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699 lines (522 loc) · 18.9 KB


This repository shows how to create an AWS lambda function to wrap OpenCage Data Geocoder API.

Why a function lambda to wrap a REST API? You may don't want to expose your own OpenCage Data API key to your client end users, analyse requests sent to Open Cage, etc. A solution is to proxy the requests on your own infrastructure, and here comes AWS lambda.

For once, the Quick Start guide will be at the end of this README. Indeed, the all purpose of this repository is describing step-by-step how to create the AWS lambda function using serverless and how to deploy it on AWS; so later, you will find a quick start guide to use the function by cloning this repository.

CircleCI codecov code style: prettier

OpenCage Geocoder

An API to convert coordinates to and from places : Easy, Open, Worldwide, Affordable

What Is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. AWS Lambda executes your code only when needed and scales automatically, from a few requests per day to thousands per second. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running.

How to wrap OpenCage Data Geocoder with an AWS Lambda function

We will create a Lambda Function using node and serverless framework.


  • node, npm or yarn

  • aws-cli (optional but useful)

  • serverless: for convenience install it globally:

    $ npm install -g serverless

    Assuming serverless has been setup globally, the sls and serverless commands are available.

AWS - Credentials

For deployment, an AWS account is needed. AWS lambda is available with the free tier account for 12 months : check AWS pricing.

Set up the credentials on your development machine:

When you AWS account is ready to use, create the local profile for AWS:

$ serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <YOUR-AWS-KEY> --secret <YOUR-AWS-SECRET> --profile <namedProfile>

NB: naming a profile is useful when using more than one profile

How to

serverless boilerplate

As a starting point, we will create a boilerplate project for aws-nodejs

$ serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
Serverless: Generating boilerplate...
Serverless: Generating boilerplate in "/Users/tsamaya/work/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder"
 _______                             __
|   _   .-----.----.--.--.-----.----|  .-----.-----.-----.
|   |___|  -__|   _|  |  |  -__|   _|  |  -__|__ --|__ --|
|____   |_____|__|  \___/|_____|__| |__|_____|_____|_____|
|   |   |             The Serverless Application Framework
|       |                 , v1.26.1

Serverless: Successfully generated boilerplate for template: "aws-nodejs"
$ cd aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder/

$ ls -al

will output this directory structure

├── .gitignore
├── handler.js
└── serverless.yml

handler.js contains a hello world example.

Init and install dependencies

Initialize node package file : package.json

$ npm init -y

Install dependencies

$ npm i -S opencage-api-client dotenv
  • serverless helpers
 $ npm i -D serverless-env-generator serverless-offline

Edit serverless.yml file, adding this after provider: section

  - serverless-env-generator
  - serverless-offline

# Plugin config goes into custom:
  envFiles: #YAML files used to create .env file
    - environment.yml

then Add a route to hello function. ⚠️ yaml file: indentation matters.

    handler: handler.hello
    events: # The Events that trigger this Function
      - http: # This creates an API Gateway HTTP endpoint which can be used to trigger this function.  Learn more in "events/apigateway"
          path: hello # Path for this endpoint
          method: get # HTTP method for this endpoint

Environment variables

Following 12-Factors App third principle, we will use an environment variable to store the OpenCage API key

Create environment.yml file

$ serverless env --attribute OCD_API_KEY --value <YOUR-OPEN-CAGE-API-KEY> --stage dev
Serverless: Successfully set OCD_API_KEY 🎉

For the production environment, don't forget to add the according stage:

$ serverless env --attribute OCD_API_KEY --value <YOUR-OPEN-CAGE-API-KEY> --stage prod

Generate env file

$ serverless env generate
Serverless: Creating .env file...

Quick test

$ sls offline start
Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/us-east-1.

