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PointSourceExtractor provides functionality for identifying and characterizing point sources in an image. The source extraction algorithm is described here:
The default constructor for the class object, used when an image is to be examined for sources.
PointSourceExtractor(double[] XCoords, double[] YCoords)
The constructor for the class object used when an image already has a given list of coordinate locations for sources in the image. Use overload of Extract_Sources
referencing the objects own centroids to determine source characteristics at the coordinate locations.
PointSourceExtractor(JPFITS.FITSBinTable BinTablePSE)
The constructor for the class object based on a PointSourceExtractor saved from another session.
Extract_Sources(double[,] image, double pix_saturation, double pix_min, double pix_max, double kernel_min, double kernel_max, bool threshholds_as_SN, int kernel_radius, int source_separation, bool auto_background, string kernel_filename_template, bool[,]? ROI_region, bool show_waitbar)
Searches for sources within a 2D image array.
The 2D image array to find sources in. -
The saturation threshold of the image pixels, for finding saturation islands. Set equal to zero (0) if not needed. -
The minimum pixel threshold value (or SN) to consider a potential source. -
The maximum pixel threshold value (or SN) to consider a potential source. -
The minimum kernel pixel sum threshold value (or SN) to consider a potential source. -
The maximum kernel pixel sum threshold value (or SN) to consider a potential source. -
Treat the thresholds as Signal to Noise instead of pixel values. -
The radius (pixels) of the kernel to find sources within. Secondary sources within the radius will be ignored. -
The separation (pixels) between sources. Only the brightest source within the separation radius is kept. -
Automatically determine the local background for potential sources. Not required if background is known to be zeroed, but should have no effect if used in this case. -
The template full file name for the kernels to be saved. Sources will be numbered sequentially. Pass empty string for no saving. -
A boolean array of valid area to examine. Pass null or array of equal dimension to source image all true for entire image search. -
Show a cancellable wait bar.
Extract_Sources(double[,] image, double[] XCoords, double[] YCoords, int kernel_radius, bool auto_background, string kernel_filename_template)
Determines centroids and other kernel information for known sources at given coordinates.
The 2D image array containing the known sources to extract. -
The x-axis coordinates of the sources. These can be PSE.Centroids_X. -
The y-axis coordinates of the sources. These can be PSE.Centroids_Y. -
The radius (pixels) of the kernel to centroid. -
Automatically determine the local background for potential sources. Not required if background is known to be zeroed, but should have no effect if used in this case. -
The template full file name for the kernels to be saved. Sources will be numbered sequentially. Pass empty string for no saving.
Extract_Attempt_N_Sources(int N, double[,] image, double pix_saturation, double pix_min, double pix_max, double kernel_min, double kernel_max, bool threshholds_as_SN, int kernel_radius, int source_separation, bool auto_background, string kernel_filename_template, bool[,]? ROI_region, bool show_waitbar)
Attempt to find N strongest sources in an image.
The number of strongest sources to try to find. - Other parameters as above.
Fit_Sources_Gaussian_Circular(double[] Pinit, double[] LBnds, double[] UBnds)
Performs a least-squares fit on all sources of the form
G(x,y|P) = P(0) * exp( -((x - P(1)).^2 + (y - P(2)).^2 ) / (2*P(3)^2)) + P(4)
Initial guesses for the fit parameters. Only P(3) and P(4) are used, all other parameter initial estimates are determined locally. -
Lower bounds for the fit parameters. Only LBnds(3) and LBnds(4) are used, all other parameter bound estimates are determined locally. -
Upper bounds for the fit parameters. Only UBnds(3) and LBnds(4) are used, all other parameter bound estimates are determined locally.
Fit_Sources_Gaussian_Elliptical(double[] Pinit, double[] LBnds, double[] UBnds)
Performs a least-squares fit on all sources of the form
G(x,y|P) = P(0) * exp( -((x - P(1))*cosd(P(3)) + (y - P(2))sind(P(3))).^2 / (2P(4)^2) - ( -(x - P(1))*sind(P(3)) + (y - P(2))cosd(P(3))).^2 / (2P(5)^2) ) + P(6).
