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File metadata and controls

170 lines (109 loc) · 5.42 KB


A simple movie api

  • Consists of 3 microservice
    • Movie metadata service
    • Rating service
    • Movie(Client-Facing API) service

Staring microservices

Run consul locally

  docker run -d -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600/udp --name=dev-consul consul:1.13 agent -server -ui -node=server-1 -bootstrap-expect=1 -client=

Run each microservice by executing

  go run *.go

Optional: You can optionally add some additional instances of each service by running:

go run *.go --port <PORT>
  • If you run the preceding command, replace <PORT> placeholder with unique port numbers that are not in use yet
  • We used 8081,8082 and 8083, so you can run with port numbers starting with 8084

Open Consul UI if you use consul client-side service discovery implementation

Open browser and enter:


Testing API

To test API requests, ensure you have at least one healthy instance of each service and make the following request to a movie service

  curl -v localhost:8083/movie?id=1

Using Protocol Buffers


  • install protoc-gen-go package -> Since I use mac, I used brew to install it
brew install protoc-gen-go

You can directly install the binary

go install

Follow the docs for package details ->

For simple benchmark results

change directory to -> encodingbenchmark/sizeandcompare You can check the benchmark results at encodingbenchmark/sizeandcompare/ and also see it yourself

Since Protocol Buffers offers faster encoding/decoding speed and smaller output size we are going to use it with gRPC. Define your data model inside api/ folder at movie.proto After we defined our go struct data model inside proto file we can generate codes with below command

protoc -I=api --go_out=. movie.proto

To create service code in gRPC format (MetadataService(and it's rpc funcs and other services etc.)) Define service structures and their request, response methods' structures, run the below command

  protoc -I=api --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. movie.proto

It's similar to the command that we used in the previous struct generation however, it also passes a --go-grpc_out flag to the compiler. This flag tells the Protocol buffers compiler to generate the service code in gRPC format.

Using Apache Kafka

Run apache kafka using docker-compose.yml


  • You need to install docker and docker-compose

You can run kafka docker containers by the following command:

docker-compose up -d

Now we need our topics to be created, so you can also manually create it by running below command:

docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic ratings --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --bootstrap-server kafka:9092

Publisher client -> Wrote a simple app at the top folder level -> cmd/ratingingester

  • Reads events from ratingdata.json and publish them to locally running kafka topic(rating) thanks to docker.

It will use kafka-topics binary which installed inside kafka container and use it to create a topic named as 'ratings' We use this topic name to publish messages from example app(cmd/ratingingester) which reads event data from ratingsdata.json file and publish it to ratings topic

Struct settings -> Created a Event struct for async functionallity of the Ratings API(Haven't done this using protoc gen go). -> ratings/pkg/model/ratings.go Ingester(consumer) settings -> Then we implemented our rating service which can be found under the rating/ folder to consume messages from this 'ratings' topic -> rating/internal/ingester/kafka Controller settings -> Then controller implementation can be found under -> rating/internal/controller/rating/controller.go. And for now since I didn't automate this process(I use in-memory storage) Program start up settings -> I don't prefer to initialize ingester for now, will initalize later.(rating/cmd/main.go -> new.ratinggateway(repo, nil(nil is for ingester)))

Using MySQL as data storage


  • You need to install docker and docker-compose

It is inside docker-compose.yaml file alongside kafka and zookeper

docker-compose up -d

Still you need to run the following command to create table


And change the running container name inside the below command which uses schema.sql file under the schema folder to create tables inside movie database

  docker exec -i container_name mysql movie -h localhost -p 3306 --protocol=tcp -uroot -ppassword < schema/schema.sql

You can check if the tables were created successfully by running the following command:

TODO: this doesn't work fix it

  docker exec -i container_name mysql movie -h localhost -p 3306 --protocol=tcp -uroot -ppassword -e "SHOW tables"

Testing the API with grpcurl

After having every resources up and running

Run to see AggregatedRating Value

  grpcurl -plaintext -v -d '{"record_id":"1","record_type":"movie"}' localhost:8082 RatingService/GetAggregatedRating

however you will end up having code: NotFound, since we haven't added any record let's add some.

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"record_id":"1","record_type":"movie","user_id":"keke","rating_value":3}' localhost:8082 RatingService/PutRating

After that, we will have records at our MySQL table, you can run first grpcurl command to see aggregatedvalue response