@@ -2617,7 +2646,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomie verwijderd."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomie geüpdatet."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2628,67 +2657,67 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termen"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2706,7 +2735,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Basisinstellingen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2721,7 +2750,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagina's"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Link bestaande veld groepen"
@@ -2765,16 +2794,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Berichttype verwijderd."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Typ om te zoeken..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Alleen in PRO"
@@ -2797,44 +2826,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "berichttype"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klaar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Veld groep(en)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt."
msgstr[1] "Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Registratie mislukt"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2842,31 +2871,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door "
"een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Rechten"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL's"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Zichtbaarheid"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
@@ -2887,14 +2916,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Modal sluiten"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Veld verplaatst naar andere groep"
@@ -3079,8 +3108,8 @@ msgstr "Presentatie"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validatie"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"
@@ -3088,49 +3117,49 @@ msgstr "Algemeen"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "JSON importeren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Als JSON exporteren"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Deactiveer dit item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activeer dit item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3143,7 +3172,7 @@ msgstr "Inactief"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3152,7 +3181,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3234,7 +3263,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA string"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex string"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Upgrade naar PRO"
@@ -3286,8 +3315,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bijlagen"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3297,7 +3326,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3316,49 +3345,49 @@ msgstr "Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "In afwachting van opslaan"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Opgeslagen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Beoordeel wijzigingen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in thema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Diverse"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synchroniseer wijzigingen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Diff laden"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen"
@@ -3620,7 +3649,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Toon dit veld als"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
@@ -3629,9 +3658,9 @@ msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
msgid "and"
msgstr "en"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokale JSON"
@@ -3826,9 +3855,9 @@ msgstr "Stijl"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Sleutel"
@@ -3839,23 +3868,23 @@ msgstr "Sleutel"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Volgorde"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Veld sluiten"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klasse"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "breedte"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
@@ -3863,68 +3892,68 @@ msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Vereist"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructies"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Veldtype"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Veldlabel"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Veld verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Veld dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Sleep om te herschikken"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Deze veldgroep weergeven als"
@@ -4026,15 +4055,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regels"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Gekopieerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Naar klembord kopiëren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -4046,22 +4075,22 @@ msgstr ""
"vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te "
"exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen exporteren"
@@ -4090,22 +4119,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecteer %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
@@ -4113,13 +4142,14 @@ msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Ondersteunt"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentatie"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4128,26 +4158,26 @@ msgstr "Documentatie"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronisatie beschikbaar"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Actief (%s)"
@@ -4188,7 +4218,7 @@ msgstr "Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Verplaatsen afgerond."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4203,7 +4233,7 @@ msgstr "Veldsleutels"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locatie"
@@ -4215,14 +4245,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopie"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(dit veld)"
@@ -4233,14 +4263,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Aangevinkt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Aangepast veld verplaatsen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Geen toggle velden beschikbaar"
@@ -4249,15 +4279,15 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Veldgroep titel is vereist"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "De string \"field_\" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan"
@@ -4425,8 +4455,8 @@ msgstr "Heeft geen waarde"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Heeft een waarde"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
@@ -4436,24 +4466,24 @@ msgstr "Annuleren"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d velden vereisen aandacht"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 veld vereist aandacht"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validatie mislukt"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validatie geslaagd"
@@ -4489,8 +4519,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerken"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat"
@@ -4503,10 +4533,10 @@ msgstr "Het bestandstype moet %s zijn."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "of"
@@ -4556,8 +4586,8 @@ msgstr "Thumbnail"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(geen label)"
@@ -5525,7 +5555,7 @@ msgstr "Geen afbeelding geselecteerd"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5847,92 +5877,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Tijdkiezer"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactief (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactief (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Velden zoeken"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Veld bekijken"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Veld"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen zoeken"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bekijken"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bewerken"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Nieuwe toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.l10n.php
index e29b4ce3..45331dc2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_NL_formal','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook waar is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Learn more'=>'Leer meer','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - weergegeven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kunt meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Overgenomen van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dubbele taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kun je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt geüpdatet toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt geüpdatet op te slaan. Je kunt dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt weergegeven. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt weergegeven in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update een veld met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer gereedschappen van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere sites met functies als ACF Blocks en Options Pages, en geavanceerde veldtypen als Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone en Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypen','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden in prullenbak','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypen zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijd format kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van alinea\'s tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kun je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepaste extra berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype-items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden weergegeven.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. De datum retour format en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het format van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kun je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call To Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kun je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kun je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kun je bestaande velden selecteren en weergeven. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden weergeven als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Beschikbaar in ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om inhoud van berichttypen te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een meta box te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta box sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een meta box op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Meta box callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen meta box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste meta box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het meta box op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie meta box getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags meta box voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Meta box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën meta box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags meta box','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het updaten van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de tabel.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de paginering van de tabel.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de lijst met berichten.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Omschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je site staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in het taxonomie meta box wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'%s toevoegen of verwijderen','Separate tags with commas'=>'Scheid tags met komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie meta box. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag updaten','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item updaten','Update %s'=>'%s updaten','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de toolbar om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische bericht types kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de voorkant en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Geeft dit berichttype weer in de REST API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'Weergeven in REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Vraag variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Gereedschap\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. Edit_bericht, delete_berichten. Activeer om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor weergave menu\'s','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de toolbar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Toon in toolbar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste meta box callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu pictogram','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het pictogram dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het pictogram.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Weergeven in UI','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht geüpdatet.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In het editor bericht nadat een item is geüpdatet.','Item Updated'=>'Item geüpdatet','%s updated.'=>'%s geüpdatet.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In het editor bericht na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst in de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter itemlijst','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding meta box','Post Attributes'=>'Bericht attributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van het bericht attributen meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen meta box','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenbak','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenbak zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenbak','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenbak','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten zijn om weer te geven.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het item scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'%s zoeken','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de toolbar in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de voorpagina geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de toolbar om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'%s bekijken','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'%s bewerken','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypen niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypen selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie geüpdatet','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept geüpdatet.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie geüpdatet.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypen','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype geüpdatet','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept geüpdatet.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype geüpdatet.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypen en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met extra berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Tabs voor veldinstellingen','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerde checkbox gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Voeg je eerste veldgroep toe','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kunt oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Toon in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Selecteer standaardkleur','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst geüpdatet: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Beoordeel wijzigingen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Bezoek site','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kunt tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je site haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab Hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina op hoogste niveau (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Voorpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formats','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld klonen','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn geüpdatet naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het updaten naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database-upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle gereedschappen','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, dan worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgorde nummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoudseditor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Weergegeven in lijst met veldgroepen','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen meta box)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'ID','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep weergeven als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgradetaken lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade afgerond.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer ten minste één site om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Sites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de sites die je wilt updaten en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Naar klembord kopiëren','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen afgerond.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Veldgroep concept geüpdatet.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep geüpdatet.','Tools'=>'Gereedschap','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht geüpdatet','Update'=>'Updaten','Validate Email'=>'E-mailadres valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitklappen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Updaten','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte mag niet groter zijn dan %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minimaal %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes te togglen','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sla \'aangepaste\' waarden op in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Toggle alles','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archief URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laad waarde van bericht termen','Load Terms'=>'Laad termen','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Keuzerondjes','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievakje','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden weergegeven','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Voeg de keuze \'overig\' toe om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Keuzerondje','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Deze accordeon openen zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestands ID','File URL'=>'Bestands URL','File Array'=>'Bestands array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand updaten','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Ajax gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaardwaarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kunt slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruikers-ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Wissen','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mailadres','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knopgroep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media upload knoppen weergeven','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Wordt weergegeven in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt weergegeven bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ( {max} waarden )','Relationship'=>'Verwantschap','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Komma gescheiden lijst. Laat leeg voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding updaten','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Selecteer afbeelding','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Sta toe dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen;','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch alinea\'s toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe regels','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het format dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Format opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Op tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het format dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour format','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het format dat wordt weergegeven bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergave format','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'nl_NL_formal','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF velden','Learn how to fix this'=>'Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO functie','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen','Renew PRO License'=>'Vernieuw PRO licentie','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te bewerken.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken.','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van geëscaped HTML waarden is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook true is. De veldwaarden zijn niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'Het teruggeven van een escaped HTML waarde is alleen mogelijk als format_value ook waar is. De veldwaarde is niet teruggegeven voor de veiligheid.','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF escapes nu automatisch onveilige HTML wanneer deze wordt weergegeven door the_field
of de ACF shortcode. We hebben gedetecteerd dat de uitvoer van sommige van je velden is gewijzigd door deze verandering, maar dit is mogelijk geen doorbrekende verandering. %2$s. %3$s.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie.','Hide details'=>'Verberg details','Show details'=>'Toon details','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - weergegeven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Vernieuw ACF PRO licentie','Renew License'=>'Vernieuw licentie','Manage License'=>'Beheer licentie','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'\'Hoge\' positie wordt niet ondersteund in de blok-editor','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Upgrade naar ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF opties pagina\'s zijn aangepaste beheerpagina\'s voor het beheren van globale instellingen via velden. Je kunt meerdere pagina\'s en subpagina\'s maken.','Add Options Page'=>'Opties pagina toevoegen','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'In de editor gebruikt als plaatshouder van de titel.','Title Placeholder'=>'Titel plaatshouder','4 Months Free'=>'4 maanden gratis','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Gekopieerd van %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s selecteren','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Dubbele taxonomie','Create taxonomy'=>'Creëer taxonomie','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicaat berichttype','Create post type'=>'Berichttype maken','Link field groups'=>'Veldgroepen linken','Add fields'=>'Velden toevoegen','This Field'=>'Dit veld','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Ondersteuning','is developed and maintained by'=>'is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Als je de bidirectionele instelling inschakelt, kun je een waarde updaten in de doelvelden voor elke waarde die voor dit veld is geselecteerd, door het bericht ID, taxonomie ID of gebruiker ID van het item dat wordt geüpdatet toe te voegen of te verwijderen. Lees voor meer informatie de documentatie.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Selecteer veld(en) om de verwijzing terug naar het item dat wordt geüpdatet op te slaan. Je kunt dit veld selecteren. Doelvelden moeten compatibel zijn met waar dit veld wordt weergegeven. Als dit veld bijvoorbeeld wordt weergegeven in een taxonomie, dan moet je doelveld van het type taxonomie zijn','Target Field'=>'Doelveld','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Update een veld met de geselecteerde waarden en verwijs terug naar deze ID','Bidirectional'=>'Bidirectioneel','%s Field'=>'%s veld','Select Multiple'=>'Selecteer meerdere','WP Engine logo'=>'WP engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 32 karakters.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het toewijzen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten toewijzen','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het verwijderen van termen van deze taxonomie.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten verwijderen','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De rechten naam voor het bewerken van termen van deze taxonomie.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Termen rechten bewerken','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'De naam van de rechten voor het beheren van termen van deze taxonomie.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Beheer termen rechten','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Stelt in of berichten moeten worden uitgesloten van zoekresultaten en pagina\'s van taxonomie archieven.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Meer gereedschappen van WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Gemaakt voor degenen die bouwen met WordPress, door het team van %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Bekijk prijzen & upgrade','Learn More'=>'Leer meer','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Versnel je workflow en ontwikkel betere sites met functies als ACF Blocks en Options Pages, en geavanceerde veldtypen als Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone en Gallery.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s velden','No terms'=>'Geen termen','No post types'=>'Geen berichttypen','No posts'=>'Geen berichten','No taxonomies'=>'Geen taxonomieën','No field groups'=>'Geen veld groepen','No fields'=>'Geen velden','No description'=>'Geen beschrijving','Any post status'=>'Elke bericht status','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie die buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze taxonomie sleutel is al in gebruik door een andere taxonomie in ACF en kan daarom niet worden gebruikt.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'De taxonomie sleutel moet minder dan 32 karakters bevatten.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden in prullenbak','No Taxonomies found'=>'Geen taxonomieën gevonden','Search Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën zoeken','View Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bekijken','New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie bewerken','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Nieuwe taxonomie toevoegen','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden in prullenbak','No Post Types found'=>'Geen berichttypen gevonden','Search Post Types'=>'Berichttypen zoeken','View Post Type'=>'Berichttype bekijken','New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype','Edit Post Type'=>'Berichttype bewerken','Add New Post Type'=>'Nieuw berichttype toevoegen','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype dat buiten ACF is geregistreerd en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Deze berichttype sleutel is al in gebruik door een ander berichttype in ACF en kan niet worden gebruikt.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Dit veld mag geen door WordPress gereserveerde term zijn.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Het berichttype mag alleen kleine alfanumerieke tekens, underscores of streepjes bevatten.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'De berichttype sleutel moet minder dan 20 karakters bevatten.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Wij raden het gebruik van dit veld in ACF blokken af.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Toont de WordPress WYSIWYG editor zoals in berichten en pagina\'s voor een rijke tekst bewerking ervaring die ook multi media inhoud mogelijk maakt.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG editor','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Maakt het mogelijk een of meer gebruikers te selecteren die kunnen worden gebruikt om relaties te leggen tussen gegeven objecten.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Een tekst invoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van web adressen.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Een toggle waarmee je een waarde van 1 of 0 kunt kiezen (aan of uit, waar of onwaar, enz.). Kan worden gepresenteerd als een gestileerde schakelaar of selectievakje.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een tijd. De tijd format kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Een basis tekstgebied voor het opslaan van alinea\'s tekst.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Een basis tekstveld, handig voor het opslaan van een enkele string waarde.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Maakt de selectie mogelijk van een of meer taxonomie termen op basis van de criteria en opties die zijn opgegeven in de veldinstellingen.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Hiermee kun je in het bewerking scherm velden groeperen in secties met tabs. Nuttig om velden georganiseerd en gestructureerd te houden.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Een dropdown lijst met een selectie van keuzes die je aangeeft.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Een interface met twee kolommen om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s of aangepaste extra berichttype items te selecteren om een relatie te leggen met het item dat je nu aan het bewerken bent. Inclusief opties om te zoeken en te filteren.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Een veld voor het selecteren van een numerieke waarde binnen een gespecificeerd bereik met behulp van een bereik slider element.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Een groep keuzerondjes waarmee de gebruiker één keuze kan maken uit waarden die je opgeeft.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Een interactieve en aanpasbare UI voor het kiezen van één of meerdere berichten, pagina\'s of berichttype-items met de optie om te zoeken. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Een invoer voor het verstrekken van een wachtwoord via een afgeschermd veld.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filter op berichtstatus','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Een interactieve dropdown om een of meer berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttype items of archief URL\'s te selecteren, met de optie om te zoeken.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Een interactieve component voor het insluiten van video\'s, afbeeldingen, tweets, audio en andere inhoud door gebruik te maken van de standaard WordPress oEmbed functionaliteit.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Een invoer die beperkt is tot numerieke waarden.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Gebruikt om een bericht te tonen aan editors naast andere velden. Nuttig om extra context of instructies te geven rond je velden.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Hiermee kun je een link en zijn eigenschappen zoals titel en doel specificeren met behulp van de WordPress native link picker.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om afbeeldingen te uploaden of te kiezen.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Biedt een manier om velden te structureren in groepen om de gegevens en het bewerking scherm beter te organiseren.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een locatie met Google Maps. Vereist een Google Maps API-sleutel en aanvullende instellingen om correct te worden weergegeven.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Gebruikt de standaard WordPress mediakiezer om bestanden te uploaden of te kiezen.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Een tekstinvoer speciaal ontworpen voor het opslaan van e-mailadressen.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum en tijd. De datum retour format en tijd kunnen worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het kiezen van een datum. Het format van de datum kan worden aangepast via de veldinstellingen.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Een interactieve UI voor het selecteren van een kleur, of het opgeven van een hex waarde.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Een groep selectievakjes waarmee de gebruiker één of meerdere waarden kan selecteren die je opgeeft.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Een groep knoppen met waarden die je opgeeft, gebruikers kunnen één optie kiezen uit de opgegeven waarden.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Hiermee kun je aangepaste velden groeperen en organiseren in inklapbare panelen die worden getoond tijdens het bewerken van inhoud. Handig om grote datasets netjes te houden.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Dit biedt een oplossing voor het herhalen van inhoud zoals slides, teamleden en Call To Action tegels, door te fungeren als een hoofd voor een string sub velden die steeds opnieuw kunnen worden herhaald.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Dit biedt een interactieve interface voor het beheerder van een verzameling bijlagen. De meeste instellingen zijn vergelijkbaar met die van het veld type afbeelding. Met extra instellingen kun je aangeven waar nieuwe bijlagen in de galerij worden toegevoegd en het minimum/maximum aantal toegestane bijlagen.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Dit biedt een eenvoudige, gestructureerde, op lay-out gebaseerde editor. Met het veld flexibele inhoud kun je inhoud definiëren, creëren en beheren met volledige controle door lay-outs en sub velden te gebruiken om de beschikbare blokken vorm te geven.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Hiermee kun je bestaande velden selecteren en weergeven. Het dupliceert geen velden in de database, maar laadt en toont de geselecteerde velden bij run time. Het kloon veld kan zichzelf vervangen door de geselecteerde velden of de geselecteerde velden weergeven als een groep sub velden.','nounClone'=>'Kloon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Geavanceerd','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nieuwer)','Original'=>'Origineel','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ongeldig bericht ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling.','More'=>'Meer','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selecteer veld','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s','Popular fields'=>'Populaire velden','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Geen zoekresultaten voor \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Velden zoeken...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecteer veldtype','Popular'=>'Populair','Add Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie toevoegen','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Maak aangepaste taxonomieën aan om inhoud van berichttypen te classificeren','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Voeg je eerste taxonomie toe','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hiërarchische taxonomieën kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals categorieën).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Maakt een taxonomie zichtbaar op de voorkant en in de beheerder dashboard.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Eén of vele berichttypes die met deze taxonomie kunnen worden ingedeeld.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genres','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Stel dit berichttype bloot in de REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'De naam van de query variabele aanpassen','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Termen zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijvoorbeeld {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Hoofd sub termen in URL\'s voor hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor deze taxonomie zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de taxonomie sleutel als slug. Je permalinkstructuur zal zijn','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonomie sleutel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecteer het type permalink dat je voor deze taxonomie wil gebruiken.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Toon een kolom voor de taxonomie op de schermen voor het tonen van berichttypes.','Show Admin Column'=>'Toon beheerder kolom','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Toon de taxonomie in het snel/bulk bewerken paneel.','Quick Edit'=>'Snel bewerken','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Vermeld de taxonomie in de tag cloud widget besturing elementen.','Tag Cloud'=>'Tag cloud','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om taxonomie gegevens opgeslagen in een meta box te zuiveren.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta box sanitatie callback','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Een PHP functienaam die moet worden aangeroepen om de inhoud van een meta box op je taxonomie te verwerken.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Meta box callback registreren','No Meta Box'=>'Geen meta box','Custom Meta Box'=>'Aangepaste meta box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Bepaalt het meta box op het inhoud editor scherm. Standaard wordt het categorie meta box getoond voor hiërarchische taxonomieën, en het tags meta box voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Meta Box'=>'Meta box','Categories Meta Box'=>'Categorieën meta box','Tags Meta Box'=>'Tags meta box','A link to a tag'=>'Een link naar een tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Beschrijft een navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','A link to a %s'=>'Een link naar een %s','Tag Link'=>'Tag link','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Wijst een titel toe aan de navigatie link blok variatie gebruikt in de blok-editor.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ga naar tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt om terug te linken naar de hoofd index na het updaten van een term.','Back To Items'=>'Terug naar items','← Go to %s'=>'← Ga naar %s','Tags list'=>'Tags lijst','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de tabel.','Tags list navigation'=>'Tags lijst navigatie','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de verborgen koptekst van de paginering van de tabel.','Filter by category'=>'Filter op categorie','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan de filterknop in de lijst met berichten.','Filter By Item'=>'Filter op item','Filter by %s'=>'Filter op %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'De beschrijving is standaard niet prominent aanwezig; sommige thema\'s kunnen hem echter wel tonen.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het veld beschrijving in het scherm bewerken tags.','Description Field Description'=>'Omschrijving veld beschrijving','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Wijs een hoofdterm toe om een hiërarchie te creëren. De term jazz is bijvoorbeeld het hoofd van Bebop en Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het hoofd veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Parent Field Description'=>'Hoofdveld beschrijving','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'De "slug" is de URL vriendelijke versie van de naam. Het zijn meestal allemaal kleine letters en bevat alleen letters, cijfers en koppeltekens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het slug veld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug veld beschrijving','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'De naam is zoals hij op je site staat','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beschrijft het naamveld op het bewerken tags scherm.','Name Field Description'=>'Naamveld beschrijving','No tags'=>'Geen tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven in de tabellen met berichten en media lijsten als er geen tags of categorieën beschikbaar zijn.','No Terms'=>'Geen termen','No %s'=>'Geen %s','No tags found'=>'Geen tags gevonden','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Wijst de tekst toe die wordt weergegeven wanneer je klikt op de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst in het taxonomie meta box wanneer er geen tags beschikbaar zijn, en wijst de tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in de termen lijst tabel wanneer er geen items zijn voor een taxonomie.','Not Found'=>'Niet gevonden','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Wijst tekst toe aan het titelveld van de tab meest gebruikt.','Most Used'=>'Meest gebruikt','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte tags','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de \'kies uit meest gebruikte\' tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Kies uit de meest gebruikte %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Tags toevoegen of verwijderen','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Wijst de tekst voor het toevoegen of verwijderen van items toe die wordt gebruikt in het meta box wanneer JavaScript is uitgeschakeld. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Items toevoegen of verwijderen','Add or remove %s'=>'%s toevoegen of verwijderen','Separate tags with commas'=>'Scheid tags met komma\'s','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst de gescheiden item met komma\'s tekst toe die wordt gebruikt in het taxonomie meta box. Alleen gebruikt op niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Scheid items met komma\'s','Separate %s with commas'=>'Scheid %s met komma\'s','Popular Tags'=>'Populaire tags','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst populaire items tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt voor niet hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Popular Items'=>'Populaire items','Popular %s'=>'Populaire %s','Search Tags'=>'Tags zoeken','Assigns search items text.'=>'Wijst zoek items tekst toe.','Parent Category:'=>'Hoofdcategorie:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe, maar met een dubbele punt (:) toegevoegd aan het einde.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Hoofditem met dubbele punt','Parent Category'=>'Hoofdcategorie','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Wijst hoofd item tekst toe. Alleen gebruikt bij hiërarchische taxonomieën.','Parent Item'=>'Hoofditem','Parent %s'=>'Hoofd %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nieuwe tagnaam','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Wijst de nieuwe item naam tekst toe.','New Item Name'=>'Nieuw item naam','New %s Name'=>'Nieuwe %s naam','Add New Tag'=>'Nieuwe tag toevoegen','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het nieuwe item toe.','Update Tag'=>'Tag updaten','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van het update item toe.','Update Item'=>'Item updaten','Update %s'=>'%s updaten','View Tag'=>'Tag bekijken','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'In de toolbar om de term te bekijken tijdens het bewerken.','Edit Tag'=>'Tag bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een term.','All Tags'=>'Alle tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van alle items toe.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Wijst de tekst van de menu naam toe.','Menu Label'=>'Menulabel','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve taxonomieën zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de taxonomie.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van de term.','Term Description'=>'Term beschrijving','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en streepjes zijn toegestaan.','Term Slug'=>'Term slug','The name of the default term.'=>'De naam van de standaard term.','Term Name'=>'Term naam','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Maak een term aan voor de taxonomie die niet verwijderd kan worden. Deze zal niet standaard worden geselecteerd voor berichten.','Default Term'=>'Standaard term','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Of termen in deze taxonomie moeten worden gesorteerd in de volgorde waarin ze worden aangeleverd aan `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Termen sorteren','Add Post Type'=>'Berichttype toevoegen','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Breid de functionaliteit van WordPress uit tot meer dan standaard berichten en pagina\'s met aangepaste berichttypes.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Je eerste berichttype toevoegen','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Ik weet wat ik doe, laat me alle opties zien.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Geavanceerde configuratie','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hiërarchische bericht types kunnen afstammelingen hebben (zoals pagina\'s).','Hierarchical'=>'Hiërarchisch','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Zichtbaar op de voorkant en in het beheerder dashboard.','Public'=>'Publiek','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Alleen kleine letters, underscores en streepjes, maximaal 20 karakters.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Enkelvoudig label','Movies'=>'Films','Plural Label'=>'Meervoud label','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Optionele aangepaste controller om te gebruiken in plaats van `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Controller klasse','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'De namespace sectie van de REST API URL.','Namespace Route'=>'Namespace route','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'De basis URL voor de berichttype REST API URL\'s.','Base URL'=>'Basis URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Geeft dit berichttype weer in de REST API. Vereist om de blok-editor te gebruiken.','Show In REST API'=>'Weergeven in REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Pas de naam van de query variabele aan.','Query Variable'=>'Vraag variabele','No Query Variable Support'=>'Geen ondersteuning voor query variabele','Custom Query Variable'=>'Aangepaste query variabele','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Items zijn toegankelijk via de niet pretty permalink, bijv. {bericht_type}={bericht_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor query variabelen','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URL\'s voor een item en items kunnen worden benaderd met een query string.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Openbaar opvraagbaar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Aangepaste slug voor het archief URL.','Archive Slug'=>'Archief slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Heeft een item archief dat kan worden aangepast met een archief template bestand in je thema.','Archive'=>'Archief','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Paginatie ondersteuning voor de items URL\'s zoals de archieven.','Pagination'=>'Paginering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'RSS feed URL voor de items van het berichttype.','Feed URL'=>'Feed URL','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Wijzigt de permalink structuur om het `WP_Rewrite::$front` voorvoegsel toe te voegen aan URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Front URL voorvoegsel','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Pas de slug in de URL aan.','URL Slug'=>'URL slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalinks voor dit berichttype zijn uitgeschakeld.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met behulp van een aangepaste slug, gedefinieerd in de onderstaande invoer. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Geen permalink (voorkom URL herschrijving)','Custom Permalink'=>'Aangepaste permalink','Post Type Key'=>'Berichttype sleutel','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Herschrijf de URL met de berichttype sleutel als slug. Je permalink structuur zal zijn','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Permalink herschrijven','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Verwijder items van een gebruiker wanneer die gebruiker wordt verwijderd.','Delete With User'=>'Verwijder met gebruiker','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Laat het berichttype exporteren via \'Gereedschap\' > \'Exporteren\'.','Can Export'=>'Kan geëxporteerd worden','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Geef desgewenst een meervoud dat in rechten moet worden gebruikt.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Meervoudige rechten naam','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Kies een ander berichttype om de rechten voor dit berichttype te baseren.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Enkelvoudige rechten naam','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Standaard erven de rechten van het berichttype de namen van de \'Bericht\' rechten, bv. Edit_bericht, delete_berichten. Activeer om berichttype specifieke rechten te gebruiken, bijv. Edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Rechten hernoemen','Exclude From Search'=>'Uitsluiten van zoeken','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Sta toe dat items worden toegevoegd aan menu\'s in het scherm \'Weergave\' > \'Menu\'s\'. Moet ingeschakeld zijn in \'Scherminstellingen\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Ondersteuning voor weergave menu\'s','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Verschijnt als een item in het menu "Nieuw" in de toolbar.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Toon in toolbar','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Een PHP functie naam die moet worden aangeroepen bij het instellen van de meta boxen voor het bewerking scherm.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Aangepaste meta box callback','Menu Icon'=>'Menu pictogram','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'De positie in het zijbalk menu in het beheerder dashboard.','Menu Position'=>'Menu positie','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Standaard krijgt het berichttype een nieuw top niveau item in het beheerder menu. Als een bestaand top niveau item hier wordt aangeleverd, zal het berichttype worden toegevoegd als een submenu item eronder.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Beheerder hoofd menu','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Het pictogram dat wordt gebruikt voor het berichttype menu-item in het beheerder dashboard. Kan een URL of %s zijn om te gebruiken voor het pictogram.','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon klasse naam','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Beheerder editor navigatie in het zijbalk menu.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Toon in beheerder menu','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Items kunnen worden bewerkt en beheerd in het beheerder dashboard.','Show In UI'=>'Weergeven in UI','A link to a post.'=>'Een link naar een bericht.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Beschrijving voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link Description'=>'Item link beschrijving','A link to a %s.'=>'Een link naar een %s.','Post Link'=>'Bericht link','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Titel voor een navigatie link blok variatie.','Item Link'=>'Item link','%s Link'=>'%s link','Post updated.'=>'Bericht geüpdatet.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'In het editor bericht nadat een item is geüpdatet.','Item Updated'=>'Item geüpdatet','%s updated.'=>'%s geüpdatet.','Post scheduled.'=>'Bericht ingepland.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het plannen van een item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item gepland','%s scheduled.'=>'%s gepland.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Bericht teruggezet naar concept.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'In het editor bericht na het terugdraaien van een item naar concept.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item teruggezet naar concept','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s teruggezet naar het concept.','Post published privately.'=>'Bericht privé gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een privé item.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item privé gepubliceerd','%s published privately.'=>'%s privé gepubliceerd.','Post published.'=>'Bericht gepubliceerd.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'In het editor bericht na het publiceren van een item.','Item Published'=>'Item gepubliceerd','%s published.'=>'%s gepubliceerd.','Posts list'=>'Berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de item lijst op het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Items List'=>'Items lijst','%s list'=>'%s lijst','Posts list navigation'=>'Berichten lijst navigatie','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de paginering van de filter lijst op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Items List Navigation'=>'Items lijst navigatie','%s list navigation'=>'%s lijst navigatie','Filter posts by date'=>'Filter berichten op datum','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de filter op datum koptekst in de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filter items op datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filter %s op datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filter berichtenlijst','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Gebruikt door scherm lezers voor de koptekst filter links op het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes.','Filter Items List'=>'Filter itemlijst','Filter %s list'=>'Filter %s lijst','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'In het media modaal worden alle media getoond die naar dit item zijn geüpload.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Geüpload naar dit item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Geüpload naar deze %s','Insert into post'=>'Invoegen in bericht','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Als knop label bij het toevoegen van media aan inhoud.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Invoegen in media knop','Insert into %s'=>'Invoegen in %s','Use as featured image'=>'Gebruik als uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Als knop label voor het selecteren van een afbeelding als uitgelichte afbeelding.','Use Featured Image'=>'Gebruik uitgelichte afbeelding','Remove featured image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Als het knop label bij het verwijderen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Verwijder uitgelichte afbeelding','Set featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Als knop label bij het instellen van de uitgelichte afbeelding.','Set Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding instellen','Featured image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van de uitgelichte afbeelding meta box.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding meta box','Post Attributes'=>'Bericht attributen','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'In de editor gebruikt voor de titel van het bericht attributen meta box.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Attributen meta box','%s Attributes'=>'%s attributen','Post Archives'=>'Bericht archieven','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Voegt \'Berichttype archief\' items met dit label toe aan de lijst van berichten die getoond worden bij het toevoegen van items aan een bestaand menu in een CPT met archieven ingeschakeld. Verschijnt alleen bij het bewerken van menu\'s in \'Live voorbeeld\' modus en wanneer een aangepaste archief slug is opgegeven.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Archief nav menu','%s Archives'=>'%s archieven','No posts found in Trash'=>'Geen berichten gevonden in de prullenbak','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten in de prullenbak zitten.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Geen items gevonden in de prullenbak','No %s found in Trash'=>'Geen %s gevonden in de prullenbak','No posts found'=>'Geen berichten gevonden','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het scherm van de lijst met berichttypes wanneer er geen berichten zijn om weer te geven.','No Items Found'=>'Geen items gevonden','No %s found'=>'Geen %s gevonden','Search Posts'=>'Berichten zoeken','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het item scherm bij het zoeken naar een item.','Search Items'=>'Items zoeken','Search %s'=>'%s zoeken','Parent Page:'=>'Hoofdpagina:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Voor hiërarchische types in het scherm van de berichttypen lijst.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Hoofditem voorvoegsel','Parent %s:'=>'Hoofd %s:','New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht','New Item'=>'Nieuw item','New %s'=>'Nieuw %s','Add New Post'=>'Nieuw bericht toevoegen','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het toevoegen van een nieuw item.','Add New Item'=>'Nieuw item toevoegen','Add New %s'=>'Nieuwe %s toevoegen','View Posts'=>'Berichten bekijken','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Verschijnt in de toolbar in de weergave \'Alle berichten\', als het berichttype archieven ondersteunt en de voorpagina geen archief is van dat berichttype.','View Items'=>'Items bekijken','View Post'=>'Bericht bekijken','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'In de toolbar om het item te bekijken wanneer je het bewerkt.','View Item'=>'Item bekijken','View %s'=>'%s bekijken','Edit Post'=>'Bericht bewerken','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Aan de bovenkant van het editor scherm bij het bewerken van een item.','Edit Item'=>'Item bewerken','Edit %s'=>'%s bewerken','All Posts'=>'Alle berichten','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'In het sub menu van het berichttype in het beheerder dashboard.','All Items'=>'Alle items','All %s'=>'Alle %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Beheerder menu naam voor het berichttype.','Menu Name'=>'Menu naam','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Alle labels opnieuw genereren met behulp van de labels voor enkelvoud en meervoud','Regenerate'=>'Regenereren','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Actieve berichttypes zijn ingeschakeld en geregistreerd bij WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Een beschrijvende samenvatting van het berichttype.','Add Custom'=>'Aangepaste toevoegen','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Verschillende functies in de inhoud editor inschakelen.','Post Formats'=>'Berichtformaten','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te classificeren.','Browse Fields'=>'Bladeren door velden','Nothing to import'=>'Er is niets om te importeren','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. De Custom Post Type UI plugin kan worden gedeactiveerd.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d items geïmporteerd uit Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Kan taxonomieën niet importeren.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Kan berichttypen niet importeren.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Niets van extra berichttype UI plugin geselecteerd voor import.','Imported 1 item'=>'1 item geïmporteerd' . "\0" . '%s items geïmporteerd','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Als je een berichttype of taxonomie importeert met dezelfde sleutel als een reeds bestaand berichttype of taxonomie, worden de instellingen voor het bestaande berichttype of de bestaande taxonomie overschreven met die van de import.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'De volgende code kan worden gebruikt om een lokale versie van de geselecteerde items te registreren. Het lokaal opslaan van veldgroepen, berichttypen of taxonomieën kan veel voordelen bieden, zoals snellere laadtijden, versiebeheer en dynamische velden/instellingen. Kopieer en plak de volgende code in het functions.php bestand van je thema of neem het op in een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de ACF beheer.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exporteren - PHP genereren','Export'=>'Exporteren','Select Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën selecteren','Select Post Types'=>'Berichttypen selecteren','Exported 1 item.'=>'1 item geëxporteerd.' . "\0" . '%s items geëxporteerd.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s taxonomie aangemaakt','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s taxonomie geüpdatet','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomie concept geüpdatet.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomie ingepland voor.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomie ingediend.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomie opgeslagen.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomie verwijderd.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomie geüpdatet.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Deze taxonomie kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een andere taxonomie die door een andere plugin of thema is geregistreerd.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomie gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomie gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomie geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomieën geactiveerd.','Terms'=>'Termen','Post type synchronized.'=>'Berichttype gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Berichttype gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedupliceerd.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Berichttype gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd.','Post type activated.'=>'Berichttype geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s berichttypen geactiveerd.','Post Types'=>'Berichttypen','Advanced Settings'=>'Geavanceerde instellingen','Basic Settings'=>'Basisinstellingen','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit berichttype kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat de sleutel ervan in gebruik is door een ander berichttype dat door een andere plugin of een ander thema is geregistreerd.','Pages'=>'Pagina\'s','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Link bestaande veld groepen','%s post type created'=>'%s berichttype aangemaakt','Add fields to %s'=>'Velden toevoegen aan %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s berichttype geüpdatet','Post type draft updated.'=>'Berichttype concept geüpdatet.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Berichttype ingepland voor.','Post type submitted.'=>'Berichttype ingediend.','Post type saved.'=>'Berichttype opgeslagen.','Post type updated.'=>'Berichttype geüpdatet.','Post type deleted.'=>'Berichttype verwijderd.','Type to search...'=>'Typ om te zoeken...','PRO Only'=>'Alleen in PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importeer berichttypen en taxonomieën die zijn geregistreerd met extra berichttype UI en beheerder ze met ACF. Aan de slag.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'berichttype','Done'=>'Klaar','Field Group(s)'=>'Veld groep(en)','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt.' . "\0" . 'Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registratie mislukt','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Rechten','URLs'=>'URL\'s','Visibility'=>'Zichtbaarheid','Labels'=>'Labels','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Tabs voor veldinstellingen','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]','Close Modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Field moved to other group'=>'Veld verplaatst naar andere groep','Close modal'=>'Modal sluiten','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Begin een nieuwe groep van tabs bij dit tab.','New Tab Group'=>'Nieuwe tabgroep','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Een gestileerde checkbox gebruiken met select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze opslaan','Allow Other Choice'=>'Andere keuze toestaan','Add Toggle All'=>'Toevoegen toggle alle','Save Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden opslaan','Allow Custom Values'=>'Aangepaste waarden toestaan','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Aangepaste waarden van het selectievakje mogen niet leeg zijn. Vink lege waarden uit.','Updates'=>'Updates','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Advanced Custom Fields logo','Save Changes'=>'Wijzigingen opslaan','Field Group Title'=>'Veldgroep titel','Add title'=>'Titel toevoegen','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Ben je nieuw bij ACF? Bekijk onze startersgids.','Add Field Group'=>'Veldgroep toevoegen','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF gebruikt veldgroepen om aangepaste velden te groeperen, en die velden vervolgens te koppelen aan bewerkingsschermen.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Voeg je eerste veldgroep toe','Options Pages'=>'Opties pagina\'s','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF blokken','Gallery Field'=>'Galerij veld','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibel inhoudsveld','Repeater Field'=>'Herhaler veld','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Ontgrendel extra functies met ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Veldgroep verwijderen','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Gemaakt op %1$s om %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Groepsinstellingen','Location Rules'=>'Locatieregels','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Kies uit meer dan 30 veldtypes. Meer informatie.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Ga aan de slag met het maken van nieuwe aangepaste velden voor je berichten, pagina\'s, extra berichttypes en andere WordPress inhoud.','Add Your First Field'=>'Voeg je eerste veld toe','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Veld toevoegen','Presentation'=>'Presentatie','Validation'=>'Validatie','General'=>'Algemeen','Import JSON'=>'JSON importeren','Export As JSON'=>'Als JSON exporteren','Field group deactivated.'=>'Veldgroep gedeactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd.','Field group activated.'=>'Veldgroep geactiveerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen geactiveerd.','Deactivate'=>'Deactiveren','Deactivate this item'=>'Deactiveer dit item','Activate'=>'Activeren','Activate this item'=>'Activeer dit item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactief','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch gedeactiveerd.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields en Advanced Custom Fields PRO kunnen niet tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields automatisch gedeactiveerd.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - We hebben een of meer aanroepen gedetecteerd om ACF veldwaarden op te halen voordat ACF is geïnitialiseerd. Dit wordt niet ondersteund en kan leiden tot verkeerd ingedeelde of ontbrekende gegevens. Meer informatie over hoe je dit kunt oplossen..','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met de rol %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een gebruiker hebben met een van de volgende rollen %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig gebruikers ID hebben.','Invalid request.'=>'Ongeldige aanvraag.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s is niet een van %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet term %2$s hebben.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet een van de volgende termen hebben %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s moet van het berichttype %2$s zijn.' . "\0" . '%1$s moet van een van de volgende berichttypes zijn %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s moet een geldig bericht ID hebben.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s vereist een geldig bijlage ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Toon in REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Transparantie inschakelen','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA string','Hex String'=>'Hex string','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Upgrade naar PRO','post statusActive'=>'Actief','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' is geen geldig e-mailadres','Color value'=>'Kleurwaarde','Select default color'=>'Selecteer standaardkleur','Clear color'=>'Kleur wissen','Blocks'=>'Blokken','Options'=>'Opties','Users'=>'Gebruikers','Menu items'=>'Menu-items','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Bijlagen','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomieën','Posts'=>'Berichten','Last updated: %s'=>'Laatst geüpdatet: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s).','Awaiting save'=>'In afwachting van opslaan','Saved'=>'Opgeslagen','Import'=>'Importeren','Review changes'=>'Beoordeel wijzigingen','Located in: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Bevindt zich in thema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synchroniseer wijzigingen','Loading diff'=>'Diff laden','Review local JSON changes'=>'Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen','Visit website'=>'Bezoek site','View details'=>'Details bekijken','Version %s'=>'Versie %s','Information'=>'Informatie','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Helpdesk. De ondersteuning professionals op onze helpdesk zullen je helpen met meer diepgaande, technische uitdagingen.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussies. We hebben een actieve en vriendelijke community op onze community forums die je misschien kunnen helpen met de \'how-tos\' van de ACF wereld.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentatie. Onze uitgebreide documentatie bevat referenties en handleidingen voor de meeste situaties die je kunt tegenkomen.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Wij zijn fanatiek in ondersteuning en willen dat je met ACF het beste uit je site haalt. Als je problemen ondervindt, zijn er verschillende plaatsen waar je hulp kan vinden:','Help & Support'=>'Hulp & ondersteuning','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Gebruik de tab Hulp & ondersteuning om contact op te nemen als je hulp nodig hebt.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Voordat je je eerste veldgroep maakt, raden we je aan om eerst onze Aan de slag gids te lezen om je vertrouwd te maken met de filosofie en best practices van de plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'De Advanced Custom Fields plugin biedt een visuele formulierbouwer om WordPress bewerkingsschermen aan te passen met extra velden, en een intuïtieve API om aangepaste veldwaarden weer te geven in elk thema template bestand.','Overview'=>'Overzicht','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Locatietype "%s" is al geregistreerd.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasse "%s" bestaat niet.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ongeldige nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Fout tijdens laden van veld.','Location not found: %s'=>'Locatie niet gevonden: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fout: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Gebruikersrol','Comment'=>'Reactie','Post Format'=>'Berichtformat','Menu Item'=>'Menu-item','Post Status'=>'Berichtstatus','Menus'=>'Menu\'s','Menu Locations'=>'Menulocaties','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Bericht taxonomie','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Subpagina (heeft hoofdpagina)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Hoofdpagina (heeft subpagina\'s)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagina op hoogste niveau (geen hoofdpagina)','Posts Page'=>'Berichtenpagina','Front Page'=>'Voorpagina','Page Type'=>'Paginatype','Viewing back end'=>'Back-end aan het bekijken','Viewing front end'=>'Front-end aan het bekijken','Logged in'=>'Ingelogd','Current User'=>'Huidige gebruiker','Page Template'=>'Pagina template','Register'=>'Registreren','Add / Edit'=>'Toevoegen / bewerken','User Form'=>'Gebruikersformulier','Page Parent'=>'Hoofdpagina','Super Admin'=>'Superbeheerder','Current User Role'=>'Huidige gebruikersrol','Default Template'=>'Standaard template','Post Template'=>'Bericht template','Post Category'=>'Berichtcategorie','All %s formats'=>'Alle %s formats','Attachment'=>'Bijlage','%s value is required'=>'%s waarde is verplicht','Show this field if'=>'Toon dit veld als','Conditional Logic'=>'Voorwaardelijke logica','and'=>'en','Local JSON'=>'Lokale JSON','Clone Field'=>'Veld klonen','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Controleer ook of alle premium add-ons (%s) zijn geüpdatet naar de nieuwste versie.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Deze versie bevat verbeteringen voor je database en vereist een upgrade.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Bedankt voor het updaten naar %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Database-upgrade vereist','Options Page'=>'Opties pagina','Gallery'=>'Galerij','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibele inhoud','Repeater'=>'Herhaler','Back to all tools'=>'Terug naar alle gereedschappen','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Als er meerdere veldgroepen op een bewerkingsscherm verschijnen, dan worden de opties van de eerste veldgroep gebruikt (degene met het laagste volgorde nummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecteer items om ze te verbergen in het bewerkingsscherm.','Hide on screen'=>'Verberg op scherm','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks verzenden','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorieën','Page Attributes'=>'Pagina attributen','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Auteur','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisies','Comments'=>'Reacties','Discussion'=>'Discussie','Excerpt'=>'Samenvatting','Content Editor'=>'Inhoudseditor','Permalink'=>'Permalink','Shown in field group list'=>'Weergegeven in lijst met veldgroepen','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Veldgroepen met een lagere volgorde verschijnen als eerste','Order No.'=>'Volgorde nr.','Below fields'=>'Onder velden','Below labels'=>'Onder labels','Instruction Placement'=>'Instructie plaatsing','Label Placement'=>'Label plaatsing','Side'=>'Zijkant','Normal (after content)'=>'Normaal (na inhoud)','High (after title)'=>'Hoog (na titel)','Position'=>'Positie','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Naadloos (geen meta box)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standaard (met metabox)','Style'=>'Stijl','Type'=>'Type','Key'=>'Sleutel','Order'=>'Volgorde','Close Field'=>'Veld sluiten','id'=>'ID','class'=>'klasse','width'=>'breedte','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Wrapper attributen','Required'=>'Vereist','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens','Instructions'=>'Instructies','Field Type'=>'Veldtype','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan','Field Name'=>'Veldnaam','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen','Field Label'=>'Veldlabel','Delete'=>'Verwijderen','Delete field'=>'Veld verwijderen','Move'=>'Verplaatsen','Move field to another group'=>'Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen','Duplicate field'=>'Veld dupliceren','Edit field'=>'Veld bewerken','Drag to reorder'=>'Sleep om te herschikken','Show this field group if'=>'Deze veldgroep weergeven als','No updates available.'=>'Er zijn geen updates beschikbaar.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Bekijk wat er nieuw is','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Upgradetaken lezen...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Upgrade mislukt.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Upgrade afgerond.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Gegevens upgraden naar versie %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Het is sterk aan te raden om eerst een back-up van de database te maken voordat je de update uitvoert. Weet je zeker dat je de update nu wilt uitvoeren?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecteer ten minste één site om te upgraden.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Database upgrade afgerond. Terug naar netwerk dashboard','Site is up to date'=>'Site is up-to-date','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site vereist database upgrade van %1$s naar %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Sites upgraden','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'De volgende sites vereisen een upgrade van de database. Selecteer de sites die je wilt updaten en klik vervolgens op %s.','Add rule group'=>'Regelgroep toevoegen','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Maak een set met regels aan om te bepalen welke aangepaste schermen deze extra velden zullen gebruiken','Rules'=>'Regels','Copied'=>'Gekopieerd','Copy to clipboard'=>'Naar klembord kopiëren','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecteer de items die je wilt exporteren en selecteer dan je export methode. Exporteer als JSON om te exporteren naar een .json bestand dat je vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen.','Select Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen selecteren','No field groups selected'=>'Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd','Generate PHP'=>'PHP genereren','Export Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen exporteren','Import file empty'=>'Importbestand is leeg','Incorrect file type'=>'Onjuist bestandstype','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fout bij uploaden van bestand. Probeer het opnieuw','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecteer het Advanced Custom Fields JSON bestand dat je wilt importeren. Wanneer je op de onderstaande import knop klikt, importeert ACF de items in dat bestand.','Import Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen importeren','Sync'=>'Sync','Select %s'=>'Selecteer %s','Duplicate'=>'Dupliceren','Duplicate this item'=>'Dit item dupliceren','Supports'=>'Ondersteunt','Documentation'=>'Documentatie','Description'=>'Beschrijving','Sync available'=>'Synchronisatie beschikbaar','Field group synchronized.'=>'Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd.' . "\0" . '%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Veldgroep gedupliceerd.' . "\0" . '%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd.','Active (%s)'=>'Actief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Actief (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Beoordeel sites & upgrade','Upgrade Database'=>'Database upgraden','Custom Fields'=>'Aangepaste velden','Move Field'=>'Veld verplaatsen','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecteer de bestemming voor dit veld','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep','Move Complete.'=>'Verplaatsen afgerond.','Active'=>'Actief','Field Keys'=>'Veldsleutels','Settings'=>'Instellingen','Location'=>'Locatie','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopie','(this field)'=>'(dit veld)','Checked'=>'Aangevinkt','Move Custom Field'=>'Aangepast veld verplaatsen','No toggle fields available'=>'Geen toggle velden beschikbaar','Field group title is required'=>'Veldgroep titel is vereist','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'De string "field_" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan','Field group draft updated.'=>'Veldgroep concept geüpdatet.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Veldgroep gepland voor.','Field group submitted.'=>'Veldgroep ingediend.','Field group saved.'=>'Veldgroep opgeslagen.','Field group published.'=>'Veldgroep gepubliceerd.','Field group deleted.'=>'Veldgroep verwijderd.','Field group updated.'=>'Veldgroep geüpdatet.','Tools'=>'Gereedschap','is not equal to'=>'is niet gelijk aan','is equal to'=>'is gelijk aan','Forms'=>'Formulieren','Page'=>'Pagina','Post'=>'Bericht','Relational'=>'Relationeel','Choice'=>'Keuze','Basic'=>'Basis','Unknown'=>'Onbekend','Field type does not exist'=>'Veldtype bestaat niet','Spam Detected'=>'Spam gevonden','Post updated'=>'Bericht geüpdatet','Update'=>'Updaten','Validate Email'=>'E-mailadres valideren','Content'=>'Inhoud','Title'=>'Titel','Edit field group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Selection is less than'=>'Selectie is minder dan','Selection is greater than'=>'Selectie is groter dan','Value is less than'=>'Waarde is minder dan','Value is greater than'=>'Waarde is groter dan','Value contains'=>'Waarde bevat','Value matches pattern'=>'Waarde komt overeen met patroon','Value is not equal to'=>'Waarde is niet gelijk aan','Value is equal to'=>'Waarde is gelijk aan','Has no value'=>'Heeft geen waarde','Has any value'=>'Heeft een waarde','Cancel'=>'Annuleren','Are you sure?'=>'Weet je het zeker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d velden vereisen aandacht','1 field requires attention'=>'1 veld vereist aandacht','Validation failed'=>'Validatie mislukt','Validation successful'=>'Validatie geslaagd','Restricted'=>'Beperkt','Collapse Details'=>'Details dichtklappen','Expand Details'=>'Details uitklappen','Uploaded to this post'=>'Geüpload naar dit bericht','verbUpdate'=>'Updaten','verbEdit'=>'Bewerken','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat','File type must be %s.'=>'Het bestandstype moet %s zijn.','or'=>'of','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte mag niet groter zijn dan %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'De bestandsgrootte moet minimaal %s zijn.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding mag niet hoger zijn dan %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'De hoogte van de afbeelding moet minimaal %dpx zijn.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding mag niet groter zijn dan %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'De breedte van de afbeelding moet ten minste %dpx zijn.','(no title)'=>'(geen titel)','Full Size'=>'Volledige grootte','Large'=>'Groot','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Thumbnail','(no label)'=>'(geen label)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Bepaalt de hoogte van het tekstgebied','Rows'=>'Rijen','Text Area'=>'Tekstgebied','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Voeg ervoor een extra selectievakje toe om alle keuzes te togglen','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Sla \'aangepaste\' waarden op in de keuzes van het veld','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Toestaan dat \'aangepaste\' waarden worden toegevoegd','Add new choice'=>'Nieuwe keuze toevoegen','Toggle All'=>'Toggle alles','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Archief URL\'s toestaan','Archives'=>'Archieven','Page Link'=>'Pagina link','Add'=>'Toevoegen','Name'=>'Naam','%s added'=>'%s toegevoegd','%s already exists'=>'%s bestaat al','User unable to add new %s'=>'Gebruiker kan geen nieuwe %s toevoegen','Term ID'=>'Term ID','Term Object'=>'Term object','Load value from posts terms'=>'Laad waarde van bericht termen','Load Terms'=>'Laad termen','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Geselecteerde termen aan het bericht koppelen','Save Terms'=>'Termen opslaan','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Toestaan dat nieuwe termen worden gemaakt tijdens het bewerken','Create Terms'=>'Termen maken','Radio Buttons'=>'Keuzerondjes','Single Value'=>'Eén waarde','Multi Select'=>'Multi selecteren','Checkbox'=>'Selectievakje','Multiple Values'=>'Meerdere waarden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecteer de weergave van dit veld','Appearance'=>'Weergave','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecteer de taxonomie die moet worden weergegeven','No TermsNo %s'=>'Geen %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of lager zijn dan %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'De waarde moet gelijk zijn aan of hoger zijn dan %d','Value must be a number'=>'Waarde moet een getal zijn','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'\'Andere\' waarden opslaan in de keuzes van het veld','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Voeg de keuze \'overig\' toe om aangepaste waarden toe te staan','Other'=>'Ander','Radio Button'=>'Keuzerondje','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definieer een endpoint waar de vorige accordeon moet stoppen. Deze accordeon is niet zichtbaar.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Deze accordeon openen zonder anderen te sluiten.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi uitvouwen','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Geef deze accordeon weer als geopend bij het laden van de pagina.','Open'=>'Openen','Accordion'=>'Accordeon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke bestanden kunnen worden geüpload','File ID'=>'Bestands ID','File URL'=>'Bestands URL','File Array'=>'Bestands array','Add File'=>'Bestand toevoegen','No file selected'=>'Geen bestand geselecteerd','File name'=>'Bestandsnaam','Update File'=>'Bestand updaten','Edit File'=>'Bestand bewerken','Select File'=>'Bestand selecteren','File'=>'Bestand','Password'=>'Wachtwoord','Specify the value returned'=>'Geef de geretourneerde waarde op','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Ajax gebruiken om keuzes te lazy-loaden?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Zet elke standaardwaarde op een nieuwe regel','verbSelect'=>'Selecteren','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laden mislukt','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Zoeken…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Meer resultaten laden…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Je kunt slechts %d items selecteren','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Je kan slechts 1 item selecteren','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Verwijder %d tekens','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Verwijder 1 teken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Voer %d of meer tekens in','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Voer 1 of meer tekens in','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultaten zijn beschikbaar, gebruik de pijltoetsen omhoog en omlaag om te navigeren.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Er is één resultaat beschikbaar, druk op enter om het te selecteren.','nounSelect'=>'Selecteer','User ID'=>'Gebruikers-ID','User Object'=>'Gebruikersobject','User Array'=>'Gebruiker array','All user roles'=>'Alle gebruikersrollen','Filter by Role'=>'Filter op rol','User'=>'Gebruiker','Separator'=>'Scheidingsteken','Select Color'=>'Selecteer kleur','Default'=>'Standaard','Clear'=>'Wissen','Color Picker'=>'Kleurkiezer','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecteer','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tijdzone','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microseconde','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milliseconde','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Seconde','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Uur','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tijd','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Kies tijd','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum tijd kiezer','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Links uitgelijnd','Top aligned'=>'Boven uitgelijnd','Placement'=>'Plaatsing','Tab'=>'Tab','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Waarde moet een geldige URL zijn','Link URL'=>'Link URL','Link Array'=>'Link array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Opent in een nieuw venster/tab','Select Link'=>'Link selecteren','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mailadres','Step Size'=>'Stapgrootte','Maximum Value'=>'Maximale waarde','Minimum Value'=>'Minimum waarde','Range'=>'Bereik','Both (Array)'=>'Beide (array)','Label'=>'Label','Value'=>'Waarde','Vertical'=>'Verticaal','Horizontal'=>'Horizontaal','red : Red'=>'rood : Rood','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Voor meer controle kan je zowel een waarde als een label als volgt specificeren:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Voer elke keuze in op een nieuwe regel.','Choices'=>'Keuzes','Button Group'=>'Knopgroep','Allow Null'=>'Null toestaan','Parent'=>'Hoofd','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE wordt niet geïnitialiseerd totdat er op het veld wordt geklikt','Delay Initialization'=>'Initialisatie uitstellen','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Media upload knoppen weergeven','Toolbar'=>'Toolbar','Text Only'=>'Alleen tekst','Visual Only'=>'Alleen visueel','Visual & Text'=>'Visueel & tekst','Tabs'=>'Tabs','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klik om TinyMCE te initialiseren','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekst','Visual'=>'Visueel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'De waarde mag niet langer zijn dan %d karakters','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Laat leeg voor geen limiet','Character Limit'=>'Karakterlimiet','Appears after the input'=>'Verschijnt na de invoer','Append'=>'Toevoegen','Appears before the input'=>'Verschijnt vóór de invoer','Prepend'=>'Voorvoegen','Appears within the input'=>'Wordt weergegeven in de invoer','Placeholder Text'=>'Plaatshouder tekst','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wordt weergegeven bij het maken van een nieuw bericht','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selectie' . "\0" . '%1$s vereist minimaal %2$s selecties','Post ID'=>'Bericht ID','Post Object'=>'Bericht object','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximum aantal berichten','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum aantal berichten','Featured Image'=>'Uitgelichte afbeelding','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Geselecteerde elementen worden weergegeven in elk resultaat','Elements'=>'Elementen','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Berichttype','Filters'=>'Filters','All taxonomies'=>'Alle taxonomieën','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filter op taxonomie','All post types'=>'Alle berichttypen','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filter op berichttype','Search...'=>'Zoeken...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie selecteren','Select post type'=>'Selecteer berichttype','No matches found'=>'Geen overeenkomsten gevonden','Loading'=>'Laden','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximale waarden bereikt ( {max} waarden )','Relationship'=>'Verwantschap','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Komma gescheiden lijst. Laat leeg voor alle typen','Allowed File Types'=>'Toegestane bestandstypen','Maximum'=>'Maximum','File size'=>'Bestandsgrootte','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Beperken welke afbeeldingen kunnen worden geüpload','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Geüpload naar bericht','All'=>'Alle','Limit the media library choice'=>'Beperk de keuze van de mediabibliotheek','Library'=>'Bibliotheek','Preview Size'=>'Voorbeeld grootte','Image ID'=>'Afbeelding ID','Image URL'=>'Afbeelding URL','Image Array'=>'Afbeelding array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'De geretourneerde waarde op de front-end opgeven','Return Value'=>'Retour waarde','Add Image'=>'Afbeelding toevoegen','No image selected'=>'Geen afbeelding geselecteerd','Remove'=>'Verwijderen','Edit'=>'Bewerken','All images'=>'Alle afbeeldingen','Update Image'=>'Afbeelding updaten','Edit Image'=>'Afbeelding bewerken','Select Image'=>'Selecteer afbeelding','Image'=>'Afbeelding','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Sta toe dat HTML markeringen worden weergegeven als zichtbare tekst in plaats van als weergave','Escape HTML'=>'HTML escapen','No Formatting'=>'Geen opmaak','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatisch <br> toevoegen;','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatisch alinea\'s toevoegen','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Bepaalt hoe nieuwe regels worden weergegeven','New Lines'=>'Nieuwe regels','Week Starts On'=>'Week begint op','The format used when saving a value'=>'Het format dat wordt gebruikt bij het opslaan van een waarde','Save Format'=>'Format opslaan','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Vorige','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Volgende','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Vandaag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klaar','Date Picker'=>'Datumkiezer','Width'=>'Breedte','Embed Size'=>'Insluit grootte','Enter URL'=>'URL invoeren','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst getoond indien inactief','Off Text'=>'Uit tekst','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst getoond indien actief','On Text'=>'Op tekst','Stylized UI'=>'Gestileerde UI','Default Value'=>'Standaardwaarde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Toont tekst naast het selectievakje','Message'=>'Bericht','No'=>'Nee','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Rij','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Geef de stijl op die wordt gebruikt om de geselecteerde velden weer te geven','Layout'=>'Lay-out','Sub Fields'=>'Subvelden','Group'=>'Groep','Customize the map height'=>'De kaarthoogte aanpassen','Height'=>'Hoogte','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Het initiële zoomniveau instellen','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'De eerste kaart centreren','Center'=>'Midden','Search for address...'=>'Zoek naar adres...','Find current location'=>'Huidige locatie opzoeken','Clear location'=>'Locatie wissen','Search'=>'Zoeken','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Deze browser ondersteunt geen geolocatie','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Het format dat wordt geretourneerd via templatefuncties','Return Format'=>'Retour format','Custom:'=>'Aangepast:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Het format dat wordt weergegeven bij het bewerken van een bericht','Display Format'=>'Weergave format','Time Picker'=>'Tijdkiezer','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactief (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactief (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak','No Fields found'=>'Geen velden gevonden','Search Fields'=>'Velden zoeken','View Field'=>'Veld bekijken','New Field'=>'Nieuw veld','Edit Field'=>'Veld bewerken','Add New Field'=>'Nieuw veld toevoegen','Field'=>'Veld','Fields'=>'Velden','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak','No Field Groups found'=>'Geen veldgroepen gevonden','Search Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen zoeken','View Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bekijken','New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep','Edit Field Group'=>'Veldgroep bewerken','Add New Field Group'=>'Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen','Add New'=>'Nieuwe toevoegen','Field Group'=>'Veldgroep','Field Groups'=>'Veldgroepen','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Pas WordPress aan met krachtige, professionele en intuïtieve velden.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.mo
index 98548144..bc81cc17 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.po
index c7ad89a7..cab7da9b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-nl_NL_formal.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: nl_NL_formal\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,43 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF velden"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "Leer hoe je dit kan oplossen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO functie"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO om te ontgrendelen"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "Vernieuw PRO licentie"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "PRO velden kunnen niet bewerkt worden zonder een actieve licentie."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+"Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om veldgroepen toegewezen aan een ACF blok te "
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "Activeer je ACF PRO licentie om deze optiepagina te bewerken."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -59,10 +96,6 @@ msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
"Neem contact op met je sitebeheerder of ontwikkelaar voor meer informatie."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Leer meer"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Verberg details"
@@ -126,10 +159,10 @@ msgstr "4 maanden gratis"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Overgenomen van %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Gekopieerd van %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Opties pagina's selecteren"
@@ -162,8 +195,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Velden toevoegen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Dit veld"
@@ -186,7 +219,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "is ontwikkeld en wordt onderhouden door"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
"Voeg deze %s toe aan de locatieregels van de geselecteerde veldgroepen."
@@ -330,34 +363,34 @@ msgstr "Ontgrendel geavanceerde functies en bouw nog meer met ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Geen termen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Geen berichttypen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Geen berichten"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Geen taxonomieën"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Geen veld groepen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Geen velden"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Geen beschrijving"
@@ -810,37 +843,33 @@ msgstr "Ongeldig berichttype geselecteerd voor beoordeling."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Meer"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Beschikbaar in ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selecteer veld"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Probeer een andere zoekterm of blader door %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Populaire velden"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Geen zoekresultaten voor '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Velden zoeken..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selecteer veldtype"
@@ -2479,7 +2508,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Selecteer bestaande taxonomieën om items van het berichttype te "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Bladeren door velden"
@@ -2532,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importeer vanuit Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2549,15 +2578,15 @@ msgstr ""
"een extern bestand, en deactiveer of verwijder vervolgens de items uit de "
"ACF beheer."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exporteren - PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
@@ -2565,7 +2594,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën selecteren"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Berichttypen selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "1 item geëxporteerd."
@@ -2617,7 +2646,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomie verwijderd."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomie geüpdatet."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2628,67 +2657,67 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomie geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomieën geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termen"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gedupliceerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Berichttype geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s berichttypen geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2706,7 +2735,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Basisinstellingen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2721,7 +2750,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagina's"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Link bestaande veld groepen"
@@ -2765,16 +2794,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Berichttype verwijderd."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Typ om te zoeken..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Alleen in PRO"
@@ -2797,44 +2826,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "berichttype"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klaar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Veld groep(en)"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Selecteer één of meerdere veldgroepen..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Selecteer de veldgroepen om te linken."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep succesvol gelinkt."
msgstr[1] "Veldgroepen succesvol gelinkt."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Registratie mislukt"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2842,31 +2871,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Dit item kon niet worden geregistreerd omdat zijn sleutel in gebruik is door "
"een ander item geregistreerd door een andere plugin of thema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Rechten"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL's"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Zichtbaarheid"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
@@ -2887,14 +2916,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[ACF shortcode waarde uitgeschakeld voor voorbeeld]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Modal sluiten"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Veld verplaatst naar andere groep"
@@ -3079,8 +3108,8 @@ msgstr "Presentatie"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validatie"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Algemeen"
@@ -3088,49 +3117,49 @@ msgstr "Algemeen"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "JSON importeren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Als JSON exporteren"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedeactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedeactiveerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep geactiveerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen geactiveerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Deactiveer dit item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activeer dit item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Veldgroep naar prullenbak verplaatsen?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3143,7 +3172,7 @@ msgstr "Inactief"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3152,7 +3181,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tegelijkertijd actief zijn. We hebben Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatisch "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3234,7 +3263,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA string"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex string"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Upgrade naar PRO"
@@ -3286,8 +3315,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bijlagen"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3297,7 +3326,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomieën"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3316,49 +3345,49 @@ msgstr "Dit bericht is niet beschikbaar voor verschil vergelijking."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Ongeldige veldgroep parameter(s)."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "In afwachting van opslaan"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Opgeslagen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Beoordeel wijzigingen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Bevindt zich in thema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Diverse"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synchroniseer wijzigingen"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Diff laden"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Lokale JSON wijzigingen beoordelen"
@@ -3620,7 +3649,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Toon dit veld als"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
@@ -3629,9 +3658,9 @@ msgstr "Voorwaardelijke logica"
msgid "and"
msgstr "en"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokale JSON"
@@ -3826,9 +3855,9 @@ msgstr "Stijl"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Sleutel"
@@ -3839,23 +3868,23 @@ msgstr "Sleutel"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Volgorde"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Veld sluiten"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klasse"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "breedte"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
@@ -3863,68 +3892,68 @@ msgstr "Wrapper attributen"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Vereist"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instructies voor auteurs. Wordt getoond bij het indienen van gegevens"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instructies"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Veldtype"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Eén woord, geen spaties. Underscores en verbindingsstrepen toegestaan"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Dit is de naam die op de BEWERK pagina zal verschijnen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Veldlabel"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Veld verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Veld naar een andere groep verplaatsen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Veld dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Sleep om te herschikken"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Deze veldgroep weergeven als"
@@ -4026,15 +4055,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regels"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Gekopieerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Naar klembord kopiëren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -4046,22 +4075,22 @@ msgstr ""
"vervolgens kunt importeren in een andere ACF installatie. Genereer PHP om te "
"exporteren naar PHP code die je in je thema kunt plaatsen."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen selecteren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen geselecteerd"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP genereren"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen exporteren"
@@ -4090,22 +4119,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen importeren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecteer %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliceren"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
@@ -4113,13 +4142,14 @@ msgstr "Dit item dupliceren"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Ondersteunt"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentatie"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4128,26 +4158,26 @@ msgstr "Documentatie"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronisatie beschikbaar"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gesynchroniseerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veld groepen gesynchroniseerd."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Veldgroep gedupliceerd."
msgstr[1] "%s veldgroepen gedupliceerd."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Actief (%s)"
@@ -4188,7 +4218,7 @@ msgstr "Het %1$s veld is nu te vinden in de %2$s veldgroep"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Verplaatsen afgerond."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4203,7 +4233,7 @@ msgstr "Veldsleutels"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locatie"
@@ -4215,14 +4245,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopie"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(dit veld)"
@@ -4233,14 +4263,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Aangevinkt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Aangepast veld verplaatsen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Geen toggle velden beschikbaar"
@@ -4249,15 +4279,15 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Veldgroep titel is vereist"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Dit veld kan niet worden verplaatst totdat de wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "De string \"field_\" mag niet voor de veldnaam staan"
@@ -4425,8 +4455,8 @@ msgstr "Heeft geen waarde"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Heeft een waarde"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
@@ -4436,24 +4466,24 @@ msgstr "Annuleren"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d velden vereisen aandacht"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 veld vereist aandacht"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validatie mislukt"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validatie geslaagd"
@@ -4489,8 +4519,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bewerken"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "De aangebrachte wijzigingen gaan verloren als je deze pagina verlaat"
@@ -4503,10 +4533,10 @@ msgstr "Het bestandstype moet %s zijn."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "of"
@@ -4556,8 +4586,8 @@ msgstr "Thumbnail"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(geen label)"
@@ -5525,7 +5555,7 @@ msgstr "Geen afbeelding geselecteerd"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5847,92 +5877,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Tijdkiezer"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactief (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactief (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden in de prullenbak"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Geen velden gevonden"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Velden zoeken"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Veld bekijken"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Veld bewerken"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Nieuw veld toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Veld"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Velden"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden in de prullenbak"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Geen veldgroepen gevonden"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen zoeken"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bekijken"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep bewerken"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Nieuwe veldgroep toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Nieuwe toevoegen"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Veldgroep"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Veldgroepen"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.l10n.php
index 5b31667d..1dab0477 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pl_PL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Learn more'=>'Dowiedz się więcej','Hide details'=>'Ukryj szczegóły','Show details'=>'Pokaż szczegóły','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - wyświetlane przez %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Odnów licencję ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Odnów licencję','Manage License'=>'Zarządzaj licencją','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'Pozycja „Wysoka” nie jest obsługiwana w edytorze blokowym.','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Kup ACF-a PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'Strony opcji ACF-a to własne strony administracyjne umożliwiające zarządzanie globalnymi ustawieniami za pomocą pól. Można tworzyć wiele stron i podstron.','Add Options Page'=>'Dodaj stronę opcji','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tekst zastępczy tytułu.','Title Placeholder'=>'Placeholder (tekst zastępczy) tytułu','4 Months Free'=>'4 miesiące za darmo',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (zduplikowane z %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Wybierz strony opcji','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplikuj taksonomię','Create taxonomy'=>'Utwórz taksonomię','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplikuj typ treści','Create post type'=>'Utwórz typ treści','Link field groups'=>'Powiąż grupy pól','Add fields'=>'Dodaj pola','This Field'=>'To pole','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Uwagi','Support'=>'Pomoc techniczna','is developed and maintained by'=>'jest rozwijany i utrzymywany przez','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Dodaj ten element (%s) do reguł lokalizacji wybranych grup pól.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Włączenie opcji dwukierunkowości pozwala na aktualizowanie wartości pól docelowych w każdym elemencie wybranym w tym polu, dodając lub usuwając identyfikator aktualizowanego wpisu, terminu taksonomii lub użytkownika. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji przeczytaj dokumentację.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Wybierz pole(-a), gdzie zapisywać odwołanie do aktualizowanego elementu. Możesz wybrać to pole. Pola docelowe muszą być zgodne z miejscem wyświetlania tego pola. Przykładowo, jeśli to pole jest wyświetlane w terminie taksonomii, pole docelowe musi mieć rodzaj Taksonomia.','Target Field'=>'Pole docelowe','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Zaktualizuj pole w wybranych elementach, odwołując się do tego identyfikatora','Bidirectional'=>'Dwukierunkowe','%s Field'=>'Pole „%s”','Select Multiple'=>'Wielokrotny wybór','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Tylko małe litery, myślniki i podkreślniki. Maksymalnie 32 znaki.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do przypisywania terminów tej taksonomii.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do przypisywania terminów','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do usuwania terminów tej taksonomii.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do usuwania terminów','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do edytowania terminów tej taksonomii.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do edytowania terminów','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do zarządzania terminami tej taksonomii.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do zarządzania terminami','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Określa czy wpisy powinny być wykluczone z wyników wyszukiwania oraz stron archiwów taksonomii.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Więcej narzędzi od WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Stworzone dla tych, których tworzą przy pomocy WordPressa, przez zespół %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Zobacz cennik i kup PRO','Learn More'=>'Dowiedz się więcej','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Przyśpiesz swoją pracę i twórz lepsze witryny przy pomocy funkcji takich jak bloki ACF-a i strony opcji oraz wyrafinowanych rodzajów pól takich jak pole powtarzalne, elastyczna treść, klon, czy galeria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Odblokuj zaawansowane funkcje i zbuduj więcej przy pomocy ACF-a PRO','%s fields'=>'Pola „%s”','No terms'=>'Brak terminów','No post types'=>'Brak typów treści','No posts'=>'Brak wpisów','No taxonomies'=>'Brak taksonomii','No field groups'=>'Brak grup pól','No fields'=>'Brak pól','No description'=>'Brak opisu','Any post status'=>'Dowolny status wpisu','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz taksonomii jest już używany przez inną taksonomię zarejestrowaną poza ACF-em i nie może zostać użyty.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz taksonomii jest już używany przez inną taksonomię w ACF-ie i nie może zostać użyty.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Klucz taksonomii może zawierać wyłącznie małe litery, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślniki.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Klucz taksonomii musi mieć mniej niż 32 znaków.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych taksonomii w koszu','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych taksonomii','Search Taxonomies'=>'Szukaj taksonomii','View Taxonomy'=>'Zobacz taksonomię','New Taxonomy'=>'Nowa taksonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Edytuj taksonomię','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Utwórz taksonomię','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych typów treści w koszu','No Post Types found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych typów treści','Search Post Types'=>'Szukaj typów treści','View Post Type'=>'Zobacz typ treści','New Post Type'=>'Nowy typ treści','Edit Post Type'=>'Edytuj typ treści','Add New Post Type'=>'Utwórz typ treści','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz typu treści jest już używany przez inny typ treści zarejestrowany poza ACF-em i nie może zostać użyty.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz typu treści jest już używany przez inny typ treści w ACF-ie i nie może zostać użyty.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Pole nie może być terminem zastrzeżonym przez WordPressa.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Klucz typu treści może zawierać wyłącznie małe litery, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślniki.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Klucz typu treści musi mieć mniej niż 20 znaków.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Nie zalecamy używania tego pola w blokach ACF-a.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Wyświetla edytor WYSIWYG WordPressa, taki jak we wpisach czy stronach, który pozwala na formatowanie tekstu oraz użycie treści multimedialnych.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Edytor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Pozwala na wybór jednego lub kliku użytkowników do tworzenia relacji między obiektami danych.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Pole tekstowe przeznaczone do przechowywania adresów URL.','URL'=>'Adres URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Przełącznik pozwalający na wybranie wartości 1 lub 0 (włączone lub wyłączone, prawda lub fałsz, itp.). Może być wyświetlany jako ostylowany przełącznik lub pole zaznaczenia.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania godziny. Zwracany format czasu można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Prosty obszar tekstowy do przechowywania akapitów tekstu.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Proste pole tekstowe, przydatne do przechowywania wartości pojedynczych ciągów.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Pozwala na wybór jednego lub kliku terminów taksonomii w oparciu o kryteria i opcje określone w ustawieniach pola.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Pozwala na grupowanie pól w zakładkach na ekranie edycji. Przydatne do utrzymywania porządku i struktury pól.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Lista rozwijana z wyborem określonych opcji.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Interfejs dwukolumnowy do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron lub elementów własnych typów treści, aby stworzyć relację z obecnie edytowanym elementem. Posiada wyszukiwarkę i filtrowanie.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Pole do wybierania wartości liczbowej z określonego zakresu za pomocą suwaka.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Grupa pól wyboru pozwalająca użytkownikowi na wybór jednej spośród określonych wartości.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Interaktywny i konfigurowalny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron, elementów typów treści. Posiada wyszukiwarkę. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Maskowane pole do wpisywania hasła.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtruj wg statusu wpisu','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Interaktywna lista rozwijana do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron, elementów własnych typów treści lub adresów URL archiwów. Posiada wyszukiwarkę.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Interaktywny element do osadzania filmów, obrazków, tweetów, audio i innych treści przy użyciu natywnej funkcji oEmbed WordPressa.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Pole ograniczone do wartości liczbowych.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Używane do wyświetlania wiadomości dla redaktorów obok innych pól. Przydatne do przekazywania dodatkowego kontekstu lub instrukcji dotyczących pól.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Pozwala na określenie odnośnika i jego właściwości, takich jak tytuł czy cel, przy użyciu natywnego wyboru odnośników WordPressa.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Używa natywnego wyboru mediów WordPressa do przesyłania lub wyboru obrazków.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Zapewnia sposób na uporządkowanie pól w grupy w celu lepszej organizacji danych i ekranu edycji.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania lokalizacji przy użyciu Map Google. Do poprawnego wyświetlania wymagany jest klucz API Google Maps oraz dodatkowa konfiguracja.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Używa natywnego wyboru mediów WordPressa do przesyłania lub wyboru plików.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Pole tekstowe przeznaczone do przechowywania adresów e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania daty i godziny. Zwracany format daty można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania daty. Zwracany format daty można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania koloru lub określenia wartości Hex.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Grupa pól zaznaczenia, która pozwala użytkownikowi na wybranie jednej lub kilku określonych wartości.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Grupa przycisków z określonymi wartościami, z których użytkownik może wybrać jedną opcję.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Pozwala na grupowanie i organizowanie własnych pól w zwijanych panelach wyświetlanych podczas edytowania treści. Przydatne do utrzymywania porządku przy dużej ilości danych.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Zapewnie rozwiązanie dla powtarzalnych treści, takich jak slajdy, członkowie zespołu, czy kafelki. Działa jak element nadrzędny dla zestawu podpól, który może być powtarzany wiele razy.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Zapewnia interaktywny interfejs do zarządzania zbiorem załączników. Większość opcji jest podobna do rodzaju pola Obrazek. Dodatkowe opcje pozwalają na określenie miejsca w galerii w którym nowe załączniki są dodawane oraz minimalną i maksymalną liczbę dozwolonych załączników.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Zapewnia prosty, uporządkowany edytor oparty na układach. Pole elastycznej treści pozwala na pełną kontrolę nad definiowaniem, tworzeniem i zarządzaniem treścią przy użyciu układów i podpól w celu zaprojektowania dostępnych bloków.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Pozwala na wybór i wyświetlanie istniejących pól. Zamiast powielania pól w bazie danych, wczytuje i wyświetla wybrane pola w trakcie wykonywania kodu strony. Pole klona może być zastąpione przez wybrane pola lub wyświetlać wybrane pola jak grupa podpól.','nounClone'=>'Klon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Zaawansowane','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nowszy)','Original'=>'Oryginalny','Invalid post ID.'=>'Nieprawidłowy identyfikator wpisu.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Wybrano nieprawidłowy typ treści do porównania.','More'=>'Więcej','Tutorial'=>'Poradnik','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Dostępne w ACF-ie PRO','Select Field'=>'Wybierz pole','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Spróbuj innej frazy lub przejrzyj %s','Popular fields'=>'Popularne pola','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Brak wyników wyszukiwania dla „%s”','Search fields...'=>'Szukaj pól…','Select Field Type'=>'Wybierz rodzaj pola','Popular'=>'Popularne','Add Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj taksonomię','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Twórz własne taksonomie, aby klasyfikować typy treści','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj swoją pierwszą taksonomię','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hierarchiczne taksonomie mogą posiadać elementy potomne (jak kategorie).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Powoduje, że taksonomia jest widoczna w witrynie oraz w kokpicie administratora.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Jeden lub klika typów wpisów, które będą klasyfikowane za pomocą tej taksonomii.','genre'=>'gatunek','Genre'=>'Gatunek','Genres'=>'Gatunki','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Opcjonalny własny kontroler do użycia zamiast `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Pokaż ten typ treści w REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Dostosuj nazwę zmiennej zapytania','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Terminy są dostępne za pomocą nieprzyjaznych bezpośrednich odnośników, np. {zmienna_zapytania}={uproszczona_nazwa_terminu}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Terminy nadrzędne i potomne w adresach URL dla hierarchicznych taksonomii.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Dostosuj uproszczoną nazwę używaną w adresie URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Bezpośrednie odnośniki tej taksonomii są wyłączone.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając klucza taksonomii jako uproszczonej nazwy. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','Taxonomy Key'=>'Klucz taksonomii','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Wybierz rodzaj bezpośredniego odnośnika używanego dla tego taksonomii.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Wyświetl kolumnę taksonomii na ekranach list typów treści.','Show Admin Column'=>'Pokaż kolumnę administratora','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Pokaż taksonomię w panelu szybkiej/masowej edycji.','Quick Edit'=>'Szybka edycja','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Pokaż taksonomię w ustawieniach widżetu Chmury tagów.','Tag Cloud'=>'Chmura tagów','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana do oczyszczania danych taksonomii z metaboksa.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Funkcja zwrotna oczyszczania metaboksa','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana do obsłużenia treści metaboksa w twojej taksonomii.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Funkcja zwrotna rejestrowania metaboksa','No Meta Box'=>'Brak metaboksa','Custom Meta Box'=>'Własny metaboks','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Kontroluje metaboks na ekranie edytora treści. Domyślnie metaboks Kategorii jest wyświetlany dla hierarchicznych taksonomii, a metaboks Tagów dla taksonomii niehierarchicznych.','Meta Box'=>'Metaboks','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metaboks kategorii','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metaboks tagów','A link to a tag'=>'Dodaj odnośnik do tagu','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Opisuje wersję bloku odnośnika używanego w edytorze blokowym.','A link to a %s'=>'Odnośnik do „%s”','Tag Link'=>'Odnośnik tagu','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Przypisuje tytuł wersji bloku odnośnika używanego w edytorze blokowym.','← Go to tags'=>'← Przejdź do tagów','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Przypisuje tekst używany w odnośniku powrotu do głównego indeksu po zaktualizowaniu terminu.','Back To Items'=>'Powrót do elementów','← Go to %s'=>'← Przejdź do „%s”','Tags list'=>'Lista tagów','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do ukrytego nagłówka tabeli.','Tags list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy tagów','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do ukrytego nagłówka stronicowania tabeli.','Filter by category'=>'Filtruj wg kategorii','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do przycisku filtrowania w tabeli listy wpisów.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtruj wg elementu','Filter by %s'=>'Filtruj wg „%s”','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Opis zwykle nie jest eksponowany, jednak niektóre motywy mogą go wyświetlać.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole opisu na ekranie edycji tagów.','Description Field Description'=>'Opis pola opisu','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Przypisz pojęcie nadrzędne, aby utworzyć hierarchię. Na przykład pojęcie Jazz byłoby rodzicem dla Bebop i Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole elementu nadrzędnego na ekranie edycji tagów.','Parent Field Description'=>'Opis pola nadrzędnego','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'„Uproszczona nazwa” jest przyjazną dla adresu URL wersją nazwy. Zwykle składa się wyłącznie z małych liter, cyfr i myślników.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole uproszczonej nazwy na ekranie edycji tagów.','Slug Field Description'=>'Opis pola uproszczonej nazwy','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Nazwa jak pojawia się w witrynie','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole nazwy na ekranie edycji tagów.','Name Field Description'=>'Opis pola nazwy','No tags'=>'Brak tagów','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyświetlany w tabelach list wpisów i mediów gdy nie ma żadnych tagów, ani kategorii.','No Terms'=>'Brak terminów','No %s'=>'Brak „%s”','No tags found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych tagów','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyświetlany po kliknięciu „Wybierz z najczęściej używanych” w metaboksie taksonomii gdy nie ma żadnych tagów, ani kategorii oraz tekst używany w tabeli listy terminów gdy nie ma elementów z tej taksonomii.','Not Found'=>'Nie znaleziono','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do pola Tytuł zakładki najczęściej używanych.','Most Used'=>'Najczęściej używane','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych tagów','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst „Wybierz z najczęściej używanych” w metaboksie, gdy JavaScript jest wyłączony. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych „%s”','Add or remove tags'=>'Dodaj lub usuń tagi','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Przypisuje tekst dot. dodawania lub usuwania elementów w metaboksie, gdy JavaScript jest wyłączony. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Dodaj lub usuń elementy','Add or remove %s'=>'Dodaj lub usuń %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Oddziel tagi przecinkami','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst dot. oddzielania elementów przecinkami w metaboksie taksonomii. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Oddziel elementy przecinkami','Separate %s with commas'=>'Oddziel %s przecinkami','Popular Tags'=>'Popularne tagi','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst popularnych elementów. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Popular Items'=>'Popularne elementy','Popular %s'=>'Popularne %s','Search Tags'=>'Szukaj tagów','Assigns search items text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyszukiwania elementów.','Parent Category:'=>'Kategoria nadrzędna:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Przypisuje tekst elementu nadrzędnego, ale z dodanym na końcu dwukropkiem (:).','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Element nadrzędny z dwukropkiem','Parent Category'=>'Kategoria nadrzędna','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst elementu nadrzędnego. Używane tylko w taksonomiach hierarchicznych.','Parent Item'=>'Element nadrzędny','Parent %s'=>'Element nadrzędny „%s”','New Tag Name'=>'Nazwa nowego tagu','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst nazwy nowego elementu.','New Item Name'=>'Nazwa nowego elementu','New %s Name'=>'Nazwa nowego „%s”','Add New Tag'=>'Utwórz tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst dodania nowego elementu.','Update Tag'=>'Aktualizuj tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst zaktualizowania elementu.','Update Item'=>'Aktualizuj element','Update %s'=>'Aktualizuj „%s”','View Tag'=>'Zobacz tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Na pasku administratora do zobaczenia terminu podczas edycji.','Edit Tag'=>'Edytuj tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas edytowania terminu.','All Tags'=>'Wszystkie tagi','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wszystkich elementów.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst nazwy menu.','Menu Label'=>'Etykieta menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Włączone taksonomie są uruchamiane i rejestrowane razem z WordPressem.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące taksonomię.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące termin.','Term Description'=>'Opis terminu','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Pojedyncze słowo, bez spacji. Dozwolone są myślniki i podkreślniki.','Term Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa terminu','The name of the default term.'=>'Nazwa domyślnego terminu.','Term Name'=>'Nazwa terminu','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Utwórz termin taksonomii, którego nie będzie można usunąć. Nie będzie on domyślnie wybrany dla wpisów.','Default Term'=>'Domyślny termin','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Czy terminy tej taksonomii powinny być posortowane w kolejności, w jakiej są przekazywane do `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Sortuj terminy','Add Post Type'=>'Dodaj typ treści','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Rozszerz funkcjonalność WordPressa ponad standardowe wpisy i strony za pomocą własnych typów treści.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Dodaj swój pierwszy typ treści','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Wiem co robię, pokaż mi wszystkie opcje.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Zaawansowana konfiguracja','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hierarchiczne typy treści mogą posiadać elementy potomne (jak strony).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarchiczne','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Widoczne w witrynie oraz w kokpicie administratora.','Public'=>'Publiczne','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Tylko małe litery, myślniki i podkreślniki. Maksymalnie 20 znaków.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etykieta w liczbie pojedynczej','Movies'=>'Filmy','Plural Label'=>'Etykieta w liczbie mnogiej','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Opcjonalny własny kontroler do użycia zamiast `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Klasa kontrolera','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'Część przestrzeni nazw adresu URL REST API.','Namespace Route'=>'Ścieżka przestrzeni nazw','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'Bazowy adres URL tego typu treści dla adresów URL REST API.','Base URL'=>'Bazowy adres URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Pokaż ten typ treści w REST API. Wymagane, aby używać edytora blokowego.','Show In REST API'=>'Pokaż w REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Dostosuj nazwę zmiennej zapytania.','Query Variable'=>'Zmienna zapytania','No Query Variable Support'=>'Brak obsługi zmiennej zapytania','Custom Query Variable'=>'Własna zmienna zapytania','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Elementy są dostępne za pomocą nieprzyjaznych bezpośrednich odnośników, np. {typ_treści}={uproszczona_nazwa_wpisu}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Obsługa zmiennej zapytania','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Adresy URL elementu i elementów są dostępne za pomocą ciągu znaków zapytania.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publicznie dostępne','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Własna uproszczona nazwa dla adresu URL archiwum.','Archive Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa archiwum','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Posiada archiwum elementów, które można dostosować za pomocą szablonu archiwum w motywie.','Archive'=>'Archiwum','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Obsługa stronicowania adresów URL elementów takich jak archiwa.','Pagination'=>'Stronicowanie','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'Adres URL kanału RSS elementów tego typu treści.','Feed URL'=>'Adres URL kanału informacyjnego','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Modyfikuje strukturę bezpośrednich odnośników dodając prefiks `WP_Rewrite::$front` do adresów URL.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefiks adresu URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Dostosuj uproszczoną nazwę używaną w adresie URL.','URL Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa w adresie URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Bezpośrednie odnośniki tego typu treści są wyłączone.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając własnej uproszczonej nazwy określonej w polu poniżej. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Brak bezpośredniego odnośnika (wyłącz przepisywanie adresów URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Własny bezpośredni odnośnik','Post Type Key'=>'Klucz typu treści','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając klucza typu treści jako uproszczonej nazwy. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Przepisywanie bezpośrednich odnośników','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Usuwaj elementy należące do użytkownika podczas jego usuwania.','Delete With User'=>'Usuń wraz z użytkownikiem','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Zezwól na eksportowanie tego typu treści na ekranie „Narzędzia > Eksport”.','Can Export'=>'Można eksportować','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcjonalnie podaj liczbę mnogą, aby użyć jej w uprawnieniach.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia w liczbie mnogiej','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Wybierz inny typ treści, aby bazować na jego uprawnieniach dla tego typu treści.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia w liczbie pojedynczej','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Domyślnie nazwy uprawnienia tego typu treści zostaną odziedziczone z uprawnień typu „Wpis”, np. edit_post, delete_posts. Włącz, aby użyć w tym typie treści własnych uprawnień, np. edit_{liczba pojedyncza}, delete_{liczba mnoga}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Zmień nazwy uprawnień','Exclude From Search'=>'Wyklucz z wyszukiwania','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Zezwól na dodawanie elementów do menu na ekranie „Wygląd > Menu”. Należy je włączyć w „Opcjach ekranu”.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Obsługa menu wyglądu','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Pojawia się jako element w menu „Utwórz” na pasku administratora.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Pokaż na pasku administratora','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana podczas konfigurowania metaboksów na ekranie edycji.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Własna funkcja zwrotna metaboksa','Menu Icon'=>'Ikonka menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Pozycja w menu w panelu bocznym w kokpicie administratora.','Menu Position'=>'Pozycja menu','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Domyślnie typ treści otrzyma nowy element najwyższego poziomu w menu administratora. Jeżeli zostanie tu podany istniejący element najwyższego poziomu, typ treści zostanie dodany do niego jako element podmenu.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Element nadrzędny menu administratora','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Ikonka używana przez element menu tego typu treści w kokpicie administratora. Może to być adres URL lub %s do użycia jako ikonka.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nazwa klasy Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Nawigacja w menu w panelu bocznym kokpitu administratora.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Pokaż w menu administratora','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Elementy mogą być edytowanie i zarządzane w kokpicie administratora.','Show In UI'=>'Pokaż w interfejsie użytkownika','A link to a post.'=>'Odnośnik do wpisu.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Opis wersji bloku odnośnika.','Item Link Description'=>'Opis odnośnika elementu','A link to a %s.'=>'Odnośnik do „%s”.','Post Link'=>'Odnośnik wpisu','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Tytuł wersji bloku odnośnika.','Item Link'=>'Odnośnik elementu','%s Link'=>'Odnośnik „%s”','Post updated.'=>'Wpis został zaktualizowany.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zaktualizowaniu elementu.','Item Updated'=>'Element został zaktualizowany','%s updated.'=>'„%s” został zaktualizowany.','Post scheduled.'=>'Zaplanowano publikację wpisu.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zaplanowaniu publikacji elementu.','Item Scheduled'=>'Zaplanowano publikację elementu','%s scheduled.'=>'Zaplanowano publikację „%s”.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Wpis zamieniony w szkic.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zamienieniu elementu w szkic.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Element zamieniony w szkic','%s reverted to draft.'=>'„%s” zamieniony w szkic.','Post published privately.'=>'Wpis został opublikowany jako prywatny.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po opublikowaniu elementu jako prywatny.','Item Published Privately'=>'Element został opublikowany jako prywatny','%s published privately.'=>'„%s” został opublikowany jako prywatny.','Post published.'=>'Wpis został opublikowany.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po opublikowaniu elementu.','Item Published'=>'Element został opublikowany','%s published.'=>'„%s” został opublikowany.','Posts list'=>'Lista wpisów','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do listy elementów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Items List'=>'Lista elementów','%s list'=>'Lista „%s”','Posts list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy wpisów','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do stronicowania na liście filtrów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Items List Navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy elementów','%s list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy „%s”','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtruj wpisy wg daty','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do nagłówka filtrowania wg daty na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtruj elementy wg daty','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtruj %s wg daty','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrowanie listy wpisów','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do nagłówka odnośników filtrowania na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrowanie listy elementów','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrowanie listy „%s”','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'W oknie mediów wyświetlającym wszystkie media wgrane do tego elementu.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Wgrane do elementu','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Wgrane do „%s”','Insert into post'=>'Wstaw do wpisu','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas dodawania mediów do treści.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Przycisk wstawiania mediów','Insert into %s'=>'Wstaw do „%s”','Use as featured image'=>'Użyj jako obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas wybierania obrazka do użycia jako obrazka wyróżniającego.','Use Featured Image'=>'Użyj obrazka wyróżniającego','Remove featured image'=>'Usuń obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas usuwania obrazka wyróżniającego.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Usuń obrazek wyróżniający','Set featured image'=>'Ustaw obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas ustawiania obrazka wyróżniającego.','Set Featured Image'=>'Ustaw obrazek wyróżniający','Featured image'=>'Obrazek wyróżniający','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tytuł metaboksa obrazka wyróżniającego.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metaboks obrazka wyróżniającego','Post Attributes'=>'Atrybuty wpisu','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tytuł metaboksa atrybutów wpisu.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metaboks atrybutów','%s Attributes'=>'Atrybuty „%s”','Post Archives'=>'Archiwa wpisów','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Dodaje element „Archiwa typu treści”, o tej etykiecie, do listy wpisów własnych typów treści z włączonymi archiwami, wyświetlanych podczas dodawania elementów do istniejącego menu. Pojawia się podczas edytowania menu w trybie „Podgląd na żywo”, gdy podano własną uproszczoną nazwę archiwów.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu nawigacyjne archiwów','%s Archives'=>'Archiwa „%s”','No posts found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów w koszu','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Na górze ekranu listy wpisów typu treści gdy brak wpisów w koszu.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych elementów w koszu','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych „%s” w koszu','No posts found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Na górze ekranu listy wpisów typu treści gdy brak wpisów do wyświetlenia.','No Items Found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych elementów','No %s found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych „%s”','Search Posts'=>'Szukaj wpisów','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Na górze ekranu elementów podczas szukania elementu.','Search Items'=>'Szukaj elementów','Search %s'=>'Szukaj „%s”','Parent Page:'=>'Strona nadrzędna:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Dla hierarchicznych typów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefiks elementu nadrzędnego','Parent %s:'=>'Nadrzędny „%s”:','New Post'=>'Nowy wpis','New Item'=>'Nowy element','New %s'=>'Nowy „%s”','Add New Post'=>'Utwórz wpis','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas dodawania nowego elementu.','Add New Item'=>'Utwórz element','Add New %s'=>'Utwórz „%s”','View Posts'=>'Zobacz wpisy','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Pojawia się na pasku administratora w widoku „Wszystkie wpisy”, pod warunkiem, że typ treści obsługuje archiwa, a strona główna nie jest archiwum tego typu treści.','View Items'=>'Zobacz elementy','View Post'=>'Zobacz wpis','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Na pasku administratora do zobaczenia elementu podczas jego edycji.','View Item'=>'Zobacz element','View %s'=>'Zobacz „%s”','Edit Post'=>'Edytuj wpis','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas edytowania elementu.','Edit Item'=>'Edytuj element','Edit %s'=>'Edytuj „%s”','All Posts'=>'Wszystkie wpisy','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'W podmenu typu treści w kokpicie administratora.','All Items'=>'Wszystkie elementy','All %s'=>'Wszystkie %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nazwa menu administracyjnego tego typu treści.','Menu Name'=>'Nazwa menu','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Odnów wszystkie etykiety używając etykiet w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej','Regenerate'=>'Odnów','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Włączone typy treści są uruchamiane i rejestrowane razem z WordPressem.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące typ treści.','Add Custom'=>'Dodaj własną','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Włącz różne funkcje w edytorze treści.','Post Formats'=>'Formaty wpisów','Editor'=>'Edytor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacki','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Wybierz istniejące taksonomie, aby klasyfikować ten typ treści.','Browse Fields'=>'Przeglądaj pola','Nothing to import'=>'Brak danych do importu','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Wtyczka „Custom Post Type UI” może zostać wyłączona.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Zaimportowano %d element z „Custom Post Type UI” -' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %d elementy z „Custom Post Type UI” -' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %d elementów z „Custom Post Type UI” -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Nie udało się zaimportować taksonomii.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Nie udało się zaimportować typów treści.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nie wybrano niczego do zaimportowania z wtyczki „Custom Post Type UI”.','Imported 1 item'=>'Zaimportowano 1 element' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %s elementy' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %s elementów','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Zaimportowanie typu treści lub taksonomii, z tym samym kluczem co już istniejący element, nadpisze ustawienia istniejącego typu treści lub taksonomii używając zaimportowanych danych.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importuj z „Custom Post Type UI”','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'Następujący kod może zostać użyty do zarejestrowania lokalnej wersji wybranych elementów. Przechowywanie grup pól, typów treści czy taksonomii lokalnie może pozytywnie wpłynąć na szybsze czasy wczytywania, kontrolę wersji i dynamiczne pola oraz ustawienia. Skopiuj i wklej następujący kod do pliku function.php w twoim motywie lub załącz go w oddzielnym pliku, a następnie wyłącz lub usuń te elementy z ACF-a.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Eksport - wygeneruj PHP','Export'=>'Eksportuj','Select Taxonomies'=>'Wybierz taksonomie','Select Post Types'=>'Wybierz typy treści','Exported 1 item.'=>'Wyeksportowano 1 element.' . "\0" . 'Wyeksportowano %s elementy.' . "\0" . 'Wyeksportowano %s elementów.','Category'=>'Kategoria','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taksonomia %s została utworzona','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taksonomia %s została zaktualizowana','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Szkic taksonomii został zaktualizowany.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja taksonomii została zaplanowana.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taksonomia została dodana.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taksonomia została zapisana.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taksonomia została usunięta.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taksonomia została zaktualizowana.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tej taksonomii, ponieważ jej klucz jest już używany przez inną taksonomię zarejestrowaną przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taksonomia została zsynchronizowana.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taksonomia została zduplikowana.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało zduplikowanych.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taksonomia została wyłączona.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało wyłączonych.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taksonomia została włączona.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało włączonych.','Terms'=>'Terminy','Post type synchronized.'=>'Typ treści został zsynchronizowany.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Typ treści został zduplikowany.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało zduplikowanych.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Typ treści został wyłączony.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało wyłączonych.','Post type activated.'=>'Typ treści został włączony.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało włączonych.','Post Types'=>'Typy treści','Advanced Settings'=>'Ustawienia zaawansowane','Basic Settings'=>'Ustawienia podstawowe','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tego typu treści, ponieważ jego klucz jest już używany przez inny typ treści zarejestrowany przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','Pages'=>'Strony','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Powiąż istniejące grupy pól','%s post type created'=>'Typ treści %s został utworzony','Add fields to %s'=>'Dodaj pola do „%s”','%s post type updated'=>'Typ treści %s został zaktualizowany','Post type draft updated.'=>'Szkic typu treści został zaktualizowany.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja typu treści została zaplanowana.','Post type submitted.'=>'Typ teści został dodany.','Post type saved.'=>'Typ treści został zapisany.','Post type updated.'=>'Typ treści został zaktualizowany.','Post type deleted.'=>'Typ treści został usunięty.','Type to search...'=>'Wpisz, aby wyszukać…','PRO Only'=>'Tylko w PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importuj typy treści i taksonomie zarejestrowane za pomocą wtyczki „Custom Post Type UI” i zarządzaj nimi w ACF-ie. Rozpocznij.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taksonomia','post type'=>'typ treści','Done'=>'Gotowe','Field Group(s)'=>'Grupa(-y) pól','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Wybierz jedną lub klika grup pól…','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Proszę wybrać grupy pól do powiązania.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupa pól została powiązana.' . "\0" . 'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.' . "\0" . 'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Rejestracja nieudana','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tego elementu, ponieważ jego klucz jest już używany przez inny element zarejestrowany przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Uprawnienia','URLs'=>'Adresy URL','Visibility'=>'Widoczność','Labels'=>'Etykiety','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Ustawienia pól w zakładkach','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Wartość shortcode\'u ACF-a wyłączona podczas podglądu]','Close Modal'=>'Zamknij okno','Field moved to other group'=>'Pole zostało przeniesione do innej grupy','Close modal'=>'Zamknij okno','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Rozpocznij od tej zakładki nową grupę zakładek.','New Tab Group'=>'Nowa grupa zakładek','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Użyj ostylowanego pola select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Zapisz inny wybór','Allow Other Choice'=>'Zezwól na inny wybór','Add Toggle All'=>'Dodaj „Przełącz wszystko”','Save Custom Values'=>'Zapisz własne wartości','Allow Custom Values'=>'Zezwól na własne wartości','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Własne wartości pola zaznaczenia nie mogą być puste. Odznacz wszystkie puste wartości.','Updates'=>'Aktualizacje','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Zapisz zmiany','Field Group Title'=>'Tytuł grupy pól','Add title'=>'Dodaj tytuł','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nie znasz ACF-a? Zapoznaj się z naszym przewodnikiem jak zacząć.','Add Field Group'=>'Dodaj grupę pól','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF używa grup pól do łączenia własnych pól, a następnie dołączania tych pól do ekranów edycji.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Dodaj swoją pierwszą grupę pól','Options Pages'=>'Strony opcji','ACF Blocks'=>'Bloki ACF-a','Gallery Field'=>'Pole galerii','Flexible Content Field'=>'Pole elastycznej treści','Repeater Field'=>'Pole powtarzalne','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Odblokuj dodatkowe funkcje przy pomocy ACF-a PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Usuń grupę pól','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Utworzono %1$s o %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Ustawienia grupy','Location Rules'=>'Reguły lokalizacji','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Wybierz spośród ponad 30 rodzajów pól. Dowiedz się więcej.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Zacznij tworzyć nowe własne pola dla swoich wpisów, stron, własnych typów treści i innych treści WordPressa.','Add Your First Field'=>'Dodaj swoje pierwsze pole','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Dodaj pole','Presentation'=>'Prezentacja','Validation'=>'Walidacja','General'=>'Ogólne','Import JSON'=>'Importuj JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Eksportuj jako JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupa pól została wyłączona.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało wyłączonych.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupa pól została włączona.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało włączonych.','Deactivate'=>'Wyłącz','Deactivate this item'=>'Wyłącz ten element','Activate'=>'Włącz','Activate this item'=>'Włącz ten element','Move field group to trash?'=>'Przenieść grupę pól do kosza?','post statusInactive'=>'Wyłączone','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Wtyczki Advanced Custom Fields i Advanced Custom Fields PRO nie powinny być włączone jednocześnie. Automatycznie wyłączyliśmy Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Wtyczki Advanced Custom Fields i Advanced Custom Fields PRO nie powinny być włączone jednocześnie. Automatycznie wyłączyliśmy Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Wykryliśmy jedno lub kilka wywołań, które pobierają wartości pól przez zainicjowaniem ACF-a. Nie są one obsłużone i może to powodować nieprawidłowe lub brakujące dane. Dowiedz się, jak to naprawić.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z rolą %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z jedną z następujących ról: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z jedną z następujących ról: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s musi mieć prawidłowy identyfikator użytkownika.','Invalid request.'=>'Nieprawidłowe żądanie.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s nie zawiera się w %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s musi należeć do taksonomii %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednej z następujących taksonomii: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednej z następujących taksonomii: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s musi należeć do typu treści %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednego z następujących typów treści: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednego z następujących typów treści: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s musi mieć prawidłowy identyfikator wpisu.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s wymaga prawidłowego identyfikatora załącznika.','Show in REST API'=>'Pokaż w REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Włącz przezroczystość','RGBA Array'=>'Tablica RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Ciąg RGBA','Hex String'=>'Ciąg Hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Kup PRO','post statusActive'=>'Włączone','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'„%s” nie jest poprawnym adresem e-mail','Color value'=>'Kolor','Select default color'=>'Wybierz domyślny kolor','Clear color'=>'Wyczyść kolor','Blocks'=>'Bloki','Options'=>'Opcje','Users'=>'Użytkownicy','Menu items'=>'Elementy menu','Widgets'=>'Widżety','Attachments'=>'Załączniki','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomie','Posts'=>'Wpisy','Last updated: %s'=>'Ostatnia aktualizacja: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest niedostępny dla porównania różnic.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Nieprawidłowy parametr(y) grupy pól.','Awaiting save'=>'Oczekiwanie na zapis','Saved'=>'Zapisana','Import'=>'Importuj','Review changes'=>'Przejrzyj zmiany','Located in: %s'=>'Znajduje się w: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Znalezione we wtyczce: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Znalezione w motywie: %s','Various'=>'Różne','Sync changes'=>'Synchronizuj zmiany','Loading diff'=>'Ładowanie różnic','Review local JSON changes'=>'Przegląd lokalnych zmian JSON','Visit website'=>'Odwiedź stronę','View details'=>'Zobacz szczegóły','Version %s'=>'Wersja %s','Information'=>'Informacje','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Pomoc. Nasi pracownicy pomocy technicznej pomogą w bardziej dogłębnych wyzwaniach technicznych.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Dyskusje. Mamy aktywną i przyjazną społeczność na naszych forach społecznościowych, która pomoże Ci poznać tajniki świata ACF-a.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentacja. Nasza obszerna dokumentacja zawiera opisy i przewodniki dotyczące większości sytuacji, które możesz napotkać.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Jesteśmy fanatyczni, jeśli chodzi o wsparcie i chcemy, abyś w pełni wykorzystał swoją stronę internetową dzięki ACF-owi. Jeśli napotkasz jakiekolwiek trudności, jest kilka miejsc, w których możesz znaleźć pomoc:','Help & Support'=>'Pomoc i wsparcie','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Skorzystaj z zakładki Pomoc i wsparcie, aby skontaktować się, jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Przed utworzeniem pierwszej grupy pól zalecamy najpierw przeczytanie naszego przewodnika Pierwsze kroki, aby zapoznać się z filozofią wtyczki i sprawdzonymi metodami.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Wtyczka Advanced Custom Fields zapewnia wizualny kreator formularzy do dostosowywania ekranów edycji WordPress z dodatkowymi polami oraz intuicyjny interfejs API do wyświetlania niestandardowych wartości pól w dowolnym pliku szablonu motywu.','Overview'=>'Przegląd','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Typ lokalizacji „%s” jest już zarejestrowany.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasa „%s” nie istnieje.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nieprawidłowy identyfikator jednorazowy.','Error loading field.'=>'Błąd ładowania pola.','Location not found: %s'=>'Nie znaleziono lokalizacji: %s','Error: %s'=>'Błąd: %s','Widget'=>'Widżet','User Role'=>'Rola użytkownika','Comment'=>'Komentarz','Post Format'=>'Format wpisu','Menu Item'=>'Element menu','Post Status'=>'Status wpisu','Menus'=>'Menu','Menu Locations'=>'Położenia menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia wpisu','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Strona potomna (ma stronę nadrzędną)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Strona nadrzędna (ma strony potomne)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Strona najwyższego poziomu (bez strony nadrzędnej)','Posts Page'=>'Strona z wpisami','Front Page'=>'Strona główna','Page Type'=>'Typ strony','Viewing back end'=>'Wyświetla kokpit administratora','Viewing front end'=>'Wyświetla witrynę','Logged in'=>'Zalogowany','Current User'=>'Bieżący użytkownik','Page Template'=>'Szablon strony','Register'=>'Zarejestruj się','Add / Edit'=>'Dodaj / Edytuj','User Form'=>'Formularz użytkownika','Page Parent'=>'Strona nadrzędna','Super Admin'=>'Superadministrator','Current User Role'=>'Rola bieżącego użytkownika','Default Template'=>'Domyślny szablon','Post Template'=>'Szablon wpisu','Post Category'=>'Kategoria wpisu','All %s formats'=>'Wszystkie formaty %s','Attachment'=>'Załącznik','%s value is required'=>'%s wartość jest wymagana','Show this field if'=>'Pokaż to pole jeśli','Conditional Logic'=>'Wyświetlanie warunkowe','and'=>'oraz','Local JSON'=>'Lokalny JSON','Clone Field'=>'Pole klona','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Proszę również sprawdzić, czy wszystkie dodatki premium (%s) są zaktualizowane do najnowszej wersji.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Ta wersja zawiera ulepszenia bazy danych i wymaga uaktualnienia.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Dziękujemy za aktualizację %1$s do wersji %2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Wymagana jest aktualizacja bazy danych','Options Page'=>'Strona opcji','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Elastyczna treść','Repeater'=>'Pole powtarzalne','Back to all tools'=>'Wróć do wszystkich narzędzi','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Jeśli na stronie edycji znajduje się kilka grup pól, zostaną zastosowane ustawienia pierwszej z nich. (pierwsza grupa pól to ta, która ma najniższy numer w kolejności)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Wybierz elementy, które chcesz ukryć na stronie edycji.','Hide on screen'=>'Ukryj na ekranie','Send Trackbacks'=>'Wyślij trackbacki','Tags'=>'Tagi','Categories'=>'Kategorie','Page Attributes'=>'Atrybuty strony','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa','Revisions'=>'Wersje','Comments'=>'Komentarze','Discussion'=>'Dyskusja','Excerpt'=>'Zajawka','Content Editor'=>'Edytor treści','Permalink'=>'Bezpośredni odnośnik','Shown in field group list'=>'Wyświetlany na liście grup pól','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Grupy pól z niższym numerem pojawią się pierwsze','Order No.'=>'Nr w kolejności.','Below fields'=>'Pod polami','Below labels'=>'Pod etykietami','Instruction Placement'=>'Położenie instrukcji','Label Placement'=>'Położenie etykiety','Side'=>'Boczna','Normal (after content)'=>'Normalna (pod treścią)','High (after title)'=>'Wysoka (pod tytułem)','Position'=>'Pozycja','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Bezpodziałowy (brak metaboksa)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standardowy (metabox WP)','Style'=>'Styl','Type'=>'Rodzaj','Key'=>'Klucz','Order'=>'Kolejność','Close Field'=>'Zamknij pole','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'szerokość','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atrybuty kontenera','Required'=>'Wymagane','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrukcje dla autorów. Będą widoczne w trakcie wprowadzania danych','Instructions'=>'Instrukcje','Field Type'=>'Rodzaj pola','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Pojedyncze słowo, bez spacji. Dozwolone są myślniki i podkreślniki','Field Name'=>'Nazwa pola','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ta nazwa będzie widoczna na stronie edycji','Field Label'=>'Etykieta pola','Delete'=>'Usuń','Delete field'=>'Usuń pole','Move'=>'Przenieś','Move field to another group'=>'Przenieś pole do innej grupy','Duplicate field'=>'Duplikuj to pole','Edit field'=>'Edytuj pole','Drag to reorder'=>'Przeciągnij aby zmienić kolejność','Show this field group if'=>'Pokaż tę grupę pól jeśli','No updates available.'