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Chapter 2 Linear Algebra:

Matrix & Vector Properties

  • The matrix product $\textbf{C} = \textbf{AB}$ is defined by $$\textbf{C}{i,j} = \sum{k} \textbf{A}{i,k}\textbf{B}{k,j}$$

    • This equation basically says that the $(i,j)$ th element of $\textbf{C}$ is equal to the dot product of the $i$th row of $\textbf{A}$ and the $j$th column of $\textbf{B}$.
    • Matrix multiplication is not commutative: $AB \neq BA$ in general
    • It is associative: $(\textbf{AB})\textbf{C} = \textbf{A}(\textbf{BC})$ and distributive: $\textbf{A}(\textbf{B} + \textbf{C}) = \textbf{AB} + \textbf{BC}$.
  • Hadamard product is an element wise product of 2 matrices. $$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 \ 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix} \circ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 \ 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 \ 9 & 16 \end{bmatrix} $$

  • The dot product is commutative, $\textbf{x}^T\textbf{y} = \textbf{y}^T\textbf{x}$

  • We can express a system of linear equations as a matrix multiplication $\textbf{Ax}=\textbf{b}$

  • If $\textbf{A}$ is invertible, then $\textbf{A}\textbf{A}^{-1} = \textbf{I}$. Multiplying a matrix by its inverse yields the identity matrix.

    • for $\textbf{A}^{-1}$ to exist, $\textbf{Ax}=\textbf{b}$ must have one and only one solution for each $\textbf{b}$

Span and Linear Dependence

  • The span of vectors is all points obtainable by linear combination of a set of vectors
  • A linear cobnation of a set of vectors is given by scaling each vector and taking the sum of the result: $\sum_i c_i\textbf{v}_i$.
  • if $\textbf{Ax}=\textbf{b}$ then $\textbf{b}$ is in the column-span, or range of the columns of $\textbf{A}$,
  • In order for $\textbf{Ax} = \textbf{b}$ to have a solution for $x$, $b$ must be in the column-span of $A$. In order for $Ax = b$ to have a solution for $x$,$b$ must be in the column-span of $A$. This means that some linear combination of the vectors given by $A$' columns must be equal to $b$. The elemements of $x$, then, tell us how much to scale each of $A$'s column vectors by to get $b$.
    • in the case of $n \geq m$ we also must ensure that the columns are linearly independent, which means that no column is a linear combination of the other vectors in the set
    • also. we need to ensure that there are at most $m$ columns, as this ensures there is one and only one solution. This means that $\textbf{A}$ must be square and non-singular
    • If $\hat{x}$ is a solution to $Ax = b$ then $y$ is also a solution if $A(\hat{x} + y) = b \rightarrow{} Ay = 0$ has any non-trivial solutions. This means that the null-space of $A$ has nontrivial vectors and $Ax = b$ has infinitely many solutions.


  • used to measure the size of a vector
  • the $L^p$ norm is defined by $\left\Vert\textbf{x}\right\Vert_p = (\sum_i\left\vert{x}_i\right\vert^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}$
  • any function that ensures
    • $f(\textbf{x}) \implies \textbf{x}=0$
    • $f(\textbf{x} + \textbf{y}) \leq f(\textbf{x}) + f(\textbf{y})$
    • $\forall \alpha \in \mathbb{R} = \left\vert\alpha\right\vert f(\textbf{x})$
  • $L^2$ norm is also known as the Euclidean norm, although it's square is usually easier to work with and be simply calculated as $\textbf{x}^T\textbf{x}$
  • We can use the $L_1$ norm when we want to distinguish between the elements that are close to $0$ and are actually $0$. Whenever an element of $x$ moves by some $\epsilon$ from $0$, the $L_1$ norm grows by exactly $\epsilon$.
  • The max norm $\Vert{x}\Vert_\infty$ corresponds to the maximum element of $x$.
  • Frobenius norm: The $L^2$ norm applied to matrices: $\sqrt{\sum_{i,j}A_{i,j}^2}$

