diff --git a/techstack.md b/techstack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f72dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techstack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Tech Stack File
+![](https://img.stackshare.io/repo.svg "repo") [ubogdan/license](https://github.com/ubogdan/license)![](https://img.stackshare.io/public_badge.svg "public")
Tools used|11/09/23
Report generated|
+## Languages (1)
+## DevOps (4)
+Generated via [Stack File](https://github.com/apps/stack-file)
diff --git a/techstack.yml b/techstack.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a46edbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techstack.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+repo_name: ubogdan/license
+report_id: 6c58bcd0d2c3aaa034d138dfee299022
+repo_type: Public
+timestamp: '2023-11-09T21:00:15+00:00'
+requested_by: ubogdan
+provider: github
+branch: master
+detected_tools_count: 5
+- name: Golang
+ description: An open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple,
+ reliable, and efficient software
+ website_url: http://golang.org/
+ license: BSD-3-Clause
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Languages & Frameworks
+ sub_category: Languages
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1005/O6AczwfV_400x400.png
+ detection_source: Repo Metadata
+- name: Codecov
+ description: Hosted coverage reports with awesome features to enhance your CI workflow
+ website_url: https://codecov.io/
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Code Coverage
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/2673/Codecov_Mark_Circle_Pink.png
+ detection_source: codecov.yml
+ last_updated_by: Bogdan U
+ last_updated_on: 2019-08-03 20:59:39.000000000 Z
+- name: Git
+ description: Fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
+ website_url: http://git-scm.com/
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Version Control System
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/1046/git.png
+ detection_source: Repo Metadata
+- name: GitHub Actions
+ description: Automate your workflow from idea to production
+ website_url: https://github.com/features/actions
+ open_source: false
+ hosted_saas: true
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Continuous Integration
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/11563/actions.png
+ detection_source: ".github/workflows/unit-test.yml"
+ last_updated_by: Bogdan Ungureanu
+ last_updated_on: 2022-10-27 18:44:16.000000000 Z
+- name: Testify
+ description: A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the
+ standard library
+ website_url: https://github.com/stretchr/testify
+ license: MIT
+ open_source: true
+ hosted_saas: false
+ category: Build, Test, Deploy
+ sub_category: Go Testing
+ image_url: https://img.stackshare.io/service/8695/stretchr.png
+ detection_source: go.mod
+ last_updated_by: Bogdan Ungureanu
+ last_updated_on: 2022-10-27 18:44:16.000000000 Z