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125 lines (94 loc) · 10.1 KB





  • Moved rmarkdown::render interium files to occur within a temp directory, not the installed package directory (#329 Thanks @jcarbaut!)

pkgnet 0.5.0


  • with the function argument as string will now properly appear on the function reporter. Previously, this would show as a node with a circular reference. (#302)
  • LinkingTo: package dependencies are now included in the DependencyReporter and subsequent HTML report and objects. (#319 Thanks @petergodbert !)


  • Updated pkgnet-intro vignette to include information on the Class Inheritance Reporter and other minor edits.
  • Recursive functions .parse_function and .parse_R6_expression made tolerant to control statemets like break or next that would break the recursion. (#322)
  • Excessive warnings removed for custom vignette_path param in CreatePackageVignette() (#322)
  • Updated R6 class documentation to be in line with current roxygen2 standards.


  • CreatePackageReporter() failing on Windows to build package coverage when report_path specified. (#322)

pkgnet 0.4.2


  • Node coloring in DependencyReporter (#243)


  • Removed LazyData field to accomodate change in CRAN policy. (#289)


  • Updated Codecov URL.

pkgnet 0.4.1


  • CreatePackageReport() now outputs an object of new class PackageReport (instead of a list of reporters). This object will let you interactively manipulate the included reporter objects to customize the report, and regenerate the report on demand. You can also instantiate and interact with a PackageReport object directly without CreatePackageReport().


  • Rounding format within report tables improved.
  • Contact information updated throughout the package documentation.
  • Appveyor testing configured in order to test windows builds in CI process.
  • Package logos were created. They are available within this repository at ./man/figures.
  • Remove vignettes from CRAN hosted package. They remain as articles on the website.


  • Error handling for erroneous colors within AbstractGraphReporter$set_plot_node_color_scheme(). (#262
  • data.table osx install bug for Travis. (#251 Thanks @TylerGrantSmith
  • Single row data.table handling with R6 report code. (#263 Thanks @TylerGrantSmith
  • Jaccard similarity example in pkgnet-intro vignette. Thanks @marcpaterno

pkgnet 0.4.0


  • Objects of new DirectedGraph class now slot into the pkg_graph field of network reporters. These objects encapsulate the graph modeling of networks and have a more expressive set of methods for analysis. Check out the full documentation with ?DirectedGraph. (#181)
    • Use pkg_graph$node_measures and pkg_graph$graph_measures to respectively calculate node-level and graph-level measures.
    • Use pkg_graph$default_node_measures and pkg_graph$default_graph_measures to see the measures calculated by default.
    • Use pkg_graph$available_node_measures and pkg_graph$available_graph_measures to see the all supported measures.
    • The igraph object is now instead available at pkg_graph$igraph.
  • pkgnet now has a gallery! Check out reports for different packages. We welcome contributions---see here for instructions on how to add a package to the gallery.
  • New function CreatePackageVignette that creates an Rmarkdown HTML vignette version of a pkgnet report. This vignette can be built using knitr and distributed with a package, like any other vignette. Check out our example on the pkgnet gallery. (#200)
  • Roxygen documentation has been improved. Each reporter's documentation is now more complete. Additionally, there is a new package documentation article that introduces pkgnet, accessible with ?pkgnet. (#192, #193, #198)


  • Standardizing on the language "dependency" and "reverse dependency" to describe the directed graph relationships in the package. This completes the change introduced in v0.3.0 where edge direction convention was set to point in the direction of dependency. So this means that "depend on" follows the edge arrow direction, and "reverse depends on" is reverse edge arrow direction. (#191, #181)
  • outSubgraphSize and inSubgraphSize have been replaced with numRecursiveDeps and numRecursiveRevDeps, which are the former minus one (by not counting the node itself). (#191, #181)
  • Per the new DirectedGraph feature, reporters' pkg_graph field now contain an object of new DirectedGraph class. Previously it held an igraph object. This igraph object is now instead available at pkg_graph$igraph. See NEW FEATURES section for other details about the new pkg_graph object. (#181)
  • Default measures now exist for each reporter. These can be calculated with the new method calculate_default_measures on reporters. (#181)
    • The report from CreatePackageReport will now only show default measures.
  • Reporters now only allow packages to be set once. To report on a new package, please instantiate a new instance of the reporter of interest. (#106, #181)
  • The report from CreatePackageReport now prints the version of pkgnet used at the bottom. (#181)
  • AbstractPackageReporter and AbstractGraphReporter are no longer exported. These are base classes that are not meant to be used directly. (#190, #198)
  • Wide in package reports are now horizontally scrollable instead of making the page wider. (#200)


  • Static outputs shown in the vignette that were outdated have been updated. (#189, #181)

pkgnet 0.3.2




  • Added unit tests for network measure calculations (#166).
  • Revised unit test setup and teardown files to enable devtools::test() to work as well as CRAN server testing (#167)


  • Corrected node statistics table merging error (#165, #166)
  • Added a NAMESPACE entry for knitr to suppress warning on CRAN server checks (#168)

pkgnet 0.3.1




  • Unit testing strategy on CRAN vs Travis and local. See #160 for details.



pkgnet 0.3.0


  • InheritanceReporter, a reporter for R6, Reference, and S4 class inheritance relationships within a package. (#14, #129)
  • Dropdown menu in graph visualizations for selecting which node to highlight. (#132, #143)


  • Edge direction reversed to align with UML dependency diagram convention. Now, if A depends on B, then A->B. (#131, #143)
  • Reporters now support all layouts available in igraph. Use grep("^layout_\\S", getNamespaceExports("igraph"), value = TRUE) to see valid options. (#143)
  • FunctionReporter now utilizes graphopt layout by default. (#143)
  • FunctionReporter now supports non-exported functions and R6 class methods. (#123, #128)
  • Orphaned node clustering was removed in favor of using layout to better handle graphs with many orphaned nodes. (#102, #143)
  • Testing strategy with subpackages are now CRAN and TRAVIS compatible. (#121, #139, #144)
  • Test package milne created for unit testing of InheritanceReporter and R6 method support in FunctionReporter. (#128, #129)
  • Width of html reports now adjust to size of screen. (#143)
  • Default node colors are now colorblind accessible. (#130, #141)
  • Additional various improvements to UX for package reports. (#143)


  • Rendering of the table in Function Network tab. (#136, #138)