Special Matrices

  • diagonal if and only if $D_{i, j} =0 \forall i \neq j$, can be written as $diag(\textbf{v})$
  • symmetric matrix is any matrix equal to it's transpose $\textbf{A} = \textbf{A}^T$
  • unit vectors are any vector with 1 $L^2$ norm
  • orthogonal vectors are any two vectors s.t. $\textbf{x}^T\textbf{y} = 0$
  • orthonormal vectors are both orthogonal and of unit norm
  • orthogonal matrix is a square matrix whose rows and columns are mutually orthonormal. An orthonormal matrix has the property $AA^T = A^TA = I = A^{-1}A$.
  • A linear map $f(x) = Ax$ has many properties when $A$ is orthogonal:
    • inner products are preserved: $(Ax)^T(Ay) = x^Ty$
    • norms are preserved: $\Vert{Ax}\Vert = \Vert{x}\Vert$
    • distances are preserved: $\Vert{Ax - y}\Vert = \Vert{x - y}\Vert$


  • we can decompose matrices into a set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    • An eigenvector of $\textbf{A}$ is any vector $\textbf{v}$ s.t. $\textbf{Av} = \lambda\textbf{v}$ - which means $\textbf{v}$ is only rescaled
    • $\lambda$ is the eigenvalue for that eigenvector
    • Let $A$ be a matrix with $n$ linearly independent eigenvectors ${v_1...v_n}$, and let the corresponding eigenvalues be ${\lambda_1 ... \lambda_n}$. Then the eigendecomposition of $A$ is given by $$A = Vdiag(\lambda)V^{-1}$$ where $V$ is the matrix obtained by letting the eigenvectors be the columns of the matrix $V$, and letting $diag(\lambda)$ be a diagonal matrix who's entries are given by the vector $\lambda$.
    • If the matrix $A$ is symmetric then $V$ will be an orthogonal matrix. Since the inverse of an orthogolal matrix is it's transpose, we can rewrite the eigendecomposition for symmetric matrices as $A = Vdiag(\lambda)V^T$.
  • The eigendecomposition is unique only if all the eigenvalues are unique.
  • If a matrix has $0$ as an eigenvalue, that means there exists a vector $v$ such that $Av = 0$ and the matrix is singular and cannot be inverted.
  • Positive definite - a matrix whose eigenvalues are all positive
  • positive semidefinite - a matrix whose eigenvalues aer all positive or 0. For a PSD matrix we have $z^TAz \geq 0 $.
  • negative definite - a matrix with all negative eigenvalues
  • negative semidefinite - a matrix with all negative or 0 eigenvalues

Optimization with Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

  • Often come up in maximizing some function of a matrix (i.e. PCA)
  • The solution to the optimization problem $max_x x^TAx$ subject to $\Vert{x}\Vert = 1$ is $x_1$, the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue.

Singular Value Decomposition

  • factorize a matrix into singular vectors and singular values
  • We have $A = UDV^T$
  • Here, $U$ and $V$ are orthogonal matrices and $D$ is a diagonal matrix.
  • $U$ corrseponds to the left singular vectors of $A$ which are the eigenvectors of $AA^T$. Similarly, $V$ corresponds to the right singular vectors of $A$ which are the eigenvectors of $A^TA$.
  • $D$'s diagonal entries correspond to $A$'s singular values, which are the square roots of the eigenvalues of $AA^T$.
  • The SVD is useful to compute the Moore-Penrose Psuedoinverse of nonsquare matrices.

Trace & Determinant

  • The trace operator gives the sum of all diagonal entries of a matrix: $Tr(A) = \sum_i A_{i,i}$. The trace is invariant to transpose.

  • The Frobenius norm can be expressed in terms of the trace: $\Vert{A}\Vert_F = \sqrt{Tr(AA^T)}$

  • The determinant maps matrices to real-valued scalars. The determinant of a matrix is equal to the product of it's eigenvalues. It can be thought of a measure of how the matrix expand/contracts space.

  • The trace is the sum of all the eigenvalues, while the determinant is their product.