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First Steps in LHCb
Building your own decay

Learning Objectives {.objectives}

  • Learn the concepts behind the LHCb selection framework
  • Build a decay chain

In order to perform most physics analyses we need to build a decay chain with reconstructed (or MC) particles that represents the physics process we want to study. In LHCb, this decay chain can be built through LHCb::Particle (LHCb::MCParticle) objects that represent individual particles and contain links to their children, also represented by the same type of object.

We'll learn all the concepts involved by running through a full example: using the DST file we downloaded in the Downloading a file from the Grid lesson, we will build our own $D^*\rightarrow D^0(\rightarrow K \pi) \pi$ decay chain from scratch. Get your LoKi skills ready and let's start.

The typical approach is to build the decay from the bottom up. Therefore, we need to

  1. Get input pions and kaons and filter them according to our physics needs.
  2. Combine a pion and a kaon to build a D0, and apply selection cuts to it.
  3. Combine this D0 with a pion to build the D*, again filtering when necessary.

To do that, we need to know a little bit more about how the LHCb analysis framework works. As discussed in the Gaudi introduction, Gaudi is based on the event-by-event sequential (chained) execution of algorithms wrapped in a GaudiSequencer, which takes care of handling the execution order such that processing stops when an algorithm is not passed. However, it does not handle the data dependencies between these algorithms nor does it give easy access to them. To solve this problem, the Selection Framework was created, and it is based on two types of objects: Selection and SelectionSequence.

Selections {.callout}

The Selection is the basic unit of the framework. It uses other Selections to process LHCb::Particles and writes them to a TES location easily findable through its outputLocation method. Additionally, it knows about other Selections that it requires to pass in order to obtain input particles through its RequiredSelections argument. A Selection requires all of its RequiredSelections to pass.

There are several types of selections, for example

  • Selection, the most basic class.
  • MergedSelection, which is used to join the output of several Selection objects into a single TES location.
  • DataOnDemand (also known as AutomaticData), which builds objects from their TES location using a preconfigured map of (location, algorithm) pairs.

Selection sequences {.callout}

The SelectionSequence takes a Selection object, resolves its Selection requirements, and builds a flat, chained and ordered list of Selections. It then exports (via the selection method) a self-contained GaudiSequencer with all the algorithm configurables necessary to run the selection. It also makes the output locations of the data written by the selection chain available via the outputLocations method.

To get our input particles we use the DataOnDemand service:

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import DataOnDemand
Pions = DataOnDemand('Phys/StdAllNoPIDsPions/Particles')
Kaons = DataOnDemand('Phys/StdAllLooseKaons/Particles')

Finding the correct inputs for CombineParticles algorithms {.callout}

As discussed previously, the DataOnDemand or AutomaticData selection builds objects from their TES location. In Gaudi, the TES location of the output of an algorithm is generally determined as Phys/ALGO_NAME/OBJECT_TYPE, where OBJECT_TYPE refers to Particles, Vertices, etc.

The CommonParticles package, which you can find here, allows to access premade particles with reasonable selections for us to use with DataOnDemand. For example, in our specific case, we use the DataOnDemand class with the Phys/StdAllNoPIDsPions/Particles and Phys/StdAllLooseKaons/Particles locations to access the output of the StdAllNoPIDsPions and StdAllLooseKaons algorithms, respectively:

Once we have the input pions and kaons, we can combine them to build a D0 by means of the CombineParticles algorithm. This algorithm performs the combinatorics for us according to a given decay descriptor and puts the resulting particle in the TES, allowing also to apply some cuts on them:

  • DaughtersCuts is a dictionary that maps each child particle type to a LoKi particle functor that determines if that particular particle satisfies our selection criteria. Optionally, one can specify also a Preambulo property that allows us to make imports, preprocess functors, etc (more on this in the LoKi functors lesson). For example:

    d0_daughters = {
      'pi-': '(PT > 750*MeV) & (P > 4000*MeV) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 4)',
      'K+': '(PT > 750*MeV) & (P > 4000*MeV) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 4)'
  • CombinationCut is a particle array LoKi functor (note the A prefix, see more here) that is given the array of particles in a single combination (the children) as input (in our case a kaon and a pion). This cut is applied before the vertex fit so it is typically used to save CPU time by performing some sanity cuts such as AMAXDOCA or ADAMASS before the CPU-consuming fit:

    d0_comb = "(AMAXDOCA('') < 0.2*mm) & (ADAMASS('D0') < 100*MeV)"
  • MotherCut is a selection LoKi particle functor that acts on the particle produced by the vertex fit (the parent) from the input particles, which allows to apply cuts on those variables that require a vertex, for example:

    # We can split long selections across multiple lines
    d0_mother = (
      '(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)< 9)'
      '& (BPVDIRA > 0.9997)'
      "& (ADMASS('D0') < 70*MeV)"

Then, we can build a combiner as

from Configurables import CombineParticles
d0 = CombineParticles(
    DecayDescriptor='([D0 -> pi- K+]CC)',

Now we have to build a Selection out of it so we can later on put all pieces together:

