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DNSRecord module


The dnsrecord module allows management of DNS records and is as compatible as possible with the Ansible upstream ipa_dnsrecord module, but provide some other features like multiple record management in one execution and support for more DNS record types.


  • DNS record management.

Supported FreeIPA Versions

FreeIPA versions 4.4.0 and up are supported by the ipadnsrecord module.



  • Ansible version: 2.15+


  • Supported FreeIPA version (see above)


Example inventory file


Example playbook to ensure an AAAA record is present:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host01
    record_type: 'AAAA'
    record_value: '::1'

Example playbook to ensure an AAAA record is present, with a TTL of 300:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host01
    record_type: 'AAAA'
    record_value: '::1'
    record_ttl: 300

Example playbook to ensure an AAAA record is present, with a reverse PTR record:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host02
    record_type: 'AAAA'
    record_value: 'fd00::0002'
    create_reverse: yes

Example playbook to ensure a LOC record is present, given its individual attributes:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host03
    loc_lat_deg: 52
    loc_lat_min: 22
    loc_lat_sec: 23.000
    loc_lat_dir: N
    loc_lon_deg: 4
    loc_lon_min: 53
    loc_lon_sec: 32.00
    loc_lon_dir: E
    loc_altitude: -2.00
    loc_size: 1.00
    loc_h_precision: 10000
    loc_v_precision: 10

Example playbook to ensure multiple DNS records are present:

  ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    - name: host02
      record_type: A
        - "{{ ipv4_prefix }}.112"
        - "{{ ipv4_prefix }}.122"
    - name: host02
      record_type: AAAA
      record_value: ::1

Example playbook to ensure multiple CNAME records are present:

- name: Ensure that 'host03' and 'host04' have CNAME records.
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    - name: host03
    - name: host04

Example playbook to ensure NS record is absent:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host04
    ns_hostname: host04
    state: absent

Example playbook to ensure LOC record is present, with fields:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host04
    loc_lat_deg: 52
    loc_lat_min: 22
    loc_lat_sec: 23.000
    loc_lat_dir: N
    loc_lon_deg: 4
    loc_lon_min: 53
    loc_lon_sec: 32.000
    loc_lon_dir: E
    loc_altitude: -2.00
    loc_size: 0.00
    loc_h_precision: 10000
    loc_v_precision: 10

Change value of an existing LOC record:

- ipadnsrecord:
  ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
  name: host04
  loc_size: 1.00
  loc_rec: 52 22 23 N 4 53 32 E -2 0 10000 10

Example playbook to ensure multiple A records are present:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host04

Example playbook to ensure A and AAAA records are present, with reverse records (PTR):

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host01
      - fd00:;0001
      - fd00::0002
    create_reverse: yes

Example playbook to ensure multiple A and AAAA records are present, but only A records have reverse records:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    name: host01
    aaaa_ip_address: fd00::0001
    a_create_reverse: yes

Example playbook to ensure multiple DNS records are absent:

- ipadnsrecord:
    ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
    - name: host01
      del_all: yes
    - name: host02
      del_all: yes
    - name: host03
      del_all: yes
    - name: host04
      del_all: yes
    - name: _ftp._tcp
      del_all: yes
    - name: _sip._udp
      del_all: yes
    state: absent


Variable Description Required
ipaadmin_principal The admin principal is a string and defaults to admin no
ipaadmin_password The admin password is a string and is required if there is no admin ticket available on the node no
ipaapi_context The context in which the module will execute. Executing in a server context is preferred. If not provided context will be determined by the execution environment. Valid values are server and client. no
ipaapi_ldap_cache Use LDAP cache for IPA connection. The bool setting defaults to yes. (bool) no
zone_name | dnszone The DNS zone name to which DNS record needs to be managed. You can use one global zone name for multiple records. no
required: true
records The list of dns records dicts. Each records dict entry can contain record variables. no
  Record variables no
Record variables Used when defining a single record. no
state The state to ensure. It can be one of present or absent, and defaults to present. yes

Record Variables:

