This is a Shiny app that generates empirical histograms when simulating rolling dice and finding the total number of spots.
The goal is to provide a visual display similar to the empirical and probability histograms shown in page 311 of "Statistics", chapter 18.
Reference: "Statistics" by David Freedman, Robert Pisani and Roger Purves (2007). Fourth Edition. Norton & Company.
The data simulates rolling (by default) a pair of dice (but the user can choose between one and 10 dices). The input parameters are the number of dice, the random seed, and the number of repetitions.
There are two tabs:
- An empirical histogram.
- A probability histogram (probability distribution).
# Easiest way is to use runGitHub
runGitHub("introstat-spring-2017", "ucb-introstat", subdir = "apps/ch18-roll-dice-sum")