Use ramdisk when working with many files.
sudo mkdir -p /media/ramdisk1 sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M tmpfs /media/ramdisk1/ creduce --tempdir /media/ramdisk1/ ...
# The disk size is calculated as: desired_size * 2018. Eg. 256 * 2048 = 524288 diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAMDisk1' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://524288` # Disable system logs on this drive mdutil -i off /Volumes/RAMDisk1/ cd /Volumes/RAMDisk1/ mkdir .fseventsd touch .fseventsd/no_log .metadata_never_index .Trashes cd - creduce --tempdir /Volumes/RAMDisk1/ ...
Currently it requires several steps. For instance, we want to reduce the
dependencies of std::basic_string<char>
- T.cpp
#include <string>
std::basic_string<char> myStr;
int main() { return 0; }
- Find all include files in the translation unit.
This can be done either by
gcc -fsyntax-only T.cpp -H
clang -Xclang -header-include-file -Xclang included_files.txt -fsyntax-only T.cpp && sed -i.bak '/<command line>/d' included_files.txt
or using the script localize_headers
- Copy the system headers locally. cat ../strace.txt | grep 'open(' | grep -v "No such file or directory" | grep -v ' open("/dev/' | sed 's,[0-9]* (open(")(.)".,\2,' | xargs -I$ python -c "import os,sys; print os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])" $ | xargs -I$ rsync -R -L $ includes/
cat included_files.txt | xargs -I$ python -c "import os,sys; print os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])" $ | xargs -I$ rsync -R -L $ includes/
requires normalized paths. The easiest is to use python to do it.
- Define our interestingness test (
gcc -fsyntax-only --sysroot=./includes/ T.cpp && \
grep -q "std::basic_string<char> myStr" T.cpp
We export the CREDUCE_LANG=CXX to tell creduce that all reductions should happen in C++ mode. Without this setting creduce (or more precisely clang_delta) would try to guess the language by looking at the file extension. This is not enough when reducing header files (coming from STL, etc) because mislead clang_delta to switch to C mode, making the reduction very slow and most of the time impossible.
Don't forget to use the --sysroot option, which tells the compiler to switch its includes to the local ones, which we will reduce.
- Do it.
creduce --tidy T.cpp includes/
Most of the time we cannot preprocess the file and pipe it in creduce because the issues disappear. Instead we need to follow the procedure described in Multiple files reductions.
There are a few things we need to do "by hand" before running creduce:
Reduce the compilation flags. Especially
needs to be replaced by one or more-fmodule-map-file=relative/path/to/concrete/module/map
. We need to also tell the compiler it shouldn't look for any system includes by default, using-nostdsysteminc
Some system module maps (mostly on OS X) impose "hidden" dependencies due to the implicit module creation. For example a submodule X is being built as part of a top module M, when requesting submodule Y. This means that we have to copy everything relative to the modulemap file.
Some of the copied subfolders are not present in the module map and thus redundant. One can reduce them by using the script located in scripts.
# The crash needs `-fmodule-map-file=/usr/include/module.modulemap`. This means
# that we need to copy everything in /usr/include/ locally to our dedicated
# `includes` folder.
cp -r /usr/include includes/usr/
# The crashing compilation line looks like this:
"/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/bin/clang" -cc1 -nostdsysteminc \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/ \
-I includes/usr/include/ \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/include/c++/v1/ \
-stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 -fmodules -fmodules-cache-path=./mod_cache/ \
-fmodule-map-file=includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/module.modulemap \
-fmodule-map-file=includes/usr/include/module.modulemap \
-fsyntax-only -x c++ TStopwatch.cxx 2>&1
# The looks like this:
export CREDUCE_INCLUDE_PATH="includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/:includes/usr/include/:includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/include/c++/v1/"
# First we compile without modules to make sure that the transformation was
# syntactically correct.
"/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/bin/clang" -cc1 -nostdsysteminc \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/ \
-I includes/usr/include/ \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/include/c++/v1/ \
-stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -x c++ TStopwatch.cxx 2>/dev/null \
&& "/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/bin/clang" -cc1 -nostdsysteminc \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/ \
-I includes/usr/include/ \
-I includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/llvm-git/inst/include/c++/v1/ \
-stdlib=libc++ -std=c++11 -fmodules -fmodules-cache-path=./mod_cache/ \
-fmodule-map-file=includes/Users/vvassilev/workspace/root_obj/include/module.modulemap \
-fmodule-map-file=includes/usr/include/module.modulemap \
-fsyntax-only -x c++ TStopwatch.cxx 2>&1 \
| grep -q 'Assertion failed: (DeclKind != Decl::LinkageSpec'
# Note the 2>&1 allowing grep to scan stderr too.
# Then run the script
cp path/to/creduce/src/tree/scripts/ .
# TODO: Soon I will have the script reducing the modulemap file. It reduces
# modulemap's submodules, which will help ./ to remove
# more useless modulemap implicitly dependent files/folders.
# Run creduce and patiently wait :) Please note that if you use a debug version
# of the compiler in your interestingness test creduce can be a lot slower (~10x)
# than using a release build of your compiler.
~/path/to/creduce/binary/creduce --tidy TStopwatch.cxx includes/*