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spin2cpp and flexspin are tools for converting Spin to C++ and for compiling Spin to native Propeller binaries, respectively. They can also accept a FreeBASIC-like dialect and C code as input, so the names are no longer really appropriate.


Spin is a language that is the "native" language of the Parallax Propeller chip (a very cool multi-core microprocessor). Spin is normally compiled to a bytecode which is interpreted by a program in ROM. This results in space efficient but slow code. In contrast, C compilers can produce direct machine language.

spin2cpp started off as a program to convert Spin language programs to C++. It has grown considerably past that now, and can perform conversions like:

  • Converting Spin code directly to PASM
  • Converting BASIC to PASM (see for a description of the BASIC dialect used)
  • Compiling a Spin or BASIC program to executable binary (using PASM instructions, so much faster than ordinary Spin bytecodes, but larger)
  • Converting Spin or BASIC to C++ or to plain C
  • Extracting the binary portion of a DAT section
  • Converting PASM style assembly in a DAT section to a GAS style .s file
  • Compiling Spin programs on a PC or other platform (with some programmer help)

spin2cpp should be able to deal with any Spin program; please report any that it cannot convert.


There is also an alternate front end flexspin which mimics the command line of the openspin compiler, but which produces LMM binaries instead of spin bytecode binaries. flexspin compiled programs will typically be about 4-10 times faster than openspin ones, but will be 2-3 times as large.


As mentioned, besides Spin the tools can now accept BASIC and C code as input, and the languages may be mixed in the same program. See the docs/ folder for more detail



To install in Windows, just unzip the release ZIP file. If you want to use the command line version of spin2cpp, you should copy spin2cpp.exe to wherever your propeller-elf-gcc.exe file is installed. (In fact spin2cpp.exe doesn't usually care where it is located, but putting it with propeller-elf-gcc is convenient.)

If you only want to use the Openspin compatible flexspin frontend, you only need flexspin.exe, and can ignore the other executables. In this case you do not need a C compiler.

Similarly, if you only want to use the --asm option of spin2cpp to generate PASM, then you do not need propeller-elf-gcc or anything else from PropGCC.


For Linux builds you will have to build from source. Just do make in this directory. The binaries are placed in build. To install in $INSTALLDIR do:

mkdir -p $INSTALLDIR/bin
cp build/* $INSTALLDIR/bin
cp -r include $INSTALLDIR



flexspin is a simple interface to the SPIN -> PASM converter. It acts very much like openspin, including mimicking its console output, so that it can easily be used in IDEs in place of openspin. The basic usage is

    flexspin file.spin

which will produce file.binary, an executable which may be downloaded to the Propeller. There are various options, use flexspin -h to see them all. Probably the most significant is -2 to compile a Propeller 2 executable:

   flexspin -2 file.spin

produces a file.binary which can be run on a Prop2 FPGA.

As an alternative, flexspin can also mimic the bstc command line compiler, if it is named something that starts with the letters "bstc" (e.g. "bstc.flexspin").


spin2cpp is the general command line tool. To use it, just give the name of the .spin file it should convert, e.g:

spin2cpp test.spin

This will produce a header file test.h and some C++ code test.cpp. It will also automatically translate any .spin files included as objects, and produce .cpp and .h files for them as well.

If this is a top level spin object and you plan to compile it, you may want spin2cpp to automatically compile the object and all dependencies:

spin2cpp --elf -O test.spin

This will create a test.elf file that is ready to run with propeller-load. You can also pass propgcc command line arguments through to the C++ compiler, as long as you place them after the --elf argument; for example:

spin2cpp --elf -o my.elf -Os test.spin

creates the output file "my.elf" instead of "test.elf", and uses optimization level -Os. (It is strongly recommended to pass some form of optimization to gcc).

You can output a .binary file (like bstc and openspin do with the -b option) instead of .elf. For example, to convert to C code and then compile that in CMM mode, you can do:

spin2cpp --binary -mcmm -Os test.spin

This will create "test.binary", ready to be run with propeller-load or with any other Spin loader. The -mcmm and -Os options are passed to PropGCC; you could also use -mlmm to produce LMM code.

If you just want to convert a top level object to C++ (or C), you may want spin2cpp to automatically insert a main() function and a call to the first method of the object. To do this, give spin2cpp the --main option. --main is implied by --elf or --binary, so you do not have to explicitly give it in those cases.


The examples below use spin2cpp in a CLI and assume that the appropriate C compilers are in your PATH.

