20-37 pages translation Assigned to 최희재/@gmlwo530 신정훈/@shin2jhoon Mandatory reviewer 권용민/@snowmerak 이재원/@mumunuu Data Structures 20 Array 20 CPU Cache 20 Translation Lookaside Buffer 21 Declare and initialize 21 What is the cost? 22 Iterate over the array of strings 23 Different type arrays 24 Contiguous memory allocations 24 Slice 25 Declare and initialize 25 Length vs Capacity 25 Reference type 26 Idea of appending: making slice a dynamic data structure 27 Slice of slice 30 Copy a slice 31 Slice and reference 32 UTF-8 33 Map 34 Declare and initialize 35 Map literals 35 Delete key 36 Find key 36 Map key restrictions 36