This project presents a machine learning library focused on simple and easy to use neural network training and inference in C. It provides two versions: one optimized for CPU, utilizing OpenMP for parallel processing, and the other for nvidia GPUs, using CUDA. The project's design prioritizes ease of installation and usage, making it useful for both beginers and experienced users.
- Cross-platform compatibility: Runs on any platform that supports C/C++ and OpenMP/CUDA.
- Dual support: Offers both CPU and GPU versions for flexible application.
- Ease of use: Straightforward API for creating and managing neural networks.
- Parallel processing: Utilizes OpenMP in the CPU version for efficient computation.
- GPU acceleration: Harnesses the power of NVIDIA's CUDA for the GPU version.
- Customizability: Adjustable learning rates, epochs, and batch sizes.
- Sample datasets: Includes example datasets for training and testing.
The project is divided into two main directories:
- Contains the CPU-optimized version of the neural network.NeuralNetGPU
- Contains the GPU-accelerated version using CUDA.
- Compiled binaries and executables.Data/
- Sample training data..vscode/
- VSCode configuration for building and debugging.
- Compiled binaries and executables for the GPU version.Data/
- Sample training data..vscode/
- VSCode configuration for building and debugging the GPU version.
For the CPU version:
- A C compiler with OpenMP support (e.g., GCC, Clang).
- OpenMP library for parallel processing.
For the GPU version:
- NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit for compiling and running CUDA code.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd MachineLearning
The CPU version of the machine learning library uses OpenMP for parallel processing. Simply include neural_net.h
in your C code and compile it with -fopenmp
Example Usage:
// main.c snippet
#include "stdio.h"
#include "neural_net.h"
#define LEARN_RATE 0.4
#define EPOCHS 10
#define NUM_TRAINING_EXAMPLES 60000 // number of data points used for training
#define NUM_TESTING_EXAMPLES 10000 // number of data points used for testing
#define BATCHES 150
// bounds for randomly initialized weights
#define INIT_MIN -0.1
#define INIT_MAX 0.1
int main()
printf("Available Threads: %d\nThreads used: %d\n", omp_get_max_threads(), MAX_THREADS);
NeuralNet* nnet = nnet_init(INIT_MIN, INIT_MAX);
printf("loading data... ");
// initialize data containers
TrainingSet* training_set = dh_training_set_init(NUM_TRAINING_EXAMPLES);
TestingSet* test_set = dh_testing_set_init(NUM_TESTING_EXAMPLES);
// read mnist data
dh_read_mnist_digits_images("Data/train-images.idx3-ubyte", training_set->num_examples, training_set->inputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_labels("Data/train-labels.idx1-ubyte", training_set->num_examples, training_set->outputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_images("Data/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte", test_set->num_examples, test_set->inputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_labels("Data/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte", test_set->num_examples, test_set->outputs);
// train neural net
nnet_optimize_parallel(nnet, training_set, BATCHES, EPOCHS, LEARN_RATE);
// optional non parallel version
// nnet_optimize(nnet, training_set, BATCHES, EPOCHS, LEARN_RATE);
// evaluate
printf("final cost: %f\n", nnet_total_cost(nnet, training_set->inputs, training_set->outputs, training_set->num_examples));
nnet_test_results(nnet, test_set, 0, 1);
// save to a file
nnet_save_to_file(nnet, "bin/testNet.nnet");
// load from the file for testing
nnet_load_from_file(nnet, "bin/testNet.nnet");
nnet_test_results(nnet, test_set, 0, 1);
gcc -fopenmp neural_net.c linear_alg.c data_handler.c main.c -o neural_net_cpu
The GPU version uses CUDA for parallel computation on NVIDIA GPUs.
Example Usage: (Basically same as CPU)
// main.c snippet
#include "stdio.h"
#include "neural_net_gpu.h"
#define LEARN_RATE 0.4
#define EPOCHS 10
#define NUM_TRAINING_EXAMPLES 60000 // number of data points used for training
#define NUM_TESTING_EXAMPLES 10000 // number of data points used for testing
#define BATCHES 150
// bounds for randomly initialized weights
#define INIT_MIN -0.1
#define INIT_MAX 0.1
int main()
NeuralNet* nnet = nnet_init(INIT_MIN, INIT_MAX);
printf("loading data... ");
// initialize data containers
TrainingSet* training_set = dh_training_set_init(NUM_TRAINING_EXAMPLES);
TestingSet* test_set = dh_testing_set_init(NUM_TESTING_EXAMPLES);
// read mnist data
dh_read_mnist_digits_images("Data/train-images.idx3-ubyte", training_set->num_examples, training_set->inputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_labels("Data/train-labels.idx1-ubyte", training_set->num_examples, training_set->outputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_images("Data/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte", test_set->num_examples, test_set->inputs);
dh_read_mnist_digits_labels("Data/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte", test_set->num_examples, test_set->outputs);
// begin training
nnet_optimize(nnet, training_set, BATCHES, EPOCHS, LEARN_RATE);
nnet_test_results(nnet, testing_set, 0, 1);
nnet_save_to_file(nnet, "bin/testNet.nnet");
nvcc -o neural_net_gpu
The data_handler.h
header file defines the structures and functions necessary for handling training and testing datasets in neural network applications. It includes functionalities for initializing datasets, reading data from files, and managing the memory associated with these datasets.
