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File metadata and controls

713 lines (528 loc) · 21.3 KB

Deploy zigbee2mqtt in Kubernetes using Kustomize


  • A functional k8s cluster.
  • An Ingress provider (I use ingress-nginx, not to be confused with nginx-ingress)
  • Secrets defined in settings/.env.secrets:
    • user=zigbee2mqtt
      • user the username to connect to your MQTT broker
    • password=CHANGEME
      • password the password for user on your MQTT broker
    • network_key='[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]'
      • network_key is an encryption key for your Zigbee network. You really shouldn't operate without it. It is a series of 16 digits. Each value can be between 0 and 15. You can randomly set each individual value to whatever you like. I do not recommend using all one number, or the sequence above. Please note that the array is encapsulated in single quotes. This is because it must be a string value to become a Secret. Don't worry, it will be properly rendered in secret.yaml by our lovely initContainer.


It is important to note that each time the StatefulSet starts or restarts, the initContainer called init-configuration will test whether /app/data/configuration.yaml exists. If it does not exist, the ConfigMap derived configuration.yaml will be copied to /app/dataconfiguration.yaml. If it does exist, it will not be overwritten. Environment variable values will overwrite what is in configuration.yaml each time, but the file will otherwise never be overwritten. This is in part because Zigbee2MQTT allows the end user to reconfigure values in the configuration file via the UI, and these changes would otherwise not be preserved between restarts.

Settings Files

The values in these files are used to set most needed values.



# You definitely need to change the password and network_key
network_key=GENERATE or '[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]'
serial_port=CHANGEME to /dev/tty.XXXXXX or tcp://
  • user is the MQTT username
  • password is the MQTT password
  • mqtt_server is the MQTT server IP address or URL
  • network_key is the Zigbee network key, if you are migrating. Otherwise you can leave this as GENERATE and a random network key will be generated on first run. HUGE NOTE: Do not include spaces in the key. The secret sometimes gets munged by the initContainer that processes it. Keep it shorter for safety.
  • serial_port is the filesystem path to the serial port, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0, or the tcp socket definition for a network connection. HUGE NOTE: Do NOT use single or double quotes around this value. It will break.


These are only used if you have enabled the APM component, which will only work if you are using an APM-enabled container image.

  • apm_token is the Bearer authorization token used to connect to the APM URL.
  • apm_url is the URL of the APM server

ingress_basic_auth_msg=Authentication Required - Zigbee2MQTT UI


  • timezone is your local timezone in canonical format, e.g. America/Chicago
  • log_level is the log level you want to set
  • baudrate is the transmission speed of your Zigbee device


  • ingress_cert_manager is only used if you have enabled the TLS component. It is the cert manager you want to use from cert-manager.
  • ingress_tls is only used if you have enabled the TLS comonent. It is the name you wish to give to your TLS certificate. Arbitrary, used by cert-manager.
  • ingress_basic_auth_msg is only used if you have enabled the basic_auth component. This message will be displayed when you attempt to visit the UI for Zigbee2MQTT, and basic auth credentials are requested.


This file will only be used if you enable the auth component.


This is an Apache htpasswd file. You can create your own via:

New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user USERNAME

More passwords can be added to the same file by omitting the -c flag:

New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user USER2

You absolutely should replace auth with your own file!

If you want to test with the values in this file:

  • Username: z2muser
  • Password: zigbee2mqtt

This file will only be used if you enable the apm component, which will only work if you are using an APM enabled container image.

# You must change the container image to one that supports APM for these to work
  • node_env must be set to production in order for APM data to ship.
  • apm_service_name is the which will be set for all data.
  • apm_service_node_name is the name assigned to the node. It is useful to manually set this here, otherwise it will be the container id.
  • apm_verify_cert should probably stay false here to guarantee your APM server's self-signed certificate can be used to secure traffic, even if you don't have the CA for it.
  • apm_disable_instrumentation allows you to put a comma-separated list of Node.js modules to ignore instrumentation data for. It can't be empty without an error resulting, so redis is placed here because Zigbee2MQTT makes no use of Redis.

