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As such I will link to them and these are to be +used mainly to capture important aspects of the discussion. The topics listed +below have videos and slides in the repositories listed. + +| Topic | Repo | +|---------------------------------------------------+--------------------------| +| Regression (KNN and Linear) | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Regression][Regression]] | +| Selection and Regularization | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ValidationRegularization][ValidationRegularization]] | +| Logistic Regression | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Classification][Classification]] | +| Classification Trees and Bagging | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Trees][Trees]] | +| Enhanced Sampling (Boosting) | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Boosting][Boosting]] | +| Perceptrons | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ANN][ANN]] | +| Neural Networks (Regularization and Optimization) | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ANN2][ANN2]] | + +Furthermore there are several topics covered as labs with papers. + +| Topic | Repo | +|-------------------------------+------------------------| +| Convolutional Neural Networks | CNN {[[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN1][One]], [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN3][Three]], [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN4][Four]]} | +| Language Models | Lang {[[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang1][One]], [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang2][Two]], [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang3][Three]]} | +| RNNs (Ensembles) | [[https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CaptionHack][CaptionHack]] | + +* Predictors +The measurement erorr is irreducile. Inspite of the way the measurements are +independent, we are able to sample over time. The basic concept is that the +confidence intervals for the predictors can be estimated. This now allows us to +treat it as a cumulative distribution, and therefore we can calculate the +standard errors. Now confidence intervals may also be obtained. +** Bootstrap +This basically is a quasi-equilibrium assumpion. This allows for the fomulation +of multiple populations, and then as a consequencuntly +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Bootstrap aggregating, also called bagging, is a machine learning ensemble +meta-algorithm designed to improve the stability and accuracy of machine +learning algorithms used in statistical classification and regression. +#+END_QUOTE +The quoted text is [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrap_aggregating][from wikipedia]]. +** Standard Errors +** Hypothesis Testing +This is the formal process through wich we evaluate the validyty of a +statistical hypothesis by considering evidence for or against the hypothesis +gathered by random sampling of the data. + +* Validation +Essentially the take away is that though we can and will fit perfectly to the +training data as we increase the polynomial degree, we will actually see a +*decrease* in the accuracy metric ($R^2$) as the degree is increased due to +overfitting. + +The large number standard (around >50) for large data-sets without multimodes is +a good idea. Basically, don't always use the general $80:20$ for train:test and +$25\%$ for validation. + +The errors increase with the degree, not because of error propogation, but +because *the sensitivity has increased* due to the fact that at higher degrees +we have _overfitting_. + +* Regularization +Interestingly, using gradient techniques will not give us any better coeffients +in this form. That is, the regularization is not achieved by optimization. So in +effect, we need more than the loss function, we need the penalty function. + +To wit, when using regularization for linear cases, we are essentially using it +to reduce the dimensionality of our space. That is it is somewhat like feature +selection or dimensional reduction. +** LASSO and Ridge +So from the geometry and the fact that is more probable that from the LASSO +formulation we will obtain many zeros (it forms a square and the points are most +likely). The ridge is faster though. The LASSO is slower because it depends on +the $L_1$ norm which is not exactly differentiable (due to it being a modulus). +* Advanced Regression +:PROPERTIES: +:CATEGORY: Achuta +:END: +** Closed form regression +So from the euclidean norm, we can use the inner product aspect to get the +derivative. Ridge +** Norms +*** Euclidean Distance (L2) +This is the L2 and is basically the distance. +*** L1 Norm +This is just the modulus, or the absolute sum of the values. +*** General Norms +So given a p-norm, we have the sum for every element, to the p^{th} power, and +then raise the entirity of it to $\frac{1}{p}$ + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Can't we apply a transform to ensure the the isocontour of our Ridge regression +is actually on the axes as well? Just like the corners of the L1 regularization +fall on the axes. +#+END_QUOTE + +achuta@ucla.edu +* Logistic Regression +:PROPERTIES: +:CATEGORY: Pavlov +:END: +Logistic regression depends on predicting the $Y=1$ class, or the positive +class. Now the softmax is the generalized logistic regression mapping function, +but is basically the linear one in the equation below. +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex +$$\frac{1}{1-e^{-(\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X)}}$$ +#+END_EXPORT + +So one unit change is an $e^{\beta_{1}}$ in the odds that $Y=1$ +- This is also called a discriminative classifier, as they directly model the + probability of some class being present on the basis of the features +* Sparsity +JPEG is by convention 8 by 8 bits. Consider the DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). + +# $G_{u,v}=\frac{1}{4}\alpha(u)\alpha(v)\Sum_{x=0}^{7}g_{x,y}\cos{\left[\frac{(2x+1)u\pi}{16}\right]} \cos{\left[\frac{(2y+1)v\pi}{16}\right]}$ + +Low freqency variations are more common in images. The [[https://spie.org/publications/book/34917][SPIE handbook on +compression]] this is really very good. + +So it turns out that when we have colors to be encoded, then we deal with them +as linear combinations, like 3 matrices for an RGB image. The mosaic class of +methods are used to extrapolate other colors from existing ones to reduce +complexity. + +Sparsity helps work with scale invariace of image sets, which can then be used +for image processing. Compressive sensing, or compressed sensing. This is used +for taking tiny datasets and forming a lot of information from it. This is +apparently lossless (must ask for the proof). The proof is by restricted +isometry. An approximate isometry property. A matrix $A$ is said to satisfy the +RIP of order $K$ with isometry constant. (ask for the rest) +* Decision Trees +:PROPERTIES: +:CATEGORY: Pavlov +:END: +So this is different from KNN because KNN does not look at variables, basically +it is a clustering algorithm. Clustering algorithms may also look at density and +but they do not consider labels. In a decision tree we simply draw the line where +the probability of being in both classes is equal. The decision tree approach +does not look at the density per-se. KNN is predictive as opposed to +inferential. So the decision boundary we put is sort of not just where the +probability is equal, it is technically wherever we need to put the positive +prediction threshold. + +So the confidence of the model can only be visualized (via noting how peaked the +histogram is). Basically given the same point on the decision boundary, there +may be multiple curves through it but they will have different +"sharpness-factors". + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Basically, a flow chart whose graph is a tree (connected and no cycles) +represents a model called a decision tree. +#+END_QUOTE + +It turns out that though we can actually use *m-nary* trees instead of binary +trees, but it is more relevant (computationally) to use the binary one instead. + +** Errors +The Gini index is used to determine purity post split. Another method is to use +the maxiumum misclassification rate, weigh it according to the number of points, and +move towards the minimum of that. + +** Classification Trees +** Regression Trees +When we discuss these, then it is important to note that local effects are +better captured by the tree regression techniques compared to the polynomial and +linear regression methods. This means that the linear/polynomial version is +global in nature, while the tree model is local. Naturally, the +linear/polynomial has a guarantee to a minimum, but the regression tree, +typically being piecewise linear, the regression tree will be better for +situations where there is less smooth. So we can test the Hessian and see if the +data is smooth, if it is the polynomial or linear regression is better, while if +it is a sort of jagged system, then the polynomial will be of a high degree and +therefore we don't want to try that. + +There is no need for standardization typically because this is one feature +at a time. + +- In both cases we report only accuracies from the leaf nodes, that is the R^2 +- In both cases we report only accuracies from the leaf nodes, that is the $R^2$ + for the regression case, and the accuracy for the classification. + +It has been proven that it is computationally more tractable to use decision +trees when compared to piecewise linear regression. +** Weighted Samples +The most important thing about this is that though we do use weights which +effectively change the distribution, this is ONLY done to the *training-set*. +The test and validation sets must be as biased as the original training set. +** Impudation +This seems to be the way you fix missing data. Conditional impudation is when +you look at it. KNN is also used for the imputation of points. KNN imputation is +expensive. Typically we can throw away columns if there is a lot of points missin. +* Machine Learning and Denoising +So a dictionary learning thing is something which can be used to learn a +compressible basis, sort of like the DCT or the DFT. Well it is better to +consider it as a *sparse basis*. + +The basic concept is that an image, can be broken down into a n-dimensional +representatin with relative energies of the frequencies. + +Now with the n-dimensions, we can create a matrix A (which is fat as it contains +m-dimensions, and $n\linewidth\linewidth\else\Gin@nat@width\fi} +\def\maxheight{\ifdim\Gin@nat@height>\textheight\textheight\else\Gin@nat@height\fi} +\makeatother +% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page +% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults +% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{} +\setkeys{Gin}{width=\maxwidth,height=\maxheight,keepaspectratio} +\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines +\providecommand{\tightlist}{% +\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} +\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} +% Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections +\ifx\paragraph\undefined\else 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As such I will link to them and these are to be +used mainly to capture important aspects of the discussion. The topics listed +below have videos and slides in the repositories listed. + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{ll} +Topic & Repo\\ +\hline +Regression (KNN and Linear) & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Regression}{Regression}\\ +Selection and Regularization & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ValidationRegularization}{ValidationRegularization}\\ +Logistic Regression & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Classification}{Classification}\\ +Classification Trees and Bagging & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Trees}{Trees}\\ +Enhanced Sampling (Boosting) & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Boosting}{Boosting}\\ +Perceptrons & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ANN}{ANN}\\ +Neural Networks (Regularization and Optimization) & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/ANN2}{ANN2}\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +Furthermore there are several topics covered as labs with papers. + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{ll} +Topic & Repo\\ +\hline +Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN \{\href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN1}{One}, \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN3}{Three}, \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CNN4}{Four}\}\\ +Language Models & Lang \{\href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang1}{One}, \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang2}{Two}, \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/Lang3}{Three}\}\\ +RNNs (Ensembles) & \href{https://github.com/univai-summerschool-2019/CaptionHack}{CaptionHack}\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +\section{Predictors} +\label{sec:orgdf81ab2} +The measurement erorr is irreducile. Inspite of the way the measurements are +independent, we are able to sample over time. The basic concept is that the +confidence intervals for the predictors can be estimated. This now allows us to +treat it as a cumulative distribution, and therefore we can calculate the +standard errors. Now confidence intervals may also be obtained. +\subsection{Bootstrap} +\label{sec:orgac02bb8} +This basically is a quasi-equilibrium assumpion. This allows for the fomulation +of multiple populations, and then as a consequencuntly +\begin{quote} +Bootstrap aggregating, also called bagging, is a machine learning ensemble +meta-algorithm designed to improve the stability and accuracy of machine +learning algorithms used in statistical classification and regression. +\end{quote} +The quoted text is \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrap\_aggregating}{from wikipedia}. +\subsection{Standard Errors} +\label{sec:org3562c0a} +\subsection{Hypothesis Testing} +\label{sec:org14c2072} +This is the formal process through wich we evaluate the validyty of a +statistical hypothesis by considering evidence for or against the hypothesis +gathered by random sampling of the data. + +\section{Validation} +\label{sec:org25c31d9} +Essentially the take away is that though we can and will fit perfectly to the +training data as we increase the polynomial degree, we will actually see a +\textbf{decrease} in the accuracy metric (\(R^2\)) as the degree is increased due to +overfitting. + +The large number standard (around >50) for large data-sets without multimodes is +a good idea. Basically, don't always use the general \(80:20\) for train:test and +\(25\%\) for validation. + +The errors increase with the degree, not because of error propogation, but +because \textbf{the sensitivity has increased} due to the fact that at higher degrees +we have \uline{overfitting}. + +\section{Regularization} +\label{sec:org3f462d8} +Interestingly, using gradient techniques will not give us any better coeffients +in this form. That is, the regularization is not achieved by optimization. So in +effect, we need more than the loss function, we need the penalty function. + +To wit, when using regularization for linear cases, we are essentially using it +to reduce the dimensionality of our space. That is it is somewhat like feature +selection or dimensional reduction. +\subsection{LASSO and Ridge} +\label{sec:org520b9f5} +So from the geometry and the fact that is more probable that from the LASSO +formulation we will obtain many zeros (it forms a square and the points are most +likely). The ridge is faster though. The LASSO is slower because it depends on +the \(L_1\) norm which is not exactly differentiable (due to it being a modulus). +\section{Advanced Regression} +\label{sec:org60c8c0f} +\subsection{Closed form regression} +\label{sec:orgaec938b} +So from the euclidean norm, we can use the inner product aspect to get the +derivative. Ridge +\subsection{Norms} +\label{sec:org0387473} +\subsubsection{Euclidean Distance (L2)} +\label{sec:orgd6381f7} +This is the L2 and is basically the distance. +\subsubsection{L1 Norm} +\label{sec:orgfc3b75c} +This is just the modulus, or the absolute sum of the values. +\subsubsection{General Norms} +\label{sec:org84b5a85} +So given a p-norm, we have the sum for every element, to the p\(^{\text{th}}\) power, and +then raise the entirity of it to \(\frac{1}{p}\) + +\begin{quote} +Can't we apply a transform to ensure the the isocontour of our Ridge regression +is actually