- TrainingSet: A structure that holds the training data including the number of examples, inputs, and corresponding outputs.
- TestingSet: Similar to TrainingSet, this structure holds the testing data.
Initialization and Memory Management
TrainingSet *dh_training_set_init(int num_training_examples)
: Initializes a training set with a specified number of examples.TestingSet *dh_testing_set_init(int num_testing_examples)
: Initializes a testing set with a specified number of examples.void dh_free_training_set(TrainingSet *set)
: Frees the memory allocated for a training set.void dh_free_testing_set(TestingSet *set)
: Frees the memory allocated for a testing set.
Data Handling
void dh_shuffle_data(float** data_inputs, float **data_outputs, int num_data_points)
: Shuffles the data points in a dh_read_data_iris(const char *filename, TrainingSet* training_set, TestingSet* testing_set)
: Reads Iris dataset from a file and populates the training and testing dh_read_mnist_digits_images(const char *filename, int num_data_points, float **data)
: Reads MNIST digit images from a dh_read_mnist_digits_labels(const char *filename, int num_data_points, float **data)
: Reads MNIST digit labels from a file.void dh_print_image(float* pixels, int image_width)
: Prints an image given its pixel data and read_mnist_number_data(const char *filename, int dataPoints, float **inputs, float **outputs)
: Reads MNIST number data from a file.
The neural_net.h
header file contains the core structures and functions for defining and operating a neural network in C. It includes neural network initialization, training, testing, and utility functions.
- Neural Network Architecture:
: The number of layers in the neural network, excluding the input layer.INPUT_LAYER_SIZE
: Size configurations for the input, hidden, and output layers.MAX_THREADS
: Maximum number of threads for parallel operations.
- NeuralNet: Represents the neural network with weights, biases, and layer information.
Initialization and Memory Management
NeuralNet* nnet_init(float init_min, float init_max)
: Initializes a neural network with random weights and biases.void nnet_free(NeuralNet *nnet)
: Frees the memory allocated for a neural network.
Training and Testing
float* nnet_feed_forward(float *inputs, NeuralNet* nnet, float* activations[LAYERS])
: Performs feed-forward operation.float nnet_total_cost(NeuralNet* nnet, float** inputs, float** outputs, int n)
: Computes the total cost for a given set of inputs and nnet_optimize(NeuralNet* nnet, TrainingSet* training_set, int num_mini_batches, int iterations, float learn_rate)
: Optimizes the neural network using backpropagation.float nnet_test_results(NeuralNet* nnet, TestingSet* test_set, int print_each_test, int print_results)
: Tests the neural network on a given testing set.
Utility Functions
void nnet_print(NeuralNet* nnet)
: Prints the neural network's structure and nnet_save_to_file(NeuralNet* nnet, const char* fileName)
: Saves the neural network to a nnet_load_from_file(NeuralNet* nnet, const char* fileName)
: Loads a neural network from a file.
The neural_net_gpu.h
header file extends the neural network functionalities to leverage GPU acceleration using CUDA. It includes specialized functions for allocating and managing GPU memory, as well as optimized training and testing routines.
- GPU-related Configurations:
: Parameters for GPU memory allocation and kernel
GPU Memory Management
void nnet_alloc_gpu_wba(...)
: Allocates GPU memory for weights, biases, and activations.void nnet_free_gpu_wba(...)
: Frees the allocated GPU memory.
Training and Testing with GPU
void nnet_feed_forward(float *d_inputs, ...)
: GPU-accelerated feed-forward operation.float nnet_total_cost(float **correct_outputs, float ** predictions, int num_data_points)
: Computes the total cost for nnet_optimize(NeuralNet* nnet, TrainingSet* training_set, int num_mini_batches, int iterations, float learn_rate)
: Optimizes the network using GPU-accelerated routines.
Utility Functions
void nnet_print(NeuralNet* nnet)
: Prints the neural network's structure and nnet_save_to_file(NeuralNet* nnet, const char* fileName)
: Saves the neural network to a nnet_load_from_file(NeuralNet* nnet, const char* fileName)
: Loads a neural network from a file.