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This website is a collection of hands-on tutorials that are designed to be interactive.
This material is developed and maintained by the VIB Bioinformatics Core.
These tutorials can be used for learning and teaching how for general data analysis, and for learning/teaching specific domains such as metagenomcis and differential gene expression analysis with RNA-Seq data.
There are two distinct audiences for these materials.
- Self-paced individual learners. These tutorials provide everything you need to learn a topic, from explanations of concepts to detailed hands-on exercises.
- Instructors. They are also designed to be used by instructors in teaching/training settings. Slides, and detailed tutorials are provided.
The content of this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
We provide some QR codes and logos in the [images folder]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/tree/{{ site.repository_branch }}/assets/images).
Many topics include slide decks and if the topic you are interested in has slides then start there. These will introduce the topic and important concepts.
If you have questions about this training material, you can reach us sending an email to [email protected].
This material can also be used to teach the content in a group setting to students and researchers.
Spend some time exploring the different tutorials and the different resources that are available. Become familiar with the structure of the tutorials and think about how you might use them in your teaching.
Please submit an issue via github.
This repository is hosted on GitHub using git as a DVCS. Therefore the community is hosting backups of this repository in a decentralised way. The repository is self-contained and contains all needed content and all metadata.