on the axes as well? Just like the corners of the L1 regularization +fall on the axes. +\end{quote} + +achuta@ucla.edu +\section{Logistic Regression} +\label{sec:orgab94bf5} +Logistic regression depends on predicting the \(Y=1\) class, or the positive +class. Now the softmax is the generalized logistic regression mapping function, +but is basically the linear one in the equation below. +$$\frac{1}{1-e^{-(\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X)}}$$ + +So one unit change is an \(e^{\beta_{1}}\) in the odds that \(Y=1\) +\begin{itemize} +\item This is also called a discriminative classifier, as they directly model the +probability of some class being present on the basis of the features +\end{itemize} +\section{Sparsity} +\label{sec:org17ba4c6} +JPEG is by convention 8 by 8 bits. Consider the DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). + +Low freqency variations are more common in images. The \href{https://spie.org/publications/book/34917}{SPIE handbook on +compression} this is really very good. + +So it turns out that when we have colors to be encoded, then we deal with them +as linear combinations, like 3 matrices for an RGB image. The mosaic class of +methods are used to extrapolate other colors from existing ones to reduce +complexity. + +Sparsity helps work with scale invariace of image sets, which can then be used +for image processing. Compressive sensing, or compressed sensing. This is used +for taking tiny datasets and forming a lot of information from it. This is +apparently lossless (must ask for the proof). The proof is by restricted +isometry. An approximate isometry property. A matrix \(A\) is said to satisfy the +RIP of order \(K\) with isometry constant. (ask for the rest) +\section{Decision Trees} +\label{sec:org15b838d} +So this is different from KNN because KNN does not look at variables, basically +it is a clustering algorithm. Clustering algorithms may also look at density and +but they do not consider labels. In a decision tree we simply draw the line where +the probability of being in both classes is equal. The decision tree approach +does not look at the density per-se. KNN is predictive as opposed to +inferential. So the decision boundary we put is sort of not just where the +probability is equal, it is technically wherever we need to put the positive +prediction threshold. + +So the confidence of the model can only be visualized (via noting how peaked the +histogram is). Basically given the same point on the decision boundary, there +may be multiple curves through it but they will have different +"sharpness-factors". + +\begin{quote} +Basically, a flow chart whose graph is a tree (connected and no cycles) +represents a model called a decision tree. +\end{quote} + +It turns out that though we can actually use \textbf{m-nary} trees instead of binary +trees, but it is more relevant (computationally) to use the binary one instead. + +\subsection{Errors} +\label{sec:org043fdb6} +The Gini index is used to determine purity post split. Another method is to use +the maxiumum misclassification rate, weigh it according to the number of points, and +move towards the minimum of that. + +\subsection{Classification Trees} +\label{sec:org05071ea} +\subsection{Regression Trees} +\label{sec:org17d8a07} +When we discuss these, then it is important to note that local effects are +better captured by the tree regression techniques compared to the polynomial and +linear regression methods. This means that the linear/polynomial version is +global in nature, while the tree model is local. Naturally, the +linear/polynomial has a guarantee to a minimum, but the regression tree, +typically being piecewise linear, the regression tree will be better for +situations where there is less smooth. So we can test the Hessian and see if the +data is smooth, if it is the polynomial or linear regression is better, while if +it is a sort of jagged system, then the polynomial will be of a high degree and +therefore we don't want to try that. + +There is no need for standardization typically because this is one feature +at a time. + +\begin{itemize} +\item In both cases we report only accuracies from the leaf nodes, that is the R\(^{\text{2}}\) +\item In both cases we report only accuracies from the leaf nodes, that is the \(R^2\) +for the regression case, and the accuracy for the classification. +\end{itemize} + +It has been proven that it is computationally more tractable to use decision +trees when compared to piecewise linear regression. +\subsection{Weighted Samples} +\label{sec:orgad05e15} +The most important thing about this is that though we do use weights which +effectively change the distribution, this is ONLY done to the \textbf{training-set}. +The test and validation sets must be as biased as the original training set. +\subsection{Impudation} +\label{sec:org821984f} +This seems to be the way you fix missing data. Conditional impudation is when +you look at it. KNN is also used for the imputation of points. KNN imputation is +expensive. Typically we can throw away columns if there is a lot of points missin. +\section{Machine Learning and Denoising} +\label{sec:orgf233cc2} +So a dictionary learning thing is something which can be used to learn a +compressible basis, sort of like the DCT or the DFT. Well it is better to +consider it as a \textbf{sparse basis}. + +The basic concept is that an image, can be broken down into a n-dimensional +representatin with relative energies of the frequencies. + +Now with the n-dimensions, we can create a matrix A (which is fat as it contains +m-dimensions, and \(n