diff --git a/physics/smoke_dust/module_add_emiss_burn.F90 b/physics/smoke_dust/module_add_emiss_burn.F90 index 616f8fd7b..b04b6cbfc 100755 --- a/physics/smoke_dust/module_add_emiss_burn.F90 +++ b/physics/smoke_dust/module_add_emiss_burn.F90 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ subroutine add_emis_burn(dtstep,dz8w,rho_phy,pi,ebb_min, & real(kind_phys) :: timeq, fire_age, age_hr, dt1,dt2,dtm ! For BB emis. diurnal cycle calculation ! For Gaussian diurnal cycle - real(kind_phys), INTENT(IN) :: sc_factor ! to scale up the wildfire emissions, Jordan please make this a namelist option + real(kind_phys), INTENT(IN) :: sc_factor ! to scale up the wildfire emissions real(kind_phys), PARAMETER :: rinti=2.1813936e-8, ax2=3400., const2=130., & coef2=10.6712963e-4, cx2=7200., timeq_max=3600.*24. !>-- Fire parameters: Fores west, Forest east, Shrubland, Savannas, Grassland, Cropland