=>'Brak dostępnych aktualizacji.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Aktualizacja bazy danych zakończona. Zobacz co nowego','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Czytam zadania aktualizacji…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Aktualizacja nie powiodła się.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Aktualizacja zakończona.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Aktualizowanie danych do wersji %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Zdecydowanie zaleca się wykonanie kopii zapasowej bazy danych przed kontynuowaniem. Czy na pewno chcesz teraz uruchomić aktualizacje?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Proszę wybrać co najmniej jedną witrynę do uaktualnienia.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Aktualizacja bazy danych zakończona. Wróć do kokpitu sieci','Site is up to date'=>'Oprogramowanie witryny jest aktualne','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Witryna wymaga aktualizacji bazy danych z %1$s do %2$s','Site'=>'Witryna','Upgrade Sites'=>'Zaktualizuj witryny','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Następujące witryny wymagają aktualizacji bazy danych. Zaznacz te, które chcesz zaktualizować i kliknij %s.','Add rule group'=>'Dodaj grupę warunków','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Utwórz zestaw warunków, które określą w których miejscach będą wykorzystane zdefiniowane tutaj własne pola','Rules'=>'Reguły','Copied'=>'Skopiowano','Copy to clipboard'=>'Skopiuj do schowka','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Wybierz elementy, które chcesz wyeksportować, a następnie wybierz metodę eksportu. Użyj „Eksportuj jako JSON” aby wyeksportować do pliku .json, który można następnie zaimportować do innej instalacji ACF. Użyj „Utwórz PHP” do wyeksportowania ustawień do kodu PHP, który można umieścić w motywie.','Select Field Groups'=>'Wybierz grupy pól','No field groups selected'=>'Nie zaznaczono żadnej grupy pól','Generate PHP'=>'Utwórz PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Eksportuj grupy pól','Import file empty'=>'Importowany plik jest pusty','Incorrect file type'=>'Błędny typ pliku','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Błąd przesyłania pliku. Proszę spróbować ponownie','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Wybierz plik JSON Advanced Custom Fields, który chcesz zaimportować. Po kliknięciu przycisku importu poniżej, ACF zaimportuje elementy z tego pliku.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importuj grupy pól','Sync'=>'Synchronizuj','Select %s'=>'Wybierz %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplikuj','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplikuj ten element','Supports'=>'Obsługuje','Documentation'=>'Dokumentacja','Description'=>'Opis','Sync available'=>'Synchronizacja jest dostępna','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupa pól została zsynchronizowana.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupa pól została zduplikowana.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało zduplikowanych.','Active (%s)'=>'Włączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Włączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Włączone (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Strona opinii i aktualizacji','Upgrade Database'=>'Aktualizuj bazę danych','Custom Fields'=>'Własne pola','Move Field'=>'Przenieś pole','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Proszę wybrać miejsce przeznaczenia dla tego pola','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Pole %1$s znajduje się teraz w grupie pól %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Przenoszenie zakończone.','Active'=>'Włączone','Field Keys'=>'Klucze pola','Settings'=>'Ustawienia','Location'=>'Lokalizacja','Null'=>'Pusty','copy'=>'kopia','(this field)'=>'(to pole)','Checked'=>'Zaznaczone','Move Custom Field'=>'Przenieś pole','No toggle fields available'=>'Brak dostępnych pól','Field group title is required'=>'Tytuł grupy pól jest wymagany','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'To pole nie może zostać przeniesione zanim zmiany nie zostaną zapisane','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Ciąg znaków „field_” nie może zostać użyty na początku nazwy pola','Field group draft updated.'=>'Szkic grupy pól został zaktualizowany.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja grupy pól została zaplanowana.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupa pól została dodana.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupa pól została zapisana.','Field group published.'=>'Grupa pól została opublikowana.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupa pól została usunięta.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupa pól została zaktualizowana.','Tools'=>'Narzędzia','is not equal to'=>'nie jest równe','is equal to'=>'jest równe','Forms'=>'Formularze','Page'=>'Strona','Post'=>'Wpis','Relational'=>'Relacyjne','Choice'=>'Wybór','Basic'=>'Podstawowe','Unknown'=>'Nieznany','Field type does not exist'=>'Rodzaj pola nie istnieje','Spam Detected'=>'Wykryto spam','Post updated'=>'Wpis został zaktualizowany','Update'=>'Aktualizuj','Validate Email'=>'Potwierdź e-mail','Content'=>'Treść','Title'=>'Tytuł','Edit field group'=>'Edytuj grupę pól','Selection is less than'=>'Wybór jest mniejszy niż','Selection is greater than'=>'Wybór jest większy niż','Value is less than'=>'Wartość jest mniejsza niż','Value is greater than'=>'Wartość jest większa niż','Value contains'=>'Wartość zawiera','Value matches pattern'=>'Wartość musi pasować do wzoru','Value is not equal to'=>'Wartość nie jest równa','Value is equal to'=>'Wartość jest równa','Has no value'=>'Nie ma wartości','Has any value'=>'Ma dowolną wartość','Cancel'=>'Anuluj','Are you sure?'=>'Czy na pewno?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d pola(-ól) wymaga uwagi','1 field requires attention'=>'1 pole wymaga uwagi','Validation failed'=>'Walidacja nie powiodła się','Validation successful'=>'Walidacja zakończona sukcesem','Restricted'=>'Ograniczone','Collapse Details'=>'Zwiń szczegóły','Expand Details'=>'Rozwiń szczegóły','Uploaded to this post'=>'Wgrane do wpisu','verbUpdate'=>'Aktualizuj','verbEdit'=>'Edytuj','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Wprowadzone przez Ciebie zmiany przepadną jeśli przejdziesz do innej strony','File type must be %s.'=>'Wymagany typ pliku to %s.','or'=>'lub','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Rozmiar pliku nie może przekraczać %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Rozmiar pliku musi wynosić co najmniej %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Wysokość obrazka nie może przekraczać %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Obrazek musi mieć co najmniej %dpx wysokości.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Szerokość obrazka nie może przekraczać %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Obrazek musi mieć co najmniej %dpx szerokości.','(no title)'=>'(brak tytułu)','Full Size'=>'Pełny rozmiar','Large'=>'Duży','Medium'=>'Średni','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(brak etykiety)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Określa wysokość obszaru tekstowego','Rows'=>'Wiersze','Text Area'=>'Obszar tekstowy','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Dołącz dodatkowe pole, aby grupowo włączać/wyłączać wszystkie wybory','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Dopisz własne wartości do wyborów pola','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Zezwól na dodawanie własnych wartości','Add new choice'=>'Dodaj nowy wybór','Toggle All'=>'Przełącz wszystko','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Zezwól na adresy URL archiwów','Archives'=>'Archiwa','Page Link'=>'Odnośnik do strony','Add'=>'Dodaj','Name'=>'Nazwa','%s added'=>'Dodano %s','%s already exists'=>'%s już istnieje','User unable to add new %s'=>'Użytkownik nie może dodać nowych „%s”','Term ID'=>'Identyfikator terminu','Term Object'=>'Obiekt terminu','Load value from posts terms'=>'Wczytaj wartości z terminów taksonomii z wpisu','Load Terms'=>'Wczytaj terminy taksonomii','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Przypisz wybrane terminy taksonomii do wpisu','Save Terms'=>'Zapisz terminy taksonomii','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Zezwól na tworzenie nowych terminów taksonomii podczas edycji','Create Terms'=>'Tworzenie terminów taksonomii','Radio Buttons'=>'Pola wyboru','Single Value'=>'Pojedyncza wartość','Multi Select'=>'Wybór wielokrotny','Checkbox'=>'Pole zaznaczenia','Multiple Values'=>'Wiele wartości','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Określ wygląd tego pola','Appearance'=>'Wygląd','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Wybierz taksonomię do wyświetlenia','No TermsNo %s'=>'Brak „%s”','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Wartość musi być równa lub niższa od %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Wartość musi być równa lub wyższa od %d','Value must be a number'=>'Wartość musi być liczbą','Number'=>'Liczba','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Dopisz wartości wyboru „inne” do wyborów pola','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Dodaj wybór „inne”, aby zezwolić na własne wartości','Other'=>'Inne','Radio Button'=>'Pole wyboru','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Zdefiniuj punkt końcowy dla zatrzymania poprzedniego panelu zwijanego. Ten panel zwijany nie będzie widoczny.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Zezwól, aby ten zwijany panel otwierał się bez zamykania innych.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Pokaż ten zwijany panel jako otwarty po załadowaniu strony.','Open'=>'Otwórz','Accordion'=>'Zwijany panel','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Określ jakie pliki mogą być przesyłane','File ID'=>'Identyfikator pliku','File URL'=>'Adres URL pliku','File Array'=>'Tablica pliku','Add File'=>'Dodaj plik','No file selected'=>'Nie wybrano pliku','File name'=>'Nazwa pliku','Update File'=>'Aktualizuj plik','Edit File'=>'Edytuj plik','Select File'=>'Wybierz plik','File'=>'Plik','Password'=>'Hasło','Specify the value returned'=>'Określ zwracaną wartość','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Używaj AJAX do wczytywania wyborów?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Wpisz każdą domyślną wartość w osobnej linii','verbSelect'=>'Wybierz','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Wczytywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Szukam…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Wczytuję więcej wyników…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Możesz wybrać tylko %d elementy(-tów)','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Możesz wybrać tylko 1 element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Proszę usunąć %d znaki(-ów)','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Proszę usunąć 1 znak','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Wpisz %d lub więcej znaków','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Wpisz 1 lub więcej znaków','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Brak pasujących wyników','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'Dostępnych wyników: %d. Użyj strzałek w górę i w dół, aby nawigować.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Dostępny jest jeden wynik. Aby go wybrać, naciśnij Enter.','nounSelect'=>'Lista wyboru','User ID'=>'Identyfikator użytkownika','User Object'=>'Obiekt użytkownika','User Array'=>'Tablica użytkownika','All user roles'=>'Wszystkie role użytkownika','Filter by Role'=>'Filtruj wg roli','User'=>'Użytkownik','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Wybierz kolor','Default'=>'Domyślne','Clear'=>'Wyczyść','Color Picker'=>'Wybór koloru','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Wybierz','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gotowe','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Teraz','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Strefa czasowa','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunda','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisekunda','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunda','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuta','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Godzina','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Czas','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Określ czas','Date Time Picker'=>'Wybór daty i godziny','Endpoint'=>'Punkt końcowy','Left aligned'=>'Wyrównanie do lewej','Top aligned'=>'Wyrównanie do góry','Placement'=>'Położenie','Tab'=>'Zakładka','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Wartość musi być poprawnym adresem URL','Link URL'=>'Adres URL odnośnika','Link Array'=>'Tablica odnośnika','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Otwiera się w nowym oknie/karcie','Select Link'=>'Wybierz odnośnik','Link'=>'Odnośnik','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Wielkość kroku','Maximum Value'=>'Wartość maksymalna','Minimum Value'=>'Wartość minimalna','Range'=>'Zakres','Both (Array)'=>'Oba (tablica)','Label'=>'Etykieta','Value'=>'Wartość','Vertical'=>'Pionowy','Horizontal'=>'Poziomy','red : Red'=>'czerwony : Czerwony','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Aby uzyskać większą kontrolę, można określić wartość i etykietę w niniejszy sposób:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Wpisz każdy z wyborów w osobnej linii.','Choices'=>'Wybory','Button Group'=>'Grupa przycisków','Allow Null'=>'Zezwól na pusty','Parent'=>'Element nadrzędny','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE nie zostanie zainicjowany, dopóki to pole nie zostanie kliknięte','Delay Initialization'=>'Opóźnij inicjowanie','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Pokaż przycisk dodawania mediów','Toolbar'=>'Pasek narzędzi','Text Only'=>'Tylko tekstowa','Visual Only'=>'Tylko wizualna','Visual & Text'=>'Wizualna i tekstowa','Tabs'=>'Zakładki','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Kliknij, aby zainicjować TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekstowy','Visual'=>'Wizualny','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Wartość nie może przekraczać %d znaków','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Pozostaw puste w przypadku braku limitu','Character Limit'=>'Limit znaków','Appears after the input'=>'Pojawia się za polem','Append'=>'Za polem (sufiks)','Appears before the input'=>'Pojawia się przed polem','Prepend'=>'Przed polem (prefiks)','Appears within the input'=>'Pojawia się w polu','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder (tekst zastępczy)','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wyświetlana podczas tworzenia nowego wpisu','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyboru' . "\0" . '%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyborów' . "\0" . '%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyborów','Post ID'=>'Identyfikator wpisu','Post Object'=>'Obiekt wpisu','Maximum Posts'=>'Maksimum wpisów','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum wpisów','Featured Image'=>'Obrazek wyróżniający','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Wybrane elementy będą wyświetlone przy każdym wyniku','Elements'=>'Elementy','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia','Post Type'=>'Typ treści','Filters'=>'Filtry','All taxonomies'=>'Wszystkie taksonomie','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtruj wg taksonomii','All post types'=>'Wszystkie typy treści','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtruj wg typu treści','Search...'=>'Wyszukiwanie…','Select taxonomy'=>'Wybierz taksonomię','Select post type'=>'Wybierz typ treści','No matches found'=>'Brak pasujących wyników','Loading'=>'Wczytywanie','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksymalna liczba wartości została przekroczona ( {max} wartości )','Relationship'=>'Relacja','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista oddzielona przecinkami. Pozostaw puste dla wszystkich typów','Allowed File Types'=>'Dozwolone typy plików','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Wielkość pliku','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Określ jakie obrazy mogą być przesyłane','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Wgrane do wpisu','All'=>'Wszystkie','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ogranicz wybór do biblioteki mediów','Library'=>'Biblioteka','Preview Size'=>'Rozmiar podglądu','Image ID'=>'Identyfikator obrazka','Image URL'=>'Adres URL obrazka','Image Array'=>'Tablica obrazków','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Określ wartość zwracaną w witrynie','Return Value'=>'Zwracana wartość','Add Image'=>'Dodaj obrazek','No image selected'=>'Nie wybrano obrazka','Remove'=>'Usuń','Edit'=>'Edytuj','All images'=>'Wszystkie obrazki','Update Image'=>'Aktualizuj obrazek','Edit Image'=>'Edytuj obrazek','Select Image'=>'Wybierz obrazek','Image'=>'Obrazek','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Zezwól aby znaczniki HTML były wyświetlane jako widoczny tekst, a nie renderowane','Escape HTML'=>'Dodawaj znaki ucieczki do HTML (escape HTML)','No Formatting'=>'Brak formatowania','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatycznie dodaj <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatycznie twórz akapity','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Kontroluje jak są renderowane nowe linie','New Lines'=>'Nowe linie','Week Starts On'=>'Pierwszy dzień tygodnia','The format used when saving a value'=>'Format używany podczas zapisywania wartości','Save Format'=>'Zapisz format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Tydz','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Wstecz','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Dalej','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Dzisiaj','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gotowe','Date Picker'=>'Wybór daty','Width'=>'Szerokość','Embed Size'=>'Rozmiar osadzenia','Enter URL'=>'Wpisz adres URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst wyświetlany, gdy jest wyłączone','Off Text'=>'Tekst, gdy wyłączone','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst wyświetlany, gdy jest włączone','On Text'=>'Tekst, gdy włączone','Stylized UI'=>'Ostylowany interfejs użytkownika','Default Value'=>'Wartość domyślna','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Wyświetla tekst obok pola','Message'=>'Wiadomość','No'=>'Nie','Yes'=>'Tak','True / False'=>'Prawda / Fałsz','Row'=>'Wiersz','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Określ style stosowane to renderowania wybranych pól','Layout'=>'Układ','Sub Fields'=>'Pola podrzędne','Group'=>'Grupa','Customize the map height'=>'Dostosuj wysokość mapy','Height'=>'Wysokość','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Ustaw początkowe powiększenie','Zoom'=>'Powiększenie','Center the initial map'=>'Wyśrodkuj początkową mapę','Center'=>'Wyśrodkowanie','Search for address...'=>'Szukaj adresu…','Find current location'=>'Znajdź aktualną lokalizację','Clear location'=>'Wyczyść lokalizację','Search'=>'Szukaj','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Przepraszamy, ta przeglądarka nie obsługuje geolokalizacji','Google Map'=>'Mapa Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'Wartość zwracana przez funkcje w szablonie','Return Format'=>'Zwracany format','Custom:'=>'Własny:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format wyświetlany przy edycji wpisu','Display Format'=>'Format wyświetlania','Time Picker'=>'Wybór godziny','Inactive (%s)'=>'Wyłączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Wyłączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Wyłączone (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych pól w koszu','No Fields found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych pól','Search Fields'=>'Szukaj pól','View Field'=>'Zobacz pole','New Field'=>'Nowe pole','Edit Field'=>'Edytuj pole','Add New Field'=>'Dodaj nowe pole','Field'=>'Pole','Fields'=>'Pola','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól w koszu','No Field Groups found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól','Search Field Groups'=>'Szukaj grup pól','View Field Group'=>'Zobacz grupę pól','New Field Group'=>'Nowa grupa pól','Edit Field Group'=>'Edytuj grupę pól','Add New Field Group'=>'Dodaj nową grupę pól','Add New'=>'Dodaj','Field Group'=>'Grupa pól','Field Groups'=>'Grupy pól','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Dostosuj WordPressa za pomocą wszechstronnych, profesjonalnych i intuicyjnych pól.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Nazwa typu bloku jest wymagana.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Typ bloku "%s" jest już zarejestrowany.','Switch to Edit'=>'Przejdź do Edytuj','Switch to Preview'=>'Przejdź do Podglądu','Change content alignment'=>'Zmień wyrównanie treści','%s settings'=>'Ustawienia %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Ten blok nie zawiera żadnych edytowalnych pól.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Przypisz grupę pól, aby dodać pola do tego bloku.','Options Updated'=>'Ustawienia zostały zaktualizowane','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby włączyć aktualizacje, należy wprowadzić klucz licencyjny na stronie Aktualizacje. Jeśli nie posiadasz klucza licencyjnego, zapoznaj się z informacjami szczegółowymi i cenami.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Zdefiniowany przez Państwa klucz licencyjny uległ zmianie, ale podczas dezaktywacji starej licencji wystąpił błąd','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Twój zdefiniowany klucz licencyjny uległ zmianie, ale wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF Błąd aktywacji','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','Check Again'=>'Sprawdź ponownie','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Nie można połączyć się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','Publish'=>'Opublikuj','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Żadna grupa pól nie została dodana do tej strony opcji. Utwórz grupę własnych pól','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Błąd. Nie można połączyć z serwerem aktualizacji','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Nie można uwierzytelnić pakietu aktualizacyjnego. Proszę sprawdzić ponownie lub dezaktywować i ponownie uaktywnić licencję ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Błąd. Twoja licencja dla tej strony wygasła lub została dezaktywowana. Proszę ponownie aktywować licencję ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Umożliwia wybranie i wyświetlenie istniejących pól. Nie duplikuje żadnych pól w bazie danych, ale ładuje i wyświetla wybrane pola w czasie wykonywania. Pole Klonuj może zastąpić się wybranymi polami lub wyświetlić wybrane pola jako grupę podpól.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Wybierz jedno lub więcej pól które chcesz sklonować','Display'=>'Wyświetl','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Określ styl wykorzystywany do stosowania w klonowanych polach','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupuj (wyświetla wybrane pola w grupie)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Ujednolicenie (zastępuje to pole wybranymi polami)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etykiety będą wyświetlane jako %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefiks Etykiet Pól','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Wartości będą zapisane jako %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefiks Nazw Pól','Unknown field'=>'Nieznane pole','Unknown field group'=>'Nieznana grupa pól','All fields from %s field group'=>'Wszystkie pola z grupy pola %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Umożliwia definiowanie, tworzenie i zarządzanie treścią z pełną kontrolą poprzez tworzenie układów zawierających podpola, które edytorzy treści mogą wybierać.','Add Row'=>'Dodaj wiersz','layout'=>'układ' . "\0" . 'układy' . "\0" . 'układów','layouts'=>'układy','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'To pole wymaga przynajmniej {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'To pole ma ograniczenie {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} dostępne (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} wymagane (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Elastyczne pole wymaga przynajmniej 1 układu','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kliknij przycisk "%s" poniżej, aby zacząć tworzyć nowy układ','Add layout'=>'Dodaj układ','Duplicate layout'=>'Powiel układ','Remove layout'=>'Usuń układ','Click to toggle'=>'Kliknij, aby przełączyć','Delete Layout'=>'Usuń układ','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikuj układ','Add New Layout'=>'Dodaj nowy układ','Add Layout'=>'Dodaj układ','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimalna liczba układów','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksymalna liczba układów','Button Label'=>'Etykieta przycisku','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s musi być typu tablicy lub null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układ.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układy.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układów.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układ.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układy.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układów.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs do zarządzania kolekcją załączników, takich jak obrazy.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Dodaj obraz do galerii','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maksimum ilości wyborów osiągnięte','Length'=>'Długość','Caption'=>'Etykieta','Alt Text'=>'Tekst alternatywny','Add to gallery'=>'Dodaj do galerii','Bulk actions'=>'Działania na wielu','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortuj po dacie przesłania','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortuj po dacie modyfikacji','Sort by title'=>'Sortuj po tytule','Reverse current order'=>'Odwróć aktualną kolejność','Close'=>'Zamknij','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimalna liczba wybranych elementów','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksymalna liczba wybranych elementów','Allowed file types'=>'Dozwolone typy plików','Insert'=>'Wstaw','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Określ gdzie są dodawane nowe załączniki','Append to the end'=>'Dodaj na końcu','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Dodaj do początku','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nie osiągnięto minimalnej liczby wierszy ({min} wierszy)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Osiągnięto maksimum liczby wierszy ( {max} wierszy )','Error loading page'=>'Błąd ładowania strony','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'Kolejność zostanie przydzielona po zapisaniu','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Przydatne dla pól z dużą liczbą wierszy.','Rows Per Page'=>'Wiersze na stronę','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Ustawienie liczby wierszy, które mają być wyświetlane na stronie.','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimalna liczba wierszy','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksymalna liczba wierszy','Collapsed'=>'Zwinięty','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Wybierz pole podrzędne, które mają być pokazane kiedy wiersz jest zwinięty','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Nieprawidłowy klucz lub nazwa pola.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Wystąpił błąd przy pobieraniu pola.','Click to reorder'=>'Kliknij, aby zmienić kolejność','Add row'=>'Dodaj wiersz','Duplicate row'=>'Powiel wiersz','Remove row'=>'Usuń wiersz','Current Page'=>'Bieżąca strona','First Page'=>'Pierwsza strona','Previous Page'=>'Poprzednia strona','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s z %2$s','Next Page'=>'Następna strona','Last Page'=>'Ostatnia strona','No block types exist'=>'Nie istnieją żadne typy bloków','No options pages exist'=>'Strona opcji nie istnieje','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktywuj licencję','Activate License'=>'Aktywuj licencję','License Information'=>'Informacje o licencji','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Żeby odblokować aktualizacje proszę podać swój klucz licencyjny poniżej. Jeśli nie posiadasz klucza prosimy zapoznać się ze szczegółami i cennikiem.','License Key'=>'Klucz licencyjny','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Twój klucz licencyjny jest zdefiniowany w pliku wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Ponów próbę aktywacji','Update Information'=>'Informacje o aktualizacji','Current Version'=>'Zainstalowana wersja','Latest Version'=>'Najnowsza wersja','Update Available'=>'Dostępna aktualizacja','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informacje o aktualizacji','Check For Updates'=>'Sprawdź dostępność aktualizacji','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Wprowadź klucz licencyjny, aby odblokować aktualizacje','Update Plugin'=>'Aktualizuj wtyczkę','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Proszę wpisać swój klucz licencyjny powyżej aby odblokować aktualizacje']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pl_PL','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Hide details'=>'Ukryj szczegóły','Show details'=>'Pokaż szczegóły','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - wyświetlane przez %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Odnów licencję ACF PRO','Renew License'=>'Odnów licencję','Manage License'=>'Zarządzaj licencją','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'Pozycja „Wysoka” nie jest obsługiwana w edytorze blokowym.','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Kup ACF-a PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'Strony opcji ACF-a to własne strony administracyjne umożliwiające zarządzanie globalnymi ustawieniami za pomocą pól. Można tworzyć wiele stron i podstron.','Add Options Page'=>'Dodaj stronę opcji','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tekst zastępczy tytułu.','Title Placeholder'=>'Placeholder (tekst zastępczy) tytułu','4 Months Free'=>'4 miesiące za darmo','Select Options Pages'=>'Wybierz strony opcji','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplikuj taksonomię','Create taxonomy'=>'Utwórz taksonomię','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplikuj typ treści','Create post type'=>'Utwórz typ treści','Link field groups'=>'Powiąż grupy pól','Add fields'=>'Dodaj pola','This Field'=>'To pole','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Uwagi','Support'=>'Pomoc techniczna','is developed and maintained by'=>'jest rozwijany i utrzymywany przez','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Dodaj ten element (%s) do reguł lokalizacji wybranych grup pól.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Włączenie opcji dwukierunkowości pozwala na aktualizowanie wartości pól docelowych w każdym elemencie wybranym w tym polu, dodając lub usuwając identyfikator aktualizowanego wpisu, terminu taksonomii lub użytkownika. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji przeczytaj dokumentację.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Wybierz pole(-a), gdzie zapisywać odwołanie do aktualizowanego elementu. Możesz wybrać to pole. Pola docelowe muszą być zgodne z miejscem wyświetlania tego pola. Przykładowo, jeśli to pole jest wyświetlane w terminie taksonomii, pole docelowe musi mieć rodzaj Taksonomia.','Target Field'=>'Pole docelowe','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Zaktualizuj pole w wybranych elementach, odwołując się do tego identyfikatora','Bidirectional'=>'Dwukierunkowe','%s Field'=>'Pole „%s”','Select Multiple'=>'Wielokrotny wybór','WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Tylko małe litery, myślniki i podkreślniki. Maksymalnie 32 znaki.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do przypisywania terminów tej taksonomii.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do przypisywania terminów','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do usuwania terminów tej taksonomii.','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do usuwania terminów','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do edytowania terminów tej taksonomii.','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do edytowania terminów','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia do zarządzania terminami tej taksonomii.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Uprawnienie do zarządzania terminami','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Określa czy wpisy powinny być wykluczone z wyników wyszukiwania oraz stron archiwów taksonomii.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Więcej narzędzi od WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Stworzone dla tych, których tworzą przy pomocy WordPressa, przez zespół %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Zobacz cennik i kup PRO','Learn More'=>'Dowiedz się więcej','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Przyśpiesz swoją pracę i twórz lepsze witryny przy pomocy funkcji takich jak bloki ACF-a i strony opcji oraz wyrafinowanych rodzajów pól takich jak pole powtarzalne, elastyczna treść, klon, czy galeria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Odblokuj zaawansowane funkcje i zbuduj więcej przy pomocy ACF-a PRO','%s fields'=>'Pola „%s”','No terms'=>'Brak terminów','No post types'=>'Brak typów treści','No posts'=>'Brak wpisów','No taxonomies'=>'Brak taksonomii','No field groups'=>'Brak grup pól','No fields'=>'Brak pól','No description'=>'Brak opisu','Any post status'=>'Dowolny status wpisu','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz taksonomii jest już używany przez inną taksonomię zarejestrowaną poza ACF-em i nie może zostać użyty.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz taksonomii jest już używany przez inną taksonomię w ACF-ie i nie może zostać użyty.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Klucz taksonomii może zawierać wyłącznie małe litery, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślniki.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Klucz taksonomii musi mieć mniej niż 32 znaków.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych taksonomii w koszu','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych taksonomii','Search Taxonomies'=>'Szukaj taksonomii','View Taxonomy'=>'Zobacz taksonomię','New Taxonomy'=>'Nowa taksonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Edytuj taksonomię','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Utwórz taksonomię','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych typów treści w koszu','No Post Types found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych typów treści','Search Post Types'=>'Szukaj typów treści','View Post Type'=>'Zobacz typ treści','New Post Type'=>'Nowy typ treści','Edit Post Type'=>'Edytuj typ treści','Add New Post Type'=>'Utwórz typ treści','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz typu treści jest już używany przez inny typ treści zarejestrowany poza ACF-em i nie może zostać użyty.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Ten klucz typu treści jest już używany przez inny typ treści w ACF-ie i nie może zostać użyty.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Pole nie może być terminem zastrzeżonym przez WordPressa.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Klucz typu treści może zawierać wyłącznie małe litery, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślniki.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Klucz typu treści musi mieć mniej niż 20 znaków.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Nie zalecamy używania tego pola w blokach ACF-a.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Wyświetla edytor WYSIWYG WordPressa, taki jak we wpisach czy stronach, który pozwala na formatowanie tekstu oraz użycie treści multimedialnych.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Edytor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Pozwala na wybór jednego lub kliku użytkowników do tworzenia relacji między obiektami danych.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Pole tekstowe przeznaczone do przechowywania adresów URL.','URL'=>'Adres URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Przełącznik pozwalający na wybranie wartości 1 lub 0 (włączone lub wyłączone, prawda lub fałsz, itp.). Może być wyświetlany jako ostylowany przełącznik lub pole zaznaczenia.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania godziny. Zwracany format czasu można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Prosty obszar tekstowy do przechowywania akapitów tekstu.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Proste pole tekstowe, przydatne do przechowywania wartości pojedynczych ciągów.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Pozwala na wybór jednego lub kliku terminów taksonomii w oparciu o kryteria i opcje określone w ustawieniach pola.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Pozwala na grupowanie pól w zakładkach na ekranie edycji. Przydatne do utrzymywania porządku i struktury pól.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Lista rozwijana z wyborem określonych opcji.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Interfejs dwukolumnowy do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron lub elementów własnych typów treści, aby stworzyć relację z obecnie edytowanym elementem. Posiada wyszukiwarkę i filtrowanie.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Pole do wybierania wartości liczbowej z określonego zakresu za pomocą suwaka.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Grupa pól wyboru pozwalająca użytkownikowi na wybór jednej spośród określonych wartości.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Interaktywny i konfigurowalny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron, elementów typów treści. Posiada wyszukiwarkę. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Maskowane pole do wpisywania hasła.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtruj wg statusu wpisu','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Interaktywna lista rozwijana do wybierania jednego lub kilku wpisów, stron, elementów własnych typów treści lub adresów URL archiwów. Posiada wyszukiwarkę.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Interaktywny element do osadzania filmów, obrazków, tweetów, audio i innych treści przy użyciu natywnej funkcji oEmbed WordPressa.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Pole ograniczone do wartości liczbowych.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Używane do wyświetlania wiadomości dla redaktorów obok innych pól. Przydatne do przekazywania dodatkowego kontekstu lub instrukcji dotyczących pól.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Pozwala na określenie odnośnika i jego właściwości, takich jak tytuł czy cel, przy użyciu natywnego wyboru odnośników WordPressa.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Używa natywnego wyboru mediów WordPressa do przesyłania lub wyboru obrazków.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Zapewnia sposób na uporządkowanie pól w grupy w celu lepszej organizacji danych i ekranu edycji.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania lokalizacji przy użyciu Map Google. Do poprawnego wyświetlania wymagany jest klucz API Google Maps oraz dodatkowa konfiguracja.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Używa natywnego wyboru mediów WordPressa do przesyłania lub wyboru plików.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Pole tekstowe przeznaczone do przechowywania adresów e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania daty i godziny. Zwracany format daty można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania daty. Zwracany format daty można dostosować przy użyciu ustawień pola.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs użytkownika do wybierania koloru lub określenia wartości Hex.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Grupa pól zaznaczenia, która pozwala użytkownikowi na wybranie jednej lub kilku określonych wartości.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Grupa przycisków z określonymi wartościami, z których użytkownik może wybrać jedną opcję.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Pozwala na grupowanie i organizowanie własnych pól w zwijanych panelach wyświetlanych podczas edytowania treści. Przydatne do utrzymywania porządku przy dużej ilości danych.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Zapewnie rozwiązanie dla powtarzalnych treści, takich jak slajdy, członkowie zespołu, czy kafelki. Działa jak element nadrzędny dla zestawu podpól, który może być powtarzany wiele razy.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Zapewnia interaktywny interfejs do zarządzania zbiorem załączników. Większość opcji jest podobna do rodzaju pola Obrazek. Dodatkowe opcje pozwalają na określenie miejsca w galerii w którym nowe załączniki są dodawane oraz minimalną i maksymalną liczbę dozwolonych załączników.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Zapewnia prosty, uporządkowany edytor oparty na układach. Pole elastycznej treści pozwala na pełną kontrolę nad definiowaniem, tworzeniem i zarządzaniem treścią przy użyciu układów i podpól w celu zaprojektowania dostępnych bloków.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Pozwala na wybór i wyświetlanie istniejących pól. Zamiast powielania pól w bazie danych, wczytuje i wyświetla wybrane pola w trakcie wykonywania kodu strony. Pole klona może być zastąpione przez wybrane pola lub wyświetlać wybrane pola jak grupa podpól.','nounClone'=>'Klon','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Zaawansowane','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nowszy)','Original'=>'Oryginalny','Invalid post ID.'=>'Nieprawidłowy identyfikator wpisu.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Wybrano nieprawidłowy typ treści do porównania.','More'=>'Więcej','Tutorial'=>'Poradnik','Select Field'=>'Wybierz pole','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Spróbuj innej frazy lub przejrzyj %s','Popular fields'=>'Popularne pola','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Brak wyników wyszukiwania dla „%s”','Search fields...'=>'Szukaj pól…','Select Field Type'=>'Wybierz rodzaj pola','Popular'=>'Popularne','Add Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj taksonomię','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Twórz własne taksonomie, aby klasyfikować typy treści','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Dodaj swoją pierwszą taksonomię','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Hierarchiczne taksonomie mogą posiadać elementy potomne (jak kategorie).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Powoduje, że taksonomia jest widoczna w witrynie oraz w kokpicie administratora.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Jeden lub klika typów wpisów, które będą klasyfikowane za pomocą tej taksonomii.','genre'=>'gatunek','Genre'=>'Gatunek','Genres'=>'Gatunki','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Opcjonalny własny kontroler do użycia zamiast `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Pokaż ten typ treści w REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Dostosuj nazwę zmiennej zapytania','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Terminy są dostępne za pomocą nieprzyjaznych bezpośrednich odnośników, np. {zmienna_zapytania}={uproszczona_nazwa_terminu}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Terminy nadrzędne i potomne w adresach URL dla hierarchicznych taksonomii.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Dostosuj uproszczoną nazwę używaną w adresie URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Bezpośrednie odnośniki tej taksonomii są wyłączone.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając klucza taksonomii jako uproszczonej nazwy. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','Taxonomy Key'=>'Klucz taksonomii','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Wybierz rodzaj bezpośredniego odnośnika używanego dla tego taksonomii.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Wyświetl kolumnę taksonomii na ekranach list typów treści.','Show Admin Column'=>'Pokaż kolumnę administratora','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Pokaż taksonomię w panelu szybkiej/masowej edycji.','Quick Edit'=>'Szybka edycja','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Pokaż taksonomię w ustawieniach widżetu Chmury tagów.','Tag Cloud'=>'Chmura tagów','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana do oczyszczania danych taksonomii z metaboksa.','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Funkcja zwrotna oczyszczania metaboksa','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana do obsłużenia treści metaboksa w twojej taksonomii.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Funkcja zwrotna rejestrowania metaboksa','No Meta Box'=>'Brak metaboksa','Custom Meta Box'=>'Własny metaboks','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Kontroluje metaboks na ekranie edytora treści. Domyślnie metaboks Kategorii jest wyświetlany dla hierarchicznych taksonomii, a metaboks Tagów dla taksonomii niehierarchicznych.','Meta Box'=>'Metaboks','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metaboks kategorii','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metaboks tagów','A link to a tag'=>'Dodaj odnośnik do tagu','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Opisuje wersję bloku odnośnika używanego w edytorze blokowym.','A link to a %s'=>'Odnośnik do „%s”','Tag Link'=>'Odnośnik tagu','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Przypisuje tytuł wersji bloku odnośnika używanego w edytorze blokowym.','← Go to tags'=>'← Przejdź do tagów','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Przypisuje tekst używany w odnośniku powrotu do głównego indeksu po zaktualizowaniu terminu.','Back To Items'=>'Powrót do elementów','← Go to %s'=>'← Przejdź do „%s”','Tags list'=>'Lista tagów','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do ukrytego nagłówka tabeli.','Tags list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy tagów','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do ukrytego nagłówka stronicowania tabeli.','Filter by category'=>'Filtruj wg kategorii','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do przycisku filtrowania w tabeli listy wpisów.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtruj wg elementu','Filter by %s'=>'Filtruj wg „%s”','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Opis zwykle nie jest eksponowany, jednak niektóre motywy mogą go wyświetlać.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole opisu na ekranie edycji tagów.','Description Field Description'=>'Opis pola opisu','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Przypisz pojęcie nadrzędne, aby utworzyć hierarchię. Na przykład pojęcie Jazz byłoby rodzicem dla Bebop i Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole elementu nadrzędnego na ekranie edycji tagów.','Parent Field Description'=>'Opis pola nadrzędnego','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'„Uproszczona nazwa” jest przyjazną dla adresu URL wersją nazwy. Zwykle składa się wyłącznie z małych liter, cyfr i myślników.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole uproszczonej nazwy na ekranie edycji tagów.','Slug Field Description'=>'Opis pola uproszczonej nazwy','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Nazwa jak pojawia się w witrynie','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Opisuje pole nazwy na ekranie edycji tagów.','Name Field Description'=>'Opis pola nazwy','No tags'=>'Brak tagów','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyświetlany w tabelach list wpisów i mediów gdy nie ma żadnych tagów, ani kategorii.','No Terms'=>'Brak terminów','No %s'=>'Brak „%s”','No tags found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych tagów','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyświetlany po kliknięciu „Wybierz z najczęściej używanych” w metaboksie taksonomii gdy nie ma żadnych tagów, ani kategorii oraz tekst używany w tabeli listy terminów gdy nie ma elementów z tej taksonomii.','Not Found'=>'Nie znaleziono','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Przypisuje tekst do pola Tytuł zakładki najczęściej używanych.','Most Used'=>'Najczęściej używane','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych tagów','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst „Wybierz z najczęściej używanych” w metaboksie, gdy JavaScript jest wyłączony. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Wybierz z najczęściej używanych „%s”','Add or remove tags'=>'Dodaj lub usuń tagi','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Przypisuje tekst dot. dodawania lub usuwania elementów w metaboksie, gdy JavaScript jest wyłączony. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Dodaj lub usuń elementy','Add or remove %s'=>'Dodaj lub usuń %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Oddziel tagi przecinkami','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst dot. oddzielania elementów przecinkami w metaboksie taksonomii. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Oddziel elementy przecinkami','Separate %s with commas'=>'Oddziel %s przecinkami','Popular Tags'=>'Popularne tagi','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst popularnych elementów. Używane tylko w taksonomiach niehierarchicznych.','Popular Items'=>'Popularne elementy','Popular %s'=>'Popularne %s','Search Tags'=>'Szukaj tagów','Assigns search items text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wyszukiwania elementów.','Parent Category:'=>'Kategoria nadrzędna:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Przypisuje tekst elementu nadrzędnego, ale z dodanym na końcu dwukropkiem (:).','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Element nadrzędny z dwukropkiem','Parent Category'=>'Kategoria nadrzędna','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Przypisuje tekst elementu nadrzędnego. Używane tylko w taksonomiach hierarchicznych.','Parent Item'=>'Element nadrzędny','Parent %s'=>'Element nadrzędny „%s”','New Tag Name'=>'Nazwa nowego tagu','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst nazwy nowego elementu.','New Item Name'=>'Nazwa nowego elementu','New %s Name'=>'Nazwa nowego „%s”','Add New Tag'=>'Utwórz tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst dodania nowego elementu.','Update Tag'=>'Aktualizuj tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst zaktualizowania elementu.','Update Item'=>'Aktualizuj element','Update %s'=>'Aktualizuj „%s”','View Tag'=>'Zobacz tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Na pasku administratora do zobaczenia terminu podczas edycji.','Edit Tag'=>'Edytuj tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas edytowania terminu.','All Tags'=>'Wszystkie tagi','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst wszystkich elementów.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Przypisuje tekst nazwy menu.','Menu Label'=>'Etykieta menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Włączone taksonomie są uruchamiane i rejestrowane razem z WordPressem.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące taksonomię.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące termin.','Term Description'=>'Opis terminu','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Pojedyncze słowo, bez spacji. Dozwolone są myślniki i podkreślniki.','Term Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa terminu','The name of the default term.'=>'Nazwa domyślnego terminu.','Term Name'=>'Nazwa terminu','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Utwórz termin taksonomii, którego nie będzie można usunąć. Nie będzie on domyślnie wybrany dla wpisów.','Default Term'=>'Domyślny termin','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Czy terminy tej taksonomii powinny być posortowane w kolejności, w jakiej są przekazywane do `wp_set_object_terms()`.','Sort Terms'=>'Sortuj terminy','Add Post Type'=>'Dodaj typ treści','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Rozszerz funkcjonalność WordPressa ponad standardowe wpisy i strony za pomocą własnych typów treści.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Dodaj swój pierwszy typ treści','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Wiem co robię, pokaż mi wszystkie opcje.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Zaawansowana konfiguracja','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Hierarchiczne typy treści mogą posiadać elementy potomne (jak strony).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarchiczne','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Widoczne w witrynie oraz w kokpicie administratora.','Public'=>'Publiczne','movie'=>'film','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Tylko małe litery, myślniki i podkreślniki. Maksymalnie 20 znaków.','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etykieta w liczbie pojedynczej','Movies'=>'Filmy','Plural Label'=>'Etykieta w liczbie mnogiej','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Opcjonalny własny kontroler do użycia zamiast `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.','Controller Class'=>'Klasa kontrolera','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'Część przestrzeni nazw adresu URL REST API.','Namespace Route'=>'Ścieżka przestrzeni nazw','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'Bazowy adres URL tego typu treści dla adresów URL REST API.','Base URL'=>'Bazowy adres URL','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Pokaż ten typ treści w REST API. Wymagane, aby używać edytora blokowego.','Show In REST API'=>'Pokaż w REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Dostosuj nazwę zmiennej zapytania.','Query Variable'=>'Zmienna zapytania','No Query Variable Support'=>'Brak obsługi zmiennej zapytania','Custom Query Variable'=>'Własna zmienna zapytania','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Elementy są dostępne za pomocą nieprzyjaznych bezpośrednich odnośników, np. {typ_treści}={uproszczona_nazwa_wpisu}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Obsługa zmiennej zapytania','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Adresy URL elementu i elementów są dostępne za pomocą ciągu znaków zapytania.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Publicznie dostępne','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Własna uproszczona nazwa dla adresu URL archiwum.','Archive Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa archiwum','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Posiada archiwum elementów, które można dostosować za pomocą szablonu archiwum w motywie.','Archive'=>'Archiwum','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Obsługa stronicowania adresów URL elementów takich jak archiwa.','Pagination'=>'Stronicowanie','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'Adres URL kanału RSS elementów tego typu treści.','Feed URL'=>'Adres URL kanału informacyjnego','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Modyfikuje strukturę bezpośrednich odnośników dodając prefiks `WP_Rewrite::$front` do adresów URL.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefiks adresu URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Dostosuj uproszczoną nazwę używaną w adresie URL.','URL Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa w adresie URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Bezpośrednie odnośniki tego typu treści są wyłączone.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając własnej uproszczonej nazwy określonej w polu poniżej. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Brak bezpośredniego odnośnika (wyłącz przepisywanie adresów URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Własny bezpośredni odnośnik','Post Type Key'=>'Klucz typu treści','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Przepisuj adres URL używając klucza typu treści jako uproszczonej nazwy. Struktura bezpośrednich odnośników będzie następująca','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Przepisywanie bezpośrednich odnośników','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Usuwaj elementy należące do użytkownika podczas jego usuwania.','Delete With User'=>'Usuń wraz z użytkownikiem','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Zezwól na eksportowanie tego typu treści na ekranie „Narzędzia > Eksport”.','Can Export'=>'Można eksportować','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcjonalnie podaj liczbę mnogą, aby użyć jej w uprawnieniach.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia w liczbie mnogiej','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Wybierz inny typ treści, aby bazować na jego uprawnieniach dla tego typu treści.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nazwa uprawnienia w liczbie pojedynczej','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Domyślnie nazwy uprawnienia tego typu treści zostaną odziedziczone z uprawnień typu „Wpis”, np. edit_post, delete_posts. Włącz, aby użyć w tym typie treści własnych uprawnień, np. edit_{liczba pojedyncza}, delete_{liczba mnoga}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Zmień nazwy uprawnień','Exclude From Search'=>'Wyklucz z wyszukiwania','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Zezwól na dodawanie elementów do menu na ekranie „Wygląd > Menu”. Należy je włączyć w „Opcjach ekranu”.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Obsługa menu wyglądu','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Pojawia się jako element w menu „Utwórz” na pasku administratora.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Pokaż na pasku administratora','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Nazwa funkcji PHP, która będzie wzywana podczas konfigurowania metaboksów na ekranie edycji.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Własna funkcja zwrotna metaboksa','Menu Icon'=>'Ikonka menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'Pozycja w menu w panelu bocznym w kokpicie administratora.','Menu Position'=>'Pozycja menu','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Domyślnie typ treści otrzyma nowy element najwyższego poziomu w menu administratora. Jeżeli zostanie tu podany istniejący element najwyższego poziomu, typ treści zostanie dodany do niego jako element podmenu.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Element nadrzędny menu administratora','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'Ikonka używana przez element menu tego typu treści w kokpicie administratora. Może to być adres URL lub %s do użycia jako ikonka.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nazwa klasy Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Nawigacja w menu w panelu bocznym kokpitu administratora.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Pokaż w menu administratora','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Elementy mogą być edytowanie i zarządzane w kokpicie administratora.','Show In UI'=>'Pokaż w interfejsie użytkownika','A link to a post.'=>'Odnośnik do wpisu.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Opis wersji bloku odnośnika.','Item Link Description'=>'Opis odnośnika elementu','A link to a %s.'=>'Odnośnik do „%s”.','Post Link'=>'Odnośnik wpisu','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Tytuł wersji bloku odnośnika.','Item Link'=>'Odnośnik elementu','%s Link'=>'Odnośnik „%s”','Post updated.'=>'Wpis został zaktualizowany.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zaktualizowaniu elementu.','Item Updated'=>'Element został zaktualizowany','%s updated.'=>'„%s” został zaktualizowany.','Post scheduled.'=>'Zaplanowano publikację wpisu.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zaplanowaniu publikacji elementu.','Item Scheduled'=>'Zaplanowano publikację elementu','%s scheduled.'=>'Zaplanowano publikację „%s”.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Wpis zamieniony w szkic.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po zamienieniu elementu w szkic.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Element zamieniony w szkic','%s reverted to draft.'=>'„%s” zamieniony w szkic.','Post published privately.'=>'Wpis został opublikowany jako prywatny.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po opublikowaniu elementu jako prywatny.','Item Published Privately'=>'Element został opublikowany jako prywatny','%s published privately.'=>'„%s” został opublikowany jako prywatny.','Post published.'=>'Wpis został opublikowany.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Powiadomienie w edytorze po opublikowaniu elementu.','Item Published'=>'Element został opublikowany','%s published.'=>'„%s” został opublikowany.','Posts list'=>'Lista wpisów','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do listy elementów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Items List'=>'Lista elementów','%s list'=>'Lista „%s”','Posts list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy wpisów','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do stronicowania na liście filtrów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Items List Navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy elementów','%s list navigation'=>'Nawigacja listy „%s”','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtruj wpisy wg daty','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do nagłówka filtrowania wg daty na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtruj elementy wg daty','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtruj %s wg daty','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrowanie listy wpisów','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Używane przez czytniki ekranu do nagłówka odnośników filtrowania na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrowanie listy elementów','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrowanie listy „%s”','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'W oknie mediów wyświetlającym wszystkie media wgrane do tego elementu.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Wgrane do elementu','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Wgrane do „%s”','Insert into post'=>'Wstaw do wpisu','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas dodawania mediów do treści.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Przycisk wstawiania mediów','Insert into %s'=>'Wstaw do „%s”','Use as featured image'=>'Użyj jako obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas wybierania obrazka do użycia jako obrazka wyróżniającego.','Use Featured Image'=>'Użyj obrazka wyróżniającego','Remove featured image'=>'Usuń obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas usuwania obrazka wyróżniającego.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Usuń obrazek wyróżniający','Set featured image'=>'Ustaw obrazek wyróżniający','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Jako etykieta przycisku podczas ustawiania obrazka wyróżniającego.','Set Featured Image'=>'Ustaw obrazek wyróżniający','Featured image'=>'Obrazek wyróżniający','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tytuł metaboksa obrazka wyróżniającego.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metaboks obrazka wyróżniającego','Post Attributes'=>'Atrybuty wpisu','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'W edytorze, używane jako tytuł metaboksa atrybutów wpisu.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metaboks atrybutów','%s Attributes'=>'Atrybuty „%s”','Post Archives'=>'Archiwa wpisów','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Dodaje element „Archiwa typu treści”, o tej etykiecie, do listy wpisów własnych typów treści z włączonymi archiwami, wyświetlanych podczas dodawania elementów do istniejącego menu. Pojawia się podczas edytowania menu w trybie „Podgląd na żywo”, gdy podano własną uproszczoną nazwę archiwów.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu nawigacyjne archiwów','%s Archives'=>'Archiwa „%s”','No posts found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów w koszu','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Na górze ekranu listy wpisów typu treści gdy brak wpisów w koszu.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych elementów w koszu','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych „%s” w koszu','No posts found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Na górze ekranu listy wpisów typu treści gdy brak wpisów do wyświetlenia.','No Items Found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych elementów','No %s found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych „%s”','Search Posts'=>'Szukaj wpisów','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Na górze ekranu elementów podczas szukania elementu.','Search Items'=>'Szukaj elementów','Search %s'=>'Szukaj „%s”','Parent Page:'=>'Strona nadrzędna:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Dla hierarchicznych typów na ekranie listy wpisów tego typu treści.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefiks elementu nadrzędnego','Parent %s:'=>'Nadrzędny „%s”:','New Post'=>'Nowy wpis','New Item'=>'Nowy element','New %s'=>'Nowy „%s”','Add New Post'=>'Utwórz wpis','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas dodawania nowego elementu.','Add New Item'=>'Utwórz element','Add New %s'=>'Utwórz „%s”','View Posts'=>'Zobacz wpisy','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Pojawia się na pasku administratora w widoku „Wszystkie wpisy”, pod warunkiem, że typ treści obsługuje archiwa, a strona główna nie jest archiwum tego typu treści.','View Items'=>'Zobacz elementy','View Post'=>'Zobacz wpis','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Na pasku administratora do zobaczenia elementu podczas jego edycji.','View Item'=>'Zobacz element','View %s'=>'Zobacz „%s”','Edit Post'=>'Edytuj wpis','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Na górze ekranu edycji podczas edytowania elementu.','Edit Item'=>'Edytuj element','Edit %s'=>'Edytuj „%s”','All Posts'=>'Wszystkie wpisy','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'W podmenu typu treści w kokpicie administratora.','All Items'=>'Wszystkie elementy','All %s'=>'Wszystkie %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nazwa menu administracyjnego tego typu treści.','Menu Name'=>'Nazwa menu','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Odnów wszystkie etykiety używając etykiet w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej','Regenerate'=>'Odnów','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Włączone typy treści są uruchamiane i rejestrowane razem z WordPressem.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Podsumowanie opisujące typ treści.','Add Custom'=>'Dodaj własną','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Włącz różne funkcje w edytorze treści.','Post Formats'=>'Formaty wpisów','Editor'=>'Edytor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacki','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Wybierz istniejące taksonomie, aby klasyfikować ten typ treści.','Browse Fields'=>'Przeglądaj pola','Nothing to import'=>'Brak danych do importu','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Wtyczka „Custom Post Type UI” może zostać wyłączona.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Zaimportowano %d element z „Custom Post Type UI” -' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %d elementy z „Custom Post Type UI” -' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %d elementów z „Custom Post Type UI” -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Nie udało się zaimportować taksonomii.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Nie udało się zaimportować typów treści.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nie wybrano niczego do zaimportowania z wtyczki „Custom Post Type UI”.','Imported 1 item'=>'Zaimportowano 1 element' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %s elementy' . "\0" . 'Zaimportowano %s elementów','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Zaimportowanie typu treści lub taksonomii, z tym samym kluczem co już istniejący element, nadpisze ustawienia istniejącego typu treści lub taksonomii używając zaimportowanych danych.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importuj z „Custom Post Type UI”','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'Następujący kod może zostać użyty do zarejestrowania lokalnej wersji wybranych elementów. Przechowywanie grup pól, typów treści czy taksonomii lokalnie może pozytywnie wpłynąć na szybsze czasy wczytywania, kontrolę wersji i dynamiczne pola oraz ustawienia. Skopiuj i wklej następujący kod do pliku function.php w twoim motywie lub załącz go w oddzielnym pliku, a następnie wyłącz lub usuń te elementy z ACF-a.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Eksport - wygeneruj PHP','Export'=>'Eksportuj','Select Taxonomies'=>'Wybierz taksonomie','Select Post Types'=>'Wybierz typy treści','Exported 1 item.'=>'Wyeksportowano 1 element.' . "\0" . 'Wyeksportowano %s elementy.' . "\0" . 'Wyeksportowano %s elementów.','Category'=>'Kategoria','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taksonomia %s została utworzona','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taksonomia %s została zaktualizowana','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Szkic taksonomii został zaktualizowany.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja taksonomii została zaplanowana.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taksonomia została dodana.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taksonomia została zapisana.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taksonomia została usunięta.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taksonomia została zaktualizowana.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tej taksonomii, ponieważ jej klucz jest już używany przez inną taksonomię zarejestrowaną przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taksonomia została zsynchronizowana.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taksonomia została zduplikowana.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało zduplikowanych.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taksonomia została wyłączona.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało wyłączonych.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taksonomia została włączona.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomie zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s taksonomii zostało włączonych.','Terms'=>'Terminy','Post type synchronized.'=>'Typ treści został zsynchronizowany.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Typ treści został zduplikowany.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało zduplikowanych.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Typ treści został wyłączony.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało wyłączonych.','Post type activated.'=>'Typ treści został włączony.' . "\0" . '%s typy treści zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s typów treści zostało włączonych.','Post Types'=>'Typy treści','Advanced Settings'=>'Ustawienia zaawansowane','Basic Settings'=>'Ustawienia podstawowe','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tego typu treści, ponieważ jego klucz jest już używany przez inny typ treści zarejestrowany przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','Pages'=>'Strony','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Powiąż istniejące grupy pól','%s post type created'=>'Typ treści %s został utworzony','Add fields to %s'=>'Dodaj pola do „%s”','%s post type updated'=>'Typ treści %s został zaktualizowany','Post type draft updated.'=>'Szkic typu treści został zaktualizowany.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja typu treści została zaplanowana.','Post type submitted.'=>'Typ teści został dodany.','Post type saved.'=>'Typ treści został zapisany.','Post type updated.'=>'Typ treści został zaktualizowany.','Post type deleted.'=>'Typ treści został usunięty.','Type to search...'=>'Wpisz, aby wyszukać…','PRO Only'=>'Tylko w PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importuj typy treści i taksonomie zarejestrowane za pomocą wtyczki „Custom Post Type UI” i zarządzaj nimi w ACF-ie. Rozpocznij.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taksonomia','post type'=>'typ treści','Done'=>'Gotowe','Field Group(s)'=>'Grupa(-y) pól','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Wybierz jedną lub klika grup pól…','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Proszę wybrać grupy pól do powiązania.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupa pól została powiązana.' . "\0" . 'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.' . "\0" . 'Grupy pól zostały powiązane.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Rejestracja nieudana','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Nie można było zarejestrować tego elementu, ponieważ jego klucz jest już używany przez inny element zarejestrowany przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Uprawnienia','URLs'=>'Adresy URL','Visibility'=>'Widoczność','Labels'=>'Etykiety','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Ustawienia pól w zakładkach','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Wartość shortcode\'u ACF-a wyłączona podczas podglądu]','Close Modal'=>'Zamknij okno','Field moved to other group'=>'Pole zostało przeniesione do innej grupy','Close modal'=>'Zamknij okno','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Rozpocznij od tej zakładki nową grupę zakładek.','New Tab Group'=>'Nowa grupa zakładek','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Użyj ostylowanego pola select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Zapisz inny wybór','Allow Other Choice'=>'Zezwól na inny wybór','Add Toggle All'=>'Dodaj „Przełącz wszystko”','Save Custom Values'=>'Zapisz własne wartości','Allow Custom Values'=>'Zezwól na własne wartości','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Własne wartości pola zaznaczenia nie mogą być puste. Odznacz wszystkie puste wartości.','Updates'=>'Aktualizacje','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Zapisz zmiany','Field Group Title'=>'Tytuł grupy pól','Add title'=>'Dodaj tytuł','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Nie znasz ACF-a? Zapoznaj się z naszym przewodnikiem jak zacząć.','Add Field Group'=>'Dodaj grupę pól','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF używa grup pól do łączenia własnych pól, a następnie dołączania tych pól do ekranów edycji.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Dodaj swoją pierwszą grupę pól','Options Pages'=>'Strony opcji','ACF Blocks'=>'Bloki ACF-a','Gallery Field'=>'Pole galerii','Flexible Content Field'=>'Pole elastycznej treści','Repeater Field'=>'Pole powtarzalne','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Odblokuj dodatkowe funkcje przy pomocy ACF-a PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Usuń grupę pól','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Utworzono %1$s o %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Ustawienia grupy','Location Rules'=>'Reguły lokalizacji','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Wybierz spośród ponad 30 rodzajów pól. Dowiedz się więcej.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Zacznij tworzyć nowe własne pola dla swoich wpisów, stron, własnych typów treści i innych treści WordPressa.','Add Your First Field'=>'Dodaj swoje pierwsze pole','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Dodaj pole','Presentation'=>'Prezentacja','Validation'=>'Walidacja','General'=>'Ogólne','Import JSON'=>'Importuj JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Eksportuj jako JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupa pól została wyłączona.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały wyłączone.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało wyłączonych.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupa pól została włączona.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały włączone.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało włączonych.','Deactivate'=>'Wyłącz','Deactivate this item'=>'Wyłącz ten element','Activate'=>'Włącz','Activate this item'=>'Włącz ten element','Move field group to trash?'=>'Przenieść grupę pól do kosza?','post statusInactive'=>'Wyłączone','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Wtyczki Advanced Custom Fields i Advanced Custom Fields PRO nie powinny być włączone jednocześnie. Automatycznie wyłączyliśmy Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Wtyczki Advanced Custom Fields i Advanced Custom Fields PRO nie powinny być włączone jednocześnie. Automatycznie wyłączyliśmy Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Wykryliśmy jedno lub kilka wywołań, które pobierają wartości pól przez zainicjowaniem ACF-a. Nie są one obsłużone i może to powodować nieprawidłowe lub brakujące dane. Dowiedz się, jak to naprawić.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z rolą %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z jedną z następujących ról: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi mieć użytkownika z jedną z następujących ról: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s musi mieć prawidłowy identyfikator użytkownika.','Invalid request.'=>'Nieprawidłowe żądanie.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s nie zawiera się w %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s musi należeć do taksonomii %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednej z następujących taksonomii: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednej z następujących taksonomii: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s musi należeć do typu treści %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednego z następujących typów treści: %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s musi należeć do jednego z następujących typów treści: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s musi mieć prawidłowy identyfikator wpisu.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s wymaga prawidłowego identyfikatora załącznika.','Show in REST API'=>'Pokaż w REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Włącz przezroczystość','RGBA Array'=>'Tablica RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Ciąg RGBA','Hex String'=>'Ciąg Hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Kup PRO','post statusActive'=>'Włączone','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'„%s” nie jest poprawnym adresem e-mail','Color value'=>'Kolor','Select default color'=>'Wybierz domyślny kolor','Clear color'=>'Wyczyść kolor','Blocks'=>'Bloki','Options'=>'Opcje','Users'=>'Użytkownicy','Menu items'=>'Elementy menu','Widgets'=>'Widżety','Attachments'=>'Załączniki','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomie','Posts'=>'Wpisy','Last updated: %s'=>'Ostatnia aktualizacja: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest niedostępny dla porównania różnic.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Nieprawidłowy parametr(y) grupy pól.','Awaiting save'=>'Oczekiwanie na zapis','Saved'=>'Zapisana','Import'=>'Importuj','Review changes'=>'Przejrzyj zmiany','Located in: %s'=>'Znajduje się w: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Znalezione we wtyczce: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Znalezione w motywie: %s','Various'=>'Różne','Sync changes'=>'Synchronizuj zmiany','Loading diff'=>'Ładowanie różnic','Review local JSON changes'=>'Przegląd lokalnych zmian JSON','Visit website'=>'Odwiedź stronę','View details'=>'Zobacz szczegóły','Version %s'=>'Wersja %s','Information'=>'Informacje','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Pomoc. Nasi pracownicy pomocy technicznej pomogą w bardziej dogłębnych wyzwaniach technicznych.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Dyskusje. Mamy aktywną i przyjazną społeczność na naszych forach społecznościowych, która pomoże Ci poznać tajniki świata ACF-a.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentacja. Nasza obszerna dokumentacja zawiera opisy i przewodniki dotyczące większości sytuacji, które możesz napotkać.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Jesteśmy fanatyczni, jeśli chodzi o wsparcie i chcemy, abyś w pełni wykorzystał swoją stronę internetową dzięki ACF-owi. Jeśli napotkasz jakiekolwiek trudności, jest kilka miejsc, w których możesz znaleźć pomoc:','Help & Support'=>'Pomoc i wsparcie','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Skorzystaj z zakładki Pomoc i wsparcie, aby skontaktować się, jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Przed utworzeniem pierwszej grupy pól zalecamy najpierw przeczytanie naszego przewodnika Pierwsze kroki, aby zapoznać się z filozofią wtyczki i sprawdzonymi metodami.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Wtyczka Advanced Custom Fields zapewnia wizualny kreator formularzy do dostosowywania ekranów edycji WordPress z dodatkowymi polami oraz intuicyjny interfejs API do wyświetlania niestandardowych wartości pól w dowolnym pliku szablonu motywu.','Overview'=>'Przegląd','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Typ lokalizacji „%s” jest już zarejestrowany.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klasa „%s” nie istnieje.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nieprawidłowy identyfikator jednorazowy.','Error loading field.'=>'Błąd ładowania pola.','Location not found: %s'=>'Nie znaleziono lokalizacji: %s','Error: %s'=>'Błąd: %s','Widget'=>'Widżet','User Role'=>'Rola użytkownika','Comment'=>'Komentarz','Post Format'=>'Format wpisu','Menu Item'=>'Element menu','Post Status'=>'Status wpisu','Menus'=>'Menu','Menu Locations'=>'Położenia menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia wpisu','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Strona potomna (ma stronę nadrzędną)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Strona nadrzędna (ma strony potomne)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Strona najwyższego poziomu (bez strony nadrzędnej)','Posts Page'=>'Strona z wpisami','Front Page'=>'Strona główna','Page Type'=>'Typ strony','Viewing back end'=>'Wyświetla kokpit administratora','Viewing front end'=>'Wyświetla witrynę','Logged in'=>'Zalogowany','Current User'=>'Bieżący użytkownik','Page Template'=>'Szablon strony','Register'=>'Zarejestruj się','Add / Edit'=>'Dodaj / Edytuj','User Form'=>'Formularz użytkownika','Page Parent'=>'Strona nadrzędna','Super Admin'=>'Superadministrator','Current User Role'=>'Rola bieżącego użytkownika','Default Template'=>'Domyślny szablon','Post Template'=>'Szablon wpisu','Post Category'=>'Kategoria wpisu','All %s formats'=>'Wszystkie formaty %s','Attachment'=>'Załącznik','%s value is required'=>'%s wartość jest wymagana','Show this field if'=>'Pokaż to pole jeśli','Conditional Logic'=>'Wyświetlanie warunkowe','and'=>'oraz','Local JSON'=>'Lokalny JSON','Clone Field'=>'Pole klona','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Proszę również sprawdzić, czy wszystkie dodatki premium (%s) są zaktualizowane do najnowszej wersji.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Ta wersja zawiera ulepszenia bazy danych i wymaga uaktualnienia.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Dziękujemy za aktualizację %1$s do wersji %2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Wymagana jest aktualizacja bazy danych','Options Page'=>'Strona opcji','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Elastyczna treść','Repeater'=>'Pole powtarzalne','Back to all tools'=>'Wróć do wszystkich narzędzi','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Jeśli na stronie edycji znajduje się kilka grup pól, zostaną zastosowane ustawienia pierwszej z nich. (pierwsza grupa pól to ta, która ma najniższy numer w kolejności)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Wybierz elementy, które chcesz ukryć na stronie edycji.','Hide on screen'=>'Ukryj na ekranie','Send Trackbacks'=>'Wyślij trackbacki','Tags'=>'Tagi','Categories'=>'Kategorie','Page Attributes'=>'Atrybuty strony','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Uproszczona nazwa','Revisions'=>'Wersje','Comments'=>'Komentarze','Discussion'=>'Dyskusja','Excerpt'=>'Zajawka','Content Editor'=>'Edytor treści','Permalink'=>'Bezpośredni odnośnik','Shown in field group list'=>'Wyświetlany na liście grup pól','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Grupy pól z niższym numerem pojawią się pierwsze','Order No.'=>'Nr w kolejności.','Below fields'=>'Pod polami','Below labels'=>'Pod etykietami','Instruction Placement'=>'Położenie instrukcji','Label Placement'=>'Położenie etykiety','Side'=>'Boczna','Normal (after content)'=>'Normalna (pod treścią)','High (after title)'=>'Wysoka (pod tytułem)','Position'=>'Pozycja','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Bezpodziałowy (brak metaboksa)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standardowy (metabox WP)','Style'=>'Styl','Type'=>'Rodzaj','Key'=>'Klucz','Order'=>'Kolejność','Close Field'=>'Zamknij pole','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'szerokość','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atrybuty kontenera','Required'=>'Wymagane','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrukcje dla autorów. Będą widoczne w trakcie wprowadzania danych','Instructions'=>'Instrukcje','Field Type'=>'Rodzaj pola','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Pojedyncze słowo, bez spacji. Dozwolone są myślniki i podkreślniki','Field Name'=>'Nazwa pola','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ta nazwa będzie widoczna na stronie edycji','Field Label'=>'Etykieta pola','Delete'=>'Usuń','Delete field'=>'Usuń pole','Move'=>'Przenieś','Move field to another group'=>'Przenieś pole do innej grupy','Duplicate field'=>'Duplikuj to pole','Edit field'=>'Edytuj pole','Drag to reorder'=>'Przeciągnij aby zmienić kolejność','Show this field group if'=>'Pokaż tę grupę pól jeśli','No updates available.'=>'Brak dostępnych aktualizacji.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Aktualizacja bazy danych zakończona. Zobacz co nowego','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Czytam zadania aktualizacji…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Aktualizacja nie powiodła się.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Aktualizacja zakończona.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Aktualizowanie danych do wersji %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Zdecydowanie zaleca się wykonanie kopii zapasowej bazy danych przed kontynuowaniem. Czy na pewno chcesz teraz uruchomić aktualizacje?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Proszę wybrać co najmniej jedną witrynę do uaktualnienia.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Aktualizacja bazy danych zakończona. Wróć do kokpitu sieci','Site is up to date'=>'Oprogramowanie witryny jest aktualne','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Witryna wymaga aktualizacji bazy danych z %1$s do %2$s','Site'=>'Witryna','Upgrade Sites'=>'Zaktualizuj witryny','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Następujące witryny wymagają aktualizacji bazy danych. Zaznacz te, które chcesz zaktualizować i kliknij %s.','Add rule group'=>'Dodaj grupę warunków','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Utwórz zestaw warunków, które określą w których miejscach będą wykorzystane zdefiniowane tutaj własne pola','Rules'=>'Reguły','Copied'=>'Skopiowano','Copy to clipboard'=>'Skopiuj do schowka','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Wybierz elementy, które chcesz wyeksportować, a następnie wybierz metodę eksportu. Użyj „Eksportuj jako JSON” aby wyeksportować do pliku .json, który można następnie zaimportować do innej instalacji ACF. Użyj „Utwórz PHP” do wyeksportowania ustawień do kodu PHP, który można umieścić w motywie.','Select Field Groups'=>'Wybierz grupy pól','No field groups selected'=>'Nie zaznaczono żadnej grupy pól','Generate PHP'=>'Utwórz PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Eksportuj grupy pól','Import file empty'=>'Importowany plik jest pusty','Incorrect file type'=>'Błędny typ pliku','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Błąd przesyłania pliku. Proszę spróbować ponownie','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Wybierz plik JSON Advanced Custom Fields, który chcesz zaimportować. Po kliknięciu przycisku importu poniżej, ACF zaimportuje elementy z tego pliku.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importuj grupy pól','Sync'=>'Synchronizuj','Select %s'=>'Wybierz %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplikuj','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplikuj ten element','Supports'=>'Obsługuje','Documentation'=>'Dokumentacja','Description'=>'Opis','Sync available'=>'Synchronizacja jest dostępna','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupa pól została zsynchronizowana.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały zsynchronizowane.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało zsynchronizowanych.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupa pól została zduplikowana.' . "\0" . '%s grupy pól zostały zduplikowane.' . "\0" . '%s grup pól zostało zduplikowanych.','Active (%s)'=>'Włączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Włączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Włączone (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Strona opinii i aktualizacji','Upgrade Database'=>'Aktualizuj bazę danych','Custom Fields'=>'Własne pola','Move Field'=>'Przenieś pole','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Proszę wybrać miejsce przeznaczenia dla tego pola','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Pole %1$s znajduje się teraz w grupie pól %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Przenoszenie zakończone.','Active'=>'Włączone','Field Keys'=>'Klucze pola','Settings'=>'Ustawienia','Location'=>'Lokalizacja','Null'=>'Pusty','copy'=>'kopia','(this field)'=>'(to pole)','Checked'=>'Zaznaczone','Move Custom Field'=>'Przenieś pole','No toggle fields available'=>'Brak dostępnych pól','Field group title is required'=>'Tytuł grupy pól jest wymagany','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'To pole nie może zostać przeniesione zanim zmiany nie zostaną zapisane','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Ciąg znaków „field_” nie może zostać użyty na początku nazwy pola','Field group draft updated.'=>'Szkic grupy pól został zaktualizowany.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Publikacja grupy pól została zaplanowana.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupa pól została dodana.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupa pól została zapisana.','Field group published.'=>'Grupa pól została opublikowana.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupa pól została usunięta.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupa pól została zaktualizowana.','Tools'=>'Narzędzia','is not equal to'=>'nie jest równe','is equal to'=>'jest równe','Forms'=>'Formularze','Page'=>'Strona','Post'=>'Wpis','Relational'=>'Relacyjne','Choice'=>'Wybór','Basic'=>'Podstawowe','Unknown'=>'Nieznany','Field type does not exist'=>'Rodzaj pola nie istnieje','Spam Detected'=>'Wykryto spam','Post updated'=>'Wpis został zaktualizowany','Update'=>'Aktualizuj','Validate Email'=>'Potwierdź e-mail','Content'=>'Treść','Title'=>'Tytuł','Edit field group'=>'Edytuj grupę pól','Selection is less than'=>'Wybór jest mniejszy niż','Selection is greater than'=>'Wybór jest większy niż','Value is less than'=>'Wartość jest mniejsza niż','Value is greater than'=>'Wartość jest większa niż','Value contains'=>'Wartość zawiera','Value matches pattern'=>'Wartość musi pasować do wzoru','Value is not equal to'=>'Wartość nie jest równa','Value is equal to'=>'Wartość jest równa','Has no value'=>'Nie ma wartości','Has any value'=>'Ma dowolną wartość','Cancel'=>'Anuluj','Are you sure?'=>'Czy na pewno?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d pola(-ól) wymaga uwagi','1 field requires attention'=>'1 pole wymaga uwagi','Validation failed'=>'Walidacja nie powiodła się','Validation successful'=>'Walidacja zakończona sukcesem','Restricted'=>'Ograniczone','Collapse Details'=>'Zwiń szczegóły','Expand Details'=>'Rozwiń szczegóły','Uploaded to this post'=>'Wgrane do wpisu','verbUpdate'=>'Aktualizuj','verbEdit'=>'Edytuj','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Wprowadzone przez Ciebie zmiany przepadną jeśli przejdziesz do innej strony','File type must be %s.'=>'Wymagany typ pliku to %s.','or'=>'lub','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Rozmiar pliku nie może przekraczać %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Rozmiar pliku musi wynosić co najmniej %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Wysokość obrazka nie może przekraczać %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Obrazek musi mieć co najmniej %dpx wysokości.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Szerokość obrazka nie może przekraczać %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Obrazek musi mieć co najmniej %dpx szerokości.','(no title)'=>'(brak tytułu)','Full Size'=>'Pełny rozmiar','Large'=>'Duży','Medium'=>'Średni','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(brak etykiety)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Określa wysokość obszaru tekstowego','Rows'=>'Wiersze','Text Area'=>'Obszar tekstowy','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Dołącz dodatkowe pole, aby grupowo włączać/wyłączać wszystkie wybory','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Dopisz własne wartości do wyborów pola','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Zezwól na dodawanie własnych wartości','Add new choice'=>'Dodaj nowy wybór','Toggle All'=>'Przełącz wszystko','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Zezwól na adresy URL archiwów','Archives'=>'Archiwa','Page Link'=>'Odnośnik do strony','Add'=>'Dodaj','Name'=>'Nazwa','%s added'=>'Dodano %s','%s already exists'=>'%s już istnieje','User unable to add new %s'=>'Użytkownik nie może dodać nowych „%s”','Term ID'=>'Identyfikator terminu','Term Object'=>'Obiekt terminu','Load value from posts terms'=>'Wczytaj wartości z terminów taksonomii z wpisu','Load Terms'=>'Wczytaj terminy taksonomii','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Przypisz wybrane terminy taksonomii do wpisu','Save Terms'=>'Zapisz terminy taksonomii','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Zezwól na tworzenie nowych terminów taksonomii podczas edycji','Create Terms'=>'Tworzenie terminów taksonomii','Radio Buttons'=>'Pola wyboru','Single Value'=>'Pojedyncza wartość','Multi Select'=>'Wybór wielokrotny','Checkbox'=>'Pole zaznaczenia','Multiple Values'=>'Wiele wartości','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Określ wygląd tego pola','Appearance'=>'Wygląd','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Wybierz taksonomię do wyświetlenia','No TermsNo %s'=>'Brak „%s”','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Wartość musi być równa lub niższa od %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Wartość musi być równa lub wyższa od %d','Value must be a number'=>'Wartość musi być liczbą','Number'=>'Liczba','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Dopisz wartości wyboru „inne” do wyborów pola','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Dodaj wybór „inne”, aby zezwolić na własne wartości','Other'=>'Inne','Radio Button'=>'Pole wyboru','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Zdefiniuj punkt końcowy dla zatrzymania poprzedniego panelu zwijanego. Ten panel zwijany nie będzie widoczny.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Zezwól, aby ten zwijany panel otwierał się bez zamykania innych.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-expand','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Pokaż ten zwijany panel jako otwarty po załadowaniu strony.','Open'=>'Otwórz','Accordion'=>'Zwijany panel','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Określ jakie pliki mogą być przesyłane','File ID'=>'Identyfikator pliku','File URL'=>'Adres URL pliku','File Array'=>'Tablica pliku','Add File'=>'Dodaj plik','No file selected'=>'Nie wybrano pliku','File name'=>'Nazwa pliku','Update File'=>'Aktualizuj plik','Edit File'=>'Edytuj plik','Select File'=>'Wybierz plik','File'=>'Plik','Password'=>'Hasło','Specify the value returned'=>'Określ zwracaną wartość','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Używaj AJAX do wczytywania wyborów?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Wpisz każdą domyślną wartość w osobnej linii','verbSelect'=>'Wybierz','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Wczytywanie zakończone niepowodzeniem','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Szukam…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Wczytuję więcej wyników…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Możesz wybrać tylko %d elementy(-tów)','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Możesz wybrać tylko 1 element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Proszę usunąć %d znaki(-ów)','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Proszę usunąć 1 znak','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Wpisz %d lub więcej znaków','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Wpisz 1 lub więcej znaków','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Brak pasujących wyników','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'Dostępnych wyników: %d. Użyj strzałek w górę i w dół, aby nawigować.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Dostępny jest jeden wynik. Aby go wybrać, naciśnij Enter.','nounSelect'=>'Lista wyboru','User ID'=>'Identyfikator użytkownika','User Object'=>'Obiekt użytkownika','User Array'=>'Tablica użytkownika','All user roles'=>'Wszystkie role użytkownika','Filter by Role'=>'Filtruj wg roli','User'=>'Użytkownik','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Wybierz kolor','Default'=>'Domyślne','Clear'=>'Wyczyść','Color Picker'=>'Wybór koloru','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Wybierz','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gotowe','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Teraz','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Strefa czasowa','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekunda','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisekunda','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekunda','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuta','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Godzina','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Czas','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Określ czas','Date Time Picker'=>'Wybór daty i godziny','Endpoint'=>'Punkt końcowy','Left aligned'=>'Wyrównanie do lewej','Top aligned'=>'Wyrównanie do góry','Placement'=>'Położenie','Tab'=>'Zakładka','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Wartość musi być poprawnym adresem URL','Link URL'=>'Adres URL odnośnika','Link Array'=>'Tablica odnośnika','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Otwiera się w nowym oknie/karcie','Select Link'=>'Wybierz odnośnik','Link'=>'Odnośnik','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Wielkość kroku','Maximum Value'=>'Wartość maksymalna','Minimum Value'=>'Wartość minimalna','Range'=>'Zakres','Both (Array)'=>'Oba (tablica)','Label'=>'Etykieta','Value'=>'Wartość','Vertical'=>'Pionowy','Horizontal'=>'Poziomy','red : Red'=>'czerwony : Czerwony','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Aby uzyskać większą kontrolę, można określić wartość i etykietę w niniejszy sposób:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Wpisz każdy z wyborów w osobnej linii.','Choices'=>'Wybory','Button Group'=>'Grupa przycisków','Allow Null'=>'Zezwól na pusty','Parent'=>'Element nadrzędny','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE nie zostanie zainicjowany, dopóki to pole nie zostanie kliknięte','Delay Initialization'=>'Opóźnij inicjowanie','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Pokaż przycisk dodawania mediów','Toolbar'=>'Pasek narzędzi','Text Only'=>'Tylko tekstowa','Visual Only'=>'Tylko wizualna','Visual & Text'=>'Wizualna i tekstowa','Tabs'=>'Zakładki','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Kliknij, aby zainicjować TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Tekstowy','Visual'=>'Wizualny','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Wartość nie może przekraczać %d znaków','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Pozostaw puste w przypadku braku limitu','Character Limit'=>'Limit znaków','Appears after the input'=>'Pojawia się za polem','Append'=>'Za polem (sufiks)','Appears before the input'=>'Pojawia się przed polem','Prepend'=>'Przed polem (prefiks)','Appears within the input'=>'Pojawia się w polu','Placeholder Text'=>'Placeholder (tekst zastępczy)','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Wyświetlana podczas tworzenia nowego wpisu','Text'=>'Tekst','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyboru' . "\0" . '%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyborów' . "\0" . '%1$s wymaga co najmniej %2$s wyborów','Post ID'=>'Identyfikator wpisu','Post Object'=>'Obiekt wpisu','Maximum Posts'=>'Maksimum wpisów','Minimum Posts'=>'Minimum wpisów','Featured Image'=>'Obrazek wyróżniający','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Wybrane elementy będą wyświetlone przy każdym wyniku','Elements'=>'Elementy','Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomia','Post Type'=>'Typ treści','Filters'=>'Filtry','All taxonomies'=>'Wszystkie taksonomie','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtruj wg taksonomii','All post types'=>'Wszystkie typy treści','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtruj wg typu treści','Search...'=>'Wyszukiwanie…','Select taxonomy'=>'Wybierz taksonomię','Select post type'=>'Wybierz typ treści','No matches found'=>'Brak pasujących wyników','Loading'=>'Wczytywanie','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maksymalna liczba wartości została przekroczona ( {max} wartości )','Relationship'=>'Relacja','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista oddzielona przecinkami. Pozostaw puste dla wszystkich typów','Allowed File Types'=>'Dozwolone typy plików','Maximum'=>'Maksimum','File size'=>'Wielkość pliku','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Określ jakie obrazy mogą być przesyłane','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Wgrane do wpisu','All'=>'Wszystkie','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ogranicz wybór do biblioteki mediów','Library'=>'Biblioteka','Preview Size'=>'Rozmiar podglądu','Image ID'=>'Identyfikator obrazka','Image URL'=>'Adres URL obrazka','Image Array'=>'Tablica obrazków','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Określ wartość zwracaną w witrynie','Return Value'=>'Zwracana wartość','Add Image'=>'Dodaj obrazek','No image selected'=>'Nie wybrano obrazka','Remove'=>'Usuń','Edit'=>'Edytuj','All images'=>'Wszystkie obrazki','Update Image'=>'Aktualizuj obrazek','Edit Image'=>'Edytuj obrazek','Select Image'=>'Wybierz obrazek','Image'=>'Obrazek','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Zezwól aby znaczniki HTML były wyświetlane jako widoczny tekst, a nie renderowane','Escape HTML'=>'Dodawaj znaki ucieczki do HTML (escape HTML)','No Formatting'=>'Brak formatowania','Automatically add <br>'=>'Automatycznie dodaj <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Automatycznie twórz akapity','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Kontroluje jak są renderowane nowe linie','New Lines'=>'Nowe linie','Week Starts On'=>'Pierwszy dzień tygodnia','The format used when saving a value'=>'Format używany podczas zapisywania wartości','Save Format'=>'Zapisz format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Tydz','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Wstecz','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Dalej','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Dzisiaj','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gotowe','Date Picker'=>'Wybór daty','Width'=>'Szerokość','Embed Size'=>'Rozmiar osadzenia','Enter URL'=>'Wpisz adres URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Tekst wyświetlany, gdy jest wyłączone','Off Text'=>'Tekst, gdy wyłączone','Text shown when active'=>'Tekst wyświetlany, gdy jest włączone','On Text'=>'Tekst, gdy włączone','Stylized UI'=>'Ostylowany interfejs użytkownika','Default Value'=>'Wartość domyślna','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Wyświetla tekst obok pola','Message'=>'Wiadomość','No'=>'Nie','Yes'=>'Tak','True / False'=>'Prawda / Fałsz','Row'=>'Wiersz','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Określ style stosowane to renderowania wybranych pól','Layout'=>'Układ','Sub Fields'=>'Pola podrzędne','Group'=>'Grupa','Customize the map height'=>'Dostosuj wysokość mapy','Height'=>'Wysokość','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Ustaw początkowe powiększenie','Zoom'=>'Powiększenie','Center the initial map'=>'Wyśrodkuj początkową mapę','Center'=>'Wyśrodkowanie','Search for address...'=>'Szukaj adresu…','Find current location'=>'Znajdź aktualną lokalizację','Clear location'=>'Wyczyść lokalizację','Search'=>'Szukaj','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Przepraszamy, ta przeglądarka nie obsługuje geolokalizacji','Google Map'=>'Mapa Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'Wartość zwracana przez funkcje w szablonie','Return Format'=>'Zwracany format','Custom:'=>'Własny:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Format wyświetlany przy edycji wpisu','Display Format'=>'Format wyświetlania','Time Picker'=>'Wybór godziny','Inactive (%s)'=>'Wyłączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Wyłączone (%s)' . "\0" . 'Wyłączone (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych pól w koszu','No Fields found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych pól','Search Fields'=>'Szukaj pól','View Field'=>'Zobacz pole','New Field'=>'Nowe pole','Edit Field'=>'Edytuj pole','Add New Field'=>'Dodaj nowe pole','Field'=>'Pole','Fields'=>'Pola','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól w koszu','No Field Groups found'=>'Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól','Search Field Groups'=>'Szukaj grup pól','View Field Group'=>'Zobacz grupę pól','New Field Group'=>'Nowa grupa pól','Edit Field Group'=>'Edytuj grupę pól','Add New Field Group'=>'Dodaj nową grupę pól','Add New'=>'Dodaj','Field Group'=>'Grupa pól','Field Groups'=>'Grupy pól','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Dostosuj WordPressa za pomocą wszechstronnych, profesjonalnych i intuicyjnych pól.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Nazwa typu bloku jest wymagana.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Typ bloku "%s" jest już zarejestrowany.','Switch to Edit'=>'Przejdź do Edytuj','Switch to Preview'=>'Przejdź do Podglądu','Change content alignment'=>'Zmień wyrównanie treści','%s settings'=>'Ustawienia %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Ten blok nie zawiera żadnych edytowalnych pól.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Przypisz grupę pól, aby dodać pola do tego bloku.','Options Updated'=>'Ustawienia zostały zaktualizowane','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby włączyć aktualizacje, należy wprowadzić klucz licencyjny na stronie Aktualizacje. Jeśli nie posiadasz klucza licencyjnego, zapoznaj się z informacjami szczegółowymi i cenami.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Zdefiniowany przez Państwa klucz licencyjny uległ zmianie, ale podczas dezaktywacji starej licencji wystąpił błąd','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Twój zdefiniowany klucz licencyjny uległ zmianie, ale wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF Błąd aktywacji','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','Check Again'=>'Sprawdź ponownie','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Błąd aktywacji ACF. Nie można połączyć się z serwerem aktywacyjnym','Publish'=>'Opublikuj','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Żadna grupa pól nie została dodana do tej strony opcji. Utwórz grupę własnych pól','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Błąd. Nie można połączyć z serwerem aktualizacji','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Error. Nie można uwierzytelnić pakietu aktualizacyjnego. Proszę sprawdzić ponownie lub dezaktywować i ponownie uaktywnić licencję ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Błąd. Twoja licencja dla tej strony wygasła lub została dezaktywowana. Proszę ponownie aktywować licencję ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Umożliwia wybranie i wyświetlenie istniejących pól. Nie duplikuje żadnych pól w bazie danych, ale ładuje i wyświetla wybrane pola w czasie wykonywania. Pole Klonuj może zastąpić się wybranymi polami lub wyświetlić wybrane pola jako grupę podpól.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Wybierz jedno lub więcej pól które chcesz sklonować','Display'=>'Wyświetl','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Określ styl wykorzystywany do stosowania w klonowanych polach','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupuj (wyświetla wybrane pola w grupie)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Ujednolicenie (zastępuje to pole wybranymi polami)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etykiety będą wyświetlane jako %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefiks Etykiet Pól','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Wartości będą zapisane jako %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefiks Nazw Pól','Unknown field'=>'Nieznane pole','Unknown field group'=>'Nieznana grupa pól','All fields from %s field group'=>'Wszystkie pola z grupy pola %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Umożliwia definiowanie, tworzenie i zarządzanie treścią z pełną kontrolą poprzez tworzenie układów zawierających podpola, które edytorzy treści mogą wybierać.','Add Row'=>'Dodaj wiersz','layout'=>'układ' . "\0" . 'układy' . "\0" . 'układów','layouts'=>'układy','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'To pole wymaga przynajmniej {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'To pole ma ograniczenie {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} dostępne (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} wymagane (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Elastyczne pole wymaga przynajmniej 1 układu','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kliknij przycisk "%s" poniżej, aby zacząć tworzyć nowy układ','Add layout'=>'Dodaj układ','Duplicate layout'=>'Powiel układ','Remove layout'=>'Usuń układ','Click to toggle'=>'Kliknij, aby przełączyć','Delete Layout'=>'Usuń układ','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikuj układ','Add New Layout'=>'Dodaj nowy układ','Add Layout'=>'Dodaj układ','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimalna liczba układów','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maksymalna liczba układów','Button Label'=>'Etykieta przycisku','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s musi być typu tablicy lub null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układ.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układy.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najmniej %2$s %3$s układów.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układ.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układy.' . "\0" . '%1$s musi zawierać co najwyżej %2$s %3$s układów.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Interaktywny interfejs do zarządzania kolekcją załączników, takich jak obrazy.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Dodaj obraz do galerii','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maksimum ilości wyborów osiągnięte','Length'=>'Długość','Caption'=>'Etykieta','Alt Text'=>'Tekst alternatywny','Add to gallery'=>'Dodaj do galerii','Bulk actions'=>'Działania na wielu','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortuj po dacie przesłania','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortuj po dacie modyfikacji','Sort by title'=>'Sortuj po tytule','Reverse current order'=>'Odwróć aktualną kolejność','Close'=>'Zamknij','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimalna liczba wybranych elementów','Maximum Selection'=>'Maksymalna liczba wybranych elementów','Allowed file types'=>'Dozwolone typy plików','Insert'=>'Wstaw','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Określ gdzie są dodawane nowe załączniki','Append to the end'=>'Dodaj na końcu','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Dodaj do początku','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Nie osiągnięto minimalnej liczby wierszy ({min} wierszy)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Osiągnięto maksimum liczby wierszy ( {max} wierszy )','Error loading page'=>'Błąd ładowania strony','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'Kolejność zostanie przydzielona po zapisaniu','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Przydatne dla pól z dużą liczbą wierszy.','Rows Per Page'=>'Wiersze na stronę','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Ustawienie liczby wierszy, które mają być wyświetlane na stronie.','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimalna liczba wierszy','Maximum Rows'=>'Maksymalna liczba wierszy','Collapsed'=>'Zwinięty','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Wybierz pole podrzędne, które mają być pokazane kiedy wiersz jest zwinięty','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Nieprawidłowy klucz lub nazwa pola.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Wystąpił błąd przy pobieraniu pola.','Click to reorder'=>'Kliknij, aby zmienić kolejność','Add row'=>'Dodaj wiersz','Duplicate row'=>'Powiel wiersz','Remove row'=>'Usuń wiersz','Current Page'=>'Bieżąca strona','First Page'=>'Pierwsza strona','Previous Page'=>'Poprzednia strona','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s z %2$s','Next Page'=>'Następna strona','Last Page'=>'Ostatnia strona','No block types exist'=>'Nie istnieją żadne typy bloków','No options pages exist'=>'Strona opcji nie istnieje','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktywuj licencję','Activate License'=>'Aktywuj licencję','License Information'=>'Informacje o licencji','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Żeby odblokować aktualizacje proszę podać swój klucz licencyjny poniżej. Jeśli nie posiadasz klucza prosimy zapoznać się ze szczegółami i cennikiem.','License Key'=>'Klucz licencyjny','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Twój klucz licencyjny jest zdefiniowany w pliku wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Ponów próbę aktywacji','Update Information'=>'Informacje o aktualizacji','Current Version'=>'Zainstalowana wersja','Latest Version'=>'Najnowsza wersja','Update Available'=>'Dostępna aktualizacja','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informacje o aktualizacji','Check For Updates'=>'Sprawdź dostępność aktualizacji','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Wprowadź klucz licencyjny, aby odblokować aktualizacje','Update Plugin'=>'Aktualizuj wtyczkę','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Proszę wpisać swój klucz licencyjny powyżej aby odblokować aktualizacje']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.mo
index e5d8e851..1015f302 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.po
index 7d8ddfdb..bcdc432c 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pl_PL.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: pl_PL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Ukryj szczegóły"
@@ -115,10 +146,10 @@ msgstr "4 miesiące za darmo"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (zduplikowane z %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Wybierz strony opcji"
@@ -151,8 +182,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Dodaj pola"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "To pole"
@@ -175,7 +206,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "jest rozwijany i utrzymywany przez"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Dodaj ten element (%s) do reguł lokalizacji wybranych grup pól."
@@ -317,34 +348,34 @@ msgstr "Odblokuj zaawansowane funkcje i zbuduj więcej przy pomocy ACF-a PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "Pola „%s”"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Brak terminów"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Brak typów treści"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Brak wpisów"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Brak taksonomii"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Brak grup pól"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Brak pól"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Brak opisu"
@@ -791,37 +822,33 @@ msgstr "Wybrano nieprawidłowy typ treści do porównania."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Więcej"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Poradnik"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Dostępne w ACF-ie PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Wybierz pole"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Spróbuj innej frazy lub przejrzyj %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Popularne pola"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Brak wyników wyszukiwania dla „%s”"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Szukaj pól…"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Wybierz rodzaj pola"
@@ -2439,7 +2466,7 @@ msgstr "Trackbacki"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "Wybierz istniejące taksonomie, aby klasyfikować ten typ treści."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Przeglądaj pola"
@@ -2493,7 +2520,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importuj z „Custom Post Type UI”"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2509,15 +2536,15 @@ msgstr ""
"pliku function.php w twoim motywie lub załącz go w oddzielnym pliku, a "
"następnie wyłącz lub usuń te elementy z ACF-a."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Eksport - wygeneruj PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksportuj"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Wybierz taksonomie"
@@ -2525,7 +2552,7 @@ msgstr "Wybierz taksonomie"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Wybierz typy treści"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Wyeksportowano 1 element."
@@ -2578,7 +2605,7 @@ msgstr "Taksonomia została usunięta."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taksonomia została zaktualizowana."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2588,7 +2615,7 @@ msgstr ""
"używany przez inną taksonomię zarejestrowaną przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taksonomia została zsynchronizowana."
@@ -2596,7 +2623,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s taksonomie zostały zsynchronizowane."
msgstr[2] "%s taksonomii zostało zsynchronizowanych."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taksonomia została zduplikowana."
@@ -2604,7 +2631,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s taksonomie zostały zduplikowane."
msgstr[2] "%s taksonomii zostało zduplikowanych."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taksonomia została wyłączona."
@@ -2612,19 +2639,19 @@ msgstr[1] "%s taksonomie zostały wyłączone."
msgstr[2] "%s taksonomii zostało wyłączonych."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taksonomia została włączona."
msgstr[1] "%s taksonomie zostały włączone."
msgstr[2] "%s taksonomii zostało włączonych."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Terminy"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Typ treści został zsynchronizowany."
@@ -2632,7 +2659,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s typy treści zostały zsynchronizowane."
msgstr[2] "%s typów treści zostało zsynchronizowanych."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Typ treści został zduplikowany."
@@ -2640,7 +2667,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s typy treści zostały zduplikowane."
msgstr[2] "%s typów treści zostało zduplikowanych."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Typ treści został wyłączony."
@@ -2648,15 +2675,15 @@ msgstr[1] "%s typy treści zostały wyłączone."
msgstr[2] "%s typów treści zostało wyłączonych."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Typ treści został włączony."
msgstr[1] "%s typy treści zostały włączone."
msgstr[2] "%s typów treści zostało włączonych."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2674,7 +2701,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia podstawowe"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2688,7 +2715,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Strony"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Powiąż istniejące grupy pól"
@@ -2732,16 +2759,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Typ treści został usunięty."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Wpisz, aby wyszukać…"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Tylko w PRO"
@@ -2764,45 +2791,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taksonomia"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "typ treści"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Gotowe"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Grupa(-y) pól"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Wybierz jedną lub klika grup pól…"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Proszę wybrać grupy pól do powiązania."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Grupa pól została powiązana."
msgstr[1] "Grupy pól zostały powiązane."
msgstr[2] "Grupy pól zostały powiązane."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Rejestracja nieudana"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2810,31 +2837,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie można było zarejestrować tego elementu, ponieważ jego klucz jest już "
"używany przez inny element zarejestrowany przez inną wtyczkę lub motyw."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Uprawnienia"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "Adresy URL"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Widoczność"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etykiety"
@@ -2855,14 +2882,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[Wartość shortcode'u ACF-a wyłączona podczas podglądu]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Zamknij okno"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Pole zostało przeniesione do innej grupy"
@@ -3046,8 +3073,8 @@ msgstr "Prezentacja"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Walidacja"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ogólne"
@@ -3055,12 +3082,12 @@ msgstr "Ogólne"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importuj JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Eksportuj jako JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Grupa pól została wyłączona."
@@ -3068,38 +3095,38 @@ msgstr[1] "%s grupy pól zostały wyłączone."
msgstr[2] "%s grup pól zostało wyłączonych."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Grupa pól została włączona."
msgstr[1] "%s grupy pól zostały włączone."
msgstr[2] "%s grup pól zostało włączonych."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Wyłącz"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Wyłącz ten element"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Włącz"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Włącz ten element"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Przenieść grupę pól do kosza?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3112,7 +3139,7 @@ msgstr "Wyłączone"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3120,7 +3147,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Wtyczki Advanced Custom Fields i Advanced Custom Fields PRO nie powinny być "
"włączone jednocześnie. Automatycznie wyłączyliśmy Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3203,7 +3230,7 @@ msgstr "Ciąg RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Ciąg Hex"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Kup PRO"
@@ -3255,8 +3282,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Załączniki"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3266,7 +3293,7 @@ msgstr "Taksonomie"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3285,49 +3312,49 @@ msgstr "Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest niedostępny dla porównania różnic."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy parametr(y) grupy pól."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Oczekiwanie na zapis"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Zapisana"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importuj"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Przejrzyj zmiany"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Znajduje się w: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Znalezione we wtyczce: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Znalezione w motywie: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Różne"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synchronizuj zmiany"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Ładowanie różnic"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Przegląd lokalnych zmian JSON"
@@ -3588,7 +3615,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Pokaż to pole jeśli"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Wyświetlanie warunkowe"
@@ -3597,9 +3624,9 @@ msgstr "Wyświetlanie warunkowe"
msgid "and"
msgstr "oraz"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokalny JSON"
@@ -3792,9 +3819,9 @@ msgstr "Styl"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Rodzaj"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klucz"
@@ -3805,23 +3832,23 @@ msgstr "Klucz"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Kolejność"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Zamknij pole"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "szerokość"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atrybuty kontenera"
@@ -3829,68 +3856,68 @@ msgstr "Atrybuty kontenera"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Wymagane"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instrukcje dla autorów. Będą widoczne w trakcie wprowadzania danych"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrukcje"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Rodzaj pola"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Pojedyncze słowo, bez spacji. Dozwolone są myślniki i podkreślniki"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nazwa pola"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Ta nazwa będzie widoczna na stronie edycji"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etykieta pola"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Usuń pole"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Przenieś"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Przenieś pole do innej grupy"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplikuj to pole"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Edytuj pole"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Przeciągnij aby zmienić kolejność"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Pokaż tę grupę pól jeśli"
@@ -3992,15 +4019,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reguły"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Skopiowano"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Skopiuj do schowka"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -4012,22 +4039,22 @@ msgstr ""
"można następnie zaimportować do innej instalacji ACF. Użyj „Utwórz PHP” do "
"wyeksportowania ustawień do kodu PHP, który można umieścić w motywie."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Wybierz grupy pól"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nie zaznaczono żadnej grupy pól"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Utwórz PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Eksportuj grupy pól"
@@ -4055,22 +4082,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importuj grupy pól"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synchronizuj"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Wybierz %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplikuj"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplikuj ten element"
@@ -4078,13 +4105,14 @@ msgstr "Duplikuj ten element"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Obsługuje"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentacja"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4093,13 +4121,13 @@ msgstr "Dokumentacja"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synchronizacja jest dostępna"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Grupa pól została zsynchronizowana."
@@ -4107,14 +4135,14 @@ msgstr[1] "%s grupy pól zostały zsynchronizowane."
msgstr[2] "%s grup pól zostało zsynchronizowanych."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupa pól została zduplikowana."
msgstr[1] "%s grupy pól zostały zduplikowane."
msgstr[2] "%s grup pól zostało zduplikowanych."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Włączone (%s)"
@@ -4156,7 +4184,7 @@ msgstr "Pole %1$s znajduje się teraz w grupie pól %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Przenoszenie zakończone."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4171,7 +4199,7 @@ msgstr "Klucze pola"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokalizacja"
@@ -4183,14 +4211,14 @@ msgstr "Pusty"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopia"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(to pole)"
@@ -4201,14 +4229,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Zaznaczone"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Przenieś pole"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Brak dostępnych pól"
@@ -4217,14 +4245,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Tytuł grupy pól jest wymagany"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "To pole nie może zostać przeniesione zanim zmiany nie zostaną zapisane"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Ciąg znaków „field_” nie może zostać użyty na początku nazwy pola"
@@ -4392,8 +4420,8 @@ msgstr "Nie ma wartości"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Ma dowolną wartość"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
@@ -4403,24 +4431,24 @@ msgstr "Anuluj"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d pola(-ól) wymaga uwagi"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 pole wymaga uwagi"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Walidacja nie powiodła się"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Walidacja zakończona sukcesem"
@@ -4456,8 +4484,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edytuj"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzone przez Ciebie zmiany przepadną jeśli przejdziesz do innej strony"
@@ -4471,10 +4499,10 @@ msgstr "Wymagany typ pliku to %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "lub"
@@ -4524,8 +4552,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(brak etykiety)"
@@ -5493,7 +5521,7 @@ msgstr "Nie wybrano obrazka"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Usuń"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5814,93 +5842,93 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Wybór godziny"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Wyłączone (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Wyłączone (%s)"
msgstr[2] "Wyłączone (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnych pól w koszu"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnych pól"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Szukaj pól"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Zobacz pole"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nowe pole"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Edytuj pole"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Dodaj nowe pole"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Pole"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pola"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól w koszu"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnych grup pól"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Szukaj grup pól"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Zobacz grupę pól"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Nowa grupa pól"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Edytuj grupę pól"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Dodaj nową grupę pól"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Dodaj"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupa pól"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupy pól"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.l10n.php
index f6a1f625..46f01e3d 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_AO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Papel de utilizador','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato de artigo','Menu Item'=>'Item de menu','Post Status'=>'Estado do conteúdo','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia do artigo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página dependente (tem superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (tem dependentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de topo (sem superior)','Posts Page'=>'Página de artigos','Front Page'=>'Página inicial','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'A visualizar a administração do site','Viewing front end'=>'A visualizar a frente do site','Logged in'=>'Sessão iniciada','Current User'=>'Utilizador actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Registar','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de utilizador','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrador','Current User Role'=>'Papel do utilizador actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo por omissão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de conteúdo','Post Category'=>'Categoria de artigo','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo de clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, verifique se todos os add-ons premium (%s) estão actualizados para a última versão.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias na base de dados e requer uma actualização.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Actualização da base de dados necessária','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se forem mostrados vários grupos de campos num ecrã de edição, serão utilizadas as opções do primeiro grupo de campos. (o que tiver menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleccione os itens a esconder do ecrã de edição.','Hide on screen'=>'Esconder no ecrã','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Excerto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Ligação permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Serão mostrados primeiro os grupos de campos com menor número de ordem.','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo das legendas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Acima (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Simples (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Predefinido (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do wrapper','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados.','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores (_) e traços (-).','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR.','Field Label'=>'Legenda do campo','Delete'=>'Eliminar','Delete field'=>'Eliminar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma actualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'A ler tarefas de actualização...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falhou ao actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'A actualizar dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É recomendável que faça uma cópia de segurança da sua base de dados antes de continuar. Tem a certeza que quer actualizar agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, seleccione pelo menos um site para actualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Voltar ao painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está actualizado','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites seguintes necessitam de actualização da BD. Seleccione os que quer actualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar em que ecrãs de edição serão utilizados estes campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleccione os grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Ficheiro de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de ficheiro incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao carregar ficheiro. Por favor tente de novo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Seleccionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Documentation'=>'Documentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Rever sites e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor seleccione o destinho para este campo','Move Complete.'=>'Movido com sucesso.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves dos campos','Settings'=>'Definições','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Nulo','copy'=>'cópia','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de opções disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas.','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O prefixo "field_" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo.','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Artigo','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Opção','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Artigo actualizado','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar email','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selecção é menor do que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selecção é maior do que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor do que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior do que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem um valor qualquer','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Tem a certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem a sua atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer a sua atenção','Validation failed'=>'A validação falhou','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Minimizar detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Carregados neste artigo','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página.','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro deve ser pelo menos de %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Média','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem legenda)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Preceder com caixa de selecção adicional para seleccionar todas as opções','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guarda valores personalizados nas opções do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova opção','Toggle All'=>'Seleccionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URL do arquivo','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Ligação de página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O utilizador não pôde adicionar novo(a) %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carrega os termos a partir dos termos dos conteúdos.','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Liga os termos seleccionados ao conteúdo.','Save Terms'=>'Guardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permite a criação de novos termos durante a edição.','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opções','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selecção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de selecção','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiplos','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleccione a apresentação deste campo.','Appearance'=>'Apresentação','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleccione a taxonomia que será mostrada.','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou inferior a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou superior a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar \'outros\' valores nas opções do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar opção \'outros\' para permitir a inserção de valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outro','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define o fim do acordeão anterior. Este item de acordeão não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite abrir este item de acordeão sem fechar os restantes.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este item de acordeão aberto ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberto','Accordion'=>'Acordeão','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que ficheiros podem ser carregados.','File ID'=>'ID do ficheiro','File URL'=>'URL do ficheiro','File Array'=>'Array do ficheiro','Add File'=>'Adicionar ficheiro','No file selected'=>'Nenhum ficheiro seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do ficheiro','Update File'=>'Actualizar ficheiro','Edit File'=>'Editar ficheiro','Select File'=>'Seleccionar ficheiro','File'=>'Ficheiro','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido.','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utilizar AJAX para carregar opções?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Insira cada valor por omissão numa linha separada','verbSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falhou ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'A pesquisar…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'A carregar mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só pode seleccionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só pode seleccionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor elimine %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor elimine 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor insira %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor insira 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados encontrados, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado encontrado, prima Enter para seleccioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecção','User ID'=>'ID do utilizador','User Object'=>'Objecto do utilizador','User Array'=>'Array do utilizador','All user roles'=>'Todos os papéis de utilizador','User'=>'Utilizador','Separator'=>'Divisória','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por omissão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Selecção de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Escolha a hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selecção de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Fim','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado acima','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Separador','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL da ligação','Link Array'=>'Array da ligação','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre numa nova janela/separador','Select Link'=>'Seleccionar ligação','Link'=>'Ligação','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Valor dos passos','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Legenda','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para maior controlo, pode especificar tanto os valores como as legendas:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Insira cada opção numa linha separada.','Choices'=>'Opções','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Parent'=>'Superior','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas HTML','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e HTML','Tabs'=>'Separadores','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para inicializar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'HTML','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não limitar','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Mostrado depois do campo','Append'=>'Suceder','Appears before the input'=>'Mostrado antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Preceder','Appears within the input'=>'Mostrado dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto predefinido','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Mostrado ao criar um novo conteúdo','Text'=>'Texto','Post ID'=>'ID do conteúdo','Post Object'=>'Conteúdo','Featured Image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados serão mostrados em cada resultado.','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de conteúdo','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de conteúdo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de conteúdo','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleccione taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleccione tipo de conteúdo','No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Loading'=>'A carregar','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valor máximo alcançado ( valor {max} )','Relationship'=>'Relação','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos.','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do ficheiro','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que imagens que ser carregadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Carregados no artigo','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limita a escolha da biblioteca de media.','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na frente do site.','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem seleccionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permite visualizar o código HTML como texto visível, em vez de o processar.','Escape HTML'=>'Mostrar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como serão visualizadas novas linhas.','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Semana começa em','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao guardar um valor','Save Format'=>'Formato guardado','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Selecção de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho da incorporação','Enter URL'=>'Insira o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado quando inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desligado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado quando activo','On Text'=>'Texto ligado','Default Value'=>'Valor por omissão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Texto mostrado ao lado da caixa de selecção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica o estilo usado para mostrar os campos seleccionados.','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centrar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização actual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Desculpe, este navegador não suporta geolocalização.','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato de visualização ao editar um conteúdo','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualização','Time Picker'=>'Selecção de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo','No Fields found'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo','No Field Groups found'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos intuitivos, poderosos e profissionais.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_AO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Papel de utilizador','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato de artigo','Menu Item'=>'Item de menu','Post Status'=>'Estado do conteúdo','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia do artigo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página dependente (tem superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (tem dependentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de topo (sem superior)','Posts Page'=>'Página de artigos','Front Page'=>'Página inicial','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'A visualizar a administração do site','Viewing front end'=>'A visualizar a frente do site','Logged in'=>'Sessão iniciada','Current User'=>'Utilizador actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Registar','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de utilizador','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrador','Current User Role'=>'Papel do utilizador actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo por omissão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de conteúdo','Post Category'=>'Categoria de artigo','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo de clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, verifique se todos os add-ons premium (%s) estão actualizados para a última versão.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias na base de dados e requer uma actualização.','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Actualização da base de dados necessária','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se forem mostrados vários grupos de campos num ecrã de edição, serão utilizadas as opções do primeiro grupo de campos. (o que tiver menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleccione os itens a esconder do ecrã de edição.','Hide on screen'=>'Esconder no ecrã','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Excerto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Ligação permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Serão mostrados primeiro os grupos de campos com menor número de ordem.','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo das legendas','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Acima (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Simples (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Predefinido (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do wrapper','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados.','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores (_) e traços (-).','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR.','Field Label'=>'Legenda do campo','Delete'=>'Eliminar','Delete field'=>'Eliminar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma actualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'A ler tarefas de actualização...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falhou ao actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'A actualizar dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É recomendável que faça uma cópia de segurança da sua base de dados antes de continuar. Tem a certeza que quer actualizar agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, seleccione pelo menos um site para actualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Voltar ao painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está actualizado','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites seguintes necessitam de actualização da BD. Seleccione os que quer actualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar em que ecrãs de edição serão utilizados estes campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleccione os grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Ficheiro de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de ficheiro incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao carregar ficheiro. Por favor tente de novo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Seleccionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Documentation'=>'Documentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Rever sites e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor seleccione o destinho para este campo','Move Complete.'=>'Movido com sucesso.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves dos campos','Settings'=>'Definições','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Nulo','copy'=>'cópia','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de opções disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas.','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O prefixo "field_" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo.','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Artigo','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Opção','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Artigo actualizado','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar email','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selecção é menor do que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selecção é maior do que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor do que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior do que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem um valor qualquer','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Tem a certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem a sua atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer a sua atenção','Validation failed'=>'A validação falhou','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Minimizar detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Carregados neste artigo','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página.','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro deve ser pelo menos de %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Média','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem legenda)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Preceder com caixa de selecção adicional para seleccionar todas as opções','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guarda valores personalizados nas opções do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova opção','Toggle All'=>'Seleccionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URL do arquivo','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Ligação de página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O utilizador não pôde adicionar novo(a) %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carrega os termos a partir dos termos dos conteúdos.','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Liga os termos seleccionados ao conteúdo.','Save Terms'=>'Guardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permite a criação de novos termos durante a edição.','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opções','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selecção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de selecção','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiplos','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleccione a apresentação deste campo.','Appearance'=>'Apresentação','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleccione a taxonomia que será mostrada.','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou inferior a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou superior a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar \'outros\' valores nas opções do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar opção \'outros\' para permitir a inserção de valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outro','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define o fim do acordeão anterior. Este item de acordeão não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite abrir este item de acordeão sem fechar os restantes.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este item de acordeão aberto ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberto','Accordion'=>'Acordeão','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que ficheiros podem ser carregados.','File ID'=>'ID do ficheiro','File URL'=>'URL do ficheiro','File Array'=>'Array do ficheiro','Add File'=>'Adicionar ficheiro','No file selected'=>'Nenhum ficheiro seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do ficheiro','Update File'=>'Actualizar ficheiro','Edit File'=>'Editar ficheiro','Select File'=>'Seleccionar ficheiro','File'=>'Ficheiro','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido.','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utilizar AJAX para carregar opções?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Insira cada valor por omissão numa linha separada','verbSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falhou ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'A pesquisar…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'A carregar mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só pode seleccionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só pode seleccionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor elimine %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor elimine 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor insira %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor insira 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados encontrados, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado encontrado, prima Enter para seleccioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecção','User ID'=>'ID do utilizador','User Object'=>'Objecto do utilizador','User Array'=>'Array do utilizador','All user roles'=>'Todos os papéis de utilizador','User'=>'Utilizador','Separator'=>'Divisória','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por omissão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Selecção de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Escolha a hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selecção de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Fim','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado acima','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Separador','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL da ligação','Link Array'=>'Array da ligação','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre numa nova janela/separador','Select Link'=>'Seleccionar ligação','Link'=>'Ligação','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Valor dos passos','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Legenda','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para maior controlo, pode especificar tanto os valores como as legendas:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Insira cada opção numa linha separada.','Choices'=>'Opções','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Parent'=>'Superior','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas HTML','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e HTML','Tabs'=>'Separadores','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para inicializar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'HTML','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não limitar','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Mostrado depois do campo','Append'=>'Suceder','Appears before the input'=>'Mostrado antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Preceder','Appears within the input'=>'Mostrado dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto predefinido','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Mostrado ao criar um novo conteúdo','Text'=>'Texto','Post ID'=>'ID do conteúdo','Post Object'=>'Conteúdo','Featured Image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados serão mostrados em cada resultado.','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de conteúdo','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de conteúdo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de conteúdo','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleccione taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleccione tipo de conteúdo','No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Loading'=>'A carregar','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valor máximo alcançado ( valor {max} )','Relationship'=>'Relação','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos.','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do ficheiro','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringir que imagens que ser carregadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Carregados no artigo','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limita a escolha da biblioteca de media.','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na frente do site.','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem seleccionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permite visualizar o código HTML como texto visível, em vez de o processar.','Escape HTML'=>'Mostrar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como serão visualizadas novas linhas.','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Semana começa em','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao guardar um valor','Save Format'=>'Formato guardado','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Selecção de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho da incorporação','Enter URL'=>'Insira o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado quando inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desligado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado quando activo','On Text'=>'Texto ligado','Default Value'=>'Valor por omissão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Texto mostrado ao lado da caixa de selecção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifica o estilo usado para mostrar os campos seleccionados.','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centrar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização actual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Desculpe, este navegador não suporta geolocalização.','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato de visualização ao editar um conteúdo','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualização','Time Picker'=>'Selecção de hora','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo','No Fields found'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo','No Field Groups found'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos intuitivos, poderosos e profissionais.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.mo
index d9c02263..c104ff78 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.po
index 6ecb51fc..c34e2a6b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_AO.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: pt_AO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2807,8 +2834,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2816,49 +2843,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2871,13 +2898,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2951,7 +2978,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3003,8 +3030,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3014,7 +3041,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3033,49 +3060,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr ""
@@ -3316,7 +3343,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo se"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3325,9 +3352,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON local"
@@ -3522,9 +3549,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Chave"
@@ -3535,23 +3562,23 @@ msgstr "Chave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordem"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Fechar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "largura"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos do wrapper"
@@ -3559,70 +3586,70 @@ msgstr "Atributos do wrapper"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instruções"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr ""
"Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores (_) e traços (-)."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Legenda do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Eliminar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo para outro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arraste para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos se"
@@ -3726,15 +3753,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regras"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar para a área de transferência"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3742,22 +3769,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Seleccione os grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Gerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3783,22 +3810,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Seleccionar %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este item"
@@ -3806,13 +3833,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este item"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentação"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3821,26 +3849,26 @@ msgstr "Documentação"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronização disponível"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3881,7 +3909,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movido com sucesso."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3896,7 +3924,7 @@ msgstr "Chaves dos campos"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"
@@ -3908,14 +3936,14 @@ msgstr "Nulo"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "cópia"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3926,14 +3954,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Nenhum campo de opções disponível"
@@ -3942,15 +3970,15 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
"O prefixo \"field_\" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo."
@@ -4119,8 +4147,8 @@ msgstr "Não tem valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Tem um valor qualquer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4130,24 +4158,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Tem a certeza?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requerem a sua atenção"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requer a sua atenção"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "A validação falhou"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validação bem sucedida"
@@ -4183,8 +4211,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página."
