To clone with:
git clone [email protected]:trilowy/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim/
Note: <leader>
is space
in this configuration.
- [w]rite buffer<leader>c
- [c]lose buffer<leader>d
- hover [d]iagnostic<A-o>
- add empty line below<A-O>
- add empty line above
- [s]earch s[e]ssion
- scroll the documentation window [b]ack/[f]orward<C-n>
- select the [n]ext/[p]revious item<C-i>
- accept ([i]nsert) the completion<C-Space>
- manually trigger a completion<C-l>
- move to the right/left of each of the expansion locations (function arguments)
- [f]ormat buffer
- [r]ust crates: [t]oggle<leader>rr
- [r]ust crates: [r]eload<leader>rv
- [r]ust crates: show [v]ersions<leader>rf
- [r]ust crates: show [f]eatures<leader>rd
- [r]ust crates: show [d]ependencies<leader>ru
- [r]ust crates: [u]pdate<leader>rU
- [r]ust crates: [U]pgrade<leader>rA
- [r]ust crates: upgrade [A]ll crates<leader>rx
- [r]ust crates: e[x]pand to inline table<leader>rX
- [r]ust crates: e[X]tract into table<leader>rH
- [r]ust crates: [H]omepage<leader>rR
- [r]ust crates: [R]epository<leader>rD
- [r]ust crates: [D]ocumentation<leader>rC
- [r]ust crates: open [C]
- git: next/previous [c]hange<leader>ga
- [g]it: [a]dd hunk (stage)<leader>gA
- [g]it: [A]dd buffer (stage)<leader>gb
- [g]it: [b]ranches<leader>gB
- [g]it: [b]lame line<leader>gd
- [g]it: [d]iff against index<leader>gD
- [g]it: [D]iff against last commit<leader>ge
- [g]it: toggle git show d[e]leted<leader>gf
- [g]it: [f]ile commit history<leader>gh
- [g]it: project commit [h]istory<leader>gp
- [g]it: [p]review hunk<leader>gr
- [g]it: [r]eset hunk<leader>gR
- [g]it: [R]eset buffer<leader>gs
- [g]it: [s]tashes<leader>gt
- [g]it: s[t]atus<leader>gT
- [g]it: [T]oggle show blame line<leader>gu
- [g]it: [u]ndo stage hunk
- LSP: [g]oto [d]efinitiongr
- LSP: [g]oto [r]eferencesgI
- LSP: [g]oto [I]mplementationgD
- LSP: [g]oto [D]eclarationgy
- LSP: [g]oto t[y]pe definition<leader>la
- [L]SP: code [a]ctions<leader>lh
- [L]SP: toggle inlay [h]ints<leader>lr
- [L]SP: [r]ename<leader>ls
- [L]SP: document [s]ymbols<leader>lS
- [L]SP: workspace [S]ymbols<C-s>
- [L]SP: [s]ignature help
- NeoTree reveal
- find existing buffers<leader>/
- fuzzily search in current buffer<leader>s.
- [s]earch recent files (.
for repeat)<leader>sc
- [s]earch [c]olor scheme<leader>sd
- [s]earch [d]iagnostics<leader>sf
- [s]earch [f]iles<leader>sg
- [s]earch by [g]rep<leader>sh
- [s]earch [h]elp<leader>sp
- [s]earch in~/workspace
- [s]earch [r]esume<leader>sR
- [s]earch [R]egisters<leader>ss
- [s]earch [s]elect Telescope<leader>st
- [s]earch [t]odo<leader>sw
- [s]earch current [w]ord
- next/previous [t]odo in the buffer
- [j]ava: [o]rganize imports<leader>jv
- [j]ava: extract [v]ariable<leader>jc
- [j]ava: extract [c]onstant<leader>jm
- [j]ava: extract [m]ethod
- [t]est: run [l]ast test<leader>tn
- [t]est: run [n]earest<leader>to
- [t]est: show [o]utput<leader>tO
- [t]est: toggle [O]utput panel<leader>ts
- [t]est: toggle [s]ummary<leader>tS
- [t]est: [S]top<leader>tt
- [t]est: run [t]est file<leader>tT
- [t]est: run all [T]est files