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This project aims to create an emulator of one of the oldest computers in Europe - "ЕОМ Київ"(Kyiv). "Kyiv" was developed in 1957. The developers team included Kateryna Yushchenko, Viktor Glushkov, Boris Gnatenko, Kateryna Shkabara and others. Though, in terms of memory and reliability "Kyiv" wasn't the best for its times, but its architecture, in terms of ease of writing programs, was advanced and actually paved the way for new types of computers that are much more powerful than its peers, as computers of that time were intended exclusively for calculations and programming in machine code and low-level languages.

"Kyiv" is the world's first computer, which from the very beginning laid down the needs of programmers, in particular: the ability to easily implement compilers, text processing, asynchronous control, image processing, the ability to solve logical problems and implement information systems.

Kateryna Yushchenko, one of the "Kyiv"'s inventors, according to pr. Yuiriy Yushchenko, implemented poiners in the machine before it is officially considered to. Also, according to A.P. Oleh Fareniuk, "Kyiv" was the first machine that implemented RISC ISA.


In future we want to host emulator as web application, till then you can compile source code or install application

$ git clone
$ cd Kyiv_emulator
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./kyivemu

Coding system and registers

The Kyiv computer has 41-bit cells:
The 41-st bit is a sign bit (0 if number is positive and 1 when is negative), which means that there are negative 0 which is actually used in some of the programs. The numbers are fixed point - the point is situated before 40s bit, which means that there are only number from range (0, 1).
Commands are encoded as shown on picture 2. There are 5 bits of opcode and then 3*12 bits of addresses. The 12th bit as modification bit, which indicates if the following address should be modificated by adding to it value of register A. For convinience the addresses are written the next way: k'i + e'i*A', where k'i is address without modification bit, e'i - modification bit and A - value of register A.


A register - modification register
P register - return register
Ц register - loop register
C register - command counter (contains command that is currently executed)
K register - command register
T trigger-register - stop register


  1. RAM - addresses from 0000 to 1777 (the 0000 address always has 0);
  2. ROM - addresses from 3000 to 3777 where:
    1. 8 first cells are inputed codes, addresses 3000-3007.
    2. 184 cells - permanently soldered codes, addresses 3010-3277. It containes some constants that are frequently used in programmes and some of the basic programmes.
    3. 320 cells - interchangeable-soldered codes, addresses 3300-3777. It is blocks with 64 codes each that contain library programs.

Standart programs permanently soldered memory.

They usually take their argumet from address 0002 and return their result to address 0003.

  1. Conversion from binary system to decimal (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3100.
  2. 1/2*sin(x) (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3152.
  3. 1/2*cos(x) (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3174.
  4. 1/2sin(x) (-2pi < x < 2*pi), starting address - 3264.
  5. 1/2cos(x) (-2pi < x < 2*pi), starting address - 3217.
  6. 1/n*ln(x) (0 < x < 1), starting address - 3166. This programm returns 2 values: 0003 - for ln and 0004 for value M.
  7. sqrt(x) (2^(-22) < x < 1), starting address - 3163.
  8. 1/4*e^x (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3202.
  9. 1/pi*arcsin(x) (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3242.
  10. 1/pi*arccos(x) (-1 < x < 1), starting address - 3244.

While debugging the 8th program, we found value of an unknown cell 3201 which contains 1/32.

There are also implemented some programs from interchangeable-soldered memory:

Block #1:

  1. sqrt(x) with range (0 <= x < 1). (Return result * 0.25) adresses 3300-3317.
  2. scalar product of 2 vectors, addresses 3200-3333, starting address - 3320.
  3. Multiplication of square matix on a vector, addresses 3334-3357, starting address - 3334.
  4. 1/4*a^x, address 3360-3374, starting address 3360.

Block #4:

Calculation of system of differential equations by Runge-Kutta method, starting address 3600.

Also interchangeable-soldered memory has much more programs, for example software implementation of floating point numbers.


