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File metadata and controls

389 lines (334 loc) · 17.4 KB

Org-ql Config


I’ve recently updated this org-ql configuration to reflect a shift away from using text properties and relying on alists instead. The functionality should remain the same, but this allowed for a better integration with embark.


A recent post on reddit asked the question, Why does the recent zettelkasten craze use one file per note rather than one headline per note? Naturally, it brought many differing perspectives and approaches to org-mode usage. I wanted to show my own configuration that largely leverages alphapapa’s wonderful package org-ql. Along with some built-in functionality of org-mode I’m able to search headlines across all of my org files and visit them in indirect buffers automatically. Additionally, you can search backlinks with similar functionality.

This is not meant to be a standalone package by any means, but simply an example of what can be achieved using org-ql. My personal emacs configuration is named baal, so you can safely ignore or rename any references to it.


As mentioned earlier this configuration is mainly built off of `org-ql`; However, I also use selectrum (similar completion framework to ivy/helm) as well as prescient.el. Selectrum is completion of choice because of its simplicity. It has forced me to learn more about elisp in order to build functionailty that I need. In the context of this configuration, prescient.el is probably more important. I only use it for sorting candidates in the minibuffer, but it provides a poor man’s emulation of recently visited headlines.

(require 'org-ql)
(require 'org-ql-view)
;; optional
(require 'selectrum)
(require 'prescient)
(require 'a)

Indirect Buffers

I borrowed yet another function from alphapapa in his simpler org-tree-to-indirect-buffer. However, I slightly modified it to better title buffers that are created from headlines that include org-links.

(defun ap/org-tree-to-indirect-buffer (&optional arg)
    "Create indirect buffer and narrow it to current subtree.
The buffer is named after the subtree heading, with the filename
appended.  If a buffer by that name already exists, it is
selected instead of creating a new buffer."
    (interactive "P")
    (let* ((new-buffer-p)
           (pos (point))
           (buffer-name (concat (org-link-display-format (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
                                "::" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
           (new-buffer (or (get-buffer buffer-name)
                           (prog1 (condition-case nil
                                      (make-indirect-buffer (current-buffer) buffer-name 'clone)
                                    (error (make-indirect-buffer (current-buffer) buffer-name)))
                             (setq new-buffer-p t)))))
      (if arg
          (pop-to-buffer new-buffer)
        (switch-to-buffer new-buffer))
      (when new-buffer-p
        ;; I don't understand why setting the point again is necessary, but it is.
        (goto-char pos)

(advice-add 'org-tree-to-indirect-buffer :override 'ap/org-tree-to-indirect-buffer)

Further, I’ve created a set of functions that set up an indirect buffer to display the relevant entry and its children. It also attempts to keep the window’s buffer history consistent by placing new base buffers at the end of window-prev-buffers. I’ve added this to org-agenda-after-show-hook so these functions take effect when visitng headlines from org-agenda or org-ql-views.

(defun baal-org-post-follow-hooks (&optional base-buff)
  "Format buffer after visiting headline.
If visiting headline in a new buffer place BASE-BUFF bottom of the prev-buffer
  (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
    (unless (equal base-buff (caar (window-prev-buffers)))
      ;; The selected heading was in a different buffer.  Put the
      ;; non-indirect buffer at the bottom of the prev-buffers list
      ;; so it won't be selected when the indirect buffer is killed.
      (set-window-prev-buffers nil (append (cdr (window-prev-buffers))
                                           (list (car (window-prev-buffers))))))))

(add-hook 'org-agenda-after-show-hook #'baal-org-post-follow-hooks)

Org-ql searches

Simple function for finding all org files in a directory. Used for some of the org-ql searches. I currently use fd, but have included a version for the more common find.

;; using find
(defun baal--find-files-in-dir (ext dir &optional rec)
  "Find files with EXT in DIR.
REC searches recursively."
  (split-string (shell-command-to-string
                  (format "find %s " dir ext)
                  (unless rec "-maxdepth 1 ")
                  (format "-name \"*.%s\"" ext)))))

;; usind fd
(defun baal--find-files-in-dir (ext dir &optional rec)
  "Find files with EXT in DIR.
REC searches recursively."
  (split-string (shell-command-to-string
                  (format "fd --type f -e %s " ext)
                  (unless rec "-d 1 ")
                  (format ". %s" dir)))))

I’ve made some convience functions for some common searches across my org files. I only have one notes file but this could very well be modified to refer to a notes directory.