@@ -4198,10 +4226,10 @@ msgstr "O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4251,8 +4279,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sem legenda)"
@@ -5220,7 +5248,7 @@ msgstr "Nenhuma imagem seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5540,92 +5568,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selecção de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nenhum campo encontrado"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Pesquisar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Novo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Adicionar novo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Pesquisar grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Adicionar novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Adicionar novo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.l10n.php
index 3e479cf8..278328fe 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_BR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'Campos de %s','No terms'=>'Não há termos','No post types'=>'Não há tipos de post','No posts'=>'Não há posts','No taxonomies'=>'Não há taxonomias','No field groups'=>'Não há grupos de campos','No fields'=>'Não há campos','No description'=>'Não há descrição','Any post status'=>'Qualquer status de post','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está em uso por outra taxonomia registrada fora do ACF e não pode ser usada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está em uso por outra taxonomia no ACF e não pode ser usada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave de taxonomia deve conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, sublinhados ou hífens.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar taxonomias na lixeira','No Taxonomies found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar taxonomias','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pesquisar taxonomias','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Nova taxonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar nova taxonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tipos de post na lixeira','No Post Types found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tipos de post','Search Post Types'=>'Pesquisar tipos de post','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de post','New Post Type'=>'Novo tipo de post','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de post','Add New Post Type'=>'Adicionar novo tipo de post','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de post já está em uso por outro tipo de post registrado fora do ACF e não pode ser usada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de post já está em uso por outro tipo de post no ACF e não pode ser usada.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Este campo não deve ser um termo reservado do WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave do tipo de post deve conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, sublinhados ou hífens.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'A chave do tipo de post deve ter menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Não recomendamos o uso deste campo em blocos do ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Exibe o editor WordPress WYSIWYG como visto em Posts e Páginas, permitindo uma rica experiência de edição de texto que também permite conteúdo multimídia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite a seleção de um ou mais usuários que podem ser usados para criar relacionamentos entre objetos de dados.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Uma entrada de texto projetada especificamente para armazenar endereços da web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Um botão de alternar que permite escolher um valor de 1 ou 0 (ligado ou desligado, verdadeiro ou falso, etc.). Pode ser apresentado como um botão estilizado ou uma caixa de seleção.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher um horário. O formato de horário pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Uma entrada de área de texto básica para armazenar parágrafos de texto.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Uma entrada de texto básica, útil para armazenar valores de texto únicos.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Permite a seleção de um ou mais termos de taxonomia com base nos critérios e opções especificados nas configurações dos campos.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Permite agrupar campos em seções com abas na tela de edição. Útil para manter os campos organizados e estruturados.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Uma lista suspensa com uma seleção de escolhas que você especifica.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Uma interface de coluna dupla para selecionar um ou mais posts, páginas ou itens de tipo de post personalizados para criar um relacionamento com o item que você está editando no momento. Inclui opções para pesquisar e filtrar.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Uma entrada para selecionar um valor numérico dentro de um intervalo especificado usando um elemento deslizante de intervalo.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Um grupo de entradas de botão de opção que permite ao usuário fazer uma única seleção a partir dos valores especificados.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Uma interface interativa e personalizável para escolher um ou vários posts, páginas ou itens de tipos de post com a opção de pesquisa. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Uma entrada para fornecer uma senha usando um campo mascarado.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por status do post','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Um menu suspenso interativo para selecionar um ou mais posts, páginas, itens de um tipo de post personalizado ou URLs de arquivo, com a opção de pesquisa.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Um componente interativo para incorporar vídeos, imagens, tweets, áudio e outros conteúdos, fazendo uso da funcionalidade oEmbed nativa do WordPress.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Uma entrada limitada a valores numéricos.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Usado para exibir uma mensagem aos editores ao lado de outros campos. Útil para fornecer contexto adicional ou instruções sobre seus campos.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Permite especificar um link e suas propriedades, como título e destino, usando o seletor de links nativo do WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Usa o seletor de mídia nativo do WordPress para enviar ou escolher imagens.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Fornece uma maneira de estruturar os campos em grupos para organizar melhor os dados e a tela de edição.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Uma interface interativa para selecionar um local usando o Google Maps. Requer uma chave de API do Google Maps e configuração adicional para exibir corretamente.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Usa o seletor de mídia nativo do WordPress para enviar ou escolher arquivos.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Uma entrada de texto projetada especificamente para armazenar endereços de e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher uma data e um horário. O formato de data devolvido pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher uma data. O formato de data devolvido pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Uma interface interativa para selecionar uma cor ou especificar um valor hex.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Um grupo de entradas de caixa de seleção que permite ao usuário selecionar um ou vários valores especificados.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Um grupo de botões com valores que você especifica, os usuários podem escolher uma opção entre os valores fornecidos.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Permite agrupar e organizar campos personalizados em painéis recolhíveis que são exibidos durante a edição do conteúdo. Útil para manter grandes conjuntos de dados organizados.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Isso fornece uma solução para repetir conteúdo, como slides, membros da equipe e blocos de chamada para ação, agindo como um ascendente para um conjunto de subcampos que podem ser repetidos várias vezes.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Isso fornece uma interface interativa para gerenciar uma coleção de anexos. A maioria das configurações é semelhante ao tipo de campo Imagem. Configurações adicionais permitem que você especifique onde novos anexos são adicionados na galeria e o número mínimo/máximo de anexos permitidos.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Isso fornece um editor simples, estruturado e baseado em layout. O campo "conteúdo flexível" permite definir, criar e gerenciar o conteúdo com total controle, utilizando layouts e subcampos para desenhar os blocos disponíveis.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Isso permite que você selecione e exiba os campos existentes. Ele não duplica nenhum campo no banco de dados, mas carrega e exibe os campos selecionados em tempo de execução. O campo "clone" pode se substituir pelos campos selecionados ou exibir os campos selecionados como um grupo de subcampos.','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avançado','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (mais recente)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de post inválido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de post inválido selecionado para revisão.','More'=>'Mais','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Disponível com ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Selecionar campo','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Tente um termo de pesquisa diferente ou procure pelos %s','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Nenhum resultado de pesquisa para \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Pesquisar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecione o tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar taxonomia','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Crie taxonomias personalizadas para classificar o conteúdo do tipo de post','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Adicione sua primeira taxonomia','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Taxonomias hierárquicas podem ter descendentes (como categorias).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Torna uma taxonomia visível na interface e no painel administrativo.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Um ou vários tipos de post que podem ser classificados com esta taxonomia.','genre'=>'gênero','Genre'=>'Gênero','Genres'=>'Gêneros','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para usar em vez de `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Expor esse tipo de post na API REST.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personalize o nome da variável de consulta','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Os termos podem ser acessados usando o link permanente não bonito, por exemplo, {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Termos ascendente-descendente em URLs para taxonomias hierárquicas.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalize o slug usado no URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Os links permanentes para esta taxonomia estão desativados.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreva o URL usando a chave de taxonomia como slug. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','Taxonomy Key'=>'Chave de taxonomia','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecione o tipo de link permanente a ser usado para esta taxonomia.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Exiba uma coluna para a taxonomia nas telas de listagem do tipo de post.','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar coluna administrativa','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Mostrar a taxonomia no painel de edição rápida/em massa.','Quick Edit'=>'Edição rápida','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Listar a taxonomia nos controles do widget de nuvem de tags.','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuvem de tags','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Callback de higienização da metabox','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Um nome de função PHP a ser chamado para manipular o conteúdo de uma metabox em sua taxonomia.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Cadastrar callback da metabox','No Meta Box'=>'Sem metabox','Custom Meta Box'=>'Metabox personalizada','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controla a metabox na tela do editor de conteúdo. Por padrão, a metabox "Categorias" é mostrada para taxonomias hierárquicas e a metabox "Tags" é mostrada para taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metabox de categorias','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metabox de tags','A link to a tag'=>'Um link para uma tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Descreve uma variação de bloco de link de navegação usada no editor de blocos.','A link to a %s'=>'Um link para um %s','Tag Link'=>'Link da tag','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Atribui um título para a variação do bloco de link de navegação usado no editor de blocos.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir para tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Atribui o texto usado para vincular de volta ao índice principal após atualizar um termo.','Back To Items'=>'Voltar aos itens','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir para %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de tags','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Atribui texto ao título oculto da tabela.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de tags','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Atribui texto ao título oculto da paginação da tabela.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoria','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Atribui texto ao botão de filtro na tabela de listas de posts.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por item','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'A descrição não está em destaque por padrão, no entanto alguns temas podem mostrá-la.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "descrição" na tela "editar tags".','Description Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de descrição','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Atribua um termo ascendente para criar uma hierarquia. O termo Jazz, por exemplo, pode ser ascendente de Bebop ou Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "ascendente" na tela "editar tags".','Parent Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo ascendente','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'O "slug" é a versão do nome amigável para o URL. Geralmente é todo em minúsculas e contém apenas letras, números e hífens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "slug" na tela "editar tags".','Slug Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de slug','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'O nome é como aparece no seu site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "nome" na tela "editar tags".','Name Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de nome','No tags'=>'Não há tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Atribui o texto exibido nas tabelas de posts e listas de mídia quando não há tags ou categorias disponíveis.','No Terms'=>'Não há termos','No %s'=>'Não há %s','No tags found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tags','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Atribui o texto exibido ao clicar no texto "escolher entre os mais usados" na metabox da taxonomia quando não há tags disponíveis e atribui o texto usado na tabela da lista de termos quando não há itens para uma taxonomia.','Not Found'=>'Não encontrado','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Atribui texto ao campo "título" da aba "mais usados".','Most Used'=>'Mais usado','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Escolha entre as tags mais usadas','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto "escolha entre os mais usados" utilizado na metabox quando o JavaScript estiver desativado. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Escolha entre os mais usados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Escolha entre %s mais comuns','Add or remove tags'=>'Adicionar ou remover tags','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Atribui o texto "adicionar ou remover itens" utilizado na metabox quando o JavaScript está desativado. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Adicionar ou remover itens','Add or remove %s'=>'Adicionar ou remover %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separe as tags com vírgulas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto "separe os itens com vírgulas" utilizado na metabox da taxonomia. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separe os itens com vírgulas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separe %s com vírgulas','Popular Tags'=>'Tags populares','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui texto de itens populares. Usado apenas para taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Popular Items'=>'Itens populares','Popular %s'=>'%s populares','Search Tags'=>'Pesquisar Tags','Assigns search items text.'=>'Atribui texto aos itens de pesquisa.','Parent Category:'=>'Categoria ascendente:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Atribui o texto do item ascendente, mas com dois pontos (:) adicionados ao final.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Item ascendente com dois pontos','Parent Category'=>'Categoria ascendente','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto do item ascendente. Usado apenas em taxonomias hierárquicas.','Parent Item'=>'Item ascendente','Parent %s'=>'%s ascendente','New Tag Name'=>'Novo nome de tag','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Atribui o texto "novo nome do item".','New Item Name'=>'Novo nome do item','New %s Name'=>'Novo nome de %s','Add New Tag'=>'Adicionar nova tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Atribui o texto "adicionar novo item".','Update Tag'=>'Atualizar tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Atribui o texto "atualizar item".','Update Item'=>'Atualizar item','Update %s'=>'Atualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Na barra de administração para visualizar o termo durante a edição.','Edit Tag'=>'Editar tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor durante a edição de um termo.','All Tags'=>'Todas as tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Atribui o texto "todos os itens".','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Atribui o texto do nome do menu.','Menu Label'=>'Rótulo do menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'As taxonomias selecionadas estão ativas e cadastradas no WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Um resumo descritivo da taxonomia.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Um resumo descritivo do termo.','Term Description'=>'Descrição do termo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. Sublinhados (_) e traços (-) permitidos.','Term Slug'=>'Slug do termo','The name of the default term.'=>'O nome do termo padrão.','Term Name'=>'Nome do termo','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Cria um termo para a taxonomia que não pode ser excluído. Ele não será selecionado para posts por padrão.','Default Term'=>'Termo padrão','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Se os termos nesta taxonomia devem ser classificados na ordem em que são fornecidos para "wp_set_object_terms()".','Sort Terms'=>'Ordenar termos','Add Post Type'=>'Adicionar tipo de post','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Expanda a funcionalidade do WordPress além de posts e páginas padrão com tipos de post personalizados.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Adicione seu primeiro tipo de post','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Eu sei o que estou fazendo, mostre todas as opções.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuração avançada','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Tipos de post hierárquicos podem ter descendentes (como páginas).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierárquico','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visível na interface e no painel administrativo.','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'filme','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Somente letras minúsculas, sublinhados (_) e traços (-), máximo de 20 caracteres.','Movie'=>'Filme','Singular Label'=>'Rótulo no singular','Movies'=>'Filmes','Plural Label'=>'Rótulo no plural','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para usar em vez de "WP_REST_Posts_Controller".','Controller Class'=>'Classe do controlador','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'A parte do namespace da URL da API REST.','Namespace Route'=>'Rota do namespace','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'O URL base para os URLs da API REST do tipo de post.','Base URL'=>'URL base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expõe este tipo de post na API REST. Obrigatório para usar o editor de blocos.','Show In REST API'=>'Mostrar na API REST','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personalize o nome da variável de consulta.','Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta','No Query Variable Support'=>'Sem suporte a variáveis de consulta','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta personalizada','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Os itens podem ser acessados usando o link permanente não bonito, por exemplo, {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Suporte à variável de consulta','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URLs para um item e itens podem ser acessados com uma string de consulta.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Consultável publicamente','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personalizado para o URL de arquivo.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug do arquivo','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Possui um arquivo de itens que pode ser personalizado com um arquivo de modelo de arquivo em seu tema.','Archive'=>'Arquivo','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Suporte de paginação para os URLs de itens, como os arquivos.','Pagination'=>'Paginação','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL do feed RSS para os itens do tipo de post.','Feed URL'=>'URL do feed','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Altera a estrutura do link permanente para adicionar o prefixo "WP_Rewrite::$front" aos URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefixo Front do URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personalize o slug usado no URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug do URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Os links permanentes para este tipo de post estão desativados.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreve o URL usando um slug personalizado definido no campo abaixo. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Sem link permanente (impedir a reescrita do URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Link permanente personalizado','Post Type Key'=>'Chave do tipo de post','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreve o URL usando a chave do tipo de post como slug. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Reescrita do link permanente','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Excluir itens criados pelo usuário quando o usuário for excluído.','Delete With User'=>'Excluir com o usuário','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Permitir que o tipo de post seja exportado em "Ferramentas" > "Exportar".','Can Export'=>'Pode exportar','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcionalmente, forneça um plural para ser usado nas capacidades.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nome plural da capacidade','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Escolha outro tipo de post para basear as capacidades deste tipo de post.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nome singular da capacidade','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Por padrão, as capacidades do tipo de post herdarão os nomes das capacidades de "Post". Ex.: edit_post, delete_posts. Ative para usar capacidades específicas do tipo de post, ex.: edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renomear capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir da pesquisa','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Permitir que itens sejam adicionados aos menus na tela \'Aparência\' > \'Menus\'. Deve ser ativado em \'Opções de tela\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Suporte a menus em "Aparência"','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Aparece como um item no menu "novo" na barra de administração.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar na barra de administração','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Um nome de função PHP a ser chamado ao configurar as metaboxes para a tela de edição.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Callback de metabox personalizado','Menu Icon'=>'Ícone do menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'A posição no menu da barra lateral no painel de administração.','Menu Position'=>'Posição do menu','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Por padrão, o tipo de post receberá um novo item de nível superior no menu de administração. Se um item de nível superior existente for fornecido aqui, o tipo de post será adicionado como um item de submenu abaixo dele.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Ascendente do menu de administração','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'O ícone usado para o item de menu do tipo de post no painel de administração. Pode ser um URL ou um %s a ser usado para o ícone.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nome de classe Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navegação do editor de administração no menu da barra lateral.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Mostrar no menu de administração','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Os itens podem ser editados e gerenciados no painel de administração.','Show In UI'=>'Mostrar na interface','A link to a post.'=>'Um link para um post.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Descrição para uma variação de bloco de link de navegação.','Item Link Description'=>'Descrição do link do item','A link to a %s.'=>'Um link para um %s.','Post Link'=>'Link do post','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Título para uma variação de bloco de link de navegação.','Item Link'=>'Link do item','%s Link'=>'Link de %s','Post updated.'=>'Post atualizado.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'No aviso do editor após a atualização de um item.','Item Updated'=>'Item atualizado','%s updated.'=>'%s atualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Post agendado.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'No aviso do editor após o agendamento de um item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item agendado','%s scheduled.'=>'%s agendado.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Post revertido para rascunho.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'No aviso do editor após reverter um item para rascunho.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item revertido para rascunho','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s revertido para rascunho.','Post published privately.'=>'Post publicado de forma privada.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'No aviso do editor após a publicação de um item privado.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item publicado de forma privada','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado de forma privada.','Post published.'=>'Post publicado.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'No aviso do editor após a publicação de um item.','Item Published'=>'Item publicado','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para a lista de itens na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Items List'=>'Lista de itens','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para a paginação da lista de filtros na tela da lista de tipos de post.','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de itens','%s list navigation'=>'Navegação na lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar posts por data','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para filtrar por título de data na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar itens por data','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por data','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para o título de links de filtro na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de itens','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'No modal de mídia mostrando todas as mídias enviadas para este item.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Enviado para este item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Enviado para este %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserir no post','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao adicionar mídia ao conteúdo.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Inserir no botão de mídia','Insert into %s'=>'Inserir no %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagem destacada','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão para selecionar o uso de uma imagem como a imagem destacada.','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagem destacada','Remove featured image'=>'Remover imagem destacada','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao remover a imagem destacada.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remover imagem destacada','Set featured image'=>'Definir imagem destacada','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao definir a imagem destacada.','Set Featured Image'=>'Definir imagem destacada','Featured image'=>'Imagem destacada','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'No editor usado para o título da metabox da imagem destacada.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metabox de imagem destacada','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos do post','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'No editor usado para o título da metabox de atributos do post.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metabox de atributos','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Arquivos de posts','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Adiciona os itens de "arquivo do tipo de post" com este rótulo à lista de posts mostrados ao adicionar itens a um menu existente em um tipo de post personalizado com arquivos ativados. Só aparece ao editar menus no modo "ver ao vivo" e um slug de arquivo personalizado foi fornecido.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu de navegação de arquivos','%s Archives'=>'Arquivos de %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar posts na lixeira','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Na parte superior da tela da lista de tipos de post, quando não há posts na lixeira.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar itens na lixeira','No %s found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar %s na lixeira','No posts found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar posts','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Na parte superior da tela da lista de tipos de post, quando não há posts para exibir.','No Items Found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar itens','No %s found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar %s','Search Posts'=>'Pesquisar posts','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela de itens ao pesquisar um item.','Search Items'=>'Pesquisar itens','Search %s'=>'Pesquisar %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página ascendente:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Para tipos hierárquicos na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefixo do item ascendente','Parent %s:'=>'%s ascendente:','New Post'=>'Novo post','New Item'=>'Novo item','New %s'=>'Novo %s','Add New Post'=>'Adicionar novo post','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor ao adicionar um novo item.','Add New Item'=>'Adicionar novo item','Add New %s'=>'Adicionar novo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver posts','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Aparece na barra de administração na visualização "Todos as posts", desde que o tipo de post suporte arquivos e a página inicial não seja um arquivo desse tipo de post.','View Items'=>'Ver itens','View Post'=>'Ver post','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Na barra de administração para visualizar o item ao editá-lo.','View Item'=>'Ver item','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar post','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor ao editar um item.','Edit Item'=>'Editar item','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todos os posts','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'No submenu do tipo de post no painel administrativo.','All Items'=>'Todos os itens','All %s'=>'Todos os %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nome do menu do administração para o tipo de post.','Menu Name'=>'Nome do menu','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Recriar todos os rótulos usando os rótulos singular e plural','Regenerate'=>'Recriar','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Os tipos de post ativos estão ativados e cadastrados com o WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Um resumo descritivo do tipo de post.','Add Custom'=>'Adicionar personalizado','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Ative vários recursos no editor de conteúdo.','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de post','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecione taxonomias existentes para classificar itens do tipo de post.','Browse Fields'=>'Procurar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada para importar','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. O plugin Custom Post Type UI pode ser desativado.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item foi importado do Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d itens foram importados do Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Falha ao importar as taxonomias.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Falha ao importar os tipos de post.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nada do plugin Custom Post Type UI selecionado para importação.','Imported 1 item'=>'Um item importado' . "\0" . '%s itens importados','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'A importação de um tipo de post ou taxonomia com a mesma chave que já existe substituirá as configurações do tipo de post ou taxonomia existente pelas da importação.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar do Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'É possível usar o código a seguir para cadastrar uma versão local dos itens selecionados. Armazenar grupos de campos, tipos de post ou taxonomias localmente pode fornecer muitos benefícios, como tempos de carregamento mais rápidos, controle de versão e campos/configurações dinâmicos. Simplesmente copie e cole o código a seguir no arquivo functions.php do seu tema ou inclua-o em um arquivo externo e, em seguida, desative ou exclua os itens do painel do ACF.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Gerar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selecionar taxonomias','Select Post Types'=>'Selecionar tipos de post','Exported 1 item.'=>'Um item exportado.' . "\0" . '%s itens exportados.','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomia %s criada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomia %s atualizada','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'O rascunho da taxonomia foi atualizado.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomia agendada para.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomia enviada.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomia salva.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomia excluída.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomia atualizada.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar esta taxonomia porque sua chave está em uso por outra taxonomia cadastrada por outro plugin ou tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomia sincronizada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias sincronizadas.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomia duplicada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias duplicadas.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomia desativada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias desativadas.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomia ativada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias ativadas.','Terms'=>'Termos','Post type synchronized.'=>'Tipo de post sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post sincronizados.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Tipo de post duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post duplicados.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Tipo de post desativado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post desativados.','Post type activated.'=>'Tipo de post ativado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post ativados.','Post Types'=>'Tipos de post','Advanced Settings'=>'Configurações avançadas','Basic Settings'=>'Configurações básicas','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar este tipo de post porque sua chave está em uso por outro tipo de post cadastrado por outro plugin ou tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','%s post type created'=>'Tipo de post %s criado','Add fields to %s'=>'Adicionar campos para %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de post %s atualizado','Post type draft updated.'=>'Rascunho do tipo de post atualizado.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Tipo de post agendado para.','Post type submitted.'=>'Tipo de post enviado.','Post type saved.'=>'Tipo de post salvo.','Post type updated.'=>'Tipo de post atualizado.','Post type deleted.'=>'Tipo de post excluído.','Type to search...'=>'Digite para pesquisar...','PRO Only'=>'Somente PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos vinculados com sucesso.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importe tipos de post e taxonomias registradas com o Custom Post Type UI e gerencie-os com o ACF. Começar.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomia','post type'=>'tipo de post','Done'=>'Concluído','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecione um ou vários grupos de campos...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecione os grupos de campos a serem vinculados.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos vinculado com sucesso.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos vinculados com sucesso.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Falha no cadastro','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar este item porque sua chave está em uso por outro item cadastrado por outro plugin ou tema.','REST API'=>'API REST','Permissions'=>'Permissões','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidade','Labels'=>'Rótulos','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Abas de configurações de campo','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Valor de shortcode ACF desativado para visualização]','Close Modal'=>'Fechar modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido para outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Fechar modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Iniciar um novo grupo de abas nesta aba.','New Tab Group'=>'Novo grupo de abas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usar uma caixa de seleção estilizada usando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Salvar outra escolha','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir outra escolha','Add Toggle All'=>'Adicionar "selecionar tudo"','Save Custom Values'=>'Salvar valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Os valores personalizados da caixa de seleção não podem ficar vazios. Desmarque todos os valores vazios.','Updates'=>'Atualizações','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo do Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Salvar alterações','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Adicionar título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Novo no ACF? Dê uma olhada em nosso guia de introdução.','Add Field Group'=>'Adicionar grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'O ACF usa grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados e, em seguida, anexar esses campos às telas de edição.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adicionar seu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opções','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocos do ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo de galeria','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de conteúdo flexível','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie recursos extras com o ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Excluir grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Criado em %1$s às %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Configurações do grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de localização','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Escolha entre mais de 30 tipos de campo. Saber mais.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comece a criar novos campos personalizados para seus posts, páginas, tipos de post personalizados e outros conteúdos do WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Adicionar seu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Adicionar campo','Presentation'=>'Apresentação','Validation'=>'Validação','General'=>'Geral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desativado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desativados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos ativado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos ativados.','Deactivate'=>'Desativar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desativar este item','Activate'=>'Ativar','Activate this item'=>'Ativar este item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover grupo de campos para a lixeira?','post statusInactive'=>'Inativo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não devem estar ativos ao mesmo tempo. Desativamos automaticamente o Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não devem estar ativos ao mesmo tempo. Desativamos automaticamente o Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Detectamos uma ou mais chamadas para recuperar os valores de campos do ACF antes de o ACF ser inicializado. Isso não é suportado e pode resultar em dados malformados ou ausentes. Saiba como corrigir isso.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s deve ter um usuário com a função de %2$s .' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ter um usuário com uma das seguintes funções: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s deve ter um ID de usuário válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Solicitação inválida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s não é um de %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve ter o termo %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ter um dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve ser do tipo de post %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ser de um dos seguintes tipos de post: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s deve ter um ID de post válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requer um ID de anexo válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar na API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Ativar transparência','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Sequência RGBA','Hex String'=>'Sequência hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Atualizar para PRO','post statusActive'=>'Ativo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'"%s" não é um endereço de e-mail válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Selecionar cor padrão','Clear color'=>'Limpar cor','Blocks'=>'Blocos','Options'=>'Opções','Users'=>'Usuários','Menu items'=>'Itens de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Anexos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomias','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Última atualização: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Este post não está disponível para comparação de diferenças.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parâmetros de grupo de campos inválidos.','Awaiting save'=>'Aguardando salvar','Saved'=>'Salvo','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar alterações','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado em: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Vários','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar alterações','Loading diff'=>'Carregando diferenças','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisão das alterações do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar site','View details'=>'Ver detalhes','Version %s'=>'Versão %s','Information'=>'Informações','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Suporte técnico. Os profissionais de nosso Suporte técnico poderão auxiliá-lo em questões técnicas mais complexas.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussões. Temos uma comunidade ativa e amigável em nossos Fóruns da Comunidade que podem ajudá-lo a descobrir os \'como fazer\' do mundo ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentação. Nossa vasta documentação contém referências e guias para a maioria dos problemas e situações que você poderá encontrar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos por suporte e queremos que você aproveite ao máximo seu site com o ACF. Se você tiver alguma dificuldade, há vários lugares onde pode encontrar ajuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ajuda e suporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Use a aba "ajuda e suporte" para entrar em contato caso precise de assistência.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear seu primeiro grupo de campos recomendamos que leia nosso Guia para iniciantes a fim de familiarizar-se com a filosofia e as boas práticas deste plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornece um construtor de formulários visuais para personalizar as telas de edição do WordPress com campos extras e uma API intuitiva para exibir valores de campos personalizados em qualquer arquivo de modelo de tema.','Overview'=>'Visão geral','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de localização "%s" já está registado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A classe "%s" não existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce inválido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao carregar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Localização não encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Função do usuário ','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato do post','Menu Item'=>'Item do menu','Post Status'=>'Status do post','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia de post','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página descendente (tem ascendente)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página ascendente (tem descendentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nível mais alto (sem ascendente)','Posts Page'=>'Página de posts','Front Page'=>'Página principal','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Visualizando o painel administrativo','Viewing front end'=>'Visualizando a interface','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuário atual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Cadastre-se','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de usuário','Page Parent'=>'Ascendente da página','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Função do usuário atual','Default Template'=>'Modelo padrão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de Post','Post Category'=>'Categoria do post','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Verifique, também, se todos os complementos premium (%s) estão atualizados para a versão mais recente.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias no seu banco de dados e requer uma atualização.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Obrigado por atualizar para o %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Atualização do banco de dados obrigatória','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se vários grupos de campos aparecem em uma tela de edição, as opções do primeiro grupo de campos é a que será utilizada (aquele com o menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecione os itens que deverão ser ocultados da tela de edição','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar na tela','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Resumo','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Link permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Exibido na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Grupos de campos com uma menor numeração aparecerão primeiro','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo dos rótulos','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Superior (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Integrado (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Padrão (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do invólucro','Required'=>'Obrigatório','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para autores. Exibido ao enviar dados','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos sublinhados (_) e traços (-).','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que aparecerá na página de EDIÇÃO','Field Label'=>'Rótulo do campo','Delete'=>'Excluir','Delete field'=>'Excluir campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reorganizar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma atualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Atualização do banco de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lendo tarefas de atualização…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falha na atualização.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Atualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Atualizando os dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É extremamente recomendado que você faça backup de seu banco de dados antes de continuar. Você tem certeza que deseja fazer a atualização agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecione pelo menos um site para atualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Atualização do banco de dados concluída. Retornar para o painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está atualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O site requer a atualização do banco de dados de %1$s para %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Atualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites a seguir necessitam de uma atualização do banco de dados. Marque aqueles que você deseja atualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar quais telas de edição usarão esses campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecione os itens que deseja exportar e, em seguida, selecione o método de exportação. Exporte como JSON para exportar para um arquivo .json que você pode importar para outra instalação do ACF. Gere PHP para exportar para código PHP que você pode colocar em seu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecionar grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos selecionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Arquivo de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de arquivo incorreto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao enviar arquivo. Tente novamente','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecione o arquivo JSON do Advanced Custom Fields que você gostaria de importar. Ao clicar no botão de importação abaixo, o ACF importará os itens desse arquivo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Supports'=>'Suporta','Documentation'=>'Dcoumentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Ativo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Ativos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sites e atualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Atualizar o banco de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecione o destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimentação concluída.','Active'=>'Ativo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves de campos','Settings'=>'Configurações ','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Em branco','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Marcado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de alternância disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que suas alterações sejam salvas','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O termo “field_” não pode ser utilizado no início do nome de um campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos atualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendando.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos salvo.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos excluído.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos atualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Escolha','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Post atualizado','Update'=>'Atualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar e-mail','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A seleção é menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'A seleção é maior que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem qualquer valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Você tem certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer atenção','Validation failed'=>'Falha na validação','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem-sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Recolher detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Enviado para este post','verbUpdate'=>'Atualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações feitas serão perdidas se você sair desta página','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de arquivo deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamanho do arquivo não deve exceder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do arquivo deve ter pelo menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não pode ser maior que %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ter pelo menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não pode ser maior que %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ter pelo menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Médio','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem rótulo)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anexar uma caixa de seleção adicional para alternar todas as escolhas','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvar valores "personalizados" nas escolhas do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova escolha','Toggle All'=>'Selecionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URLs de arquivos','Archives'=>'Arquivos','Page Link'=>'Link da página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O usuário não pode adicionar um novo %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Objeto de termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carrega valores a partir de termos de posts','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conecta os termos selecionados ao post','Save Terms'=>'Salvar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir que novos termos sejam criados durante a edição','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opção','Single Value'=>'Um único valor','Multi Select'=>'Seleção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de seleção','Multiple Values'=>'Múltiplos valores','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecione a aparência deste campo','Appearance'=>'Aparência','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecione a taxonomia que será exibida','No TermsNo %s'=>'Sem %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou menor que %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou maior que %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvar valores de "outros" nas escolhas do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar escolha de "outros" para permitir valores personalizados','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Defina um endpoint para a sanfona anterior parar. Esta sanfona não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permitir abrir este item sem fechar os demais.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Exibir esta sanfona como aberta ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberta','Accordion'=>'Sanfona','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Limita quais arquivos podem ser enviados','File ID'=>'ID do arquivo','File URL'=>'URL do Arquivo','File Array'=>'Array do arquivo','Add File'=>'Adicionar arquivo','No file selected'=>'Nenhum arquivo selecionado','File name'=>'Nome do arquivo','Update File'=>'Atualizar arquivo','Edit File'=>'Editar arquivo','Select File'=>'Selecionar arquivo','File'=>'Arquivo','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido.','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usar AJAX para carregar escolhas de forma atrasada?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Digite cada valor padrão em uma nova linha','verbSelect'=>'Selecionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falha ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Pesquisando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Carregando mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Você só pode selecionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Você só pode selecionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Exclua %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Exclua 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Digite %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Digite 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar correspondências','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponíveis, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado disponível, aperte Enter para selecioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Seleção','User ID'=>'ID do usuário','User Object'=>'Objeto de usuário','User Array'=>'Array do usuário','All user roles'=>'Todas as funções de usuário','User'=>'Usuário','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Selecionar cor','Default'=>'Padrão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Seletor de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microssegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Horário','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Selecione o horário','Date Time Picker'=>'Seletor de data e horário','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado ao topo','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Aba','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL do link','Link Array'=>'Array do link','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre em uma nova janela/aba','Select Link'=>'Selecionar link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Tamanho da escala','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Rótulo','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para mais controle, você pode especificar tanto os valores quanto os rótulos, como nos exemplos:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Digite cada escolha em uma nova linha.','Choices'=>'Escolhas','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Parent'=>'Ascendente','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'O TinyMCE não será carregado até que o campo seja clicado','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas texto','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e texto','Tabs'=>'Abas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para carregar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não ter limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Exibido depois do campo','Append'=>'Sufixo','Appears before the input'=>'Exibido antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Prefixo','Appears within the input'=>'Exibido dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto de marcação','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece ao criar um novo post','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requer ao menos %2$s seleção' . "\0" . '%1$s requer ao menos %2$s seleções','Post ID'=>'ID do post','Post Object'=>'Objeto de post','Featured Image'=>'Imagem destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos selecionados serão exibidos em cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de post','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de post','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de post','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecionar taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Selecionar tipo de post','No matches found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar correspondências','Loading'=>'Carregando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Máximo de valores alcançado ({max} valores)','Relationship'=>'Relacionamento','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do arquivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Limita as imagens que podem ser enviadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Anexado ao post','All'=>'Tudo','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar a escolha da biblioteca de mídia','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na interface','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem selecionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Atualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Selecionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que a marcação HTML seja exibida como texto ao invés de ser renderizada','Escape HTML'=>'Ignorar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como as novas linhas são renderizadas','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Início da semana','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao salvar um valor','Save Format'=>'Salvar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Seletor de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho do código incorporado','Enter URL'=>'Digite o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto exibido quando inativo','Off Text'=>'Texto "Inativo"','Text shown when active'=>'Texto exibido quando ativo','On Text'=>'Texto "Ativo"','Stylized UI'=>'Interface estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor padrão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Exibe texto ao lado da caixa de seleção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifique o estilo utilizado para exibir os campos selecionados','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centralizar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centralizar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização atual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'O seu navegador não suporta o recurso de geolocalização','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolvido por meio de funções de modelo','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato exibido ao editar um post','Display Format'=>'Formato de exibição','Time Picker'=>'Seletor de horário','Inactive (%s)'=>'Desativado (%s)' . "\0" . 'Desativados (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar campos na lixeira','No Fields found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar campos','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos na lixeira','No Field Groups found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos poderosos, profissionais e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'O nome do bloco é obrigatório.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Tipo de bloco "%s" já está registrado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Alternar para edição','Switch to Preview'=>'Alternar para visualização','Change content alignment'=>'Mudar alinhamento do conteúdo','%s settings'=>'Configurações de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloco não contém campos editáveis.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Atribua um grupo de campos para adicionar campos a este bloco.','Options Updated'=>'Opções atualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para ativar as atualizações, digite sua chave de licença na página atualizações. Se você não tiver uma chave de licença, consulte detalhes e preços.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Sua chave de licença definida mudou, mas ocorreu um erro ao desativar sua licença antiga','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Sua chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao conectar-se ao servidor de ativação','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Ocorreu um erro ao conectar ao servidor de ativação','Check Again'=>'Conferir novamente','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Não foi possível conectar ao servidor de ativação','Publish'=>'Publicar','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos personalizados encontrado para esta página de opções. Crie um grupo de campos personalizados','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erro. Não foi possível se conectar ao servidor de atualização','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Não foi possível autenticar o pacote de atualização. Verifique novamente ou desative e reative sua licença ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Sua licença para este site expirou ou foi desativada. Reative sua licença ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Permite selecionar e exibir os campos existentes. Ele não duplica nenhum campo no banco de dados, mas carrega e exibe os campos selecionados em tempo de execução. O campo Clonar pode se substituir pelos campos selecionados ou exibir os campos selecionados como um grupo de subcampos.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecione um ou mais campos que deseja clonar','Display'=>'Exibir','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique o estilo utilizado para exibir os campos de clone','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (exibe os campos selecionados em um grupo dentro deste campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Integrado (substitui este campo pelos campos selecionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Os rótulos serão exibidos como %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefixo nos rótulos do campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Valores serão salvos como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefixo nos nomes do campo','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconhecido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconhecido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos os campos do grupo de campos %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Permite definir, criar e gerenciar conteúdo com controle total, criando layouts que contêm subcampos que os editores de conteúdo podem escolher.','Add Row'=>'Adicionar linha','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouts','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requer pelo menos {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo tem um limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponível (máx. {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} necessário (mín. {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Conteúdo flexível requer pelo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clique no botão "%s" abaixo para começar a criar seu layout','Add layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Remove layout'=>'Remover layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clique para alternar','Delete Layout'=>'Excluir layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Add New Layout'=>'Adicionar novo layout','Add Layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Min'=>'Mín','Max'=>'Máx','Minimum Layouts'=>'Mínimo de layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Máximo de layouts','Button Label'=>'Rótulo do botão','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s deve ser um array de tipos ou nulo.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s precisa conter no mínimo %2$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s precisa conter no mínimo %2$s layouts.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s deve conter no máximo %2$s layout de %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve conter no máximo %2$s layouts de %3$s.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Uma interface interativa para gerenciar uma coleção de anexos, como imagens.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adicionar imagem na galeria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Seleção máxima alcançada','Length'=>'Duração','Caption'=>'Legenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto alternativo','Add to gallery'=>'Adicionar à galeria','Bulk actions'=>'Ações em massa','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por data de envio','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por data de modificação','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Ordem atual inversa','Close'=>'Fechar','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleção mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleção máxima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipos de arquivos permitidos','Insert'=>'Inserir','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especifique onde novos anexos são adicionados','Append to the end'=>'Anexar ao final','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Anexar ao início','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de linhas alcançado ({min} linhas)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de linhas alcançado ({max} linhas)','Error loading page'=>'Erro ao carregar página','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'A ordenação será atribuída ao salvar','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos com um grande número de linhas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Linhas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Define o número de linhas a serem exibidas em uma página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de linhas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de linhas','Collapsed'=>'Recolhido','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecione um subcampo para mostrar quando a linha for recolhida','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Chave ou nome de campo inválidos.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar o campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Clique para reordenar','Add row'=>'Adicionar linha','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar linha','Remove row'=>'Remover linha','Current Page'=>'Página atual','First Page'=>'Primeira página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Próxima página','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'Nenhum tipo de bloco existente','No options pages exist'=>'Não existe nenhuma página de opções','Deactivate License'=>'Desativar licença','Activate License'=>'Ativar licença','License Information'=>'Informação da licença','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear atualizações, digite sua chave de licença abaixo. Se você não tiver uma chave de licença, consulte detalhes e preços.','License Key'=>'Chave de licença','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Sua chave de licença é definida em wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Tentar ativação novamente','Update Information'=>'Informação da atualização','Current Version'=>'Versão atual','Latest Version'=>'Versão mais recente','Update Available'=>'Atualização disponível','Upgrade Notice'=>'Aviso de atualização','Check For Updates'=>'Verificar atualizações','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Digite sua chave de licença para desbloquear atualizações','Update Plugin'=>'Atualizar plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Reative sua licença para desbloquear as atualizações']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_BR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['%s fields'=>'Campos de %s','No terms'=>'Não há termos','No post types'=>'Não há tipos de post','No posts'=>'Não há posts','No taxonomies'=>'Não há taxonomias','No field groups'=>'Não há grupos de campos','No fields'=>'Não há campos','No description'=>'Não há descrição','Any post status'=>'Qualquer status de post','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está em uso por outra taxonomia registrada fora do ACF e não pode ser usada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está em uso por outra taxonomia no ACF e não pode ser usada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave de taxonomia deve conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, sublinhados ou hífens.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar taxonomias na lixeira','No Taxonomies found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar taxonomias','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pesquisar taxonomias','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Nova taxonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar nova taxonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tipos de post na lixeira','No Post Types found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tipos de post','Search Post Types'=>'Pesquisar tipos de post','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de post','New Post Type'=>'Novo tipo de post','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de post','Add New Post Type'=>'Adicionar novo tipo de post','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de post já está em uso por outro tipo de post registrado fora do ACF e não pode ser usada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de post já está em uso por outro tipo de post no ACF e não pode ser usada.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Este campo não deve ser um termo reservado do WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave do tipo de post deve conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, sublinhados ou hífens.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'A chave do tipo de post deve ter menos de 20 caracteres.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Não recomendamos o uso deste campo em blocos do ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Exibe o editor WordPress WYSIWYG como visto em Posts e Páginas, permitindo uma rica experiência de edição de texto que também permite conteúdo multimídia.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Permite a seleção de um ou mais usuários que podem ser usados para criar relacionamentos entre objetos de dados.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Uma entrada de texto projetada especificamente para armazenar endereços da web.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Um botão de alternar que permite escolher um valor de 1 ou 0 (ligado ou desligado, verdadeiro ou falso, etc.). Pode ser apresentado como um botão estilizado ou uma caixa de seleção.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher um horário. O formato de horário pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Uma entrada de área de texto básica para armazenar parágrafos de texto.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Uma entrada de texto básica, útil para armazenar valores de texto únicos.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Permite a seleção de um ou mais termos de taxonomia com base nos critérios e opções especificados nas configurações dos campos.','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'Permite agrupar campos em seções com abas na tela de edição. Útil para manter os campos organizados e estruturados.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Uma lista suspensa com uma seleção de escolhas que você especifica.','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'Uma interface de coluna dupla para selecionar um ou mais posts, páginas ou itens de tipo de post personalizados para criar um relacionamento com o item que você está editando no momento. Inclui opções para pesquisar e filtrar.','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'Uma entrada para selecionar um valor numérico dentro de um intervalo especificado usando um elemento deslizante de intervalo.','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'Um grupo de entradas de botão de opção que permite ao usuário fazer uma única seleção a partir dos valores especificados.','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'Uma interface interativa e personalizável para escolher um ou vários posts, páginas ou itens de tipos de post com a opção de pesquisa. ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Uma entrada para fornecer uma senha usando um campo mascarado.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por status do post','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'Um menu suspenso interativo para selecionar um ou mais posts, páginas, itens de um tipo de post personalizado ou URLs de arquivo, com a opção de pesquisa.','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'Um componente interativo para incorporar vídeos, imagens, tweets, áudio e outros conteúdos, fazendo uso da funcionalidade oEmbed nativa do WordPress.','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Uma entrada limitada a valores numéricos.','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'Usado para exibir uma mensagem aos editores ao lado de outros campos. Útil para fornecer contexto adicional ou instruções sobre seus campos.','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'Permite especificar um link e suas propriedades, como título e destino, usando o seletor de links nativo do WordPress.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Usa o seletor de mídia nativo do WordPress para enviar ou escolher imagens.','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'Fornece uma maneira de estruturar os campos em grupos para organizar melhor os dados e a tela de edição.','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'Uma interface interativa para selecionar um local usando o Google Maps. Requer uma chave de API do Google Maps e configuração adicional para exibir corretamente.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Usa o seletor de mídia nativo do WordPress para enviar ou escolher arquivos.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Uma entrada de texto projetada especificamente para armazenar endereços de e-mail.','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher uma data e um horário. O formato de data devolvido pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Uma interface interativa para escolher uma data. O formato de data devolvido pode ser personalizado usando as configurações do campo.','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'Uma interface interativa para selecionar uma cor ou especificar um valor hex.','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'Um grupo de entradas de caixa de seleção que permite ao usuário selecionar um ou vários valores especificados.','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'Um grupo de botões com valores que você especifica, os usuários podem escolher uma opção entre os valores fornecidos.','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'Permite agrupar e organizar campos personalizados em painéis recolhíveis que são exibidos durante a edição do conteúdo. Útil para manter grandes conjuntos de dados organizados.','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'Isso fornece uma solução para repetir conteúdo, como slides, membros da equipe e blocos de chamada para ação, agindo como um ascendente para um conjunto de subcampos que podem ser repetidos várias vezes.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Isso fornece uma interface interativa para gerenciar uma coleção de anexos. A maioria das configurações é semelhante ao tipo de campo Imagem. Configurações adicionais permitem que você especifique onde novos anexos são adicionados na galeria e o número mínimo/máximo de anexos permitidos.','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'Isso fornece um editor simples, estruturado e baseado em layout. O campo "conteúdo flexível" permite definir, criar e gerenciar o conteúdo com total controle, utilizando layouts e subcampos para desenhar os blocos disponíveis.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Isso permite que você selecione e exiba os campos existentes. Ele não duplica nenhum campo no banco de dados, mas carrega e exibe os campos selecionados em tempo de execução. O campo "clone" pode se substituir pelos campos selecionados ou exibir os campos selecionados como um grupo de subcampos.','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avançado','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (mais recente)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID de post inválido.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Tipo de post inválido selecionado para revisão.','More'=>'Mais','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selecionar campo','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Tente um termo de pesquisa diferente ou procure pelos %s','Popular fields'=>'Campos populares','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Nenhum resultado de pesquisa para \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Pesquisar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Selecione o tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Popular','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar taxonomia','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Crie taxonomias personalizadas para classificar o conteúdo do tipo de post','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Adicione sua primeira taxonomia','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Taxonomias hierárquicas podem ter descendentes (como categorias).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Torna uma taxonomia visível na interface e no painel administrativo.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Um ou vários tipos de post que podem ser classificados com esta taxonomia.','genre'=>'gênero','Genre'=>'Gênero','Genres'=>'Gêneros','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para usar em vez de `WP_REST_Terms_Controller`.','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Expor esse tipo de post na API REST.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personalize o nome da variável de consulta','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'Os termos podem ser acessados usando o link permanente não bonito, por exemplo, {query_var}={term_slug}.','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Termos ascendente-descendente em URLs para taxonomias hierárquicas.','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalize o slug usado no URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Os links permanentes para esta taxonomia estão desativados.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreva o URL usando a chave de taxonomia como slug. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','Taxonomy Key'=>'Chave de taxonomia','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Selecione o tipo de link permanente a ser usado para esta taxonomia.','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'Exiba uma coluna para a taxonomia nas telas de listagem do tipo de post.','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar coluna administrativa','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Mostrar a taxonomia no painel de edição rápida/em massa.','Quick Edit'=>'Edição rápida','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'Listar a taxonomia nos controles do widget de nuvem de tags.','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuvem de tags','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Callback de higienização da metabox','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Um nome de função PHP a ser chamado para manipular o conteúdo de uma metabox em sua taxonomia.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Cadastrar callback da metabox','No Meta Box'=>'Sem metabox','Custom Meta Box'=>'Metabox personalizada','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Controla a metabox na tela do editor de conteúdo. Por padrão, a metabox "Categorias" é mostrada para taxonomias hierárquicas e a metabox "Tags" é mostrada para taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metabox de categorias','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metabox de tags','A link to a tag'=>'Um link para uma tag','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Descreve uma variação de bloco de link de navegação usada no editor de blocos.','A link to a %s'=>'Um link para um %s','Tag Link'=>'Link da tag','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'Atribui um título para a variação do bloco de link de navegação usado no editor de blocos.','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir para tags','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'Atribui o texto usado para vincular de volta ao índice principal após atualizar um termo.','Back To Items'=>'Voltar aos itens','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir para %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de tags','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Atribui texto ao título oculto da tabela.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de tags','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Atribui texto ao título oculto da paginação da tabela.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoria','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Atribui texto ao botão de filtro na tabela de listas de posts.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por item','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'A descrição não está em destaque por padrão, no entanto alguns temas podem mostrá-la.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "descrição" na tela "editar tags".','Description Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de descrição','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Atribua um termo ascendente para criar uma hierarquia. O termo Jazz, por exemplo, pode ser ascendente de Bebop ou Big Band','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "ascendente" na tela "editar tags".','Parent Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo ascendente','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'O "slug" é a versão do nome amigável para o URL. Geralmente é todo em minúsculas e contém apenas letras, números e hífens.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "slug" na tela "editar tags".','Slug Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de slug','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'O nome é como aparece no seu site','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Descreve o campo "nome" na tela "editar tags".','Name Field Description'=>'Descrição do campo de nome','No tags'=>'Não há tags','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Atribui o texto exibido nas tabelas de posts e listas de mídia quando não há tags ou categorias disponíveis.','No Terms'=>'Não há termos','No %s'=>'Não há %s','No tags found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar tags','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'Atribui o texto exibido ao clicar no texto "escolher entre os mais usados" na metabox da taxonomia quando não há tags disponíveis e atribui o texto usado na tabela da lista de termos quando não há itens para uma taxonomia.','Not Found'=>'Não encontrado','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'Atribui texto ao campo "título" da aba "mais usados".','Most Used'=>'Mais usado','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Escolha entre as tags mais usadas','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto "escolha entre os mais usados" utilizado na metabox quando o JavaScript estiver desativado. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Choose From Most Used'=>'Escolha entre os mais usados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Escolha entre %s mais comuns','Add or remove tags'=>'Adicionar ou remover tags','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'Atribui o texto "adicionar ou remover itens" utilizado na metabox quando o JavaScript está desativado. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Adicionar ou remover itens','Add or remove %s'=>'Adicionar ou remover %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separe as tags com vírgulas','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto "separe os itens com vírgulas" utilizado na metabox da taxonomia. Usado apenas em taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separe os itens com vírgulas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separe %s com vírgulas','Popular Tags'=>'Tags populares','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui texto de itens populares. Usado apenas para taxonomias não hierárquicas.','Popular Items'=>'Itens populares','Popular %s'=>'%s populares','Search Tags'=>'Pesquisar Tags','Assigns search items text.'=>'Atribui texto aos itens de pesquisa.','Parent Category:'=>'Categoria ascendente:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'Atribui o texto do item ascendente, mas com dois pontos (:) adicionados ao final.','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Item ascendente com dois pontos','Parent Category'=>'Categoria ascendente','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'Atribui o texto do item ascendente. Usado apenas em taxonomias hierárquicas.','Parent Item'=>'Item ascendente','Parent %s'=>'%s ascendente','New Tag Name'=>'Novo nome de tag','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Atribui o texto "novo nome do item".','New Item Name'=>'Novo nome do item','New %s Name'=>'Novo nome de %s','Add New Tag'=>'Adicionar nova tag','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Atribui o texto "adicionar novo item".','Update Tag'=>'Atualizar tag','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Atribui o texto "atualizar item".','Update Item'=>'Atualizar item','Update %s'=>'Atualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver tag','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'Na barra de administração para visualizar o termo durante a edição.','Edit Tag'=>'Editar tag','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor durante a edição de um termo.','All Tags'=>'Todas as tags','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Atribui o texto "todos os itens".','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Atribui o texto do nome do menu.','Menu Label'=>'Rótulo do menu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'As taxonomias selecionadas estão ativas e cadastradas no WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Um resumo descritivo da taxonomia.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Um resumo descritivo do termo.','Term Description'=>'Descrição do termo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. Sublinhados (_) e traços (-) permitidos.','Term Slug'=>'Slug do termo','The name of the default term.'=>'O nome do termo padrão.','Term Name'=>'Nome do termo','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Cria um termo para a taxonomia que não pode ser excluído. Ele não será selecionado para posts por padrão.','Default Term'=>'Termo padrão','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'Se os termos nesta taxonomia devem ser classificados na ordem em que são fornecidos para "wp_set_object_terms()".','Sort Terms'=>'Ordenar termos','Add Post Type'=>'Adicionar tipo de post','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'Expanda a funcionalidade do WordPress além de posts e páginas padrão com tipos de post personalizados.','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Adicione seu primeiro tipo de post','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Eu sei o que estou fazendo, mostre todas as opções.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configuração avançada','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Tipos de post hierárquicos podem ter descendentes (como páginas).','Hierarchical'=>'Hierárquico','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Visível na interface e no painel administrativo.','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'filme','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'Somente letras minúsculas, sublinhados (_) e traços (-), máximo de 20 caracteres.','Movie'=>'Filme','Singular Label'=>'Rótulo no singular','Movies'=>'Filmes','Plural Label'=>'Rótulo no plural','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'Controlador personalizado opcional para usar em vez de "WP_REST_Posts_Controller".','Controller Class'=>'Classe do controlador','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'A parte do namespace da URL da API REST.','Namespace Route'=>'Rota do namespace','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'O URL base para os URLs da API REST do tipo de post.','Base URL'=>'URL base','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'Expõe este tipo de post na API REST. Obrigatório para usar o editor de blocos.','Show In REST API'=>'Mostrar na API REST','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personalize o nome da variável de consulta.','Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta','No Query Variable Support'=>'Sem suporte a variáveis de consulta','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta personalizada','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'Os itens podem ser acessados usando o link permanente não bonito, por exemplo, {post_type}={post_slug}.','Query Variable Support'=>'Suporte à variável de consulta','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'URLs para um item e itens podem ser acessados com uma string de consulta.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Consultável publicamente','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Slug personalizado para o URL de arquivo.','Archive Slug'=>'Slug do arquivo','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'Possui um arquivo de itens que pode ser personalizado com um arquivo de modelo de arquivo em seu tema.','Archive'=>'Arquivo','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Suporte de paginação para os URLs de itens, como os arquivos.','Pagination'=>'Paginação','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL do feed RSS para os itens do tipo de post.','Feed URL'=>'URL do feed','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'Altera a estrutura do link permanente para adicionar o prefixo "WP_Rewrite::$front" aos URLs.','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefixo Front do URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personalize o slug usado no URL.','URL Slug'=>'Slug do URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Os links permanentes para este tipo de post estão desativados.','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreve o URL usando um slug personalizado definido no campo abaixo. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Sem link permanente (impedir a reescrita do URL)','Custom Permalink'=>'Link permanente personalizado','Post Type Key'=>'Chave do tipo de post','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Reescreve o URL usando a chave do tipo de post como slug. Sua estrutura de link permanente será','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Reescrita do link permanente','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Excluir itens criados pelo usuário quando o usuário for excluído.','Delete With User'=>'Excluir com o usuário','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Permitir que o tipo de post seja exportado em "Ferramentas" > "Exportar".','Can Export'=>'Pode exportar','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'Opcionalmente, forneça um plural para ser usado nas capacidades.','Plural Capability Name'=>'Nome plural da capacidade','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Escolha outro tipo de post para basear as capacidades deste tipo de post.','Singular Capability Name'=>'Nome singular da capacidade','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'Por padrão, as capacidades do tipo de post herdarão os nomes das capacidades de "Post". Ex.: edit_post, delete_posts. Ative para usar capacidades específicas do tipo de post, ex.: edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renomear capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir da pesquisa','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'Permitir que itens sejam adicionados aos menus na tela \'Aparência\' > \'Menus\'. Deve ser ativado em \'Opções de tela\'.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Suporte a menus em "Aparência"','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'Aparece como um item no menu "novo" na barra de administração.','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar na barra de administração','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'Um nome de função PHP a ser chamado ao configurar as metaboxes para a tela de edição.','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Callback de metabox personalizado','Menu Icon'=>'Ícone do menu','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'A posição no menu da barra lateral no painel de administração.','Menu Position'=>'Posição do menu','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'Por padrão, o tipo de post receberá um novo item de nível superior no menu de administração. Se um item de nível superior existente for fornecido aqui, o tipo de post será adicionado como um item de submenu abaixo dele.','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Ascendente do menu de administração','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'O ícone usado para o item de menu do tipo de post no painel de administração. Pode ser um URL ou um %s a ser usado para o ícone.','Dashicon class name'=>'Nome de classe Dashicon','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'Navegação do editor de administração no menu da barra lateral.','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Mostrar no menu de administração','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'Os itens podem ser editados e gerenciados no painel de administração.','Show In UI'=>'Mostrar na interface','A link to a post.'=>'Um link para um post.','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Descrição para uma variação de bloco de link de navegação.','Item Link Description'=>'Descrição do link do item','A link to a %s.'=>'Um link para um %s.','Post Link'=>'Link do post','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Título para uma variação de bloco de link de navegação.','Item Link'=>'Link do item','%s Link'=>'Link de %s','Post updated.'=>'Post atualizado.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'No aviso do editor após a atualização de um item.','Item Updated'=>'Item atualizado','%s updated.'=>'%s atualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Post agendado.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'No aviso do editor após o agendamento de um item.','Item Scheduled'=>'Item agendado','%s scheduled.'=>'%s agendado.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Post revertido para rascunho.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'No aviso do editor após reverter um item para rascunho.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Item revertido para rascunho','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s revertido para rascunho.','Post published privately.'=>'Post publicado de forma privada.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'No aviso do editor após a publicação de um item privado.','Item Published Privately'=>'Item publicado de forma privada','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado de forma privada.','Post published.'=>'Post publicado.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'No aviso do editor após a publicação de um item.','Item Published'=>'Item publicado','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para a lista de itens na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Items List'=>'Lista de itens','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para a paginação da lista de filtros na tela da lista de tipos de post.','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de itens','%s list navigation'=>'Navegação na lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar posts por data','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para filtrar por título de data na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar itens por data','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por data','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar lista de posts','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'Usado por leitores de tela para o título de links de filtro na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de itens','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'No modal de mídia mostrando todas as mídias enviadas para este item.','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Enviado para este item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Enviado para este %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserir no post','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao adicionar mídia ao conteúdo.','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Inserir no botão de mídia','Insert into %s'=>'Inserir no %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagem destacada','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão para selecionar o uso de uma imagem como a imagem destacada.','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagem destacada','Remove featured image'=>'Remover imagem destacada','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao remover a imagem destacada.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remover imagem destacada','Set featured image'=>'Definir imagem destacada','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'Como o rótulo do botão ao definir a imagem destacada.','Set Featured Image'=>'Definir imagem destacada','Featured image'=>'Imagem destacada','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'No editor usado para o título da metabox da imagem destacada.','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metabox de imagem destacada','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos do post','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'No editor usado para o título da metabox de atributos do post.','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metabox de atributos','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Arquivos de posts','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'Adiciona os itens de "arquivo do tipo de post" com este rótulo à lista de posts mostrados ao adicionar itens a um menu existente em um tipo de post personalizado com arquivos ativados. Só aparece ao editar menus no modo "ver ao vivo" e um slug de arquivo personalizado foi fornecido.','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Menu de navegação de arquivos','%s Archives'=>'Arquivos de %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar posts na lixeira','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'Na parte superior da tela da lista de tipos de post, quando não há posts na lixeira.','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar itens na lixeira','No %s found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar %s na lixeira','No posts found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar posts','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'Na parte superior da tela da lista de tipos de post, quando não há posts para exibir.','No Items Found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar itens','No %s found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar %s','Search Posts'=>'Pesquisar posts','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela de itens ao pesquisar um item.','Search Items'=>'Pesquisar itens','Search %s'=>'Pesquisar %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página ascendente:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'Para tipos hierárquicos na tela de lista de tipos de post.','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefixo do item ascendente','Parent %s:'=>'%s ascendente:','New Post'=>'Novo post','New Item'=>'Novo item','New %s'=>'Novo %s','Add New Post'=>'Adicionar novo post','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor ao adicionar um novo item.','Add New Item'=>'Adicionar novo item','Add New %s'=>'Adicionar novo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver posts','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'Aparece na barra de administração na visualização "Todos as posts", desde que o tipo de post suporte arquivos e a página inicial não seja um arquivo desse tipo de post.','View Items'=>'Ver itens','View Post'=>'Ver post','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'Na barra de administração para visualizar o item ao editá-lo.','View Item'=>'Ver item','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar post','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Na parte superior da tela do editor ao editar um item.','Edit Item'=>'Editar item','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todos os posts','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'No submenu do tipo de post no painel administrativo.','All Items'=>'Todos os itens','All %s'=>'Todos os %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Nome do menu do administração para o tipo de post.','Menu Name'=>'Nome do menu','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Recriar todos os rótulos usando os rótulos singular e plural','Regenerate'=>'Recriar','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Os tipos de post ativos estão ativados e cadastrados com o WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Um resumo descritivo do tipo de post.','Add Custom'=>'Adicionar personalizado','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Ative vários recursos no editor de conteúdo.','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de post','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Selecione taxonomias existentes para classificar itens do tipo de post.','Browse Fields'=>'Procurar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada para importar','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. O plugin Custom Post Type UI pode ser desativado.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'%d item foi importado do Custom Post Type UI -' . "\0" . '%d itens foram importados do Custom Post Type UI -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Falha ao importar as taxonomias.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Falha ao importar os tipos de post.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Nada do plugin Custom Post Type UI selecionado para importação.','Imported 1 item'=>'Um item importado' . "\0" . '%s itens importados','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'A importação de um tipo de post ou taxonomia com a mesma chave que já existe substituirá as configurações do tipo de post ou taxonomia existente pelas da importação.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar do Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'É possível usar o código a seguir para cadastrar uma versão local dos itens selecionados. Armazenar grupos de campos, tipos de post ou taxonomias localmente pode fornecer muitos benefícios, como tempos de carregamento mais rápidos, controle de versão e campos/configurações dinâmicos. Simplesmente copie e cole o código a seguir no arquivo functions.php do seu tema ou inclua-o em um arquivo externo e, em seguida, desative ou exclua os itens do painel do ACF.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Gerar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selecionar taxonomias','Select Post Types'=>'Selecionar tipos de post','Exported 1 item.'=>'Um item exportado.' . "\0" . '%s itens exportados.','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Tag','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomia %s criada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomia %s atualizada','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'O rascunho da taxonomia foi atualizado.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomia agendada para.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomia enviada.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomia salva.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomia excluída.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomia atualizada.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar esta taxonomia porque sua chave está em uso por outra taxonomia cadastrada por outro plugin ou tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomia sincronizada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias sincronizadas.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomia duplicada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias duplicadas.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomia desativada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias desativadas.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomia ativada.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomias ativadas.','Terms'=>'Termos','Post type synchronized.'=>'Tipo de post sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post sincronizados.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Tipo de post duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post duplicados.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Tipo de post desativado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post desativados.','Post type activated.'=>'Tipo de post ativado.' . "\0" . '%s tipos de post ativados.','Post Types'=>'Tipos de post','Advanced Settings'=>'Configurações avançadas','Basic Settings'=>'Configurações básicas','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar este tipo de post porque sua chave está em uso por outro tipo de post cadastrado por outro plugin ou tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','%s post type created'=>'Tipo de post %s criado','Add fields to %s'=>'Adicionar campos para %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de post %s atualizado','Post type draft updated.'=>'Rascunho do tipo de post atualizado.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Tipo de post agendado para.','Post type submitted.'=>'Tipo de post enviado.','Post type saved.'=>'Tipo de post salvo.','Post type updated.'=>'Tipo de post atualizado.','Post type deleted.'=>'Tipo de post excluído.','Type to search...'=>'Digite para pesquisar...','PRO Only'=>'Somente PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos vinculados com sucesso.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importe tipos de post e taxonomias registradas com o Custom Post Type UI e gerencie-os com o ACF. Começar.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomia','post type'=>'tipo de post','Done'=>'Concluído','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Selecione um ou vários grupos de campos...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Selecione os grupos de campos a serem vinculados.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos vinculado com sucesso.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos vinculados com sucesso.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Falha no cadastro','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar este item porque sua chave está em uso por outro item cadastrado por outro plugin ou tema.','REST API'=>'API REST','Permissions'=>'Permissões','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidade','Labels'=>'Rótulos','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Abas de configurações de campo','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Valor de shortcode ACF desativado para visualização]','Close Modal'=>'Fechar modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido para outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Fechar modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Iniciar um novo grupo de abas nesta aba.','New Tab Group'=>'Novo grupo de abas','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Usar uma caixa de seleção estilizada usando select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Salvar outra escolha','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir outra escolha','Add Toggle All'=>'Adicionar "selecionar tudo"','Save Custom Values'=>'Salvar valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Os valores personalizados da caixa de seleção não podem ficar vazios. Desmarque todos os valores vazios.','Updates'=>'Atualizações','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logo do Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Salvar alterações','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Adicionar título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Novo no ACF? Dê uma olhada em nosso guia de introdução.','Add Field Group'=>'Adicionar grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'O ACF usa grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados e, em seguida, anexar esses campos às telas de edição.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adicionar seu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opções','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocos do ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo de galeria','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de conteúdo flexível','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie recursos extras com o ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Excluir grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Criado em %1$s às %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Configurações do grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de localização','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Escolha entre mais de 30 tipos de campo. Saber mais.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comece a criar novos campos personalizados para seus posts, páginas, tipos de post personalizados e outros conteúdos do WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Adicionar seu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Adicionar campo','Presentation'=>'Apresentação','Validation'=>'Validação','General'=>'Geral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desativado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desativados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos ativado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos ativados.','Deactivate'=>'Desativar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desativar este item','Activate'=>'Ativar','Activate this item'=>'Ativar este item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover grupo de campos para a lixeira?','post statusInactive'=>'Inativo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não devem estar ativos ao mesmo tempo. Desativamos automaticamente o Advanced Custom Fields PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não devem estar ativos ao mesmo tempo. Desativamos automaticamente o Advanced Custom Fields.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Detectamos uma ou mais chamadas para recuperar os valores de campos do ACF antes de o ACF ser inicializado. Isso não é suportado e pode resultar em dados malformados ou ausentes. Saiba como corrigir isso.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s deve ter um usuário com a função de %2$s .' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ter um usuário com uma das seguintes funções: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s deve ter um ID de usuário válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Solicitação inválida.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s não é um de %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve ter o termo %2$s' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ter um dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s deve ser do tipo de post %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve ser de um dos seguintes tipos de post: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s deve ter um ID de post válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requer um ID de anexo válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar na API REST','Enable Transparency'=>'Ativar transparência','RGBA Array'=>'Array RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Sequência RGBA','Hex String'=>'Sequência hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Atualizar para PRO','post statusActive'=>'Ativo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'"%s" não é um endereço de e-mail válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Selecionar cor padrão','Clear color'=>'Limpar cor','Blocks'=>'Blocos','Options'=>'Opções','Users'=>'Usuários','Menu items'=>'Itens de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Anexos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomias','Posts'=>'Posts','Last updated: %s'=>'Última atualização: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Este post não está disponível para comparação de diferenças.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Parâmetros de grupo de campos inválidos.','Awaiting save'=>'Aguardando salvar','Saved'=>'Salvo','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Revisar alterações','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado em: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Vários','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar alterações','Loading diff'=>'Carregando diferenças','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisão das alterações do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar site','View details'=>'Ver detalhes','Version %s'=>'Versão %s','Information'=>'Informações','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Suporte técnico. Os profissionais de nosso Suporte técnico poderão auxiliá-lo em questões técnicas mais complexas.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussões. Temos uma comunidade ativa e amigável em nossos Fóruns da Comunidade que podem ajudá-lo a descobrir os \'como fazer\' do mundo ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentação. Nossa vasta documentação contém referências e guias para a maioria dos problemas e situações que você poderá encontrar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos por suporte e queremos que você aproveite ao máximo seu site com o ACF. Se você tiver alguma dificuldade, há vários lugares onde pode encontrar ajuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ajuda e suporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Use a aba "ajuda e suporte" para entrar em contato caso precise de assistência.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de crear seu primeiro grupo de campos recomendamos que leia nosso Guia para iniciantes a fim de familiarizar-se com a filosofia e as boas práticas deste plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornece um construtor de formulários visuais para personalizar as telas de edição do WordPress com campos extras e uma API intuitiva para exibir valores de campos personalizados em qualquer arquivo de modelo de tema.','Overview'=>'Visão geral','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de localização "%s" já está registado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A classe "%s" não existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce inválido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao carregar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Localização não encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Função do usuário ','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato do post','Menu Item'=>'Item do menu','Post Status'=>'Status do post','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia de post','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página descendente (tem ascendente)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página ascendente (tem descendentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de nível mais alto (sem ascendente)','Posts Page'=>'Página de posts','Front Page'=>'Página principal','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'Visualizando o painel administrativo','Viewing front end'=>'Visualizando a interface','Logged in'=>'Conectado','Current User'=>'Usuário atual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Cadastre-se','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de usuário','Page Parent'=>'Ascendente da página','Super Admin'=>'Super Admin','Current User Role'=>'Função do usuário atual','Default Template'=>'Modelo padrão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de Post','Post Category'=>'Categoria do post','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Clonar campo','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Verifique, também, se todos os complementos premium (%s) estão atualizados para a versão mais recente.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias no seu banco de dados e requer uma atualização.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Obrigado por atualizar para o %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Atualização do banco de dados obrigatória','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se vários grupos de campos aparecem em uma tela de edição, as opções do primeiro grupo de campos é a que será utilizada (aquele com o menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selecione os itens que deverão ser ocultados da tela de edição','Hide on screen'=>'Ocultar na tela','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Tags','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Resumo','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Link permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Exibido na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Grupos de campos com uma menor numeração aparecerão primeiro','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo dos rótulos','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Superior (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Integrado (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Padrão (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do invólucro','Required'=>'Obrigatório','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para autores. Exibido ao enviar dados','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos sublinhados (_) e traços (-).','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que aparecerá na página de EDIÇÃO','Field Label'=>'Rótulo do campo','Delete'=>'Excluir','Delete field'=>'Excluir campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reorganizar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma atualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Atualização do banco de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Lendo tarefas de atualização…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falha na atualização.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Atualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Atualizando os dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É extremamente recomendado que você faça backup de seu banco de dados antes de continuar. Você tem certeza que deseja fazer a atualização agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Selecione pelo menos um site para atualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Atualização do banco de dados concluída. Retornar para o painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está atualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O site requer a atualização do banco de dados de %1$s para %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Atualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites a seguir necessitam de uma atualização do banco de dados. Marque aqueles que você deseja atualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar quais telas de edição usarão esses campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Selecione os itens que deseja exportar e, em seguida, selecione o método de exportação. Exporte como JSON para exportar para um arquivo .json que você pode importar para outra instalação do ACF. Gere PHP para exportar para código PHP que você pode colocar em seu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Selecionar grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos selecionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Arquivo de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de arquivo incorreto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao enviar arquivo. Tente novamente','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Selecione o arquivo JSON do Advanced Custom Fields que você gostaria de importar. Ao clicar no botão de importação abaixo, o ACF importará os itens desse arquivo.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Selecionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Supports'=>'Suporta','Documentation'=>'Dcoumentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Ativo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Ativos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Revisar sites e atualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Atualizar o banco de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Selecione o destino para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movimentação concluída.','Active'=>'Ativo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves de campos','Settings'=>'Configurações ','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Em branco','copy'=>'copiar','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Marcado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de alternância disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que suas alterações sejam salvas','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O termo “field_” não pode ser utilizado no início do nome de um campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos atualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendando.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos salvo.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos excluído.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos atualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Post','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Escolha','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Post atualizado','Update'=>'Atualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar e-mail','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A seleção é menor que','Selection is greater than'=>'A seleção é maior que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem qualquer valor','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Você tem certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer atenção','Validation failed'=>'Falha na validação','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem-sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Recolher detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Enviado para este post','verbUpdate'=>'Atualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações feitas serão perdidas se você sair desta página','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de arquivo deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamanho do arquivo não deve exceder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do arquivo deve ter pelo menos %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não pode ser maior que %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ter pelo menos %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não pode ser maior que %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ter pelo menos %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Médio','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem rótulo)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Anexar uma caixa de seleção adicional para alternar todas as escolhas','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvar valores "personalizados" nas escolhas do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova escolha','Toggle All'=>'Selecionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URLs de arquivos','Archives'=>'Arquivos','Page Link'=>'Link da página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O usuário não pode adicionar um novo %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Objeto de termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carrega valores a partir de termos de posts','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conecta os termos selecionados ao post','Save Terms'=>'Salvar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permitir que novos termos sejam criados durante a edição','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opção','Single Value'=>'Um único valor','Multi Select'=>'Seleção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de seleção','Multiple Values'=>'Múltiplos valores','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selecione a aparência deste campo','Appearance'=>'Aparência','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selecione a taxonomia que será exibida','No TermsNo %s'=>'Sem %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou menor que %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou maior que %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Salvar valores de "outros" nas escolhas do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar escolha de "outros" para permitir valores personalizados','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Defina um endpoint para a sanfona anterior parar. Esta sanfona não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permitir abrir este item sem fechar os demais.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Exibir esta sanfona como aberta ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberta','Accordion'=>'Sanfona','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Limita quais arquivos podem ser enviados','File ID'=>'ID do arquivo','File URL'=>'URL do Arquivo','File Array'=>'Array do arquivo','Add File'=>'Adicionar arquivo','No file selected'=>'Nenhum arquivo selecionado','File name'=>'Nome do arquivo','Update File'=>'Atualizar arquivo','Edit File'=>'Editar arquivo','Select File'=>'Selecionar arquivo','File'=>'Arquivo','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido.','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Usar AJAX para carregar escolhas de forma atrasada?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Digite cada valor padrão em uma nova linha','verbSelect'=>'Selecionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falha ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Pesquisando…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Carregando mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Você só pode selecionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Você só pode selecionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Exclua %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Exclua 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Digite %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Digite 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar correspondências','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados disponíveis, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado disponível, aperte Enter para selecioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Seleção','User ID'=>'ID do usuário','User Object'=>'Objeto de usuário','User Array'=>'Array do usuário','All user roles'=>'Todas as funções de usuário','User'=>'Usuário','Separator'=>'Separador','Select Color'=>'Selecionar cor','Default'=>'Padrão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Seletor de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selecionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microssegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Horário','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Selecione o horário','Date Time Picker'=>'Seletor de data e horário','Endpoint'=>'Endpoint','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado ao topo','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Aba','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL do link','Link Array'=>'Array do link','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre em uma nova janela/aba','Select Link'=>'Selecionar link','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'E-mail','Step Size'=>'Tamanho da escala','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Rótulo','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para mais controle, você pode especificar tanto os valores quanto os rótulos, como nos exemplos:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Digite cada escolha em uma nova linha.','Choices'=>'Escolhas','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Parent'=>'Ascendente','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'O TinyMCE não será carregado até que o campo seja clicado','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas texto','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e texto','Tabs'=>'Abas','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para carregar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Texto','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não ter limite','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Exibido depois do campo','Append'=>'Sufixo','Appears before the input'=>'Exibido antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Prefixo','Appears within the input'=>'Exibido dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto de marcação','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Aparece ao criar um novo post','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requer ao menos %2$s seleção' . "\0" . '%1$s requer ao menos %2$s seleções','Post ID'=>'ID do post','Post Object'=>'Objeto de post','Featured Image'=>'Imagem destacada','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos selecionados serão exibidos em cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de post','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de post','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de post','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selecionar taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Selecionar tipo de post','No matches found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar correspondências','Loading'=>'Carregando','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Máximo de valores alcançado ({max} valores)','Relationship'=>'Relacionamento','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do arquivo','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Limita as imagens que podem ser enviadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Anexado ao post','All'=>'Tudo','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitar a escolha da biblioteca de mídia','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na interface','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem selecionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Atualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Selecionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permitir que a marcação HTML seja exibida como texto ao invés de ser renderizada','Escape HTML'=>'Ignorar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como as novas linhas são renderizadas','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Início da semana','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao salvar um valor','Save Format'=>'Salvar formato','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Seletor de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho do código incorporado','Enter URL'=>'Digite o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto exibido quando inativo','Off Text'=>'Texto "Inativo"','Text shown when active'=>'Texto exibido quando ativo','On Text'=>'Texto "Ativo"','Stylized UI'=>'Interface estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor padrão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Exibe texto ao lado da caixa de seleção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifique o estilo utilizado para exibir os campos selecionados','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centralizar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centralizar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização atual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'O seu navegador não suporta o recurso de geolocalização','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolvido por meio de funções de modelo','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato exibido ao editar um post','Display Format'=>'Formato de exibição','Time Picker'=>'Seletor de horário','Inactive (%s)'=>'Desativado (%s)' . "\0" . 'Desativados (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar campos na lixeira','No Fields found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar campos','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos na lixeira','No Field Groups found'=>'Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos poderosos, profissionais e intuitivos.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'O nome do bloco é obrigatório.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Tipo de bloco "%s" já está registrado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Alternar para edição','Switch to Preview'=>'Alternar para visualização','Change content alignment'=>'Mudar alinhamento do conteúdo','%s settings'=>'Configurações de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloco não contém campos editáveis.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Atribua um grupo de campos para adicionar campos a este bloco.','Options Updated'=>'Opções atualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para ativar as atualizações, digite sua chave de licença na página atualizações. Se você não tiver uma chave de licença, consulte detalhes e preços.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Sua chave de licença definida mudou, mas ocorreu um erro ao desativar sua licença antiga','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Sua chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao conectar-se ao servidor de ativação','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Ocorreu um erro ao conectar ao servidor de ativação','Check Again'=>'Conferir novamente','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erro de ativação do ACF. Não foi possível conectar ao servidor de ativação','Publish'=>'Publicar','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos personalizados encontrado para esta página de opções. Crie um grupo de campos personalizados','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erro. Não foi possível se conectar ao servidor de atualização','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Não foi possível autenticar o pacote de atualização. Verifique novamente ou desative e reative sua licença ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Sua licença para este site expirou ou foi desativada. Reative sua licença ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Permite selecionar e exibir os campos existentes. Ele não duplica nenhum campo no banco de dados, mas carrega e exibe os campos selecionados em tempo de execução. O campo Clonar pode se substituir pelos campos selecionados ou exibir os campos selecionados como um grupo de subcampos.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Selecione um ou mais campos que deseja clonar','Display'=>'Exibir','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique o estilo utilizado para exibir os campos de clone','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (exibe os campos selecionados em um grupo dentro deste campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Integrado (substitui este campo pelos campos selecionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Os rótulos serão exibidos como %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefixo nos rótulos do campo','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Valores serão salvos como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefixo nos nomes do campo','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconhecido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconhecido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos os campos do grupo de campos %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Permite definir, criar e gerenciar conteúdo com controle total, criando layouts que contêm subcampos que os editores de conteúdo podem escolher.','Add Row'=>'Adicionar linha','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouts','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requer pelo menos {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo tem um limite de {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponível (máx. {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} necessário (mín. {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Conteúdo flexível requer pelo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clique no botão "%s" abaixo para começar a criar seu layout','Add layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Remove layout'=>'Remover layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clique para alternar','Delete Layout'=>'Excluir layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Add New Layout'=>'Adicionar novo layout','Add Layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Min'=>'Mín','Max'=>'Máx','Minimum Layouts'=>'Mínimo de layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Máximo de layouts','Button Label'=>'Rótulo do botão','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s deve ser um array de tipos ou nulo.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s precisa conter no mínimo %2$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s precisa conter no mínimo %2$s layouts.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s deve conter no máximo %2$s layout de %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s deve conter no máximo %2$s layouts de %3$s.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Uma interface interativa para gerenciar uma coleção de anexos, como imagens.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adicionar imagem na galeria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Seleção máxima alcançada','Length'=>'Duração','Caption'=>'Legenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto alternativo','Add to gallery'=>'Adicionar à galeria','Bulk actions'=>'Ações em massa','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por data de envio','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por data de modificação','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Ordem atual inversa','Close'=>'Fechar','Minimum Selection'=>'Seleção mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Seleção máxima','Allowed file types'=>'Tipos de arquivos permitidos','Insert'=>'Inserir','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especifique onde novos anexos são adicionados','Append to the end'=>'Anexar ao final','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Anexar ao início','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de linhas alcançado ({min} linhas)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de linhas alcançado ({max} linhas)','Error loading page'=>'Erro ao carregar página','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'A ordenação será atribuída ao salvar','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos com um grande número de linhas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Linhas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Define o número de linhas a serem exibidas em uma página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de linhas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de linhas','Collapsed'=>'Recolhido','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Selecione um subcampo para mostrar quando a linha for recolhida','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Chave ou nome de campo inválidos.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar o campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Clique para reordenar','Add row'=>'Adicionar linha','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar linha','Remove row'=>'Remover linha','Current Page'=>'Página atual','First Page'=>'Primeira página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Próxima página','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'Nenhum tipo de bloco existente','No options pages exist'=>'Não existe nenhuma página de opções','Deactivate License'=>'Desativar licença','Activate License'=>'Ativar licença','License Information'=>'Informação da licença','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear atualizações, digite sua chave de licença abaixo. Se você não tiver uma chave de licença, consulte detalhes e preços.','License Key'=>'Chave de licença','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Sua chave de licença é definida em wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Tentar ativação novamente','Update Information'=>'Informação da atualização','Current Version'=>'Versão atual','Latest Version'=>'Versão mais recente','Update Available'=>'Atualização disponível','Upgrade Notice'=>'Aviso de atualização','Check For Updates'=>'Verificar atualizações','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Digite sua chave de licença para desbloquear atualizações','Update Plugin'=>'Atualizar plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Reative sua licença para desbloquear as atualizações']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.mo
index ac040351..e7056c74 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.po
index 442456c1..7339042a 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_BR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "Campos de %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Não há termos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Não há tipos de post"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Não há posts"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Não há taxonomias"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Não há grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Não há campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Não há descrição"
@@ -777,37 +808,33 @@ msgstr "Tipo de post inválido selecionado para revisão."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Mais"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Disponível com ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selecionar campo"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Tente um termo de pesquisa diferente ou procure pelos %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Campos populares"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Nenhum resultado de pesquisa para '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Pesquisar campos..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selecione o tipo de campo"
@@ -2429,7 +2456,7 @@ msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
"Selecione taxonomias existentes para classificar itens do tipo de post."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Procurar campos"
@@ -2481,7 +2508,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importar do Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2498,15 +2525,15 @@ msgstr ""
"inclua-o em um arquivo externo e, em seguida, desative ou exclua os itens do "
"painel do ACF."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exportar - Gerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Selecionar taxonomias"
@@ -2514,7 +2541,7 @@ msgstr "Selecionar taxonomias"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Selecionar tipos de post"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Um item exportado."
@@ -2566,7 +2593,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomia excluída."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomia atualizada."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2576,67 +2603,67 @@ msgstr ""
"outra taxonomia cadastrada por outro plugin ou tema."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomia sincronizada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomias sincronizadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomia duplicada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomias duplicadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomia desativada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomias desativadas."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomia ativada."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomias ativadas."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termos"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de post sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de post sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de post duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de post duplicados."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de post desativado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de post desativados."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Tipo de post ativado."
msgstr[1] "%s tipos de post ativados."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2654,7 +2681,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Configurações básicas"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2668,7 +2695,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2712,16 +2739,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Tipo de post excluído."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Digite para pesquisar..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Somente PRO"
@@ -2744,44 +2771,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomia"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "tipo de post"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Concluído"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Selecione um ou vários grupos de campos..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Selecione os grupos de campos a serem vinculados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos vinculado com sucesso."
msgstr[1] "Grupos de campos vinculados com sucesso."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Falha no cadastro"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2789,31 +2816,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Não foi possível cadastrar este item porque sua chave está em uso por outro "
"item cadastrado por outro plugin ou tema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "API REST"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissões"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URLs"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilidade"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Rótulos"
@@ -2834,14 +2861,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[Valor de shortcode ACF desativado para visualização]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Fechar modal"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Campo movido para outro grupo"
@@ -3025,8 +3052,8 @@ msgstr "Apresentação"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validação"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
@@ -3034,49 +3061,49 @@ msgstr "Geral"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importar JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exportar como JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos desativado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos desativados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos ativado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos ativados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desativar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Desativar este item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Ativar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Ativar este item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Mover grupo de campos para a lixeira?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -3089,7 +3116,7 @@ msgstr "Inativo"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -3098,7 +3125,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ativos ao mesmo tempo. Desativamos automaticamente o Advanced Custom Fields "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3178,7 +3205,7 @@ msgstr "Sequência RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Sequência hex"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Atualizar para PRO"
@@ -3230,8 +3257,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Anexos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3241,7 +3268,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomias"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3260,49 +3287,49 @@ msgstr "Este post não está disponível para comparação de diferenças."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Parâmetros de grupo de campos inválidos."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Aguardando salvar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Salvo"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Revisar alterações"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado em: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Vários"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar alterações"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Carregando diferenças"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisão das alterações do JSON local"
@@ -3563,7 +3590,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo se"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3572,9 +3599,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON local"
@@ -3769,9 +3796,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Chave"
@@ -3782,23 +3809,23 @@ msgstr "Chave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordem"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Fechar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "largura"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos do invólucro"
@@ -3806,69 +3833,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos do invólucro"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obrigatório"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instruções para autores. Exibido ao enviar dados"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instruções"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr ""
"Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos sublinhados (_) e traços (-)."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este é o nome que aparecerá na página de EDIÇÃO"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Rótulo do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Excluir"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Excluir campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo para outro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arraste para reorganizar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos se"
@@ -3972,15 +3999,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regras"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar para a área de transferência"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3992,22 +4019,22 @@ msgstr ""
"pode importar para outra instalação do ACF. Gere PHP para exportar para "
"código PHP que você pode colocar em seu tema."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selecionar grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos selecionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Gerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -4036,22 +4063,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selecionar %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este item"
@@ -4059,13 +4086,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este item"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Suporta"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dcoumentação"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -4074,26 +4102,26 @@ msgstr "Dcoumentação"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronização disponível"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Ativo (%s)"
@@ -4134,7 +4162,7 @@ msgstr "O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movimentação concluída."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4149,7 +4177,7 @@ msgstr "Chaves de campos"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configurações "
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"
@@ -4161,14 +4189,14 @@ msgstr "Em branco"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copiar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -4179,14 +4207,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Marcado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Nenhum campo de alternância disponível"
@@ -4195,14 +4223,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Este campo não pode ser movido até que suas alterações sejam salvas"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "O termo “field_” não pode ser utilizado no início do nome de um campo"
@@ -4370,8 +4398,8 @@ msgstr "Não tem valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Tem qualquer valor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4381,24 +4409,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Você tem certeza?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requerem atenção"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requer atenção"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Falha na validação"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validação bem-sucedida"
@@ -4434,8 +4462,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "As alterações feitas serão perdidas se você sair desta página"
@@ -4448,10 +4476,10 @@ msgstr "O tipo de arquivo deve ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4501,8 +4529,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sem rótulo)"
@@ -5470,7 +5498,7 @@ msgstr "Nenhuma imagem selecionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5791,92 +5819,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Seletor de horário"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Desativado (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Desativados (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar campos na lixeira"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar campos"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Pesquisar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Novo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Adicionar novo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos na lixeira"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Pesquisar grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Adicionar novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Adicionar novo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.l10n.php
index 5b4a4a12..83cf0825 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_PT','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Select Multiple'=>'Seleccionar múltiplos','WP Engine logo'=>'Logótipo da WP Engine','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Editar capacidade dos termos','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Mais ferramentas da WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Criado para quem constrói com o WordPress, pela equipa da %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Ver preços e actualização','Learn More'=>'Saiba mais','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Acelere o seu fluxo de trabalho e desenvolva melhores sites com funcionalidades como blocos ACF, páginas de opções, e tipos de campos sofisticados como Repetidor, Conteúdo Flexível, Clone e Galeria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie funcionalidades avançadas e crie ainda mais com o ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'Campos de %s','No terms'=>'Nenhum termo','No post types'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo','No posts'=>'Nenhum conteúdo','No taxonomies'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia','No field groups'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos','No fields'=>'Nenhum campo','No description'=>'Nenhuma descrição','Any post status'=>'Qualquer estado de publicação','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia registada fora do ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia no ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave da taxonomia só pode conter caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, underscores e hífenes.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'A chave da taxonomia tem de ter menos de 32 caracteres.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia encontrada no lixo','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia encontrada','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pesquisar taxonomias','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomias','New Taxonomy'=>'Nova taxonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar nova taxonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo encontrado no lixo','No Post Types found'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo encontrado','Search Post Types'=>'Pesquisar tipos de conteúdo','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de conteúdo','New Post Type'=>'Novo tipo de conteúdo','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de conteúdo','Add New Post Type'=>'Adicionar novo tipo de conteúdo','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de conteúdo já está a ser utilizada por outro tipo de conteúdo registado fora do ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de conteúdo já está a ser utilizada por outro tipo de conteúdo no ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Não recomendamos utilizar este campo em blocos ACF.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de publicação','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avançado','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (mais recente)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'O ID do conteúdo é inválido.','More'=>'Mais','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Seleccione o campo','Search fields...'=>'Pesquisar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Seleccione o tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Populares','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar taxonomia','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar coluna de administração','Quick Edit'=>'Edição rápida','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuvem de etiquetas','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Callback de sanitização da metabox','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','A link to a tag'=>'Uma ligação para uma etiqueta','A link to a %s'=>'Uma ligação para um %s','Tag Link'=>'Ligação da etiqueta','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir para etiquetas','Back To Items'=>'Voltar para os itens','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir para %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de etiquetas','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de etiquetas','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoria','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por item','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Por omissão, a descrição não está proeminente, no entanto alguns temas poderão apresentá-la.','No tags'=>'Nenhuma etiqueta','No Terms'=>'Nenhum termo','No %s'=>'Nenhum %s','No tags found'=>'Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada','Not Found'=>'Nada encontrado','Most Used'=>'Mais usadas','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Escolha entre as etiquetas mais usadas','Choose From Most Used'=>'Escolher entre os mais utilizados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Escolher entre %s mais utilizados(as)','Add or remove tags'=>'Adicionar ou remover etiquetas','Add or remove %s'=>'Adicionar ou remover %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separe as etiquetas por vírgulas','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separe os itens por vírgulas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separar %s por vírgulas','Popular Tags'=>'Etiquetas populares','Popular Items'=>'Itens populares','Popular %s'=>'%s mais populares','Search Tags'=>'Pesquisar etiquetas','Parent Category:'=>'Categoria superior:','Parent Category'=>'Categoria superior','Parent Item'=>'Item superior','Parent %s'=>'%s superior','New Tag Name'=>'Nome da nova etiqueta','New Item Name'=>'Nome do novo item','New %s Name'=>'Nome do novo %s','Add New Tag'=>'Adicionar nova etiqueta','Update Tag'=>'Actualizar etiqueta','Update Item'=>'Actualizar item','Update %s'=>'Actualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver etiqueta','Edit Tag'=>'Editar etiqueta','All Tags'=>'Todas as etiquetas','Menu Label'=>'Legenda do menu','Term Description'=>'Descrição do termo','Term Slug'=>'Slug do termo','Term Name'=>'Nome do termo','Add Post Type'=>'Adicionar tipo de conteúdo','Hierarchical'=>'Hierárquico','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'filme','Movie'=>'Filme','Singular Label'=>'Legenda no singular','Movies'=>'Filmes','Plural Label'=>'Legenda no plural','Controller Class'=>'Classe do controlador','Namespace Route'=>'Rota do namespace','Base URL'=>'URL de base','Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta','Query Variable Support'=>'Suporte para variáveis de consulta','Publicly Queryable'=>'Pesquisável publicamente','Archive Slug'=>'Slug do arquivo','Archive'=>'Arquivo','Pagination'=>'Paginação','Feed URL'=>'URL do feed','URL Slug'=>'Slug do URL','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renomear capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir da pesquisa','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar na barra da administração','Menu Icon'=>'Ícone do menu','Menu Position'=>'Posição no menu','A link to a post.'=>'Uma ligação para um conteúdo.','A link to a %s.'=>'Uma ligação para um %s.','Post Link'=>'Ligação do conteúdo','%s Link'=>'Ligação de %s','Post updated.'=>'Conteúdo actualizado.','%s updated.'=>'%s actualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Conteúdo agendado.','%s scheduled.'=>'%s agendado.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Conteúdo revertido para rascunho.','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s revertido para rascunho.','Post published privately.'=>'Conteúdo publicado em privado.','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado em privado.','Post published.'=>'Conteúdo publicado.','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de conteúdos','Items List'=>'Lista de itens','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de conteúdos','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de itens','%s list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar conteúdos por data','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar itens por data','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por data','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar lista de conteúdos','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de itens','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Carregados para este item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Carregados para este %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserir no conteúdo','Insert into %s'=>'Inserir em %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagem de destaque','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagem de destaque','Remove featured image'=>'Remover imagem de destaque','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remover imagem de destaque','Set featured image'=>'Definir imagem de destaque','Set Featured Image'=>'Definir imagem de destaque','Featured image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos do conteúdo','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Arquivo de conteúdos','%s Archives'=>'Arquivo de %s','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nenhum item encontrado no lixo','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nenhum %s encontrado no lixo','No Items Found'=>'Nenhum item encontrado','No %s found'=>'Nenhum %s encontrado','Search Posts'=>'Pesquisar conteúdos','Search Items'=>'Pesquisar itens','Search %s'=>'Pesquisa por %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página superior:','Parent %s:'=>'%s superior:','New Post'=>'Novo conteúdo','New Item'=>'Novo item','New %s'=>'Novo %s','Add New Post'=>'Adicionar novo conteúdo','Add New Item'=>'Adicionar novo item','Add New %s'=>'Adicionar novo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver conteúdos','View Items'=>'Ver itens','View Post'=>'Ver conteúdo','View Item'=>'Ver item','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar conteúdo','Edit Item'=>'Editar item','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todos os conteúdos','All Items'=>'Todos os itens','Menu Name'=>'Nome do menu','Regenerate'=>'Regenerar','Add Custom'=>'Adicionar personalização','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de artigo','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Browse Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada para importar','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar do Custom Post Type UI','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Gerar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Seleccionar taxonomias','Select Post Types'=>'Seleccionar tipos de conteúdo','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Etiqueta','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomia %s criada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomia %s actualizada','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar esta taxonomia porque a sua chave está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia registada por outro plugin ou tema.','Terms'=>'Termos','Post Types'=>'Tipos de conteúdo','Advanced Settings'=>'Definições avançadas','Basic Settings'=>'Definições básicas','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar este tipo de conteúdo porque a sua chave já foi utilizada para registar outro tipo de conteúdo noutro plugin ou tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','%s post type created'=>'Tipo de conteúdo %s criado','Add fields to %s'=>'Adicionar campos a %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de conteúdo %s actualizado','Type to search...'=>'Digite para pesquisar...','PRO Only'=>'Apenas PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos ligado com sucesso.','ACF'=>'ACF','post type'=>'tipo de conteúdo','Done'=>'Concluído','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Seleccione um ou vários grupos de campos...','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos ligado com sucesso.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos ligados com sucesso.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Falhou ao registar','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar este item porque a sua chave está a ser utilizada por outro item registado por outro plugin ou tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permissões','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidade','Labels'=>'Legendas','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Separadores das definições do campo','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','Close Modal'=>'Fechar janela','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido para outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Fechar janela','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Utilize uma caixa de selecção estilizada com o select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Guardar outra opção','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir outra opção','Save Custom Values'=>'Guardar valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Updates'=>'Actualizações','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logótipo do Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Guardar alterações','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Adicionar título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Não conhece o ACF? Consulte o nosso guia para iniciantes.','Add Field Group'=>'Adicionar grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'O ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados, para depois poder anexar esses campos a ecrãs de edição.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adicione o seu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opções','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocos do ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo de galeria','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de conteúdo flexível','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie funcionalidades adicionais com o ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Eliminar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Criado em %1$s às %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Definições do grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de localização','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Escolha entre mais de 30 tipos de campo. Saiba mais.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comece por criar novos campos personalizados para os seus artigos, páginas, tipos de conteúdo personalizados e outros conteúdos do WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Adicione o seu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Adicionar campo','Presentation'=>'Apresentação','Validation'=>'Validação','General'=>'Geral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactivar este item','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activar este item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover o grupo de campos para o lixo?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não podem estar activos ao mesmo tempo. O Advanced Custom Fields PRO foi desactivado automaticamente.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não podem estar activos ao mesmo tempo. O Advanced Custom Fields foi desactivado automaticamente.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um utilizador com o papel %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ter um utilizador com um dos seguintes papéis: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um ID de utilizador válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Pedido inválido.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s não é um de %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s tem de ter o termo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ter um dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s tem de ser do tipo de conteúdo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ser de um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um ID de conteúdo válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requer um ID de anexo válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar na REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar transparência','RGBA Array'=>'Array de RGBA','RGBA String'=>'String de RGBA','Hex String'=>'String hexadecimal','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar para PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' não é um endereço de email válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar cor por omissão','Clear color'=>'Limpar cor','Blocks'=>'Blocos','Options'=>'Opções','Users'=>'Utilizadores','Menu items'=>'Itens de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Anexos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomias','Posts'=>'Conteúdos','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualização: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Desculpe, este conteúdo não está disponível para comparação das diferenças.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Os parâmetros do grupo de campos são inválidos.','Awaiting save'=>'Por guardar','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Rever alterações','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado em: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Vários','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar alterações','Loading diff'=>'A carregar diferenças','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisão das alterações do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar site','View details'=>'Ver detalhes','Version %s'=>'Versão %s','Information'=>'Informações','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Suporte. Os profissionais de suporte no nosso Help Desk ajudar-lhe-ão com os desafios técnicos mais complexos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussão. Temos uma comunidade activa e amigável no nosso Fórum da Comunidade, que poderá ajudar a encontrar soluções no mundo ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentação. A nossa vasta documentação inclui referências e guias para a maioria das situações que poderá encontrar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos por suporte, queremos que tire o melhor partido do seu site com o ACF. Se tiver alguma dificuldade, tem várias opções para obter ajuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ajuda e suporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Caso precise de alguma assistência, entre em contacto através do separador Ajuda e suporte.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de criar o seu primeiro Grupo de Campos, recomendamos uma primeira leitura do nosso guia Getting started para se familiarizar com a filosofia e com as melhores práticas do plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornece-lhe um construtor visual de formulários para personalizar os ecrãs de edição do WordPress com campos adicionais, e uma interface intuitiva para mostrar os valores dos campos personalizados em qualquer ficheiro de modelo de tema.','Overview'=>'Visão geral','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de localização "%s" já está registado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A classe "%s" não existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce inválido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao carregar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Localização não encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Papel de utilizador','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato de artigo','Menu Item'=>'Item de menu','Post Status'=>'Estado do conteúdo','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia do artigo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página dependente (tem superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (tem dependentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de topo (sem superior)','Posts Page'=>'Página de artigos','Front Page'=>'Página inicial','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'A visualizar a administração do site','Viewing front end'=>'A visualizar a frente do site','Logged in'=>'Sessão iniciada','Current User'=>'Utilizador actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Registar','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de utilizador','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrador','Current User Role'=>'Papel do utilizador actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo por omissão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de conteúdo','Post Category'=>'Categoria de artigo','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo de clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, verifique se todos os add-ons premium (%s) estão actualizados para a última versão.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias na base de dados e requer uma actualização.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Obrigado por actualizar para o %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Actualização da base de dados necessária','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se forem mostrados vários grupos de campos num ecrã de edição, serão utilizadas as opções do primeiro grupo de campos. (o que tiver menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleccione os itens a esconder do ecrã de edição.','Hide on screen'=>'Esconder no ecrã','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Excerto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Ligação permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Serão mostrados primeiro os grupos de campos com menor número de ordem.','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo das legendas','Instruction Placement'=>'Posição das instruções','Label Placement'=>'Posição da legenda','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Acima (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Simples (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Predefinido (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do wrapper','Required'=>'Obrigatório','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados.','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores e hífenes.','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Legenda do campo','Delete'=>'Eliminar','Delete field'=>'Eliminar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma actualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'A ler tarefas de actualização...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falhou ao actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'A actualizar dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É recomendável que faça uma cópia de segurança da sua base de dados antes de continuar. Tem a certeza que quer actualizar agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, seleccione pelo menos um site para actualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Voltar ao painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O site necessita de actualizar a base de dados de %1$s para %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites seguintes necessitam de actualização da BD. Seleccione os que quer actualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar em que ecrãs de edição serão utilizados estes campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Seleccione os itens que deseja exportar e seleccione o método de exportação. Utilize o Exportar como JSON para exportar um ficheiro .json que poderá depois importar para outra instalação do ACF. Utilize o botão Gerar PHP para exportar o código PHP que poderá incorporar no seu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleccione os grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Ficheiro de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de ficheiro incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao carregar ficheiro. Por favor tente de novo.','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Seleccione o ficheiro JSON do Advanced Custom Fields que deseja importar. Ao clicar no botão Importar abaixo, o ACF irá importar os itens desse ficheiro.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Seleccionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Supports'=>'Suporte','Documentation'=>'Documentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Rever sites e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor seleccione o destinho para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movido com sucesso.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves dos campos','Settings'=>'Definições','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Nulo','copy'=>'cópia','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de opções disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O prefixo "field_" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Artigo','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Opção','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Conteúdo actualizado','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar email','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selecção é menor do que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selecção é maior do que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor do que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior do que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem um valor qualquer','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Tem a certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem a sua atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer a sua atenção','Validation failed'=>'A validação falhou','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Minimizar detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Carregados neste artigo','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro não deve exceder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro deve ser pelo menos de %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Média','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem legenda)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Preceder com caixa de selecção adicional para seleccionar todas as opções','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guarda valores personalizados nas opções do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova opção','Toggle All'=>'Seleccionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URL do arquivo','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Ligação de página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O utilizador não pôde adicionar novo(a) %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carregar os valores a partir dos termos dos conteúdos','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Liga os termos seleccionados ao conteúdo.','Save Terms'=>'Guardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permite a criação de novos termos durante a edição','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opções','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selecção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de selecção','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiplos','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleccione a apresentação deste campo','Appearance'=>'Apresentação','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleccione a taxonomia que será mostrada','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nenhum %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou inferior a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou superior a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar \'outros\' valores nas opções do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar opção \'outros\' para permitir a inserção de valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outro','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define o fim do acordeão anterior. Este item de acordeão não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite abrir este item de acordeão sem fechar os restantes.','Multi-Expand'=>'Expandir múltiplos','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este item de acordeão aberto ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberto','Accordion'=>'Acordeão','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que ficheiros podem ser carregados','File ID'=>'ID do ficheiro','File URL'=>'URL do ficheiro','File Array'=>'Array do ficheiro','Add File'=>'Adicionar ficheiro','No file selected'=>'Nenhum ficheiro seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do ficheiro','Update File'=>'Actualizar ficheiro','Edit File'=>'Editar ficheiro','Select File'=>'Seleccionar ficheiro','File'=>'Ficheiro','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifique o valor devolvido','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utilizar AJAX para carregar opções?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Insira cada valor por omissão numa linha separada','verbSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falhou ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'A pesquisar…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'A carregar mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só pode seleccionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só pode seleccionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor elimine %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor elimine 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor insira %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor insira 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados encontrados, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado encontrado, prima Enter para seleccioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecção','User ID'=>'ID do utilizador','User Object'=>'Objecto do utilizador','User Array'=>'Array do utilizador','All user roles'=>'Todos os papéis de utilizador','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por papel','User'=>'Utilizador','Separator'=>'Divisória','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por omissão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Selecção de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Escolha a hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selecção de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Fim','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado acima','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Separador','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL da ligação','Link Array'=>'Array da ligação','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre numa nova janela/separador','Select Link'=>'Seleccionar ligação','Link'=>'Ligação','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Valor dos passos','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Legenda','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para maior controlo, pode especificar tanto os valores como as legendas:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Insira cada opção numa linha separada.','Choices'=>'Opções','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'O TinyMCE não será inicializado até que clique no campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Atrasar a inicialização','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Mostrar botões de carregar multimédia','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas HTML','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e HTML','Tabs'=>'Separadores','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para inicializar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'HTML','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não limitar','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Mostrado depois do campo','Append'=>'Suceder','Appears before the input'=>'Mostrado antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Preceder','Appears within the input'=>'Mostrado dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto predefinido','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Mostrado ao criar um novo conteúdo','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requer pelo menos %2$s selecção' . "\0" . '%1$s requer pelo menos %2$s selecções','Post ID'=>'ID do conteúdo','Post Object'=>'Conteúdo','Maximum Posts'=>'Máximo de conteúdos','Minimum Posts'=>'Mínimo de conteúdos','Featured Image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados serão mostrados em cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de conteúdo','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de conteúdo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de conteúdo','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleccionar taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de conteúdo','No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Loading'=>'A carregar','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valor máximo alcançado ( valor {max} )','Relationship'=>'Relação','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos.','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de ficheiros permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do ficheiro','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que imagens podem ser carregadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Carregados no conteúdo','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limita a escolha da biblioteca multimédia','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na frente do site.','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem seleccionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permite visualizar o código HTML como texto visível, em vez de o processar','Escape HTML'=>'Mostrar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como serão visualizadas novas linhas','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Semana começa em','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao guardar um valor','Save Format'=>'Formato guardado','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Selecção de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho da incorporação','Enter URL'=>'Insira o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado quando inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desligado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado quando activo','On Text'=>'Texto ligado','Stylized UI'=>'Interface estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por omissão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Texto mostrado ao lado da caixa de selecção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifique o estilo usado para mostrar os campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centrar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização actual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Desculpe, este navegador não suporta geolocalização','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolvido através das template functions','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato de visualização ao editar um conteúdo','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualização','Time Picker'=>'Selecção de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo','No Fields found'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo','No Field Groups found'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos intuitivos, poderosos e profissionais.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'O nome do tipo de bloco é obrigatório.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de bloco "%s" já está registado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Mudar para o editor','Switch to Preview'=>'Mudar para pré-visualização','Change content alignment'=>'Alterar o alinhamento do conteúdo','%s settings'=>'Definições de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloco não contém campos editáveis.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Atribua um grupo de campos para adicionar campos a este bloco.','Options Updated'=>'Opções actualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para activar as actualizações, por favor insira a sua chave de licença na página das actualizações. Se não tiver uma chave de licença, por favor consulte os detalhes e preços.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. A chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao desactivar a licença antiga','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. A chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao ligar ao servidor de activação','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erro de activação do ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. Ocorreu um erro ao ligar ao servidor de activação','Check Again'=>'Verificar de novo','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. Não foi possível ligar ao servidor de activação','Publish'=>'Publicado','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos personalizado encontrado na página de opções. Criar um grupo de campos personalizado','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erro. Não foi possível ligar ao servidor de actualização','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Não foi possível autenticar o pacote de actualização. Por favor verifique de novo, ou desactive e reactive a sua licença do ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. A sua licença para este site expirou ou foi desactivada. Por favor active de novo a sua licença ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Permite-lhe seleccionar e mostrar campos existentes. Não duplica nenhum campo na base de dados, mas carrega e mosta os campos seleccionados durante a execução. O campo Clone pode substituir-se a si próprio com os campos seleccionados, ou mostrar os campos seleccionados como um grupo de subcampos.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Seleccione um ou mais campos que deseje clonar','Display'=>'Visualização','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique o estilo usado para mostrar o campo de clone','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (mostra os campos seleccionados num grupo dentro deste campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Simples (substitui este campo pelos campos seleccionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'As legendas serão mostradas com %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefixo nas legendas dos campos','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Os valores serão guardados como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefixos nos nomes dos campos','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconhecido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconhecido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos os campos do grupo de campos %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Permite-lhe definir, criar e gerir conteúdos com total controlo através da criação de layouts que contêm subcampos que pode ser escolhidos pelos editores de conteúdos.','Add Row'=>'Adicionar linha','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouts','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requer pelo menos {min} {identifier} {label}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo está limitado a {max} {identifier} {label}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {identifier} {label} disponível (máx {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {identifier} {label} em falta (mín {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'O conteúdo flexível requer pelo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clique no botão "%s" abaixo para começar a criar o seu layout','Add layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Remove layout'=>'Remover layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clique para alternar','Delete Layout'=>'Eliminar layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Add New Layout'=>'Adicionar novo layout','Add Layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Min'=>'Mín','Max'=>'Máx','Minimum Layouts'=>'Mínimo de layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Máximo de layouts','Button Label'=>'Legenda do botão','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s tem de ser do tipo array ou nulo.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s tem de conter pelo menos %2$s layout %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de conter pelo menos %2$s layouts %3$s.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s tem de conter no máximo %2$s layout %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de conter no máximo %2$s layouts %3$s.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Uma interface interactiva para gerir uma colecção de anexos, como imagens.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adicionar imagem à galeria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Máximo de selecção alcançado','Length'=>'Comprimento','Caption'=>'Legenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto alternativo','Add to gallery'=>'Adicionar à galeria','Bulk actions'=>'Acções por lotes','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por data de carregamento','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por data de modificação','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Inverter ordem actual','Close'=>'Fechar','Minimum Selection'=>'Selecção mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Selecção máxima','Insert'=>'Inserir','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especifique onde serão adicionados os novos anexos','Append to the end'=>'No fim','Prepend to the beginning'=>'No início','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de linhas não alcançado ({min} linhas)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de linhas alcançado ({max} linhas)','Error loading page'=>'Erro ao carregar a página','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'A ordem será atribuída ao guardar','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos com uma grande quantidade de linhas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Linhas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Define o número de linhas a mostrar numa página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de linhas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de linhas','Collapsed'=>'Minimizado','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Seleccione o subcampo a mostrar ao minimizar a linha','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Chave ou nome de campo inválido.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ocorreu um erro ao obter o campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Add row'=>'Adicionar linha','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar linha','Remove row'=>'Remover linha','Current Page'=>'Página actual','First Page'=>'Primeira página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Página seguinte','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'Não existem tipos de blocos','No options pages exist'=>'Não existem páginas de opções','Deactivate License'=>'Desactivar licença','Activate License'=>'Activar licença','License Information'=>'Informações da licença','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear as actualizações, por favor insira a sua chave de licença. Se não tiver uma chave de licença, por favor consulte os detalhes e preços.','License Key'=>'Chave de licença','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'A sua chave de licença está definida no wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Tentar activar de novo','Update Information'=>'Informações de actualização','Current Version'=>'Versão actual','Latest Version'=>'Última versão','Update Available'=>'Actualização disponível','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informações sobre a actualização','Check For Updates'=>'Verificar actualizações','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Digite a sua chave de licença para desbloquear as actualizações','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizar plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Por favor reactive a sua licença para desbloquear as actualizações']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'pt_PT','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Select Multiple'=>'Seleccionar múltiplos','WP Engine logo'=>'Logótipo da WP Engine','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Editar capacidade dos termos','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Mais ferramentas da WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Criado para quem constrói com o WordPress, pela equipa da %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Ver preços e actualização','Learn More'=>'Saiba mais','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'Acelere o seu fluxo de trabalho e desenvolva melhores sites com funcionalidades como blocos ACF, páginas de opções, e tipos de campos sofisticados como Repetidor, Conteúdo Flexível, Clone e Galeria.','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie funcionalidades avançadas e crie ainda mais com o ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'Campos de %s','No terms'=>'Nenhum termo','No post types'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo','No posts'=>'Nenhum conteúdo','No taxonomies'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia','No field groups'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos','No fields'=>'Nenhum campo','No description'=>'Nenhuma descrição','Any post status'=>'Qualquer estado de publicação','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia registada fora do ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de taxonomia já está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia no ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'A chave da taxonomia só pode conter caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos, underscores e hífenes.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'A chave da taxonomia tem de ter menos de 32 caracteres.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia encontrada no lixo','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nenhuma taxonomia encontrada','Search Taxonomies'=>'Pesquisar taxonomias','View Taxonomy'=>'Ver taxonomias','New Taxonomy'=>'Nova taxonomia','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editar taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar nova taxonomia','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo encontrado no lixo','No Post Types found'=>'Nenhum tipo de conteúdo encontrado','Search Post Types'=>'Pesquisar tipos de conteúdo','View Post Type'=>'Ver tipo de conteúdo','New Post Type'=>'Novo tipo de conteúdo','Edit Post Type'=>'Editar tipo de conteúdo','Add New Post Type'=>'Adicionar novo tipo de conteúdo','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de conteúdo já está a ser utilizada por outro tipo de conteúdo registado fora do ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Esta chave de tipo de conteúdo já está a ser utilizada por outro tipo de conteúdo no ACF e não pode ser utilizada.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Não recomendamos utilizar este campo em blocos ACF.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrar por estado de publicação','nounClone'=>'Clone','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avançado','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (mais recente)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'O ID do conteúdo é inválido.','More'=>'Mais','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Seleccione o campo','Search fields...'=>'Pesquisar campos...','Select Field Type'=>'Seleccione o tipo de campo','Popular'=>'Populares','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adicionar taxonomia','Genre'=>'Género','Genres'=>'Géneros','Show Admin Column'=>'Mostrar coluna de administração','Quick Edit'=>'Edição rápida','Tag Cloud'=>'Nuvem de etiquetas','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Callback de sanitização da metabox','Meta Box'=>'Metabox','A link to a tag'=>'Uma ligação para uma etiqueta','A link to a %s'=>'Uma ligação para um %s','Tag Link'=>'Ligação da etiqueta','← Go to tags'=>'← Ir para etiquetas','Back To Items'=>'Voltar para os itens','← Go to %s'=>'← Ir para %s','Tags list'=>'Lista de etiquetas','Tags list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de etiquetas','Filter by category'=>'Filtrar por categoria','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrar por item','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrar por %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Por omissão, a descrição não está proeminente, no entanto alguns temas poderão apresentá-la.','No tags'=>'Nenhuma etiqueta','No Terms'=>'Nenhum termo','No %s'=>'Nenhum %s','No tags found'=>'Nenhuma etiqueta encontrada','Not Found'=>'Nada encontrado','Most Used'=>'Mais usadas','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Escolha entre as etiquetas mais usadas','Choose From Most Used'=>'Escolher entre os mais utilizados','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Escolher entre %s mais utilizados(as)','Add or remove tags'=>'Adicionar ou remover etiquetas','Add or remove %s'=>'Adicionar ou remover %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separe as etiquetas por vírgulas','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separe os itens por vírgulas','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separar %s por vírgulas','Popular Tags'=>'Etiquetas populares','Popular Items'=>'Itens populares','Popular %s'=>'%s mais populares','Search Tags'=>'Pesquisar etiquetas','Parent Category:'=>'Categoria superior:','Parent Category'=>'Categoria superior','Parent Item'=>'Item superior','Parent %s'=>'%s superior','New Tag Name'=>'Nome da nova etiqueta','New Item Name'=>'Nome do novo item','New %s Name'=>'Nome do novo %s','Add New Tag'=>'Adicionar nova etiqueta','Update Tag'=>'Actualizar etiqueta','Update Item'=>'Actualizar item','Update %s'=>'Actualizar %s','View Tag'=>'Ver etiqueta','Edit Tag'=>'Editar etiqueta','All Tags'=>'Todas as etiquetas','Menu Label'=>'Legenda do menu','Term Description'=>'Descrição do termo','Term Slug'=>'Slug do termo','Term Name'=>'Nome do termo','Add Post Type'=>'Adicionar tipo de conteúdo','Hierarchical'=>'Hierárquico','Public'=>'Público','movie'=>'filme','Movie'=>'Filme','Singular Label'=>'Legenda no singular','Movies'=>'Filmes','Plural Label'=>'Legenda no plural','Controller Class'=>'Classe do controlador','Namespace Route'=>'Rota do namespace','Base URL'=>'URL de base','Query Variable'=>'Variável de consulta','Query Variable Support'=>'Suporte para variáveis de consulta','Publicly Queryable'=>'Pesquisável publicamente','Archive Slug'=>'Slug do arquivo','Archive'=>'Arquivo','Pagination'=>'Paginação','Feed URL'=>'URL do feed','URL Slug'=>'Slug do URL','Rename Capabilities'=>'Renomear capacidades','Exclude From Search'=>'Excluir da pesquisa','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Mostrar na barra da administração','Menu Icon'=>'Ícone do menu','Menu Position'=>'Posição no menu','A link to a post.'=>'Uma ligação para um conteúdo.','A link to a %s.'=>'Uma ligação para um %s.','Post Link'=>'Ligação do conteúdo','%s Link'=>'Ligação de %s','Post updated.'=>'Conteúdo actualizado.','%s updated.'=>'%s actualizado.','Post scheduled.'=>'Conteúdo agendado.','%s scheduled.'=>'%s agendado.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Conteúdo revertido para rascunho.','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s revertido para rascunho.','Post published privately.'=>'Conteúdo publicado em privado.','%s published privately.'=>'%s publicado em privado.','Post published.'=>'Conteúdo publicado.','%s published.'=>'%s publicado.','Posts list'=>'Lista de conteúdos','Items List'=>'Lista de itens','%s list'=>'Lista de %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de conteúdos','Items List Navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de itens','%s list navigation'=>'Navegação da lista de %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrar conteúdos por data','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrar itens por data','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrar %s por data','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrar lista de conteúdos','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrar lista de itens','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrar lista de %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Carregados para este item','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Carregados para este %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserir no conteúdo','Insert into %s'=>'Inserir em %s','Use as featured image'=>'Usar como imagem de destaque','Use Featured Image'=>'Usar imagem de destaque','Remove featured image'=>'Remover imagem de destaque','Remove Featured Image'=>'Remover imagem de destaque','Set featured image'=>'Definir imagem de destaque','Set Featured Image'=>'Definir imagem de destaque','Featured image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Post Attributes'=>'Atributos do conteúdo','%s Attributes'=>'Atributos de %s','Post Archives'=>'Arquivo de conteúdos','%s Archives'=>'Arquivo de %s','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nenhum item encontrado no lixo','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nenhum %s encontrado no lixo','No Items Found'=>'Nenhum item encontrado','No %s found'=>'Nenhum %s encontrado','Search Posts'=>'Pesquisar conteúdos','Search Items'=>'Pesquisar itens','Search %s'=>'Pesquisa por %s','Parent Page:'=>'Página superior:','Parent %s:'=>'%s superior:','New Post'=>'Novo conteúdo','New Item'=>'Novo item','New %s'=>'Novo %s','Add New Post'=>'Adicionar novo conteúdo','Add New Item'=>'Adicionar novo item','Add New %s'=>'Adicionar novo %s','View Posts'=>'Ver conteúdos','View Items'=>'Ver itens','View Post'=>'Ver conteúdo','View Item'=>'Ver item','View %s'=>'Ver %s','Edit Post'=>'Editar conteúdo','Edit Item'=>'Editar item','Edit %s'=>'Editar %s','All Posts'=>'Todos os conteúdos','All Items'=>'Todos os itens','Menu Name'=>'Nome do menu','Regenerate'=>'Regenerar','Add Custom'=>'Adicionar personalização','Post Formats'=>'Formatos de artigo','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Browse Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','Nothing to import'=>'Nada para importar','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importar do Custom Post Type UI','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportar - Gerar PHP','Export'=>'Exportar','Select Taxonomies'=>'Seleccionar taxonomias','Select Post Types'=>'Seleccionar tipos de conteúdo','Category'=>'Categoria','Tag'=>'Etiqueta','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomia %s criada','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomia %s actualizada','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar esta taxonomia porque a sua chave está a ser utilizada por outra taxonomia registada por outro plugin ou tema.','Terms'=>'Termos','Post Types'=>'Tipos de conteúdo','Advanced Settings'=>'Definições avançadas','Basic Settings'=>'Definições básicas','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar este tipo de conteúdo porque a sua chave já foi utilizada para registar outro tipo de conteúdo noutro plugin ou tema.','Pages'=>'Páginas','%s post type created'=>'Tipo de conteúdo %s criado','Add fields to %s'=>'Adicionar campos a %s','%s post type updated'=>'Tipo de conteúdo %s actualizado','Type to search...'=>'Digite para pesquisar...','PRO Only'=>'Apenas PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Grupos de campos ligado com sucesso.','ACF'=>'ACF','post type'=>'tipo de conteúdo','Done'=>'Concluído','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Seleccione um ou vários grupos de campos...','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Grupo de campos ligado com sucesso.' . "\0" . 'Grupos de campos ligados com sucesso.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Falhou ao registar','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Não foi possível registar este item porque a sua chave está a ser utilizada por outro item registado por outro plugin ou tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permissões','URLs'=>'URLs','Visibility'=>'Visibilidade','Labels'=>'Legendas','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Separadores das definições do campo','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','Close Modal'=>'Fechar janela','Field moved to other group'=>'Campo movido para outro grupo','Close modal'=>'Fechar janela','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Utilize uma caixa de selecção estilizada com o select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Guardar outra opção','Allow Other Choice'=>'Permitir outra opção','Save Custom Values'=>'Guardar valores personalizados','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permitir valores personalizados','Updates'=>'Actualizações','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logótipo do Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Guardar alterações','Field Group Title'=>'Título do grupo de campos','Add title'=>'Adicionar título','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Não conhece o ACF? Consulte o nosso guia para iniciantes.','Add Field Group'=>'Adicionar grupo de campos','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'O ACF utiliza grupos de campos para agrupar campos personalizados, para depois poder anexar esses campos a ecrãs de edição.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adicione o seu primeiro grupo de campos','Options Pages'=>'Páginas de opções','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocos do ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Campo de galeria','Flexible Content Field'=>'Campo de conteúdo flexível','Repeater Field'=>'Campo repetidor','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Desbloqueie funcionalidades adicionais com o ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Eliminar grupo de campos','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Criado em %1$s às %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Definições do grupo','Location Rules'=>'Regras de localização','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Escolha entre mais de 30 tipos de campo. Saiba mais.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Comece por criar novos campos personalizados para os seus artigos, páginas, tipos de conteúdo personalizados e outros conteúdos do WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Adicione o seu primeiro campo','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Adicionar campo','Presentation'=>'Apresentação','Validation'=>'Validação','General'=>'Geral','Import JSON'=>'Importar JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportar como JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Grupo de campos desactivado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos desactivados.','Field group activated.'=>'Grupo de campos activado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos activados.','Deactivate'=>'Desactivar','Deactivate this item'=>'Desactivar este item','Activate'=>'Activar','Activate this item'=>'Activar este item','Move field group to trash?'=>'Mover o grupo de campos para o lixo?','post statusInactive'=>'Inactivo','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não podem estar activos ao mesmo tempo. O Advanced Custom Fields PRO foi desactivado automaticamente.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'O Advanced Custom Fields e o Advanced Custom Fields PRO não podem estar activos ao mesmo tempo. O Advanced Custom Fields foi desactivado automaticamente.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um utilizador com o papel %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ter um utilizador com um dos seguintes papéis: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um ID de utilizador válido.','Invalid request.'=>'Pedido inválido.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s não é um de %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s tem de ter o termo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ter um dos seguintes termos: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s tem de ser do tipo de conteúdo %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de ser de um dos seguintes tipos de conteúdo: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s tem de ter um ID de conteúdo válido.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s requer um ID de anexo válido.','Show in REST API'=>'Mostrar na REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Activar transparência','RGBA Array'=>'Array de RGBA','RGBA String'=>'String de RGBA','Hex String'=>'String hexadecimal','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizar para PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activo','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' não é um endereço de email válido','Color value'=>'Valor da cor','Select default color'=>'Seleccionar cor por omissão','Clear color'=>'Limpar cor','Blocks'=>'Blocos','Options'=>'Opções','Users'=>'Utilizadores','Menu items'=>'Itens de menu','Widgets'=>'Widgets','Attachments'=>'Anexos','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomias','Posts'=>'Conteúdos','Last updated: %s'=>'Última actualização: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Desculpe, este conteúdo não está disponível para comparação das diferenças.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Os parâmetros do grupo de campos são inválidos.','Awaiting save'=>'Por guardar','Saved'=>'Guardado','Import'=>'Importar','Review changes'=>'Rever alterações','Located in: %s'=>'Localizado em: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Localizado no plugin: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Localizado no tema: %s','Various'=>'Vários','Sync changes'=>'Sincronizar alterações','Loading diff'=>'A carregar diferenças','Review local JSON changes'=>'Revisão das alterações do JSON local','Visit website'=>'Visitar site','View details'=>'Ver detalhes','Version %s'=>'Versão %s','Information'=>'Informações','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Suporte. Os profissionais de suporte no nosso Help Desk ajudar-lhe-ão com os desafios técnicos mais complexos.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Discussão. Temos uma comunidade activa e amigável no nosso Fórum da Comunidade, que poderá ajudar a encontrar soluções no mundo ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Documentação. A nossa vasta documentação inclui referências e guias para a maioria das situações que poderá encontrar.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Somos fanáticos por suporte, queremos que tire o melhor partido do seu site com o ACF. Se tiver alguma dificuldade, tem várias opções para obter ajuda:','Help & Support'=>'Ajuda e suporte','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Caso precise de alguma assistência, entre em contacto através do separador Ajuda e suporte.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Antes de criar o seu primeiro Grupo de Campos, recomendamos uma primeira leitura do nosso guia Getting started para se familiarizar com a filosofia e com as melhores práticas do plugin.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'O plugin Advanced Custom Fields fornece-lhe um construtor visual de formulários para personalizar os ecrãs de edição do WordPress com campos adicionais, e uma interface intuitiva para mostrar os valores dos campos personalizados em qualquer ficheiro de modelo de tema.','Overview'=>'Visão geral','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de localização "%s" já está registado.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'A classe "%s" não existe.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nonce inválido.','Error loading field.'=>'Erro ao carregar o campo.','Location not found: %s'=>'Localização não encontrada: %s','Error: %s'=>'Erro: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Papel de utilizador','Comment'=>'Comentário','Post Format'=>'Formato de artigo','Menu Item'=>'Item de menu','Post Status'=>'Estado do conteúdo','Menus'=>'Menus','Menu Locations'=>'Localizações do menu','Menu'=>'Menu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia do artigo','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Página dependente (tem superior)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Página superior (tem dependentes)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Página de topo (sem superior)','Posts Page'=>'Página de artigos','Front Page'=>'Página inicial','Page Type'=>'Tipo de página','Viewing back end'=>'A visualizar a administração do site','Viewing front end'=>'A visualizar a frente do site','Logged in'=>'Sessão iniciada','Current User'=>'Utilizador actual','Page Template'=>'Modelo de página','Register'=>'Registar','Add / Edit'=>'Adicionar / Editar','User Form'=>'Formulário de utilizador','Page Parent'=>'Página superior','Super Admin'=>'Super Administrador','Current User Role'=>'Papel do utilizador actual','Default Template'=>'Modelo por omissão','Post Template'=>'Modelo de conteúdo','Post Category'=>'Categoria de artigo','All %s formats'=>'Todos os formatos de %s','Attachment'=>'Anexo','%s value is required'=>'O valor %s é obrigatório','Show this field if'=>'Mostrar este campo se','Conditional Logic'=>'Lógica condicional','and'=>'e','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Campo de clone','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Por favor, verifique se todos os add-ons premium (%s) estão actualizados para a última versão.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Esta versão inclui melhorias na base de dados e requer uma actualização.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Obrigado por actualizar para o %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Actualização da base de dados necessária','Options Page'=>'Página de opções','Gallery'=>'Galeria','Flexible Content'=>'Conteúdo flexível','Repeater'=>'Repetidor','Back to all tools'=>'Voltar para todas as ferramentas','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Se forem mostrados vários grupos de campos num ecrã de edição, serão utilizadas as opções do primeiro grupo de campos. (o que tiver menor número de ordem)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Seleccione os itens a esconder do ecrã de edição.','Hide on screen'=>'Esconder no ecrã','Send Trackbacks'=>'Enviar trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiquetas','Categories'=>'Categorias','Page Attributes'=>'Atributos da página','Format'=>'Formato','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Revisões','Comments'=>'Comentários','Discussion'=>'Discussão','Excerpt'=>'Excerto','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conteúdo','Permalink'=>'Ligação permanente','Shown in field group list'=>'Mostrado na lista de grupos de campos','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Serão mostrados primeiro os grupos de campos com menor número de ordem.','Order No.'=>'Nº. de ordem','Below fields'=>'Abaixo dos campos','Below labels'=>'Abaixo das legendas','Instruction Placement'=>'Posição das instruções','Label Placement'=>'Posição da legenda','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (depois do conteúdo)','High (after title)'=>'Acima (depois do título)','Position'=>'Posição','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Simples (sem metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Predefinido (metabox do WP)','Style'=>'Estilo','Type'=>'Tipo','Key'=>'Chave','Order'=>'Ordem','Close Field'=>'Fechar campo','id'=>'id','class'=>'classe','width'=>'largura','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atributos do wrapper','Required'=>'Obrigatório','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados.','Instructions'=>'Instruções','Field Type'=>'Tipo de campo','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores e hífenes.','Field Name'=>'Nome do campo','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR','Field Label'=>'Legenda do campo','Delete'=>'Eliminar','Delete field'=>'Eliminar campo','Move'=>'Mover','Move field to another group'=>'Mover campo para outro grupo','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicar campo','Edit field'=>'Editar campo','Drag to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Show this field group if'=>'Mostrar este grupo de campos se','No updates available.'=>'Nenhuma actualização disponível.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Ver o que há de novo','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'A ler tarefas de actualização...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Falhou ao actualizar.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualização concluída.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'A actualizar dados para a versão %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'É recomendável que faça uma cópia de segurança da sua base de dados antes de continuar. Tem a certeza que quer actualizar agora?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Por favor, seleccione pelo menos um site para actualizar.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Actualização da base de dados concluída. Voltar ao painel da rede','Site is up to date'=>'O site está actualizado','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'O site necessita de actualizar a base de dados de %1$s para %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizar sites','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Os sites seguintes necessitam de actualização da BD. Seleccione os que quer actualizar e clique em %s.','Add rule group'=>'Adicionar grupo de regras','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Crie um conjunto de regras para determinar em que ecrãs de edição serão utilizados estes campos personalizados avançados','Rules'=>'Regras','Copied'=>'Copiado','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiar para a área de transferência','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Seleccione os itens que deseja exportar e seleccione o método de exportação. Utilize o Exportar como JSON para exportar um ficheiro .json que poderá depois importar para outra instalação do ACF. Utilize o botão Gerar PHP para exportar o código PHP que poderá incorporar no seu tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Seleccione os grupos de campos','No field groups selected'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado','Generate PHP'=>'Gerar PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportar grupos de campos','Import file empty'=>'Ficheiro de importação vazio','Incorrect file type'=>'Tipo de ficheiro incorrecto','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Erro ao carregar ficheiro. Por favor tente de novo.','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Seleccione o ficheiro JSON do Advanced Custom Fields que deseja importar. Ao clicar no botão Importar abaixo, o ACF irá importar os itens desse ficheiro.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importar grupos de campos','Sync'=>'Sincronizar','Select %s'=>'Seleccionar %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicar','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicar este item','Supports'=>'Suporte','Documentation'=>'Documentação','Description'=>'Descrição','Sync available'=>'Sincronização disponível','Field group synchronized.'=>'Grupo de campos sincronizado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos sincronizados.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Grupo de campos duplicado.' . "\0" . '%s grupos de campos duplicados.','Active (%s)'=>'Activo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Activos (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Rever sites e actualizar','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizar base de dados','Custom Fields'=>'Campos personalizados','Move Field'=>'Mover campo','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Por favor seleccione o destinho para este campo','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Movido com sucesso.','Active'=>'Activo','Field Keys'=>'Chaves dos campos','Settings'=>'Definições','Location'=>'Localização','Null'=>'Nulo','copy'=>'cópia','(this field)'=>'(este campo)','Checked'=>'Seleccionado','Move Custom Field'=>'Mover campo personalizado','No toggle fields available'=>'Nenhum campo de opções disponível','Field group title is required'=>'O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'O prefixo "field_" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo','Field group draft updated.'=>'Rascunho de grupo de campos actualizado.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Grupo de campos agendado.','Field group submitted.'=>'Grupo de campos enviado.','Field group saved.'=>'Grupo de campos guardado.','Field group published.'=>'Grupo de campos publicado.','Field group deleted.'=>'Grupo de campos eliminado.','Field group updated.'=>'Grupo de campos actualizado.','Tools'=>'Ferramentas','is not equal to'=>'não é igual a','is equal to'=>'é igual a','Forms'=>'Formulários','Page'=>'Página','Post'=>'Artigo','Relational'=>'Relacional','Choice'=>'Opção','Basic'=>'Básico','Unknown'=>'Desconhecido','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipo de campo não existe','Spam Detected'=>'Spam detectado','Post updated'=>'Conteúdo actualizado','Update'=>'Actualizar','Validate Email'=>'Validar email','Content'=>'Conteúdo','Title'=>'Título','Edit field group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Selection is less than'=>'A selecção é menor do que','Selection is greater than'=>'A selecção é maior do que','Value is less than'=>'O valor é menor do que','Value is greater than'=>'O valor é maior do que','Value contains'=>'O valor contém','Value matches pattern'=>'O valor corresponde ao padrão','Value is not equal to'=>'O valor é diferente de','Value is equal to'=>'O valor é igual a','Has no value'=>'Não tem valor','Has any value'=>'Tem um valor qualquer','Cancel'=>'Cancelar','Are you sure?'=>'Tem a certeza?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d campos requerem a sua atenção','1 field requires attention'=>'1 campo requer a sua atenção','Validation failed'=>'A validação falhou','Validation successful'=>'Validação bem sucedida','Restricted'=>'Restrito','Collapse Details'=>'Minimizar detalhes','Expand Details'=>'Expandir detalhes','Uploaded to this post'=>'Carregados neste artigo','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizar','verbEdit'=>'Editar','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página','File type must be %s.'=>'O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s.','or'=>'ou','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro não deve exceder %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'O tamanho do ficheiro deve ser pelo menos de %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'A altura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem não deve exceder os %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'A largura da imagem deve ser pelo menos de %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(sem título)','Full Size'=>'Tamanho original','Large'=>'Grande','Medium'=>'Média','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatura','(no label)'=>'(sem legenda)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Define a altura da área de texto','Rows'=>'Linhas','Text Area'=>'Área de texto','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Preceder com caixa de selecção adicional para seleccionar todas as opções','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guarda valores personalizados nas opções do campo','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Permite adicionar valores personalizados','Add new choice'=>'Adicionar nova opção','Toggle All'=>'Seleccionar tudo','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Permitir URL do arquivo','Archives'=>'Arquivo','Page Link'=>'Ligação de página','Add'=>'Adicionar','Name'=>'Nome','%s added'=>'%s adicionado(a)','%s already exists'=>'%s já existe','User unable to add new %s'=>'O utilizador não pôde adicionar novo(a) %s','Term ID'=>'ID do termo','Term Object'=>'Termo','Load value from posts terms'=>'Carregar os valores a partir dos termos dos conteúdos','Load Terms'=>'Carregar termos','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Liga os termos seleccionados ao conteúdo.','Save Terms'=>'Guardar termos','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Permite a criação de novos termos durante a edição','Create Terms'=>'Criar termos','Radio Buttons'=>'Botões de opções','Single Value'=>'Valor único','Multi Select'=>'Selecção múltipla','Checkbox'=>'Caixa de selecção','Multiple Values'=>'Valores múltiplos','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Seleccione a apresentação deste campo','Appearance'=>'Apresentação','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Seleccione a taxonomia que será mostrada','No TermsNo %s'=>'Nenhum %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou inferior a %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'O valor deve ser igual ou superior a %d','Value must be a number'=>'O valor deve ser um número','Number'=>'Número','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Guardar \'outros\' valores nas opções do campo','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Adicionar opção \'outros\' para permitir a inserção de valores personalizados','Other'=>'Outro','Radio Button'=>'Botão de opção','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Define o fim do acordeão anterior. Este item de acordeão não será visível.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Permite abrir este item de acordeão sem fechar os restantes.','Multi-Expand'=>'Expandir múltiplos','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Mostrar este item de acordeão aberto ao carregar a página.','Open'=>'Aberto','Accordion'=>'Acordeão','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que ficheiros podem ser carregados','File ID'=>'ID do ficheiro','File URL'=>'URL do ficheiro','File Array'=>'Array do ficheiro','Add File'=>'Adicionar ficheiro','No file selected'=>'Nenhum ficheiro seleccionado','File name'=>'Nome do ficheiro','Update File'=>'Actualizar ficheiro','Edit File'=>'Editar ficheiro','Select File'=>'Seleccionar ficheiro','File'=>'Ficheiro','Password'=>'Senha','Specify the value returned'=>'Especifique o valor devolvido','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Utilizar AJAX para carregar opções?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Insira cada valor por omissão numa linha separada','verbSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Falhou ao carregar','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'A pesquisar…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'A carregar mais resultados…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Só pode seleccionar %d itens','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Só pode seleccionar 1 item','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Por favor elimine %d caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Por favor elimine 1 caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Por favor insira %d ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Por favor insira 1 ou mais caracteres','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultados encontrados, use as setas para cima ou baixo para navegar.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Um resultado encontrado, prima Enter para seleccioná-lo.','nounSelect'=>'Selecção','User ID'=>'ID do utilizador','User Object'=>'Objecto do utilizador','User Array'=>'Array do utilizador','All user roles'=>'Todos os papéis de utilizador','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrar por papel','User'=>'Utilizador','Separator'=>'Divisória','Select Color'=>'Seleccionar cor','Default'=>'Por omissão','Clear'=>'Limpar','Color Picker'=>'Selecção de cor','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seleccionar','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Agora','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fuso horário','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Microsegundo','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milissegundo','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Segundo','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minuto','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Hora','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Escolha a hora','Date Time Picker'=>'Selecção de data e hora','Endpoint'=>'Fim','Left aligned'=>'Alinhado à esquerda','Top aligned'=>'Alinhado acima','Placement'=>'Posição','Tab'=>'Separador','Value must be a valid URL'=>'O valor deve ser um URL válido','Link URL'=>'URL da ligação','Link Array'=>'Array da ligação','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Abre numa nova janela/separador','Select Link'=>'Seleccionar ligação','Link'=>'Ligação','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Valor dos passos','Maximum Value'=>'Valor máximo','Minimum Value'=>'Valor mínimo','Range'=>'Intervalo','Both (Array)'=>'Ambos (Array)','Label'=>'Legenda','Value'=>'Valor','Vertical'=>'Vertical','Horizontal'=>'Horizontal','red : Red'=>'vermelho : Vermelho','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Para maior controlo, pode especificar tanto os valores como as legendas:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Insira cada opção numa linha separada.','Choices'=>'Opções','Button Group'=>'Grupo de botões','Allow Null'=>'Permitir nulo','Parent'=>'Superior','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'O TinyMCE não será inicializado até que clique no campo','Delay Initialization'=>'Atrasar a inicialização','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Mostrar botões de carregar multimédia','Toolbar'=>'Barra de ferramentas','Text Only'=>'Apenas HTML','Visual Only'=>'Apenas visual','Visual & Text'=>'Visual e HTML','Tabs'=>'Separadores','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Clique para inicializar o TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'HTML','Visual'=>'Visual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'O valor não deve exceder %d caracteres','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Deixe em branco para não limitar','Character Limit'=>'Limite de caracteres','Appears after the input'=>'Mostrado depois do campo','Append'=>'Suceder','Appears before the input'=>'Mostrado antes do campo','Prepend'=>'Preceder','Appears within the input'=>'Mostrado dentro do campo','Placeholder Text'=>'Texto predefinido','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Mostrado ao criar um novo conteúdo','Text'=>'Texto','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s requer pelo menos %2$s selecção' . "\0" . '%1$s requer pelo menos %2$s selecções','Post ID'=>'ID do conteúdo','Post Object'=>'Conteúdo','Maximum Posts'=>'Máximo de conteúdos','Minimum Posts'=>'Mínimo de conteúdos','Featured Image'=>'Imagem de destaque','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Os elementos seleccionados serão mostrados em cada resultado','Elements'=>'Elementos','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomia','Post Type'=>'Tipo de conteúdo','Filters'=>'Filtros','All taxonomies'=>'Todas as taxonomias','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrar por taxonomia','All post types'=>'Todos os tipos de conteúdo','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrar por tipo de conteúdo','Search...'=>'Pesquisar...','Select taxonomy'=>'Seleccionar taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Seleccionar tipo de conteúdo','No matches found'=>'Nenhuma correspondência encontrada','Loading'=>'A carregar','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Valor máximo alcançado ( valor {max} )','Relationship'=>'Relação','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos os tipos.','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipos de ficheiros permitidos','Maximum'=>'Máximo','File size'=>'Tamanho do ficheiro','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restringe que imagens podem ser carregadas','Minimum'=>'Mínimo','Uploaded to post'=>'Carregados no conteúdo','All'=>'Todos','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limita a escolha da biblioteca multimédia','Library'=>'Biblioteca','Preview Size'=>'Tamanho da pré-visualização','Image ID'=>'ID da imagem','Image URL'=>'URL da imagem','Image Array'=>'Array da imagem','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Especifica o valor devolvido na frente do site.','Return Value'=>'Valor devolvido','Add Image'=>'Adicionar imagem','No image selected'=>'Nenhuma imagem seleccionada','Remove'=>'Remover','Edit'=>'Editar','All images'=>'Todas as imagens','Update Image'=>'Actualizar imagem','Edit Image'=>'Editar imagem','Select Image'=>'Seleccionar imagem','Image'=>'Imagem','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Permite visualizar o código HTML como texto visível, em vez de o processar','Escape HTML'=>'Mostrar HTML','No Formatting'=>'Sem formatação','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adicionar <br> automaticamente','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adicionar parágrafos automaticamente','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controla como serão visualizadas novas linhas','New Lines'=>'Novas linhas','Week Starts On'=>'Semana começa em','The format used when saving a value'=>'O formato usado ao guardar um valor','Save Format'=>'Formato guardado','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Sem','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Anterior','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Seguinte','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Hoje','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Concluído','Date Picker'=>'Selecção de data','Width'=>'Largura','Embed Size'=>'Tamanho da incorporação','Enter URL'=>'Insira o URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Texto mostrado quando inactivo','Off Text'=>'Texto desligado','Text shown when active'=>'Texto mostrado quando activo','On Text'=>'Texto ligado','Stylized UI'=>'Interface estilizada','Default Value'=>'Valor por omissão','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Texto mostrado ao lado da caixa de selecção','Message'=>'Mensagem','No'=>'Não','Yes'=>'Sim','True / False'=>'Verdadeiro / Falso','Row'=>'Linha','Table'=>'Tabela','Block'=>'Bloco','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Especifique o estilo usado para mostrar os campos seleccionados','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Subcampos','Group'=>'Grupo','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizar a altura do mapa','Height'=>'Altura','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Definir o nível de zoom inicial','Zoom'=>'Zoom','Center the initial map'=>'Centrar o mapa inicial','Center'=>'Centrar','Search for address...'=>'Pesquisar endereço...','Find current location'=>'Encontrar a localização actual','Clear location'=>'Limpar localização','Search'=>'Pesquisa','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Desculpe, este navegador não suporta geolocalização','Google Map'=>'Mapa do Google','The format returned via template functions'=>'O formato devolvido através das template functions','Return Format'=>'Formato devolvido','Custom:'=>'Personalizado:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'O formato de visualização ao editar um conteúdo','Display Format'=>'Formato de visualização','Time Picker'=>'Selecção de hora','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactivo (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactivos (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo','No Fields found'=>'Nenhum campo encontrado','Search Fields'=>'Pesquisar campos','View Field'=>'Ver campo','New Field'=>'Novo campo','Edit Field'=>'Editar campo','Add New Field'=>'Adicionar novo campo','Field'=>'Campo','Fields'=>'Campos','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo','No Field Groups found'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado','Search Field Groups'=>'Pesquisar grupos de campos','View Field Group'=>'Ver grupo de campos','New Field Group'=>'Novo grupo de campos','Edit Field Group'=>'Editar grupo de campos','Add New Field Group'=>'Adicionar novo grupo de campos','Add New'=>'Adicionar novo','Field Group'=>'Grupo de campos','Field Groups'=>'Grupos de campos','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalize o WordPress com campos intuitivos, poderosos e profissionais.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'O nome do tipo de bloco é obrigatório.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'O tipo de bloco "%s" já está registado.','Switch to Edit'=>'Mudar para o editor','Switch to Preview'=>'Mudar para pré-visualização','Change content alignment'=>'Alterar o alinhamento do conteúdo','%s settings'=>'Definições de %s','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Este bloco não contém campos editáveis.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Atribua um grupo de campos para adicionar campos a este bloco.','Options Updated'=>'Opções actualizadas','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para activar as actualizações, por favor insira a sua chave de licença na página das actualizações. Se não tiver uma chave de licença, por favor consulte os detalhes e preços.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. A chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao desactivar a licença antiga','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. A chave de licença definida foi alterada, mas ocorreu um erro ao ligar ao servidor de activação','ACF Activation Error'=>'Erro de activação do ACF','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. Ocorreu um erro ao ligar ao servidor de activação','Check Again'=>'Verificar de novo','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Erro de activação do ACF. Não foi possível ligar ao servidor de activação','Publish'=>'Publicado','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nenhum grupo de campos personalizado encontrado na página de opções. Criar um grupo de campos personalizado','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Erro. Não foi possível ligar ao servidor de actualização','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. Não foi possível autenticar o pacote de actualização. Por favor verifique de novo, ou desactive e reactive a sua licença do ACF PRO.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Erro. A sua licença para este site expirou ou foi desactivada. Por favor active de novo a sua licença ACF PRO.','Allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Permite-lhe seleccionar e mostrar campos existentes. Não duplica nenhum campo na base de dados, mas carrega e mosta os campos seleccionados durante a execução. O campo Clone pode substituir-se a si próprio com os campos seleccionados, ou mostrar os campos seleccionados como um grupo de subcampos.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Seleccione um ou mais campos que deseje clonar','Display'=>'Visualização','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Especifique o estilo usado para mostrar o campo de clone','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupo (mostra os campos seleccionados num grupo dentro deste campo)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Simples (substitui este campo pelos campos seleccionados)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'As legendas serão mostradas com %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefixo nas legendas dos campos','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Os valores serão guardados como %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefixos nos nomes dos campos','Unknown field'=>'Campo desconhecido','Unknown field group'=>'Grupo de campos desconhecido','All fields from %s field group'=>'Todos os campos do grupo de campos %s','Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.'=>'Permite-lhe definir, criar e gerir conteúdos com total controlo através da criação de layouts que contêm subcampos que pode ser escolhidos pelos editores de conteúdos.','Add Row'=>'Adicionar linha','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouts','layouts'=>'layouts','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo requer pelo menos {min} {identifier} {label}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Este campo está limitado a {max} {identifier} {label}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {identifier} {label} disponível (máx {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {identifier} {label} em falta (mín {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'O conteúdo flexível requer pelo menos 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Clique no botão "%s" abaixo para começar a criar o seu layout','Add layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Remove layout'=>'Remover layout','Click to toggle'=>'Clique para alternar','Delete Layout'=>'Eliminar layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicar layout','Add New Layout'=>'Adicionar novo layout','Add Layout'=>'Adicionar layout','Min'=>'Mín','Max'=>'Máx','Minimum Layouts'=>'Mínimo de layouts','Maximum Layouts'=>'Máximo de layouts','Button Label'=>'Legenda do botão','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s tem de ser do tipo array ou nulo.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s tem de conter pelo menos %2$s layout %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de conter pelo menos %2$s layouts %3$s.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s tem de conter no máximo %2$s layout %3$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s tem de conter no máximo %2$s layouts %3$s.','An interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments, such as images.'=>'Uma interface interactiva para gerir uma colecção de anexos, como imagens.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adicionar imagem à galeria','Maximum selection reached'=>'Máximo de selecção alcançado','Length'=>'Comprimento','Caption'=>'Legenda','Alt Text'=>'Texto alternativo','Add to gallery'=>'Adicionar à galeria','Bulk actions'=>'Acções por lotes','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Ordenar por data de carregamento','Sort by date modified'=>'Ordenar por data de modificação','Sort by title'=>'Ordenar por título','Reverse current order'=>'Inverter ordem actual','Close'=>'Fechar','Minimum Selection'=>'Selecção mínima','Maximum Selection'=>'Selecção máxima','Insert'=>'Inserir','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Especifique onde serão adicionados os novos anexos','Append to the end'=>'No fim','Prepend to the beginning'=>'No início','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Mínimo de linhas não alcançado ({min} linhas)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Máximo de linhas alcançado ({max} linhas)','Error loading page'=>'Erro ao carregar a página','Order will be assigned upon save'=>'A ordem será atribuída ao guardar','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Útil para campos com uma grande quantidade de linhas.','Rows Per Page'=>'Linhas por página','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Define o número de linhas a mostrar numa página.','Minimum Rows'=>'Mínimo de linhas','Maximum Rows'=>'Máximo de linhas','Collapsed'=>'Minimizado','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Seleccione o subcampo a mostrar ao minimizar a linha','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Chave ou nome de campo inválido.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ocorreu um erro ao obter o campo.','Click to reorder'=>'Arraste para reordenar','Add row'=>'Adicionar linha','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicar linha','Remove row'=>'Remover linha','Current Page'=>'Página actual','First Page'=>'Primeira página','Previous Page'=>'Página anterior','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s de %2$s','Next Page'=>'Página seguinte','Last Page'=>'Última página','No block types exist'=>'Não existem tipos de blocos','No options pages exist'=>'Não existem páginas de opções','Deactivate License'=>'Desactivar licença','Activate License'=>'Activar licença','License Information'=>'Informações da licença','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Para desbloquear as actualizações, por favor insira a sua chave de licença. Se não tiver uma chave de licença, por favor consulte os detalhes e preços.','License Key'=>'Chave de licença','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'A sua chave de licença está definida no wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Tentar activar de novo','Update Information'=>'Informações de actualização','Current Version'=>'Versão actual','Latest Version'=>'Última versão','Update Available'=>'Actualização disponível','Upgrade Notice'=>'Informações sobre a actualização','Check For Updates'=>'Verificar actualizações','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Digite a sua chave de licença para desbloquear as actualizações','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizar plugin','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Por favor reactive a sua licença para desbloquear as actualizações']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.mo
index b98a058b..59849b0f 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.po
index bb13aab4..b565e82f 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-pt_PT.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: pt_PT\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -301,34 +332,34 @@ msgstr "Desbloqueie funcionalidades avançadas e crie ainda mais com o ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "Campos de %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Nenhum termo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Nenhum tipo de conteúdo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Nenhum conteúdo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Nenhuma taxonomia"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Nenhum campo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Nenhuma descrição"
@@ -704,37 +735,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr "Mais"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Seleccione o campo"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Pesquisar campos..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Seleccione o tipo de campo"
@@ -2256,7 +2283,7 @@ msgstr "Trackbacks"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Pesquisar campos"
@@ -2305,7 +2332,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importar do Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2315,15 +2342,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exportar - Gerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Seleccionar taxonomias"
@@ -2331,7 +2358,7 @@ msgstr "Seleccionar taxonomias"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Seleccionar tipos de conteúdo"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2383,7 +2410,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2393,67 +2420,67 @@ msgstr ""
"utilizada por outra taxonomia registada por outro plugin ou tema."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termos"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2471,7 +2498,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Definições básicas"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2485,7 +2512,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2529,16 +2556,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Digite para pesquisar..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Apenas PRO"
@@ -2559,44 +2586,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "tipo de conteúdo"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Concluído"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Seleccione um ou vários grupos de campos..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos ligado com sucesso."
