Multi-Faceted Trust Based Recommendation System
This repository contains and demonstrates a model built to carry out rating prediction for user-item pairs in an e-commerce environment.
Rich Epinions Dataset, can be found at:
- Python 3.5-3.7
- Pip 19.0+
- Angular 8
npm install
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If the above command fails due to:
- inability to find tensorflow 2.1.0, update Pip to a version > 19.0 as mentioned in dependencies
- other reasons; or succeeds, but on running the demo, some modules are missing/prediction does not work due to server error: kindly check the versions of installed Python modules against flask-crm/backend/requirements.txt
flask run
- Server runs on localhost:5000; to check the APIs, import the given Postman collection referred to in the last section
Server may take a few minutes to start up, and may display warnings. If the health check (localhost:5000/health GET) works, the demo can be executed.
ng serve
- Server runs on localhost:4200
Import Postman Collection from