A simple generic web crawler to download emails from a website.
- Crawl from the start point.
- A page is identified as an email on the basis of filter (A page should contain "From", "Date" and "Subject" for it to be considered as an email.)
- Emails are downloaded in user provided path.
- If a page is redirected to another domain or outside of parent location, that page is not picked up for crawling.
- Program can survive internet connection loss and can resume from last run.
- Checkout the project, compile and create a jar.
- Run the jar e.g. java -jar jar-name.jar start-point path-to-download-emails e.g. java -jar advancedCrawler-0.0.1.one-jar.jar http://test-site.com /home/user/DownloadEmails
## Input
* base.URL = URL to download emails.
* download.directory = Directory path to save emails.
* recovery.dir = Directory name to save backup files to recover from internet connection loss and resume from last run.
## Thread
* min.threads = minimum number of threads.
* max.threads = maximum number of threads.
* wait.time = Delay time. Invigilator will wait for 'waitTime' secs to check the difference in url queue size.
* log4j.appender.file.File= Path to save log.