(1) To compile the Count.spin demo with propeller-elf-gcc in C++ mode, do:

spin2cpp --elf -O -o Count.elf Count.spin

This produces an executable file Count.elf which may be loaded with propeller-load.

(2) To compile the Count.spin demo with Catalina, do:

spin2cpp --main --ccode --files Count.spin

spin2cpp will print: Count.c FullDuplexSerial.c

showing you the files that it produced. Now you can run catalina:

catalina Count.c FullDuplexSerial.c -lc -C NO_HMI

This produces Count.binary, which may be downloaded and run as usual.

(3) To just convert a .spin file into a .c file:

spin2cpp --ccode F32.spin

This produces .c and .h files which can be compiled together with your other C code.

(4) To convert the PASM portion of a .spin file into a GAS .S file:

spin2cpp --dat --gas FullDuplexSerial.spin

This produces a file FullDuplexSerial.S which contains the GAS syntax translation of the PASM portion of FullDuplexSerial.spin. Beware that --gas support is still experimental, and the output may need some manual tweaking to make it correct.

See Demo/Makefile for more examples.

(5) spin2cpp also includes a simple compiler, so it can produce PASM and binary output without PropGCC. To use this, use the --asm switch. For example, to produce a binary with code in HUB (LMM mode) do:

spin2cpp --asm --binary --code=hub demo.spin

This will produce demo.pasm (the converted assembly code) and demo.binary (the compiled binary suitable for download to the device).

The alternate frontend flexspin is a more direct interface to the PASM compiler.


Spin2cpp accepts the following options:

--asm Produce (somewhat) readable PASM code as output. This bypasses PropGCC altogether. The result may be fed back into spin2cpp and compiled to a binary by adding the --binary flag after --asm, or by running spin2cpp --dat --binary on the generated .pasm file.

--binary Run the compiler and output a loadable binary file. Note that this option imples --main. Also note that after --binary you may specify options to be passed to PropGCC, such as -Os or -mcmm. If --binary appears after --dat or --asm, then the binary is produced by spin2cpp itself directly, and PropGCC is not invoked. Note that the order of the options matter: --binary must come after --asm.

--cc=<compiler> Use <compiler> as the C/C++ compiler instead of propeller-elf-gcc. This also causes some Propeller specific contents to be protected by #ifdef __propeller__, so the output may be more suitable for compilation on other platforms if Propeller specific registers or functions are avoided. If used in conjunction with some code annotations and ifdefs it may be possible to run simple Spin programs on a PC or Arduino. The --cc= option must come before any other options that set the output type (e.g. --elf).

--ccode Output C code instead of C++. Note that in C mode the translated methods have a first parameter "self" which points to the object's data. This is similar to the way the C++ compiler implements object methods internally, but in C it has to be exposed explicitly. This extra parameter is added automatically by spin2cpp.

--cse Enable common subexpression elimination. This optimization is the default for ASM output. It's not usually useful for C output, since most C compilers can already do this.

--ctypes Attempt to infer C types for parameters, object variables, and functions, based on usage within the code. This doesn't always work, and as a result may cause some compiler warnings. The GCC -fpermissive flag may be necessary in C++ mode.

--code=cog --code=hub Only for PASM output (--asm option); specify whether code is to be placed in COG or HUB memory. The default is to use COG memory for code.

--data=cog --data=hub Only for PASM output (--asm option); specify whether data is to be placed in COG or HUB memory. The default is to use HUB memory for data. Note that placing data in COG memory is experimental and probably won't work properly for byte or word data.

--dat Output a binary blob of the DAT section only, similar to the bstc -c option; or, if --gas is given, output GAS assembly for the DAT section. If --binary is given after --dat, prepends an appropriate Spin executable header so the resulting output is executable.

--eeprom Like --binary, but pads the file out to fill a 32768 byte EEPROM.


After converting to C or C++, run PropGCC on the result and output a linked executable ELF file. Note that this option imples --main. Also note that after --elf you may specify options to be passed to PropGCC, such as -Os or -mxmmc.

--files Print a list of the .cpp (or .c) files that were produced by spin2cpp. Useful for tracking object dependencies.

--fixed Use 16.16 fixed point in place of IEEE floating point. In Spin this just affects the data format used for floats, but in BASIC this also changes the internal runtime routines. Fixed point is much faster, but has a fixed, smaller precision.

