A simple image manipulation library aiming to make common image/photo manipulation tasks easy. This library is still under development, API may also change at any time.
Requires PIL/Pillow.
Example usage:
from da_vinci import Image image = Image('lena.jpg') image.flip('horizontal') image.resize(width=10, height=10) image.save() # Opening an image from URL, rotating and change it's format image = Image('http://stamps.co.id/static/merchants/img/logo.png') image.rotate(degrees=90) image.set(format='jpg', quality=85) image.save() # Creates a file logo.jpg # Manipulating saturation, brightness, contrast and sharpness # Accepts values range from -100 (decrease) to 100 (increase) image.adjust(saturation=-100) image.adjust(brightness=-75, contrast=50, sharpness=-20)
If you need more extensive manipulation, an escape hatch to PIL is also available:
image = image.from_file('a.jpg') pil_image = image.get_pil_image() # Do whatever you need to do with the pil image # And if you want to convert this back to a da_vinci image image.set_pil_image(pil_image)
To run tests:
python -m unittest tests
- Support Pillow 10
- Preserve EXIF data when image is rotated
- Added webp extension support
- Added bmp extension support