diff --git a/assets/images/module6/week2/finishedInsertAtEnd.png b/assets/images/module6/week2/finishedInsertAtEnd.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1ef80
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/module6/week2/finishedInsertAtEnd.png differ
diff --git a/module6/index.md b/module6/index.md
index b79d8b9..bcfc97a 100644
--- a/module6/index.md
+++ b/module6/index.md
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ In Module 6, students will begin to dive into the skills and mindsets necessary
* [Job Hunt Hustle Intro](./lessons/Week1/JobHuntHustle)
* [Asking Questions in an Interview](./lessons/Week1/AskingQuestionsInAnInterview)
* [Tools For After An Interview](./lessons/Week1/ToolsForAfterAnInterview)
+* [Intro to CS](./cstopics)
### Week 2
* [Revisiting the Graceful Exit](./lessons/Week2/RevisitingTheGracefulExit)
-* [Intro to CS](./cstopics)
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+* [Linked Lists - CS Topic - Data Structure](./lessons/Week2/LinkedLists)
diff --git a/module6/lessons/Week2/LinkedLists.md b/module6/lessons/Week2/LinkedLists.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d68b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module6/lessons/Week2/LinkedLists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+layout: page
+title: Linked Lists - CS Topic - Data Structure
+## Introduction
+Today's lesson on the linked list data structure comes to you in three parts.
+**Part 1**: Independent research
+**Part 2**: Class walkthrough of key operations and time complexity
+**Part 3**: Diving into a C# implementation of a linked list
+### Independent Learning
+Start by taking 20 minutes to independently research the Linked List Data Structure.
+I recommend that you start by reading [this](https://medium.com/basecs/whats-a-linked-list-anyway-part-1-d8b7e6508b9d) article.
+As you're researching, look for the answers to the following questions.
+1. What does it mean for a data structure to be linear?
+2. What is the difference between a linked list and an array? What about with regards to how they are stored in memory?
+3. In the code implementation, you will have a Node class and a LinkedList class. What properties do you think these two classes will have?
+### Group Walk Through
+Let's walk through a couple of some key operations you might do with a linked list. After we walk through the operation a couple of times, I will call on someone to try and explain the big O time complexity of this operation.
+### Code Implementation
+You will have 15 minutes to work on [this code](https://replit.com/@Zoe-Farrell/LinkedLists).
+The InsertAtBeginning method is working, but to get the InsertAtEnd method working you will need to fill in some code. Complete the TODO by replacing the underlines with code.
+### Finished InsertAtEnd
+Have one partner share their screen, and work together to get InsertAtEnd working!
+If you have extra time, you can take a look at [this REPL](https://replit.com/@Zoe-Farrell/LinkedListsMoreMethods) that includes more common linked list methods and try to determine the BigO of each operation. You can check your work with the table in the `Summary` section on [this](https://www.codingninjas.com/studio/library/time-and-space-complexity-of-linear-data-structures) page.
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