Deployment (without overlays)

Edit patches/configmap/configuration.yaml

Some settings are documented in comments in the patch file. All settings are documented at Do check in patches/statefulset/settings.yaml before including a setting that is already being set as an environment variable.

Edit patches/ingress/settings.yaml

Basic settings are documented in comments in the patch file. Any other settings are your own choice and responsibility.

Edit patches/statefulset/settings.yaml


In the event that you want to use an APM-enabled container image, you will need to specify it here. At this time, the only supporting image is at untergeek/zigbee2mqtt:1.41.0-apm, in which the only changes from the out of the box image of the same version are as follows:

  1. The top 5 lines of index.js are now:
  active: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

const semver = require('semver');
  1. npm install elastic-apm-node --save && \ was injected at line 13 of docker/Dockerfile such that this particular RUN command now shows:
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .buildtools make gcc g++ python3 linux-headers git npm && \
    npm install elastic-apm-node --save && \
    npm ci --production --no-audit --no-optional --no-update-notifier && \
    # Serialport needs to be rebuild for Alpine
    npm rebuild --build-from-source && \
    apk del .buildtools
  1. The original line 40 of the Dockerfile has been commented out and an explanatory line added, such that it now reads:
# Set this in your Container definition, not here
# ENV NODE_ENV production

The reason being that NODE_ENV should not be hard coded, in my opinion.

If NODE_ENV is not set to production, zigbee2mqtt will not attempt to send APM data to the configured URL.

The resulting container image was published with this command:

docker buildx build \
   --file ./docker/Dockerfile \
   --platform linux/amd64 \
   --tag untergeek/zigbee2mqtt:1.41.0-apm \
   --build-arg VERSION=1.41.0-apm \
   --build-arg COMMIT=acd5932c \
   --push \

Making use of this image requires you to specify it in this patch file:

    - name: zigbee2mqtt
      image: untergeek/zigbee2mqtt:1.41.0-apm

If you specify this in the patch file, you can update it using images in the kustomization.yaml file:

  - name: untergeek/zigbee2mqtt
    newTag: 1.41.0-apm


This setting is documented inline in kustomization.yaml, but it bears further explanation here.

nodeName will pin the pod to run only on the k8s node where your USB Zigbee controller is inserted. This is only needed if you are using a USB dongle! For network-based controllers, like the UZG-01, this setting is unnecessary.

The nodeName setting should be indented at the same level as the term containers, e.g.

  nodeName: my-k8-node-name
    - name: zigbee2mqtt

Environment Variables

Comments inline explain much. Feel free to add any extra environment variables as desired. The zigbee2mqtt documentation explains:

It is possible to override the values in configuration.yaml via environment variables. The name of the environment variable should start with ZIGBEE2MQTT_CONFIG_ followed by the path to the property you want to set in uppercase split by a _.

In case you want to for example override:

  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt

set ZIGBEE2MQTT_CONFIG_MQTT_BASE_TOPIC to the desired value.

So, ideally, use environment variables where it makes sense. Some of those names will get really, really long, though:

    - name: zigbee2mqtt
          value: mytopic

volumeMount and volumes sections

If you are using a USB-based Zigbee device, you will need to uncomment and configure these lines (i.e., set /dev/ttyACM0 to wherever your device is in /dev).

            - name: z2m-data
              mountPath: /app/data
            ## Uncomment these if you need them
            # - name: z2m-udev
            #   mountPath: /run/udev
            # - name: zigbee-device
            #   mountPath: /dev/ttyACM0
      ## Uncomment these if you need them
      # volumes:
      #   - name: z2m-udev
      #     hostPath:
      #       path: /run/udev
      #   - name: zigbee-device
      #     hostPath:
      #       path: /dev/ttyACM0

If you are uncommenting these lines, unless you only have 1 k8s node in your cluster, you will also need to make use of the nodeName directive already described.

volumeClaimTemplates section

  ## Uncomment this if you need to change anything, like specifying a non-default
  ## storageClassName, or using more or less storage.
  # volumeClaimTemplates:
  #   - metadata:
  #       name: z2m-data
  #     spec:
  #       storageClassName: MY_STORAGECLASS
  #       accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
  #       resources:
  #         requests:
  #           storage: 100Mi

kustomization.yaml Configuration


You can change the namespace here.

namespace: zigbee2mqtt

Because we are using a StatefulSet here, you should create the namespace manually before applying. Having a namespace automatically be created and destroyed would defeat the retention of the persistent volume claim we want (and need) because deleting/destroying a namespace triggers the deletion of everything in it, which would include our PVC we want to retain.