msgstr[1] "Grupos de campos ligados com sucesso."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Falhou ao registar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2604,31 +2631,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Não foi possível registar este item porque a sua chave está a ser utilizada "
"por outro item registado por outro plugin ou tema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissões"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URLs"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilidade"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Legendas"
@@ -2649,14 +2676,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Fechar janela"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Campo movido para outro grupo"
@@ -2839,8 +2866,8 @@ msgstr "Apresentação"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validação"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Geral"
@@ -2848,49 +2875,49 @@ msgstr "Geral"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importar JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exportar como JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos desactivado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos desactivados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos activado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos activados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Desactivar este item"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activar este item"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Mover o grupo de campos para o lixo?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2903,7 +2930,7 @@ msgstr "Inactivo"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2912,7 +2939,7 @@ msgstr ""
"activos ao mesmo tempo. O Advanced Custom Fields PRO foi desactivado "
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2989,7 +3016,7 @@ msgstr "String de RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "String hexadecimal"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Actualizar para PRO"
@@ -3041,8 +3068,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Anexos"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3052,7 +3079,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomias"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3072,49 +3099,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Os parâmetros do grupo de campos são inválidos."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Por guardar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Guardado"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Rever alterações"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Localizado em: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no plugin: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Localizado no tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Vários"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Sincronizar alterações"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "A carregar diferenças"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Revisão das alterações do JSON local"
@@ -3374,7 +3401,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Mostrar este campo se"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Lógica condicional"
@@ -3383,9 +3410,9 @@ msgstr "Lógica condicional"
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON local"
@@ -3580,9 +3607,9 @@ msgstr "Estilo"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Chave"
@@ -3593,23 +3620,23 @@ msgstr "Chave"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordem"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Fechar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "classe"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "largura"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos do wrapper"
@@ -3617,69 +3644,69 @@ msgstr "Atributos do wrapper"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obrigatório"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr ""
"Instruções para os autores. São mostradas ao preencher e submeter dados."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instruções"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Uma única palavra, sem espaços. São permitidos underscores e hífenes."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nome do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Este é o nome que será mostrado na página EDITAR"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Legenda do campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Eliminar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mover campo para outro grupo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Arraste para reordenar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Mostrar este grupo de campos se"
@@ -3783,15 +3810,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regras"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar para a área de transferência"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3803,22 +3830,22 @@ msgstr ""
"depois importar para outra instalação do ACF. Utilize o botão Gerar PHP para "
"exportar o código PHP que poderá incorporar no seu tema."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Seleccione os grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos seleccionado"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Gerar PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportar grupos de campos"
@@ -3846,22 +3873,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importar grupos de campos"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizar"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Seleccionar %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicar este item"
@@ -3869,13 +3896,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicar este item"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Suporte"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentação"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3884,26 +3912,26 @@ msgstr "Documentação"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronização disponível"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos sincronizado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos sincronizados."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Grupo de campos duplicado."
msgstr[1] "%s grupos de campos duplicados."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activo (%s)"
@@ -3944,7 +3972,7 @@ msgstr "O campo %1$s pode agora ser encontrado no grupo de campos %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Movido com sucesso."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3959,7 +3987,7 @@ msgstr "Chaves dos campos"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localização"
@@ -3971,14 +3999,14 @@ msgstr "Nulo"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "cópia"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(este campo)"
@@ -3989,14 +4017,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mover campo personalizado"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Nenhum campo de opções disponível"
@@ -4005,15 +4033,15 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "O título do grupo de campos é obrigatório"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
"Este campo não pode ser movido até que as suas alterações sejam guardadas"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "O prefixo \"field_\" não pode ser utilizado no início do nome do campo"
@@ -4181,8 +4209,8 @@ msgstr "Não tem valor"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Tem um valor qualquer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
@@ -4192,24 +4220,24 @@ msgstr "Cancelar"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Tem a certeza?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d campos requerem a sua atenção"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 campo requer a sua atenção"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "A validação falhou"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validação bem sucedida"
@@ -4245,8 +4273,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"As alterações que fez serão ignoradas se navegar para fora desta página"
@@ -4260,10 +4288,10 @@ msgstr "O tipo de ficheiro deve ser %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
@@ -4313,8 +4341,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatura"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(sem legenda)"
@@ -5282,7 +5310,7 @@ msgstr "Nenhuma imagem seleccionada"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remover"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5602,92 +5630,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selecção de hora"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactivo (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactivos (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nenhum campo encontrado no lixo"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nenhum campo encontrado"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Pesquisar campos"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Ver campo"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Novo campo"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editar campo"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Adicionar novo campo"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campos"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado no lixo"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Nenhum grupo de campos encontrado"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Pesquisar grupos de campos"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Ver grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editar grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Adicionar novo grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Adicionar novo"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grupo de campos"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupos de campos"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.l10n.php
index 96c0896c..3636bc47 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ro_RO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit nicio taxonomie la gunoi','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio taxonomie','Search Taxonomies'=>'Caută taxonomii','View Taxonomy'=>'Vezi taxonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie nouă','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editează taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă o taxonomie nouă','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun tip de articol la gunoi','No Post Types found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun tip de articol','Search Post Types'=>'Caută tipuri de articol','View Post Type'=>'Vezi tipul de articol','New Post Type'=>'Tip de articol nou','Edit Post Type'=>'Editează tipul de articol','Add New Post Type'=>'Adaugă un tip de articol nou','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Cheia tipului de articol trebuie să aibă mai puțin de 20 de caractere.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrează după stare articol','nounClone'=>'Clonare','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avansate','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID-ul articolului nu este valid.','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selectează câmpul','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Încearcă un alt termen de căutare sau răsfoiește %s','Popular fields'=>'Câmpuri populare','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Niciun rezultat de căutare pentru „%s”','Search fields...'=>'Caută câmpuri...','Select Field Type'=>'Selectează tipul de câmp','Popular'=>'Populare','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă o taxonomie','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă prima ta taxonomie','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personalizează numele variabilei de interogare','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalizează descriptorul folosit în URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Legăturile permanente pentru această taxonomie sunt dezactivate.','Taxonomy Key'=>'Cheie taxonomie','Quick Edit'=>'Editare rapidă','Tag Cloud'=>'Nor de etichete','← Go to tags'=>'← Mergi la etichete','← Go to %s'=>'← Mergi la %s','Tags list'=>'Listă cu etichete','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu etichete','Filter by category'=>'Filtrează după categorie','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrează după element','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrează după %s','Parent Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp părinte','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'„Descriptorul” este versiunea prietenoasă a URL-ului pentru nume. De obicei, are numai minuscule și este compus din litere, cifre și cratime.','Slug Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp descriptor','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Numele este așa cum apare pe site-ul tău','Name Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp nume','No tags'=>'Nicio etichetă','No Terms'=>'Niciun termen','No tags found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio etichetă','Not Found'=>'Nu am găsit','Most Used'=>'Cel mai mult folosite','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Alege dintre etichetele cel mai mult folosite','Choose From Most Used'=>'Alege dintre cele mai mult folosite','Add or remove tags'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură etichete','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură elemente','Add or remove %s'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separă etichetele cu virgule','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separă elementele cu virgule','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separă %s cu virgule','Popular Tags'=>'Etichete populare','Popular Items'=>'Elemente populare','Popular %s'=>'%s populare','Search Tags'=>'Caută etichete','Parent Category:'=>'Categorie părinte:','Parent Category'=>'Categorie părinte','Parent Item'=>'Element părinte','Parent %s'=>'%s părinte','New Tag Name'=>'Nume etichetă nouă','New Item Name'=>'Nume element nou','Add New Tag'=>'Adaugă o etichetă nouă','Update Tag'=>'Actualizează eticheta','Update Item'=>'Actualizează elementul','Update %s'=>'Actualizează %s','View Tag'=>'Vezi eticheta','Edit Tag'=>'Editează eticheta','All Tags'=>'Toate etichetele','Menu Label'=>'Etichetă meniu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Taxonomiile active sunt activate și înregistrate cu WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un rezumat descriptiv al taxonomiei.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un rezumat descriptiv al termenului.','Term Description'=>'Descriere termen','Term Slug'=>'Descriptor termen','The name of the default term.'=>'Numele termenului implicit.','Term Name'=>'Nume termen','Default Term'=>'Termen implicit','Sort Terms'=>'Sortează termenii','Add Post Type'=>'Adaugă un tip de articol','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Adaugă primul tău tip de articol','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configurare avansată','Show In REST API'=>'Arată în REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personalizează numele variabilei de interogare.','Query Variable'=>'Variabilă pentru interogare','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variabilă personalizată pentru interogare','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Descriptor personalizat pentru URL-ul arhivei.','Archive Slug'=>'Descriptor arhivă','Archive'=>'Arhivă','Pagination'=>'Paginație','Feed URL'=>'URL flux','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personalizează descriptorul folosit în URL.','URL Slug'=>'Descriptor URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Legăturile permanente pentru acest tip de articol sunt dezactivate.','Custom Permalink'=>'Legături permanente personalizate','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclude din căutare','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Arată în bara de administrare','Menu Position'=>'Poziție meniu','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Arată în meniul de administrare','Show In UI'=>'Arată în UI','A link to a post.'=>'O legătură la un articol.','A link to a %s.'=>'O legătură la un %s.','Post Link'=>'Legătură la articol','Item Link'=>'Legătură la element','%s Link'=>'Legătură la %s','Post updated.'=>'Am actualizat articolul.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'În notificarea din editor după ce un element este actualizat.','Item Updated'=>'Am actualizat elementul','%s updated.'=>'Am actualizat %s.','Post scheduled.'=>'Am programat articolul.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după programarea unui element.','Item Scheduled'=>'Am programat elementul','%s scheduled.'=>'Am programat %s.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Articolul a revenit la ciornă.','Post published privately.'=>'Am publicat articolul ca privat.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după publicarea unui element privat.','Item Published Privately'=>'Am publicat elementul ca privat','%s published privately.'=>'Am publicat %s ca privat.','Post published.'=>'Am publicat articolul.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după publicarea unui element.','Item Published'=>'Am publicat elementul','%s published.'=>'Am publicat %s.','Posts list'=>'Listă cu articole','Items List'=>'Listă cu elemente','%s list'=>'Listă cu %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu articole','Items List Navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu elemente','%s list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrează articolele după dată','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrează elementele după dată','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrează %s după dată','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrează lista cu articole','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrează lista cu elemente','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrează lista cu %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserează în articol','Insert into %s'=>'Inserează în %s','Use as featured image'=>'Folosește ca imagine reprezentativă','Use Featured Image'=>'Folosește imaginea reprezentativă','Remove featured image'=>'Înlătură imaginea reprezentativă','Remove Featured Image'=>'Înlătură imaginea reprezentativă','Set featured image'=>'Stabilește imaginea reprezentativă','Post Attributes'=>'Atribute articol','%s Attributes'=>'Atribute %s','Post Archives'=>'Arhive articole','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Meniu de navigare în arhive','%s Archives'=>'Arhive %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun articol la gunoi','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun element la gunoi','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun %s la gunoi','No posts found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun articol','No Items Found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun element','No %s found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun %s','Search Posts'=>'Caută articole','Search Items'=>'Caută elemente','Search %s'=>'Caută %s','Parent Page:'=>'Pagină părinte:','Parent %s:'=>'%s părinte:','New Post'=>'Articol nou','New Item'=>'Element nou','New %s'=>'%s nou','Add New Post'=>'Adaugă articol nou','Add New Item'=>'Adaugă element nou','Add New %s'=>'Adaugă %s nou','View Posts'=>'Vezi articolele','View Items'=>'Vezi elementele','View Post'=>'Vezi articolul','View Item'=>'Vezi elementul','View %s'=>'Vezi %s','Edit Post'=>'Editează articolul','Edit Item'=>'Editează elementul','Edit %s'=>'Editează %s','All Posts'=>'Toate articolele','All Items'=>'Toate elementele','All %s'=>'Toate %s','Menu Name'=>'Nume meniu','Regenerate'=>'Regenerează','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackback-uri','Browse Fields'=>'Răsfoiește câmpurile','Nothing to import'=>'Nimic pentru import','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Importul taxonomiilor a eșuat.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Importul tipurilor de articol a eșuat.','Imported 1 item'=>'Am importat un element' . "\0" . 'Am importat %s elemente' . "\0" . 'Am importat %s de elemente','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selectează taxonomiile','Select Post Types'=>'Selectează tipurile de articol','Exported 1 item.'=>'Am exportat un element.' . "\0" . 'Am exportat %s elemente.' . "\0" . 'Am exportat %s de elemente.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Etichetă','%s taxonomy created'=>'Am creat taxonomia %s','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Am actualizat taxonomia %s','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna taxonomiei.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Am programat taxonomia.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Am trimis taxonomia.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Am salvat taxonomia.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Am șters taxonomia.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Am actualizat taxonomia.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de taxonomii.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de taxonomii.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Am activat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de taxonomii.','Terms'=>'Termeni','Post type synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post type activated.'=>'Am activat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post Types'=>'Tipuri de articol','Advanced Settings'=>'Setări avansate','Basic Settings'=>'Setări de bază','Pages'=>'Pagini','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Leagă grupurile de câmpuri existente','%s post type created'=>'Am creat tipul de articol %s','Add fields to %s'=>'Adaugă câmpuri la %s','%s post type updated'=>'Am actualizat tipul de articol %s','Post type draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna tipului de articol.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Am programat tipul de articol.','Post type submitted.'=>'Am trimis tipul de articol.','Post type saved.'=>'Am salvat tipul de articol.','Post type updated.'=>'Am actualizat tipul de articol.','Post type deleted.'=>'Am șters tipul de articol.','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'tip de articol','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Am legat cu succes grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Înregistrarea a eșuat','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permisiuni','URLs'=>'URL-uri','Visibility'=>'Vizibilitate','Labels'=>'Etichete','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','Close Modal'=>'Închide fereastra modală','Field moved to other group'=>'Am mutat câmpul la un alt grup','Close modal'=>'Închide fereastra modală','New Tab Group'=>'Grup de file nou','Save Custom Values'=>'Salvează valorile personalizate','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permite valori personalizate','Updates'=>'Actualizări','Save Changes'=>'Salvează modificările','Field Group Title'=>'Titlu grup de câmpuri','Add title'=>'Adaugă titlu','Add Field Group'=>'Adaugă un grup de câmpuri','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adaugă primul tău grup de câmpuri','Options Pages'=>'Pagini opțiuni','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocuri ACF','Flexible Content Field'=>'Câmp cu conținut flexibil','Delete Field Group'=>'Șterge grupul de câmpuri','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creat pe %1$s la %2$s','Add Your First Field'=>'Adaugă primul tău câmp','Add Field'=>'Adaugă câmp','Presentation'=>'Prezentare','Validation'=>'Validare','General'=>'Generale','Field group deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Field group activated.'=>'Am activat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Deactivate'=>'Dezactivează','Deactivate this item'=>'Dezactivează acest element','Activate'=>'Activează','Activate this item'=>'Activează acest element','Move field group to trash?'=>'Muți grupul de câmpuri la gunoi?','Invalid request.'=>'Cererea nu este validă.','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s trebuie să aibă termenul %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s trebuie să aibă unul dintre următorii termeni: %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s trebuie să aibă unul dintre următorii termeni: %2$s.','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s trebuie să aibă un ID valid pentru articol.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s are nevoie de un ID valid pentru atașament.','Show in REST API'=>'Arată în REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Activează transparența','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizează la PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activ','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'„%s” nu este o adresă de email validă','Color value'=>'Valoare culoare','Select default color'=>'Selectează culoarea implicită','Clear color'=>'Șterge culoarea','Blocks'=>'Blocuri','Options'=>'Opțiuni','Users'=>'Utilizatori','Menu items'=>'Elemente de meniu','Widgets'=>'Piese','Attachments'=>'Atașamente','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomii','Posts'=>'Articole','Last updated: %s'=>'Ultima actualizare: %s','Import'=>'Importă','Visit website'=>'Vizitează site-ul web','View details'=>'Vezi detaliile','Version %s'=>'Versiunea %s','Information'=>'Informații','Help & Support'=>'Ajutor și suport','Overview'=>'Prezentare generală','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Tipul de locație „%s” este deja înregistrat.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Clasa „%s” nu există.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nunicul nu este valid.','Error loading field.'=>'Eroare la încărcarea câmpului.','Location not found: %s'=>'Nu am găsit locația: %s','Error: %s'=>'Eroare: %s','Widget'=>'Piesă','User Role'=>'Rol utilizator','Comment'=>'Comentariu','Post Format'=>'Format de articol','Menu Item'=>'Element de meniu','Post Status'=>'Stare articol','Menus'=>'Meniuri','Menu Locations'=>'Locații pentru meniuri','Menu'=>'Meniu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie articol','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pagină copil (are părinte)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Pagină părinte (are copii)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagină de primul nivel (fără părinte)','Posts Page'=>'Pagină articole','Front Page'=>'Pagina din față','Page Type'=>'Tip de pagină','Viewing back end'=>'Vizualizare în partea administrativă','Viewing front end'=>'Vizualizare în partea din față','Logged in'=>'Autentificat','Current User'=>'Utilizator curent','Page Template'=>'Șablon de pagini','Register'=>'Înregistrează','Add / Edit'=>'Adaugă/editează','Page Parent'=>'Părinte pagină','Super Admin'=>'Super-administrator','Current User Role'=>'Rol utilizator curent','Default Template'=>'Șablon implicit','Post Template'=>'Șablon de articole','Post Category'=>'Categorie de articole','All %s formats'=>'Toate formatele %s','Attachment'=>'Atașament','%s value is required'=>'Valoarea %s este obligatorie','Show this field if'=>'Arată acest câmp dacă','Conditional Logic'=>'Condiționalitate logică','and'=>'și','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Clonează câmpul','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Este necesară actualizarea bazei de date','Options Page'=>'Pagină opțiuni','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Conținut flexibil','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Înapoi la toate uneltele','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Dacă pe un ecran de editare apar mai multe grupuri de câmpuri, vor fi folosite opțiunile pentru primul grup de câmpuri (cel care are numărul de ordine cel mai mic)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selectează elementele pe care le ascunzi în ecranul de editare.','Hide on screen'=>'Ascunde pe ecran','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trimite trackback-uri','Tags'=>'Etichete','Categories'=>'Categorii','Page Attributes'=>'Atribute pagină','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Descriptor','Revisions'=>'Revizii','Comments'=>'Comentarii','Discussion'=>'Discuții','Excerpt'=>'Rezumat','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conținut','Permalink'=>'Legătură permanentă','Below fields'=>'Sub câmpuri','Below labels'=>'Sub etichete','Instruction Placement'=>'Plasare instrucțiuni','Label Placement'=>'Plasare etichetă','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (după conținut)','Position'=>'Poziție','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Omogen (fără casetă meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (casetă meta WP)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tip','Key'=>'Cheie','Order'=>'Ordine','Close Field'=>'Închide câmpul','id'=>'ID','class'=>'clasă','width'=>'lățime','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atribute învelitoare','Required'=>'Obligatoriu','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucțiuni pentru autori. Sunt arătate când se trimit date','Instructions'=>'Instrucțiuni','Field Type'=>'Tip de câmp','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un singur cuvânt, fără spații. Sunt permise liniuțe-jos și cratime','Field Name'=>'Nume câmp','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Acesta este numele care va apărea în pagina EDITEAZĂ','Field Label'=>'Etichetă câmp','Delete'=>'Șterge','Delete field'=>'Șterge câmpul','Move'=>'Mută','Move field to another group'=>'Mută câmpul în alt grup','Edit field'=>'Editează câmpul','Drag to reorder'=>'Trage pentru a reordona','Show this field group if'=>'Arată acest grup de câmpuri dacă','No updates available.'=>'Nu este disponibilă nicio actualizare.','Upgrade failed.'=>'Actualizarea a eșuat.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualizarea este finalizată.','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Te rog selectează cel puțin un site pentru actualizare.','Site is up to date'=>'Site-ul este actualizat','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Trebuie actualizată baza de date a site-ului de %1$s la %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizează site-urile','Add rule group'=>'Adaugă un grup de reguli','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Creează un set de reguli pentru a stabili ecranele de editare care vor folosi aceste câmpuri personalizate avansate','Rules'=>'Reguli','Copied'=>'Copiat','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiază în clipboard','Select Field Groups'=>'Selectează grupurile de câmpuri','No field groups selected'=>'Nu ai selectat niciun grup de câmpuri','Generate PHP'=>'Generează PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportă grupurile de câmpuri','Import file empty'=>'Fișierul importat este gol','Incorrect file type'=>'Tip de fișier incorect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Eroare la încărcarea fișierului. Te rog încearcă din nou','Import Field Groups'=>'Importă grupuri de câmpuri','Sync'=>'Sincronizează','Select %s'=>'Selectează %s','Duplicate'=>'Fă duplicat','Duplicate this item'=>'Fă un duplicat al acestui element','Documentation'=>'Documentație','Description'=>'Descriere','Sync available'=>'Sincronizarea este disponibilă','Field group synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Active (%s)'=>'Activ (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizează baza de date','Custom Fields'=>'Câmpuri personalizate','Move Field'=>'Mută câmpul','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Te rog selectează destinația pentru acest câmp','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Câmpul %1$s poate fi găsit acum în grupul de câmpuri %2$s','Field Keys'=>'Chei câmp','Settings'=>'Setări','Location'=>'Locație','(this field)'=>'(acest câmp)','Checked'=>'Bifat','Move Custom Field'=>'Mută câmpul personalizat','Field group title is required'=>'Titlul grupului de câmpuri este obligatoriu','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Acest câmp nu poate fi mutat până când nu îi salvezi modificările','Field group draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna grupului de câmpuri.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Am programat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group submitted.'=>'Am trimis grupul de câmpuri.','Field group saved.'=>'Am salvat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group published.'=>'Am publicat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group deleted.'=>'Am șters grupul de câmpuri.','Field group updated.'=>'Am actualizat grupul de câmpuri.','Tools'=>'Unelte','is not equal to'=>'nu este egal cu','is equal to'=>'este egal cu','Forms'=>'Formulare','Page'=>'Pagină','Post'=>'Articol','Basic'=>'De bază','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipul de câmp nu există','Spam Detected'=>'Am detectat spam','Post updated'=>'Am actualizat articolul','Update'=>'Actualizează','Validate Email'=>'Validează emailul','Content'=>'Conținut','Title'=>'Titlu','Edit field group'=>'Editează grupul de câmpuri','Value is less than'=>'Valoarea este mai mică decât','Value is greater than'=>'Valoarea este mai mare decât','Value contains'=>'Valoarea conține','Value is not equal to'=>'Valoarea nu este egală cu','Value is equal to'=>'Valoarea este egală cu','Has no value'=>'Nu are o valoare','Has any value'=>'Are orice valoare','Cancel'=>'Anulează','Are you sure?'=>'Sigur?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d câmpuri necesită atenție','1 field requires attention'=>'Un câmp necesită atenție','Validation failed'=>'Validarea a eșuat','Validation successful'=>'Validare făcută cu succes','Collapse Details'=>'Restrânge detaliile','Expand Details'=>'Extinde detaliile','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizează','verbEdit'=>'Editează','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Modificările pe care le-ai făcut se vor pierde dacă părăsești această pagină','File type must be %s.'=>'Tipul de fișier trebuie să fie %s.','or'=>'sau','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Dimensiunea fișierului nu trebuie să depășească %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Dimensiunea fișierului trebuie să aibă cel puțin %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Înălțimea imaginii nu trebuie să depășească %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Înălțimea imaginii trebuie să fie de cel puțin %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Lățimea imaginii nu trebuie să depășească %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Lățimea imaginii trebuie să aibă cel puțin %d px.','(no title)'=>'(fără titlu)','Full Size'=>'Dimensiune completă','Large'=>'Mare','Medium'=>'Medie','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatură','(no label)'=>'(fără etichetă)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Setează înălțimea zonei text','Rows'=>'Rânduri','Text Area'=>'Zonă text','Archives'=>'Arhive','Page Link'=>'Legătură la pagină','Add'=>'Adaugă','Name'=>'Nume','%s added'=>'Am adăugat %s','Term ID'=>'ID termen','Term Object'=>'Obiect termen','Load Terms'=>'Încarcă termeni','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectează termenii selectați la articol','Save Terms'=>'Salvează termenii','Create Terms'=>'Creează termeni','Radio Buttons'=>'Butoane radio','Multiple Values'=>'Mai multe valori','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selectează aspectul acestui câmp','Appearance'=>'Aspect','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selectează taxonomia care să fie afișată','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie egală sau mai mică decât %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie egală sau mai mare decât %d','Value must be a number'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie un număr','Number'=>'Număr','Radio Button'=>'Buton radio','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restricționează fișierele care pot fi încărcate','File ID'=>'ID fișier','File URL'=>'URL fișier','File Array'=>'Tablou de fișiere','Add File'=>'Adaugă fișier','No file selected'=>'Nu ai selectat niciun fișier','File name'=>'Nume fișier','Update File'=>'Actualizează fișierul','Edit File'=>'Editează fișierul','Select File'=>'Selectează fișierul','File'=>'Fișier','Password'=>'Parolă','Specify the value returned'=>'Specifică valoarea returnată','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Introdu fiecare valoare implicită pe un rând nou','verbSelect'=>'Selectează','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Încărcarea a eșuat','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Caut...','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Încarc mai multe rezultate...','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Poți să selectezi numai %d elemente','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Poți să selectezi numai un singur element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Te rog să ștergi %d caractere','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Te rog să ștergi un caracter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Te rog să introduci %d sau mai multe caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Te rog să introduci cel puțin un caracter','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'Sunt disponibile %d rezultate, folosește tastele săgeată sus și săgeată jos pentru a naviga.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Este disponibil un rezultat, apasă pe Enter pentru a-l selecta.','nounSelect'=>'Selectează','User ID'=>'ID utilizator','User Object'=>'Obiect utilizator','User Array'=>'Tablou de utilizatori','All user roles'=>'Toate rolurile de utilizator','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrează după rol','User'=>'Utilizator','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Selectează culoarea','Default'=>'Implicită','Clear'=>'Șterge','Color Picker'=>'Selector de culoare','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selectează','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gata','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Acum','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fus orar','Endpoint'=>'Punct-final','Placement'=>'Plasare','Tab'=>'Filă','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie un URL valid','Link Array'=>'Tablou de legături','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Se deschide într-o fereastră/filă nouă','Select Link'=>'Selectează legătura','Link'=>'Legătură','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Mărime pas','Maximum Value'=>'Valoare maximă','Minimum Value'=>'Valoare minimă','Label'=>'Etichetă','Value'=>'Valoare','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pentru un control mai bun, poți specifica atât o valoare cât și o etichetă, de exemplu:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Introdu fiecare alegere pe un rând nou.','Allow Null'=>'Permite o valoare nulă','Parent'=>'Părinte','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE nu va fi inițializat până când câmpul nu este bifat','Delay Initialization'=>'Întârzie inițializarea','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Arată butoanele de încărcare Media','Toolbar'=>'Bară de unelte','Text Only'=>'Numai text','Visual Only'=>'Numai vizual','Visual & Text'=>'Vizual și text','Tabs'=>'File','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Dă clic pentru a inițializa TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Vizual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Valoarea nu trebuie să depășească %d caractere','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lasă gol pentru fără limită','Character Limit'=>'Număr limită de caractere','Appears after the input'=>'Apare după intrare','Append'=>'Adaugă după','Appears before the input'=>'Apare înainte de intrare','Prepend'=>'Adaugă înainte','Appears within the input'=>'Apare în intrare','Placeholder Text'=>'Text substituent','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Apare la crearea unui articol nou','Text'=>'Text','Post ID'=>'ID articol','Post Object'=>'Obiect articol','Maximum Posts'=>'Număr maxim de articole','Minimum Posts'=>'Număr minim de articole','Featured Image'=>'Imagine reprezentativă','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Elementele selectate vor fi afișate în fiecare rezultat','Elements'=>'Elemente','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Tip de articol','Filters'=>'Filtre','All taxonomies'=>'Toate taxonomiile','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrează după taxonomie','All post types'=>'Toate tipurile de articol','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrează după tipul de articol','Search...'=>'Caută...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selectează taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Selectează tipul de articol','No matches found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio potrivire','Loading'=>'Încarc','Relationship'=>'Relație','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Listă separată prin virgulă. Lăsați liber pentru toate tipurile','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipuri de fișier permise','Maximum'=>'Maxim','File size'=>'Dimensiune fișier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restricționează imaginile care pot fi încărcate','Minimum'=>'Minim','Uploaded to post'=>'Încărcate pentru acest articol','All'=>'Tot','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitați alegerea librăriei media','Library'=>'Bibliotecă','Preview Size'=>'Dimensiune previzualizare','Image ID'=>'ID imagine','Image URL'=>'URL imagine','Image Array'=>'Tablou de imagini','Return Value'=>'Valoare returnată','Add Image'=>'Adaugă o imagine','No image selected'=>'Nu ai selectat nicio imagine','Remove'=>'Înlătură','Edit'=>'Editează','All images'=>'Toate imaginile','Update Image'=>'Actualizează imaginea','Edit Image'=>'Editează imaginea','Select Image'=>'Selectează o imagine','Image'=>'Imagine','No Formatting'=>'Fără formatare','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adaugă automat <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adaugă automat paragrafe','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controlează cum sunt randate liniile noi','New Lines'=>'Linii noi','Week Starts On'=>'Săptămâna începe','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatul folosit la salvarea unei valori','Save Format'=>'Salvează formatul','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Următor','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Azi','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gata','Date Picker'=>'Selector de dată','Width'=>'Lățime','Embed Size'=>'Dimensiune înglobare','Enter URL'=>'Introdu URL-ul','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text arătat când este inactiv','Text shown when active'=>'Text arătat când este activ','Default Value'=>'Valoare implicită','Message'=>'Mesaj','No'=>'Nu','Yes'=>'Da','Row'=>'Rând','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Bloc','Layout'=>'Aranjament','Sub Fields'=>'Sub-câmpuri','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizează înălțimea hărții','Height'=>'Înălțime','Center the initial map'=>'Centrează harta inițială','Search for address...'=>'Caută adresa...','Find current location'=>'Găsește locația curentă','Search'=>'Caută','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Regret, acest navigator nu acceptă localizarea geografică','Return Format'=>'Format returnat','Custom:'=>'Personalizat:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Formatul afișat la editarea unui articol','Display Format'=>'Format de afișare','Time Picker'=>'Selector de oră','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun câmp la gunoi','No Fields found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun câmp','Search Fields'=>'Caută câmpuri','View Field'=>'Vezi câmpul','New Field'=>'Câmp nou','Edit Field'=>'Editează câmpul','Add New Field'=>'Adaugă un nou câmp','Field'=>'Câmp','Fields'=>'Câmpuri','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri la gunoi','No Field Groups found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri','Search Field Groups'=>'Caută grupuri de câmpuri','View Field Group'=>'Vezi grupul de câmpuri','New Field Group'=>'Grup de câmpuri nou','Edit Field Group'=>'Editează grupul de câmpuri','Add New Field Group'=>'Adaugă grup de câmpuri nou','Field Group'=>'Grup de câmpuri','Field Groups'=>'Grupuri de câmpuri','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalizează WordPress cu câmpuri puternice, profesionale și intuitive.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Câmpuri Avansate Personalizate PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s valoarea este obligatorie','%s settings'=>'Setări','Options Updated'=>'Opțiunile au fost actualizate','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pentru a activa actualizările, este nevoie să introduci licența în pagina de actualizări. Dacă nu ai o licență, verifică aici detaliile și prețul.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Check Again'=>'Verifică din nou','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Publish'=>'Publică','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nu a fost găsit nici un grup de câmpuri personalizate. Creează un Grup de Câmpuri Personalizat','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Display'=>'Arată','Unknown field'=>'Câmp necunoscut','Unknown field group'=>'Grup de câmpuri necunoscut','Add Row'=>'Adaugă o linie nouă','layout'=>'schemă' . "\0" . 'schemă' . "\0" . 'schemă','layouts'=>'scheme','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Acest câmp necesită cel puțin {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Acest câmp are o limită de {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponibile (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} obligatoriu (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Conținutul Flexibil necesită cel puțin 1 schemă','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Apasă butonul "%s" de mai jos pentru a începe să îți creezi schema','Add layout'=>'Adaugă Schema','Duplicate layout'=>'Copiază Schema','Remove layout'=>'Înlătură Schema','Delete Layout'=>'Șterge Schema','Duplicate Layout'=>'Copiază Schema','Add New Layout'=>'Adaugă o Nouă Schemă','Add Layout'=>'Adaugă Schema','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Scheme Minime','Maximum Layouts'=>'Scheme Maxime','Button Label'=>'Buton Etichetă','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adaugă imagini în Galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selecția maximă atinsă','Length'=>'Lungime','Alt Text'=>'Text alternativ','Add to gallery'=>'Adaugă în galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Acțiuni în masă','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortează după data încărcării','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortează după data modficării','Sort by title'=>'Sortează după titlu','Reverse current order'=>'Inversează ordinea curentă','Close'=>'Închide','Minimum Selection'=>'Selecție minimă','Maximum Selection'=>'Selecție maximă','Allowed file types'=>'Tipuri de fișiere permise','Append to the end'=>'Adaugă la sfârșit','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Adaugă la început','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Numărul minim de linii a fost atins ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Numărul maxim de linii a fost atins ({max} rows)','Rows Per Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','Minimum Rows'=>'Numărul minim de Linii','Maximum Rows'=>'Numărul maxim de Linii','Click to reorder'=>'Trage pentru a reordona','Add row'=>'Adaugă linie','Duplicate row'=>'Copiază','Remove row'=>'Înlătură linie','Current Page'=>'Utilizatorul Curent','First Page'=>'Pagina principală','Previous Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','Next Page'=>'Pagina principală','Last Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','No block types exist'=>'Nu există nicio pagină de opțiuni','No options pages exist'=>'Nu există nicio pagină de opțiuni','Deactivate License'=>'Dezactivează Licența','Activate License'=>'Activează Licența','License Key'=>'Cod de activare','Retry Activation'=>'O validare mai bună','Update Information'=>'Actualizează infromațiile','Current Version'=>'Versiunea curentă','Latest Version'=>'Ultima versiune','Update Available'=>'Sunt disponibile actualizări','Upgrade Notice'=>'Anunț Actualizări','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Te rog sa introduci codul de activare în câmpul de mai sus pentru a permite actualizări','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizează Modulul','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Te rog sa introduci codul de activare în câmpul de mai sus pentru a permite actualizări']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ro_RO','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['WP Engine logo'=>'Logo WP Engine','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit nicio taxonomie la gunoi','No Taxonomies found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio taxonomie','Search Taxonomies'=>'Caută taxonomii','View Taxonomy'=>'Vezi taxonomia','New Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie nouă','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Editează taxonomia','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă o taxonomie nouă','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun tip de articol la gunoi','No Post Types found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun tip de articol','Search Post Types'=>'Caută tipuri de articol','View Post Type'=>'Vezi tipul de articol','New Post Type'=>'Tip de articol nou','Edit Post Type'=>'Editează tipul de articol','Add New Post Type'=>'Adaugă un tip de articol nou','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Cheia tipului de articol trebuie să aibă mai puțin de 20 de caractere.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'Editor WYSIWYG','URL'=>'URL','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrează după stare articol','nounClone'=>'Clonare','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avansate','Invalid post ID.'=>'ID-ul articolului nu este valid.','Tutorial'=>'Tutorial','Select Field'=>'Selectează câmpul','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Încearcă un alt termen de căutare sau răsfoiește %s','Popular fields'=>'Câmpuri populare','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Niciun rezultat de căutare pentru „%s”','Search fields...'=>'Caută câmpuri...','Select Field Type'=>'Selectează tipul de câmp','Popular'=>'Populare','Add Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă o taxonomie','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Adaugă prima ta taxonomie','Customize the query variable name'=>'Personalizează numele variabilei de interogare','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Personalizează descriptorul folosit în URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Legăturile permanente pentru această taxonomie sunt dezactivate.','Taxonomy Key'=>'Cheie taxonomie','Quick Edit'=>'Editare rapidă','Tag Cloud'=>'Nor de etichete','← Go to tags'=>'← Mergi la etichete','← Go to %s'=>'← Mergi la %s','Tags list'=>'Listă cu etichete','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu etichete','Filter by category'=>'Filtrează după categorie','Filter By Item'=>'Filtrează după element','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrează după %s','Parent Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp părinte','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'„Descriptorul” este versiunea prietenoasă a URL-ului pentru nume. De obicei, are numai minuscule și este compus din litere, cifre și cratime.','Slug Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp descriptor','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Numele este așa cum apare pe site-ul tău','Name Field Description'=>'Descriere câmp nume','No tags'=>'Nicio etichetă','No Terms'=>'Niciun termen','No tags found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio etichetă','Not Found'=>'Nu am găsit','Most Used'=>'Cel mai mult folosite','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Alege dintre etichetele cel mai mult folosite','Choose From Most Used'=>'Alege dintre cele mai mult folosite','Add or remove tags'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură etichete','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură elemente','Add or remove %s'=>'Adaugă sau înlătură %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separă etichetele cu virgule','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separă elementele cu virgule','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separă %s cu virgule','Popular Tags'=>'Etichete populare','Popular Items'=>'Elemente populare','Popular %s'=>'%s populare','Search Tags'=>'Caută etichete','Parent Category:'=>'Categorie părinte:','Parent Category'=>'Categorie părinte','Parent Item'=>'Element părinte','Parent %s'=>'%s părinte','New Tag Name'=>'Nume etichetă nouă','New Item Name'=>'Nume element nou','Add New Tag'=>'Adaugă o etichetă nouă','Update Tag'=>'Actualizează eticheta','Update Item'=>'Actualizează elementul','Update %s'=>'Actualizează %s','View Tag'=>'Vezi eticheta','Edit Tag'=>'Editează eticheta','All Tags'=>'Toate etichetele','Menu Label'=>'Etichetă meniu','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Taxonomiile active sunt activate și înregistrate cu WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'Un rezumat descriptiv al taxonomiei.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'Un rezumat descriptiv al termenului.','Term Description'=>'Descriere termen','Term Slug'=>'Descriptor termen','The name of the default term.'=>'Numele termenului implicit.','Term Name'=>'Nume termen','Default Term'=>'Termen implicit','Sort Terms'=>'Sortează termenii','Add Post Type'=>'Adaugă un tip de articol','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Adaugă primul tău tip de articol','Advanced Configuration'=>'Configurare avansată','Show In REST API'=>'Arată în REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Personalizează numele variabilei de interogare.','Query Variable'=>'Variabilă pentru interogare','Custom Query Variable'=>'Variabilă personalizată pentru interogare','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Descriptor personalizat pentru URL-ul arhivei.','Archive Slug'=>'Descriptor arhivă','Archive'=>'Arhivă','Pagination'=>'Paginație','Feed URL'=>'URL flux','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Personalizează descriptorul folosit în URL.','URL Slug'=>'Descriptor URL','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Legăturile permanente pentru acest tip de articol sunt dezactivate.','Custom Permalink'=>'Legături permanente personalizate','Exclude From Search'=>'Exclude din căutare','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Arată în bara de administrare','Menu Position'=>'Poziție meniu','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Arată în meniul de administrare','Show In UI'=>'Arată în UI','A link to a post.'=>'O legătură la un articol.','A link to a %s.'=>'O legătură la un %s.','Post Link'=>'Legătură la articol','Item Link'=>'Legătură la element','%s Link'=>'Legătură la %s','Post updated.'=>'Am actualizat articolul.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'În notificarea din editor după ce un element este actualizat.','Item Updated'=>'Am actualizat elementul','%s updated.'=>'Am actualizat %s.','Post scheduled.'=>'Am programat articolul.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după programarea unui element.','Item Scheduled'=>'Am programat elementul','%s scheduled.'=>'Am programat %s.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Articolul a revenit la ciornă.','Post published privately.'=>'Am publicat articolul ca privat.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după publicarea unui element privat.','Item Published Privately'=>'Am publicat elementul ca privat','%s published privately.'=>'Am publicat %s ca privat.','Post published.'=>'Am publicat articolul.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'În notificarea din editor după publicarea unui element.','Item Published'=>'Am publicat elementul','%s published.'=>'Am publicat %s.','Posts list'=>'Listă cu articole','Items List'=>'Listă cu elemente','%s list'=>'Listă cu %s','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu articole','Items List Navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu elemente','%s list navigation'=>'Navigare în lista cu %s','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrează articolele după dată','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrează elementele după dată','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrează %s după dată','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrează lista cu articole','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrează lista cu elemente','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrează lista cu %s','Insert into post'=>'Inserează în articol','Insert into %s'=>'Inserează în %s','Use as featured image'=>'Folosește ca imagine reprezentativă','Use Featured Image'=>'Folosește imaginea reprezentativă','Remove featured image'=>'Înlătură imaginea reprezentativă','Remove Featured Image'=>'Înlătură imaginea reprezentativă','Set featured image'=>'Stabilește imaginea reprezentativă','Post Attributes'=>'Atribute articol','%s Attributes'=>'Atribute %s','Post Archives'=>'Arhive articole','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Meniu de navigare în arhive','%s Archives'=>'Arhive %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun articol la gunoi','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun element la gunoi','No %s found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun %s la gunoi','No posts found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun articol','No Items Found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun element','No %s found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun %s','Search Posts'=>'Caută articole','Search Items'=>'Caută elemente','Search %s'=>'Caută %s','Parent Page:'=>'Pagină părinte:','Parent %s:'=>'%s părinte:','New Post'=>'Articol nou','New Item'=>'Element nou','New %s'=>'%s nou','Add New Post'=>'Adaugă articol nou','Add New Item'=>'Adaugă element nou','Add New %s'=>'Adaugă %s nou','View Posts'=>'Vezi articolele','View Items'=>'Vezi elementele','View Post'=>'Vezi articolul','View Item'=>'Vezi elementul','View %s'=>'Vezi %s','Edit Post'=>'Editează articolul','Edit Item'=>'Editează elementul','Edit %s'=>'Editează %s','All Posts'=>'Toate articolele','All Items'=>'Toate elementele','All %s'=>'Toate %s','Menu Name'=>'Nume meniu','Regenerate'=>'Regenerează','Editor'=>'Editor','Trackbacks'=>'Trackback-uri','Browse Fields'=>'Răsfoiește câmpurile','Nothing to import'=>'Nimic pentru import','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Importul taxonomiilor a eșuat.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Importul tipurilor de articol a eșuat.','Imported 1 item'=>'Am importat un element' . "\0" . 'Am importat %s elemente' . "\0" . 'Am importat %s de elemente','Select Taxonomies'=>'Selectează taxonomiile','Select Post Types'=>'Selectează tipurile de articol','Exported 1 item.'=>'Am exportat un element.' . "\0" . 'Am exportat %s elemente.' . "\0" . 'Am exportat %s de elemente.','Category'=>'Categorie','Tag'=>'Etichetă','%s taxonomy created'=>'Am creat taxonomia %s','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Am actualizat taxonomia %s','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna taxonomiei.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Am programat taxonomia.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Am trimis taxonomia.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Am salvat taxonomia.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Am șters taxonomia.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Am actualizat taxonomia.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de taxonomii.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de taxonomii.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Am activat taxonomia.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s taxonomii.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de taxonomii.','Terms'=>'Termeni','Post type synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post type activated.'=>'Am activat tipul de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s tipuri de articol.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de tipuri de articol.','Post Types'=>'Tipuri de articol','Advanced Settings'=>'Setări avansate','Basic Settings'=>'Setări de bază','Pages'=>'Pagini','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Leagă grupurile de câmpuri existente','%s post type created'=>'Am creat tipul de articol %s','Add fields to %s'=>'Adaugă câmpuri la %s','%s post type updated'=>'Am actualizat tipul de articol %s','Post type draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna tipului de articol.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Am programat tipul de articol.','Post type submitted.'=>'Am trimis tipul de articol.','Post type saved.'=>'Am salvat tipul de articol.','Post type updated.'=>'Am actualizat tipul de articol.','Post type deleted.'=>'Am șters tipul de articol.','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomie','post type'=>'tip de articol','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Am legat cu succes grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Înregistrarea a eșuat','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Permisiuni','URLs'=>'URL-uri','Visibility'=>'Vizibilitate','Labels'=>'Etichete','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','Close Modal'=>'Închide fereastra modală','Field moved to other group'=>'Am mutat câmpul la un alt grup','Close modal'=>'Închide fereastra modală','New Tab Group'=>'Grup de file nou','Save Custom Values'=>'Salvează valorile personalizate','Allow Custom Values'=>'Permite valori personalizate','Updates'=>'Actualizări','Save Changes'=>'Salvează modificările','Field Group Title'=>'Titlu grup de câmpuri','Add title'=>'Adaugă titlu','Add Field Group'=>'Adaugă un grup de câmpuri','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Adaugă primul tău grup de câmpuri','Options Pages'=>'Pagini opțiuni','ACF Blocks'=>'Blocuri ACF','Flexible Content Field'=>'Câmp cu conținut flexibil','Delete Field Group'=>'Șterge grupul de câmpuri','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Creat pe %1$s la %2$s','Add Your First Field'=>'Adaugă primul tău câmp','Add Field'=>'Adaugă câmp','Presentation'=>'Prezentare','Validation'=>'Validare','General'=>'Generale','Field group deactivated.'=>'Am dezactivat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am dezactivat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Field group activated.'=>'Am activat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am activat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Deactivate'=>'Dezactivează','Deactivate this item'=>'Dezactivează acest element','Activate'=>'Activează','Activate this item'=>'Activează acest element','Move field group to trash?'=>'Muți grupul de câmpuri la gunoi?','Invalid request.'=>'Cererea nu este validă.','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s trebuie să aibă termenul %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s trebuie să aibă unul dintre următorii termeni: %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s trebuie să aibă unul dintre următorii termeni: %2$s.','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s trebuie să aibă un ID valid pentru articol.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s are nevoie de un ID valid pentru atașament.','Show in REST API'=>'Arată în REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Activează transparența','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Actualizează la PRO','post statusActive'=>'Activ','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'„%s” nu este o adresă de email validă','Color value'=>'Valoare culoare','Select default color'=>'Selectează culoarea implicită','Clear color'=>'Șterge culoarea','Blocks'=>'Blocuri','Options'=>'Opțiuni','Users'=>'Utilizatori','Menu items'=>'Elemente de meniu','Widgets'=>'Piese','Attachments'=>'Atașamente','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomii','Posts'=>'Articole','Last updated: %s'=>'Ultima actualizare: %s','Import'=>'Importă','Visit website'=>'Vizitează site-ul web','View details'=>'Vezi detaliile','Version %s'=>'Versiunea %s','Information'=>'Informații','Help & Support'=>'Ajutor și suport','Overview'=>'Prezentare generală','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Tipul de locație „%s” este deja înregistrat.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Clasa „%s” nu există.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Nunicul nu este valid.','Error loading field.'=>'Eroare la încărcarea câmpului.','Location not found: %s'=>'Nu am găsit locația: %s','Error: %s'=>'Eroare: %s','Widget'=>'Piesă','User Role'=>'Rol utilizator','Comment'=>'Comentariu','Post Format'=>'Format de articol','Menu Item'=>'Element de meniu','Post Status'=>'Stare articol','Menus'=>'Meniuri','Menu Locations'=>'Locații pentru meniuri','Menu'=>'Meniu','Post Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie articol','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Pagină copil (are părinte)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Pagină părinte (are copii)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Pagină de primul nivel (fără părinte)','Posts Page'=>'Pagină articole','Front Page'=>'Pagina din față','Page Type'=>'Tip de pagină','Viewing back end'=>'Vizualizare în partea administrativă','Viewing front end'=>'Vizualizare în partea din față','Logged in'=>'Autentificat','Current User'=>'Utilizator curent','Page Template'=>'Șablon de pagini','Register'=>'Înregistrează','Add / Edit'=>'Adaugă/editează','Page Parent'=>'Părinte pagină','Super Admin'=>'Super-administrator','Current User Role'=>'Rol utilizator curent','Default Template'=>'Șablon implicit','Post Template'=>'Șablon de articole','Post Category'=>'Categorie de articole','All %s formats'=>'Toate formatele %s','Attachment'=>'Atașament','%s value is required'=>'Valoarea %s este obligatorie','Show this field if'=>'Arată acest câmp dacă','Conditional Logic'=>'Condiționalitate logică','and'=>'și','Local JSON'=>'JSON local','Clone Field'=>'Clonează câmpul','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Este necesară actualizarea bazei de date','Options Page'=>'Pagină opțiuni','Gallery'=>'Galerie','Flexible Content'=>'Conținut flexibil','Repeater'=>'Repeater','Back to all tools'=>'Înapoi la toate uneltele','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Dacă pe un ecran de editare apar mai multe grupuri de câmpuri, vor fi folosite opțiunile pentru primul grup de câmpuri (cel care are numărul de ordine cel mai mic)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Selectează elementele pe care le ascunzi în ecranul de editare.','Hide on screen'=>'Ascunde pe ecran','Send Trackbacks'=>'Trimite trackback-uri','Tags'=>'Etichete','Categories'=>'Categorii','Page Attributes'=>'Atribute pagină','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Autor','Slug'=>'Descriptor','Revisions'=>'Revizii','Comments'=>'Comentarii','Discussion'=>'Discuții','Excerpt'=>'Rezumat','Content Editor'=>'Editor de conținut','Permalink'=>'Legătură permanentă','Below fields'=>'Sub câmpuri','Below labels'=>'Sub etichete','Instruction Placement'=>'Plasare instrucțiuni','Label Placement'=>'Plasare etichetă','Side'=>'Lateral','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (după conținut)','Position'=>'Poziție','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Omogen (fără casetă meta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (casetă meta WP)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tip','Key'=>'Cheie','Order'=>'Ordine','Close Field'=>'Închide câmpul','id'=>'ID','class'=>'clasă','width'=>'lățime','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Atribute învelitoare','Required'=>'Obligatoriu','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instrucțiuni pentru autori. Sunt arătate când se trimit date','Instructions'=>'Instrucțiuni','Field Type'=>'Tip de câmp','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Un singur cuvânt, fără spații. Sunt permise liniuțe-jos și cratime','Field Name'=>'Nume câmp','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Acesta este numele care va apărea în pagina EDITEAZĂ','Field Label'=>'Etichetă câmp','Delete'=>'Șterge','Delete field'=>'Șterge câmpul','Move'=>'Mută','Move field to another group'=>'Mută câmpul în alt grup','Edit field'=>'Editează câmpul','Drag to reorder'=>'Trage pentru a reordona','Show this field group if'=>'Arată acest grup de câmpuri dacă','No updates available.'=>'Nu este disponibilă nicio actualizare.','Upgrade failed.'=>'Actualizarea a eșuat.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Actualizarea este finalizată.','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Te rog selectează cel puțin un site pentru actualizare.','Site is up to date'=>'Site-ul este actualizat','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Trebuie actualizată baza de date a site-ului de %1$s la %2$s','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Actualizează site-urile','Add rule group'=>'Adaugă un grup de reguli','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Creează un set de reguli pentru a stabili ecranele de editare care vor folosi aceste câmpuri personalizate avansate','Rules'=>'Reguli','Copied'=>'Copiat','Copy to clipboard'=>'Copiază în clipboard','Select Field Groups'=>'Selectează grupurile de câmpuri','No field groups selected'=>'Nu ai selectat niciun grup de câmpuri','Generate PHP'=>'Generează PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportă grupurile de câmpuri','Import file empty'=>'Fișierul importat este gol','Incorrect file type'=>'Tip de fișier incorect','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Eroare la încărcarea fișierului. Te rog încearcă din nou','Import Field Groups'=>'Importă grupuri de câmpuri','Sync'=>'Sincronizează','Select %s'=>'Selectează %s','Duplicate'=>'Fă duplicat','Duplicate this item'=>'Fă un duplicat al acestui element','Documentation'=>'Documentație','Description'=>'Descriere','Sync available'=>'Sincronizarea este disponibilă','Field group synchronized.'=>'Am sincronizat grupul de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s grupuri de câmpuri.' . "\0" . 'Am sincronizat %s de grupuri de câmpuri.','Active (%s)'=>'Activ (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)' . "\0" . 'Active (%s)','Upgrade Database'=>'Actualizează baza de date','Custom Fields'=>'Câmpuri personalizate','Move Field'=>'Mută câmpul','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Te rog selectează destinația pentru acest câmp','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Câmpul %1$s poate fi găsit acum în grupul de câmpuri %2$s','Field Keys'=>'Chei câmp','Settings'=>'Setări','Location'=>'Locație','(this field)'=>'(acest câmp)','Checked'=>'Bifat','Move Custom Field'=>'Mută câmpul personalizat','Field group title is required'=>'Titlul grupului de câmpuri este obligatoriu','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Acest câmp nu poate fi mutat până când nu îi salvezi modificările','Field group draft updated.'=>'Am actualizat ciorna grupului de câmpuri.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Am programat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group submitted.'=>'Am trimis grupul de câmpuri.','Field group saved.'=>'Am salvat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group published.'=>'Am publicat grupul de câmpuri.','Field group deleted.'=>'Am șters grupul de câmpuri.','Field group updated.'=>'Am actualizat grupul de câmpuri.','Tools'=>'Unelte','is not equal to'=>'nu este egal cu','is equal to'=>'este egal cu','Forms'=>'Formulare','Page'=>'Pagină','Post'=>'Articol','Basic'=>'De bază','Field type does not exist'=>'Tipul de câmp nu există','Spam Detected'=>'Am detectat spam','Post updated'=>'Am actualizat articolul','Update'=>'Actualizează','Validate Email'=>'Validează emailul','Content'=>'Conținut','Title'=>'Titlu','Edit field group'=>'Editează grupul de câmpuri','Value is less than'=>'Valoarea este mai mică decât','Value is greater than'=>'Valoarea este mai mare decât','Value contains'=>'Valoarea conține','Value is not equal to'=>'Valoarea nu este egală cu','Value is equal to'=>'Valoarea este egală cu','Has no value'=>'Nu are o valoare','Has any value'=>'Are orice valoare','Cancel'=>'Anulează','Are you sure?'=>'Sigur?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d câmpuri necesită atenție','1 field requires attention'=>'Un câmp necesită atenție','Validation failed'=>'Validarea a eșuat','Validation successful'=>'Validare făcută cu succes','Collapse Details'=>'Restrânge detaliile','Expand Details'=>'Extinde detaliile','verbUpdate'=>'Actualizează','verbEdit'=>'Editează','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Modificările pe care le-ai făcut se vor pierde dacă părăsești această pagină','File type must be %s.'=>'Tipul de fișier trebuie să fie %s.','or'=>'sau','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Dimensiunea fișierului nu trebuie să depășească %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Dimensiunea fișierului trebuie să aibă cel puțin %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Înălțimea imaginii nu trebuie să depășească %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Înălțimea imaginii trebuie să fie de cel puțin %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Lățimea imaginii nu trebuie să depășească %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Lățimea imaginii trebuie să aibă cel puțin %d px.','(no title)'=>'(fără titlu)','Full Size'=>'Dimensiune completă','Large'=>'Mare','Medium'=>'Medie','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatură','(no label)'=>'(fără etichetă)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Setează înălțimea zonei text','Rows'=>'Rânduri','Text Area'=>'Zonă text','Archives'=>'Arhive','Page Link'=>'Legătură la pagină','Add'=>'Adaugă','Name'=>'Nume','%s added'=>'Am adăugat %s','Term ID'=>'ID termen','Term Object'=>'Obiect termen','Load Terms'=>'Încarcă termeni','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Conectează termenii selectați la articol','Save Terms'=>'Salvează termenii','Create Terms'=>'Creează termeni','Radio Buttons'=>'Butoane radio','Multiple Values'=>'Mai multe valori','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Selectează aspectul acestui câmp','Appearance'=>'Aspect','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Selectează taxonomia care să fie afișată','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie egală sau mai mică decât %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie egală sau mai mare decât %d','Value must be a number'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie un număr','Number'=>'Număr','Radio Button'=>'Buton radio','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Restricționează fișierele care pot fi încărcate','File ID'=>'ID fișier','File URL'=>'URL fișier','File Array'=>'Tablou de fișiere','Add File'=>'Adaugă fișier','No file selected'=>'Nu ai selectat niciun fișier','File name'=>'Nume fișier','Update File'=>'Actualizează fișierul','Edit File'=>'Editează fișierul','Select File'=>'Selectează fișierul','File'=>'Fișier','Password'=>'Parolă','Specify the value returned'=>'Specifică valoarea returnată','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Introdu fiecare valoare implicită pe un rând nou','verbSelect'=>'Selectează','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Încărcarea a eșuat','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Caut...','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Încarc mai multe rezultate...','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Poți să selectezi numai %d elemente','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Poți să selectezi numai un singur element','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Te rog să ștergi %d caractere','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Te rog să ștergi un caracter','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Te rog să introduci %d sau mai multe caractere','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Te rog să introduci cel puțin un caracter','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'Sunt disponibile %d rezultate, folosește tastele săgeată sus și săgeată jos pentru a naviga.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Este disponibil un rezultat, apasă pe Enter pentru a-l selecta.','nounSelect'=>'Selectează','User ID'=>'ID utilizator','User Object'=>'Obiect utilizator','User Array'=>'Tablou de utilizatori','All user roles'=>'Toate rolurile de utilizator','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrează după rol','User'=>'Utilizator','Separator'=>'Separator','Select Color'=>'Selectează culoarea','Default'=>'Implicită','Clear'=>'Șterge','Color Picker'=>'Selector de culoare','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Selectează','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gata','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Acum','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Fus orar','Endpoint'=>'Punct-final','Placement'=>'Plasare','Tab'=>'Filă','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Valoarea trebuie să fie un URL valid','Link Array'=>'Tablou de legături','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Se deschide într-o fereastră/filă nouă','Select Link'=>'Selectează legătura','Link'=>'Legătură','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Mărime pas','Maximum Value'=>'Valoare maximă','Minimum Value'=>'Valoare minimă','Label'=>'Etichetă','Value'=>'Valoare','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Pentru un control mai bun, poți specifica atât o valoare cât și o etichetă, de exemplu:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Introdu fiecare alegere pe un rând nou.','Allow Null'=>'Permite o valoare nulă','Parent'=>'Părinte','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE nu va fi inițializat până când câmpul nu este bifat','Delay Initialization'=>'Întârzie inițializarea','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Arată butoanele de încărcare Media','Toolbar'=>'Bară de unelte','Text Only'=>'Numai text','Visual Only'=>'Numai vizual','Visual & Text'=>'Vizual și text','Tabs'=>'File','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Dă clic pentru a inițializa TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Vizual','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Valoarea nu trebuie să depășească %d caractere','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lasă gol pentru fără limită','Character Limit'=>'Număr limită de caractere','Appears after the input'=>'Apare după intrare','Append'=>'Adaugă după','Appears before the input'=>'Apare înainte de intrare','Prepend'=>'Adaugă înainte','Appears within the input'=>'Apare în intrare','Placeholder Text'=>'Text substituent','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Apare la crearea unui articol nou','Text'=>'Text','Post ID'=>'ID articol','Post Object'=>'Obiect articol','Maximum Posts'=>'Număr maxim de articole','Minimum Posts'=>'Număr minim de articole','Featured Image'=>'Imagine reprezentativă','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Elementele selectate vor fi afișate în fiecare rezultat','Elements'=>'Elemente','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomie','Post Type'=>'Tip de articol','Filters'=>'Filtre','All taxonomies'=>'Toate taxonomiile','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrează după taxonomie','All post types'=>'Toate tipurile de articol','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrează după tipul de articol','Search...'=>'Caută...','Select taxonomy'=>'Selectează taxonomia','Select post type'=>'Selectează tipul de articol','No matches found'=>'Nu am găsit nicio potrivire','Loading'=>'Încarc','Relationship'=>'Relație','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Listă separată prin virgulă. Lăsați liber pentru toate tipurile','Allowed File Types'=>'Tipuri de fișier permise','Maximum'=>'Maxim','File size'=>'Dimensiune fișier','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Restricționează imaginile care pot fi încărcate','Minimum'=>'Minim','Uploaded to post'=>'Încărcate pentru acest articol','All'=>'Tot','Limit the media library choice'=>'Limitați alegerea librăriei media','Library'=>'Bibliotecă','Preview Size'=>'Dimensiune previzualizare','Image ID'=>'ID imagine','Image URL'=>'URL imagine','Image Array'=>'Tablou de imagini','Return Value'=>'Valoare returnată','Add Image'=>'Adaugă o imagine','No image selected'=>'Nu ai selectat nicio imagine','Remove'=>'Înlătură','Edit'=>'Editează','All images'=>'Toate imaginile','Update Image'=>'Actualizează imaginea','Edit Image'=>'Editează imaginea','Select Image'=>'Selectează o imagine','Image'=>'Imagine','No Formatting'=>'Fără formatare','Automatically add <br>'=>'Adaugă automat <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Adaugă automat paragrafe','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Controlează cum sunt randate liniile noi','New Lines'=>'Linii noi','Week Starts On'=>'Săptămâna începe','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatul folosit la salvarea unei valori','Save Format'=>'Salvează formatul','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Următor','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Azi','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Gata','Date Picker'=>'Selector de dată','Width'=>'Lățime','Embed Size'=>'Dimensiune înglobare','Enter URL'=>'Introdu URL-ul','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text arătat când este inactiv','Text shown when active'=>'Text arătat când este activ','Default Value'=>'Valoare implicită','Message'=>'Mesaj','No'=>'Nu','Yes'=>'Da','Row'=>'Rând','Table'=>'Tabel','Block'=>'Bloc','Layout'=>'Aranjament','Sub Fields'=>'Sub-câmpuri','Customize the map height'=>'Personalizează înălțimea hărții','Height'=>'Înălțime','Center the initial map'=>'Centrează harta inițială','Search for address...'=>'Caută adresa...','Find current location'=>'Găsește locația curentă','Search'=>'Caută','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Regret, acest navigator nu acceptă localizarea geografică','Return Format'=>'Format returnat','Custom:'=>'Personalizat:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Formatul afișat la editarea unui articol','Display Format'=>'Format de afișare','Time Picker'=>'Selector de oră','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inactive (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun câmp la gunoi','No Fields found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun câmp','Search Fields'=>'Caută câmpuri','View Field'=>'Vezi câmpul','New Field'=>'Câmp nou','Edit Field'=>'Editează câmpul','Add New Field'=>'Adaugă un nou câmp','Field'=>'Câmp','Fields'=>'Câmpuri','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri la gunoi','No Field Groups found'=>'Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri','Search Field Groups'=>'Caută grupuri de câmpuri','View Field Group'=>'Vezi grupul de câmpuri','New Field Group'=>'Grup de câmpuri nou','Edit Field Group'=>'Editează grupul de câmpuri','Add New Field Group'=>'Adaugă grup de câmpuri nou','Field Group'=>'Grup de câmpuri','Field Groups'=>'Grupuri de câmpuri','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Personalizează WordPress cu câmpuri puternice, profesionale și intuitive.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Câmpuri Avansate Personalizate PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s valoarea este obligatorie','%s settings'=>'Setări','Options Updated'=>'Opțiunile au fost actualizate','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Pentru a activa actualizările, este nevoie să introduci licența în pagina de actualizări. Dacă nu ai o licență, verifică aici detaliile și prețul.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Check Again'=>'Verifică din nou','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Publish'=>'Publică','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Nu a fost găsit nici un grup de câmpuri personalizate. Creează un Grup de Câmpuri Personalizat','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Eroare. Conexiunea cu servărul a fost pierdută','Display'=>'Arată','Unknown field'=>'Câmp necunoscut','Unknown field group'=>'Grup de câmpuri necunoscut','Add Row'=>'Adaugă o linie nouă','layout'=>'schemă' . "\0" . 'schemă' . "\0" . 'schemă','layouts'=>'scheme','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Acest câmp necesită cel puțin {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Acest câmp are o limită de {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} disponibile (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} obligatoriu (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Conținutul Flexibil necesită cel puțin 1 schemă','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Apasă butonul "%s" de mai jos pentru a începe să îți creezi schema','Add layout'=>'Adaugă Schema','Duplicate layout'=>'Copiază Schema','Remove layout'=>'Înlătură Schema','Delete Layout'=>'Șterge Schema','Duplicate Layout'=>'Copiază Schema','Add New Layout'=>'Adaugă o Nouă Schemă','Add Layout'=>'Adaugă Schema','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Scheme Minime','Maximum Layouts'=>'Scheme Maxime','Button Label'=>'Buton Etichetă','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Adaugă imagini în Galerie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Selecția maximă atinsă','Length'=>'Lungime','Alt Text'=>'Text alternativ','Add to gallery'=>'Adaugă în galerie','Bulk actions'=>'Acțiuni în masă','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortează după data încărcării','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortează după data modficării','Sort by title'=>'Sortează după titlu','Reverse current order'=>'Inversează ordinea curentă','Close'=>'Închide','Minimum Selection'=>'Selecție minimă','Maximum Selection'=>'Selecție maximă','Allowed file types'=>'Tipuri de fișiere permise','Append to the end'=>'Adaugă la sfârșit','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Adaugă la început','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Numărul minim de linii a fost atins ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Numărul maxim de linii a fost atins ({max} rows)','Rows Per Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','Minimum Rows'=>'Numărul minim de Linii','Maximum Rows'=>'Numărul maxim de Linii','Click to reorder'=>'Trage pentru a reordona','Add row'=>'Adaugă linie','Duplicate row'=>'Copiază','Remove row'=>'Înlătură linie','Current Page'=>'Utilizatorul Curent','First Page'=>'Pagina principală','Previous Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','Next Page'=>'Pagina principală','Last Page'=>'Pagina Articolelor','No block types exist'=>'Nu există nicio pagină de opțiuni','No options pages exist'=>'Nu există nicio pagină de opțiuni','Deactivate License'=>'Dezactivează Licența','Activate License'=>'Activează Licența','License Key'=>'Cod de activare','Retry Activation'=>'O validare mai bună','Update Information'=>'Actualizează infromațiile','Current Version'=>'Versiunea curentă','Latest Version'=>'Ultima versiune','Update Available'=>'Sunt disponibile actualizări','Upgrade Notice'=>'Anunț Actualizări','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Te rog sa introduci codul de activare în câmpul de mai sus pentru a permite actualizări','Update Plugin'=>'Actualizează Modulul','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Te rog sa introduci codul de activare în câmpul de mai sus pentru a permite actualizări']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.mo
index acc27862..bb29cea2 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.po
index 22ede41e..40dbbb90 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ro_RO.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: ro_RO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Selectează câmpul"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Încearcă un alt termen de căutare sau răsfoiește %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Câmpuri populare"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Niciun rezultat de căutare pentru „%s”"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Caută câmpuri..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Selectează tipul de câmp"
@@ -2243,7 +2270,7 @@ msgstr "Trackback-uri"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Răsfoiește câmpurile"
@@ -2294,7 +2321,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2304,15 +2331,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Selectează taxonomiile"
@@ -2320,7 +2347,7 @@ msgstr "Selectează taxonomiile"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Selectează tipurile de articol"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Am exportat un element."
@@ -2373,7 +2400,7 @@ msgstr "Am șters taxonomia."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Am actualizat taxonomia."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2381,7 +2408,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Am sincronizat taxonomia."
@@ -2389,7 +2416,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Am sincronizat %s taxonomii."
msgstr[2] "Am sincronizat %s de taxonomii."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2397,7 +2424,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Am dezactivat taxonomia."
@@ -2405,19 +2432,19 @@ msgstr[1] "Am dezactivat %s taxonomii."
msgstr[2] "Am dezactivat %s de taxonomii."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Am activat taxonomia."
msgstr[1] "Am activat %s taxonomii."
msgstr[2] "Am activat %s de taxonomii."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termeni"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Am sincronizat tipul de articol."
@@ -2425,7 +2452,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Am sincronizat %s tipuri de articol."
msgstr[2] "Am sincronizat %s de tipuri de articol."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2433,7 +2460,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Am dezactivat tipul de articol."
@@ -2441,15 +2468,15 @@ msgstr[1] "Am dezactivat %s tipuri de articol."
msgstr[2] "Am dezactivat %s de tipuri de articol."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Am activat tipul de articol."
msgstr[1] "Am activat %s tipuri de articol."
msgstr[2] "Am activat %s de tipuri de articol."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2467,7 +2494,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Setări de bază"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2479,7 +2506,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pagini"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Leagă grupurile de câmpuri existente"
@@ -2523,16 +2550,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Am șters tipul de articol."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2553,75 +2580,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomie"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "tip de articol"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Am legat cu succes grupul de câmpuri."
msgstr[1] "Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri."
msgstr[2] "Am legat cu succes grupurile de câmpuri."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Înregistrarea a eșuat"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permisiuni"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL-uri"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Vizibilitate"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etichete"
@@ -2642,14 +2669,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Închide fereastra modală"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Am mutat câmpul la un alt grup"
@@ -2823,8 +2850,8 @@ msgstr "Prezentare"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validare"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
@@ -2832,12 +2859,12 @@ msgstr "Generale"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Am dezactivat grupul de câmpuri."
@@ -2845,38 +2872,38 @@ msgstr[1] "Am dezactivat %s grupuri de câmpuri."
msgstr[2] "Am dezactivat %s de grupuri de câmpuri."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Am activat grupul de câmpuri."
msgstr[1] "Am activat %s grupuri de câmpuri."
msgstr[2] "Am activat %s de grupuri de câmpuri."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Dezactivează"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Dezactivează acest element"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Activează"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Activează acest element"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Muți grupul de câmpuri la gunoi?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2889,13 +2916,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2972,7 +2999,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Actualizează la PRO"
@@ -3024,8 +3051,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Atașamente"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3035,7 +3062,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomii"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3054,49 +3081,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importă"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr ""
@@ -3337,7 +3364,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Arată acest câmp dacă"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Condiționalitate logică"
@@ -3346,9 +3373,9 @@ msgstr "Condiționalitate logică"
msgid "and"
msgstr "și"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "JSON local"
@@ -3540,9 +3567,9 @@ msgstr "Stil"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tip"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Cheie"
@@ -3553,23 +3580,23 @@ msgstr "Cheie"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordine"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Închide câmpul"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "ID"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "clasă"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "lățime"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Atribute învelitoare"
@@ -3577,68 +3604,68 @@ msgstr "Atribute învelitoare"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatoriu"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instrucțiuni pentru autori. Sunt arătate când se trimit date"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instrucțiuni"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Tip de câmp"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Un singur cuvânt, fără spații. Sunt permise liniuțe-jos și cratime"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nume câmp"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Acesta este numele care va apărea în pagina EDITEAZĂ"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Etichetă câmp"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Șterge"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Șterge câmpul"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mută"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Mută câmpul în alt grup"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Editează câmpul"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Trage pentru a reordona"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Arată acest grup de câmpuri dacă"
@@ -3734,15 +3761,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Reguli"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Copiat"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiază în clipboard"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3750,22 +3777,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Selectează grupurile de câmpuri"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Nu ai selectat niciun grup de câmpuri"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generează PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportă grupurile de câmpuri"
@@ -3791,22 +3818,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importă grupuri de câmpuri"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sincronizează"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Selectează %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Fă duplicat"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Fă un duplicat al acestui element"
@@ -3814,13 +3841,14 @@ msgstr "Fă un duplicat al acestui element"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentație"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3829,13 +3857,13 @@ msgstr "Documentație"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descriere"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Sincronizarea este disponibilă"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Am sincronizat grupul de câmpuri."
@@ -3843,14 +3871,14 @@ msgstr[1] "Am sincronizat %s grupuri de câmpuri."