(defun baal-org-ql--search (file &optional query)
  "An Org-ql search allowing for the target FILE to be specified.
Additionally, QUERY can be chosen as well."
  (let ((target file)
        (query (or query (read-from-minibuffer "Query: "))))
    (funcall #'org-ql-search target query)))

(defun baal-org-ql-search-agenda (&optional query)
  "Quickly search `org-agenda-files' with optional QUERY."
  (baal-org-ql--search (org-agenda-files) query))

(defun baal-org-ql-search-notes (&optional query)
  "Quickly search `org-agenda-files' with optional QUERY."
  (baal-org-ql--search "~/org/" query))

(defun baal-org-ql-search-journal (&optional query)
  "Quickly search `baal-journal-directory' with optional QUERY."
  (baal-org-ql--search (baal--find-files-in-dir 'org "~/org/journal/") query))


This following functions are the backbone of my navigation between my org files. Unless I am in org-agenda or an org-ql-view I will use these to visit various headlines.


Formatting Candidates

This first function modifies org-ql’s original formatting of entries for an org-ql-view. It prepend’s the headline’s file name and appends the headline’s outline path. This allows you to view a good amount of information when searching for headlines in the minibuffer.

(defun baal-org-ql--format-element (line)
  "Format org heading LINE derived from org-ql-views.
Adding file name and outline path for more robust filtering in minibuffer."
  (let* ((marker (get-text-property 0 'org-hd-marker line))
         (level (get-text-property 0 'level line))
         (file (propertize (org-with-point-at marker
                             (or (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))) 'face 'success))
         (path (when (> level 1)
                 (propertize (org-with-point-at marker
                               (mapconcat #'substring-no-properties (org-get-outline-path nil t) "/")) 'face 'completions-annotations)))
         (new (concat file ":" (make-string (- 15 (length file)) ? )
                      line (when path "\t\t\t || ")
         (props (text-properties-at 0 line)))
    (org-add-props new props)))

This function takes the current headline, either at point or corresponding to the current entry, and formats it similarly to the above. This is used to provide a default value when the headline search is restricted to the current buffer.

(defun baal-org-ql--current-headline ()
  "Format the current entry headline.
Used as the default candidate when searching `current-buffer'."
    (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
      (unless (or (org-before-first-heading-p)
           (org-element-headline-parser (line-end-position)))))))))

Collecting candidates

Collecting the potential headline candidates into a list that can be provided to a completing-read function is handled by the below function. The function is optionally passed two arguments from its caller. The first arg is a prefix argument which restricts the scope of this function by the following:

  • No prefix: show headlines in current buffer
  • C-u: show headlines from the current buffer and your org-agenda-files
  • M-3 or (C-u 3): show headlines from your org-agenda-files plus all open org files

Secondly, the archive argument determines if I want to search archived headlines. I currently archive my headlines within the same file, thus I wanted to remove these headlines from standard queries.

This function makes use of a few functions and a macro from dash.el, which is a very useful library and already required by org-ql.

(defun baal-org-ql--candidates (&optional arg archive)
  "Collect headlines in all selected org files.
ARG controls whether to search current buffer, open org buffers, and
org-agenda-files.  Search headlines in ARCHIVE when non-nil."
  (let* ((buf-name (buffer-file-name))
         (base (buffer-base-buffer))
         (-compare-fn #'file-equal-p)
         (b (pcase arg
              ('3 (org-files-list))
              ('(4) (-uniq
                     (append (org-agenda-files)
                             (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
                               (list (or buf-name
                                         (buffer-file-name base)))))))
              (_ (or buf-name
         (cands (->> (org-ql-select b
                       (if archive
                           '(tags "ARCHIVE")
                         ;; entries & files tagged with noql are not searched. TODO
                         ;; look into restricting search for only headlines with
                         ;; custom ids. (may be faster but obviously not as inclusive).
                         '(not (tags "noql" "ARCHIVE")))
                       :action 'element-with-markers
                       ;; When searching current-buffer sort headlines by default
                       ;; buffer-order. Otherwise, sort by random order.
                       :sort (when arg '(random)))
                     (--map (baal-org-ql--format-element
                             (org-ql-view--format-element it))))))
    (cl-loop for cand being the elements of cands
             for id = (get-text-property 0 'ID cand)
             for mark = (get-text-property 0 'org-hd-marker cand)
             for title = (get-text-property 0 'raw-value cand)
             collect (cons cand (a-list :id id :mark mark :title title)))))

Visit Candidates

The following function provides a minibuffer interface to search across org headlines and visit them upon selection. Running baal-org-post-follow-hooks then creates an indirect buffer. If the headline does not exist, an org-capture to my inbox is executed with the user input as the headline.

