This Repo contains the matching algortithm between candidate and job description for our workproject at NOVA SBE
- Datasets: {job descriptions, CVs}
- Extract relevant skills using Spacy PhraseMatcher etc.
- Matching rules (big job – dependent on which datasets we are using)
- Embeddings (skill2Vec, BERT, etc.)
- Calculate similarity scores and rankings
- Try to train a double encoder transformer architecture on synthetic data
- Fix database unique identifier issues
- Bias in models
- Tailor interview questions to the pool of applicants
- Measure of performance (e.g. labelled datasets)
- Productivity data for employees
Create the environment with the config-file
conda env create -f environment.yml
Conda should now have set you up with all the necessary dependencies to run the project. Please activate the environment:
conda activate workproject
You could also enable a jupyter-kernel if you want to use this environment in jupyter notebooks:
conda python -m ipykernel install --user --name workproject --display-name "workproject"
To run the flask application locally on your machine (first navigate to the user_interface directory)
flask run
(or for debug mode)
Big thanks to Amira for letting us use her code as a building block for our project: