BigQuery Workload Tester is a simple tool to help BigQuery users benchmark their Concurrent BigQuery Workloads.
We define a BigQuery Workload as a list of queries that will be run serially against BigQuery. And a Concurrent BigQuery Workload as a BigQuery Workload that is run many times in parallel but, all the queries contained are run in a serial manner.
The benchmark results will be written to a JSON file and will track the execution status, run time and wall time of each Query as well as the execution status, run time and wall time of each Workload.
BigQuery Workload Tester uses Gradle. In the Cloud Shell, you can run the following to build the Workload Tester:
sudo apt-get -y install gradle
git clone
cd pontem/BigQueryWorkloadTester
gradle clean :BigQueryWorkloadTester:build
Before executing BigQuery Workload Tester you will need to configure your own
Workflows inside src/main/resources/config.yaml
A complete sample config file has been provided to demonstrate how the configuration
might be setup src/main/resources/sample_config.yaml
But you can create a simple workload configuration as follows (be sure to set your project ID):
export PROJECT_ID=<my-project-id>
mkdir src/main/resources/queries
cat <<EOF>src/main/resources/queries/query1.sql
cat <<EOF>src/main/resources/queries/query2.sql
SELECT count(*) FROM UNNEST(["apple", "pear", "orange"]) as x
cat <<EOF>src/main/resources/config.yaml
concurrencyLevel: 1
isRatioBasedBenchmark: true
benchmarkRatios: [0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
outputFileFolder: workload_results/
- name: "Simple and Text Queries"
projectId: $PROJECT_ID
- queries/query1.sql
- queries/query2.sql
outputFileName: simple_and_text_queries.json
This will create a couple of simple queries to execute.
mkdir -p workload_results
gradle clean :BigQueryWorkloadTester:run
If your output looks something like this, with no errors, it worked:
$ gradle clean :BigQueryWorkloadTester:run
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:11 PM main
INFO: Welcome to BigQuery Workload Tester!
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:11 PM main
INFO: Loading config
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:11 PM main
INFO: Starting execution
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:11 PM run
INFO: Executing Ratio Based Benchmark for Workload: Simple and Text Queries
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:11 PM run
INFO: Executing Workload with Concurrency Level: 1
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:14 PM run
INFO: Executing Workload with Concurrency Level: 2
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:16 PM main
INFO: Finished bechmarking phase, processing results
Feb 11, 2019 5:31:16 PM main
INFO: Finished Workload Tester execution
Total time: 19.024 secs
This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
The Concurrency Level is the number of times a Workload will be run in parallel during the benchmark.
We have set a hard limit of 50 for the Maximum Concurreny Level in order to respect BigQuery Quotas and ensure all your queries will successfully run against BigQuery.
WARNING: If you set a Concurreny Level over the limit it will be truncated to 50.
Please note that BigQuery's Maximum Concurrency Level is not a hard limit if you wish for it to be increased please reach out to Cloud Support or your Account manager. Once your limit is increased, you can override BigQuery Workload Tester's hard limit by updating ConcurrentWorkloadRunnerFactory.QUERY_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT.
BigQuery Workload Tester supports two Benchmarking modes:
- Normal Benchmark
- Ratio Based Benchmark
A Ratio Based Benchmark will run the Workload Benchmark at your requested Concurrency Level but also at different ratios of the requested Concurrency Levels. This way, you can easily determine whether there are performance variations in your Workload at different Concurrency Levels.
You can define which ratios of the Concurrency Level to test by changing the benchmarkRatios array in the config. We have defined a set of default ratios that correspond to the following percentages: 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 100% ,150% and 200%
The Workload Results are written to a JSON file that you define in the config file.
The JSON file contains a list of Workloads and their individual Query results.
Below are the noteworthy fields for a Query Result:
- ID: BigQuery's JobId used for the Query.
- Status: Possible values are SUCCESS, EXCEPTION or ERROR.
- EXCEPTION: is used for runtime exceptions thrown by Java
- ERROR: Denotes that BigQuery failed to process the provided query, be on the lookout for syntax errors in your queries and the like.
- Error: The error or exception message if any.
- Walltime: The time, in milliseconds, that it took for the query to be
executed since we isued the BigQuery request until we received the response.
- Do note that Walltime will include the time for the network roundtrip and any scheduling / processing BigQuery may perform before running your query.
- Runtime: The processing time, in milliseconds, that BigQuery took to execute your query.
Below are the noteworthy fields for a Workload Result:
- Concurrency Level: The concurrency level used when executing the workflow
- Status: Possible values are SUCCESS or EXCEPTION
- Error: The exception message if any
- Walltime: The time, in milliseconds, that it took for all queries in a
worload to be executed since we began the Workload execution, until we
received the Query Results.
- Do note that Walltime will include the time for the network roundtrip and any scheduling / processing BigQuery may perform before running your query.
- Runtime: The sum of Query Result's runtimes.
While this is not an officially supported Google product, we encourage you to file issues for feature requests and bugs.