Serverless: Routes for hello:
Serverless: GET /hello

Serverless: Offline listening on http://localhost:3000

open your browser with : http://localhost:3000/hello

the result payload is :

	"message":"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",

Stop the server with CTRL + C

Let's start coding

Create a new file

$ touch opencage.js

Edit this file

const opencage = require('opencage-api-client');

 * entry point
 * @param  {object}   event    [description]
 * @param  {object}   context  [description]
 * @param  {Function} callback [description]
module.exports.geocode = (event, context, callback) => {
  if (!event.queryStringParameters) {
    callback(null, {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: JSON.stringify({
        error: 400,
        message: "Couldn't read query parameters",
  if (typeof process.env.OCD_API_KEY === 'undefined') {
    callback(null, {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: JSON.stringify({
        response: { status: { code: 403, message: 'missing API key' } },
  const query = event.queryStringParameters;
  query.key = process.env.OCD_API_KEY;
    .then((data) => {
      callback(null, {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify(data),
    .catch((err) => {
      callback(null, {
        statusCode: 400,
        body: JSON.stringify(err),

edit the serverless.yml file adding the following lines aligns with the hello function:

  handler: opencage.geocode
  events: # The Events that trigger this Function
    - http: # This creates an API Gateway HTTP endpoint which can be used to trigger this function.  Learn more in "events/apigateway"
        path: geocode # Path for this endpoint
        method: get # HTTP method for this endpoint

⚠️ indentation

now test it with

$ sls offline start

$ curl -i -v "http://localhost:3000/geocode?q=tour%20eiffel"

$ curl -i -v "http://localhost:3000/geocode?q=tour%20eiffel&limit=3&language=fr"


$ sls --aws-profile <namedProfile> --stage <stage> deploy

for instance $ sls --aws-profile tsamaya --stage dev deploy

Serverless: Creating .env file...
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Removed .env file
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress...
Serverless: Stack create finished...
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...
Serverless: Uploading service .zip file to S3 (1.65 MB)...
Serverless: Validating template...
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder-dev
api keys:
  GET -
  GET -
  hello: aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder-dev-hello
  geocode: aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder-dev-geocode

we can now test it with the endpoint given by the last command output:

$ curl -i -v ""

$ curl -i -v ""

After deployment the .env file has been deleted. If needed, think about creating a new one (see [Environment variables](# Environment-variables).

To go further

We will now add a linter, a code style formatter and some unit tests:

install dev-dependencies

  • linter packages
$ npm i -D eslint eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-plugin-import eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-jest eslint-plugin-prettier
  • code formatting helper
$ npm i -D prettier
  • test and coverage
$ npm i -D jest codecov

first edit the package.json file script section

"scripts": {
  "codecov": "codecov",
  "coverage": "npm run test && npm run codecov",
  "lint": "eslint .",
  "start": "serverless offline start",
  "pretest": "npm run lint",
  "test": "jest --coverage",
  "test:watch": "npm test -- --watch"


create an .eslintignore file


create an .eslintrc.js file

module.exports = {
  extends: [

code style

create an empty .prettierignore file

create a .prettierrc.js file

module.exports = {
  singleQuote: true,
  trailingComma: 'es5',

NB: without a git pre-commit hook here, the prettier configuration is only useful when your texteditor or IDE is configured to use prettier (see prettier documentation). To configure a pre-commit hook, please refer to the same documentation.

deactivate hello function

To avoid linter issues with the hello handler, you can delete, or at least comment it out. Do not forget to remove or comment the function part, as well, in the serverless.yml file.

unit tests

Create two folders : __tests__ and __mocks__

$ mkdir __tests__ __mocks__

Create a first test file

$ touch __tests__/integration.spec.js
const opencage = require('../opencage');

describe('Integration Tests', () => {
  if (process.env.CI) {
    // skip this test on CI,
    //    then eslint disable line to prevent jest/no-disabled-tests
    test.skip('CI : skipping integration tests'); // eslint-disable-line
  test('geocode `Brandenburg Gate`', (done) => {
    const event = {
      queryStringParameters: { q: 'Brandenburg Gate' },
    const context = null;
    const callback = (ctx, data) => {
    opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);
  test('geocode `Brandenburg Gate` with pretty', (done) => {
    const event = {
      queryStringParameters: { q: 'Brandenburg Gate', pretty: '1' },
    const context = null;
    const callback = (ctx, data) => {
    opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);

run the tests

$ npm test

NB: remember to generate the .env file before running the tests

$ npm test

> [email protected] pretest /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> npm run lint

> [email protected] lint /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> eslint .

> [email protected] test /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> jest --coverage

 PASS  __tests__/integration.spec.js
  Integration Tests
    ✓ geocode `Brandenburg Gate` (423ms)
    ✓ geocode `Brandenburg Gate` with pretty (436ms)

File         |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files    |    72.73 |       50 |    66.67 |    72.73 |                   |
 opencage.js |    72.73 |       50 |    66.67 |    72.73 |          12,19,32 |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.237s
Ran all test suites.