msgstr[2] "Am sincronizat %s de grupuri de câmpuri."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Activ (%s)"
@@ -3892,7 +3920,7 @@ msgstr "Câmpul %1$s poate fi găsit acum în grupul de câmpuri %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3907,7 +3935,7 @@ msgstr "Chei câmp"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Setări"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Locație"
@@ -3919,14 +3947,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(acest câmp)"
@@ -3937,14 +3965,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Bifat"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Mută câmpul personalizat"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr ""
@@ -3953,14 +3981,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Titlul grupului de câmpuri este obligatoriu"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Acest câmp nu poate fi mutat până când nu îi salvezi modificările"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
@@ -4128,8 +4156,8 @@ msgstr "Nu are o valoare"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Are orice valoare"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anulează"
@@ -4139,24 +4167,24 @@ msgstr "Anulează"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Sigur?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d câmpuri necesită atenție"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "Un câmp necesită atenție"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validarea a eșuat"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validare făcută cu succes"
@@ -4192,8 +4220,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editează"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Modificările pe care le-ai făcut se vor pierde dacă părăsești această pagină"
@@ -4207,10 +4235,10 @@ msgstr "Tipul de fișier trebuie să fie %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "sau"
@@ -4260,8 +4288,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatură"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(fără etichetă)"
@@ -5225,7 +5253,7 @@ msgstr "Nu ai selectat nicio imagine"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Înlătură"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5544,93 +5572,93 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Selector de oră"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[2] "Inactive (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Nu am găsit niciun câmp la gunoi"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Nu am găsit niciun câmp"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Caută câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Vezi câmpul"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Câmp nou"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Editează câmpul"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Adaugă un nou câmp"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Câmp"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri la gunoi"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Nu am găsit niciun grup de câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Caută grupuri de câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Vezi grupul de câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Grup de câmpuri nou"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Editează grupul de câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Adaugă grup de câmpuri nou"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Grup de câmpuri"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Grupuri de câmpuri"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.l10n.php
index 8b7de5f0..c1c082c2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ru_RU','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['4 Months Free'=>'4 месяца бесплатно',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Скопировано из %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Выберите страницы настроек','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Скопировать таксономию','Create taxonomy'=>'Создать таксономию','Duplicate post type'=>'Скопировать тип записи','Create post type'=>'Создать тип записи','Link field groups'=>'Привязать группы полей','Add fields'=>'Добавить поля','This Field'=>'Это поле','ACF PRO'=>'ACF (PRO)','Feedback'=>'Обратная связь','Support'=>'Поддержка','is developed and maintained by'=>'разработан и поддерживается','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Добавьте %s в правила местонахождения выбранных групп полей.','Target Field'=>'Целевое поле','Bidirectional'=>'Двунаправленный','%s Field'=>'%s поле','Select Multiple'=>'Выбор нескольких пунктов','WP Engine logo'=>'Логотип WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Только буквы нижнего регистра, подчеркивания и дефисы. Максимум 32 символа.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Возможность управления термами','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Больше инструментов от WP Engine','Learn More'=>'Читать больше','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Разблокируйте Дополнительные функции и сделайте больше с ACF Pro','%s fields'=>'%s поля','No terms'=>'Нет терминов','No post types'=>'Нет типов записей','No posts'=>'Нет записей','No taxonomies'=>'Нет таксономий','No field groups'=>'Нет групп полей','No fields'=>'Нет полей','No description'=>'Нет описания','Any post status'=>'Любой статус записи','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ таксономии уже используется другой таксономией, зарегистрированной вне ACF, и не может быть использован.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ таксономии уже используется другой таксономией в ACF и не может быть использован.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Ключ таксономии должен содержать только буквенно-цифровые символы в нижнем регистре, знак подчеркивания или тире.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Ключ таксономии должен содержать не более 32 символов.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено ни одной таксономии','No Taxonomies found'=>'Таксономии не найдены','Search Taxonomies'=>'Найти таксономии','View Taxonomy'=>'Смотреть таксономию','New Taxonomy'=>'Новая таксономия','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Править таксономию','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Добавить новую таксономию','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено ни одного типа записей','No Post Types found'=>'Типы записей не найдены','Search Post Types'=>'Найти типы записей','View Post Type'=>'Смотреть тип записи','New Post Type'=>'Новый тип записи','Edit Post Type'=>'Изменить тип записи','Add New Post Type'=>'Добавить новый тип записи','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ типа записи уже используется другим типом записи, зарегистрированным вне ACF, и не может быть использован.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ типа записи уже используется другим типом записи в ACF и не может быть использован.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Это поле является зарезервированным термином WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Ключ типа записи должен содержать только буквенно-цифровые символы в нижнем регистре, знак подчеркивания или тире.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Ключ типа записи должен содержать не более 20 символов.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Мы не рекомендуем использовать это поле в блоках ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Показывает WordPress WYSIWYG редактор такой же, как в Записях или Страницах и позволяет редактировать текст, а также мультимедийное содержимое.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG редактор','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Позволяет выбрать одного или нескольких пользователей, которые могут быть использованы для создания взаимосвязей между объектами данных.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Текстовый поле, специально разработанное для хранения веб-адресов.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Переключатель, позволяющий выбрать значение 1 или 0 (включено или выключено, истинно или ложно и т.д.). Может быть представлен в виде стилизованного переключателя или флажка.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Интерактивный пользовательский интерфейс для выбора времени. Формат времени можно настроить с помощью параметров поля.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Простая текстовая область для хранения абзацев текста.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Простое текстовое поле, предназначенное для хранения однострочных значений.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Позволяет выбрать один или несколько терминов таксономии на основе критериев и параметров, указанных в настройках полей.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Выпадающий список с заданными вариантами выбора.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Фильтр по статусу записи','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Ввод ограничен числовыми значениями.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Текстовый ввод, специально предназначенный для хранения адресов электронной почты.','nounClone'=>'Клонировать','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Дополнительно','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (более новая версия)','Original'=>'Оригинальный','Invalid post ID.'=>'Неверный ID записи.','More'=>'Читать далее','Tutorial'=>'Руководство','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Доступно с ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Выбрать поля','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Попробуйте другой поисковый запрос или просмотрите %s','Popular fields'=>'Популярные поля','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Нет результатов поиска для \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Поля поиска...','Select Field Type'=>'Выбрать тип поля','Popular'=>'Популярные','Add Taxonomy'=>'Добавить таксономию','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Создание пользовательских таксономий для классификации содержимого типов записей','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Добавьте свою первую таксономию','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Иерархические таксономии могут иметь потомков (например, категории).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Сделать видимой таксономию на фронтенде и в админпанели.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Один или несколько типов записей, которые можно классифицировать с помощью данной таксономии.','genre'=>'жанр','Genre'=>'Жанр','Genres'=>'Жанры','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Настроить слаг, используемое в URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Постоянные ссылки для этой таксономии отключены.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Перепишите URL, используя ключ таксономии в качестве слага. Ваша структура постоянных ссылок будет выглядеть следующим образом','Taxonomy Key'=>'Ключ таксономии','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Выберите тип постоянной ссылки для этой таксономии.','Show Admin Column'=>'Отображать столбец админа','Quick Edit'=>'Быстрое редактирование','Tag Cloud'=>'Облако меток','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Название PHP-функции, вызываемой для санации данных таксономии, сохраненных из мета-бокса.','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Имя PHP-функции, которая будет вызываться для обработки содержимого мета-бокса в вашей таксономии.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Регистрация обратного вызова метабокса','No Meta Box'=>'Отсутствует метабокс','Custom Meta Box'=>'Произвольный метабокс','Meta Box'=>'Блок метаданных','Categories Meta Box'=>'Категории метабокса','Tags Meta Box'=>'Теги метабокса','A link to a tag'=>'Ссылка на метку','A link to a %s'=>'Ссылка на %s','Tag Link'=>'Ссылка метки','← Go to tags'=>'← Перейти к меткам','Back To Items'=>'Вернуться к элементам','← Go to %s'=>'← Перейти к %s','Tags list'=>'Список меток','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Присваивает текст скрытому заголовку таблицы.','Tags list navigation'=>'Навигация по списку меток','Filter by category'=>'Фильтр по рубрике','Filter By Item'=>'Фильтр по элементу','Filter by %s'=>'Фильтр по %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Описание по умолчанию не отображается, однако некоторые темы могут его показывать.','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Назначьте родительский термин для создания иерархии. Термин "Джаз", например, будет родителем для "Бибопа" и "Биг-бэнда".','Slug Field Description'=>'Описание поля слага','Name Field Description'=>'Описание имени слага','No tags'=>'Меток нет','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Назначает текст, отображаемый в таблицах постов и списка медиафайлов при отсутствии тегов и категорий.','No Terms'=>'Нет терминов','No %s'=>'Нет %s','No tags found'=>'Метки не найдены','Not Found'=>'Не найдено','Most Used'=>'Часто используемое','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Выбрать из часто используемых меток','Choose From Most Used'=>'Выберите из наиболее часто используемых','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Выберите из наиболее часто используемых %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Добавить или удалить метки','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Добавить или удалить элементы','Add or remove %s'=>'Добавить или удалить %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Метки разделяются запятыми','Separate %s with commas'=>'Разделять %s запятыми','Popular Tags'=>'Популярные метки','Popular Items'=>'Популярные элементы','Popular %s'=>'Популярные %s','Search Tags'=>'Поиск меток','Assigns search items text.'=>'Назначает текст элементов поиска.','Parent Category:'=>'Родительская рубрика:','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Родительский элемент через двоеточие','Parent Category'=>'Родительская рубрика','Parent Item'=>'Родительский элемент','Parent %s'=>'Родитель %s','New Tag Name'=>'Название новой метки','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Присваивает новый текст названия элемента.','New Item Name'=>'Название нового элемента','New %s Name'=>'Новое %s название','Add New Tag'=>'Добавить новую метку','Update Tag'=>'Обновить метку','Update Item'=>'Обновить элемент','Update %s'=>'Обновить %s','View Tag'=>'Просмотреть метку','Edit Tag'=>'Изменить метку','All Tags'=>'Все метки','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Назначает всем элементам текст.','Menu Label'=>'Этикетка меню','Term Description'=>'Описание термина','Term Slug'=>'Ярлык термина','Term Name'=>'Название термина','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Создайте термин для таксономии, который не может быть удален. По умолчанию он не будет выбран для записей.','Add Post Type'=>'Добавить тип записи','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Добавьте свой первый тип записи','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Я знаю, что делаю, покажи мне все варианты.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Расширенная конфигурация','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Иерархические типы записей могут иметь потомков (например, страницы).','Hierarchical'=>'Иерархическая','Public'=>'Открыто','movie'=>'фильм','Movie'=>'Фильм','Singular Label'=>'Одиночная этикетка','Movies'=>'Фильмы','Plural Label'=>'Подпись множественного числа','Controller Class'=>'Класс контроллера','Base URL'=>'Базовый URL','Show In REST API'=>'Показывать в REST API','No Query Variable Support'=>'Нет поддержки переменных запросов','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Доступ к URL-адресам элемента и элементов можно получить с помощью строки запроса.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Публично запрашиваемый','Archive Slug'=>'Ярлык архива','Archive'=>'Архив','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Поддержка пагинации для URL элементов, таких как архивы.','Pagination'=>'Разделение на страницы','Feed URL'=>'URL фида','URL Slug'=>'Ярлык URL','Custom Permalink'=>'Произвольная постоянная ссылка','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Удаление элементов, созданных пользователем, при удалении этого пользователя.','Delete With User'=>'Удалить вместе с пользователем','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Разрешить экспорт типа сообщения из «Инструменты»> «Экспорт».','Can Export'=>'Можно экспортировать','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Выберите другой тип записи, чтобы использовать возможности этого типа записи.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Поддержка меню внешнего вида','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Показать на панели админа','Menu Icon'=>'Значок меню','Menu Position'=>'Позиция меню','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Родительское меню администратора','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Показывать в меню админа','A link to a post.'=>'Ссылка на запись.','Item Link Description'=>'Описание ссылки на элемент','A link to a %s.'=>'Ссылка на %s.','Post Link'=>'Ссылка записи','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Заголовок для вариации блока навигационных ссылок.','Item Link'=>'Ссылка элемента','%s Link'=>'Cсылка на %s','Post updated.'=>'Запись обновлена.','Item Updated'=>'Элемент обновлен','%s updated.'=>'%s обновлён.','Post scheduled.'=>'Запись запланирована к публикации.','Item Scheduled'=>'Элемент запланирован','%s scheduled.'=>'%s запланировано.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Запись возвращена в черновики.','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s преобразован в черновик.','Post published privately.'=>'Запись опубликована как личная.','%s published privately.'=>'%s опубликована приватно.','Post published.'=>'Запись опубликована.','Item Published'=>'Элемент опубликован','%s published.'=>'%s опубликовано.','Posts list'=>'Список записей','Items List'=>'Список элементов','%s list'=>'%s список','Posts list navigation'=>'Навигация по списку записей','%s list navigation'=>'%s навигация по списку','Filter posts by date'=>'Фильтровать записи по дате','Filter Items By Date'=>'Фильтровать элементы по дате','Filter %s by date'=>'Фильтр %s по дате','Filter posts list'=>'Фильтровать список записей','Filter %s list'=>'Фильтровать список %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Загружено в этот элемент','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Загружено в это %s','Insert into post'=>'Вставить в запись','Insert into %s'=>'Вставить в %s','Use as featured image'=>'Использовать как изображение записи','Use Featured Image'=>'Использовать изображение записи','Remove featured image'=>'Удалить изображение записи','Remove Featured Image'=>'Удалить изображение записи','Set featured image'=>'Задать изображение','Set Featured Image'=>'Задать изображение записи','Featured image'=>'Изображение записи','Post Attributes'=>'Свойства записи','%s Attributes'=>'Атрибуты %s','Post Archives'=>'Архивы записей','%s Archives'=>'Архивы %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Записей в корзине не найдено','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Элементы не найдены в корзине','No %s found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено %s','No posts found'=>'Записей не найдено','No Items Found'=>'Элементов не найдено','No %s found'=>'Не найдено %s','Search Posts'=>'Поиск записей','Search Items'=>'Поиск элементов','Search %s'=>'Поиск %s','Parent Page:'=>'Родительская страница:','Parent %s:'=>'Родитель %s:','New Post'=>'Новая запись','New Item'=>'Новый элемент','New %s'=>'Новый %s','Add New Post'=>'Добавить запись','Add New Item'=>'Добавить новый элемент','Add New %s'=>'Добавить новое %s','View Posts'=>'Просмотр записей','View Items'=>'Просмотр элементов','View Post'=>'Просмотреть запись','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'В панели администратора для просмотра элемента при его редактировании.','View Item'=>'Просмотреть элемент','View %s'=>'Посмотреть %s','Edit Post'=>'Редактировать запись','Edit Item'=>'Изменить элемент','Edit %s'=>'Изменить %s','All Posts'=>'Все записи','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'В подменю типа записи на административной консоли.','All Items'=>'Все элементы','All %s'=>'Все %s','Menu Name'=>'Название меню','Regenerate'=>'Регенерировать','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Описательная сводка типа поста.','Add Custom'=>'Добавить пользовательский','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Активируйте различные функции в редакторе содержимого.','Post Formats'=>'Форматы записей','Editor'=>'Редактор','Trackbacks'=>'Обратные ссылки','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Выберите существующие таксономии, чтобы классифицировать элементы типа записи.','Browse Fields'=>'Обзор полей','Nothing to import'=>'Импортировать нечего','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Плагин Custom Post Type UI можно деактивировать.','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Не удалось импортировать таксономии.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Не удалось импортировать типы записи.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Ничего из плагина Custom Post Type UI не выбрано для импорта.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Импорт из Custom Post Type UI','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Экспорт - Генерация PHP','Export'=>'Экспорт','Select Taxonomies'=>'Выбрать таксономии','Select Post Types'=>'Выбрать типы записи','Exported 1 item.'=>'Экспортирован 1 элемент.' . "\0" . 'Экспортировано %s элемента.' . "\0" . 'Экспортировано %s элементов.','Category'=>'Рубрика','Tag'=>'Метка','%s taxonomy created'=>'Таксономия %s создана','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Таксономия %s обновлена','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Черновик таксономии обновлен.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Таксономия запланирована на.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Таксономия отправлена.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Таксономия сохранена.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Таксономия удалена.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Таксономия обновлена.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Эта таксономия не может быть зарегистрирована, так как ее ключ используется другой таксономией, зарегистрированной другим плагином или темой.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Таксономия синхронизирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии синхронизированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий синхронизировано','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Таксономия дублирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии дублированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий дублировано','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Таксономия деактивирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии деактивированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий деактивировано','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Таксономия активирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии активированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий активировано','Terms'=>'Термины','Post type synchronized.'=>'Тип записей синхронизирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей синхронизированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей синхронизировано','Post type duplicated.'=>'Тип записей дублирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей дублированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей дублировано','Post type deactivated.'=>'Тип записей деактивирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей деактивированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей деактивировано','Post type activated.'=>'Тип записей активирован' . "\0" . '%s тип записей активированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей активировано','Post Types'=>'Типы записей','Advanced Settings'=>'Расширенные настройки','Basic Settings'=>'Базовые настройки','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Тип записей не может быть зарегистрирован, так как его ключ уже зарегистрирован другим плагином или темой.','Pages'=>'Страницы','%s post type created'=>'Тип записи %s создан','Add fields to %s'=>'Добавить поля в %s','%s post type updated'=>'Тип записи %s обновлен','Post type updated.'=>'Тип записей обновлен.','Post type deleted.'=>'Тип записей удален.','Type to search...'=>'Введите текст для поиска...','PRO Only'=>'Только для Про','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Группы полей связаны успешно.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Импортировать типы записей и таксономии, зарегистрированные через Custom Post Type UI, и управлять ими с помощью ACF. Начать.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'таксономия','post type'=>'тип записи','Done'=>'Готово','Field Group(s)'=>'Группа(ы) полей','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Выберите одну или несколько групп полей...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Пожалуйста, выберете группы полей, чтобы связать.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Группа полей связана успешно.' . "\0" . 'Группы полей связаны успешно.' . "\0" . 'Группы полей связаны успешно.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Регистрация не удалась','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Этот элемент не может быть зарегистрирован, так как его ключ используется другим элементом, зарегистрированным другим плагином или темой.','REST API'=>'Rest API','Permissions'=>'Разрешения','URLs'=>'URL-адреса','Visibility'=>'Видимость','Labels'=>'Этикетки','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Вкладки настроек полей','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Значение шорткода ACF отключено для предварительного просмотра]','Close Modal'=>'Закрыть модальное окно','Field moved to other group'=>'Поле перемещено в другую группу','Close modal'=>'Закрыть модальное окно','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Начать новую группу вкладок с этой вкладки.','New Tab Group'=>'Новая группа вкладок','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Используйте стилизованный флажок, используя select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Сохранить другой выбор','Allow Other Choice'=>'Разрешить другой выбор','Add Toggle All'=>'Добавить Переключить все','Save Custom Values'=>'Сохранить пользовательские значения','Allow Custom Values'=>'Разрешить пользовательские значения','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Пользовательские значения флажка не могут быть пустыми. Снимите флажки с пустых значений.','Updates'=>'Обновления','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Логотип дополнительных настраиваемых полей','Save Changes'=>'Сохранить изменения','Field Group Title'=>'Название группы полей','Add title'=>'Добавить заголовок','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Вы впервые в ACF? Ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством по началу работы.','Add Field Group'=>'Добавить группу полей','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF использует группы полей для группировки произвольных полей вместе, а затем присоединяет эти поля к экранным формам редактирования.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Добавьте первую группу полей','Options Pages'=>'Страницы настроек','ACF Blocks'=>'Блоки ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Поле галереи','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Разблокируйте дополнительные возможности с помощью ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Удалить группу полей','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Создано на %1$s в %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Настройки группы','Location Rules'=>'Правила местонахождения','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Выбирайте из более чем 30 типов полей. Подробнее.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Начните создавать новые пользовательские поля для ваших записей, страниц, пользовательских типов записей и другого содержимого WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Добавить первое поле','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Добавить поле','Presentation'=>'Презентация','Validation'=>'Валидация','General'=>'Общие','Import JSON'=>'Импорт JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Экспорт в формате JSON','Deactivate'=>'Деактивировать','Deactivate this item'=>'Деактивировать этот элемент','Activate'=>'Активировать','Activate this item'=>'Активировать этот элемент','Move field group to trash?'=>'Переместить группу полей в корзину?','post statusInactive'=>'Неактивна','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Продвинутые пользовательские поля и Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO не должны быть активны одновременно. Мы автоматически деактивировали Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Продвинутые пользовательские поля и Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO не должны быть активны одновременно. Мы автоматически деактивировали Продвинутые пользовательские поля.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Мы обнаружили один или несколько вызовов для получения значений ACF полей до момента инициализации ACF. Это неправильно и может привести к искажению или отсутствию данных. Узнайте, как это исправить.','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s должен иметь действительный ID пользователя.','Invalid request.'=>'Неверный запрос.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s не является одним из %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s должен иметь действительный ID записи.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s требуется действительный ID вложения.','Show in REST API'=>'Показывать в REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Прозрачность','RGBA Array'=>'Массив RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Строка RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cтрока hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Обновить до PRO','post statusActive'=>'Активен','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» не является корректным адресом электропочты','Color value'=>'Значение цвета','Select default color'=>'Выбрать стандартный цвет','Clear color'=>'Очистить цвет','Blocks'=>'Блоки','Options'=>'Настройки','Users'=>'Пользователи','Menu items'=>'Пункты меню','Widgets'=>'Виджеты','Attachments'=>'Вложения','Taxonomies'=>'Таксономии','Posts'=>'Записи','Last updated: %s'=>'Последнее изменение: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Данная группа полей не доступна для сравнения отличий.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Неверный параметр(ы) группы полей.','Awaiting save'=>'Ожидает сохранения','Saved'=>'Сохранено','Import'=>'Импорт','Review changes'=>'Просмотр изменений','Located in: %s'=>'Находится в: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Находится в плагине: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Находится в теме: %s','Various'=>'Различные','Sync changes'=>'Синхронизировать изменения','Loading diff'=>'Загрузка diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Обзор локальных изменений JSON','Visit website'=>'Перейти на сайт','View details'=>'Подробности','Version %s'=>'Версия %s','Information'=>'Информация','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Служба поддержки. Специалисты нашей службы поддержки помогут решить ваши технические проблемы.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Обсуждения. У нас есть активное и дружелюбное сообщество на наших форумах сообщества, которое может помочь вам разобраться в практических приемах мира ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Документация. Наша подробная документация содержит ссылки и руководства для большинства ситуаций, с которыми вы можете столкнуться.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Мы фанатично относимся к поддержке и хотим, чтобы вы извлекали максимум из своего веб-сайта с помощью ACF. Если вы столкнетесь с какими-либо трудностями, есть несколько мест, где вы можете найти помощь:','Help & Support'=>'Помощь и поддержка','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Воспользуйтесь вкладкой «Справка и поддержка», чтобы связаться с нами, если вам потребуется помощь.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Перед созданием вашей первой группы полей мы рекомендуем сначала прочитать наше руководство по началу работы, чтобы ознакомиться с философией и передовыми практиками плагина.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Плагин Advanced Custom Fields предоставляет визуальный конструктор форм для настройки экранов редактирования WordPress с дополнительными полями и интуитивно понятный API для отображения значений произвольных полей в любом файле шаблона темы.','Overview'=>'Обзор','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Тип местоположения "%s" уже зарегистрирован.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Класса "%s" не существует.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Неверный одноразовый номер.','Error loading field.'=>'Ошибка загрузки поля.','Location not found: %s'=>'Не найдено местоположение: %s','Error: %s'=>'Ошибка: %s','Widget'=>'Виджет','User Role'=>'Роль пользователя','Comment'=>'Комментарий','Post Format'=>'Формат записи','Menu Item'=>'Элемент меню','Post Status'=>'Статус записи','Menus'=>'Меню','Menu Locations'=>'Области для меню','Menu'=>'Меню','Post Taxonomy'=>'Таксономия записи','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Дочерняя страница (имеет родителя)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Родительская страница (имеет дочерние)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Страница верхнего уровня (без родителей)','Posts Page'=>'Страница записей','Front Page'=>'Главная страница','Page Type'=>'Тип страницы','Viewing back end'=>'Просмотр админки','Viewing front end'=>'Просмотр фронтэнда','Logged in'=>'Авторизован','Current User'=>'Текущий пользователь','Page Template'=>'Шаблон страницы','Register'=>'Регистрация','Add / Edit'=>'Добавить / изменить','User Form'=>'Форма пользователя','Page Parent'=>'Родительская страница','Super Admin'=>'Супер администратор','Current User Role'=>'Текущая роль пользователя','Default Template'=>'Шаблон по умолчанию','Post Template'=>'Шаблон записи','Post Category'=>'Рубрика записи','All %s formats'=>'Все %s форматы','Attachment'=>'Вложение','%s value is required'=>'%s значение требуется','Show this field if'=>'Показывать это поле, если','Conditional Logic'=>'Условная логика','and'=>'и','Local JSON'=>'Локальный JSON','Clone Field'=>'Клонировать поле','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Также убедитесь, что все надстройки премиум-класса (%s) обновлены до последней версии.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Эта версия содержит улучшения вашей базы данных и требует обновления.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Спасибо за обновление до %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Требуется обновление БД','Options Page'=>'Страница настроек','Gallery'=>'Галерея','Flexible Content'=>'Гибкое содержимое','Repeater'=>'Повторитель','Back to all tools'=>'Вернуться ко всем инструментам','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Если на странице редактирования присутствует несколько групп полей, то будут использованы настройки первой из них (с наиболее низким значением порядка очередности)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Выберите блоки, которые необходимо скрыть на странице редактирования.','Hide on screen'=>'Скрыть на экране','Send Trackbacks'=>'Отправить обратные ссылки','Tags'=>'Метки','Categories'=>'Рубрики','Page Attributes'=>'Атрибуты страницы','Format'=>'Формат','Author'=>'Автор','Slug'=>'Ярлык','Revisions'=>'Редакции','Comments'=>'Комментарии','Discussion'=>'Обсуждение','Excerpt'=>'Отрывок','Content Editor'=>'Текстовый редактор','Permalink'=>'Постоянная ссылка','Shown in field group list'=>'Отображается в списке групп полей','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Группа полей с самым низким порядковым номером появится первой','Order No.'=>'Порядковый номер','Below fields'=>'Под полями','Below labels'=>'Под метками','Instruction Placement'=>'Размещение инструкции','Label Placement'=>'Размещение этикетки','Side'=>'На боковой панели','Normal (after content)'=>'Обычный (после содержимого)','High (after title)'=>'Высокий (после названия)','Position'=>'Позиция','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Бесшовный (без метабокса)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Стандарт (метабокс WP)','Style'=>'Стиль','Type'=>'Тип','Key'=>'Ключ','Order'=>'Порядок','Close Field'=>'Закрыть поле','id'=>'id','class'=>'класс','width'=>'ширина','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Атрибуты обёртки','Required'=>'Обязательное','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Инструкция для авторов. Отображается при отправке данных','Instructions'=>'Инструкции','Field Type'=>'Тип поля','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Одиночное слово, без пробелов. Подчеркивания и тире разрешены','Field Name'=>'Название поля','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Имя поля на странице редактирования','Field Label'=>'Этикетка поля','Delete'=>'Удалить','Delete field'=>'Удалить поле','Move'=>'Переместить','Move field to another group'=>'Переместить поле в другую группу','Duplicate field'=>'Дублировать поле','Edit field'=>'Изменить поле','Drag to reorder'=>'Перетащите, чтобы изменить порядок','Show this field group if'=>'Показать эту группу полей, если','No updates available.'=>'Обновлений нет.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Обновление БД завершено. Посмотрите, что нового','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Чтения задач обновления...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Ошибка обновления.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Обновление завершено.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Обновление данных до версии %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Мы настоятельно рекомендуем сделать резервную копию базы данных перед началом работы. Вы уверены, что хотите запустить обновление сейчас?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Выберите хотя бы один сайт для обновления.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Обновление БД закончено. Вернуться в консоль','Site is up to date'=>'Сайт обновлен','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Сайт требует обновления БД с %1$s до %2$s','Site'=>'Сайт','Upgrade Sites'=>'Обновление сайтов','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Следующие сайты требуют обновления БД. Отметьте те, которые вы хотите обновить, а затем нажмите %s.','Add rule group'=>'Добавить группу правил','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Создайте набор правил для указания страниц, где следует отображать группу полей','Rules'=>'Правила','Copied'=>'Скопировано','Copy to clipboard'=>'Скопировать в буфер обмена','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Выберите элементы, которые вы хотите экспортировать, а затем выберите метод экспорта. Экспортировать как JSON для экспорта в файл .json, который затем можно импортировать в другую установку ACF. Сгенерировать PHP для экспорта в PHP-код, который можно разместить в вашей теме.','Select Field Groups'=>'Выберите группы полей','No field groups selected'=>'Не выбраны группы полей','Generate PHP'=>'Генерировать PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Экспорт групп полей','Import file empty'=>'Файл импорта пуст','Incorrect file type'=>'Неправильный тип файла','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Ошибка при загрузке файла. Попробуйте еще раз','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Выберите файл ACF JSON, который вы хотите импортировать. Когда вы нажмете кнопку импорта ниже, ACF импортирует элементы из этого файла.','Import Field Groups'=>'Импорт групп полей','Sync'=>'Синхронизация','Select %s'=>'Выбрать %s','Duplicate'=>'Дублировать','Duplicate this item'=>'Дублировать элемент','Supports'=>'Поддержка','Documentation'=>'Документация','Description'=>'Описание','Sync available'=>'Доступна синхронизация','Field group synchronized.'=>'Группа полей синхронизирована.' . "\0" . '%s группы полей синхронизированы.' . "\0" . '%s групп полей синхронизированы.','Active (%s)'=>'Активна (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активно (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активны (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Проверьте и обновите сайт','Upgrade Database'=>'Обновить базу данных','Custom Fields'=>'Произвольные поля','Move Field'=>'Переместить поле','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Выберите местоположение для этого поля','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Поле %1$s теперь можно найти в группе полей %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Движение завершено.','Active'=>'Активен','Field Keys'=>'Ключи полей','Settings'=>'Настройки','Location'=>'Местонахождение','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'копировать','(this field)'=>'(текущее поле)','Checked'=>'Выбрано','Move Custom Field'=>'Переместить пользовательское поле','No toggle fields available'=>'Нет доступных переключаемых полей','Field group title is required'=>'Название группы полей обязательно','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Это поле не может быть перемещено до сохранения изменений','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Строка "field_" не может использоваться в начале имени поля','Field group draft updated.'=>'Черновик группы полей обновлен.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Группа полей запланирована на.','Field group submitted.'=>'Группа полей отправлена.','Field group saved.'=>'Группа полей сохранена.','Field group published.'=>'Группа полей опубликована.','Field group deleted.'=>'Группа полей удалена.','Field group updated.'=>'Группа полей обновлена.','Tools'=>'Инструменты','is not equal to'=>'не равно','is equal to'=>'равно','Forms'=>'Формы','Page'=>'Страница','Post'=>'Запись','Relational'=>'Отношение','Choice'=>'Выбор','Basic'=>'Базовый','Unknown'=>'Неизвестный','Field type does not exist'=>'Тип поля не существует','Spam Detected'=>'Обнаружение спама','Post updated'=>'Запись обновлена','Update'=>'Обновить','Validate Email'=>'Проверка Email','Content'=>'Содержимое','Title'=>'Заголовок','Edit field group'=>'Изменить группу полей','Selection is less than'=>'Отбор меньше, чем','Selection is greater than'=>'Отбор больше, чем','Value is less than'=>'Значение меньше чем','Value is greater than'=>'Значение больше чем','Value contains'=>'Значение содержит','Value matches pattern'=>'Значение соответствует паттерну','Value is not equal to'=>'Значение не равно','Value is equal to'=>'Значение равно','Has no value'=>'Не имеет значения','Has any value'=>'Имеет любое значение','Cancel'=>'Отмена','Are you sure?'=>'Вы уверены?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d полей требуют вашего внимания','1 field requires attention'=>'1 поле требует внимания','Validation failed'=>'Валидация не удалась','Validation successful'=>'Валидация пройдена успешно','Restricted'=>'Ограничено','Collapse Details'=>'Свернуть подробные сведения','Expand Details'=>'Развернуть подробные сведения','Uploaded to this post'=>'Загруженные для этой записи','verbUpdate'=>'Обновить','verbEdit'=>'Изменить','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Внесенные вами изменения будут утеряны, если вы покинете эту страницу','File type must be %s.'=>'Тип файла должен быть %s.','or'=>'или','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Размер файла не должен превышать %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Размер файла должен быть не менее чем %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Высота изображения не должна превышать %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Высота изображения должна быть не менее %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Ширина изображения не должна превышать %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Ширина изображения должна быть не менее %d px.','(no title)'=>'(без названия)','Full Size'=>'Полный','Large'=>'Большой','Medium'=>'Средний','Thumbnail'=>'Миниатюра','(no label)'=>'(без этикетки)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Задает высоту текстовой области','Rows'=>'Строки','Text Area'=>'Область текста','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Добавьте дополнительный флажок, чтобы переключить все варианты','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Сохранить "пользовательские" значения для выбора поля','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Разрешить добавление «пользовательских» значений','Add new choice'=>'Добавить новый выбор','Toggle All'=>'Переключить все','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Разрешить URL-адреса архивов','Archives'=>'Архивы','Page Link'=>'Ссылка на страницу','Add'=>'Добавить','Name'=>'Имя','%s added'=>'%s добавлен','%s already exists'=>'%s уже существует','User unable to add new %s'=>'У пользователя нет возможности добавить новый %s','Term ID'=>'ID термина','Term Object'=>'Объект термина','Load value from posts terms'=>'Загрузить значения из терминов записей','Load Terms'=>'Загрузить термины','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Связать выбранные термины с записью','Save Terms'=>'Сохранение терминов','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Разрешить создание новых терминов во время редактирования','Create Terms'=>'Создание терминов','Radio Buttons'=>'Кнопки-переключатели','Single Value'=>'Одиночная значение','Multi Select'=>'Множественный выбор','Checkbox'=>'Флажок','Multiple Values'=>'Несколько значений','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Выберите способ отображения поля','Appearance'=>'Внешний вид','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Выберите таксономию для отображения','No TermsNo %s'=>'Нет %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Значение должно быть равным или меньшим чем %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Значение должно быть равным или больше чем %d','Value must be a number'=>'Значение должно быть числом','Number'=>'Число','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Сохранить значения "другое" в выборы поля','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Выберите значение "Другое", чтобы разрешить настраиваемые значения','Other'=>'Другое','Radio Button'=>'Кнопка-переключатель','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Определяет конечную точку предыдущего аккордеона. Данный аккордеон будет невидим.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Позвольте этому аккордеону открываться, не закрывая другие.','Multi-Expand'=>'Многократное расширение','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Отображать этот аккордеон как открытый при загрузке страницы.','Open'=>'Открыть','Accordion'=>'Аккордеон','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Ограничить файлы, которые могут быть загружены','File ID'=>'ID файла','File URL'=>'URL файла','File Array'=>'Массив файлов','Add File'=>'Добавить файл','No file selected'=>'Файл не выбран','File name'=>'Имя файла','Update File'=>'Обновить файл','Edit File'=>'Изменить файл','Select File'=>'Выбрать файл','File'=>'Файл','Password'=>'Пароль','Specify the value returned'=>'Укажите возвращаемое значение','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Использовать AJAX для отложенной загрузки вариантов?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Введите каждое значение по умолчанию с новой строки','verbSelect'=>'Выбрать','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Загрузка не удалась','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Поиск…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Загрузить больше результатов…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Вы можете выбрать только %d элементов','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Можно выбрать только 1 элемент','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Удалите %d символов','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Удалите 1 символ','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Введите %d или больше символов','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Введите 1 или более символов','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Соответствий не найдено','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d значений доступно, используйте клавиши вверх и вниз для навигации.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Доступен один результат, нажмите Enter, чтобы выбрать его.','nounSelect'=>'Выбрать','User ID'=>'ID пользователя','User Object'=>'Объект пользователя','User Array'=>'Массив пользователя','All user roles'=>'Все роли пользователей','Filter by Role'=>'Фильтровать по роли','User'=>'Пользователь','Separator'=>'Разделитель','Select Color'=>'Выбрать цвет','Default'=>'По умолчанию','Clear'=>'Сброс','Color Picker'=>'Цветовая палитра','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'ПП','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'ДП','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Выбрать','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Сейчас','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Часовой пояс','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Микросекунда','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Миллисекунда','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Секунда','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Минута','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Час','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Время','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Выберите время','Date Time Picker'=>'Выбор даты и времени','Endpoint'=>'Конечная точка','Left aligned'=>'Выровнено по левому краю','Top aligned'=>'Выровнено по верхнему краю','Placement'=>'Расположение','Tab'=>'Вкладка','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Значение должно быть допустимым URL','Link URL'=>'URL ссылки','Link Array'=>'Массив ссылок','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Откроется на новой вкладке','Select Link'=>'Выбрать ссылку','Link'=>'Ссылка','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Шаг изменения','Maximum Value'=>'Макс. значение','Minimum Value'=>'Минимальное значение','Range'=>'Диапазон','Both (Array)'=>'Оба (массив)','Label'=>'Этикетка','Value'=>'Значение','Vertical'=>'Вертикально','Horizontal'=>'Горизонтально','red : Red'=>'red : Красный','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Для большего контроля вы можете указать и значение, и этикетку следующим образом:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Введите каждый вариант с новой строки.','Choices'=>'Варианты','Button Group'=>'Группа кнопок','Allow Null'=>'Разрешить Null','Parent'=>'Родитель','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE не будет инициализирован, пока не будет нажато поле','Delay Initialization'=>'Задержка инициализации','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Показать кнопки загрузки медиа файлов','Toolbar'=>'Верхняя панель','Text Only'=>'Только текст','Visual Only'=>'Только визуально','Visual & Text'=>'Визуально и текст','Tabs'=>'Вкладки','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Нажмите для инициализации TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Текст','Visual'=>'Визуально','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Значение не должно превышать %d символов','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Оставьте пустым, чтобы не ограничивать','Character Limit'=>'Ограничение кол-ва символов','Appears after the input'=>'Появляется после ввода','Append'=>'Добавить','Appears before the input'=>'Появляется перед вводом','Prepend'=>'Добавить в начало','Appears within the input'=>'Появляется перед полем ввода','Placeholder Text'=>'Текст-заполнитель','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Появляется при создании новой записи','Text'=>'Текст','Post ID'=>'ID записи','Post Object'=>'Объект записи','Maximum Posts'=>'Макс. кол-во записей','Minimum Posts'=>'Мин. кол-во записей','Featured Image'=>'Изображение записи','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Выбранные элементы будут отображены в каждом результате','Elements'=>'Элементы','Taxonomy'=>'Таксономия','Post Type'=>'Тип записи','Filters'=>'Фильтры','All taxonomies'=>'Все таксономии','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Фильтрация по таксономии','All post types'=>'Все типы записи','Filter by Post Type'=>'Фильтрация по типу записей','Search...'=>'Поиск...','Select taxonomy'=>'Выбрать таксономию','Select post type'=>'Выбрать тип записи','No matches found'=>'Соответствий не найдено','Loading'=>'Загрузка','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Достигнуты макс. значения ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Родственные связи','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Для разделения типов файлов используйте запятые. Оставьте поле пустым для разрешения загрузки всех файлов','Allowed File Types'=>'Разрешенные типы файлов','Maximum'=>'Максимум','File size'=>'Размер файла','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Ограничить изображения, которые могут быть загружены','Minimum'=>'Минимум','Uploaded to post'=>'Загружено в запись','All'=>'Все','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ограничить выбор из библиотеки файлов','Library'=>'Библиотека','Preview Size'=>'Размер предпросмотра','Image ID'=>'ID изображения','Image URL'=>'URL изображения','Image Array'=>'Массив изображения','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Укажите возвращаемое значение на фронтедне','Return Value'=>'Возвращаемое значение','Add Image'=>'Добавить изображение','No image selected'=>'Изображение не выбрано','Remove'=>'Удалить','Edit'=>'Изменить','All images'=>'Все изображения','Update Image'=>'Обновить изображение','Edit Image'=>'Редактировать','Select Image'=>'Выбрать изображение','Image'=>'Изображение','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Разрешить HTML-разметке отображаться в виде видимого текста вместо отрисовки','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Без форматирования','Automatically add <br>'=>'Автоматически добавлять <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Автоматически добавлять абзацы','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Управляет отрисовкой новых линий','New Lines'=>'Новые строки','Week Starts On'=>'Неделя начинается с','The format used when saving a value'=>'Формат, используемый при сохранении значения','Save Format'=>'Сохранить формат','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Нед.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Назад','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Далее','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Сегодня','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Picker'=>'Выбор даты','Width'=>'Ширина','Embed Size'=>'Размер встраивания','Enter URL'=>'Введите URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Текст отображается, когда он неактивен','Off Text'=>'Отключить текст','Text shown when active'=>'Текст, отображаемый при активности','On Text'=>'На тексте','Stylized UI'=>'Стилизованный интерфейс','Default Value'=>'Значение по умолчанию','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Отображать текст рядом с флажком','Message'=>'Сообщение','No'=>'Нет','Yes'=>'Да','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Строка','Table'=>'Таблица','Block'=>'Блок','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Укажите стиль, используемый для отрисовки выбранных полей','Layout'=>'Макет','Sub Fields'=>'Вложенные поля','Group'=>'Группа','Customize the map height'=>'Настройка высоты карты','Height'=>'Высота','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Укажите начальный масштаб','Zoom'=>'Увеличить','Center the initial map'=>'Центрировать начальную карту','Center'=>'По центру','Search for address...'=>'Поиск по адресу...','Find current location'=>'Определить текущее местоположение','Clear location'=>'Очистить местоположение','Search'=>'Поиск','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Ваш браузер не поддерживает определение местоположения','Google Map'=>'Google Карта','The format returned via template functions'=>'Формат, возвращаемый через функции шаблона','Return Format'=>'Формат возврата','Custom:'=>'Пользовательский:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Формат, отображаемый при редактировании записи','Display Format'=>'Отображаемый формат','Time Picker'=>'Подборщик времени','Inactive (%s)'=>'Неактивен (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивны (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивно (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Поля не найдены в корзине','No Fields found'=>'Поля не найдены','Search Fields'=>'Поиск полей','View Field'=>'Просмотреть поле','New Field'=>'Новое поле','Edit Field'=>'Изменить поле','Add New Field'=>'Добавить новое поле','Field'=>'Поле','Fields'=>'Поля','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Группы полей не найдены в корзине','No Field Groups found'=>'Группы полей не найдены','Search Field Groups'=>'Найти группу полей','View Field Group'=>'Просмотреть группу полей','New Field Group'=>'Новая группа полей','Edit Field Group'=>'Редактирование группы полей','Add New Field Group'=>'Добавить новую группу полей','Add New'=>'Добавить новое','Field Group'=>'Группа полей','Field Groups'=>'Группы полей','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Настройте WordPress с помощью мощных, профессиональных и интуитивно понятных полей.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s значение требуется','%s settings'=>'Настройки','Options Updated'=>'Настройки были обновлены','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Для разблокировки обновлений введите ваш лицензионный ключ на странице Обновление. Если у вас его нет, то ознакомьтесь с деталями.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Check Again'=>'Проверить еще раз','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Publish'=>'Опубликовано','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'С этой страницей настроек не связаны группы полей. Создать группу полей','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Во время проверки лицензии, которая связана с адресом сайта, возникла ошибка. Пожалуйста, выполните активацию снова','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Выберите одно или несколько полей, которые вы хотите клонировать','Display'=>'Способ отображения','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Выберите стиль отображения клонированных полей','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Группа (сгруппировать выбранные поля в одно и выводить вместо текущего)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Отдельно (выбранные поля выводятся отдельно вместо текущего)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Ярлыки будут отображаться как %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Префикс для ярлыков полей','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Значения будут сохранены как %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Префикс для названий полей','Unknown field'=>'Неизвестное поле','Unknown field group'=>'Неизвестная группа полей','All fields from %s field group'=>'Все поля группы %s','Add Row'=>'Добавить','layout'=>'макет' . "\0" . 'макета' . "\0" . 'макетов','layouts'=>'макеты','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Это поле требует как минимум {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Это поле ограничено {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} доступно (максимум {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} требуется (минимум {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Для гибкого содержания требуется как минимум один макет','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Нажмите на кнопку "%s" ниже для начала создания собственного макета','Add layout'=>'Добавить макет','Duplicate layout'=>'Дублировать макет','Remove layout'=>'Удалить макет','Click to toggle'=>'Нажмите для переключения','Delete Layout'=>'Удалить макет','Duplicate Layout'=>'Дублировать макет','Add New Layout'=>'Добавить новый макет','Add Layout'=>'Добавить макет','Min'=>'Минимум','Max'=>'Максимум','Minimum Layouts'=>'Мин. количество блоков','Maximum Layouts'=>'Макс. количество блоков','Button Label'=>'Текст кнопки добавления','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Добавление изображений в галерею','Maximum selection reached'=>'Выбрано максимальное количество изображений','Length'=>'Длина','Caption'=>'Подпись','Alt Text'=>'Текст в ALT','Add to gallery'=>'Добавить изображения','Bulk actions'=>'Сортировка','Sort by date uploaded'=>'По дате загрузки','Sort by date modified'=>'По дате изменения','Sort by title'=>'По названию','Reverse current order'=>'Инвертировать','Close'=>'Закрыть','Minimum Selection'=>'Мин. количество изображений','Maximum Selection'=>'Макс. количество изображений','Allowed file types'=>'Допустимые типы файлов','Insert'=>'Добавить','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Укажите куда добавлять новые вложения','Append to the end'=>'Добавлять в конец','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Добавлять в начало','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Достигнуто минимальное количество ({min} элементов)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Достигнуто максимальное количество ({max} элементов)','Error loading page'=>'Возникла ошибка при загрузке обновления','Rows Per Page'=>'Страница записей','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Выберите таксономию для отображения','Minimum Rows'=>'Мин. количество элементов','Maximum Rows'=>'Макс. количество элементов','Collapsed'=>'Сокращенный заголовок','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Выберите поле, которое будет отображаться в качестве заголовка при сворачивании блока','Click to reorder'=>'Потяните для изменения порядка','Add row'=>'Добавить','Duplicate row'=>'Дублировать','Remove row'=>'Удалить','Current Page'=>'Текущий пользователь','First Page'=>'Главная страница','Previous Page'=>'Страница записей','Next Page'=>'Главная страница','Last Page'=>'Страница записей','No block types exist'=>'Страницы с настройками отсуствуют','No options pages exist'=>'Страницы с настройками отсуствуют','Deactivate License'=>'Деактивировать лицензию','Activate License'=>'Активировать лицензию','License Information'=>'Информация о лицензии','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Для разблокирования обновлений введите лицензионный ключ ниже. Если у вас его нет, то ознакомьтесь с деталями.','License Key'=>'Номер лицензии','Retry Activation'=>'Код активации','Update Information'=>'Обновления','Current Version'=>'Текущая версия','Latest Version'=>'Последняя версия','Update Available'=>'Обновления доступны','Upgrade Notice'=>'Замечания по обновлению','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Пожалуйста введите ваш номер лицензии для разблокировки обновлений','Update Plugin'=>'Обновить плагин','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Пожалуйста введите ваш номер лицензии для разблокировки обновлений']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'ru_RU','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['4 Months Free'=>'4 месяца бесплатно','Select Options Pages'=>'Выберите страницы настроек','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Скопировать таксономию','Create taxonomy'=>'Создать таксономию','Duplicate post type'=>'Скопировать тип записи','Create post type'=>'Создать тип записи','Link field groups'=>'Привязать группы полей','Add fields'=>'Добавить поля','This Field'=>'Это поле','ACF PRO'=>'ACF (PRO)','Feedback'=>'Обратная связь','Support'=>'Поддержка','is developed and maintained by'=>'разработан и поддерживается','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Добавьте %s в правила местонахождения выбранных групп полей.','Target Field'=>'Целевое поле','Bidirectional'=>'Двунаправленный','%s Field'=>'%s поле','Select Multiple'=>'Выбор нескольких пунктов','WP Engine logo'=>'Логотип WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Только буквы нижнего регистра, подчеркивания и дефисы. Максимум 32 символа.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Возможность управления термами','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Больше инструментов от WP Engine','Learn More'=>'Читать больше','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Разблокируйте Дополнительные функции и сделайте больше с ACF Pro','%s fields'=>'%s поля','No terms'=>'Нет терминов','No post types'=>'Нет типов записей','No posts'=>'Нет записей','No taxonomies'=>'Нет таксономий','No field groups'=>'Нет групп полей','No fields'=>'Нет полей','No description'=>'Нет описания','Any post status'=>'Любой статус записи','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ таксономии уже используется другой таксономией, зарегистрированной вне ACF, и не может быть использован.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ таксономии уже используется другой таксономией в ACF и не может быть использован.','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Ключ таксономии должен содержать только буквенно-цифровые символы в нижнем регистре, знак подчеркивания или тире.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Ключ таксономии должен содержать не более 32 символов.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено ни одной таксономии','No Taxonomies found'=>'Таксономии не найдены','Search Taxonomies'=>'Найти таксономии','View Taxonomy'=>'Смотреть таксономию','New Taxonomy'=>'Новая таксономия','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Править таксономию','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Добавить новую таксономию','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено ни одного типа записей','No Post Types found'=>'Типы записей не найдены','Search Post Types'=>'Найти типы записей','View Post Type'=>'Смотреть тип записи','New Post Type'=>'Новый тип записи','Edit Post Type'=>'Изменить тип записи','Add New Post Type'=>'Добавить новый тип записи','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ типа записи уже используется другим типом записи, зарегистрированным вне ACF, и не может быть использован.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Указанный ключ типа записи уже используется другим типом записи в ACF и не может быть использован.','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'Это поле является зарезервированным термином WordPress.','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'Ключ типа записи должен содержать только буквенно-цифровые символы в нижнем регистре, знак подчеркивания или тире.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Ключ типа записи должен содержать не более 20 символов.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Мы не рекомендуем использовать это поле в блоках ACF.','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'Показывает WordPress WYSIWYG редактор такой же, как в Записях или Страницах и позволяет редактировать текст, а также мультимедийное содержимое.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG редактор','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Позволяет выбрать одного или нескольких пользователей, которые могут быть использованы для создания взаимосвязей между объектами данных.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'Текстовый поле, специально разработанное для хранения веб-адресов.','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'Переключатель, позволяющий выбрать значение 1 или 0 (включено или выключено, истинно или ложно и т.д.). Может быть представлен в виде стилизованного переключателя или флажка.','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'Интерактивный пользовательский интерфейс для выбора времени. Формат времени можно настроить с помощью параметров поля.','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'Простая текстовая область для хранения абзацев текста.','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'Простое текстовое поле, предназначенное для хранения однострочных значений.','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'Позволяет выбрать один или несколько терминов таксономии на основе критериев и параметров, указанных в настройках полей.','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'Выпадающий список с заданными вариантами выбора.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Фильтр по статусу записи','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Ввод ограничен числовыми значениями.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'Текстовый ввод, специально предназначенный для хранения адресов электронной почты.','nounClone'=>'Клонировать','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Дополнительно','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (более новая версия)','Original'=>'Оригинальный','Invalid post ID.'=>'Неверный ID записи.','More'=>'Читать далее','Tutorial'=>'Руководство','Select Field'=>'Выбрать поля','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Попробуйте другой поисковый запрос или просмотрите %s','Popular fields'=>'Популярные поля','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Нет результатов поиска для \'%s\'','Search fields...'=>'Поля поиска...','Select Field Type'=>'Выбрать тип поля','Popular'=>'Популярные','Add Taxonomy'=>'Добавить таксономию','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Создание пользовательских таксономий для классификации содержимого типов записей','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Добавьте свою первую таксономию','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'Иерархические таксономии могут иметь потомков (например, категории).','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'Сделать видимой таксономию на фронтенде и в админпанели.','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'Один или несколько типов записей, которые можно классифицировать с помощью данной таксономии.','genre'=>'жанр','Genre'=>'Жанр','Genres'=>'Жанры','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Настроить слаг, используемое в URL','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Постоянные ссылки для этой таксономии отключены.','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'Перепишите URL, используя ключ таксономии в качестве слага. Ваша структура постоянных ссылок будет выглядеть следующим образом','Taxonomy Key'=>'Ключ таксономии','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Выберите тип постоянной ссылки для этой таксономии.','Show Admin Column'=>'Отображать столбец админа','Quick Edit'=>'Быстрое редактирование','Tag Cloud'=>'Облако меток','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'Название PHP-функции, вызываемой для санации данных таксономии, сохраненных из мета-бокса.','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'Имя PHP-функции, которая будет вызываться для обработки содержимого мета-бокса в вашей таксономии.','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Регистрация обратного вызова метабокса','No Meta Box'=>'Отсутствует метабокс','Custom Meta Box'=>'Произвольный метабокс','Meta Box'=>'Блок метаданных','Categories Meta Box'=>'Категории метабокса','Tags Meta Box'=>'Теги метабокса','A link to a tag'=>'Ссылка на метку','A link to a %s'=>'Ссылка на %s','Tag Link'=>'Ссылка метки','← Go to tags'=>'← Перейти к меткам','Back To Items'=>'Вернуться к элементам','← Go to %s'=>'← Перейти к %s','Tags list'=>'Список меток','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Присваивает текст скрытому заголовку таблицы.','Tags list navigation'=>'Навигация по списку меток','Filter by category'=>'Фильтр по рубрике','Filter By Item'=>'Фильтр по элементу','Filter by %s'=>'Фильтр по %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Описание по умолчанию не отображается, однако некоторые темы могут его показывать.','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Назначьте родительский термин для создания иерархии. Термин "Джаз", например, будет родителем для "Бибопа" и "Биг-бэнда".','Slug Field Description'=>'Описание поля слага','Name Field Description'=>'Описание имени слага','No tags'=>'Меток нет','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'Назначает текст, отображаемый в таблицах постов и списка медиафайлов при отсутствии тегов и категорий.','No Terms'=>'Нет терминов','No %s'=>'Нет %s','No tags found'=>'Метки не найдены','Not Found'=>'Не найдено','Most Used'=>'Часто используемое','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Выбрать из часто используемых меток','Choose From Most Used'=>'Выберите из наиболее часто используемых','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Выберите из наиболее часто используемых %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Добавить или удалить метки','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Добавить или удалить элементы','Add or remove %s'=>'Добавить или удалить %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Метки разделяются запятыми','Separate %s with commas'=>'Разделять %s запятыми','Popular Tags'=>'Популярные метки','Popular Items'=>'Популярные элементы','Popular %s'=>'Популярные %s','Search Tags'=>'Поиск меток','Assigns search items text.'=>'Назначает текст элементов поиска.','Parent Category:'=>'Родительская рубрика:','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Родительский элемент через двоеточие','Parent Category'=>'Родительская рубрика','Parent Item'=>'Родительский элемент','Parent %s'=>'Родитель %s','New Tag Name'=>'Название новой метки','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Присваивает новый текст названия элемента.','New Item Name'=>'Название нового элемента','New %s Name'=>'Новое %s название','Add New Tag'=>'Добавить новую метку','Update Tag'=>'Обновить метку','Update Item'=>'Обновить элемент','Update %s'=>'Обновить %s','View Tag'=>'Просмотреть метку','Edit Tag'=>'Изменить метку','All Tags'=>'Все метки','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Назначает всем элементам текст.','Menu Label'=>'Этикетка меню','Term Description'=>'Описание термина','Term Slug'=>'Ярлык термина','Term Name'=>'Название термина','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'Создайте термин для таксономии, который не может быть удален. По умолчанию он не будет выбран для записей.','Add Post Type'=>'Добавить тип записи','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Добавьте свой первый тип записи','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Я знаю, что делаю, покажи мне все варианты.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Расширенная конфигурация','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'Иерархические типы записей могут иметь потомков (например, страницы).','Hierarchical'=>'Иерархическая','Public'=>'Открыто','movie'=>'фильм','Movie'=>'Фильм','Singular Label'=>'Одиночная этикетка','Movies'=>'Фильмы','Plural Label'=>'Подпись множественного числа','Controller Class'=>'Класс контроллера','Base URL'=>'Базовый URL','Show In REST API'=>'Показывать в REST API','No Query Variable Support'=>'Нет поддержки переменных запросов','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'Доступ к URL-адресам элемента и элементов можно получить с помощью строки запроса.','Publicly Queryable'=>'Публично запрашиваемый','Archive Slug'=>'Ярлык архива','Archive'=>'Архив','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'Поддержка пагинации для URL элементов, таких как архивы.','Pagination'=>'Разделение на страницы','Feed URL'=>'URL фида','URL Slug'=>'Ярлык URL','Custom Permalink'=>'Произвольная постоянная ссылка','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Удаление элементов, созданных пользователем, при удалении этого пользователя.','Delete With User'=>'Удалить вместе с пользователем','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'Разрешить экспорт типа сообщения из «Инструменты»> «Экспорт».','Can Export'=>'Можно экспортировать','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'Выберите другой тип записи, чтобы использовать возможности этого типа записи.','Appearance Menus Support'=>'Поддержка меню внешнего вида','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Показать на панели админа','Menu Icon'=>'Значок меню','Menu Position'=>'Позиция меню','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Родительское меню администратора','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Показывать в меню админа','A link to a post.'=>'Ссылка на запись.','Item Link Description'=>'Описание ссылки на элемент','A link to a %s.'=>'Ссылка на %s.','Post Link'=>'Ссылка записи','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'Заголовок для вариации блока навигационных ссылок.','Item Link'=>'Ссылка элемента','%s Link'=>'Cсылка на %s','Post updated.'=>'Запись обновлена.','Item Updated'=>'Элемент обновлен','%s updated.'=>'%s обновлён.','Post scheduled.'=>'Запись запланирована к публикации.','Item Scheduled'=>'Элемент запланирован','%s scheduled.'=>'%s запланировано.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Запись возвращена в черновики.','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s преобразован в черновик.','Post published privately.'=>'Запись опубликована как личная.','%s published privately.'=>'%s опубликована приватно.','Post published.'=>'Запись опубликована.','Item Published'=>'Элемент опубликован','%s published.'=>'%s опубликовано.','Posts list'=>'Список записей','Items List'=>'Список элементов','%s list'=>'%s список','Posts list navigation'=>'Навигация по списку записей','%s list navigation'=>'%s навигация по списку','Filter posts by date'=>'Фильтровать записи по дате','Filter Items By Date'=>'Фильтровать элементы по дате','Filter %s by date'=>'Фильтр %s по дате','Filter posts list'=>'Фильтровать список записей','Filter %s list'=>'Фильтровать список %s','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Загружено в этот элемент','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Загружено в это %s','Insert into post'=>'Вставить в запись','Insert into %s'=>'Вставить в %s','Use as featured image'=>'Использовать как изображение записи','Use Featured Image'=>'Использовать изображение записи','Remove featured image'=>'Удалить изображение записи','Remove Featured Image'=>'Удалить изображение записи','Set featured image'=>'Задать изображение','Set Featured Image'=>'Задать изображение записи','Featured image'=>'Изображение записи','Post Attributes'=>'Свойства записи','%s Attributes'=>'Атрибуты %s','Post Archives'=>'Архивы записей','%s Archives'=>'Архивы %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Записей в корзине не найдено','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Элементы не найдены в корзине','No %s found in Trash'=>'В корзине не найдено %s','No posts found'=>'Записей не найдено','No Items Found'=>'Элементов не найдено','No %s found'=>'Не найдено %s','Search Posts'=>'Поиск записей','Search Items'=>'Поиск элементов','Search %s'=>'Поиск %s','Parent Page:'=>'Родительская страница:','Parent %s:'=>'Родитель %s:','New Post'=>'Новая запись','New Item'=>'Новый элемент','New %s'=>'Новый %s','Add New Post'=>'Добавить запись','Add New Item'=>'Добавить новый элемент','Add New %s'=>'Добавить новое %s','View Posts'=>'Просмотр записей','View Items'=>'Просмотр элементов','View Post'=>'Просмотреть запись','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'В панели администратора для просмотра элемента при его редактировании.','View Item'=>'Просмотреть элемент','View %s'=>'Посмотреть %s','Edit Post'=>'Редактировать запись','Edit Item'=>'Изменить элемент','Edit %s'=>'Изменить %s','All Posts'=>'Все записи','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'В подменю типа записи на административной консоли.','All Items'=>'Все элементы','All %s'=>'Все %s','Menu Name'=>'Название меню','Regenerate'=>'Регенерировать','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'Описательная сводка типа поста.','Add Custom'=>'Добавить пользовательский','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Активируйте различные функции в редакторе содержимого.','Post Formats'=>'Форматы записей','Editor'=>'Редактор','Trackbacks'=>'Обратные ссылки','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'Выберите существующие таксономии, чтобы классифицировать элементы типа записи.','Browse Fields'=>'Обзор полей','Nothing to import'=>'Импортировать нечего','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Плагин Custom Post Type UI можно деактивировать.','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Не удалось импортировать таксономии.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Не удалось импортировать типы записи.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Ничего из плагина Custom Post Type UI не выбрано для импорта.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Импорт из Custom Post Type UI','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Экспорт - Генерация PHP','Export'=>'Экспорт','Select Taxonomies'=>'Выбрать таксономии','Select Post Types'=>'Выбрать типы записи','Exported 1 item.'=>'Экспортирован 1 элемент.' . "\0" . 'Экспортировано %s элемента.' . "\0" . 'Экспортировано %s элементов.','Category'=>'Рубрика','Tag'=>'Метка','%s taxonomy created'=>'Таксономия %s создана','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Таксономия %s обновлена','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Черновик таксономии обновлен.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Таксономия запланирована на.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Таксономия отправлена.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Таксономия сохранена.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Таксономия удалена.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Таксономия обновлена.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Эта таксономия не может быть зарегистрирована, так как ее ключ используется другой таксономией, зарегистрированной другим плагином или темой.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Таксономия синхронизирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии синхронизированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий синхронизировано','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Таксономия дублирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии дублированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий дублировано','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Таксономия деактивирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии деактивированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий деактивировано','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Таксономия активирована' . "\0" . '%s таксономии активированы' . "\0" . '%s таксономий активировано','Terms'=>'Термины','Post type synchronized.'=>'Тип записей синхронизирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей синхронизированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей синхронизировано','Post type duplicated.'=>'Тип записей дублирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей дублированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей дублировано','Post type deactivated.'=>'Тип записей деактивирован' . "\0" . '%s типа записей деактивированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей деактивировано','Post type activated.'=>'Тип записей активирован' . "\0" . '%s тип записей активированы' . "\0" . '%s типов записей активировано','Post Types'=>'Типы записей','Advanced Settings'=>'Расширенные настройки','Basic Settings'=>'Базовые настройки','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Тип записей не может быть зарегистрирован, так как его ключ уже зарегистрирован другим плагином или темой.','Pages'=>'Страницы','%s post type created'=>'Тип записи %s создан','Add fields to %s'=>'Добавить поля в %s','%s post type updated'=>'Тип записи %s обновлен','Post type updated.'=>'Тип записей обновлен.','Post type deleted.'=>'Тип записей удален.','Type to search...'=>'Введите текст для поиска...','PRO Only'=>'Только для Про','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Группы полей связаны успешно.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Импортировать типы записей и таксономии, зарегистрированные через Custom Post Type UI, и управлять ими с помощью ACF. Начать.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'таксономия','post type'=>'тип записи','Done'=>'Готово','Field Group(s)'=>'Группа(ы) полей','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Выберите одну или несколько групп полей...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Пожалуйста, выберете группы полей, чтобы связать.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Группа полей связана успешно.' . "\0" . 'Группы полей связаны успешно.' . "\0" . 'Группы полей связаны успешно.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Регистрация не удалась','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Этот элемент не может быть зарегистрирован, так как его ключ используется другим элементом, зарегистрированным другим плагином или темой.','REST API'=>'Rest API','Permissions'=>'Разрешения','URLs'=>'URL-адреса','Visibility'=>'Видимость','Labels'=>'Этикетки','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Вкладки настроек полей','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[Значение шорткода ACF отключено для предварительного просмотра]','Close Modal'=>'Закрыть модальное окно','Field moved to other group'=>'Поле перемещено в другую группу','Close modal'=>'Закрыть модальное окно','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Начать новую группу вкладок с этой вкладки.','New Tab Group'=>'Новая группа вкладок','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Используйте стилизованный флажок, используя select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Сохранить другой выбор','Allow Other Choice'=>'Разрешить другой выбор','Add Toggle All'=>'Добавить Переключить все','Save Custom Values'=>'Сохранить пользовательские значения','Allow Custom Values'=>'Разрешить пользовательские значения','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Пользовательские значения флажка не могут быть пустыми. Снимите флажки с пустых значений.','Updates'=>'Обновления','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Логотип дополнительных настраиваемых полей','Save Changes'=>'Сохранить изменения','Field Group Title'=>'Название группы полей','Add title'=>'Добавить заголовок','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Вы впервые в ACF? Ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством по началу работы.','Add Field Group'=>'Добавить группу полей','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF использует группы полей для группировки произвольных полей вместе, а затем присоединяет эти поля к экранным формам редактирования.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Добавьте первую группу полей','Options Pages'=>'Страницы настроек','ACF Blocks'=>'Блоки ACF','Gallery Field'=>'Поле галереи','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Разблокируйте дополнительные возможности с помощью ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Удалить группу полей','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Создано на %1$s в %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Настройки группы','Location Rules'=>'Правила местонахождения','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Выбирайте из более чем 30 типов полей. Подробнее.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Начните создавать новые пользовательские поля для ваших записей, страниц, пользовательских типов записей и другого содержимого WordPress.','Add Your First Field'=>'Добавить первое поле','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Добавить поле','Presentation'=>'Презентация','Validation'=>'Валидация','General'=>'Общие','Import JSON'=>'Импорт JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Экспорт в формате JSON','Deactivate'=>'Деактивировать','Deactivate this item'=>'Деактивировать этот элемент','Activate'=>'Активировать','Activate this item'=>'Активировать этот элемент','Move field group to trash?'=>'Переместить группу полей в корзину?','post statusInactive'=>'Неактивна','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Продвинутые пользовательские поля и Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO не должны быть активны одновременно. Мы автоматически деактивировали Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Продвинутые пользовательские поля и Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO не должны быть активны одновременно. Мы автоматически деактивировали Продвинутые пользовательские поля.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - Мы обнаружили один или несколько вызовов для получения значений ACF полей до момента инициализации ACF. Это неправильно и может привести к искажению или отсутствию данных. Узнайте, как это исправить.','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s должен иметь действительный ID пользователя.','Invalid request.'=>'Неверный запрос.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s не является одним из %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s должен иметь действительный ID записи.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s требуется действительный ID вложения.','Show in REST API'=>'Показывать в REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Прозрачность','RGBA Array'=>'Массив RGBA','RGBA String'=>'Строка RGBA','Hex String'=>'Cтрока hex','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Обновить до PRO','post statusActive'=>'Активен','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'«%s» не является корректным адресом электропочты','Color value'=>'Значение цвета','Select default color'=>'Выбрать стандартный цвет','Clear color'=>'Очистить цвет','Blocks'=>'Блоки','Options'=>'Настройки','Users'=>'Пользователи','Menu items'=>'Пункты меню','Widgets'=>'Виджеты','Attachments'=>'Вложения','Taxonomies'=>'Таксономии','Posts'=>'Записи','Last updated: %s'=>'Последнее изменение: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Данная группа полей не доступна для сравнения отличий.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Неверный параметр(ы) группы полей.','Awaiting save'=>'Ожидает сохранения','Saved'=>'Сохранено','Import'=>'Импорт','Review changes'=>'Просмотр изменений','Located in: %s'=>'Находится в: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Находится в плагине: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Находится в теме: %s','Various'=>'Различные','Sync changes'=>'Синхронизировать изменения','Loading diff'=>'Загрузка diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Обзор локальных изменений JSON','Visit website'=>'Перейти на сайт','View details'=>'Подробности','Version %s'=>'Версия %s','Information'=>'Информация','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Служба поддержки. Специалисты нашей службы поддержки помогут решить ваши технические проблемы.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Обсуждения. У нас есть активное и дружелюбное сообщество на наших форумах сообщества, которое может помочь вам разобраться в практических приемах мира ACF.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Документация. Наша подробная документация содержит ссылки и руководства для большинства ситуаций, с которыми вы можете столкнуться.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Мы фанатично относимся к поддержке и хотим, чтобы вы извлекали максимум из своего веб-сайта с помощью ACF. Если вы столкнетесь с какими-либо трудностями, есть несколько мест, где вы можете найти помощь:','Help & Support'=>'Помощь и поддержка','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Воспользуйтесь вкладкой «Справка и поддержка», чтобы связаться с нами, если вам потребуется помощь.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Перед созданием вашей первой группы полей мы рекомендуем сначала прочитать наше руководство по началу работы, чтобы ознакомиться с философией и передовыми практиками плагина.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Плагин Advanced Custom Fields предоставляет визуальный конструктор форм для настройки экранов редактирования WordPress с дополнительными полями и интуитивно понятный API для отображения значений произвольных полей в любом файле шаблона темы.','Overview'=>'Обзор','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Тип местоположения "%s" уже зарегистрирован.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Класса "%s" не существует.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Неверный одноразовый номер.','Error loading field.'=>'Ошибка загрузки поля.','Location not found: %s'=>'Не найдено местоположение: %s','Error: %s'=>'Ошибка: %s','Widget'=>'Виджет','User Role'=>'Роль пользователя','Comment'=>'Комментарий','Post Format'=>'Формат записи','Menu Item'=>'Элемент меню','Post Status'=>'Статус записи','Menus'=>'Меню','Menu Locations'=>'Области для меню','Menu'=>'Меню','Post Taxonomy'=>'Таксономия записи','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Дочерняя страница (имеет родителя)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Родительская страница (имеет дочерние)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Страница верхнего уровня (без родителей)','Posts Page'=>'Страница записей','Front Page'=>'Главная страница','Page Type'=>'Тип страницы','Viewing back end'=>'Просмотр админки','Viewing front end'=>'Просмотр фронтэнда','Logged in'=>'Авторизован','Current User'=>'Текущий пользователь','Page Template'=>'Шаблон страницы','Register'=>'Регистрация','Add / Edit'=>'Добавить / изменить','User Form'=>'Форма пользователя','Page Parent'=>'Родительская страница','Super Admin'=>'Супер администратор','Current User Role'=>'Текущая роль пользователя','Default Template'=>'Шаблон по умолчанию','Post Template'=>'Шаблон записи','Post Category'=>'Рубрика записи','All %s formats'=>'Все %s форматы','Attachment'=>'Вложение','%s value is required'=>'%s значение требуется','Show this field if'=>'Показывать это поле, если','Conditional Logic'=>'Условная логика','and'=>'и','Local JSON'=>'Локальный JSON','Clone Field'=>'Клонировать поле','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Также убедитесь, что все надстройки премиум-класса (%s) обновлены до последней версии.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Эта версия содержит улучшения вашей базы данных и требует обновления.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Спасибо за обновление до %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Требуется обновление БД','Options Page'=>'Страница настроек','Gallery'=>'Галерея','Flexible Content'=>'Гибкое содержимое','Repeater'=>'Повторитель','Back to all tools'=>'Вернуться ко всем инструментам','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Если на странице редактирования присутствует несколько групп полей, то будут использованы настройки первой из них (с наиболее низким значением порядка очередности)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Выберите блоки, которые необходимо скрыть на странице редактирования.','Hide on screen'=>'Скрыть на экране','Send Trackbacks'=>'Отправить обратные ссылки','Tags'=>'Метки','Categories'=>'Рубрики','Page Attributes'=>'Атрибуты страницы','Format'=>'Формат','Author'=>'Автор','Slug'=>'Ярлык','Revisions'=>'Редакции','Comments'=>'Комментарии','Discussion'=>'Обсуждение','Excerpt'=>'Отрывок','Content Editor'=>'Текстовый редактор','Permalink'=>'Постоянная ссылка','Shown in field group list'=>'Отображается в списке групп полей','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Группа полей с самым низким порядковым номером появится первой','Order No.'=>'Порядковый номер','Below fields'=>'Под полями','Below labels'=>'Под метками','Instruction Placement'=>'Размещение инструкции','Label Placement'=>'Размещение этикетки','Side'=>'На боковой панели','Normal (after content)'=>'Обычный (после содержимого)','High (after title)'=>'Высокий (после названия)','Position'=>'Позиция','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Бесшовный (без метабокса)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Стандарт (метабокс WP)','Style'=>'Стиль','Type'=>'Тип','Key'=>'Ключ','Order'=>'Порядок','Close Field'=>'Закрыть поле','id'=>'id','class'=>'класс','width'=>'ширина','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Атрибуты обёртки','Required'=>'Обязательное','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Инструкция для авторов. Отображается при отправке данных','Instructions'=>'Инструкции','Field Type'=>'Тип поля','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Одиночное слово, без пробелов. Подчеркивания и тире разрешены','Field Name'=>'Название поля','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Имя поля на странице редактирования','Field Label'=>'Этикетка поля','Delete'=>'Удалить','Delete field'=>'Удалить поле','Move'=>'Переместить','Move field to another group'=>'Переместить поле в другую группу','Duplicate field'=>'Дублировать поле','Edit field'=>'Изменить поле','Drag to reorder'=>'Перетащите, чтобы изменить порядок','Show this field group if'=>'Показать эту группу полей, если','No updates available.'=>'Обновлений нет.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Обновление БД завершено. Посмотрите, что нового','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Чтения задач обновления...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Ошибка обновления.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Обновление завершено.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Обновление данных до версии %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Мы настоятельно рекомендуем сделать резервную копию базы данных перед началом работы. Вы уверены, что хотите запустить обновление сейчас?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Выберите хотя бы один сайт для обновления.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Обновление БД закончено. Вернуться в консоль','Site is up to date'=>'Сайт обновлен','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Сайт требует обновления БД с %1$s до %2$s','Site'=>'Сайт','Upgrade Sites'=>'Обновление сайтов','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Следующие сайты требуют обновления БД. Отметьте те, которые вы хотите обновить, а затем нажмите %s.','Add rule group'=>'Добавить группу правил','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Создайте набор правил для указания страниц, где следует отображать группу полей','Rules'=>'Правила','Copied'=>'Скопировано','Copy to clipboard'=>'Скопировать в буфер обмена','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Выберите элементы, которые вы хотите экспортировать, а затем выберите метод экспорта. Экспортировать как JSON для экспорта в файл .json, который затем можно импортировать в другую установку ACF. Сгенерировать PHP для экспорта в PHP-код, который можно разместить в вашей теме.','Select Field Groups'=>'Выберите группы полей','No field groups selected'=>'Не выбраны группы полей','Generate PHP'=>'Генерировать PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Экспорт групп полей','Import file empty'=>'Файл импорта пуст','Incorrect file type'=>'Неправильный тип файла','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Ошибка при загрузке файла. Попробуйте еще раз','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Выберите файл ACF JSON, который вы хотите импортировать. Когда вы нажмете кнопку импорта ниже, ACF импортирует элементы из этого файла.','Import Field Groups'=>'Импорт групп полей','Sync'=>'Синхронизация','Select %s'=>'Выбрать %s','Duplicate'=>'Дублировать','Duplicate this item'=>'Дублировать элемент','Supports'=>'Поддержка','Documentation'=>'Документация','Description'=>'Описание','Sync available'=>'Доступна синхронизация','Field group synchronized.'=>'Группа полей синхронизирована.' . "\0" . '%s группы полей синхронизированы.' . "\0" . '%s групп полей синхронизированы.','Active (%s)'=>'Активна (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активно (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активны (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Проверьте и обновите сайт','Upgrade Database'=>'Обновить базу данных','Custom Fields'=>'Произвольные поля','Move Field'=>'Переместить поле','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Выберите местоположение для этого поля','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Поле %1$s теперь можно найти в группе полей %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Движение завершено.','Active'=>'Активен','Field Keys'=>'Ключи полей','Settings'=>'Настройки','Location'=>'Местонахождение','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'копировать','(this field)'=>'(текущее поле)','Checked'=>'Выбрано','Move Custom Field'=>'Переместить пользовательское поле','No toggle fields available'=>'Нет доступных переключаемых полей','Field group title is required'=>'Название группы полей обязательно','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Это поле не может быть перемещено до сохранения изменений','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Строка "field_" не может использоваться в начале имени поля','Field group draft updated.'=>'Черновик группы полей обновлен.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Группа полей запланирована на.','Field group submitted.'=>'Группа полей отправлена.','Field group saved.'=>'Группа полей сохранена.','Field group published.'=>'Группа полей опубликована.','Field group deleted.'=>'Группа полей удалена.','Field group updated.'=>'Группа полей обновлена.','Tools'=>'Инструменты','is not equal to'=>'не равно','is equal to'=>'равно','Forms'=>'Формы','Page'=>'Страница','Post'=>'Запись','Relational'=>'Отношение','Choice'=>'Выбор','Basic'=>'Базовый','Unknown'=>'Неизвестный','Field type does not exist'=>'Тип поля не существует','Spam Detected'=>'Обнаружение спама','Post updated'=>'Запись обновлена','Update'=>'Обновить','Validate Email'=>'Проверка Email','Content'=>'Содержимое','Title'=>'Заголовок','Edit field group'=>'Изменить группу полей','Selection is less than'=>'Отбор меньше, чем','Selection is greater than'=>'Отбор больше, чем','Value is less than'=>'Значение меньше чем','Value is greater than'=>'Значение больше чем','Value contains'=>'Значение содержит','Value matches pattern'=>'Значение соответствует паттерну','Value is not equal to'=>'Значение не равно','Value is equal to'=>'Значение равно','Has no value'=>'Не имеет значения','Has any value'=>'Имеет любое значение','Cancel'=>'Отмена','Are you sure?'=>'Вы уверены?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d полей требуют вашего внимания','1 field requires attention'=>'1 поле требует внимания','Validation failed'=>'Валидация не удалась','Validation successful'=>'Валидация пройдена успешно','Restricted'=>'Ограничено','Collapse Details'=>'Свернуть подробные сведения','Expand Details'=>'Развернуть подробные сведения','Uploaded to this post'=>'Загруженные для этой записи','verbUpdate'=>'Обновить','verbEdit'=>'Изменить','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Внесенные вами изменения будут утеряны, если вы покинете эту страницу','File type must be %s.'=>'Тип файла должен быть %s.','or'=>'или','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Размер файла не должен превышать %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Размер файла должен быть не менее чем %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Высота изображения не должна превышать %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Высота изображения должна быть не менее %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Ширина изображения не должна превышать %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Ширина изображения должна быть не менее %d px.','(no title)'=>'(без названия)','Full Size'=>'Полный','Large'=>'Большой','Medium'=>'Средний','Thumbnail'=>'Миниатюра','(no label)'=>'(без этикетки)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Задает высоту текстовой области','Rows'=>'Строки','Text Area'=>'Область текста','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Добавьте дополнительный флажок, чтобы переключить все варианты','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Сохранить "пользовательские" значения для выбора поля','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Разрешить добавление «пользовательских» значений','Add new choice'=>'Добавить новый выбор','Toggle All'=>'Переключить все','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Разрешить URL-адреса архивов','Archives'=>'Архивы','Page Link'=>'Ссылка на страницу','Add'=>'Добавить','Name'=>'Имя','%s added'=>'%s добавлен','%s already exists'=>'%s уже существует','User unable to add new %s'=>'У пользователя нет возможности добавить новый %s','Term ID'=>'ID термина','Term Object'=>'Объект термина','Load value from posts terms'=>'Загрузить значения из терминов записей','Load Terms'=>'Загрузить термины','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Связать выбранные термины с записью','Save Terms'=>'Сохранение терминов','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Разрешить создание новых терминов во время редактирования','Create Terms'=>'Создание терминов','Radio Buttons'=>'Кнопки-переключатели','Single Value'=>'Одиночная значение','Multi Select'=>'Множественный выбор','Checkbox'=>'Флажок','Multiple Values'=>'Несколько значений','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Выберите способ отображения поля','Appearance'=>'Внешний вид','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Выберите таксономию для отображения','No TermsNo %s'=>'Нет %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Значение должно быть равным или меньшим чем %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Значение должно быть равным или больше чем %d','Value must be a number'=>'Значение должно быть числом','Number'=>'Число','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Сохранить значения "другое" в выборы поля','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Выберите значение "Другое", чтобы разрешить настраиваемые значения','Other'=>'Другое','Radio Button'=>'Кнопка-переключатель','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Определяет конечную точку предыдущего аккордеона. Данный аккордеон будет невидим.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Позвольте этому аккордеону открываться, не закрывая другие.','Multi-Expand'=>'Многократное расширение','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Отображать этот аккордеон как открытый при загрузке страницы.','Open'=>'Открыть','Accordion'=>'Аккордеон','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Ограничить файлы, которые могут быть загружены','File ID'=>'ID файла','File URL'=>'URL файла','File Array'=>'Массив файлов','Add File'=>'Добавить файл','No file selected'=>'Файл не выбран','File name'=>'Имя файла','Update File'=>'Обновить файл','Edit File'=>'Изменить файл','Select File'=>'Выбрать файл','File'=>'Файл','Password'=>'Пароль','Specify the value returned'=>'Укажите возвращаемое значение','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Использовать AJAX для отложенной загрузки вариантов?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Введите каждое значение по умолчанию с новой строки','verbSelect'=>'Выбрать','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Загрузка не удалась','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Поиск…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Загрузить больше результатов…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Вы можете выбрать только %d элементов','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Можно выбрать только 1 элемент','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Удалите %d символов','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Удалите 1 символ','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Введите %d или больше символов','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Введите 1 или более символов','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Соответствий не найдено','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d значений доступно, используйте клавиши вверх и вниз для навигации.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Доступен один результат, нажмите Enter, чтобы выбрать его.','nounSelect'=>'Выбрать','User ID'=>'ID пользователя','User Object'=>'Объект пользователя','User Array'=>'Массив пользователя','All user roles'=>'Все роли пользователей','Filter by Role'=>'Фильтровать по роли','User'=>'Пользователь','Separator'=>'Разделитель','Select Color'=>'Выбрать цвет','Default'=>'По умолчанию','Clear'=>'Сброс','Color Picker'=>'Цветовая палитра','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'ПП','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'ДП','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Выбрать','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Сейчас','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Часовой пояс','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Микросекунда','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Миллисекунда','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Секунда','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Минута','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Час','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Время','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Выберите время','Date Time Picker'=>'Выбор даты и времени','Endpoint'=>'Конечная точка','Left aligned'=>'Выровнено по левому краю','Top aligned'=>'Выровнено по верхнему краю','Placement'=>'Расположение','Tab'=>'Вкладка','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Значение должно быть допустимым URL','Link URL'=>'URL ссылки','Link Array'=>'Массив ссылок','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Откроется на новой вкладке','Select Link'=>'Выбрать ссылку','Link'=>'Ссылка','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Шаг изменения','Maximum Value'=>'Макс. значение','Minimum Value'=>'Минимальное значение','Range'=>'Диапазон','Both (Array)'=>'Оба (массив)','Label'=>'Этикетка','Value'=>'Значение','Vertical'=>'Вертикально','Horizontal'=>'Горизонтально','red : Red'=>'red : Красный','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Для большего контроля вы можете указать и значение, и этикетку следующим образом:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Введите каждый вариант с новой строки.','Choices'=>'Варианты','Button Group'=>'Группа кнопок','Allow Null'=>'Разрешить Null','Parent'=>'Родитель','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE не будет инициализирован, пока не будет нажато поле','Delay Initialization'=>'Задержка инициализации','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Показать кнопки загрузки медиа файлов','Toolbar'=>'Верхняя панель','Text Only'=>'Только текст','Visual Only'=>'Только визуально','Visual & Text'=>'Визуально и текст','Tabs'=>'Вкладки','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Нажмите для инициализации TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Текст','Visual'=>'Визуально','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Значение не должно превышать %d символов','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Оставьте пустым, чтобы не ограничивать','Character Limit'=>'Ограничение кол-ва символов','Appears after the input'=>'Появляется после ввода','Append'=>'Добавить','Appears before the input'=>'Появляется перед вводом','Prepend'=>'Добавить в начало','Appears within the input'=>'Появляется перед полем ввода','Placeholder Text'=>'Текст-заполнитель','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Появляется при создании новой записи','Text'=>'Текст','Post ID'=>'ID записи','Post Object'=>'Объект записи','Maximum Posts'=>'Макс. кол-во записей','Minimum Posts'=>'Мин. кол-во записей','Featured Image'=>'Изображение записи','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Выбранные элементы будут отображены в каждом результате','Elements'=>'Элементы','Taxonomy'=>'Таксономия','Post Type'=>'Тип записи','Filters'=>'Фильтры','All taxonomies'=>'Все таксономии','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Фильтрация по таксономии','All post types'=>'Все типы записи','Filter by Post Type'=>'Фильтрация по типу записей','Search...'=>'Поиск...','Select taxonomy'=>'Выбрать таксономию','Select post type'=>'Выбрать тип записи','No matches found'=>'Соответствий не найдено','Loading'=>'Загрузка','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Достигнуты макс. значения ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Родственные связи','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Для разделения типов файлов используйте запятые. Оставьте поле пустым для разрешения загрузки всех файлов','Allowed File Types'=>'Разрешенные типы файлов','Maximum'=>'Максимум','File size'=>'Размер файла','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Ограничить изображения, которые могут быть загружены','Minimum'=>'Минимум','Uploaded to post'=>'Загружено в запись','All'=>'Все','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ограничить выбор из библиотеки файлов','Library'=>'Библиотека','Preview Size'=>'Размер предпросмотра','Image ID'=>'ID изображения','Image URL'=>'URL изображения','Image Array'=>'Массив изображения','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Укажите возвращаемое значение на фронтедне','Return Value'=>'Возвращаемое значение','Add Image'=>'Добавить изображение','No image selected'=>'Изображение не выбрано','Remove'=>'Удалить','Edit'=>'Изменить','All images'=>'Все изображения','Update Image'=>'Обновить изображение','Edit Image'=>'Редактировать','Select Image'=>'Выбрать изображение','Image'=>'Изображение','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Разрешить HTML-разметке отображаться в виде видимого текста вместо отрисовки','Escape HTML'=>'Escape HTML','No Formatting'=>'Без форматирования','Automatically add <br>'=>'Автоматически добавлять <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Автоматически добавлять абзацы','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Управляет отрисовкой новых линий','New Lines'=>'Новые строки','Week Starts On'=>'Неделя начинается с','The format used when saving a value'=>'Формат, используемый при сохранении значения','Save Format'=>'Сохранить формат','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Нед.','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Назад','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Далее','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Сегодня','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Picker'=>'Выбор даты','Width'=>'Ширина','Embed Size'=>'Размер встраивания','Enter URL'=>'Введите URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Текст отображается, когда он неактивен','Off Text'=>'Отключить текст','Text shown when active'=>'Текст, отображаемый при активности','On Text'=>'На тексте','Stylized UI'=>'Стилизованный интерфейс','Default Value'=>'Значение по умолчанию','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Отображать текст рядом с флажком','Message'=>'Сообщение','No'=>'Нет','Yes'=>'Да','True / False'=>'True / False','Row'=>'Строка','Table'=>'Таблица','Block'=>'Блок','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Укажите стиль, используемый для отрисовки выбранных полей','Layout'=>'Макет','Sub Fields'=>'Вложенные поля','Group'=>'Группа','Customize the map height'=>'Настройка высоты карты','Height'=>'Высота','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Укажите начальный масштаб','Zoom'=>'Увеличить','Center the initial map'=>'Центрировать начальную карту','Center'=>'По центру','Search for address...'=>'Поиск по адресу...','Find current location'=>'Определить текущее местоположение','Clear location'=>'Очистить местоположение','Search'=>'Поиск','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Ваш браузер не поддерживает определение местоположения','Google Map'=>'Google Карта','The format returned via template functions'=>'Формат, возвращаемый через функции шаблона','Return Format'=>'Формат возврата','Custom:'=>'Пользовательский:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Формат, отображаемый при редактировании записи','Display Format'=>'Отображаемый формат','Time Picker'=>'Подборщик времени','Inactive (%s)'=>'Неактивен (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивны (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивно (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Поля не найдены в корзине','No Fields found'=>'Поля не найдены','Search Fields'=>'Поиск полей','View Field'=>'Просмотреть поле','New Field'=>'Новое поле','Edit Field'=>'Изменить поле','Add New Field'=>'Добавить новое поле','Field'=>'Поле','Fields'=>'Поля','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Группы полей не найдены в корзине','No Field Groups found'=>'Группы полей не найдены','Search Field Groups'=>'Найти группу полей','View Field Group'=>'Просмотреть группу полей','New Field Group'=>'Новая группа полей','Edit Field Group'=>'Редактирование группы полей','Add New Field Group'=>'Добавить новую группу полей','Add New'=>'Добавить новое','Field Group'=>'Группа полей','Field Groups'=>'Группы полей','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Настройте WordPress с помощью мощных, профессиональных и интуитивно понятных полей.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s значение требуется','%s settings'=>'Настройки','Options Updated'=>'Настройки были обновлены','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Для разблокировки обновлений введите ваш лицензионный ключ на странице Обновление. Если у вас его нет, то ознакомьтесь с деталями.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Check Again'=>'Проверить еще раз','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Publish'=>'Опубликовано','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'С этой страницей настроек не связаны группы полей. Создать группу полей','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Ошибка. Не удалось подключиться к серверу обновлений','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Во время проверки лицензии, которая связана с адресом сайта, возникла ошибка. Пожалуйста, выполните активацию снова','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Выберите одно или несколько полей, которые вы хотите клонировать','Display'=>'Способ отображения','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Выберите стиль отображения клонированных полей','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Группа (сгруппировать выбранные поля в одно и выводить вместо текущего)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Отдельно (выбранные поля выводятся отдельно вместо текущего)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Ярлыки будут отображаться как %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Префикс для ярлыков полей','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Значения будут сохранены как %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Префикс для названий полей','Unknown field'=>'Неизвестное поле','Unknown field group'=>'Неизвестная группа полей','All fields from %s field group'=>'Все поля группы %s','Add Row'=>'Добавить','layout'=>'макет' . "\0" . 'макета' . "\0" . 'макетов','layouts'=>'макеты','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Это поле требует как минимум {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Это поле ограничено {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} доступно (максимум {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} требуется (минимум {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Для гибкого содержания требуется как минимум один макет','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Нажмите на кнопку "%s" ниже для начала создания собственного макета','Add layout'=>'Добавить макет','Duplicate layout'=>'Дублировать макет','Remove layout'=>'Удалить макет','Click to toggle'=>'Нажмите для переключения','Delete Layout'=>'Удалить макет','Duplicate Layout'=>'Дублировать макет','Add New Layout'=>'Добавить новый макет','Add Layout'=>'Добавить макет','Min'=>'Минимум','Max'=>'Максимум','Minimum Layouts'=>'Мин. количество блоков','Maximum Layouts'=>'Макс. количество блоков','Button Label'=>'Текст кнопки добавления','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Добавление изображений в галерею','Maximum selection reached'=>'Выбрано максимальное количество изображений','Length'=>'Длина','Caption'=>'Подпись','Alt Text'=>'Текст в ALT','Add to gallery'=>'Добавить изображения','Bulk actions'=>'Сортировка','Sort by date uploaded'=>'По дате загрузки','Sort by date modified'=>'По дате изменения','Sort by title'=>'По названию','Reverse current order'=>'Инвертировать','Close'=>'Закрыть','Minimum Selection'=>'Мин. количество изображений','Maximum Selection'=>'Макс. количество изображений','Allowed file types'=>'Допустимые типы файлов','Insert'=>'Добавить','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Укажите куда добавлять новые вложения','Append to the end'=>'Добавлять в конец','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Добавлять в начало','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Достигнуто минимальное количество ({min} элементов)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Достигнуто максимальное количество ({max} элементов)','Error loading page'=>'Возникла ошибка при загрузке обновления','Rows Per Page'=>'Страница записей','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Выберите таксономию для отображения','Minimum Rows'=>'Мин. количество элементов','Maximum Rows'=>'Макс. количество элементов','Collapsed'=>'Сокращенный заголовок','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Выберите поле, которое будет отображаться в качестве заголовка при сворачивании блока','Click to reorder'=>'Потяните для изменения порядка','Add row'=>'Добавить','Duplicate row'=>'Дублировать','Remove row'=>'Удалить','Current Page'=>'Текущий пользователь','First Page'=>'Главная страница','Previous Page'=>'Страница записей','Next Page'=>'Главная страница','Last Page'=>'Страница записей','No block types exist'=>'Страницы с настройками отсуствуют','No options pages exist'=>'Страницы с настройками отсуствуют','Deactivate License'=>'Деактивировать лицензию','Activate License'=>'Активировать лицензию','License Information'=>'Информация о лицензии','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Для разблокирования обновлений введите лицензионный ключ ниже. Если у вас его нет, то ознакомьтесь с деталями.','License Key'=>'Номер лицензии','Retry Activation'=>'Код активации','Update Information'=>'Обновления','Current Version'=>'Текущая версия','Latest Version'=>'Последняя версия','Update Available'=>'Обновления доступны','Upgrade Notice'=>'Замечания по обновлению','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Пожалуйста введите ваш номер лицензии для разблокировки обновлений','Update Plugin'=>'Обновить плагин','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Пожалуйста введите ваш номер лицензии для разблокировки обновлений']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.mo
index 85e7cff6..73bcce88 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.po
index a7b77d28..f4eb548b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-ru_RU.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: ru_RU\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr "4 месяца бесплатно"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Скопировано из %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Выберите страницы настроек"
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Добавить поля"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Это поле"
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "разработан и поддерживается"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Добавьте %s в правила местонахождения выбранных групп полей."
@@ -299,34 +330,34 @@ msgstr "Разблокируйте Дополнительные функции
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s поля"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Нет терминов"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Нет типов записей"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Нет записей"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Нет таксономий"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Нет групп полей"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Нет полей"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Нет описания"
@@ -720,37 +751,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr "Читать далее"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Руководство"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Доступно с ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Выбрать поля"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Попробуйте другой поисковый запрос или просмотрите %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Популярные поля"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Нет результатов поиска для '%s'"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Поля поиска..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Выбрать тип поля"
@@ -2294,7 +2321,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Выберите существующие таксономии, чтобы классифицировать элементы типа "
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Обзор полей"
@@ -2345,7 +2372,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Импорт из Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2355,15 +2382,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Экспорт - Генерация PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Экспорт"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Выбрать таксономии"
@@ -2371,7 +2398,7 @@ msgstr "Выбрать таксономии"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Выбрать типы записи"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Экспортирован 1 элемент."
@@ -2424,7 +2451,7 @@ msgstr "Таксономия удалена."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Таксономия обновлена."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2434,7 +2461,7 @@ msgstr ""
"другой таксономией, зарегистрированной другим плагином или темой."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Таксономия синхронизирована"
@@ -2442,7 +2469,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таксономии синхронизированы"
msgstr[2] "%s таксономий синхронизировано"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Таксономия дублирована"
@@ -2450,7 +2477,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таксономии дублированы"
msgstr[2] "%s таксономий дублировано"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Таксономия деактивирована"
@@ -2458,19 +2485,19 @@ msgstr[1] "%s таксономии деактивированы"
msgstr[2] "%s таксономий деактивировано"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Таксономия активирована"
msgstr[1] "%s таксономии активированы"
msgstr[2] "%s таксономий активировано"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Термины"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Тип записей синхронизирован"
@@ -2478,7 +2505,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s типа записей синхронизированы"
msgstr[2] "%s типов записей синхронизировано"
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Тип записей дублирован"
@@ -2486,7 +2513,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s типа записей дублированы"
msgstr[2] "%s типов записей дублировано"
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Тип записей деактивирован"
@@ -2494,15 +2521,15 @@ msgstr[1] "%s типа записей деактивированы"
msgstr[2] "%s типов записей деактивировано"
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Тип записей активирован"
msgstr[1] "%s тип записей активированы"
msgstr[2] "%s типов записей активировано"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2520,7 +2547,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Базовые настройки"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2534,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Страницы"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2578,16 +2605,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Тип записей удален."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Введите текст для поиска..."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Только для Про"
@@ -2610,45 +2637,45 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "таксономия"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "тип записи"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Готово"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Группа(ы) полей"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Выберите одну или несколько групп полей..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, выберете группы полей, чтобы связать."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Группа полей связана успешно."
msgstr[1] "Группы полей связаны успешно."
msgstr[2] "Группы полей связаны успешно."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Регистрация не удалась"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2656,31 +2683,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Этот элемент не может быть зарегистрирован, так как его ключ используется "
"другим элементом, зарегистрированным другим плагином или темой."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "Rest API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Разрешения"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL-адреса"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Видимость"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Этикетки"
@@ -2701,14 +2728,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[Значение шорткода ACF отключено для предварительного просмотра]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Закрыть модальное окно"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Поле перемещено в другую группу"
@@ -2893,8 +2920,8 @@ msgstr "Презентация"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Валидация"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Общие"
@@ -2902,12 +2929,12 @@ msgstr "Общие"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Импорт JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Экспорт в формате JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2915,38 +2942,38 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Деактивировать"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Деактивировать этот элемент"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Активировать"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Активировать этот элемент"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Переместить группу полей в корзину?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2959,7 +2986,7 @@ msgstr "Неактивна"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2968,7 +2995,7 @@ msgstr ""
"должны быть активны одновременно. Мы автоматически деактивировали "
"Продвинутые пользовательские поля PRO."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3052,7 +3079,7 @@ msgstr "Строка RGBA"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Cтрока hex"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Обновить до PRO"
@@ -3104,8 +3131,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Вложения"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3115,7 +3142,7 @@ msgstr "Таксономии"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3134,49 +3161,49 @@ msgstr "Данная группа полей не доступна для сра
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Неверный параметр(ы) группы полей."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Ожидает сохранения"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Сохранено"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Импорт"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Просмотр изменений"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Находится в: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Находится в плагине: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Находится в теме: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Различные"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Синхронизировать изменения"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Загрузка diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Обзор локальных изменений JSON"
@@ -3437,7 +3464,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Показывать это поле, если"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Условная логика"
@@ -3446,9 +3473,9 @@ msgstr "Условная логика"
msgid "and"
msgstr "и"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Локальный JSON"
@@ -3643,9 +3670,9 @@ msgstr "Стиль"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Ключ"
@@ -3656,23 +3683,23 @@ msgstr "Ключ"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Порядок"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Закрыть поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "класс"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ширина"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Атрибуты обёртки"
@@ -3680,68 +3707,68 @@ msgstr "Атрибуты обёртки"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Обязательное"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Инструкция для авторов. Отображается при отправке данных"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Инструкции"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Тип поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Одиночное слово, без пробелов. Подчеркивания и тире разрешены"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Название поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Имя поля на странице редактирования"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Этикетка поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Удалить"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Удалить поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Переместить"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Переместить поле в другую группу"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Дублировать поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Изменить поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Перетащите, чтобы изменить порядок"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Показать эту группу полей, если"
@@ -3841,15 +3868,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Правила"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Скопировано"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Скопировать в буфер обмена"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3861,22 +3888,22 @@ msgstr ""
"можно импортировать в другую установку ACF. Сгенерировать PHP для экспорта в "
"PHP-код, который можно разместить в вашей теме."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Выберите группы полей"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Не выбраны группы полей"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Генерировать PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Экспорт групп полей"
@@ -3904,22 +3931,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Импорт групп полей"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Синхронизация"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Выбрать %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Дублировать"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Дублировать элемент"
@@ -3927,13 +3954,14 @@ msgstr "Дублировать элемент"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Поддержка"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документация"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3942,13 +3970,13 @@ msgstr "Документация"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Описание"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Доступна синхронизация"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Группа полей синхронизирована."
@@ -3956,14 +3984,14 @@ msgstr[1] "%s группы полей синхронизированы."
msgstr[2] "%s групп полей синхронизированы."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Активна (%s)"
@@ -4005,7 +4033,7 @@ msgstr "Поле %1$s теперь можно найти в группе пол
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Движение завершено."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -4020,7 +4048,7 @@ msgstr "Ключи полей"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Настройки"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Местонахождение"
@@ -4032,14 +4060,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "копировать"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(текущее поле)"
@@ -4050,14 +4078,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Выбрано"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Переместить пользовательское поле"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Нет доступных переключаемых полей"
@@ -4066,14 +4094,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Название группы полей обязательно"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Это поле не может быть перемещено до сохранения изменений"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Строка \"field_\" не может использоваться в начале имени поля"
@@ -4241,8 +4269,8 @@ msgstr "Не имеет значения"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Имеет любое значение"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отмена"
@@ -4252,24 +4280,24 @@ msgstr "Отмена"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Вы уверены?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d полей требуют вашего внимания"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 поле требует внимания"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Валидация не удалась"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Валидация пройдена успешно"
@@ -4305,8 +4333,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Изменить"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Внесенные вами изменения будут утеряны, если вы покинете эту страницу"
@@ -4319,10 +4347,10 @@ msgstr "Тип файла должен быть %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "или"
@@ -4372,8 +4400,8 @@ msgstr "Миниатюра"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(без этикетки)"
@@ -5342,7 +5370,7 @@ msgstr "Изображение не выбрано"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Удалить"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5662,93 +5690,93 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Подборщик времени"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Неактивен (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Неактивны (%s)"
msgstr[2] "Неактивно (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Поля не найдены в корзине"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Поля не найдены"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Поиск полей"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Просмотреть поле"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Новое поле"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Изменить поле"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Добавить новое поле"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Поле"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Поля"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Группы полей не найдены в корзине"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Группы полей не найдены"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Найти группу полей"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Просмотреть группу полей"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Новая группа полей"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Редактирование группы полей"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Добавить новую группу полей"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Добавить новое"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Группа полей"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Группы полей"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.l10n.php
index a1eaf5cb..1930e8df 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'sk_SK','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'vyžaduje sa hodnota %s','%s settings'=>'Nové nastavenia','Options'=>'Nastavenia ','Update'=>'Aktualizovať ','Options Updated'=>'Nastavenia aktualizované','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby ste zapli aktualizácie, musíte zadať licencčný kľúč na stránke aktualizácií. Ak nemáte licenčný kľúč, porizte si podrobnosti a ceny.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Check Again'=>'Skontrolovať znova','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Publish'=>'Publikovať ','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Pre túto stránku neboli nájdené žiadne vlastné skupiny polí. Vytvoriť novú vlastnú skupinu polí','Edit field group'=>'Upraviť skupinu polí ','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Updates'=>'Aktualizácie','Fields'=>'Polia ','Display'=>'Zobrazenie','Layout'=>'Rozmiestnenie','Block'=>'Blok','Table'=>'Tabuľka','Row'=>'Riadok','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Vybraté prvky budú zobrazené v každom výsledku ','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Označenie poľa ','Prefix Field Names'=>'Meno poľa ','Unknown field'=>'Pod poliami','(no title)'=>'(bez názvu)','Unknown field group'=>'Zobraziť túto skupinu poľa, ak','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibilný obsah ','Add Row'=>'Pridať riadok','layout'=>'rozloženie' . "\0" . 'rozloženie' . "\0" . 'rozloženie','layouts'=>'rozloženia','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Toto pole vyžaduje najmenej {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Toto pole vyžaduje najviac {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} dostupné (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} vyžadované (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibilný obsah vyžaduje aspoň jedno rozloženie','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Pre vytvorenie rozloženia kliknite na tlačidlo "%s"','Drag to reorder'=>'Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť','Add layout'=>'Pridať rozloženie','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplikovať rozloženie','Remove layout'=>'Odstrániť rozloženie','Delete Layout'=>'Vymazať rozloženie','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikovať rozloženie','Add New Layout'=>'Pridať nové rozloženie','Add Layout'=>'Pridať rozloženie','Label'=>'Označenie ','Name'=>'Meno','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimálne rozloženie','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximálne rozloženie','Button Label'=>'Označenie tlačidla','Gallery'=>'Galéria','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Pridať obrázok do galérie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximálne dosiahnuté hodnoty','Length'=>'Dĺžka','Edit'=>'Upraviť','Remove'=>'Odstrániť','Title'=>'Názov','Caption'=>'Nastavenia ','Alt Text'=>'Text ','Add to gallery'=>'Pridať do galérie','Bulk actions'=>'Hromadné akcie','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Triediť podľa dátumu nahrania','Sort by date modified'=>'Triediť podľa poslednej úpravy','Sort by title'=>'Triediť podľa názvu','Reverse current order'=>'Zvrátiť aktuálnu objednávku','Close'=>'Zatvoriť ','Return Format'=>'Formát odpovede','Image Array'=>'Obrázok ','Image URL'=>'URL adresa obrázka ','Image ID'=>'ID obrázka ','Library'=>'Knižnica ','Limit the media library choice'=>'Obmedziť výber knižnice médií ','All'=>'Všetky ','Uploaded to post'=>'Nahrané do príspevku ','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimálny výber','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximálny výber','Minimum'=>'Minimálny počet','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Určite, ktoré typy obrázkov môžu byť nahraté','Width'=>'Šírka','Height'=>'Výška ','File size'=>'Veľkosť súboru ','Maximum'=>'Maximálny počet','Allowed file types'=>'Povolené typy súborov','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Zoznam, oddelený čiarkou. Nechajte prázdne pre všetky typy','Append to the end'=>'Zobrazí sa po vstupe','Preview Size'=>'Veľkosť náhľadu ','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s vyžaduje výber najmenej %s' . "\0" . '%s vyžadujú výber najmenej %s' . "\0" . '%s vyžaduje výbej najmenej %s','Repeater'=>'Opakovač','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Dosiahnutý počet minimálneho počtu riadkov ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximálny počet riadkov ({max} rows)','Sub Fields'=>'Podpolia','Pagination'=>'Pozícia ','Rows Per Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimálny počet riadkov','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximálny počet riadkov','Collapsed'=>'Zmenšiť detaily ','Click to reorder'=>'Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť','Add row'=>'Pridať riadok','Duplicate row'=>'Duplikovať ','Remove row'=>'Odstrániť riadok','Current Page'=>'Aktuálny používateľ','First Page'=>'Úvodná stránka ','Previous Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','Next Page'=>'Úvodná stránka ','Last Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','No block types exist'=>'Neexistujú nastavenia stránok','Options Page'=>'Stránka nastavení ','No options pages exist'=>'Neexistujú nastavenia stránok','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktivovať licenciu','Activate License'=>'Aktivovať licenciu','License Information'=>'Aktualizovať infromácie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby ste zapli aktualizácie, musíte zadať licencčný kľúč na stránke aktualizácií. Ak nemáte licenčný kľúč, porizte si podrobnosti a ceny.','License Key'=>'Licenčný kľúč','Retry Activation'=>'Lepšie overovanie','Update Information'=>'Aktualizovať infromácie','Current Version'=>'Aktuálna verzia','Latest Version'=>'Posledná verzia','Update Available'=>'Dostupná aktualizácia','No'=>'Nie','Yes'=>'Áno ','Upgrade Notice'=>'Oznam o aktualizácii','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, prosím zadajte váš licenčný kľúč','Update Plugin'=>'Aktualizovať modul','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, prosím zadajte váš licenčný kľúč']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'sk_SK','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'vyžaduje sa hodnota %s','%s settings'=>'Nové nastavenia','Options'=>'Nastavenia ','Update'=>'Aktualizovať ','Options Updated'=>'Nastavenia aktualizované','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby ste zapli aktualizácie, musíte zadať licencčný kľúč na stránke aktualizácií. Ak nemáte licenčný kľúč, porizte si podrobnosti a ceny.','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Check Again'=>'Skontrolovať znova','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Publish'=>'Publikovať ','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Pre túto stránku neboli nájdené žiadne vlastné skupiny polí. Vytvoriť novú vlastnú skupinu polí','Edit field group'=>'Upraviť skupinu polí ','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Chyba. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom','Updates'=>'Aktualizácie','Fields'=>'Polia ','Display'=>'Zobrazenie','Layout'=>'Rozmiestnenie','Block'=>'Blok','Table'=>'Tabuľka','Row'=>'Riadok','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Vybraté prvky budú zobrazené v každom výsledku ','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Označenie poľa ','Prefix Field Names'=>'Meno poľa ','Unknown field'=>'Pod poliami','(no title)'=>'(bez názvu)','Unknown field group'=>'Zobraziť túto skupinu poľa, ak','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibilný obsah ','Add Row'=>'Pridať riadok','layout'=>'rozloženie' . "\0" . 'rozloženie' . "\0" . 'rozloženie','layouts'=>'rozloženia','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Toto pole vyžaduje najmenej {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Toto pole vyžaduje najviac {max} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} dostupné (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} vyžadované (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibilný obsah vyžaduje aspoň jedno rozloženie','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Pre vytvorenie rozloženia kliknite na tlačidlo "%s"','Drag to reorder'=>'Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť','Add layout'=>'Pridať rozloženie','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplikovať rozloženie','Remove layout'=>'Odstrániť rozloženie','Delete Layout'=>'Vymazať rozloženie','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplikovať rozloženie','Add New Layout'=>'Pridať nové rozloženie','Add Layout'=>'Pridať rozloženie','Label'=>'Označenie ','Name'=>'Meno','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Minimálne rozloženie','Maximum Layouts'=>'Maximálne rozloženie','Button Label'=>'Označenie tlačidla','Gallery'=>'Galéria','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Pridať obrázok do galérie','Maximum selection reached'=>'Maximálne dosiahnuté hodnoty','Length'=>'Dĺžka','Edit'=>'Upraviť','Remove'=>'Odstrániť','Title'=>'Názov','Caption'=>'Nastavenia ','Alt Text'=>'Text ','Add to gallery'=>'Pridať do galérie','Bulk actions'=>'Hromadné akcie','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Triediť podľa dátumu nahrania','Sort by date modified'=>'Triediť podľa poslednej úpravy','Sort by title'=>'Triediť podľa názvu','Reverse current order'=>'Zvrátiť aktuálnu objednávku','Close'=>'Zatvoriť ','Return Format'=>'Formát odpovede','Image Array'=>'Obrázok ','Image URL'=>'URL adresa obrázka ','Image ID'=>'ID obrázka ','Library'=>'Knižnica ','Limit the media library choice'=>'Obmedziť výber knižnice médií ','All'=>'Všetky ','Uploaded to post'=>'Nahrané do príspevku ','Minimum Selection'=>'Minimálny výber','Maximum Selection'=>'Maximálny výber','Minimum'=>'Minimálny počet','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Určite, ktoré typy obrázkov môžu byť nahraté','Width'=>'Šírka','Height'=>'Výška ','File size'=>'Veľkosť súboru ','Maximum'=>'Maximálny počet','Allowed file types'=>'Povolené typy súborov','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Zoznam, oddelený čiarkou. Nechajte prázdne pre všetky typy','Append to the end'=>'Zobrazí sa po vstupe','Preview Size'=>'Veľkosť náhľadu ','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s vyžaduje výber najmenej %s' . "\0" . '%s vyžadujú výber najmenej %s' . "\0" . '%s vyžaduje výbej najmenej %s','Repeater'=>'Opakovač','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Dosiahnutý počet minimálneho počtu riadkov ({min} rows)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Maximálny počet riadkov ({max} rows)','Sub Fields'=>'Podpolia','Pagination'=>'Pozícia ','Rows Per Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','Minimum Rows'=>'Minimálny počet riadkov','Maximum Rows'=>'Maximálny počet riadkov','Collapsed'=>'Zmenšiť detaily ','Click to reorder'=>'Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť','Add row'=>'Pridať riadok','Duplicate row'=>'Duplikovať ','Remove row'=>'Odstrániť riadok','Current Page'=>'Aktuálny používateľ','First Page'=>'Úvodná stránka ','Previous Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','Next Page'=>'Úvodná stránka ','Last Page'=>'Stránka príspevkov ','No block types exist'=>'Neexistujú nastavenia stránok','Options Page'=>'Stránka nastavení ','No options pages exist'=>'Neexistujú nastavenia stránok','Deactivate License'=>'Deaktivovať licenciu','Activate License'=>'Aktivovať licenciu','License Information'=>'Aktualizovať infromácie','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Aby ste zapli aktualizácie, musíte zadať licencčný kľúč na stránke aktualizácií. Ak nemáte licenčný kľúč, porizte si podrobnosti a ceny.','License Key'=>'Licenčný kľúč','Retry Activation'=>'Lepšie overovanie','Update Information'=>'Aktualizovať infromácie','Current Version'=>'Aktuálna verzia','Latest Version'=>'Posledná verzia','Update Available'=>'Dostupná aktualizácia','No'=>'Nie','Yes'=>'Áno ','Upgrade Notice'=>'Oznam o aktualizácii','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, prosím zadajte váš licenčný kľúč','Update Plugin'=>'Aktualizovať modul','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, prosím zadajte váš licenčný kľúč']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.mo
index 2ccbacf6..6cccb878 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.po
index 221ff9ab..44b99325 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sk_SK.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: sk_SK\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.l10n.php
index e4eb5e8f..2c7ae84b 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.l10n.php
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NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'sv_SE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Kontakta din webbplatsadministratör eller utvecklare för mer information.','Learn more'=>'Lär dig mer','Hide details'=>'Dölj detaljer','Show details'=>'Visa detaljer','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) -– återgiven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Förnya ACF PRO-licens','Renew License'=>'Förnya licens','Manage License'=>'Hantera licens','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Uppgradera till ACF PRO','Add Options Page'=>'Lägg till alternativsida','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Används som platshållare för rubriken i redigeraren.','Title Placeholder'=>'Platshållare för rubrik','4 Months Free'=>'4 månader gratis',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Duplicerad från %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Välj alternativsidor','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicera taxonomi','Create taxonomy'=>'Skapa taxonomi','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicera inläggstyp','Create post type'=>'Skapa inläggstyp','Link field groups'=>'Länka fältgrupper','Add fields'=>'Lägg till fält','This Field'=>'Detta fält','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'utvecklas och underhålls av','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Lägg till denna %s i platsreglerna för de valda fältgrupperna.','Target Field'=>'Målfält','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Uppdatera ett fält med de valda värdena och hänvisa tillbaka till detta ID','Bidirectional'=>'Dubbelriktad','%s Field'=>'%s-fält','Select Multiple'=>'Välj flera','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine-logga','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att tilldela termer','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att ta bort termer','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att redigera termer','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Namn på behörigheten för hantering av termer i denna taxonomi.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att hantera termer','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Anger om inlägg ska exkluderas från sökresultat och arkivsidor för taxonomier.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Fler verktyg från WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Byggt för dem som bygger med WordPress, av teamet på %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Visa priser och uppgradering','Learn More'=>'Lär dig mer','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Lås upp avancerade funktioner och bygg ännu mer med ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s-fält','No terms'=>'Inga termer','No post types'=>'Inga inläggstyper','No posts'=>'Inga inlägg','No taxonomies'=>'Inga taxonomier','No field groups'=>'Inga fältgrupper','No fields'=>'Inga fält','No description'=>'Ingen beskrivning','Any post status'=>'Vilken inläggsstatus som helst','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna taxonominyckel används redan av en annan taxonomi som är registrerad utanför ACF och kan inte användas.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna taxonominyckel används redan av en annan taxonomi i ACF och kan inte användas.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Taxonominyckeln måste vara under 32 tecken.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Inga taxonomier hittades i papperskorgen','No Taxonomies found'=>'Inga taxonomier hittades','Search Taxonomies'=>'Sök taxonomier','View Taxonomy'=>'Visa taxonomi','New Taxonomy'=>'Ny taxonomi','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Redigera taxonomi','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till ny taxonomi','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Inga inläggstyper hittades i papperskorgen','No Post Types found'=>'Inga inläggstyper hittades','Search Post Types'=>'Sök inläggstyper','View Post Type'=>'Visa inläggstyp','New Post Type'=>'Ny inläggstyp','Edit Post Type'=>'Redigera inläggstyp','Add New Post Type'=>'Lägg till ny inläggstyp','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna nyckel för inläggstyp används redan av en annan inläggstyp som är registrerad utanför ACF och kan inte användas.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna nyckel för inläggstyp används redan av en annan inläggstyp i ACF och kan inte användas.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Nyckeln för inläggstypen måste vara kortare än 20 tecken.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Vi avråder från att använda detta fält i ACF-block.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG-redigerare','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Tillåter val av en eller flera användare som kan användas för att skapa relationer mellan dataobjekt.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'En textinmatning speciellt designad för att lagra webbadresser.','URL'=>'URL','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'En grundläggande textinmatning, användbar för att lagra enskilda strängvärden.','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Ett inmatningsfält för att ange ett lösenord med hjälp av ett maskerat fält.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrera efter inläggsstatus','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Ett inmatningsfält begränsat till numeriska värden.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Använder den inbyggda mediaväljaren i WordPress för att ladda upp eller välja bilder.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Använder den inbyggda mediaväljaren i WordPress för att ladda upp eller välja filer.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'En textinmatning speciellt designad för att lagra e-postadresser.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Detta tillhandahåller en interaktiv gränssnitt för att hantera en samling av bilagor. De flesta inställningarna är liknande bildfälttypen. Ytterligare inställningar låter dig specificera var nya bilagor ska läggas till i galleriet och det minsta/maximala antalet bilagor som tillåts.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Detta gör det möjligt för dig att välja och visa befintliga fält. Det duplicerar inte några fält i databasen, utan laddar och visar de valda fälten vid körtid. Klonfältet kan antingen ersätta sig själv med de valda fälten eller visa de valda fälten som en grupp av underfält.','nounClone'=>'Klona','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avancerad','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nyare)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ogiltigt inläggs-ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ogiltig inläggstyp har valts för granskning.','More'=>'Mer','Tutorial'=>'Handledning','Available with ACF PRO'=>'Tillgänglig med ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'Välj fält','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Prova med en annan sökterm eller bläddra bland %s','Popular fields'=>'Populära fält','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Inga sökresultat för ”%s”','Search fields...'=>'Sök fält …','Select Field Type'=>'Välj fälttyp','Popular'=>'Populär','Add Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till taxonomi','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Skapa anpassade taxonomier för att klassificera typ av inläggsinnehåll','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till din första taxonomi','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'En eller flera inläggstyper som kan klassificeras med denna taxonomi.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genrer','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exponera denna inläggstyp i REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Anpassa namnet på ”query”-variabeln','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Anpassa ”slug” som används i URL:en','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalänkar för denna taxonomi är inaktiverade.','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonominyckel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Välj typen av permalänk som ska användas för denna taxonomi.','Show Admin Column'=>'Visa adminkolumn','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Visa taxonomin i panelen för snabb-/massredigering.','Quick Edit'=>'Snabbredigera','Tag Cloud'=>'Etikettmoln','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Säkerhetsfiltrerande återanrop för metaruta','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Registrera återanrop för metaruta','No Meta Box'=>'Ingen metaruta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Anpassad metaruta','Meta Box'=>'Metaruta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för kategorier','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för etiketter','A link to a tag'=>'En länk till en etikett','A link to a %s'=>'En länk till en/ett %s','Tag Link'=>'Etikettlänk','← Go to tags'=>'← Gå till etiketter','Back To Items'=>'Tillbaka till objekt','← Go to %s'=>'← Gå till %s','Tags list'=>'Eitkettlista','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Tilldelar texten för tabellens dolda rubrik.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigation för etikettlista','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Tilldelar texten för den dolda rubriken för tabellens sidonumrering.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrera efter kategori','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Tilldelar texten för filterknappen i tabellen med inläggslistor.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtret efter objekt','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrera efter %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Beskrivningen visas inte som standard, men går att visa med vissa teman.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Beskrivning” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Description Field Description'=>'Beskrivning för fältbeskrivning','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Ange en överordnad term för att skapa en hierarki. Till exempel skulle termen Jazz kunna vara överordnad till Bebop och Storband','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Överordnad” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Parent Field Description'=>'Överordnad fältbeskrivning','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'”Slug” är den URL-vänliga versionen av namnet. Det är vanligtvis bara små bokstäver och innehåller bara bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Slug” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Slug Field Description'=>'Beskrivning av slugfält','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Namnet är hur det ser ut på din webbplats','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Namn” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Name Field Description'=>'Beskrivning av namnfält','No tags'=>'Inga etiketter','No Terms'=>'Inga termer','No %s'=>'Inga %s','No tags found'=>'Inga etiketter hittades','Not Found'=>'Hittades inte','Most Used'=>'Mest använda','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Välj från de mest använda etiketterna','Choose From Most Used'=>'Välj från mest använda','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Välj från de mest använda %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort etiketter','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort objekt','Add or remove %s'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separera etiketter med kommatecken','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separera objekt med kommatecken','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separera %s med kommatecken','Popular Tags'=>'Populära etiketter','Popular Items'=>'Populära objekt','Popular %s'=>'Populär %s','Search Tags'=>'Sök etiketter','Assigns search items text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för att söka objekt.','Parent Category:'=>'Överordnad kategori:','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Överordnat objekt med kolon','Parent Category'=>'Överordnad kategori','Parent Item'=>'Överordnat objekt','Parent %s'=>'Överordnad %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nytt etikettnamn','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för nytt namn på objekt.','New Item Name'=>'Nytt objektnamn','New %s Name'=>'Namn på ny %s','Add New Tag'=>'Lägg till ny etikett','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för att lägga till nytt objekt.','Update Tag'=>'Uppdatera etikett','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för uppdatera objekt.','Update Item'=>'Uppdatera objekt','Update %s'=>'Uppdatera %s','View Tag'=>'Visa etikett','Edit Tag'=>'Redigera etikett','All Tags'=>'Alla etiketter','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för alla objekt.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för menynamn.','Menu Label'=>'Menyetikett','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av taxonomin.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av termen.','Term Description'=>'Termbeskrivning','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Enstaka ord, inga mellanslag. Understreck och bindestreck tillåtna.','Term Slug'=>'Termens slug','The name of the default term.'=>'Standardtermens namn.','Term Name'=>'Termnamn','Default Term'=>'Standardterm','Sort Terms'=>'Sortera termer','Add Post Type'=>'Lägg till inläggstyp','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Lägg till din första inläggstyp','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Jag vet vad jag gör, visa mig alla alternativ.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Avancerad konfiguration','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarkisk','Public'=>'Offentlig','movie'=>'film','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etikett i singular','Movies'=>'Filmer','Plural Label'=>'Etikett i plural','Controller Class'=>'”Controller”-klass','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'Namnrymdsdelen av REST API-URL:en.','Namespace Route'=>'Route för namnrymd','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'Bas-URL för inläggstypens REST API-URL:er.','Base URL'=>'Bas-URL','Show In REST API'=>'Visa i REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Anpassa namnet på ”query”-variabeln.','Query Variable'=>'”Query”-variabel','No Query Variable Support'=>'Inget stöd för ”query”-variabel','Custom Query Variable'=>'Anpassad ”query”-variabel','Query Variable Support'=>'Stöd för ”query”-variabel','Publicly Queryable'=>'Offentligt sökbar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Anpassad slug för arkiv-URL:en.','Archive Slug'=>'Arkiv-slug','Archive'=>'Arkiv','Pagination'=>'Sidonumrering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL för RSS-flöde, för objekten i inläggstypen.','Feed URL'=>'Flödes-URL','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefix för inledande URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Anpassa slugen som används i webbadressen.','URL Slug'=>'URL-slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalänkar för denna inläggstyp är inaktiverade.','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Ingen permalänk (förhindra URL-omskrivning)','Custom Permalink'=>'Anpassad permalänk','Post Type Key'=>'Nyckel för inläggstyp','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Omskrivning av permalänk','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Ta bort objekt av en användare när den användaren tas bort.','Delete With User'=>'Ta bort med användare','Can Export'=>'Kan exportera','Plural Capability Name'=>'Namn i plural på behörighet','Singular Capability Name'=>'Namn i singular på behörighet','Rename Capabilities'=>'Byt namn på behörigheter','Exclude From Search'=>'Exkludera från sök','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Visa i adminmeny','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Återanrop för anpassad metaruta','Menu Icon'=>'Menyikon','Menu Position'=>'Menyposition','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Överordnad adminmeny','Dashicon class name'=>'Klassnamn för dashicon','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Visa i adminmeny','Show In UI'=>'Visa i användargränssnitt','A link to a post.'=>'En länk till ett inlägg.','Item Link Description'=>'Objekts länkbeskrivning','A link to a %s.'=>'En länk till en/ett %s.','Post Link'=>'Inläggslänk','Item Link'=>'Objektlänk','%s Link'=>'%s-länk','Post updated.'=>'Inlägg uppdaterat.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter att ett objekt har uppdaterats.','Item Updated'=>'Objekt uppdaterat','%s updated.'=>'%s har uppdaterats.','Post scheduled.'=>'Inlägget har schemalagts.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter schemaläggning av ett objekt.','Item Scheduled'=>'Objekt tidsinställt','%s scheduled.'=>'%s schemalagd.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Inlägget har återställts till utkastet.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter att ha återställt ett objekt till utkast.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Objekt återställt till utkast','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s återställt till utkast.','Post published privately.'=>'Inlägg publicerat privat.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter publicering av ett privat objekt.','Item Published Privately'=>'Objekt publicerat privat','%s published privately.'=>'%s har publicerats privat.','Post published.'=>'Inlägg publicerat.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter publicering av ett objekt.','Item Published'=>'Objekt publicerat','%s published.'=>'%s publicerad.','Posts list'=>'Inläggslista','Items List'=>'Objektlista','%s list'=>'%s-lista','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigation för inläggslista','Items List Navigation'=>'Navigation för objektlista','%s list navigation'=>'Navigation för %s-lista','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrera inlägg efter datum','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrera objekt efter datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrera %s efter datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrera inläggslista','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrera lista med objekt','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrera %s-listan','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Uppladdat till detta objekt','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Uppladdad till denna %s','Insert into post'=>'Infoga i inlägg','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Infoga ”Infoga media”-knapp','Insert into %s'=>'Infoga i %s','Use as featured image'=>'Använd som utvald bild','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Som knappetikett för att välja att använda en bild som den utvalda bilden.','Use Featured Image'=>'Använd utvald bild','Remove featured image'=>'Ta bort utvald bild','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Som knappetiketten vid borttagning av den utvalda bilden.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Ta bort utvald bild','Set featured image'=>'Ange utvald bild','Set Featured Image'=>'Ange utvald bild','Featured image'=>'Utvald bild','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för utvald bild','Post Attributes'=>'Inläggsattribut','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för attribut','%s Attributes'=>'Attribut för %s','Post Archives'=>'Inläggsarkiv','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Navigationsmeny för arkiv','%s Archives'=>'Arkiv för %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Inga inlägg hittades i papperskorgen','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Inga objekt hittades i papperskorgen','No %s found in Trash'=>'Inga %s hittades i papperskorgen','No posts found'=>'Inga inlägg hittades','No Items Found'=>'Inga objekt hittades','No %s found'=>'Inga %s hittades','Search Posts'=>'Sök inlägg','Search Items'=>'Sök objekt','Search %s'=>'Sök efter %s','Parent Page:'=>'Överordnad sida:','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefix för överordnat objekt','Parent %s:'=>'Överordnad %s:','New Post'=>'Nytt inlägg','New Item'=>'Nytt objekt','New %s'=>'Ny %s','Add New Post'=>'Lägg till nytt inlägg','Add New Item'=>'Lägg till nytt objekt','Add New %s'=>'Lägg till ny/nytt %s','View Posts'=>'Visa inlägg','View Items'=>'Visa objekt','View Post'=>'Visa inlägg','View Item'=>'Visa objekt','View %s'=>'Visa %s','Edit Post'=>'Redigera inlägg','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Överst i redigeringsvyn när du redigerar ett objekt.','Edit Item'=>'Redigera objekt','Edit %s'=>'Redigera %s','All Posts'=>'Alla inlägg','All Items'=>'Alla objekt','All %s'=>'Alla %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Adminmenynamn för inläggstypen.','Menu Name'=>'Menynamn','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Återskapa alla etiketter med etiketterna för singular och plural','Regenerate'=>'Återskapa','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Aktiva inläggstyper är aktiverade och registrerade med WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av inläggstypen.','Add Custom'=>'Lägg till anpassad','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Aktivera olika funktioner i innehållsredigeraren.','Post Formats'=>'Inläggsformat','Editor'=>'Redigerare','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Browse Fields'=>'Bläddra bland fält','Nothing to import'=>'Ingenting att importera','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Tillägget ”Custom Post Type UI” kan inaktiveras.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Importerade %d objekt från ”Custom Post Type UI” –' . "\0" . 'Importerade %d objekt från ”Custom Post Type UI” –','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Misslyckades att importera taxonomier.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Misslyckades att importera inläggstyper.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Inget från ”Custom Post Type UI” har valts för import.','Imported 1 item'=>'Importerade 1 objekt' . "\0" . 'Importerade %s objekt','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Om en inläggstyp eller taxonomi importeras med samma nyckel som en som redan finns skrivs inställningarna för den befintliga inläggstypen eller taxonomin över med inställningarna för importen.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importera från Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'Följande kod kan användas för att registrera en lokal version av de valda objekten. Att lagra fältgrupper, inläggstyper eller taxonomier lokalt kan ge många fördelar, till exempel snabbare inläsningstider, versionskontroll och dynamiska fält/inställningar. Kopiera och klistra in följande kod i ditt temas ”functions.php”-fil eller inkludera den i en extern fil, inaktivera eller ta sen bort objekten från ACF-administrationen.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportera - Generera PHP','Export'=>'Exportera','Select Taxonomies'=>'Välj taxonomier','Select Post Types'=>'Välj inläggstyper','Exported 1 item.'=>'Exporterade 1 objekt.' . "\0" . 'Exporterade %s objekt.','Category'=>'Kategori','Tag'=>'Etikett','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomin %s skapades','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomin %s uppdaterad','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomiutkast uppdaterat.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomi schemalagd till.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomi inskickad.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomi sparad.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomi borttagen.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomi uppdaterad.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Denna taxonomi kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av en annan taxonomi som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomi synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier synkroniserade.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomi duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier duplicerade.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomi inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier inaktiverade.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomi aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier aktiverade.','Terms'=>'Termer','Post type synchronized.'=>'Inläggstyp synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper synkroniserade.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Inläggstyp duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper duplicerade.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Inläggstyp inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper inaktiverade.','Post type activated.'=>'Inläggstyp aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper aktiverade.','Post Types'=>'Inläggstyper','Advanced Settings'=>'Avancerade inställningar','Basic Settings'=>'Grundläggande inställningar','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Denna inläggstyp kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av en annan inläggstyp som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','Pages'=>'Sidor','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Länka befintliga fältgrupper','%s post type created'=>'Inläggstypen %s skapad','Add fields to %s'=>'Lägg till fält till %s','%s post type updated'=>'Inläggstypen %s uppdaterad','Post type draft updated.'=>'Utkast för inläggstyp uppdaterat.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Inläggstyp schemalagd till.','Post type submitted.'=>'Inläggstyp inskickad.','Post type saved.'=>'Inläggstyp sparad.','Post type updated.'=>'Inläggstyp uppdaterad.','Post type deleted.'=>'Inläggstyp borttagen.','Type to search...'=>'Skriv för att söka …','PRO Only'=>'Endast PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Fältgrupper har länkats.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importera inläggstyper och taxonomier som registrerats med ”Custom Post Type UI” och hantera dem med ACF. Kom igång.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomi','post type'=>'inläggstyp','Done'=>'Klar','Field Group(s)'=>'Fältgrupp/fältgrupper','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Markera en eller flera fältgrupper …','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Välj de fältgrupper som ska länkas.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Fältgrupp har länkats.' . "\0" . 'Fältgrupper har länkats.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registrering misslyckades','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Detta objekt kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av ett annat objekt som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Behörigheter','URLs'=>'URL:er','Visibility'=>'Synlighet','Labels'=>'Etiketter','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Fältinställningar för flikar','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF-kortkod inaktiverad för förhandsvisning]','Close Modal'=>'Stäng modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Fält flyttat till annan grupp','Close modal'=>'Stäng modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Starta en ny grupp av flikar på denna flik.','New Tab Group'=>'Ny flikgrupp','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Använd en stiliserad kryssruta med hjälp av select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Spara annat val','Allow Other Choice'=>'Tillåt annat val','Add Toggle All'=>'Lägg till ”Slå på/av alla”','Save Custom Values'=>'Spara anpassade värden','Allow Custom Values'=>'Tillåt anpassade värden','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Anpassade värden för kryssrutor kan inte vara tomma. Avmarkera alla tomma värden.','Updates'=>'Uppdateringar','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logga för Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Spara ändringarna','Field Group Title'=>'Rubrik för fältgrupp','Add title'=>'Lägg till rubrik','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Har du just börjat med ACF? Kolla gärna in vår välkomstguide.','Add Field Group'=>'Lägg till fältgrupp','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF samlar anpassade fält i fältgrupper och kopplar sedan dessa fält till redigeringsvyer.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Lägg till din första fältgrupp','Options Pages'=>'Alternativsidor','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF-block','Gallery Field'=>'Gallerifält','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibelt innehållsfält','Repeater Field'=>'Upprepningsfält','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Lås upp extra funktioner med ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Ta bort fältgrupp','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Skapad den %1$s kl. %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Gruppinställningar','Location Rules'=>'Platsregler','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Välj från över 30 fälttyper. Lär dig mer.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Kom igång med att skapa nya anpassade fält för dina inlägg, sidor, anpassade inläggstyper och annat WordPress-innehåll.','Add Your First Field'=>'Lägg till ditt första fält','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Lägg till fält','Presentation'=>'Presentation','Validation'=>'Validering','General'=>'Allmänt','Import JSON'=>'Importera JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportera som JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Fältgrupp inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper inaktiverade.','Field group activated.'=>'Fältgrupp aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper aktiverade.','Deactivate'=>'Inaktivera','Deactivate this item'=>'Inaktivera detta objekt','Activate'=>'Aktivera','Activate this item'=>'Aktivera detta objekt','Move field group to trash?'=>'Flytta fältgrupp till papperskorg?','post statusInactive'=>'Inaktiv','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields och Advanced Custom Fields PRO ska inte vara aktiva samtidigt. Vi har inaktiverat Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatiskt.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields och Advanced Custom Fields PRO ska inte vara aktiva samtidigt. Vi har inaktiverat Advanced Custom Fields automatiskt.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s – Vi har upptäckt ett eller flera anrop för att hämta ACF-fältvärden innan ACF har initierats. Detta stöds inte och kan resultera i felaktiga eller saknade data. Lär dig hur man åtgärdar detta.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s måste ha en användare med rollen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste ha en användare med en av följande roller: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s måste ha ett giltigt användar-ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Ogiltig begäran.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s är inte en av %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s måste ha termen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste ha en av följande termer: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s måste vara av inläggstypen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste vara en av följande inläggstyper: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s måste ha ett giltigt inläggs-ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s kräver ett giltig bilage-ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Visa i REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Aktivera genomskinlighet','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA-array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA-sträng','Hex String'=>'HEX-sträng','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Uppgradera till PRO','post statusActive'=>'Aktivt','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'”%s” är inte en giltig e-postadress','Color value'=>'Färgvärde','Select default color'=>'Välj standardfärg','Clear color'=>'Rensa färg','Blocks'=>'Block','Options'=>'Alternativ','Users'=>'Användare','Menu items'=>'Menyval','Widgets'=>'Widgetar','Attachments'=>'Bilagor','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomier','Posts'=>'Inlägg','Last updated: %s'=>'Senast uppdaterad: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Detta inlägg är inte tillgängligt för diff-jämförelse.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ogiltiga parametrar för fältgrupp.','Awaiting save'=>'Väntar på att sparas','Saved'=>'Sparad','Import'=>'Importera','Review changes'=>'Granska ändringar','Located in: %s'=>'Finns i: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Finns i tillägg: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Finns i tema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synkronisera ändringar','Loading diff'=>'Hämtar diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Granska lokala JSON-ändringar','Visit website'=>'Besök webbplats','View details'=>'Visa detaljer','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Support. Vår professionella supportpersonal kan hjälpa dig med mer komplicerade och tekniska utmaningar.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Diskussioner. Vi har en aktiv och vänlig community på våra community-forum som kanske kan hjälpa dig att räkna ut ”hur man gör” i ACF-världen.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentation. Vår omfattande dokumentation innehåller referenser och guider för de flesta situationer du kan stöta på.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Vi är fanatiska när det gäller support och vill att du ska få ut det bästa av din webbplats med ACF. Om du stöter på några svårigheter finns det flera ställen där du kan få hjälp:','Help & Support'=>'Hjälp och support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Använd fliken ”Hjälp och support” för att kontakta oss om du skulle behöva hjälp.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Innan du skapar din första fältgrupp rekommenderar vi att du först läser vår Komma igång-guide för att bekanta dig med tilläggets filosofi och bästa praxis.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Tillägget ”Advanced Custom Fields” tillhandahåller en visuell formulärbyggare för att anpassa WordPress redigeringsvyer med extra fält och ett intuitivt API för att visa anpassade fältvärden i alla temamallsfiler.','Overview'=>'Översikt','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Platstypen ”%s” är redan registrerad.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klassen ”%s” finns inte.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ogiltig engångskod.','Error loading field.'