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SocketCAN Demo and Adapter Setup

This demo consists of SocketCAN interface can0 which is connected to SIL Kit via sil-kit-adapter-vcan, with the latter being a SIL Kit participant connected to CAN1 SIL Kit network. For demonstration purposes, another SIL Kit participant CanEchoDevice is connected to the same CAN1 SIL Kit network.

First, a virtual CAN interface (SocketCAN) is set up in Linux using a shell script. Then, the sil-kit-adapter-vcan is launched, binding to the virtual CAN interface from one side and connecting to SIL Kit as a participant from the other. After that the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device is launched and its connection to SIL Kit is established. When all the connections are set up, a shell script is run to generate CAN payload on can0 SocketCAN interface.

The following sketch shows the general setup:

+------------[ Virtual CAN ]--------------+                      +-----[ SIL Kit Adapter SocketCAN ]-----+
|-CAN payload generation on [can0]        <----- SocketCAN ------>    connecting SocketCAN [can0] to     |
|-Sending & receiving on [can0] interface |                      |          SIL Kit [CAN1] Network       |
+-----------------------------------------+                      +------ʌ--------------------------------+
                                                                 +------|------[ SIL Kit ]---------------+
                                                                 |      |                                |
                                                                 |  +---v---[ CAN1 Network ]----------+  |
+-------------[ CanEchoDevice ]-----------+                      |  |                                 |  |
|                                         <----------------------|-->     Peer-to-peer connection     |  |
+-----------------------------------------+                      |  |     between participants on     |  |
+-------------[ Vector CANoe ]------------+                      |  |     SIL Kit [CAN1] Network      |  |
|-CAN payload generation on SIL Kit       <----------------------|-->                                 |  |
|             [CAN1] network              |                      |  +---------------------------------+  |
+-----------------------------------------+                      |                                       |


This demo application implements a very simple SIL Kit participant that connects to the SIL Kit CAN1 network, to which both the SocketCAN Adapter and CANoe can connect as SIL Kit participants in order to exchange CAN frames. The sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device responds to CAN messages it receives on CAN1 network by incrementing the received CAN ID by 1 and shifitng the data field by one byte to the left, then sending it back on the same CAN1 network.

Running the Demos

SocketCAN interface setup and CAN traffic generation in Linux

First, run the following command in the Terminal to load the necessary Linux kernel modules and setup a virtual CAN interface named can0.

sudo ./SocketCAN/demos/shell_scripts/ can0

You should see this output that indicates that the can0 virtual CAN device has been successfully launched:

Loading vcan kernel module
Device "can0" does not exist.
Setting up [can0] with MTU=72
vcan interface [can0] is up & running.

Optionally, you can pass the -mtu16 flag to the script, which will set the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the opened vcan device to 16. More on this can be found in the SocketCAN documentation.

Now, you can start sending virtual CAN frames from your terminal. This can be done with the following command

cansend can0 123#AAAABBBB

In this example: can0 is the name of the virtual CAN interface, 123 is the CAN frame ID, AAAABBBB is the CAN transmitted data

Note: You might need to install the can-utils package in order to have the CAN-related command line tools like cansend & candump. You can do this with sudo apt install can-utils.

Run the script with can0 argument to continuously generate a 001#AAAABBBB CAN message (CAN ID = 001, Data=AAAABBBB) and send it through to can0.

./SocketCAN/demos/shell_scripts/ can0

You can generate CAN FD traffic by adding the -fd flag to the script call.

For Android environments, you will have to cross-build can-utils from scratch using Android NDK. Some helper scripts are provided in SocketCAN/demos/shell_scripts/Cuttlefish/ to help you set up a demo inside an Android environment. In order to make use of the helper scripts, you have to export a CAN_UTILS_BUILD_PATH variable setting it to the directory of the cross-built can-utils binaries (inside your Android environment).

For this demo purposes, generate some CAN FD traffic on the same vcan device as follows:

./SocketCAN/demos/shell_scripts/ can0 -fd

As of now, a virtual CAN can0 device is up and running and a Classical CAN message 001#AAAABBBB and a CAN FD message 005#AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCDD are continuously being sent on it.

