In Folder Compiler-Design-Experiment:
Hey hi this is Vinayak Patil
Here I uploaded experiment of subject Compiler Design.
All experiments code are not written by me. Few of them by me , few by me & my group members, few code or part of code or logic of program taken from internet which may be written by someone.
In each experiment there is image, which tell you how to execute program & what input should be given.
These experiments are written in different languages such as java, c, cpp, python, lex, yacc.
List of experiment
EXP_1 counts a number of words, white spaces from given input
EXP_2 Implementation of Lexical Analyzer
EXP_3 Symbol Table Generation
EXP_4 LEX Tool
EXP_6 Left Recursion
EXP_7 Left Factoring
EXP_8 Calculate FIRST and FOLLOW
EXP_9 LL1 Parser
EXP_10 Recursive Descent Parser
Somewhere you found projects on compiler.