Variable Description Required
zone_name | dnszone The DNS zone name to which DNS record needs to be managed. You can use one global zone name for multiple records. When used on a records dict, overrides the global zone_name. yes
name | record_name The DNS record name to manage. yes
record_type The type of DNS record. Supported values are A, AAAA, A6, AFSDB, CERT, CNAME, DLV, DNAME, DS, KX, LOC, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SRV, SSHFP, TLSA, TXT, URI, and defaults to A. no
record_value Manage DNS record name with this values. no
record_ttl Set the TTL for the record. (int) no
del_all Delete all associated records. (bool) no
a_rec | a_record Raw A record. no
aaaa_rec | aaaa_record Raw AAAA record. no
a6_rec | a6_record Raw A6 record data. no
afsdb_rec | afsdb_record Raw AFSDB record. no
cert_rec | cert_record Raw CERT record. no
cname_rec | cname_record Raw CNAME record. no
dlv_rec | dlv_record Raw DLV record. no
dname_rec | dname_record Raw DNAM record. no
ds_rec | ds_record Raw DS record. no
kx_rec | kx_record Raw KX record. no
loc_rec | loc_record Raw LOC record. no
mx_rec | mx_record Raw MX record. no
naptr_rec | naptr_record Raw NAPTR record. no
ns_rec | ns_record Raw NS record. no
ptr_rec | ptr_record Raw PTR record. no
srv_rec | srv_record Raw SRV record. no
sshfp_rec | sshfp_record Raw SSHFP record. no
tlsa_rec | tlsa_record Raw TLSA record. no
txt_rec | txt_record Raw TXT record. no
uri_rec | uri_record Raw URI record. no
ip_address IP adress for A or AAAA records. Set record_type to A or AAAA. no
create_reverse | reverse Create reverse records for A and AAAA record types. There is no equivalent to remove reverse records. (bool) no
a_ip_address IP adress for A records. Set record_type to A. no
a_create_reverse Create reverse records only for A records. There is no equivalent to remove reverse records. (bool) no
aaaa_ip_address IP adress for AAAA records. Set record_type AAAA. no
aaaa_create_reverse Create reverse records only for AAAA record types. There is no equivalent to remove reverse records. (bool) no
a6_data A6 record. Set record_type to A6. no
afsdb_subtype AFSDB Subtype. Set record_type to AFSDB. (int) no
afsdb_hostname AFSDB Hostname. Set record_type to AFSDB. no
cert_type CERT Certificate Type. Set record_type to CERT. (int) no
cert_key_tag CERT Key Tag. Set record_type to CERT. (int) no
cert_algorithm CERT Algorithm. Set record_type to CERT. (int) no
cert_certificate_or_crl CERT Certificate or Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Set record_type to CERT. no
cname_hostname A hostname which this alias hostname points to. Set record_type to CNAME. no
dlv_key_tag DS Key Tag. Set record_type to DLV. (int) no
dlv_algorithm DLV Algorithm. Set record_type to DLV. (int) no
dlv_digest_type DLV Digest Type. Set record_type to DLV. (int) no
dlv_digest DLV Digest. Set record_type to DLV. no
dname_target DNAME Target. Set record_type to DNAME. no
ds_key_tag DS Key Tag. Set record_type to DS. (int) no
ds_algorithm DS Algorithm. Set record_type to DS. (int) no
ds_digest_type DS Digest Type. Set record_type to DS. (int) no
ds_digest DS Digest. Set record_type to DS. no
kx_preference Preference given to this exchanger. Lower values are more preferred. Set record_type to KX. (int) no
kx_exchanger A host willing to act as a key exchanger. Set record_type to KX. no
loc_lat_deg LOC Degrees Latitude. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_lat_min LOC Minutes Latitude. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_lat_sec LOC Seconds Latitude. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
loc_lat_dir LOC Direction Latitude. Valid values are N or S. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_lon_deg LOC Degrees Longitude. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_lon_min LOC Minutes Longitude. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_lon_sec LOC Seconds Longitude. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
loc_lon_dir LOC Direction Longitude. Valid values are E or W. Set record_type to LOC. (int) no
loc_altitude LOC Altitude. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
loc_size LOC Size. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
loc_h_precision LOC Horizontal Precision. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
loc_v_precision LOC Vertical Precision. Set record_type to LOC. (float) no
mx_preference Preference given to this exchanger. Lower values are more preferred. Set record_type to MX. (int) no
mx_exchanger A host willing to act as a mail exchanger. Set record_type to LOC. no
naptr_order NAPTR Order. Set record_type to NAPTR. (int) no
naptr_preference NAPTR Preference. Set record_type to NAPTR. (int) no
naptr_flags NAPTR Flags. Set record_type to NAPTR. no
naptr_service NAPTR Service. Set record_type to NAPTR. no
naptr_regexp NAPTR Regular Expression. Set record_type to NAPTR. no
naptr_replacement NAPTR Replacement. Set record_type to NAPTR. no
ns_hostname NS Hostname. Set record_type to NS. no
ptr_hostname The hostname this reverse record points to. . Set record_type to PTR. no
srv_priority Lower number means higher priority. Clients will attempt to contact the server with the lowest-numbered priority they can reach. Set record_type to SRV. (int) no
srv_weight Relative weight for entries with the same priority. Set record_type to SRV. (int) no
srv_port SRV Port. Set record_type to SRV. (int) no
srv_target The domain name of the target host or '.' if the service is decidedly not available at this domain. Set record_type to SRV. no
sshfp_algorithm SSHFP Algorithm. Set record_type to SSHFP. (int) no
sshfp_fp_type SSHFP Fingerprint Type. Set record_type to SSHFP. (int) no
sshfp_fingerprint SSHFP Fingerprint. Set record_type to SSHFP. (int) no
txt_data TXT Text Data. Set record_type to TXT. no
tlsa_cert_usage TLSA Certificate Usage. Set record_type to TLSA. (int) no
tlsa_selector TLSA Selector. Set record_type to TLSA. (int) no
tlsa_matching_type TLSA Matching Type. Set record_type to TLSA. (int) no
tlsa_cert_association_data TLSA Certificate Association Data. Set record_type to TLSA. no
uri_target Target Uniform Resource Identifier according to RFC 3986. Set record_type to URI. no
uri_priority Lower number means higher priority. Clients will attempt to contact the URI with the lowest-numbered priority they can reach. Set record_type to URI. (int) no
uri_weight Relative weight for entries with the same priority. Set record_type to URI. (int) no


Rafael Guterres Jeffman