=>'Fel vid inläsning av fält.','Location not found: %s'=>'Plats hittades inte: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fel: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Användarroll','Comment'=>'Kommentera','Post Format'=>'Inläggsformat','Menu Item'=>'Menyval','Post Status'=>'Inläggsstatus','Menus'=>'Menyer','Menu Locations'=>'Menyplatser','Menu'=>'Meny','Post Taxonomy'=>'Inläggstaxonomi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Undersida (har överordnad)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Överordnad sida (har undersidor)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Toppnivåsida (ingen överordnad)','Posts Page'=>'Inläggssida','Front Page'=>'Startsida','Page Type'=>'Sidtyp','Viewing back end'=>'Visar back-end','Viewing front end'=>'Visar front-end','Logged in'=>'Inloggad','Current User'=>'Nuvarande användare','Page Template'=>'Sidmall','Register'=>'Registrera','Add / Edit'=>'Lägg till/redigera','User Form'=>'Användarformulär','Page Parent'=>'Överordnad sida','Super Admin'=>'Superadmin','Current User Role'=>'Nuvarande användarroll','Default Template'=>'Standardmall','Post Template'=>'Inläggsmall','Post Category'=>'Inläggskategori','All %s formats'=>'Alla %s-format','Attachment'=>'Bilaga','%s value is required'=>'%s-värde är obligatoriskt','Show this field if'=>'Visa detta fält om','Conditional Logic'=>'Villkorad logik','and'=>'och','Local JSON'=>'Lokal JSON','Clone Field'=>'Klona fält','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Kontrollera också att alla premiumutökningar (%s) är uppdaterade till den senaste versionen.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Denna version innehåller förbättringar av din databas och kräver en uppgradering.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Tack för att du uppdaterade till %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Databasuppgradering krävs','Options Page'=>'Alternativsida','Gallery'=>'Galleri','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibelt innehåll','Repeater'=>'Repeterare','Back to all tools'=>'Tillbaka till alla verktyg','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Om flera fältgrupper visas på en redigeringssida, kommer den första fältgruppens alternativ att användas (den med lägsta sorteringsnummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Markera objekt för att dölja dem från redigeringsvyn.','Hide on screen'=>'Dölj på skärmen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Skicka trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiketter','Categories'=>'Kategorier','Page Attributes'=>'Sidattribut','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Författare','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Versioner','Comments'=>'Kommentarer','Discussion'=>'Diskussion','Excerpt'=>'Utdrag','Content Editor'=>'Innehållsredigerare','Permalink'=>'Permalänk','Shown in field group list'=>'Visa i fältgrupplista','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Fältgrupper med lägre ordningsnummer kommer synas först','Order No.'=>'Sorteringsnummer','Below fields'=>'Under fält','Below labels'=>'Under etiketter','Instruction Placement'=>'Instruktionsplacering','Label Placement'=>'Etikettplacering','Side'=>'Vid sidan','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (efter innehåll)','High (after title)'=>'Hög (efter rubrik)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sömnlöst (ingen metaruta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP meta-ruta)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Typ','Key'=>'Nyckel','Order'=>'Sortering','Close Field'=>'Stäng fält','id'=>'id','class'=>'klass','width'=>'bredd','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Omslagsattribut','Required'=>'Obligatoriskt','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruktioner för författare. Visas när data skickas','Instructions'=>'Instruktioner','Field Type'=>'Fälttyp','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Enstaka ord, inga mellanslag. Understreck och bindestreck tillåtna','Field Name'=>'Fältnamn','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Detta är namnet som kommer att visas på REDIGERINGS-sidan','Field Label'=>'Fältetikett','Delete'=>'Ta bort','Delete field'=>'Ta bort fält','Move'=>'Flytta','Move field to another group'=>'Flytta fältet till en annan grupp','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicera fält','Edit field'=>'Redigera fält','Drag to reorder'=>'Dra för att sortera om','Show this field group if'=>'Visa denna fältgrupp om','No updates available.'=>'Inga uppdateringar tillgängliga.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Databasuppgradering slutförd. Se vad som är nytt','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Läser in uppgraderingsuppgifter …','Upgrade failed.'=>'Uppgradering misslyckades.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Uppgradering slutförd.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Uppgraderar data till version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Det rekommenderas starkt att du säkerhetskopierar din databas innan du fortsätter. Är du säker på att du vill köra uppdateraren nu?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Välj minst en webbplats att uppgradera.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Uppgradering av databas slutförd. Tillbaka till nätverkets adminpanel','Site is up to date'=>'Webbplatsen är uppdaterad','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Webbplatsen kräver databasuppgradering från %1$s till %2$s','Site'=>'Webbplats','Upgrade Sites'=>'Uppgradera webbplatser','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Följande webbplatser kräver en DB-uppgradering. Kontrollera de du vill uppdatera och klicka sedan på %s.','Add rule group'=>'Lägg till regelgrupp','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Skapa en uppsättning regler för att avgöra vilka redigeringsvyer som ska använda dessa avancerade anpassade fält','Rules'=>'Regler','Copied'=>'Kopierad','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopiera till urklipp','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Välj vilka objekt du vill exportera och sedan exportmetod. ”Exportera som JSON” för att exportera till en .json-fil som du sedan kan importera till någon annan ACF-installation. ”Generera PHP” för att exportera PHP kod som du kan lägga till i ditt tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Välj fältgrupper','No field groups selected'=>'Inga fältgrupper valda','Generate PHP'=>'Generera PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportera fältgrupper','Import file empty'=>'Importerad fil är tom','Incorrect file type'=>'Felaktig filtyp','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fel vid uppladdning av fil. Försök igen','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Välj den JSON-fil för Advanced Custom Fields som du vill importera. När du klickar på importknappen nedan kommer ACF att importera objekten i den filen.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importera fältgrupper','Sync'=>'Synkronisera','Select %s'=>'Välj %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicera','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicera detta objekt','Supports'=>'Stöder','Documentation'=>'Dokumentation','Description'=>'Beskrivning','Sync available'=>'Synkronisering tillgänglig','Field group synchronized.'=>'Fältgrupp synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper synkroniserade.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Fältgrupp duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper duplicerade.','Active (%s)'=>'Aktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktiva (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Granska webbplatser och uppgradera','Upgrade Database'=>'Uppgradera databas','Custom Fields'=>'Anpassade fält','Move Field'=>'Flytta fält','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Välj destinationen för detta fält','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Fältet %1$s kan nu hittas i fältgruppen %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Flytt färdig.','Active'=>'Aktiv','Field Keys'=>'Fältnycklar','Settings'=>'Inställningar','Location'=>'Plats','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopiera','(this field)'=>'(detta fält)','Checked'=>'Ikryssad','Move Custom Field'=>'Flytta anpassat fält','No toggle fields available'=>'Inga fält för att slå på/av är tillgängliga','Field group title is required'=>'Rubrik för fältgrupp är obligatoriskt','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Detta fält kan inte flyttas innan dess ändringar har sparats','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Strängen ”field_” får inte användas i början av ett fältnamn','Field group draft updated.'=>'Fältgruppsutkast uppdaterat.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Fältgrupp schemalagd för.','Field group submitted.'=>'Fältgrupp skickad.','Field group saved.'=>'Fältgrupp sparad.','Field group published.'=>'Fältgrupp publicerad.','Field group deleted.'=>'Fältgrupp borttagen.','Field group updated.'=>'Fältgrupp uppdaterad.','Tools'=>'Verktyg','is not equal to'=>'är inte lika med','is equal to'=>'är lika med','Forms'=>'Formulär','Page'=>'Sida','Post'=>'Inlägg','Relational'=>'Relationellt','Choice'=>'Val','Basic'=>'Grundläggande','Unknown'=>'Okänt','Field type does not exist'=>'Fälttyp finns inte','Spam Detected'=>'Skräppost upptäckt','Post updated'=>'Inlägg uppdaterat','Update'=>'Uppdatera','Validate Email'=>'Validera e-post','Content'=>'Innehåll','Title'=>'Rubrik','Edit field group'=>'Redigera fältgrupp','Selection is less than'=>'Valet är mindre än','Selection is greater than'=>'Valet är större än','Value is less than'=>'Värde är mindre än','Value is greater than'=>'Värde är större än','Value contains'=>'Värde innehåller','Value matches pattern'=>'Värde matchar mönster','Value is not equal to'=>'Värde är inte lika med','Value is equal to'=>'Värde är lika med','Has no value'=>'Har inget värde','Has any value'=>'Har något värde','Cancel'=>'Avbryt','Are you sure?'=>'Är du säker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fält kräver din uppmärksamhet','1 field requires attention'=>'1 fält kräver din uppmärksamhet','Validation failed'=>'Validering misslyckades','Validation successful'=>'Validering lyckades','Restricted'=>'Begränsad','Collapse Details'=>'Minimera detaljer','Expand Details'=>'Expandera detaljer','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uppladdat till detta inlägg','verbUpdate'=>'Uppdatera','verbEdit'=>'Redigera','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De ändringar du gjort kommer att gå förlorade om du navigerar bort från denna sida','File type must be %s.'=>'Filtyp måste vara %s.','or'=>'eller','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Filstorleken får inte överskrida %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Filstorlek måste vara lägst %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildens höjd får inte överskrida %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildens höjd måste vara åtminstone %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildens bredd får inte överskrida %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildens bredd måste vara åtminstone %d px.','(no title)'=>'(ingen rubrik)','Full Size'=>'Full storlek','Large'=>'Stor','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatyr','(no label)'=>'(ingen etikett)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Ställer in textområdets höjd','Rows'=>'Rader','Text Area'=>'Textområde','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Förbered en extra kryssruta för att slå på/av alla val','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spara ”anpassade” värden till fältets val','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Tillåt att ”anpassade” värden kan läggas till','Add new choice'=>'Lägg till nytt val','Toggle All'=>'Slå på/av alla','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Tillåt arkiv-URL:er','Archives'=>'Arkiv','Page Link'=>'Sidlänk','Add'=>'Lägg till','Name'=>'Namn','%s added'=>'%s har lagts till','%s already exists'=>'%s finns redan','User unable to add new %s'=>'Användare kan inte lägga till ny %s','Term ID'=>'Term-ID','Term Object'=>'Term-objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Hämta värde från inläggets termer','Load Terms'=>'Ladda termer','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Koppla valda termer till inlägget','Save Terms'=>'Spara termer','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Tillåt att nya termer skapas vid redigering','Create Terms'=>'Skapa termer','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknappar','Single Value'=>'Enskild värde','Multi Select'=>'Flerval','Checkbox'=>'Kryssruta','Multiple Values'=>'Flera värden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Välj utseendet på detta fält','Appearance'=>'Utseende','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Välj taxonomin som ska visas','No TermsNo %s'=>'Inga %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Värdet måste vara lika med eller lägre än %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Värdet måste vara lika med eller högre än %d','Value must be a number'=>'Värdet måste vara ett nummer','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spara ”andra” värden i fältets val','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Lägg till valet ”annat” för att tillåta anpassade värden','Other'=>'Annat','Radio Button'=>'Alternativknapp','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definiera en ändpunkt för föregående dragspel att stoppa. Detta dragspel kommer inte att vara synligt.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Tillåt detta dragspel öppna utan att stänga andra.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-expandera','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Visa detta dragspel som öppet på sidladdning.','Open'=>'Öppen','Accordion'=>'Dragspel','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Begränsa vilka filer som kan laddas upp','File ID'=>'Fil-ID','File URL'=>'Fil-URL','File Array'=>'Fil-array','Add File'=>'Lägg till fil','No file selected'=>'Ingen fil vald','File name'=>'Filnamn','Update File'=>'Uppdatera fil','Edit File'=>'Redigera fil','Select File'=>'Välj fil','File'=>'Fil','Password'=>'Lösenord','Specify the value returned'=>'Specificera värdet att returnera','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Använda AJAX för att ladda alternativ efter att sidan laddats?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Ange varje standardvärde på en ny rad','verbSelect'=>'Välj','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laddning misslyckades','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Söker…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Laddar in fler resultat …','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Du kan endast välja %d objekt','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Du kan endast välja 1 objekt','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Ta bort %d tecken','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Ta bort 1 tecken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Ange %d eller fler tecken','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Ange 1 eller fler tecken','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Inga matchningar hittades','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultat är tillgängliga, använd tangenterna med uppåt- och nedåtpil för att navigera.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Ett resultat är tillgängligt, tryck på returtangenten för att välja det.','nounSelect'=>'Välj','User ID'=>'Användar-ID','User Object'=>'Användarobjekt','User Array'=>'Användar-array','All user roles'=>'Alla användarroller','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrera efter roll','User'=>'Användare','Separator'=>'Avgränsare','Select Color'=>'Välj färg','Default'=>'Standard','Clear'=>'Rensa','Color Picker'=>'Färgväljare','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Välj','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klart','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tidszon','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekund','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekund','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekund','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Timme','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tid','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Välj tid','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum/tidväljare','Endpoint'=>'Ändpunkt','Left aligned'=>'Vänsterjusterad','Top aligned'=>'Toppjusterad','Placement'=>'Placering','Tab'=>'Flik','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Värde måste vara en giltig URL','Link URL'=>'Länk-URL','Link Array'=>'Länk-array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Öppnas i ett nytt fönster/flik','Select Link'=>'Välj länk','Link'=>'Länk','Email'=>'E-post','Step Size'=>'Stegstorlek','Maximum Value'=>'Maximalt värde','Minimum Value'=>'Minsta värde','Range'=>'Intervall','Both (Array)'=>'Båda (Array)','Label'=>'Etikett','Value'=>'Värde','Vertical'=>'Vertikal','Horizontal'=>'Horisontell','red : Red'=>'röd : Röd','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'För mer kontroll kan du specificera både ett värde och en etikett så här:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Ange varje val på en ny rad.','Choices'=>'Val','Button Group'=>'Knappgrupp','Allow Null'=>'Tillåt värdet ”null”','Parent'=>'Överordnad','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE kommer inte att initialiseras förrän fältet är klickat','Delay Initialization'=>'Fördröjd initialisering','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Visa knappar för mediauppladdning','Toolbar'=>'Verktygsfält','Text Only'=>'Endast text','Visual Only'=>'Endast visuell','Visual & Text'=>'Visuell och text','Tabs'=>'Flikar','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klicka för att initialisera TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visuellt','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Värde får inte överstiga %d tecken','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lämna fältet tomt för att inte sätta någon begränsning','Character Limit'=>'Teckenbegränsning','Appears after the input'=>'Visas efter inmatningen','Append'=>'Lägg till efter','Appears before the input'=>'Visas före inmatningen','Prepend'=>'Lägg till före','Appears within the input'=>'Visas inuti inmatningen','Placeholder Text'=>'Platshållartext','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Visas när ett nytt inlägg skapas','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s kräver minst %2$s val' . "\0" . '%1$s kräver minst %2$s val','Post ID'=>'Inläggs-ID','Post Object'=>'Inläggsobjekt','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximalt antal inlägg','Minimum Posts'=>'Minsta antal inlägg','Featured Image'=>'Utvald bild','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valda element kommer att visas i varje resultat','Elements'=>'Element','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomi','Post Type'=>'Inläggstyp','Filters'=>'Filter','All taxonomies'=>'Alla taxonomier','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrera efter taxonomi','All post types'=>'Alla inläggstyper','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrera efter inläggstyp','Search...'=>'Sök …','Select taxonomy'=>'Välj taxonomi','Select post type'=>'Välj inläggstyp','No matches found'=>'Inga matchningar hittades','Loading'=>'Laddar in','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximalt antal värden har nåtts ({max} värden)','Relationship'=>'Relationer','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Kommaseparerad lista. Lämna tomt för alla typer','Allowed File Types'=>'Tillåtna filtyper','Maximum'=>'Maximalt','File size'=>'Filstorlek','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Begränsa vilka bilder som kan laddas upp','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uppladdat till inlägg','All'=>'Alla','Limit the media library choice'=>'Begränsa mediabiblioteksvalet','Library'=>'Bibliotek','Preview Size'=>'Förhandsgranska storlek','Image ID'=>'Bild-ID','Image URL'=>'Bild-URL','Image Array'=>'Bild-array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specificera returvärdet på front-end','Return Value'=>'Returvärde','Add Image'=>'Lägg till bild','No image selected'=>'Ingen bild vald','Remove'=>'Ta bort','Edit'=>'Redigera','All images'=>'Alla bilder','Update Image'=>'Uppdatera bild','Edit Image'=>'Redigera bild','Select Image'=>'Välj bild','Image'=>'Bild','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Tillåt att HTML-märkkod visas som synlig text i stället för att renderas','Escape HTML'=>'Inaktivera HTML-rendering','No Formatting'=>'Ingen formatering','Automatically add <br>'=>'Lägg automatiskt till <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Lägg automatiskt till stycken','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Styr hur nya rader visas','New Lines'=>'Nya rader','Week Starts On'=>'Veckan börjar på','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatet som används när ett värde sparas','Save Format'=>'Spara format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'V','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Föreg.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Nästa','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Idag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klart','Date Picker'=>'Datumväljare','Width'=>'Bredd','Embed Size'=>'Inbäddad storlek','Enter URL'=>'Ange URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text som visas när inaktivt','Off Text'=>'”Av”-text','Text shown when active'=>'Text som visas när aktivt','On Text'=>'”På”-text','Stylized UI'=>'Stiliserat användargränssnitt','Default Value'=>'Standardvärde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Visar text bredvid kryssrutan','Message'=>'Meddelande','No'=>'Nej','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Sant/falskt','Row'=>'Rad','Table'=>'Tabell','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specificera stilen för att rendera valda fält','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Underfält','Group'=>'Grupp','Customize the map height'=>'Anpassa karthöjden','Height'=>'Höjd','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Ställ in den initiala zoomnivån','Zoom'=>'Zooma','Center the initial map'=>'Centrera den inledande kartan','Center'=>'Centrerat','Search for address...'=>'Sök efter adress …','Find current location'=>'Hitta nuvarande plats','Clear location'=>'Rensa plats','Search'=>'Sök','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Denna webbläsare saknar stöd för platsinformation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Formatet returnerad via mallfunktioner','Return Format'=>'Returformat','Custom:'=>'Anpassad:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Formatet visas när ett inlägg redigeras','Display Format'=>'Visningsformat','Time Picker'=>'Tidsväljare','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inaktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inaktiva (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Inga fält hittades i papperskorgen','No Fields found'=>'Inga fält hittades','Search Fields'=>'Sök fält','View Field'=>'Visa fält','New Field'=>'Nytt fält','Edit Field'=>'Redigera fält','Add New Field'=>'Lägg till nytt fält','Field'=>'Fält','Fields'=>'Fält','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades i papperskorgen','No Field Groups found'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades','Search Field Groups'=>'Sök fältgrupper','View Field Group'=>'Visa fältgrupp','New Field Group'=>'Ny fältgrupp','Edit Field Group'=>'Redigera fältgrupp','Add New Field Group'=>'Lägg till ny fältgrupp','Add New'=>'Lägg till nytt','Field Group'=>'Fältgrupp','Field Groups'=>'Fältgrupper','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Anpassa WordPress med kraftfulla, professionella och intuitiva fält.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blocktypsnamn är obligatoriskt.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blocktypen "%s" är redan registrerad.','Switch to Edit'=>'Växla till Redigera','Switch to Preview'=>'Växla till förhandsgranskning','Change content alignment'=>'Ändra innehållsjustering','%s settings'=>'%s-inställningar','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Det här blocket innehåller inga redigerbara fält.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Tilldela en fältgrupp för att lägga till fält i detta block.','Options Updated'=>'Alternativ uppdaterade','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om du vill aktivera uppdateringar anger du din licensnyckel på sidan Uppdateringar. Om du inte har en licensnyckel, se uppgifter och priser.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Din definierade licensnyckel har ändrats, men ett fel uppstod vid inaktivering av din gamla licens','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Din definierade licensnyckel har ändrats, men ett fel uppstod vid anslutning till aktiveringsservern','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Ett fel uppstod vid anslutning till aktiveringsservern','Check Again'=>'Kontrollera igen','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Kunde inte ansluta till aktiveringsservern','Publish'=>'Publicera','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades för denna inställningssida. Skapa en fältgrupp','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fel. Kunde inte ansluta till uppdateringsservern','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Fel. Det gick inte att autentisera uppdateringspaketet. Kontrollera igen eller inaktivera och återaktivera din ACF PRO-licens.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Fel. Din licens för denna webbplats har gått ut eller inaktiverats. Återaktivera din ACF PRO-licens.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Välj ett eller flera fält som du vill klona','Display'=>'Visning','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Specificera stilen som ska användas för att rendera det klonade fältet','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupp (visar valda fält i en grupp i detta fält)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Sömlös (ersätter detta fält med valda fält)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketter kommer att visas som %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix för fältetiketter','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Värden sparas som %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix för fältnamn','Unknown field'=>'Okänt fält','Unknown field group'=>'Okänd fältgrupp','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alla fält från %s fältgrupp','Add Row'=>'Lägg till rad','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouter','layouts'=>'layouter','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Detta fält kräver minst {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Detta fält har en gräns på {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tillgänglig (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} krävs (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibelt innehåll kräver minst 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klicka på knappen ”%s” nedan för att börja skapa din layout','Add layout'=>'Lägg till layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicera layout','Remove layout'=>'Ta bort layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klicka för att växla','Delete Layout'=>'Ta bort layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicera layout','Add New Layout'=>'Lägg till ny layout','Add Layout'=>'Lägg till layout','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Lägsta tillåtna antal layouter','Maximum Layouts'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal layouter','Button Label'=>'Knappetikett','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s måste vara av typen array eller null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s måste innehålla minst %2$s %3$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste innehålla minst %2$s %3$s layouter.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s får innehålla högst %2$s %3$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s får innehålla högst %2$s %3$s layouter.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Lägg till bild i galleriet','Maximum selection reached'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal val uppnått','Length'=>'Längd','Caption'=>'Bildtext','Alt Text'=>'Alternativ text','Add to gallery'=>'Lägg till i galleri','Bulk actions'=>'Massåtgärder','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortera efter uppladdningsdatum','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortera efter redigeringsdatum','Sort by title'=>'Sortera efter rubrik','Reverse current order'=>'Omvänd nuvarande ordning','Close'=>'Stäng','Minimum Selection'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal val','Maximum Selection'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal val','Allowed file types'=>'Tillåtna filtyper','Insert'=>'Infoga','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Specifiera var nya bilagor läggs till','Append to the end'=>'Lägg till i slutet','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Lägg till början','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal rader uppnått ({min} rader)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal rader uppnått ({max} rader)','Error loading page'=>'Kunde inte ladda in sida','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Användbart för fält med ett stort antal rader.','Rows Per Page'=>'Rader per sida','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Ange antalet rader som ska visas på en sida.','Minimum Rows'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal rader','Maximum Rows'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal rader','Collapsed'=>'Ihopfälld','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Välj ett underfält att visa när raden är ihopfälld','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Ogiltig fältnyckel.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ett fel uppstod vid hämtning av fältet.','Click to reorder'=>'Dra och släpp för att ändra ordning','Add row'=>'Lägg till rad','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicera rad','Remove row'=>'Ta bort rad','Current Page'=>'Nuvarande sida','First Page'=>'Första sidan','Previous Page'=>'Föregående sida','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s av %2$s','Next Page'=>'Nästa sida','Last Page'=>'Sista sidan','No block types exist'=>'Det finns inga blocktyper','No options pages exist'=>'Det finns inga alternativsidor','Deactivate License'=>'Inaktivera licens','Activate License'=>'Aktivera licens','License Information'=>'Licensinformation','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'För att låsa upp uppdateringar, fyll i din licensnyckel här nedan. Om du inte har en licensnyckel, gå till sidan detaljer och priser.','License Key'=>'Licensnyckel','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Din licensnyckel är angiven i wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Försök aktivera igen','Update Information'=>'Uppdateringsinformation','Current Version'=>'Nuvarande version','Latest Version'=>'Senaste version','Update Available'=>'Uppdatering tillgänglig','Upgrade Notice'=>'Uppgraderingsnotering','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Fyll i din licensnyckel här ovan för att låsa upp uppdateringar','Update Plugin'=>'Uppdatera tillägg','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Återaktivera din licens för att låsa upp uppdateringar']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'sv_SE','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF-fält','Learn how to fix this'=>'Lär dig hur man åtgärdar detta','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO-funktion','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'Förnya PRO för att låsa upp','Renew PRO License'=>'Förnya PRO-licens','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'PRO-fält kan inte redigeras utan en aktiv licens.','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'Aktivera din ACF PRO-licens för att redigera denna alternativsida.','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'Kontakta din webbplatsadministratör eller utvecklare för mer information.','Hide details'=>'Dölj detaljer','Show details'=>'Visa detaljer','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) -– återgiven via %3$s','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'Förnya ACF PRO-licens','Renew License'=>'Förnya licens','Manage License'=>'Hantera licens','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'Uppgradera till ACF PRO','Add Options Page'=>'Lägg till alternativsida','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'Används som platshållare för rubriken i redigeraren.','Title Placeholder'=>'Platshållare för rubrik','4 Months Free'=>'4 månader gratis','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Duplicerad från %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Välj alternativsidor','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Duplicera taxonomi','Create taxonomy'=>'Skapa taxonomi','Duplicate post type'=>'Duplicera inläggstyp','Create post type'=>'Skapa inläggstyp','Link field groups'=>'Länka fältgrupper','Add fields'=>'Lägg till fält','This Field'=>'Detta fält','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Feedback','Support'=>'Support','is developed and maintained by'=>'utvecklas och underhålls av','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Lägg till denna %s i platsreglerna för de valda fältgrupperna.','Target Field'=>'Målfält','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Uppdatera ett fält med de valda värdena och hänvisa tillbaka till detta ID','Bidirectional'=>'Dubbelriktad','%s Field'=>'%s-fält','Select Multiple'=>'Välj flera','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine-logga','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att tilldela termer','Delete Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att ta bort termer','Edit Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att redigera termer','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Namn på behörigheten för hantering av termer i denna taxonomi.','Manage Terms Capability'=>'Behörighet att hantera termer','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'Anger om inlägg ska exkluderas från sökresultat och arkivsidor för taxonomier.','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'Fler verktyg från WP Engine','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'Byggt för dem som bygger med WordPress, av teamet på %s','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'Visa priser och uppgradering','Learn More'=>'Lär dig mer','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'Lås upp avancerade funktioner och bygg ännu mer med ACF PRO','%s fields'=>'%s-fält','No terms'=>'Inga termer','No post types'=>'Inga inläggstyper','No posts'=>'Inga inlägg','No taxonomies'=>'Inga taxonomier','No field groups'=>'Inga fältgrupper','No fields'=>'Inga fält','No description'=>'Ingen beskrivning','Any post status'=>'Vilken inläggsstatus som helst','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna taxonominyckel används redan av en annan taxonomi som är registrerad utanför ACF och kan inte användas.','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna taxonominyckel används redan av en annan taxonomi i ACF och kan inte användas.','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'Taxonominyckeln måste vara under 32 tecken.','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'Inga taxonomier hittades i papperskorgen','No Taxonomies found'=>'Inga taxonomier hittades','Search Taxonomies'=>'Sök taxonomier','View Taxonomy'=>'Visa taxonomi','New Taxonomy'=>'Ny taxonomi','Edit Taxonomy'=>'Redigera taxonomi','Add New Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till ny taxonomi','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'Inga inläggstyper hittades i papperskorgen','No Post Types found'=>'Inga inläggstyper hittades','Search Post Types'=>'Sök inläggstyper','View Post Type'=>'Visa inläggstyp','New Post Type'=>'Ny inläggstyp','Edit Post Type'=>'Redigera inläggstyp','Add New Post Type'=>'Lägg till ny inläggstyp','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna nyckel för inläggstyp används redan av en annan inläggstyp som är registrerad utanför ACF och kan inte användas.','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'Denna nyckel för inläggstyp används redan av en annan inläggstyp i ACF och kan inte användas.','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'Nyckeln för inläggstypen måste vara kortare än 20 tecken.','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'Vi avråder från att använda detta fält i ACF-block.','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'WYSIWYG-redigerare','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'Tillåter val av en eller flera användare som kan användas för att skapa relationer mellan dataobjekt.','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'En textinmatning speciellt designad för att lagra webbadresser.','URL'=>'URL','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'En grundläggande textinmatning, användbar för att lagra enskilda strängvärden.','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'Ett inmatningsfält för att ange ett lösenord med hjälp av ett maskerat fält.','Filter by Post Status'=>'Filtrera efter inläggsstatus','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'Ett inmatningsfält begränsat till numeriska värden.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'Använder den inbyggda mediaväljaren i WordPress för att ladda upp eller välja bilder.','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'Använder den inbyggda mediaväljaren i WordPress för att ladda upp eller välja filer.','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'En textinmatning speciellt designad för att lagra e-postadresser.','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'Detta tillhandahåller en interaktiv gränssnitt för att hantera en samling av bilagor. De flesta inställningarna är liknande bildfälttypen. Ytterligare inställningar låter dig specificera var nya bilagor ska läggas till i galleriet och det minsta/maximala antalet bilagor som tillåts.','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'Detta gör det möjligt för dig att välja och visa befintliga fält. Det duplicerar inte några fält i databasen, utan laddar och visar de valda fälten vid körtid. Klonfältet kan antingen ersätta sig själv med de valda fälten eller visa de valda fälten som en grupp av underfält.','nounClone'=>'Klona','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'Avancerad','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (nyare)','Original'=>'Original','Invalid post ID.'=>'Ogiltigt inläggs-ID.','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'Ogiltig inläggstyp har valts för granskning.','More'=>'Mer','Tutorial'=>'Handledning','Select Field'=>'Välj fält','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'Prova med en annan sökterm eller bläddra bland %s','Popular fields'=>'Populära fält','No search results for \'%s\''=>'Inga sökresultat för ”%s”','Search fields...'=>'Sök fält …','Select Field Type'=>'Välj fälttyp','Popular'=>'Populär','Add Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till taxonomi','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'Skapa anpassade taxonomier för att klassificera typ av inläggsinnehåll','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'Lägg till din första taxonomi','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'En eller flera inläggstyper som kan klassificeras med denna taxonomi.','genre'=>'genre','Genre'=>'Genre','Genres'=>'Genrer','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'Exponera denna inläggstyp i REST API.','Customize the query variable name'=>'Anpassa namnet på ”query”-variabeln','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'Anpassa ”slug” som används i URL:en','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'Permalänkar för denna taxonomi är inaktiverade.','Taxonomy Key'=>'Taxonominyckel','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'Välj typen av permalänk som ska användas för denna taxonomi.','Show Admin Column'=>'Visa adminkolumn','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'Visa taxonomin i panelen för snabb-/massredigering.','Quick Edit'=>'Snabbredigera','Tag Cloud'=>'Etikettmoln','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Säkerhetsfiltrerande återanrop för metaruta','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'Registrera återanrop för metaruta','No Meta Box'=>'Ingen metaruta','Custom Meta Box'=>'Anpassad metaruta','Meta Box'=>'Metaruta','Categories Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för kategorier','Tags Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för etiketter','A link to a tag'=>'En länk till en etikett','A link to a %s'=>'En länk till en/ett %s','Tag Link'=>'Etikettlänk','← Go to tags'=>'← Gå till etiketter','Back To Items'=>'Tillbaka till objekt','← Go to %s'=>'← Gå till %s','Tags list'=>'Eitkettlista','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'Tilldelar texten för tabellens dolda rubrik.','Tags list navigation'=>'Navigation för etikettlista','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'Tilldelar texten för den dolda rubriken för tabellens sidonumrering.','Filter by category'=>'Filtrera efter kategori','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'Tilldelar texten för filterknappen i tabellen med inläggslistor.','Filter By Item'=>'Filtret efter objekt','Filter by %s'=>'Filtrera efter %s','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'Beskrivningen visas inte som standard, men går att visa med vissa teman.','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Beskrivning” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Description Field Description'=>'Beskrivning för fältbeskrivning','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'Ange en överordnad term för att skapa en hierarki. Till exempel skulle termen Jazz kunna vara överordnad till Bebop och Storband','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Överordnad” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Parent Field Description'=>'Överordnad fältbeskrivning','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'”Slug” är den URL-vänliga versionen av namnet. Det är vanligtvis bara små bokstäver och innehåller bara bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck.','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Slug” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Slug Field Description'=>'Beskrivning av slugfält','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'Namnet är hur det ser ut på din webbplats','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'Beskriver fältet ”Namn” i vyn ”Redigera etiketter”.','Name Field Description'=>'Beskrivning av namnfält','No tags'=>'Inga etiketter','No Terms'=>'Inga termer','No %s'=>'Inga %s','No tags found'=>'Inga etiketter hittades','Not Found'=>'Hittades inte','Most Used'=>'Mest använda','Choose from the most used tags'=>'Välj från de mest använda etiketterna','Choose From Most Used'=>'Välj från mest använda','Choose from the most used %s'=>'Välj från de mest använda %s','Add or remove tags'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort etiketter','Add Or Remove Items'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort objekt','Add or remove %s'=>'Lägg till eller ta bort %s','Separate tags with commas'=>'Separera etiketter med kommatecken','Separate Items With Commas'=>'Separera objekt med kommatecken','Separate %s with commas'=>'Separera %s med kommatecken','Popular Tags'=>'Populära etiketter','Popular Items'=>'Populära objekt','Popular %s'=>'Populär %s','Search Tags'=>'Sök etiketter','Assigns search items text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för att söka objekt.','Parent Category:'=>'Överordnad kategori:','Parent Item With Colon'=>'Överordnat objekt med kolon','Parent Category'=>'Överordnad kategori','Parent Item'=>'Överordnat objekt','Parent %s'=>'Överordnad %s','New Tag Name'=>'Nytt etikettnamn','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för nytt namn på objekt.','New Item Name'=>'Nytt objektnamn','New %s Name'=>'Namn på ny %s','Add New Tag'=>'Lägg till ny etikett','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för att lägga till nytt objekt.','Update Tag'=>'Uppdatera etikett','Assigns the update item text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för uppdatera objekt.','Update Item'=>'Uppdatera objekt','Update %s'=>'Uppdatera %s','View Tag'=>'Visa etikett','Edit Tag'=>'Redigera etikett','All Tags'=>'Alla etiketter','Assigns the all items text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för alla objekt.','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'Tilldelar texten för menynamn.','Menu Label'=>'Menyetikett','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av taxonomin.','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av termen.','Term Description'=>'Termbeskrivning','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'Enstaka ord, inga mellanslag. Understreck och bindestreck tillåtna.','Term Slug'=>'Termens slug','The name of the default term.'=>'Standardtermens namn.','Term Name'=>'Termnamn','Default Term'=>'Standardterm','Sort Terms'=>'Sortera termer','Add Post Type'=>'Lägg till inläggstyp','Add Your First Post Type'=>'Lägg till din första inläggstyp','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'Jag vet vad jag gör, visa mig alla alternativ.','Advanced Configuration'=>'Avancerad konfiguration','Hierarchical'=>'Hierarkisk','Public'=>'Offentlig','movie'=>'film','Movie'=>'Film','Singular Label'=>'Etikett i singular','Movies'=>'Filmer','Plural Label'=>'Etikett i plural','Controller Class'=>'”Controller”-klass','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'Namnrymdsdelen av REST API-URL:en.','Namespace Route'=>'Route för namnrymd','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'Bas-URL för inläggstypens REST API-URL:er.','Base URL'=>'Bas-URL','Show In REST API'=>'Visa i REST API','Customize the query variable name.'=>'Anpassa namnet på ”query”-variabeln.','Query Variable'=>'”Query”-variabel','No Query Variable Support'=>'Inget stöd för ”query”-variabel','Custom Query Variable'=>'Anpassad ”query”-variabel','Query Variable Support'=>'Stöd för ”query”-variabel','Publicly Queryable'=>'Offentligt sökbar','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'Anpassad slug för arkiv-URL:en.','Archive Slug'=>'Arkiv-slug','Archive'=>'Arkiv','Pagination'=>'Sidonumrering','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'URL för RSS-flöde, för objekten i inläggstypen.','Feed URL'=>'Flödes-URL','Front URL Prefix'=>'Prefix för inledande URL','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'Anpassa slugen som används i webbadressen.','URL Slug'=>'URL-slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'Permalänkar för denna inläggstyp är inaktiverade.','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'Ingen permalänk (förhindra URL-omskrivning)','Custom Permalink'=>'Anpassad permalänk','Post Type Key'=>'Nyckel för inläggstyp','Permalink Rewrite'=>'Omskrivning av permalänk','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'Ta bort objekt av en användare när den användaren tas bort.','Delete With User'=>'Ta bort med användare','Can Export'=>'Kan exportera','Plural Capability Name'=>'Namn i plural på behörighet','Singular Capability Name'=>'Namn i singular på behörighet','Rename Capabilities'=>'Byt namn på behörigheter','Exclude From Search'=>'Exkludera från sök','Show In Admin Bar'=>'Visa i adminmeny','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'Återanrop för anpassad metaruta','Menu Icon'=>'Menyikon','Menu Position'=>'Menyposition','Admin Menu Parent'=>'Överordnad adminmeny','Dashicon class name'=>'Klassnamn för dashicon','Show In Admin Menu'=>'Visa i adminmeny','Show In UI'=>'Visa i användargränssnitt','A link to a post.'=>'En länk till ett inlägg.','Item Link Description'=>'Objekts länkbeskrivning','A link to a %s.'=>'En länk till en/ett %s.','Post Link'=>'Inläggslänk','Item Link'=>'Objektlänk','%s Link'=>'%s-länk','Post updated.'=>'Inlägg uppdaterat.','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter att ett objekt har uppdaterats.','Item Updated'=>'Objekt uppdaterat','%s updated.'=>'%s har uppdaterats.','Post scheduled.'=>'Inlägget har schemalagts.','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter schemaläggning av ett objekt.','Item Scheduled'=>'Objekt tidsinställt','%s scheduled.'=>'%s schemalagd.','Post reverted to draft.'=>'Inlägget har återställts till utkastet.','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter att ha återställt ett objekt till utkast.','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'Objekt återställt till utkast','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s återställt till utkast.','Post published privately.'=>'Inlägg publicerat privat.','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter publicering av ett privat objekt.','Item Published Privately'=>'Objekt publicerat privat','%s published privately.'=>'%s har publicerats privat.','Post published.'=>'Inlägg publicerat.','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'Avisering i redigeraren efter publicering av ett objekt.','Item Published'=>'Objekt publicerat','%s published.'=>'%s publicerad.','Posts list'=>'Inläggslista','Items List'=>'Objektlista','%s list'=>'%s-lista','Posts list navigation'=>'Navigation för inläggslista','Items List Navigation'=>'Navigation för objektlista','%s list navigation'=>'Navigation för %s-lista','Filter posts by date'=>'Filtrera inlägg efter datum','Filter Items By Date'=>'Filtrera objekt efter datum','Filter %s by date'=>'Filtrera %s efter datum','Filter posts list'=>'Filtrera inläggslista','Filter Items List'=>'Filtrera lista med objekt','Filter %s list'=>'Filtrera %s-listan','Uploaded To This Item'=>'Uppladdat till detta objekt','Uploaded to this %s'=>'Uppladdad till denna %s','Insert into post'=>'Infoga i inlägg','Insert Into Media Button'=>'Infoga ”Infoga media”-knapp','Insert into %s'=>'Infoga i %s','Use as featured image'=>'Använd som utvald bild','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'Som knappetikett för att välja att använda en bild som den utvalda bilden.','Use Featured Image'=>'Använd utvald bild','Remove featured image'=>'Ta bort utvald bild','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'Som knappetiketten vid borttagning av den utvalda bilden.','Remove Featured Image'=>'Ta bort utvald bild','Set featured image'=>'Ange utvald bild','Set Featured Image'=>'Ange utvald bild','Featured image'=>'Utvald bild','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för utvald bild','Post Attributes'=>'Inläggsattribut','Attributes Meta Box'=>'Metaruta för attribut','%s Attributes'=>'Attribut för %s','Post Archives'=>'Inläggsarkiv','Archives Nav Menu'=>'Navigationsmeny för arkiv','%s Archives'=>'Arkiv för %s','No posts found in Trash'=>'Inga inlägg hittades i papperskorgen','No Items Found in Trash'=>'Inga objekt hittades i papperskorgen','No %s found in Trash'=>'Inga %s hittades i papperskorgen','No posts found'=>'Inga inlägg hittades','No Items Found'=>'Inga objekt hittades','No %s found'=>'Inga %s hittades','Search Posts'=>'Sök inlägg','Search Items'=>'Sök objekt','Search %s'=>'Sök efter %s','Parent Page:'=>'Överordnad sida:','Parent Item Prefix'=>'Prefix för överordnat objekt','Parent %s:'=>'Överordnad %s:','New Post'=>'Nytt inlägg','New Item'=>'Nytt objekt','New %s'=>'Ny %s','Add New Post'=>'Lägg till nytt inlägg','Add New Item'=>'Lägg till nytt objekt','Add New %s'=>'Lägg till ny/nytt %s','View Posts'=>'Visa inlägg','View Items'=>'Visa objekt','View Post'=>'Visa inlägg','View Item'=>'Visa objekt','View %s'=>'Visa %s','Edit Post'=>'Redigera inlägg','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'Överst i redigeringsvyn när du redigerar ett objekt.','Edit Item'=>'Redigera objekt','Edit %s'=>'Redigera %s','All Posts'=>'Alla inlägg','All Items'=>'Alla objekt','All %s'=>'Alla %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'Adminmenynamn för inläggstypen.','Menu Name'=>'Menynamn','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'Återskapa alla etiketter med etiketterna för singular och plural','Regenerate'=>'Återskapa','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'Aktiva inläggstyper är aktiverade och registrerade med WordPress.','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'En beskrivande sammanfattning av inläggstypen.','Add Custom'=>'Lägg till anpassad','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'Aktivera olika funktioner i innehållsredigeraren.','Post Formats'=>'Inläggsformat','Editor'=>'Redigerare','Trackbacks'=>'Trackbacks','Browse Fields'=>'Bläddra bland fält','Nothing to import'=>'Ingenting att importera','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'. Tillägget ”Custom Post Type UI” kan inaktiveras.','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'Importerade %d objekt från ”Custom Post Type UI” –' . "\0" . 'Importerade %d objekt från ”Custom Post Type UI” –','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'Misslyckades att importera taxonomier.','Failed to import post types.'=>'Misslyckades att importera inläggstyper.','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'Inget från ”Custom Post Type UI” har valts för import.','Imported 1 item'=>'Importerade 1 objekt' . "\0" . 'Importerade %s objekt','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'Om en inläggstyp eller taxonomi importeras med samma nyckel som en som redan finns skrivs inställningarna för den befintliga inläggstypen eller taxonomin över med inställningarna för importen.','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'Importera från Custom Post Type UI','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'Följande kod kan användas för att registrera en lokal version av de valda objekten. Att lagra fältgrupper, inläggstyper eller taxonomier lokalt kan ge många fördelar, till exempel snabbare inläsningstider, versionskontroll och dynamiska fält/inställningar. Kopiera och klistra in följande kod i ditt temas ”functions.php”-fil eller inkludera den i en extern fil, inaktivera eller ta sen bort objekten från ACF-administrationen.','Export - Generate PHP'=>'Exportera - Generera PHP','Export'=>'Exportera','Select Taxonomies'=>'Välj taxonomier','Select Post Types'=>'Välj inläggstyper','Exported 1 item.'=>'Exporterade 1 objekt.' . "\0" . 'Exporterade %s objekt.','Category'=>'Kategori','Tag'=>'Etikett','%s taxonomy created'=>'Taxonomin %s skapades','%s taxonomy updated'=>'Taxonomin %s uppdaterad','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'Taxonomiutkast uppdaterat.','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'Taxonomi schemalagd till.','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'Taxonomi inskickad.','Taxonomy saved.'=>'Taxonomi sparad.','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'Taxonomi borttagen.','Taxonomy updated.'=>'Taxonomi uppdaterad.','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Denna taxonomi kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av en annan taxonomi som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'Taxonomi synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier synkroniserade.','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'Taxonomi duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier duplicerade.','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'Taxonomi inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier inaktiverade.','Taxonomy activated.'=>'Taxonomi aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s taxonomier aktiverade.','Terms'=>'Termer','Post type synchronized.'=>'Inläggstyp synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper synkroniserade.','Post type duplicated.'=>'Inläggstyp duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper duplicerade.','Post type deactivated.'=>'Inläggstyp inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper inaktiverade.','Post type activated.'=>'Inläggstyp aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s inläggstyper aktiverade.','Post Types'=>'Inläggstyper','Advanced Settings'=>'Avancerade inställningar','Basic Settings'=>'Grundläggande inställningar','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Denna inläggstyp kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av en annan inläggstyp som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','Pages'=>'Sidor','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'Länka befintliga fältgrupper','%s post type created'=>'Inläggstypen %s skapad','Add fields to %s'=>'Lägg till fält till %s','%s post type updated'=>'Inläggstypen %s uppdaterad','Post type draft updated.'=>'Utkast för inläggstyp uppdaterat.','Post type scheduled for.'=>'Inläggstyp schemalagd till.','Post type submitted.'=>'Inläggstyp inskickad.','Post type saved.'=>'Inläggstyp sparad.','Post type updated.'=>'Inläggstyp uppdaterad.','Post type deleted.'=>'Inläggstyp borttagen.','Type to search...'=>'Skriv för att söka …','PRO Only'=>'Endast PRO','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'Fältgrupper har länkats.','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'Importera inläggstyper och taxonomier som registrerats med ”Custom Post Type UI” och hantera dem med ACF. Kom igång.','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'taxonomi','post type'=>'inläggstyp','Done'=>'Klar','Field Group(s)'=>'Fältgrupp/fältgrupper','Select one or many field groups...'=>'Markera en eller flera fältgrupper …','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'Välj de fältgrupper som ska länkas.','Field group linked successfully.'=>'Fältgrupp har länkats.' . "\0" . 'Fältgrupper har länkats.','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Registrering misslyckades','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'Detta objekt kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av ett annat objekt som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema.','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'Behörigheter','URLs'=>'URL:er','Visibility'=>'Synlighet','Labels'=>'Etiketter','Field Settings Tabs'=>'Fältinställningar för flikar','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[ACF-kortkod inaktiverad för förhandsvisning]','Close Modal'=>'Stäng modal','Field moved to other group'=>'Fält flyttat till annan grupp','Close modal'=>'Stäng modal','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'Starta en ny grupp av flikar på denna flik.','New Tab Group'=>'Ny flikgrupp','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'Använd en stiliserad kryssruta med hjälp av select2','Save Other Choice'=>'Spara annat val','Allow Other Choice'=>'Tillåt annat val','Add Toggle All'=>'Lägg till ”Slå på/av alla”','Save Custom Values'=>'Spara anpassade värden','Allow Custom Values'=>'Tillåt anpassade värden','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'Anpassade värden för kryssrutor kan inte vara tomma. Avmarkera alla tomma värden.','Updates'=>'Uppdateringar','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'Logga för Advanced Custom Fields','Save Changes'=>'Spara ändringarna','Field Group Title'=>'Rubrik för fältgrupp','Add title'=>'Lägg till rubrik','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'Har du just börjat med ACF? Kolla gärna in vår välkomstguide.','Add Field Group'=>'Lägg till fältgrupp','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF samlar anpassade fält i fältgrupper och kopplar sedan dessa fält till redigeringsvyer.','Add Your First Field Group'=>'Lägg till din första fältgrupp','Options Pages'=>'Alternativsidor','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF-block','Gallery Field'=>'Gallerifält','Flexible Content Field'=>'Flexibelt innehållsfält','Repeater Field'=>'Upprepningsfält','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Lås upp extra funktioner med ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Ta bort fältgrupp','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'Skapad den %1$s kl. %2$s','Group Settings'=>'Gruppinställningar','Location Rules'=>'Platsregler','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'Välj från över 30 fälttyper. Lär dig mer.','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'Kom igång med att skapa nya anpassade fält för dina inlägg, sidor, anpassade inläggstyper och annat WordPress-innehåll.','Add Your First Field'=>'Lägg till ditt första fält','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'Lägg till fält','Presentation'=>'Presentation','Validation'=>'Validering','General'=>'Allmänt','Import JSON'=>'Importera JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Exportera som JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'Fältgrupp inaktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper inaktiverade.','Field group activated.'=>'Fältgrupp aktiverad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper aktiverade.','Deactivate'=>'Inaktivera','Deactivate this item'=>'Inaktivera detta objekt','Activate'=>'Aktivera','Activate this item'=>'Aktivera detta objekt','Move field group to trash?'=>'Flytta fältgrupp till papperskorg?','post statusInactive'=>'Inaktiv','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields och Advanced Custom Fields PRO ska inte vara aktiva samtidigt. Vi har inaktiverat Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatiskt.','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields och Advanced Custom Fields PRO ska inte vara aktiva samtidigt. Vi har inaktiverat Advanced Custom Fields automatiskt.','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s – Vi har upptäckt ett eller flera anrop för att hämta ACF-fältvärden innan ACF har initierats. Detta stöds inte och kan resultera i felaktiga eller saknade data. Lär dig hur man åtgärdar detta.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s måste ha en användare med rollen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste ha en användare med en av följande roller: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s måste ha ett giltigt användar-ID.','Invalid request.'=>'Ogiltig begäran.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s är inte en av %2$s','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s måste ha termen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste ha en av följande termer: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s måste vara av inläggstypen %2$s.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste vara en av följande inläggstyper: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s måste ha ett giltigt inläggs-ID.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s kräver ett giltig bilage-ID.','Show in REST API'=>'Visa i REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Aktivera genomskinlighet','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA-array','RGBA String'=>'RGBA-sträng','Hex String'=>'HEX-sträng','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Uppgradera till PRO','post statusActive'=>'Aktivt','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'”%s” är inte en giltig e-postadress','Color value'=>'Färgvärde','Select default color'=>'Välj standardfärg','Clear color'=>'Rensa färg','Blocks'=>'Block','Options'=>'Alternativ','Users'=>'Användare','Menu items'=>'Menyval','Widgets'=>'Widgetar','Attachments'=>'Bilagor','Taxonomies'=>'Taxonomier','Posts'=>'Inlägg','Last updated: %s'=>'Senast uppdaterad: %s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'Detta inlägg är inte tillgängligt för diff-jämförelse.','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Ogiltiga parametrar för fältgrupp.','Awaiting save'=>'Väntar på att sparas','Saved'=>'Sparad','Import'=>'Importera','Review changes'=>'Granska ändringar','Located in: %s'=>'Finns i: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Finns i tillägg: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Finns i tema: %s','Various'=>'Diverse','Sync changes'=>'Synkronisera ändringar','Loading diff'=>'Hämtar diff','Review local JSON changes'=>'Granska lokala JSON-ändringar','Visit website'=>'Besök webbplats','View details'=>'Visa detaljer','Version %s'=>'Version %s','Information'=>'Information','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Support. Vår professionella supportpersonal kan hjälpa dig med mer komplicerade och tekniska utmaningar.','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'Diskussioner. Vi har en aktiv och vänlig community på våra community-forum som kanske kan hjälpa dig att räkna ut ”hur man gör” i ACF-världen.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Dokumentation. Vår omfattande dokumentation innehåller referenser och guider för de flesta situationer du kan stöta på.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Vi är fanatiska när det gäller support och vill att du ska få ut det bästa av din webbplats med ACF. Om du stöter på några svårigheter finns det flera ställen där du kan få hjälp:','Help & Support'=>'Hjälp och support','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Använd fliken ”Hjälp och support” för att kontakta oss om du skulle behöva hjälp.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Innan du skapar din första fältgrupp rekommenderar vi att du först läser vår Komma igång-guide för att bekanta dig med tilläggets filosofi och bästa praxis.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Tillägget ”Advanced Custom Fields” tillhandahåller en visuell formulärbyggare för att anpassa WordPress redigeringsvyer med extra fält och ett intuitivt API för att visa anpassade fältvärden i alla temamallsfiler.','Overview'=>'Översikt','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Platstypen ”%s” är redan registrerad.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Klassen ”%s” finns inte.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Ogiltig engångskod.','Error loading field.'=>'Fel vid inläsning av fält.','Location not found: %s'=>'Plats hittades inte: %s','Error: %s'=>'Fel: %s','Widget'=>'Widget','User Role'=>'Användarroll','Comment'=>'Kommentera','Post Format'=>'Inläggsformat','Menu Item'=>'Menyval','Post Status'=>'Inläggsstatus','Menus'=>'Menyer','Menu Locations'=>'Menyplatser','Menu'=>'Meny','Post Taxonomy'=>'Inläggstaxonomi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Undersida (har överordnad)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Överordnad sida (har undersidor)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Toppnivåsida (ingen överordnad)','Posts Page'=>'Inläggssida','Front Page'=>'Startsida','Page Type'=>'Sidtyp','Viewing back end'=>'Visar back-end','Viewing front end'=>'Visar front-end','Logged in'=>'Inloggad','Current User'=>'Nuvarande användare','Page Template'=>'Sidmall','Register'=>'Registrera','Add / Edit'=>'Lägg till/redigera','User Form'=>'Användarformulär','Page Parent'=>'Överordnad sida','Super Admin'=>'Superadmin','Current User Role'=>'Nuvarande användarroll','Default Template'=>'Standardmall','Post Template'=>'Inläggsmall','Post Category'=>'Inläggskategori','All %s formats'=>'Alla %s-format','Attachment'=>'Bilaga','%s value is required'=>'%s-värde är obligatoriskt','Show this field if'=>'Visa detta fält om','Conditional Logic'=>'Villkorad logik','and'=>'och','Local JSON'=>'Lokal JSON','Clone Field'=>'Klona fält','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Kontrollera också att alla premiumutökningar (%s) är uppdaterade till den senaste versionen.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Denna version innehåller förbättringar av din databas och kräver en uppgradering.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Tack för att du uppdaterade till %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Databasuppgradering krävs','Options Page'=>'Alternativsida','Gallery'=>'Galleri','Flexible Content'=>'Flexibelt innehåll','Repeater'=>'Repeterare','Back to all tools'=>'Tillbaka till alla verktyg','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Om flera fältgrupper visas på en redigeringssida, kommer den första fältgruppens alternativ att användas (den med lägsta sorteringsnummer)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Markera objekt för att dölja dem från redigeringsvyn.','Hide on screen'=>'Dölj på skärmen','Send Trackbacks'=>'Skicka trackbacks','Tags'=>'Etiketter','Categories'=>'Kategorier','Page Attributes'=>'Sidattribut','Format'=>'Format','Author'=>'Författare','Slug'=>'Slug','Revisions'=>'Versioner','Comments'=>'Kommentarer','Discussion'=>'Diskussion','Excerpt'=>'Utdrag','Content Editor'=>'Innehållsredigerare','Permalink'=>'Permalänk','Shown in field group list'=>'Visa i fältgrupplista','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Fältgrupper med lägre ordningsnummer kommer synas först','Order No.'=>'Sorteringsnummer','Below fields'=>'Under fält','Below labels'=>'Under etiketter','Instruction Placement'=>'Instruktionsplacering','Label Placement'=>'Etikettplacering','Side'=>'Vid sidan','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (efter innehåll)','High (after title)'=>'Hög (efter rubrik)','Position'=>'Position','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Sömnlöst (ingen metaruta)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standard (WP meta-ruta)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Typ','Key'=>'Nyckel','Order'=>'Sortering','Close Field'=>'Stäng fält','id'=>'id','class'=>'klass','width'=>'bredd','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Omslagsattribut','Required'=>'Obligatoriskt','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Instruktioner för författare. Visas när data skickas','Instructions'=>'Instruktioner','Field Type'=>'Fälttyp','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Enstaka ord, inga mellanslag. Understreck och bindestreck tillåtna','Field Name'=>'Fältnamn','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Detta är namnet som kommer att visas på REDIGERINGS-sidan','Field Label'=>'Fältetikett','Delete'=>'Ta bort','Delete field'=>'Ta bort fält','Move'=>'Flytta','Move field to another group'=>'Flytta fältet till en annan grupp','Duplicate field'=>'Duplicera fält','Edit field'=>'Redigera fält','Drag to reorder'=>'Dra för att sortera om','Show this field group if'=>'Visa denna fältgrupp om','No updates available.'=>'Inga uppdateringar tillgängliga.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Databasuppgradering slutförd. Se vad som är nytt','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Läser in uppgraderingsuppgifter …','Upgrade failed.'=>'Uppgradering misslyckades.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Uppgradering slutförd.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Uppgraderar data till version %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Det rekommenderas starkt att du säkerhetskopierar din databas innan du fortsätter. Är du säker på att du vill köra uppdateraren nu?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Välj minst en webbplats att uppgradera.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Uppgradering av databas slutförd. Tillbaka till nätverkets adminpanel','Site is up to date'=>'Webbplatsen är uppdaterad','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Webbplatsen kräver databasuppgradering från %1$s till %2$s','Site'=>'Webbplats','Upgrade Sites'=>'Uppgradera webbplatser','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Följande webbplatser kräver en DB-uppgradering. Kontrollera de du vill uppdatera och klicka sedan på %s.','Add rule group'=>'Lägg till regelgrupp','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Skapa en uppsättning regler för att avgöra vilka redigeringsvyer som ska använda dessa avancerade anpassade fält','Rules'=>'Regler','Copied'=>'Kopierad','Copy to clipboard'=>'Kopiera till urklipp','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'Välj vilka objekt du vill exportera och sedan exportmetod. ”Exportera som JSON” för att exportera till en .json-fil som du sedan kan importera till någon annan ACF-installation. ”Generera PHP” för att exportera PHP kod som du kan lägga till i ditt tema.','Select Field Groups'=>'Välj fältgrupper','No field groups selected'=>'Inga fältgrupper valda','Generate PHP'=>'Generera PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Exportera fältgrupper','Import file empty'=>'Importerad fil är tom','Incorrect file type'=>'Felaktig filtyp','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Fel vid uppladdning av fil. Försök igen','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'Välj den JSON-fil för Advanced Custom Fields som du vill importera. När du klickar på importknappen nedan kommer ACF att importera objekten i den filen.','Import Field Groups'=>'Importera fältgrupper','Sync'=>'Synkronisera','Select %s'=>'Välj %s','Duplicate'=>'Duplicera','Duplicate this item'=>'Duplicera detta objekt','Supports'=>'Stöder','Documentation'=>'Dokumentation','Description'=>'Beskrivning','Sync available'=>'Synkronisering tillgänglig','Field group synchronized.'=>'Fältgrupp synkroniserad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper synkroniserade.','Field group duplicated.'=>'Fältgrupp duplicerad.' . "\0" . '%s fältgrupper duplicerade.','Active (%s)'=>'Aktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Aktiva (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Granska webbplatser och uppgradera','Upgrade Database'=>'Uppgradera databas','Custom Fields'=>'Anpassade fält','Move Field'=>'Flytta fält','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Välj destinationen för detta fält','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'Fältet %1$s kan nu hittas i fältgruppen %2$s','Move Complete.'=>'Flytt färdig.','Active'=>'Aktiv','Field Keys'=>'Fältnycklar','Settings'=>'Inställningar','Location'=>'Plats','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'kopiera','(this field)'=>'(detta fält)','Checked'=>'Ikryssad','Move Custom Field'=>'Flytta anpassat fält','No toggle fields available'=>'Inga fält för att slå på/av är tillgängliga','Field group title is required'=>'Rubrik för fältgrupp är obligatoriskt','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Detta fält kan inte flyttas innan dess ändringar har sparats','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Strängen ”field_” får inte användas i början av ett fältnamn','Field group draft updated.'=>'Fältgruppsutkast uppdaterat.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Fältgrupp schemalagd för.','Field group submitted.'=>'Fältgrupp skickad.','Field group saved.'=>'Fältgrupp sparad.','Field group published.'=>'Fältgrupp publicerad.','Field group deleted.'=>'Fältgrupp borttagen.','Field group updated.'=>'Fältgrupp uppdaterad.','Tools'=>'Verktyg','is not equal to'=>'är inte lika med','is equal to'=>'är lika med','Forms'=>'Formulär','Page'=>'Sida','Post'=>'Inlägg','Relational'=>'Relationellt','Choice'=>'Val','Basic'=>'Grundläggande','Unknown'=>'Okänt','Field type does not exist'=>'Fälttyp finns inte','Spam Detected'=>'Skräppost upptäckt','Post updated'=>'Inlägg uppdaterat','Update'=>'Uppdatera','Validate Email'=>'Validera e-post','Content'=>'Innehåll','Title'=>'Rubrik','Edit field group'=>'Redigera fältgrupp','Selection is less than'=>'Valet är mindre än','Selection is greater than'=>'Valet är större än','Value is less than'=>'Värde är mindre än','Value is greater than'=>'Värde är större än','Value contains'=>'Värde innehåller','Value matches pattern'=>'Värde matchar mönster','Value is not equal to'=>'Värde är inte lika med','Value is equal to'=>'Värde är lika med','Has no value'=>'Har inget värde','Has any value'=>'Har något värde','Cancel'=>'Avbryt','Are you sure?'=>'Är du säker?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d fält kräver din uppmärksamhet','1 field requires attention'=>'1 fält kräver din uppmärksamhet','Validation failed'=>'Validering misslyckades','Validation successful'=>'Validering lyckades','Restricted'=>'Begränsad','Collapse Details'=>'Minimera detaljer','Expand Details'=>'Expandera detaljer','Uploaded to this post'=>'Uppladdat till detta inlägg','verbUpdate'=>'Uppdatera','verbEdit'=>'Redigera','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'De ändringar du gjort kommer att gå förlorade om du navigerar bort från denna sida','File type must be %s.'=>'Filtyp måste vara %s.','or'=>'eller','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Filstorleken får inte överskrida %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Filstorlek måste vara lägst %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildens höjd får inte överskrida %d px.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildens höjd måste vara åtminstone %d px.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Bildens bredd får inte överskrida %d px.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Bildens bredd måste vara åtminstone %d px.','(no title)'=>'(ingen rubrik)','Full Size'=>'Full storlek','Large'=>'Stor','Medium'=>'Medium','Thumbnail'=>'Miniatyr','(no label)'=>'(ingen etikett)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Ställer in textområdets höjd','Rows'=>'Rader','Text Area'=>'Textområde','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Förbered en extra kryssruta för att slå på/av alla val','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spara ”anpassade” värden till fältets val','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'Tillåt att ”anpassade” värden kan läggas till','Add new choice'=>'Lägg till nytt val','Toggle All'=>'Slå på/av alla','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Tillåt arkiv-URL:er','Archives'=>'Arkiv','Page Link'=>'Sidlänk','Add'=>'Lägg till','Name'=>'Namn','%s added'=>'%s har lagts till','%s already exists'=>'%s finns redan','User unable to add new %s'=>'Användare kan inte lägga till ny %s','Term ID'=>'Term-ID','Term Object'=>'Term-objekt','Load value from posts terms'=>'Hämta värde från inläggets termer','Load Terms'=>'Ladda termer','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Koppla valda termer till inlägget','Save Terms'=>'Spara termer','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Tillåt att nya termer skapas vid redigering','Create Terms'=>'Skapa termer','Radio Buttons'=>'Radioknappar','Single Value'=>'Enskild värde','Multi Select'=>'Flerval','Checkbox'=>'Kryssruta','Multiple Values'=>'Flera värden','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Välj utseendet på detta fält','Appearance'=>'Utseende','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Välj taxonomin som ska visas','No TermsNo %s'=>'Inga %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Värdet måste vara lika med eller lägre än %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Värdet måste vara lika med eller högre än %d','Value must be a number'=>'Värdet måste vara ett nummer','Number'=>'Nummer','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'Spara ”andra” värden i fältets val','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Lägg till valet ”annat” för att tillåta anpassade värden','Other'=>'Annat','Radio Button'=>'Alternativknapp','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Definiera en ändpunkt för föregående dragspel att stoppa. Detta dragspel kommer inte att vara synligt.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Tillåt detta dragspel öppna utan att stänga andra.','Multi-Expand'=>'Multi-expandera','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Visa detta dragspel som öppet på sidladdning.','Open'=>'Öppen','Accordion'=>'Dragspel','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Begränsa vilka filer som kan laddas upp','File ID'=>'Fil-ID','File URL'=>'Fil-URL','File Array'=>'Fil-array','Add File'=>'Lägg till fil','No file selected'=>'Ingen fil vald','File name'=>'Filnamn','Update File'=>'Uppdatera fil','Edit File'=>'Redigera fil','Select File'=>'Välj fil','File'=>'Fil','Password'=>'Lösenord','Specify the value returned'=>'Specificera värdet att returnera','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Använda AJAX för att ladda alternativ efter att sidan laddats?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Ange varje standardvärde på en ny rad','verbSelect'=>'Välj','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Laddning misslyckades','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Söker…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Laddar in fler resultat …','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Du kan endast välja %d objekt','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Du kan endast välja 1 objekt','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Ta bort %d tecken','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Ta bort 1 tecken','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Ange %d eller fler tecken','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Ange 1 eller fler tecken','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Inga matchningar hittades','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d resultat är tillgängliga, använd tangenterna med uppåt- och nedåtpil för att navigera.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Ett resultat är tillgängligt, tryck på returtangenten för att välja det.','nounSelect'=>'Välj','User ID'=>'Användar-ID','User Object'=>'Användarobjekt','User Array'=>'Användar-array','All user roles'=>'Alla användarroller','Filter by Role'=>'Filtrera efter roll','User'=>'Användare','Separator'=>'Avgränsare','Select Color'=>'Välj färg','Default'=>'Standard','Clear'=>'Rensa','Color Picker'=>'Färgväljare','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Välj','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klart','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Nu','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Tidszon','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosekund','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Millisekund','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Sekund','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Minut','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Timme','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Tid','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Välj tid','Date Time Picker'=>'Datum/tidväljare','Endpoint'=>'Ändpunkt','Left aligned'=>'Vänsterjusterad','Top aligned'=>'Toppjusterad','Placement'=>'Placering','Tab'=>'Flik','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Värde måste vara en giltig URL','Link URL'=>'Länk-URL','Link Array'=>'Länk-array','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Öppnas i ett nytt fönster/flik','Select Link'=>'Välj länk','Link'=>'Länk','Email'=>'E-post','Step Size'=>'Stegstorlek','Maximum Value'=>'Maximalt värde','Minimum Value'=>'Minsta värde','Range'=>'Intervall','Both (Array)'=>'Båda (Array)','Label'=>'Etikett','Value'=>'Värde','Vertical'=>'Vertikal','Horizontal'=>'Horisontell','red : Red'=>'röd : Röd','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'För mer kontroll kan du specificera både ett värde och en etikett så här:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Ange varje val på en ny rad.','Choices'=>'Val','Button Group'=>'Knappgrupp','Allow Null'=>'Tillåt värdet ”null”','Parent'=>'Överordnad','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE kommer inte att initialiseras förrän fältet är klickat','Delay Initialization'=>'Fördröjd initialisering','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'Visa knappar för mediauppladdning','Toolbar'=>'Verktygsfält','Text Only'=>'Endast text','Visual Only'=>'Endast visuell','Visual & Text'=>'Visuell och text','Tabs'=>'Flikar','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Klicka för att initialisera TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Text','Visual'=>'Visuellt','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Värde får inte överstiga %d tecken','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Lämna fältet tomt för att inte sätta någon begränsning','Character Limit'=>'Teckenbegränsning','Appears after the input'=>'Visas efter inmatningen','Append'=>'Lägg till efter','Appears before the input'=>'Visas före inmatningen','Prepend'=>'Lägg till före','Appears within the input'=>'Visas inuti inmatningen','Placeholder Text'=>'Platshållartext','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Visas när ett nytt inlägg skapas','Text'=>'Text','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s kräver minst %2$s val' . "\0" . '%1$s kräver minst %2$s val','Post ID'=>'Inläggs-ID','Post Object'=>'Inläggsobjekt','Maximum Posts'=>'Maximalt antal inlägg','Minimum Posts'=>'Minsta antal inlägg','Featured Image'=>'Utvald bild','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Valda element kommer att visas i varje resultat','Elements'=>'Element','Taxonomy'=>'Taxonomi','Post Type'=>'Inläggstyp','Filters'=>'Filter','All taxonomies'=>'Alla taxonomier','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Filtrera efter taxonomi','All post types'=>'Alla inläggstyper','Filter by Post Type'=>'Filtrera efter inläggstyp','Search...'=>'Sök …','Select taxonomy'=>'Välj taxonomi','Select post type'=>'Välj inläggstyp','No matches found'=>'Inga matchningar hittades','Loading'=>'Laddar in','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Maximalt antal värden har nåtts ({max} värden)','Relationship'=>'Relationer','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Kommaseparerad lista. Lämna tomt för alla typer','Allowed File Types'=>'Tillåtna filtyper','Maximum'=>'Maximalt','File size'=>'Filstorlek','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Begränsa vilka bilder som kan laddas upp','Minimum'=>'Minimum','Uploaded to post'=>'Uppladdat till inlägg','All'=>'Alla','Limit the media library choice'=>'Begränsa mediabiblioteksvalet','Library'=>'Bibliotek','Preview Size'=>'Förhandsgranska storlek','Image ID'=>'Bild-ID','Image URL'=>'Bild-URL','Image Array'=>'Bild-array','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Specificera returvärdet på front-end','Return Value'=>'Returvärde','Add Image'=>'Lägg till bild','No image selected'=>'Ingen bild vald','Remove'=>'Ta bort','Edit'=>'Redigera','All images'=>'Alla bilder','Update Image'=>'Uppdatera bild','Edit Image'=>'Redigera bild','Select Image'=>'Välj bild','Image'=>'Bild','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Tillåt att HTML-märkkod visas som synlig text i stället för att renderas','Escape HTML'=>'Inaktivera HTML-rendering','No Formatting'=>'Ingen formatering','Automatically add <br>'=>'Lägg automatiskt till <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Lägg automatiskt till stycken','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Styr hur nya rader visas','New Lines'=>'Nya rader','Week Starts On'=>'Veckan börjar på','The format used when saving a value'=>'Formatet som används när ett värde sparas','Save Format'=>'Spara format','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'V','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Föreg.','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Nästa','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Idag','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Klart','Date Picker'=>'Datumväljare','Width'=>'Bredd','Embed Size'=>'Inbäddad storlek','Enter URL'=>'Ange URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Text som visas när inaktivt','Off Text'=>'”Av”-text','Text shown when active'=>'Text som visas när aktivt','On Text'=>'”På”-text','Stylized UI'=>'Stiliserat användargränssnitt','Default Value'=>'Standardvärde','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Visar text bredvid kryssrutan','Message'=>'Meddelande','No'=>'Nej','Yes'=>'Ja','True / False'=>'Sant/falskt','Row'=>'Rad','Table'=>'Tabell','Block'=>'Block','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Specificera stilen för att rendera valda fält','Layout'=>'Layout','Sub Fields'=>'Underfält','Group'=>'Grupp','Customize the map height'=>'Anpassa karthöjden','Height'=>'Höjd','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Ställ in den initiala zoomnivån','Zoom'=>'Zooma','Center the initial map'=>'Centrera den inledande kartan','Center'=>'Centrerat','Search for address...'=>'Sök efter adress …','Find current location'=>'Hitta nuvarande plats','Clear location'=>'Rensa plats','Search'=>'Sök','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Denna webbläsare saknar stöd för platsinformation','Google Map'=>'Google Map','The format returned via template functions'=>'Formatet returnerad via mallfunktioner','Return Format'=>'Returformat','Custom:'=>'Anpassad:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Formatet visas när ett inlägg redigeras','Display Format'=>'Visningsformat','Time Picker'=>'Tidsväljare','Inactive (%s)'=>'Inaktiv (%s)' . "\0" . 'Inaktiva (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Inga fält hittades i papperskorgen','No Fields found'=>'Inga fält hittades','Search Fields'=>'Sök fält','View Field'=>'Visa fält','New Field'=>'Nytt fält','Edit Field'=>'Redigera fält','Add New Field'=>'Lägg till nytt fält','Field'=>'Fält','Fields'=>'Fält','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades i papperskorgen','No Field Groups found'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades','Search Field Groups'=>'Sök fältgrupper','View Field Group'=>'Visa fältgrupp','New Field Group'=>'Ny fältgrupp','Edit Field Group'=>'Redigera fältgrupp','Add New Field Group'=>'Lägg till ny fältgrupp','Add New'=>'Lägg till nytt','Field Group'=>'Fältgrupp','Field Groups'=>'Fältgrupper','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Anpassa WordPress med kraftfulla, professionella och intuitiva fält.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blocktypsnamn är obligatoriskt.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blocktypen "%s" är redan registrerad.','Switch to Edit'=>'Växla till Redigera','Switch to Preview'=>'Växla till förhandsgranskning','Change content alignment'=>'Ändra innehållsjustering','%s settings'=>'%s-inställningar','This block contains no editable fields.'=>'Det här blocket innehåller inga redigerbara fält.','Assign a field group to add fields to this block.'=>'Tilldela en fältgrupp för att lägga till fält i detta block.','Options Updated'=>'Alternativ uppdaterade','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Om du vill aktivera uppdateringar anger du din licensnyckel på sidan Uppdateringar. Om du inte har en licensnyckel, se uppgifter och priser.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Din definierade licensnyckel har ändrats, men ett fel uppstod vid inaktivering av din gamla licens','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Din definierade licensnyckel har ändrats, men ett fel uppstod vid anslutning till aktiveringsservern','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Ett fel uppstod vid anslutning till aktiveringsservern','Check Again'=>'Kontrollera igen','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF-aktiveringsfel. Kunde inte ansluta till aktiveringsservern','Publish'=>'Publicera','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Inga fältgrupper hittades för denna inställningssida. Skapa en fältgrupp','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Fel. Kunde inte ansluta till uppdateringsservern','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Fel. Det gick inte att autentisera uppdateringspaketet. Kontrollera igen eller inaktivera och återaktivera din ACF PRO-licens.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Fel. Din licens för denna webbplats har gått ut eller inaktiverats. Återaktivera din ACF PRO-licens.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Välj ett eller flera fält som du vill klona','Display'=>'Visning','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Specificera stilen som ska användas för att rendera det klonade fältet','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grupp (visar valda fält i en grupp i detta fält)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Sömlös (ersätter detta fält med valda fält)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketter kommer att visas som %s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Prefix för fältetiketter','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Värden sparas som %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'Prefix för fältnamn','Unknown field'=>'Okänt fält','Unknown field group'=>'Okänd fältgrupp','All fields from %s field group'=>'Alla fält från %s fältgrupp','Add Row'=>'Lägg till rad','layout'=>'layout' . "\0" . 'layouter','layouts'=>'layouter','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Detta fält kräver minst {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Detta fält har en gräns på {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} tillgänglig (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} krävs (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Flexibelt innehåll kräver minst 1 layout','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Klicka på knappen ”%s” nedan för att börja skapa din layout','Add layout'=>'Lägg till layout','Duplicate layout'=>'Duplicera layout','Remove layout'=>'Ta bort layout','Click to toggle'=>'Klicka för att växla','Delete Layout'=>'Ta bort layout','Duplicate Layout'=>'Duplicera layout','Add New Layout'=>'Lägg till ny layout','Add Layout'=>'Lägg till layout','Min'=>'Min','Max'=>'Max','Minimum Layouts'=>'Lägsta tillåtna antal layouter','Maximum Layouts'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal layouter','Button Label'=>'Knappetikett','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s måste vara av typen array eller null.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s måste innehålla minst %2$s %3$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s måste innehålla minst %2$s %3$s layouter.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s får innehålla högst %2$s %3$s layout.' . "\0" . '%1$s får innehålla högst %2$s %3$s layouter.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Lägg till bild i galleriet','Maximum selection reached'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal val uppnått','Length'=>'Längd','Caption'=>'Bildtext','Alt Text'=>'Alternativ text','Add to gallery'=>'Lägg till i galleri','Bulk actions'=>'Massåtgärder','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Sortera efter uppladdningsdatum','Sort by date modified'=>'Sortera efter redigeringsdatum','Sort by title'=>'Sortera efter rubrik','Reverse current order'=>'Omvänd nuvarande ordning','Close'=>'Stäng','Minimum Selection'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal val','Maximum Selection'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal val','Allowed file types'=>'Tillåtna filtyper','Insert'=>'Infoga','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Specifiera var nya bilagor läggs till','Append to the end'=>'Lägg till i slutet','Prepend to the beginning'=>'Lägg till början','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal rader uppnått ({min} rader)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal rader uppnått ({max} rader)','Error loading page'=>'Kunde inte ladda in sida','Useful for fields with a large number of rows.'=>'Användbart för fält med ett stort antal rader.','Rows Per Page'=>'Rader per sida','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'Ange antalet rader som ska visas på en sida.','Minimum Rows'=>'Minsta tillåtna antal rader','Maximum Rows'=>'Högsta tillåtna antal rader','Collapsed'=>'Ihopfälld','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Välj ett underfält att visa när raden är ihopfälld','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Ogiltig fältnyckel.','There was an error retrieving the field.'=>'Ett fel uppstod vid hämtning av fältet.','Click to reorder'=>'Dra och släpp för att ändra ordning','Add row'=>'Lägg till rad','Duplicate row'=>'Duplicera rad','Remove row'=>'Ta bort rad','Current Page'=>'Nuvarande sida','First Page'=>'Första sidan','Previous Page'=>'Föregående sida','paging%1$s of %2$s'=>'%1$s av %2$s','Next Page'=>'Nästa sida','Last Page'=>'Sista sidan','No block types exist'=>'Det finns inga blocktyper','No options pages exist'=>'Det finns inga alternativsidor','Deactivate License'=>'Inaktivera licens','Activate License'=>'Aktivera licens','License Information'=>'Licensinformation','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'För att låsa upp uppdateringar, fyll i din licensnyckel här nedan. Om du inte har en licensnyckel, gå till sidan detaljer och priser.','License Key'=>'Licensnyckel','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Din licensnyckel är angiven i wp-config.php.','Retry Activation'=>'Försök aktivera igen','Update Information'=>'Uppdateringsinformation','Current Version'=>'Nuvarande version','Latest Version'=>'Senaste version','Update Available'=>'Uppdatering tillgänglig','Upgrade Notice'=>'Uppgraderingsnotering','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Fyll i din licensnyckel här ovan för att låsa upp uppdateringar','Update Plugin'=>'Uppdatera tillägg','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Återaktivera din licens för att låsa upp uppdateringar']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.mo
index adaa0b42..9ccb8b53 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.po
index b413cdb4..d3ec9a58 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-sv_SE.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: sv_SE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF-fält"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "Lär dig hur man åtgärdar detta"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO-funktion"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "Förnya PRO för att låsa upp"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "Förnya PRO-licens"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "PRO-fält kan inte redigeras utan en aktiv licens."
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "Aktivera din ACF PRO-licens för att redigera denna alternativsida."
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -49,10 +84,6 @@ msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
"Kontakta din webbplatsadministratör eller utvecklare för mer information."
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "Lär dig mer"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Dölj detaljer"
@@ -113,10 +144,10 @@ msgstr "4 månader gratis"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Duplicerad från %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Duplicerad från %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Välj alternativsidor"
@@ -149,8 +180,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Lägg till fält"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Detta fält"
@@ -173,7 +204,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "utvecklas och underhålls av"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Lägg till denna %s i platsreglerna för de valda fältgrupperna."
@@ -302,34 +333,34 @@ msgstr "Lås upp avancerade funktioner och bygg ännu mer med ACF PRO"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s-fält"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "Inga termer"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "Inga inläggstyper"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "Inga inlägg"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "Inga taxonomier"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "Inga fältgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "Inga fält"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Ingen beskrivning"
@@ -720,37 +751,33 @@ msgstr "Ogiltig inläggstyp har valts för granskning."
msgid "More"
msgstr "Mer"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Handledning"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "Tillgänglig med ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Välj fält"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "Prova med en annan sökterm eller bläddra bland %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "Populära fält"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "Inga sökresultat för ”%s”"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "Sök fält …"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "Välj fälttyp"
@@ -2277,7 +2304,7 @@ msgstr "Trackbacks"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Bläddra bland fält"
@@ -2329,7 +2356,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "Importera från Custom Post Type UI"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2345,15 +2372,15 @@ msgstr ""
"temas ”functions.php”-fil eller inkludera den i en extern fil, inaktivera "
"eller ta sen bort objekten från ACF-administrationen."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "Exportera - Generera PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportera"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "Välj taxonomier"
@@ -2361,7 +2388,7 @@ msgstr "Välj taxonomier"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "Välj inläggstyper"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "Exporterade 1 objekt."
@@ -2413,7 +2440,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomi borttagen."
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "Taxonomi uppdaterad."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2423,67 +2450,67 @@ msgstr ""
"annan taxonomi som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomi synkroniserad."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomier synkroniserade."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomi duplicerad."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomier duplicerade."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomi inaktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomier inaktiverade."
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "Taxonomi aktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s taxonomier aktiverade."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termer"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Inläggstyp synkroniserad."
msgstr[1] "%s inläggstyper synkroniserade."
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Inläggstyp duplicerad."
msgstr[1] "%s inläggstyper duplicerade."
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Inläggstyp inaktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s inläggstyper inaktiverade."
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "Inläggstyp aktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s inläggstyper aktiverade."
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2501,7 +2528,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Grundläggande inställningar"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2515,7 +2542,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Sidor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "Länka befintliga fältgrupper"
@@ -2559,16 +2586,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "Inläggstyp borttagen."
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "Skriv för att söka …"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "Endast PRO"
@@ -2591,44 +2618,44 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "taxonomi"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "inläggstyp"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "Fältgrupp/fältgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "Markera en eller flera fältgrupper …"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "Välj de fältgrupper som ska länkas."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "Fältgrupp har länkats."
msgstr[1] "Fältgrupper har länkats."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Registrering misslyckades"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2636,31 +2663,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Detta objekt kunde inte registreras eftersom dess nyckel används av ett "
"annat objekt som registrerats av ett annat tillägg eller tema."
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Behörigheter"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "URL:er"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Synlighet"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etiketter"
@@ -2681,14 +2708,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[ACF-kortkod inaktiverad för förhandsvisning]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "Stäng modal"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "Fält flyttat till annan grupp"
@@ -2872,8 +2899,8 @@ msgstr "Presentation"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validering"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allmänt"
@@ -2881,49 +2908,49 @@ msgstr "Allmänt"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Importera JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Exportera som JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "Fältgrupp inaktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s fältgrupper inaktiverade."
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "Fältgrupp aktiverad."
msgstr[1] "%s fältgrupper aktiverade."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Inaktivera"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Inaktivera detta objekt"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Aktivera"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Aktivera detta objekt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "Flytta fältgrupp till papperskorg?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2936,7 +2963,7 @@ msgstr "Inaktiv"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2944,7 +2971,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Advanced Custom Fields och Advanced Custom Fields PRO ska inte vara aktiva "
"samtidigt. Vi har inaktiverat Advanced Custom Fields PRO automatiskt."
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3024,7 +3051,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA-sträng"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "HEX-sträng"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Uppgradera till PRO"
@@ -3076,8 +3103,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bilagor"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3087,7 +3114,7 @@ msgstr "Taxonomier"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3106,49 +3133,49 @@ msgstr "Detta inlägg är inte tillgängligt för diff-jämförelse."
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Ogiltiga parametrar för fältgrupp."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Väntar på att sparas"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Sparad"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importera"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Granska ändringar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Finns i: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Finns i tillägg: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Finns i tema: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Diverse"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Synkronisera ändringar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Hämtar diff"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Granska lokala JSON-ändringar"
@@ -3408,7 +3435,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Visa detta fält om"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Villkorad logik"
@@ -3417,9 +3444,9 @@ msgstr "Villkorad logik"
msgid "and"
msgstr "och"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Lokal JSON"
@@ -3613,9 +3640,9 @@ msgstr "Stil"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Nyckel"
@@ -3626,23 +3653,23 @@ msgstr "Nyckel"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Sortering"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Stäng fält"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "klass"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "bredd"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Omslagsattribut"
@@ -3650,68 +3677,68 @@ msgstr "Omslagsattribut"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatoriskt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Instruktioner för författare. Visas när data skickas"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Instruktioner"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Fälttyp"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Enstaka ord, inga mellanslag. Understreck och bindestreck tillåtna"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Fältnamn"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Detta är namnet som kommer att visas på REDIGERINGS-sidan"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Fältetikett"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ta bort"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Ta bort fält"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Flytta"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Flytta fältet till en annan grupp"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Duplicera fält"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Redigera fält"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Dra för att sortera om"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Visa denna fältgrupp om"
@@ -3813,15 +3840,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regler"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopierad"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiera till urklipp"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3833,22 +3860,22 @@ msgstr ""
"någon annan ACF-installation. ”Generera PHP” för att exportera PHP kod som "
"du kan lägga till i ditt tema."
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Välj fältgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Inga fältgrupper valda"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Generera PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Exportera fältgrupper"
@@ -3876,22 +3903,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Importera fältgrupper"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synkronisera"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Välj %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicera"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Duplicera detta objekt"
@@ -3899,13 +3926,14 @@ msgstr "Duplicera detta objekt"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Stöder"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3914,26 +3942,26 @@ msgstr "Dokumentation"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Synkronisering tillgänglig"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "Fältgrupp synkroniserad."
msgstr[1] "%s fältgrupper synkroniserade."
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Fältgrupp duplicerad."
msgstr[1] "%s fältgrupper duplicerade."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Aktiv (%s)"
@@ -3974,7 +4002,7 @@ msgstr "Fältet %1$s kan nu hittas i fältgruppen %2$s"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Flytt färdig."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3989,7 +4017,7 @@ msgstr "Fältnycklar"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Plats"
@@ -4001,14 +4029,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopiera"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(detta fält)"
@@ -4019,14 +4047,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Ikryssad"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Flytta anpassat fält"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Inga fält för att slå på/av är tillgängliga"
@@ -4035,14 +4063,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Rubrik för fältgrupp är obligatoriskt"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Detta fält kan inte flyttas innan dess ändringar har sparats"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Strängen ”field_” får inte användas i början av ett fältnamn"
@@ -4210,8 +4238,8 @@ msgstr "Har inget värde"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Har något värde"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
@@ -4221,24 +4249,24 @@ msgstr "Avbryt"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Är du säker?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d fält kräver din uppmärksamhet"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 fält kräver din uppmärksamhet"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Validering misslyckades"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Validering lyckades"
@@ -4274,8 +4302,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigera"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"De ändringar du gjort kommer att gå förlorade om du navigerar bort från "
@@ -4290,10 +4318,10 @@ msgstr "Filtyp måste vara %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "eller"
@@ -4343,8 +4371,8 @@ msgstr "Miniatyr"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(ingen etikett)"
@@ -5312,7 +5340,7 @@ msgstr "Ingen bild vald"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Ta bort"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5632,92 +5660,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Tidsväljare"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Inaktiv (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Inaktiva (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Inga fält hittades i papperskorgen"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Inga fält hittades"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Sök fält"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Visa fält"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Nytt fält"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Redigera fält"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Lägg till nytt fält"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Fält"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Fält"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Inga fältgrupper hittades i papperskorgen"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Inga fältgrupper hittades"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Sök fältgrupper"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Visa fältgrupp"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Ny fältgrupp"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Redigera fältgrupp"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Lägg till ny fältgrupp"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Lägg till nytt"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Fältgrupp"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Fältgrupper"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.l10n.php
index 3af0a492..6b039ece 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'tr_TR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Kopyala','Updates'=>'Güncellemeler','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF başlatılmadan önce ACF alan değerlerini almak için bir veya daha fazla çağrı algıladık. Bu desteklenmez ve hatalı biçimlendirilmiş veya eksik verilere neden olabilir. Bunu nasıl düzelteceğinizi öğrenin.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s %2$s rolüne sahip bir kullanıcıya sahip olmalıdır.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu rollerden birine ait bir kullanıcıya sahip olmalıdır: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s geçerli bir kullanıcı kimliğine sahip olmalıdır.','Invalid request.'=>'Geçersiz istek.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s bir %2$s değil','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s %2$s terimine sahip olmalı.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu terimlerden biri olmalı: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s %2$s yazı tipinde olmalıdır.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu yazı tiplerinden birinde olmalıdır: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s geçerli bir yazı kimliği olmalıdır.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s geçerli bir ek kimliği gerektirir.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API\'da göster','Enable Transparency'=>'Saydamlığı etkinleştir','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA dizisi','RGBA String'=>'RGBA metni','Hex String'=>'Hex metin','post statusActive'=>'Etkin','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' geçerli bir e-posta adresi değil','Color value'=>'Renk değeri','Select default color'=>'Varsayılan rengi seç','Clear color'=>'Rengi temizle','Blocks'=>'Bloklar','Options'=>'Ayarlar','Users'=>'Kullanıcılar','Menu items'=>'Menü ögeleri','Widgets'=>'Bileşenler','Attachments'=>'Dosya ekleri','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomiler','Posts'=>'İletiler','Last updated: %s'=>'Son güncellenme: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Geçersiz alan grubu parametresi/leri.','Awaiting save'=>'Kayıt edilmeyi bekliyor','Saved'=>'Kaydedildi','Import'=>'İçe aktar','Review changes'=>'Değişiklikleri incele','Located in: %s'=>'Konumu: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Eklenti içinde konumlu: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Tema içinde konumlu: %s','Various'=>'Çeşitli','Sync changes'=>'Değişiklikleri eşitle','Loading diff'=>'Fark yükleniyor','Review local JSON changes'=>'Yerel JSON değişikliklerini incele','Visit website'=>'Web sitesini ziyaret et','View details'=>'Ayrıntıları görüntüle','Version %s'=>'Sürüm %s','Information'=>'Bilgi','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Yardım masası. Yardım masamızdaki profesyonel destek çalışanlarımızı daha derin, teknik sorunların üstesinden gelmenize yardımcı olabilirler.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Belgeler. Karşınıza çıkabilecek bir çok konu hakkında geniş içerikli belgelerimize baş vurabilirsiniz.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Destek konusunu çok ciddiye alıyoruz ve size ACF ile sitenizde en iyi çözümlere ulaşmanızı istiyoruz. Eğer bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız yardım alabileceğiniz bir kaç yer var:','Help & Support'=>'Yardım ve destek','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'İşin içinden çıkamadığınızda lütfen Yardım ve destek sekmesinden irtibata geçin.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'İlk alan grubunuzu oluşturmadan önce Başlarken rehberimize okumanızı öneririz, bu sayede eklentinin filozofisini daha iyi anlayabilir ve en iyi çözümleri öğrenebilirsiniz.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields eklentisi bir görsel form oluşturucu ile WordPress düzenleme ekranlarını ek alanlarla özelleştirme imkanı sağlıyor, ve sezgisel API ile her türlü tema şablon dosyasında bu özel alanlar gösterilebiliyor.','Overview'=>'Genel görünüm','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Konum türü "%s" zaten kayıtlı.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'"%s" sınıfı mevcut değil.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Geçersiz nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Alan yükleme sırasında hata.','Location not found: %s'=>'Konum bulunamadı: %s','Error: %s'=>'Hata: %s','Widget'=>'Bileşen','User Role'=>'Kullanıcı kuralı','Comment'=>'Yorum','Post Format'=>'Yazı biçimi','Menu Item'=>'Menü ögesi','Post Status'=>'Yazı durumu','Menus'=>'Menüler','Menu Locations'=>'Menü konumları','Menu'=>'Menü','Post Taxonomy'=>'Yazı taksonomisi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Alt sayfa (ebeveyni olan)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Üst sayfa (alt sayfası olan)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Üst düzey sayfa (ebeveynsiz)','Posts Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','Front Page'=>'Ön Sayfa','Page Type'=>'Sayfa tipi','Viewing back end'=>'Arka yüz görüntüleniyor','Viewing front end'=>'Ön yüz görüntüleniyor','Logged in'=>'Giriş yapıldı','Current User'=>'Şu anki kullanıcı','Page Template'=>'Sayfa şablonu','Register'=>'Kayıt ol','Add / Edit'=>'Ekle / düzenle','User Form'=>'Kullanıcı formu','Page Parent'=>'Sayfa ebeveyni','Super Admin'=>'Süper yönetici','Current User Role'=>'Şu anki kullanıcı rolü','Default Template'=>'Varsayılan şablon','Post Template'=>'Yazı şablonu','Post Category'=>'Yazı kategorisi','All %s formats'=>'Tüm %s biçimleri','Attachment'=>'Eklenti','%s value is required'=>'%s değeri gerekli','Show this field if'=>'Alanı bu şart gerçekleşirse göster','Conditional Logic'=>'Koşullu mantık','and'=>'ve','Local JSON'=>'Yerel JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Lütfen ayrıca premium eklentilerin de (%s) en üst sürüme güncellendiğinden emin olun.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Bu sürüm veritabanınız için iyileştirmeler içeriyor ve yükseltme gerektiriyor.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'%1$s v%2$s sürümüne güncellediğiniz için teşekkür ederiz!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Veritabanı yükseltmesi gerekiyor','Options Page'=>'Seçenekler sayfası','Gallery'=>'Galeri','Flexible Content'=>'Esnek içerik','Repeater'=>'Tekrarlayıcı','Back to all tools'=>'Tüm araçlara geri dön','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Eğer düzenleme ekranında birden çok alan grubu ortaya çıkarsa, ilk alan grubunun seçenekleri kullanılır (en düşük sıralama numarasına sahip olan)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Düzenleme ekranından gizlemek istediğiniz ögeleri seçin.','Hide on screen'=>'Ekranda gizle','Send Trackbacks'=>'Geri izlemeleri gönder','Tags'=>'Etiketler','Categories'=>'Kategoriler','Page Attributes'=>'Sayfa özellikleri','Format'=>'Biçim','Author'=>'Yazar','Slug'=>'Kısa isim','Revisions'=>'Sürümler','Comments'=>'Yorumlar','Discussion'=>'Tartışma','Excerpt'=>'Özet','Content Editor'=>'İçerik düzenleyici','Permalink'=>'Kalıcı bağlantı','Shown in field group list'=>'Alan grubu listesinde görüntülenir','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Daha düşük sıralamaya sahip alan grupları daha önce görünür','Order No.'=>'Sipariş No.','Below fields'=>'Alanlarının altında','Below labels'=>'Etiketlerin altında','Side'=>'Yan','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (içerikten sonra)','High (after title)'=>'Yüksek (başlıktan sonra)','Position'=>'Konum','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Pürüzsüz (metabox yok)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standart (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tür','Key'=>'Anahtar','Order'=>'Düzen','Close Field'=>'Alanı kapat','id'=>'id','class'=>'sınıf','width'=>'genişlik','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Kapsayıcı öznitelikleri','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Yazarlara gösterilecek talimatlar. Veri gönderirken gösterilir','Instructions'=>'Yönergeler','Field Type'=>'Alan tipi','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Tek kelime, boşluksuz. Alt çizgi ve tireye izin var','Field Name'=>'Alan adı','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Bu isim DÜZENLEME sayfasında görüntülenecek isimdir','Field Label'=>'Alan etiketi','Delete'=>'Sil','Delete field'=>'Sil alanı','Move'=>'Taşı','Move field to another group'=>'Alanı başka gruba taşı','Duplicate field'=>'Alanı çoğalt','Edit field'=>'Alanı düzenle','Drag to reorder'=>'Yeniden düzenlemek için sürükleyin','Show this field group if'=>'Bu alan grubunu şu koşulda göster','No updates available.'=>'Güncelleme yok.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Veritabanı yükseltme tamamlandı. Yenilikler ','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Yükseltme görevlerini okuyor...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Yükseltme başarısız oldu.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Yükseltme başarılı.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Veri %s sürümüne yükseltiliyor','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Devam etmeden önce veritabanınızı yedeklemeniz önemle önerilir. Güncelleştiriciyi şimdi çalıştırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Lütfen yükseltmek için en az site seçin.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Veritabanı güncellemesi tamamlandı. Ağ panosuna geri dön','Site is up to date'=>'Site güncel','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site %1$s sürümünden %2$s sürümüne veritabanı yükseltmesi gerektiriyor','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Siteleri yükselt','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Şu siteler için VT güncellemesi gerekiyor. Güncellemek istediklerinizi işaretleyin ve %s tuşuna basın.','Add rule group'=>'Kural grubu ekle','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Bu gelişmiş özel alanları hangi düzenleme ekranlarının kullanacağını belirlemek için bir kural seti oluşturun','Rules'=>'Kurallar','Copied'=>'Kopyalandı','Copy to clipboard'=>'Panoya kopyala','Select Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını seç','No field groups selected'=>'Hiç alan grubu seçilmemiş','Generate PHP'=>'PHP oluştur','Export Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını dışarı aktar','Import file empty'=>'İçe aktarılan dosya boş','Incorrect file type'=>'Geçersiz dosya tipi','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Dosya yüklenirken hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin','Import Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını içeri aktar','Sync'=>'Eşitle','Select %s'=>'Seç %s','Duplicate'=>'Mükerrer','Duplicate this item'=>'Bu ögeyi çoğalt','Description'=>'Açıklama','Sync available'=>'Eşitleme mevcut','Field group duplicated.'=>'Alan grubu çoğaltıldı.' . "\0" . '%s alan grubu çoğaltıldı.','Active (%s)'=>'Etkin (%s)' . "\0" . 'Etkin (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Siteleri incele ve güncelle','Upgrade Database'=>'Veritabanını güncelle','Custom Fields'=>'Ek alanlar','Move Field'=>'Alanı taşı','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Lütfen bu alan için bir hedef seçin','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s alanı artık %2$s alan grubunda bulunabilir','Move Complete.'=>'Taşıma tamamlandı.','Active'=>'Etkinleştir','Field Keys'=>'Alan anahtarları','Settings'=>'Ayarlar','Location'=>'Konum','Null'=>'Boş','copy'=>'kopyala','(this field)'=>'(bu alan)','Checked'=>'İşaretlendi','Move Custom Field'=>'Özel alanı taşı','No toggle fields available'=>'Kullanılabilir aç-kapa alan yok','Field group title is required'=>'Alan grubu başlığı gerekli','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Bu alan, üzerinde yapılan değişiklikler kaydedilene kadar taşınamaz','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Artık alan isimlerinin başlangıcında “field_” kullanılmayacak','Field group draft updated.'=>'Alan grubu taslağı güncellendi.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Alan grubu zamanlandı.','Field group submitted.'=>'Alan grubu gönderildi.','Field group saved.'=>'Alan grubu kaydedildi.','Field group published.'=>'Alan grubu yayımlandı.','Field group deleted.'=>'Alan grubu silindi.','Field group updated.'=>'Alan grubu güncellendi.','Tools'=>'Araçlar','is not equal to'=>'eşit değilse','is equal to'=>'eşitse','Forms'=>'Formlar','Page'=>'Sayfa','Post'=>'Yazı','Relational'=>'İlişkisel','Choice'=>'Seçim','Basic'=>'Basit','Unknown'=>'Bilinmeyen','Field type does not exist'=>'Var olmayan alan tipi','Spam Detected'=>'İstenmeyen tespit edildi','Post updated'=>'Yazı güncellendi','Update'=>'Güncelleme','Validate Email'=>'E-postayı doğrula','Content'=>'İçerik','Title'=>'Başlık','Edit field group'=>'Alan grubunu düzenle','Selection is less than'=>'Seçim daha az','Selection is greater than'=>'Seçin daha büyük','Value is less than'=>'Değer daha az','Value is greater than'=>'Değer daha büyük','Value contains'=>'Değer içeriyor','Value matches pattern'=>'Değer bir desenle eşleşir','Value is not equal to'=>'Değer eşit değilse','Value is equal to'=>'Değer eşitse','Has no value'=>'Hiçbir değer','Has any value'=>'Herhangi bir değer','Cancel'=>'Vazgeç','Are you sure?'=>'Emin misiniz?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor','1 field requires attention'=>'1 alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor','Validation failed'=>'Doğrulama başarısız','Validation successful'=>'Doğrulama başarılı','Restricted'=>'Kısıtlı','Collapse Details'=>'Detayları daralt','Expand Details'=>'Ayrıntıları genişlet','Uploaded to this post'=>'Bu yazıya yüklenmiş','verbUpdate'=>'Güncelleme','verbEdit'=>'Düzenle','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Bu sayfadan başka bir sayfaya geçerseniz yaptığınız değişiklikler kaybolacak','File type must be %s.'=>'Dosya tipi %s olmalı.','or'=>'veya','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Dosya boyutu %s boyutunu geçmemeli.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Dosya boyutu en az %s olmalı.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Görsel yüksekliği %dpx değerini geçmemeli.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Görsel yüksekliği en az %dpx olmalı.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Görsel genişliği %dpx değerini geçmemeli.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Görsel genişliği en az %dpx olmalı.','(no title)'=>'(başlık yok)','Full Size'=>'Tam boyut','Large'=>'Büyük','Medium'=>'Orta','Thumbnail'=>'Küçük resim','(no label)'=>'(etiket yok)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Metin alanı yüksekliğini ayarla','Rows'=>'Satırlar','Text Area'=>'Metin alanı','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'En başa tüm seçimleri tersine çevirmek için ekstra bir seçim kutusu ekle','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'‘Özel’ değerleri alanın seçenekleri arasına kaydet','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'‘Özel’ alanların eklenebilmesine izin ver','Add new choice'=>'Yeni seçenek ekle','Toggle All'=>'Tümünü aç/kapat','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Arşivler adresine izin ver','Archives'=>'Arşivler','Page Link'=>'Sayfa bağlantısı','Add'=>'Ekle','Name'=>'Bağlantı ismi','%s added'=>'%s eklendi','%s already exists'=>'%s zaten mevcut','User unable to add new %s'=>'Kullanıcı yeni %s ekleyemiyor','Term ID'=>'Terim no','Term Object'=>'Terim nesnesi','Load value from posts terms'=>'Yazının terimlerinden değerleri yükle','Load Terms'=>'Terimleri yükle','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Seçilmiş terimleri yazıya bağla','Save Terms'=>'Terimleri kaydet','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Düzenlenirken yeni terimlerin oluşabilmesine izin ver','Create Terms'=>'Terimleri oluştur','Radio Buttons'=>'Tekli seçim','Single Value'=>'Tek değer','Multi Select'=>'Çoklu seçim','Checkbox'=>'İşaret kutusu','Multiple Values'=>'Çoklu değer','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Bu alanın görünümünü seçin','Appearance'=>'Görünüm','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Görüntülenecek taksonomiyi seçin','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Değer %d değerine eşit ya da daha küçük olmalı','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Değer %d değerine eşit ya da daha büyük olmalı','Value must be a number'=>'Değer bir sayı olmalı','Number'=>'Numara','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'‘Diğer’ değerlerini alanın seçenekleri arasına kaydet','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Özel değerlere izin vermek için \'diğer\' seçeneği ekle','Other'=>'Diğer','Radio Button'=>'Radyo düğmesi','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Önceki akordeonun durması için bir son nokta tanımlayın. Bu akordeon görüntülenmeyecek.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Bu akordeonun diğerlerini kapatmadan açılmasını sağla.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Sayfa yüklemesi sırasında bu akordeonu açık olarak görüntüle.','Open'=>'Açık','Accordion'=>'Akordiyon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Yüklenebilecek dosyaları sınırlandırın','File ID'=>'Dosya no','File URL'=>'Dosya adresi','File Array'=>'Dosya dizisi','Add File'=>'Dosya Ekle','No file selected'=>'Dosya seçilmedi','File name'=>'Dosya adı','Update File'=>'Dosyayı güncelle','Edit File'=>'Dosya düzenle','Select File'=>'Dosya seç','File'=>'Dosya','Password'=>'Parola','Specify the value returned'=>'Dönecek değeri belirt','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Seçimlerin tembel yüklenmesi için AJAX kullanılsın mı?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Her satıra bir değer girin','verbSelect'=>'Seçim','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Yükleme başarısız oldu','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Aranıyor…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Daha fazla sonuç yükleniyor…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Sadece %d öge seçebilirsiniz','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Sadece 1 öge seçebilirsiniz','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Lütfen %d karakter silin','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Lütfen 1 karakter silin','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Lütfen %d veya daha fazla karakter girin','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Lütfen 1 veya daha fazla karakter girin','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Eşleşme yok','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d sonuç bulundu. Dolaşmak için yukarı ve aşağı okları kullanın.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Bir sonuç bulundu, seçmek için enter tuşuna basın.','nounSelect'=>'Seçim','User ID'=>'Kullanıcı No','User Object'=>'Kullanıcı nesnesi','User Array'=>'Kullanıcı dizisi','All user roles'=>'Bütün kullanıcı rolleri','User'=>'Kullanıcı','Separator'=>'Ayırıcı','Select Color'=>'Renk seç','Default'=>'Varsayılan','Clear'=>'Temizle','Color Picker'=>'Renk seçici','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seçim','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Bitti','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Şimdi','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zaman dilimi','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosaniye','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisaniye','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'İkinci','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Dakika','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Saat','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Zaman','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Zamanı se','Date Time Picker'=>'Tarih zaman seçici','Endpoint'=>'Uç nokta','Left aligned'=>'Sola hizalı','Top aligned'=>'Üste hizalı','Placement'=>'Konumlandırma','Tab'=>'Sekme','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Değer geçerli bir web adresi olmalı','Link URL'=>'Bağlantı adresi','Link Array'=>'Bağlantı dizisi','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Yeni pencerede/sekmede açılır','Select Link'=>'Bağlantı seç','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'EPosta','Step Size'=>'Adım boyutu','Maximum Value'=>'En fazla değer','Minimum Value'=>'En az değer','Range'=>'Aralık','Both (Array)'=>'İkisi de (Dizi)','Label'=>'Etiket','Value'=>'Değer','Vertical'=>'Dikey','Horizontal'=>'Yatay','red : Red'=>'kirmizi : Kırmızı','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Daha fazla kontrol için, hem bir değeri hem de bir etiketi şu şekilde belirtebilirsiniz:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Her seçeneği yeni bir satıra girin.','Choices'=>'Seçimler','Button Group'=>'Tuş grubu','Parent'=>'Ana','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'Alan tıklanana kadar TinyMCE hazırlanmayacaktır','Toolbar'=>'Araç çubuğu','Text Only'=>'Sadece Metin','Visual Only'=>'Sadece görsel','Visual & Text'=>'Görsel ve metin','Tabs'=>'Seklemeler','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'TinyMCE hazırlamak için tıklayın','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Metin','Visual'=>'Görsel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Değer %d karakteri geçmemelidir','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Limit olmaması için boş bırakın','Character Limit'=>'Karakter limiti','Appears after the input'=>'Girdi alanından sonra görünür','Append'=>'Sonuna ekle','Appears before the input'=>'Girdi alanından önce görünür','Prepend'=>'Önüne ekle','Appears within the input'=>'Girdi alanının içinde görünür','Placeholder Text'=>'Yer tutucu metin','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Yeni bir yazı oluştururken görünür','Text'=>'Metin','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s en az %2$s seçim gerektirir' . "\0" . '%1$s en az %2$s seçim gerektirir','Post ID'=>'Yazı ID','Post Object'=>'Yazı nesnesi','Featured Image'=>'Öne çıkan görsel','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Her sonuç içinde seçilmiş elemanlar görüntülenir','Elements'=>'Elemanlar','Taxonomy'=>'Etiketleme','Post Type'=>'Yazı tipi','Filters'=>'Filtreler','All taxonomies'=>'Tüm taksonomiler','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomiye göre filtre','All post types'=>'Tüm yazı tipleri','Filter by Post Type'=>'Yazı tipine göre filtre','Search...'=>'Ara...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taksonomi seç','Select post type'=>'Yazı tipi seç','No matches found'=>'Eşleşme yok','Loading'=>'Yükleniyor','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'En yüksek değerlere ulaşıldı ({max} değerleri)','Relationship'=>'İlişkili','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Virgül ile ayrılmış liste. Tüm tipler için boş bırakın','Maximum'=>'En fazla','File size'=>'Dosya boyutu','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Hangi görsellerin yüklenebileceğini sınırlandırın','Minimum'=>'En az','Uploaded to post'=>'Yazıya yüklendi','All'=>'Tümü','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ortam kitaplığı seçimini sınırlayın','Library'=>'Kitaplık','Preview Size'=>'Önizleme boyutu','Image ID'=>'Görsel no','Image URL'=>'Resim Adresi','Image Array'=>'Görsel dizisi','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Ön yüzden dönecek değeri belirleyin','Return Value'=>'Dönüş değeri','Add Image'=>'Görsel ekle','No image selected'=>'Resim seçilmedi','Remove'=>'Kaldır','Edit'=>'Düzenle','All images'=>'Tüm görseller','Update Image'=>'Görseli güncelle','Edit Image'=>'Resmi düzenle','Select Image'=>'Resim Seç','Image'=>'Görsel','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Görünür metin olarak HTML kodlamasının görüntülenmesine izin ver','Escape HTML'=>'HTML’i güvenli hale getir','No Formatting'=>'Biçimlendirme yok','Automatically add <br>'=>'Otomatik ekle <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Otomatik paragraf ekle','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Yeni satırların nasıl görüntüleneceğini denetler','New Lines'=>'Yeni satırlar','Week Starts On'=>'Hafta başlangıcı','The format used when saving a value'=>'Bir değer kaydedilirken kullanılacak biçim','Save Format'=>'Biçimi kaydet','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Hf','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Önceki','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Sonraki','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Bugün','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Bitti','Date Picker'=>'Tarih seçici','Width'=>'Genişlik','Embed Size'=>'Gömme boyutu','Enter URL'=>'Adres girin','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Etkin değilken görüntülenen metin','Off Text'=>'Kapalı metni','Text shown when active'=>'Etkinken görüntülenen metin','On Text'=>'Açık metni','Default Value'=>'Varsayılan değer','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'İşaret kutusunun yanında görüntülenen metin','Message'=>'Mesaj','No'=>'Hayır','Yes'=>'Evet','True / False'=>'Doğru / yanlış','Row'=>'Satır','Table'=>'Tablo','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Seçili alanları görüntülemek için kullanılacak stili belirtin','Layout'=>'Yerleşim','Sub Fields'=>'Alt alanlar','Group'=>'Grup','Customize the map height'=>'Harita yüksekliğini özelleştir','Height'=>'Ağırlık','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Temel yaklaşma seviyesini belirle','Zoom'=>'Yakınlaşma','Center the initial map'=>'Haritayı ortala','Center'=>'Merkez','Search for address...'=>'Adres arayın…','Find current location'=>'Şu anki konumu bul','Clear location'=>'Konumu temizle','Search'=>'Ara','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Üzgünüz, bu tarayıcı konumlandırma desteklemiyor','Google Map'=>'Google haritası','The format returned via template functions'=>'Tema işlevlerinden dönen biçim','Return Format'=>'Dönüş biçimi','Custom:'=>'Özel:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Bir yazı düzenlenirken görüntülenecek biçim','Display Format'=>'Gösterim biçimi','Time Picker'=>'Zaman seçici','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Çöpte alan bulunamadı','No Fields found'=>'Hiç alan bulunamadı','Search Fields'=>'Alanlarda ara','View Field'=>'Alanı görüntüle','New Field'=>'Yeni alan','Edit Field'=>'Alanı düzenle','Add New Field'=>'Yeni elan ekle','Field'=>'Alan','Fields'=>'Alanlar','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Çöpte alan grubu bulunamadı','No Field Groups found'=>'Hiç alan grubu bulunamadı','Search Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarında ara','View Field Group'=>'Alan grubunu görüntüle','New Field Group'=>'Yeni alan grubu','Edit Field Group'=>'Alan grubunu düzenle','Add New Field Group'=>'Yeni alan grubu ekle','Add New'=>'Yeni ekle','Field Group'=>'Alan grubu','Field Groups'=>'Alan grupları','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Güçlü, profesyonel ve sezgisel alanlar ile WordPress\'i özelleştirin.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blok türü adı gereklidir.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blok türü "%s" zaten kayıtlı.','Switch to Edit'=>'Düzenlemeye geç','Switch to Preview'=>'Önizlemeye geç','Change content alignment'=>'İçerik hizalamasını değiştir','%s settings'=>'%s ayarları','Options Updated'=>'Seçenekler güncellendi','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Güncellemeleri etkinleştirmek için lütfen Güncellemeler sayfasında lisans anahtarınızı girin. Eğer bir lisans anahtarınız yoksa lütfen detaylar ve fiyatlama sayfasına bakın.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Tanımlı lisans anahtarınız değişti, ancak eski lisansınızı devre dışı bırakırken bir hata oluştu','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Tanımlı lisans anahtarınız değişti, ancak etkinleştirme sunucusuna bağlanırken bir hata oluştu','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Etkinleştirme sunucusuna bağlanırken bir hata oluştu','Check Again'=>'Tekrar kontrol et','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Etkinleştirme sunucusu ile bağlantı kurulamadı','Publish'=>'Yayımla','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Bu seçenekler sayfası için hiç özel alan grubu bulunamadı. Bir özel alan grubu oluştur','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>' Hata. Güncelleme sunucusu ile bağlantı kurulamadı','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Hata. Güncelleme paketi için kimlik doğrulaması yapılamadı. Lütfen ACF PRO lisansınızı kontrol edin ya da lisansınızı etkisizleştirip, tekrar etkinleştirin.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Hata. Bu sitenin lisansının süresi dolmuş veya devre dışı bırakılmış. Lütfen ACF PRO lisansınızı yeniden etkinleştirin.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Çoğaltmak için bir ya da daha fazla alan seçin','Display'=>'Görüntüle','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Çoğaltılacak alanın görünümü için stili belirleyin','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grup (bu alanın içinde seçili alanları grup olarak gösterir)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Pürüzsüz (bu alanı seçişmiş olan alanlarla değiştirir)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketler %s olarak görüntülenir','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Alan etiketlerine ön ek ekle','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Değerler %s olarak kaydedilecek','Prefix Field Names'=>'Alan isimlerine ön ek ekle','Unknown field'=>'Bilinmeyen alan','Unknown field group'=>'Bilinmeyen alan grubu','All fields from %s field group'=>'%s alan grubundaki tüm alanlar','Add Row'=>'Satır ekle','layout'=>'yerleşim' . "\0" . 'yerleşimler','layouts'=>'yerleşimler','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bu alan için en az gereken {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bu alan için sınır {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} kullanılabilir (en fazla {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} gerekli (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Esnek içerik, en az 1 yerleşim gerektirir','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kendi yerleşiminizi oluşturmaya başlamak için aşağıdaki "%s " tuşuna tıklayın','Add layout'=>'Yerleşim ekle','Duplicate layout'=>'Düzeni çoğalt','Remove layout'=>'Yerleşimi çıkar','Click to toggle'=>'Geçiş yapmak için tıklayın','Delete Layout'=>'Yerleşimi sil','Duplicate Layout'=>'Yerleşimi çoğalt','Add New Layout'=>'Yeni yerleşim ekle','Add Layout'=>'Yerleşim ekle','Min'=>'En düşük','Max'=>'En yüksek','Minimum Layouts'=>'En az yerleşim','Maximum Layouts'=>'En fazla yerleşim','Button Label'=>'Tuş etiketi','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s dizi veya null türünde olmalıdır.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s en az %2$s %3$s düzen içermelidir.' . "\0" . '%1$s en az %2$s %3$s düzen içermelidir.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s en fazla %2$s %3$s düzeni içermelidir.' . "\0" . '%1$s en fazla %2$s %3$s düzeni içermelidir.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Galeriye görsel ekle','Maximum selection reached'=>'En fazla seçim aşıldı','Length'=>'Uzunluk','Caption'=>'Başlık','Alt Text'=>'Alternatif metin','Add to gallery'=>'Galeriye ekle','Bulk actions'=>'Toplu eylemler','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Yüklenme tarihine göre sırala','Sort by date modified'=>'Değiştirme tarihine göre sırala','Sort by title'=>'Başlığa göre sırala','Reverse current order'=>'Sıralamayı ters çevir','Close'=>'Kapat','Minimum Selection'=>'En az seçim','Maximum Selection'=>'En fazla seçim','Allowed file types'=>'İzin verilen dosya tipleri','Insert'=>'Ekle','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Yeni eklerin nereye ekleneceğini belirtin','Append to the end'=>'Sona ekle','Prepend to the beginning'=>'En başa ekleyin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'En az satır sayısına ulaşıldı ({min} satır)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'En fazla satır değerine ulaşıldı ({max} satır)','Minimum Rows'=>'En az satır','Maximum Rows'=>'En fazla satır','Collapsed'=>'Daraltılmış','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Satır toparlandığında görüntülenecek alt alanı seçin','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Geçersiz alan grup no.','Click to reorder'=>'Yeniden düzenlemek için sürükleyin','Add row'=>'Satır ekle','Duplicate row'=>'Satırı çoğalt','Remove row'=>'Satır çıkar','First Page'=>'Ön sayfa','Previous Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','Next Page'=>'Ön sayfa','Last Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','No block types exist'=>'Hiç blok tipi yok','No options pages exist'=>'Seçenekler sayfayı mevcut değil','Deactivate License'=>'Lisansı devre dışı bırak','Activate License'=>'Lisansı etkinleştir','License Information'=>'Lisans bilgisi','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Güncellemeleri açmak için lisans anahtarınızı aşağıya girin. Eğer bir lisans anahtarınız yoksa lütfen detaylar ve fiyatlama sayfasına bakın.','License Key'=>'Lisans anahtarı','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Lisans anahtarınız wp-config.php içinde tanımlanmış.','Retry Activation'=>'Etkinleştirmeyi yeniden dene','Update Information'=>'Güncelleme bilgisi','Current Version'=>'Mevcut sürüm','Latest Version'=>'En son sürüm','Update Available'=>'Güncelleme mevcut','Upgrade Notice'=>'Yükseltme bildirimi','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Güncelleştirmelerin kilidini açmak için yukardaki alana lisans anahtarını girin','Update Plugin'=>'Eklentiyi güncelle','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Güncellemelerin kilidini açmak için lütfen lisansınızı yeniden etkinleştirin']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'tr_TR','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['nounClone'=>'Kopyala','Updates'=>'Güncellemeler','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - ACF başlatılmadan önce ACF alan değerlerini almak için bir veya daha fazla çağrı algıladık. Bu desteklenmez ve hatalı biçimlendirilmiş veya eksik verilere neden olabilir. Bunu nasıl düzelteceğinizi öğrenin.','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s %2$s rolüne sahip bir kullanıcıya sahip olmalıdır.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu rollerden birine ait bir kullanıcıya sahip olmalıdır: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s geçerli bir kullanıcı kimliğine sahip olmalıdır.','Invalid request.'=>'Geçersiz istek.','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s bir %2$s değil','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s %2$s terimine sahip olmalı.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu terimlerden biri olmalı: %2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s %2$s yazı tipinde olmalıdır.' . "\0" . '%1$s şu yazı tiplerinden birinde olmalıdır: %2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s geçerli bir yazı kimliği olmalıdır.','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s geçerli bir ek kimliği gerektirir.','Show in REST API'=>'REST API\'da göster','Enable Transparency'=>'Saydamlığı etkinleştir','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA dizisi','RGBA String'=>'RGBA metni','Hex String'=>'Hex metin','post statusActive'=>'Etkin','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' geçerli bir e-posta adresi değil','Color value'=>'Renk değeri','Select default color'=>'Varsayılan rengi seç','Clear color'=>'Rengi temizle','Blocks'=>'Bloklar','Options'=>'Ayarlar','Users'=>'Kullanıcılar','Menu items'=>'Menü ögeleri','Widgets'=>'Bileşenler','Attachments'=>'Dosya ekleri','Taxonomies'=>'Taksonomiler','Posts'=>'İletiler','Last updated: %s'=>'Son güncellenme: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Geçersiz alan grubu parametresi/leri.','Awaiting save'=>'Kayıt edilmeyi bekliyor','Saved'=>'Kaydedildi','Import'=>'İçe aktar','Review changes'=>'Değişiklikleri incele','Located in: %s'=>'Konumu: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Eklenti içinde konumlu: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Tema içinde konumlu: %s','Various'=>'Çeşitli','Sync changes'=>'Değişiklikleri eşitle','Loading diff'=>'Fark yükleniyor','Review local JSON changes'=>'Yerel JSON değişikliklerini incele','Visit website'=>'Web sitesini ziyaret et','View details'=>'Ayrıntıları görüntüle','Version %s'=>'Sürüm %s','Information'=>'Bilgi','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Yardım masası. Yardım masamızdaki profesyonel destek çalışanlarımızı daha derin, teknik sorunların üstesinden gelmenize yardımcı olabilirler.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Belgeler. Karşınıza çıkabilecek bir çok konu hakkında geniş içerikli belgelerimize baş vurabilirsiniz.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Destek konusunu çok ciddiye alıyoruz ve size ACF ile sitenizde en iyi çözümlere ulaşmanızı istiyoruz. Eğer bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız yardım alabileceğiniz bir kaç yer var:','Help & Support'=>'Yardım ve destek','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'İşin içinden çıkamadığınızda lütfen Yardım ve destek sekmesinden irtibata geçin.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'İlk alan grubunuzu oluşturmadan önce Başlarken rehberimize okumanızı öneririz, bu sayede eklentinin filozofisini daha iyi anlayabilir ve en iyi çözümleri öğrenebilirsiniz.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'The Advanced Custom Fields eklentisi bir görsel form oluşturucu ile WordPress düzenleme ekranlarını ek alanlarla özelleştirme imkanı sağlıyor, ve sezgisel API ile her türlü tema şablon dosyasında bu özel alanlar gösterilebiliyor.','Overview'=>'Genel görünüm','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Konum türü "%s" zaten kayıtlı.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'"%s" sınıfı mevcut değil.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Geçersiz nonce.','Error loading field.'=>'Alan yükleme sırasında hata.','Location not found: %s'=>'Konum bulunamadı: %s','Error: %s'=>'Hata: %s','Widget'=>'Bileşen','User Role'=>'Kullanıcı kuralı','Comment'=>'Yorum','Post Format'=>'Yazı biçimi','Menu Item'=>'Menü ögesi','Post Status'=>'Yazı durumu','Menus'=>'Menüler','Menu Locations'=>'Menü konumları','Menu'=>'Menü','Post Taxonomy'=>'Yazı taksonomisi','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Alt sayfa (ebeveyni olan)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Üst sayfa (alt sayfası olan)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Üst düzey sayfa (ebeveynsiz)','Posts Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','Front Page'=>'Ön Sayfa','Page Type'=>'Sayfa tipi','Viewing back end'=>'Arka yüz görüntüleniyor','Viewing front end'=>'Ön yüz görüntüleniyor','Logged in'=>'Giriş yapıldı','Current User'=>'Şu anki kullanıcı','Page Template'=>'Sayfa şablonu','Register'=>'Kayıt ol','Add / Edit'=>'Ekle / düzenle','User Form'=>'Kullanıcı formu','Page Parent'=>'Sayfa ebeveyni','Super Admin'=>'Süper yönetici','Current User Role'=>'Şu anki kullanıcı rolü','Default Template'=>'Varsayılan şablon','Post Template'=>'Yazı şablonu','Post Category'=>'Yazı kategorisi','All %s formats'=>'Tüm %s biçimleri','Attachment'=>'Eklenti','%s value is required'=>'%s değeri gerekli','Show this field if'=>'Alanı bu şart gerçekleşirse göster','Conditional Logic'=>'Koşullu mantık','and'=>'ve','Local JSON'=>'Yerel JSON','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Lütfen ayrıca premium eklentilerin de (%s) en üst sürüme güncellendiğinden emin olun.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Bu sürüm veritabanınız için iyileştirmeler içeriyor ve yükseltme gerektiriyor.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'%1$s v%2$s sürümüne güncellediğiniz için teşekkür ederiz!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Veritabanı yükseltmesi gerekiyor','Options Page'=>'Seçenekler sayfası','Gallery'=>'Galeri','Flexible Content'=>'Esnek içerik','Repeater'=>'Tekrarlayıcı','Back to all tools'=>'Tüm araçlara geri dön','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Eğer düzenleme ekranında birden çok alan grubu ortaya çıkarsa, ilk alan grubunun seçenekleri kullanılır (en düşük sıralama numarasına sahip olan)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Düzenleme ekranından gizlemek istediğiniz ögeleri seçin.','Hide on screen'=>'Ekranda gizle','Send Trackbacks'=>'Geri izlemeleri gönder','Tags'=>'Etiketler','Categories'=>'Kategoriler','Page Attributes'=>'Sayfa özellikleri','Format'=>'Biçim','Author'=>'Yazar','Slug'=>'Kısa isim','Revisions'=>'Sürümler','Comments'=>'Yorumlar','Discussion'=>'Tartışma','Excerpt'=>'Özet','Content Editor'=>'İçerik düzenleyici','Permalink'=>'Kalıcı bağlantı','Shown in field group list'=>'Alan grubu listesinde görüntülenir','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Daha düşük sıralamaya sahip alan grupları daha önce görünür','Order No.'=>'Sipariş No.','Below fields'=>'Alanlarının altında','Below labels'=>'Etiketlerin altında','Side'=>'Yan','Normal (after content)'=>'Normal (içerikten sonra)','High (after title)'=>'Yüksek (başlıktan sonra)','Position'=>'Konum','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Pürüzsüz (metabox yok)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Standart (WP metabox)','Style'=>'Stil','Type'=>'Tür','Key'=>'Anahtar','Order'=>'Düzen','Close Field'=>'Alanı kapat','id'=>'id','class'=>'sınıf','width'=>'genişlik','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Kapsayıcı öznitelikleri','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Yazarlara gösterilecek talimatlar. Veri gönderirken gösterilir','Instructions'=>'Yönergeler','Field Type'=>'Alan tipi','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Tek kelime, boşluksuz. Alt çizgi ve tireye izin var','Field Name'=>'Alan adı','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Bu isim DÜZENLEME sayfasında görüntülenecek isimdir','Field Label'=>'Alan etiketi','Delete'=>'Sil','Delete field'=>'Sil alanı','Move'=>'Taşı','Move field to another group'=>'Alanı başka gruba taşı','Duplicate field'=>'Alanı çoğalt','Edit field'=>'Alanı düzenle','Drag to reorder'=>'Yeniden düzenlemek için sürükleyin','Show this field group if'=>'Bu alan grubunu şu koşulda göster','No updates available.'=>'Güncelleme yok.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Veritabanı yükseltme tamamlandı. Yenilikler ','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Yükseltme görevlerini okuyor...','Upgrade failed.'=>'Yükseltme başarısız oldu.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Yükseltme başarılı.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Veri %s sürümüne yükseltiliyor','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Devam etmeden önce veritabanınızı yedeklemeniz önemle önerilir. Güncelleştiriciyi şimdi çalıştırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Lütfen yükseltmek için en az site seçin.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Veritabanı güncellemesi tamamlandı. Ağ panosuna geri dön','Site is up to date'=>'Site güncel','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Site %1$s sürümünden %2$s sürümüne veritabanı yükseltmesi gerektiriyor','Site'=>'Site','Upgrade Sites'=>'Siteleri yükselt','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Şu siteler için VT güncellemesi gerekiyor. Güncellemek istediklerinizi işaretleyin ve %s tuşuna basın.','Add rule group'=>'Kural grubu ekle','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Bu gelişmiş özel alanları hangi düzenleme ekranlarının kullanacağını belirlemek için bir kural seti oluşturun','Rules'=>'Kurallar','Copied'=>'Kopyalandı','Copy to clipboard'=>'Panoya kopyala','Select Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını seç','No field groups selected'=>'Hiç alan grubu seçilmemiş','Generate PHP'=>'PHP oluştur','Export Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını dışarı aktar','Import file empty'=>'İçe aktarılan dosya boş','Incorrect file type'=>'Geçersiz dosya tipi','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Dosya yüklenirken hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin','Import Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarını içeri aktar','Sync'=>'Eşitle','Select %s'=>'Seç %s','Duplicate'=>'Mükerrer','Duplicate this item'=>'Bu ögeyi çoğalt','Description'=>'Açıklama','Sync available'=>'Eşitleme mevcut','Field group duplicated.'=>'Alan grubu çoğaltıldı.' . "\0" . '%s alan grubu çoğaltıldı.','Active (%s)'=>'Etkin (%s)' . "\0" . 'Etkin (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Siteleri incele ve güncelle','Upgrade Database'=>'Veritabanını güncelle','Custom Fields'=>'Ek alanlar','Move Field'=>'Alanı taşı','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Lütfen bu alan için bir hedef seçin','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'%1$s alanı artık %2$s alan grubunda bulunabilir','Move Complete.'=>'Taşıma tamamlandı.','Active'=>'Etkinleştir','Field Keys'=>'Alan anahtarları','Settings'=>'Ayarlar','Location'=>'Konum','Null'=>'Boş','copy'=>'kopyala','(this field)'=>'(bu alan)','Checked'=>'İşaretlendi','Move Custom Field'=>'Özel alanı taşı','No toggle fields available'=>'Kullanılabilir aç-kapa alan yok','Field group title is required'=>'Alan grubu başlığı gerekli','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'Bu alan, üzerinde yapılan değişiklikler kaydedilene kadar taşınamaz','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'Artık alan isimlerinin başlangıcında “field_” kullanılmayacak','Field group draft updated.'=>'Alan grubu taslağı güncellendi.','Field group scheduled for.'=>'Alan grubu zamanlandı.','Field group submitted.'=>'Alan grubu gönderildi.','Field group saved.'=>'Alan grubu kaydedildi.','Field group published.'=>'Alan grubu yayımlandı.','Field group deleted.'=>'Alan grubu silindi.','Field group updated.'=>'Alan grubu güncellendi.','Tools'=>'Araçlar','is not equal to'=>'eşit değilse','is equal to'=>'eşitse','Forms'=>'Formlar','Page'=>'Sayfa','Post'=>'Yazı','Relational'=>'İlişkisel','Choice'=>'Seçim','Basic'=>'Basit','Unknown'=>'Bilinmeyen','Field type does not exist'=>'Var olmayan alan tipi','Spam Detected'=>'İstenmeyen tespit edildi','Post updated'=>'Yazı güncellendi','Update'=>'Güncelleme','Validate Email'=>'E-postayı doğrula','Content'=>'İçerik','Title'=>'Başlık','Edit field group'=>'Alan grubunu düzenle','Selection is less than'=>'Seçim daha az','Selection is greater than'=>'Seçin daha büyük','Value is less than'=>'Değer daha az','Value is greater than'=>'Değer daha büyük','Value contains'=>'Değer içeriyor','Value matches pattern'=>'Değer bir desenle eşleşir','Value is not equal to'=>'Değer eşit değilse','Value is equal to'=>'Değer eşitse','Has no value'=>'Hiçbir değer','Has any value'=>'Herhangi bir değer','Cancel'=>'Vazgeç','Are you sure?'=>'Emin misiniz?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor','1 field requires attention'=>'1 alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor','Validation failed'=>'Doğrulama başarısız','Validation successful'=>'Doğrulama başarılı','Restricted'=>'Kısıtlı','Collapse Details'=>'Detayları daralt','Expand Details'=>'Ayrıntıları genişlet','Uploaded to this post'=>'Bu yazıya yüklenmiş','verbUpdate'=>'Güncelleme','verbEdit'=>'Düzenle','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Bu sayfadan başka bir sayfaya geçerseniz yaptığınız değişiklikler kaybolacak','File type must be %s.'=>'Dosya tipi %s olmalı.','or'=>'veya','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Dosya boyutu %s boyutunu geçmemeli.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Dosya boyutu en az %s olmalı.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Görsel yüksekliği %dpx değerini geçmemeli.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Görsel yüksekliği en az %dpx olmalı.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Görsel genişliği %dpx değerini geçmemeli.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Görsel genişliği en az %dpx olmalı.','(no title)'=>'(başlık yok)','Full Size'=>'Tam boyut','Large'=>'Büyük','Medium'=>'Orta','Thumbnail'=>'Küçük resim','(no label)'=>'(etiket yok)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Metin alanı yüksekliğini ayarla','Rows'=>'Satırlar','Text Area'=>'Metin alanı','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'En başa tüm seçimleri tersine çevirmek için ekstra bir seçim kutusu ekle','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'‘Özel’ değerleri alanın seçenekleri arasına kaydet','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'‘Özel’ alanların eklenebilmesine izin ver','Add new choice'=>'Yeni seçenek ekle','Toggle All'=>'Tümünü aç/kapat','Allow Archives URLs'=>'Arşivler adresine izin ver','Archives'=>'Arşivler','Page Link'=>'Sayfa bağlantısı','Add'=>'Ekle','Name'=>'Bağlantı ismi','%s added'=>'%s eklendi','%s already exists'=>'%s zaten mevcut','User unable to add new %s'=>'Kullanıcı yeni %s ekleyemiyor','Term ID'=>'Terim no','Term Object'=>'Terim nesnesi','Load value from posts terms'=>'Yazının terimlerinden değerleri yükle','Load Terms'=>'Terimleri yükle','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'Seçilmiş terimleri yazıya bağla','Save Terms'=>'Terimleri kaydet','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'Düzenlenirken yeni terimlerin oluşabilmesine izin ver','Create Terms'=>'Terimleri oluştur','Radio Buttons'=>'Tekli seçim','Single Value'=>'Tek değer','Multi Select'=>'Çoklu seçim','Checkbox'=>'İşaret kutusu','Multiple Values'=>'Çoklu değer','Select the appearance of this field'=>'Bu alanın görünümünü seçin','Appearance'=>'Görünüm','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'Görüntülenecek taksonomiyi seçin','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'Değer %d değerine eşit ya da daha küçük olmalı','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'Değer %d değerine eşit ya da daha büyük olmalı','Value must be a number'=>'Değer bir sayı olmalı','Number'=>'Numara','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'‘Diğer’ değerlerini alanın seçenekleri arasına kaydet','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Özel değerlere izin vermek için \'diğer\' seçeneği ekle','Other'=>'Diğer','Radio Button'=>'Radyo düğmesi','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'Önceki akordeonun durması için bir son nokta tanımlayın. Bu akordeon görüntülenmeyecek.','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'Bu akordeonun diğerlerini kapatmadan açılmasını sağla.','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'Sayfa yüklemesi sırasında bu akordeonu açık olarak görüntüle.','Open'=>'Açık','Accordion'=>'Akordiyon','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'Yüklenebilecek dosyaları sınırlandırın','File ID'=>'Dosya no','File URL'=>'Dosya adresi','File Array'=>'Dosya dizisi','Add File'=>'Dosya Ekle','No file selected'=>'Dosya seçilmedi','File name'=>'Dosya adı','Update File'=>'Dosyayı güncelle','Edit File'=>'Dosya düzenle','Select File'=>'Dosya seç','File'=>'Dosya','Password'=>'Parola','Specify the value returned'=>'Dönecek değeri belirt','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Seçimlerin tembel yüklenmesi için AJAX kullanılsın mı?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Her satıra bir değer girin','verbSelect'=>'Seçim','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Yükleme başarısız oldu','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Aranıyor…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Daha fazla sonuç yükleniyor…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'Sadece %d öge seçebilirsiniz','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Sadece 1 öge seçebilirsiniz','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'Lütfen %d karakter silin','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Lütfen 1 karakter silin','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Lütfen %d veya daha fazla karakter girin','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Lütfen 1 veya daha fazla karakter girin','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Eşleşme yok','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d sonuç bulundu. Dolaşmak için yukarı ve aşağı okları kullanın.','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Bir sonuç bulundu, seçmek için enter tuşuna basın.','nounSelect'=>'Seçim','User ID'=>'Kullanıcı No','User Object'=>'Kullanıcı nesnesi','User Array'=>'Kullanıcı dizisi','All user roles'=>'Bütün kullanıcı rolleri','User'=>'Kullanıcı','Separator'=>'Ayırıcı','Select Color'=>'Renk seç','Default'=>'Varsayılan','Clear'=>'Temizle','Color Picker'=>'Renk seçici','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Seçim','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Bitti','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Şimdi','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Zaman dilimi','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Mikrosaniye','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Milisaniye','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'İkinci','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Dakika','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Saat','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Zaman','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Zamanı se','Date Time Picker'=>'Tarih zaman seçici','Endpoint'=>'Uç nokta','Left aligned'=>'Sola hizalı','Top aligned'=>'Üste hizalı','Placement'=>'Konumlandırma','Tab'=>'Sekme','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Değer geçerli bir web adresi olmalı','Link URL'=>'Bağlantı adresi','Link Array'=>'Bağlantı dizisi','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Yeni pencerede/sekmede açılır','Select Link'=>'Bağlantı seç','Link'=>'Link','Email'=>'EPosta','Step Size'=>'Adım boyutu','Maximum Value'=>'En fazla değer','Minimum Value'=>'En az değer','Range'=>'Aralık','Both (Array)'=>'İkisi de (Dizi)','Label'=>'Etiket','Value'=>'Değer','Vertical'=>'Dikey','Horizontal'=>'Yatay','red : Red'=>'kirmizi : Kırmızı','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Daha fazla kontrol için, hem bir değeri hem de bir etiketi şu şekilde belirtebilirsiniz:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'Her seçeneği yeni bir satıra girin.','Choices'=>'Seçimler','Button Group'=>'Tuş grubu','Parent'=>'Ana','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'Alan tıklanana kadar TinyMCE hazırlanmayacaktır','Toolbar'=>'Araç çubuğu','Text Only'=>'Sadece Metin','Visual Only'=>'Sadece görsel','Visual & Text'=>'Görsel ve metin','Tabs'=>'Seklemeler','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'TinyMCE hazırlamak için tıklayın','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Metin','Visual'=>'Görsel','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Değer %d karakteri geçmemelidir','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Limit olmaması için boş bırakın','Character Limit'=>'Karakter limiti','Appears after the input'=>'Girdi alanından sonra görünür','Append'=>'Sonuna ekle','Appears before the input'=>'Girdi alanından önce görünür','Prepend'=>'Önüne ekle','Appears within the input'=>'Girdi alanının içinde görünür','Placeholder Text'=>'Yer tutucu metin','Appears when creating a new post'=>'Yeni bir yazı oluştururken görünür','Text'=>'Metin','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s en az %2$s seçim gerektirir' . "\0" . '%1$s en az %2$s seçim gerektirir','Post ID'=>'Yazı ID','Post Object'=>'Yazı nesnesi','Featured Image'=>'Öne çıkan görsel','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Her sonuç içinde seçilmiş elemanlar görüntülenir','Elements'=>'Elemanlar','Taxonomy'=>'Etiketleme','Post Type'=>'Yazı tipi','Filters'=>'Filtreler','All taxonomies'=>'Tüm taksonomiler','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Taksonomiye göre filtre','All post types'=>'Tüm yazı tipleri','Filter by Post Type'=>'Yazı tipine göre filtre','Search...'=>'Ara...','Select taxonomy'=>'Taksonomi seç','Select post type'=>'Yazı tipi seç','No matches found'=>'Eşleşme yok','Loading'=>'Yükleniyor','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'En yüksek değerlere ulaşıldı ({max} değerleri)','Relationship'=>'İlişkili','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Virgül ile ayrılmış liste. Tüm tipler için boş bırakın','Maximum'=>'En fazla','File size'=>'Dosya boyutu','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Hangi görsellerin yüklenebileceğini sınırlandırın','Minimum'=>'En az','Uploaded to post'=>'Yazıya yüklendi','All'=>'Tümü','Limit the media library choice'=>'Ortam kitaplığı seçimini sınırlayın','Library'=>'Kitaplık','Preview Size'=>'Önizleme boyutu','Image ID'=>'Görsel no','Image URL'=>'Resim Adresi','Image Array'=>'Görsel dizisi','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'Ön yüzden dönecek değeri belirleyin','Return Value'=>'Dönüş değeri','Add Image'=>'Görsel ekle','No image selected'=>'Resim seçilmedi','Remove'=>'Kaldır','Edit'=>'Düzenle','All images'=>'Tüm görseller','Update Image'=>'Görseli güncelle','Edit Image'=>'Resmi düzenle','Select Image'=>'Resim Seç','Image'=>'Görsel','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'Görünür metin olarak HTML kodlamasının görüntülenmesine izin ver','Escape HTML'=>'HTML’i güvenli hale getir','No Formatting'=>'Biçimlendirme yok','Automatically add <br>'=>'Otomatik ekle <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Otomatik paragraf ekle','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Yeni satırların nasıl görüntüleneceğini denetler','New Lines'=>'Yeni satırlar','Week Starts On'=>'Hafta başlangıcı','The format used when saving a value'=>'Bir değer kaydedilirken kullanılacak biçim','Save Format'=>'Biçimi kaydet','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Hf','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Önceki','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Sonraki','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Bugün','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Bitti','Date Picker'=>'Tarih seçici','Width'=>'Genişlik','Embed Size'=>'Gömme boyutu','Enter URL'=>'Adres girin','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Etkin değilken görüntülenen metin','Off Text'=>'Kapalı metni','Text shown when active'=>'Etkinken görüntülenen metin','On Text'=>'Açık metni','Default Value'=>'Varsayılan değer','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'İşaret kutusunun yanında görüntülenen metin','Message'=>'Mesaj','No'=>'Hayır','Yes'=>'Evet','True / False'=>'Doğru / yanlış','Row'=>'Satır','Table'=>'Tablo','Block'=>'Blok','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Seçili alanları görüntülemek için kullanılacak stili belirtin','Layout'=>'Yerleşim','Sub Fields'=>'Alt alanlar','Group'=>'Grup','Customize the map height'=>'Harita yüksekliğini özelleştir','Height'=>'Ağırlık','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Temel yaklaşma seviyesini belirle','Zoom'=>'Yakınlaşma','Center the initial map'=>'Haritayı ortala','Center'=>'Merkez','Search for address...'=>'Adres arayın…','Find current location'=>'Şu anki konumu bul','Clear location'=>'Konumu temizle','Search'=>'Ara','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Üzgünüz, bu tarayıcı konumlandırma desteklemiyor','Google Map'=>'Google haritası','The format returned via template functions'=>'Tema işlevlerinden dönen biçim','Return Format'=>'Dönüş biçimi','Custom:'=>'Özel:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'Bir yazı düzenlenirken görüntülenecek biçim','Display Format'=>'Gösterim biçimi','Time Picker'=>'Zaman seçici','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Çöpte alan bulunamadı','No Fields found'=>'Hiç alan bulunamadı','Search Fields'=>'Alanlarda ara','View Field'=>'Alanı görüntüle','New Field'=>'Yeni alan','Edit Field'=>'Alanı düzenle','Add New Field'=>'Yeni elan ekle','Field'=>'Alan','Fields'=>'Alanlar','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'Çöpte alan grubu bulunamadı','No Field Groups found'=>'Hiç alan grubu bulunamadı','Search Field Groups'=>'Alan gruplarında ara','View Field Group'=>'Alan grubunu görüntüle','New Field Group'=>'Yeni alan grubu','Edit Field Group'=>'Alan grubunu düzenle','Add New Field Group'=>'Yeni alan grubu ekle','Add New'=>'Yeni ekle','Field Group'=>'Alan grubu','Field Groups'=>'Alan grupları','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Güçlü, profesyonel ve sezgisel alanlar ile WordPress\'i özelleştirin.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'Blok türü adı gereklidir.','Block type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Blok türü "%s" zaten kayıtlı.','Switch to Edit'=>'Düzenlemeye geç','Switch to Preview'=>'Önizlemeye geç','Change content alignment'=>'İçerik hizalamasını değiştir','%s settings'=>'%s ayarları','Options Updated'=>'Seçenekler güncellendi','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Güncellemeleri etkinleştirmek için lütfen Güncellemeler sayfasında lisans anahtarınızı girin. Eğer bir lisans anahtarınız yoksa lütfen detaylar ve fiyatlama sayfasına bakın.','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Tanımlı lisans anahtarınız değişti, ancak eski lisansınızı devre dışı bırakırken bir hata oluştu','ACF Activation Error. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Tanımlı lisans anahtarınız değişti, ancak etkinleştirme sunucusuna bağlanırken bir hata oluştu','ACF Activation Error'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Etkinleştirme sunucusuna bağlanırken bir hata oluştu','Check Again'=>'Tekrar kontrol et','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'ACF etkinleştirme hatası. Etkinleştirme sunucusu ile bağlantı kurulamadı','Publish'=>'Yayımla','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Bu seçenekler sayfası için hiç özel alan grubu bulunamadı. Bir özel alan grubu oluştur','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>' Hata. Güncelleme sunucusu ile bağlantı kurulamadı','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Hata. Güncelleme paketi için kimlik doğrulaması yapılamadı. Lütfen ACF PRO lisansınızı kontrol edin ya da lisansınızı etkisizleştirip, tekrar etkinleştirin.','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'Hata. Bu sitenin lisansının süresi dolmuş veya devre dışı bırakılmış. Lütfen ACF PRO lisansınızı yeniden etkinleştirin.','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'Çoğaltmak için bir ya da daha fazla alan seçin','Display'=>'Görüntüle','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'Çoğaltılacak alanın görünümü için stili belirleyin','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Grup (bu alanın içinde seçili alanları grup olarak gösterir)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'Pürüzsüz (bu alanı seçişmiş olan alanlarla değiştirir)','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'Etiketler %s olarak görüntülenir','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Alan etiketlerine ön ek ekle','Values will be saved as %s'=>'Değerler %s olarak kaydedilecek','Prefix Field Names'=>'Alan isimlerine ön ek ekle','Unknown field'=>'Bilinmeyen alan','Unknown field group'=>'Bilinmeyen alan grubu','All fields from %s field group'=>'%s alan grubundaki tüm alanlar','Add Row'=>'Satır ekle','layout'=>'yerleşim' . "\0" . 'yerleşimler','layouts'=>'yerleşimler','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bu alan için en az gereken {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'Bu alan için sınır {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} kullanılabilir (en fazla {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} gerekli (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'Esnek içerik, en az 1 yerleşim gerektirir','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'Kendi yerleşiminizi oluşturmaya başlamak için aşağıdaki "%s " tuşuna tıklayın','Add layout'=>'Yerleşim ekle','Duplicate layout'=>'Düzeni çoğalt','Remove layout'=>'Yerleşimi çıkar','Click to toggle'=>'Geçiş yapmak için tıklayın','Delete Layout'=>'Yerleşimi sil','Duplicate Layout'=>'Yerleşimi çoğalt','Add New Layout'=>'Yeni yerleşim ekle','Add Layout'=>'Yerleşim ekle','Min'=>'En düşük','Max'=>'En yüksek','Minimum Layouts'=>'En az yerleşim','Maximum Layouts'=>'En fazla yerleşim','Button Label'=>'Tuş etiketi','%s must be of type array or null.'=>'%s dizi veya null türünde olmalıdır.','%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s en az %2$s %3$s düzen içermelidir.' . "\0" . '%1$s en az %2$s %3$s düzen içermelidir.','%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.'=>'%1$s en fazla %2$s %3$s düzeni içermelidir.' . "\0" . '%1$s en fazla %2$s %3$s düzeni içermelidir.','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Galeriye görsel ekle','Maximum selection reached'=>'En fazla seçim aşıldı','Length'=>'Uzunluk','Caption'=>'Başlık','Alt Text'=>'Alternatif metin','Add to gallery'=>'Galeriye ekle','Bulk actions'=>'Toplu eylemler','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Yüklenme tarihine göre sırala','Sort by date modified'=>'Değiştirme tarihine göre sırala','Sort by title'=>'Başlığa göre sırala','Reverse current order'=>'Sıralamayı ters çevir','Close'=>'Kapat','Minimum Selection'=>'En az seçim','Maximum Selection'=>'En fazla seçim','Allowed file types'=>'İzin verilen dosya tipleri','Insert'=>'Ekle','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'Yeni eklerin nereye ekleneceğini belirtin','Append to the end'=>'Sona ekle','Prepend to the beginning'=>'En başa ekleyin','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'En az satır sayısına ulaşıldı ({min} satır)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'En fazla satır değerine ulaşıldı ({max} satır)','Minimum Rows'=>'En az satır','Maximum Rows'=>'En fazla satır','Collapsed'=>'Daraltılmış','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'Satır toparlandığında görüntülenecek alt alanı seçin','Invalid field key or name.'=>'Geçersiz alan grup no.','Click to reorder'=>'Yeniden düzenlemek için sürükleyin','Add row'=>'Satır ekle','Duplicate row'=>'Satırı çoğalt','Remove row'=>'Satır çıkar','First Page'=>'Ön sayfa','Previous Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','Next Page'=>'Ön sayfa','Last Page'=>'Yazılar sayfası','No block types exist'=>'Hiç blok tipi yok','No options pages exist'=>'Seçenekler sayfayı mevcut değil','Deactivate License'=>'Lisansı devre dışı bırak','Activate License'=>'Lisansı etkinleştir','License Information'=>'Lisans bilgisi','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Güncellemeleri açmak için lisans anahtarınızı aşağıya girin. Eğer bir lisans anahtarınız yoksa lütfen detaylar ve fiyatlama sayfasına bakın.','License Key'=>'Lisans anahtarı','Your license key is defined in wp-config.php.'=>'Lisans anahtarınız wp-config.php içinde tanımlanmış.','Retry Activation'=>'Etkinleştirmeyi yeniden dene','Update Information'=>'Güncelleme bilgisi','Current Version'=>'Mevcut sürüm','Latest Version'=>'En son sürüm','Update Available'=>'Güncelleme mevcut','Upgrade Notice'=>'Yükseltme bildirimi','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Güncelleştirmelerin kilidini açmak için yukardaki alana lisans anahtarını girin','Update Plugin'=>'Eklentiyi güncelle','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Güncellemelerin kilidini açmak için lütfen lisansınızı yeniden etkinleştirin']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.mo
index a866f3f3..8ac98f56 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.po
index 2d6cafa7..28d0c077 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-tr_TR.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: tr_TR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr ""
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr ""
@@ -298,34 +329,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -691,37 +722,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2241,7 +2268,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr ""
@@ -2290,7 +2317,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2300,15 +2327,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2316,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2368,7 +2395,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2376,67 +2403,67 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2454,7 +2481,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2466,7 +2493,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2510,16 +2537,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2540,74 +2567,74 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2626,14 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2808,8 +2835,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
@@ -2817,49 +2844,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2872,13 +2899,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2956,7 +2983,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA metni"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "Hex metin"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr ""
@@ -3008,8 +3035,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Dosya ekleri"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3019,7 +3046,7 @@ msgstr "Taksonomiler"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3038,49 +3065,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Geçersiz alan grubu parametresi/leri."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Kayıt edilmeyi bekliyor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Kaydedildi"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "İçe aktar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri incele"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Konumu: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Eklenti içinde konumlu: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Tema içinde konumlu: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Çeşitli"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri eşitle"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Fark yükleniyor"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Yerel JSON değişikliklerini incele"
@@ -3339,7 +3366,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Alanı bu şart gerçekleşirse göster"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Koşullu mantık"
@@ -3348,9 +3375,9 @@ msgstr "Koşullu mantık"
msgid "and"
msgstr "ve"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Yerel JSON"
@@ -3544,9 +3571,9 @@ msgstr "Stil"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tür"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Anahtar"
@@ -3557,23 +3584,23 @@ msgstr "Anahtar"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Düzen"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Alanı kapat"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "sınıf"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "genişlik"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Kapsayıcı öznitelikleri"
@@ -3581,68 +3608,68 @@ msgstr "Kapsayıcı öznitelikleri"
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Yazarlara gösterilecek talimatlar. Veri gönderirken gösterilir"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Yönergeler"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Alan tipi"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Tek kelime, boşluksuz. Alt çizgi ve tireye izin var"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Alan adı"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Bu isim DÜZENLEME sayfasında görüntülenecek isimdir"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Alan etiketi"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Sil alanı"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Taşı"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Alanı başka gruba taşı"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Alanı çoğalt"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Alanı düzenle"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Yeniden düzenlemek için sürükleyin"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Bu alan grubunu şu koşulda göster"
@@ -3743,15 +3770,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Kurallar"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Kopyalandı"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Panoya kopyala"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3759,22 +3786,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Alan gruplarını seç"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Hiç alan grubu seçilmemiş"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "PHP oluştur"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Alan gruplarını dışarı aktar"
@@ -3800,22 +3827,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Alan gruplarını içeri aktar"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Eşitle"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Seç %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Mükerrer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Bu ögeyi çoğalt"
@@ -3823,13 +3850,14 @@ msgstr "Bu ögeyi çoğalt"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3838,26 +3866,26 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Açıklama"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Eşitleme mevcut"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Alan grubu çoğaltıldı."
