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Lab 1: Getting Hands on with PKI


In this lab you are going to get hands on with PKI by setting up a simple example with two services running in a local kind cluster. A frontend service will serve a simple web UI allowing visitors to click a button and make a request to a backend service. The frontend and backend services are written in Go and have been configured to communicate over mTLS. HTTPS certificates for our Envoy ingress to our frontend will be set up using Contour.

graph LR
    Browser-- TLS -->Envoy
    Contour-- Configures -->Envoy
    Envoy-- TLS -->Frontend
    Frontend<-- mTLS -->Backend
    subgraph K8s

In order to learn more about PKI internals, you will first create all key material and certificates manually using CFSSL. You will then see how projects such as cert-manager can automate the management of certificates and make our life easier!

Step 1: Set up a Self-Signed Local PKI

You will use CFSSL to create a local PKI consisting of a self-signed root Certificate Authority (CA) and an intermediate CA which will sign your frontend, backend and ingress certificates.

Add the bin directory to your path as follows:

export PATH=../bin:$PATH

Create a new directory to hold certificates and key material, and cd to that directory:

mkdir certs

Generate the certificate for your self-signed root CA:

cfssl gencert -initca pki-config/root.json | cfssljson -bare certs/root```

After you issue this `cfssl` command, you should see output similar to:

2023/11/24 14:56:38 [INFO] generating a new CA key and certificate from CSR
2023/11/24 14:56:38 [INFO] generate received request
2023/11/24 14:56:38 [INFO] received CSR
2023/11/24 14:56:38 [INFO] generating key: rsa-4096
2023/11/24 14:56:39 [INFO] encoded CSR
2023/11/24 14:56:39 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 510566395576246619559306285915771350604273698670

This output shows the creation steps of a new self-signed root CA using cfssl.

You can now use the following openssl command to decode the root CA's certificate:

openssl x509 -in certs/root.pem -text -noout

Note that the Issuer and Subject fields are exactly the same, as this certificate is self-signed:

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = UK, L = London, O = CostalContainers, OU = CostalContainers Root CA, CN = CostalContainers Root CA
            Not Before: Sep  5 07:00:00 2023 GMT
            Not After : Sep  3 07:00:00 2028 GMT
        Subject: C = UK, L = London, O = CostalContainers, OU = CostalContainers Root CA, CN = CostalContainers Root CA

Generate key material and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for your Intermediate CA, and submit the CSR to your root CA for signing:

cfssl gencert -initca pki-config/intermediate.json | cfssljson -bare certs/intermediate
cfssl sign \
  -ca certs/root.pem \
  -ca-key certs/root-key.pem \
  -config pki-config/profiles.json \
  -profile intermediate_ca \
  certs/intermediate.csr | \
  cfssljson -bare certs/intermediate

Decode the Intermediate CA's certificate, and observe that the Issuer field corresponds to your Root CA, whilst the Subject field corresponds to the Intermediate CA. Also note that since you specified the intermediate_ca profile (as defined in the profiles.json file), the key usage fields in the X509v3 extensions include Certificate Sign, meaning that the key pair bound to the certificate (through the root CA's signature) can be used to sign 'leaf certificates' further down the PKI. Leaf certificates are also known as 'end-entity certificates' and key pairs associated with these certificates cannot be used to sign other certificates. Run the following command to view the Intermediate CA certificate:

openssl x509 -in certs/intermediate.pem -text -noout

You should see output which looks similar to the following:

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = UK, L = London, O = CostalContainers, OU = CostalContainers Root CA, CN = CostalContainers Root CA
            Not Before: Sep  5 07:02:00 2023 GMT
            Not After : Sep  4 07:02:00 2024 GMT
        Subject: C = UK, L = London, O = CostalContainers, OU = CostalContainers Intermediate CA, CN = CostalContainers Intermediate CA
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
                CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
    Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:

In your example, you are going to generate leaf certificates which will be signed by your Intermediate CA, and used to secure:

