- Go to Xcode's project navigator
- Select your Xcode project
- Select your target
- Go to the Signing & Capabilities tab
- Click the + Capability button
- Select Sign In with Apple
Done. Xcode will add it to the entitlements, sync the capabilities to the Developer Portal and generate new provisioning profiles for you.
- Go to the Developer Portal and select Identifiers.
- Select your app your want to add Sign In with Apple to.
- Scroll down to Sign In with Apple and tick the checkbox.
- Click Save
By default this app ID is enabled to be the primary app ID.
Optionally: If you're using multiple apps or web authentication you might want to assign them to this app ID as a group.
Changing the app ID invalidates the provisioning profiles associated with it, so we need to generate them again.
- Go to Profiles.
- Click on each profile associated with this app ID and just save it again.
- Either download it from the portal manually or through Xcode.
Now you can continue with the iOS implementation.
Now you can continue with the backend implementation.