In Kyiv emulator there are implemented assembler and disassembler. Assembler converts programs to octal code and looks like this:

org 3163
    add 0000 3035 0003
    div 0002 0003 0004
    sub 0004 0003 0004
    rmul 0004 3042 0004
    add 0003 0004 0003
    jlea 3047 0004 jump1
    ret 0000 0000 0000
org 0002

where '.text' - code of the program, org [address] - starting address of the program or place to put data, '.data' - values, 'jump[number]' - label of the jump. Disassembler converts octal programs to assembly, identifies jumps and addresses of modification. There is also implemented disassembler for debugging that translates commands while the programm is running and outputs values of the cells.

Kyiv Programs

Kyiv has 29 operations:

Just for k1,2,3 :

k1 = '(A1+E1A)

'k1 = A1

Opcode instruction (en) description STOP
Arithmetic operations
01 add addition k1+k2=>k3 'C+1=>C |res| ≥ 1
02 sub substruction k1-k2=>k3 'C+1=>C |res| ≥ 1
03 adc addition of commands | k1 + |k2| | V sign of k2 => k3 'C+1=>C
06 suba modulus substraction |k1| - |k2| => k3 'C+1=>C
07 addcyc cyclical addition k1+k2=>k3 if res ≥ 1 : k3 & k1 >> 40 ( carry from the sign bit goes to the least significant bit of the res ) 'C+1=>1
10 mul multiplication without rounding k1*k2=>k3 res>>40 'C+1=>C
11 rmul multiplication with rounding k1*k2=>k3 res += 1<<39 res>>40 (1 is added to the highest of the discarded bits.) 'C+1=>C
12 div division k1/k2=>k3 'C+1=>C
Logical operations
13 sh logical shift if k2 < 0 >> else << k1 >>/<< n => k3 n -- the number of orders of 3rd address of k2 'C+1=>C
14 and digital logical addition k1 & k2 => k3 'C+1=>C
15 or digital logical "multiplication" k1 | k2 => k3 'C+1=>C
17 xor digital logical operation nonequivalence k1 XOR k2 => k3 'C+1=>C
35 norm normalization k1 -- normalized exponent => k2 mantissa => k3 'C+1=>C
Control transfer operations
04 jle if 1 ≤ 2 if k1 ≤ k2: k3=>C else: 'C+1=>C
05 jlea if | 1 | ≤ | 2 | if |k2| ≤ |k2|: k3=>C else: 'C+1=>C
16 je if 1 = 2 if k1 == k2: k3=>C else: 'C+1=>C
30 nfork if 1 ≤ -0 if k1 ≤ -0: k3=>C k2=>P else: 'C+1=>C
31 ncall 1 ≤ -0 if k1 ≤ -0: k3=>C else k2=>C
32 ret return
Modification of addresses
26 gob beginning of a group operation k1=>Ц(loop) k2=>A if A=Ц: k3=>C else: 'C+1=>C
27 goe end of a group operation A+k1=>A if A=Ц: k3=>C else: k2=>C
34 fop call on the retainer (F) second address of k1 ==> A 'A=>k3 'C+1=>C
20 rdt input of data from punched card read data to 'k1, 'k1+1,..,'k2. Start reading with offset k3
21 rbn input of command from punched card read command to 'k1, 'k1+1,...,'k2. Start reading with offset k3
22 wbn output to punched card write 'k1, 'k1+1,...'k2 to card
23 wmd write to magnetic drum write 'k1, 'k1+1,...'k2 to drum
24 rmd read from magnetic drum read from drum and write to 'k1, 'k1+1,..., 'k2
25 imd init magnetic dram k2 -- number of magnetic dram (3 max) number of road k3 -- offset k1 -- 0 if read, 1 -- of write 'C+1=>C
33 ostanov stop

GUI Usage

GUI consists of such main parts:

  1. Signalization panel

It demonstrates the inner work of "Kyiv" at the time of command execution.