msgstr[1] "%s alan grubu çoğaltıldı."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Etkin (%s)"
@@ -3898,7 +3926,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s alanı artık %2$s alan grubunda bulunabilir"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Taşıma tamamlandı."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3913,7 +3941,7 @@ msgstr "Alan anahtarları"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ayarlar"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"
@@ -3925,14 +3953,14 @@ msgstr "Boş"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "kopyala"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(bu alan)"
@@ -3943,14 +3971,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "İşaretlendi"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Özel alanı taşı"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir aç-kapa alan yok"
@@ -3959,14 +3987,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Alan grubu başlığı gerekli"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "Bu alan, üzerinde yapılan değişiklikler kaydedilene kadar taşınamaz"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "Artık alan isimlerinin başlangıcında “field_” kullanılmayacak"
@@ -4134,8 +4162,8 @@ msgstr "Hiçbir değer"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Herhangi bir değer"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Vazgeç"
@@ -4145,24 +4173,24 @@ msgstr "Vazgeç"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Emin misiniz?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 alan dikkatinizi gerektiriyor"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Doğrulama başarısız"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Doğrulama başarılı"
@@ -4198,8 +4226,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenle"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr ""
"Bu sayfadan başka bir sayfaya geçerseniz yaptığınız değişiklikler kaybolacak"
@@ -4213,10 +4241,10 @@ msgstr "Dosya tipi %s olmalı."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "veya"
@@ -4266,8 +4294,8 @@ msgstr "Küçük resim"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(etiket yok)"
@@ -5234,7 +5262,7 @@ msgstr "Resim seçilmedi"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Kaldır"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5553,92 +5581,92 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Zaman seçici"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Çöpte alan bulunamadı"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Hiç alan bulunamadı"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Alanlarda ara"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Alanı görüntüle"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Yeni alan"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Alanı düzenle"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Yeni elan ekle"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Alan"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Alanlar"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "Çöpte alan grubu bulunamadı"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Hiç alan grubu bulunamadı"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Alan gruplarında ara"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Alan grubunu görüntüle"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Yeni alan grubu"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Alan grubunu düzenle"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Yeni alan grubu ekle"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Yeni ekle"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Alan grubu"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Alan grupları"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.l10n.php
index 2d7c8b02..4cbb5255 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'uk','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'У редакторі використовується як замінник заголовка.','Title Placeholder'=>'Назва заповнювача поля','4 Months Free'=>'4 місяці безкоштовно',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (Продубльовано з %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Виберіть параметри сторінок','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Продублювати таксономію','Create taxonomy'=>'Створити таксономію','Duplicate post type'=>'Дублікати тип допису','Create post type'=>'Створити тип допису','Link field groups'=>'Посилання на групу полів','Add fields'=>'Добавити поле','This Field'=>'Це поле','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Зворотний зв\'язок','Support'=>'Підтримка','is developed and maintained by'=>'розробляється та підтримується','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Додайте цей %s до правил розташування вибраних груп полів.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Увімкнення двонаправленого налаштування дозволяє оновлювати значення в цільових полях для кожного значення, вибраного для цього поля, додаючи або видаляючи Post ID, Taxonomy ID або User ID елемента, який оновлюється. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, прочитайте документацію.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Оберіть поля для зберігання посилання на елемент, що оновлюється. Ви можете обрати це поле. Цільові поля мають бути сумісні з тим, де це поле відображається. Наприклад, якщо це поле відображається в таксономії, ваше цільове поле має мати тип таксономії','Target Field'=>'Цільове поле','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Оновлення поля для вибраних значень, посилаючись на цей ідентифікатор','Bidirectional'=>'Двонаправлений','%s Field'=>'Поле %s','Select Multiple'=>'Виберіть кілька','WP Engine logo'=>'Логотип WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Лише малі літери, підкреслення та тире, максимум 32 символи.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Назва можливості для призначення термінів цієї таксономії.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Можливість призначення термінів','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Назва можливості для видалення термінів цієї таксономії.','nounClone'=>'Клон','Tutorial'=>'Навчальний посібник','Not Found'=>'Не знайдено','View Posts'=>'Перегляд записів','View Items'=>'Перегляд елементів','View Post'=>'Переглянути запис','Edit %s'=>'Редагувати %s','All Posts'=>'Всі записи','All Items'=>'Всі елементи','All %s'=>'Всі %s','Menu Name'=>'Назва меню','Regenerate'=>'Регенерувати','Editor'=>'Редактор','Browse Fields'=>'Перегляд полів','Nothing to import'=>'Нічого імпортувати','Export'=>'Экспорт','Category'=>'Категорія','Tag'=>'Теґ','Terms'=>'Умови','Post Types'=>'Типи публікацій','Advanced Settings'=>'Розширені налаштування','Basic Settings'=>'Базові налаштування','Pages'=>'Cторінки','Done'=>'Готово','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Реєстрація не вдалася','Permissions'=>'Дозволи','New Tab Group'=>'Нова група вкладок','Updates'=>'Оновлення','Save Changes'=>'Зберегти зміни','Field Group Title'=>'Назва групи полів','Add title'=>'Додати заголовок','Add Field Group'=>'Додати групу полів','Repeater Field'=>'Повторюване поле','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Розблокуйте додаткові можливості з ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Видалити групу полів','Group Settings'=>'Налаштування групи','Location Rules'=>'Правила розміщення','Add Your First Field'=>'Додайте своє перше поле','Add Field'=>'Додати поле','Validation'=>'Перевірка','General'=>'Загальне','Import JSON'=>'Імпортувати JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Експортувати як JSON','Deactivate'=>'Деактивувати','Deactivate this item'=>'Деактивувати цей елемент','Activate'=>'Активувати','Activate this item'=>'Активувати цей елемент','post statusInactive'=>'Неактивний','Invalid request.'=>'Невірний запит.','Show in REST API'=>'Показати в REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Увімкнути прозорість','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Масив','RGBA String'=>'RGBA рядок','Hex String'=>'HEX рядок','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Оновлення до Pro','post statusActive'=>'Діюча','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' неправильна адреса електронної пошти','Color value'=>'Значення кольору','Select default color'=>'Вибрати колір за замовчуванням','Clear color'=>'Очистити колір','Blocks'=>'Блоки','Options'=>'Параметри','Users'=>'Користувачі','Menu items'=>'Пункти Меню','Widgets'=>'Віджети','Attachments'=>'Вкладення','Taxonomies'=>'Таксономії','Posts'=>'Записи','Last updated: %s'=>'Останнє оновлення: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Недійсний параметр(и) групи полів.','Awaiting save'=>'Чекає збереження','Saved'=>'Збережено','Import'=>'Імпорт','Review changes'=>'Перегляньте зміни','Located in: %s'=>'Розташовано в: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Розташовано в плагіні: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Розташовано в Темі: %s','Various'=>'Різні','Sync changes'=>'Синхронізувати зміни','Loading diff'=>'Завантаження різного','Review local JSON changes'=>'Перегляньте локальні зміни JSON','Visit website'=>'Відвідати Сайт','View details'=>'Переглянути деталі','Version %s'=>'Версія %s','Information'=>'Інформація','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Служба Підтримки. Фахівці Служби підтримки в нашому довідковому бюро допоможуть вирішити ваші більш детальні технічні завдання.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Документація. Наша розширена документація містить посилання та інструкції щодо більшості ситуацій, з якими ви можете зіткнутися.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Ми відповідально ставимося до підтримки і хочемо, щоб ви отримали найкращі результати від свого веб-сайту за допомогою ACF. Якщо у вас виникнуть труднощі, ви можете знайти допомогу в кількох місцях:','Help & Support'=>'Довідка та Підтримка','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Будь ласка, скористайтесь вкладкою Довідка та Підтримка, щоб зв’язатись, якщо вам потрібна допомога.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Перш ніж створювати свою першу групу полів, ми рекомендуємо спочатку прочитати наш посібник Початок роботи , щоб ознайомитись із філософією та найкращими практиками плагіна.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Плагін Advanced Custom Fields пропонує візуальний конструктор форм для налаштування екранів редагування WordPress з додатковими полями та інтуїтивний API для відображення значень користувацьких полів у будь-якому файлі шаблону теми.','Overview'=>'Огляд','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Тип розташування "%s" вже зареєстровано.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Клас "%s" не існує.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Невірний ідентифікатор.','Error loading field.'=>'Помилка при завантаженні поля.','Location not found: %s'=>'Локація не знайдена: %s','Error: %s'=>'Помилка: %s','Widget'=>'Віджет','User Role'=>'Роль користувача','Comment'=>'Коментар','Post Format'=>'Формат запису','Menu Item'=>'Пункт меню','Post Status'=>'Статус запису','Menus'=>'Меню','Menu Locations'=>'Області для меню','Menu'=>'Меню','Post Taxonomy'=>'Таксономія запису','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Дочірня сторінка (має батьківську)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Батьківська сторінка (має нащадків)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Сторінка верхнього рівня (без батьків)','Posts Page'=>'Сторінка записів','Front Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Page Type'=>'Тип сторінки','Viewing back end'=>'Переглянути бекенд','Viewing front end'=>'Переглянути фронтенд','Logged in'=>'Авторизовані','Current User'=>'Поточний користувач','Page Template'=>'Шаблон сторінки','Register'=>'Зареєструватись','Add / Edit'=>'Додати / Редагувати','User Form'=>'Форма користувача','Page Parent'=>'Батьківська сторінка','Super Admin'=>'Супер-адмін','Current User Role'=>'Поточна роль користувача','Default Template'=>'Стандартний шаблон','Post Template'=>'Шаблон запису','Post Category'=>'Категорія запису','All %s formats'=>'Всі %s формати','Attachment'=>'Вкладений файл','%s value is required'=>'%s значення обов\'язкове','Show this field if'=>'Показувати поле, якщо','Conditional Logic'=>'Умовна логіка','and'=>'та','Local JSON'=>'Локальний JSON','Clone Field'=>'Клонувати поле','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Також перевірте, чи всі додаткові доповнення (%s) оновлені до останньої версії.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Ця версія містить вдосконалення вашої бази даних і вимагає оновлення.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Дякуємо за оновлення до %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Необхідно оновити базу даних','Options Page'=>'Сторінка опцій','Gallery'=>'Галерея','Flexible Content'=>'Гнучкий вміст','Repeater'=>'Повторювальне поле','Back to all tools'=>'Повернутися до всіх інструментів','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Якщо декілька груп полів відображаються на екрані редагування, то використовуватимуться параметри першої групи. (з найменшим порядковим номером)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Оберіть що ховати з екрану редагування/створення.','Hide on screen'=>'Ховати на екрані','Send Trackbacks'=>'Надіслати трекбеки','Tags'=>'Позначки','Categories'=>'Категорії','Page Attributes'=>'Властивості сторінки','Format'=>'Формат','Author'=>'Автор','Slug'=>'Частина посилання','Revisions'=>'Редакції','Comments'=>'Коментарі','Discussion'=>'Обговорення','Excerpt'=>'Уривок','Content Editor'=>'Редактор матеріалу','Permalink'=>'Постійне посилання','Shown in field group list'=>'Відображається на сторінці груп полів','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Групи полів з нижчим порядком з’являться спочатку','Order No.'=>'Порядок розташування','Below fields'=>'Під полями','Below labels'=>'Під ярликами','Side'=>'Збоку','Normal (after content)'=>'Стандартно (після тектового редактора)','High (after title)'=>'Вгорі (під заголовком)','Position'=>'Положення','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Спрощений (без метабоксу)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Стандартний (WP метабокс)','Style'=>'Стиль','Type'=>'Тип','Key'=>'Ключ','Order'=>'Порядок','Close Field'=>'Закрити поле','id'=>'id','class'=>'клас','width'=>'ширина','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Атрибути обгортки','Required'=>'Вимагається','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Напишіть короткий опис для поля','Instructions'=>'Інструкція','Field Type'=>'Тип поля','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Одне слово, без пробілів. Можете використовувати нижнє підкреслення.','Field Name'=>'Назва поля','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ця назва відображується на сторінці редагування','Field Label'=>'Мітка поля','Delete'=>'Видалити','Delete field'=>'Видалити поле','Move'=>'Перемістити','Move field to another group'=>'Перемістити поле до іншої групи','Duplicate field'=>'Дублювати поле','Edit field'=>'Редагувати поле','Drag to reorder'=>'Перетягніть, щоб змінити порядок','Show this field group if'=>'Показувати групу полів, якщо','No updates available.'=>'Немає оновлень.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Оновлення бази даних завершено. Подивіться, що нового','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Читання завдань для оновлення…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Помилка оновлення.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Оновлення завершено.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Оновлення даних до версії %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Настійно рекомендується зробити резервну копію вашої бази даних, перш ніж продовжити. Ви впевнені, що хочете запустити програму оновлення зараз?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Виберіть принаймні один сайт для оновлення.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Оновлення бази даних завершено. Повернутися до Майстерні','Site is up to date'=>'Сайт оновлено','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Для сайту потрібно оновити базу даних з %1$s до %2$s','Site'=>'Сайт','Upgrade Sites'=>'Оновити сайти','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Для наступних сайтів потрібне оновлення БД. Позначте ті, які потрібно оновити, а потім натисніть %s.','Add rule group'=>'Додати групу умов','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Створіть набір умов, щоб визначити де використовувати ці додаткові поля','Rules'=>'Умови','Copied'=>'Скопійовано','Copy to clipboard'=>'Копіювати в буфер обміну','Select Field Groups'=>'Оберіть групи полів','No field groups selected'=>'Не обрано груп полів','Generate PHP'=>'Генерувати PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Експортувати групи полів','Import file empty'=>'Файл імпорту порожній','Incorrect file type'=>'Невірний тип файлу','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Помилка завантаження файлу. Спробуйте знову','Import Field Groups'=>'Імпортувати групи полів','Sync'=>'Синхронізація','Select %s'=>'Вибрати %s','Duplicate'=>'Дублювати','Duplicate this item'=>'Дублювати цей елемент','Supports'=>'Підтримка','Documentation'=>'Документатція','Description'=>'Опис','Sync available'=>'Доступна синхронізація','Field group duplicated.'=>'Групу полів продубльовано.' . "\0" . '%s групи полів продубльовано.' . "\0" . '%s груп полів продубльовано.','Active (%s)'=>'Активні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активні (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Перегляд сайтів & оновлення','Upgrade Database'=>'Оновити базу даних','Custom Fields'=>'Додаткові поля','Move Field'=>'Перемістити поле','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Будь ласка, оберіть групу, в яку перемістити','Move Complete.'=>'Переміщення завершене.','Active'=>'Активно','Field Keys'=>'Ключі поля','Settings'=>'Налаштування','Location'=>'Розташування','Null'=>'Нуль','copy'=>'копіювати','(this field)'=>'(це поле)','Checked'=>'Перевірено','Move Custom Field'=>'Перемістити поле','No toggle fields available'=>'Немає доступних полів, що перемикаюься','Field group title is required'=>'Заголовок обов’язковий','Field group draft updated.'=>'Чернетку групи полів оновлено.','Field group submitted.'=>'Групу полів надіслано.','Field group saved.'=>'Групу полів збережено.','Field group published.'=>'Групу полів опубліковано.','Field group deleted.'=>'Групу полів видалено.','Field group updated.'=>'Групу полів оновлено.','Tools'=>'Інструменти','is not equal to'=>'не дорівнює','is equal to'=>'дорівнює','Forms'=>'Форми','Page'=>'Сторінка','Post'=>'Запис','Choice'=>'Вибір','Basic'=>'Загальне','Unknown'=>'Невідомий','Field type does not exist'=>'Тип поля не існує','Spam Detected'=>'Виявлено спам','Post updated'=>'Запис оновлено','Update'=>'Оновити','Content'=>'Вміст','Title'=>'Заголовок','Edit field group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Selection is less than'=>'Обране значення менш ніж','Selection is greater than'=>'Обране значення більш ніж','Value is less than'=>'Значення меньше ніж','Value is greater than'=>'Значення більше ніж','Value contains'=>'Значення містить','Value matches pattern'=>'Значення відповідає шаблону','Value is not equal to'=>'Значення не дорівноє','Value is equal to'=>'Значення дорівнює','Has no value'=>'Немає значення','Has any value'=>'Має будь-яке значення','Cancel'=>'Скасувати','Are you sure?'=>'Ви впевнені?','1 field requires attention'=>'1 поле потребує уваги','Validation failed'=>'Помилка валідації','Validation successful'=>'Валідація успішна','Restricted'=>'Обмежено','Collapse Details'=>'Згорнути деталі','Expand Details'=>'Показати деталі','Uploaded to this post'=>'Завантажено до цього запису.','verbUpdate'=>'Оновлення','verbEdit'=>'Редагувати','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Зміни, які ви внесли, буде втрачено, якщо ви перейдете з цієї сторінки','File type must be %s.'=>'Тип файлу має бути %s.','or'=>'або','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Розмір файлу не повинен перевищувати %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Розмір файлу має бути принаймні %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Висота зображення не повинна перевищувати %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Висота зображення має бути принаймні %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Ширина зображення не повинна перевищувати %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Ширина зображення має бути принаймні %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(без назви)','Full Size'=>'Повний розмір','Large'=>'Великий','Medium'=>'Середній','Thumbnail'=>'Мініатюра','(no label)'=>'(без мітки)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Встановлює висоту текстової області','Rows'=>'Рядки','Text Area'=>'Текстова область','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Додайте додатковий прапорець, щоб перемикати всі варіанти','Add new choice'=>'Додати новий вибір','Toggle All'=>'Перемкнути всі','Archives'=>'Архіви','Page Link'=>'Посилання сторінки','Add'=>'Додати','Name'=>'Ім\'я','%s added'=>'%s доданий','%s already exists'=>'%s вже існує','Term ID'=>'ID терміну','Load Terms'=>'Завантажити терміни','Save Terms'=>'Зберегти терміни','Create Terms'=>'Створити терміни','Radio Buttons'=>'Радіо кнопка','Multi Select'=>'Вибір декількох','Checkbox'=>'Галочка','Multiple Values'=>'Декілька значень','Appearance'=>'Вигляд','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ні %s','Value must be a number'=>'Значення має бути числом','Number'=>'Число','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Додати вибір \'Інше\', для користувацьких значень','Other'=>'Інше','Radio Button'=>'Радіо Кнопки','Open'=>'Відкрити','Accordion'=>'Акордеон','File ID'=>'ID файлу','File URL'=>'URL файлу','File Array'=>'Масив файлу','Add File'=>'Додати файл','No file selected'=>'Файл не вибрано','File name'=>'Назва файлу','Update File'=>'Оновити файл','Edit File'=>'Редагувати файл','Select File'=>'Оберіть файл','File'=>'Файл','Password'=>'Пароль','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Використати AJAX для завантаження значень?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Введіть значення. Одне значення в одному рядку','verbSelect'=>'Вибрати','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Помилка завантаження','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Пошук…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Завантаження результатів…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Ви можете вибрати тільки 1 позицію','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Будь ласка видаліть 1 символ','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Введіть %d або більше символів','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Будь ласка введіть 1 або більше символів','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Співпадінь не знайдено','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Лише один результат доступний, натисніть клавішу ENTER, щоб вибрати його.','nounSelect'=>'Вибрати','User ID'=>'ID користувача','User Object'=>'Об\'єкт користувача','User Array'=>'Користувацький масив','All user roles'=>'Всі ролі користувачів','User'=>'Користувач','Separator'=>'Роздільник','Select Color'=>'Вібрати колір','Default'=>'За замовчуванням','Clear'=>'Очистити','Color Picker'=>'Вибір кольору','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Обрати','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Зараз','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Часовий пояс','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Мікросекунд','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Мілісекунд','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Секунд','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Хвилина','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Година','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Час','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Виберіть час','Date Time Picker'=>'Вибір дати і часу','Endpoint'=>'Кінцева точка','Left aligned'=>'Зліва','Top aligned'=>'Зверху','Placement'=>'Розміщення','Tab'=>'Вкладка','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Значення має бути адресою URl','Link URL'=>'URL посилання','Link Array'=>'Масив посилання','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Відкрити в новому вікні','Select Link'=>'Оберіть посилання','Link'=>'Посилання','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Розмір кроку','Maximum Value'=>'Максимальне значення','Minimum Value'=>'Мінімальне значення','Range'=>'Діапазон (Range)','Both (Array)'=>'Галочка','Label'=>'Мітка','Value'=>'Значення','Vertical'=>'Вертикально','Horizontal'=>'Горизонтально','red : Red'=>'red : Червоний','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Для більшого контролю, Ви можете вказати маркувати значення:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'У кожному рядку по варіанту','Choices'=>'Варіанти вибору','Button Group'=>'Група кнопок','Parent'=>'Предок','Toolbar'=>'Верхня панель','Text Only'=>'Лише текст','Visual Only'=>'Візуальний лише','Visual & Text'=>'Візуальний і Текстовий','Tabs'=>'Вкладки','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Натисніть, щоб ініціалізувати TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Текст','Visual'=>'Візуальний','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Значення не має перевищувати %d символів','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Щоб зняти обмеження — нічого не вказуйте тут','Character Limit'=>'Ліміт символів','Appears after the input'=>'Розміщується в кінці поля','Append'=>'Після поля','Appears before the input'=>'Розміщується на початку поля','Prepend'=>'Перед полем','Appears within the input'=>'Показується, якщо поле порожнє','Placeholder Text'=>'Текст заповнювач','Appears when creating a new post'=>'З\'являється при створенні нового матеріалу','Text'=>'Текст','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s вибір' . "\0" . '%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s виділення' . "\0" . '%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s виділень','Post ID'=>'ID Запису','Post Object'=>'Об’єкт запису','Featured Image'=>'Головне зображення','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Вибрані елементи будуть відображені в кожному результаті','Elements'=>'Елементи','Taxonomy'=>'Таксономія','Post Type'=>'Тип запису','Filters'=>'Фільтри','All taxonomies'=>'Всі таксономії','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Фільтр за типом таксономією','All post types'=>'Всі типи матеріалів','Filter by Post Type'=>'Фільтр за типом матеріалу','Search...'=>'Шукати...','Select taxonomy'=>'Оберіть таксономію','Select post type'=>'Вибір типу матеріалу','No matches found'=>'Не знайдено','Loading'=>'Завантаження','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Досягнуто максимальних значень ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Зв\'язок','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Перелік, розділений комами. Залиште порожнім для всіх типів','Maximum'=>'Максимум','File size'=>'Розмір файлу','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Обмежте, які зображення можна завантажувати','Minimum'=>'Мінімум','Uploaded to post'=>'Завантажено до матеріалу','All'=>'Все','Limit the media library choice'=>'Обмежте вибір медіатеки','Library'=>'Бібліотека','Preview Size'=>'Розмір мініатюр','Image ID'=>'ID зображення','Image URL'=>'URL зображення','Image Array'=>'Масив зображення','Return Value'=>'Повернення значення','Add Image'=>'Додати зображення','No image selected'=>'Зображення не вибране','Remove'=>'Видалити','Edit'=>'Редагувати','All images'=>'Усі зображення','Update Image'=>'Оновити зображення','Edit Image'=>'Редагувати зображення','Select Image'=>'Обрати зображення','Image'=>'Зображення','No Formatting'=>'Без форматування','Automatically add <br>'=>'Автоматичне перенесення рядків (додається теґ <br>)','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Автоматично додавати абзаци','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Вкажіть спосіб обробки нових рядків','New Lines'=>'Перенесення рядків','Week Starts On'=>'Тиждень починається з','Save Format'=>'Зберегти формат','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Попередній','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Далі','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Сьогодні','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Picker'=>'Вибір дати','Width'=>'Ширина','Embed Size'=>'Розмір вставки','Enter URL'=>'Введіть URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Текст відображається, коли неактивний','Off Text'=>'Текст вимкнено','Text shown when active'=>'Текст відображається, коли активний','On Text'=>'На тексті','Stylized UI'=>'Стилізований інтерфейс користувача','Default Value'=>'Початкове значення','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Відображати текст поруч із прапорцем','Message'=>'Повідомлення','No'=>'Ні','Yes'=>'Так','True / False'=>'Так / Ні','Row'=>'Рядок','Table'=>'Таблиця','Block'=>'Блок','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Укажіть стиль для візуалізації вибраних полів','Layout'=>'Компонування','Sub Fields'=>'Підполя','Group'=>'Група','Height'=>'Висота','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Встановіть початковий рівень масштабування','Zoom'=>'Збільшити','Center the initial map'=>'Відцентруйте початкову карту','Center'=>'Центр','Search for address...'=>'Шукати адресу...','Find current location'=>'Знайдіть поточне місце розташування','Clear location'=>'Очистити розміщення','Search'=>'Пошук','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Вибачте, цей браузер не підтримує автоматичне визначення локації','Google Map'=>'Google Map','Return Format'=>'Формат повернення','Custom:'=>'Користувацький:','Display Format'=>'Формат показу','Time Picker'=>'Вибір часу','Inactive (%s)'=>'Неактивний (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивних (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Не знайдено полів у кошику','No Fields found'=>'Не знайдено полів','Search Fields'=>'Шукати поля','View Field'=>'Переглянути поле','New Field'=>'Нове поле','Edit Field'=>'Редагувати поле','Add New Field'=>'Додати нове поле','Field'=>'Поле','Fields'=>'Поля','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'У кошику немає груп полів','No Field Groups found'=>'Не знайдено груп полів','Search Field Groups'=>'Шукати групи полів','View Field Group'=>'Переглянути групу полів','New Field Group'=>'Нова група полів','Edit Field Group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Add New Field Group'=>'Додати нову групу полів','Add New'=>'Додати новий','Field Group'=>'Група полів','Field Groups'=>'Групи полів','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Налаштуйте WordPress за допомогою потужних, професійних та інтуїтивно зрозумілих полів.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Додаткові поля Pro','%s settings'=>'Налаштування','Options Updated'=>'Опції оновлено','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Щоб розблокувати оновлення, будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії. Якщо не маєте ліцензії, перегляньте','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Check Again'=>'Перевірити знову','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Publish'=>'Опублікувати','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Немає полів для цієї сторінки опцій. Створити групу додаткових полів','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Display'=>'Таблиця','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Будь ласка, оберіть групу полів куди Ви хочете перемістити це поле','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Назва поля','Prefix Field Names'=>'Ярлик','Unknown field'=>'Невідоме поле','Unknown field group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Add Row'=>'Додати рядок','layout'=>'Шаблон структури' . "\0" . 'Шаблон структури' . "\0" . 'Шаблон структури','layouts'=>'Шаблон структури','Add layout'=>'Додати шаблон','Duplicate layout'=>'Дублювати шаблон','Remove layout'=>'Видалити шаблон','Delete Layout'=>'Видалити шаблон','Duplicate Layout'=>'Дублювати шаблон','Add New Layout'=>'Додати новий шаблон','Add Layout'=>'Додати шаблон','Min'=>'Мін.','Max'=>'Макс.','Minimum Layouts'=>'Мінімум шаблонів','Maximum Layouts'=>'Максимум шаблонів','Button Label'=>'Текст для кнопки','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Додати зображення до галереї','Maximum selection reached'=>'Досягнуто максимального вибору','Length'=>'Довжина','Caption'=>'Підпис','Alt Text'=>'Альтернативний текст','Add to gallery'=>'Додати до галереї','Bulk actions'=>'Масові дії','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Сортувати за датою завантаження','Sort by date modified'=>'Сортувати за датою зміни','Sort by title'=>'Сортувати за назвою','Reverse current order'=>'Зворотній поточний порядок','Close'=>'Закрити','Minimum Selection'=>'Мінімальна вибірка','Maximum Selection'=>'Максимальна вибірка','Allowed file types'=>'Дозволені типи файлів','Insert'=>'Вставити','Append to the end'=>'Розміщується в кінці','Rows Per Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Minimum Rows'=>'Мінімум рядків','Maximum Rows'=>'Максимум рядків','Collapsed'=>'Сховати деталі','Click to reorder'=>'Перетягніть, щоб змінити порядок','Add row'=>'Додати рядок','Duplicate row'=>'Дублювати','Remove row'=>'Видалити рядок','Current Page'=>'Поточний користувач','First Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Previous Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Next Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Last Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Deactivate License'=>'Деактивувати ліцензію','Activate License'=>'Активувати ліцензію','License Information'=>'Інформація про ліцензію','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Щоб розблокувати оновлення, будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії. Якщо не маєте ліцензії, перегляньте','License Key'=>'Код ліцензії','Retry Activation'=>'Поліпшена перевірка','Update Information'=>'Інформація про оновлення','Current Version'=>'Поточна версія','Latest Version'=>'Остання версія','Update Available'=>'Доступні оновлення','Upgrade Notice'=>'Оновити базу даних','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії, щоб розблокувати оновлення','Update Plugin'=>'Оновити плаґін','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії, щоб розблокувати оновлення']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'uk','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'У редакторі використовується як замінник заголовка.','Title Placeholder'=>'Назва заповнювача поля','4 Months Free'=>'4 місяці безкоштовно','(Duplicated from %s)'=>'(Дубльовано з %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'Виберіть параметри сторінок','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'Продублювати таксономію','Create taxonomy'=>'Створити таксономію','Duplicate post type'=>'Дублікати тип допису','Create post type'=>'Створити тип допису','Link field groups'=>'Посилання на групу полів','Add fields'=>'Добавити поле','This Field'=>'Це поле','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'Зворотний зв\'язок','Support'=>'Підтримка','is developed and maintained by'=>'розробляється та підтримується','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'Додайте цей %s до правил розташування вибраних груп полів.','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'Увімкнення двонаправленого налаштування дозволяє оновлювати значення в цільових полях для кожного значення, вибраного для цього поля, додаючи або видаляючи Post ID, Taxonomy ID або User ID елемента, який оновлюється. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, прочитайте документацію.','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'Оберіть поля для зберігання посилання на елемент, що оновлюється. Ви можете обрати це поле. Цільові поля мають бути сумісні з тим, де це поле відображається. Наприклад, якщо це поле відображається в таксономії, ваше цільове поле має мати тип таксономії','Target Field'=>'Цільове поле','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'Оновлення поля для вибраних значень, посилаючись на цей ідентифікатор','Bidirectional'=>'Двонаправлений','%s Field'=>'Поле %s','Select Multiple'=>'Виберіть кілька','WP Engine logo'=>'Логотип WP Engine','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'Лише малі літери, підкреслення та тире, максимум 32 символи.','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Назва можливості для призначення термінів цієї таксономії.','Assign Terms Capability'=>'Можливість призначення термінів','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'Назва можливості для видалення термінів цієї таксономії.','nounClone'=>'Клон','Tutorial'=>'Навчальний посібник','Not Found'=>'Не знайдено','View Posts'=>'Перегляд записів','View Items'=>'Перегляд елементів','View Post'=>'Переглянути запис','Edit %s'=>'Редагувати %s','All Posts'=>'Всі записи','All Items'=>'Всі елементи','All %s'=>'Всі %s','Menu Name'=>'Назва меню','Regenerate'=>'Регенерувати','Editor'=>'Редактор','Browse Fields'=>'Перегляд полів','Nothing to import'=>'Нічого імпортувати','Export'=>'Экспорт','Category'=>'Категорія','Tag'=>'Теґ','Terms'=>'Умови','Post Types'=>'Типи публікацій','Advanced Settings'=>'Розширені налаштування','Basic Settings'=>'Базові налаштування','Pages'=>'Cторінки','Done'=>'Готово','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'Реєстрація не вдалася','Permissions'=>'Дозволи','New Tab Group'=>'Нова група вкладок','Updates'=>'Оновлення','Save Changes'=>'Зберегти зміни','Field Group Title'=>'Назва групи полів','Add title'=>'Додати заголовок','Add Field Group'=>'Додати групу полів','Repeater Field'=>'Повторюване поле','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'Розблокуйте додаткові можливості з ACF PRO','Delete Field Group'=>'Видалити групу полів','Group Settings'=>'Налаштування групи','Location Rules'=>'Правила розміщення','Add Your First Field'=>'Додайте своє перше поле','Add Field'=>'Додати поле','Validation'=>'Перевірка','General'=>'Загальне','Import JSON'=>'Імпортувати JSON','Export As JSON'=>'Експортувати як JSON','Deactivate'=>'Деактивувати','Deactivate this item'=>'Деактивувати цей елемент','Activate'=>'Активувати','Activate this item'=>'Активувати цей елемент','post statusInactive'=>'Неактивний','Invalid request.'=>'Невірний запит.','Show in REST API'=>'Показати в REST API','Enable Transparency'=>'Увімкнути прозорість','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA Масив','RGBA String'=>'RGBA рядок','Hex String'=>'HEX рядок','Upgrade to PRO'=>'Оновлення до Pro','post statusActive'=>'Діюча','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'\'%s\' неправильна адреса електронної пошти','Color value'=>'Значення кольору','Select default color'=>'Вибрати колір за замовчуванням','Clear color'=>'Очистити колір','Blocks'=>'Блоки','Options'=>'Параметри','Users'=>'Користувачі','Menu items'=>'Пункти Меню','Widgets'=>'Віджети','Attachments'=>'Вкладення','Taxonomies'=>'Таксономії','Posts'=>'Записи','Last updated: %s'=>'Останнє оновлення: %s','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'Недійсний параметр(и) групи полів.','Awaiting save'=>'Чекає збереження','Saved'=>'Збережено','Import'=>'Імпорт','Review changes'=>'Перегляньте зміни','Located in: %s'=>'Розташовано в: %s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'Розташовано в плагіні: %s','Located in theme: %s'=>'Розташовано в Темі: %s','Various'=>'Різні','Sync changes'=>'Синхронізувати зміни','Loading diff'=>'Завантаження різного','Review local JSON changes'=>'Перегляньте локальні зміни JSON','Visit website'=>'Відвідати Сайт','View details'=>'Переглянути деталі','Version %s'=>'Версія %s','Information'=>'Інформація','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'Служба Підтримки. Фахівці Служби підтримки в нашому довідковому бюро допоможуть вирішити ваші більш детальні технічні завдання.','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'Документація. Наша розширена документація містить посилання та інструкції щодо більшості ситуацій, з якими ви можете зіткнутися.','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'Ми відповідально ставимося до підтримки і хочемо, щоб ви отримали найкращі результати від свого веб-сайту за допомогою ACF. Якщо у вас виникнуть труднощі, ви можете знайти допомогу в кількох місцях:','Help & Support'=>'Довідка та Підтримка','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'Будь ласка, скористайтесь вкладкою Довідка та Підтримка, щоб зв’язатись, якщо вам потрібна допомога.','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'Перш ніж створювати свою першу групу полів, ми рекомендуємо спочатку прочитати наш посібник Початок роботи , щоб ознайомитись із філософією та найкращими практиками плагіна.','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Плагін Advanced Custom Fields пропонує візуальний конструктор форм для налаштування екранів редагування WordPress з додатковими полями та інтуїтивний API для відображення значень користувацьких полів у будь-якому файлі шаблону теми.','Overview'=>'Огляд','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'Тип розташування "%s" вже зареєстровано.','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Клас "%s" не існує.','Invalid nonce.'=>'Невірний ідентифікатор.','Error loading field.'=>'Помилка при завантаженні поля.','Location not found: %s'=>'Локація не знайдена: %s','Error: %s'=>'Помилка: %s','Widget'=>'Віджет','User Role'=>'Роль користувача','Comment'=>'Коментар','Post Format'=>'Формат запису','Menu Item'=>'Пункт меню','Post Status'=>'Статус запису','Menus'=>'Меню','Menu Locations'=>'Області для меню','Menu'=>'Меню','Post Taxonomy'=>'Таксономія запису','Child Page (has parent)'=>'Дочірня сторінка (має батьківську)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'Батьківська сторінка (має нащадків)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'Сторінка верхнього рівня (без батьків)','Posts Page'=>'Сторінка записів','Front Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Page Type'=>'Тип сторінки','Viewing back end'=>'Переглянути бекенд','Viewing front end'=>'Переглянути фронтенд','Logged in'=>'Авторизовані','Current User'=>'Поточний користувач','Page Template'=>'Шаблон сторінки','Register'=>'Зареєструватись','Add / Edit'=>'Додати / Редагувати','User Form'=>'Форма користувача','Page Parent'=>'Батьківська сторінка','Super Admin'=>'Супер-адмін','Current User Role'=>'Поточна роль користувача','Default Template'=>'Стандартний шаблон','Post Template'=>'Шаблон запису','Post Category'=>'Категорія запису','All %s formats'=>'Всі %s формати','Attachment'=>'Вкладений файл','%s value is required'=>'%s значення обов\'язкове','Show this field if'=>'Показувати поле, якщо','Conditional Logic'=>'Умовна логіка','and'=>'та','Local JSON'=>'Локальний JSON','Clone Field'=>'Клонувати поле','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'Також перевірте, чи всі додаткові доповнення (%s) оновлені до останньої версії.','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'Ця версія містить вдосконалення вашої бази даних і вимагає оновлення.','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'Дякуємо за оновлення до %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'Необхідно оновити базу даних','Options Page'=>'Сторінка опцій','Gallery'=>'Галерея','Flexible Content'=>'Гнучкий вміст','Repeater'=>'Повторювальне поле','Back to all tools'=>'Повернутися до всіх інструментів','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'Якщо декілька груп полів відображаються на екрані редагування, то використовуватимуться параметри першої групи. (з найменшим порядковим номером)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'Оберіть що ховати з екрану редагування/створення.','Hide on screen'=>'Ховати на екрані','Send Trackbacks'=>'Надіслати трекбеки','Tags'=>'Позначки','Categories'=>'Категорії','Page Attributes'=>'Властивості сторінки','Format'=>'Формат','Author'=>'Автор','Slug'=>'Частина посилання','Revisions'=>'Редакції','Comments'=>'Коментарі','Discussion'=>'Обговорення','Excerpt'=>'Уривок','Content Editor'=>'Редактор матеріалу','Permalink'=>'Постійне посилання','Shown in field group list'=>'Відображається на сторінці груп полів','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'Групи полів з нижчим порядком з’являться спочатку','Order No.'=>'Порядок розташування','Below fields'=>'Під полями','Below labels'=>'Під ярликами','Side'=>'Збоку','Normal (after content)'=>'Стандартно (після тектового редактора)','High (after title)'=>'Вгорі (під заголовком)','Position'=>'Положення','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'Спрощений (без метабоксу)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'Стандартний (WP метабокс)','Style'=>'Стиль','Type'=>'Тип','Key'=>'Ключ','Order'=>'Порядок','Close Field'=>'Закрити поле','id'=>'id','class'=>'клас','width'=>'ширина','Wrapper Attributes'=>'Атрибути обгортки','Required'=>'Вимагається','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'Напишіть короткий опис для поля','Instructions'=>'Інструкція','Field Type'=>'Тип поля','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'Одне слово, без пробілів. Можете використовувати нижнє підкреслення.','Field Name'=>'Назва поля','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'Ця назва відображується на сторінці редагування','Field Label'=>'Мітка поля','Delete'=>'Видалити','Delete field'=>'Видалити поле','Move'=>'Перемістити','Move field to another group'=>'Перемістити поле до іншої групи','Duplicate field'=>'Дублювати поле','Edit field'=>'Редагувати поле','Drag to reorder'=>'Перетягніть, щоб змінити порядок','Show this field group if'=>'Показувати групу полів, якщо','No updates available.'=>'Немає оновлень.','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'Оновлення бази даних завершено. Подивіться, що нового','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'Читання завдань для оновлення…','Upgrade failed.'=>'Помилка оновлення.','Upgrade complete.'=>'Оновлення завершено.','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'Оновлення даних до версії %s','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'Настійно рекомендується зробити резервну копію вашої бази даних, перш ніж продовжити. Ви впевнені, що хочете запустити програму оновлення зараз?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'Виберіть принаймні один сайт для оновлення.','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'Оновлення бази даних завершено. Повернутися до Майстерні','Site is up to date'=>'Сайт оновлено','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'Для сайту потрібно оновити базу даних з %1$s до %2$s','Site'=>'Сайт','Upgrade Sites'=>'Оновити сайти','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'Для наступних сайтів потрібне оновлення БД. Позначте ті, які потрібно оновити, а потім натисніть %s.','Add rule group'=>'Додати групу умов','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'Створіть набір умов, щоб визначити де використовувати ці додаткові поля','Rules'=>'Умови','Copied'=>'Скопійовано','Copy to clipboard'=>'Копіювати в буфер обміну','Select Field Groups'=>'Оберіть групи полів','No field groups selected'=>'Не обрано груп полів','Generate PHP'=>'Генерувати PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'Експортувати групи полів','Import file empty'=>'Файл імпорту порожній','Incorrect file type'=>'Невірний тип файлу','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'Помилка завантаження файлу. Спробуйте знову','Import Field Groups'=>'Імпортувати групи полів','Sync'=>'Синхронізація','Select %s'=>'Вибрати %s','Duplicate'=>'Дублювати','Duplicate this item'=>'Дублювати цей елемент','Supports'=>'Підтримка','Documentation'=>'Документатція','Description'=>'Опис','Sync available'=>'Доступна синхронізація','Field group duplicated.'=>'Групу полів продубльовано.' . "\0" . '%s групи полів продубльовано.' . "\0" . '%s груп полів продубльовано.','Active (%s)'=>'Активні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Активні (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'Перегляд сайтів & оновлення','Upgrade Database'=>'Оновити базу даних','Custom Fields'=>'Додаткові поля','Move Field'=>'Перемістити поле','Please select the destination for this field'=>'Будь ласка, оберіть групу, в яку перемістити','Move Complete.'=>'Переміщення завершене.','Active'=>'Активно','Field Keys'=>'Ключі поля','Settings'=>'Налаштування','Location'=>'Розташування','Null'=>'Нуль','copy'=>'копіювати','(this field)'=>'(це поле)','Checked'=>'Перевірено','Move Custom Field'=>'Перемістити поле','No toggle fields available'=>'Немає доступних полів, що перемикаюься','Field group title is required'=>'Заголовок обов’язковий','Field group draft updated.'=>'Чернетку групи полів оновлено.','Field group submitted.'=>'Групу полів надіслано.','Field group saved.'=>'Групу полів збережено.','Field group published.'=>'Групу полів опубліковано.','Field group deleted.'=>'Групу полів видалено.','Field group updated.'=>'Групу полів оновлено.','Tools'=>'Інструменти','is not equal to'=>'не дорівнює','is equal to'=>'дорівнює','Forms'=>'Форми','Page'=>'Сторінка','Post'=>'Запис','Choice'=>'Вибір','Basic'=>'Загальне','Unknown'=>'Невідомий','Field type does not exist'=>'Тип поля не існує','Spam Detected'=>'Виявлено спам','Post updated'=>'Запис оновлено','Update'=>'Оновити','Content'=>'Вміст','Title'=>'Заголовок','Edit field group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Selection is less than'=>'Обране значення менш ніж','Selection is greater than'=>'Обране значення більш ніж','Value is less than'=>'Значення меньше ніж','Value is greater than'=>'Значення більше ніж','Value contains'=>'Значення містить','Value matches pattern'=>'Значення відповідає шаблону','Value is not equal to'=>'Значення не дорівноє','Value is equal to'=>'Значення дорівнює','Has no value'=>'Немає значення','Has any value'=>'Має будь-яке значення','Cancel'=>'Скасувати','Are you sure?'=>'Ви впевнені?','1 field requires attention'=>'1 поле потребує уваги','Validation failed'=>'Помилка валідації','Validation successful'=>'Валідація успішна','Restricted'=>'Обмежено','Collapse Details'=>'Згорнути деталі','Expand Details'=>'Показати деталі','Uploaded to this post'=>'Завантажено до цього запису.','verbUpdate'=>'Оновлення','verbEdit'=>'Редагувати','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'Зміни, які ви внесли, буде втрачено, якщо ви перейдете з цієї сторінки','File type must be %s.'=>'Тип файлу має бути %s.','or'=>'або','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'Розмір файлу не повинен перевищувати %s.','File size must be at least %s.'=>'Розмір файлу має бути принаймні %s.','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Висота зображення не повинна перевищувати %dpx.','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'Висота зображення має бути принаймні %dpx.','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'Ширина зображення не повинна перевищувати %dpx.','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'Ширина зображення має бути принаймні %dpx.','(no title)'=>'(без назви)','Full Size'=>'Повний розмір','Large'=>'Великий','Medium'=>'Середній','Thumbnail'=>'Мініатюра','(no label)'=>'(без мітки)','Sets the textarea height'=>'Встановлює висоту текстової області','Rows'=>'Рядки','Text Area'=>'Текстова область','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'Додайте додатковий прапорець, щоб перемикати всі варіанти','Add new choice'=>'Додати новий вибір','Toggle All'=>'Перемкнути всі','Archives'=>'Архіви','Page Link'=>'Посилання сторінки','Add'=>'Додати','Name'=>'Ім\'я','%s added'=>'%s доданий','%s already exists'=>'%s вже існує','Term ID'=>'ID терміну','Load Terms'=>'Завантажити терміни','Save Terms'=>'Зберегти терміни','Create Terms'=>'Створити терміни','Radio Buttons'=>'Радіо кнопка','Multi Select'=>'Вибір декількох','Checkbox'=>'Галочка','Multiple Values'=>'Декілька значень','Appearance'=>'Вигляд','No TermsNo %s'=>'Ні %s','Value must be a number'=>'Значення має бути числом','Number'=>'Число','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'Додати вибір \'Інше\', для користувацьких значень','Other'=>'Інше','Radio Button'=>'Радіо Кнопки','Open'=>'Відкрити','Accordion'=>'Акордеон','File ID'=>'ID файлу','File URL'=>'URL файлу','File Array'=>'Масив файлу','Add File'=>'Додати файл','No file selected'=>'Файл не вибрано','File name'=>'Назва файлу','Update File'=>'Оновити файл','Edit File'=>'Редагувати файл','Select File'=>'Оберіть файл','File'=>'Файл','Password'=>'Пароль','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'Використати AJAX для завантаження значень?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'Введіть значення. Одне значення в одному рядку','verbSelect'=>'Вибрати','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'Помилка завантаження','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'Пошук…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'Завантаження результатів…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'Ви можете вибрати тільки 1 позицію','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'Будь ласка видаліть 1 символ','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'Введіть %d або більше символів','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'Будь ласка введіть 1 або більше символів','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'Співпадінь не знайдено','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'Лише один результат доступний, натисніть клавішу ENTER, щоб вибрати його.','nounSelect'=>'Вибрати','User ID'=>'ID користувача','User Object'=>'Об\'єкт користувача','User Array'=>'Користувацький масив','All user roles'=>'Всі ролі користувачів','User'=>'Користувач','Separator'=>'Роздільник','Select Color'=>'Вібрати колір','Default'=>'За замовчуванням','Clear'=>'Очистити','Color Picker'=>'Вибір кольору','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'PM','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'AM','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'Обрати','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'Зараз','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'Часовий пояс','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'Мікросекунд','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'Мілісекунд','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'Секунд','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'Хвилина','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'Година','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'Час','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'Виберіть час','Date Time Picker'=>'Вибір дати і часу','Endpoint'=>'Кінцева точка','Left aligned'=>'Зліва','Top aligned'=>'Зверху','Placement'=>'Розміщення','Tab'=>'Вкладка','Value must be a valid URL'=>'Значення має бути адресою URl','Link URL'=>'URL посилання','Link Array'=>'Масив посилання','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'Відкрити в новому вікні','Select Link'=>'Оберіть посилання','Link'=>'Посилання','Email'=>'Email','Step Size'=>'Розмір кроку','Maximum Value'=>'Максимальне значення','Minimum Value'=>'Мінімальне значення','Range'=>'Діапазон (Range)','Both (Array)'=>'Галочка','Label'=>'Мітка','Value'=>'Значення','Vertical'=>'Вертикально','Horizontal'=>'Горизонтально','red : Red'=>'red : Червоний','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'Для більшого контролю, Ви можете вказати маркувати значення:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'У кожному рядку по варіанту','Choices'=>'Варіанти вибору','Button Group'=>'Група кнопок','Parent'=>'Предок','Toolbar'=>'Верхня панель','Text Only'=>'Лише текст','Visual Only'=>'Візуальний лише','Visual & Text'=>'Візуальний і Текстовий','Tabs'=>'Вкладки','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'Натисніть, щоб ініціалізувати TinyMCE','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'Текст','Visual'=>'Візуальний','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'Значення не має перевищувати %d символів','Leave blank for no limit'=>'Щоб зняти обмеження — нічого не вказуйте тут','Character Limit'=>'Ліміт символів','Appears after the input'=>'Розміщується в кінці поля','Append'=>'Після поля','Appears before the input'=>'Розміщується на початку поля','Prepend'=>'Перед полем','Appears within the input'=>'Показується, якщо поле порожнє','Placeholder Text'=>'Текст заповнювач','Appears when creating a new post'=>'З\'являється при створенні нового матеріалу','Text'=>'Текст','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s вибір' . "\0" . '%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s виділення' . "\0" . '%1$s вимагає принаймні %2$s виділень','Post ID'=>'ID Запису','Post Object'=>'Об’єкт запису','Featured Image'=>'Головне зображення','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'Вибрані елементи будуть відображені в кожному результаті','Elements'=>'Елементи','Taxonomy'=>'Таксономія','Post Type'=>'Тип запису','Filters'=>'Фільтри','All taxonomies'=>'Всі таксономії','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'Фільтр за типом таксономією','All post types'=>'Всі типи матеріалів','Filter by Post Type'=>'Фільтр за типом матеріалу','Search...'=>'Шукати...','Select taxonomy'=>'Оберіть таксономію','Select post type'=>'Вибір типу матеріалу','No matches found'=>'Не знайдено','Loading'=>'Завантаження','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'Досягнуто максимальних значень ( {max} values )','Relationship'=>'Зв\'язок','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'Перелік, розділений комами. Залиште порожнім для всіх типів','Maximum'=>'Максимум','File size'=>'Розмір файлу','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'Обмежте, які зображення можна завантажувати','Minimum'=>'Мінімум','Uploaded to post'=>'Завантажено до матеріалу','All'=>'Все','Limit the media library choice'=>'Обмежте вибір медіатеки','Library'=>'Бібліотека','Preview Size'=>'Розмір мініатюр','Image ID'=>'ID зображення','Image URL'=>'URL зображення','Image Array'=>'Масив зображення','Return Value'=>'Повернення значення','Add Image'=>'Додати зображення','No image selected'=>'Зображення не вибране','Remove'=>'Видалити','Edit'=>'Редагувати','All images'=>'Усі зображення','Update Image'=>'Оновити зображення','Edit Image'=>'Редагувати зображення','Select Image'=>'Обрати зображення','Image'=>'Зображення','No Formatting'=>'Без форматування','Automatically add <br>'=>'Автоматичне перенесення рядків (додається теґ <br>)','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'Автоматично додавати абзаци','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'Вкажіть спосіб обробки нових рядків','New Lines'=>'Перенесення рядків','Week Starts On'=>'Тиждень починається з','Save Format'=>'Зберегти формат','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'Wk','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'Попередній','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'Далі','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'Сьогодні','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'Готово','Date Picker'=>'Вибір дати','Width'=>'Ширина','Embed Size'=>'Розмір вставки','Enter URL'=>'Введіть URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed','Text shown when inactive'=>'Текст відображається, коли неактивний','Off Text'=>'Текст вимкнено','Text shown when active'=>'Текст відображається, коли активний','On Text'=>'На тексті','Stylized UI'=>'Стилізований інтерфейс користувача','Default Value'=>'Початкове значення','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'Відображати текст поруч із прапорцем','Message'=>'Повідомлення','No'=>'Ні','Yes'=>'Так','True / False'=>'Так / Ні','Row'=>'Рядок','Table'=>'Таблиця','Block'=>'Блок','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'Укажіть стиль для візуалізації вибраних полів','Layout'=>'Компонування','Sub Fields'=>'Підполя','Group'=>'Група','Height'=>'Висота','Set the initial zoom level'=>'Встановіть початковий рівень масштабування','Zoom'=>'Збільшити','Center the initial map'=>'Відцентруйте початкову карту','Center'=>'Центр','Search for address...'=>'Шукати адресу...','Find current location'=>'Знайдіть поточне місце розташування','Clear location'=>'Очистити розміщення','Search'=>'Пошук','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'Вибачте, цей браузер не підтримує автоматичне визначення локації','Google Map'=>'Google Map','Return Format'=>'Формат повернення','Custom:'=>'Користувацький:','Display Format'=>'Формат показу','Time Picker'=>'Вибір часу','Inactive (%s)'=>'Неактивний (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивні (%s)' . "\0" . 'Неактивних (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'Не знайдено полів у кошику','No Fields found'=>'Не знайдено полів','Search Fields'=>'Шукати поля','View Field'=>'Переглянути поле','New Field'=>'Нове поле','Edit Field'=>'Редагувати поле','Add New Field'=>'Додати нове поле','Field'=>'Поле','Fields'=>'Поля','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'У кошику немає груп полів','No Field Groups found'=>'Не знайдено груп полів','Search Field Groups'=>'Шукати групи полів','View Field Group'=>'Переглянути групу полів','New Field Group'=>'Нова група полів','Edit Field Group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Add New Field Group'=>'Додати нову групу полів','Add New'=>'Додати новий','Field Group'=>'Група полів','Field Groups'=>'Групи полів','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'Налаштуйте WordPress за допомогою потужних, професійних та інтуїтивно зрозумілих полів.','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Додаткові поля Pro','%s settings'=>'Налаштування','Options Updated'=>'Опції оновлено','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Щоб розблокувати оновлення, будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії. Якщо не маєте ліцензії, перегляньте','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Check Again'=>'Перевірити знову','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Publish'=>'Опублікувати','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'Немає полів для цієї сторінки опцій. Створити групу додаткових полів','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'Помилка. Неможливо під’єднатися до сервера оновлення','Display'=>'Таблиця','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'Будь ласка, оберіть групу полів куди Ви хочете перемістити це поле','Prefix Field Labels'=>'Назва поля','Prefix Field Names'=>'Ярлик','Unknown field'=>'Невідоме поле','Unknown field group'=>'Редагувати групу полів','Add Row'=>'Додати рядок','layout'=>'Шаблон структури' . "\0" . 'Шаблон структури' . "\0" . 'Шаблон структури','layouts'=>'Шаблон структури','Add layout'=>'Додати шаблон','Duplicate layout'=>'Дублювати шаблон','Remove layout'=>'Видалити шаблон','Delete Layout'=>'Видалити шаблон','Duplicate Layout'=>'Дублювати шаблон','Add New Layout'=>'Додати новий шаблон','Add Layout'=>'Додати шаблон','Min'=>'Мін.','Max'=>'Макс.','Minimum Layouts'=>'Мінімум шаблонів','Maximum Layouts'=>'Максимум шаблонів','Button Label'=>'Текст для кнопки','Add Image to Gallery'=>'Додати зображення до галереї','Maximum selection reached'=>'Досягнуто максимального вибору','Length'=>'Довжина','Caption'=>'Підпис','Alt Text'=>'Альтернативний текст','Add to gallery'=>'Додати до галереї','Bulk actions'=>'Масові дії','Sort by date uploaded'=>'Сортувати за датою завантаження','Sort by date modified'=>'Сортувати за датою зміни','Sort by title'=>'Сортувати за назвою','Reverse current order'=>'Зворотній поточний порядок','Close'=>'Закрити','Minimum Selection'=>'Мінімальна вибірка','Maximum Selection'=>'Максимальна вибірка','Allowed file types'=>'Дозволені типи файлів','Insert'=>'Вставити','Append to the end'=>'Розміщується в кінці','Rows Per Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Minimum Rows'=>'Мінімум рядків','Maximum Rows'=>'Максимум рядків','Collapsed'=>'Сховати деталі','Click to reorder'=>'Перетягніть, щоб змінити порядок','Add row'=>'Додати рядок','Duplicate row'=>'Дублювати','Remove row'=>'Видалити рядок','Current Page'=>'Поточний користувач','First Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Previous Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Next Page'=>'Головна сторінка','Last Page'=>'Сторінка з публікаціями','Deactivate License'=>'Деактивувати ліцензію','Activate License'=>'Активувати ліцензію','License Information'=>'Інформація про ліцензію','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'Щоб розблокувати оновлення, будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії. Якщо не маєте ліцензії, перегляньте','License Key'=>'Код ліцензії','Retry Activation'=>'Поліпшена перевірка','Update Information'=>'Інформація про оновлення','Current Version'=>'Поточна версія','Latest Version'=>'Остання версія','Update Available'=>'Доступні оновлення','Upgrade Notice'=>'Оновити базу даних','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'Будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії, щоб розблокувати оновлення','Update Plugin'=>'Оновити плаґін','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'Будь ласка, введіть код ліцензії, щоб розблокувати оновлення']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.mo
index ef8b3292..fcd9004b 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.po
index 0dc6f304..90ae8c82 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-uk.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr ""
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr ""
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -48,10 +83,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr ""
@@ -112,10 +143,10 @@ msgstr "4 місяці безкоштовно"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
-msgstr " (Продубльовано з %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
+msgstr "(Дубльовано з %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "Виберіть параметри сторінок"
@@ -148,8 +179,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Добавити поле"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "Це поле"
@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "розробляється та підтримується"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "Додайте цей %s до правил розташування вибраних груп полів."
@@ -307,34 +338,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr ""
@@ -700,37 +731,33 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Навчальний посібник"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr ""
@@ -2250,7 +2277,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "Перегляд полів"
@@ -2301,7 +2328,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2311,15 +2338,15 @@ msgid ""
"the items from the ACF admin."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Экспорт"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr ""
@@ -2327,7 +2354,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2380,7 +2407,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2388,7 +2415,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2396,7 +2423,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2404,7 +2431,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2412,19 +2439,19 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Умови"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2432,7 +2459,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2440,7 +2467,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2448,15 +2475,15 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2474,7 +2501,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Базові налаштування"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2486,7 +2513,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Cторінки"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr ""
@@ -2530,16 +2557,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr ""
@@ -2560,75 +2587,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Готово"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "Реєстрація не вдалася"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Дозволи"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr ""
@@ -2647,14 +2674,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr ""
@@ -2829,8 +2856,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Перевірка"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Загальне"
@@ -2838,12 +2865,12 @@ msgstr "Загальне"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "Імпортувати JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "Експортувати як JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -2851,38 +2878,38 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Деактивувати"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "Деактивувати цей елемент"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Активувати"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "Активувати цей елемент"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2895,13 +2922,13 @@ msgstr "Неактивний"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
msgstr ""
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -2978,7 +3005,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA рядок"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "HEX рядок"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "Оновлення до Pro"
@@ -3030,8 +3057,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Вкладення"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3041,7 +3068,7 @@ msgstr "Таксономії"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3060,49 +3087,49 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "Недійсний параметр(и) групи полів."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "Чекає збереження"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Збережено"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Імпорт"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "Перегляньте зміни"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "Розташовано в: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "Розташовано в плагіні: %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "Розташовано в Темі: %s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Різні"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "Синхронізувати зміни"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "Завантаження різного"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "Перегляньте локальні зміни JSON"
@@ -3361,7 +3388,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "Показувати поле, якщо"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "Умовна логіка"
@@ -3370,9 +3397,9 @@ msgstr "Умовна логіка"
msgid "and"
msgstr "та"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "Локальний JSON"
@@ -3565,9 +3592,9 @@ msgstr "Стиль"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Тип"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Ключ"
@@ -3578,23 +3605,23 @@ msgstr "Ключ"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Порядок"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "Закрити поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "клас"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "ширина"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "Атрибути обгортки"
@@ -3602,68 +3629,68 @@ msgstr "Атрибути обгортки"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Вимагається"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "Напишіть короткий опис для поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Інструкція"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "Тип поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "Одне слово, без пробілів. Можете використовувати нижнє підкреслення."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Назва поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "Ця назва відображується на сторінці редагування"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "Мітка поля"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Видалити"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Видалити поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Перемістити"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "Перемістити поле до іншої групи"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "Дублювати поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "Редагувати поле"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "Перетягніть, щоб змінити порядок"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "Показувати групу полів, якщо"
@@ -3764,15 +3791,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Умови"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Скопійовано"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Копіювати в буфер обміну"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3780,22 +3807,22 @@ msgid ""
"can place in your theme."
msgstr ""
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "Оберіть групи полів"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "Не обрано груп полів"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "Генерувати PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "Експортувати групи полів"
@@ -3821,22 +3848,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "Імпортувати групи полів"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Синхронізація"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Вибрати %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Дублювати"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "Дублювати цей елемент"
@@ -3844,13 +3871,14 @@ msgstr "Дублювати цей елемент"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "Підтримка"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документатція"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3859,13 +3887,13 @@ msgstr "Документатція"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Опис"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "Доступна синхронізація"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -3873,14 +3901,14 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "Групу полів продубльовано."
msgstr[1] "%s групи полів продубльовано."
msgstr[2] "%s груп полів продубльовано."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Активні (%s)"
@@ -3922,7 +3950,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "Переміщення завершене."
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3937,7 +3965,7 @@ msgstr "Ключі поля"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Налаштування"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Розташування"
@@ -3949,14 +3977,14 @@ msgstr "Нуль"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "копіювати"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(це поле)"
@@ -3967,14 +3995,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Перевірено"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "Перемістити поле"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "Немає доступних полів, що перемикаюься"
@@ -3983,14 +4011,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "Заголовок обов’язковий"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr ""
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr ""
@@ -4158,8 +4186,8 @@ msgstr "Немає значення"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "Має будь-яке значення"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Скасувати"
@@ -4169,24 +4197,24 @@ msgstr "Скасувати"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ви впевнені?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr ""
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 поле потребує уваги"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "Помилка валідації"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "Валідація успішна"
@@ -4222,8 +4250,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Редагувати"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "Зміни, які ви внесли, буде втрачено, якщо ви перейдете з цієї сторінки"
@@ -4236,10 +4264,10 @@ msgstr "Тип файлу має бути %s."