To send the two previously mentioned frames using cansend, you can do as follows:

  cansend can0 001#AAAABBBB 

Running the Demo Applications

Now is a good point to start the sil-kit-registry:

./path/to/SilKit-x.y.z-$ubuntu/SilKit/bin/sil-kit-registry --listen-uri 'silkit://'

After that, launch the sil-kit-adapter-vcan

./bin/sil-kit-adapter-vcan --configuration ./SocketCAN/demos/SilKitConfig_Adapter.silkit.yaml

You should see the following output in the terminal where the adapter was launched:

[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] Creating participant 'SilKitAdapterVcan' at 'silkit://localhost:8501', SIL Kit version: 4.0.50
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] Connected to registry at 'tcp://' via 'tcp://' (local:///tmp/SilKitRegi24268eb86b35e799.silkit, tcp://localhost:8501)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] Creating CAN controller 'SilKit_CAN_CTRL_1'
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] The used can0 vcan device is CAN FD compatible (MTU = 72)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] vcan device [can0] successfully opened
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [info] Created CAN device connector for [can0] on network [CAN1]
Press CTRL + C to stop the process...
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] CAN device >> SIL Kit: CAN frame (payload = 4 [bytes] , CAN ID=0x1, txId=10)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN device: CAN frame (payload = 4 [bytes], CAN ID=0x2)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN : ACK for CAN Message with transmitId=10
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] CAN device >> SIL Kit: CAN FD frame (payload = 12 [bytes] , CAN ID=0x5, txId=11)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN device: CAN FD frame (payload = 12 [bytes], CAN ID=0x6)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN : ACK for CAN Message with transmitId=11
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] CAN device >> SIL Kit: CAN frame (payload = 4 [bytes] , CAN ID=0x1, txId=12)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN device: CAN frame (payload = 4 [bytes], CAN ID=0x2)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN : ACK for CAN Message with transmitId=12
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] CAN device >> SIL Kit: CAN FD frame (payload = 12 [bytes] , CAN ID=0x5, txId=13)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN device: CAN FD frame (payload = 12 [bytes], CAN ID=0x6)
[date time] [SilKitAdapterVcan] [debug] SIL Kit >> CAN : ACK for CAN Message with transmitId=13

You can notice both the Classical CAN frames and CAN FD frames being logged in the adapter's output.

You should see also a SilKitAdapterVcan participant announcement in the SIL Kit registry terminal

[date time] [SilKitRegistry] [info] Sending known participant message to SilKitAdapterVcan, protocol version 3.1

In a separate Terminal, launch the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device


You should see the following output in the terminal after launching the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device:

Creating participant 'CanEchoDevice' at silkit://localhost:8501
[date time] [CanEchoDevice] [info] Creating participant 'CanEchoDevice' at 'silkit://localhost:8501', SIL Kit version: 4.0.50
[date time] [CanEchoDevice] [info] Connected to registry at 'tcp://' via 'tcp://' (silkit://localhost:8501)
[date time] [CanEchoDevice] [info] Creating CAN controller 'CanEchoDevice_CAN1'
Press CTRL + C to stop the process...

Note: You can launch sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device with --log Debug argument if you want to see the CAN payload traffic logs.

You should also see a CanEchoDevice participant announcement in the SIL Kit registry terminal:

[date time] [SilKitRegistry] [info] Sending known participant message to CanEchoDevice, protocol version 3.1

Monitoring CAN data generated on can0 vcan device

You can read data that is available on the can0 vcan device. To do this you can use the following command in a separate Terminal:

candump can0

If both Classical CAN and CAN FD frames are being generated and the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device is running along with the sil-kit-adapter-vcan, you should see output similar to the following in the terminal:

can0  001   [4]  AA AA BB BB
can0  002   [4]  AA BB BB 00
can0  005  [12]  AA AA AA AA BB BB BB BB CC CC CC DD
can0  006  [12]  AA AA AA BB BB BB BB CC CC CC DD 00
can0  001   [4]  AA AA BB BB
can0  002   [4]  AA BB BB 00
can0  005  [12]  AA AA AA AA BB BB BB BB CC CC CC DD
can0  006  [12]  AA AA AA BB BB BB BB CC CC CC DD 00

As described earlier, Classical CAN messages with ID of 001 and CAN FD frames with ID of 005 are sent from can0 (outgoing). On the other hand, the ones with ID 002 and 006 are the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device's response to those messages after increasing their ID by 1 and applying a shift-left of data by one byte.