(defvar baal-org-ql-goto-heading-history nil)

(defun baal-org-ql-goto-heading (&optional arg archive)
  "Go to the location of a custom ID, selected interactively.
ARG and ARCHIVE passed to `baal-org-ql--candidates'."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((prescient-sort-length-enable nil)
         (buff (current-buffer))
         (prompt (if archive "[GOTO] Archive: " "[GOTO] Headline: "))
         (default (baal-org-ql--current-headline))
         (cands (baal-org-ql--candidates arg archive))
          ;; standard completing-read configuration
          ;; (completing-read prompt cands
          ;;                  nil nil nil baal-org-ql-goto-heading-history
          ;;                  (unless arg default))
          (selectrum-read prompt nil
                          :minibuffer-completion-table cands
                          :history baal-org-ql-goto-heading-history
                          :default-candidate (unless arg default)
                          :no-move-default-candidate t))
         (marker (a-get (cdr (assoc-string entry cands)) :mark)))
    (if marker
          (org-goto-marker-or-bmk marker)
          (baal-org-post-follow-hooks buff))
      (org-capture nil "i")
      (insert entry))))

Insert org-links

Inserting org-links to any of my headlines is a simple as a single keybinding. It still allows for the same control over scope as the previous function (current-buffer, org-agenda-files, org-files-list).

(defun baal-org-ql-insert-link (&optional arg id)
  "Go to the location of a custom ID, selected interactively.
ARG passed to `baal:org-global-custom-ids'."
  (interactive "P")
  (unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    (user-error "Not an Org buffer: %s" (buffer-name)))
  (let* ((prescient-sort-length-enable nil)
         (cands (unless id
                  (baal-org-ql--candidates arg)))
         (entry (unless id
                  (selectrum-read "[LINK] Headline: " nil
                                  :require-match t
                                  :minibuffer-completion-table cands)))
         (title (org-link-display-format
                 (if id (org-with-point-at
                            (org-id-find id t)
                          (org-get-heading t t t))
                   (a-get (cdr (assoc-string entry (baal-org-ql--candidates))) :title))))
         (id (or id
                 (a-get (cdr (assoc-string entry cands)) :id))))
    (org-insert-link nil (format "id:%s" id) title)
    (evil-insert 1)))


Formatting backlinks

Searching for backlinks defaults to search all my org-agenda as well as any extra files placed in org-agenda-text-search-extra-files.

(defun baal-org-ql--backlinks (id)
  "Collect headlines that link to entry associated with ID."
  (let* ((b (append (org-agenda-files) org-agenda-text-search-extra-files))
         (uuid (format "id:%s" id))
         (cands (->> (org-ql-select b
                       `(and (link :target ,uuid)
                             (not (tags "noid")))
                       :action 'element-with-markers)
                     (-map #'org-ql-view--format-element)
                     (-map #'baal-org-ql--format-element))))
    (cl-loop for cand being the elements of cands
             for ident = (get-text-property 0 'ID cand)
             for mark = (get-text-property 0 'org-hd-marker cand)
             for title = (get-text-property 0 'raw-value cand)
             collect (cons cand (a-list :id id :mark mark :title title)))))

Visiting backlinks

I can visit backlinks in the same way I can with headlines.

(defvar baal-org-goto-backlinks-history nil)

(defun baal-org-ql-goto-backlink (&optional arg)
  "Go to the location of a custom ID that links to the current one."
  (interactive "P")
  (unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    (user-error "Not an Org buffer: %s" (buffer-name)))
  (if arg
      (funcall #'org-sidebar-backlinks)
    (let* ((buff (current-buffer))
           (uuid (org-id-get))
           (cands (baal-org-ql--backlinks uuid))
           (entry (when cands
                    ;; standard completing-read configuration
                    ;; (completing-read "Links & Backlinks: "
                    ;;                  cands nil t nil baal-org-goto-backlinks-history)
                    (selectrum-read "Links & Backlinks: "
                                    :minibuffer-completion-table cands
                                    :require-match t
                                    :history baal-org-goto-backlinks-history)))
           (marker (when entry (get-text-property 0 'org-hd-marker entry))))
      (if marker
            (org-goto-marker-or-bmk marker)
            (baal-org-post-follow-hooks buff))
        (user-error "No Backlinks!")))))


Hopefully this has helped to show just some of the things you can accomplish with org-ql.