- code/__DEFINES/atom_hud.dm - Adds Nanite HUDs
- code/game/data_huds.dm - Adds Nanite HUDs to Med/Sec/Diag Huds
- code/game/machinery/computer/crew.dm - Makes Nanite's suit sensor app track your location
- code/modules/mob/living/carbon/carbon_defines.dm - Allows Carbons to get Nanite HUDs
- code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_defines.dm - Allows Humans to get Nanite HUDs
- build.js - Adds our files to be checked when building
- code/__HELPERS/mobs.dm
- Modifies /proc/random_features() for IPC sprite accessories
- code/datums/emotes.dm
- Modifies /datum/emote/proc/select_message_type(), checks for IPC specific emotes
- code/modules/client/preferences_savefile.dm
- Modifies /datum/preferences/save_preferences(), IPC preferences
- code/modules/client/preferences.dm
- Modifies /datum/preferences/proc/ShowChoices, IPC preferences
- code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species.dm
- Modifies /datum/species/proc/handle_mutant_bodyparts(), IPC parts
- code/modules/reagents/chemistry/holder.dm
- Modifies /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize() for the reagent flag consumption
- code/modules/surgery/organ_manipulation.dm
- Modifies /datum/surgery_step/manipulate_organs/preop()
- config/game_options.txt
- Modifies roundstart races
- code/__HELPERS/mobs.dm
- Modifies /proc/random_features() for kepori sprite accessories
- code/datums/components/tackle.dm
- Modifies /datum/component/tackler/proc/checkTackle() for the leap word
- Modifies /datum/component/tackler/proc/sack() for the tackle word
- Modifies /datum/component/tackler/proc/checkObstacle() for special table jumping
- code/modules/admin/create_mob.dm
- Modifies /proc/randomize_human() for ADMIN human randomization
- code/modules/client/preferences_savefile.dm
- Modifies a few procs for writing and saving kepori prefs
- code/modules/client/preferences.dm
- Modifies /datum/preferences/proc/ShowChoices, kepori prefs
- code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species.dm
- Modifies /datum/species/proc/handle_mutant_bodyparts(), kepori parts
- config/game_options.txt
- Modifies roundstart races
- code/__HELPERS/mobs.dm
- Modifies /proc/random_features() for squid sprite accessories
- code/modules/admin/create_mob.dm
- Modifies /proc/randomize_human() for ADMIN human randomization
- code/modules/client/preferences_savefile.dm
- Modifies a few procs for writing and saving squid prefs
- code/modules/client/preferences.dm
- Modifies /datum/preferences/proc/ShowChoices, squid prefs
- code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/species.dm
- Modifies /datum/species/proc/handle_mutant_bodyparts(), squid parts
- config/game_options.txt
- Modifies roundstart races
- code\modules\admin\admin_verbs.dm
- Adds a toggleable ship purchasing verb
- code/__HELPERS/game.dm
- Modifies /proc/AnnounceArrival() for custom ship announcement things
- code/modules/unit_tests/_unit_tests.dm
- Adds voidcrew unit tests
- code/datums/mapgen/Cavegens/IcemoonCaves.dm
- Comments out the whole thing
- code/datums/mapgen/Cavegens/LavalandGenerator.dm
- Comments out the whole thing