Adding CANoe (17 SP3 or newer) as a participant

If CANoe is connected to the SIL Kit, all CAN traffic is visible there as well. You can also execute a test unit which checks if the CAN messages are being transmitted as expected.

Before you can connect CANoe to the SIL Kit network you should adapt the RegistryUri in SocketCAN/demos/CANoe_SILKit_config.silkit.yaml to the IP address of your system where your sil-kit-registry is running.

The configuration file is referenced by both following CANoe use cases (Desktop Edition and Server Edition).

CANoe Desktop Edition

Load the CANoe_vcan_configuration.cfg from the demos/CANoe directory and start the measurement. Optionally you can also start the test unit execution of the CAN_and_CAN_FD test configuration.

While the demo is running these tests should be successful.

The ClassicalCAN test configuration expects CAN traffic from the adapter connected to a vcan device that is not CAN FD capable (a vcan device with MTU=16).

CANoe4SW Server Edition (Windows)

You can also run the same test set with CANoe4SW SE by executing the following powershell script demos/CANoe4SW_SE/run.ps1. The test cases are executed automatically and you should see a short test report in powershell after execution.

Similar to the ClassicalCAN test configuration, you can run the test subset that only applies to vcan devices with MTU of 16. To do that, run the script as follows: demos/CANoe4SW_SE/run.ps1 -mtu16.

CANoe4SW Server Edition (Linux)

You can also run the same test set with CANoe4SW SE (Linux). At first you have to execute the powershell script demos/CANoe4SW_SE/createEnvForLinux.ps1 on your windows system by using tools of CANoe4SW SE (Windows) to prepare your test environment for Linux. In demos/CANoe4SW_SE/ you should adapt canoe4sw_se_install_dir to the path of your CANoe4SW SE installation in your Linux system. Afterwards you can execute demos/CANoe4SW_SE/ in your Linux system. The test cases are executed automatically and you should see a short test report in your terminal after execution.

If you are testing a vcan device with MTU=16, similarly adapt and run the script as follows: demos/CANoe4SW_SE/ -mtu16.

Generating CAN data in CANoe Desktop Edition

This is done with the same previous setup, but instead of generating CAN traffic on the vcan device (in Linux, by running the script ), CANoe Desktop Edition is the source of CAN payload.

You can start generating CAN frames in CANoe Desktop Edition using the CAN IG panel:


After starting the measurement, you can toggle sending CAN FD or Classical CAN frames by pressing the corresponding Send buttons on the panel.

You can read data that is being received on the can0 vcan device

candump can0

If both CAN FD and Classical CAN frames are being sent while the SIL Kit Adapter vcan and the CanEchoDevice are connected, you should see output similar to the following in the terminal:


CAN frames with ID of 007 and 009 are the ones sent from CANoe Desktop Edition and the ones with ID 008 and 00A are the response of the sil-kit-demo-can-echo-device to those frames, after increasing their ID by 1 and applying a shift-left of data by one byte.

Running the demo application inside a Docker container (Optional)

Note: This section provides an alternative method for running the demo applications - apart from CANoe Desktop Edition and CANoe4SW Server Edition - inside a Docker container and using the devcontainers Visual Studio Code extension. The steps outlined here are optional and not required if you prefer to run the applications directly and manually on your host machine.

The following tools are needed:

  • Visual Studio Code in Windows
  • An Ubuntu Virtual Machine with Docker running as a daemon (WSL2 is not compatible because it does not support SocketCAN by default)
  • ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh Visual Studio Code Extension
  • ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers Visual Studio Code Extension


1- Clone the repo on your Virtual Machine (if you have not done that yet).

2- Open the cloned folder remotely from an instance of Visual Studio Code via SSH (using the ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh Visual Studio Code Extension).

3- A pop-up will appear and propose to open the project in a container.

Dev Containers popup

Alternatively, you can click on the Dev Containers button at the bottom-left corner of Visual Studio Code, then click on Reopen in Container.

Wait for the Docker image to be built and for the container to start. After that, you can launch the pre-defined tasks to acheive the demo setup.

The Docker container exposes the TCP/IP port 8501 to the host, which means that adding CANoe as a participant in the following steps shall work out-of-the box if you set SIL Kit's registry-uri to silkit://localhost:8501.

Note: Be aware that following the previously mentioned steps will build a Docker image and run a Docker container on your system. Make sure you stop the Docker container and clean up any dangling Docker images afterwards.