  • inbound TLS connections from outside your Kubernetes cluster to the reverse proxy set up by your ingress controller
  • a TLS connection between the reverse proxy and the frontend service
  • a mutual TLS (mTLS) connection between the frontend and backend

As your architecture only involves a one-way TLS connection for ingress traffic to the cluster, you will generate a server certificate for ingress (as defined in the profiles.json file). However, you would like to implement mTLS between services within the cluster, so you will use the peer profile for your frontend and backend services, where this profile includes the client auth key usage in addition to the server auth usage which is present in the server profile. Generate the leaf certificates using the following commands:

cfssl gencert \
  -ca certs/intermediate.pem \
  -ca-key certs/intermediate-key.pem \
  -config pki-config/profiles.json \
  -profile=server \
  pki-config/ingress.json | \
  cfssljson -bare certs/ingress

cfssl gencert \
  -ca certs/intermediate.pem \
  -ca-key certs/intermediate-key.pem \
  -config pki-config/profiles.json \
  -profile=peer \
  pki-config/frontend.json | \
  cfssljson -bare certs/frontend

cfssl gencert \
  -ca certs/intermediate.pem \
  -ca-key certs/intermediate-key.pem \
  -config pki-config/profiles.json \
  -profile=peer \
  pki-config/backend.json | \
  cfssljson -bare certs/backend

Build certificate chains linking back to the root for your three certificates:

cat certs/ingress.pem >> certs/ingress-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/intermediate.pem >> certs/ingress-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/root.pem >> certs/ingress-cert-chain.pem

cat certs/frontend.pem >> certs/frontend-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/intermediate.pem >> certs/frontend-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/root.pem >> certs/frontend-cert-chain.pem

cat certs/backend.pem >> certs/backend-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/intermediate.pem >> certs/backend-cert-chain.pem
cat certs/root.pem >> certs/backend-cert-chain.pem

Step 2: Build the Kubernetes Ingress Example

Create a kind cluster, with:

  • Cert-Manager installed (for the second path of this lab
  • Contour as an ingress controller
  • The workload images for this lab built and loaded into the cluster
make cluster-up workload-images

As you initially created your key material and certificates manually using CFSSL for learning purposes, you will create a namespace called manual to deploy your resources into:

kubectl create ns manual

If you look through the frontend code and observe the following lines within the main function:

server := &http.Server{
  Addr: ":8443",

log.Fatal(server.ListenAndServeTLS("/certs/frontend.pem", "/certs/frontend-key.pem"))

You can see that once the application is containerized, you will need to make the frontend certificate and private key available in the /certs directory and name them accordingly (frontend.pem and frontend-key.pem). You will see how to do this when you create a Kubernetes manifest defining your application deployment later on. Note also the makeHTTPRequest function within the code, which is used to call the backend service when the button in the frontend is clicked. Within this function, an HTTPS client is created which contains a TLS config with:

  • the backend certificate chain PEM file (i.e. a file containing the backend certificate, intermediate certificate and
  • root certificate in PEM format) so that the frontend (client) can verify the identity of the backend (server) and make
  • an explicit trust decision.
  • the frontend certificate and private key, which enables the backend (server) to verify the identity of the frontend
  • (client), provided the backend has a similar certificate chain containing the frontend certificate on which it can
  • base an explicit trust decision. Note that in more common one-way TLS requests, only the client validates the server,
  • whereas you want the server to also verify the client in your mTLS case; server only verification of client is
  • possible but far less common.

Create secrets to hold private keys, certificates and certificate chains for ingress, frontend and backend:

kubectl create secret tls ingress -n manual \
  --key=certs/ingress-key.pem \

kubectl create secret generic frontend -n manual \
  --from-file=frontend.pem=certs/frontend.pem \
  --from-file=frontend-key.pem=certs/frontend-key.pem \
  --from-file=ca.crt=certs/frontend-cert-chain.pem \

kubectl create secret generic backend -n manual \
  --from-file=backend.pem=certs/backend.pem \
  --from-file=backend-key.pem=certs/backend-key.pem \

Now that you have key material, certificates and certificate chains available in Kubernetes secrets within the manual namespace, you can make this information available to your frontend container via a volumeMount as in the following lines from the frontend deployment:

  - name: frontend
    image: frontend:latest
      - containerPort: 8443
      - mountPath: "/certs"
        name: frontend
        readOnly: true
  - name: frontend
      secretName: frontend

By inspecting the frontend secret with kubectl describe secret frontend -n manual, you can see that the secret contains the following keys: backend-cert-chain.pem, ca.crt, frontend-key.pem, and frontend.pem. Your volume mount will ensure that this information is present as four separate files within the /certs directory within the container, as is required by the frontend Go code that you looked at earlier.

