Sorry, but I no longer work on ActiveAdmin often enough to justify mantaining this gem. Take it as it is. If you are interested to update and maintain the gem, please let me know! ❤️
gem 'activeadmin-menus', github: "stefanoverna/activeadmin-menus", branch: "master"
rails g active_admin:menus:install
rake db:migrate
Edit app/admin/menus.rb
to your needs:
ActiveAdmin::Menus.configure do |c|
# Areas are specific parts of a page layout, you can add many of them
c.add_area :main_navigation
c.add_predefined_item :home do |i|
# Specify how to render the menu item
i.renderer = lambda { link_to 'Home', root_path }
c.add_resource_class Page do |i|
# Specify how to render the menu item
i.renderer = lambda { |page| link_to page.title, page }
c.add_area :header do |a|
# This wraps lists of sibling items
# `content` is the list of sibling items
# `item` is the parent item (when rendering the root menu items, it will be nil)
a.list_wrapper = lambda { |content, item| content_tag(:ul, content) }
# This wraps the single menu item
a.item_wrapper = lambda { |content, active, item| content_tag(:li, content) }
# This specifies how to render custom (i.e. Label + URL) menu items
a.custom_item_renderer = lambda { |item| link_to(item.label, item.url) }
c.add_resource_class Page do |i|
# This specifies the method to call to retreive the list of resources that
# can be used to build menu items. Lambdas are also allowed
# i.collection = lambda { Page.all }
i.collection = :all
# This specifies how to render a resource into the menu.
i.renderer = lambda { |page, active, item| link_to page.title, page }
# This specifies if the menu item is active for the current request
i.active_if = lambda { |page, item| controller_name == "pages" && action_name == "show" }
c.add_predefined_item :home do |i|
# This specifies how to render the item into the menu
i.renderer = lambda { |active, item| link_to active, 'Home', root_path }
# This specifies if the menu item is active for the current request
i.active_if = lambda { |item| action_name == "homepage" }
See lib/active_admin/menus/helpers.rb
for the complete list of overridable
This specifies the standard way to define an active menu item. Defaults to
{class: 'active'}
Default renderers use this method to produce links. Active links will use
This renders a complete menu for the specified area.