--fcache=N Sets the size of the FCACHE area, in instructions. On the P1 when code is placed in HUB, some small loops are compiled to be loaded into a region of COG memory (the FCACHE) to improve performance. The default FCACHE size is 64. Larger sizes may improve performance, but at the risk of running out of COG memory space. The minimum size is 8; any size less than this disables FCACHE completely. This option only affects PASM or binary output, and is ignored for C/C++ output.

--gas Output inline GAS assembly code instead of binary constants. If given with the --dat option, produces a .S file containing the translation of the PASM code in the file. In other cases, causes the DAT section to be compiled into a separate GCC section containing inline GAS code. This option is still experimental and may not always work correctly, but it dramatically improves the readability and maintainability of the generated code. Without it, the DAT section is just an opaque binary blob; with it, the DAT section is readable and changeable PASM code placed inline in the C output.

--main Automatically add a C or C++ main() function that will invoke the default Spin method. Use this on top level objects only.

--nocse Disable common subexpression elimination. This will turn off just the common subexpression optimization for ASM output. CSE is probably the riskiest of the optimizations performed by spin2cpp, so this flag may help if you find a bug in the compiler.

--nopre Skip the preprocessor. Normally spin2cpp runs a very simple preprocessor on the input. The pre-processor understands #define (of simple macros, no parameters), #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elseifdef, #elseifndef, #endif, #include, #error, and #warning. Use of the preprocessor should not normally cause any issues, but this option allows you to disable it if necessary.

--nofcache Disable FCACHE. On the P1 when code is placed in HUB, some small loops are compiled to be loaded into a region of COG memory (the FCACHE) to improve performance. This option disables that optimization. It is equivalent to --fcache=0.

--normalize Normalize all identifiers so that the first letter is upper case and the rest are lower case. This is the way older versions of spin2cpp handled identifiers, and is useful for avoiding some identifier conflicts. Without this flag, identifiers are converted to all lower case.

--p2 Create output for Propeller 2.

--require=M.N.K Require spin2cpp version M.N.K or later. If an earlier version number is detected, an error is thrown.

--side Create a SimpleIDE project file listing the C and C++ files created. This also implies --main to create a main entry point in the top level file.

-g Include debug information. For C and C++, this is in the form of #line directives which instruct the compiler to put references to the original Spin source, so gdb and similar tools will use the .spin file for debugging. For PASM, this just includes the original Spin source as comments in the PASM output.

-Dname=val Define a symbol for the preprocessor.

-I path -L path Define a path where .spin objects will be searched for. It's OK to use this option multiple times.

--version Print the current spin2cpp version number, and then exit.


spin2cpp (and flexspin, which is just a different interface to spin2cpp) supports a number of extensions to the Spin language. These are documented in the file "".

spin2cpp and flexspin support compiling BASIC files. The BASIC language is based on QuickBasic/FreeBasic, and is documented in the file "".


There are very few Spin features that are not supported yet. _FREE and _STACK are recognized, but do nothing.

There may be other features that do not work; if you find any, please report them so they can be fixed.

The lexer and parser are different from the Parallax ones, so they may well report errors on code the Parallax compiler accepts.

Timing of produced code is different, of course (in general much faster than the native Spin interpreter). This may affect some objects; sometimes developers left out delay loops in time critical code because the Spin interpreter is so slow they weren't necessary. Watch out for this when porting I2C, SPI and similar functions.

Quality of Produced C and C++Code

The C/C++ code produced by spin2cpp is primarily intended to be correct, and only secondarily to be easy to read. spin2cpp does preserve the original comments (in most cases) and tries to produce code with a similar structure to the original Spin, but its output is not as clean as would be produced by a human programmer. Some of the things to watch out for:

(1) Without --gas, DAT sections are turned into binary blobs (which are not maintainable). --gas helps this a lot.

(2) By default, code only uses one type (int32_t) cast to pointer as necessary; idiomatic C would use pointer types from the start. The --ctypes flag to spin2cpp tries to guess at types, and so improves the code quality somewhat, but still needs some work.

(3) Local variable names get lost when spin2cpp decides it has to force the variables into a local array (for example if the address of a local variable is taken)

There are probably many more.

Quality of Produced PASM Code

When the --asm switch is used, the compiler is more concerned with producing fast, compact code than readable code. So the output may not be very user friendly. For example, local variables are often renamed to things like arg1 or _var_01. The compiler may also inline or eliminate functions entirely if it thinks the resulting code will be smaller.

Catalina Issues

The C code support in spin2cpp is still in very early stages, and so there are some spin features which are not supported in Catalina (they do work in PropGCC because the latter supports some C++ extensions even in C mode).

