Reminder Bot acts as your personal assistant. It will set up reminders for dates / times mentioned in a room, and send you a reminder message when those times occur, like so:
- Simply add the Reminder Bot to any chat, and it will monitor all the messages for a date/time component.
- Chat with the bot. When you enter a date/time the bot will respond with a form allowing you to create a reminder:
- Clicking Create Reminder will add the reminder to the list of reminders active in the room.
- When the time arrives, the Reminder Bot will notify in the chat like so:
Options include :
- Listing down the reminders for the room
- Listing down the timezones
- Changing time zone , remind before duration
- Changing the "remind before" / "travel time" for the room.
Type /help
in the room to display all the options, as shown below:
Type /list
in a chat to show the reminders set for the current room:
Type /timezones
in the room to show all the available timezones:
Type /zone Asia/Calcutta
to update the timezone for the room.
You can set the lead-time for each reminder seperately, but you can set a default remind-before in each room like so:
/remindbefore 5
This means, if later you enter "remind me at 6pm to make dinner", then the reminder will come up at 5:55pm, as you have set a 5 minute remind-before.
This is done in the application.yml
welcomeMessage: "The reminder bot is active in this room. Type a date or time in your conversation and I'll create a reminder for it"
By default, time-zone is set to London, but you can override with any Java timezone like so:
defaultTimeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
Users can override this on a per-chat basis with /zone
(descibed above).
### Set Default Remind-Before
defaultRemindBefore: 30 # 30 minutes before.