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Project 2 CSCE 240 Fall 2021 (40 points)

UPDATE: New due date - ALL commits (1 and 2) are due 10/12 at midnight)

In this project, you will be creating your own string class (called SuperString). At this point we have used the std::string object ( in C++ quite a bit. You should now have an idea of how to use some of the functions it contains (like the find and replace). In this project, you will create an object that mimicks some of this functionality and also builds on it!

Your SuperString object is already defined for you in the SuperString.h file in your GitHub repo. Below I will describe more details about all of the variables and functions. Make sure that you read this all the way through before starting! There is important information at the end about how to run the code! (

SuperString member variables:

  • char *data: a dynamic pointer array that holds each character of the string within that SuperString object
  • int size: the size of the data array (how many characters it holds)

SuperString Constructors:

  • SuperString(): The default constructor. Should:
    • set size to 0
    • allocate the data array to a new char array of size size
  • explicit SuperString(std::string): Alt. Constructor #1. Should:
    • set size to the length of the string passed in
    • allocate the data array to a new char array of size size
    • fill the contents of the data array with the contents of the string passed in
  • SuperString(int, char): Alt. Constructor #2. Should:
    • set size to the value of the int passed in
    • allocate the data array to a new char array of size size
    • fill all contents of the data array with the character passed in
  • SuperString(const SuperString&): Copy Constructor. Should:
    • set size to the size of the object passed in
    • allocate the data array to a new char array of size size
    • fill all contents of the data array with the same contents as the passed object's data

SuperString Destructor:

  • ~SuperString(): Should deallocate the data array

SuperString Member Functions

  • void print(): prints the contents of your array - Already implemented DO NOT MODIFY
  • char get(int): Extracts an element from your data array. - Already implemented DO NOT MODIFY
  • int length(): returns the size. - Already implemented DO NOT MODIFY
  • int find(char, int start = 0)
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • returns the index of the first instance of the character passed in the data array starting at index start
    • returns -1 if the character does not exist.
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.find('l', 0) == 2
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.find('l', 3) == 3
  • int find(std::string, int start = 0)
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • returns the index of the first instance of the string passed in the data array starting at index start
    • returns -1 if the character does not exist.
    • Ex. = "that cat is a cool cat" then obj.find("cat", 0) == 5
    • Ex. = "that cat is a cool cat" then obj.find("cat", 6) == 19
  • SuperString substr(int start, int numChar)
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • returns a SuperString object that contains the substring of the calling object's data starting at index start and spanning the number of characters held in numChar
    • Contents of the returned object should be size 0 if no substring is able to be extracted. This would happen if a user gave an index that was out of bounds.
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.substr(0,2) == =="He"
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.substr(4,2) == == empty // Note that this will attempt to get a substring that walks out of bounds (the last index would be 4 + 2 = 6 which is out of bounds)
  • SuperString reverse()
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • Returns a SuperString object thats data array contains the calling calling object's data in reverse order.
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.reverse() == == "olleH"
  • SuperString replace(int index, int numChar, std::string sub)
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • Returns a SuperString object thats data array has the contents of the data after the replacement is performed.
    • Returns a SuperString object with size = 0 if invalid index is passed.
    • How the replacement is performed:
      • Starting at index, the elements of the data array are removed up until index + numChar and replaced with the contents of the passed string sub
    • Ex. = "Hello" then obj.replace(0, 2, "Jal") == == "Jalllo"
  • void push_back(char)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Adds a new character (the one passed in) to the data array of the calling object.
    • Ex. = "hello" then obj.push_back('w') -> == "hellow"
  • void append(std::string)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Appends the content of the passed string to the end of the data array of the calling object
    • Ex. = "hello" then obj.append(" world") -> == "hello world"
  • void append(const SuperString&)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Appends the content of the passed SuperString to the end of the data array of the calling object
    • Ex. = "hello" and = " world" then obj.append(obj2) -> == "hello world"
  • void replace(char find, char rep)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Replaces all instances of the character find in the calling object's data array with the rep character.
    • Ex. = "catcat" then obj.replace('c', 't') -> = "tattat"

Extra Credit Functions:

  • void removeAll(char)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Removes all of the instances of the character that is passed in is in the data array
    • Ex. = "hello" then obj.removeAll('l') -> == "heo"
  • void replace(std::string find, std::string sub)
    • Modifies the calling object
    • Replaces all instance of a string find with the string sub
    • Ex. = "this cat is a cool cat" then obj.replace("cat", "dog") -> = "this dog is a cool dog"
  • bool isUpper()
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • Returns true if the data array contains all uppercase characters
    • Returns false if the data array contains anything other than uppercase characters
  • bool isLower()
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • Returns true if the data array contains all lowercase characters
    • Returns false if the data array contains anything other than lowercase characters
  • bool isTitleCase()
    • Should not modify the calling object
    • Returns true if the data array contains a sentence that is in proper "Title" case.
    • Returns false if the data array contains contains a sentence that is not in proper "Title" case.
    • For this function we are going to simplify the definition of "Title" case to be every new word in a sentence is capitalized.
    • For example: "This Is Our Modified Title Case" and "This Does Not Count as Title Case" (because of the "as")

Timing of Commits


Commit #1

Functions to complete:

  1. SuperString();
  2. explicit SuperString(std::string);
  3. SuperString(int, char);
  4. SuperString(const SuperString&);
  5. ~SuperString();
  6. int find(char, int start = 0);
  7. int find(std::string, int start = 0);
  8. SuperString substr(int, int);

Commit #2

Functions to complete:

  1. SuperString reverse(const SuperString&);
  2. SuperString replace(int, int, std::string);
  3. void push_back(char);
  4. void append(std::string);
  5. void append(const SuperString&);
  6. SuperString replace(char, char);

Extra Credit

  1. void removeAll(char);
  2. SuperString replace(std::string, std::string);
  3. bool isUpper();
  4. bool isLower();
  5. bool isTitleCase();

Compiling and Running your Code

To compile and run your code with Google Tests:

Windows WSL and Linux: 
g++ main-gtest.cpp SuperString.cpp -lgtest -lpthread -o proj2

g++ -std=c++2a main-gtest.cpp SuperString.cpp -lgtest -lpthread -o proj2

To compile and run your code without Google Tests:

Windows WSL and Linux: 
g++ main.cpp SuperString.cpp -o proj2

g++ -std=c++2a main.cpp SuperString.cpp -o proj2

To compile and run your Extra Credit code with Google Tests:

Windows WSL and Linux: 
g++ main-bonus-gtest.cpp SuperString.cpp -lgtest -lpthread -o proj2

g++ -std=c++2a main-bonus-gtest.cpp SuperString.cpp -lgtest -lpthread -o proj2

To compile and run your Extra Credit code without Google Tests:

Windows WSL and Linux: 
g++ main-bonus.cpp SuperString.cpp -o proj2

g++ -std=c++2a main-bonus.cpp SuperString.cpp -o proj2

For more information about the Google test cases and the non-gtest mains, see:

Submitting your Code to GitHub

This time, you may modify the header (.h) or the SuperString.cpp or even one of the non-gtest related mains! That means that you may have multiple files to push. Make sure you push them all up if needed.

Example for pushing the .h and the SuperString.cpp together

git pull 
git add SuperString.h SuperString.cpp
git commit -m "Added changes to .h and SuperString.cpp"
git push

Remember, you can use the command git status to see what files you have modified since your last pull!

Grading Rubric

See the file ( for breakdown per Google Test.

Commit #1 15 points

  1. SuperString(); - 1 point
  2. explicit SuperString(std::string); - 1 point
  3. SuperString(int, char); - 1 point
  4. SuperString(const SuperString&); - 2 points
  5. ~SuperString(); - 2 points
  6. int find(char, int start = 0); - 2 point
  7. int find(std::string, int start = 0); - 3 points
  8. SuperString substr(int, int); - 3 points

Commit #2 25 points

  1. SuperString reverse(const SuperString&); - 3 points
  2. SuperString replace(int, int, std::string); - 5 points
  3. void push_back(char); - 4 points
  4. void append(std::string); - 5 points
  5. void append(const SuperString&); - 5 points
  6. SuperString replace(char, char); - 2 points

1 point for cpplint

Extra Credit 8 points total

  1. void removeAll(char); + 2 point
  2. SuperString replace(std::string, std::string); + 2 points
  3. bool isUpper(); + 1 point
  4. bool isLower(); + 1 point
  5. bool isTitleCase(); + 2 point