Renderer for Jam & co Works on (or should !) on :
- mobile
- desktop (browser)
- server side
- regl: fantastic functional api for webGL
- most.js: reactive programing that is FAST and with a simple & clear API
- for now this is only a copy of a part of, more to come soon
##We need to be able to
- displays meshes, from raw hashes of Float32Array (positions, normals) => DONE
- display meshes given lots of 'meta' data : ie json object containing transforms, colors, etc IN , render OUT => DONE
- have identical controls (camera controls) MEDIUM => DONE
- replicate (need not match 100%) the 'grid' MEDIUM => DONE
- do 'picking' MEDIUM => DONE
- work server side EASY => DONE, IN COLOR
- lines (for gcode etc) TRIVIAL : just use primitive:'lines' when rendering => DONE
- handle object hiearchies (ie transform hierarchies) at least in a basic manner MEDIUM
- replicate (need not match 100%) object transform controls VERY HARD
- object outlines (hopefully BETTER than the current ones) HARD
- shadows (less important, waaay harder than all the rest ?) VERY HARD
- shading /visual quality MEDIUM
- what to do with all 'visual helpers' ? HARD
##Cool extras and tools:
- good performance
- fantastic readeability
- no more hacks
- functional
- data driven
- close to the metal : no more going through hoops (three.js)
- makes it easier to implement advanced rendering (npr, pbr)
- small size
- part of the stack-gl ecosystem (somewhat)
##Cool tools in stack-gl for use
- reindex geometric data to keep hard edges while keeping advantage of indexed geometry: see
- center mesh
- ambient occlusion ?
- for drawing grids, axes, etc, this can be a good reference