version | example_title |
1.0.0 |
Match |
A match statement is a short-hand way for if - else
If the input is matched the statement block of the first matching branch will be executed and its last expression will be returned.
The else
branch will be executed when there is no other matching branch.
num := 1
match num % 2 == 0 {
true { print('The input number is even.') }
else { print('The input number is odd.') }
One can also initialize variables using match
to have different values according to a condition.
num := 3
s := match num {
1 { 'one' }
2 { 'two' }
else {
fn even(num int) bool {
match num % 2 == 0 {
true { print('The input number is even.') }
else { print('The input number is odd.') }
fn num_to_str(num int) int {
match num {
1 { 'one' }
2 { 'two' }
else {
fn main() {
println(even(14)) // 'The input number is even.'
println(even(3)) // 'The input number is odd.'
println(num_to_str(1)) // 'one'
println(num_to_str(2)) // 'two'
println(num_to_str(352)) // 'many'
One can also match on enum
values (variants) as branches by using the .variant_here
enum Animal {
fn makes_miau(a Animal) bool {
return match a {
.cat { true }
else { false }
fn is_land_creature(a Animal) bool {
return match a {
.cat { true }
.dog { true }
.pig { true }
else {
fn is_land_creature_alt(a Animal) bool {
return match a {
.goldfish { false }
else {
fn main() {
my_cat :=
my_goldfish := Animal.goldfish
println(makes_miau(my_cat)) // true
println(is_land_creature(my_cat)) // true
println(is_land_creature(my_goldfish)) // false
- Write a V program that creates an array of all even numbers from 1 to 50.
- Write a V program that, given an array of numbers, returns the maximum value.
- Write a V program that determines whether color (enum) is red or blue