Create the frontend deployment and service, as well as an HTTPProxy which tells Contour how to configure ingress routing for your frontend service:

kubectl apply -f frontend/manifests/manual

Take a look at the HTTPProxy configuration that you just applied:

kind: HTTPProxy
  name: frontend
  namespace: manual
    fqdn: localhost
      secretName: ingress
    - conditions:
      - prefix: /
        - name: frontend
          port: 443
            caSecret: frontend
            subjectName: frontend

You will be accessing the frontend via ingress by navigating to https://localhost in your browser, hence the fqdn value within the virtualhost configuration. Note that the ingress secret you created is used for inbound TLS, and the ingress config file you used to create the ingress certificate also contains localhost in the hosts section for the same reason. A separate TLS connection from the ingress reverse proxy to the frontend is specified by including validation for the frontend service using the frontend secret. This secret contains a ca.crt key, whose value is the frontend certificate chain.

Now that the frontend service is up and running, you can build and deploy your backend. Take a look at the backend code, and note the tlsConfig:

tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
  ClientCAs:  caCertPool,
  ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,

As the backend has access to the frontend certificate chain, the frontend (client) can be verified and an mTLS connection can be established.

Create a backend deployment and service:

kubectl apply -f backend/manifests/manual

Navigate to https://localhost:8443/ in your browser, accept the certificate warning and click the Make Request button to send a request from the frontend to the backend over an mTLS connection. Observe that the connection is successful and a message is returned.

In the next part of the lab, you are going to use Cert-Manager to automate the process of certificate creation and management, so you need to delete all the resources in your manual namespace to allow us to redeploy the services in such a way to get their key material and certificates from cert-manager:

kubectl delete ns manual

Step 3: Automation using cert-manager

You will create a namespace called cm to deploy your resources for this part of the lab into:

kubectl create ns cm

Create a self-signed issuer for the cm namespace in your cluster: You may get an error calling the webhook if cert-manager has not started yet, just wait a few minutes and try again

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/config/ss-issuer.yaml

Use the self-signed issuer to create a self-signed certificate for your cm namespace's issuing CA:

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/config/cm-ca-cert.yaml

Create your cm namespace's issuing CA:

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/config/issuer-ca.yaml

Finally, create certificates for your ingress, frontend and backend services, which are signed by your cm namespace's issuing CA:

kubectl apply -f cert-manager/config/certs.yaml

Note that Kubernetes secrets are created for ingress, frontend and backend by cert-manager:

kubectl get secrets -n cm

By running kubectl describe secret <secret name> -n cm for each of the secrets, you can see that each includes the following:

  • ca.crt: the CA certificate
  • tls.crt: the TLS certificate for the service in question
  • tls.key: the private key associated with the public key bound to the TLS certificate

Decode one of the certificates and observe that as cert-manager is managing and rotating certificates, the certificate validity can be much shorter (90 days instead of 365 days):

kubectl get secret ingress -n cm -o jsonpath="{.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text -noout

Create a frontend deployment and service, as well as an HTTPProxy which tells Contour how to configure ingress routing for your frontend service:

kubectl apply -f frontend/manifests/cert-manager

Create a backend deployment and service:

kubectl apply -f backend/manifests/cert-manager

Once again, navigate to https://localhost:8443/ in your browser, accept the certificate warning and click the Make Request button to send a request from the frontend to the backend over an mTLS connection. Observe that the connection is successful and a message is returned.


make cluster-down
rm -rf certs