This will apply the app label zigbee2mqtt to everything being created.

  app: zigbee2mqtt


This section allows us to apply a new image to upgrade our StatefulSet without having to edit the base files.

  - name: koenkk/zigbee2mqtt
    newTag: 1.40.1
  - name: busybox
    newTag: "1.36"

The busybox image is used in our initContainer that does an initial copy of the configuration.yaml ConfigMap to the persistent volume used by our StatefulSet.


Most of the patch files have already been covered already. This is where they are applied.

### Patches
## ConfigMap settings:
- patch:
  path: patches/configmap/configuration.yaml
## StatefulSet settings:
- patch:
  path: patches/statefulset/settings.yaml


Values extracted from the settings/* files are applied in the various replacements in the patches as well as several of the components.


  • (Optional) To preview generated configuration before deploying:

    kubectl kustomize .


  • Run the following command to build and deploy:

    kubectl apply -k .

Deployment using overlays

Copy the basic structure to each overlay

  • Copy kustomization.yaml, and the settings, patches, and replacements directories to overlays/NAME, or whatever directory structure you prefer.

  • Each overlays/NAME should have its own kustomization.yaml, settings, patches, and replacements subdirectories.

  • Be sure to update the resources section of kustomization.yaml to be able to reach the base directory:

      - ../../base
  • Enable any components you may want in kustomization.yaml by uncommenting them.

Edit each overlay path accordingly

Apply the same configuration steps as above for each overlay/NAME path you create.

Use your judgment, but at the very least, you should probably ensure that you are using different values for these settings in:


  • namespace -- A must. Absolutely necessary.


  • mqtt.client_id to keep them unique.
  • channel numbers (prevent collisions)
  • network_key value (again, prevent collisions)


  • nodeName, if you have multiple k8s nodes each running a USB Zigbee controller


  • (Optional) To preview generated configuration before deploying:

    kubectl kustomize overlays/NAME


  • Run the following command to build and deploy:

    kubectl apply -k overlays/NAME

Backup and Restore of your zigbee2mqtt data

Since this is a StatefulSet, the Persistent Volume should not be deleted in the event that you delete your StatefulSet. This is a deliberate choice. You should be able to backup or restore settings to this volume so long as it exists.

Unless you've modified the base configuration, the pod name should always be zigbee2mqtt-0. If you've modified the StatefulSet and chosen a different container name, then it will be that value followed by a -0. For the sake of continuity, this guide assumes that the pod name is zigbee2mqtt-0.

Command-line Backups


This isn't backup so much as it is, "copy files from the volume attached to the pod."

The format of the command is:



  • NAMESPACE is the namespace where PODNAME is running
  • PODNAME is the name of the pod
  • /PATH/TO/SOURCE is the path to the source directory (or specific file) on the pod.
  • /PATH/TO/DESTINATION is the local path where you want the entire source directory, or the specific file to go.


This isn't restore so much as it is, "copy files to the volume attached to the pod."

The format of the command is:



  • NAMESPACE is the namespace where PODNAME is running
  • PODNAME is the name of the pod
  • /PATH/TO/SOURCE is the path to the local directory (or specific file) to be copied to the pod.
  • /PATH/TO/DESTINATION is the target path on the pod where you want the entire source directory (or specific file) to go.


Backup can be done while the zigbee2mqtt-0 pod is running. In fact, you cannot backup data from the volume unless it is attached to a pod.