(1) The LOOKUP and LOOKDOWN functions in Spin do not work in Catalina unless all the arguments are constant.

(2) The reverse operator will not work in Catalina.

(3) Code produced with --gas will not work with Catalina.


Variable Names

Spin is a case-insensitive language, which means that the strings "str", "Str", "STR", and "sTr" all refer to the same variable. C++, on the other hand, is case sensitive; all of those strings would be different variables in C++.

Normally spin2cpp will convert identifiers to lower case, unless that conflicts with a built-in C keyword or function; in that case it will change it so that the first letter is upper case and subsequent letters are lower case.

If the --normalize (or -n) flag is given, then spin2cpp normalizes all Spin identifiers (variable and method names) so that the first letter is upper case and all others are lower case. Thus, for example, the spin file:

  x, yy;
PUB start
  return 0

would create a C++ class with variables "X" and "Yy" and a function "Start".

The name of the class is taken from the file name. If the base part of the file name contains more than one capital letter, or has one capital letter but it is not the first, it is used as the class name. If the file name is all lower case letters, then the class name is produced by appending "Spin" to the base of the file name.


File name C++ Class name
FooBar.spin class FooBar
someFile.spin class someFile
foo99.spin class foo99
foo.spin class fooSpin

In C mode, all the functions have the object name prepended. So for example in a file named FooBar.spin the "start" function will be named "FooBar_Start" in the C code.

Annotations and Inline C code

spin2cpp recognizes special comments called "annotations". Annotations are Spin comments that start with {++ and end with }. The text between annotations is passed through to the C++ compiler. This provides a way to give extra semantic information beyond that available in Spin.

Variable Annotations

Annotations may appear after variable declarations to associate additional type specifiers with those variables; for example:

  long {++volatile} x

makes x a volatile variable in C.

The generated DAT block may similarly have type specifiers associated with it by placing those after the DAT statement:

DAT {++volatile}

declares the whole DAT section to be volatile.

Code Annotations

Whole blocks of C/C++ code may be embedded between {++ and }. Make sure the '{' and '}' characters are balanced in such code! This feature is useful for adding additional methods that appear only in C, or for overriding Spin versions of methods.

If the {++ appears inside a PUB or PRI declaration, and it has been indented, then everything until the next } is treated as inline C code to be inserted directly into the output C or C++. This can be useful when combined with #ifdef to provide C alternatives to Spin code, or for allowing Spin code to be compiled for another platform.

Code annotations are ignored (treated as comments) if the --asm switch is given.


Annotations which begin with the character '!' are special directives for spin2cpp. The following special directives are recognized: {++!nospin}: do not output any Spin methods {++!ccode}: output C rather than C++ code


It's possible to use spin2cpp together with the --cc= option to compile simple Spin code on a PC. This might make debugging easier. To do this, it is necessary to #ifdef any Propeller specific code and provide generic C replacements in annotations marked with {++ and }. For example, a simple serial object that will work on both Propeller and PC could look like:

#ifdef PC
'' we will be using stdio, so force it to
'' be included
#include <stdio.h>

PUB start(rx_pin, tx_pin, mode, baudrate)
#ifndef PC
  baud := baudrate
  bitcycles := clkfreq / baudrate
  txpin := tx_pin
  txmask := (1<<txpin)
  rxpin := rx_pin
  return 1
PUB tx(c) | val, waitcycles
#ifdef PC
  '' just emit direct C code here
  OUTA |= txmask
  DIRA |= txmask
  val := (c | 256) << 1
  waitcycles := CNT
  repeat 10
     waitcnt(waitcycles += bitcycles)
     if (val & 1)
       OUTA |= txmask
       OUTA &= !txmask
     val >>= 1

The final program would be compiled on e.g. a Linux machine with the spin2cpp options --cc=gcc -DPC=1.


There is a test suite in Test/; to run it do make test (this also builds and runs a simple test program for the lexer). Some of the tests need to run on the propeller board, so make sure one is plugged in to a serial port and works with propeller-load (and that propeller-load is on the path).

Parsing is done via a yacc file (spin.y), but lexing is done with a hand crafted parser rather than using lex/flex. This is done to make tracking indentation a little easier.

Mostly the parser builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) which we then walk to compile the output. Each AST node contains a "kind" (telling what type of node it is), some immediate data (such as an integer or string), and left and right pointers. The left and right pointers are NULL for leaf nodes. Lists are generally represented by a series of nodes with kind=AST_LISTHOLDER (or similar), with the data pointed to by ast->left and the rest of the list pointed to by ast->right.