Implement Bangs like in DuckDuckGoDone, try d! for DuckDuckGo, g! for Google, w! for Wikipedia or wde! for German Wikipedia- Admin page
- Tools for updating data from [[@github(urbandwin, stuff)]] (kind of done via refresh page)
- admin-only content
- Accounts / login
- for personalized content (favorite stations, lists of things, bookmarks, etc.)
- compare data sources from osm vs other source (vegan maps)
special search for OSM tagsdone- Consolidate code from
- Any set of OSM objects (identified by tag etc.) along lines
- Show food stuff that is open now
- Show piece of map from each POI (beim Mauszeiger drüberhalten)
- "show all" bei click auf Station
- There's a Metro in Berlin with shop=wholesale
- Add link to this somewhere:
- Add links to amenity=doctors, amenity=dentist and office=lawyer and assess data coverage using a different source of information.
- Street search
- Key-Histogram and Tag-Histogram based on search results
- Einkaufsmöglichkeiten / Einzelhandel
- Fashion chains: H&M's, C&A's etc.
- Schwimmbäder / Badestellen / Freibäder
- Eisbahnen
Supermärkte, Drogerien, Geldautomaten / Banken, Bibliotheken, Museen, Baumärkte, Apotheken, Bäckereien
- Make discoverable using certain filters
- Using cuisine
- Using quarters als filters
- Within distance of something else
- Alles vom VBB, insbesondere auch Fahrstuhlinfo
- Station nicknames from derhuerst/vbb-common-places
- Other additional data listed here:
- station photos
- tile patterns (see basic integration)
- change-positions (partially implemented)
- Concert info. Songkick, Eventim, Ticketmaster?
- Flats. Immobilienscout, Immoscout
- Flatshares. wg-gesucht, wgcompany
- Jobs. StackOverflow Jobs
- Short term accomodation. Airbnb, Wimdu etc,, HRS, etc.
- Data from
- Search for books in VOEBB, possibly using opacapp/opacclient
- Mapnificent: example