(a) This project allows for a user to input a string and certain keys in order to use one of the defined encryptions to encrypt the string.
(b) As a User I can encrpyt passwords so that they are more secure. As a User I can
(c) The software runs using the ant run command and a working GUI shows up. The GUI allows for a user to enter a string and a certain key depending on the encrpytion. After the user has a string and a key according to the certain encrpytion, the user can click the button on the GUI and the window will the display the encrpyted string. The user can also click the decryption button so that the inputted string will be decrypted using the same key and encryption method.
(e) The README is useful as the README explains the different ciphers and how each cipher actually encrypts the string. The README also explains how and what to input for the GUI. There are current issues that have not yet been implemented in the README.