diff --git a/docs/changelog/.pages b/docs/changelog/.pages
index 238a4c56..f74c9ade 100644
--- a/docs/changelog/.pages
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title: Client Changelogs
- ...
- - updating-euroscope.md
- historical.md
order: desc
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deleted file mode 100644
index fe9ba263..00000000
--- a/docs/changelog/updating-euroscope.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- title: Updating your EuroScope Client
---8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
-AIRAC Cycle updates must be made manually for the EuroScope client. We highly suggest Controllers use vatSys, as it is easier to manage, in addition to being more representative of the real-world Air Traffic Management system used in New Zealand.
-## Files
-VATNZ has two packages available:
- - **SkyLine**: Contains all of the required position and frequency definitions alongside the Sector Files.
- - **Sector Files**: Only contains the Sector Files.
-For most cycles, Controllers will only need to replace the Sector Files. Controllers will be explicitly instructed in the Changelogs should they need to replace the entire SkyLine package.
-## Sector Files
-1. [Download the latest Sector Files from the VATNZ website](https://www.vatnz.net/airspace/sector_files/){ target=new }. This will download a file named "VATNZ-NZZC_xxyy", where `xx` is the year, and `yy` is the cycle.
-2. In Windows, open an explorer window for where your EuroScope files are stored. By default this is in the `Documents\EuroScope\` directory.
-3. Archive the current VATNZ NZZC files, and drag the new files into this directory.
-4. Open EuroScope. A dialogue will appear notifying you that the active sector file cannot be found. **Click No**.
-5. A file selection dialogue will appear. Select the new `.sct2` file, and click 'Open'.
-6. Another dialogue box will appear, notifying you that the file has been loaded. **Click Yes** to make this the new active sector file.
-7. When EuroScope loads, ensure that no error messages appear in the System box.
-## SkyLine Package
-!!! important "Backing up your Settings"
- Files in the `/Settings/` folder may be overwritten by the new SkyLine package, losing all of your display and list settings. Before updating, we recommend you back-up your `List.txt` and `Screen.txt` files, and reimporting them after you replace the rest of the package.
- It is important that you back-up only those two files, as other files in the `/Settings/` folder would have changed.
-1. [Download the latest SkyLine Package from the VATNZ website](https://www.vatnz.net/airspace/sector_files/){ target=new }. This will download a file named "VATNZ-SKYLINE_xxyy", where `xx` is the year, and `yy` is the cycle.
-2. In Windows, open an explorer window for where your EuroScope files are stored. By default this is in the `Documents\EuroScope\` directory.
-3. Archive your current VATNZ SkyLine files, and drag the new files into the directory - making sure to follow the note above about preserving your settings.
-4. Open EuroScope. A dialogue will appear notifying you that the active sector file cannot be found. **Click No**.
-5. A file selection dialogue will appear. Select the new `.sct2` file, and click 'Open'.
-6. Another dialogue box will appear, notifying you that the file has been loaded. **Click Yes** to make this the new active sector file.
-7. When EuroScope loads, ensure that no error messages appear in the System box.
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diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/.pages b/docs/controller-skills/.pages
index cdb0826b..5c0bbd70 100644
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title: Controller Skills
- "Overview": index.md
- - ...
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+ - ...
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/Client-Guides/euroscope-setup.md b/docs/controller-skills/Client-Guides/euroscope-setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84950adf
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+title: EuroScope Setup
+--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
+Initial setup, and future AIRAC Cycle updates must be made manually for the EuroScope client.
+VATNZ has two packages available:
+ - **SkyLine**: Contains all of the required position and frequency definitions alongside the Sector Files.
+ - **Sector Files**: Contains only the Sector Files.
+This page covers how to install the VATNZ Skyline Package, and how to update the sector files. For a detailed guide on installation of the client itself, refer to the [EuroScope documentation](https://www.euroscope.hu/wp/installation/){target=new}
+For most cycles, Controllers will only need to replace the Sector Files. Controllers will be explicitly instructed in the Changelogs should they need to replace the entire SkyLine package.