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection
d0_sel = Selection(
    RequiredSelections=[Pions, Kaons]

This two-step process for building the Selection (creating an algorithm and building a selection with it) can be simplified by using a helper function in the PhysSelPython.Wrappers module, called SimpleSelection. It gets a selection name, the algorithm type we want to run, the inputs and any other parameters that need to be passed to the algorithm (as keyword arguments), and returns a Selection object build in the same two-step way. With that in mind, we can rewrite the previous two pieces of code as

import GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators as ConfigurableGenerators
from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SimpleSelection
d0_sel = SimpleSelection(
    [Pions, Kaons],
    DecayDescriptor='([D0 -> pi- K+]CC)',

Note how we needed to use the CombineParticles from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators instead of the PhysSelPython.Wrappers one to make this work. This is because the LHCb algorithms are configured as singletons and it is mandatory to give them a name, which we don't want to in SimpleSelection (we want to skip steps!).

The LHCb singletons {.callout}

If we had tried to simply use CombineParticles inside our SimpleSelection, we would have seen it fail with the following error

NameError: Could not instantiate Selection because input Configurable CombineParticles has default name. This is too unsafe to be allowed.

The reason for this is that all LHCb algorithms need an explicit and unique name because they are singletons, and therefore an exception is thrown if we don't do that. A singleton is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. In our case, only one algorithm with a given name can be instantiated. This allows to reuse and reload algorithms that have already been created in the configuration sequence, eg, we could have reloaded the "Combine_D0" CombineParticles by name and modified it (even in another file loaded in the same call!):

d0_copy = CombineParticles('Combine_D0')
print d0_copy.DecayDescriptor

This is very useful to build complicated configuration chains.

The solution for the SimpleSelection problem, in which we actually don't care about the CombineParticles name, is the GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators package: it contains wrappers around algorithms such as CombineParticles or FilterDesktop allowing them to be instantiated without an explicit name argument.

Now we can use another CombineParticles to build the D* with pions and the D0's as inputs, and applying a filtering only on the soft pion:

dstar_daughters = {
  'pi+': '(TRCHI2DOF < 3) & (PT > 100*MeV)'
dstar_comb = "(ADAMASS('D*(2010)+') < 400*MeV)"
dstar_mother = (
    "(abs(M-MAXTREE('D0'==ABSID,M)-145.42) < 10*MeV)"
    '& (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)< 9)'
dstar_sel = SimpleSelection(
    [d0_sel, Pions],
    DecayDescriptor='[D*(2010)+ -> D0 pi+]cc',

Building shared selections {.callout}

In some cases we may want to build several decays in the same script with some common particles/selection; for example, in our case we could have been building D0->KK in the same script, and then we would have wanted to select the soft pion in the same way when building the D*. In this situation, we can make use of the FilterDesktop algorithm, which takes a TES location and filters the particles inside according to a given LoKi functor in the Code property, which then can be given as input to a Selection:

from Configurables import FilterDesktop
soft_pion = FilterDesktop('Filter_SoftPi',
                          Code='(TRCHI2DOF < 3) & (PT > 100*MeV)')
soft_pion_sel = Selection('Sel_SoftPi',
dstar = CombineParticles(
    DecayDescriptor='[D*(2010)+ -> D0 pi+]cc',
    CombinationCut="(ADAMASS('D*(2010)+') < 400*MeV)",
        "(abs(M-MAXTREE('D0'==ABSID,M)-145.42) < 10*MeV)"
        '& (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)< 9)'
dstar_sel = Selection(
    RequiredSelections=[d0_sel, soft_pion_sel]

This allows us to save time by performing the filtering of the soft pions only once, and to keep all the common cuts in a single place, avoiding duplication of code.

We can now build build a SelectionSequence to add to the DaVinci execution sequence

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SelectionSequence
dstar_seq = SelectionSequence('Dstar_Seq', TopSelection=dstar_sel)
from Configurables import DaVinci
DaVinci().UserAlgorithms += [dstar_seq.sequence()]

Debugging your selection chain {.callout}

The PhysSelPython.Wrappers offers a very useful utility for debugging your selection chains, called PrintSelection. It gets a Selection as input and it can be used the same way, except it will print the decay tree everytime making use of the PrintDecayTree algorithm which was discussed in the Exploring a DST lesson.

For more complex debugging, one can setup DaVinci with graphviz (see more details here)

SetupDaVinci --use "graphviz v* LCG_Interfaces"

and create a graph representation of the sequence of algorithms and their dependencies:

from SelPy.graph import graph
graph(dstar_sel, format='png')
Dstar selection graph

Note that currently it is not possible to load graphviz with lb-run, but it is expected it will be possible in the near future.

Work to do {.challenge}

  • Finish the script (the base of which can be found here) by adapting the basic DaVinci configuration from its corresponding lesson and check the output ntuple.
  • Replace the "Combine_D0" and "Sel_D0" objects by a single SimpleSelection.
  • Do you know what the used LoKi functors (AMAXDOCA, ADAMASS, MIPCHI2DV, etc) do?
  • Add a PrintSelection in your selections and run again.
  • Create a graph of the selection.