Isn't it great ?

As we disabled the tests, when running in CI, you can imagine we will create tests for CI, mocking the OpenCage real API requests.

$ touch __mocks__/opencage-api-client.js
const opencageAPI = jest.genMockFromModule('opencage-api-client');

const geocode = (query) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (query.q === '52.5162767 13.3777025') {
      resolve({ ok: 'ok' });
    } else if (query.q === 'networkerror') {
      reject(new Error('Mocked error'));
    } else {
      reject(new Error('Unexpected Mocked error'));

opencageAPI.geocode = geocode;

module.exports = opencageAPI;

now we will use that mocked module.

$ touch __tests__/geocode.spec.js
const opencage = require('../opencage');

describe('OpenCage Lib suite', () => {
  describe('Mocked Tests', () => {
    beforeAll(() => {
    afterAll(() => {
    test('reverse geocode `Brandenburg Gate`', (done) => {
      const event = {
        queryStringParameters: { q: '52.5162767 13.3777025' },
      const context = null;
      const callback = (ctx, data) => {
        // console.log(data); // eslint-disable-line
      opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);
    test('rejection', (done) => {
      const event = {
        queryStringParameters: { q: 'networkerror' },
      const context = null;
      const callback = (ctx, data) => {
      opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);

Let's improve the code coverage by adding some rainy tests to geocode.spec.js file.

describe('Rainy Tests', () => {
  describe('#Query String', () => {
    test('no queryStringParameters', (done) => {
      const event = {};
      const context = null;
      const callback = (ctx, data) => {
          statusCode: 400,
          body: JSON.stringify({
            error: 400,
            message: "Couldn't read query parameters",
      opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);
  describe('#Environment', () => {
    let backup;
    beforeAll(() => {
      backup = process.env.OCD_API_KEY;
      delete process.env.OCD_API_KEY;
    afterAll(() => {
      process.env.OCD_API_KEY = backup;
    test('no env var', (done) => {
      const event = {
        queryStringParameters: { q: 'berlin' },
      const context = null;
      const callback = (ctx, data) => {
          statusCode: 400,
          body: JSON.stringify({
            response: { status: { code: 403, message: 'missing API key' } },
      opencage.geocode(event, context, callback);

Now to prevent errors on missing .env file, let's create a dedicated test

$ touch __tests__/environment.spec.js
const dotenv = require('dotenv');


describe('Environment VARs suite', () => {
  if (process.env.CI) {
    // skip this test on CI,
    //    then eslint disable line to prevent jest/no-disabled-tests
    test.skip('CI : skipping integration tests'); // eslint-disable-line
  test('OCD_API_KEY exists', () => {

run the tests

$ npm test

> [email protected] pretest /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> npm run lint

> [email protected] lint /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> eslint .

> [email protected] test /Users/arnaud/projects/github/aws-lambda-opencage-geocoder
> jest --coverage

 PASS  __tests__/geocode.spec.js
 PASS  __tests__/environment.spec.js
 PASS  __tests__/integration.spec.js
File         |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |
 opencage.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                   |

Test Suites: 3 passed, 3 total
Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.404s
Ran all test suites.

Not to bad, isn't it ?

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Feel free to reach me with whatever channel suits you for comment, issue, or coffee!

Quick start

Once the quick start is at the bottom of the README !

Check the prerequisite and the AWS-CLI configuration

Clone the repo

  • clone this repo
  • $ cd path/to/this/repo


$ npm i

Create environment.yml file

$ sls env --attribute OCD_API_KEY --value <YOUR-OPEN-CAGE-API-KEY> --stage dev

Create .env file

$ sls env generate

Running locally

$ sls offline start

Local tests

$ curl -i -v "http://localhost:3000/geocode?q=berlin"

$ curl -i -v "http://localhost:3000/geocode?q=berlin&limit=3&language=fr"


$ sls --aws-profile <namedProfile> --stage <stage> deploy

display logs

$ sls --aws-profile <namedProfile> --stage <stage> logs -f geocode -t


  • serverless framework guide


Licensed under the MIT License

A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.