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "або"
@@ -4289,8 +4317,8 @@ msgstr "Мініатюра"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(без мітки)"
@@ -5254,7 +5282,7 @@ msgstr "Зображення не вибране"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Видалити"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5573,93 +5601,93 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "Вибір часу"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Неактивний (%s)"
msgstr[1] "Неактивні (%s)"
msgstr[2] "Неактивних (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "Не знайдено полів у кошику"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "Не знайдено полів"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "Шукати поля"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "Переглянути\t поле"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "Нове поле"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "Редагувати поле"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "Додати нове поле"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Поле"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Поля"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "У кошику немає груп полів"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "Не знайдено груп полів"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "Шукати групи полів"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "Переглянути групу полів"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "Нова група полів"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "Редагувати групу полів"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "Додати нову групу полів"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Додати новий"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "Група полів"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "Групи полів"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.l10n.php
index 0aaf6a58..a9b192a2 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'zh_CN','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'仅当 format_value 也为 true 时,才可以返回转义的 HTML 值。为了安全起见,字段值尚未返回。','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'仅当 format_value 也为 true 时,才可以返回转义的 HTML 值。为了安全起见,该字段值尚未返回。','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF 现在在由 the_field
或 ACF 短代码呈现时自动转义不安全的 HTML。我们检测到您的某些字段的输出已被此更改修改,但这可能不是重大更改。 %2$s。 %3$s。','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'请联系您的网站管理员或开发人员了解更多详细信息。','Learn more'=>'了解更多','Hide details'=>'隐藏详情','Show details'=>'显示详情','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - 通过 %3$s 呈现','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'续订 ACF PRO 许可证','Renew License'=>'更新许可证','Manage License'=>'管理许可证','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'块编辑器不支持“高”位置','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'升级到 ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF选项页是通过字段管理全局设置的自定义管理页。您可以创建多个页面和子页面。','Add Options Page'=>'添加选项页面','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'在编辑器中用作标题的占位符。','Title Placeholder'=>'标题占位符','4 Months Free'=>'4个月免费',' (Duplicated from %s)'=>' (复制自 %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'选择选项页面','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'克隆分类法','Create taxonomy'=>'创建分类法','Duplicate post type'=>'克隆文章类型','Create post type'=>'创建文章类型','Link field groups'=>'链接字段组','Add fields'=>'添加字段','This Field'=>'这个字段','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'反馈','Support'=>'支持','is developed and maintained by'=>'开发和维护者','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'将此 %s 添加到所选字段组的位置规则中。','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'启用双向设置允许您更新为此字段选择的每个值的目标字段中的值,添加或删除正在更新的项目的文章 ID、分类法 ID 或用户 ID。有关更多信息,请阅读文档。','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'选择字段以将引用存储回正在更新的项目。您可以选择该字段。目标字段必须与该字段的显示位置兼容。例如,如果此字段显示在分类法上,则您的目标字段应为分类法类型','Target Field'=>'目标字段','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'更新所选值的字段,引用回此 ID','Bidirectional'=>'双向','%s Field'=>'%s 字段','Select Multiple'=>'选择多个','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'仅小写字母、下划线和破折号,最多 32 个字符。','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于分配此分类的术语的功能名称。','Assign Terms Capability'=>'分配分类项能力','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于删除该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Delete Terms Capability'=>'删除分类项功能','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于编辑该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Edit Terms Capability'=>'编辑分类项能力','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于管理该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Manage Terms Capability'=>'管理分类项能力','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'设置帖子是否应从搜索结果和分类存档页面中排除。','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP Engine 的更多工具','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'由 %s 团队专为使用 WordPress 构建的用户而构建','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'查看定价和升级','Learn More'=>'了解更多','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'利用 ACF 块和选项页面等功能以及循环、弹性内容、克隆和图库等复杂的字段类型,加快您的工作流程并开发更好的网站。','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'使用 ACF PRO 解锁高级功能并构建更多功能','%s fields'=>'%s 字段','No terms'=>'无分类项','No post types'=>'无文章类型','No posts'=>'无文章','No taxonomies'=>'无分类','No field groups'=>'无字段分组','No fields'=>'无字段','No description'=>'无描述','Any post status'=>'任何文章状态','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'这个分类标准的关键字已经被ACF以外注册的另一个分类标准所使用,不能使用。','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此分类法已被 ACF 中的另一个分类法使用,因此无法使用。','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'分类法只能包含小写字母数字字符、下划线或破折号。','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'分类法必须少于 32 个字符。','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'回收站中未找到分类法','No Taxonomies found'=>'未找到分类法','Search Taxonomies'=>'搜索分类法','View Taxonomy'=>'查看分类法','New Taxonomy'=>'新分类法','Edit Taxonomy'=>'编辑分类法','Add New Taxonomy'=>'新增分类法','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'在回收站中找不到文章类型','No Post Types found'=>'找不到文章类型','Search Post Types'=>'搜索文章类型','View Post Type'=>'查看文章类型','New Post Type'=>'新文章类型','Edit Post Type'=>'编辑文章类型','Add New Post Type'=>'新增文章类型','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此帖子类型密钥已被 ACF 外部注册的另一个帖子类型使用,因此无法使用。','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此帖子类型密钥已被 ACF 中的另一个帖子类型使用,无法使用。','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'此字段不得是 WordPress 保留词。','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'帖子类型键只能包含小写字母数字字符、下划线或破折号。','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'帖子类型键必须少于 20 个字符。','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'我们不建议在 ACF 块中使用此字段。','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'显示 WordPress 可视化编辑器,如文章和页面中所示,可提供丰富的文本编辑体验,还支持多媒体内容。','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'可视化编辑器','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'允许选择一个或多个可用于在数据对象之间创建关系的用户。','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'专门为存储网址而设计的文本输入。','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'允许您选择值 1 或 0(打开或关闭、true 或 false 等)的切换开关。可以呈现为程式化的开关或复选框。','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择时间的交互式 UI。可以使用字段设置自定义时间格式。','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'用于存储文本段落的基本文本区域输入。','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'基本文本输入,可用于存储单个字符串值。','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'允许根据字段设置中指定的条件和选项选择一个或多个分类术语。','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'允许您将字段分组到编辑屏幕中的选项卡部分。对于保持字段的组织性和结构化很有用。','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'包含您指定的选项的下拉列表。','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'双栏界面,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面或自定义帖子类型项目,以创建与您当前正在编辑的项目的关系。包括搜索和过滤选项。','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'用于使用范围滑块元素选择指定范围内的数值的输入。','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'一组单选按钮输入,允许用户从您指定的值中进行单一选择。','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'一种交互式且可定制的用户界面,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面或帖子类型项目,并提供搜索选项。 ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'使用屏蔽字段提供密码的输入。','Filter by Post Status'=>'按文章状态过滤','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'交互式下拉菜单,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面、自定义帖子类型项目或存档 URL,并提供搜索选项。','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'一个交互式组件,用于通过使用本机 WordPress oEmbed 功能来嵌入视频、图像、推文、音频和其他内容。','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'输入仅限于数值。','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'用于与其他字段一起向编辑者显示消息。对于提供有关您的字段的附加上下文或说明很有用。','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'允许您使用 WordPress 本机链接选择器指定链接及其属性,例如标题和目标。','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'使用本机 WordPress 媒体选择器上传或选择图像。','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'提供一种将字段组织为组的方法,以更好地组织数据和编辑屏幕。','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'用于使用 Google 地图选择位置的交互式 UI。需要 Google 地图 API 密钥和其他配置才能正确显示。','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'使用本机 WordPress 媒体选择器上传或选择文件。','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'专门用于存储电子邮件地址的文本输入。','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择日期和时间的交互式 UI。可以使用字段设置自定义日期返回格式。','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择日期的交互式用户界面。可以使用字段设置自定义日期返回格式。','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'用于选择颜色或指定十六进制值的交互式 UI。','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'一组复选框输入,允许用户选择您指定的一个或多个值。','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'一组具有您指定的值的按钮,用户可以从提供的值中选择一个选项。','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'允许您将自定义字段分组并组织到可折叠面板中,这些面板在编辑内容时显示。对于保持大型数据集整洁很有用。','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'这提供了一种通过充当一组可以一次又一次重复的子字段的父字段来重复幻灯片、团队成员和号召性用语图块等内容的解决方案。','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'这提供了用于管理附件集合的交互式界面。大多数设置与图像字段类型类似。其他设置允许您指定在库中添加新附件的位置以及允许的最小/最大附件数量。','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'这提供了一个简单、结构化、基于布局的编辑器。弹性内容字段允许您通过使用布局和子字段来设计可用块来定义、创建和管理具有完全控制的内容。','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'这允许您选择并显示现有字段。它不会复制数据库中的任何字段,而是在运行时加载并显示所选字段。克隆字段可以用所选字段替换自身,也可以将所选字段显示为一组子字段。','nounClone'=>'克隆','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'高级','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (新)','Original'=>'原始','Invalid post ID.'=>'文章 ID 无效。','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'选择进行审核的帖子类型无效。','More'=>'更多','Tutorial'=>'教程','Available with ACF PRO'=>'适用于 ACF PRO','Select Field'=>'选择字段','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'尝试不同的搜索词或浏览 %s','Popular fields'=>'热门字段','No search results for \'%s\''=>'没有搜索到“%s”结果','Search fields...'=>'搜索字段...','Select Field Type'=>'选择字段类型','Popular'=>'热门','Add Taxonomy'=>'添加分类法','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'创建自定义分类法对文章类型内容进行分类','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'添加您的第一个分类法','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'分层分类法可以有后代(如类别)。','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'使分类在前端和管理仪表板中可见。','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'可以使用此分类法对一种或多种文章类型进行分类。','genre'=>'类型','Genre'=>'类型','Genres'=>'类型','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'使用可选的自定义控制器来代替“WP_REST_Terms_Controller”。','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'在 REST API 中公开此文章类型。','Customize the query variable name'=>'自定义查询变量名','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'可以使用非漂亮的永久链接访问术语,例如 {query_var}={term_slug}。','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分层分类法 URL 中的父子术语。','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'自定义 URL 中使用的 slug','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'此分类的永久链接已禁用。','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用分类键作为 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','Taxonomy Key'=>'分类法键','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'选择用于此分类的永久链接类型。','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'在帖子类型列表屏幕上显示分类法列。','Show Admin Column'=>'显示管理栏','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'在快速/批量编辑面板中显示分类。','Quick Edit'=>'快速编辑','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'列出标签云小部件控件中的分类法。','Tag Cloud'=>'标签云','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'要调用的 PHP 函数名称,用于清理从元框中保存的分类数据。','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta Box 清理回调','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'要调用的 PHP 函数名称来处理分类法上元框的内容。','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'注册元框回调','No Meta Box'=>'无 Meta Box','Custom Meta Box'=>'自定义 Meta Box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'控制内容编辑器屏幕上的元框。默认情况下,对于分层分类法显示“类别”元框,对于非分层分类法显示“标签”元框。','Meta Box'=>'Meta Box','Categories Meta Box'=>'分类 Meta Box','Tags Meta Box'=>'标签 Meta Box','A link to a tag'=>'指向标签的链接','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'描述块编辑器中使用的导航链接块变体。','A link to a %s'=>'%s 的链接','Tag Link'=>'标签链接','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'为块编辑器中使用的导航链接块变体分配标题。','← Go to tags'=>'← 转到标签','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'在更新分类项后,指定用于链接回主索引的文本。','Back To Items'=>'返回项目','← Go to %s'=>'← 前往 %s','Tags list'=>'标签列表','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'将文本分配给表格隐藏标题。','Tags list navigation'=>'标签列表导航','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'将文本分配给表格分页隐藏标题。','Filter by category'=>'按类别过滤','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'将文本分配给帖子列表中的过滤器按钮。','Filter By Item'=>'按项目过滤','Filter by %s'=>'按 %s 过滤','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'默认情况下描述不突出;但是,某些主题可能会显示它。','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的描述字段。','Description Field Description'=>'描述 字段 描述','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'指定父分类项以创建层次结构。例如,“爵士乐”一词就是“Bebop”和“Big Band”的父词','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的父字段。','Parent Field Description'=>'父字段描述','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'“slug”是该名称的 URL 友好版本。它通常全部小写,仅包含字母、数字和连字符。','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的 Slug 字段。','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug 字段描述','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'该名称是它在您网站上的显示方式','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的名称字段。','Name Field Description'=>'名称 字段 描述','No tags'=>'无标签','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'当没有可用标签或类别时,分配帖子和媒体列表中显示的文本。','No Terms'=>'无分类项','No %s'=>'无 %s','No tags found'=>'未找到标签','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'当没有可用标签时,分配在分类元框中单击“从最常用的选择”文本时显示的文本,并在没有分类项时分配术语列表中使用的文本。','Not Found'=>'未找到','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'将文本分配给最常用选项卡的标题字段。','Most Used'=>'最常被使用','Choose from the most used tags'=>'从最常用的标签中选择','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'当禁用 JavaScript 时,指定元框中使用的“从最常用的选项中选择”文本。仅用于非层次分类法。','Choose From Most Used'=>'从最常用的中选择','Choose from the most used %s'=>'从最常用的 %s 中选择','Add or remove tags'=>'添加或删除标签','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'禁用 JavaScript 时分配在元框中使用的添加或删除项目文本。仅用于非层次分类法','Add Or Remove Items'=>'添加或删除项目','Add or remove %s'=>'添加或删除%s','Separate tags with commas'=>'用逗号分隔标签','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'使用分类元框中使用的逗号文本分配单独的项目。仅用于非层次分类法。','Separate Items With Commas'=>'用逗号分隔项目','Separate %s with commas'=>'用逗号分隔 %s','Popular Tags'=>'热门标签','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分配热门项目文本。仅用于非层次分类法。','Popular Items'=>'热门项目','Popular %s'=>'热门 %s','Search Tags'=>'搜索标签','Assigns search items text.'=>'分配搜索项文本。','Parent Category:'=>'父级分类:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'分配父项文本,但在末尾添加冒号 (:)。','Parent Item With Colon'=>'带冒号的父项','Parent Category'=>'父类别','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分配父项文本。仅用于分层分类法。','Parent Item'=>'父级项目','Parent %s'=>'上级 %s','New Tag Name'=>'新标签名称','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'分配新的项目名称文本。','New Item Name'=>'新项目名称','New %s Name'=>'新 %s 名称','Add New Tag'=>'新增标签','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'分配新的项目名称文本。','Update Tag'=>'更新标签','Assigns the update item text.'=>'分配更新项目文本。','Update Item'=>'更新项目','Update %s'=>'更新 %s','View Tag'=>'查看标签','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'在管理栏中可以在编辑期间查看分类项。','Edit Tag'=>'编辑标签','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'编辑分类项时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','All Tags'=>'所有标签','Assigns the all items text.'=>'分配所有项目文本。','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'分配菜单名称文本。','Menu Label'=>'菜单标签','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'活动分类法已启用并在 WordPress 中注册。','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'分类法的描述性摘要。','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'该分类项的描述性摘要。','Term Description'=>'分类项说明','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'单个字符串,不能有空格,允许下划线和破折号。','Term Slug'=>'分类项 Slug','The name of the default term.'=>'默认分类项的名称。','Term Name'=>'分类项名称','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'为无法删除的分类法创建分类项。默认情况下不会选择它来发布帖子。','Default Term'=>'默认分类项','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'此分类法中的分类项是否应按照提供给“wp_set_object_terms()”的顺序进行排序。','Sort Terms'=>'排序分类项','Add Post Type'=>'添加文章类型','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'使用自定义文章类型将 WordPress 的功能扩展到标准文章和页面之外。','Add Your First Post Type'=>'添加您的第一个文章类型','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'我知道我在做什么,告诉我所有的选择。','Advanced Configuration'=>'高级配置','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'分层文章类型可以有后代(如页面)。','Hierarchical'=>'分层','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'在前端和管理仪表板中可见。','Public'=>'公开','movie'=>'电影','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'仅限小写字母、下划线和破折号,最多 20 个字符。','Movie'=>'电影','Singular Label'=>'单一标签','Movies'=>'电影','Plural Label'=>'复数标签','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'使用可选的自定义控制器来代替“WP_REST_Posts_Controller”。','Controller Class'=>'控制器类','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL 的命名空间部分。','Namespace Route'=>'命名空间路由','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'文章类型 REST API URL 的基本 URL。','Base URL'=>'基本网址','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'在 REST API 中公开此帖子类型。需要使用块编辑器。','Show In REST API'=>'在 REST API 中显示','Customize the query variable name.'=>'自定义查询变量名称。','Query Variable'=>'查询变量','No Query Variable Support'=>'不支持查询变量','Custom Query Variable'=>'自定义查询变量','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'可以使用非漂亮的永久链接访问项目,例如。 {post_type}={post_slug}。','Query Variable Support'=>'查询变量支持','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'可以使用查询字符串访问一个或多个项目的 URL。','Publicly Queryable'=>'可公开查询','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'存档 URL 的自定义 slug。','Archive Slug'=>'归档 Slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'拥有一个项目存档,可以使用主题中的存档模板文件进行自定义。','Archive'=>'归档','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'对项目 URL(例如归档)的分页支持。','Pagination'=>'分页','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'文章类型项目的 RSS 源 URL。','Feed URL'=>'Feed 网址','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'更改永久链接结构以将 `WP_Rewrite::$front` 前缀添加到 URL。','Front URL Prefix'=>'前面的 URL 前缀','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'自定义 URL 中使用的 slug。','URL Slug'=>'URL Slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'此文章类型的永久链接已禁用。','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用下面输入中定义的自定义 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'无固定链接(防止 URL 重写)','Custom Permalink'=>'自定义固定链接','Post Type Key'=>'文章类型键','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用文章类型键作为 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','Permalink Rewrite'=>'永久链接重写','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'删除用户后,删除该用户的项目。','Delete With User'=>'与用户一起删除','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'允许从“工具”>“导出”导出文章类型。','Can Export'=>'可以导出','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'可以选择提供要在功能中使用的复数。','Plural Capability Name'=>'复数能力名称','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'选择另一个文章类型以基于此文章类型的功能。','Singular Capability Name'=>'单一能力名称','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'默认情况下,文章类型的功能将继承“文章”功能名称,例如。编辑帖子、删除帖子。允许使用文章类型特定的功能,例如。编辑_{单数},删除_{复数}。','Rename Capabilities'=>'重命名功能','Exclude From Search'=>'从搜索中排除','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'允许将项目添加到“外观”>“菜单”屏幕中的菜单。必须在“屏幕选项”中打开。','Appearance Menus Support'=>'外观菜单支持','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'显示为管理栏中“新建”菜单中的一个项目。','Show In Admin Bar'=>'在管理栏中显示','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'为编辑屏幕设置元框时要调用的 PHP 函数名称。','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'自定义 Meta Box 回调','Menu Icon'=>'菜单图标','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'管理仪表板侧边栏菜单中的位置。','Menu Position'=>'菜单位置','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'默认情况下,文章类型将在管理菜单中获得一个新的顶级项目。如果此处提供了现有的顶级项目,则文章类型将作为其下的子菜单项添加。','Admin Menu Parent'=>'管理菜单父级','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'用于管理仪表板中的文章类型菜单项的图标。可以是用于图标的 URL 或 %s。','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon 类名','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'侧边栏菜单中的管理编辑器导航。','Show In Admin Menu'=>'在管理菜单中显示','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'可以在管理仪表板中编辑和管理项目。','Show In UI'=>'在用户界面中显示','A link to a post.'=>'文章的链接。','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'导航链接块变体的描述。','Item Link Description'=>'项目链接说明','A link to a %s.'=>'%s 的链接','Post Link'=>'文章链接','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'导航链接块变体的标题。','Item Link'=>'项目链接','%s Link'=>'%s 链接','Post updated.'=>'文章已更新。','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'项目更新后在编辑器通知中。','Item Updated'=>'项目已更新。','%s updated.'=>'%s 已更新。','Post scheduled.'=>'文章已计划。','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'在安排项目后的编辑器通知中。','Item Scheduled'=>'项目已计划','%s scheduled.'=>'%s 已计划。','Post reverted to draft.'=>'文章已恢复为草稿。','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'将项目恢复为草稿后在编辑器通知中。','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'项目恢复为草稿','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s 已恢复为草稿。','Post published privately.'=>'文章已私密发布。','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'在编辑发布私密项目后的通知中。','Item Published Privately'=>'私密项目已发布。','%s published privately.'=>'%s 已私密发布','Post published.'=>'文章已发布。','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'在编辑发布项目后的通知中。','Item Published'=>'项目已发布','%s published.'=>'%s 已发布。','Posts list'=>'文章列表','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的项目列表。','Items List'=>'项目列表','%s list'=>'%s 列表','Posts list navigation'=>'文章列表导航','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的过滤器列表分页。','Items List Navigation'=>'项目列表导航','%s list navigation'=>'%s 列表导航','Filter posts by date'=>'按日期过滤文章','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'屏幕阅读器用于按文章类型列表屏幕上的日期标题进行过滤。','Filter Items By Date'=>'按日期过滤项目','Filter %s by date'=>'按日期过滤 %s','Filter posts list'=>'筛选文章列表','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的过滤器链接标题。','Filter Items List'=>'筛选项目列表','Filter %s list'=>'筛选 %s 列表','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'在媒体模式中显示上传到此项目的所有媒体。','Uploaded To This Item'=>'已上传至此项目','Uploaded to this %s'=>'已上传至此 %s','Insert into post'=>'插入至文章','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'作为向内容添加媒体时的按钮标签。','Insert Into Media Button'=>'插入到媒体按钮','Insert into %s'=>'插入至 %s','Use as featured image'=>'用作特色图像','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'作为选择使用图像作为特色图像的按钮标签。','Use Featured Image'=>'使用特色图像','Remove featured image'=>'移除特色图片','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'作为删除特色图像时的按钮标签。','Remove Featured Image'=>'移除特色图片','Set featured image'=>'设置特色图像','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'作为设置特色图片时的按钮标签。','Set Featured Image'=>'设置特色图像','Featured image'=>'特色图像','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'在编辑器中用于特色图像 meta box 的标题。','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'特色图像 Meta Box','Post Attributes'=>'文章属性','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'在编辑器中用于文章属性 Meta Box 的标题。','Attributes Meta Box'=>'属性 Meta Box','%s Attributes'=>'%s 属性','Post Archives'=>'文章归档','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'将带有此标签的“文章类型存档”项目添加到在启用存档的情况下将项目添加到 CPT 中的现有菜单时显示的文章列表。仅当在“实时预览”模式下编辑菜单并且提供了自定义存档段时才会出现。','Archives Nav Menu'=>'归档导航菜单','%s Archives'=>'%s 归档','No posts found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到文章','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'当回收站中没有文章时,位于文章类型列表屏幕的顶部。','No Items Found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到项目','No %s found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到 %s','No posts found'=>'未找到文章','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'当没有可显示的帖子时,位于文章类型列表屏幕的顶部。','No Items Found'=>'未找到项目。','No %s found'=>'未找到 %s','Search Posts'=>'搜索文章','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'搜索项目时位于项目屏幕的顶部。','Search Items'=>'搜索项目','Search %s'=>'搜索 %s','Parent Page:'=>'父页:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'对于文章类型列表屏幕中的分层类型。','Parent Item Prefix'=>'父项前缀','Parent %s:'=>'父级 %s:','New Post'=>'新文章','New Item'=>'新项目','New %s'=>'新 %s','Add New Post'=>'新增文章','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'添加新项目时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','Add New Item'=>'新增项目','Add New %s'=>'新增 %s','View Posts'=>'查看文章','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'显示在管理栏中的“所有文章”视图中,前提是文章类型支持存档并且主页不是该文章类型的存档。','View Items'=>'查看项目','View Post'=>'查看文章','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'在管理栏中编辑项目时可以查看项目。','View Item'=>'查看项目','View %s'=>'查看 %s','Edit Post'=>'编辑文章','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'编辑项目时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','Edit Item'=>'编辑项目','Edit %s'=>'编辑 %s','All Posts'=>'所有文章','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'在管理仪表板的文章类型子菜单中。','All Items'=>'所有项目','All %s'=>'所有 %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'文章类型的管理菜单名称。','Menu Name'=>'菜单名称','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'使用单数和复数标签重新生成所有标签','Regenerate'=>'重新生成','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'活动文章类型已在 WordPress 中启用并注册。','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'文章类型的描述性摘要。','Add Custom'=>'添加自定义','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'启用内容编辑器中的各种功能。','Post Formats'=>'文章格式','Editor'=>'编辑','Trackbacks'=>'引用通告','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'选择现有分类法对文章类型的项目进行分类。','Browse Fields'=>'浏览字段','Nothing to import'=>'没有什么可导入的','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'可以停用自定义文章类型 UI 插件。','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'已从自定义文章类型 UI 导入 %d 项 -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'导入分类法失败。','Failed to import post types.'=>'导入文章类型失败。','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'自定义文章类型 UI 插件中没有选择导入。','Imported 1 item'=>'已导入 %s 个项目','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'导入与现有文章类型或分类法具有相同键的文章类型或分类法将会用导入的设置覆盖现有文章类型或分类法的设置。','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'从自定义文章类型 UI 导入','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'以下代码可用于注册所选项目的本地版本。在本地存储字段组、帖子类型或分类法可以提供许多好处,例如更快的加载时间、版本控制和动态字段/设置。只需将以下代码复制并粘贴到主题的functions.php 文件中或将其包含在外部文件中,然后从ACF 管理中停用或删除这些项目。','Export - Generate PHP'=>'导出 - 生成 PHP','Export'=>'导出','Select Taxonomies'=>'选择分类法','Select Post Types'=>'选择文章类型','Exported 1 item.'=>'已导出 %s 个项目。','Category'=>'分类','Tag'=>'标签','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s 分类法已创建','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s 分类法已更新','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'分类法草稿已更新。','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'分类法已计划。','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'已提交分类法。','Taxonomy saved.'=>'分类法已保存。','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'分类法已删除。','Taxonomy updated.'=>'分类法已更新。','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此分类法,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个分类法使用。','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'%s 分类法已同步。','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'%s 分类法已复制。','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'%s 分类法已停用。','Taxonomy activated.'=>'%s 分类法已激活。','Terms'=>'分类项','Post type synchronized.'=>'%s 个文章类型已同步。','Post type duplicated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已复制。','Post type deactivated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已停用。','Post type activated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已激活。','Post Types'=>'文章类型','Advanced Settings'=>'高级设置','Basic Settings'=>'基本设置','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此帖子类型,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个帖子类型使用。','Pages'=>'页面','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'链接现有字段组','%s post type created'=>'%s 文章类型已创建','Add fields to %s'=>'将字段添加到 %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s 文章类型已更新','Post type draft updated.'=>'文章类型草稿已更新。','Post type scheduled for.'=>'已计划文章类型。','Post type submitted.'=>'已提交文章类型。','Post type saved.'=>'文章类型已保存。','Post type updated.'=>'文章类型已更新。','Post type deleted.'=>'文章类型已删除。','Type to search...'=>'输入以搜索……','PRO Only'=>'仅限专业版','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'字段组链接成功。','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'导入使用自定义帖子类型 UI 注册的帖子类型和分类法并使用 ACF 进行管理。 开始使用。','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'分类法','post type'=>'文章类型','Done'=>'完成','Field Group(s)'=>'字段组','Select one or many field groups...'=>'选择一个或多个字段组...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'请选择要链接的字段组。','Field group linked successfully.'=>'字段组链接成功。','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'注册失败','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此项目,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个项目使用。','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'权限','URLs'=>'网址','Visibility'=>'可见性','Labels'=>'标签','Field Settings Tabs'=>'字段设置选项卡','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[预览时禁用 ACF 短代码值]','Close Modal'=>'关闭模态框','Field moved to other group'=>'字段移至其他组','Close modal'=>'关闭模态框','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'在此选项卡上启动一组新选项卡。','New Tab Group'=>'新标签组','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'使用 select2 使用程式化复选框','Save Other Choice'=>'保存其他选择','Allow Other Choice'=>'允许其他选择','Add Toggle All'=>'添加 全部切换','Save Custom Values'=>'保存自定义值','Allow Custom Values'=>'允许自定义值','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'复选框自定义值不能为空。取消选中任何空值。','Updates'=>'更新','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'高级自定义字段 LOGO','Save Changes'=>'保存更改','Field Group Title'=>'字段组标题','Add title'=>'添加标题','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'ACF 新手?请查看我们的入门指南。','Add Field Group'=>'添加字段组','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF 使用字段组将自定义字段分组在一起,然后将这些字段附加到编辑屏幕。','Add Your First Field Group'=>'添加您的第一个字段组','Options Pages'=>'选项页','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF 块','Gallery Field'=>'画廊字段','Flexible Content Field'=>'弹性内容字段','Repeater Field'=>'循环字段','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'使用 ACF PRO 解锁额外功能','Delete Field Group'=>'删除字段组','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'于 %1$s 在 %2$s 创建','Group Settings'=>'群组设置','Location Rules'=>'定位规则','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'从30多种字段类型中进行选择了解更多信息。','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'开始为您的文章、页面、自定义帖子类型和其他WordPress内容创建新的自定义字段。','Add Your First Field'=>'添加您的第一个字段','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'添加字段','Presentation'=>'展示','Validation'=>'验证','General'=>'常规','Import JSON'=>'导入 JSON','Export As JSON'=>'导出为 JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'%s 字段组已停用。','Field group activated.'=>'%s 个字段组已激活。','Deactivate'=>'停用','Deactivate this item'=>'停用此项目','Activate'=>'激活','Activate this item'=>'激活此项目','Move field group to trash?'=>'将字段组移至回收站?','post statusInactive'=>'停用','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'高级自定义字段和高级自定义字段 PRO 不应同时处于活动状态。我们已自动停用高级自定义字段 PRO。','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'高级自定义字段和高级自定义字段 PRO 不应同时处于活动状态。我们已自动停用高级自定义字段。','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - 我们检测到在 ACF 初始化之前检索 ACF 字段值的一次或多次调用。不支持此操作,并且可能会导致数据格式错误或丢失。 了解如何解决此问题。','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s 必须拥有具有以下角色之一的用户:%2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s 必须具有有效的用户 ID。','Invalid request.'=>'无效的请求。','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s 不是 %2$s 之一。','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s 必须具有以下分类项之一:%2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s 必须属于以下文章类型之一:%2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s 必须具有有效的文章 ID。','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s 需要有效的附件 ID。','Show in REST API'=>'在 REST API 中显示','Enable Transparency'=>'启用透明度','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA 数组','RGBA String'=>'RGBA 字符串','Hex String'=>'十六进制字符串','Upgrade to PRO'=>'升级到专业版','post statusActive'=>'启用','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'“%s”不是有效的电子邮件地址','Color value'=>'颜色值','Select default color'=>'选择默认颜色','Clear color'=>'清除颜色','Blocks'=>'区块','Options'=>'选项','Users'=>'用户','Menu items'=>'菜单项','Widgets'=>'小工具','Attachments'=>'附件','Taxonomies'=>'分类法','Posts'=>'文章','Last updated: %s'=>'最后更新:%s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'抱歉,这篇文章无法进行差异比较。','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'无效的字段组参数。','Awaiting save'=>'等待保存','Saved'=>'已保存','Import'=>'导入','Review changes'=>'查看变更','Located in: %s'=>'位于:%s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'位于插件中:%s','Located in theme: %s'=>'位于主题中:%s','Various'=>'各种各样的','Sync changes'=>'同步更改','Loading diff'=>'加载差异','Review local JSON changes'=>'查看本地JSON更改','Visit website'=>'访问网站','View details'=>'查看详情','Version %s'=>'版本 %s','Information'=>'信息','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'服务台。我们服务台上的支持专业人员将协助您解决更深入的技术难题。','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'讨论。我们的社区论坛上有一个活跃且友好的社区,他们也许能够帮助您了解 ACF 世界的“操作方法”。','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'文档。我们详尽的文档包含您可能遇到的大多数情况的参考和指南。','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'我们热衷于支持,并希望您通过ACF充分利用自己的网站。如果遇到任何困难,可以在几个地方找到帮助:','Help & Support'=>'帮助和支持','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'如果您需要帮助,请使用“帮助和支持”选项卡进行联系。','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'在创建您的第一个字段组之前,我们建议您先阅读入门指南,以熟悉插件的原理和最佳实践。','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields 插件提供了一个可视化的表单生成器,用于自定义带有额外字段的WordPress编辑屏幕,以及一个直观的API,用于在任何主题模板文件中显示自定义字段的值。','Overview'=>'概述','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'位置类型“%s”已被注册。','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class“%s”不存在。','Invalid nonce.'=>'无效的随机数。','Error loading field.'=>'加载字段时出错。','Location not found: %s'=>'找不到位置:%s','Error: %s'=>'错误:%s','Widget'=>'小工具','User Role'=>'用户角色','Comment'=>'评论','Post Format'=>'文章格式','Menu Item'=>'菜单项','Post Status'=>'文章状态','Menus'=>'菜单','Menu Locations'=>'菜单位置','Menu'=>'菜单','Post Taxonomy'=>'文章分类法','Child Page (has parent)'=>'子页面(有父页面)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'父页面(有子页)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'顶级页面 (无父页面)','Posts Page'=>'文章页','Front Page'=>'首页','Page Type'=>'页面类型','Viewing back end'=>'查看后端','Viewing front end'=>'查看前端','Logged in'=>'登录','Current User'=>'当前用户','Page Template'=>'页面模板','Register'=>'注册','Add / Edit'=>'添加 / 编辑','User Form'=>'用户表单','Page Parent'=>'父级页面','Super Admin'=>'超级管理员','Current User Role'=>'当前用户角色','Default Template'=>'默认模板','Post Template'=>'文章模板','Post Category'=>'文章类别','All %s formats'=>'所有 %s 格式','Attachment'=>'附件','%s value is required'=>'%s 的值是必填项','Show this field if'=>'显示此字段的条件','Conditional Logic'=>'条件逻辑','and'=>'与','Local JSON'=>'本地 JSON','Clone Field'=>'克隆字段','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'还请检查所有高级扩展(%s)是否已更新到最新版本。','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'此版本包含对数据库的改进,需要升级。','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'感谢您更新到 %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'需要升级数据库','Options Page'=>'选项页面','Gallery'=>'画廊','Flexible Content'=>'弹性内容','Repeater'=>'循环','Back to all tools'=>'返回所有工具','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'如果多个字段组同时出现在编辑界面,会使用第一个字段组里的选项(就是序号最小的那个字段组)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'选择需要在编辑界面隐藏的条目。','Hide on screen'=>'隐藏元素','Send Trackbacks'=>'发送 Trackbacks','Tags'=>'标签','Categories'=>'类别','Page Attributes'=>'页面属性','Format'=>'格式','Author'=>'作者','Slug'=>'别名','Revisions'=>'修订','Comments'=>'评论','Discussion'=>'讨论','Excerpt'=>'摘要','Content Editor'=>'内容编辑器','Permalink'=>'固定链接','Shown in field group list'=>'在字段组列表中显示','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'序号小的字段组会排在最前面','Order No.'=>'序号','Below fields'=>'字段之下','Below labels'=>'标签之下','Instruction Placement'=>'说明位置','Label Placement'=>'标签位置','Side'=>'边栏','Normal (after content)'=>'正常(内容之后)','High (after title)'=>'高(标题之后)','Position'=>'位置','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'无缝(无 metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'标准(WP Metabox)','Style'=>'样式','Type'=>'类型','Key'=>'密钥','Order'=>'序号','Close Field'=>'关闭字段','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'宽度','Wrapper Attributes'=>'包装属性','Required'=>'必填','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'显示给内容作者的说明文字,在提交数据时显示','Instructions'=>'说明','Field Type'=>'字段类型','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'单个字符串,不能有空格,允许下划线和破折号。','Field Name'=>'字段名称','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'在编辑界面显示的名字','Field Label'=>'字段标签','Delete'=>'删除','Delete field'=>'删除字段','Move'=>'移动','Move field to another group'=>'把字段移动到其它群组','Duplicate field'=>'复制字段','Edit field'=>'编辑字段','Drag to reorder'=>'拖拽排序','Show this field group if'=>'显示此字段组的条件','No updates available.'=>'没有可用更新。','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'数据库升级完成。查看新的部分 。','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'阅读更新任务...','Upgrade failed.'=>'升级失败。','Upgrade complete.'=>'升级完成。','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'升级数据到 %s 版本','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'升级前最好先备份一下。确定现在升级吗?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'请选择至少一个要升级的站点。','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'数据库升级完成,返回网络面板','Site is up to date'=>'网站已是最新版','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'站点需要将数据库从 %1$s 升级到 %2$s','Site'=>'网站','Upgrade Sites'=>'升级站点','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'下面的网站需要升级数据库,点击 %s 。','Add rule group'=>'添加规则组','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'创建一组规则以确定自定义字段在哪个编辑界面上显示','Rules'=>'规则','Copied'=>'复制','Copy to clipboard'=>'复制到剪贴板','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'选择您要导出的项目,然后选择导出方法。导出为 JSON 以导出到 .json 文件,然后可以将其导入到另一个 ACF 安装中。生成 PHP 以导出到 PHP 代码,您可以将其放置在主题中。','Select Field Groups'=>'选择字段组','No field groups selected'=>'没选择字段组','Generate PHP'=>'生成 PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'导出字段组','Import file empty'=>'导入的文件是空白的','Incorrect file type'=>'文本类型不对','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'文件上传失败,请重试','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'选择您要导入的高级自定义字段 JSON 文件。当您单击下面的导入按钮时,ACF 将导入该文件中的项目。','Import Field Groups'=>'导入字段组','Sync'=>'同步','Select %s'=>'选择 %s','Duplicate'=>'复制','Duplicate this item'=>'复制此项','Supports'=>'支持','Documentation'=>'文档','Description'=>'描述','Sync available'=>'有可用同步','Field group synchronized.'=>'%s 个字段组已同步。','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s已复制字段组。','Active (%s)'=>'启用 (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'检查网站并升级','Upgrade Database'=>'升级数据库','Custom Fields'=>'字段','Move Field'=>'移动字段','Please select the destination for this field'=>'请选择这个字段的位置','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'现在可以在 %2$s 字段组中找到 %1$s 字段','Move Complete.'=>'移动完成。','Active'=>'激活','Field Keys'=>'字段 Keys','Settings'=>'设置','Location'=>'位置','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'复制','(this field)'=>'(这个字段)','Checked'=>'已选中','Move Custom Field'=>'移动自定义字段','No toggle fields available'=>'没有可用的切换字段','Field group title is required'=>'字段组的标题是必填项','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'保存这个字段的修改以后才能移动这个字段','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'"field_" 这个字符串不能作为字段名字的开始部分','Field group draft updated.'=>'字段组草稿已更新。','Field group scheduled for.'=>'字段组已定时。','Field group submitted.'=>'字段组已提交。','Field group saved.'=>'字段组已保存。','Field group published.'=>'字段组已发布。','Field group deleted.'=>'字段组已删除。','Field group updated.'=>'字段组已更新。','Tools'=>'工具','is not equal to'=>'不等于','is equal to'=>'等于','Forms'=>'表单','Page'=>'页面','Post'=>'文章','Relational'=>'关系','Choice'=>'选项','Basic'=>'基本','Unknown'=>'未知','Field type does not exist'=>'字段类型不存在','Spam Detected'=>'检测到垃圾邮件','Post updated'=>'文章已更新','Update'=>'更新','Validate Email'=>'验证邮箱','Content'=>'内容','Title'=>'标题','Edit field group'=>'编辑字段组','Selection is less than'=>'选择小于','Selection is greater than'=>'选择大于','Value is less than'=>'值小于','Value is greater than'=>'值大于','Value contains'=>'值包含','Value matches pattern'=>'值匹配模式','Value is not equal to'=>'值不等于','Value is equal to'=>'值等于','Has no value'=>'没有价值','Has any value'=>'有任何价值','Cancel'=>'退出','Are you sure?'=>'确定吗?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d 个字段需要注意','1 field requires attention'=>'1 个字段需要注意','Validation failed'=>'验证失败','Validation successful'=>'验证成功','Restricted'=>'限制','Collapse Details'=>'折叠','Expand Details'=>'展开','Uploaded to this post'=>'上传到这个文章','verbUpdate'=>'更新','verbEdit'=>'编辑','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'如果浏览其它页面,会丢失当前所做的修改','File type must be %s.'=>'字段类型必须是 %s。','or'=>'或','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'文件尺寸最大不能超过 %s。','File size must be at least %s.'=>'文件尺寸至少得是 %s。','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'图像高度最大不能超过 %dpx。','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'图像高度至少得是 %dpx。','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'图像宽度最大不能超过 %dpx。','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'图像宽度至少得是 %dpx。','(no title)'=>'(无标题)','Full Size'=>'原图','Large'=>'大','Medium'=>'中','Thumbnail'=>'缩略图','(no label)'=>'(无标签)','Sets the textarea height'=>'设置文本区域的高度','Rows'=>'行','Text Area'=>'文本区域','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'添加一个可以全选的复选框','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'将 "自定义" 值保存到字段的选择中','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'允许添加 "自定义" 值','Add new choice'=>'添加新选项','Toggle All'=>'全选','Allow Archives URLs'=>'允许存档 url','Archives'=>'存档','Page Link'=>'页面链接','Add'=>'添加','Name'=>'名称','%s added'=>'%s 已添加','%s already exists'=>'%s 已存在','User unable to add new %s'=>'用户无法添加新的 %s','Term ID'=>'内容ID','Term Object'=>'对象缓存','Load value from posts terms'=>'从文章项目中加载值','Load Terms'=>'加载项目','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'连接所选项目到文章','Save Terms'=>'保存项目','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'在编辑时允许可以创建新的项目','Create Terms'=>'创建项目','Radio Buttons'=>'单选框','Single Value'=>'单个值','Multi Select'=>'多选','Checkbox'=>'复选框','Multiple Values'=>'多选','Select the appearance of this field'=>'为这个字段选择外观','Appearance'=>'外观','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'选择要显示的分类法','No TermsNo %s'=>'无 %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'值要小于等于 %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'值要大于等于 %d','Value must be a number'=>'值必须是数字','Number'=>'数字','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'存档为字段的选择的 \'other\' 的值','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'为自定义值添加 \'other\' 选择','Other'=>'其他','Radio Button'=>'单选按钮','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'定义上一个手风琴停止的端点。此手风琴将不可见。','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'允许此手风琴打开而不关闭其他。','Multi-Expand'=>'多扩展','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'将此手风琴显示为在页面加载时打开。','Open'=>'打开','Accordion'=>'手风琴','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'限制什么类型的文件可以上传','File ID'=>'文件ID','File URL'=>'文件URL','File Array'=>'文件数组','Add File'=>'添加文件','No file selected'=>'没选择文件','File name'=>'文件名','Update File'=>'更新文件','Edit File'=>'编辑文件','Select File'=>'选择文件','File'=>'文件','Password'=>'密码','Specify the value returned'=>'指定返回的值','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'使用 AJAX 惰性选择?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'每行输入一个默认值','verbSelect'=>'选择','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'加载失败','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'搜索中…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'载入更多结果…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'只能选择 %d 项','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'您只能选择1项','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'请删除 %d 个字符','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'请删除1个字符','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'请输入 %d 或者更多字符','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'请输入至少一个字符','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'找不到匹配项','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d 结果可用, 请使用向上和向下箭头键进行导航。','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'一个结果是可用的,按回车选择它。','nounSelect'=>'下拉选择','User ID'=>'用户 ID','User Object'=>'用户对象','User Array'=>'數組','All user roles'=>'所有用户角色','Filter by Role'=>'按角色过滤','User'=>'用户','Separator'=>'分隔线','Select Color'=>'选择颜色','Default'=>'默认','Clear'=>'清除','Color Picker'=>'颜色选择','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'下午','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'上午','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'选择','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'已完成','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'现在','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'时区','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'微秒','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'毫秒','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'秒','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'分钟','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'小时','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'时间','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'选择时间','Date Time Picker'=>'日期时间选择器','Endpoint'=>'端点','Left aligned'=>'左对齐','Top aligned'=>'顶部对齐','Placement'=>'位置','Tab'=>'选项卡','Value must be a valid URL'=>'值必须是有效的地址','Link URL'=>'链接 URL','Link Array'=>'链接数组','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'在新窗口/选项卡中打开','Select Link'=>'选择链接','Link'=>'链接','Email'=>'电子邮件','Step Size'=>'步长','Maximum Value'=>'最大值','Minimum Value'=>'最小值','Range'=>'范围(滑块)','Both (Array)'=>'两个 (阵列)','Label'=>'标签','Value'=>'值','Vertical'=>'垂直','Horizontal'=>'水平','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'如果需要更多控制,您按照一下格式,定义一个值和标签对:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'输入选项,每行一个。','Choices'=>'选项','Button Group'=>'按钮组','Allow Null'=>'允许空值','Parent'=>'父级','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE 在栏位没有点击之前不会初始化','Delay Initialization'=>'延迟初始化','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'显示媒体上传按钮','Toolbar'=>'工具条','Text Only'=>'纯文本','Visual Only'=>'只有显示','Visual & Text'=>'显示与文本','Tabs'=>'标签','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'点击初始化 TinyMCE 编辑器','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'文本','Visual'=>'显示','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'值不得超过%d个字符','Leave blank for no limit'=>'留空则不限制','Character Limit'=>'字符限制','Appears after the input'=>'在 input 后面显示','Append'=>'追加','Appears before the input'=>'在 input 前面显示','Prepend'=>'前置','Appears within the input'=>'在 input 内部显示','Placeholder Text'=>'占位符文本','Appears when creating a new post'=>'创建新文章的时候显示','Text'=>'文本','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s 至少需要 %2$s 个选择','Post ID'=>'文章 ID','Post Object'=>'文章对象','Maximum Posts'=>'最大文章数','Minimum Posts'=>'最小文章数','Featured Image'=>'特色图像','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'选择的元素将在每个结果中显示','Elements'=>'元素','Taxonomy'=>'分类法','Post Type'=>'文章类型','Filters'=>'过滤器','All taxonomies'=>'所有分类法','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'按分类筛选','All post types'=>'所有文章类型','Filter by Post Type'=>'按文章类型筛选','Search...'=>'搜索...','Select taxonomy'=>'选择分类','Select post type'=>'选择文章类型','No matches found'=>'找不到匹配项','Loading'=>'加载','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'达到了最大值 ( {max} 值 )','Relationship'=>'关系','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'用英文逗号分隔开,留空则为全部类型','Allowed File Types'=>'允许的文件类型','Maximum'=>'最大','File size'=>'文件尺寸','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'限制可以上传的图像','Minimum'=>'最小','Uploaded to post'=>'上传到文章','All'=>'所有','Limit the media library choice'=>'限制媒体库的选择','Library'=>'库','Preview Size'=>'预览图大小','Image ID'=>'图像ID','Image URL'=>'图像 URL','Image Array'=>'图像数组','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'指定前端返回的值','Return Value'=>'返回值','Add Image'=>'添加图片','No image selected'=>'没有选择图片','Remove'=>'删除','Edit'=>'编辑','All images'=>'所有图片','Update Image'=>'更新图像','Edit Image'=>'编辑图片','Select Image'=>'选择图像','Image'=>'图像','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'显示 HTML 文本,而不是渲染 HTML','Escape HTML'=>'转义 HTML','No Formatting'=>'无格式','Automatically add <br>'=>'自动添加 <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'自动添加段落','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'控制怎么显示新行','New Lines'=>'新行','Week Starts On'=>'每周开始于','The format used when saving a value'=>'保存值时使用的格式','Save Format'=>'保存格式','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'周','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'上一页','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'下一个','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'今日','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'完成','Date Picker'=>'日期选择','Width'=>'宽度','Embed Size'=>'嵌入尺寸','Enter URL'=>'输入 URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed(嵌入)','Text shown when inactive'=>'非激活时显示的文字','Off Text'=>'关闭文本','Text shown when active'=>'激活时显示的文本','On Text'=>'打开文本','Stylized UI'=>'风格化的用户界面','Default Value'=>'默认值','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'在复选框旁边显示文本','Message'=>'消息','No'=>'否','Yes'=>'是','True / False'=>'真 / 假 (开关)','Row'=>'行','Table'=>'表','Block'=>'区块','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'指定用于呈现所选字段的样式','Layout'=>'样式','Sub Fields'=>'子字段','Group'=>'分组','Customize the map height'=>'自定义地图高度','Height'=>'高度','Set the initial zoom level'=>'设置初始缩放级别','Zoom'=>'缩放','Center the initial map'=>'居中显示初始地图','Center'=>'居中','Search for address...'=>'搜索地址...','Find current location'=>'搜索当前位置','Clear location'=>'清除位置','Search'=>'搜索','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'抱歉,浏览器不支持定位','Google Map'=>'谷歌地图','The format returned via template functions'=>'通过模板函数返回的格式','Return Format'=>'返回格式','Custom:'=>'自定义:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'编辑文章的时候显示的格式','Display Format'=>'显示格式','Time Picker'=>'时间选择','Inactive (%s)'=>'已停用 (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'回收站里没有字段','No Fields found'=>'没找到字段','Search Fields'=>'搜索字段','View Field'=>'视图字段','New Field'=>'新字段','Edit Field'=>'编辑字段','Add New Field'=>'添加新字段','Field'=>'字段','Fields'=>'字段','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'回收站中没有找到字段组','No Field Groups found'=>'没有找到字段组','Search Field Groups'=>'搜索字段组','View Field Group'=>'查看字段组','New Field Group'=>'新建字段组','Edit Field Group'=>'编辑字段组','Add New Field Group'=>'添加字段组','Add New'=>'新建','Field Group'=>'字段组','Field Groups'=>'字段组','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'【高级自定义字段 ACF】使用强大、专业和直观的字段自定义WordPress。','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields 专业版','Options Updated'=>'选项已更新','Check Again'=>'重新检查','Publish'=>'发布','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'这个选项页上还没有自定义字段群组。创建自定义字段群组','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'错误,不能连接到更新服务器','Display'=>'显示','Add Row'=>'添加行','layout'=>'布局','layouts'=>'布局','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'这个字段需要至少 {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} 可用 (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} 需要 (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'灵活内容字段需要至少一个布局','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'点击下面的 "%s" 按钮创建布局','Add layout'=>'添加布局','Remove layout'=>'删除布局','Delete Layout'=>'删除布局','Duplicate Layout'=>'复制布局','Add New Layout'=>'添加新布局','Add Layout'=>'添加布局','Min'=>'最小','Max'=>'最大','Minimum Layouts'=>'最小布局','Maximum Layouts'=>'最大布局','Button Label'=>'按钮标签','Add Image to Gallery'=>'添加图片到相册','Maximum selection reached'=>'已到最大选择','Length'=>'长度','Caption'=>'标题','Add to gallery'=>'添加到相册','Bulk actions'=>'批量动作','Sort by date uploaded'=>'按上传日期排序','Sort by date modified'=>'按修改日期排序','Sort by title'=>'按标题排序','Reverse current order'=>'颠倒当前排序','Close'=>'关闭','Minimum Selection'=>'最小选择','Maximum Selection'=>'最大选择','Allowed file types'=>'允许的文字类型','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'已到最小行数 ({min} 行)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'已到最大行数 ({max} 行)','Minimum Rows'=>'最小行数','Maximum Rows'=>'最大行数','Click to reorder'=>'拖拽排序','Add row'=>'添加行','Remove row'=>'删除行','First Page'=>'首页','Previous Page'=>'文章页','Next Page'=>'首页','Last Page'=>'文章页','No options pages exist'=>'还没有选项页面','Deactivate License'=>'关闭许可证','Activate License'=>'激活许可证','License Key'=>'许可证号','Update Information'=>'更新信息','Current Version'=>'当前版本','Latest Version'=>'最新版本','Update Available'=>'可用更新','Upgrade Notice'=>'更新通知','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'在上面输入许可证号解锁更新','Update Plugin'=>'更新插件']];
\ No newline at end of file
+return ['domain'=>NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'zh_CN','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:55:40+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current pageACF Fields'=>'ACF 字段','Learn how to fix this'=>'了解如何解决此问题','ACF PRO Feature'=>'ACF PRO 功能','Renew PRO to Unlock'=>'续订 PRO 即可解锁','Renew PRO License'=>'更新 PRO 许可证','PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license.'=>'如果没有有效许可证,则无法编辑 PRO 字段。','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF Block.'=>'请激活您的 ACF PRO 许可证以编辑分配给 ACF 块的字段组。','Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page.'=>'请激活您的 ACF PRO 许可证才能编辑此选项页面。','Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also true. The field values have not been returned for security.'=>'仅当 format_value 也为 true 时,才可以返回转义的 HTML 值。为了安全起见,字段值尚未返回。','Returning an escaped HTML value is only possible when format_value is also true. The field value has not been returned for security.'=>'仅当 format_value 也为 true 时,才可以返回转义的 HTML 值。为了安全起见,该字段值尚未返回。','%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field
or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields has been modified by this change, but this may not be a breaking change. %2$s. %3$s.'=>'%1$s ACF 现在在由 the_field
或 ACF 短代码呈现时自动转义不安全的 HTML。我们检测到您的某些字段的输出已被此更改修改,但这可能不是重大更改。 %2$s。 %3$s。','Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details.'=>'请联系您的网站管理员或开发人员了解更多详细信息。','Hide details'=>'隐藏详情','Show details'=>'显示详情','%1$s (%2$s) - rendered via %3$s'=>'%1$s (%2$s) - 通过 %3$s 呈现','Renew ACF PRO License'=>'续订 ACF PRO 许可证','Renew License'=>'更新许可证','Manage License'=>'管理许可证','\'High\' position not supported in the Block Editor'=>'块编辑器不支持“高”位置','Upgrade to ACF PRO'=>'升级到 ACF PRO','ACF options pages are custom admin pages for managing global settings via fields. You can create multiple pages and sub-pages.'=>'ACF选项页是通过字段管理全局设置的自定义管理页。您可以创建多个页面和子页面。','Add Options Page'=>'添加选项页面','In the editor used as the placeholder of the title.'=>'在编辑器中用作标题的占位符。','Title Placeholder'=>'标题占位符','4 Months Free'=>'4个月免费','(Duplicated from %s)'=>' (复制自 %s)','Select Options Pages'=>'选择选项页面','Duplicate taxonomy'=>'克隆分类法','Create taxonomy'=>'创建分类法','Duplicate post type'=>'克隆文章类型','Create post type'=>'创建文章类型','Link field groups'=>'链接字段组','Add fields'=>'添加字段','This Field'=>'这个字段','ACF PRO'=>'ACF PRO','Feedback'=>'反馈','Support'=>'支持','is developed and maintained by'=>'开发和维护者','Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups.'=>'将此 %s 添加到所选字段组的位置规则中。','Enabling the bidirectional setting allows you to update a value in the target fields for each value selected for this field, adding or removing the Post ID, Taxonomy ID or User ID of the item being updated. For more information, please read the documentation.'=>'启用双向设置允许您更新为此字段选择的每个值的目标字段中的值,添加或删除正在更新的项目的文章 ID、分类法 ID 或用户 ID。有关更多信息,请阅读文档。','Select field(s) to store the reference back to the item being updated. You may select this field. Target fields must be compatible with where this field is being displayed. For example, if this field is displayed on a Taxonomy, your target field should be of type Taxonomy'=>'选择字段以将引用存储回正在更新的项目。您可以选择该字段。目标字段必须与该字段的显示位置兼容。例如,如果此字段显示在分类法上,则您的目标字段应为分类法类型','Target Field'=>'目标字段','Update a field on the selected values, referencing back to this ID'=>'更新所选值的字段,引用回此 ID','Bidirectional'=>'双向','%s Field'=>'%s 字段','Select Multiple'=>'选择多个','WP Engine logo'=>'WP Engine logo','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 32 characters.'=>'仅小写字母、下划线和破折号,最多 32 个字符。','The capability name for assigning terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于分配此分类的术语的功能名称。','Assign Terms Capability'=>'分配分类项能力','The capability name for deleting terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于删除该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Delete Terms Capability'=>'删除分类项功能','The capability name for editing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于编辑该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Edit Terms Capability'=>'编辑分类项能力','The capability name for managing terms of this taxonomy.'=>'用于管理该分类法的分类项的功能名称。','Manage Terms Capability'=>'管理分类项能力','Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results and taxonomy archive pages.'=>'设置帖子是否应从搜索结果和分类存档页面中排除。','More Tools from WP Engine'=>'WP Engine 的更多工具','Built for those that build with WordPress, by the team at %s'=>'由 %s 团队专为使用 WordPress 构建的用户而构建','View Pricing & Upgrade'=>'查看定价和升级','Learn More'=>'了解更多','Speed up your workflow and develop better websites with features like ACF Blocks and Options Pages, and sophisticated field types like Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, and Gallery.'=>'利用 ACF 块和选项页面等功能以及循环、弹性内容、克隆和图库等复杂的字段类型,加快您的工作流程并开发更好的网站。','Unlock Advanced Features and Build Even More with ACF PRO'=>'使用 ACF PRO 解锁高级功能并构建更多功能','%s fields'=>'%s 字段','No terms'=>'无分类项','No post types'=>'无文章类型','No posts'=>'无文章','No taxonomies'=>'无分类','No field groups'=>'无字段分组','No fields'=>'无字段','No description'=>'无描述','Any post status'=>'任何文章状态','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'这个分类标准的关键字已经被ACF以外注册的另一个分类标准所使用,不能使用。','This taxonomy key is already in use by another taxonomy in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此分类法已被 ACF 中的另一个分类法使用,因此无法使用。','The taxonomy key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'分类法只能包含小写字母数字字符、下划线或破折号。','The taxonomy key must be under 32 characters.'=>'分类法必须少于 32 个字符。','No Taxonomies found in Trash'=>'回收站中未找到分类法','No Taxonomies found'=>'未找到分类法','Search Taxonomies'=>'搜索分类法','View Taxonomy'=>'查看分类法','New Taxonomy'=>'新分类法','Edit Taxonomy'=>'编辑分类法','Add New Taxonomy'=>'新增分类法','No Post Types found in Trash'=>'在回收站中找不到文章类型','No Post Types found'=>'找不到文章类型','Search Post Types'=>'搜索文章类型','View Post Type'=>'查看文章类型','New Post Type'=>'新文章类型','Edit Post Type'=>'编辑文章类型','Add New Post Type'=>'新增文章类型','This post type key is already in use by another post type registered outside of ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此帖子类型密钥已被 ACF 外部注册的另一个帖子类型使用,因此无法使用。','This post type key is already in use by another post type in ACF and cannot be used.'=>'此帖子类型密钥已被 ACF 中的另一个帖子类型使用,无法使用。','This field must not be a WordPress reserved term.'=>'此字段不得是 WordPress 保留词。','The post type key must only contain lower case alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes.'=>'帖子类型键只能包含小写字母数字字符、下划线或破折号。','The post type key must be under 20 characters.'=>'帖子类型键必须少于 20 个字符。','We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.'=>'我们不建议在 ACF 块中使用此字段。','Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.'=>'显示 WordPress 可视化编辑器,如文章和页面中所示,可提供丰富的文本编辑体验,还支持多媒体内容。','WYSIWYG Editor'=>'可视化编辑器','Allows the selection of one or more users which can be used to create relationships between data objects.'=>'允许选择一个或多个可用于在数据对象之间创建关系的用户。','A text input specifically designed for storing web addresses.'=>'专门为存储网址而设计的文本输入。','URL'=>'URL','A toggle that allows you to pick a value of 1 or 0 (on or off, true or false, etc). Can be presented as a stylized switch or checkbox.'=>'允许您选择值 1 或 0(打开或关闭、true 或 false 等)的切换开关。可以呈现为程式化的开关或复选框。','An interactive UI for picking a time. The time format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择时间的交互式 UI。可以使用字段设置自定义时间格式。','A basic textarea input for storing paragraphs of text.'=>'用于存储文本段落的基本文本区域输入。','A basic text input, useful for storing single string values.'=>'基本文本输入,可用于存储单个字符串值。','Allows the selection of one or more taxonomy terms based on the criteria and options specified in the fields settings.'=>'允许根据字段设置中指定的条件和选项选择一个或多个分类术语。','Allows you to group fields into tabbed sections in the edit screen. Useful for keeping fields organized and structured.'=>'允许您将字段分组到编辑屏幕中的选项卡部分。对于保持字段的组织性和结构化很有用。','A dropdown list with a selection of choices that you specify.'=>'包含您指定的选项的下拉列表。','A dual-column interface to select one or more posts, pages, or custom post type items to create a relationship with the item that you\'re currently editing. Includes options to search and filter.'=>'双栏界面,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面或自定义帖子类型项目,以创建与您当前正在编辑的项目的关系。包括搜索和过滤选项。','An input for selecting a numerical value within a specified range using a range slider element.'=>'用于使用范围滑块元素选择指定范围内的数值的输入。','A group of radio button inputs that allows the user to make a single selection from values that you specify.'=>'一组单选按钮输入,允许用户从您指定的值中进行单一选择。','An interactive and customizable UI for picking one or many posts, pages or post type items with the option to search. '=>'一种交互式且可定制的用户界面,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面或帖子类型项目,并提供搜索选项。 ','An input for providing a password using a masked field.'=>'使用屏蔽字段提供密码的输入。','Filter by Post Status'=>'按文章状态过滤','An interactive dropdown to select one or more posts, pages, custom post type items or archive URLs, with the option to search.'=>'交互式下拉菜单,用于选择一个或多个帖子、页面、自定义帖子类型项目或存档 URL,并提供搜索选项。','An interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio and other content by making use of the native WordPress oEmbed functionality.'=>'一个交互式组件,用于通过使用本机 WordPress oEmbed 功能来嵌入视频、图像、推文、音频和其他内容。','An input limited to numerical values.'=>'输入仅限于数值。','Used to display a message to editors alongside other fields. Useful for providing additional context or instructions around your fields.'=>'用于与其他字段一起向编辑者显示消息。对于提供有关您的字段的附加上下文或说明很有用。','Allows you to specify a link and its properties such as title and target using the WordPress native link picker.'=>'允许您使用 WordPress 本机链接选择器指定链接及其属性,例如标题和目标。','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose images.'=>'使用本机 WordPress 媒体选择器上传或选择图像。','Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.'=>'提供一种将字段组织为组的方法,以更好地组织数据和编辑屏幕。','An interactive UI for selecting a location using Google Maps. Requires a Google Maps API key and additional configuration to display correctly.'=>'用于使用 Google 地图选择位置的交互式 UI。需要 Google 地图 API 密钥和其他配置才能正确显示。','Uses the native WordPress media picker to upload, or choose files.'=>'使用本机 WordPress 媒体选择器上传或选择文件。','A text input specifically designed for storing email addresses.'=>'专门用于存储电子邮件地址的文本输入。','An interactive UI for picking a date and time. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择日期和时间的交互式 UI。可以使用字段设置自定义日期返回格式。','An interactive UI for picking a date. The date return format can be customized using the field settings.'=>'用于选择日期的交互式用户界面。可以使用字段设置自定义日期返回格式。','An interactive UI for selecting a color, or specifying a Hex value.'=>'用于选择颜色或指定十六进制值的交互式 UI。','A group of checkbox inputs that allow the user to select one, or multiple values that you specify.'=>'一组复选框输入,允许用户选择您指定的一个或多个值。','A group of buttons with values that you specify, users can choose one option from the values provided.'=>'一组具有您指定的值的按钮,用户可以从提供的值中选择一个选项。','Allows you to group and organize custom fields into collapsable panels that are shown while editing content. Useful for keeping large datasets tidy.'=>'允许您将自定义字段分组并组织到可折叠面板中,这些面板在编辑内容时显示。对于保持大型数据集整洁很有用。','This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.'=>'这提供了一种通过充当一组可以一次又一次重复的子字段的父字段来重复幻灯片、团队成员和号召性用语图块等内容的解决方案。','This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.'=>'这提供了用于管理附件集合的交互式界面。大多数设置与图像字段类型类似。其他设置允许您指定在库中添加新附件的位置以及允许的最小/最大附件数量。','This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.'=>'这提供了一个简单、结构化、基于布局的编辑器。弹性内容字段允许您通过使用布局和子字段来设计可用块来定义、创建和管理具有完全控制的内容。','This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.'=>'这允许您选择并显示现有字段。它不会复制数据库中的任何字段,而是在运行时加载并显示所选字段。克隆字段可以用所选字段替换自身,也可以将所选字段显示为一组子字段。','nounClone'=>'克隆','PRO'=>'PRO','Advanced'=>'高级','JSON (newer)'=>'JSON (新)','Original'=>'原始','Invalid post ID.'=>'文章 ID 无效。','Invalid post type selected for review.'=>'选择进行审核的帖子类型无效。','More'=>'更多','Tutorial'=>'教程','Select Field'=>'选择字段','Try a different search term or browse %s'=>'尝试不同的搜索词或浏览 %s','Popular fields'=>'热门字段','No search results for \'%s\''=>'没有搜索到“%s”结果','Search fields...'=>'搜索字段...','Select Field Type'=>'选择字段类型','Popular'=>'热门','Add Taxonomy'=>'添加分类法','Create custom taxonomies to classify post type content'=>'创建自定义分类法对文章类型内容进行分类','Add Your First Taxonomy'=>'添加您的第一个分类法','Hierarchical taxonomies can have descendants (like categories).'=>'分层分类法可以有后代(如类别)。','Makes a taxonomy visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'使分类在前端和管理仪表板中可见。','One or many post types that can be classified with this taxonomy.'=>'可以使用此分类法对一种或多种文章类型进行分类。','genre'=>'类型','Genre'=>'类型','Genres'=>'类型','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Terms_Controller `.'=>'使用可选的自定义控制器来代替“WP_REST_Terms_Controller”。','Expose this post type in the REST API.'=>'在 REST API 中公开此文章类型。','Customize the query variable name'=>'自定义查询变量名','Terms can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, e.g., {query_var}={term_slug}.'=>'可以使用非漂亮的永久链接访问术语,例如 {query_var}={term_slug}。','Parent-child terms in URLs for hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分层分类法 URL 中的父子术语。','Customize the slug used in the URL'=>'自定义 URL 中使用的 slug','Permalinks for this taxonomy are disabled.'=>'此分类的永久链接已禁用。','Rewrite the URL using the taxonomy key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用分类键作为 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','Taxonomy Key'=>'分类法键','Select the type of permalink to use for this taxonomy.'=>'选择用于此分类的永久链接类型。','Display a column for the taxonomy on post type listing screens.'=>'在帖子类型列表屏幕上显示分类法列。','Show Admin Column'=>'显示管理栏','Show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel.'=>'在快速/批量编辑面板中显示分类。','Quick Edit'=>'快速编辑','List the taxonomy in the Tag Cloud Widget controls.'=>'列出标签云小部件控件中的分类法。','Tag Cloud'=>'标签云','A PHP function name to be called for sanitizing taxonomy data saved from a meta box.'=>'要调用的 PHP 函数名称,用于清理从元框中保存的分类数据。','Meta Box Sanitization Callback'=>'Meta Box 清理回调','A PHP function name to be called to handle the content of a meta box on your taxonomy.'=>'要调用的 PHP 函数名称来处理分类法上元框的内容。','Register Meta Box Callback'=>'注册元框回调','No Meta Box'=>'无 Meta Box','Custom Meta Box'=>'自定义 Meta Box','Controls the meta box on the content editor screen. By default, the Categories meta box is shown for hierarchical taxonomies, and the Tags meta box is shown for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'控制内容编辑器屏幕上的元框。默认情况下,对于分层分类法显示“类别”元框,对于非分层分类法显示“标签”元框。','Meta Box'=>'Meta Box','Categories Meta Box'=>'分类 Meta Box','Tags Meta Box'=>'标签 Meta Box','A link to a tag'=>'指向标签的链接','Describes a navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'描述块编辑器中使用的导航链接块变体。','A link to a %s'=>'%s 的链接','Tag Link'=>'标签链接','Assigns a title for navigation link block variation used in the block editor.'=>'为块编辑器中使用的导航链接块变体分配标题。','← Go to tags'=>'← 转到标签','Assigns the text used to link back to the main index after updating a term.'=>'在更新分类项后,指定用于链接回主索引的文本。','Back To Items'=>'返回项目','← Go to %s'=>'← 前往 %s','Tags list'=>'标签列表','Assigns text to the table hidden heading.'=>'将文本分配给表格隐藏标题。','Tags list navigation'=>'标签列表导航','Assigns text to the table pagination hidden heading.'=>'将文本分配给表格分页隐藏标题。','Filter by category'=>'按类别过滤','Assigns text to the filter button in the posts lists table.'=>'将文本分配给帖子列表中的过滤器按钮。','Filter By Item'=>'按项目过滤','Filter by %s'=>'按 %s 过滤','The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.'=>'默认情况下描述不突出;但是,某些主题可能会显示它。','Describes the Description field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的描述字段。','Description Field Description'=>'描述 字段 描述','Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band'=>'指定父分类项以创建层次结构。例如,“爵士乐”一词就是“Bebop”和“Big Band”的父词','Describes the Parent field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的父字段。','Parent Field Description'=>'父字段描述','The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lower case and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.'=>'“slug”是该名称的 URL 友好版本。它通常全部小写,仅包含字母、数字和连字符。','Describes the Slug field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的 Slug 字段。','Slug Field Description'=>'Slug 字段描述','The name is how it appears on your site'=>'该名称是它在您网站上的显示方式','Describes the Name field on the Edit Tags screen.'=>'描述编辑标签屏幕上的名称字段。','Name Field Description'=>'名称 字段 描述','No tags'=>'无标签','Assigns the text displayed in the posts and media list tables when no tags or categories are available.'=>'当没有可用标签或类别时,分配帖子和媒体列表中显示的文本。','No Terms'=>'无分类项','No %s'=>'无 %s','No tags found'=>'未找到标签','Assigns the text displayed when clicking the \'choose from most used\' text in the taxonomy meta box when no tags are available, and assigns the text used in the terms list table when there are no items for a taxonomy.'=>'当没有可用标签时,分配在分类元框中单击“从最常用的选择”文本时显示的文本,并在没有分类项时分配术语列表中使用的文本。','Not Found'=>'未找到','Assigns text to the Title field of the Most Used tab.'=>'将文本分配给最常用选项卡的标题字段。','Most Used'=>'最常被使用','Choose from the most used tags'=>'从最常用的标签中选择','Assigns the \'choose from most used\' text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'当禁用 JavaScript 时,指定元框中使用的“从最常用的选项中选择”文本。仅用于非层次分类法。','Choose From Most Used'=>'从最常用的中选择','Choose from the most used %s'=>'从最常用的 %s 中选择','Add or remove tags'=>'添加或删除标签','Assigns the add or remove items text used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies'=>'禁用 JavaScript 时分配在元框中使用的添加或删除项目文本。仅用于非层次分类法','Add Or Remove Items'=>'添加或删除项目','Add or remove %s'=>'添加或删除%s','Separate tags with commas'=>'用逗号分隔标签','Assigns the separate item with commas text used in the taxonomy meta box. Only used on non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'使用分类元框中使用的逗号文本分配单独的项目。仅用于非层次分类法。','Separate Items With Commas'=>'用逗号分隔项目','Separate %s with commas'=>'用逗号分隔 %s','Popular Tags'=>'热门标签','Assigns popular items text. Only used for non-hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分配热门项目文本。仅用于非层次分类法。','Popular Items'=>'热门项目','Popular %s'=>'热门 %s','Search Tags'=>'搜索标签','Assigns search items text.'=>'分配搜索项文本。','Parent Category:'=>'父级分类:','Assigns parent item text, but with a colon (:) added to the end.'=>'分配父项文本,但在末尾添加冒号 (:)。','Parent Item With Colon'=>'带冒号的父项','Parent Category'=>'父类别','Assigns parent item text. Only used on hierarchical taxonomies.'=>'分配父项文本。仅用于分层分类法。','Parent Item'=>'父级项目','Parent %s'=>'上级 %s','New Tag Name'=>'新标签名称','Assigns the new item name text.'=>'分配新的项目名称文本。','New Item Name'=>'新项目名称','New %s Name'=>'新 %s 名称','Add New Tag'=>'新增标签','Assigns the add new item text.'=>'分配新的项目名称文本。','Update Tag'=>'更新标签','Assigns the update item text.'=>'分配更新项目文本。','Update Item'=>'更新项目','Update %s'=>'更新 %s','View Tag'=>'查看标签','In the admin bar to view term during editing.'=>'在管理栏中可以在编辑期间查看分类项。','Edit Tag'=>'编辑标签','At the top of the editor screen when editing a term.'=>'编辑分类项时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','All Tags'=>'所有标签','Assigns the all items text.'=>'分配所有项目文本。','Assigns the menu name text.'=>'分配菜单名称文本。','Menu Label'=>'菜单标签','Active taxonomies are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'活动分类法已启用并在 WordPress 中注册。','A descriptive summary of the taxonomy.'=>'分类法的描述性摘要。','A descriptive summary of the term.'=>'该分类项的描述性摘要。','Term Description'=>'分类项说明','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed.'=>'单个字符串,不能有空格,允许下划线和破折号。','Term Slug'=>'分类项 Slug','The name of the default term.'=>'默认分类项的名称。','Term Name'=>'分类项名称','Create a term for the taxonomy that cannot be deleted. It will not be selected for posts by default.'=>'为无法删除的分类法创建分类项。默认情况下不会选择它来发布帖子。','Default Term'=>'默认分类项','Whether terms in this taxonomy should be sorted in the order they are provided to `wp_set_object_terms()`.'=>'此分类法中的分类项是否应按照提供给“wp_set_object_terms()”的顺序进行排序。','Sort Terms'=>'排序分类项','Add Post Type'=>'添加文章类型','Expand the functionality of WordPress beyond standard posts and pages with custom post types.'=>'使用自定义文章类型将 WordPress 的功能扩展到标准文章和页面之外。','Add Your First Post Type'=>'添加您的第一个文章类型','I know what I\'m doing, show me all the options.'=>'我知道我在做什么,告诉我所有的选择。','Advanced Configuration'=>'高级配置','Hierarchical post types can have descendants (like pages).'=>'分层文章类型可以有后代(如页面)。','Hierarchical'=>'分层','Visible on the frontend and in the admin dashboard.'=>'在前端和管理仪表板中可见。','Public'=>'公开','movie'=>'电影','Lower case letters, underscores and dashes only, Max 20 characters.'=>'仅限小写字母、下划线和破折号,最多 20 个字符。','Movie'=>'电影','Singular Label'=>'单一标签','Movies'=>'电影','Plural Label'=>'复数标签','Optional custom controller to use instead of `WP_REST_Posts_Controller`.'=>'使用可选的自定义控制器来代替“WP_REST_Posts_Controller”。','Controller Class'=>'控制器类','The namespace part of the REST API URL.'=>'REST API URL 的命名空间部分。','Namespace Route'=>'命名空间路由','The base URL for the post type REST API URLs.'=>'文章类型 REST API URL 的基本 URL。','Base URL'=>'基本网址','Exposes this post type in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.'=>'在 REST API 中公开此帖子类型。需要使用块编辑器。','Show In REST API'=>'在 REST API 中显示','Customize the query variable name.'=>'自定义查询变量名称。','Query Variable'=>'查询变量','No Query Variable Support'=>'不支持查询变量','Custom Query Variable'=>'自定义查询变量','Items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, eg. {post_type}={post_slug}.'=>'可以使用非漂亮的永久链接访问项目,例如。 {post_type}={post_slug}。','Query Variable Support'=>'查询变量支持','URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.'=>'可以使用查询字符串访问一个或多个项目的 URL。','Publicly Queryable'=>'可公开查询','Custom slug for the Archive URL.'=>'存档 URL 的自定义 slug。','Archive Slug'=>'归档 Slug','Has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.'=>'拥有一个项目存档,可以使用主题中的存档模板文件进行自定义。','Archive'=>'归档','Pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.'=>'对项目 URL(例如归档)的分页支持。','Pagination'=>'分页','RSS feed URL for the post type items.'=>'文章类型项目的 RSS 源 URL。','Feed URL'=>'Feed 网址','Alters the permalink structure to add the `WP_Rewrite::$front` prefix to URLs.'=>'更改永久链接结构以将 `WP_Rewrite::$front` 前缀添加到 URL。','Front URL Prefix'=>'前面的 URL 前缀','Customize the slug used in the URL.'=>'自定义 URL 中使用的 slug。','URL Slug'=>'URL Slug','Permalinks for this post type are disabled.'=>'此文章类型的永久链接已禁用。','Rewrite the URL using a custom slug defined in the input below. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用下面输入中定义的自定义 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','No Permalink (prevent URL rewriting)'=>'无固定链接(防止 URL 重写)','Custom Permalink'=>'自定义固定链接','Post Type Key'=>'文章类型键','Rewrite the URL using the post type key as the slug. Your permalink structure will be'=>'使用文章类型键作为 slug 重写 URL。您的永久链接结构将是','Permalink Rewrite'=>'永久链接重写','Delete items by a user when that user is deleted.'=>'删除用户后,删除该用户的项目。','Delete With User'=>'与用户一起删除','Allow the post type to be exported from \'Tools\' > \'Export\'.'=>'允许从“工具”>“导出”导出文章类型。','Can Export'=>'可以导出','Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.'=>'可以选择提供要在功能中使用的复数。','Plural Capability Name'=>'复数能力名称','Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.'=>'选择另一个文章类型以基于此文章类型的功能。','Singular Capability Name'=>'单一能力名称','By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the \'Post\' capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.'=>'默认情况下,文章类型的功能将继承“文章”功能名称,例如。编辑帖子、删除帖子。允许使用文章类型特定的功能,例如。编辑_{单数},删除_{复数}。','Rename Capabilities'=>'重命名功能','Exclude From Search'=>'从搜索中排除','Allow items to be added to menus in the \'Appearance\' > \'Menus\' screen. Must be turned on in \'Screen options\'.'=>'允许将项目添加到“外观”>“菜单”屏幕中的菜单。必须在“屏幕选项”中打开。','Appearance Menus Support'=>'外观菜单支持','Appears as an item in the \'New\' menu in the admin bar.'=>'显示为管理栏中“新建”菜单中的一个项目。','Show In Admin Bar'=>'在管理栏中显示','A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.'=>'为编辑屏幕设置元框时要调用的 PHP 函数名称。','Custom Meta Box Callback'=>'自定义 Meta Box 回调','Menu Icon'=>'菜单图标','The position in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.'=>'管理仪表板侧边栏菜单中的位置。','Menu Position'=>'菜单位置','By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.'=>'默认情况下,文章类型将在管理菜单中获得一个新的顶级项目。如果此处提供了现有的顶级项目,则文章类型将作为其下的子菜单项添加。','Admin Menu Parent'=>'管理菜单父级','The icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or %s to use for the icon.'=>'用于管理仪表板中的文章类型菜单项的图标。可以是用于图标的 URL 或 %s。','Dashicon class name'=>'Dashicon 类名','Admin editor navigation in the sidebar menu.'=>'侧边栏菜单中的管理编辑器导航。','Show In Admin Menu'=>'在管理菜单中显示','Items can be edited and managed in the admin dashboard.'=>'可以在管理仪表板中编辑和管理项目。','Show In UI'=>'在用户界面中显示','A link to a post.'=>'文章的链接。','Description for a navigation link block variation.'=>'导航链接块变体的描述。','Item Link Description'=>'项目链接说明','A link to a %s.'=>'%s 的链接','Post Link'=>'文章链接','Title for a navigation link block variation.'=>'导航链接块变体的标题。','Item Link'=>'项目链接','%s Link'=>'%s 链接','Post updated.'=>'文章已更新。','In the editor notice after an item is updated.'=>'项目更新后在编辑器通知中。','Item Updated'=>'项目已更新。','%s updated.'=>'%s 已更新。','Post scheduled.'=>'文章已计划。','In the editor notice after scheduling an item.'=>'在安排项目后的编辑器通知中。','Item Scheduled'=>'项目已计划','%s scheduled.'=>'%s 已计划。','Post reverted to draft.'=>'文章已恢复为草稿。','In the editor notice after reverting an item to draft.'=>'将项目恢复为草稿后在编辑器通知中。','Item Reverted To Draft'=>'项目恢复为草稿','%s reverted to draft.'=>'%s 已恢复为草稿。','Post published privately.'=>'文章已私密发布。','In the editor notice after publishing a private item.'=>'在编辑发布私密项目后的通知中。','Item Published Privately'=>'私密项目已发布。','%s published privately.'=>'%s 已私密发布','Post published.'=>'文章已发布。','In the editor notice after publishing an item.'=>'在编辑发布项目后的通知中。','Item Published'=>'项目已发布','%s published.'=>'%s 已发布。','Posts list'=>'文章列表','Used by screen readers for the items list on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的项目列表。','Items List'=>'项目列表','%s list'=>'%s 列表','Posts list navigation'=>'文章列表导航','Used by screen readers for the filter list pagination on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的过滤器列表分页。','Items List Navigation'=>'项目列表导航','%s list navigation'=>'%s 列表导航','Filter posts by date'=>'按日期过滤文章','Used by screen readers for the filter by date heading on the post type list screen.'=>'屏幕阅读器用于按文章类型列表屏幕上的日期标题进行过滤。','Filter Items By Date'=>'按日期过滤项目','Filter %s by date'=>'按日期过滤 %s','Filter posts list'=>'筛选文章列表','Used by screen readers for the filter links heading on the post type list screen.'=>'由屏幕阅读器用于文章类型列表屏幕上的过滤器链接标题。','Filter Items List'=>'筛选项目列表','Filter %s list'=>'筛选 %s 列表','In the media modal showing all media uploaded to this item.'=>'在媒体模式中显示上传到此项目的所有媒体。','Uploaded To This Item'=>'已上传至此项目','Uploaded to this %s'=>'已上传至此 %s','Insert into post'=>'插入至文章','As the button label when adding media to content.'=>'作为向内容添加媒体时的按钮标签。','Insert Into Media Button'=>'插入到媒体按钮','Insert into %s'=>'插入至 %s','Use as featured image'=>'用作特色图像','As the button label for selecting to use an image as the featured image.'=>'作为选择使用图像作为特色图像的按钮标签。','Use Featured Image'=>'使用特色图像','Remove featured image'=>'移除特色图片','As the button label when removing the featured image.'=>'作为删除特色图像时的按钮标签。','Remove Featured Image'=>'移除特色图片','Set featured image'=>'设置特色图像','As the button label when setting the featured image.'=>'作为设置特色图片时的按钮标签。','Set Featured Image'=>'设置特色图像','Featured image'=>'特色图像','In the editor used for the title of the featured image meta box.'=>'在编辑器中用于特色图像 meta box 的标题。','Featured Image Meta Box'=>'特色图像 Meta Box','Post Attributes'=>'文章属性','In the editor used for the title of the post attributes meta box.'=>'在编辑器中用于文章属性 Meta Box 的标题。','Attributes Meta Box'=>'属性 Meta Box','%s Attributes'=>'%s 属性','Post Archives'=>'文章归档','Adds \'Post Type Archive\' items with this label to the list of posts shown when adding items to an existing menu in a CPT with archives enabled. Only appears when editing menus in \'Live Preview\' mode and a custom archive slug has been provided.'=>'将带有此标签的“文章类型存档”项目添加到在启用存档的情况下将项目添加到 CPT 中的现有菜单时显示的文章列表。仅当在“实时预览”模式下编辑菜单并且提供了自定义存档段时才会出现。','Archives Nav Menu'=>'归档导航菜单','%s Archives'=>'%s 归档','No posts found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到文章','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts in the trash.'=>'当回收站中没有文章时,位于文章类型列表屏幕的顶部。','No Items Found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到项目','No %s found in Trash'=>'在回收站中未找到 %s','No posts found'=>'未找到文章','At the top of the post type list screen when there are no posts to display.'=>'当没有可显示的帖子时,位于文章类型列表屏幕的顶部。','No Items Found'=>'未找到项目。','No %s found'=>'未找到 %s','Search Posts'=>'搜索文章','At the top of the items screen when searching for an item.'=>'搜索项目时位于项目屏幕的顶部。','Search Items'=>'搜索项目','Search %s'=>'搜索 %s','Parent Page:'=>'父页:','For hierarchical types in the post type list screen.'=>'对于文章类型列表屏幕中的分层类型。','Parent Item Prefix'=>'父项前缀','Parent %s:'=>'父级 %s:','New Post'=>'新文章','New Item'=>'新项目','New %s'=>'新 %s','Add New Post'=>'新增文章','At the top of the editor screen when adding a new item.'=>'添加新项目时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','Add New Item'=>'新增项目','Add New %s'=>'新增 %s','View Posts'=>'查看文章','Appears in the admin bar in the \'All Posts\' view, provided the post type supports archives and the home page is not an archive of that post type.'=>'显示在管理栏中的“所有文章”视图中,前提是文章类型支持存档并且主页不是该文章类型的存档。','View Items'=>'查看项目','View Post'=>'查看文章','In the admin bar to view item when editing it.'=>'在管理栏中编辑项目时可以查看项目。','View Item'=>'查看项目','View %s'=>'查看 %s','Edit Post'=>'编辑文章','At the top of the editor screen when editing an item.'=>'编辑项目时位于编辑器屏幕的顶部。','Edit Item'=>'编辑项目','Edit %s'=>'编辑 %s','All Posts'=>'所有文章','In the post type submenu in the admin dashboard.'=>'在管理仪表板的文章类型子菜单中。','All Items'=>'所有项目','All %s'=>'所有 %s','Admin menu name for the post type.'=>'文章类型的管理菜单名称。','Menu Name'=>'菜单名称','Regenerate all labels using the Singular and Plural labels'=>'使用单数和复数标签重新生成所有标签','Regenerate'=>'重新生成','Active post types are enabled and registered with WordPress.'=>'活动文章类型已在 WordPress 中启用并注册。','A descriptive summary of the post type.'=>'文章类型的描述性摘要。','Add Custom'=>'添加自定义','Enable various features in the content editor.'=>'启用内容编辑器中的各种功能。','Post Formats'=>'文章格式','Editor'=>'编辑','Trackbacks'=>'引用通告','Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type.'=>'选择现有分类法对文章类型的项目进行分类。','Browse Fields'=>'浏览字段','Nothing to import'=>'没有什么可导入的','. The Custom Post Type UI plugin can be deactivated.'=>'可以停用自定义文章类型 UI 插件。','Imported %d item from Custom Post Type UI -'=>'已从自定义文章类型 UI 导入 %d 项 -','Failed to import taxonomies.'=>'导入分类法失败。','Failed to import post types.'=>'导入文章类型失败。','Nothing from Custom Post Type UI plugin selected for import.'=>'自定义文章类型 UI 插件中没有选择导入。','Imported 1 item'=>'已导入 %s 个项目','Importing a Post Type or Taxonomy with the same key as one that already exists will overwrite the settings for the existing Post Type or Taxonomy with those of the import.'=>'导入与现有文章类型或分类法具有相同键的文章类型或分类法将会用导入的设置覆盖现有文章类型或分类法的设置。','Import from Custom Post Type UI'=>'从自定义文章类型 UI 导入','The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the following code to your theme\'s functions.php file or include it within an external file, then deactivate or delete the items from the ACF admin.'=>'以下代码可用于注册所选项目的本地版本。在本地存储字段组、帖子类型或分类法可以提供许多好处,例如更快的加载时间、版本控制和动态字段/设置。只需将以下代码复制并粘贴到主题的functions.php 文件中或将其包含在外部文件中,然后从ACF 管理中停用或删除这些项目。','Export - Generate PHP'=>'导出 - 生成 PHP','Export'=>'导出','Select Taxonomies'=>'选择分类法','Select Post Types'=>'选择文章类型','Exported 1 item.'=>'已导出 %s 个项目。','Category'=>'分类','Tag'=>'标签','%s taxonomy created'=>'%s 分类法已创建','%s taxonomy updated'=>'%s 分类法已更新','Taxonomy draft updated.'=>'分类法草稿已更新。','Taxonomy scheduled for.'=>'分类法已计划。','Taxonomy submitted.'=>'已提交分类法。','Taxonomy saved.'=>'分类法已保存。','Taxonomy deleted.'=>'分类法已删除。','Taxonomy updated.'=>'分类法已更新。','This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another taxonomy registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此分类法,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个分类法使用。','Taxonomy synchronized.'=>'%s 分类法已同步。','Taxonomy duplicated.'=>'%s 分类法已复制。','Taxonomy deactivated.'=>'%s 分类法已停用。','Taxonomy activated.'=>'%s 分类法已激活。','Terms'=>'分类项','Post type synchronized.'=>'%s 个文章类型已同步。','Post type duplicated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已复制。','Post type deactivated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已停用。','Post type activated.'=>'%s 个文章类型已激活。','Post Types'=>'文章类型','Advanced Settings'=>'高级设置','Basic Settings'=>'基本设置','This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another post type registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此帖子类型,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个帖子类型使用。','Pages'=>'页面','Link Existing Field Groups'=>'链接现有字段组','%s post type created'=>'%s 文章类型已创建','Add fields to %s'=>'将字段添加到 %s','%s post type updated'=>'%s 文章类型已更新','Post type draft updated.'=>'文章类型草稿已更新。','Post type scheduled for.'=>'已计划文章类型。','Post type submitted.'=>'已提交文章类型。','Post type saved.'=>'文章类型已保存。','Post type updated.'=>'文章类型已更新。','Post type deleted.'=>'文章类型已删除。','Type to search...'=>'输入以搜索……','PRO Only'=>'仅限专业版','Field groups linked successfully.'=>'字段组链接成功。','Import Post Types and Taxonomies registered with Custom Post Type UI and manage them with ACF. Get Started.'=>'导入使用自定义帖子类型 UI 注册的帖子类型和分类法并使用 ACF 进行管理。 开始使用。','ACF'=>'ACF','taxonomy'=>'分类法','post type'=>'文章类型','Done'=>'完成','Field Group(s)'=>'字段组','Select one or many field groups...'=>'选择一个或多个字段组...','Please select the field groups to link.'=>'请选择要链接的字段组。','Field group linked successfully.'=>'字段组链接成功。','post statusRegistration Failed'=>'注册失败','This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item registered by another plugin or theme.'=>'无法注册此项目,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个项目使用。','REST API'=>'REST API','Permissions'=>'权限','URLs'=>'网址','Visibility'=>'可见性','Labels'=>'标签','Field Settings Tabs'=>'字段设置选项卡','https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields'=>'https://wpengine.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=plugin_directory&utm_content=advanced_custom_fields','[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]'=>'[预览时禁用 ACF 短代码值]','Close Modal'=>'关闭模态框','Field moved to other group'=>'字段移至其他组','Close modal'=>'关闭模态框','Start a new group of tabs at this tab.'=>'在此选项卡上启动一组新选项卡。','New Tab Group'=>'新标签组','Use a stylized checkbox using select2'=>'使用 select2 使用程式化复选框','Save Other Choice'=>'保存其他选择','Allow Other Choice'=>'允许其他选择','Add Toggle All'=>'添加 全部切换','Save Custom Values'=>'保存自定义值','Allow Custom Values'=>'允许自定义值','Checkbox custom values cannot be empty. Uncheck any empty values.'=>'复选框自定义值不能为空。取消选中任何空值。','Updates'=>'更新','Advanced Custom Fields logo'=>'高级自定义字段 LOGO','Save Changes'=>'保存更改','Field Group Title'=>'字段组标题','Add title'=>'添加标题','New to ACF? Take a look at our getting started guide.'=>'ACF 新手?请查看我们的入门指南。','Add Field Group'=>'添加字段组','ACF uses field groups to group custom fields together, and then attach those fields to edit screens.'=>'ACF 使用字段组将自定义字段分组在一起,然后将这些字段附加到编辑屏幕。','Add Your First Field Group'=>'添加您的第一个字段组','Options Pages'=>'选项页','ACF Blocks'=>'ACF 块','Gallery Field'=>'画廊字段','Flexible Content Field'=>'弹性内容字段','Repeater Field'=>'循环字段','Unlock Extra Features with ACF PRO'=>'使用 ACF PRO 解锁额外功能','Delete Field Group'=>'删除字段组','Created on %1$s at %2$s'=>'于 %1$s 在 %2$s 创建','Group Settings'=>'群组设置','Location Rules'=>'定位规则','Choose from over 30 field types. Learn more.'=>'从30多种字段类型中进行选择了解更多信息。','Get started creating new custom fields for your posts, pages, custom post types and other WordPress content.'=>'开始为您的文章、页面、自定义帖子类型和其他WordPress内容创建新的自定义字段。','Add Your First Field'=>'添加您的第一个字段','#'=>'#','Add Field'=>'添加字段','Presentation'=>'展示','Validation'=>'验证','General'=>'常规','Import JSON'=>'导入 JSON','Export As JSON'=>'导出为 JSON','Field group deactivated.'=>'%s 字段组已停用。','Field group activated.'=>'%s 个字段组已激活。','Deactivate'=>'停用','Deactivate this item'=>'停用此项目','Activate'=>'激活','Activate this item'=>'激活此项目','Move field group to trash?'=>'将字段组移至回收站?','post statusInactive'=>'停用','WP Engine'=>'WP Engine','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO.'=>'高级自定义字段和高级自定义字段 PRO 不应同时处于活动状态。我们已自动停用高级自定义字段 PRO。','Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active at the same time. We\'ve automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields.'=>'高级自定义字段和高级自定义字段 PRO 不应同时处于活动状态。我们已自动停用高级自定义字段。','%1$s - We\'ve detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can result in malformed or missing data. Learn how to fix this.'=>'%1$s - 我们检测到在 ACF 初始化之前检索 ACF 字段值的一次或多次调用。不支持此操作,并且可能会导致数据格式错误或丢失。 了解如何解决此问题。','%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role.'=>'%1$s 必须拥有具有以下角色之一的用户:%2$s','%1$s must have a valid user ID.'=>'%1$s 必须具有有效的用户 ID。','Invalid request.'=>'无效的请求。','%1$s is not one of %2$s'=>'%1$s 不是 %2$s 之一。','%1$s must have term %2$s.'=>'%1$s 必须具有以下分类项之一:%2$s','%1$s must be of post type %2$s.'=>'%1$s 必须属于以下文章类型之一:%2$s','%1$s must have a valid post ID.'=>'%1$s 必须具有有效的文章 ID。','%s requires a valid attachment ID.'=>'%s 需要有效的附件 ID。','Show in REST API'=>'在 REST API 中显示','Enable Transparency'=>'启用透明度','RGBA Array'=>'RGBA 数组','RGBA String'=>'RGBA 字符串','Hex String'=>'十六进制字符串','Upgrade to PRO'=>'升级到专业版','post statusActive'=>'启用','\'%s\' is not a valid email address'=>'“%s”不是有效的电子邮件地址','Color value'=>'颜色值','Select default color'=>'选择默认颜色','Clear color'=>'清除颜色','Blocks'=>'区块','Options'=>'选项','Users'=>'用户','Menu items'=>'菜单项','Widgets'=>'小工具','Attachments'=>'附件','Taxonomies'=>'分类法','Posts'=>'文章','Last updated: %s'=>'最后更新:%s','Sorry, this post is unavailable for diff comparison.'=>'抱歉,这篇文章无法进行差异比较。','Invalid field group parameter(s).'=>'无效的字段组参数。','Awaiting save'=>'等待保存','Saved'=>'已保存','Import'=>'导入','Review changes'=>'查看变更','Located in: %s'=>'位于:%s','Located in plugin: %s'=>'位于插件中:%s','Located in theme: %s'=>'位于主题中:%s','Various'=>'各种各样的','Sync changes'=>'同步更改','Loading diff'=>'加载差异','Review local JSON changes'=>'查看本地JSON更改','Visit website'=>'访问网站','View details'=>'查看详情','Version %s'=>'版本 %s','Information'=>'信息','Help Desk. The support professionals on our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges.'=>'服务台。我们服务台上的支持专业人员将协助您解决更深入的技术难题。','Discussions. We have an active and friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you figure out the \'how-tos\' of the ACF world.'=>'讨论。我们的社区论坛上有一个活跃且友好的社区,他们也许能够帮助您了解 ACF 世界的“操作方法”。','Documentation. Our extensive documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may encounter.'=>'文档。我们详尽的文档包含您可能遇到的大多数情况的参考和指南。','We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places you can find help:'=>'我们热衷于支持,并希望您通过ACF充分利用自己的网站。如果遇到任何困难,可以在几个地方找到帮助:','Help & Support'=>'帮助和支持','Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself requiring assistance.'=>'如果您需要帮助,请使用“帮助和支持”选项卡进行联系。','Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our Getting started guide to familiarize yourself with the plugin\'s philosophy and best practises.'=>'在创建您的第一个字段组之前,我们建议您先阅读入门指南,以熟悉插件的原理和最佳实践。','The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to display custom field values in any theme template file.'=>'Advanced Custom Fields 插件提供了一个可视化的表单生成器,用于自定义带有额外字段的WordPress编辑屏幕,以及一个直观的API,用于在任何主题模板文件中显示自定义字段的值。','Overview'=>'概述','Location type "%s" is already registered.'=>'位置类型“%s”已被注册。','Class "%s" does not exist.'=>'Class“%s”不存在。','Invalid nonce.'=>'无效的随机数。','Error loading field.'=>'加载字段时出错。','Location not found: %s'=>'找不到位置:%s','Error: %s'=>'错误:%s','Widget'=>'小工具','User Role'=>'用户角色','Comment'=>'评论','Post Format'=>'文章格式','Menu Item'=>'菜单项','Post Status'=>'文章状态','Menus'=>'菜单','Menu Locations'=>'菜单位置','Menu'=>'菜单','Post Taxonomy'=>'文章分类法','Child Page (has parent)'=>'子页面(有父页面)','Parent Page (has children)'=>'父页面(有子页)','Top Level Page (no parent)'=>'顶级页面 (无父页面)','Posts Page'=>'文章页','Front Page'=>'首页','Page Type'=>'页面类型','Viewing back end'=>'查看后端','Viewing front end'=>'查看前端','Logged in'=>'登录','Current User'=>'当前用户','Page Template'=>'页面模板','Register'=>'注册','Add / Edit'=>'添加 / 编辑','User Form'=>'用户表单','Page Parent'=>'父级页面','Super Admin'=>'超级管理员','Current User Role'=>'当前用户角色','Default Template'=>'默认模板','Post Template'=>'文章模板','Post Category'=>'文章类别','All %s formats'=>'所有 %s 格式','Attachment'=>'附件','%s value is required'=>'%s 的值是必填项','Show this field if'=>'显示此字段的条件','Conditional Logic'=>'条件逻辑','and'=>'与','Local JSON'=>'本地 JSON','Clone Field'=>'克隆字段','Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version.'=>'还请检查所有高级扩展(%s)是否已更新到最新版本。','This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade.'=>'此版本包含对数据库的改进,需要升级。','Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!'=>'感谢您更新到 %1$s v%2$s!','Database Upgrade Required'=>'需要升级数据库','Options Page'=>'选项页面','Gallery'=>'画廊','Flexible Content'=>'弹性内容','Repeater'=>'循环','Back to all tools'=>'返回所有工具','If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group\'s options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)'=>'如果多个字段组同时出现在编辑界面,会使用第一个字段组里的选项(就是序号最小的那个字段组)','Select items to hide them from the edit screen.'=>'选择需要在编辑界面隐藏的条目。','Hide on screen'=>'隐藏元素','Send Trackbacks'=>'发送 Trackbacks','Tags'=>'标签','Categories'=>'类别','Page Attributes'=>'页面属性','Format'=>'格式','Author'=>'作者','Slug'=>'别名','Revisions'=>'修订','Comments'=>'评论','Discussion'=>'讨论','Excerpt'=>'摘要','Content Editor'=>'内容编辑器','Permalink'=>'固定链接','Shown in field group list'=>'在字段组列表中显示','Field groups with a lower order will appear first'=>'序号小的字段组会排在最前面','Order No.'=>'序号','Below fields'=>'字段之下','Below labels'=>'标签之下','Instruction Placement'=>'说明位置','Label Placement'=>'标签位置','Side'=>'边栏','Normal (after content)'=>'正常(内容之后)','High (after title)'=>'高(标题之后)','Position'=>'位置','Seamless (no metabox)'=>'无缝(无 metabox)','Standard (WP metabox)'=>'标准(WP Metabox)','Style'=>'样式','Type'=>'类型','Key'=>'密钥','Order'=>'序号','Close Field'=>'关闭字段','id'=>'id','class'=>'class','width'=>'宽度','Wrapper Attributes'=>'包装属性','Required'=>'必填','Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data'=>'显示给内容作者的说明文字,在提交数据时显示','Instructions'=>'说明','Field Type'=>'字段类型','Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed'=>'单个字符串,不能有空格,允许下划线和破折号。','Field Name'=>'字段名称','This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page'=>'在编辑界面显示的名字','Field Label'=>'字段标签','Delete'=>'删除','Delete field'=>'删除字段','Move'=>'移动','Move field to another group'=>'把字段移动到其它群组','Duplicate field'=>'复制字段','Edit field'=>'编辑字段','Drag to reorder'=>'拖拽排序','Show this field group if'=>'显示此字段组的条件','No updates available.'=>'没有可用更新。','Database upgrade complete. See what\'s new'=>'数据库升级完成。查看新的部分 。','Reading upgrade tasks...'=>'阅读更新任务...','Upgrade failed.'=>'升级失败。','Upgrade complete.'=>'升级完成。','Upgrading data to version %s'=>'升级数据到 %s 版本','It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?'=>'升级前最好先备份一下。确定现在升级吗?','Please select at least one site to upgrade.'=>'请选择至少一个要升级的站点。','Database Upgrade complete. Return to network dashboard'=>'数据库升级完成,返回网络面板','Site is up to date'=>'网站已是最新版','Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s'=>'站点需要将数据库从 %1$s 升级到 %2$s','Site'=>'网站','Upgrade Sites'=>'升级站点','The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click %s.'=>'下面的网站需要升级数据库,点击 %s 。','Add rule group'=>'添加规则组','Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields'=>'创建一组规则以确定自定义字段在哪个编辑界面上显示','Rules'=>'规则','Copied'=>'复制','Copy to clipboard'=>'复制到剪贴板','Select the items you would like to export and then select your export method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Generate PHP to export to PHP code which you can place in your theme.'=>'选择您要导出的项目,然后选择导出方法。导出为 JSON 以导出到 .json 文件,然后可以将其导入到另一个 ACF 安装中。生成 PHP 以导出到 PHP 代码,您可以将其放置在主题中。','Select Field Groups'=>'选择字段组','No field groups selected'=>'没选择字段组','Generate PHP'=>'生成 PHP','Export Field Groups'=>'导出字段组','Import file empty'=>'导入的文件是空白的','Incorrect file type'=>'文本类型不对','Error uploading file. Please try again'=>'文件上传失败,请重试','Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will import the items in that file.'=>'选择您要导入的高级自定义字段 JSON 文件。当您单击下面的导入按钮时,ACF 将导入该文件中的项目。','Import Field Groups'=>'导入字段组','Sync'=>'同步','Select %s'=>'选择 %s','Duplicate'=>'复制','Duplicate this item'=>'复制此项','Supports'=>'支持','Documentation'=>'文档','Description'=>'描述','Sync available'=>'有可用同步','Field group synchronized.'=>'%s 个字段组已同步。','Field group duplicated.'=>'%s已复制字段组。','Active (%s)'=>'启用 (%s)','Review sites & upgrade'=>'检查网站并升级','Upgrade Database'=>'升级数据库','Custom Fields'=>'字段','Move Field'=>'移动字段','Please select the destination for this field'=>'请选择这个字段的位置','The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group'=>'现在可以在 %2$s 字段组中找到 %1$s 字段','Move Complete.'=>'移动完成。','Active'=>'激活','Field Keys'=>'字段 Keys','Settings'=>'设置','Location'=>'位置','Null'=>'Null','copy'=>'复制','(this field)'=>'(这个字段)','Checked'=>'已选中','Move Custom Field'=>'移动自定义字段','No toggle fields available'=>'没有可用的切换字段','Field group title is required'=>'字段组的标题是必填项','This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'=>'保存这个字段的修改以后才能移动这个字段','The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'=>'"field_" 这个字符串不能作为字段名字的开始部分','Field group draft updated.'=>'字段组草稿已更新。','Field group scheduled for.'=>'字段组已定时。','Field group submitted.'=>'字段组已提交。','Field group saved.'=>'字段组已保存。','Field group published.'=>'字段组已发布。','Field group deleted.'=>'字段组已删除。','Field group updated.'=>'字段组已更新。','Tools'=>'工具','is not equal to'=>'不等于','is equal to'=>'等于','Forms'=>'表单','Page'=>'页面','Post'=>'文章','Relational'=>'关系','Choice'=>'选项','Basic'=>'基本','Unknown'=>'未知','Field type does not exist'=>'字段类型不存在','Spam Detected'=>'检测到垃圾邮件','Post updated'=>'文章已更新','Update'=>'更新','Validate Email'=>'验证邮箱','Content'=>'内容','Title'=>'标题','Edit field group'=>'编辑字段组','Selection is less than'=>'选择小于','Selection is greater than'=>'选择大于','Value is less than'=>'值小于','Value is greater than'=>'值大于','Value contains'=>'值包含','Value matches pattern'=>'值匹配模式','Value is not equal to'=>'值不等于','Value is equal to'=>'值等于','Has no value'=>'没有价值','Has any value'=>'有任何价值','Cancel'=>'退出','Are you sure?'=>'确定吗?','%d fields require attention'=>'%d 个字段需要注意','1 field requires attention'=>'1 个字段需要注意','Validation failed'=>'验证失败','Validation successful'=>'验证成功','Restricted'=>'限制','Collapse Details'=>'折叠','Expand Details'=>'展开','Uploaded to this post'=>'上传到这个文章','verbUpdate'=>'更新','verbEdit'=>'编辑','The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page'=>'如果浏览其它页面,会丢失当前所做的修改','File type must be %s.'=>'字段类型必须是 %s。','or'=>'或','File size must not exceed %s.'=>'文件尺寸最大不能超过 %s。','File size must be at least %s.'=>'文件尺寸至少得是 %s。','Image height must not exceed %dpx.'=>'图像高度最大不能超过 %dpx。','Image height must be at least %dpx.'=>'图像高度至少得是 %dpx。','Image width must not exceed %dpx.'=>'图像宽度最大不能超过 %dpx。','Image width must be at least %dpx.'=>'图像宽度至少得是 %dpx。','(no title)'=>'(无标题)','Full Size'=>'原图','Large'=>'大','Medium'=>'中','Thumbnail'=>'缩略图','(no label)'=>'(无标签)','Sets the textarea height'=>'设置文本区域的高度','Rows'=>'行','Text Area'=>'文本区域','Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices'=>'添加一个可以全选的复选框','Save \'custom\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'将 "自定义" 值保存到字段的选择中','Allow \'custom\' values to be added'=>'允许添加 "自定义" 值','Add new choice'=>'添加新选项','Toggle All'=>'全选','Allow Archives URLs'=>'允许存档 url','Archives'=>'存档','Page Link'=>'页面链接','Add'=>'添加','Name'=>'名称','%s added'=>'%s 已添加','%s already exists'=>'%s 已存在','User unable to add new %s'=>'用户无法添加新的 %s','Term ID'=>'内容ID','Term Object'=>'对象缓存','Load value from posts terms'=>'从文章项目中加载值','Load Terms'=>'加载项目','Connect selected terms to the post'=>'连接所选项目到文章','Save Terms'=>'保存项目','Allow new terms to be created whilst editing'=>'在编辑时允许可以创建新的项目','Create Terms'=>'创建项目','Radio Buttons'=>'单选框','Single Value'=>'单个值','Multi Select'=>'多选','Checkbox'=>'复选框','Multiple Values'=>'多选','Select the appearance of this field'=>'为这个字段选择外观','Appearance'=>'外观','Select the taxonomy to be displayed'=>'选择要显示的分类法','No TermsNo %s'=>'无 %s','Value must be equal to or lower than %d'=>'值要小于等于 %d','Value must be equal to or higher than %d'=>'值要大于等于 %d','Value must be a number'=>'值必须是数字','Number'=>'数字','Save \'other\' values to the field\'s choices'=>'存档为字段的选择的 \'other\' 的值','Add \'other\' choice to allow for custom values'=>'为自定义值添加 \'other\' 选择','Other'=>'其他','Radio Button'=>'单选按钮','Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will not be visible.'=>'定义上一个手风琴停止的端点。此手风琴将不可见。','Allow this accordion to open without closing others.'=>'允许此手风琴打开而不关闭其他。','Multi-Expand'=>'多扩展','Display this accordion as open on page load.'=>'将此手风琴显示为在页面加载时打开。','Open'=>'打开','Accordion'=>'手风琴','Restrict which files can be uploaded'=>'限制什么类型的文件可以上传','File ID'=>'文件ID','File URL'=>'文件URL','File Array'=>'文件数组','Add File'=>'添加文件','No file selected'=>'没选择文件','File name'=>'文件名','Update File'=>'更新文件','Edit File'=>'编辑文件','Select File'=>'选择文件','File'=>'文件','Password'=>'密码','Specify the value returned'=>'指定返回的值','Use AJAX to lazy load choices?'=>'使用 AJAX 惰性选择?','Enter each default value on a new line'=>'每行输入一个默认值','verbSelect'=>'选择','Select2 JS load_failLoading failed'=>'加载失败','Select2 JS searchingSearching…'=>'搜索中…','Select2 JS load_moreLoading more results…'=>'载入更多结果…','Select2 JS selection_too_long_nYou can only select %d items'=>'只能选择 %d 项','Select2 JS selection_too_long_1You can only select 1 item'=>'您只能选择1项','Select2 JS input_too_long_nPlease delete %d characters'=>'请删除 %d 个字符','Select2 JS input_too_long_1Please delete 1 character'=>'请删除1个字符','Select2 JS input_too_short_nPlease enter %d or more characters'=>'请输入 %d 或者更多字符','Select2 JS input_too_short_1Please enter 1 or more characters'=>'请输入至少一个字符','Select2 JS matches_0No matches found'=>'找不到匹配项','Select2 JS matches_n%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'=>'%d 结果可用, 请使用向上和向下箭头键进行导航。','Select2 JS matches_1One result is available, press enter to select it.'=>'一个结果是可用的,按回车选择它。','nounSelect'=>'下拉选择','User ID'=>'用户 ID','User Object'=>'用户对象','User Array'=>'數組','All user roles'=>'所有用户角色','Filter by Role'=>'按角色过滤','User'=>'用户','Separator'=>'分隔线','Select Color'=>'选择颜色','Default'=>'默认','Clear'=>'清除','Color Picker'=>'颜色选择','Date Time Picker JS pmTextShortP'=>'P','Date Time Picker JS pmTextPM'=>'下午','Date Time Picker JS amTextShortA'=>'A','Date Time Picker JS amTextAM'=>'上午','Date Time Picker JS selectTextSelect'=>'选择','Date Time Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'已完成','Date Time Picker JS currentTextNow'=>'现在','Date Time Picker JS timezoneTextTime Zone'=>'时区','Date Time Picker JS microsecTextMicrosecond'=>'微秒','Date Time Picker JS millisecTextMillisecond'=>'毫秒','Date Time Picker JS secondTextSecond'=>'秒','Date Time Picker JS minuteTextMinute'=>'分钟','Date Time Picker JS hourTextHour'=>'小时','Date Time Picker JS timeTextTime'=>'时间','Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitleChoose Time'=>'选择时间','Date Time Picker'=>'日期时间选择器','Endpoint'=>'端点','Left aligned'=>'左对齐','Top aligned'=>'顶部对齐','Placement'=>'位置','Tab'=>'选项卡','Value must be a valid URL'=>'值必须是有效的地址','Link URL'=>'链接 URL','Link Array'=>'链接数组','Opens in a new window/tab'=>'在新窗口/选项卡中打开','Select Link'=>'选择链接','Link'=>'链接','Email'=>'电子邮件','Step Size'=>'步长','Maximum Value'=>'最大值','Minimum Value'=>'最小值','Range'=>'范围(滑块)','Both (Array)'=>'两个 (阵列)','Label'=>'标签','Value'=>'值','Vertical'=>'垂直','Horizontal'=>'水平','red : Red'=>'red : Red','For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:'=>'如果需要更多控制,您按照一下格式,定义一个值和标签对:','Enter each choice on a new line.'=>'输入选项,每行一个。','Choices'=>'选项','Button Group'=>'按钮组','Allow Null'=>'允许空值','Parent'=>'父级','TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked'=>'TinyMCE 在栏位没有点击之前不会初始化','Delay Initialization'=>'延迟初始化','Show Media Upload Buttons'=>'显示媒体上传按钮','Toolbar'=>'工具条','Text Only'=>'纯文本','Visual Only'=>'只有显示','Visual & Text'=>'显示与文本','Tabs'=>'标签','Click to initialize TinyMCE'=>'点击初始化 TinyMCE 编辑器','Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)Text'=>'文本','Visual'=>'显示','Value must not exceed %d characters'=>'值不得超过%d个字符','Leave blank for no limit'=>'留空则不限制','Character Limit'=>'字符限制','Appears after the input'=>'在 input 后面显示','Append'=>'追加','Appears before the input'=>'在 input 前面显示','Prepend'=>'前置','Appears within the input'=>'在 input 内部显示','Placeholder Text'=>'占位符文本','Appears when creating a new post'=>'创建新文章的时候显示','Text'=>'文本','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%1$s 至少需要 %2$s 个选择','Post ID'=>'文章 ID','Post Object'=>'文章对象','Maximum Posts'=>'最大文章数','Minimum Posts'=>'最小文章数','Featured Image'=>'特色图像','Selected elements will be displayed in each result'=>'选择的元素将在每个结果中显示','Elements'=>'元素','Taxonomy'=>'分类法','Post Type'=>'文章类型','Filters'=>'过滤器','All taxonomies'=>'所有分类法','Filter by Taxonomy'=>'按分类筛选','All post types'=>'所有文章类型','Filter by Post Type'=>'按文章类型筛选','Search...'=>'搜索...','Select taxonomy'=>'选择分类','Select post type'=>'选择文章类型','No matches found'=>'找不到匹配项','Loading'=>'加载','Maximum values reached ( {max} values )'=>'达到了最大值 ( {max} 值 )','Relationship'=>'关系','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'用英文逗号分隔开,留空则为全部类型','Allowed File Types'=>'允许的文件类型','Maximum'=>'最大','File size'=>'文件尺寸','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'限制可以上传的图像','Minimum'=>'最小','Uploaded to post'=>'上传到文章','All'=>'所有','Limit the media library choice'=>'限制媒体库的选择','Library'=>'库','Preview Size'=>'预览图大小','Image ID'=>'图像ID','Image URL'=>'图像 URL','Image Array'=>'图像数组','Specify the returned value on front end'=>'指定前端返回的值','Return Value'=>'返回值','Add Image'=>'添加图片','No image selected'=>'没有选择图片','Remove'=>'删除','Edit'=>'编辑','All images'=>'所有图片','Update Image'=>'更新图像','Edit Image'=>'编辑图片','Select Image'=>'选择图像','Image'=>'图像','Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering'=>'显示 HTML 文本,而不是渲染 HTML','Escape HTML'=>'转义 HTML','No Formatting'=>'无格式','Automatically add <br>'=>'自动添加 <br>','Automatically add paragraphs'=>'自动添加段落','Controls how new lines are rendered'=>'控制怎么显示新行','New Lines'=>'新行','Week Starts On'=>'每周开始于','The format used when saving a value'=>'保存值时使用的格式','Save Format'=>'保存格式','Date Picker JS weekHeaderWk'=>'周','Date Picker JS prevTextPrev'=>'上一页','Date Picker JS nextTextNext'=>'下一个','Date Picker JS currentTextToday'=>'今日','Date Picker JS closeTextDone'=>'完成','Date Picker'=>'日期选择','Width'=>'宽度','Embed Size'=>'嵌入尺寸','Enter URL'=>'输入 URL','oEmbed'=>'oEmbed(嵌入)','Text shown when inactive'=>'非激活时显示的文字','Off Text'=>'关闭文本','Text shown when active'=>'激活时显示的文本','On Text'=>'打开文本','Stylized UI'=>'风格化的用户界面','Default Value'=>'默认值','Displays text alongside the checkbox'=>'在复选框旁边显示文本','Message'=>'消息','No'=>'否','Yes'=>'是','True / False'=>'真 / 假 (开关)','Row'=>'行','Table'=>'表','Block'=>'区块','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'指定用于呈现所选字段的样式','Layout'=>'样式','Sub Fields'=>'子字段','Group'=>'分组','Customize the map height'=>'自定义地图高度','Height'=>'高度','Set the initial zoom level'=>'设置初始缩放级别','Zoom'=>'缩放','Center the initial map'=>'居中显示初始地图','Center'=>'居中','Search for address...'=>'搜索地址...','Find current location'=>'搜索当前位置','Clear location'=>'清除位置','Search'=>'搜索','Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'=>'抱歉,浏览器不支持定位','Google Map'=>'谷歌地图','The format returned via template functions'=>'通过模板函数返回的格式','Return Format'=>'返回格式','Custom:'=>'自定义:','The format displayed when editing a post'=>'编辑文章的时候显示的格式','Display Format'=>'显示格式','Time Picker'=>'时间选择','Inactive (%s)'=>'已停用 (%s)','No Fields found in Trash'=>'回收站里没有字段','No Fields found'=>'没找到字段','Search Fields'=>'搜索字段','View Field'=>'视图字段','New Field'=>'新字段','Edit Field'=>'编辑字段','Add New Field'=>'添加新字段','Field'=>'字段','Fields'=>'字段','No Field Groups found in Trash'=>'回收站中没有找到字段组','No Field Groups found'=>'没有找到字段组','Search Field Groups'=>'搜索字段组','View Field Group'=>'查看字段组','New Field Group'=>'新建字段组','Edit Field Group'=>'编辑字段组','Add New Field Group'=>'添加字段组','Add New'=>'新建','Field Group'=>'字段组','Field Groups'=>'字段组','Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.'=>'【高级自定义字段 ACF】使用强大、专业和直观的字段自定义WordPress。','https://www.advancedcustomfields.com'=>'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com','Advanced Custom Fields'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields 专业版','Options Updated'=>'选项已更新','Check Again'=>'重新检查','Publish'=>'发布','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'这个选项页上还没有自定义字段群组。创建自定义字段群组','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'错误,不能连接到更新服务器','Display'=>'显示','Add Row'=>'添加行','layout'=>'布局','layouts'=>'布局','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'这个字段需要至少 {min} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} 可用 (max {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} 需要 (min {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'灵活内容字段需要至少一个布局','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'点击下面的 "%s" 按钮创建布局','Add layout'=>'添加布局','Remove layout'=>'删除布局','Delete Layout'=>'删除布局','Duplicate Layout'=>'复制布局','Add New Layout'=>'添加新布局','Add Layout'=>'添加布局','Min'=>'最小','Max'=>'最大','Minimum Layouts'=>'最小布局','Maximum Layouts'=>'最大布局','Button Label'=>'按钮标签','Add Image to Gallery'=>'添加图片到相册','Maximum selection reached'=>'已到最大选择','Length'=>'长度','Caption'=>'标题','Add to gallery'=>'添加到相册','Bulk actions'=>'批量动作','Sort by date uploaded'=>'按上传日期排序','Sort by date modified'=>'按修改日期排序','Sort by title'=>'按标题排序','Reverse current order'=>'颠倒当前排序','Close'=>'关闭','Minimum Selection'=>'最小选择','Maximum Selection'=>'最大选择','Allowed file types'=>'允许的文字类型','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'已到最小行数 ({min} 行)','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'已到最大行数 ({max} 行)','Minimum Rows'=>'最小行数','Maximum Rows'=>'最大行数','Click to reorder'=>'拖拽排序','Add row'=>'添加行','Remove row'=>'删除行','First Page'=>'首页','Previous Page'=>'文章页','Next Page'=>'首页','Last Page'=>'文章页','No options pages exist'=>'还没有选项页面','Deactivate License'=>'关闭许可证','Activate License'=>'激活许可证','License Key'=>'许可证号','Update Information'=>'更新信息','Current Version'=>'当前版本','Latest Version'=>'最新版本','Update Available'=>'可用更新','Upgrade Notice'=>'更新通知','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'在上面输入许可证号解锁更新','Update Plugin'=>'更新插件']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.mo
index 94fbde27..d76d4c44 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.po
index fc0499eb..00068cb0 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_CN.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: gettext\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields\n"
+#: includes/Blocks/Bindings.php:35
+msgctxt "The core ACF block binding source name for fields on the current page"
+msgid "ACF Fields"
+msgstr "ACF 字段"
+#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
+msgid "Learn how to fix this"
+msgstr "了解如何解决此问题"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:14
+msgid "ACF PRO Feature"
+msgstr "ACF PRO 功能"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:10
+msgid "Renew PRO to Unlock"
+msgstr "续订 PRO 即可解锁"
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:8
+msgid "Renew PRO License"
+msgstr "更新 PRO 许可证"
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+msgid "PRO fields cannot be edited without an active license."
+msgstr "如果没有有效许可证,则无法编辑 PRO 字段。"
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:232
+msgid ""
+"Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit field groups assigned to an ACF "
+msgstr "请激活您的 ACF PRO 许可证以编辑分配给 ACF 块的字段组。"
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:231
+msgid "Please activate your ACF PRO license to edit this options page."
+msgstr "请激活您的 ACF PRO 许可证才能编辑此选项页面。"
#: includes/api/api-template.php:376 includes/api/api-template.php:430
msgid ""
"Returning escaped HTML values is only possible when format_value is also "
@@ -55,10 +90,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please contact your site administrator or developer for more details."
msgstr "请联系您的网站管理员或开发人员了解更多详细信息。"
-#: includes/admin/views/escaped-html-notice.php:5
-msgid "Learn more"
-msgstr "了解更多"
#: includes/admin/admin.php:63
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "隐藏详情"
@@ -121,10 +152,10 @@ msgstr "4个月免费"
#. translators: %s - A singular label for a post type or taxonomy.
#: includes/admin/views/global/form-top.php:56
-msgid " (Duplicated from %s)"
+msgid "(Duplicated from %s)"
msgstr " (复制自 %s)"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:283
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:289
msgid "Select Options Pages"
msgstr "选择选项页面"
@@ -157,8 +188,8 @@ msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "添加字段"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:117
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2756
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3242
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2782
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3272
msgid "This Field"
msgstr "这个字段"
@@ -181,7 +212,7 @@ msgid "is developed and maintained by"
msgstr "开发和维护者"
#. translators: %s - either "post type" or "taxonomy"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:310
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:313
msgid "Add this %s to the location rules of the selected field groups."
msgstr "将此 %s 添加到所选字段组的位置规则中。"
@@ -314,34 +345,34 @@ msgstr "使用 ACF PRO 解锁高级功能并构建更多功能"
msgid "%s fields"
msgstr "%s 字段"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:285
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:267
msgid "No terms"
msgstr "无分类项"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:258
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:240
msgid "No post types"
msgstr "无文章类型"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:282
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:264
msgid "No posts"
msgstr "无文章"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:256
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:238
msgid "No taxonomies"
msgstr "无分类"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:201
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:200
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:183
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:182
msgid "No field groups"
msgstr "无字段分组"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:272
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:255
msgid "No fields"
msgstr "无字段"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:145
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:165
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:164
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:147
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:146
msgid "No description"
msgstr "无描述"
@@ -737,37 +768,33 @@ msgstr "选择进行审核的帖子类型无效。"
msgid "More"
msgstr "更多"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:96
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "教程"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:75
-msgid "Available with ACF PRO"
-msgstr "适用于 ACF PRO"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:63
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:73
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "选择字段"
#. translators: %s: A link to the popular fields used in ACF
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:60
msgid "Try a different search term or browse %s"
msgstr "尝试不同的搜索词或浏览 %s"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:47
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:57
msgid "Popular fields"
msgstr "热门字段"
#. translators: %s: The invalid search term
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:40
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:50
msgid "No search results for '%s'"
msgstr "没有搜索到“%s”结果"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:13
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:23
msgid "Search fields..."
msgstr "搜索字段..."
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:11
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:21
msgid "Select Field Type"
msgstr "选择字段类型"
@@ -2306,7 +2333,7 @@ msgstr "引用通告"
msgid "Select existing taxonomies to classify items of the post type."
msgstr "选择现有分类法对文章类型的项目进行分类。"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:147
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
msgid "Browse Fields"
msgstr "浏览字段"
@@ -2355,7 +2382,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import from Custom Post Type UI"
msgstr "从自定义文章类型 UI 导入"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:349
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:354
msgid ""
"The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
"items. Storing field groups, post types, or taxonomies locally can provide "
@@ -2369,15 +2396,15 @@ msgstr ""
"并粘贴到主题的functions.php 文件中或将其包含在外部文件中,然后从ACF 管理中停"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:348
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:353
msgid "Export - Generate PHP"
msgstr "导出 - 生成 PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:325
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:330
msgid "Export"
msgstr "导出"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:261
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:264
msgid "Select Taxonomies"
msgstr "选择分类法"
@@ -2385,7 +2412,7 @@ msgstr "选择分类法"
msgid "Select Post Types"
msgstr "选择文章类型"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:160
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:155
msgid "Exported 1 item."
msgid_plural "Exported %s items."
msgstr[0] "已导出 %s 个项目。"
@@ -2436,7 +2463,7 @@ msgstr "分类法已删除。"
msgid "Taxonomy updated."
msgstr "分类法已更新。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:369
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:153
msgid ""
"This taxonomy could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
@@ -2445,59 +2472,59 @@ msgstr ""
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:333
msgid "Taxonomy synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s 分类法已同步。"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:344
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:326
msgid "Taxonomy duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s 分类法已复制。"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:337
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:319
msgid "Taxonomy deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s 分类法已停用。"
#. translators: %s number of taxonomies activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:330
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:312
msgid "Taxonomy activated."
msgid_plural "%s taxonomies activated."
msgstr[0] "%s 分类法已激活。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:131
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:113
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "分类项"
#. translators: %s number of post types synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:327
msgid "Post type synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s post types synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s 个文章类型已同步。"
#. translators: %s number of post types duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:338
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:320
msgid "Post type duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s post types duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s 个文章类型已复制。"
#. translators: %s number of post types deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:331
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:313
msgid "Post type deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s post types deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s 个文章类型已停用。"
#. translators: %s number of post types activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:324
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:306
msgid "Post type activated."
msgid_plural "%s post types activated."
msgstr[0] "%s 个文章类型已激活。"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:105
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:129
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:87
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:111
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:81
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/basic-settings.php:82
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:91
@@ -2515,7 +2542,7 @@ msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "基本设置"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:151
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:363
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:345
msgid ""
"This post type could not be registered because its key is in use by another "
"post type registered by another plugin or theme."
@@ -2528,7 +2555,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "页面"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:344
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:347
msgid "Link Existing Field Groups"
msgstr "链接现有字段组"
@@ -2572,16 +2599,16 @@ msgid "Post type deleted."
msgstr "文章类型已删除。"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:116
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1145
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1366
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1146
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1367
msgid "Type to search..."
msgstr "输入以搜索……"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:101
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1171
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2322
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1415
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2733
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1173
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2336
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1413
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2745
msgid "PRO Only"
msgstr "仅限专业版"
@@ -2604,73 +2631,73 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ACF"
msgstr "ACF"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "taxonomy"
msgstr "分类法"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:311
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:314
msgid "post type"
msgstr "文章类型"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:335
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:338
msgid "Done"
msgstr "完成"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:321
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:324
msgid "Field Group(s)"
msgstr "字段组"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:320
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:323
msgid "Select one or many field groups..."
msgstr "选择一个或多个字段组..."
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:319
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:322
msgid "Please select the field groups to link."
msgstr "请选择要链接的字段组。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:277
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:280
msgid "Field group linked successfully."
msgid_plural "Field groups linked successfully."
msgstr[0] "字段组链接成功。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:255
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:364
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:370
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:277
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:346
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:352
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Registration Failed"
msgstr "注册失败"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:254
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:276
msgid ""
"This item could not be registered because its key is in use by another item "
"registered by another plugin or theme."
msgstr "无法注册此项目,因为其密钥已被另一个插件或主题注册的另一个项目使用。"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:482
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:511
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:538
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:481
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:510
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:537
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:564
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "权限"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:480
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:509
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
msgid "URLs"
msgstr "网址"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:479
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:508
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506
#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:535
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:562
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "可见性"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:478
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:507
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:536
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:505
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:534
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:563
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "标签"
@@ -2691,14 +2718,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "[ACF shortcode value disabled for preview]"
msgstr "[预览时禁用 ACF 短代码值]"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:287
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:290
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:538
msgid "Close Modal"
msgstr "关闭模态框"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:92
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1673
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1999
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1688
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2016
msgid "Field moved to other group"
msgstr "字段移至其他组"
@@ -2876,8 +2903,8 @@ msgstr "展示"
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "验证"
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:477
-#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:506 includes/fields.php:389
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:504
+#: includes/acf-internal-post-type-functions.php:533 includes/fields.php:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "常规"
@@ -2885,47 +2912,47 @@ msgstr "常规"
msgid "Import JSON"
msgstr "导入 JSON"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:333
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:338
msgid "Export As JSON"
msgstr "导出为 JSON"
#. translators: %s number of field groups deactivated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:358
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:360
msgid "Field group deactivated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups deactivated."
msgstr[0] "%s 字段组已停用。"
#. translators: %s number of field groups activated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:351
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:353
msgid "Field group activated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups activated."
msgstr[0] "%s 个字段组已激活。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:472
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:494
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "停用"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:446
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
msgid "Deactivate this item"
msgstr "停用此项目"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:471
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:493
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "激活"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:442
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:464
msgid "Activate this item"
msgstr "激活此项目"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:88
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2815
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3319
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2841
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:3349
msgid "Move field group to trash?"
msgstr "将字段组移至回收站?"
-#: acf.php:483 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:242
+#: acf.php:490 includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:264
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:274
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:282
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomy.php:284
@@ -2938,7 +2965,7 @@ msgstr "停用"
msgid "WP Engine"
msgstr "WP Engine"
-#: acf.php:541
+#: acf.php:548
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
@@ -2946,7 +2973,7 @@ msgstr ""
"高级自定义字段和高级自定义字段 PRO 不应同时处于活动状态。我们已自动停用高级自"
"定义字段 PRO。"
-#: acf.php:539
+#: acf.php:546
msgid ""
"Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
"at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
@@ -3022,7 +3049,7 @@ msgstr "RGBA 字符串"
msgid "Hex String"
msgstr "十六进制字符串"
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:65
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:12
msgid "Upgrade to PRO"
msgstr "升级到专业版"
@@ -3074,8 +3101,8 @@ msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "附件"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:57
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:130
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:104
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:112
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:86
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:92
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/basic-settings.php:86
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:90
@@ -3085,7 +3112,7 @@ msgstr "分类法"
#: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:44
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-type.php:124
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:132
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:114
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:106
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:173
#: assets/build/js/acf-internal-post-type.js:247
@@ -3104,49 +3131,49 @@ msgstr "抱歉,这篇文章无法进行差异比较。"
msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
msgstr "无效的字段组参数。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:407
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:429
msgid "Awaiting save"
msgstr "等待保存"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:404
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:426
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "已保存"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:400
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:422
#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:48
msgid "Import"
msgstr "导入"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:396
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:418
msgid "Review changes"
msgstr "查看变更"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:372
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:394
msgid "Located in: %s"
msgstr "位于:%s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:369
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:391
msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
msgstr "位于插件中:%s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:366
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:388
msgid "Located in theme: %s"
msgstr "位于主题中:%s"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:252
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:235
msgid "Various"
msgstr "各种各样的"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:210
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:479
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:230
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:501
msgid "Sync changes"
msgstr "同步更改"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:209
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:229
msgid "Loading diff"
msgstr "加载差异"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:208
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:228
msgid "Review local JSON changes"
msgstr "查看本地JSON更改"
@@ -3400,7 +3427,7 @@ msgid "Show this field if"
msgstr "显示此字段的条件"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:25
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:111 includes/fields.php:392
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:122 includes/fields.php:392
msgid "Conditional Logic"
msgstr "条件逻辑"
@@ -3409,9 +3436,9 @@ msgstr "条件逻辑"
msgid "and"
msgstr "与"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:114
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:136
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:135
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:97
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:118
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:117
msgid "Local JSON"
msgstr "本地 JSON"
@@ -3601,9 +3628,9 @@ msgstr "样式"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "类型"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:108
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:129
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:128
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:91
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:111
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:110
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:54
msgid "Key"
msgstr "密钥"
@@ -3614,23 +3641,23 @@ msgstr "密钥"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "序号"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:310
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:321
msgid "Close Field"
msgstr "关闭字段"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:241
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:252
msgid "id"
msgstr "id"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:225
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:236
msgid "class"
msgstr "class"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:267
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:278
msgid "width"
msgstr "宽度"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:261
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:272
msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
msgstr "包装属性"
@@ -3638,68 +3665,68 @@ msgstr "包装属性"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "必填"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:209
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:220
msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
msgstr "显示给内容作者的说明文字,在提交数据时显示"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:208
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:219
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "说明"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:131
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:142
msgid "Field Type"
msgstr "字段类型"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:172
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:183
msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
msgstr "单个字符串,不能有空格,允许下划线和破折号。"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:171
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:182
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "字段名称"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:159
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:170
msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
msgstr "在编辑界面显示的名字"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:158
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:59
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:169
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:69
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr "字段标签"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:83
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:94
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "删除字段"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move"
msgstr "移动"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:81
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:92
msgid "Move field to another group"
msgstr "把字段移动到其它群组"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate field"
msgstr "复制字段"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:75
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:86
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
msgid "Edit field"
msgstr "编辑字段"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:71
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:82
msgid "Drag to reorder"
msgstr "拖拽排序"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:99
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2350
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2769
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2374
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2796
msgid "Show this field group if"
msgstr "显示此字段组的条件"
@@ -3793,15 +3820,15 @@ msgstr "创建一组规则以确定自定义字段在哪个编辑界面上显示
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "规则"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:444
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:449
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "复制"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:420
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:425
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "复制到剪贴板"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:326
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:331
msgid ""
"Select the items you would like to export and then select your export "
"method. Export As JSON to export to a .json file which you can then import "
@@ -3812,22 +3839,22 @@ msgstr ""
"以将其导入到另一个 ACF 安装中。生成 PHP 以导出到 PHP 代码,您可以将其放置在主"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:218
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:215
msgid "Select Field Groups"
msgstr "选择字段组"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:91
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:125
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:88
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:121
msgid "No field groups selected"
msgstr "没选择字段组"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:358
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:38
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:339
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:363
msgid "Generate PHP"
msgstr "生成 PHP"
-#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
+#: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:34
msgid "Export Field Groups"
msgstr "导出字段组"
@@ -3855,22 +3882,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import Field Groups"
msgstr "导入字段组"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:395
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:417
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "同步"
#. translators: %s: field group title
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:849
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:885
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "选择 %s"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:468
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:79
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:490
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:90
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "复制"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:436
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:458
msgid "Duplicate this item"
msgstr "复制此项"
@@ -3878,13 +3905,14 @@ msgstr "复制此项"
msgid "Supports"
msgstr "支持"
-#: includes/admin/admin.php:305 includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:92
+#: includes/admin/admin.php:305
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:102
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:107
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:128
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:127
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:90
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:110
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:109
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:249
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:62
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:114
@@ -3893,24 +3921,24 @@ msgstr "文档"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:392
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:735
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:414
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:757
msgid "Sync available"
msgstr "有可用同步"
#. translators: %s number of field groups synchronized
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:372
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:374
msgid "Field group synchronized."
msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronized."
msgstr[0] "%s 个字段组已同步。"
#. translators: %s number of field groups duplicated
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:365
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:367
msgid "Field group duplicated."
msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
msgstr[0] "%s已复制字段组。"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:137
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type-list.php:155
msgid "Active (%s)"
msgid_plural "Active (%s)"
msgstr[0] "启用 (%s)"
@@ -3950,7 +3978,7 @@ msgstr "现在可以在 %2$s 字段组中找到 %1$s 字段"
msgid "Move Complete."
msgstr "移动完成。"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:41
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:52
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/options.php:217
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:78
#: includes/admin/views/acf-taxonomy/advanced-settings.php:130
@@ -3965,7 +3993,7 @@ msgstr "字段 Keys"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:109
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:92
msgid "Location"
msgstr "位置"
@@ -3977,14 +4005,14 @@ msgstr "Null"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:97
#: includes/class-acf-internal-post-type.php:728
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-field-group.php:345
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1513
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1827
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1528
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1844
msgid "copy"
msgstr "复制"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:96
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:623
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:778
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:624
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:779
msgid "(this field)"
msgstr "(这个字段)"
@@ -3995,14 +4023,14 @@ msgid "Checked"
msgstr "已选中"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:90
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1618
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1939
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1633
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1956
msgid "Move Custom Field"
msgstr "移动自定义字段"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:89
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:649
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:804
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:650
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:805
msgid "No toggle fields available"
msgstr "没有可用的切换字段"
@@ -4011,14 +4039,14 @@ msgid "Field group title is required"
msgstr "字段组的标题是必填项"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:86
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1607
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1925
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1622
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1942
msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
msgstr "保存这个字段的修改以后才能移动这个字段"
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:85
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1417
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1722
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1432
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1739
msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
msgstr "\"field_\" 这个字符串不能作为字段名字的开始部分"
@@ -4186,8 +4214,8 @@ msgstr "没有价值"
msgid "Has any value"
msgstr "有任何价值"
-#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:334
-#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:62 includes/assets.php:354
+#: includes/admin/admin-internal-post-type.php:337
+#: includes/admin/views/browse-fields-modal.php:72 includes/assets.php:354
#: assets/build/js/acf.js:1564 assets/build/js/acf.js:1658
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "退出"
@@ -4197,24 +4225,24 @@ msgstr "退出"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "确定吗?"
-#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9455
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10310
+#: includes/assets.php:370 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9458
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10325
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d 个字段需要注意"
-#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9453
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10306
+#: includes/assets.php:369 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9456
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10321
msgid "1 field requires attention"
msgstr "1 个字段需要注意"
#: includes/assets.php:368 includes/validation.php:253
-#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9448
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10301
+#: includes/validation.php:261 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9451
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10316
msgid "Validation failed"
msgstr "验证失败"
-#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9616
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10489
+#: includes/assets.php:367 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9619
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10504
msgid "Validation successful"
msgstr "验证成功"
@@ -4250,8 +4278,8 @@ msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"
-#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9225
-#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10072
+#: includes/assets.php:364 assets/build/js/acf-input.js:9228
+#: assets/build/js/acf-input.js:10087
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
msgstr "如果浏览其它页面,会丢失当前所做的修改"
@@ -4264,10 +4292,10 @@ msgstr "字段类型必须是 %s。"
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/conditional-logic.php:174
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/location-group.php:3
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/locations.php:35
-#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:771
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2388
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:933
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2813
+#: includes/api/api-helpers.php:2947 assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:772
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2414
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:934
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:2843
msgid "or"
msgstr "或"
@@ -4317,8 +4345,8 @@ msgstr "缩略图"
#: includes/acf-field-functions.php:854
#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:95
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1076
-#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1260
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1077
+#: assets/build/js/acf-field-group.js:1261
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(无标签)"
@@ -5279,7 +5307,7 @@ msgstr "没有选择图片"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "删除"
-#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:78
+#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/field.php:89
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:153
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:135
#: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:126
@@ -5598,91 +5626,91 @@ msgid "Time Picker"
msgstr "时间选择"
#. translators: counts for inactive field groups
-#: acf.php:489
+#: acf.php:496
msgid "Inactive (%s)"
msgid_plural "Inactive (%s)"
msgstr[0] "已停用 (%s)"
-#: acf.php:450
+#: acf.php:457
msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
msgstr "回收站里没有字段"
-#: acf.php:449
+#: acf.php:456
msgid "No Fields found"
msgstr "没找到字段"
-#: acf.php:448
+#: acf.php:455
msgid "Search Fields"
msgstr "搜索字段"
-#: acf.php:447
+#: acf.php:454
msgid "View Field"
msgstr "视图字段"
-#: acf.php:446 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
+#: acf.php:453 includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:113
msgid "New Field"
msgstr "新字段"
-#: acf.php:445
+#: acf.php:452
msgid "Edit Field"
msgstr "编辑字段"
-#: acf.php:444
+#: acf.php:451
msgid "Add New Field"
msgstr "添加新字段"
-#: acf.php:442
+#: acf.php:449
msgid "Field"
msgstr "字段"
-#: acf.php:441 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:110
+#: acf.php:448 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-group.php:149
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:93
#: includes/admin/views/acf-field-group/fields.php:32
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "字段"
-#: acf.php:416
+#: acf.php:423
msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
msgstr "回收站中没有找到字段组"
-#: acf.php:415
+#: acf.php:422
msgid "No Field Groups found"
msgstr "没有找到字段组"
-#: acf.php:414
+#: acf.php:421
msgid "Search Field Groups"
msgstr "搜索字段组"
-#: acf.php:413
+#: acf.php:420
msgid "View Field Group"
msgstr "查看字段组"
-#: acf.php:412
+#: acf.php:419
msgid "New Field Group"
msgstr "新建字段组"
-#: acf.php:411
+#: acf.php:418
msgid "Edit Field Group"
msgstr "编辑字段组"
-#: acf.php:410
+#: acf.php:417
msgid "Add New Field Group"
msgstr "添加字段组"
-#: acf.php:409 acf.php:443
+#: acf.php:416 acf.php:450
#: includes/admin/views/acf-post-type/advanced-settings.php:224
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-post-type.php:93
#: includes/post-types/class-acf-taxonomy.php:92
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "新建"
-#: acf.php:408
+#: acf.php:415
msgid "Field Group"
msgstr "字段组"
-#: acf.php:407 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:72
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:131
-#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:130
+#: acf.php:414 includes/admin/post-types/admin-field-groups.php:55
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-post-types.php:113
+#: includes/admin/post-types/admin-taxonomies.php:112
msgid "Field Groups"
msgstr "字段组"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.l10n.php b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.l10n.php
index 27bae701..f8e43deb 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.l10n.php
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.l10n.php
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
NULL,'plural-forms'=>NULL,'language'=>'zh_TW','project-id-version'=>'Advanced Custom Fields','pot-creation-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:11:20+00:00','po-revision-date'=>'2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00','x-generator'=>'gettext','messages'=>['Advanced Custom Fields PRO'=>'Advanced Custom Fields PRO','Block type name is required.'=>'%s 值為必填','Switch to Edit'=>'切換至編輯','Switch to Preview'=>'切換至預覽','%s settings'=>'設定','Options'=>'選項','Update'=>'更新','Options Updated'=>'選項已更新','To enable updates, please enter your license key on the Updates page. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'要啟用更新,請在更新頁面上輸入您的授權金鑰。 如果您沒有授權金鑰,請參閱詳情和定價。','ACF Activation Error. An error occurred when connecting to activation server'=>'錯誤。 無法連接到更新伺服器','Check Again'=>'再檢查一次','ACF Activation Error. Could not connect to activation server'=>'錯誤。 無法連接到更新伺服器','Publish'=>'發佈','No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. Create a Custom Field Group'=>'此設定頁沒有自訂欄位群組。建立一個自訂欄位群組','Edit field group'=>'編輯欄位群組','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'錯誤。 無法連接到更新伺服器','Updates'=>'更新','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'錯誤。無法對更新包進行驗證。請再次檢查或停用並重新啟動您的 ACF PRO 授權。','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'錯誤。無法對更新包進行驗證。請再次檢查或停用並重新啟動您的 ACF PRO 授權。','nounClone'=>'分身','Fields'=>'欄位','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'選取一或多個你希望複製的欄位','Display'=>'顯示','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'指定繪製分身欄位的樣式','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'群組(顯示該欄位內群組中被選定的欄位)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'無縫(用選定欄位取代此欄位)','Layout'=>'版面配置','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'指定用於呈現選定欄位的樣式','Block'=>'區塊','Table'=>'表格','Row'=>'行','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'標籤將顯示為%s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'前置欄位標籤','Values will be saved as %s'=>'值將被儲存為 %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'前置欄位名稱','Unknown field'=>'未知的欄位','(no title)'=>'(無標題)','Unknown field group'=>'未知的欄位群組','All fields from %s field group'=>'所有欄位來自 %s 欄位群組','Flexible Content'=>'彈性內容','Add Row'=>'新增列','layout'=>'版面配置','layouts'=>'版面','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'這個欄位至少需要 {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'此欄位的限制為 {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} 可用 (最大 {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} 需要 (最小 {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'彈性內容需要至少 1 個版面配置','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'點擊下方的 "%s" 按鈕以新增設定','Drag to reorder'=>'拖曳排序','Add layout'=>'新增版面','Duplicate layout'=>'複製版面','Remove layout'=>'移除版面','Click to toggle'=>'點擊切換','Delete Layout'=>'刪除版面','Duplicate Layout'=>'複製版面','Add New Layout'=>'新增版面','Add Layout'=>'新增版面','Label'=>'標籤','Name'=>'名稱','Min'=>'最小','Max'=>'最大','Minimum Layouts'=>'最少可使用版面數量','Maximum Layouts'=>'最多可使用版面數量','Button Label'=>'按鈕標籤','Gallery'=>'圖庫','Add Image to Gallery'=>'新增圖片到圖庫','Maximum selection reached'=>'已達到最大選擇','Length'=>'長度','Edit'=>'編輯','Remove'=>'刪除','Title'=>'標題','Caption'=>'標題','Alt Text'=>'替代文字','Description'=>'描述','Add to gallery'=>'加入圖庫','Bulk actions'=>'批次操作','Sort by date uploaded'=>'依上傳日期排序','Sort by date modified'=>'依修改日期排序','Sort by title'=>'依標題排序','Reverse current order'=>'反向目前順序','Close'=>'關閉','Return Format'=>'回傳格式','Image Array'=>'圖片陣列','Image URL'=>'圖片網址','Image ID'=>'圖片ID','Library'=>'媒體庫','Limit the media library choice'=>'限制媒體庫選擇','All'=>'所有','Uploaded to post'=>'已上傳至文章','Minimum Selection'=>'最小選擇','Maximum Selection'=>'最大選擇','Minimum'=>'最小','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'限制哪些圖片可以上傳','Width'=>'寬','Height'=>'高','File size'=>'檔案容量','Maximum'=>'最大','Allowed file types'=>'允許的檔案類型','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'請以逗號分隔列出。留白表示允許所有類型','Insert'=>'插入','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'指定新附件加入的位置','Append to the end'=>'附加在後','Prepend to the beginning'=>'插入至最前','Preview Size'=>'預覽圖大小','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s 需要至少 %s 選擇','Repeater'=>'重複器','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'已達最小行數 ( {min} 行 )','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'已達最大行數 ( {max} 行 )','Sub Fields'=>'子欄位','Pagination'=>'欄位群組位置','Rows Per Page'=>'文章頁面','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'選擇要顯示的分類法','Minimum Rows'=>'最小行數','Maximum Rows'=>'最大行數','Collapsed'=>'收合','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'選取一個子欄位,讓它在行列收合時顯示','Click to reorder'=>'拖曳排序','Add row'=>'新增列','Duplicate row'=>'複製','Remove row'=>'移除列','Current Page'=>'目前使用者','First Page'=>'網站首頁','Previous Page'=>'文章頁面','Next Page'=>'網站首頁','Last Page'=>'文章頁面','No block types exist'=>'設定頁面不存在','Options Page'=>'設定頁面','No options pages exist'=>'設定頁面不存在','Deactivate License'=>'停用授權','Activate License'=>'啟用授權','License Information'=>'授權資訊','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'要解鎖更新服務,請於下方輸入您的授權金鑰。若你沒有授權金鑰,請查閱 詳情與價目。','License Key'=>'授權金鑰','Retry Activation'=>'啟用碼','Update Information'=>'更新資訊','Current Version'=>'目前版本','Latest Version'=>'最新版本','Update Available'=>'可用更新','No'=>'否','Yes'=>'是','Upgrade Notice'=>'升級提醒','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'請於上方輸入你的授權金鑰以解鎖更新','Update Plugin'=>'更新外掛','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'請於上方輸入你的授權金鑰以解鎖更新']];
\ No newline at end of file
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Create a Custom Field Group'=>'此設定頁沒有自訂欄位群組。建立一個自訂欄位群組','Edit field group'=>'編輯欄位群組','Error. Could not connect to update server'=>'錯誤。 無法連接到更新伺服器','Updates'=>'更新','Error. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'錯誤。無法對更新包進行驗證。請再次檢查或停用並重新啟動您的 ACF PRO 授權。','Error. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. Please reactivate your ACF PRO license.'=>'錯誤。無法對更新包進行驗證。請再次檢查或停用並重新啟動您的 ACF PRO 授權。','nounClone'=>'分身','Fields'=>'欄位','Select one or more fields you wish to clone'=>'選取一或多個你希望複製的欄位','Display'=>'顯示','Specify the style used to render the clone field'=>'指定繪製分身欄位的樣式','Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)'=>'群組(顯示該欄位內群組中被選定的欄位)','Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)'=>'無縫(用選定欄位取代此欄位)','Layout'=>'版面配置','Specify the style used to render the selected fields'=>'指定用於呈現選定欄位的樣式','Block'=>'區塊','Table'=>'表格','Row'=>'行','Labels will be displayed as %s'=>'標籤將顯示為%s','Prefix Field Labels'=>'前置欄位標籤','Values will be saved as %s'=>'值將被儲存為 %s','Prefix Field Names'=>'前置欄位名稱','Unknown field'=>'未知的欄位','(no title)'=>'(無標題)','Unknown field group'=>'未知的欄位群組','All fields from %s field group'=>'所有欄位來自 %s 欄位群組','Flexible Content'=>'彈性內容','Add Row'=>'新增列','layout'=>'版面配置','layouts'=>'版面','This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'=>'這個欄位至少需要 {min} {label} {identifier}','This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'=>'此欄位的限制為 {max} {label} {identifier}','{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})'=>'{available} {label} {identifier} 可用 (最大 {max})','{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'=>'{required} {label} {identifier} 需要 (最小 {min})','Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout'=>'彈性內容需要至少 1 個版面配置','Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout'=>'點擊下方的 "%s" 按鈕以新增設定','Drag to reorder'=>'拖曳排序','Add layout'=>'新增版面','Duplicate layout'=>'複製版面','Remove layout'=>'移除版面','Click to toggle'=>'點擊切換','Delete Layout'=>'刪除版面','Duplicate Layout'=>'複製版面','Add New Layout'=>'新增版面','Add Layout'=>'新增版面','Label'=>'標籤','Name'=>'名稱','Min'=>'最小','Max'=>'最大','Minimum Layouts'=>'最少可使用版面數量','Maximum Layouts'=>'最多可使用版面數量','Button Label'=>'按鈕標籤','Gallery'=>'圖庫','Add Image to Gallery'=>'新增圖片到圖庫','Maximum selection reached'=>'已達到最大選擇','Length'=>'長度','Edit'=>'編輯','Remove'=>'刪除','Title'=>'標題','Caption'=>'標題','Alt Text'=>'替代文字','Description'=>'描述','Add to gallery'=>'加入圖庫','Bulk actions'=>'批次操作','Sort by date uploaded'=>'依上傳日期排序','Sort by date modified'=>'依修改日期排序','Sort by title'=>'依標題排序','Reverse current order'=>'反向目前順序','Close'=>'關閉','Return Format'=>'回傳格式','Image Array'=>'圖片陣列','Image URL'=>'圖片網址','Image ID'=>'圖片ID','Library'=>'媒體庫','Limit the media library choice'=>'限制媒體庫選擇','All'=>'所有','Uploaded to post'=>'已上傳至文章','Minimum Selection'=>'最小選擇','Maximum Selection'=>'最大選擇','Minimum'=>'最小','Restrict which images can be uploaded'=>'限制哪些圖片可以上傳','Width'=>'寬','Height'=>'高','File size'=>'檔案容量','Maximum'=>'最大','Allowed file types'=>'允許的檔案類型','Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types'=>'請以逗號分隔列出。留白表示允許所有類型','Insert'=>'插入','Specify where new attachments are added'=>'指定新附件加入的位置','Append to the end'=>'附加在後','Prepend to the beginning'=>'插入至最前','Preview Size'=>'預覽圖大小','%1$s requires at least %2$s selection'=>'%s 需要至少 %s 選擇','Repeater'=>'重複器','Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'=>'已達最小行數 ( {min} 行 )','Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'=>'已達最大行數 ( {max} 行 )','Sub Fields'=>'子欄位','Pagination'=>'欄位群組位置','Rows Per Page'=>'文章頁面','Set the number of rows to be displayed on a page.'=>'選擇要顯示的分類法','Minimum Rows'=>'最小行數','Maximum Rows'=>'最大行數','Collapsed'=>'收合','Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed'=>'選取一個子欄位,讓它在行列收合時顯示','Click to reorder'=>'拖曳排序','Add row'=>'新增列','Duplicate row'=>'複製','Remove row'=>'移除列','Current Page'=>'目前使用者','First Page'=>'網站首頁','Previous Page'=>'文章頁面','Next Page'=>'網站首頁','Last Page'=>'文章頁面','No block types exist'=>'設定頁面不存在','Options Page'=>'設定頁面','No options pages exist'=>'設定頁面不存在','Deactivate License'=>'停用授權','Activate License'=>'啟用授權','License Information'=>'授權資訊','To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don\'t have a licence key, please see details & pricing.'=>'要解鎖更新服務,請於下方輸入您的授權金鑰。若你沒有授權金鑰,請查閱 詳情與價目。','License Key'=>'授權金鑰','Retry Activation'=>'啟用碼','Update Information'=>'更新資訊','Current Version'=>'目前版本','Latest Version'=>'最新版本','Update Available'=>'可用更新','No'=>'否','Yes'=>'是','Upgrade Notice'=>'升級提醒','Enter your license key to unlock updates'=>'請於上方輸入你的授權金鑰以解鎖更新','Update Plugin'=>'更新外掛','Please reactivate your license to unlock updates'=>'請於上方輸入你的授權金鑰以解鎖更新']];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.mo b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.mo
index 42bfc22f..6b10102d 100644
Binary files a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.mo and b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.mo differ
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.po b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.po
index 20a64520..b1f5f533 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.po
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/acf-zh_TW.po
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as Advanced Custom Fields.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-29T21:10:52+00:00\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-08T08:54:42+00:00\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/pro/acf.pot b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/pro/acf.pot
index 580b59bf..69b43ca3 100644
--- a/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/pro/acf.pot
+++ b/advanced-custom-fields-pro/lang/pro/acf.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language-Team: WP Engine