  1. The first row shows binary result of the command execution - data that is written to the third address of the command.
  2. The second row shows the content of the number register - the number that is transported from or to a magnetic drum. Works with the commands 023 (write magnetic deum) or 024 (read magnetic drum).
  3. The left part of third and forth rows (KOп) is a set of bulbs that are responsible for the executed opcode. When a command is executed, one of 29 bulbs lights up.
  4. The bulb "Тр Выб" ligths up if there is an exchange with punch tape, punch card or magnetic drum.
  5. The middle part of the third row is the indicator of the address register - it works in the takt mode and shows the address of a certain takt's address.
  6. The middle part of the forth row shows the content of the return register.
  7. The bulp "Тр Пр" light up if there is the command of jumps if the jump is made.
  8. The last part of the third row is meant for takt control of "Kyiv": it demonstrates the start and end of most important parts of command execution.
  9. The last part of the forth row shows the content of the command counter register.
  10. The fifth row shows the content of the command register in the binary-octal mode, usual for "Kyiv" where first 5 bulbs stand for opcode, then each 12 represent first, second and third addresses respectively.
  11. The sixth row shows the content of intrmediate register to which the content of number register is written.
  12. The seventh row contains three parts. Unfortunately, we don't know the purpose of the most left one. The middle one contains the address register's contant, and the rigth part - the contant of the loop register. There are also three buttons: "Нач" and "Гот" for beginning and start of a command execution, and "Авт" for the work of the machine in an automatic mode.


  1. Control panel

It emulates the work of the control panel, from which it is possible to change the settings of the machine, change ROM and execute an own command.

There is an upper and lower part of the panel:

  1. The upper part contains some of the set codes - three cells 03000-03002 of ROM which may be chosen by setting the first button on and choosing the values for each digit (in binary-octal) of three buttons.
  2. The lower part contains some triggers, tumblers, addresses and command:
  • the first row contains buttons for a command. If the first button is checked, it is possible to execute the chosen command (in binary-octal).
  • the trigger of emergency stop is checked when the machine works in the usual state, where if there is a stop in "Kyiv", T register is enabled and one command is skipped. Otherwise T register remains the same, and the two commands are skipped.
  • The next trigger is disabled when there is a need to block command counter register (for example, to execute the same command many times for debugging).
  • The trigger "Пч" is used for print but is currently not implemented.
  • The next trigger blocks registers of address, loop and return.
  • The trigger "Переск - ОСТ" blocks stop, so that there never occurs stop of machine when this trigger is enabled, even when it should occur in normal mode.
  • Tumbler "Авт-Цикл-Такт" is set to "Авт" when machine works in its usual automatic mode, "Цикл" - when each command is executed one by one, and "Такт" when each command is executed by 4 tats one by one. Each new step occurs when the key "K" is pressed.
  • Tumbler "Норм раб - Ввод - Уст с ПУ" is set to "Норм раб" when the machin works in a normal mode, "Ввод" - when the user wants to change the content of the set codes in the upper panel or the command in the lower panel, and "Уст с ПУ" to load these changes into machine (execute the command or save set codes to ROM).
  • The next trigger sets all registers to zero.
  • Button "Останов" stops the machine if the stop block is disabled.
  • Tumbler "Нейтральное - По N команды - По III адресу" is set to "Нейтральное" when the normal stop works (during program execution), "По N команды" - machine stops when it executes the same command as on the lower panel, and "По III адресу" - machine stops when the executed command's third address is the same as in the nearby cells.


  1. Set codes of ROM (cells 03000 - 03007)

It contains the set codes - eight cells 03000-03007 of ROM. By default contains zeros. If one of the cells is chosen on the control panel, machine works with it, otherwise - with the cell from here.


  1. Assembly input / opening from file

It contains two parts:

  1. The place for assember code. It may be entered directly in the field or chosen from text file using the below button.
  2. The place for assembled code. It is impossible to write there, it only shows the "Kyiv" direct commands from the assembler code after clicking on button "Assembly".


  1. Three magnetic drums


  1. Punch cards
