- git status : Print the status of the current repo
- git log : Print a list of the most recent commits
- git diff : Show all differences between unstaged changes : and the last commit.
- git remote -v : Show all remotes with name and url.
- git init : Initialize a new repo in the current folder
- git add MYFILE : Add a file with changes to the staging area to be committed.
- git add -A : Add all added, removed, or changed files to the staging area.
- git reset MYFILE : Unstage a file (does not modify the file)
- git commit -m "Added x,y,z" : Commit the staged files to the version history.
- git remote add name MYURL : Add a remote with the given name
- git checkout . : Delete all local changes and restore the last commit.
- git clone MYURL : Download a remote repo into a folder of the same : name. Automatically creates a remote called origin.
- git clone MYURL foldername : Same as above but give the folder a custom name.
- git push origin master : Push all changes to the local 'master' branch : to the remote named 'origin'
- git pull origin master : Pull all changes from the remote 'origin' branch : to the local branch 'master'.
- git push -u origin master : Same as above but sets 'upstream tracking' to the : given branch and remote to enable simple 'git push'
- git push : Push to the tracked branch after the push -u command.
- git pull : Pull from the tracked branch after the push -u command.