Full directory backup

Using the defaults, our command might look like this (also creating the destination):

OUTPUT=./dump; \
mkdir -p $OUTPUT; \
kubectl -n zigbee2mqtt cp zigbee2mqtt-0:/app/data $OUTPUT

If we do this on a running system, the contents of ./dump would look like:

$ ls -1 ./dump

Single file backup

Using the defaults, our command might look like this:

FILENAME=configuration.yaml; \
kubectl -n zigbee2mqtt cp zigbee2mqtt-0:/app/data/$FILENAME $FILENAME.bak

This will copy configuration.yaml from the pod to configuration.yaml.bak in the present working directory.


NOTE: You should never attempt to restore data to this volume while it is attached to the zigbee2mqtt-0 pod. It is a running system, and overwriting or changing files will undoubtedly lead to bad outcomes.

  1. Ensure that the StatefulSet is not running.

  2. Prepare the mount_pvc.yaml manifest in the same path as this README to mount the PVC in a separate pod. You shouldn't have to modify anything unless you have changed from the default in base.

  3. Apply the manifest, manually specifying the namespace:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE apply -f mount_pvc.yaml
  4. Ensure the pod is live, and connect to it:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE exec mount-pvc -ti -- ls /app/data

    This should show the contents of the PVC are in the exact same mount point as they would be in the StatefulSet pod.

At this point you can either copy an entire file over, or a full directory. The procedure is slightly different for the full directory, so that will follow the single file copy example.

Copy a single file

Using the defaults, our command might look like this:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE cp SOURCEFILE mount-pvc:/app/data/DESTFILE

This does allow for file renaming. For example:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE cp configuration.yaml.bak \

This will overwrite the existing configuration.yaml.

Copy a whole directory

This is trickier since you can't use the contents of an entire directory as the SOURCEFILE. The command won't accept PATH/* arguments. And just setting PATH or PATH/ will copy PATH to the DESTINATION such that you will have DESTINATION/PATH instead of the contents of PATH being at DESTINATION.

The way around this is using tar streams. It's not as daunting as it sounds.

  1. Navigate into the directory containing the contents you want to restore. You must be at the root of the path whose contents will be at DESTINATION, in our case, /app/data on the pod. If you don't, you'll end up copying whatever is in the directory you are in.

  2. The command is this:

    tar cf - . | kubectl -n NAMESPACE exec mount-pvc -i -- tar xf - -C /app/data

Let's break that down a bit.

  • tar cf - . captures the present working directory, . as a tar stream, which is piped to:
  • kubectl
    • -n NAMESPACE (our namespace)
    • exec (going to execute a command on a pod)
    • mount-pvc (the pod name)
    • -i (the execution will be interactive [the stream])
    • -- (kubectl now requires this to mean everything that follows will be part of the command and arguments to be executed in the pod)
    • tar xf - -C /app/data (extract the tar stream contents into /app/data)

I ran a few experiments and this will overwrite existing files on the pod.

You can now verify what's in the volume:

  • ls:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE exec mount-pvc -ti -- ls -l /app/data
    # ... ls output follows
  • cat:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE exec mount-pvc -ti -- cat /app/data/FILENAME
    # ... contents of FILENAME follow

Post-restore cleanup

At this point, you know you've restored things, so you need to delete the mount-pvc pod by deleting the manifest:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE delete -f mount_pvc.yaml

This will delete the mount-pvc pod, but will leave the volume intact.

You can now recreate your zigbee2mqtt StatefulSet, and it will use the files you restored as configuration data. Since we had to delete the StatefulSet in order to stop the pod to do the file restore, we need to re-apply our Kustomization:

kubectl apply -k .


kubectl apply -k overlays/NAME

Use Velero

I recently discovered Velero. I now use this to be able to restore the entire z2m-data persistent volume on a cron-timed basis to my MinIO S3-compatible data store. I won't include all of the details of how to install Velero, or schedule backups, or how to restore, leave alone how to set up MinIO. If you have the drive to do all that, you can make good use of it for more deployments than just Zigbee2MQTT. Once configured, this is literally all you need to add as an annotation: z2m-data

In context, it looks like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: zigbee2mqtt
      annotations: z2m-data

The beauty of this is that you can restore to that point in time very easily. In fact, it's much easier to restore with Velero than using the kubectl cp method shared above. It's just a lot more work and such to install MinIO or other S3. The Velero install itself is stupid simple.