+## VATNZ Skyline Setup
+The Skyline package is intended for initial setup of the client, or for larger changes to the dataset. For regular AIRAC cycle updates, please refer to [Updating Sector Files](#updating-sector-files)
+!!! warning "Backing up your Settings"
+ Files in the `/Settings/` folder may be overwritten by the new SkyLine package, losing all of your display and list settings. Before updating, we recommend you back-up your `List.txt` and `Screen.txt` files, and reimporting them after you replace the rest of the package.
+ It is important that you back-up only those two files, as other files in the `/Settings/` folder would have changed.
+1. [Download the latest SkyLine Package from the VATNZ website](https://www.vatnz.net/airspace/sector_files/){ target=new }. This will download a `.zip` file named "VATNZ-SKYLINE_xxyy", where `xx` is the year, and `yy` is the cycle.
+ ![VATNZ Skyline Package](../assets/skyline-dl.png)
+2. In Windows, open an explorer window and navigate to your EuroScope files. By default this is in the `AppData\Roaming\EuroScope` directory. Note: This may be in the `Documents\EuroScope\` directory for older installations of EuroScope.
+3. Create a new folder in this directory for your VATNZ files, the name of this folder does not matter.
+4. Ensure you archive your current Skyline files if present, then drag the new files into this new folder.
+5. Open EuroScope. If prompted to select a profile file, select `VATNZ.PRF`
+6. A dialogue may appear notifying you that the active sector file cannot be found. **Click No**.
+7. A file selection dialogue will appear. Select the new `.sct2` file, and click 'Open'.
+8. Another dialogue box will appear, notifying you that the file has been loaded. **Click Yes** to make this the new active sector file.
+9. When EuroScope loads, ensure that no error messages appear in the System box.
+## Updating Sector Files
+1. [Download the latest Sector Files from the VATNZ website](https://www.vatnz.net/airspace/sector_files/){ target=new }. This will download a file named "VATNZ-NZZC_xxyy", where `xx` is the year, and `yy` is the cycle.
+ ![Sector Files](../assets/sector-files-dl.png)
+2. In Windows, open an explorer window and navigate to your EuroScope files. By default this is in the `AppData\Roaming\EuroScope` directory. Note: This may be in the `Documents\EuroScope\` directory for older installations of EuroScope.
+3. Archive the current `VATNZ-NZZC_xxyy` files, and drag the new files into this directory.
+ ![Sector Files](../assets/sector-files.png)
+4. Open EuroScope. A dialogue will appear notifying you that the active sector file cannot be found. **Click No**.
+5. A file selection dialogue will appear. Select the new `.sct2` file, and click 'Open'.
+6. Another dialogue box will appear, notifying you that the file has been loaded. **Click Yes** to make this the new active sector file.
+7. When EuroScope loads, ensure that no error messages appear in the System box.
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diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/Client-Guides/vatSys-setup.md b/docs/controller-skills/Client-Guides/vatSys-setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69d889a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/controller-skills/Client-Guides/vatSys-setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ title: vatSys Client Guide
+--8<-- "includes/abbreviations.md"
+Our vatSys dataset comes pre-loaded with everything a controller needs to get connected, and no external software is required to be updated or modified before the controller can log on to the VATSIM network.
+!!! note
+ While a Navigraph Subscription is not required, you can update your Nav-data by going to: `Settings > Navigraph > Link Navigraph Account`
+### Plugins
+Our vatSys dataset currently ships with one plugin, the VATNZ Standard Route Tool. You can find this under `Tools > Standard Route Tool`
+To check what plugins are currently installed with your client, go to `Info > About`
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/assets/es-folder.png b/docs/controller-skills/assets/es-folder.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a0a8701
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diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/assets/sector-files-dl.png b/docs/controller-skills/assets/sector-files-dl.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb1565eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/controller-skills/assets/sector-files-dl.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a392bec8
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/controller-skills/assets/sector-files.png differ
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/assets/skyline-dl.png b/docs/controller-skills/assets/skyline-dl.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d38e0607
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/controller-skills/assets/skyline-dl.png differ
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-info.png b/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-info.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f66b79c
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-info.png differ
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-tools.png b/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-tools.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d0d4b32
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/controller-skills/assets/vatSys-tools.png differ
diff --git a/docs/controller-skills/client-guides/.pages b/docs/controller-skills/client-guides/.pages
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bde75a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/controller-skills/client-guides/.pages
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+title: Client Guides
+ - "vatSys Client Guide": vatSys-setup.md
+ - ...