Initial guesses for the fit parameters. Only P(3), P(4), P(5) and P(6) are used, all other parameter initial estimates are determined locally. -
Lower bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above. -
Upper bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above.
Fit_Sources_Moffat_Circular(double[] Pinit, double[] LBnds, double[] UBnds)
Performs a least-squares fit on all sources of the form
M(x,y|P) = P(0) * ( 1 + { (x - P(1))^2 + (y - P(2))^2 } / P(3)^2 ) ^ (-P(4)) + P(5).
Initial guesses for the fit parameters. Only P(3), P(4), P(5) are used, all other parameter initial estimates are determined locally. -
Lower bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above. -
Upper bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above.
Fit_Sources_Moffat_Elliptical(double[] Pinit, double[] LBnds, double[] UBnds)
Performs a least-squares fit on all sources of the form
M(x,y|P) = P(0) * (1 + { ((x - P(1))*cosd(P(3)) + (y - P(2))*sind(P(3))) ^ 2 } / P(4) ^ 2 + { (-(x - P(1))*sind(P(3)) + (y - P(2))*cosd(P(3))) ^ 2 } / P(5) ^ 2) ^ (-P(6)) + P(7).
Initial guesses for the fit parameters. Only P(3), P(4), P(5), P(6) and P(7) are used, all other parameter initial estimates are determined locally. -
Lower bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above. -
Upper bounds for the fit parameters. Same restrictions as above.
Save_Source_Table(string delimit)
Saves the metadata table of the extracted sources as a delimited text file.
The delimit argument string: "tab" specifies a tab-delimit, otherwise provide a character (such as the comma "," etc).
Generate_Source_RADec_Coords(JPFITS.WorldCoordinateSolution wcs)
Generates RA and Dec coordinates for the sources in this instance, using the supplied World Coordinate System instance.
The world coordinate system to use for converting image pixel locations to world coordinates.
double[,] GetKernel(double[,] image, int x0, int y0, int radius)
Gets a sub-array kernel from a primary image given a center position and square half-width radius.
The source image to extract the kernel from. -
The center pixel of the kernel on the horizontal axis of the image. -
The center pixel of the kernel on the vertical axis of the image. -
The radius of the kernel.
Centroid(int[] xdata, int[] ydata, double[,] kernel, out double x_centroid, out double y_centroid)
Determines the [x, y] centroid location of a given kernel.
The horizontal axis values of the kernel. -
The vertical axis values of the kernel. -
The kernel to centroid. -
The weighed mean centroid of the kernel on the horizontal axis. -
The weighed mean centroid of the kernel on the vertical axis.
double[] COG
(double[,] ROI, int N_last_fit_pts, out double[] N_points_COG, out double background_signal_per_pix, out double source_signal)
Determines the Curve of Growth photometry for a source centered in the ROI image.
The region of interest image to determine the curve of growth for. -
The number of tailing points to fit for linear slope - intercept of this line is source counts, slope is the background count per pixel. -
The number of points for each curve of growth point. Used as the abscissa against the return value. -
The slope of the linear fit line to the tailing points, i.e., the counts per pixel background. -
The intercept of the linear fit line to the tailing points, i.e., the total central source counts.
string[,] Source_Table
Gets a metadata table of the extracted sources.
double[] Centroids_X
Gets or Sets the x-axis centroids of extracted sources.
double[] Centroids_Y
Gets or Sets the Y-axis centroids of extracted sources.
double[] Centroids_Volume
Gets the volume (total count) of extracted sources.
int N_Sources
Gets the total number of extracted sources.
int N_SaturatedSources
Gets the number of saturated sources.
double[,] Fitted_Parameter_List
Gets a list of the fitted parameters for all sources.
string LSFit_Equation
Gets a string of the equation used for least-squares fitting.
bool Fitted
Gets a boolean to indicate whether least-squares fits have been performed.
bool[,] SourceBooleanMap
Returns the boolean source map.
int[,] SourceIndexMap
Returns the integer index source map.