Thank you for your interest in contributing.
- Before you report the bug, ensure that it is not already submitted.
- If there is an already reported issue, try to add more details to it
- For each bug, file a separate issue here
- If you have the exact precise step great - you are filing a very useful issue.
- If you are able to reproduce occasionally, mention that and provide as much information as possible.
- Also mention the browser, version, OS, etc.
- Adding screenshots, GIFs, etc. would make it easier to reproduce.
To check if the PR submitted fixes the issue
- Checkout the Pull Request you would like to test by
git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME` git checkout BRANCHNAME
git fetch origin pull/406/head:USERNAME git checkout USERNAME
3. ## Testing Pull Requests
- Checkout the Pull Request you would like to test by
git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME` git checkout BRANCHNAME
- Example
git fetch origin pull/1/head:jinojossy93 git checkout jinojossy93